HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1925-08-07, Page 41, . I , : """'I" '7 , "I � " - , -1,0, � t61 -<,4i T".04f�2, I , 4 .. INNj �, T; I t, 1. 11 � IP", :1 1�_ � ;, . � 14 �� " , I . - . - " 1 � . . � , �. .t: � - 1) I ;, ! � I I . . , . , F .X I � , - ­­­: ­ ­­­ . � 'No I I , ,� *"BRURM no , . I I 1;� - � I : 1 I " t, ­_,� ) I_- � , ,, .. I I .1. c'' ,�-�­-�-­_---r---,­�­ "'' I , I - I ' � . " " � , - ��,- - , --*&-k**M. FrWay. Aro$wit I " , ;" 1P ,:, �, , � ��"".; � ,�, % I I I . - ��11 I � . ! � " :� -7 ---- _,R� � � 11. L � ,, � ,,, F ,_.�7 . , " �', —I- I ­�----, _J �, ,,,,, , ,� ,,.� " . '' �, I � _ I �,� �; � �' . � '' *.-M!Jult'no '! I "I , , A , �''., .�, 1�:,,,,,,�:�j,�` � , , , ... �," , ,"�,�"�,,,��;��,-i""�:�o,ioo,�A oarw.*6­4 Nwr �4­-­ty I . 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'4 ill,,* 4, gqqk�$$00 oykf4 VWUP, - I 11 I.I.., ,.-I- . � �Am " _ , - d vlea,Oaa to IlA", .1 . �' �'. � *1 A*x;, �. 000mm.., � f - %0, principal; q Mind" , � . I " , IN4 , With theM_M�DA4147 b� 4� 1 1"0-`,3W�1`bk�10W*_ # ,4 , , , I , !� , ", I I I , , .., � � '6',rlaudla lwur- , � '146", 4iv*o ",V41';�­ ' I - . ,�, 11 '11110041'1'� I I I - , 40=10y. 4qaZoi;44 day, the ne I , W 4014rA94 ' � 11 : I (, I , 1� *,L2,04 W. 111�161' , w1w, A __,,,_ - I ," I - 4 � -, ? Seafortk W - John Manson, �, , - 6 uw,?j�, 'i . I., . I' I L'' 44r_ Q _ ' - U � . ." I .a �� S.Imp s g&..- QA449, IAI,�,*=WZ4 - 1. ��,,c �., owlix to , �, L� 1. . ,4. � 1, V, 'r M 'I - �4 , ,� ;; i� "n. � 0, , � , '� - E�;r,�. d; i�tVl ik " ' �.'!��4,;4m� liere at- lis%444winesa Was, " 4 " 0 " !, I - .. let - - - QA I I 11 I , � I I I �.4j .. � ,.0 � , � L. !!., I � I 1 ,�, �'11, , I - � I I ��il­ � - I j���,;,!;'"'i,.",�"."�-,��,��..��'ir-,.,."� fX','1=RM1W­­1­__ - r.f?,V,W.f k_%�".V�I?T PRM:�11­7­ ... ., A�1� ,_-4--j*'_. �44 �,V ,_ L,#" - I .� . �, I ; - I � 214 " ,., , tuag"mar, T 4 IQOM�"kkib ­­ ::- ,­ , " "" Z, y 1,3 'AiM,lil" , _A �� �',,�,,�i - 1. ,,, � - - .1 ,;7T." . , . ,V . , - . ;� � '4 , 1�", . , ", , , , " . " I .. &no row, �qboclwvgen VIP -,.; - . !!!r, - lir r, L! .11" 140.1_1 'm i K � at MOM , , . I . q � _ Ig .1 I 1� '� A'19`64- ]P4 : 1,& Kit,sheqerft and bas., �. , WO "I, -7, #1 ! _wWk 4 '� , �,­­UIIII,�', , "I , ywom , �, ,,� ,� , . f , , . . ,I . . ,� "q'� .. I ­­ 01 ,:� , � " - � , -m* ��.,,, 1. - 1k, I'mov. . � _� ., rg iiargo%,n �, � , 9;;�� , , ,'�� , . - I "T �.. � i�!AAAW' I , - � " " ! . ... ..... . !�"'_,.,a �Fa'few days Mr, !.,' 11 lqll�r,l in,�,� 0,fw 16., " 'oo . , '" �Tllvt;�, J �,, ,� V __ �, " qR , "F �t #-,'� L ,_ -,.W,-:- � 1. 1.1"..J jl!?� I � . ilkiA , . , , ,,, , .." , 0" 11 11 t� , , 11, � ��_ - A rze V. I _k , ,.% . , � . � , " t ", � � ,''m 1 , laltulow . ,w q V14 ,_ - I 2; '­� 4 �,.',few, clays �1. 4,1.14,0, ". ig ery � q :"*,,1M,r 'I'M !R � , 41 - . , . . , r,qtmJ' 0, V . I 1; " , - Mr. " puinni . w'l A-, -4 WN �Ii V , , ' V '40� A I T"AL- � P11 - 15i.wn',q 4­111&1:t�"' . ­,,��i,�, RUN_ ,CAmpbell and � . . ' ;�,Vmero., G - , i4wxm � aRt iff,01, 7 -1 ?�!I!f_ ,,- , . L__j,cst in liruOW4 or,S_ itwiwi,l illage and"CINT, , in" ',�- I ')I, *-J,p 4.1 � , _40T _� ,,_ I . P . ,kk m" JIM.22 T rth I I ., � 1'W,fti*,% K A vat& usl - � 1 1111 1, V_ "'i . grAl . " sg, ','ji� __! , � haptilit =0 intv?, .4 �_,',.,I�A_Vrn,". R641,41 1.11. ,% � . ,� ,,,, , rl,�'Yl � PA. � 0 P-00.40'am !� - "V,;�;;,v.,11 "N", I& ,- . , p -; lq't -d - Bead';`0 �,��4�t, P111 .. I I -.1 , 1. - I I* sold chain. ineward affere& Eluder .$111.25. J4*rkr V, 111. i9l", , 0127), 7�,i,. � aill'�4,, �t �,,��,�'t�,,, , , ­ f"' '� � - .11 ,, $1,�,­',tT,�$ ffi� 'T I i ___ . -_­ '!­�`.I� -4-�,�,.q " , p �ggw- P . ."; i._.:, - I 11 "r�_�: The EnveUtOr Ofte- — -, -J'�­ A..' de crymA 01, 0 _41"gely. .. It. "I I : - .111, M. �%,�, ., I ". . WITA +"AI.A PW .n. � ." - - - ; ", -%*_11 ly -forth. . � M ­j �� 54up , : I I "?, tlioc . " -� � , - -, 1MAXISM. �i -I 4f, tu - � �� ,: " , I at . ` .-W OVA I Oft 'I _��zl �, , _ it Cv# . Al, �, .�'L"� . . Q(4 vhon I � � , , I ... W; UIA . - ­ - :�,,�- � 1AANLF �, I � i�t , ;.,L% ,Is,:, . , - , ce,� ,V, - 11 . . , # ',',��i;-,;&,,,,t.N,�,,�� , IF � " � I please leave *3 �9& - A � ��;V, .�? " �'­ AtUmadodki-val 0`9UP ` I*'& 4"��.­j,j' ­- S X -MAN i,;. -_--.-.-.,Z* , I f jui�o But 'a, gold . ­�` '1 ., "'�.;,.,;,�, . l.. . � I , 7 �J I �,g ,,,. a Grand PRAC i; _A , _ ­ I* 1, Z,� an ., 0 ", I U., ­� I - .1% Read III, , 0�� - - , I .1 . . .1 , t! ., , ., �..w I , - _', !V�!,.!�'k�%j�,,.,�,�;,.,� I 11 , .? 461! %111-i _,"i"10,01. � ,� ��'!:�,-, 4��.14 I. 1 ".,_Z77_.: - � ­;.. , I'luve , 0- n1i ; - VAA1W4A,1h&` MIR 19. I " " *�"! �, ! rN � i),-�,"t.K.,�,v7,7.1 "� � ,�q "ki �4t � ,It � .:'� , ' W�"��" -T � I ­,", ­­tl M17, _;!, - I 7� "­�.�4�A�,*.t'lk,f j�,�, , . 1i I I.. ". '4� - ." �*%*.*#�tj#d U.X.�. � , . -i ��:,.: I - M40 ,A* 46 , � . �� ", ;1�;,­i'� ".., -A o0ado" 6- .. 4. �,!,6 advantap., 4.��wTr 9 , 'his faany , - �1 "' M ;,�,i �' Ll�jt L,,L,Z��, -""y4';d t t'. , i,t,i; per ceuL Tw**y Year for DoLlar %Ad Boa— I $049 � I , I ,� �� K, ;.,L,,�&r _4 - 'C14 QUer "'.. - 1 49----6 ollar - '64i, t � � �Mll tto . R 1 IR fiTg 0 I ., .14 , ''"""; , " , `�� D specu �rs;_ 0 '141:'R Novo " I t, ,�,,�i , ha -$500 4utetifttl - WA rm%,�,, V - 4 '_ � '�,�i', �+�,. f,N - %'� '� 0,44'2�r'oor VQ14f Cold HonAw- intere'st yearly; denominations of $100' 84M �, . W.,, -Noxth ,.Ij .j, r ,� 11.1, � ,,, xv " - - , - lxgt.�,,ji �!- we .4 , ,i6`,�'Y,'J4 ered �IVA ' a- 11bov ,,, 61gi ne,,,,., .,,,,, ., ��,,� A. D. Sutherland% Insur- Me CO-% 6U .. 00,40 � - I- -11 Mllio �_!,.�'­�11�1­. ,--,,Qj1'4.t:, �, �.�t�w��".,,,�, �:,U,��,,,, ay be rexiatered ca to - - " 4=01 , I ,�. �, � ­,L­� �`_��,�,�,:`%*-7 ` �,,, ,4 Carlson Te plles�,434-4 "' IQ - , 11", �,4 ,�s,-­,� �-,;,��,.