HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1925-07-24, Page 3� I I ­ 11 -, W.,­:,,'i'TV,`�r, '­:", 07 j'n:q­,r ,!� , IT'"177 qp�v�,T­ -,,T - "Ir r.,1,l5,7 ii;. li'l ­-,�" ',I w '7, —11-"7 '. . ", ., 'pir"a" � v ,�7 ,,, "T"FWA " , " ,�I, 7;�: � I P11", � I MT.,�, � , , � -1 ,I", I -, �­ " �TIPIVI I'v'r, &,T -,Y, � 1, 1. � 11 . i �, , 1��T�iRI�7 "ITF17,77"'? , ,.P , , 7 `�� 1", . � V I , 1�17rllr . I � I . � - � , I I 11. I I 1. I I , I : , I I � . , I I 1 . , �, , . I I ��, ,� . 11 �,,,��:i',',,� 4'UL ',,A 19M, i I . . I � '''', -1. ''� 1, � 11 '', � :­ 1. I I I .. I I 1. 41W I ,� ,I:: , , 7: . 1'1'4�'­­� , ,,�,� I �.. ,I '1� � , I, '"' .. I I ,�,­ 6-1i, , .:­�T � J il'','','', 11 ..'', .. - -f-,',- � HURON 9 , ��­ ­­ d , � � i � � I XPO , ­, -, � �! 1 ,­:,�,�` �­'­11 willlli.�L� -1� �.�- �;­ - - �. �'.�, � - " � �!� i. ,�z',"'��`�,�i .. 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Ill X . X, " SWORTH , I . I I J , 1. , ­ �. I .. I ,'A� , �, .11, " . I—— - 1. ., 0R." 00 011, , , 04,4;, -4 X, its$ 61­� . 11 - � � C I ""'." im , ,. Do li,�,, I Y 1$�,�'R 1 , '' , . I W�­ � A19 artmept 9 I 1 17' , , . %�: - - .­­;� P kL' ll �� 1� ill. , P,q -0;g Q , f 1, '04 CMW,4aubj� th;eZ, ' 1 �� , � ­ I'll �.� " '7" . � `j4 we We genoratio, Her � � , 11 'f" , '@':�' , I � 1 �;­,= 11,4"X�. 1!f ­l,. ".. I... I 1� Q ., W,59�t: ' i� . , , i .� , , 11 � , , . I . , ­.. , �", , 1. � I " I I . i, . , ""."", . ,4 -, �t ""I I 41!1' � " .0, - i,�, � - - Y . , , , - , l 1-1, - I , '). . , � � ` �m ," I 11, :,� , �: , ,'.:,. a young man .of about 25, , . �. , Y, �,,.� �4,'�� , � X'� "I ., -- -- --- 11 .. I VePW400A, � �%, �, I 1. .. .. , �11 "'.. ��', I I "" � . �w . - , , , , I �, 11 . -� V� "Mt" 111111116111 :��,,,�,-,'��t;,;!!,�,,: I I 1, p, ,. . Oe qvlesiltio'jil,v X9, -4 Wl�, the .41 a I . : 111 ,r ; 11 �,.,!,; �, .. ,;,� 444V�1, R , # A, K i " 11 - ..] � I :' ' , -: �i) ,;;�'�,. ,,)%-,��,4 ,�',�,�-��,,�.", .,�,�',�-"!!"",�,�,�,",""', ", 11111�; � , � . � - 4 q . fi ,M , �, .1 f, '� 4i I -'�' � 1, - ,f�,�� I '$ . . , - , l�, , � � , ,. t,� � -.��',,� � , ,� J, 1, I . I � I , . ,�,,�lo ��j� kl'W . :-" I , , : .11 I "� , , 4 .i ., � , . 11 K. --7='. , i, " - , and 40 Uas a I - ter, Glailm �, , Xfs mgl 0 � , �p I I ­­ .8p � e�7 i , .2 � ' F V , 5 � , , F 1, fal afio- ,e '&'ati �� I O'Nv . , -, ,,, I I , I - .1, � 711Z Q1 ­'1;P;* W S� 'W", . I ,;,�,­,, ,­ ''n .. ,'Pg- 't. .�, 11'1� ��,­ �,I,), ,,,�4' ,�::,; 1, � , gr4nd0ii, little daugh tW iv VA .old I - I ... : - � � ��,"Q , ` � ; 4 * ov I , " ... . , I 'I'le R At", Aw'�"',,,,kl�4, 4 I .. "I , , - ,I I ".. � 11, �, �6 71 I'l . -%­ n 's , .1 . � �� �� I., . � , -, - vir. !­­ � i 9 k., 20�PPI U%4t11M..PVAF - 4 e. %. ,.", , - "'" ' tA - I I 1. , A� � I - 11-11. -. I ­ I—, - .1, I " : aged fourteen months, Sor th�t 1W 4, , � . I � 1. �; . "', W��,,),�-; t � � .. rs. :';: --s - up eveff,�j'��,' �'�`,- h I . .. I ,� I � , , ­­- - - 1. ­ - On new St . .. , �� -1-,-!-;1 ,i,7, 1, ,�� I ". , I 11- I �11 , N i "', , -, ""; ,.."��"9­4, � "T .S; liosabi ,?", % I l, -�f wo. I I I . . -4 , � . ;.. , gg� 'k " F, - 111.1 Si - . � � 'I'�I'l�,,-��l,'-,",i'�;"",,�.��, -�),,�:§Yiii��,I" " �, �­ I . nue ­ 0 tQ s, dit�n a, no5a 1 I 11 I �1, ,� ,�! � .",,���',-�-�,�,'�,-�,i",;�l,,��V�,3�,���i'�,4�,��,��',, c �t­ �� kf,. ; � � -�. :,,,,s are b I di ;r,e^Q.f'1 &' . � �4 , ,,, iV­'041, tt is a great­great-gramdinoth�x.' ,- I ;,..-.: ; �:,�, ,­. 11 'R1,111 - 1. il ',"-f, �F, � , A , , ., 1--, ��'., � I en i �L',s -half ab inch, I This . . , � � 1'1�-'l � ­� , ,, , I �' ilia JF4 i,n" 16 "" - ".� ­ I I 1, Av � " I I , �, - ,',It`�,NP X77- - , - _ ­ � .1 ­`�A, �i'rx,'ift','Y!�'fo ;40#16- the a p In if hiard: work killecL Mrs.� Sinnett n ... " ; I I XN 1W ,% It seems quite, by as,'M ;t­� tM,N! �e -4 , �, . ,j,"; �, ,-1 - 1'r I 1. � Q T !� , . 0 V, , � I . . 'r , !11 � . , #',"RA,�11 , �� 4 ­ N 2111 may or 40e6- Ot Mean 'that the end of it is r ii ­'. �Pry,,, 4.1 , 1 4. . I . . ".. I ,, ,r . '-j, " , . . I . . I '.. , ,:" .-t I � . ,,, �� - , ,,, , ,,, - 0 , I- the would have . been dead .lo ""Y""ll' 1 -J6, Z Z � , , 11� , I , 1, �­4 ir - *0 I 6inister W ­ing .� &#()' e I . - *1 to I I �tl ,, : "I t4 , 4 ,,.,,�r, .�� L . 1�011.. ­.��,�l 'I .. - � ume of �ay acit.'be ma, 0,�� . 0. ''i -i, 11 I ir;",it"`..',��;.' ` L 1� . , - W ff­4k6��f� 1he Tvaw��caj)taln taterQom When ten years, agq"Sl�e'r.'*dht to - . ,.(,L q�qve i; e , � I , oft, 1-1-5 , ,,,u . , ,. 0, ) i 0 0 41 , I I ��Oilne to the a f" he animals cut off. Th 'oritinal Skin must' b � -p* , its offloro Ile , "i _ *". q. �' 'r -It , -'a 01 0,,.4 ,�,'. Many iilegleo kept intact. 11, ,� ", ;%pUl "'� ,� : : ill " Illu', 4, e mo, er. Rudely eiiil . he ery " 1 � - � 7�, . r�!,�.' -1 i,, � !;.. - ' Awl 4 . - . . . 1 and In, i`polli ,and he req�lred,ppp . . . - - 4 11 , 'O ­ -0 I 1101�.I, Q0,*6s1t#"0X -el of ' th ' th' woru uodergro . t ' T ople ofteli come to have the' � . ­;�7,1 �,�­:, ;7:)­'r�!!��. 1,�,��,; 1.11'� 1;, 4 11 , . �!,�"­, I ,A . 0 ., k" ,� � �1.11'� .111 tq I . .. 