HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1925-09-18, Page 3FITIT" T11 IF,1WMV,,F MT11 Tr �Wl V —N Mom XfAl W%)K youni NO NE e; d", "-Woo" V t rip, JAR t ........... 4; 40 .,V,P R,F"Am 01,0IFT"'10 IRRA '77 FAT 44 *M"`W4W:,0 MUMdi;, MA, off®r, Thou I ­*W, 40,444r, '44 -hp aw.� to C, AR' POW IT", " �, AN VAW, I% thon the �M­ 'affect Cron: strA'�Mai! kkk'. TPRis w �O" oto qq = nod be a VAAI: op F 3E W. can 0. dv[4;'e maY -�o:p y, T9 ut Wl jQ1, Wi$,b t,;, oa_ ty A, arge Your 24, vbf,%..t, first wei -In! -Alwast", 19 pt '00, MIX, to Uorlxtoad, I noticed tbA ast X16 IVY, 7 ya; , r, 74 , , , OR' holdings advaitage *a' bpoiefis"R your t pbe.v bm W mow armarly and X.A floolm-.and.berds W4 had. f R, q 7 IRSV% stock? !r#jg'0&qk 4,q W 0 0,g�qwn Our. local branch 'Ojaces ��4 very grazed er ead . )l9mv, ME b alwqys. re-ativ to -o'Ver fertfle f4rmlaxids w e tL 0iit"''bajaking now,represmteA by 0, few,cows P411, 1wasion, of the stew-, MIrderfUl beach� is one lw�'"Ouy, Of 09 ing at bunches YPATS.. Of 04L,* -Ift- of wordgrass—the ht." The h h" "gov'rrse. ser*e at Your 4pp6. Tw 1 . only living vegetation in sixg 'e- )TA40Akf Rosapenna, wWA,:, 4 T 0 sffiliwr 7, Was a much-visitod invadin,'$ sand was everywhere in m"� cours, P� pf a. tdal.nq deuce. Have# W ea -0 -5 into Sh, 'Wten I --next visited -the plaos.—in lake w6ichi bivAnv 49 on sle ill-faft ultreeld Wo February of this year -1 was startled sea, Oe, odleajjy, -ove the va .0 us 9f anaeftila-dis- on the shore of an Inwalet appqar�414,p hep#h r4graR.. . Ou the other.� to observe' th tr nd us progress AnA V ean get1thtme 1) Us- , blu-6ugh any -des ey omonHead, 4� "T this shifting Sahara had made in the 'Long the, coast -thpr'�dva­ E dr. -months. Slowly are It its Resspern*, otan4 6" short period of oix also choked in medicine or by mail 4t 50 cents a vltdtfg� The "Pr.IiWV,11i6M# Sto Y, Safety Dqro4it Bo,xes, =fw 9=0 of 661" -W but Surely It is creeping round -the occur with d box'',by : w medicilio 00.,�Nroo* 10ft' 11 11mown and fe- -st side of Horn Read, and Close by Is 06'.0,to.e, ­ pg .. I . —1---- , " v *d ioeJ 40 north -we fallift. -44t the time "a tho disap- has already completely covered a road village Of 00 pearance Of Lord Boynele house the which circled the property and led long the rough coast�,road it 7 BI$ST BULBS FOR FALL Stewart farms were f 4*6dg; �'and_a aps in the world . . . He re 0: B6.6hose des . over the headland. of the church and lb� c W a d �k Aly,spilds had marked At the present moment it is piling washed houses, itand "I Ing visitor to Horn Ekad wrote: I 'do well -kept farm PLANTING 'M.r. Stewart has the most extens- not by thousands, but by hun re s this prosp'eroxw and - up over a once -splendid range of out- the sunlit sandbiMlls, is ively-oboeked farm in Ireland, or per- thousands." for their owil, and,� year by year they buildings, pushing its deadly tentacles of a poster advertising a trip to Flowers are, no doubt enjoyed more in the spring, than at anyother period of tl�e growing season. After a long win�er the first flowers are eagerly sought for and if bulbs havie been planted in thq autumn I�Me. has 4f "tiot, long, to wait for flo-tvers fdr Snowdrops bloom as soon -as. the snow bas gone. Then come - ip rapid sue- 9F cession, and some at the same time, Bill the Scillas .. or Squillb, Glory of the ()nANNIVERSAR IS -now or Chionodoxa, Crocus, Grape OUR 61kANNIVERSARY - A, :1 S WEEK Sp C1,ALPRIqli,;S� L PRICES ALL THIS acinth, �Duteh HyacintX Narcissus in� grjWt7VhrIety1 and early, cottage and , D�crwin Tulips. These, give a succession of bloom from - early in April, or earlier if the frost is -out of the ground, until well i in June. V%rhile the bulbs are growing in Hol- land, the flowers for next year are Toeing formed in - the bulb. Later.. the bulbs are dug, cured and shipped to C�anada. Knowing that the flowers are already formed in the bulbs be- fore planting, he who. �roposes either to grow them in the garden or pot 1L them for the house will readily un- derstand that large, well-developed bulbs are likely to give better flowers than small ones. In ordering' this sheuM 'be remembered, No amount -4 of care can add more blooms to a Hvacinth Spike than were formed A.- When the bulb was growing in Hol- land. —11 —ted in I map din =.J�L'AV 7Qr1,'XRTlV own rarms. Gnld Pinch, Xeizprskroon, Lady Boreel. Maes. Cottagp Maid. Sir Golden DOMINION SPECIALLY BLENDED Thomas Lipton, Proserpine, QuPen. 'Double N.g."M? Fa-rlv Ttilips—Couronne d'Or. Tmperator Riihrorum, Mu-Hlln. A IN ((34 �U�' L Cottage Trilim—MacrosPeila. Gold- Y�:: A 1090 du� Iti 0 z r0 six if t hi A n -sea ed sideraMe -0340111*1 of. `bA �e the d-q&out:: 1;14 N� Unless e S — `7- ­ �11 the soil outside or in the pots in the house, the results will not be satis- factory, he -nee the desirability of ob- taining -them as soon as they are of- fered for sale in the stores, which will Finds as celebrating the event in our be during the month of September. '%rPRI Hyacinths SPECIALAN NIVERSAR."17 PRICES 400 stores with more than a million SPECIAL ANNIV'JcZQ."XN.SAwA% A Tulips, Narcissus and should be planted from four to, six ciftromers a week. inches deep to the bottom of the bulb, Our growth. from a small beginning to Canada'a �& A, + — a Tt r A( VAT I IM largest retail ffrocers. in these six years, can be rl ATTV A JUMP, DIPT(IIN CHRISTIESP and about e Same . . k- I directly attributed to one thing—Personal Service while the smaller bulbs uch as to our customers. Snowdmps, Crocuses. a�d 8 Squills, JAM SARDIAES FiLArk The Personal Serviee of the Management in trivinz at all times to buy the best in foodstuffs 24 lbs. CAUFORNIA VICTORY way be planted about two inches a NEW PACK OATS -at the best possible prices mid p sing this saving AR on to you in the form of vonsiste= tow prices for part and from two to three inches 3 lb. CLASS J CROSSED FISH NO. 4 SIZE 'hat you buy. WHITE SATIN SEEDLESS BRAND deep. RASPBERRY NORWEGIAN FRESH MILLED - The Personal Service of our Supervision Staff Some of the most satisfactory var in seeinc that every Store and its merchandiAe be BEST FOR 15 oz. PKT. SWEET ieties of the more important bulbs for REGULAR 5�qe IN OLJVE OIL SWEET AND TEND esal ean--that every product is moved ER Anniversary Price kquepietWavotse, thyatelyou are always assured of fresh FINE PASTRY Anniversary SaJe LARGE BOTTLE the gardni arp:— PRICE foodstuffs at youfr Dominion Store. —pynperor. Sir Watkin, Anniversary Price So