� , 140 inveatment- A. LL Sutherland's hisur- nion Liff� � , '1140 01 "" " �. t X, rth. Thiel, to ' ine -poles" $6; W, we . I �m '. - - . 1,40- � re - %, wp - V-1 0, 14 , � ,�4`4.�.:-z-�� , . - a* - , "W. ; ­,.­_� I., T"�I.��_�', �J - eb. - " 11" " v* relfteminc : " 'a"'I'a a'—. Sea"or' 9 IN!"I'M4 1W --. Bond and Redl Ek3tu,ta '�t'l','N, R-Sea"Rev. C. Gordon Ar r1PX '#A,XOU#P' Natha.W'W 1 t 3 , " a $100, $fioO and 51UQU. B�,uds ra-ay ,ho. xvgilt as, to RIZIM" M", , eo.sup " .�r , , Iladvan4pa , ". 'I 4,T' , , U _ , �, . eve "I . . � � ; oppop= & lwt,!AUWXW��, , ". , " - mat. L, Z ''. �, .. "I , I - - , 1"'. .92 - . " 11 I I. , - � I " , � j.T., XTt -, - :. - 1, 1 I _ ; ; ,�,,�,"'T "' - ' VP L ,�t.,R ,;, �, -:: Agency. Seafo - G. J., - MWP eol"4 , 0 -Py ,- ­' " I , -.1 ,- , '.. '_ Compensati __ - ... r w - , , alm"41. 9w@4 1 , N"'.." , b,L labor" , . T , 0" " 4 � I'll L . menis . , Orr..,gqard, a,,, , -11, ,.� I I -a- Irs- Armour And M $14.80; IL ()o$e �� I _4 1�40110*4 agen; , ,� '', �t -1100%,�U'�W.lx V 7" � .IKV,T .� , I ... I - . I s� " ______ --- 1, w Z.. 1�. tielo"; , . - . beig, 10� InU , 11 Notes,Mr. a . of B;.t .4,V -" , 'L,X1roW_"'#jnnV*%."W1 to,; ,thoys*f) Tm i �� "'A .fie t� I I i� nd Mrs. Leo .McKay, _ld, - - W - .. .31. llars for � Z - , � "I �J� left on Frid: - 1% Th ne ia' , I "_ . ,"�. _ �,T 4), ,*# � _, - I , , � ,,, ,., , t� "I , ,tram Regim. who were During Mr. pIkong GMO** V . r r ­Tq -01- Q , tj 400*94 �, 11., sojourning ,, a Pouncil,'44 1A - *0. 1. �, , F ;11i,,��` -. �: ,4*ft4nW&,. the P&st month, have re- IAWWIXI��mbu�,!�,� L . t! WA�Altftxxialal I 1, " I A ke Sirneoe. 0 tw *4 -, , , .. _T, t[40', W],tr t - - '"' � , �, "I �i 1.� . n L ence- the pulpit of the joura0d- to 'M90t a0lw"Op. T u?.1 , -MC.)F-944"M i I , hoi "jorm , _ - P:Fo,. ton -M, 11 i ,�,5 ,�_ -1 �1' , , - - .. , �,, . A='Os ,b: , I I !, , I , A i I - I � . - . ,,;mrs, 01W In. r , ��_ "T - , 4% 'P -77' ' $10 xw ., ,�, 1. - �; , I � .. -ek by motor, 90 ,�, . tl-P lock, 4n " I :. - 7 , ' . ' - I - , 0 "Ji A t.pp " .i I turned home this w� United c uTch will be occupied 'by Se.ptember ISCA ' . � he 00,� V1.11304, �,O, F t6�4r4nSa11;,"Ao* T ow , -, " . . � fig. b, chic -ago and Minne- '.. ., I "_. -:7 . It, . _ ,., -1 I .. � ", ....... .;;� I . . I ... I , .70 - � i;,, 1. .1 . . 7 Detroit, 4 1:1 ,df.J,ppWh,,.v4.4§ Ur,, VOCA. � . 11 �kql �, , -1 I - I Rev. T. A. Bell, of Stratford; Rev. W. A. F. HESS, &�ilt�--�� � - � ` .� " . . . - ' - ice that is, Me in , - , r, �4�11 I , I 1- _�`�, - -- i; 'I 1! I " - , . , " " ,, ,,I dith from Sault Ste- Rev. R. B. Stev- ...� _�"74"-p `�;'-""' Of Oi Oifere4l­ tW _ -, , . a v,v.," I ­� , ,,, ", � � Apoli.Q:---�Sister E . . - ti* PIP rll,'r.. Wv,- Ili - -1 I - -, __ .* I.R VF—�, IF 1. ,;, " W'�IeO4 illig,*tour - � ". _,�, �!� '' ; '. " �i�'�111� � � � er Agnes, from Peter- D. Bell, of .ALvonton; . __ , .J� k 444vm I . .. - --- -�. ., � ,�O btarie, and Sist, Mr. William � "O .. W, I.. - '. . I , I . � visiting their mother enson,*or Stratford, and . KIPPEN � of.,,�f'e country. ,I%' atpod Uke ,_. ­k'TW", . i "I . I 1,11."I" , .1-1-,': � ­� �4 �_ - I I-- , � 4 . , - _Ia .11, � . , �,�: '. L' ­" "; ,� , x,p�`! ­_'. _,.;�,�A, 11 " _ ,,, .. I V11 Me"llyt . st'w. - I � - V .,7", t. � , 11", �;_ ,�, I .. �11 , �4 % On , - - - .. - I ;�­.. - � �, I _.. ", �. boro, who were I I K, _ ,�.Wa also elajq;04 'it, -ve . iiia�: i : s ��,.: .� . � , . I I ;ipda the 11414� .'', � ", - . ­ �, .1 .. �­,� � 11 .11 . _ . , � .. ,., �% .'.,,s 1. 1. I , �* - �' �; "I �-, 11. ,11* t -W , I ,� . , ��, �, � ud brother, Mr. Jerry, O'Har , spevia o#erW7,_A;:_ per- cent, TweUtY'YOAt ,, , , i �''A: . ". ­",;_;'­_.,� 1C.1 - ,�'­".;,t­ I'— — ', �. � ­� .,. ,p � . — I If,' ., �,, ,ygnsation being tallllullliq� 11 � 'J I - IBISO##,, of W 11 �, ,. -.1 ,�4 . I , ,q ,.,* mir'ZX0ter,' I - � 401'.xv-, � I" a have Djang, B -A., of Knox Church. - The . tot IN " Dollax Cold Uon(ls� iuteV -%Ulf t � ril I ir respective homes.- beautiful church at Brucefield is at '- ­ ,� - , � �, I � k* .01, il v. . �. ant in the hands of the decorators. Donar for - � Ar . a W li*q, . a c - . � , 1_,�K�A! � � ;,."­­­71.­�,�;'! ,of $100 $500 and' 11000 L latives -af 8!4 . ," _� k� returned to the FUL age in which * ellm'r PDXX i his sister, Pre� ,d Work of the yearly; denominations, lainiber of re: ; _� , �, � � .< , �-. , _��­�4 ,,,,�,,�. ., - . 1! : i ., '111 - .; ... , , — - . �. 1. - . I I � ,,, I i 0-" , : I _,� 1, .� � � �, I ,­ ,AN 5� `,,�, . . �� -� -�' q. �-;`,&, . I., ..��:11, to the splend Donw, -.1 be reelstered as to principal; a. Naylor -hisi �W. cliarge ing,there,-'Mis.. XaVgnWl i .. , k- ��:,,��' ,,�,� , � ��,.,", -.&kRA , ." ,_ - � , . I 's. ,:,� i � _�'! " " I ­�,,, M, I -,;th.r_in_Iajr, Mr. kiii I . � - ''I . - . . - 1, - � ­ -� I I I Maggie Effle, from Logan, were vis- L)vnllg ch of ,;K.`�.ft 1� �huinoh, Clioton durillt 14 -, . ,_ , - " I, . Mr ladies of the congregation the chilly , I ... fe investment, A. D. SIdtherlUnd% lusUr- _' 1.10 of I 11 � � "I.i. b .... in our burg last Sunday. - ior, as -well as ancte, Bond and Real Estate Agency� Sca`*Qrth' �1­hvl' ­ th kli ' .. .", I itors * ng ser- beach"lle, accoiyftanied' , -,'-`-1, - " '1...'�,,,�t��;, ",",e,,�­��'�'.'� �,­,,­�, " � � ,;�!-V.,,:�­-.­,��, ;6 _ `,�'t6�,,, ',,;, , , I .�. on friends in Lo- both interior and exter� 1, � the ��.r V. '' '. 1 77, - , ,,,­Lq'�'.,�., �'. � ,�. , I - I ��, _.� - , , � , v�t,�! Z r. �',`�t' 1`�'��',�,� ,yi�,"""':.', i�­ I ,, , �'. , 11,_.... ­ .. ,ckert called ow. -Plans' are vice-, ,00--,*ach Sunday'' "' 4 we be- , .: 11 � " � . - -, :Ivl 4,; - Fred F the Manse isbeing decorated. Much Flower Sh being I ffligv�kV , gn 11 � -1 o JLn, 'Im -iilnts� - . . ­ . 