11 . , "r ­ -p � , , p 7 - �,,,,- � I - 'I'M , 6� -on I e I ; , _5 , , '', - ,,,, �, "', " , p "" '4,k'N , ""I. �� 4 ,­ - - , he reci I entirely, oaying�'r . IT 1; . A 'A -1-1 ,,, - " , , "" Mr., I P . a I - ., 44�44 , , a :ii ��,,�: "', ,� , '" , r = , I �,* i , � ' - , 6 I . ,!!)A , f, ,,�,% ��;,;, 44P r I , , - q7 tio . I '%.,�,,o - a ggy e a mer 11 � I . . . 0 1, ;, r � - I . * � � I I r , I I ", 1. �:­',�,­ 1� i. ,�,�, -, .. , , 11", 2 �"%i ,�,;.,� . Auring or a ' ' , ',I* - . -he ut& .Her work Consisted . r , � I 1� �, , . i _ ,�. , W-41 �liOo " , I . 'i 4rd the Cry Of a child. His col Oes four wrice a day .��What's the use, noses remodeled fi r motor Car ae- , . qsefi&e�$, " r , , " , ` I , " , , , tolukacp �SWWIY`44 "' d' 6h, sw eigh I P I . , L . VW.� . . I taw of, , t r - cold air will,',:$' d a way In." cidents.1, r� r ,,. , - , ";`,-i" - '.0 '.5 , ­­ ,�, - ' ­�Oss­­profi t ac ly',reOvdh*-, bi# , ,4 in- of bau!JW oskil)94-�that . is to say, "Imatira � es It . We�o �', �,W. � 101 I � - 1':. I I "I I ,l �, �:!, I . - I M _ , -, 1 lr,1�7, vif,�,tll! l, -i - " A 1. , , , - , M t%g, , 'Q t,�� - � , _-4 ., jr , _W 'n I � , p I I ,.a - ­fi�. r . -- --­�.­ I �11112 ., � , g, ,�,;V."'�,��,,�,,;, , . , 'md'. quiked: -hb,w�,01& * - : -110 ,­ " . , - .1, 11 � . � _ .q 'W"'14nd, W i � 46.o�!�*#'d sometimes it . . -00� 1 44* .� '' - 4i. � � 't,*gs,la T., e,�, steong , . i i on iron i .. I ..., .� ;i '"'i , � T . � 'A , , . . p fgl V, 0 1� - .1 . shpies, '',es not, ai o 64,i may be com- SNAKES IN CAJ,CUTTA ST,RBETS L. I 0�­ I ', -1�1['q�­., , r -­j.,­,-,�� 'I ,,,, 1 . , p',q,r .1 3�63N Tabfe�s are on: i, ` 1.4jidi . th6j''I W. -1 I - . h - X**, rui . . �,� ���,',, �, f r I - M"". i., � 1i ", L '�" � I ,�n , 10wir _ y AVA7, � U 'girl _ ", -hund ­Alibd tQ,l1v0A`a.ft,.,',4tmosphere that 11 ,,�'Wm��3" � . I and,.�16W,ng about a iredweight . . . , ,, ;,n,'�jj�,lt�,W,�,�-.,,.. I . � I . � , � etwof ��,, r !,:,,.,1,-,, Z V 'i A& v I .- 'A l, l!' 1. 1A l�, I ', ,.?,�I��VP ' cine in warding off this'trouble. ­ ey "Have you given her a nal he of, coal --along low, narrow galleries. 's destru ci , ".11 I M. ,,Very .40parM ,l,' " "J,l.1,,Z ��",��-, : 'i,­�L­10 , ." , � . r. 11 11 ,,%- I _ _ � , ` � , '�,, "It' -1 "' . I TO �,� ,' A great stir Was caused in -Calcuttal ,r' , , '­�.�.j" ", ­ ­, ", V,�1�14�4!1"­ -,,,�-,,� � 1� W� � 11�1 ", M . I � , , � � . � IL, L, " ,,, �,: �`? . � regulate the bowels and iswei*en,the asked. - I-., I . Mrs."Sinnett left. thi coal Pit after Fresh air to OW:0A 11� . . ''.., 't ­ ':�. ­­;­,. ­;,",:,� .... Z .", '! - � � , , � �apest thing we a i5dioit time ago; when the news went . I . , , . . 1, 11 � 4 1 .1 I,, , ,. ,,,-1,r " . ... ' ' L " �!7.", i . �; ", V,",, . , ,.'' _, - " � p a - Ye so gx � I ­�'j"t�"'­'I,l,L`�;.., I , istomach and thus prevent the dreaded The Mofther, trembli 0, said she had refusini pence a day at another h ve, S', pe#f That it is not round that a full grown cobra, meas- � I , 4 Ao"o 4 w ,i X11 � I ". . ,. . . � V � not. . , . ,il' s. , IV�',, I- . I .,�', , -�:: summer -con ,laipts. are an ob- . .c-olliery and went on a farm hired ­.ppreciated by map � .'O'eack 4it ;,:. N , They . - , people keeping uring pver five feet in length, 7,-;,:. �1 ` k , w had 64 - si,�.: _;,:. , ..J "o -1. .... r i4 , � - �11 � solute safe - rhedicine, being . gqaran� " � ... � l "I z �', ` ... , �rr, , � I . � .4� Permit me to- name her and to John Watts, Bullford, Johnston. Ilve stock. Yet tlt,p* same people been killed in the open roadway on . I � =C0"ntS,,14r0 lwkofl ""', �w V ,� 1, , , i , , ,�,� ... prOmise to retain . ll �, ,� I-, , -.1 � ­­­, . . ,V 'r .. .. , -to co;jitaln neith4r opiates . nor 11 ine paimtq -4 , . ... �-, $0 ,;,.. �111 � -1 " your f -d drugs to conil d it ions that r . I t " ,�O ,,, ,�. teed , ,that name and I This farm'was at a later period oc- Will Pay Out 9064-ilooney for service Wood Street. - � 4C14 - ­ , I . �,�' narcotics 'or iother harmful drugs. captain and cr�w cupied by Lloyd George's father. , '" - -f i4 ]�, 3 will rialease,� I � . I.. **-,.A4"::,'6;", Z , , It appears that the cobra was fi rs t I . 1 1, �.. 11", 1,1"r, I 1&..�I, . , , � ,,�.�, " * to Ill ­� t , , 11 , ,�!. 1, , !,'� tm-the * L �, � � I -, ­1� 11 'r 8#1 . I ,�* ", "I ,�� ; They cannot possibly do ba and leave your ship unharmed." I f resh air would hill I , CW ,1P, - �� .I ,�- - I -- - �� ,�' "',-,"',�,� ' y -I& prevented. seen descending from a cocoanut tree . 10 I l :. 1 ,�kw ��� 44 V ,,.',,,,gp � , , .jp � 1A � " . . � 2� 1,L .,;,l, '' ..-,011. always do The woman quickly promised, Two Sy � . . .. Zf . good. The Tablets are sold ,, stems ofV44ibation. in the grounds of one of the houses in I . . I., - , 'I, .", I ,��':,�, - ' I I -F..- 1,1� ,,J , , _ L 1, ianap . . ­ � L .11,11: ". il, - , I -11 lg,,�, p, r , by medicine deallers or by mail at 25 1 name her Ocean Misl -said the Twenty-four hol&ups in Uld '� ' Wood Street next and was Chased by .1 1'1v�­S . We have two4ec6giilzed systems of Ma*oi, "'�, '' �44 ) te. Olia in two weeks shows that the pirly I I "'.0L, ,�?p tir� � cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Plra soine servants. It Clinton Branch: H. R,'ft4x .111"! I stable ventilationi King and the managed to escape '�L �'!', , . , '­ �,N'(,, �, Tlien he left her cabin, relleased his Puritans, going to church with noth- I 11, . , 01. . I., .;,,,'e;, il. 1E � . Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. . . Rutherford. In the Autherford sys- through an iron fence and the drain in � I .,-, �, "V -- k ol­�:YP ,wild , Man - li-,3X' - . ng to fear but Indians and I Rensall Branch- H. Arnold ia li�! �,,�,�,�A, � ,, , ter ,.�, �, ��, j, . Prisoners, and ordered his men to the i in fresh air inl4t,% the wall forming the street boundary. . . 4 " �",., �,� " Ttf,�il.'�, I.. � . -40- - boat. They. roWed slowly back across beasts, had a ecimparatilvely safetime r' ,, are placed at While trying to ere, I � I" I �� " 11,�'�1�1`1�1� 011,','� . floor and foul air, outlets are placed -;ss the road the � � , I .-I-11 -1 I .. I �11 ... � .� the water and went aboard. the ship. of it. -Indianapolis News. I at ce snake was run over and killed by a - I I I 1. ,� � ��'.Ir �,��i , ,,� TAKING AND RETAKING A SHIP Soon it disappeared.ol iling. , In the'.'XIng system the � I - 1 -, li�.�`�,4� � , �`4Q? y"g, er -the horizon.' " , , ,�� - ­ - I t- I.K.", ,,�', I - . . Three days Pasg4d--days filled with the on . 4. �.;�� ,,,�M , � ( The London Graphic in a remim,- thanksgivin at the providential es- .;f1loor level. In i "I , 1� � - - lets one foot abovo� Wood Street is one of Calcutta's 'O .. 11 : 0 Inlets are at the ceiling and motor -car. f%ic 9 . BANK %-jv M NTRE I I eent article concerning the war tells TURNING THE TABLES ,I)e Ontario climatelhere is very little old-fashioned residential thorough- I I � 1� .." �11 .1 . , V :�i_,:�'��1111 . �.,�� � " - I '' '! ..� ,4, I I.,, I- I W;�. of a British Collier that was going to . cal Ocean Mi 'became the object difference in the results given by fares in the European quarter. A IstsibitsUd 1817 1 Z : � �­; i�,,,--,�­,� � I of everyone's adoration. On the third It isn't often that we run across an Z I .. � ,"�t �11 . I I Hami when wai was imminent. day the mast of the piratei ship again ilese systems. Both�work well when few of the houses stand in,fairly large I . �!�'.:�,;­ k�,,, � . . 1, , - . ­.., ;�,, I � I - d"ans were 'copnl' r arilecdote that shows -the Great Man -operly operated, and like every- grounds with thickly planted gardens, I . I - � 11 ',�� . -1 ) � I'li, g on Ae rose on'the horizon. Again a cannon in the process of being humbled by L I I �11, ."', I ' " ' 1, , , I , - , � , � � comin thing else In stablp equipment must many of which would provide excel- . 1 I " � .."'!, � ig in Vnth voal for. one of their boomed across the waters and a boat Of his supposed inferiors. � 11 -11- 1. . I . %� 1, 1� / men-of-war. The captain w4s.iverse Bit `ave attention from the man in lent harborage for reptiles. The Sat- — � � . I � I ".."', -V5 � �t�;­,l I � �. .��', i�,l .14 1# was lowered. This time the pirate. one ==== - - ---- ­­-­ ­ -1 1. . I , I that once happened to- the, famous dharge of the stable' Beef cattlej urday Club, the Allen Gardens and ;--.- - *,� ,:­ - I to stailing, but the owner, who was to -captain came aboard alone. ' . I ." ". get a high price for the coal John Randolph. , ". ­ �!­�t.� .. !, � 11,1��,;6,t .1 , urged Under hi- Pheep and horses live and thrive beat the Survey of India premises are ex- had -been informed that he Must pay roads from - ':'�!'L'j� :.. ��'i" s arm ,he carried a packet- , Mallaranny to clifdon" I " -c�;, � temper ,;.11 .. I ;.11 I ��. Parknasilla, Xebinai* , 1;1 ,. , , - .., I him. to go. So he sailed, and at the To the captain he',said, "I now come at a tavern, in the ,course of a tire- kent below 60-. . ,-­ , -,-,�i,�, , A. �, �. It seems that Randolph once stopped in a stable where the ature is amples. In the immediate neighbor- 23 duty before the linen could be re- Killarney to ;� . .., �-` �, - .. I I - , -, .,� river mouth a Ger.man pilot camil on on a peaceful errand. Ta Dairy cattle and hood are several souares and "tanks" Wrned. There was no other laundry Glengarriff, and on to -Bantry , iml,�, ,,�j,,ll��., . � I -­ � . ii.,.. , ght � ", . .... i board. I �, ­., -, � 4;1 4-, -aff, conse- fact, to any of the countless bea*y �, ,'q-- ' ke me to the -some journey by coach in the hei swine require a temperature 60* to with many a neglected corner. A within 150 miles of Culd �IiZ , ��` " �;,;,,�`� lk I Cabin of Ocean Mary." Descending, of winter. As he sat and warmed his 60' with a humidity, of 75 degrees cobra was also killed -'n the Maiden quently People in the extreme north spots that are dotted about 4be ,r , ', �i 1, On taking charge of the ship 'he he entered and laid his parcel On the frame both externally and internally ,ug- , ­�,�­ ,�',,-�,",,l­ or less. If the humidity runs over (luite recentiv. of Donegal must go about with their ged western Coast of, Iii ­ I ,�'. P ,­., i --( said: "Now this is German property; bed. "I leave this gift for the Child. . nd Tillie, 11,1`�', I . ;, , .1 war began yesterday." It is a! web the innkeeper endeavored to engage 75 degrees, the walin,and ceiling will The discow"ers of the Wocd Street clothes unwashed or live by taking in " . of India silk for, her him in