HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1925-08-07, Page 5AUGUST To 1W.1 k4UN, II, "y9mi ;'. 7� RIP". T, XFK� K"Fi".. �R Q -Z, 04 A8001, ;4; OR INN I a - Vi 5; sUgs, $7 to Sm j 9;1l0CeiVt4 4A 0., w r -0. evkeS� "*Z'. to W P V VIM Ift -W 4nd, Annie 0 V 1. lu Rodds-ft H4purboy, on August v�ifkk Of. Mr,'Rebert T, D60dda. r4u� jtb. Pressed, Chickens. _prink,'� th. lbsy% V .1fens, oirer 'I ....... Ole.- I tiquisr�undfT this, be!a ivOl be, ch' per Ginklo iq*e.'iitd;X3. aegla ft As k, ��Oj# as. I0'IOVIA9 InelaOXY Of Mr� R.' B. McLean who. vassed'away one year ago, Aiksust 1024: Tdi6in"tol Aigust 4tli.LLClie.% 24 -to tvdats, 94%� to 25e.* i�lrzicwlzr% the teach ofl- va�isbl GA I a ed head, tD t4,27C.- Qld,,� large, 28 And a sound of a voice,that 1s'st3led.i" to, 29e.; twins, to 39c; tTt1jletkk,? 29,to ale. S()081 Vreamery priiiiii, '40c; NO. I orquakerv. 40g,�,-No, % - $74 to, 386. Dairy printsi ;27 -to 2 E6gEk_Vr1sA-emt6i� ip cartons. 41 to 42c; r' -XcQueen.-Irk loving. memory of Albert j goose, 40 to 4ic; fresh fizisfa, 87 to 88c. see- XcQjl� WE, Passed away August 7th, 1906: "ds, #2 to No. .40 August brings sad memories Of -a'loied one"gorke to rest Who *411 always be remembered BEAN: MARKET- -BY,these wifo loved bhn best Toronto, A."t �*--aeskkks, Canadig-4- hand He %ads no one a last fa I ri 34ed."6%c; primes. Se. .11k.said good-bye to none; But his: spirit How 'before we knew ThsA lie frout'ub had gi But some day we -hope to meet him GRAIX ."RgET Whelk our work - On earth is o'er, Toronto, - August 4, --Man , Ill . obs wheat -211o. In that land beyond -the river, No.� 2 Northern, $1.66. Where sorrow is known no mom Xorthern,'$1.604. , _Father and MDher, Sister and Brothers. No. � 8 Northern,' $1.61; No. 4 wheat, not 8008-1 Manitoba oals-No. 2 G.W., not quoted; No. Utcorn. trai 'Twouto--No. 2 yel- low. $1.21. CARD OF THANKS Milifeed-Delivere-do Montipai fjolghls.,,bap. CW. ;tfi.Andkid., Brask, ton; 02�rjgO; shorts. pgr good fcod flokkiL per b4s,'42.81h., 'thWe wish toexpress �4i;slheere droulak to ... !Ontario, A"a to 5 g^yx 'khppift is People of Smforth Fire Poirlts. Brigadei; our neishbors and others for . their 'Outerio wheat -41.22 to- *2.27, Lo.b., ship- untiring efforts in fighting tfie-flie and saving ving-poilits" accordi4r to frefthtt;- the -main barn when the property was qtruck 74 to 77c. by* lightning on Sunday evenijig last. 2, 7ft. -Itye-No. P. nominal. MR. and MRS. JOHN M. ECKART. Manitdba flour, first patent, $9.10; Toronto; do, second patent� 114.60, Toronto. Pastry flour, bags, $6'.10. Ontario flour -Toronto, 90 per cent , patents CARD OF THANKS per barrel in carlots, Toronto, $6.75; seaboard In bulk. $5.50. Straw-Carlate, per ton, $8.00 tet $8.50. Mr. Robert T. Dodds and daughter. Mrs. pr=n%,z!taudtL0r.d, rceleaned. f.o.b. bay Whittaker andaMiss Somerville acknowledge $nl with grateful ppreeiation the many adia of Hays -No. 2, per ton, $12.00 to $14.00; No. kindness and expressions of sympathy ex. 8. per'ton, $11.00 to $12.00. mixed. per ton, tended to them in their bereavement. $9.80 to $11.00; lower grades,'SS.09 t 0 $9.00. 