4�. " ,;,, � 1 1 - '.� - .: I � , , - 1�, �I . % , .�.. " manguall'ar . I �. , . -41,�,.;,"'i, -,�­�_. , �� , , ,,, :�,,, - �, � ­ ,.It-, . : , i. 1_ �, " I.' 1� 11 - I - . 11 � -_ � .. I _: I an last Sunday. is .1 so- - ' I w�ftniqtration' Was nWch en- - F� Scott.-buthof M-- m- I I I .1 I I .. �'; I � ��­ . � "�, - " . _'..' I I . 9 interest being taken in the work, made for Kippen 11-orticulturs, be h ' W ., ' Blim- Carroll, and MM �G. I I ! ,,, F "'. , , I " "'� I - - ". - 4 ,�� - . 'i" , _ ..(6 ­ '­ 4 . - 1. ''. � 'PA -1 ­­­�.;_., .. The' .1 ov&l�,' '9k ."S He -'rA ­hetie 0 ay ,. __ , , , _ It .� is expected that a large num- ditd.tii 2-70 len Murch, of n Suud . � ioa"Vlillr� , �1.1. - ,L ' I _ and it ILA11K. ciety Flower Show. . A. , -WoodStock, Cotoied .� , I - een,.� v ' plag � � � - te- ;I.h "'j? -,',n spending the pasl 4 lau�h ,.W. , . at the reope i ing changed, On account of fhe late- Wrj"-49 �7- 1; thred last to i ith their rela- slung, but­e�jI& .1 - , r4v . , L'*"- �Jier 7'.. i, her will be present , spend t - . 11 '. . - 'r; I 11,dl. "IV � I ., ." ,.K " Sldn- he dak vn - b, � t n� . 1. � . "I L; CHISE,LHURST i .'. Sap- W _ . ind and family. tTiP to -Mally" I., Notes. -Miss Audrey Stone, of , season, tilfoax-ly ill edww,,vWth-her friend. Eleanor W-towasi-and, dAY9 ' , A I .� . and '.a'e ']J� '_-`?6`­if'tW"1'­ll Lge. _xS:'J- Sutherla oasthIg, aldh - the: lqke,�o Aith all ,� ,.T!,:J. ­- , I- , � ne,ss of thp - T4eing -The services il t'ves, M and � g . I_r qd on ! � Or - � ­. Port Carling, Muskoka, Miss ternber. ArrangemallIV _, r _ . - . t �o , -Mrs. A. Scruton, and members"' of - - - � ... t . - . :, I '. ughter, Mary Watt, of Guelph, are spending made :0 secure a on Sunday last, both at at Grand I ohn . I 41mmeyl 0� - ­ I , ,. '. . Notes'. -Mr. S. Gill and da Ilower. S "" I I , , , 11 ,�Passivorehas� alsO�r , , ; - u I -Wobw- a,% .no- 4; - 1�0." , . , 0 _0*000- her family, are climPing ae 'at ­�,f, . I Edna, spent several days with friends _�__. " hurch,and at Sto',V21UPS Bend f4oi a week or so­--�Mr- and Mrs. "from WC614 I . ....�: the holidays at the home of Mr. and from the Ontario U . mie-p=94" 4j . .v-.-- I -.0 7e . . � ��' lege . to assist - " , ­ th-fien concurring members Of mg -the nortbakR lal�e'S'4 , lace ,,'L y.,, for a er* . . - - - .. -At the invitation Of Mts- Mrs. Alex. Broadfoot, Mill Road. -Mr. in the j In . -w - I . Mark Drysdale ind; children are an- amq � . I L: --- , . I � -11h �1, -11 in Logan. . n _h j.* _4 n Vq�",-S.' - , I . J. McLean, neighbors and friends to .0, a , f. 4 -James. 1. it I " - " - ' rs -Aild, rQP -4 ve P S,.: ,. � Mm, 1. vt parts Aee; �, iwt - _., , , , - A a -1. . . . - -five, gathered and NITS. William Sparks, of Hamil- LnA 41:�o lect, 4t a 4, -�Cr -- urch are now WO hipping, -motor-trip visiting their rel- ofinterest I q, . 0 A . ,;kr , " � I., � . jqying 4c - . ..". the number of twenty ton; and Mr. James Sparks,- of,Drum- afternoon a Mr. a sm., U I v - __ _y --ended. Rov. X Sinclair . ant,outing.-Nts. 11 ... 11' "WhAmt .,# - � . .1 �:, . n _ y vt,v � " 'Union &urch qatives av-d frieAds, in differe J_ -'Dick, is here from t .I A�. "' _3 I . Note's�Rev I ;i, A.,11 - .0 1-1 at hei home to hear a representative bo, visited at the home of Mr. and le r their cott4ge �At ' . , 'I , '_ vice in the . Mr.��R ..I.Id.a � he -West vis�� - 1 " _ 3of th - . 1. iind­ a-a'u '� 0- - ft last week fO � , " .. -W. Alfred Tdylor and P ;,a "i of to cAllers .1 . of the Wear Mrs. D. Tough last week a - they will spend "a 'Sn I � I. f, " . n iting her ino - hoi6'40 Dick � .36f th re_0 15�ut Of � I .. I %_ -Ever Aluminum and to nd also �In-41( ;rp ng, and Rev. Mr Foote, -son and Master Rae ther ',Mrs T I ��. Afterwards Port Albert, where -6-i pa+el . ,,, .Ld It'r, 4i , - ore- Mr. I ' ' . witness a'demonstration. Mr. Peter Hay, of Brantford.-4Rev. few weeks' vacation at the Iglieside. of".1; 5`tg,r"in St. Paul's in'the after- , � . -4, Bor­16n.,Mr.�` �ew Solinstgh w , . ,,. �. krtake of �1. have returned from a pleasant weeles of this villag, 3onthiva.-azid ;it' Nicholiolu and Mr. each poison was asked -to Ps 11, of Stratford, occupied the Mr. and XTs.- Lundy ,are' faithful no�4_'-'�'�.�, f� the morning serVIWO' Rev- iting with ,relativis and friends in. tha. Bell.�__Mr. Fred 4;,A 1 - . V ". 1, �;, " M . � , , ' I t, A. Be vineyard An . I . is Opening. I at I &Ooklyn, N., Y-'.-' andt. Mrs.' J�, McGill— of.- Belgta;ve- r. I ... - , .1 * I , . the different foods cooked. During . . . ­ d Xj�,7�-Wj' fr in hi - - 1. prayerst -from , s 11 " it last Sunda - "'.­'. Michigan -Mrs John Carmich - . D-1-1.1 . 1­� - . ", . - * ­: I the evening everyone was a will enjo�.their'well kp*�.o��,'od'.,thanks th ' - ' rs, and visiting. Mr. Bout ,on't mOthei and-�Ldhie Ni011olson,: '091-TatrOit., . Mrs. , , I., ''.".: r. ceptance. lit is they . ex; � ,., , ,, _ . aiiy.'t!O- i "t her father, Mr. William Towe . . ;. T.' I - Njoholsbu t ,Mrs � R I smiti. "Ald-L, A 1. �, , workers in -the Master's ME 1, 'I isked to Pulp' y with much ac- __4 at God had. put aelandwifo, are here:, ba make- a. guess. at a hidden numbe re ot . - iiito.th6`�hesrts of so ma attend - his sisters, XV . C,.�Joyut and'Mrs . - t.. I . .Tee. h . . ' ' 'r.,,a' Mrs. - , . ': I'd- -The gu- earned hoidays and .coMd ba&' re ' fill. her daughter, Miss Nellie, were visit I . , M " , I the spirit. -Mr. Whit-�- *co,' - large chuir�- a, � rles -0 -bn- , "' , ': .. Young Peoples' Society. fil ad t; Simpson.-Mis. Cha Troyer &Autbtars� f Loud, ,. '�.I� *Mr.'Arch. Hodgert being near- eting of the Young People?s freshed in body and servi N.*& Rg ,,r, week by ,Mrs.