HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1925-07-31, Page 7�� --I -
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RON VA KPOWOU 7, 4' 7 Wks oar A "dam . .. ...... . t? oh, Lawl-
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avr st-a pill, i th, ed" 40 BEST & e Y ou. VO.11 'd
10�idi"Ihe i0ofi: Wpxre, p4tehod And, teou�l -1 e n a k see y" been'take -the neg*ted-plaoe bA4 all. the air., Y-olvhdyr�beei_ go#Wa life time. The The stranger smllo& al Bank tha sumT%ier, �,,were sent
niblie, L t that you Eire I su . r- %M64, li e4 yern, to
"T don't' doub by the presid I MJJ Im %p dge Building, opposite, Richmond to cash 4h,04 i3eemed to dwindle. No wonder rised, he said, then asked ,p"#Qr Office. for ten
that in'boyhood he had been able to sharply, bas happened to every thousand dollar,-; te
ek t JAMES L. iiLLORAN climbo-theni all! Not even a bird call one in fifteen years?" monek in notes ba ank here.
t�'Mstex, N*otar3lt Public, 6te. Money broke the' summer silence, and, the Leavitt, who had transacted the is that correct?" 'to, 1. I receding light growing paler crept Tremaine business for' more than 'a "Quite correct." Trefid" e nodded
n, Seaforth on Monday of ea6 week. Offie over Keating's 'Slowly from fields and,,meadwos. quarter of a century, an*w,ered cold- his need. Drug' Store. The windows darkenea a -ad the river ly: Leavitt paused, took piAt'his hand -
I— banks -in thedistance faded in the t*i- � "What interest has. Rednds for kerchief and- wiped, As he
VETERINARY light. The traveler 'waited until in� you, sir?" spoke, the scene wich", �4d taken
F. IrARBURN, V. S. the upper� story a light passed - from Tremaine, who had risen, took his place, in, -his office 06i4p, *ears ago
Honor graduate of ntarl . ndow to window, and he knew.by chair again and fell into a comor- came up before.his eyea.��"V
o Veterin- "I saw Mrs.
ary College, and honorary member, �f this that -the house was occupied . tableattitude, -his long figure stretch- Tremaine as she hac4 ,Waited with
Then he -turned to the road by which d out. Leavitt glanced him up and ie Medical Association of tha Ontario David in this very offi' -to tell him
th -as short. family'�s , disgrace.'.'How he
eterinary College, Treats dise f he had c6me'from the -station, and down. Trernalne's tone w of the V astis 9 811 domestic animalis -by the m dil the highym ed had loved hertheril '11 he had lov-
9, Y walk briskly "My dear man, what do ' you care ern Dentistry A . d "'dth t- whether� or not Redlau& int ed her ever since! c erests me? e: , 1' te -he kno "You never returned a e I w -A L r; -eked at\the door Redlands probably is afs, indifferent to rom Rich -
al (10`v SO_ b. Of all yer's office in the town hall 'me as I am to Redlands." - , - - mond. You rari'away m;i� the stolen
All building, the light whith the sunset "I never," liaid the lawyer, "expect- money and you broke.X.p h 'a
r mot er
A 01 OW re ceive an -on. Night ca.1b had slied over -his face had died. The ed to.see you in Virginia again,- John-,,. heard" leeeive:k at e o , ce. office oy bade him Wait; he could call TremWne'-hodded. "Isitt it Tremaine was silent 4, fe moments
Mr. Lepitt, who Was 'ptill in the build- more agreeable to stay away from a and then said abruptlyi. , charming, .-reputation
40AN 4RIEVF, V. S. ing� -a Itig. to'extr� �,pjace of which one has bitter m4mor "With this
RorkA graduate of Ontario Vet*jin- kept him bekdrid th6 usual hour , ies?" waiting for me in my own �ome, you
ary-Colleje. 'All diseases of domestic The visitor took a chair and looked The lawyer leaned forward. and can readily understand, I have
ot returned before." animals, treated. Calls promptly at- interestedly about the room. His staredt him as though at an unreal n ,
tended,'to'a� charges modeiate. Vet- 'head, uncovered, was dark, his thick being. I am surprised that you ever re -
I "D turned," said the lawyer 66ldly.
erinaW,, otitistry a specialty. Office hair straight as an Indian's and as "You do not ask of your mother!"
