HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1925-07-03, Page 3" � 11, 11 1-11"' : I ,T,T�9y,0T7r `1710W,,"�V- ,;'11�', 1.1�- , ,NT.,,Wi,­*7W.;T Im . -777,1.7 I ., 1�­ - !I ',.:, � I . i I "',�"'�"7-"',TW,4""�,7-,7-""r,7"47",07",,",7"",7";"i", , ;;;-4)1T11- �11.17W I.----1. -4-i- . .1 .... .. ,,,l - "I " ,,, �, f � �­i I I I I � � I . � , I . � . . . . . . . . . . . . , I " ! ­­ ., ---- i . ,,, ,. I , , ��- 71" 7i"1117 ­,� � � ", ,'�11,i � . I .. I � 7 �,: I . I I . .� � , IM ­,."; i ��. . I I " 'i" I'll , I I . I I 1. I , I 1, I I � ; � . . I 1. � i,, ­!.S , I ­­,,,­- 111,1111, '.. .", I I I 1. i -., 1,,11 , JULY 3, 1925. TNZMWWNzxPosrwv � , . �ill­ 71". 1)4�.Vl '110i, I.:,... 4L, , ,, �� '' , -1 . I ­- 11-1 � ­ 1-1-1 - ..--- I I I .1 I . I I I �,­ .. : I �, ;�;e .-i , 11 immlol -10', - ---- --- - -11-1 . ­ -11 -1 I ­ ­-, - I . I -1 ­­ ''I, I I 1. 1. . '!,�'..',��,�i'i������,.��:���,�"!,,. - � �� . I I I ,, I i .� .1 '"i'' ,,";; I I . --­­ ­ - - .1. 1, I ;1 I I ­ I � 1. 11 I � 1 I ,-','�,�'il I .1 . I i I 1�i­­ L, I I 11 I : �'11, I 11 ,� I.'' I 1-1 � I - . 1. - ­­ i 7 .11 --- I I , 1. I . bi '41", 11, , I ­ I ,� , . -11� , I I . I rdiUilig or�:* e"109 kq# 0#14)u lw-qii�, *-44" . it , L6., . . � ;, � ;, -1 ,I,, ". I . , , I — 1 --7— , 11 - . I - -1 ,:, 11. . � All I 11 11 - I 9" I..'' I - "M " .�; , ..."111- 11.1k 1 4� 1 11 � i ,.. , � I .. liii­­ ,- 11 I , ­, 11 , , , , " , , ''� V�� .1 I I . 1� � I ­ip, - ;I "'a , , I t � ', u , 144 1 . J �� I T "''11 ... .. ... . . , , ! -11 i . 4..J� I �i,;I� "I', W* 1 V . # "I ­'­­ � 104., 1 I.. i ; -4i I , ­., �� ,��!"";�,�;,�'��!�,�j�'-,-',�,�, �­ . i��.';`,`,*, A2 Ji'�M" ' I W101., 4$4, , , , . , " I . 41A 1 . � ;�,'O,y )N.10,11`�1114 6- 1 — ,,, I - -0 , , , * ''I , � ", � i� ,� � �. .; I I , ­� , a-, t ­- 41" "'' , �.;V,VT i :, . -`,I., -.i- " . , I , " �i: � , NMX.kk Wp �,,, 7' 1 � e��r�-1 I -,,�, .!, , T - - R . , 1�1i.. 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"", I , 11 a ------- � ,. ­ " ,,�t - � .iiA, A # 99" , ". fam, 1,,.w'P'�,' .). ­�-�i ,,:, 11 1. FIRIPM ,,, I "I, , ; 14 .1 11 �� . --- 'i"""'I'' ;k I; �. � 71 III -11! ..... . I "'. 1] pr ­ ;,p� �,l �. i "a t I - - "i- �-tp . , ,�, 0 .1� � I ", " ", " ", . 'I , - , ��!;­ - R - r ""'o ,,.,;-r ,,,, I a W.", ;-j I "' n 1, Of - � - , 'i,,,� � e i", ,, AM096 1.1 I " 11 � 77i*� I 1i ON , A, 0 q� I VIK Y,'.�i�,-.�,,�-,.',',!!',�-,.�l� - i ­ + I ", �, I ,,, , .1 111111111- - ", I ., 475:, . � `�";; ,?2 , - ,; to 1) . �111 , , .."MR. I I 1��:.:' , .,"I , ,, � I Z ;aF Im `W � I , ­ ;,,, I - Wi *4�',', ',�Arouw*q 11 �, ,om ="�,,�-- i��i­ �.'$ - I . " I . I , , . 11. � 7. R ` , 1. � 4 M& �' ! I I I I 11 1.� - �, � 'Ap, ,, � , � W. I A . i.! ... ... ,",- �,-`;�-­ ­ - ", . , -1 .i� � ., " . ,,, WO7 1 , W .,� ,",� . , , g ",mb. -07 , � . , ,� fly -0i3, � ,,,, m"O. "ja .­ I I , � ,_. 4* "A'. & , p - , I'A 1�11,^.i , " I 1, - ffil .� ". L� , . � �� . , I . i, , ,. � "A I � 11 ,� -.10 �'. - ,.: 11 70?"It 1'"3MAR."'.] kf I � -;� . , , , �. , . I , . ;,;,, , " ` " I '­ '­ , r ,.�� 11 ­ ,. M-WrVow 4 1-11 , 01� , .., � I I 14.111f 7* -Moi $ ., , ". t�i�: . ­ , ', - 1) P"'.1, . I ... . - . . - .1 Op i,. - Vurm*v"A , , !, 1 �117111."", , , . , k , � �1 01 I �, .1 � 11 R , � ''. .... . . i.." i I i, �t, � - . 1� P . 47 44' QWWW"M - J ,!�ii,;,""� ­; -,I;:�, 1944TQA Rw," , 'i. k, �14i ,� -0-0104 U 11U.— , I -1 I— I, �Jt1.;,._1,1 ,-.1, , 9 �". ;.'7,5��,,�,!��Wqfl, ,�. -1U.— - 2,e, ­ . li-`Mk;�iA,19,1190 �� -t'i',�h.-'1` . " P ­. . - ­ IMP,] -1 d V A �� I 1�1;, . 1� 0 0 . 1! � % , ".j'), .. . , !Wl 7101 R . .1 4A , 1 !�,, , -4 # 1 ZA!@k.",, "".'. "IS 1 "044146 dl � AWWAIM, TO PAY 11 1 1W i *0 �i 7; , I : � .1 �,- , :� , � P I , � I 9"V Mr I AL M0 1; I :,i , ".f , . ".''Fl, :Ti.-. .�i . 1, *. - ": .. 11 4 4`7,�A"­`.; - 1� j �il­ I , .-�;",. ., np 1 � 1104r`lod , . R -0 . 'Tlk" .11.1,411. 1 , '�­ ,Q144 �,, X " ?"M , ,,, . 0, A, thiolr,'140 fti',� 0, W ; '" � ,.# , , ��i� 12�� " 11'' � , . 00 ",�' 1% �f­��,,'M�,k,,`Ixi, I . , - I . - - � - ­ t" *1 I L .r - , A MAd, A �� Jurlpo: x", m -r � ­ ��i X 00* �,, , A " . ''. , "" '' 0. , 1% I 1"M �!� — !,.-,:-i, 11 I'll: . 0%, . ures, 7 I,, " Eft - �41?11-- 1�1' -i,6" 11 , Nftk�,iip -3� 0 — , '! , .�, , IL � All :.i. .11. ., ...: , ''. - ­ .. . . . , s � fWt,0'h0,#,A1A ,�'] in 4,: 4� , -4.:�,� " 0 , do." J 31 � # -Alki. I I 1 4 �� , � , � , . 71;� � 11 #n�. I'll I , �#es., -0,at.: ! I ,q '. I .. . .­': PA ..,X -e- ­­­-r,T .. - I , ,�-�,,,,�i"�-"-Y�,-.,�,.-,�,'�,,,��',,. `W-1; �i­�,:�.�, ".1 �,�,� I :-�,: �' ­-.��­. '�Z­' Ni" " hilt" ,.'WA­ �.1, �. � '. , I � . V!� " ,,, . M , , I .7, � lial j Z"'A , , .11 , , ,. � , , , . , ,, , I n., I � , Z . , " ' '', ';", - , 1 4— -r. beacked i t WWCIX 400*- j t -Mg -,��kitpr -0404$140 - 9 � "',� ,� ",I( ;�,Wmm. � 000W`�;R,T- , ""400�'m 1� . NO . ,A , , : ""' ,4:�,P , .0 . �. ,p: 0, ,44#10, t., ft , . � . I , . � ,�!J% . � �',�,i��.,�­­­, � ;1 . � : � � `�, �k 2r I ., � ­- , I . , " bi , , , . , " . ­ - frow. , 14, marmw , mare rpaitablo to 614004� .1i b;j- . � �;"11.. 11 ;6at . , .. 1, ; , 11 - ,; �� . I � ft -,J­�'i`pia � .1.111, - il.:] .1, I , .. ,,�,e wl�'111 .. I n. R t has evidettlir .1v gm , ap#k.; � 4;t agw'R -, , .", "I I I::: "�'­ % 1, " , . � ".. 