� Gariiiichael's - : . . ­ ,,, - � . .. �.,;: ! esented with an alum- lar me occupied the pulpit wal)F`�A"`­ ' the ver7y front seats, ad this ' f;ft ,here. this- �weqk to -9pelid. a few �0. 511ehols�fi,- Of 61.6d"Abil", R�: and ' .". est *he wa�s 'pr aderich, "10 �up to h - to ' I - :5 �;ii, I Sun- Society of Christian Endeavor was field, of G �'. sister, Mrs, GilHar,d and.. er sis rs 'is . .._ I - � � � - - SUW�� *'Q' ". -pected at a sPe- . � ' r .� -S..N .1 � "", . . ichOlson of -Auburn; I ,� un; pan. -Mr. W. Wilkinson 01 st aitid will also preach� ,'*Ight be ex a l;1th fiol,sons .An(! daughte;a M I Mr,., Ed. . � I - , - ", . in - the Sunday eveniug--ser- on Salybath la -Mrs. X. cia se',"., 'e- The sermon was an ex- husband, Mr.. Gilliardy who"have in- w ft tiv 'ff,6rieut..partSi-;-MT,.,. , "' f iii� ii, -mi. ailff,lirs. J. - f the held aftei and as in di J6hnston,.*o C .k. I day last attended the funeral a . - visitoi�i dur-�_ . 'Id;. k . , -Mr. vice. This being the monthly mis- this Sabbath and the next, 14�`­kvil I �._Iq ,,, ­­,e,i The chair deed been very firequent I - "of betroit,-*petit th "of -Brucefie ro. _ar , I a job 9 - ,.1. . ellafi. "Wo inspiring one. . . . . hstoul of..7 %, late Mt. T. Hodgson, at Lucian ight, the topic was taken by W. McLean and little son, Edison, an- c ,", and Mrs," Sulins, . , I T. Drover sold a fine Shorthorn, bull sionary ll: actions, Miss Wg all the "time 6f. the':late serious M` rison and 'MiA.',- T., Looming, Wal- ' ". . . I Leader, of the Young People's joyed a few holidays at GrAnd, Bend I -`v Iii red fine set ers'j'w I ba is- now with lZs. Sulites par- I owing Spa -day - on a so 1 yq. -- Of Mr. TOW past week here . - .':trhe - 1". nt Th4T% , , i 11 to,Burns Bros., west of Hensall, which Miss nt of London. recently. -Little Sarah Mans of Flo�iic �,,Velsh singing very nicely illness ants, Mr.,and,Mrs.. George Hhdson. ` , . . Missionary Departme I ` ' -Mrs. Thom4s I to .;w -�fo,:vith the Misi;ea Helen 'will, no doubt, prove a valuable ac- ited with Miss Dorothy Me- fha�� .'Ort in the , anthem and'Mr. considerably improved.w Mrs -Graham neeMiss Pearcyi Sto-tt, 7'-Fass ,eek" ' ' _4 - ,. Miss Leader, a splendid speaker, is Blake, vis , -.1.1, ,: � ,;. . ine solo S,herklt% ,Sr., A few'days ago left. is I . S*sin", of thl I . .� . . quisition to their herdL g the week. -Mr. and Mrs. SaiAu4-wRinnie rendering a f �ere ViNing her mother, Mrs. and Toni 1i village'; Mrs . � I . ; ,. much interested in missionary work- Lean durin ln� I 0 . the here to visit in Cleveland 6d vicinity. SS � topic the life of William Honey, Miss Doreelie Honey . - 'Jj�7 " I - vith the subject of . Scott, and sistws,_ Mrs. Ballantyne Alex. McLenrian,N,ErS,.S alld'Mi ' q. ________T!!� She chose as her 'Win�ha n Wl -MISS Mattie Ellia.and -her aunt;.Mrs. and Miss Pearey.-Mr. Thoinas'Cook Cleary and Mism, Doherty,_. all, of Sea- ., . all of Mi sermVfi.';4-.�_ ey. Mr. Sinclair took for -with � . ' I . I i hat great Chinese 'Christian, Goner- and Miss Grace Fry, Wilfred ' and I& " Consider the Hiles, how Millien, are spo.ndi�g Iii, w,eek is being visited by his daughter, Mrs. forth, and Misii X . W-Iilson� .of' , De- HILLSGREEN in- visited their cousins, . hls� - ,ali*- "' � . ­ * . al Fong, now Field Marshal of Chni m69,�g' I '�,, their relatives -in Guelph. -Mt. An- - troit.-Mr. Ed. Berry, of Win, 014 is his I Is Margaret Mellis over the vvee�i'el(14-7� row- and the solo being, '�Cou- � I Garlock .and, her childrm from De [Is I I . Miss Leader told of I hi . I 'tlfe�', N 1 ho has charge of ser- te 'VmMai bpeu4Jtpg,,hoI4, -, his, mother , 1, Army. ,aw �idj � � --Mrs. Alex. Ellis, drew Boa, w - trait, who,'we-believe I nd I this iAth Notes -Miss Elsie Landsborough, f'se lies.11 � , inte f his army, ow The W. M. S. mid Ladies' Aid met .. ille, in what has been Ltil Fall.-Mts. Chao. Jo _ here, and'also 1, of Brucefield, visited with MissEileen Christian treatment 0 Peter jjaj'*'Ai�'�;hn� MurraY, Of our village vi&s at Elimv ' -ing here ur ;.-,. mi � at their cottage At. _,; - � _ ' - IS �. Turner over - and he taught the soldiers a trade, and this week At the home of Mr�- ata, tG- known, as -the' Methodist churehr." * 6rand'B*nd.­-Mr. and 'Mrs. Milton , . the week end�.Mr from these parts at- but 1�6 "',�of La Moure, Oall. - . Stan, of Debro#, IS *itiiig Miss J � .. �, I � Mrs.. W. .Carlile and Mr. and Mri., how he taught them to read and Fisher­-WanY -in Clin� gojh4�,�4ifh her sister, Mrs. -Thomas spending part of his summer vaca- , �th , .Chesney, of TojoiNta,.,dsited, relatives - _. -1 write. All were delighted with her tended the Old Boys, Reunion . I � . I I Kerr and em in ,the village -A -, � Isaac Hudson, from Seaforth, motor- :r. and Mrs. Harvek I-Aiid"V-4 bf Clinton, nee Miss MarY tion here with his mother and bro- return league baseball match is soon and friends here during the past week. . I . I ad to Windsor last week to visit their -address. ton this week�M rille MeLyinant - .. �,t,f village, were the thers.�Serviees on the coming Sun- to be played. betwven Zuri& and Hen- -Dr. G. Knapp . spent a dagy.-� or so 1. ' � . . and Mr. Mell _ Xui6rxyp�o our � - Hubbart, , will be held in the United church, siall I d ' would suggest holidays with ftiends, in Norm -Bruce. .. � . sister, Mrs. James Logan, and report __ ­_ . of Detroit; Mr. and -Mrs. Willier *PA gli6atS._�Ijist week of Mrs. J. Suther- day rly known as the Methodist teams, an -We . . �. I - I spent-,` 11 I having a splendid trip. -Rev. Mr. and gleton, of New yorli, were , lal�A. iiiA��her daughter, Miss �Hatti6- forme that the playerq� on, mch be given .a -A.,number of .4iii . ung. I - . I Mrs. Sini " ", �� - ZURICH iny friends were pleas- church, at the morning service, and good chance and i4ll fair,:_play. There' Civic Holiday at the Bend 1. 