conversation. yeople have changed: there is a, new- . ­�A� � i "Did it!" exclaimed the captain. � drip with moisture or coat with front. cobra proves that snakes er and sincerer welcome .. ", .; . - �. .roui When she nil I bid But to engage John Randolph in A condition not to be destred. I-een completely exterminated in Cal- Tubercular cows axe to for the tow_ ��.:�,. . � . . i "Then take that." And he downed You farewell." said be ist from Great Britain. The rmu Of 11. ;�,Vl "I conversation agai4st his will was no TOO Much Air Space -al Mistake. cutta despite the fact that the latter numerous in . "" I � ',�­ �. the pilot with a fearful bang on the He passed through a mute 'throng child's play. After many futile at- . . . Portadown district, civil war that stalked through the. . - l��`, . ­� ,,��-., ,, � -, " . , .q,' head Wirth his telescope. to his boat. A few minutes 'ias grown int,, a modern city. It is Thirty-eight per cent. of dairy cows land can be seen everywhere- 'but the -%,,t�,i�l , . .;� 1�ate' I tempts the landlord made one final A common mistake made Is too the belief of many people that these were unable to pass the tubercul is, Irishman 1 I :e: � ... I Then he turned the. ship round and gun'boomed a parting salute, and not Truch air space per animal. The 09 takes far less notle �a It, , �� I , with 'his Germ -an, risoner .on board, long afterwa eff ort as his unknown guest prepared sn-akes are iic,t strangers, but native test. The Portadown Council recog- e � I .�,�,,­ _ . W, . .. I steamed off for p rds the pirate vessel van- to depart. warming of the stable is dependent . now than does the traveller. ...",'N. .1 I ,,� upon the heat ,� � �.�,�, .- ,� �;�l � 1- .�:i , he could steam. gland as hard as i,hed. "What road are you going to take, radiated from the tri Calcutta. Only two years ago, a nized that the results of the tests dis- Two thoroughbred hunters' be,loing- , ;� I �1�'-'�'� � .-iii :� . 1.�� I Another month passed, and ,the emi- Sir?" he inquired. animal body. In modern stables and servant was fatally bitten by.a karait closed a very serious state of affairs, ing to a well known horse breeder at -, ,11-1. ��;,� I . � '6t- , - " 40 ii . , 40 - , .4 grant ship dropped 4nchor in Massa- Randolph turned on him with a under winter conditions It has been in the compound of the Indian Mus- but it was submitted that if the milk Clare, Galway, were wilfully ni�m- , - "I'll; . I ",-t- . , . ebusetta Bay. The young settlers . scowl. "I have paid your bill, ir, found that 700' or 860 cubic feet -of euil cattle was to . ,�"��,, 1� 8 ed and rendered practically uselesis, I .� 1� , j, � I '11.�; -- X� I ,; , air space is all the stable space that Were all the stories of narrow es- be prohibited from being sold in the -.1 I '.." It, WHEN THE SYSTEM ' finally made-thei'y home in London- have I not?p'- The animals had been on grass at . ,� "! , 'hem � .r. - . �y 11�1 IS ALL RUN..DOWN derry, New Hamil At the age The landlord agreed. a 1,000 -pound animal should be ex- capes collected, they would �robably district the supply would be insuf- Rocklawn, and when the . �',-., �1 , . 7 11 of t-enty' Ocean Mary married and 11 pected to warm up. . Wide passage make a book of many chapters, for ficient. The Council has decided to - ,,4�! 1 "I owe you nothing else? visited the land ke found their el ' 1.11 ��:-, I - Often All' 'Kh t i Needed is a . h4 I -was of India silk. penny, � " ways and high ceilings while very riot so very few people evoiin in a city inform the Ministry of Home Affairs - I �� , I ... Tonic to p the Blood. r - s- "Not a cut as if with. a razor. One 4f the . � ,"�, ., - - . I I . liuild 1U8 oth c�ildren, she lived to returned the puz- destrable featurei fdr nine months of have been� providentially saved from of the position, and to request the I �1 -, . ,; I �k� . 11 .. . zled host. animals, a mare, the more wil"ble - '."A , `�;,q . 1, �.. ,,�,�,,,� � . ,� 1� ,.- . I ­ , an advanced age.' The wedding dress "'Well,, then," was the curt response, the year, present a problem In ven- an untirnely death from snake-ibite. veterhaary inspector to make a re- of the two, had her tail cut.'' Maiks � - l-,Ui� I . There are many women who have Passed as a cherished heirloo illation during thethree cold winter Thus a few years ago, a lady living commendation as to how the Council on thellody indicated that the ,,� -, :- 2 " -� -ii . . in from "I shall take.whichever road it pleas- unfol ,. ` 14.0i ng One .generation . to anothe , I ,- :��-,§3 . ,C.F�Zz t been invali&- or somi-invalW-64. 16 - r and *as months. Its only solution is artificial very near the Free Church in Welles- should deal with the difficulty. nate d villith a ?�-.:�,­ I . � 11. .., . es me to take." And he stalked j:�," . j1-7 I , .that ,they accept. their. conditiol finally divided and distributed among through the door. heat. With proper window and door ley Street saw what she thought was Neglecting his family has landed a rope while the savage work of maim- - j,� l. P . 