HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1925-08-28, Page 5URON 1 " ► ' '.». flan MIR al X, a us a Pada. • tai to , , 't 4. Platt; Si mhx43tsa� -. DP gee Pita'e 'lAelltortnld lel ben, rA tlk Dari?.: deed 18kc52;, aere,pR x904.0 hard,' ap pitaux 'ttpd year. trees.. no tart,: is w is dr'aildekl iastd tte,wedI 5 miles from Sea- 3orq1a and Ai. firettil. Constance.. School.acrossthe ,road, -9plyto MRS. MARL BROWN, Ailll inlet-rat/Mx BrueeSeld P. 0., or W. DRY - (Minton P..0. 8010-tf AUCTION' SALES AI.ICTION SALE OF FARM STOCK.-THk. undersigned auetieneer =.hes received to structions to sell, by public auction at Lot 29, Concession 8, Tuckersmith, Mill'Road,, 1M' miles east of Brucefleld, on Saturday, Sentera- ber 5th, at 2 o'clock, sharp, the- following.•'- .Hotaes-,Gelding rising four, borse rising six, horse rising ten, work team, work or drive; driver, good all round horse. Cattle -Heifer due Oatober 28th, sow due December 23rd, cow due January 1st, 2 cows due February; 8 heifers due in March, cow due- hz April, heifer due in May,.8 steer two years old, heifer one year old, 8 young calves; Polled Angus bull, registered, Pigs -Sow due Sep- tember 1st, 9 chunks about 80^pounds. No reserve. Terms. -10 months' credit on ap- proved joint notes, or a discount of 6 per cent, for cash on credit amounts. ALEX. SOUTER, Proprietor; George.H. Elliott. Auc- tioneer. 8011-2 MORTGAGE SAL 'OV A VALUABLE MODERN BRICii RESIDENCE, IN THE TOWN - OF SEAFORTH Under and by virtue of the Powers of Sale contained in a certain Indenture of Mortgage, which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale, by Public Auc- tion, by Thomas Brown, Esquire, Auctioneer, at the Dick House, in said Town of 'Seeforth, on Monday, the 14th September, 1925, at the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the following property, namely: All and Sin- gular those certain paroals or tracts of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Sewn of Seafurth, in the County of Huron, being composed of those parts of Lots num- bers Thirty (30) and thirty-one (31), in Jarvis Survey, ofpart of the said Town of Sea - forth, particularly described in Deed, dated 'the 20th June, 1921, from one Margaret Carbert to James A. Carlin and registered in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of the County of Huron, in Book XIX, for the Town of Seaforth, as number 7390, 'Where is erected on the said lands a two (2) story Brick Residence, with cellar through- out, a furnace- and all modern 'conveniences. 'There is also a good frame stable. The property is a corner lot and one block from Main Street. TERMS OF SALE The property will be offered for sale subject to an existing registered mortgage for $1800.00 and existing leases. Twenty (20) per cent. of the purchase money will be paid in °ashj on. the day of sale 'and the balance, .without in-' terest, thirty (30) days thereafter.. The teroperte4swill be . offered-fon+.sale. .. . jest to a reserved bid. Further .terms of sale and particulars will be made known on the day of sale and may be had in''the:r»ean'tinie from the undersigned: Dated at Seaforth, Ontario, this 27th August. 1925. It. S. HAYS, Vender's Solicitor- Thomas Brown, Auctioneer. 30114 Ste'wtrt's RFID AND WHITE CHAIN STORE REAL SAVINGS ON ALL PICKLING and PRESERVING REQUIREMENTS Keen's Pure Mustard, 1h -lb, 29c Keen's Pure Mustard, %-lb , ,57c Mustard Seed, tb. 30c Tiimeric, 1/4-1b. ,. 