Tremaine laughed. "I . came to
and residence on Goderich Street� one black. A lock of it fell across his The visitor said shortly: "I did ask fetch back the bags of goKpt
door east of Dr. Mackay's Office, Sea.' forehead, and with an impatient ges- -he news."
forth. ture he brwhed it away. His eyes And Leavitt repeated impressively- "What do you mean?",:..'
were grayish blue, very gray at times, "Your'own mother, air, after fifteen Tremaine spoke m,6re 4�'Xreeably.
MEDICAL very blue at others, under level black years." "Virginia has' not occiipidd herself
DR. R. P. 1, DOUGALL brows. On the wall over the desk Tremaine stirred in his chair. with me -indeed, why sh6uld it7-
Honour graduate of Faculty of was posted a printed notice: "To be "She is living in the old home," said but I have, k�pt myself informed as
Medicine and Master of Science, Uni- sold at public au�tion, on the tenth Leavitt sharply. "She goes North to far as possible at a distance of eight
versity of Western Ontario, London. of June, the pr'ope-ty known as the Julia Tremaine next week." thousand miles." He gl-an�ed up at
Member of College of Physicians and T,emaine Estate." John nodded dryly. "To my bro- the wall where the sign hung. "I
Surgeons of Ontario. Office, 2 doors He read the bill attentively, and Mr. ther's window." . have learned of my motlier's financial
east of post office. Phone 56 I Hensall- Samuel Leavitt when he came in "David died lS6 year," said Lea- straits, I do not know that she has
Ontario. 3004-tf found his visitor gazing at the auction vitt. ever needed me in fifteen years, but
DR. J. A. MUNN advertis�;ment. John's dark eyes -as he fastened I am inclined to think that 11 may be
Succes$or to Dr. R. & Ross The stranger rose, gravely extend- them on Leamitt, seemed possessed of of some service now." - He changed
men. Y, rose. and said
nonchalantly, as though fie were
Graduate of Northwestern Univers ing his long, brown hand, and in a a power to read the subject abruptl
. wHch had the suggestion of an "I learned that bit of news just as,
ity, Chicago-, 111. Licentiate Royal voice speaking of an entire stranger: Since
College of Dental Surgeons, Toront. English ascent, said: I had decided to leave for Virginia. you tell me she is at home,, I'll go to
Office over Sills' Hardware, Main St., , "Good 'evening. You don't . remem- . . _ . He died one year too soon.111
phone liji. e, "Your life hasn't softened you, *�th gen-
Y uine feeling: 'Jis Mami�,; Seafoxth. see her." Then be asked"
looked"the man up 2thd do�i John." idy S." e
"Life' " said the wanderer, "doaen't "By Jove, she'll be surprised' after
DR. A. NEWTON-BRADY always soften . . . . . David died all these years?"
Bayfield. LONDON AND WINGHAM- too soon." face, but it was hidden at owe by
Graduate Dublin University, Ire- North. "His- mother thinks so," said Lea A faint tenderness passed over his
land. Late Extern Assistant Master vitt. "It nearly broke her heart." the mask of indifference. He took
a.m. p.m. "And his wife?" asked the traveler. u his hat and stick, paused at the
Rotunda Hospital for - Women and Ext . ............ 10.16 6.04 Children, Dublin. Office at residence Hensall ........... 10.30 6.18 Did it reak her heart too?" tTreshold of the door, lit a fresh cig-
lately'oecupied by Mrs. Parsons. . Kippen ........... 10.36 6.23 , Leavitt turned to him sharply, arette, and as he flung down the
Hours, 9 to 10 a.m., 6 to 7 p.m.; Brucefield ......... 10.44 6.82 You are too great a stranger, air, for match, nodded back at the lawyer,
Sundays, I to 2 p.m. 2866-26 me to discuss these things with you" who watched him from his chair.
