The Huron Expositor, 1925-06-26, Page 4IOU.,
1 'it -T- '4. .104W
...... .....
and Mra, Herbert
.6. John JaIn �. A last week -�itU Q9 h40144 at LoW D
ro,-Mr. and UTZ inotor trip th past
AZIRM a - l!7
Pan; O �,% . Y" '11WRI
'9.0 Hist XM'
'thers and dau&t
and Niagara Yll %41�
it 1 1 1 Q orqd up tvoq4, hor
River Falls, are at
A044g, -with 0:, Wba,, W -4 64
ed to r>w allp,4 *A AVVE. =4
relatives here— tho" ds�
_jCan. His! ''Will Jamieson 4 ?3?
ind Mrs. 89pn en
In 14
ein ends.—Mr. and XTE evy, e se Lodn, spent Smu- et
lifted 4 bag of r44714 apeLe 1. jum 2Tth (Qw).*940, Of W. R. aa� rela dece",Od,
T'- 00'
-owler's parents here.- IWO Est I Geoa
agam c o Shoo at
by QMb, 4t MOO vt C, Botany Q; X4
PY, Harine day this v, Dun� C.; 19,99414
t With Goo. IL, Art,
CA'A Johnston thought Ike wag stronger
than1w really vrals and
grain, from his car. As a reqult he to
-M-Jan Clark TmAic� MZ on bamaw' d to the of Loll onfined to bd,, ist V perated ou At the bos- 11BaJoe Davidson,
L Was 0 ti ' as itartled some
-ads here the Art frie pa.lit
d pital on Sunday uight-MX. resjd�d, in
L * -11 1 "
M. McDermi ad Mid's f WestlakePenhale, ling was solemnized at the home Of a
nSimmons and fandly, of Harold Penhale, Braur 25' ano some If keats
-Can. Hist j1dred
W. Fitz
Bar. and Mrs.
tany Ill.; SeriqJ�,�, youngest a"quie
ter, Miss Grace Alice.,
_t week with Mrs with, her sister, hu4
A� dale, spent Sund son Line,on June 10th,,,dhen his ais Heh§AIl_.,v th 440 bw
rothe R. J. Clark.-Anniversar-y ser- Ore"l 14 mist. C, Oeo.g. I.TT, Art: 1. eaOQ,
Thurs- Mrs. doe t, ret4ing
hiS mother spent
vices w daughter of the late MI and Bb�% 44, ct0 qe, a w
ere held in Melville hurch,,,,. oinkno 91�
With frinds at Blyth. t 11, Botany Simp-
MeGavin, of Seaforth,
�J]jp All
1 Altogeth-
;on Monday evem�t
Ai to mourn he
Brussels, on Sunday, and a garden Richaxid Penh -ale, was upited in mar- Hist� Tj, AW xigs-can. %Og. leaves tiT6 -We are party g. riage to Mr. Alfred Westlake, Of thO husband, end visitors here- C.; W141ke
qui e W. cuarta-41 was raised.
$625 few Wal- Sauble Line. Rev. John J. Durraut ny son- and Mrs.
Mrs. S. Date is making er Gog. 11, Bot tor.' ton people attended. -Miss Bei�yl POL- and Rev. J. J. Johnston were the of- brother, Mr. William 'McAllis
ry. They ry
iss towards Tecove
siting in Walton. 116ating ministers,, The bridal -PattY' kde�eased had r "hed the alloW score
riec�ss-ary to remove her to lard, of Blyth,� is A
t Mr. John Dennis'. barn raising Iasi; took their places to the strains of the yea of age
rith. 11 Zoo' -09"liglas' being '70 is
tal last week. bi-idal choru from Lohefigrin, played "LPhys C Arita M'Zoo II tributes were very -beautiful. )Aor-h
Thursday was one of the m@st soc 5 -
forreslk,',,,�,Gxace-Phys. 11, "th. 11
cessful ever held in this district- by Mrs. Thomas Westlake. The bWide,, sympathy is felt - for the bereaved
Zoo! :�U A,
WINTHROP Everything went to t.�L�,,Ueff ernan, Dorothy�. phys husband and one grandson, Harold
gether perfectly. who was given in marriage by 'her
11 Zoo 11- -oggarthi
Aid and W. M. The old barn was burned more than a'brother, Mr. Harold Penh -ale, �r� Munn who rived with his grandPar-
J�es.-The Ladfies wadding gown o,,Phys. C, 11; nts
the time he as a little
ago�-Miss Jenny Clark, who has dharming in her e krom
-hold their next M-tlng at the year, joynt, 14'kry-Phys. 1, ArW io,_Zoo; tha
the millinery busi- le hi funeral
f Mrs. William MeGavin on been engaged at s,and silk, trimmed wft radium laoc so a U, RF
me o e jigs -Plws., 11, Arith.