1 4 � P. 1 j � � � Hfbi burden. Thel �ndured brok- 811tvi'dhi heirs. One large section is arrangement and careful attention on a piece of rope lying on the floor in Kildare man in jail for si and *,;,�,�: , . Now, as fate would have it, the x months- ing was being carried out, . jUt 4,�Jf en 'h,' troubi 'ii�rvioiui- .:�, ;1;, � .1. "' - - " 7'.. R .1.111lual.." . _r � ­ iio*'in,'Po ession,of-thie'Mack family road forked just over the brow' of the the part of the stable man the air the corner of 'her dressing room and The culprit has a farm of 65 acres, she broke the bonds. 4i,p'g- , I" �.` ill :� � sli�&p,e,-,'sto4nac an , , , 1 ,e es, ; TIOW t06 11ol 4 ;� , .1,4 -+6 . . K,g I I '; �­'� &.'' �, _ ifie.own-a- ­:..'�, - neig �u , I I I ,ils , !..,.� - I . ,of iiondouderry� firif "the hill, and, encountering this choice of can be kept reasonably. dry,and pure actually'meant to stoop down and pick cows, horses, and six children .under tiom -,The oh1y-­niljjt-,*aj16%­ " - - I 1�, . 4 . , ai�4,� - I -that' they, have - given up hope- of . en- story Of Ocean kaij while soated be- tw for oil part of the year. Add a* it up when she noticed it move slight , ,j� I . 11�1 . 0 routess, both 'Randolph and Idie - 16 years of age. The family, consist- signed for the outrage is that the ,.,: 1,,.� ­� , joying good bi . In most of 'these fore the blazing* "hearth of the black coachman were at a loss. They ventilating system and you can meet ly. Just in time she realized it was ing Of nine persons, lived in a shed owner, who is fishery conservator, .­'�I,t� - I 1. . , . . de - 1. I � I cases a. well choserr diet, fresh air and -homestead. My interest in it was re- bated the question, and then Randolph thp. changing atmospheric conditions a karait. Even houses so centrally without beds or liedding. The Only and the Proprietor of a salmon weir I �e;,�, 1. �, .... I Warded-. a small piece of ,the India from hour to hour with little labor located as in Mangoe Iiane have been sleeping accommodation was "l-, � ' a tonic to build up the blood would do sent the man back to the tovern to some in Galway, has been very active in : ., "I "I "I "I nnd much satisfaction, shown In the known to harbor karaits. dirty bags to lie on and other bags 1�"..'111. wonders. to all run-down, nervous silk lies here before me. inquire. running salmon poachers to earth on ' � . - �i", people the experience of Mrs. H. X I � thrift of the stock. If you are re� "Ditchers" of an older generation for covering. There was no r pla e the Corrie tribut es. ,� 11- I - - - The landlord seized his opportun- modelling the old stable or building encountered many similar adventures. and the fire, consisting fi e C aTi ., �� .11. . 'Cameron, Watervale, N.S., will be oi ity. Striding to the middle of the of green . ". , , . . ' :�:,M I deep interest. She says: ---- �'A,bout IRELAND I .road within easy hearing distance of a new one, give ventilation full con- Perhaps the most curious of all was wood, was on the floor of the shed. A ----------- 40— `� . ilk I�A, 24,; two years ago I was in a miserable his choleric patron, he bellowed his sideratton, put In a system, put In the narrow escape experienced by a girl of eighteen slept on the floor of , N . . . . . . run-down condition. I was unable to Drovirned in buttermilk was the, fate revenge in these words: lof,; of glass, hinge the windows to clergymen's wife many years ago. a horse cart. The children were ver- DRAKE BROUGHT COCKROACHES , �4 , , I - ­�; � !'�', I I do my work, my head ached day and of a little girl of Casrtletown, Conyers, ­oen inward from the top, and don't Her phaeton used to be kept standing minous and filthy. The floor of the * !�,�� .. I I "Yes, Sir! You have paid your bill. It is said that civilization may 1��, 11,� � I . I .-q -night, my nerves were' all unstrung, County Limerick. , You do not owe me a penny. You forget the Dutch doors. -Dept. Of under a tree in a church compound. shed was paved with stone, which was I thank or curse Sir Francis Drake fisr �11'1 Rain and flood in North Galway may take whichever road it pleases 7xtension, 0. A. College, Guelph. .t��l - , The five chil '4', r, .1 and for three weeks I could not eat or � On a Sunday, while returning after wet and foul smelling. �� I the cockroach. Three hundred years "I'll, " I "I. sleep. I then decided to give Dr. Wil- have- played havoc with agriculturists. you to take, Sir!" .service, one of her daughters suddenly dren were ordered to be sent to an, I I "M , I . I ago that doughty buccaneer took as a �,11,0'­ I � Hams' Pink Pills a trial and got six The lands are swainped, and in many And for once John Randolph had The Control of Potato Insects. exclaimed that a snake was wriggling able schools. . -,. I -1 . . -ize a Spanish ship I - ,� - ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, , � � ,� ,� ,� I - oaded , � , ,� with , � p i , � , I boxes, By the time I had used half places potato crops are submerged Sorays or dusts thoroughly applied , A I - I "', � nothing to say. out from under the Seat opposite her. A second Cardinal may be appoint- spices from India. It is recorded that . f -4, " ,, � ­ . � -at can be cut. The floods 0 - , t flip right time are effective. With singular presence