8008xl A number of secondhand Threshing Machines CARD OF THANKS made by The John Goodison Threshing �' o, The SCHOOL FAIR DATES IN HURON Mr. and M-na. Herbert Fowler wish to ex - COUNTY press their thanks and appreciation to all Ethel ............... September 12th their friends and neighbors who took such a priampit and active part in helping to save St. Helens ........... September 9th their residence from the fire which destroyed Wroxeter ........... September 10th -their car and garage on Thursday morning Bluevale ............ September 11th 3008XI Walton ............. September 14th Fordwich ........... Belgrave ........... September 15th September 16tb IMPORTANT NOTICES AsHeld ............ September 17th Colborne ............ September -18th, STRAY CATTLE -STRAYED FROM LIDT E Zurich .............. September 21st 16, Concession 8, MoKillop, about JuIv 17th, 4 steers, one small two year old, three Varna .............. September 22nd yea-r1ings, s.14 dehomed, except one Yearling. Goderich ........... S.eptember 23rd T. G_ WHEATLEY, Phone 240-34, Seaforth. 3008-1 BlYth .............. September 24th Grand Bend ........ September 25th 1GIOR SALE-814GHTEEN ACRES OF OATS Dighwood .......... September 26th and 7 acres of Barley. Apply to WIL- Crediton .......... September 30th LIAM NASH, Seaforth. 3006x8 Winchelsea ........ I ...... October Ist FOR SALE-117WO 'COWS AND I HEIFER, Rensall ................ October 5th Xi�ade Holstains, due to freshen in August. bublin October 6th Apply to HER13ERT GMALE. Lot 26. Conces- ................. CMnton ........ October 7th and Sth sion 8, Hibbert, Staffs. P. 0. Phone 484, Dublin. 8007-tf "r: 4 14c; C 10 V., W!" 12-11, ON Yi "M . . .. ... . .... 4 yi r 1, 6 vok . . . . . . . . . . i W� f over �tho 'ou have 161ax-'Aw-ot July; ;,p, Z -Nc, MO 0i To .'CR.8�MORS 'IN THE, "TATN'W�i1OAkqJ$A1M14.'DF, ,jaA1QTii* her417;ivs. that'vil. 11 uff Claims aralrat the eat4ta JaIZZ Bari late ot the"ToWnship of WqxUllop, in the County of Huron. Yeomau,* doceasi . M �wlko died on or abbut,the 10th d1W of Ap;i� A,D.r 1"5, am required. to deliver to Eliza, -,bdth Ba.rron, Walton P,,101 -the Adiojnia"1113� vf ;the or! be;. fibre, the jftb,day of,,,Auguat, A�D,. J925, a "full of 'a f Claims . together with pairtl=entereOMIld %a nai - of the securities., if - any, them oil duly verified by affidavit. AND TARE NOTICE that after the said last mentioned da+e the said Administri will Proceed to distribute the estate of the said deceased amongst the persons entitleil thereto, having regard only to such el shall have received due notice and ins=x_ ance therew*h. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 21st day of July, A_D., 1925. W. BRYD%M, Clinton, Ontario. Solicitor for the said Administratrix. Boo" S. W. ARCHIBALD Civil Engineer Ontario Land Surveyor Office over Stewart Bros.' Store. Main Street, Seaforth. Phone 70. 2N7-tf FARMS FOR-ISALE F,AR? SA14E.