13 She carried Pearl from a distanize *ere Mrs.' MoClarty,
ay afticlilloon, July 3rd. -Miss ness with Miss Ross, of Brussels, a bouquet of roses, bri"I ram, 11; MieKiaig Donald.
n., is visit- holidaying vwith her parents, Mr. a of London; Mrs. Smillie, �i Inwood;
wreath and fern. Hee only ornament J. W. McAllister, of Port Huron, and
�*ithem, of St. Paul, Min --�4 Arith. Q ZOO. C.-
iwig her aunt and uncle, Nx. and -Mrs. Mrs, Will Clark. -Mr. Levi H61171i was a kandsome, gold nwklaee Wt Cl;;z Wyls. Z�G- 1,; Mr. and Mrs. McGregor, of Toronto.
ur deep- of Timmins, is visiting his parents, with pearls, the gift of the
J4seph Bennett. -We extend Q M G Mna-Phy"ts Aidth. -C, ble Society. -The annual meeting vn�th hIs aren Are, P ea"A
Mr. and Mrs. John Mr. and Mrs. D. Holmes. -Mrs. Thos. The bridesmaid, Miss Ida Maynard, anA. Any riep
sit sympathy t te Z
ending a few days with wore a, pretty and smart gown -of of the Western Branch of the Bible ward Seger. He had been vmy*
on the death of their twin Davidson is sp_ '4 et them,
friends at Hibbert -Mr. John Balfour navy silk crepe. Mr. Robert Penhale 11, 1, Zoo. 11; SuiilliA4 Clarence jS666tyas held i-fi the'town hall on obsly ill in one of, this
sons that were born last WdnesdRY, I i city sto'-� Ws dwel�
hingled. Messrs. wa the.groomi's attendant. During -Ph*g.;�C"Arith, 111, Zoo. 11 Siin`P� Saturday evening with Captain Rev. and is j ubt is having his house s ge, irk tithe Tho§ -to ttnxwed,and al. good egr04t foust-
afte17-th, and only lived a few hi tible are the signing of tke r C, Arith- oo. Garbut, of London, the new -Field Se- health birtb�-Mjss Mabel Bullard, who Ed-. Fawcett and Ab. Cos egister, Mrs.
-Mr. John Jefferler, Westlake sang delightfully, " auti- -the Soeiet;y, in the chair. on
-sing sta: Be cretary, of His Old tiat netn4v, 40 relativt d nur ff in Palyelinic doing the work. where." mce-, In again, a M Aftev the -�i�Repovt.-The'� 640mut A very interesting meeting was held pleasj�d =pittal, New York, is s�endjng her called on friends in Brussels on Sun- ful Isle of Some
W. John_day.-Miss Ferne Loe is spending a ceremony a wedding dinliev was savv-� Zip t1tpf the Hensall Public School with our loc-&I pastor, Rev. A. Sin- Mary,.E., Pybum fe, relli to-
ts ,�lieir -with hi a 10"m
vacation with her father, 'Mary -claik and Rev. H, -Naylor present, and and friends in 'MI14461r.-My. di n down --fit; t4jaon olt
Bullard -Mr. and Mrs. J. Davidson, few days with her sister, rs. EdWiLrd ed in the dining room t49 guests, ntl2i- MTs. Ballantyidec,aja ,bh le
Britton, in Kiziburn.-Mr. and Mrs. bering about tw Early' in Ray-L,*'.Q Mab4 �Yg Uarold
entyfour. i addition to.the executive which was Shepherd,'of Rielimbfid'St. is Scott, motor;6
of London, and Mr. and Mrs.'Jamie
'k6') '& d lit his -dwelling in -the wy.,.. it, great 'Uniqn indeting st
afte ` 'j- �- 'W , s. - W.
a poin�tea. Ort*ein was to- 'Sunda -1 st W, at4iid, t
rnoon Mr. and Mrs: Westlake Wiol 47 ia� having good, imv�mveme
SOR of the Huron Road, spent gun- Ed. Pinkerton and Mrs. Robt. Holmes the tol.
it � r I er; George C.
