HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1925-07-03, Page 8I.V 4019 4
t I, ..... 30c warmer. The and P=Sel$ An, tin -.,25e when 4t, 1a, e&ther Will be hoped the V t4 tin. .83c Club,wJ111 h0d iti seoond =0 W.0 tin .'8'3c on Wed:4,eudAy afternoon, July 22Ad. 133 and will ap ......... 20e beirig 4ftauged -.6
CF h OZ. gia t4 g ..... 25c next week�§ isaup- t , WA, i,d h, ............. oOillarge An I I&S. Jose -on, quarts ...... $Oe My ess 0 40e ow the do y, I75c 82C 44.� ; lb. tins. C. W. L. At Home )ur, 11 Pap ro,�
....... —Through who 19ariedher very pratty home for -sale 6 t ........ .. ...... -20c the occasion, the At, laome and .20c of home made candy held by the price, after PWR xv York 4o A A VINEGAR ........ 20c- CatlwUe Women's Lea r. adai of # 4110, On Tue'6- means of finding Ul<%, EW. day JA for the last job, -he quoted 4g MIT, t" ,st, proved to be a most enjoy oJtOli( t
Tke attenUnee was very meut sl4ps which we caqr v,,1N able aft4j. fair and resulted in the ladies being for and in ilother 'he quoted pg.&. .PV� ',-:In-: 10, enabLe4t to add an appreciable amount for n�velopes fg� Whiph we oil., r 1 7 'Vo�' oss I S%roat loyal q R to their funds. to be used in carrying $30 One man VhQ was, yo e on the ever�increasing and far reach- ;&r r - �Fiy tejUng' epe tSeaforth-
in hing worK 0J, uu� WWwoxy- would not give the order anyone. w4nw goes y *T llaCkSmr �Ag9�4
other than a a Won Scholarship.—MT. and MrS. mlordere. �hi A. S auto tew 'O out of his store, Nevertheless this of gr allpapur James Hays, of Egmandville. received ame, salesman showe�d(his 0 purchased in if he bad at bWI,j*-st fall. whe;,,. W Archie Hays, a gradae of the Sea- least twelve, rdeTL3 of plol h of I tf ord, W. word this week that their son, Mr. to the hotelman and forth Collegiate, in addition to being wingha,n. A.4cksmith ShqV At the some tinte loqxr During the months of July ne he had IA President-elect of the Students' Par- offite is running to, about half, eapac-. and August we will give a nent of the Royal College of Den- ity. Is it fair? Do you 'CIA tow, bar expect Mr. ,�yi years ug Q" udson J�xet Ad tal Surgeons and vice president-elect Businessman, that "Wingham's le d ftke to Miss A discount of 20 Per Cent. te, Htt 6 P� 'of Mr. nd"Bot"il, R,: 40 Per Cent. on any Paper in of the Students', Adminitrative Coun- booster" the Advarce-Times can' or ,,town, who su" the store. cil 9 the University of Toronto, he boost your business? When you -pass �r . Ive n Allu emorial tog has been awarded the War A a family of' f6u] out of this sphere your relative& will sin4e, a an o�tq�,c the local paper gives 91 ssed over,Ihe- t6wti Scholarship of $250 by the Alumni be hut unless d iter, Lieut. Carl,,Qarh,� SCOTT'S Federation of the University of To- Salvation Ar.ai# q�ap-- a long obituary notice about your, ie, Ruth, Glen no V, , q., k , "We Save You Money" ronto, in the Faculty of Dentistry, honorable career." oil n- L- eve th Opposite Expositor Office. at eP- Flor6 BeaWe�,. daugh- for General Proficiency. Many old JJf whom have the del nm Seaforth friends will join The Ex- AAd: sud'" 16 J. W�. Bedttig, I ft last PHONE 62. esJ4 their grea� 0 va
M positor in con House to Reut,-4oderu conveniaraces., rent den The funeral, Was- week on a ta tbe' t"al . . .... 2973;tf Axthiar am, 4 �L6amirlgtb* spent Lost.—A cork set handled tennis racquet. gratulations. to suit renter. Apply at Tle Expositor Office. he4frd AW-orne, of Mr. R. L. Cbirk D Injured In Fall—Messrs. Neil Gil- on sixtia at
ild. was very large he Ix.olday at his home, Misp� Emily Jos. C. Thompson I -pie, R. Porterfield and W. J. Me- Finder please leave at Graves' Wall Paper tendedillie.4ervices Win cond ed 9 ii't De*,.. who'- ha&�,ibqori in Leamington Intosh, met with a bad fall 'on store, SeMorth- B008XI by Larkin, D.D, The pall- Ton. -The Barbara Kirkman Auxiliary are bearej.s� W me weeks, returned, with, him.- GENERAL GARAGE ,Messrs. J.'A-. �Ste*aft. Missi HeMn Dick4on, of,�Toront-' is Friday last. They had been building tx4ding a tea on the church lavi-n from 5 to W ronto, is Best Brands of Gas, M Grease, an addition to the house on the farm y. Ju Admiss E(Quod , E. J. Box, the 'holiday ith her -mother ,J. McKenzie. ondjig p.m. on Frida, -ly 10th, -a Zpc- si, Nuts Of Mr. Calvin Hillen.. on the 11th Con- Aill welcome. 8008XI W. COWPP., and Dr. R��Xlburn. --In- hdre�-Niss Janet.Grieve. of —A M a A coal Oil, Etc- Etc. suit- termejmt,-wae�, made Andilank iending 66'. -holidays wi MeKillop, and on Friday ixon Pump For Sale. -In good repair. in Mat is -'so- eT — Complete stock of Tires, Tubes, Bat. cession of 'ii�a ing those "fto r. hortly before noon. were stand- able for or hand power. W4111am cemewwyi, amc teries and Accessories of all kinds. last ' s sinclair Egawndvill, e, B0031a parents. XT.a�n&Mrs. To Grieve. -M way, Mrs H ing on a scaffold, when it gave distauc6*k6"4ttended were� Mzo. and d arry k -wart and Mr. and, Batteries Charged. F., W.I. ., Rt h, 15tit of June, 8 -roomed Lau and they fell to the ground, fortunate- fram,6 house. electric Qights. soft water in ney, Mrs. J. PinknO roT pen Cars for Wire. ray s t last week in ly not a great distance. I the fall, house; on Son& Main and Mro�o i*' Toront.e.,ro-Mr.. and Mrs. G L Sim Street. ApvXy to y Pinkney, of T