Clinton Jet . ....... 10.58- 6.46 Tremaine lifted his eyes to the w_.`11 DR. F. Clinton, Ar . ....... 11.05 6.52 "I 11 be in to -morrow ,morning. Good
J. BUR where the advertisement of the sale night. � ROWS Clinton, Lv . ...... 11-15 6.52 of Riverside hung. He pointed to it
Office and residence Goderich Street, Clinton Jet . ....... 11,21 6.58 I----,itt took ff his glasses and
east of the Methodist church, Seaforth. - with his stick. wiped them, replaced them and star -
Londesborough .... 11.36 q,12 �Leavitt felt like striking the indif-
Phone 46. Coroner for the County of Blyth ... ......... 11-44 7.21 ed at the open door through which
Huron. ferent dark man, whose disgrace was the youngest Tremaine had disap-
Belgrave ......... nzd 7.33 known to him, and whose unnatural
DR. C. MACKAY Wingham Jet., Ar.. 12.08 7.45 coldness shocked his finest fibre. peared. Wingliam Jet., Lv. 12.08 7.45 One scapegrace Was enough in the
C. Mackay, honor graduate of Trin- Wingham ......... 12.12 7.55 family, wasn% it, Leavitt?" The- CHAPTER 11
ity University, and gold medallist of South.
Trinity Medical College; member of maine said with a smile. "David must
a.m. p.m. have been a great satisfaction to my It was scarcely dark and the night
the College of Physicians and Sur- Wingham ......... 6.55 3.15
geons of Ontario. Wingham Jet . ..... 7.01 3.21 mother." was peaceful and still as Tremaine
Leafvitt saw what a magnificently came slowly up the front steps of
DR. IT. HUGH ROSS Belgrave .......... 7.15 3.32 set up man he was; spare, muscular, the house, to wait a few moments
Graduate of University of Toronto Blyth ....... 7.27 3.44 with force written in every line, The before going in. He had tramped a-
Londesboroug� 7.35 3.52 lawyer was full of curiosity about this bout for an hour after leaving Leav-
Faculty of Medicine, member of Col- Clinton Jet . .... 7.49 4.06
lege of Physicians and Surgeons of where bad he been-wat had itt. After an absence of fifteen years
. Clinton ...... I .... 7.56 4.13 man:
Ontario; pass graduate courses in Clinton Jet. . 8.03 4.20 he done- But he could not have ques- he thought he might take his time!
Chicago Clinical School of Chicago; Brucefield ......... 8.15 432 tioned him for anything in the world. The lights in the windows had multi -
Royal Ophthalmic Hospital, London, Kippqn ........... 8.22 4'40 Looking at the cigarette which he plied.
England; University Hospital, Lon- Hensall ........... 8.32 4'50 had lighted and turned between his How would his mother greet him?
don, England. Office -Back of Do- Exeter ............ 8.47 5,05 fingers, Tremaine asked suddenly: His face was bard. From an open
minion Bank, Seaforth. Phone No. 5. "Have you ever made a study of window in an upper story, e heard
Night calls answered from residence, 'he history of the black sheep, Lea- the sound of a mellow negr voice.
Victoria Street, Seaforth. C. N. R. TIME TABLE vitt?" - The pathos, the tenderness, came down
East. Leavitt shrugged. "They have nev- to Tremaine where he stood listening:
AUCTIONEERS a.m. p.m. er interested me, sir." 11 F. W. AHRENS Goderich .......... 6.00 2.20 "Such histories are all rather sirm- Hard times, hard times,
Licensed Auctioneer for Perth and Holmesville .... . 6.17 2-97 lar, eh? Death in a far-off I -and, Come again no mo'.
Huron Counties. Sales solicited, Clinton ............ 6.25 2.52 namele", graves, or the theatrical re- Many times you have lingered
Real Estate, Farm Stock, Etc. Terms Seaforth .......... 6.41 3.12 turn with the bags of gold. -What, Aroun' my cabin do'.
on application. F. W. Ahrens, phone St. Columba . ...... 6.49 3.20 Leavitt?" Hard times, hard times,
684 r 6, R. R. No. 4, Mitchell, Ont. Dublin ............ 6.54 3.28 There was reproach in the face of Come again no mo'."