B�jn- left on Wednesday to visit friends in left on a wedding trip by motoir O� Xpry Hemphill"
day with Mr. And Mrs. Joee-ph reappoi 4d as pmident; , -Suther
t—A 'baby girl arrived at the Toronto. -MI. Eiiiiest Constable, of St. Niagara and points east. On their �nn, Jack Youn;; Petty, at secretary, and G. J. - stuccoed M-r;0h9r1e4 Wolf the which the 4
nat I reside on the groom'*, Ma�_ aOn Sunday - A ng work -in
p p e. %at
home of Mr. and Mrs. John Pryce Marys, called on relatives here last return they wil nings, Lloyd"I his Wild- C -a 't r, ance of Ken
'�Tpshmre 'last public nieeting. was while Mr. Jaraes Sangate an to une 18th.-Qsite a Friay.-Miss Gertie Miller is the farm on the Sauble line. erg The, bridels, last Thursday, J held ifi- Carmel Church -which took expert in -his.. haiil fell guest of Mrs. Wn. Murch in'Preston. going away costume was a navy bfii� KR kornelti
heavy shower of rain and liter wopk, iop vil_jng,eve,
d Mrs. Thos. Archibald, Joan silk cordeline gown, sand tricotins D6 j' Stieart Gll� fhe form'of-a union mei the Rev. iii erecti g,a"fiiio pori it the, ft*6n '-.and, held
here at noon Monday. The hailstones -Mr. an riot, -,r,
were large e adil.,',,geatly
and hat, ho" I W 1. o to comme#wr4te'the firping 'of he
'Farquharb -Naylor of St. PAW% AnglIcan entrance, �Wt
E. Miller motored to London wrap and becomdng s -the Rev. A -Sinclair, ulted,chta�,dh Of Canada.-m�Mr.F
th, of on Sunday.-Xiss Devereaux is still and shoes to match. The bi'de and _D s"i
ry, - I' dwell'
bean leaves -M. James Smi church'and of the appearance of the Ing -Mr.- U red
Stratford, spent a few days at the confined to bed. -Mrs. P. B. Gardiner groom are a popular Stanley town- U11101,99.9-ster t'lrene -DOr what �has been known as the Metho- Percy Gram -'and his bAide �'of Lan-
er bui
chukeh, be d'
nd Miss Vera were in Guelph last ship couple and have, the good* wishes othy a]ROdson, ing pri to take sing, week. roan f our i for a
hOme of Mr- John Bullard this week. a Si airi 'Id're"d- F16'l 41st in 'ibe - Meeting. ' The 'open with- re - sl6rt time 11 toget r:*Ii
-ly were in of a lar. circle of friends for a Morin incl i Mr 'h"fii6#iberi
-Art Hoy and fami ing la -e Junior football team play next week, -Th
lumban. Watch for the village last Sunday. -Mrs. Stew- happy future. I�B�L�d Higgin Or�ille,-HI-d- Part of the � service. was conXated lay tj�es and friends in -the village and M4 family and. f I c ifiig his -
week with St. Co dell,- "Mary McConnell "Kennieth Rev. Uri. Naylor,'Rev. Mr.t-SlAclair E.. XtIntyre, 'of d, ae-
r. Joseph art is confined to bed as the result of thei renewing
bills and get the date -M ? . I
qiat�j ,-Vary follwig witlii, 'tbv *riptui* -icading. Detroit, -who was here. for 'a coupli� of " ' ery ffi
urchased a new Essex a fall. She fractured some ribis.- 4aint4lices for a v w,,7.hoursj7as
Dolmage has p
Mrs. A. MeGavin is not improving ZIVRICH Mceeliam e I
-a th' 0*814ent, weeks visiting ker-'4ri -has nly" belleW, On he I'tform wep� O0 on 'Sun-
ro BoodiYoh Fee, we
Six car. Aiditi Id
very quickly. -Rev. Mr. Lewin will : 8�aturday's Svecial. June 27th (onil*�. Mr; J. Vf Oit�reit; who� piesided,over turned fier aftekng �and�
atrs, C d -'�weeks Arnold 'besides being
next Sunday w -k Beets- —410 by Grb, at WGO a . pair.. CI:iA,.Fmd 116ft,, hoe onday
address the Orangernen,
he t meeting; iiother ped a few jnor�upg...,
Other surprising barsaim on b*tvats 6WO. -Quite a nusit- W. U. pale. She@ Sfara� Hok"A. NO", eretary. and G. - J Suih -,WaaY evening last, engaged. -in e: mercantile business,
TUCKERSMITH afternoon at 3 o'clock. e-ilan&, as with After Dr. J. W.,Pe;ck of our village, was, 4�voqpopor, ag
Rth M14CIA49t- Treasurer.�,�,. - _the,�opening ser. 4reeve'hi. turn of
lice s'ca ed up- taken . W - St. Abigpitiil, Lon- w a'great interest
ing�A quiet but ber went to the Methodist church last , e Higgins,
Pretty June Weld Notes. -Mr. Philip Sipp 81:, Isabel vices, G. J,'Sutherland Wa 11
� �. '. P. 14,,., , V, . our age, an
for.his,.A*aw -an, operation.., 7% doet6r'
y pretty wedding took place at the Sunday to hear Mr. Robinson's fare Hrtman, of Pigeon, Mich
ver are VIM Eleanor Bell, 66; Harold
rn- weR sermon. Dr. Brov�n, re0ently of at It, which was a very donj for erbelieve he
Vpi g'q -ta t"Or 6d l3end
ing relitives and frie ',�O;-Norman McKay - o�'fbi the past'.yeArii- a� co
rectory, Hensall, on Wednesday mo -the pastor. -Mrs. nds here ,.W; Al encoumghi
qock, Trowbridge, will be, present-_ Xr. g. �,o notbeen� feeliAg'' 99. a
ng, June tjkth, 1925, at eleven o'c rg. Berry a ome y
'I ton, 56; `ROY Biock, - 56; xeEiryt Heiv. Caot.,(�4r s, 6 pribu -his. upurij�o #ogg4rth
)ungest Gardiner, Af- nd Mrs. Neal Thomas McMillain, Of
The Fild 6"
Miss Reta 3" Seaforth, Lib�raf candidate for;.Bouth Ad4rpss, 41 vim and energy 'Iteni, *W,, oo� Uionatd, here vis-
wtion cKay, job but then gave
_.daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. attended the district meeting of the .-Ilage, first..,e an, �Xe4lent du a d T
Women:ts Inatntute in Bluevale on Huron, called on friends in the n Morrkson, 42; *40atherine.