Cars Stored and Wash-li eld had a couple Thomas Andrew. 2997-tf- Mr. M.T,,�Phikney and son, Dave,jNro however, MT. Porterfi and,granddaughter, Mb* RIJ;a, 'iire Prompt Service by Co;Z�oul W Of ot roken and Notice -Lost an Main Street, seaforet-on J hnstO Mr. Willis, of Aiat, �ridttzng at the home of, mi. � Sills, small bones in his fo Saturday, June 27th. a 16 Jewel Waltium fordo -on. Attendants. . r, ��Oh Clark, Aybner; r in Peterbo Mr. Gillespie had bis ankle brok laries watch with a sold ewe. Finder piease aeave Li ft �0. �;P J*ney, Capleau; Mrs. P. REPAIR DEPARTMENT Mr. McIntosh was fortunate in es- at J. F. Daly's Jewelry Store and receive re- ut Russel Sprobt, Mirs. Walter Robinson Trimmed.-'
All kind of repairs milade by experts caping without injury. Mr. Gilles- warL CamerbhZ4 '.Mrs. X Canferon, He6- and . Miss"Erie Steiwart, who motored —Satisfaction guaranteed and charges pie was brought to his home in town, Cameron. John GUOPb- to Detroit hist week, returned - on moderate. where he will be confined for soxne -nglu -argarot Mond#y,, bri .Sr little M weeks. Laing-Petrie—The home of Mr. Wi - thern....'Mr immell.-One of the Ruih' giv6at baik - th and Mrs. So Petrie, Main Street, Mil- and Mrs. Pope, aXA little daughter, of pretti#St # L C. THOMPSON ' Egmondville--A, meeting of the verton, was the scene of an interest- ,, dings of the season'to6k Brussel,�, a ' t Sund WM X ploce, o'clock on Saturday J. "M &rR]&T FIBAFORTH town and village Ladies' Aid was held, ing event on Saturd June 27th. , t. 2% at the homo--6f Abell and -his mother; Mr. Pope has. NE ay, aftern �w Day Phone 1155 W; Night Calls 189r1l on June 25th. in Egraondville United when their only daugltter�, Mignon in Tuck- secuied a good po6ffid Mr ;an' J. Do Gemillell, C. n with an'Engoo, Church school room. for the purpose Le lish firm. --KT. J. one, was wdted in marriage to `Laipg leavoeq ly daughter, their on Laino. of of reorganizing their Aid and other Wil-liam To Brownsville son next week for a -trip to. the old coun,, 19 A T.qJessie rV gas uxated in marriage "aw
natters. Mrs. Arthur Routledge, vice 'of -Mr. and J. .ink, of Sea- to 'Ge try�Mrs. Leslie Scott wid' children , wgj�,�'V�edeyoick Handley of Lonoo )resident, was in the chair. 1N The forth. At 12 olelock: to the strains don,,:., g�,,�,opremony was, performed are vishing with frienjai in London illats
neeting was opened by prayer by Mrs. of wedding music played by Mrs. and St. Tho,n%as,.-Miss Frances STOCK in th Ok.we of about 70 guests by Oft Fames 13rown. The resignation Of (Dr-) Tindale, of Hamilton, the bride the. � Pv., Larkin, D.D. -The 11UStOn, of Brantford, is spending ormer officers was read and received entered -the drawing room on the arm bride,;, s given away by her the -holidays at er -home in Tucker- it $3.98 Arith . reg -ret. Mrs. W. McMillan was of her father, -wearing a dainty 'French father;,446kia charming in a lovely smith. -NT. A. K. Chittendeu is ppointed President; Mrs. Robert Me- gown of white flat crepe and bridal gov spending his holidays in Grand Rap- " onigle, Secretary; Mrs. Andrew veil of en�broidiered ne. caught up vn-of,-�� satin en train, trimmed ids.Mis�c 1 . D6rothy Hutchis i - of with carrid'llacross lace. she wore 0 roynt, Treasurer. A commitee was with orange blossoms and a coronet a whibp4 veil caught with pear, Burk!s Falls. is spending the,bolidays ippointed to look after the church of -seed r1s. She at�o wore her with herparents, Mr. and Mrs. F- D. $2AS plea ornaments� orange blossoms.. She neidentals. Ways and means Of inother's gift. a rope of pearls, and carried. ,`16uque of Aaron Ward Hutchison.�3frs. , McKay, and child- s ren, of Londoi%- are guests at the 8270 arrying on the work were discussed. carried a sbo"wer bouquet'of ophelia roses, -of-the-vallek and baby' rhere were 15 members on the roll roses and lily of the valley. home of Mr. -afid 1$frs. W, G. Spen- Miss breath. of honor. Miss maid and several associate helpers who f- Mary Laing, sister of th G cer.-Mr. A. UeGavin, of Windsor, fered their services, The meeting was -e groom- retta *j;,�wore a pretty gown of acted as bridesmaid and wore a gown yellow i -0 spent a few days this week at his ette with a bouquet of closed by repeating the Lord's prayer of canteloupe georgette wih black home in Tuckersmith.-Mrs. (Rev.)- yellow rose Canterberry bells in n unison, after which two quilts werQ lace picture hat, She carried an old des, The bridegroom A. McWilliam. of Calgary, is a guest FOR A SUMMER. AF OON STR
I-av( &I at the: home o! her niece,., Mrs. John OLL
two of the ladies. The next meeting peas. -Live sweet %d y Robert W. Gem I, 1. I I I , �
