HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1925-07-17, Page 847, j17 are., Repiember the 49"Ok TIM ago. 00, to M raw" t ax.
Itug Z I...... ...... fast, and pod rues re direi�dy as- Western fttqo� t 11�, opq Y esday next� ator, OW IAna ge eaf,qrt'4 races on WedA W _t t geg-d July 22nd, L�ntries am coming in oMeqp 4�� ng Ike M Ir .11 pine ar be aorved sured. J,,� "g, oil corps and *,%-a 44 G$, dozen ... 20c Announcement.—Urs. SU SOAP ...... 31.60 Harp, of Manill,% Rqtv�,"A our announces the engagement the position Of. re.4bavwg 0 on lit y SOAP .... $100 Alymer, some. In ay la4t.—� v Aghter, Eva Bialica, to Mr. xermanent lat' "7f - A " . , of her 0al delay if X!6rA7dF% Oxford r. and Mrs. e, o th :W Who hae. eon Ri1thard Clark, of Seaforth, the wed- bee oretary tQ 20c Charles R. Clark, �sou of 11d r left the serW f e CX4AIA left on. Tues44V for- ame se nd BEANS, W the n(iWi �rimliial Igwyer,,in om Ve d Ili wints ........... ..... 25c ding to tole place early in August he remained.for 6 YVA41 an. the, w%ere ahe, will be,engage Xr_ Louia Ielf 7,?% —At the recent commenced business for himo uis' PHONE FOR FOOD local examinations of the Toronto Portland, Oregon. In his -visit, oon ago- 41wr, .1 k e.. f ' :�� ", 4 rvatory of Music, the following days, Mr. Stewart vs well knowIll Q00i''in T40nd, --Mrs. L.: 4" few. 44ys
youAger 4,1204 h pupils of Mrs. M. R. Fuennie were throughout the cowity ps a'Highlaxia `�er's c er., 'Oss J. Sproat her's c g`!U�"Ap,§' is prescribed by same, and games and witining a number of regular ex- dalicer, competing at the Caledoulaif successful in passing the aminatioi ee Ih1hp , which require a 7 .0., much higher stand- pa-izes, About twenty year�s: aio�16� e school ex- was united in marriage -to Miss Xes. sevexii and Sistej,4, ard of proficiency than th Weiland, guller Elementary Piano,— sie McDougall, 'youngest daughter of B r of the ams: Re to Toron t weeki: D Ament, 68. R De5tivit firiends. Sh ani Nott (Hon.), 73; Lachlan, -arid a daughter, &,vof years. `He-�U r. q,A.; (Hon.), 73; Helen Mr. William McDougall, of Egmond- -hool boat4.,�.J;rotee 'dau D Mary Barber ill)iess of -her ghter "DUO. allpapex *W"-�OK h& egular Primary, Piano ville, who survives him, along ith 3 resided W, Weiland.—Mis so Anona Margaret one son f 'wl —Iva lian Hut- Helen, also his aged mother, Mrs. S. Hyma, 106.,,Ltd. Armstrong (Hon.), 70; Lil Duri '"ge at 6randBend for two weeks, ,I li.arty,.of girl friends have taken a and August we will give a ton, 68. Alexander Stewart, of Seaforth, and ng the months of July �Jadge J. A. Jackson and Mrs., ---------- vQ;— three brothers, Robert -Stewart, of discount of 20 Per Cent. to -Bri0f,j —Mr. J. Best LocA,' Normal Exams. — The f ollowing Portland, Oregon; W. D. Stewart of and, "Jackson, of Lothbdge, -are guests, at No Th 40 Per Cent. on any Paper in from this district were successful at St. Paul, Minn., and J. A. Ste ih46me of'lfts Jackson in Egmond- wart� of daug:hte4 ,Ml;; Verda Best, motored the store. 0 i 'r Normal sebools: Interim first Seaforth. Mr. Stewart greatly enjoy- to BracA they Ville." Th The W4 ese the ey made,the 2,800 mile trip 4, ri4ge last week, where George B. Aberhart, Maria ed a visit to his old 'home town during will class— i s'pend )X, few weeks' holidays.__L by -motor Ili ten days.—M. and Mrs. Hills, Ronald MacKay, Thelma John- the Old Boys' Reunion last summer. Misrp Oliya. M. Laidlaw sailed from 'Thomas Elder left,on Wednesday for ebster McNaughton, Fred Interment was , made in Riverview Paris on July 19th, -(6r 'a ston, W a ith friends f
SCOOTT'S - cemetery, Portland, Oregon, the fun- two 1�;� 10 tth "We Save You Money" Detroit. From- there they,will motor ea trip abroad—Miss :BeN TTI t6 Iowa and on to Yel- S Ph