11 W"', W. I . Ili, - .4 1 �'­&.,! �,-,V,&%,"��Nr, R - . , T� "� ill � . , , , 6 made, *e ASFVXI liv uxw, y� ��,�- '!� .. ":�,- . , !h� . I, �. "", ..� I -` ISO eigb-OqTi;�-.�r' ' . 101011 t,i .. I , . "I, .ia vh-,,�11 - I., : . 1­1�1­. . � . . . .1 — - : a., . r�6;� -2 , Jop , , V�,io , . I d �. , .� ,� ­­ . , . i, . � W, , , , , , ` i �,il, 1.� ­� , , 0 J� , - " -1. . . . I . -1 I 'C"! 'I - I .1-V ­ �$��4,qi , , .. . : 1p � "I 1, - �.,.i�� had I'located"t the barrW eps is-sir.441 tMin, (1, %. . I I '11, . , , . .; , � %T111", � I �, r, � - I ­­ .­' -5-11 ­ , .. ... liii� 1. ", . -- .�', , , .. : - 9AW ,,, I �, - 01, . -.6 ii�il��-, I ,,:� W. 8� fiTA11 c I P" , - ,. I, , , . ": I .11, . .. " I .. , ­ ; 11 . � " e , ` , , � I . I , xx . � . , 1� � . , . I , . ." I ,.� A 11 ., on -all side " f things, .Vpr�� , . . � � . , . orreedy. . ` " ,� Z 1 ..: . -1'111 li­­ ­ ""I'�Ill"",-.."",.,.."��,,�v� ...... .. , .1'.. ,, I . o 4. ­ , . . ��'Ili� """ � 1-1-1 I I � W v'�-.%'�q��;� ,- '. I �,W�) ... P I � I � I'll, , , � �.:, I I , � F I . I"..", X I -1, 11 ply -64 W 9 ocx�,v , , , " ", X - ,�'.:"' ii".- , IR I - .I - , 1. , . : 4 � . boten." ­�.?, -,, 's. T WAV IF I ­­ ­­ � ­­ � . . ";i 10 ''. . , , -8 & 0 . . ­ I . , , g� - 6 -4- li�,v-, V, � ,,O�-'�,�*'.'.'t,'�"".",:4"�-,� �-,�..'� ' . - I I I . eal fe- � RE - ., " . " 'I "I , .. ". " , ,,,�, � �""","�L",� - . a:- � �;, . " . le."" .ill' I i:, � I..", �,,-, "'117,i ­ ,, ,, ` "' ii� , I . - 0., to the 11 11-4 1. 'C" , �� �, . : Awly:��gpl-wl : �j� ... 11�11 llil!%, � ­ � I " . t . I I �,�,p�-Jop . � '� I � � ....i, � � , ­ . J� As, another,o ,, R i,� , '. I - �- I ,,O.' i *4 ; p j,gS ; V1. � ., , � �, 04 - O', - I �.. ',,�L:i�� .-- � ,,,',,, �� , ,,, W .1 �� P :'*,',! ufferlae ARi iA64wr-, I . �".. : ­ � , "I '�.'.K' ,, 0, tures, of pena4l and .. . Ii. , I -.11: � . ,. , I I I.- " , ". I il� to ,.t I PORTANT IN-:. . . 0*4 I0 �` p � V ". I "I . I I, ­ ,,` X., ,� , ,,,. , ,� , P ACTION IM . -, , �� 2'', '1� 401% .1 � I :,., � , . . ' *Ir I �1, � I � , . -f i-..--,,., - I ,. i, '.. li.i' ­-- - I - . %40-141ai -,"', �. I . 'The s4yfi -00W. I . , , 4�pw -.11-1. . � I � ", come th( �avaganees of . 11 �,­ , .s. , I:- - I =,".'�p"., - I ir ". �`�, 11�­' I J `.1 , 1. Ai,,� - i .. � 146:;re�ourc . 0 -.1.. I I" -, t I'll, , I ;`1 � ;i� ! DRAFTBWS MAKB4,up., , carnival ump, - i,,-.,. I # od of 14 ate thei 160""", "'', I . I � 4-`,-,1,X-b,:," ',,.: i I , . ,,g the pe,n �1 � . ­ ��e"%,f no Eator!rto * I " -"- , . I ,:. 11 I ulf""'i` .111, j; d .- - i�`l $, ­1*1 "t I " ' 1 six week 44 kAnts Of the town food product more than of bib . .1 bi-, , i . , I 11 ­­­­ - - , , , , Z 11�! � r T ., � - : ", I �,41 � . r- i: � Of late, � years 41" , 14 -gnuilr ` ­ 11,%# r 10., . I ., I " � " I ­ 444. I?W ention were appar M I IL, I � i, � 6 ', -has. beei L , ! " " 11 � -- ... I � DE - - 7re- ot: !',-,.Wci with a form Froam, coast. to co,"t there I .., . , A. give# t PIN, sict I'll - -, ."," � u . . 9 quaii,Ht s an abun- .LICAT -- IVAAelthipFlp dor � ­ ,. ��'11'­ , � � � . I . I ­. - 77-7— .. . _y 411cl, Action of madness, `Qie ncy dress balls, darice of nectar -s I � " �, h, I . I ,. 'T. - �� i , eereting flowers ,r ffl,��"j�i,,­�*r � I I � ;',�� 1. - i ' 1 -4 �±%I,�'& I . I - - I . ­ f I I . I ; . I . . W. , ftaft bor" -t4,#,n for ' 'hich Produce each year large quani, �1­119U I , � -010, , ,r,", ­­ mq,��,,�-,, � ' 1 -1 � , , merl7i. There attended t T.I.X11g, were hold w - ., ,ir J , ", . I I I . . I *ffl-w I kl�,,� lli� I . A . XV5:"., I �� . I I . � ­', � �. I I . !pn ho P414on't , " --- ­; � 0 !� , ""', - WIRn I I 4,9A �Uxtt goor g, ,..� I . m - �,,;, i; . 'M �,,, ' fam than'the horse whose hairdru I 'esisis eat ana , "Wo "'-W, .0 .1 , oured out. like.,y� A from Heaven; gather and conserve s honey for the. .. *40% 4040CAT gr . 6" . . � � of 9QOd'4;6fAon to miuch raore useful p , A.0449; ' . 4* 'rfte I 11 I . . .... �, J",;,� � "A , I # w a . . � � ' � I CA � V� - ` , ­ k�oo wice a week;- M, . for costumes tities of -nectar that only bqe-. c - , ­ � " � I JUTLAND' I -C - `4 J,P ., CH91gQE,,oR-JX ­ .d'.,4V4§,WA 3�or T4AW. draMi? e ,,,, , 1715, . . ­., , pW I . , . ,an . - a , 4 yt,,101­1% P �­�.,: STRAWHE I greatest 'quali Wel overtime - taxi- use of man. If bees ,are not present cold , itba #10-4 - JAV00ii ."i" , fiV" .� . ficati Raoy� C , , ., - SYROP ­ 7 0,71'rog": joknittip : mw I �, -i,� �, , I'M 4 s% ti, � -I - � �., . .. I . 11 , - . e 4�1� drafter is not a full E " . OIL citr-rAPDX ifto, ­& '. I �, ,�-, . . in the seven fat 'and it i - "... . . . : 'r 't I . -ft - .. . . 90) -, " N on't' '1131� wasted Ffiwnatesl�evairs , � � . - Z 4r,v SARDIAS - . S ALMD OA is simply cabs prorrteeredw' , " Pawnb�okers, to gather this hawivest, it is ,;Uwdled - . I 04, ki', "�c, I " . ,W , "T . .. . � .1� , - " ght Whil th , ; I I P,.,.' is no, exaggeration to 'Say. 'that � r 0 ,,,� , , " I . I L, I" F � , . V, . , , ­: .., �,, "''11"''","l, 1L, � .i- I , The ''' , " , , ", ,-, - �igi - � , , wel I = " " � - aGi� w 4( )ermquoht. 