15c Whole Mixed Pickling Spices, -package 5c and 10c Parawax, per lb. 15c Parkes' Catsup Flavor 30c Seasons and preserves one bushel tomatoes. Special for ' Sat'day 15 111x. REDPATH GRANU- LATED SUGAR, for .... $ 1.00 BEST WHITE SPIRIT 43c VINEGAR, gallon Buy -C1 ere and Buy For Less. W. M. Stewart THE RED AND WHITE STORE Phone 77. 113 Ween lar ilt;: 401$004)0F. y 1 R a7p�' Prod£e4r 4 Wk ,le t3oAp 80114 THE r.4 ONEY SITUATION July -first week was so poor that we thought we would have to buy feed for wintering. By July 15th, improvement • came and our crop will be fair. The poor lookout warranted an •:advance in prise, but ' 'with the droved conditions now, we will sell our CHOICE WHITE HONEY AT 15c PER LB.,.Pails Extra. I have a nice Mixed Amber Honey for 10 cents. We Guarantee our Honey Absolutely Pure. William Hartry, SEAFORTH. 3011-2 A UCTICiN SALE OF FOUR HOUSES AND LOTS AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS and FURNITURE, in the Town of Seaforth. The Executors of the estate of the late Thomas Paton will offer for sale by public suction, on Saturday, the 12th day of Sep- tember, 1925, at the hour of one -thirty o'clock in the afternoon, at the residence formerly crimpled by the late Thomas Paton on Side gtreet, in the Town of Seaferth, the follow- ing property: - PARCEL ONE. --The East part of the East half of Lot number Forty-two i -n George Snarling's Survey, in the Town of Seaforth, 'in the County of Huron. PARCEL TWO. -The West part of the East half of Lot number Forty-two in George Snarling's Survey of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron. PARCEL THREE. --The Westerly part of Lot number Forty-five in George Sparling's survey of the Town of Seaforth, in the Coupty of Huron. PARCEL FOUR. -Lot number Seventy-five on the North side of Railway Street, in the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron. There is a comfortable dwelling house on each of the, above parcels and each parcel will be sold separately. At the same time and place there will be offered for sale the following household goods and furniture: - Two bedsteads, 2 bedroom suites, 4 mattres- ses, several small tables, 7 rocking chairs, 1 ante chair, 3 couches, 1 writing desk, 1 side- board, 1 dozen -chairs. 1 dining room table, I what -not, 1 glass cupboard, 1 kitchen cab- inet, 2 stoves, carpets, linoleum, pdatnaes, lamps, clocks, dishes and glassware, 2 ladders, 40 -gallon steel barrel, a quantity of lumber and numerous other artidles. TERMS OF SALE ON HOUSEHOLD GOODS and FURNrru•itE--CASH. HIIUSE'-"AND' L0151,11`0""lier- cent.' o'f the purchase money to be paid in cash on the date of sale and the balance within thirty deys thereaflter. The property will be offered for sale sub- ject to reserved bids but no reasonable bid wild be refused as the property must be sold fsi close up the estate. FOR FURTB1 tR PARTICULARS AND (NINE/IT/DNS OF SALE APPPLY TO BEST & BEST, Seaforth, Ontario. . Solicitors for the Executes, THOMAS BROWN. Auctioneer. Dated August 21st, 1925. 8010-4 WINDSTORMS COME AT ANY TIME AND IN ANY PLACE. Have You Wind- storm Insurance ? We offer the best contract, best companies and best rates. Insurance of $1500 for ac- cidental death and $25 per week in case of injury at $5 per year. Ask regarding this policy. Properties for Sale and to Rent. Government, Municipal and Corporation Bonds bought and sold, The John Rankin Agency INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS BONDS REAL ESTATE CONVEYANCING, Etc. We Deliver Promptly. SEA FORTH, ONT. PHONE 91. 