Jackson, Ethel Jowett, Hall Farnham Opposite Expositor Office. Interim 2nd class—Clifford Clarke, -�ral being under the auspices of the Grieve 16�;-.,spendirig two weeks' holi� low. Stone. Park, Wyoming,. — Mr. PHONE 62. Bruce Klopp, Cwendolvn Snowden, Spanish War Vpterans. days koka.—Mr. P. C. Caldei�, Ted. Downs, of Yokohoma, Japan. 9ME RMULL DRJJG STORNa n,r, Henry t the Week en itte,nding Ridley. CoIllege, St. SEAFORTH. Anguiz; McRae. &irle Websti of TorOn o Xih J PHON9,18. -open d, with w 0 is W, Brokensbire, Grace Pepper, Jean Car Number LosLSomewhere between Bay- Mrs. A. Catharines, and Mr..;Jamies Jackson, me school,'are guests at the Woods, Margaret E. Toward. Limit- field and Seaforth, car No. 27M62. Finder D Chapmaix;` of' Bridgeburg, � were Of the ea. nlease leave at Daly's Garage� Seaforth, Ont, -d 3rd c end guests at the home of I n-wnd- -0 NT, BONS, Jos. C. Thompson c lass—Eileen Flannery, Mary 9005-1 we*ek Wr home of Miss Jackson, at Eg DISC Ti- F. Derrips,ey, Robert Byrne, Florence t: Ville—' Keatin -who GENERAL GARAGE Tire Found.—Found near Beechwood, in and IChapman'.—Miss Miss Elizabeth _ .) .1 .. nsall—, lqt class — Ferris auto tire. Owner inuy h -ave same by vroving Mullioll�i4j'-'who* spent the past year bas been teachi g in Fort Wilrfam for Coyne. He property and paying charges. Gunn, Lang-lois, Best Brands Of Gas, Oil, Grease, Cantelon; 2-nd class—Porothy Welsh, k Co., Clinton. 2005-1 tromelling-An -the Western Provinces the past, year, is spending the holi- Coal Oil, Etc-, Etc. Violet'R. Whiteside. and returned home this days with ,her parents, Mr..and Mrs. For Sale or Rent by 16th of June, 8 -roomed th Voile "dy (Complete stock of Tires, Tubes, Bat- -.6— frame house, electric aights, soft water in week�Mk�.and Mrs. M. R. Rennie Jos -ph Kqating.—Miss Wilson, of Do- C .40i f , amili I teries, and Accessories of all kinds. Finlayson - Weiland. — A quiet but house; on South Main Street Apply to and re spending a month's tXOit Receiving Hospital, is relieving Th,o— ATdrew. 'leary, at the Seaforth Hospjtal Dresses Batteries Charged. pretty wedding was solemnized at the -holidays,' at� � their cottage at Grand Miss 1, E��,mondville Manse on Wednesday, while she is on her vaeatiom—Mrs. -Latest Cars for Hire. Bend.�X.',W. Faulkner Is visting Cars Stored and WashedL July 15th, when Margaret, only daugh- Died in Windsor.—Many readers of with friefidS 'in Detroit.—Mr. Glen Joseph Mero spent a week in Gode- St IeS 'y Prompt Service by Courteous ter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Weiland, the Expositor in this district will Holmes,"'6f 'Toronto, is a guest at,the r1ch,visiting her son,- Mr. A. Mero, 2 became -the bride of William J. N. regret to hear of the death of Ruth honl� 9f., -hiS, -�ather Mr S. T. HdImes. '"d other -friends.—Miss - Carolyn BafrgiiM Attendants. Firdayson, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Alvera, the little daughter of Mr. and _Mr.'�Ajid Mrs. �ialter Watts - of Holmes, R.N., who spent. several. REPAIR DEPARTMENT The ceremony -was Mrs. George E. Little,, of Windsor, ,::�T6re guests at the Geen's weeks, holidays at the home of her Saturday- 'perts James Finlayson. Chatham All kinds of repairs made by- ex Fri ay, .1 conducted by Rev. W. D. McDonald, in and granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. on d a,t,—Miss Dorothy Wil- father, Mr. S. T. Holmes, returned to —Satisfaction guaranteed and charges the presence of immediate relatives Harry Little, former well known Sea- son, isi -§o�Aaying with friends. in Boston this week—Mirs, J. Render- moderate. STORE A The bride forth residents, which occured in Hotel M kokit-, FI of the bride and groom. us —IKr,, Jessie P. ett is son, of Blenlipim, and Mrs. H. P. Keith STOP' A THIS wore a wedding garment of coral silk Dieu Hospital in that city -on Thurs- spendirig'�-"- holidays at Toronto and of Edmonton, are