4 ,..,-,I, I '�tt ., i'd . � -, :, � � 4#vor, and, never will be, he should iyears finally ial�be#- their doors It millions of pounds re .. n1tM , .; .04, ­;-­ RAF4­T­r"­- - ;� .1 I I Re, viges in 0 . 'I'lli, � 'Fires:19,20-, . yftoc; W., X14LV-T On, ,. ei, i:'� " I -- . -ear throughout the Dvmin- I Will not Crack e ,*,Ug.ht , ­ � "' ! ,, , , be a good walker and go free and of was stupendous 6�4&%ectic; foreigners ed each y main ungather- , , ­ ,, � . , ��: ; ­. ,� I �- � ,�,�,iq " � ,� - . -1, .� -. -) Im the greatest use on the farm. A man stood a,gast. So* X:0e1)sQ=&Lr,J9 th Jointa amtes the wall -1.11 " n , . I - .. iq 1W I � . . , .: .�194 .W�`explanation was ion. ' I L � 1, ), %� �L I L . Pln- . �� " "!" F, , I . , 0 - .� , , , - �� I ' � The abundant sources of at ut Dust WaArd'o . I � . - 614-i';, ,� " - i � I I . " 'i'I". I . � 1". -- 1. �' who has a pair of mares that move afforded by a reveWIrlihn of the pawn- and the high average of favourable I � .1 ,,.� . . - `-L 29C ectar Keeyo R'q . %F' '. - -P:.� ��., , ��', . �­ `& - , �.� , , , DIrl � A 1 1 � F . I . ;".. i*44:-­' - I . . � . . I ;7'. . . ."ii�. . a gath- . . I . . 'I'll NE, I � - illustrate diat lack,",o balance b- r ke - I 11 I .t gait does not complain that he can �' - ' ,�, , � P , . ','­ Le ,11, I , T*Y1. i'. � i- , " �,,Tam 11 11�,�, Of -0 e Ing Wa Canada a _..� ts A. sxL'LS &' $O'N ��­ � . � - ---If,-- - in a straight line and have an elastic brokers, plight. 1W served also to weather for its secretion and i �Y�qukMy I �' ' ' i � I , . ....� I , 7 � wonderful "'.. 4 - , . 13 A VERY , , , 11 I ..1. --- I . .�, I I.. 4 , g� . - � �1 . . e 10. , 'por aps responsible B. Gooderham, Domininu,apiarist. L �,,�;,. L� � , not get enough work out Ofhis team, servable amo4 �t� , Yvar Stork. GEO. � ww, " 1, ,:.. . -I'. i is = . .1, � ,,, I CHOICE since country for the be�-keeper, says G. " 1�1 � . ;� , � . �, BLEND OF I ­'�� It -is the man whose horses are Mow the vitr-whi fi� -- - � �­11 I -, I 11 , . -, I I ,: �!,. I I . INDIAN,TEAS J 0 C and clumsy who lays this fault to the for their difflculfW3� � , : � � .� � 1��. . ., J, W-JILK :1, I 1AA1 � 5,90, "�. . I I �L- - The bulk of Canadian honey is " �, I'! . " r , "... I I I -- Nveight, when in reality the fault lies' ,Man . � � i�t6 . ' ` 11 I ee ,�,', ­, . 11 ��, Y ainazing.- I ries went the unsurpassed in quality and it has be- I TIM ONTAIU0 GYPSUM CO. LXMTF,D, PAWS, Onr#�ZO , -, , , C %�� , I . I'll � . . . i ,1i ,.��It � . ... 1, ''I -, , 1. I � �i­. , not in the weight but in the action rounds. and of th#,se perhaps one may come a sitaple afritiele, of food in many I -1 I . I ;,��: �,, .. I ,�i, li:. 1. C ' and disposition. Quality I I � I . ,-,,�,� . .� 1: ��XD . s also very be repeated. A a*.n"and his wife had places selling readily at satisfactory I ­ � ,- � ;,,, . . , desirable. � I I ;- ".1 . I It ,always attracts the at, lived happily uftil,edrnival, and then prices. In open competition with I - :1.1 �,:,J '­ I . � 1P $"Q .; ., 3 � �. 41 ') ,,�­x-116 --� - 9 c I , . .1 ; 11 6, ' , �,­, � 'N �; ., I . I .R!� , - - tention of the buyer and makes the in order to purchase a flamboyant the world, Canadian hone . I 1 �-,,,!�- "� - y captured " . I . .. " - , .. .. , I 11 . .1 � kivl.ii . I 1: : . . horse a ready seller. Not only is it costume for the eviiaing's entertain- first,, second and third , � , ; " I'll, ,a . . ,�, � , I I 1, - ".., �.. I 1�1 "I 11 Ili i I . -.1 �� �., .. . I . ," 1� . 11 " - . � , t, he imprudently'pawned the bed. Dairy Show in London, England, this I e ;� 1-i, . I � . ICERT P4., 1PAPKI important that the drafter should be men -prizes at the . I '. �.�",`,` i'- . .) , ,;, ,'.'f.'�� I � � . � D 30c C wideawake and active for farm use 'His wife was annoyed, the more so as year. This is the third time that the J . - 1, .. -, 11 . . I .. ;� i�7�,Z,, - - I 11 JELL � a � SHRIMpa 25 - � : - � � . �`,,,',"�,��,, A .. , : � SVRE r ,Z) but it is equally important in th� the arn-ount realized4as not sufficient first prize has been awarded to Can- ' �, . : I .". , I — - - 9C . - �1­ , , , - . - . 1. I � � I Is �­ , "i I . .. . ,, �­. , P", . I " , ,,, . . . I drafter -that goes to the city. The to provide her with'-;A�costume, and she ada. re too I 11 Q. � .1 i - .. 'I 11" i -- I . .1 I - city drafter vf to -day should not onlY did not enjoy the prospect of spending . . I I �, I ---- - - I � ,, ,,..,. ��. 11i, 'I -i%,-7,� .- . I - --- be attractive in appearance but ' 11oney production has been long a I Why build t. btem? (��m� dat,,& away with infiammoble wouj� . , , I 1, ;1 Must . "Oetif , - �,Z . the evening al6neand bedless. When profitable occupation in Ontario aald i r --F-. ,,eilina- a.d P.rtition$. ,41, . , be able to m)ve quickly and get out the husband had. dephirted to his work Quebec. The amount produced by I - . I_ . � , I I BELIEVE IT OR NOT have reached. Brighton in thirteen . " � ., . , , :� . �; " , ., ., I . o� the way of street � .:-:1 . �: ;111 ',I ... A despatch from Winsted, Connecti- hours," he said, "but for the heat - cars, wagons, she enjoyed a flash -'of inspiration these tW46 provinces, in an average . 1 �11. �. ­ �­ � 1- � - . k I . �,­ " � . � . - ,� . ­� Putomobiles, and all other sorts of That evening she appeared at the ba , year,. is at een 5 - . � .