quilted and a delicious tea served by �asbioned nosegay, of ma was supp-4, Cummings. --.Mr. F. Barlow, of - . 1. . 'i w , I - Mr. William' Aberbart; of To- mell, brother,:rbAhe bride. Marian 7 Dresses. ThatAre oasy,to.,� s to be called by the Secretary. Dungannon, has leased the south store M ronto, was best man. The ceremony Tft§. a & 0 -frock of yellow was performed by Rev. R. C. Capper, chiffoh and a basket filled in the Beattie Block and will 'open 8240 Thisl,4neo,'l 82 .0' 'T I I 0; Belrob6 . Seaforth Lions Club. -When the in -the presence of the immediate rel- 9 a shoe repair shop—Mr. Norval with, rown "d hi daisies acted Rogers, of Flint, Mich., called on a with Pi4fires community spirit grips a fellow it atives. During the signing of the as `11 I " B' its raglan ower gi -- and obby Gemmell.' dress with. gri-ps him good and plenty as Lions register, Mr. Alvin Barr, of Toronto, the bride's little ne]�hevi, as ring number of his frionds here on Mon- Clubs throughout the country have sang "For You AbDne." After a day. -Mr. James Carlin has been con- sleeves re _g _7
proven over and over again. and Sea- sumptuous "dding breakfaist earer. The bearers, Marian . i qU I- e the Barbara eltine'.166ked sweet fined to bed for the past wee'with dress frft -start forth is no exception, but has taken happy couple left amid to chilgo a sprained knee—Mr. W. M. Gill�s- yard of 54.- InOl. Mai�i'�� showers of in dresses of *,hi n.'Mrs. Gem- ishi N "Wa e points east local improvement, the more S- -Miss Terna Jairrott has accepted a. ts place among the top notchers for confetti for Toronto and s mell, the bride's mother, :wore a pie has purchased u new Star sedan. ial in size 3 -your A ub ridsome gown of -,slnethyst satin. e the bride travelling in a t0astcOlOred ha robe? pecially for the short time the C1 position with the Bell Telephone staff, pattern at all ensemble with hat, soes and gloveb 6r'd iaking, guid W
uring 9 . . . . . . . . reg r, Stratford,41qr. Joe Eckert' is engag has been in existence. The Lions to match and wearing the groomV.. Harold Tufts�-,�.�of Ki on, . sang Acoh park and swimming pool is a credi gift, a S ed with Mr. George -61e'gel in, the er- Designer d d'd, with. e not only to the members of the club Iand then .0- . er McGregoi W
tone marten neckpiece. Promise Me.", � Xn%and, Alexau-. ection of a new� house- for Mr., Fred but also to the citizens -of the town the, Hallet at �kmkton z�� '�e —Mrs. John 'Reed 6 violin -and piai&.-.At the close of the rs o , f Detroit, ererdA Xour;,. and vicinity who -heartily co-operated. d M. . George LaCrese, ds goo col,�, y a doe buffet lunche Funds are required to complete the The Late George Aetzel. )n ious on 'and Sister M. Isadpre- .ofKalamazoo. on Ipartakew�a gh�r wIllb, Mr. and -there are I th weeks ago wb enti as - : 6. equipment at the pond,. erect ba made brief m in; were -visiting this'. *eerk at the home :lYl of TZ. andlek left short:wed- -the Local Briefs of the de ath i- houses, etc., and the receipts from :of Mrs'. Win. Heffernan, �wll� is sei prials in`,,"' -goo. 8 reet dance on Thursday evening 'V OIT the st George Aetzel, a former well Ju4y 16th, are expected to provid mid popular Seaforth boy. W-161ch O��, -don� and, M-iss- Garrow,-of wasin ome in Olympla,�Wasli-. 9 q. portion of this fund. Here is your' curred at his -h ton, were the ZVjest&;adf Mi -and M chance to f urther the community. ing-t9n. on May 80th. The following N O. -P L.A.Y1 I N -G ieph Strdet West. §TANd P soilit was ; . .. - "'. -., -C.'a.. Hollulad-, tGqderi Always BUY� hear the music, dance to your from the Olympia paper, which' this, and.Mrs. L, -1,S. Wob- forwarded to The Expositor by MY.' heart's content with the joy andsatis- ter,and ?&rs.'Macleod and fan -dlj7 -left faction that every nickel you put up C. T-1. Broa&foot�,of- Moose Jaw, will -thip., *eek on -'a mtoi trip to -Chatham, To Make Y4i# Summ' Mi .oil Cre#e,� object. be. o goes towards a worth while f additional interest to m" old preme: ��WOgt�. Windsox Port Hunal Saxiiia-and. -Db-- �friends- there - - O'�George A.. AetzY - The Screeli�4� tine, Reach 60"t am VAC. Classes for the instruction of non- troit. Mr. and-.Mrs,;...Alex. -Watt-of swimmers are being organized,.- also ed, 51 numbered among 'the best .,Guelph, spent-Bunday at-thehoin;�. of 'Materials 4r ric lessons in -life saving, etc. The time kno;�; lui�bermen of the Sound 966ii- -Mr. J. B. 26c. to evening la rom a Siting gt Cis Mole , and �ehlldren aro,vim re table will be issued: shortly when old try, passed awi� last f 75 yard
and young may benefit by these in- home, 261 Union, Avenue Easii% Mr. tives arrd,.friends in Auburn this structions. Aetzel was born-- in Sea.forth, Ontario-, Y' week. -Miss- Maijorie, Hall,'formerl, September 24, 1872. Ile came th this on the staff of, the Seaforth Clle olm