guests at � the home YOU GO IN -YOUR AUTO ast week. The little Grinipw -jg.he of Mr. J. B. Tyerman,--Judge, Jack- canton crepe with hat to match, and day morning of I �; was accompanied by J. C. THOMPSON iinA -daughter, Billy.Jaek and son and son, Jjxa, Miss Jackson and carried h phelia girl who was 17 months old had eon- 'her "ft MAIN STRET SEAFORTH roses and lilies of the valley. Im- tracted measles, which developed into Mary Flett��-Mr. Joe Eckart Is busy Mr. Ted Downs m6tored-to Toronto Day Phone 155 W; Night Calls 139r11 mediately after the ceremony, the a complication of diseases and ended over)1270#9�,,.bjs threshing outfit and on Thursday.—Mr., Alton Nero, Mr. happy couple motored to London, the her young life. The funeral was held making -roay for a busy season.— and Mrs. W. Lamke and family and bride wearing a travelling dress of from the home of her parents, 1065 Miss of Egnindvill, -has Miss Seip, of Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs. lir Westock, of California; Mrs. Jorouk, navy silk with hat to match, and a Wyandotte street, East, Windsor, the ret n6d .16 -me after spending two fox fur, the gift of the services being conducted by Rev. Mr. of Tilbury, and Mr. and Mrs. - T. Soap Specials beautiful weeks'hqI ys in Niagara Falls and Later they will continue their Hedley, of Essex, and fornifly groom. Of Buffalo.��XT. MeMath, Of Detroit, is Bedard, of Drysdale, spent the past trip through the States and points Goderih, where MT. and Mrs. Little in t,o week with Mr. and Mrs. J. Mero— wn�.vas1ting his sister, Aft -s. A. east. resided before moving to Windsor, and W. 'Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Pek- Mr- and Mrs. J. B. Tyerman return- DOUBLE SIZED SPECIAL. $1 Boo interment was made in Windsor elderaind',tiiend, who motored here to ed on Saturday after ten days in Many Motorists�_=ike it'a -polnt,Ao -call at, this, -store,
Me. . hey eon -
16 Bars for ............ The Golfers.—Thirty-two members Grove Cemetery, and among those spend tvm. weeks, holidays with Mrs, Leamington and Blenheim.—Dr. W. e ve'n if they.are only in townfor a Sh,6rt ti ALBERT'S LA ROSE—Pure. frag of the Seafortb Club, ladies and gen- from a distance who -attended were, Pekelderl�§ arents, Mr. and Mrs. W' W. Moffat and Mrs. Moffat, of Port rant, healing, lasting, triple French tlemen, visited the Listowel Club for Mi. and Mrs. John Johnston and s Sidert worth -while to a top off here. � becau' s0T1--Charter;s,'-,,*ill Road, and with Mr. re is
Milled, Super value, 15c for 10. a friendly game on Wednesday, and of Goderich, father, mother and and *�.jrenry Moffat's parents at the Manse this 'think f 'Interest to thelk.-:� Fo "e" ation
Charters, of town, week.—Mr. Theodore Bullard of ways� some 10C all reported an exceptionally pleasant broher of Mrs. Little. She was an rettn�ned tim-their home last week, tak- for ............ ........... 'with Of those wh6 " 't t M by AUW� and for;6 outing. The Listowel course held no only child and the sincerest sympathy Ing Ohio, is spending., the holida e me, 0 ov
BABY'S OWN, regular 15c Miag''Elizabeth Charters with . ys thbrs, as, well,
JOC terrors for the Seaforth golfers, who of many friends will, be extended to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bul- we wish to say, th4t,-this month tW are'mgn� seasonable