�' im� I tar- v?h 11 estimated betw I .� � � 1.11 I . . . . , , , taut, says: -itnd the effect of the sun on the and �- -------.. '- ' --1 ­-­- i-1141im", 11 . -��� .--- �­ ­ .: 1:,`�,, I . ­;.- ; �. � red road." icles. Most pe6ple are in a hur- charmingly disguised, approached her 16 million pounds. British Colum- .'. " "'."! - ,�,,!, q I I �� , . ." *4 As William Yorker was driving England's fastest engine was de_ ry. They must be up and doing, and husband and remarked cheerfully: bia has colony -produced over 472 pounds. sow thistle and wild prairie flo ... '.'­�', . IA;1 - along the Wakefield c, been a '. ,. �.'�,,. - � z" � ": , I producer for The bee -keeping industry is as yet in British Codumbih, ­'. " I'll , ;, . ,. ­ . boulevard at ,- ermined by means ,he draft ,horse that cannot, meet "Good -evening, bed--4he mattress is many yearas1sand in 1922 the crop was fruit blooln i "I I I ,of an interchange ,�, ,.' , ., 1, -Highland L4ke, his auto ran over.a these conditions will be outsold by here, too." . only in, its infancy in these two pro- clover, and fi . :.,', I "", .. large black. snake which carried in o ' F locomotives b6tween the Great ­ne that does. 177,889 pounds. In 1922 one apiary , rewood a" i,106xth*,�,�l.,��ll,"",,,,,�. 1, I . vinces , �?,�,!� : I . ' I , � ' � . Ii ,,"I ".", its mouth a brass wire ring Western -and North Eastern *railways. in the. Fraser River Valley, B.C., and will expand as sweet early sources, while golden -rod, a0d,. �1.1,1.,it . I .f,! ­� , to The Great Western "Castle" class- I 4---!— clover is grown more extensively. wild aster are two import . :%4r',i� ..'"I", � ,..,A . 'which was attached t*o keys and a �he ' - - yielded an average ant f4 ""'i, "Pendenids -Castle" tested over pounds per colony and In the more northern parts -of Bril flowers. ': ��,.,` 1 %'A I . � . I . -,� I � ", I I , - I fishing bob.' One of the -k-eys is a ' I BANKS ON OCEAN LINERS one colony fish Columbia a -Rd Alberta there are The main � ­­�� � .. ..:�. � the London and North Eastern line WHY BARLEY WKARS A BEARD � yielded over 600 pounds, while the problems co , . , -1.14.11,, � Yale K-160 and the' other a Miller between King"s Cross and Grantham, It may not be generally n nW Apiary at vast areas covered with fareweed, the beekeepers nfront�si � , ' " � , � Agassi Of Canada are whi- . "..'s I* , , I �, . lock. The. snake, which measured In nature there is a reason for ev 1z-, which is one of our grei nectar- tering, disease, and warra ... bl'.4. ­�, '...", .,over four beat the London and North Eastern - banks are now operted on many of the B. C., had an average of 194 pounds control. i. :,..i,f,;"­ .feq in length, was com- crything, even thou�h we may not be great ocean liners, secreting flowers. These areas offer Although our winters are e �-,: �i.�,-."; 1. engine "Pa-cific," which hauled the .. plying on the At- and in 1923 182.1 pounds per colony. ompara- � , '­, - .,. Ing in the direction of the lake when clever enough to find it. Since your ]antic, between Brie great possibilities for the beekeeper. tively long and usually se . , -killed by the machine Cornish RiviiQra express from 'Pad- &at Gritain and the The last few years have seen a de- vere, bees :,,�ii��, tic . .1111 .. in front of the di,gt,n to Plymouth. . The astle" first encounter -with barley beards, ports on this continent. cided development in Compafttively few bees are kept can be wintered acking . 1. ,.. , ��, - sumnier home of Roscoe Benjamin. engine is 29 tons lighter than its riv- - On each of the Ciyn-.qrd Company's Prairie Provinces. Manitoba, in atten- ,, i' -1, you may have asked what useful pur the thret: in the Maritime Provinces. How- cases, provided the proper ' , ' - ��'. Where the reptile picked up the hard- ")ose those things could serve. - ever, the records from these Pro- tion is given thimn. All the pro- � . . . . . . . . ,�� ware and fishing bob is a mystery. at but it developed greater tractive ocean expresses, the 136rengaria,Apui- three years, has I reased produc on vfnees indi te ,' ' I .. �,,��' Recently Joe Robinson, a farm crops ta,n,ia and Mauretania, there is a from 500,000 to over 3,000,000 foul brood ... 'The owner of tl* same can recover effort, -a higher speed on gradients, ne 't' ea that good crops are vincial governments have b,%� . � I I -( 'apiary at the Ex- laws- and inspectors are employed to ­,,,',:� ' . -his property at Roland Woodin's taxi ' Six 8,0 t- Pounds. This amount will be ini perimental Farm, Nappon, N.S., gave locate and aid in the control of bee -­.,-��, . ind consurned less coal. Man at the Iowa state college, an- branch of the Midland Bank fully fi obtainable. The I I -office-in Bridge Street, -foot girders; part of the roof swered the question. Because such ted up with countersi strong -rooms, tiplied sevearl times as the industry " 1, I , il� .., - , - of the Exchange station Manchester, remarkable -things as developing in 1922 an average of 165.3 pounds diseases, of which those affecting . . �,:A - - a etc, In order 'to deal- with a money develops. 