Lennon -Kidd Nuptuals.Of interest mployniet giate LADIES'FINE 9IB-. bitiation Style city 23 years ago to take e story of th6, T4xas Rangers the guest of Miss Robb. — Miss 'siting with friends UNDERWEAR to many Seaforth and Goderich with the Olympia Door company and Violet Scott is. vi 113E D UN D9 RVE S T S' friends is the announcement of the by close application to his work.was in Toronto wid.Xiagara Falls. -:- Mir. 7 morning at 9 steadily advanced until he was taken Charles Lane �and.his sUters. Mi�ses marriage on Tuesday "The L" ,o,, 1h -b in 91 o'clock in St. Basil's Church. Toronto, into the firm and later elected to the Ethel and Lucy, and Mr. and Woo .$16evele8s and-opefa-' ne A, rit of the eomp- 'h Broadfoot, of Brucefield, rubtored, to ter of the late Mir. Joseph Kidd and any. which office he held at the ome y .-I. k
of Miss Mona Elizabeth Kidd, daugh- office of vice preside t i Duanes -wp styles pure tha, e with knee len Shakespeare on. Tuesday - to attend Mrs. Kidd, and granddaughter of the of his death. He was also a director with "Tony" Mg wonderfully intelli. the funeral of the late D, McMillan.- .25C ]EACH 5 a late Dr. McDougall and Mrs, Me- of the Olympia Building and LOuT1 gent horse. Mr. aid Mrs. Sohn Mac'16od' ad fam�- * $13 Dougall, of Goderich. Ontario, to Mr. Company. and was known- among the An Ideal Conihilation for a Vril, fly aliA MT. Murdo Macleod, of I Wind- Edward P. Lennon, of Montreal West, men who take an active interest in picture of the dreat Outdo rs. sr, were week end guests at e th" P. Q.. forordrly of Seaforth, Ontario. everything that stands-'-for.the adoo home of XT and Urt., L. The Rev. . X V. Ireffiv officiated at vancement of the citv. MT. Aetzel was Mrs. W. A. Nevin , and Mrs'." , L%-- othe ceremony assisted by the Rev j, a -member f. Olympia Lodge No. 186. Rogell, of Toronto, are, *isitilig,-th� 9XTRA LADIEW GOOD F. Player, pastor of St. Basil's. The B. P. 0. Elks. Surviving Is the tvido*, latter' S Sister Mig le wore an imported gown of iv- formerly Miss Itele O'Brien. to vAom and Mrs. IT LADIES lb� were it CECIL R. D(MILLE'S ory taffeta, in bouffant style and a he was married in this city May 14th, Toronto th-b t*oek attoWing ' the beautifully AR� ,wedding of Mrs. Db,` -7e;'- k very becoming large hat of periwinkle 1908, a son, Chatles, Alden, i daugh- to t r;OuX'S other, I ter, Anrginia, &11 of this city,". hit 10 Reel Sbeei&i. trimnlecL and carried a quaint ald fashine( 'Mrs. In arge. sizea.. -h ROert Sbiit G,O"s , , if
bouquet of orchids atid lily of tlk' e os 0, 'aput the With y valley. Her avily attendant was ber eouver, aud a �hrothor, C. A., also of 'THE Ot urs. ffiiy A' �bf #An f4r �giout P0tsons
sister, Miss Helen Kidd, as maid of VancOU'Ver. The tettladifts *ee rem6t- Sleeveless and full.s d od qua fty. D1 hanor, who wore a dainty blush rose ed to the Mills fmieral voliere Mureh Ai WvOksAty-L"On 'Sunday, and evening. *110 291T, June :96%. a qhlo-wer bdu4et of frweetheart ros- Ank lace 9,6WA Vfth hat to match and the,,V wffl -lit in %tate ffils afterilic ver )011 Puneral serviced, -mill be P r E@,,' es and baby't breath. The grom lield from the-btne Monday.aftermoon P 4,obe To. Ite Mi was attended by Mr. Jules B. Scholi. st 2 p.1m- I to. It. Fr�ati ii Mrt of- thok plaee bt'Crom. ing, formerly'Ut AYmterdwn Hon, alla. ficiating." rt I 'h' a y� 0. art eirn e After the eetemny a reee;,do,n Was 9 0i er held at, *6 bome of the bridold mother Deaih -Of 9ell)lk for fbe� irriniedlatb,yeltiveg, and lat. catne vfth veroy little varnhig to 'Vt. This- X a ns ter, Mr. an,4 Vftg, Utiton left f6r the Jogep'll rinkney, a Well and fr4end8- 'frp* tP Der Fastsa Ing from Montreal on FAday known toMdent, 611 PA&- of I' st ro% 16r�fttd, Re made fk On the "Molltelarell to Spe-nd tWo Week. bn the. m, Daorhti4m, of kosob months nbroa4. and will be at home Pinkn-V' had.Potk W&PkIng, As m1iial. :U Mae the dhurdh heatAbA Re,�. R. Go Xtray,4 �e aAeT October 1st at Ni eirIv Stinday mr to neir friends & I, t bOtb 194 18ror id with avi aeotk ittWde ffi bot% k Avenbe Vortli, Mont�eal ieiv Or -.0 of oo td 1.116 Ide *1% 00M(ld to Our Lovv6#,,.Pr' pt, �ba %�- 4 to avery custel gild the �Va,, f n6v, Do Be ?air give trg A Chanceo;—Un.. attack returliod. vpdlio VA RE �111 in e 0, all 6D., (]or the, above heA41 %d V" ba fhe &dat& *h It dd V49,
up YANS WATSON Ir W 0-03fose IN , I 16, 1 ': " ' " , rl In 0 U tI'PU Igo, 04-66 "Ttv lift the su%e ftfol? dft I.......... ... . ....
Banks give 3 per cent. on the money
you lend; Hutchison's give 4 per cent. an the money you spend.
FANCY BISCUITS -Pound 15c to 40c
BROOMS -One dozen only; were 60c for ............. .......... 39c c
with its premium�, at ........ $5.50
for ......... ...... ......... 25c
We are allowed to do this for but a i
short time as the price is less than
VINEGAR will soon be �sed in quan- i
tity. We have the best brands at'
per glln ............ ...... 50c
TEA-Oux special black or mixed, per
pound .............. ........ 70c
TEA -Very fine Orange Pekoe, per
pound ........ ....... ...... 85c
Cash Discount Bonds given on all
Cash Purchasei, at F. D. Hutchison's
Phone 166.
Order a Leg of Lamb or Mutton,
or Veal on our recommendation and
you will have a real meal. 'W I e aim
to serve customers with the choicest cuts of beef. Lamb, Veal, Pork , etc.
Quality rather than quantity is our
standard, and price last.