ev. to hig. path
i:#r6ssing his r" that R -nits, but. b*.,F y.-OVe4fifi iting Afftftk, Mrs.
as united ay. -Mr. And Mm
ppet, of Bayfield,.w, r. M
Chas. Ti -The ni 04 Mond 24. Om ljr�Wh'ki *ho -hM, for ifo maiii* ljis cohi Wica ed
in marriage to XT_ Charles (T Hogja ep s'to ugh
nd children, of SltrjaldoV4, 4 ffig" doos,o'o' t _#h'o. pa -r
P,haill, Tuesday a nual garde Party Klopp a
K%47 Dii ' or , k, �=,Othr6d
prank of Duff's church, Walton, will be hold so ably -411ed the. position as he was form to' 7T l3ory
't6d 77 t1atj
eldest son of Mr. and Mrs- Kra. Wagner. of Shakespm -40 d
�v, --VU McDonald, I
XT. Wm." Wi6odgl lawry on Friday Field S6"t *1111t Of after *m -e" Almiiian-by's, inday 1. Iasi 'arid
TJpshall, of Tuckemmith.' The cere- OR 7!as'. on a" e"Tal. Of
relatives Itere over ,Sundaar,-,- A. -)3 741- Lloyd- TIC 1121 - the leadift-1 durgeons Wr 64 to givia up -the DWI aiiff' 'aterawn with Mr. C. A.
r The usual good meeting under. the auspioes *b 72; Nows
venilig Judy 3rd.
4fijn�ew. pji�-to bake the of- that, _MeDop 11 Mrs Diak-
mony was I e d fine progr4mme will be lom, bara of tU Wouterla
inimediatg supper an
Naylor in the Presence of Illiam Dinimmond�':-,ft*: V
ga" *wet -inte"ating +,6 pe orm -an
friends and relstives. The bridw,owas provided. 04. 110 0, Oi apPeu wao hp bore
-Bible SoeiatY will be hold in the! to" Iff, Lizzie Roan, --'OD, JlAr- Ar:,.Ount �of: the wrking -9 4#ki� 'aauie,,VVeu�, 4t V . reeeil -]a
f tho Biblo dicitis, -irkwk- %1(6 -
ha g wo Wt eacher$, and
e0i 11, Muriels, next Monday evemi 1144i;lh� S�"iia th� ood rk A bad Adhe,
given in marriage by a
Percy Tipp6t, of Ra*mf�euxt was commencing at eigkt arouto.—
n . do ts;,_ e way of charIiiingly gowned ik'"powder blue RAYFIBLD 4�'ed to,' much frora �fia if.
.,ova ga wAx, �,haveretuvned to theit
principal ap6ak,6ret the Hedc[6�: -B&le all-over, thiWoffilt ftri*l�d'AV61thft
spreading the
cantain crepe trimmed wiih - cream lie Rev. John Gitibutt, of Nieqj, 4 Ele�iridr Skin- �jt cost price to
hat, with aa�. e*pod Of "o L
zes.-Dr. and birs. Thomas, of appoi -Field 'den, 29.� Room
lace, and wore a witite -d
Bree newly nW to liuii�hask* ind -vithokt coot, to those writingi! �andi larAbi
'tok- Londonit --wem A�,W Ow week end f. ter b1i ito is
biVtw ma Rev. . a. Hawaid, of, ew V
... . ? rttui H! M, 90
em o
ffieir�6M e lienifs h&6 thAt he A "Old' b lit -
and Mi"s- , Lre upable o purduas � it,, and *any. a erie,/,,
and carried a bouquet of roses, Zi OP and Rov. Carl 19I)ler, of Nowarki N Margaret Vej,#ren, 76; So V It
ot WelAh, Codwe TAIT ably onVhitla power recover his Usual g6od -heal Detroit.