The Personal Service of our Store Management MD Anniversary Price Narcissm, F-- and Staff in the courteous, helpful wmy in which Anniversary Price 6 Madame de Graaq, Madame Plemp, Anniversary 1rice Amiversary Price ` lb they meet your every requirement. FOR d"M TINS 4-�;F The appreciation of these efforts — fi C Am Management to the individual on the Stc­ 9'% %..,, Poeticus. IF. kWA ?m Hva�intb—LaGrandesse, Grand Lil- to render you a pex:so,nal saving se,,vi .. your 'ce as, King of the Blues, Gigsntea, Rois groceries is indicated by our ever-increasing sales 9 7 deu Belges. %P.H.4y 7 c 16%-- 2 opako and number of new customers- 23c f -k 10 i (in - - COFFElE CO&r-OA L I MCHMELL0 BLEND RICHNELLO BLEND This Coffee is blended from the _highest grade coffee obtainable and is a IreaR PURE BREAKFAST delight to drisk. Special kmiversary Pirice VERY SPECIAL OFFER lb TIN TIN SPECRAI 'C MqMVERSARV TIN, 35 PRRCF 5 Illeard for these pleasant tasting lit- "tle tablets that promptly relieve the SHIRRIFF"S WE SELL AND RECOMMEND BEEKIST THE SELLY THA7 #8 8996 go minor ailments of young children. 1b. . � NMES OTHER JELUES PURE ORANGE PURE C11 -OVER aBaby's own Tablets are one of the I P e1`0 301011S 'best -remedies for childre-n9s ailments MARMALADE 1V1JA;141k1 TIN 'F I 'M Tv=�� I bave ever used," says Mrs. Arthill; QU1CK,,IISUDS r10INJI, Y T, 'Allen, of Auburn, Me. "MY little 4 1b. oz�b, L-1 givi was nervous andeould not Sleep- FOP, CLOTHES 5 -We BAKINN-A 7 tried the tablets and she was reliev- OR DISHES TIN %-wp wy-'-�,V-tR 5 1b. FAIL ed at once. She was also' troubled PO lik. ON-Mv IRM4 with constipation and nothing seemed 29 Y 0�c 7 b,ad used the tablets S. 9 ASSURES SUCCESSFUL RESUL79 to Itelp bey. PKT SAR 1but a short thne before her bowels AA 1 -4-1,--- should were regular. Ls� lirl!� keep Baby's Own Tablets in the hou4e ROG GLASSES for they are a valuable remedy." PALMOL17VE PRINCESS HOLBROOK9S 10 Baby's Own Tablets are sold bY all i McLARENS SoAp 3 C4,K0 SOAP MAKES WORCESTER REAL BEER FRY115 4mgjests or will be mailed On receipt 1 4C MRE BRUKFAS7 of price, 25 cinits per basr, by The Dr. of% 01C FOR THAT FOR ,Vnnfains, Medicine Co., BrockTille, SAUCE ZELLY POWDERS 05. TEN Nt, A -M#16 b64k-10,t,, "Care of 1110 SCHOOL GIRL 25c 22c, PKT. 0 L 2 Bobs, hilgoftltb 2M ilithZ,­ min ba Ile �CROA' 4q a PXTS. 25c, nott free to anV =ther on request. I Wig CROSSE & 13FACKWELLIS, cOm'FORT- ONE ISLEXUD LM ""' H. F, LUMPOOG wAYUvIERO ORANGE SANDS OV DV5TMMn0N SOAP -C 5C COFFEE THE IIALV'CANADRAN qd�e unicnown to the outbide "OM PKT. APCIE BUY A PACKArlF. =OUND on NAMIALADE M87n a vMter In thvi VIde WhAd VC Firom any 01 OMP os=,=0 ROASTED SOUP 2 wS 2RC ?4bgazine, a grim tragedy .18 Qn,@ vou can 67et7 �m the coast Of Do"gal, $,nee o7i D%Vn horne C1 Sno $ 39 PURE GOLD QUR= PUDDRNGS IPURE HALT e lieres At1=110 Wflt*6 JJAWES OMPUTCH TWIM71 by th BLAT7 AMD a FLOOR WAX CLEANSER ft,mmy wand, ava"eftlin1hiv eine HAT MM 001P wftn�tonc; altol bum7ft cablifts, ts*M Wm- ACT 4A i I (C 1 EAR , , V MIMIC Aft en- 9"TOW 1§61MIN IVA= "i M nolv talwW a V4iglb &"A%r T& ON11 lftoftlk 1, 1 1 v, ..i X1141 '2t . 2 a 0 "e'.. x", "R2 rarms. Gnld Pinch, Xeizprskroon, Lady Boreel. Maes. Cottagp Maid. Sir Golden DOMINION SPECIALLY BLENDED Thomas Lipton, Proserpine, QuPen. 