2996-52 West. the lawyer at the light indifferent
a.m. p.m. R!1�' tone. -He knewthe disgrace that this The song stirred his childhood
OSCAR W. REED Dublin ...... 10.37 5.38 9.31 man had brought",upon his family; he memories, a black face seemed to
LieenseA auctioneer for the Coun- St. Columban. 10.42 5.44 , "' knew the wounds that fifteen ye,m smile at him, and Mammy's voice a-
*._ Seafortb ..... 10.58 6.63 9.50 of absence had not -healed. gain sang him to sleep in his boy -
des --of Perth and Huron. Gradua Clinton ...... 11-10 6.08 10.04 Trem-aine said- "You see I didn't hood's room. There was no light in
Of Jones' School of Auctioneering, Holmesville 11.20 7,03 10.13 die. I came back; and I didn't come that room to -night.
Charges moderate, and sat- Goderieh ..... 11-40 7�20 10-30 "I mustn't startle Mammy-" and
Dlicelt,19% guaranteed. Write or wire to exhibit a failure before the eyes of
Oscar W. Reed, Staffa, Ont. Phone my fellow citizens. I have brought he thought, "I should have sent them
11-2. 2965x52 C. P. R. TIME TABLE back the bags of gold." some word."
East. Leavitt waited. The door opened and an old colored
THOMASBROWN a.m. p.m. "Many bagn of gold," the stranger woman stood here in the dim light.
Licenied auctioneer for the counties Goderich .......... 5.50 1.15 said coldly. "If I had not been stack- She appeared to have grown little
of Huron �td PeTth. Correspondence Menset ............ 5.55 1.20 ing them up pretty successfully, I older and was jus -t as -he remembered
nrrangoments for sale dates can be NCG8v7 ........... 6.04 1.30 never should have returnedl I am a her. Irer silver -rimmed spectacles
madd,by'ealling up phone 97, Seafortb, Auburn ........... 6.1! 1.41 rich man," he added in a sarcastic rode er broad black forehead under
or The Expositor Office. Charges mod- Blyth ............. 6.25 1.52 tone. "Dosen't the news interest her bandana.
erate, and satisfaction guaranteed. Walton ........... 6.40 -2 .07 you 7 " He said: "Come out a bit on the
11(cNaught ......... 6.52 2. 19 Money, the making of it, the pos- gallery, 'will you? I have a message
OSCAR KLOPP Toronto ........... 10.25 6.20 session of it, even the mention of it, from Mrs. Tremaine's son, from John
wemt. was foreign to this poor Southern Trernalne."
Ifenor Graduate Carey Jones' Na- a.m. gentle -man. It was the Nat thing in . "Ma lawdl" she breathed, With feel-
tional I of Auctioneering, Chi- the world that interested him, al- ing, and came quickly out'to the
al course taken in Pure Toronto ........... 7.40 M16
Spe3l McNaught ........ 11.48 8.57 though e had felt its need keenly porch- From upstairs a voice calted
Llvo�-Stqek, Real Estate, Mer- Walton ........... 12.01 9.10 enough. He exclaimed with feeling- RuthOritstivelKl
ahaidise id Parm Sales. Rates In Blyth ............. 12.12 9.22 "I never understood you, John, as "What is t, e matter, IffammyTIP
keeping With prevailing market. Sat- Auburn ........... 12.28 9.3.13 a boy; I certainly do not understand , Tremaine put his fingers on his lips
16ficition assured. VMte or "Irs, 12.34 9.44 you now." and the negress answered reassuri ng-
Ondar Klopp, Zurich, Ont. Phone MeGaw ........... 12.41 9.gj .. Leaning forward a little In is ly:
2866-52 moneset ........... 9,gg chair Tremine tapped Leavitt's table "Nottill" tall, MIS, Molly, ftottin,
- .......... It.;5 with his stick. 'tall. Be thar dreekly," and then she
V. tuRun ,yet you once liked me, confes shut the door. uce"M Aue"6neer for the 00MV f t.99 Ite stood under the vine -covered
of vbro% Sal6s atftuded to In fill imso WATSON The lawyer did not seem to beer Porch, eaA btetath of the honesuckle
Agent for Singr Sew1219 this. bringing Its vivid memoridol. The
"You left Redlands fiftia liglit from the parlor wi-ndo* fell full
PO4entA hi � 0 " 0� e ;a4to regirs a-
ahe Mae illegg gnf] nero In -
"11. 70ft �Iftftoriable. rholne NO go, John, In profound diagraeel", on him, but the negro woma-ft d1d not
CA"tralift P. R." 'B. mrskill". Tremaine moved In bin Anir, Wa reeoglfto the ptranger. OA left at 1110 Won dArketied, ad he ftpeated in a 11*0n from Matse, 34hii'fft M
Aworm, MOO,,. Nato 8ft"t %stafth 621 116t dilver-Ammed gfe�tw, alwe