'Saskatchewan and Alberta . �,- ­7'�'. I ­ I , , , - apsed and hurled two workm,, to 114.8 pounds per colony. the brood are the most s ' . I �'I,,� , . - - . coll' spineless cactus have been accOmP- turnover, which May sometimes be a,re just beginning to realize their .erious. i ..:-zlll . �­ , ,i Other apiaries have reported aver- I � � ,;, ,; " lished with plants, he was asked why as large as $150,000, for a single trip -Possibilioties in this direction and the . �­il;,,' -11 deiLth 'on the railway line below. An- The time when success in beekeep- ,�,- 1. ,�� I UNSURPASSED FOR , other a satisfactory beardless barley could a staff of t�riee is (�!nployed in each O' number of beekeepers in these pro- ages of 100 pounds and over. ing was beasured by the number of � 11 11 : ,� '. , ;:�`,,"� I man, was gravely injured. The not be found. f . . The early sources of nectar, over swarms hived ­*, � i I I , men were cutting out the girders as vinces is -has passed,' and -.' �11.�A .�� I ­ these floating banks.. steadily increasing. Con- t na- .�� . . 11 k, I CHILDHOOD AILMENTS nart-of the alterations required' to As anyone knows who, /has had DDing business with anything up to ditions on irrigated areas of southern he greater part of Canada, are the tural swurming' is rapidly being''re. - ,.*, �J'. I ­ success , , ­� " I-.., I � "i, �, - . ,:­ . . , , , ill -i . Ank Up the Victoria and - barley beards in - his clothing, they willows, maples, dandellon and fruit placed by ful measures of "..., , I Exchange 4,00-0 customers, which is a larger Alberta, where alfalfa is grown bloom. I ,,.,-,id . I Mrs. Howard stations. 'Suddenly the g! are very brittle and scratchy, readil T In the eastern provinces swarm control . � � W.'r', 1. "' rders broke Y number thant many hariks ashore deal extensively, are -especially favouratle -and controlled In- , . �,'.:,!;111. - ,i, - . f 'Truro, N.S., says ­-"I'am the m6i�er free and fell ninety feet with ne with during -a whole' week the office for the production of honey. The � XPOTIMen . . : a re- breaking into tiny pieces, each o -these. -Are followed by alsike and crease., The Dornipion,E . 1%1 :�;�,11.. , -P*' s sys m ,� ,. over, arm- - ' te through i& Bet Mj- 1'1�'�i"., '. , . . �,. t, from sion. -has esta' -1 '.�� 1. . �k,::�:.-;, . -t - when -any oA killed instantly, and a third was res- is due to the high percentage -uf sili- on board the Leviathan is one of the at Lethbridge ,has for the past six which the mai rop of honey is ob- apiaries throughout the Dominion, at ­.", -B�abY's Own Tablets were - iersP Loan Trusli Company Dominion Experimental Farm Apiary basswood and buckwhea of four childrenand havid always used soundint crash. The 'two men. capable of mischief. This brittleness of the Farn white dutch 80vers, 'sweet � el �' . them needed a medii;ine, and I.Can re- cued in a critical state. Workmen con or sand in the. beards. Now if biggest of its kind. . verage 144.9 tained. In th n c .� 11 -commend the Tablets as being unsur- engaged lower down on the 'roof the beards are removed the silicon e Prairie provinces the which. experimental work is 1.� 1, . How elaborate the business is will pounds per colony, while in 1923 the bulk Mug 'AR, passed for childhood ailments.,, -Thou- heard -the warning shout5 from over- continues to be collected by the plant, be underst of the crop is obtained from conifucted for the benest of I& . � -.il,� - .i` , I � I - I ood when it is known that average. was 189.9 pounds and one various sources; sweet clover, alfalfa, beekeepers of Canada. .. ,"."', -sauds. of other nX9thers agree with head *and jumped clear in. time. In the absence of the awns or beai very often as many as twenty differ- � 11 " - , oub �11 � ,Mrs King as to the merits of the Tab- this sand material is left in the straw ent nationalities are found oard a . ... 1:�� �, I . . lets. There are 'thousands of -homes -0 and particularly in the little stems liner. Especially when travelling for � I..,. I - I ALI throughout Canada where the Tableta - nels. These stems the first time, many passengers be- I - F .. � Iness . . ny . 11 FACE; NEVER, IN FACT 1. ­:�� I shatters too easily to be harvested. thought whatever about the difficul- � -ff I ]I � ­;� for the least sign of any of the minor C1 - � 10 . ..., ailments which I — " f " n the Heart of the Rockies I .,�,� are always kept on -hand in readi IRLDING NEVER FORGOT A then become so brittle that the grain gin a long voyage without a : afflict little ones, Thus it seems that the beard serves ties that always arise in o �1 I. .. rega , , �� .. . . 11 Baby's Own Tablets never faid to reg- FORGOT AN*kTHING as an outlet for an element that would petty cash. rd to i - .� . ,.. .; '. Wate the stomach and bowels, thus . otherwise damage the crop . :,':�' '. I ..-� ", I - When Chinamen present their pe- `�,ie�j ! I ­ ,:,"', ;�.i " they banish constipation and indiges- HbrL W. S. Flielding occupies a Of course, there are beardless varie- culiar money for changing into Tress- - �11 � - tion; break up colds and simple fev unique positi I S14 li ... . - on in ,C � anadian politics. ties of bariey but as yet they have ury notes the bank officials are not . . . , �.. . I ers; relieve colic and bring the baby Broken in bealth, his retirement ,is not given general satisfaction. . ,�, .!, . It dismayed, for almost every conceiv- ! ,-, I . � through that dreaded fA-ething period now imminent. When the question of -seems that nature intended barley to able kind of currency is,kept in stock. ­ . -1 ­­;, -?T . 