'Double Fa-rlv Ttilips—Couronne d'Or. Tmperator Riihrorum, Mu-Hlln. A IN ((34 T A Cottage Trilim—MacrosPeila. Gold- en Crown, Pie.otep. and maTiv others. Darwin Tulins—Bartigon, Clara RiAt. rarlicombe Sarilers. Isis, Fd- "-11,VW2JLR SpeciaR Anniversary Price mee. Frans 'fTalq. Millet, Win. Pitt, JL J 0retchen. D.S.L. 5c CONTAINS NO ALUM BULK MANY MOTHERS RECOMMEND THEM REG. I 1b. TIN SELEIrC -Ar .d C Baby's Own Tablets Are Fine F�X Nervous, Sleepless Children. PRICE BLEND bb 1b. rrom Canada the fame of BabY's 21c Own Tablets is spreading ovef the Mothers recommend them to SPECIAL ANNIVERSAR" 19C RICHMELL C 75 world. they are TEAO ib,, other mothers. and wilerever PRICE tried no Ing but words of praise are COFFElE CO&r-OA L I MCHMELL0 BLEND RICHNELLO BLEND This Coffee is blended from the _highest grade coffee obtainable and is a IreaR PURE BREAKFAST delight to drisk. Special kmiversary Pirice VERY SPECIAL OFFER lb TIN TIN SPECRAI 'C MqMVERSARV TIN, 35 PRRCF 5 Illeard for these pleasant tasting lit- "tle tablets that promptly relieve the SHIRRIFF"S WE SELL AND RECOMMEND BEEKIST THE SELLY THA7 #8 8996 go minor ailments of young children. 1b. . � NMES OTHER JELUES PURE ORANGE PURE C11 -OVER aBaby's own Tablets are one of the I P e1`0 301011S 'best -remedies for childre-n9s ailments MARMALADE 1V1JA;141k1 TIN 'F I 'M Tv=�� I bave ever used," says Mrs. Arthill; QU1CK,,IISUDS r10INJI, Y T, 'Allen, of Auburn, Me. "MY little 4 1b. oz�b, L-1 givi was nervous andeould not Sleep- FOP, CLOTHES 5 -We BAKINN-A 7 tried the tablets and she was reliev- OR DISHES TIN %-wp wy-'-�,V-tR 5 1b. FAIL ed at once. She was also' troubled PO lik. ON-Mv IRM4 with constipation and nothing seemed 29 Y 0�c 7 b,ad used the tablets S. 9 ASSURES SUCCESSFUL RESUL79 to Itelp bey. PKT SAR 1but a short thne before her bowels AA 1 -4-1,--- should were regular. Ls� lirl!� keep Baby's Own Tablets in the hou4e ROG GLASSES for they are a valuable remedy." PALMOL17VE PRINCESS HOLBROOK9S 10 Baby's Own Tablets are sold bY all i McLARENS SoAp 3 C4,K0 SOAP MAKES WORCESTER REAL BEER FRY115 4mgjests or will be mailed On receipt 1 4C MRE BRUKFAS7 of price, 25 cinits per basr, by The Dr. of% 01C FOR THAT FOR ,Vnnfains, Medicine Co., BrockTille, SAUCE ZELLY POWDERS 05. TEN Nt, A -M#16 b64k-10,t,, "Care of 1110 SCHOOL GIRL 25c 22c, PKT. 0 L 2 Bobs, hilgoftltb 2M ilithZ,­ min ba Ile �CROA' 4q a PXTS. 25c, nott free to anV =ther on request. I Wig CROSSE & 13FACKWELLIS, cOm'FORT- ONE ISLEXUD LM ""' H. F, LUMPOOG wAYUvIERO ORANGE SANDS OV DV5TMMn0N SOAP -C 5C COFFEE THE IIALV'CANADRAN qd�e unicnown to the outbide "OM PKT. APCIE BUY A PACKArlF. =OUND on NAMIALADE M87n a vMter In thvi VIde WhAd VC Firom any 01 OMP os=,=0 ROASTED SOUP 2 wS 2RC ?4bgazine, a grim tragedy .18 Qn,@ vou can 67et7 �m the coast Of Do"gal, $,nee o7i D%Vn horne C1 Sno $ 39 PURE GOLD QUR= PUDDRNGS IPURE HALT e lieres At1=110 Wflt*6 JJAWES OMPUTCH TWIM71 by th BLAT7 AMD a FLOOR WAX CLEANSER ft,mmy wand, ava"eftlin1hiv eine HAT MM 001P wftn�tonc; altol bum7ft cablifts, ts*M Wm- ACT 4A i I (C 1 EAR , , V MIMIC Aft en- 9"TOW 1§61MIN IVA= "i M nolv talwW a V4iglb &"A%r T& ON11 lftoftlk 1, 1 1 v, ..i X1141 '2t . 2 a 0 "e'.. x", "R2