AAD f'O d' and kissed her.. and sat down �on, "'Now 00% start)4..my mather. Go., He felt fo' r a. back thdOrs - V-11 follow -you into the ffend by ton L � all I o 4m - Parlor�' TbIllher gently.'� M41nMy'? " He struck. a d 'She WAS holding his. hand etween lit bi�: 4igaretto. 6 a r. , V bothher Own, -Speechless with the ex- "Marse John," sa* id *-e old -woman, Pe citemerit of this return and the knowl� "she -all's had 9 Powerful lot of -trUb, thus hel- ped is Mn' there was much against him ble." He made no response. I Virden, an., who tfttep here and that his welcome from his dat. eats yo, 'heart u p mg the bjr�b.of a- at ch�ws jjl4Q,,Vg� mother 'would-be cold. it all up inside." few years a _*arse John, sho!s Yo' bawnl') she "The heart's gone, Kamm�y, thaVs time. A was so murmured, and added feverishly:- true." could not walk apr,p "P.ralse de Lawd!" 'She's grievin, bout de ole �la6e, Without a feeling a $4 In the pailor where he waited, the Marse John." He smiled. igp6ir, scarcely strength enorulhto atind,:Rp lampligbt fell softly on familiar like her life's ackshually boun, up in and when dressing *6w d things. The meeting with Nammy Valiginia in de Ole home an' fa ,Xmit down two pi� three tim had moved, him deeply, and he was He heard the tree,�toada 4 in and lips were colorless,, 1. had I Inging and a hope that his mother remember petite, and life did not, ed hOw sweet their voii--es seem orw, would'greek him kindly. Over 'the had sounded to him when he was living. A friend urged me t6".try'Dr, chimney'hung the stuffed head of a boy. Williams, Pink' Pills and "t 'aIX. stag., which he had shot as . a boy; he "She a real ole Southern lady, boxes. Before they were all 7 gone was surprised that they should have bawn hyar an, her folks befol her felt improved. My appetit was re-, kept one of his treasures. The furni- clar down befo' de w4b. She afrivi turning, color was conii t'o, ture was faded and in bad repair; got'no foot fo' de Nawf. She's griev- face, and, 1: was vis..h, ng things strqp .ger had -been running down stead- in, A voice called 'Mam- continued taking the pills a regained- �my fornier good, ily for years, but the room was home- my." like dud sweeL On the table, beside ' "Ya -as nialam, Nis, Molly." consider Dr. Williams, pink'-pil s' :M:, the lamp,- Thy his mother's work, as He learted Out of the open window blessing to weak. hope she hidlat@y left it, and on a table and heard the whippoorill call. Near my experience will induce svWe other- was- a'ch�ss-iio'ard with the men still by and far off, the plaintive v4oic� sufferer to try them.- in plAce. 'lie wondered wh Played pierced the darkness, and John re- You can get these pills from any- 'th. hii, mot wi . her? Overhead he heard membered the wild: not blending wi.th medicine dealer, or.- by mail steps 'ii atr "" v cents a box direct fr6rn,.-The. to and fro in an upper his troubles long go- room,t�'qnd' she kepi him waiting so Between himself and his older Hams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont- At br,
long he wondered whether she ther David was a difference of five would ever appear. Evidently she years. They had never been eompan- did -not wish to see him. Yet she ions, and as far as he could recall, no could not refuse to see her own son! one had ever s. 0 ARTIFICAL MANURE FR His brow contracted; -his face, which to reprove him. P, k n to John �x ept 0M His father had lost had b,�en softened by the meeting with his fortune about the TREATED STRAW tilne'John had Chloe, grew hard and dark. Then been born, and from then on sank in- The term "artificial manure" hau hearing the rustle of a dress he to the melancholy in which he died. been applied to a product resulting� started and turned; his mother was in Between his father and - mother -John from the treatment of straw 'by cer- the room. remembered only the coldest rela- tain chemicals. The outstandin&- "Mother!" tio-, and the only love he could re- feature of the methods is the con- Mrs' Tremaine did not come for- call- was that of Mrs. Tremaine fo-r version -of straw into manure with- ward at once. She stood in the door- David and of Mammy for himself. out being first used as a feed Or litter- way pale as the white scarf that fell Walking to and fro in his small for stock -the rotting down of the� acr�;s her breast. He saw that she room, he relived the memories of his straw -being brought about, as in the had still preserved much of her beau- hard Young years. They were poign- case of ordinary manue, by bac- ty and all of her pride. Her dark ant; their voices would