fern.�- ne-. groomaman was bEr. H_ Weston and Mrs. Green motored to Y., visited, fiierkds and
relativeig hers "74- 'Louldil" Drrn�d. 72 Doroth dr4 �'tke , Tery fimt is,wekl skilW:bt I 41i t itte0iii -the
the Bible wae
respil what a fills a vrt nt;plAt
lesmaid, DetroitSaturday to sperd'a few days. an TueiKr. and Mrs. E.,Appet d -the bri, 14itle, 70-1tOy 961dim, 68; Beryl Pa- ver - iq n44 ftbxe.'and babe who has New arl and b4si I.. ;I k -XM F"-Ri lwtd' fl*iti New-
- village "ana, cO1i*At[ as those
s' r the and Mr. G. Appi of HAIR-burb" ft Mar'itiNA 11putliftorld, 67; Pe wonderful influence it exert nfty�� Saturday ell.--Ouo
ft of the rural cistricts, wer&'�
ifi Reeve,
%the ceremony, the party M cey f ack 56; worthy 'of -the support of' all Christ- between ount _'tTateth to ie Forry
bride, also wore powder blue canton spent a few weeks with her parents, visited friends here on Suiiday,-W. '-Viaer 'Fosthr 62; Lillian
crepe. After r. and Man. George King, le Sat- William F. Braun, who uow i'esi&i St. ed when read and imbibed, a;nd how evening la�t e
and'Mr& urday for her home at Elnivale.-Mr. in Forest has sold his residential -6411f Lloyd Passmore, j 1 motoed to the honve- of My. P ' r&',Bertha S"nl jn denoinhiations. It order to reach Boundary, Played Wi Sinimoeg diam- Mi. Owen Geig.ei�' during
th, where and Mrs. R. A. Collis, of London, are perty " Zurich to Mrs. ER V-Bill�
William Rayter in Tuckersmi in
a:JU'50- Jean,9bjathro*, 42. Jr. I
in their cottage for the seas and Peoples it ond, the Bo.ohdiqv. UYs Won -by a Sunday ni)g� last, jn�ghe,,4urrdng of
a delightful wedding breakfast was now on.- Churck. who is moving into �the, ii�il� jio��tl 86- Albert li -between mqm_ his large ;�*rt togeth.
-rom. Niagara Falls, N. Y. -Art Pasamore, 70- orothY Hos ns, 69; langt4ges and versions. The rever- ing last Rev. Mr...MaicDonald, at E' e U9 -valuable 6'ntents.-A big
partaken of. The happy coupleater Miss Ethel Jowett, of London Normal, lagi I'. D ki was - printed I -,No nd 600 -score of 17 i�onday
ursday last. -Miss. interesting event to4k place 'ift Ahe. -Bruce g- r wi
left by motor for a trip to London returned home Th �the Harold Muzin'09; giarth, 69' e
-and other Points, the bride's travelling Jean Woods, of Stratford Nor , -n gntleirian. closed with a strong, mondville, as moderator fthe United union picnic. of No 7";ffibbert, and
mal, 'Roman. Catholic clitirch, Zurich, on Mildred Simillie, 56, . Sr. lll�Edith appeal for the, support and prayers Church of Canada here, 'for iiij No., jo,
rrived home Friday. -Mrs. E. M* �V-
suit being navy blue gabardine. Up- a T�tc-Wbrsmi& s�A -41�, will be
I?- Tuesday forenoon, 'when Rev,A.' 70,; Luln ou
eside on enier and family, of all imi all not pi
of Toronto, are In - 8frdeder united 'in marriage. Mr Lindenfield, 63.- Eldred Smith 60 ged d- to,,*#ovm- as CarjiWY, church,�. conducted Wd MM onys groe o4i. the corn -
on their return they will r,
e fourth George Weston's house for the sum- Celina j&rrey, of this vill Joyce SC�uf�jIt-r-59_LR6yee Wlsh, 54-' give at the meeting to and in their' 'service' very hed6ptUbly'af the -morn- ig Saturday, June 27th -,and among
the groom's fine farm on th age, subscriptions to the local treasurer, Ing service and atchea, ari4pged r for will
-Mrs. L. H. Smith, of London, Mr. Christopher Ayotte, of '"near Edward ttle 54, Marion- Sinclair, G j Sutherlaiid, postmaster, at Hen- c t, and that It would be -in order' be' the bah mitch between the Bound.