1:F:," , ... ". to � � ­­:i.'.`i.. -..:.. � � � 1, .in safety. The Tablets never do granting him an annuity came. before wear a beait;4 and any attempts The money -changing, which is the - . ..­­­ M" � . , �, . harm -always good - as they are the House of Commons a few days remove it throw the plant out of bal- main business of these floating -banks, .il I I,.:, . . .. l guaranteed absolutely free from a-ny ago, the attitude of those members a nee. ,­.� . -� .... - ;� . . .�F I I ... :::: _; - . injurious drugs. is executed at the ,rates of exchange ";, . . C.; : " I ill. They are sold by who have long been his Political op- A - which are received daily by wireless "'. I :',,L ,,L ,,L ,,L .1 inedicine dealers or by mail at 25 ponents was unusual evidences of the :;, I ..., - liliam,, ?steem in which he ii held by Canad- , SECRET HAS LEAKED OUT, 14�,- I ..,.�6, ..sents a box from The Dr. ,,, from New York. .. 1i Wi 41' - 11 5 41. . . , Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. . ians of all parties and classes. BACCO IS DISCOVERED Cashing of travellers' cheques and ­ . , - " - , �.. %, 4 i . � , a . - - drafts under letters of credit forms 7. .;.U�,,­:� . - . = :" I . ­11;1,�! - Z11';?. -'11'11"§ 11 I , A government official, for years in- I �.11- . ...... .1 I .6- Premier Baldwin and Lord Haldane another part of the bank's worf, and W - . . �� I � . tirvately connected with Ron. Mr. have been keeping a secret, but it has by the purchase of travellers� cheques, i �' - ::, . Fielding in his work as a cabinet ndiu- ; ;.� I ENGLAND AND WALES ister, there gives an anecdote or so leaked out. Just around the corner which are sold in denominations of � .7 1 � �11. . : . �,��.., .- . , from Lord [Haldane's -home in London 10, 20, 50 and 100 dollars, the ship's ; . ..zii. Three were killed in an explosion concerning him. is an unpr pa - ssengers ar . e relieved of the trouble � 60;� 1� I I . , �.,.�!,.., About the beginning of,the present 4 1 "I .ex- . run by three young men. For years of carrying large sums of loose nion- - I it which wrecked the works of an sesslon of parliament at Ottawa, an etentious little tobacco shop . C plosivies company near Fayershard, old friend of Right Ho Lord Haldane -has been in the habit of ey. Special purchases of listed stocks I . ::: Kent. Two press houses were involv- I n. W. S. Field- � - �( ed in the dis"ter, and there were two ing, Minister of.Finance; called to see calling at this shop whenever he start- m8y be negotiated by wireless on the . ,. I ,:. cliatincit and very heavy explosions, the stricken minister at his house ed out on one of his well-known walks Cunard boats, and the representatives � . . . .... , "'..I., I - I i ;� . ,­; " . . which were followed by ,-a'dense 6ol. The friend was an M.P. from Nova through London the reason being that of the bank sometimes provide pas- - .1 F � - :;*."�," .. 1; , , . - Scotia who had a tie has become' attached to a brand sengers with counsel and ad ce con- ,.7:�, ­ - . . Iso sat in the legis A 41 11 �­4 --- :- %4.;-,�- -.1 � .1, - I I -..:..:,!-"J, - " -- I I Urna of smoke.' The buildings, small . .,i W :.j, � � - . . . . . ii:�:. ", �� ; ��. and isolated, were- blown to pi lature of that province when Mr. known as Rr. White�g Mixture, a blend cerning investments. Some big deals I � ­�� �-WZ.7�-�'?A ... :;"'. - -AM& ',J, I I ecea con invoMmg thousands of dollars, have ,""g -, . ". �! I !.� the debris falling a great distance a I Fielding was premier. Just at the taining a considerable proportion �,g��. , , ,I In � �., ,,�g . .11, I I i.:, ­.. ..-il .k moment when the M.P. arrived at the, of Boer tobacco, originated by the been carried through in raid -Atlantic. 1. M% I .�g�, � ­,,, -, 11.1 I way. One of the victims, was found ,.5 1, q; , - , .. , . 1:, . " .''. 1 �,... '�� ­ . ?'... , lying in a field some 120 t6 150 Yards ed and the mi -, Rev, Dr. John Whi* a moderator of These are the most common opera- I 11 t I " nis- . :'­'� . ., ' from the scene of the explosion. Two Iter came out with one of his daugh- the Church of 'Scotland and blended tions of banks on board, but in other I , �11�, 11 -0. I ters to go 'for all atitom , drive. 6y a small firm in Glasgow. ways they afford exactly the same . .. ". .� ,� .i,j , ­­ ,..., "I ,.. obile ,.. � ,.. men had miraculous escapes. �!��l '! ��;�,' The friend was asked to join them. �, � - � -. 1 .4 Worn out ,horses in ' communicated his facilities to travellers �1- �. .. , "' I , �i, Lord Haldane , as they would i:�'. , . ;,. " , . London are As they drove along, Mr. Fielding ce -'-:. ,., `,,-i �­i�.,�, ��.'l 1, - �,'% '1�1 bought by the managers of the zoo nnd to the prime minister, and sin obtain from any branch bank on shore. . . I I ,:� , 4 , ­­ ..."'d. i " ;, � I �.