'HONE 31 IP/yy r ..lk 000 e• e:,Rebel ssrn re HENSALL 3011-1 I +EALED TENDERS, addressed to the under- signed, and endorsed "Tender for Landing Block, Saugeen River, Ont.," will be received until 12 o'colek noon (daylight saving), Tuesday, September 8, 1925, for a Landing Block, Saugeen River, Bruce County, Ont. Plans and lopes of contract can be seen and specification and forms of tender obtained at -this Department, 'at the.-. offices of the District Engineers, Customs Building, London, Ont.; Equity Building, Toronto, Ont., and at the Post Office, Southampton, Ont. Tenders will not be considered unless made on printed forms supplied by the Department and in accordance with conditions contained therein. Eachtender must be accompanied by an ac- cepted cheque on a chartered bank payable to the order of the Minister of Public Works, equal to 10 per cent. of the amount of the tender. Bonds of the Dominion of Canada or bonds of the Oanadian National Railway Com- pany will also be accepted as security, or bonds and a dheque if required to make up an odd amount, N.ate,-Blue prints can be obtained at this Department by depositing an accepted cheque for the sum of $10.00, payable to the order of the Minister of Public Works, which will be returned if the intending bidder submit a regular bid. By order, S. E. O'BRIEN, Secretary. Department of Public Works, Ottawa, August 17, 1925. 3010-2 Peaches Expecting a Car Load of PEACHES in about two weeks SPECIAL PRICES OFF CAR W. C. Bennett WINTHROP Phone 2-23-I ZO For Eczema AT Aberhart9s Drug Store SEAFORTH - - - ONTARIO for Economical Transportation Quality at Cost In the CHEVROLET CAR dealers sell a car that possesses the Highest ideals of value at a cost lower than others. ' Closed Models -Coach -Sedan and Coupe, have low-pressure tires, a fea- ture that you would expect on high priced cars only. - Ws B. Horton SEAFORTH - - ONT. Men, sa�r,, Ke % n EOM, for .c �:: Women's Half. iKtliis Pegged . , . ��� Women's Half' SA ea ,: 000 Sewn Women's Rubber l '4es(fli at - No. 1 Oak Leatlwe>c wily Used in all woa1�: SPECIAL, IN BOSTON BAGS Leather Bags, regular $1.90 at $1.50 ygPR.ICE} 0 ' NG 9 a $1.25 11) roderic%9e HARNESS STORE, SEAPORT A„VOR,TH, ONT, s at�t URAT its presenting niy the boat g . ad3an, rrztifea ODA -'Arxtera4:ai C 4'IIapanieS:. All kinds, a . inallralaee eife, ted at the tomst ',rates, 1110114 FiCkt7S, L PE,, • ACCIDENT, A 0- MOBILE, TORNA'D O AND PLATE GLASS EiLIISNS._ .-Also- REAL ESTATE and LOAN AGENT Representing "Huron and Erie" Mortgage Corporation, of London, Ontario. Prompt attention paid to placing risks and adjusting of claims. Business established 50 years, aunranteeing good service. OFFICE PHONE, 33, RESIDENCE PHONE, 60. LONDON - ONTARIO SE °"TEMBE ' 712th -19th, 1925 This year the Midway and Grand Stand attractions have been carefully chosen and far surpass anything of this na- ture in previous year. A real good time, full of fun, pleasure and interest is assured to all. The Pure Food Show, Dog Show and other exhibitions are bigger and better than ever. Entries Close September 3rd. $40,000 in Prizes and Attractions For' further information apply -J. H. SAUNDERS, Pres. W. D. JACKSON, Sec. London, Ontario. engem McLACHLAN Business