not be hushed. teria which in this process are riour- hair was only slightly gray. Her eyes As he reflected, he would ha been ished and encouraged by the eheini- ve handsome as his own, met his firm- glad to recall one kindly ac _t, one cals added to the straw. These bac- ly. word, one caress from them- to soften teria are ever present in * the air, "This is a great surprise, John, a his heart. Throughout his childhood and therefore, there is no necessity great surprise;" her voice shook. his mother had ignored him and i "Mammy says that she knew you at slipreme moment when he had n the to purchase or otherwise proc need- special culture. In order -to Curo6ma once." ed her mercy, she had heaped upon plish their useful work On the straw "ffis height, his shoulders were like him only reproach and shame. it is merely necessary t1rat thev, his father's; his dignity of bearing The part of the property known as should have a certain amount of was like her own. Any woman would the Back Pasture, lying tranquil un- soluble nitrogenous food (supplied by- have been proud to have him for her der the June moonlight, had been the the chemical, sulphate of ammonia), son. What had brought him to Vir- place of his meeting with the girl he moisture and air. The investigatory- giania after fifteen years? He had loved. Standing in the window he work which led to the devising of a no doubt returned poor, and with her looked down once again on the �cene practical process for making this-ar- own financial difficulties she would be he had so often pictured in his exile. tificial nur was carried out av called upon to bear her son's burdens In those days he had thought himself the Rothamsted Experiment Statio also the luckiest chap in the State and (England) during the latter years Of "iVon't you sit don, John? Have the most passionately in love. Julia the world war, when the general you come from -far?" Cameron, a lovely Northern girl principles involved and more or less. However she might feel toward him whose family passed the winters in of the details of the process were the man was proud of his mother, de- the South, had come as a visitor to discussed in the agricultural press; lighted with her beauty and proud of one of the near -by country houses.' by the authorities of that station. her breeding. 'He had dreaded to see Both David and John had fallen in More recently the Rothamsted Ex- a decided change in her and he found low with her, and it had been balm periment Station has patented the Of i her to be young as were his memor- to the Younger brother, until that time proces, i th a ew build ng uTr vi
ies of her. always put aside for David, to find a fund to be devoted to furth r re- "I have come from South Africa, himself the preferred. Julia bad prom- search work. This; action renders it mother, rather far, isn't it?" He ised to marry him. His ambitiom impossible for us to give the details: took a chair under the larriplight, then took form. He would become a and diretions as issued by Rotham- which sbone full on his face. bank president same day, but in the sted says Frank T. Shutt, Dominion The year before she had lost her meantime -having no fortune and Cbe,4,t, 'However, the U. S. De- idol in the death of her elder son, and receiving only a very small salary- partment of Agriculture, following- she had said then: "Blessed are Julia would wait for him. up with experimntal work the ear- those women who have never borne Then, little by little, John 'had seen lier published accounts of this meth- a child." John --probably leading a Julia's favor go to David. The bit- Od, has made public that the addi- dishonorable life, perhaps dead, -had terness, the blinding misery when he tion of 1040 pounds ammonium really been dead to her since that knew the truth, bad almost driven him ulphate and 100 pounds lime tor night when she learned bow he had to violence. each ton of straw will give satisfac- disgraced his name. David was gone T-terp, were scars on his heart that tory resuts-a manure like sub- from her forever, and now in his stead never could be fully effaced. He had stance of distinct fertilizer value. her younger son stood before her in grown bitter toward women, and he The materials --sulphate of am- flesh and blood. It was a strange thought them all fickle and treacher- mo-nia and lime -may be scattered exchange. ous. on the