of mind the ed by His Holiness the Pope to look %. I *,. I of them I felt much better, and when while no pe ion that ship was a strange "black ..: 111:1 - I � I had taken the six boxes I was as were the worst experienced for sixty 7eov Potato Beetle Use lady had the phaeton halted while her after the religious destin s of Ire- bugge" which the Spanish called ;' I I STAGE COACH SET RECORD FOR � ie ...""'; ... I ... ,� ,'�,, I well as ever. I could work all day years. Calcium arsenate (arsenate of daughters were made to get out calm- I land. That country has never had cucarache which, strictly speaking . ��,��.'N,,, , i�'.l 441W and not feel tired and have been Falling farm values in Ireland are ly, and the snake -a karait-was so two Cardinals but as Armagh and meant "wood louse." This cucarache '.,;, 14 -MILE RUN IN 52 MINUTES llnnp) 11,� pound- to 40 gallons of ,;, I "", �.,,, z I e .. I strong and healthy ever since. I have being commented upon. By way of 11,1-3tp.r or Bord�aux mixture. undisturbed by these proceedings that Dubl.in now are under separate civil b came the modern cockroach. it �­� . � � ' � �.�,�, � never taken any medicine that did illustration, a farm of 150 acres at Fourteen miles in fiftY-two minutes Or paris aropn. I to 2 pounds to it was not sufficiently angered to governments it is regarded as prob- was a native of India, never until that I ­;�',, me so much good and -will always Tang, Ballymahon, County Longford, to I ­;�',, ", �,, ­;�,, ­;��,, " I . i; ,,� , , , was a record in the heyday of stage ,l gallons of water. strike. It had probably dropped in able that the Pope will create a card- time seen in Europe. These cook- J "I ,;, . highly recommend Dr. Williams' pink which was bought two years ago for coaching in the West, writes Clarence Or parts green, 1 pound and ar- the carriage from the branches of the I inal for each. A red hat for Arch- roaches, however, were sturdy fel- 1'1,.;1111 �s�., , 41�,., � � - pills. 93,500, was put up at auction and the E. Mulford in the July "Frontier." ­nat,, of lead. I pound to 40 gallons tree in the church compound. I bishop O'Donne4l, of Armagh, is con- lows, given to living in dark and nar- �­��.hl . t You can get these Pills from any highest bid was 12,wii at which price The novelist and authority on the his- -f water or Bordeaux mixture. sidered certain to be followed soon by row places, and therefore happy in I I I 'a - "". -- - ----- 10- - - - - I 11 . / medicine dealer, or by mail at 50 cents the property was withdrawn. tory of the old west points out that Any of the above inay be applied . i �,.nother for Archbishop Byrne, of the holds of ships that plied the sem. . ,�..,� ,';, " . �in, a box from The Dr. Williams' Medi- Alexander Dock at Dublin is to be "one of the Denver rum --653 miles- in the form or a dust, but should be ROD AND GUN Dublin. Archbishop O'Donnell, Who Thus these argosies of commerce have � 1,,;;.,�, .1'a.� - ll . � ,; 1. cine (ill Brockville, Ont. � extended by 150 feet, with a depth of was made in four and one-half days; ,'!Inted with from 10 to 20 t1mes .succeeded Cardinal Logue, was for .served as a means of broadcasting the �, � , �';'iL � ",?.�., , ��­ i.a City, tlieir own bulk of hydrated lime. In addition to a full quota of unus-iyears, as Bishop of Rophoe, the con- cockroach, and it is found in abund- .. ��,� 35 feet at low water. The chairman from Sault Lake City to Virgin � - , I I, . � , : � I - .0. - of the harbor board said that it was Nev.-575 miles -a run was made in .-'� pply with duster or shake through ually interesting stories and articles, I fidential friend and trustee of the Ir- ance wherever man dwells. His bones �.,4' 1?. very important that tbe.public should I ish parliamentary party. Archbishop have provided suitable breeding and :­'.." 1, s,eventy-two bours, and part of this ,, burlap sack. the August number of Rod and Gun, - r ., THE STRANGE ROMANCE OF know that there was accommodation o of fifteen miles -or Flea Beetle Use In Canada, the Canadian sportsman's � Byrne was created bishop direct from dwelling plac?,s for these children Of - . I - I �1, in the port of Dublin for vessels of an hour. Bordeaux mixture (4 lbs. blue- .magazine, contains a wealth of in- his Dublin curacy. and never has par- the warm countries. New species, , � the largest draught. The sooner the ticipated in public affairs. one in America and one in Australia, I On the western end a rate of over formation for the outdoorsman, the I I �,, �', tl' me, 6 lbs. hydrated lime and 40 I'll . wo � - -rite this story, says a con- I ten miles an hour was maintained for -allons water) with any of the pole- fisherman and the gun crank in the w �." .As I w . rk was completed the better. Irish health resorts, it is expected, were found ai�d distributed. So have ��,, . '. 