College, Stratford, Ontario Reopens for the Fall Term on Tuesday, Sept. 1st WITH THE SAitig STAFF OF EXPERIENCED INSTRUCTORS Business men; knowing that our graduates are more compe- tent than the graduates of other schools, call upon us for more trained , help than we can supply. Commercial life offers greater -opportunities than does any other calling. Get our free catalogue for particulars regarding the courses. D. A. McLACHLAN, Principal. Isn't it the Truth? -THAT- Many men are dissatisfied with their clothes because they have never paid enough to get the BEST. They save a few dollars on the price and then pay many times the difference in annoyance,disappointm ment ar. d dissatisfaction. You re invited to inspect our Real Wollen Cloths in Greys, Indigosand 'Fancy Worsted before deciding a 4 n the price y. 'u wish t(r, pay for a Suit. Have yr next made t „' easy rtia at RIGHT'S Just to Airoeumillitat ur BIG CLEARING and that ha e just rPc SATIi FACE CNN of which many are the Latest Mo els fr MEN'S and YS' VE C ATS, just arri d, All will o at ery 1 s 1 ,I N Y� tit 47 A11 } l� Xr✓,kY''p'{+t. (,. pq�+A•"r-✓ + h J A'�di 'P{�',�''4'u'a�° Yz."�,C4Ll,-� t i', 1 kAl F S 9 amt 1`:f1 �'f ,�.'�� 1 h /' � , i ° `J�i4*. % .i �yM w'0'p ttM�' 'a1 P J i ikN Tp Jtff'll d h3, iy'.It .AA�✓ _, �jt � Irta..',tp-!�. 8 �4 � l�� d` +f 6!as��lY�. N' �`yt 4'4' a y � b ° I .. - :pa;1 }m g. Y �'-�M� Mo-R� 'i �� i in t S +Y 'I?` h � �g'",f<.��`*:.r"y^orf tz��` The • ti A ,nepdo '�Q( r 'Fl i.'.+' fig ,'g: • y�'' .. "7.'1hi�;'11+,9: ;�•,{.p ]•�7.,� p•p �y�. {� fig• ,7a��yg�_�j Wille buyers' from 4V,V '1Yili.K?Y , } will pay you to See � .: :r 1 To trouble to show goo ' SUITS, $18.00 UP ' 561 %.0 SEAFORT i)4` �i.j�$�' OM1,} f7 4'W %IR nrf}�+����I�"y�� ��� ,I:}�m} r r; fi a5R Y P:.. �. �'x u J T• :>,�.',�? "€4t};�, ,.� u` ✓ '�' */.k"�"i°�..,, q '% wh 3 fµ, a t•1`,t� J •. v, - ♦.:C4 •v,,Rx•'{u'•;+.. -LY( i+""T,t '.:i'iLial4:' 10Y'• J !t �' ., '- V0.• 'Dar -. ,:. ,'{^ :�a -.. r,: ayR•: t';.; i'.'LF.S bAz .:, .,; FALL TIE ►' M OPENS TUESDAY, SEPTEMOER1 Complete and, modern courses in Stenography, Bookkeeping and Telegraphy. Write for full particulars now and take the first step that will undoubtedly mean your future success. /q� �j�\�� }�q 11 CENTRAL TUSJI Ewry; SS V'�'LLEGE ST it ATP"i 'ID), ONT. R. F. Lumsden, I.,..A., Principal. Alm •zia.:Nrs' r..9 i4it r 4v..: h SLTJr•:" 1-lriLi `C r " F1 r o f s .........., Special in Boys' School Suits -These Suits come in Browns, Greys and Heather mixtures. Price $5 to $8.80 Special in Boys' two -Bloomer Suits. The buying of a two -bloomer suit means true economy to the buyer, as the extra bloomer adds to the life of the suit. Here is a real value at $9.00 I T� A'Snvfi' TTiirti cli K rerun...., c..+ Boys' Caps, at soc to $1:15 SEE 01.TR BARGAIN TABLE with Special Values in Ladies' Howe Dresses, Hose, Summer Underwear, Nightgowns -Every article at tempting prices. Agent for the Butterick Patterns. Thos, Ferguson SEAFORTH - - ONTARIO. 1 Threshers For Sale A number of secondhand Threshing Machines made by The John Goodison Threshing Co., The Sawyer & Massey Co., The Geo. White & Sons Co., The Waterloo Mfg. Co., of various sizes and style, same including straw cutting attachment, at pric- es varying from $150.00 upwards. Also a num- ber of rebuilt Separators and Steam Traction Eri- gines for sale at very low prices. RO until t t f CHEIFET • SE 1 o st t terials Lai