concession of Tuckersmith and have mer. declared thepulpit a� the.. three It
t 1 a _nva anor the coligietation to,hear can- ary boys -and our Hensll- bo-ys on
Df friends. Is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kinde Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Ayotto 4, Al e .88; Edna Wolfe, 34. w
On Friday evening of this week a Charles Parker. -Mrs. Paul Doig ai�d will X�side on Mr. AyotWq:. farm in s 11. The spacious church -was well
family, of London, are occupying their Iffichigan.-The ban icoricetits v Elabora&'_ �4W Front In Steacy's filled and the*-uruort choir of the didates and proceed'im-the way of ex- Quy diamond bere at B.45- p.m__3EM. lot
reception, will be held at their home. gi en `t&ldwihg which we clip- churches led,splendidly in the service tending a call as� soon" as one of their *Ai6eiit 'Wood itn& little son- Jack,
cottage. -Mrs. J. Biggart, who has every S I aturday ever urich St -T*
-iing"bythe Z Ore. 'the suPPOrt to this choice was heard. There *hs a good, �and sister, Mrs., Dallas-.. of Santa
spent the winter with her daughters large itumber pled from� ihe�_ Orilli-a News,' -refers to Of praise and
splendid cause promises to. exceed sited ordinary coin 5 ti eat 15arbara,
in Toronto, is here for the summer- a son of Mr-� John Steacy, Of our vil- gre& on pres are herie visiting their -par-
HULLETT of people to the village these even- - g
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reid and son, ings.-A quoiting tournament was lage, wboR4'V4`nt`,his bbyliciod days here that of any past year. and a very g6od. sermon was ivbTf, "IMts - Mr and .Mrs. John 'Dinsdale.
Former Resident Dies In Clinton- of Windsor, are here for the summer and will W;.-6finterest to many- "The Briefs�-Weddlng bells are ringing and attentive 7ji, , - , 'the wir�ille
held in Zurich on Wednesday -after- I istened"to,-,and in y, . togethoi", with her
-vicinity and before a week or evening a urudn service - -was libld in spent,
After a few days' illness, following a at Miss Rathwell's.-Mr. and Mrs n of this we new glasg�*ont' in the Stettcy* store in this' husband, also the 'W",eek end
noo ek between 01syers
stroke, Miss Euphemia Caroline Van- William Ferguson and family have re- from Da.hwood, Crediton, Exe&;r and on whichp,tl�b , contracting firm of two passes away we. expect two heart& the church under; the. auspi6a of the with her parents, Mr. tnd.Mvs. Dins-
Egmond, daughter of the late Ed- turned from Seaforth, where they Zurich. Webb & §ons'ha g for Will be beating as one�With the Bible Society as herein previo-us1w re- 4dae., Ws.- .(Dr.) Wilion and child -
ward and Elizabeth VanEgmond, of mar approach Of Dominion Day, the ported. -Mr. A. W. -E. Riijaphill is ren,. of Bay I -
spent the winter -Rev. C. G. Armour the past ten days. will be finished WielL,' have 'been
terior 9f' his"dwellitg re- here visiting
Hullett, passed away on Saturday. of Bruceffeld, preached at St. An- shortly painte add the young, middle aged and old are look- having the ex and -Mrs. Alex.
Miss VanEgmond was bor-n-in Hul- drew's church Sunday last, declaring final touch':� ihe contractors' excel- ing forward to orie'of the principal painted, Mr. John Steacy� very ably Munn, Mrs. Wilsonts parentg. ' Rev.
KIPPEN . holid 'brother4n4aw, Mr.
lett township on a farm on the Huron the pulpit vacant. -Mr. and Mrs R. lent work_ jtill -be the finest store ays of the year, coming also as yielding the btai;4, an during the R. R�dmdhd and
Saturday's Special, June 27th (only), Men'&
'Jhn I�gnan, were in- thevillagie last
Road, east o Clinton, and she had it does when a pleasant time can be past week Mr. MIS, Little afid
M Burns, Miss Mary Burns, London; Work Hoots, niade by Grei at $3.60 Pair. front in Ort both as regards at -
spent nearly all her life in the com- M�s Joseph Cortese and three sons, Other surprising bargaing on bargainatable. tractivenegs, and. uqlity. It is built spent at the different points along staff did s6ime fine Painting for Mr., week lliilgi on their trierlds.-Rev.