Phone 58. Main Street
pop ,W loud on Farms, rirst, Second
xarkpgos. can or WAte me at
*mw *" Xft your loan amaged
by x*Um ma& No #Avane*
77TI&AWS ft, TOT606-
oOP Persons in need of a neer4ail- &
,t- Ing aupply of vmter Should Mee 0
It- zv� P., mappm well -Ddlgo?, 0
. pow/ v t 54.S. lox as, 0
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -
I.V 4019 4
t I, ..... 30c warmer. The and P=Sel$ An, tin -.,25e when 4t, 1a, e&ther Will be hoped the V t4 tin. .83c Club,wJ111 h0d iti seoond =0 W.0 tin .'8'3c on Wed:4,eudAy afternoon, July 22Ad. 133 and will ap ......... 20e beirig 4ftauged -.6
CF h OZ. gia t4 g ..... 25c next week�§ isaup- t , WA, i,d h, ............. oOillarge An I I&S. Jose -on, quarts ...... $Oe My ess 0 40e ow the do y, I75c 82C 44.� ; lb. tins. C. W. L. At Home )ur, 11 Pap ro,�
....... —Through who 19ariedher very pratty home for -sale 6 t ........ .. ...... -20c the occasion, the At, laome and .20c of home made candy held by the price, after PWR xv York 4o A A VINEGAR ........ 20c- CatlwUe Women's Lea r. adai of # 4110, On Tue'6- means of finding Ul<%, EW. day JA for the last job, -he quoted 4g MIT, t" ,st, proved to be a most enjoy oJtOli( t
Tke attenUnee was very meut sl4ps which we caqr v,,1N able aft4j. fair and resulted in the ladies being for and in ilother 'he quoted pg.&. .PV� ',-:In-: 10, enabLe4t to add an appreciable amount for n�velopes fg� Whiph we oil., r 1 7 'Vo�' oss I S%roat loyal q R to their funds. to be used in carrying $30 One man VhQ was, yo e on the ever�increasing and far reach- ;&r r - �Fiy tejUng' epe tSeaforth-
in hing worK 0J, uu� WWwoxy- would not give the order anyone. w4nw goes y *T llaCkSmr �Ag9�4
other than a a Won Scholarship.—MT. and MrS. mlordere. �hi A. S auto tew 'O out of his store, Nevertheless this of gr allpapur James Hays, of Egmandville. received ame, salesman showe�d(his 0 purchased in if he bad at bWI,j*-st fall. whe;,,. W Archie Hays, a gradae of the Sea- least twelve, rdeTL3 of plol h of I tf ord, W. word this week that their son, Mr. to the hotelman and forth Collegiate, in addition to being wingha,n. A.4cksmith ShqV At the some tinte loqxr During the months of July ne he had IA President-elect of the Students' Par- offite is running to, about half, eapac-. and August we will give a nent of the Royal College of Den- ity. Is it fair? Do you 'CIA tow, bar expect Mr. ,�yi years ug Q" udson J�xet Ad tal Surgeons and vice president-elect Businessman, that "Wingham's le d ftke to Miss A discount of 20 Per Cent. te, Htt 6 P� 'of Mr. nd"Bot"il, R,: 40 Per Cent. on any Paper in of the Students', Adminitrative Coun- booster" the Advarce-Times can' or ,,town, who su" the store. cil 9 the University of Toronto, he boost your business? When you -pass �r . Ive n Allu emorial tog has been awarded the War A a family of' f6u] out of this sphere your relative& will sin4e, a an o�tq�,c the local paper gives 91 ssed over,Ihe- t6wti Scholarship of $250 by the Alumni be hut unless d iter, Lieut. Carl,,Qarh,� SCOTT'S Federation of the University of To- Salvation Ar.ai# q�ap-- a long obituary notice about your, ie, Ruth, Glen no V, , q., k , "We Save You Money" ronto, in the Faculty of Dentistry, honorable career." oil n- L- eve th Opposite Expositor Office. at eP- Flor6 BeaWe�,. daugh- for General Proficiency. Many old JJf whom have the del nm Seaforth friends will join The Ex- AAd: sud'" 16 J. W�. Bedttig, I ft last PHONE 62. esJ4 their grea� 0 va
M positor in con House to Reut,-4oderu conveniaraces., rent den The funeral, Was- week on a ta tbe' t"al . . .... 2973;tf Axthiar am, 4 �L6amirlgtb* spent Lost.—A cork set handled tennis racquet. gratulations. to suit renter. Apply at Tle Expositor Office. he4frd AW-orne, of Mr. R. L. Cbirk D Injured In Fall—Messrs. Neil Gil- on sixtia at
ild. was very large he Ix.olday at his home, Misp� Emily Jos. C. Thompson I -pie, R. Porterfield and W. J. Me- Finder please leave at Graves' Wall Paper tendedillie.4ervices Win cond ed 9 ii't De*,.. who'- ha&�,ibqori in Leamington Intosh, met with a bad fall 'on store, SeMorth- B008XI by Larkin, D.D, The pall- Ton. -The Barbara Kirkman Auxiliary are bearej.s� W me weeks, returned, with, him.- GENERAL GARAGE ,Messrs. J.'A-. �Ste*aft. Missi HeMn Dick4on, of,�Toront-' is Friday last. They had been building tx4ding a tea on the church lavi-n from 5 to W ronto, is Best Brands of Gas, M Grease, an addition to the house on the farm y. Ju Admiss E(Quod , E. J. Box, the 'holiday ith her -mother ,J. McKenzie. ondjig p.m. on Frida, -ly 10th, -a Zpc- si, Nuts Of Mr. Calvin Hillen.. on the 11th Con- Aill welcome. 8008XI W. COWPP., and Dr. R��Xlburn. --In- hdre�-Niss Janet.Grieve. of —A M a A coal Oil, Etc- Etc. suit- termejmt,-wae�, made Andilank iending 66'. -holidays wi MeKillop, and on Friday ixon Pump For Sale. -In good repair. in Mat is -'so- eT — Complete stock of Tires, Tubes, Bat. cession of 'ii�a ing those "fto r. hortly before noon. were stand- able for or hand power. W4111am cemewwyi, amc teries and Accessories of all kinds. last ' s sinclair Egawndvill, e, B0031a parents. XT.a�n&Mrs. To Grieve. -M way, Mrs H ing on a scaffold, when it gave distauc6*k6"4ttended were� Mzo. and d arry k -wart and Mr. and, Batteries Charged. F., W.I. ., Rt h, 15tit of June, 8 -roomed Lau and they fell to the ground, fortunate- fram,6 house. electric Qights. soft water in ney, Mrs. J. PinknO roT pen Cars for Wire. ray s t last week in ly not a great distance. I the fall, house; on Son& Main and Mro�o i*' Toront.e.,ro-Mr.. and Mrs. G L Sim Street. ApvXy to y Pinkney, of T