1. or, there lies be Blown against a tree, a beautiful ill draw over a hundred thousand worl , � I tiribut, fore me a piec" 5 VIdn hours. Ben Halliday broke all ,iis used for potato beetle. - regular articles and full synopses of v d -girdling multitudes of them ap� � ,!", �a, . le swan belonging to Belvoir Park, e isitors this season. Moto � 7�'�� of gray India silk perhaps twelve ma records for the entire distance in 1884 ., fishing sea r coach Peared wbe re before there were none .. . .. Or Leaf Hopper Use the hunting and. ,11� . inches square. About it is Woven a Belfast, sustained a broken wing. when he was on the Pacific Coast and nada and tours frorn the railway termini have I a all but local tribes. This in- � �, . 1, ��' ' Bordeaux mixture. spray both sides laws, for the provinces of Ca ux , t s, or . ,,,, �, The injured member trailed on the been established. A new and I _ ma . in the rang 5,� i I I web of rare romance. . For aught we learned that important busiriess de- Newfoundland. It also includes the - �," l f the leaf thoroughly. .,11. I ound, causing continual agony, manded his presence in the Esl He " urious fleet of vehicles runs comfort- the cockroach . 0. k five hundred 91' announcement of the annual amateur is typical of the man �... .. � years old. The mystery of its origin which was increased when the bird, made the run from Placerville through For Potato Aphis Use ably along the reconditioned Ensh influence in the insect world. �� - photographic contest in which $700 in �.S, � was buried with a pirate captain two as it limped about, trod on the injured to Atchison, 1,913 miles, in twelve Black Lea? 40 as soon as ,�he prizes is being awarded. � ,: I centuries ago. wing. A well-known Belfast doctor spray Among the stor�es of general sport- � —'- -� ­­=- -- - ---- ­ -­ -- . 1�1 ,� I days and twoliours, beating the regu- `nhis are at a]] numerous ­ � - . - ­- -..--.. - , ,�, About the year 17Z5 two young amputated the wing, and the swan, lar ,schedule by five days, and aver- thoroughly, -Dept. of Extension, ing interest, Basswood Lake to Windi- ' :I.,,. . I -,. '­ Tnba,k,,l though bereft of one of its adornments .11 . �11 t. people, husband and wife, e aging ,six and two -third miles an hour 0. A. College, Guelph. go, an account of a canop trip, which ­ . 11 1,�,, as relieved of the plain and 'is pro- 1�,�� I "I. 11 from northern Ireland for America. w over the route with all stops included. while it recounts the second part of , " ":11,4,1 In midocean while' t6 s -W My be- gressing favorably. � � This feat cost him $20,000 in wear and The Newman Raspberry. the voyage, is a complete .story, w-rit- 1-i �4.111 calmed the wife gave birth to a girl. England has destroyed the Irdsh .;I ,� i� I ,if -i, � tear, but it electrified the country and The Newman raspberry "bas done ten in a swinging narrative; Side- O', g", �111 `� On the third day after the baby's language in two generations, and it Il AM .. ��, "i, , its advertising value largely ofli the well at the Cr,ntral Experimental ligh�s of Niptigon tells of trout fish-� 92:il . .14�1 'I, , I "', ,�,,y , ..., � �,, birth the captain described through' was the aim of the Gaelie'League to cost. 1,1ever before had this trail been r,,arm, Ottawa, being one i Zoamson Halwe-st TW%J a . "."P'i". I .jithe moot ing and is -,v-Httc,n by Olirk Ripely, � 11�1 ;� . I . ,.,0ll., . - his telescope a masthead on the ho- revive it in the same period, said Mr- beaten in any manner outside of the -,)romising of the noweat_'Wrlpties. It who wields a red even better than a are guaranteed and replaced cheerfully if not, Rat- .�,­ � , " �,�". , ',thron Padraig O"Maillie (Patrick O'Malley) Pony Express, V*ose record -bre akiiag was named a I very finished pen. Judge A. B. Colin ., .'� �,',i Izon. To the voyagers ging the rtor ts OrAtnator, Mr. . ." �". . ­ "�, deck 'there slowly appeared an ap- at a Gaelic League festival at Rath- � isfactory. If vou need a pitch fork, hoe, scyth , ll!il �� run beat it less than five days, and 3'. P. Newman, and is a selection from of Toledo. O., is enthusiastic over e, I.N�";i', . 1! ","', z �"a�,,..:�� '. I proaching vessel; she was graceful, keale, Couhty Limerick, when he ap- whose regular schedule runis beat it 'many seedlings grown and tested. Canada as a sports ni an's paradise in etc., try a 6AMSON. They cost no more. 'Isl ;1i and her masts were tall. The captain Pealed for unity and support for the by only two. ;'he original a(,(,(] was taken from' a recounting his moose hunting experi- :` I 1�` V I "I li�h I , ,,�� . . of the emigrant ship gave orders to League. There was no use in politi- � 114, Slow travel, in these dhys, of mile a ,Iold containing the. varieties Cuth- (,nc(,q at Tomiskiming under the cap- — .. .V I - Aack n speed. Nearer and nearer Cal freedom if they were not free in � ,� 'I." , . l�j. ,,, a ininute I?rnited and two mfle a minute 1)(,rt, Eaton, Herhort, King, and Lon- tion, A Judgp Goes Hunting. Other �,��; Now the mysterious craft. A pullif of mind and thought, and that could not ,�.,�:,%,, , . � airplanes -but it would be a mistake )on. W Seed was planted In 1908 es eq all ool c 13 e to '�:",�,,gi�j �" ' articl u y g ( ontrib t ��: ,,,,� c� �, � "'M*Z I � I moke appeared. A cannon roared, be so if they had not their own lan- to think e t1te Stage co h lines a- and the following year some 200 make the issue a highly attractive one. ''�,� t, ", � � plants were set oul for study. Tlwo ,,,��' 1�- and a- shot flashed across the ship's guage. Ill I " G o I d M C - �;,, d' a i "' Bin d eo r ... 