munity having been for a number of of Memphis, Tenn., and Mrs. Fallon W. H_ Pfile's shoe Store, Hensall. 8002-1 on the prhAple of "an arcade, serving the lakes, as well as attending cele- N. -C.'Davis and 'Mi. W. A. Varen, F. W. Mabaffy, P.O., of �'Orangevnjel
of Clinton. For and family are in Mr. R. Heard silent w 11 preach it ds�rinl church, Hensall,
years a resident S Notes. -A large number from Kip� to all intents. and purposes as a brations.-Mr. and Mrs. Mark Drys- on their store -fronts.-Our t -e i
some years she had not been very dale and litle daughter, Catherine, and. scholars are now enjo
cottages�Dr. W. Tillman and family pen motored to Hillsgreen on Sabbth salesman 46 the -front of the store. ying' the 6n Sunday, June 28th. Mr. Miahaffy
robust health. She is survived by and Mr. and Mrs. E. Parnell, London, last and joined the Hillsgreen people This arcadk. is. approximately 12x16 spent the past week. with relatives in long stolalner holidays,--bitt have a Huron County oy Wh6 has oe-
one brother, James VanEgmond of spent the week end here. -Mr. and' in their reopening - services, which feet, whiclI slope with gradual Detroit�Mr&.J&rnes Horne and lit- wrestling with examination paie'fg rupied good pastorat4 it'0j"tio and
the Gravel Road, north of Clinton, Mrs. Webster and family, of Lu&- were conducted by Rev. Hoag, of grade frojwAie-siaewalk. On each tl son and Mrs. Frank Alexander, all during the past week 'or so-Tfie. 40-. -Qiiebee and has ev�ryw&je made
and four sisters: Mrs. John Fowler now. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. Clinton. The Hillsgreen people are side will of glass, making of Lenore, Mgnitaba, are the guests N. R. is putting down a new, plialik good, 'Re will'pireach at -11 a.m. and
and Mrs, Peter Hawthorne, of Hullett; Merner Sunday. to be congratulated on the success of 74 feet of in all. It will be of Mrs. H. Reid and daughter, Miss siapwalk ih front of the station 'house 7- p.m.
Mrs. Edward Hinchley, Seafdrth, and their services, and also on the flue eight feet lggh� vDith a bay on each Mi tie -The Bishop of uro
n 11 n e beginning t6
Mrs. Edward Jones, of Victoria, B. C. Rt. Rev. David Williams; DID., of give away in many places. - T h e (From A
appearance of their church. - Xs. side. In ft�h-*Indow four,,separate nOther Correspondent.)
Mrs. Jones left with her busband and BRUCEFIELD Smith, of Zurich, was a visitor with units of g6odh dan. be exhibited. On London, will administer the rite of ffower beds along the station- yards
a party about a fortnight ago to Mr. and Mirs. Emerson Smith, of the in-side,16-ftors- are of `6ak, the confirmation "�St. Paul's ialairch, are looking most ptOnIlsbig - and, iwiU Church Motor to Victoria after spending the Garden Party. -A most successful our village during the past week- paneling beng fluted With pilaiters. ensall, next Sunday, June 28th, at soon make a fine iliowitg,:-4he dea- tans of winter here. The funeral took place garden party, under the auspices' of 8 the basebaN match held at oration services intended, to have''boon 'meet for wot8hip In' SL'Paulls church
Mr. Will McDonald, of the Kippen The architecture is. Vrec4an: through.
4 Simon's diamond y evening held on the coming Stin6y'hve been oil Sunday on Tuesday from the home of Mr. Union Church, Brucefield, was held On Road, treatqd himself to a fine Over- out. The 'ffew wxndowt'aftord 370 i& 28th, at eleven
James VanEgmond. The services wire the fine grounds of Mr. J. W. Elliott, land Coach recently. Mr. McDonald feet of flty6r tpaled, aYA this withdot last, the score stood, 12 to 6 in favor. postponed for one week, "as it was. o'clock a.m.', -When liev, enniie,
conducted by the Re,L C. J. Moor- on Tuesday evening last. A bounti- believes in having the -best. - Mr. reducing. tl�le space in the store, As 'of Motherwell, the mateli being be- found thsLt a good ma7hy ol'tbo-item. of Mitehell vAll' PrO&OL. SonaRy
house and the pallbearers were six ful tea was provided and served by Field, our station agent, is enjoying Mr. Steacy 15vate-ilding the'rear. This tween the Boundary boy,and Wther- bers could not attend on the coming sefioOl will b64ttila in� the 15asemdut