tbem-�Xr.-`and Mrs. S. Jefferies are for ................ ........ turned in a slight majority of victor- the bereaved parents. on a motor.trip to Hamilton, Preston :1-ard—Miss Adeline Tyermin is vis- items at� prices, paitieg) SOOTHING CREAlq--pame as Baby's i,,. This is the last call for golf g at LondesboroMrs. J. Rich- 44Y temp�ing. Ther�fore, be and- other, —Mr. and Mrs. Ray ltn laces. to'gtop he Own but without fees and those intending to be mem- The Council.—The regular meeting Glinske a?4 baby who motored here moud and Mist; Richmond, of Galt, sure re. 3 for 25c 1. th se who have u*p, the qqqrp� Qf the 19wq (;ouncil Wqs held in the- -home of Mrs. A. ve" - ot - - ' d . .1 - on the-Ame4can holiday and wh&have are guests at the AbBMT'S OLIVE for clubhou,so v�lf pleasd pay their council chambej� on Monday evening been the of Mrs. Glinske's par- Young. 25c or SOAP. .......... fees to the Secretary -Treasurer, Mr. with Mayor Golding, Reeve BeAttle ents. and sigU'r XT. and Mrs. John FANCY BISCUITS—Six kinds J. G. Mullen. The Club requests and Councillors Crich, Cardno, Hutch- Sproat KIEPPEN and - *,5, C. Dale, Hu -YOIU- ron A VRNT4 at ........... .... 121/zc to 20c lb. players not to abuse the club priv- ison, Sutherland and Turnbull present. Road, returned to their home in De- Notes.—Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hogan and -son, of Toronto, visited at -the GRAHAM WAFERS ileges, but aks that members see The report of the Finance Committee trpit on Sunday7Mr. and, Mrs. Louis 20c Special, pound ............. that the fees -of the guests are paid. was adopted, and the following ae- Biall and dughter -returned this home of Mrs. James Chesne:� last SUMMER h week.—Dr. and- Mrs. Rogers, of For- SODA BISCUITS --Choice of Bean & Lists of paid and unpaid members counts ordered to be paid: W. Gil- eek to t ei, .ho, I, Detroit. Westlake's, Telfer's, Perrin's, Chris- will be posted in the clubhouse at lespie, $60; J. A. Wilson, $75; John They were pcompani�d by Mrs. rest, called on Mrs. James Ches�ey_ the fore part of this weeL than one -,made ties' at old prices. an early date, and as the season s Knight, $65; Public Utility Comriu�_ BralPs sister, Miss Lucy Rckart -from CHERRIES—Get your supply soon well advanced, the generous privileges sion, $71.46; Bell Telephone, $2.26; and Miss Maxia Hughes, who will ome of our for best quality and price. accorded guests can be considered as Express, 45c; Mitchell Nursery 06�, Spend some' time in the city.—Miss BEECHWOOD expired, insofar as residents are eon- $7.00; G. D. Ferguson & Co., $20.10; Florence Laidlqw,is'spe i Notes—A large make, said to be NEW QUALITQ, QUANTITY AND liffing the holi- SERVICE cerned. Municipal World, $27.22; Crossing days at Severn Falls, Muskoka.—Mr. at least four f6et in -length and with W SIR 0. Protection, $5.87; G. A. Sills & Sons, and M, -s. Hamilton Stewart, of Emer- a breast measurement of 20 inches, Also Cash Discount Bonds on all cash McGillivray Mission Circle. — The �1.95; E. Chittenden, $48; CardnO son, Manitobw, are . visiting at the was killed in D. -J. O'Reilly's bugh.on VABRICS Purchases. monthly religious meeting of the Me- Bros., $10.13. Turnbull-Beatie.— home of th� former's brother, Mr. Tuesday of this week. Berry pick- Voiles, Broadcloths are grateful that the reptile has C Gillivray Mission Circle was held in That the ngineer's report re LavTr- Alex. Ste-a4 MTs. S. Cudmore and ers patched, so berry picking c' 10ths the vestry of First Presbyterian enc6 Drain, be approved and that the son Harold, were week end guests t been des an a F. 111". Hutchison s church. Hymn number a98 opened solicitor be authorized to prepare a the bome of Mr. and Mrs. Pete o , continue without any fear Of this Glittihams r Ea y. Phone 166. the -meeting, followed by a prayer by by-law and Court of Revision be held —Mrs. Thomas Beattie and Mr. monstereing seen again. Ratinesi, Etc. Mr,;. Brodie. The roll was called with for same. Cardno-Hutchison: That Weiggle and on. Willis. who have DUBLIN- fourteen members responding. The the solicitor.be instructed to prepare been the guests of Mr. and Mrs, Henry RES minutes and a letter -from Mr. George a by-law, re debentures for Main Weiland, have returned to their home Death of Mrs. F. Eckert. The SPECIAL PRES Speedie, were