��- - ,�,,:. �� . . miade fat and sleek, then slaughtered lapsed into a reminiscent mood: "Col- tn�r date Lord Haldane has been The strong -room for example, is a- I , .% . .. "' .111, I . . . . . . number of in," he said to his friend. ' io you re- quietly acting as Mr. Baldwin's to- vailable to clients who desire W ae- . 7*'�:�:: I I � and fed to the animals, the I -, � 1-'-,.1.1., i &..... - .-­.� ��i�;,,-,.77 . I" , �, .: , I - , , , , " . - -�' ­­ �,!", ­,��,-;­`, i mem questionable char- rtant w. ..., �, ­ , . 11 � ii'i 1, - lar intervals a tin of the mixture and plapers and documents. .. -i. 0 "..', I horses -thus disposed of ]".t yeai be ber that rather bacco mes6enger, procuring at regu- posit valuable jewellery, of impo .Ilk,. ter that some enterprising gentleman .1, Ing 440. The walrus colony fed on ­ -- �f.� five tons of codfish, besides nearly 4o tried to 'put over on the'legislature carefully conveying it or having it Never to be forgotten by anyone - --- - ­ 1 ,': � �'i ho has crossed the Atlantic is , " ton;s of herring. -Other articles of, when - the Five views of the new Jasper Park Lodge Golf Course in Jasper National pgi?k, , bem. -,, , � you and I sat there forty years sent to No. 10 Downing Street w . , , ,, food for the animals included 14, 000 ago? It was to incorporate a,scheme - 0- daily -auction pool, which is a gigantic This course will rank among the best playing courses on the continent an 4 .... I'll . " . , It has the added feature of an incomparable ocezaic scitting. ,.1 , I -tins of milk, 128 pound# of honey, 258 known as 'Terminal Citi gfid I re- MISERY AND WEALTH IN sweepstake arranged every - day in I- I .11 , 1;11 and . . !,i,i. . pounds of ants' eggs, 77 pouuds of member that you were very much op- connection with the distance the ship N it was decided to add golf to THE SCORE CARD r,.-.: , tin iueens.giv!nga?leasing rugged set- .1 . � I , c n .1 it never inter en .1 ,� " � *e Ineal worms, 1150 bunches -of'onions posed to it. At that time you and I CERMANY travels from noon to noN. It throws Murements of Jasper National g with the play. Lianaths measured from ccstR,n 10"M6 ­% wt� the � .213;000 bananas, 343 gallons of fresK were taking ,a drive one afternoon- much extra work on the bank staff. Park the policy adopted from E,u t aelected enc)9s Teo. 11 - sk just as we are doing now outset was that the golf should be good heart a ped qrea with t0fivztacetol go at . ­: - . A� enough to be appreciated for itself. the starthigg and the laet hol finishing, at ...� I �. ing $50,00(). then, instead of an auto --and we Munich two classes are noticeable. %. I Name 111". I I d1k, the food, bill for the year reach- -4n a cab Everywhere in the German town of ---------­`--- Cau e ,O.P 4.71. �,',,. , � beauty of the scenery being merely an the lower po v Z, , At t ­� . . ­: Pushing -a truck, containing 490 lbs. passed the old abandoned St. Paul's There is obvious misery and equally Last year 79,435 Canadian cattle added attraction. Since the course has there b a dou e beeli and fu * -,., � � ,< _,I fift-two miles, from Westnu i Cemetery in Halifax.- You looked kit obvious wealth, w -rites a correspond- were exported to Great Britain. �, heart. 'UhAg i goo kdatME.-D. . ..... = . . aster Of been cleared and is revealed to the visitor a loop of three hole .�:,� . Bridge, London, to Britht the cemetery and then pointed to it ent of a London paper: s which 3* 385 Signal- ... . .. . .......... ,::: - , 1. . . on, on a these, 22,925 were handled at Birken- he concludes that the Canadian National a peninsula mrinhis out! �mtlo Lm,'1-7 4- cqvep,..�� I ..., wager Was the f6at of an ex and said: 'Fielding, do you see that The automobiles flashing through head across the river from Liverpool. Railways were fortunate to have such a vert. Thio rou it qu, ID I 1 V, ­ .. naval (� � � -b P itq an option iet - 7�,:Z. , I. . . -ahn. The truck weighed 196 pounds cemetery? Well, that's Terminal the streets the reminiscent of Paris Almost 10,000 were removed alive to great extent of golfing terrain so imme- one and chere W a' Cornple=C0 DI ; Al a av&-ii­ , - - - lram&. . IR 18�, . - -and with it, was a ladder and an eas ' tity,' and so it turned out." ' and London, shops display costly other markets or to farms for feed- diately aveliable to the Lodge. A year paralleling in tha ordinary imnGe of the -",I . , � �- . 61W ehah�, on which sat a. man weighihy The M.P. had forgotten all about wares, the cafes, theatres and kine- Ing. The remainder were slaughter- 7 200 Colin ..... -........ - �. ;,;� g ago. when most of it was Rocky Moun- term, although the I th ,�z the 6th 0 I I qpi�tator the incident. 'But Mr. Fielding had mas never lack patrons. Self-indul- ed at the port of landing for immedi- tain forest� the golfing possibilities were immedia tely to, the Rig t 9 it. 9 ftR �". *154 pouads. This started t P 11H 810�=—= ... - Inotsoapparent. Workwascomm d 'ne ups and downd- of hol a a I : !! ... I . " * I—. . " W � _. 