'Mrs. Lundy are enjoying their holi- r. - and Vrs�,, t& .. I-Ang + "' . I I days this month at their beautiful Death of Herman Bender. -Herman recent visitors with M Mrsli, � 2 inwer again after � many in t -evening in Carmel chuir6, and iituch 'horse play, so to nesday afternoon duri + .. I ' I h ' I he is often too I I � James MeLymant, of the,village, and ad, �ttV- �',_ - bt , A. Siiiclaik will,"e6nduct both - . I "bee. . wi - rememb r- � . -known Mr. and- Mrs. Robert ab ill be a * Rei% ., indulg* -A litrgelY by the. the lightning. sinim,,Ia �� . .... � eattage at Port Albert. Rev. yeai*A 'S I it speak A i I supplying r. - a -ea Ig residento' of s'er . s *tnq . �h# ,k4u�e and was struck -on the fa - Whitfield, of Goderich, is My' Bender, a respeated and well also visited . - th vices.. No doubt . these churches crowds �.w.i _ W! ident of Hay township, passed a- , � �W . I Daywond, of TuckersmitIL-Mr. &Ad ed __. - of r - DU'tlie Vast - _ . . , 0, - the 4ili bo- Ailed - As' they -w,fre , 11 . � , '.., .1 . A*; . , res I ftalt,Xrs. Ellis Was v�iii�i. - fsz - 41 Ile atid'�*,.', I the pulpit in his absence. -Mr. and way on Monday at his home a mile visited wtth our vi = , I 1 f a0sent"In, wletll�,'vlayed and eun, abOuVa jai' 4 1 ". Mrs. Emerson ^ Smith in ,Sunday and _Ahould'be- as the- peep a s - . � , . , . 11, Mrs. Thomas Stephenson and daugh- of Zurich, in his 79th year. The friends in Zurich during'the week.- fir4t,,7oun9-`PIadY, to- be married witnessed games, Sa'ch.as­ yOu see in of.t.he ,village, and was .o.9,16p , , .1 ter, Shirley, from Detroit, were vis- south as barn in Germany Mr. and Mrs. Winder, of Windsoi, Mr. Carmel ch Ijeh 6y, the lAte Rev. Prof. hearts and thanksgiving, should' go the cities and"large eew6reb as the burned�., !_ It was only-, �. . a .,� .few , late Mx. Bender w who - u ego Ona ; itors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. , 6f Lon-, R. Y. Tbomqsafj,�*ha was Tzen the out to the great Creator, is bless rece t prof i I , game - between rods west of'the-barn, And ]he iS ean� I, and emigrated to this country when a and Mrs. Thomas McDonald and two minister here, and to mark the event ing the people with'such-an abundant London and Saginaw tkanad at Clin- gratulating bimself that it ' -didn!t '. Carlile this week, also taking in the young man and has made his home in don, and Mrs. Percy Clarke L ented by the ses- yield and harvest, and the "call" is as ton, where only applaiise was given strike thebarn-Mr. Lorne Scott, of I I Old Boys, Rennion at Clinton. -Mrs. this section ever since. He was tak- children, of Windsor, were visitors Mrs. Ellis was ,pres I Frank Coleman has returned home rs William Anderson Sion with a, large. family_ -Bible, which pressing as when first delivered, "For- by the clapping of hands, -and no in- Toronto, who -has been visidug his 1, : en ill with broncho -pneumonia a little with Mr. and, M - � . by " A -much prized get .not the assembling of yourselves ' .;; -from Clinton Hospital, where she un- over a week ago and the illness com- this week�Mr. Alex. McKenzie vils- it is needless to s4y,Js , . . terference with. players ill any form. relatives, returned, accompanied ' �� ; derwent a serious operation. All are bined with his advanced age was too ited with friend, in Clinton during. possess -ion. Mrs. Ellis has been spend- -together," and again, "Those who ban- 'The playing of. -ball on our pave- Mrs., T. Murdodk and -her daughter ��,, � . . . them," and we I pleased to hear she is improving nice- He -months. with her orMe I will, honor � I much for his weakened condition. the week.�Mrs- Hevenor and little ing a couple of Mont is a very dangerous practice for and son, Master Keith.�,Mrs. J. . 157 sisters have Christ's example when here up - "I Londan and- her the young lads and. is almo t sure to Leeper and Mrs. Hugh J.. McDonald, .. � visited with Mr. and mother in * I S .1. 17- is survived by his widow and four son of Detroit, Unton and Ion ,h of --attending service. It is lead to some very serious mishap who have been visiting liere, have re - I 1. .. I - sons and two dau The funeral M;� Henry Daymond recently. Little ,thdre, and her -sister in C w, -that nearly. all the ��� ghters. ma Revenor returned home with brother Jam 0 Ithly of through passing cars, as the boys get turned to St. C�Itharines. - �.. STAFFA was held on Thursday, interment tak- Nor' .as, in Hamilton. - Miss no* moved the .. . ,� men and women who have so absorbed intheir play not to notice . % "I ... " � 1. �11 ing place in the Lutheran cemetery. them to spend a few weeks' holidays Mattie Jackson, of London, is- visiting world, so to speak, and whose influ- . Special Offering -6 per cent. Twenty Year McConnel, her mother, approaching cars, an !0 I Trevethick-'Hess.-On WedneEday in Detroit. -Mr. and Mrs. ,Xrs.,John Jackson, and , d it makes it very (By Another CorrespondenLy- - � �1. Dollar for Dollar Gold eye visit- sisters and brothers. -Mrs. (Dr.) B. ence lives both during lifetime and an I Bonds, interest half noying for those running the cars, . N. yearly ; denominations of sloo, $500 and $-000. of last week at the Lutheran Parson- of Detroit, who have been h tughters and son, of after, death, are those who have a�_ as they are anxious to av'oid running Presbyterian Service�-On Sabbath .t I I : Bonds mity be registered as to principal; a age, Zurich the wedding ceremohy ing at the home of the latter's fat -her, Campbell and 4Z , , ting Mrs. camp- tended -the church - of God, who is ' �1. safe investment- A. D. Sutherland's Insur- was performed by Rev. H. Rembe Mr. John Whiteman, have retufned Toronto, are .here 4isi- oier children. It would be well to las�, Rev.. Mr. Foote of Xxeter, .1.z congregation of '. oell's pareiits� Mr. and Mrs. T. Mur- "King �yf kings" and "Lord of Lords" secure some vacant lot or street if preached to a large i ' I I tance. Bond and Real Estate Agency. Seaforth. which united in marriage Miss Rose, to the city. -We would remind the I ock.-Miss 'Hattie ' D. Sutherland. and to whom we are indebted for life they must play on the streets, where Presbyterians in St, Paul's . I church, %­ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William G. boys and girls of the Mission Band d � . . L .." Notes. -Mr. and Mrs. Copp, Lon- Hess, of this village, and Mr. James meeting on Saturday afternoonp in spent Tuesday' last with. friends in and being and everything we fondly there is not much traffic. -Mr. J. W. Hensall. The choir, under the lead - 1". don, called on Mr. and Mrs. G. But- 0. Trevethick, of Brinsley. The happy the -school room, and also remind Clinton and -t . aking, in the Old Boys' call our own, and who could take,ev- Ortwein intends- going to Kitchener ership of Misses Hudson and Moir, ,,'. I ita ;1 I son on Monday. -Mr. and Mrs. H. ouple left for a motor trip to Mus- t-bom that Points are given for being Reunion. -MT. Andrew Turnbull, of erything from 'us ,i i n -a momenit Of this week where the 01&�Boysl Ite- rendered sin ble Music, ineludin7g a ' �,, Golding are spending a week with c . a past week with time. The great nuracle of love and union is being held, and purposes fine duet, "He Was Nailed to the � .;, . Marys. -The Lawson koka Lakes, after which they will on time and for bringing. their an- Winchelsea-, spent th . Skinner, of forbearance is how he be, with taking another ride in 'an aeroplane. Cross," by Miss Jessie Park and Mr. I I friends at St. reside in Brinsley, where Mr. Trove- velope. his daughter, Mrs. J. W _, . . ,,, I family, of Stratford, with Mr. H. thick is engaged in the mercantile . - our village..":ZommencinK next Sun- Sabbath desecration and kindred. evils -Mrs. McLean and her son, William, R. Y. McLaran, which was much. ap- , I �� '. O'Brien and Mrs. W. O'Brien are at day, August 9th; services will be held and the forsaking of his, day and ser- and his wife, of Hamilton, Mrs. Me- preciated. Our efficient Sabbath A business. _Rl0NAX_1Lf___ ure and self gratifica- Lean and son being former residents school superintendent, Mr. Peter -Moir I present rusticating at Grand Bend.- in St. Paul's churchi Hensall, at 7 vice for pleas ., Notes. -Many of the residents of tte .. � ,,, Mr. C. Treffry and the Misses Pearl Zurich and vicinity are attending the Special offeiing-4 per cent. Twenty Year p.m. during -the mouth of August. The tion. -Mr. James Hortou returned this of our village, and engaged in the informs us that the averAge.a rid- ,� ,�L.d and Vera called on friends here on Dollar for Dollar Gold Bonds, interest half w be mercantile business, were in the vil- ance each Sabbith ig now oiver.100. '�. ,� Id Boys, Reunions at Kitchener and preacher will be the Rev. C. L. Bilkey, week from Forest, - -here he had an F I... 'I, Emerson has re- 0 y4stily: denominations of $100, $500 and $1000- ), Rector of Clinton. -The visiting friends�Mjss Mulholland, lage last week for a short time re- Next Sabbath the Rov. D. B. Bledrea 1, . M.A., B.I , _ . Clinton being held this week. - Mr. Bonds Qy be registered as to principal; a XZ I turned to Toronto after spending a ur- action are looking won- who formerly resided near here, in the newing acquaintances,7-Mrs. Peter will conduct the service at 3 o'�Iock . I ­�:. couple of weeks with her sister, Mrs. and Mrs. W. F. Braun and son, of safe investment A. D, Sutherland's Ins crops in this _s but, who has -been M,,, has returned �iom London p.m., Sunday I k. , . .� .�., . Forest, visited relatives here over ance. Bond and Real Estate Agency. Seaforth- derfully well and the grain is being Township of Hay, orth, was school .at 2 o1c oe . I , Leslie. -Mrs. Robert Barbour is vis- F I . ition, living for some time. in Seaf 11 iting her daughter, Mrs. D. Neelins, Sunday. -Rev. and Mrs. Lloyd Kalb- New Car F�r Sale,A brand new _,ase. rapidly harves:t4d in fine cond visiting her uncle, Dr. - . . I . ­ I ' �_ ee and the root crops are coming on. with here recently - __ _. . . . ,­ I fleisch, of Elmira, -are spending their coach, hi I; never been used-, can be s u at - Chicago. -People in the village are luron Gara-Me. Exeter. A big sacrifice leaps and bounda, .owing -to the fine Alex. Moir, and her aunt, Miss Kate I . .. .r I .. I � in holidays here with relatives. - Mr. the F . J. B. Simpgon. Hensall, . � - I . preparing for winter by getting Elton Snell, who has spent some weeks for quick sale- X" 3007-2 rains we hive been -having from time Moir. Miss Mulholland had recently . I � I.. � . their supply of coal- - Mr. Thomas Ont. to time. -Mrs. Jaiii#g Sparks, who returned from � an extended trip I " . . Z .. I "I . , rt last week here with his parents, has returned Change in Half Holiday for 1925 -During � t . . I .. Cairns was very badly hu to Detroit.-WEss' Hazel Finkbeiner, June. July and August, HOD91411 -toles ,91 be lias,been in Detrof for some weeks, through the States. -Mr. and Mrs. A. �. by being dragged by a cow. He was who has been visiting her cousin, Miss el oged wednesday afternoons. stores wfil be visiting her daughter, Mrs. G. McIn- S. Case have been enjoying a motor taken for first aid to his sister's, Mrs. ruesday night instead of Wednesday tyre, returned to -her home here dur- trip. -Mr. and Mrs. J. Young are 1: G. Vivian, but has since been able to Mildred Hoffmar, has returned to her oPen I e three nionths- 21194�tf ad by visiting their daughter, Mrs. Duncan', I s n't it the Trua - hl 07 - during thes ing the past week: accompani I . in Stratford.