straw as it comes from the "I saw Leavitt an hour ago. He The old homestead settled to re- thresher, the straw being kept too was surprised." She said, rather pose. Walking to and fro in his lit- moist by a stream of water. If the uncertainly: tl room, be felt himself more than straw is already piled or stacked the "He has been an invaluable friend," ever an exile. The si le ge tie thing ng n m;a can be made by spreading. and added: "I am going North next about his return had been MamnlY's on the ground a layer of straw --say- Monday to Julia." greeting. of two feet r thereabout in thick- "So he tells me." "I will wind the affair up," he aid ness-and broadcasting over it the Throughout the country his name to himself, "in as short a tiTne as requisite amount of sulphate and was a bad memory. Her relationship possible and then return to South lime, thoroughly moistening the mass with her old friend and neighbor Africa. Whatever my birthright was and repenting the procedure, un-- Redmond Malvern, aforetime presi- I lost it years ago." til the beap has reached a height of' dent of the Redlands National Bank, He had his supper alone; his Tno- say eight to ten feet, above which- was --.trained because she was the ther, utterly overcom e by the shock it is not convenient to work. if I -mother of a thief. Nevertheless she of his return, remained in her room. there are no ready means to renew could not look at John who sat there About ten o'clock, Marrinly came the moisture from time to time and so quietly, his dark eyes fixed upon huffling back to his door and said there is reason to think that the, her, without a tremendous stirring of through the aperture: her be -art. This was her own son and 44 rainfall wiR not he sufficient to gup, Po' white trash fella 8stin' to see ply the water lost by evaporation, after fifteen years of a life whose you", Marqe John. ffe all got 70' the heap should be covered with vicissitudes were a mystery to her, baigs." soil. he sat by -her side again, given back Tremaine opened the door. It is stated that the conversion of to her as if from the grave. "Come in, Mammy." the straw into the resultant mature- John rose, saying: The face of the old negress ws a like material will take from three to "It is growing late. I shall look in study as she entered, followed by a Six months, that the loss of plant to -morrow, mother." spruce, red-headed Trigbrn-an carryinK food during this period is less than She started from her reverie. a heavy bag on his shoulder and an- that which takes place h, the rot. "What do you mean?" other in hiq hAnd. The man was ting of manure, and �that thig, 'IT ill find a room at the tavern." warm and breathless. He placed the "straw and sulpliate" manure is "You don't think, do you, that a bags on the floor and stood at atte"n- practically equal In crop' production, Tremaine w -"I be allowed to sleep at tion in military fashion, his flTle 'blue to ordinary barnyard mature. But the hotel while his own roof tands? eyes twinkling. the evidence to date is necessarily Mammy is preparing your room." "'Be the powers, ver Ronor,". he linidted, and the whole matter can- 'd the it was not a cordial Invitation, and aid in a rich brogun, "the desert Is not be said to have pass a flush rose under his dark skin. He daisv field beside the roads 1twilrt here. perimental stage. was very handsome as 'he raised his and the. town.", Essentill, .7, this is a method r6r eyes to ber. rRe did not ever wipe the PeTSIVIft- making bumus-or a btftub-10* "Thank -you, T qhall be. el'ad to stay." tion from biq face aq 'he stood sif?- material-ttie nitrogen of *Wb MM Xammv Chloe came In with a light- IV, waiting his masterg orders. The been supplied by added glalphate, of ed candle. regrorm, whose lips vrere workin tre- ammoia. 7t is a procon *h1eh I'De roorn's all ready, Warme John; mulously and whose eyes vvere Iling -might have a prpictieal vatae ?4�t fho done fixed up bes' t could, honey. vvith tenrs, went up to Trempilte land ut Ivation of atratv It diattlotl lift Ain't no view tings in dis hyll? OlfT laid an old hand on Me aft.' vich It can be 'aged nofther *%t3 place." "Am be &-Mne, to b!g r6, tjggbr, fe6d nor a lifter for liv gtolk, a "Planim,g vdll lIght, vola. Morel to Marfge Ybhr?" I vvlm6,h Climatic, duditloft, 'a" All The f�;&tln ftelnfted it *to Of "ratio to thb rotflaff 6f 8 your WWI,