1'rom, W,ttminster Utidge *at 12 mid- not. He never forgot Anything. gence antong those who can afford it, ate use. early in the summer of 1924 anderwas undulations of fairways are an 08C , 160! I " �A . I night, arid the. official"ffine in which In the winter of 1897, then, as now, o'clock in the morning and watch Ger- The demand at Birkenhead for rushed forward with uch success that be desired on a fimt elaai) Room IQ -gAlho hm � � ,� , -, .1 he completed his Journey i# put at minister of firance, he was on tour is prevalent. Enter a cafe at eleven Canadian cattle continues to improve, nine holes will be avails "I-, .C%F -4W... 1, � able for play dur� in a good go)fing country. a P 10 rdirnid......­.. ; 13 hours and'92 minutes. consume 0 On' 3T55 al, , "I" I I . , "U.Shotild with the tariff commission, along with m ans cake and whipped and dealers speak highly af the sound in&the summer of 1925. (D every side of tb cour�;,,reat snow 12 .� �,;% I 11 � : I ;`- Sir Richard Cartwright and Iron. Wil- cream, and you wonder how GermanY health and good condition of the Can- Fortunately there is no el t Jasper. capped peqlra rise%. . T it of from 165 Tete Jaunin ........ . .. 1, . � ! . I � I got the reputation of a thrifty, ?nod- adfah stock, I T.hi ' 4 595 1 ."..k., " liani PAterson, both a heart. eight to 14 R 1 L"" I 11 . now deceased. a should delight the ;�LerL e!,?ven thousand ftet. With o - Y' ,�.,Ij .: I L . 'WiffiniPeg was the western terminus eratei, hard-wovking land. Writing of this phAqe of the cattle The underlying strata is ILerierally grav ,I k�0%4"n :".,�":: I , , 'ji: i � I � I . el such magattic"t eqr -1�4,�Z,8­40,44*- i - . . . Y' it . . . 'Fol 1)@ . � - - . oftliclir itinerary, and it In this River basin in 0, dded much to the scarlia ati bab � . go it PW= . I . .. The other side of the picture ia the trade, the Assistant Oalladfan Trade like all the Athabaska lly a 0 . 9 R-0 is, � , k�k,�*.�; . " , VMS :;i, I I—, K, Z&W, I—- 1, "j" I . ��; ."� 61#1 that two incidents occurred which home of a German familly, noble and CCommissioner states that,- "The which ,Jasper is situated; so that the of the course to have ouch a rdimto S- 17 90 t" .­. I ­ ,�, .f. f INE `� sh��ed Mr. Melding's ik,gbj, formerly prosperous. The three best time of the year to ship store . We '. � I \-, rem" fairways have und .. i nem that gravelly lected that gives different viewo at almoot 18 IN 140MO.." ... ­.­�­ '. I � I ."!, . , subsoil essential to the prod , � � - ,� , : �, , � �,!�ii uction of good " I ­ mothibry-Tiot. only for faces but also membert; of the family, moiber, d4lu- cattle to this market from Canada, every hole. I" '. , , L I � � 1, . 16 , ,�,,� , 11 . � keepsigres - -ndidaughter, sleep in in the opinion of one large dealer, Is goffir,wrf. Sand was also found on the Most of the holes, as can be seen from 2nd 9-3290 ,,�,,, ,�­ ,. ­ I I AkWes, - ' ghter and gra I .90 . , The ave little y in sufficient quantity and the score card, take their natpes from the Total: 6375 -Par 70. � ." ".. I I , ?" Bi 1. �Jua't attior, 1wettkifast olle worhill one room. SiXteeft- during the arst six mouths, as In the ­ I. ,�... �g,4 41 , , , ka ight and 0eamOlut 66, V 9 P= . ev .4. I I'll ... Wli.. N V-�n it . q to fill all requirements. The mountaffib and the lakes which ipronfida Thace hoReo -%ill be ready for % �.. I ;� '11.11. 1, * .. 4 C,14 , *" �,�, * : , ;.i , lkq. I 1 066k outcropTingg 1 20 . " , ; 01 rg,xm, :. " �;:" - VkheM Ine0o. Chicago.fitit 1�6046qk aftY� i0�*' StMidir's I'll, the hotel year-old "g6nerall, sleeps It thd bath- latter pArt of the year the competi- fairways airs elear of actu for the tourae one of the fine t emningo 0925 Walt 0 0 se orary hole � '...", ,�,F�1,4 ,lk ­�. le, I .1... rottinda' 0 I up a � ,I.;..", . , 1 1 � Wtftig tp, 8161 The reat of the But is oftil. ti6n of Irldh stock off grass feeding of rock, but these ohow 0 of any golf couran -in the worls. . obinin 2 Ilyt and I BdL, � ''.� I � �]k­ I . , tilelir . g,t +0 room. tee . .­�� I 1'. -----1:- - --- � , — ,`606 them t0lfig 6ftY Ull Wheie ti�e Pied by PoMgners, "W1 ipaulon " hoe to be met.. The *eIght of beast - �j� ". ''N " . - , k I 0 1 - - I I � 11, � .,.. . , , � , �'11 i. . , , . , � , � . , . ''J"'Zi ;� . . � - - 4,,� - 41 1i . I.. I . , , I . . , ,I ,. ..I - 111r.0. , , � . � - I . � , I ,", - � . , L � ;,.% "", i "" li" 11 90,� �� 4 �, � X* ,-�, q, I r4l N ,,�,,,, ,,, I A I W i , , L I , . I I I I I , V:', * 1� . . �, ,,, -- Ki-: �­ � . I . .1 I I � - ii,.44- 11­��,� I I w . I Zli, Z. I, , .. � . , ,�; , ,­.' � .11 .­ I ­ I ­ I- I 1. . I . ,!­.y;­.Wi,�­ . ­;. I � %,..,. I ­ " ­.­ ­ �. . . !,. "i'l,", 6-, .......:: �,­ ­. I ­,, ­­'. . I I � . I . . ,� .�, h 4- 11 � I ­'. ­ . � ­ .1 I I ", ­ I I .1;- �,­ �� I 1­4,�,­;i­ � I '' I . r. . I . :� . I ,��,` ,,.,.,, ,­ I'll b. I . ­­ � '. . I . I 1. ,,,,,,'r,, 1p4'i; i?:!z,:., '' �, i � I '.. - I ,,, I 1: - 1- .. . , .1 ­ -1 I ! I I .1 � 11 . � ,� ­:­�.,,,,%',��ii, " "i.lii,l . , !,,, �,'' ­­:�'';,: ,!;`,'%''':­,. ,­ : ,,,, , " '''', "" il �"" �'r -1 ""..: �:�, ,,,, �. . I . I I , . . �. I I r I I 11; ,1. "�" i . 1, " ,',i� , , ', , � .111'' ". ­ ­, , . ,:� 11ii, �� . I . I I .­.­­'­,`& , ,'11.,� � , �� r, ',:" . ,,, -j.- -,r- -­­,�";­ i '' .. Ir I., � , 1,,,,:,�,%, - , � � I , - . 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