�Mr. Fred Weseloh iss Dorothy McDon- . . return to his home. -Mr. Dan ?&alt- home s ri -M 1". Detroit, is visiting his parents, Mr. U. F. O. Conventiow-The U. F. O. her daughter and her. hu band, they of Harringto . , man received word that his brother- Of - Convention, held here on Thursday at- motoring here and Are making a lit- ald, of Kincardine, is visiting her un- . , � __ in-law, Mr. Van Horn. of Walkerton, and Mrs. H. F. Weseloh, this week. - ternoon last was very -largely attend- tle visit with Mrs -Sparks, and with cle and aunt, Mr. and M -Ts. Flo -Ming, =__ Em 1, . � had passed away. Mr. and Mrs. Word was received here last Satur It ng relatives and friends in this neigh- of our village. -We believe that Mr. . --THAT ' " .� .1 � I mbley and Mr. Maltman attended day of the death of Mrs. George Snell ed. The town, hall, notwiths andi ur gardener,is :, . I 11 1- Ha which took place at Butler, Pa. Mr. that it was harvest time and the bus- borhood. -- Mrs� Charles Hayes and Garnet Case, an amate ing the first I � ' �� �'. the funeral on Tuesday. i - adopted dalighteT,�0,f Btantfordi spent leading in tomatoes h,av . . 1% I Snell, who is a son of Mr. and Mrs. iest time with the farmers, was 1 t '�.wijlj',th�i-r friends, Mi% ripe ones we have heard (if. - Mrs. Many men are dissatisfied, - w ith I—- It -.: , John Snell, of this village, has the erally I ­ �i� . - packed so great was the ill- the pas week 1. , - -1 . eating. Mr. W. G. and Mrs. 1. W. Sldn'rxer.-Rev. H. Gordon Davis and infant son, of To- . - �. ,:,��, sympathy of a large circle of friends terftt in the in , le son left ronrto, aroN visiting her parents, Mr. - i ,,.,I VARNA in his bereavement. -Good headway Medd? of Exeter, very ably dischari'- Naylor, Mrg.,Naylor and litt . their clothes because the"Y" "have 1� r. ­;� I I duties of chairman and the here on Monday la4t -,for Point Ann and Mrs. J. R. MacDonald, of the . . 1,� , Special Offering --6 Per cent, Twenty Year has been made with Mr. H. Mous- ed the 3 Mr. Black, Baril, Georgian Bay, for A , vae-nion. London Road,a little south of our vil- ,�:_�-,' Dollar for Dollar Gold Bonds. in,terest half nt garage. The roof principal speakers ,war( 9STS, I'll ' ­:; . — "I , � rsmith, who has been mem- _Mr�. Agnes gaas',,has returned from lage Miss Helen Swan, RX, has never paid enough to get the B ";­ seauts new came , ''. yearly; deqw,minations of $100. 5r,00 and $1000 i. be of Tucke . ., s now on and the building will at her home to 1, .1 Bowls Titay be rezistered as to prnneival; A* it vv4�h'relatives and returned from a visit 1i Sutherland's Tnaur- ready for occupancy in ,a few days. her elect for the past years, but who a pleasant ,�ijf . They save a fi�w dollars on. the �'. safe investinent� A. D. ver� Mich., extending a resume her duties at Port Hhronbos- I I I . � I ., - ance, %nd and Real F_�tate Agency, Seafortb. Mr. Mousseau has had his old garr declined to let his name etand for friends in Slid -My. Herbert Johns and Mrs, 11 '' .r .fh., , : � 41" .1 - nomination; Miss Agnes McPhail, few weeks­.�_Mrs-, Pater -McEwen, well pitaL � :7,11'. 1 1 .- Notes�Now that the Clinton Old age torn down and is using the ma * �to many of her Johns were here during the past week price and then pay many t1i"Ines. e .1 anday member for Grey and Mr. King, main- and favorably,knovoI ��� � . -i�l . . . . . ., '�4�',� 1 ".. Boys, after being a great success, are terial in the new building�M Both Miss Me-' relatives anA friends -Ili this sectiOn. spending a few days with Mrs. JohusI , . " , . .11� I a thing of the past, come to the next was. observed as Zurich's civic holi- bar for North Huron. . - difference 'in annoyance,di point- ,.. . I .I _ 1��'i , '�_,. il and Mr. King spoke at Same n4iiarly fif 91 .living with Mother, Mrs. H. Cook, and her bro .., �, �;_ best outing and meet Varna old boys day and all places of business were Pha tk YtAra a, 0, thers, Cornelius and Norman, coming ' I . .. I I nion on Dr. closed. length of the questions and issues of her late husband on'tho fine farm St o ,,, t�` , I .. and girls and have a real u e day and were listened to vAth the corner of - t1le. )Iandon. Road, sold here by motor�The relatives and Ment acd_disqatisfaction.-.� You are 4. ": Council Meeting. - The regular th - . 1 �� I M". " Moffat's -spacious lawn on Fridav a Council of the town- very much attention and interest, but to the late Ift.,M11141A Moir, just friendig of MT. John McD. Wilson, of . , . , - ,,� - evening, August 7th. Preparation,; meeting of th It this village, will regret to learn that "ted to " e 1. I as held in the Town as your correspondent is not a Pali- about the t1we � -4�*t ensall 'WAS invi inspect our R al wollen ��I� -7,11. tv ­ ,�.'��'..� , .. � ­ are being madefor agooderowd. Thn .ship Of Hay W in political mat- tarti liere, oil a risit, te- his continued ill health has made it ­ �i ki! � I Zui,ich brass band will furni-h good Hall, Zurich, on Monday, August 3rd. tician or well versed �ied * �t_'.a ,00tfplo of bar sots, necoasalry for :hini 'to go to Victoria Cloths in Greys, Indigos and IV a0c,y � I - All the members were present The ters. *e will not,at the short space compal I.. -t_ - Music and there also will be a good . I .... I . . . . . . . '_Z. I . ttempt to give . a who are now�Iln the ihinistry. Mrs. Hospital, London, for -nn operation, W e ,, 1. ,�",, 4 r min-ates of the previous meeting were at our disposal a '_ f'g , I � 11 �.� , I �. . -mme consisting of ,4inging, sdopted as read. By-law No. 8, of summing up of the. addresses, Wbi'ch MeRwert motorg.