then read. During the Street, Main Street North and God- in Erie. Pennsylvania. — Mr. Im' many friends of Mws. Frederick Eckert 8248 business part of the meeting, Janet rich Street West. Councillor Cardno Sntherland. of , Owen Sound, nP: regret her passing,in Chicago at the L Check Ginwhams -tha was a -home of. her sister, Miss Margaret week end guest at the -home of Mr 32 inches wide',—fast Cquff was appointed successor to D. gave notice ' t at 'the next regular d gone 7Z� Kent, as leader of Group B., and Jean meeting be would introduce a motion Doherty, B.A., where she ha STANDARD
Stewart was made corporal, Ma J, M. Wilson.—Mr. Carl Ament s in s her 9
to amend by-law, re traffic regula- . ek of health. She leaves colors.; ood.range
ry visifing with . friends in London.— husband, two sisters and a brother,
tion on streets. Council then adjourn- M ar DESIGNER Hay., and E. McLean were made lead ior and Mrs. R_ S. Tr Doherty, of Bornholm, to mourn 823 a,
er and corporal, r"pectively, of Group ed to meet at the call of he M -y -r- daughter, Mis. E, C. Mcclell D. It was also decided to 'hold the ancl, 817ent the loss of her bright disposition. The- yard. rRAITTERN
work meeting at 7 o'clock, Tuesday, Drowned At Calgary—The Calgary funeral will be held in St. Pat church, Dublin, interment in Dublin BELIZOBE
uly 21st, at Mrs. BrodWs. Follow- Albertan, of July 6th, makes the fol- THE FUNNIEST ing the Bible lesson, First Corinthians lowing reference to the sad drowning AND GREATEST cemetery. chap. 13, Mrs. Stewart spoke a few of Miss Janet Burgard, daughter of Notes_T4e Expositor printer made SUMMER UNDERWEAR minutes on the wonderful value of r. Philip Burgard, a former well a sad mistake in printing the report "Love." After singing hymn 399, kiiown resident of Ermondvillp_: Miss Buster'Keaton of h. musical examinations last week we have literally -everything i Daisy Spain, Ag-nes Smith, Myrtle Janet Burgard, 16 year old daughter at Dublin. The punctuation and spell- 11. Ladies' and Children s
Sharkey, Sadie Macdonald sung a o; Mr. and Mrs. Philip Burgard, 917 ing was not of the best, and your Underwear. No matter what Style or quality y6 � like
A story was N�neteentb avenne east, was drowned correspondent got the blame.—Mrs. Order a Leg of Lamb or Mutton, very pleasing quartette you are almost sure to find It here, and our price means
then - read of "How Chundra Lela at 5 o'clock Sunday when 66T t Hunter'and Marion left on Monday
or Veal on our reco-r�mendation and Found God." The meeting closed with she waded out of her depth while he avigator' for Toronto, where they will spend money saved to you. the summ'er—Mr. and Mrs. Leo Me. you will have a real meal. We aim singing hymn 494 and repeating the bathing in Jumping Pound, west f to serve customers with the choicest Lord's prayer. Ca7gary. Mis- Life on, in,,.and under the Ocean Kay, of Regina, Sask., are visiting s Burgard's body was Waves. with their many relatives. — Rasp. cuts of beef. Lamb, Veal, Pork, etc. recovered a short time after §be sank it Will tie youinto Sailors Knots berries are drying on the bushea for SUMMER GLOVES Quality rather than quantity is our Reunion Picnic.—A reunion picnic from sight and although revivirrg�'ex- of Laughter. want of a good raffi. -Wild ones are standard, and price last. was held at Bayfield in honor of Mr. ercises were applied, she was pro- Positively and Mrs. W. T. Pinkerton. Mrs. nounced dead shortly after,6vard-s by edy sen one of the biggest com- scarce. You will nd. what you sations'of this or any other -want in the way
D. H. STEWAWI' Pinkerton was formerly Miss Mima Dr- Waite, of Cochrane. The body year. of Gloves here.
Holmes, of Leadbury. They -are now wa SEAFORTH. e latyr brought to Calgary and CONSTANCE Short or long, kid, Silk fb riia, all shades and eolorS.
1hing in Fairban", Alaska, where taken o the A. M. Shaver funeral HERE TWS, WEEK -END. Community Picni'e.—A community In a few. minutes' time you can get i
Pho* 58. Main Street The home, According to the story of the �st what
r. Pinkerton IF postmaster. picnic, under the auspicei of the -you want.' -wing relatives were present: Air. fatality received in the city last night, - eld on follo Monday, Tue0day and Wednesday King"s Daughters, will be h Mis Burgard, accompanied by her "I and Mrs. W. T. Pinkerton, Mrs. Robt. July 25th, in the bush of M:r_ James C James Holmes and family, Nellie and eldest sister, Catherine, and Mr. And OLFAW 'MOORE Dale, onbnd a quarter miles West Of Constance. A good, programme and SUMMER HOS194Y. Carl? of McKillop; Mr. David Holmes, Mrs. Wheatley of this city, went Pic- Mr. Joe Holmes, Mr. Levi 'Holme, "THE T FLAPPIERr of nicking in the Jumping Pound distri PEEWRC sports are -being arranged. Tea will ct McKillop-, Mi" Gladys ad '�na On Sunday. Late in the afternoon the be served and the ladies are requested We pride ourselves oil selling -Hosiery- that w ear eto-
Hoimes, Mr. Orval and RuSqe to Ito provide basketSi 11 company decided go bath n a d ter, look better, and eases better iflail."brdinary�Hos,- 8
to ifta on rarms, First, oft Holmes and Mr. William Albert for a time they enjoyed themsel Football.—Don% forket the footbal ves i n the water oth, be. ery. Just now 'we P' uiabeHolmes, . Just before r) oPclock, irrip cess have all the, Abftages. Ca or Vnitd aid at of Seaforth; Mr. and Mrs. game here on Afoliday, July D and styles Miss Janet Burgard waded out of her tween Stratford aud. KlAbuxn. G=e once md gel, 7oar loan avlamgad Albeit Edler and family, He'er, for every -occasion. wall. No LOATAM99 of Seafarl%; depth and before anyone could come called at 6.-30' p.)Io. On accautf, of MiFts Liz -/i6 Holmes, Tyligs Becyie to her assistance, she was struggling en Cbltlmban and the tie betwe ITT(%1Trks. X". Dan Ewan and r. and for her life In,'twelve feet of -Water. kt%!� Tiieknersmith,*, the dedding, game had rs. Dnvid Leitch, of Bayfield; time 'When a Mr Nicholak, attrae ed bift, Tueda�, flight a tilis p7e"ria Mt., Tmnm- Mr--. Elmer Ewan, of Brussels-, Mr. She -had Just gom,, do" for the third %. n
to he played on * �nelltr4l , &Oirn6,
t odfis. r:4 dim Mr. and Mrs Williarn Leitch and by the cries, div�� in -after her, and week they played hete. T& ganie, -rnmllv, (41porge, Mildred aii Mu7qel althou& (he located her body tiltbla - 0 - , . � 1 . was evenly contes;ted, and at 01i trb! ed'and wittimmedi of rxodpricb� Mr. David lo -,itch, c')� a short time, not a qparL- of Me re, t 4ali All -our-SUnulier h I I .�, I I I -
Of , 9r, MI A, Special In add 0 of time +he adOTO -Stood 1-0, In 'favor ing at hal-f �riee' rand,u ad Mrs. .7011ij 8al1gy mained when the bod� was bmAlht to land. Bo o'rolumban' "Mes of hats is rtfeteed the, 4nother,grup'.. And Mrs. John Po -well aild family lung cafhnAnt er priceli this ptore the girl's Notes.—Mr. V*It, of BrMt#18, Mr. WariO, reMr- and Albert, of Stra�_, and 1&g. %eatley went to b st hats.� rq �gedy o? go, reaeue, but they, too, got out 6f ifiel7i of kwl� mp_.Anker 'is to b pth A-nd were only imod t r opp _dy ia.p
ford, Mr. and BT , Tv; fe a 0 rich. mrq. WITH= of ompt ,ser- ooMr. Wilu P� ITS R116 um R, mae3tay, Migs,tl llzabetb Mills, of ftf� the efi VICe de t:,_ ilampdd hi fu:117 al 4 Atitoto ftt the d ar,
othod IDenth of C. A, agth both of Vim outv By that Vm9t AdamS On 1 tub -0
S Otturred On SUIV glid at Wo �mldaiid had Otu lims of two mtho of I e a 0— "hot" & 46 t sfac h
'Qt- I
., E