neph of towil; the laies from six to eight O'clock, a few well earned hoidays.-A nuin- new arcad-6.1r6lit impro-ve- 'Itt i0- 67elockift,tl.' PeritissIOU'r-to 050
ew Dr. R. Fowle well, Quite,a large -nultber. from the Sunday, the 28th� , It - is, 10p6d - that
village and vicinity mot6jred -to see those intending to attend ot the 28 , gf. P I,g wai kf,�A
Dr. Fowler, of MKillop; Fred Fowler, after which an excellent programme ber of our younger peo le "are in Hen� ment
P Iftetliod of th u 17 granted for
of Hullett; J. VanEgmi of Detroit was enjoyed. Seaforth Highlanders sall nd SeAforth this week writing displayiiig.�gdods. Both -wihdoi4 will the game. -Aft, Colin S. -Hudson, cour- will take n6tice of"the: change of date.,: *orshilp 'by the,,VA, of Huron. on
and Fergus VanEgmond. of Hullett. Band was in attendance, and their Entrance examinations We wish be well lightbdi� so, that oods 1 -be ier of Hetsall k. R. 9; boasts of f0jj6*jfjig 871jild'a" I I be
-MrS.N. P. Warrener and dauglitets, the nit
y w
Interment was made in the Egmond- numbers -ore than delighted all. them soccess.�31r, arl a Rock hen whith lately laid an elfg are here on A visitfr6m Pontiac, 36A. h6ld at
d Mrs -Edgar shown to,� 91
�68t siavantage. It
'measuring fj un.da
by., 8 afid he And as former residents
ville cemetery. Considering the cool evening there Butt visited with Mr. and -John is in the c0lok;iphefne that- the' sLr,,h- Of Our 9choot P;M. :Ve
-one that
was a very large crowd present, and Dinsdale of Hensall, during thb w�ek. itect show#,��ftd �srtistie vision. The would like to hear. of, any
'�rge Latraelb of Detroit, Is facia panling w -ill be, of jet black, call It 9
all thoroughly enjoyed the evening's -Mr. a, �a better rep&t it the ipg
WALTON entertainment. The total Proceeds visiting at the hoe, 1-i MT;. �Z-Ad MI -S. as will be4U70-Ah4 ediling'of'the arc� lifie.-Thib W. A. -of St. Paul's dhilreh,
Death Of A Pioneer. -On Saturday amounted to nearly $200 Robert Daymond, of ade, whicb`V�' I be t6ilched off by high Hensall, intend hol4ing a stile of home
in I on C 'T
Met Cusick. -Mr. W� W,, -fired �"�'ot or-, Vusibegs men nd St Pa
f last week death called in our midst Notes -Miss Beatrice Pidlin, Mr. Mr. Hugh NeATurtrie bad thoiviidfbt�! lights in The Work, made cooking iri the Aset"ot Of I il,6
at 4
Abdison and Mr. F. Rya , of tue lose *4*1 h6pos t8 f I
and claimed, another of our pioneers W� C ne 11 Abe, haa been, much
in the person of Ja lie Brantford, spent the week end at the durins, the week. �0661jbi adn p;m., ana, t�s�, -its ol UPS
wriship home of Mr. and Mrs. William Ross, of London,- visited �jd 'was born in Nassagaweya, To with his .4 pitizens 90 d it is said that ahur6li -Mrs. wh-6 460U,, bol� *611o0w,64i. altend-
years ago. e
In his you
nger years Stanley Wm. McKenzie and W. J. Cooper, -riceldly a' 9 veral ndR'A6r6,Tronfs an similar
of - "h� he was a carpenter b�y trade, later Mrs, L. 'Forrest and Mrs. A, D Mrs. J6110 Senders6n, oj. the iAIldon lines 6niaiinde-9,jil- -6
eri hifte, ipent thie`�asi TrithigUt ININg, i5h'a farm oft -the 1E returned hmne last week -rg, Earjes Sproat cluding ;th Conces- of Stanle? Road, and Vx. �and N th gh�P 'Stot� titid. ett "Whit St
r for 25 Years, where the after visittIlig Iriends in Hamilto and of Tuckertinith, Motored , to tofidbil, Cooke's iting her -sistdir- ACr% X, Co Wil. y I e umMor
ad X
9-� r6ised, Fifty years ago Port Credit. -The Sacramant of the nd, $pringbank jnd gpent at enjay.� s�d XTs. Rok Wli 'Dodglki; 'for his Dea
Lord's Supper will be ObsOrved MXt alale Peter 13o,#6y, Who has
t llf6i, who Sunday morning, June 28th, -has nave this d1e, the death
ftTs, fto, The Pre with been It grifteefleld fof some thte fesi.
dpl�plw thro A to, t rdni
of one df
pariatOrry service an Friday at 9.90. returned home.
children, be
0 or, of Guelph, baYfleld 141;t g t
T I deal X. Hill
, 0111P. dpad,; Atid, of chlutch vaclgowt,
'ter; of th
�Tz U
Wofd� tit ab bV Qj 013 h, me 061
W V 1"a-Pa1w
Ve ke, ll bilt duvi
ms air C.,
119 He gave An'in Ntroit; ed divine liete ju Ift6rhilrS, 96tudWp S00 1.4fto U XA . Iffoy 9tUdent froint"gh6k Calle,