-FOR S&M 1,OT Ili, )FOR McKillop. containing 100 ConcessUrn 8, ad,iek. There are on the preaki ses a good frame house, 10 roams ; bank barn, fiftSO, driving house� water In barn and house; 1% acres of excellent orchard, mostly afAes. 7be farm is an tile drained and well fenced; 1% miles from St. Columban Catholic Church and school, 5 miles from Senforth, and Sly, "all: from Dublin; rural mail and phone. Th farm will be sold on reasonable terms. "111, further particulara apply on th p;F address. Seaferth P. 0. JOSEA M QiTjwr 2975x4-tt q -ARM FOR SALE. -FARM OF TWO HUM dred acres adjoining the Town of Sao orth, conveniently situated to all churehiss chouls and Collegiate. There is a comlorl� ,ble brick cottaire with a cement kitchen .zrn 100x56 with stone stabling undernegift or 6 horses, 75 head of cattle and 40 hem Ath steel stanchions and water before &L Asi litter carrier and feed carrier and wo cement silos; driving shed and vlat, arm scales. Watered by a rack well and vtudmill. The farm is well drained and In . 'high state of cultivation. The crop Is al, a the ground -choice clay loam Immosit do, possession- Apply to M. BEATON, R IL 2. Seaterth. Ont. 2787-tf A -Bargain FOR SALE. -Five acres, one mile from Seaforth; modern house with furnace, bath and toilet, small barn; good orchard. Taxes, $15. Splendid chance to start chicken farm., bees, etc. Apply to RL IL ]KAY@, Seaforth, Out - 2"3_W 1� ru 479V,,`� =77,1 Wyopn�-,qrW. FAp, p 4. Fri' 1.1"i, -, =14 i_-, 77, 7 i� ir I)OVOU KNOW THAT YM �ew,aocun a t000tie in Steilloor T�_ q,;, J�"�Jp y pr T MAR N op "N " 44' Qi 81 gss COL 0 m g N, iZ�� 01� ............ 4 4. '41 4* MOMIgn Or 'CAW Wr TR,,-prF "- M ""'y , �J i 1TRI �r. � -y J*f undilld. it 45iwixl sp lw"L; TED 0 MAW, 0004b .6 0", SWO WWOO; chm� fti G roof Coats co, 0 SQ64" wo 4"M, ont F $01W, � fWWj4k6J,1, -PAO"' pro ngfte, AU ui& 0:9 watly dw& Aiiwv mot gr Dayr. up, .0 Co 0 0, 0 0 0 0 Cs e!* 'co <> ed to the D under. signed and evro' -dtem,- T tiong and addlUNikus.. pilding, Kitebecer, %FAMES WATSON Onti',"' b6, 44041 ft O'clock noom, August 12th, ionw to the Pub- datgh '44 1 , , 11 , 192 401' SEAFORTH, ONT. 1% Building. --GINNERAL INSURANCE AGENT '4 _r 1*laaa Sao 'Y 6in be seen au4 Joints.of tLRqer"*_ 4pt the offices of thi Representing only the best Can- ChIvf Areh1be4dt,.V-­' t of Puble-Works, adian, British and American rel�iteck Department �Companjes. 0., Toronto, Out., ilding, Ali iinds, of inourance effected .aid the Caretakqrl,*ftil. u Kitchen-, Out. at the lowest rates, including - Blue -prilds _c&rk,1W ed at thp ajifice of the Chief Ar b e' 51 -Lf Pubile.Wor)-ii bi FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT, AUTO- . _Ohiteet, - depositing an aceepied_�Wk* chejui' the: sum of 020, payable tictilithe-brder of the Min- MOBILE,, TORNADO AND PLATE *er of Public Works, , , will be returned if the intendiald bi i 4a, lar bid. GLASS RISKS. ddail Y3 it a regu Tenders will nb& be: ered unless made -Also- on the forms supplied V �lhe Department a6d R' dn accordance with thi.,conditions set forth FAL ESTATE and LOAN AGENT therein. Representing "Huron and Erie" Each tender must be"Accompanied by