1". -%� Ji bow. The craft was a pirate. Dirt and destitution were reported cross the plains as a smal undertak- Rod And Gun In Canada is "I",, 4, el . ing. To organize such a system ;c -ars later it was possible to make It lished monthly by W. .T. Taylor, tim- I :�"'� I , 11he awien passengers stood by a commission which investigated Twine. The quality Of thiS twine has stood the � ''.1, 1;, wd business even now, ­,Olectlon from tho best of these. it it( -d, Woodstock, ORt. i I "11� ,Z dl� I I � and vl;l while tlip, ,pirate ship the districts 4 Gurtnaboe and Sil r- . I I . Va I ,� -4", - and in those days the capital required ,.�as then that Seedling Newman NO. I -1 , U., ,,�� !,I I'll, � test. for many years and still leads. We have,our I , �', , he" to. A boiat drop1ped from her dagh in North Tipperary. In "The I -- ---- . ���,, I 1! 61de, to keep malls and Passengers J�Fjn 2-3 was recognized to possess super- 1�;`. '�4, .. -�and down, a -roper ladder climbed Commons" or eolliery area, they found 9 ior merit. In 1916 and 1917 this stock in. ,and at your serviC8 DOW. 1. 1, i � .�� I ,w,, ii,�� ' through the Indian country i nilAted I I ,11�11T,., the, Pirate Cal -and his vfllainous deatitution and sickness more preval- I variety was submitted far rurthe r IRELAND ,L �q� ,,,'�,', to a huge sum. : 11, ,,�,,A�V,l � I 41A., efew. Under p6wetfui oars the boat ent now than they had been in mid- . trial to the Exp-riMental Farms 0 .'­,,��, L,,,�t� "" , , � I .'L qp R shot aerbiss. the intervening spaee. The winter. Large families of children In the heyday of the Overland it Bangor police batons were. used to M.0t, .,Z I ,;�;�,,` ­,��,�� � wb(�re It ranks among the best Ulm gp� ­:­ �;�j,i� . bad 193 sl between the Missouri quell R di9turbance caused by a Be�- ", ,,,�,t , Al �,, . 2)" - ".­,�,­K''41T ; P­�,t4 '- I captain and .1he Crew of AfensepAs were running -wild-almost naked, and iver an varieties. 0 I Hay F of k RoPIE, IS ­-,".'�,�"`­ . Ve-qSel were 'con In iraiii The pir- Were seldom or never sent to school. R' d the waters of the Papific. fm;t chartabane party. They had po- :::, " ,. . .. - ­ - � - ­­ ". I , ­­­ Over its route far ,a year and a hisif (Onttiniz Alfalfa. teen aboard and two willd Irishmen of the same quality, �­�� ��` :`I: 1.-- ­­­ -..---- ell, Majors '. ;,:l .... tttt: � ,;I- , . . -sea of Rugs I I ,�';,;:" ­�'�l: ,. . . . - -- � . I - ���v ��­- the flashing hoi Insisted on challenging the whole po- " I � . I I , Considerahl . I .1 - . , . . & Waddell's 'famous poiV expms bad e Injury may be do" lice force to fight. In the scrap which . I ., ��,�,i : li, 1�' I .... --- �. - - . ----.'--1 111111 . � -1- J , 1, �,,;,,',' . � . � I , val * Igtft" catried lithe written wqxA on a regular to alfalfa fields by late c ttMg or followed the police came out on top , . �, �!,,;, 'I I . :4 1) T I pasturing In the autnnin. Tliwalfalfa �':':'�,­.­.,., :;r;, I � ­� schedule of ten diyn. 71he equipment _ and the ringleadenq were landed in � I �,V, �­ ��� , I � I L, L " " . X; K S , ��;­ �,,� 5 J* of the line Itielvded abouli eoAdha plants should be free to grow after ' � -L I'll I 1. I , jAil rind fi heavily. fipl�z ,2, 1�; �� ' . � be� 25th. Cuttfrig a'? pastur- ,�� .i, I Ill I ;.,� �l , ! - I I., 1. . and exWe" coaches and 500 f1i SePtem � I W 0 I'vM& MO& Ing after this dal Is not 9Aod pric I Frep Rtafe tariffs are having pecul- ��ll",::�,,�t�'ll�,,�����,i�,,�!��, - lb I .11; . wagons; on the main Him all there �,,� "',"j- ,� iy R9LVeMTH2AF-G'rL96S00 proom 96 giv O" Idly 117,11i, pAreprWE OP Mama' -1 ttee. To stand tbe winter the crown P A resident of Culdaff, 06 , �11�0 ,,,,, iar Qfl kleot, DL, Ferguson & , 1�7 . welli "?",!"�,,,,,����,�,����i,�.1, V "R L NeALTI-4 ;joft of the plant Should be"Covero.d with 1, 11.11,Vo, � ,P,�t`4v � Ill, .1 0 �41-.,o, � " 1"�'), l.; ,ii AF -1 r1l T4Z,bN1 100 Concords iliand temly 2900 s Donegal. iii a letter ,says that he sent . . I "' - . i � W SEAFORTH - - - - - - ONTAMO � , ­­ ,"i ,,V,,,�; 1 �- . I . . hovgaand roulez. Tho harage � firl" acrosm the border to a London- 1. 'i", . 11 . �"�q'J�lq'llW� . 1; , ,,, � ,, - �, . .. . ,:."", ."", , ,� � amoildi to tioarl a good vigorous growth of leaf and . )�,�� , I C , , � a - 0 0- IkA,g. � 0,000. rt 6 . devry lial Just before tAp Prpe I ,,.1: . " ,.", I .1 i 1, I'l I �, I � I I q I I I . I I � � ��,�, , . � . ,10,600,000 a rerm W M tm HMO , State Budgpt waa tnt7odueGd, and he , . lill"awlamffma"M -�­ ,,, � I . ."A I . tv A 'r, X I 11111110 I I , . � , � I ;1 1", � I , ,.� I - I I , .1 � I , 141. �`, � i , , , � � ` I I � .1 111. I 'I , , , , , - I ` " ` 7 1�1 "I ` M v, , I I ,�, - �­ ... " 1. . . . I . � � . I . 1,11 )- I , I � 1. ��. i -`11L, L 1. 11 �. , "", I �'.. . .. � . I .11'.." . :,� '­;��1111­14,7"�', I I . - . . I � I �, ",.1.,;-';" �, I I:, ,',, 1.'L I I ., I �%����� I - " I— .- ...., , I . ''" ...! �, ­ ! t:,. I..." I I .." I I ­ -;f A:q� , ;,�',"­, "I"." 1.,:",� ,, "', 1�..'­ ,. 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