Cars Stored and Wash-li eld had a couple Thomas Andrew. 2997-tf- Mr. M.T,,�Phikney and son, Dave,jNro however, MT. Porterfi and,granddaughter, Mb* RIJ;a, 'iire Prompt Service by Co;Z�oul W Of ot roken and Notice -Lost an Main Street, seaforet-on J hnstO Mr. Willis, of Aiat, �ridttzng at the home of, mi. � Sills, small bones in his fo Saturday, June 27th. a 16 Jewel Waltium fordo -on. Attendants. . r, ��Oh Clark, Aybner; r in Peterbo Mr. Gillespie had bis ankle brok laries watch with a sold ewe. Finder piease aeave Li ft �0. �;P J*ney, Capleau; Mrs. P. REPAIR DEPARTMENT Mr. McIntosh was fortunate in es- at J. F. Daly's Jewelry Store and receive re- ut Russel Sprobt, Mirs. Walter Robinson Trimmed.-'
All kind of repairs milade by experts caping without injury. Mr. Gilles- warL CamerbhZ4 '.Mrs. X Canferon, He6- and . Miss"Erie Steiwart, who motored —Satisfaction guaranteed and charges pie was brought to his home in town, Cameron. John GUOPb- to Detroit hist week, returned - on moderate. where he will be confined for soxne -nglu -argarot Mond#y,, bri .Sr little M weeks. Laing-Petrie—The home of Mr. Wi - thern....'Mr immell.-One of the Ruih' giv6at baik - th and Mrs. So Petrie, Main Street, Mil- and Mrs. Pope, aXA little daughter, of pretti#St # L C. THOMPSON ' Egmondville--A, meeting of the verton, was the scene of an interest- ,, dings of the season'to6k Brussel,�, a ' t Sund WM X ploce, o'clock on Saturday J. "M &rR]&T FIBAFORTH town and village Ladies' Aid was held, ing event on Saturd June 27th. , t. 2% at the homo--6f Abell and -his mother; Mr. Pope has. NE ay, aftern �w Day Phone 1155 W; Night Calls 189r1l on June 25th. in Egraondville United when their only daugltter�, Mignon in Tuck- secuied a good po6ffid Mr ;an' J. Do Gemillell, C. n with an'Engoo, Church school room. for the purpose Le lish firm. --KT. J. one, was wdted in marriage to `Laipg leavoeq ly daughter, their on Laino. of of reorganizing their Aid and other Wil-liam To Brownsville son next week for a -trip to. the old coun,, 19 A T.qJessie rV gas uxated in marriage "aw
natters. Mrs. Arthur Routledge, vice 'of -Mr. and J. .ink, of Sea- to 'Ge try�Mrs. Leslie Scott wid' children , wgj�,�'V�edeyoick Handley of Lonoo )resident, was in the chair. 1N The forth. At 12 olelock: to the strains don,,:., g�,,�,opremony was, performed are vishing with frienjai in London illats
neeting was opened by prayer by Mrs. of wedding music played by Mrs. and St. Tho,n%as,.-Miss Frances STOCK in th Ok.we of about 70 guests by Oft Fames 13rown. The resignation Of (Dr-) Tindale, of Hamilton, the bride the. � Pv., Larkin, D.D. -The 11UStOn, of Brantford, is spending ormer officers was read and received entered -the drawing room on the arm bride,;, s given away by her the -holidays at er -home in Tucker- it $3.98 Arith . reg -ret. Mrs. W. McMillan was of her father, -wearing a dainty 'French father;,446kia charming in a lovely smith. -NT. A. K. Chittendeu is ppointed President; Mrs. Robert Me- gown of white flat crepe and bridal gov spending his holidays in Grand Rap- " onigle, Secretary; Mrs. Andrew veil of en�broidiered ne. caught up vn-of,-�� satin en train, trimmed ids.Mis�c 1 . D6rothy Hutchis i - of with carrid'llacross lace. she wore 0 roynt, Treasurer. A commitee was with orange blossoms and a coronet a whibp4 veil caught with pear, Burk!s Falls. is spending the,bolidays ippointed to look after the church of -seed r1s. She at�o wore her with herparents, Mr. and Mrs. F- D. $2AS plea ornaments� orange blossoms.. She neidentals. Ways and means Of inother's gift. a rope of pearls, and carried. ,`16uque of Aaron Ward Hutchison.�3frs. , McKay, and child- s ren, of Londoi%- are guests at the 8270 arrying on the work were discussed. carried a sbo"wer bouquet'of ophelia roses, -of-the-vallek and baby' rhere were 15 members on the roll roses and lily of the valley. home of Mr. -afid 1$frs. W, G. Spen- Miss breath. of honor. Miss maid and several associate helpers who f- Mary Laing, sister of th G cer.-Mr. A. UeGavin, of Windsor, fered their services, The meeting was -e groom- retta *j;,�wore a pretty gown of acted as bridesmaid and wore a gown yellow i -0 spent a few days this week at his ette with a bouquet of closed by repeating the Lord's prayer of canteloupe georgette wih black home in Tuckersmith.-Mrs. (Rev.)- yellow rose Canterberry bells in n unison, after which two quilts werQ lace picture hat, She carried an old des, The bridegroom A. McWilliam. of Calgary, is a guest FOR A SUMMER. AF OON STR
I-av( &I at the: home o! her niece,., Mrs. John OLL
two of the ladies. The next meeting peas. -Live sweet %d y Robert W. Gem I, 1. I I I , �
quilted and a delicious tea served by �asbioned nosegay, of ma was supp-4, Cummings. --.Mr. F. Barlow, of - . 1. . 'i w , I - Mr. William' Aberbart; of To- mell, brother,:rbAhe bride. Marian 7 Dresses. ThatAre oasy,to.,� s to be called by the Secretary. Dungannon, has leased the south store M ronto, was best man. The ceremony Tft§. a & 0 -frock of yellow was performed by Rev. R. C. Capper, chiffoh and a basket filled in the Beattie Block and will 'open 8240 Thisl,4neo,'l 82 .0' 'T I I 0; Belrob6 . Seaforth Lions Club. -When the in -the presence of the immediate rel- 9 a shoe repair shop—Mr. Norval with, rown "d hi daisies acted Rogers, of Flint, Mich., called on a with Pi4fires community spirit grips a fellow it atives. During the signing of the as `11 I " B' its raglan ower gi -- and obby Gemmell.' dress with. gri-ps him good and plenty as Lions register, Mr. Alvin Barr, of Toronto, the bride's little ne]�hevi, as ring number of his frionds here on Mon- Clubs throughout the country have sang "For You AbDne." After a day. -Mr. James Carlin has been con- sleeves re _g _7
proven over and over again. and Sea- sumptuous "dding breakfaist earer. The bearers, Marian . i qU I- e the Barbara eltine'.166ked sweet fined to bed for the past wee'with dress frft -start forth is no exception, but has taken happy couple left amid to chilgo a sprained knee—Mr. W. M. Gill�s- yard of 54.- InOl. Mai�i'�� showers of in dresses of *,hi n.'Mrs. Gem- ishi N "Wa e points east local improvement, the more S- -Miss Terna Jairrott has accepted a. ts place among the top notchers for confetti for Toronto and s mell, the bride's mother, :wore a pie has purchased u new Star sedan. ial in size 3 -your A ub ridsome gown of -,slnethyst satin. e the bride travelling in a t0astcOlOred ha robe? pecially for the short time the C1 position with the Bell Telephone staff, pattern at all ensemble with hat, soes and gloveb 6r'd iaking, guid W
uring 9 . . . . . . . . reg r, Stratford,41qr. Joe Eckert' is engag has been in existence. The Lions to match and wearing the groomV.. Harold Tufts�-,�.�of Ki on, . sang Acoh park and swimming pool is a credi gift, a S ed with Mr. George -61e'gel in, the er- Designer d d'd, with. e not only to the members of the club Iand then .0- . er McGregoi W
tone marten neckpiece. Promise Me.", � Xn%and, Alexau-. ection of a new� house- for Mr., Fred but also to the citizens -of the town the, Hallet at �kmkton z�� '�e —Mrs. John 'Reed 6 violin -and piai&.-.At the close of the rs o , f Detroit, ererdA Xour;,. and vicinity who -heartily co-operated. d M. . George LaCrese, ds goo col,�, y a doe buffet lunche Funds are required to complete the The Late George Aetzel. )n ious on 'and Sister M. Isadpre- .ofKalamazoo. on Ipartakew�a gh�r wIllb, Mr. and -there are I th weeks ago wb enti as - : 6. equipment at the pond,. erect ba made brief m in; were -visiting this'. *eerk at the home :lYl of TZ. andlek left short:wed- -the Local Briefs of the de ath i- houses, etc., and the receipts from :of Mrs'. Win. Heffernan, �wll� is sei prials in`,,"' -goo. 8 reet dance on Thursday evening 'V OIT the st George Aetzel, a former well Ju4y 16th, are expected to provid mid popular Seaforth boy. W-161ch O��, -don� and, M-iss- Garrow,-of wasin ome in Olympla,�Wasli-. 9 q. portion of this fund. Here is your' curred at his -h ton, were the ZVjest&;adf Mi -and M chance to f urther the community. ing-t9n. on May 80th. The following N O. -P L.A.Y1 I N -G ieph Strdet West. §TANd P soilit was ; . .. - "'. -., -C.'a.. Hollulad-, tGqderi Always BUY� hear the music, dance to your from the Olympia paper, which' this, and.Mrs. L, -1,S. Wob- forwarded to The Expositor by MY.' heart's content with the joy andsatis- ter,and ?&rs.'Macleod and fan -dlj7 -left faction that every nickel you put up C. T-1. Broa&foot�,of- Moose Jaw, will -thip., *eek on -'a mtoi trip to -Chatham, To Make Y4i# Summ' Mi .oil Cre#e,� object. be. o goes towards a worth while f additional interest to m" old preme: ��WOgt�. Windsox Port Hunal Saxiiia-and. -Db-- �friends- there - - O'�George A.. AetzY - The Screeli�4� tine, Reach 60"t am VAC. Classes for the instruction of non- troit. Mr. and-.Mrs,;...Alex. -Watt-of swimmers are being organized,.- also ed, 51 numbered among 'the best .,Guelph, spent-Bunday at-thehoin;�. of 'Materials 4r ric lessons in -life saving, etc. The time kno;�; lui�bermen of the Sound 966ii- -Mr. J. B. 26c. to evening la rom a Siting gt Cis Mole , and �ehlldren aro,vim re table will be issued: shortly when old try, passed awi� last f 75 yard
and young may benefit by these in- home, 261 Union, Avenue Easii% Mr. tives arrd,.friends in Auburn this structions. Aetzel was born-- in Sea.forth, Ontario-, Y' week. -Miss- Maijorie, Hall,'formerl, September 24, 1872. Ile came th this on the staff of, the Seaforth Clle olm
Lennon -Kidd Nuptuals.Of interest mployniet giate LADIES'FINE 9IB-. bitiation Style city 23 years ago to take e story of th6, T4xas Rangers the guest of Miss Robb. — Miss 'siting with friends UNDERWEAR to many Seaforth and Goderich with the Olympia Door company and Violet Scott is. vi 113E D UN D9 RVE S T S' friends is the announcement of the by close application to his work.was in Toronto wid.Xiagara Falls. -:- Mir. 7 morning at 9 steadily advanced until he was taken Charles Lane �and.his sUters. Mi�ses marriage on Tuesday "The L" ,o,, 1h -b in 91 o'clock in St. Basil's Church. Toronto, into the firm and later elected to the Ethel and Lucy, and Mr. and Woo .$16evele8s and-opefa-' ne A, rit of the eomp- 'h Broadfoot, of Brucefield, rubtored, to ter of the late Mir. Joseph Kidd and any. which office he held at the ome y .-I. k