an Mortgage Corporation, of London, to t=t-Te On a chattered bank payable f the Mbibt4 of Public Works, Ontario. equai'do 10 . per cent. 6i"'the amount of the Prompt attention paid to placing . [Bonds of the, Dominion of Canada, risks and adjusting of claims. a of the Canadian National Railway -Company will also Bel,= Rosiness established 50 yaars, , �ed Is security, or -bonds and a ehecni6 �led to make up invaranteeing good service. ala odd amount. o , - s, By cider & IEN, OFFICE PHONE, 33� Department of Public Works, Secretary. RESIDENCE PHONE, So. Ottawa, July 27. 1925.: 3007-2 <> 4:> 0 <> 0 0 10 0 <> 0 0 <1 W. T. Box,& CO. <> Funeral Df rntor and Licensed X"141mer. 0 EL crlo* j6r Evianomicgi Zransp arrati*s 0 Best Motor and Horse-dirawn 0 equilipment. 0 Charges moderate. 0 Flowers furnished on lihort Quality at Cost notice. Night Calls Day Calls Phone 175. Pbone 43. 0 In the CHEVROLET CAR dealers c,, <> <> C> <> 4C. <> <> <> <:,, <> <> c sell a car that possesses the Highest ideals of value at a cost lower than others. 0 0 <> <> 0 0 co * 0 Closed Models -Coach -Sedan and 0 0 Coupe, have low-pressure tires, a fea- 0 W. J. Walker & Son 0 ture that you would expect on high 0 0 priced cars only. 0 W. J. Walker, Funeral Di- 0 1 0 rector and Embalmer. -01 W. B. Horton 0 0 ONT . 0 Motor or Horse Equipment. 0 SEAFORTH 1 0 Oars or Flowers furnished 0 0 as requested.. 0 0 Day or Night, Phone 47. '0 0 0 .0 0 <> 0 0 <> <51 <> <> <> 0 EZO 0 W. S. CLEARY <> 0 0 For Ecze m__ --a 0 Licensed Embalmer and 0 1 0 FuneraR Director. <>! AT 0 Up-to-date Hofse and Motor 0 i <> Equipment. 0 0 Night and Day Service. ,:;, I Aberhart's Drug 0 Phone 19-22, Dublin. *I 0 2921-62 01 Store * <> :> <> <> <> �> <�, c,. 0 C. <>ISEAFORTE - - - GNT&R10 Ladies' Slik H''o''s ei,"'r�jular'$1,00. t LAJ)1W SUMMER UNDID Ladies!. V est's ran glng� in price ftbin ......... .......... Ladies' Bloomer�, - pink or white, regubir 50c, -to, -clear at .......................... Balance -of. Men's Fine Straw Haits One-third of -Regular Price. I -nos. .. fi2r9usow-,..,,� SEAFORTH 9NT,,M Threshers for. a -ale A number of secondhand Threshing Machines made by The John Goodison Threshing �' o, The Sawyer & Massey Co., The Geo. White & Sons Co.,.-. The Waterloo Mfg. Co., of various sizes 'and styl% same including straw cutting attachment, at pric- es varying from $150.00 upwards. Also a num- ber of rebuilt Separators and Steam Traction En- gines for sale at very low prices. THE ROBERT BELL E. & T.'CO, LTD., Seaforth, Ontario. -9 Samson Harvest Tools are guaranteed and re laced cheerfully if not sat- isfactory. If you neeTa pitch fork, hoe, scythe, etc., try a SAMSON. They cost no more. 66 f*q void Meaal "' Blinder Tw-lne. The quahty of this twine has stood the test for many years and still leads. We have our stock in, and at your service now Our Ray Frork R0e%PV4,->, I'S of the same quality. li7� 111-M 1'erguse'la & Coo Geve,��,,,D, U L9 V SEAFORTH - - - - - - ONTARIO �'C E -4 IT F`�. TZ kjt�- 0 1 1�*� 1%� �i I` T "'EAFORT !"TRE7 1AAIN R�' �,g IMP KS, 4S R 0%1� 14 ;o