&Ilegm,with her sons g( TV loni 1�1.11 ." , progra, . Ang to the city on Monday last with orsteds before decidIng " ,the ,'� I readingg, etc. Be sure to come. -Mr. . rr ",, � _�,,' . V. J. Johnston'st barn raising tzok 925, authorizing the Reeve and Tress- bristled with facts and figureli. Sul- from their hoii4 in Indiana. Whs. Dr. Roswell Dbugall, of our village. 6 I I , , , - 1'f;� " -Ewe-n is nOw ovb oighty.two years If his health and sti,ength will war - ,P Y�`," - " o say that the greatest of At- Xt r price you wish to for, A.Suit .1, urer to borrow certain sums ofmoney flee it t "., � ,�,,_, , ,e�!.�* . , on Friday, but was tbreatene rant an operation, he will likely un- I pay, _" ­ . I � a "�, �� �!.. ,11 I place d , and oto64-010"fril? Well for One . . .. I . '4' �' �' - "';' � . ­0vftb postporetn"t on acectint of local from the Bank of Montreal to meet. tentim was give7K a -ad inter* zdani- of age I , 1. i,,�', . . I iii .. yants.-Our bowltra dergoe ol�e as soon as, the, attending 1"!1" I 0� , ,',v .;, � , rrent expenditures, was read three fested in the speeches and the vot- so Advanced � Have your next made to , :iue,vtpure "'. :,­, tbawers. Owing to the skill of Mr. e" . - - , ", . 11 us- p. ysician I ��4-1 ei, . ''.1 , . 1. Iv, , .,,,J�.'�, Eld I . ".6 ., .. . Dbig, the contractor, evervthilrig wom, times and finally passed. The fat- big resulted as follows' Par MT. are keepingtheif gne gretin vve ,b s deem ft Prudent�­Mr. Jno. , I I �. , I �.��' 11 di 126 ­ � I ,11, thev, &*00 -tire *atelled by er and Mr. Thomas Robertson re- � . . �vqll ,. � . r seafor, , at . I :, . I �1.1;�;,;_-, ::,". � � di C:ceqsful1V',--h.awp ,.r. wing rates were struck and will be Robert McMillan, al r ; -ed and ".. " . . , o 1, I , ., ,v, _Tvriss lo . ' - Mrs. WM. Am- turn . .�:, A. � p, �:" w ,, , 42 §uq ad the first of this week from I ,;% " It ;�, - ac. levied upon the rateable property of for Mr. Scutt, of Aullett, 56, and to Man I I �,,�.�,­Y . y %pectik6rs`-, - . I . I ,.�I;�,�, ", �V - _ *W , of Vpley,,iA renewing p in the ilokth- - � ,,, I ,,,,, . " ,. I I - I. .- � H Mt. Saunders, of Exeter 11, go that otrong. is spai'd, ;11 in Lon- nearly R two N"Ok8' tri, � � , V r, " "k. ";�.`_ � 4�.affitsiieej in our ins t e week � a-hd '8ftc# Cou-n- ' J --ult" - . vicinit-0, "; _�,,�,Iik, , _Mrs..Tofp. the Townqhip of ay for tho year ,�,, ", , . , i�. �;, '' , . - 'f�11'.;,":,''l, I �.�,,�Ij�,`f . ,,I , ..'"s _1 N ' . . , �, 1'��,�__ .." � , �, , d IRS t)o_,othV, 1925, and a by-law �wlll be prepared Mr. McMillian was electft_� on the vary Aon vnith ho' '4`11 ,,bter. U. -r-4. Solin 'ern Parts Of 1111-e04- E __ i ,,-,��,;,� .. .. . . �� ,�� , , an r � 11�,� N.- ,K�v-, -�., ". A# ". d'Alighter, 1% . I 1� 11 I...., � .. � I',; � ,ft-r.qt ballot, and in -secaVtIng the '06M- C6�tem,an.-U;il�li%ikiterl.$Iat*, otl. n, ties; motoring throiigb all tho princl- 1% - " '. ,, ,�" - ' �, - , , IV% Teftly., gm.*v confirm Ie. -. . �,, �4 ,,, " 1- � A_:'11 11,_ � , , h. --- � - I , ed bor� On ing sam Coutrty mte, 3.4 - � ��, 4 �`,` "'. iltetl �91dirlt§ Pa) places of ihtorsst,aud-tr6pated to BRIG HT'S , -X,1, ','I" "'��,,.,�,o7l � 'on delivored a surring - addi fIA(, old and -IO - ' Q, , z,o, mills; county highways, 2 mills; town-; ihaLi .0 "spe I �� ,,.,�,',�,,, �,:; `�,t� , 4"da. � . " "Y' 11� I. ­�',."�Y�.e",T"'j��: I 1UN l, I dalmets I . I. - -.1 11�,.,, orl, -do fishbig.,andlithi,tift if iho P ,,,'?,�4'�. , I 1.1 ''I...., . , , - ,z.10,1: 11 , 1,� - '' fetilrk to vmolid tholi Mi- bip -r&.t-, 1.5 Mills-, statute labor I �,Xprogstre of the appr4clatidn of .the Towust wvky. vAo �as be - Lt . I I I . � I `.'�,'�',� - 'ft''4r Aw a oze6uraginj . !&.'J. ". , . � 1. " % " [.. &'A"", ,, � '. .1, �mo �, '0 ari .. ��;. 114, , � . mbom a.? our ppoplo, wend- v L.A . � - , I ',�Iil f - , 149#1 -S -accotdod"S0.61. - I -Rgllig 6016- ift Ofther hTtYffibg -r , ' - ­il_­p­ ­,.;.,­�111�­',�, ".. 'N. MI , �':�%�:,N "., , --o", . I oftor ,�, ].'�,'��.A, 08, . # - q 11 skinw X., """�tj , Dr'� Altjtj Mi ­--j.�­­ ,, . ..... . ". , . � i7 , gj b0t, did a0t, "d an - 4 I Awl"' ik"W=11 I 11 ­ " ­�V", � �1)m .14,�,- 11, �,,�� t�'. 1'.1;,1- , 014 bit ;o"MW. fn cllnmev, -atA, 2 mills; Zurich Polio. V1 he felt in bV,,n , _, � I ,ftit , �t , 0140-010 0 RNERMUR :,,��­ , ­�,� I I I 11 :,,�­ ;;t.--'�,m, 9,4�,;o� � . ". v11.1g(ft . I . I �: ... . . .. -;Y2 &­ � ".,� 1q: Doslivood -Pa&6 , I, 9, latio vote and maldii,t�k.,ovk�t�b6ib'ih4i.,�f' our vil%,kp 4, 0 1, . I . I . , V -1111 ,,, _ Wt - . . , 0 _fi'Y,'9#V . I I I ` 11. T %M ?-h"" . . ��,-,�., ,11.'19, # *00M.41 A 9664: 4�b ,-: . .. - �� I I . 1. I I I 11. "I I "I " I I , ­ I . . ., I . I 1. . � 11 11 11.1 n, L . . . . . . ", ',;�...,� tw,.,A,,� , 1. � � , I I � I ,.; 1� � 1; I I I . I . . - ; ,;'.V,t.. , � 1. -1 I � .. , - _t.-- � , .11, I . I 1 . .. I , �:, ��!":4,��,�,­,�?& V-�.!41'11 L.. , '. ", ","""', . ;­ . I I . . . . . I I . 11 I . . I I .1 � I . . 4,Tg I .,;, la , � � 1. ­ I .i. . . I I I ., �14 U . �,,�,, �­_ � : I ... . . I : I I I � . 1. . " I I �� . . . . , . . , �.,., -!�: ": �,, I , 11 I . ,. I ,. . 1'� �, I .. I I . I I . . . . �. . . - . "';�:; ,.;. I � I I 11 � 11 !,� .1 1-1 1, � �11 I . I . , I I . 7 . I � � I I I " * , . ­. . . . . . , ..� I ., �, ,,,, � , 1, ., . �, �_l " I , !� ,�� , . I I I ' . . � I I . . -L _ . , .;,.. " I I . . :.� - "I .1 . I . ' , ... 11 v4l--.4, ,,I, . " �, 1;%.,;;4� -, . .i: pl . � ,�, �� �. , � ... , . 1.1.,.. " I I " . . 1, i , -,.-',4 ffi,�j,,., , , " , �� � I I ,:,. " ­,... .1', -, I . I I ,� . . .,,­'. t,� ,,,�,� , j''.. ;1: , ''I � ,, , .. ., . . , . � � � . ., ." . ., . - .. , I . � " .�,�,,:��".�,. . "­ . , 'I'.. I' 11.1 . 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