of Miss Mona Elizabeth Kidd, daugh- office of vice preside t i Duanes -wp styles pure tha, e with knee len Shakespeare on. Tuesday - to attend Mrs. Kidd, and granddaughter of the of his death. He was also a director with "Tony" Mg wonderfully intelli. the funeral of the late D, McMillan.- .25C ]EACH 5 a late Dr. McDougall and Mrs, Me- of the Olympia Building and LOuT1 gent horse. Mr. aid Mrs. Sohn Mac'16od' ad fam�- * $13 Dougall, of Goderich. Ontario, to Mr. Company. and was known- among the An Ideal Conihilation for a Vril, fly aliA MT. Murdo Macleod, of I Wind- Edward P. Lennon, of Montreal West, men who take an active interest in picture of the dreat Outdo rs. sr, were week end guests at e th" P. Q.. forordrly of Seaforth, Ontario. everything that stands-'-for.the adoo home of XT and Urt., L. The Rev. . X V. Ireffiv officiated at vancement of the citv. MT. Aetzel was Mrs. W. A. Nevin , and Mrs'." , L%-- othe ceremony assisted by the Rev j, a -member f. Olympia Lodge No. 186. Rogell, of Toronto, are, *isitilig,-th� 9XTRA LADIEW GOOD F. Player, pastor of St. Basil's. The B. P. 0. Elks. Surviving Is the tvido*, latter' S Sister Mig le wore an imported gown of iv- formerly Miss Itele O'Brien. to vAom and Mrs. IT LADIES lb� were it CECIL R. D(MILLE'S ory taffeta, in bouffant style and a he was married in this city May 14th, Toronto th-b t*oek attoWing ' the beautifully AR� ,wedding of Mrs. Db,` -7e;'- k very becoming large hat of periwinkle 1908, a son, Chatles, Alden, i daugh- to t r;OuX'S other, I ter, Anrginia, &11 of this city,". hit 10 Reel Sbeei&i. trimnlecL and carried a quaint ald fashine( 'Mrs. In arge. sizea.. -h ROert Sbiit G,O"s , , if
bouquet of orchids atid lily of tlk' e os 0, 'aput the With y valley. Her avily attendant was ber eouver, aud a �hrothor, C. A., also of 'THE Ot urs. ffiiy A' �bf #An f4r �giout P0tsons
sister, Miss Helen Kidd, as maid of VancOU'Ver. The tettladifts *ee rem6t- Sleeveless and full.s d od qua fty. D1 hanor, who wore a dainty blush rose ed to the Mills fmieral voliere Mureh Ai WvOksAty-L"On 'Sunday, and evening. *110 291T, June :96%. a qhlo-wer bdu4et of frweetheart ros- Ank lace 9,6WA Vfth hat to match and the,,V wffl -lit in %tate ffils afterilic ver )011 Puneral serviced, -mill be P r E@,,' es and baby't breath. The grom lield from the-btne Monday.aftermoon P 4,obe To. Ite Mi was attended by Mr. Jules B. Scholi. st 2 p.1m- I to. It. Fr�ati ii Mrt of- thok plaee bt'Crom. ing, formerly'Ut AYmterdwn Hon, alla. ficiating." rt I 'h' a y� 0. art eirn e After the eetemny a reee;,do,n Was 9 0i er held at, *6 bome of the bridold mother Deaih -Of 9ell)lk for fbe� irriniedlatb,yeltiveg, and lat. catne vfth veroy little varnhig to 'Vt. This- X a ns ter, Mr. an,4 Vftg, Utiton left f6r the Jogep'll rinkney, a Well and fr4end8- 'frp* tP Der Fastsa Ing from Montreal on FAday known toMdent, 611 PA&- of I' st ro% 16r�fttd, Re made fk On the "Molltelarell to Spe-nd tWo Week. bn the. m, Daorhti4m, of kosob months nbroa4. and will be at home Pinkn-V' had.Potk W&PkIng, As m1iial. :U Mae the dhurdh heatAbA Re,�. R. Go Xtray,4 �e aAeT October 1st at Ni eirIv Stinday mr to neir friends & I, t bOtb 194 18ror id with avi aeotk ittWde ffi bot% k Avenbe Vortli, Mont�eal ieiv Or -.0 of oo td 1.116 Ide *1% 00M(ld to Our Lovv6#,,.Pr' pt, �ba %�- 4 to avery custel gild the �Va,, f n6v, Do Be ?air give trg A Chanceo;—Un.. attack returliod. vpdlio VA RE �111 in e 0, all 6D., (]or the, above heA41 %d V" ba fhe &dat& *h It dd V49,
up YANS WATSON Ir W 0-03fose IN , I 16, 1 ': " ' " , rl In 0 U tI'PU Igo, 04-66 "Ttv lift the su%e ftfol? dft I.......... ... . ....
Banks give 3 per cent. on the money
you lend; Hutchison's give 4 per cent. an the money you spend.
FANCY BISCUITS -Pound 15c to 40c
BROOMS -One dozen only; were 60c for ............. .......... 39c c
with its premium�, at ........ $5.50
for ......... ...... ......... 25c
We are allowed to do this for but a i
short time as the price is less than
VINEGAR will soon be �sed in quan- i
tity. We have the best brands at'
per glln ............ ...... 50c
TEA-Oux special black or mixed, per
pound .............. ........ 70c
TEA -Very fine Orange Pekoe, per
pound ........ ....... ...... 85c
Cash Discount Bonds given on all
Cash Purchasei, at F. D. Hutchison's
Phone 166.
Order a Leg of Lamb or Mutton,
or Veal on our recommendation and
you will have a real meal. 'W I e aim
to serve customers with the choicest cuts of beef. Lamb, Veal, Pork , etc.
Quality rather than quantity is our
standard, and price last.
Phone 58. Main Street
pop ,W loud on Farms, rirst, Second
xarkpgos. can or WAte me at
*mw *" Xft your loan amaged
by x*Um ma& No #Avane*
77TI&AWS ft, TOT606-
oOP Persons in need of a neer4ail- &
,t- Ing aupply of vmter Should Mee 0
It- zv� P., mappm well -Ddlgo?, 0
. pow/ v t 54.S. lox as, 0
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -