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" -;, �,,.�'!:�­__R , � �' , 1, R I L �­Lf'l I "f'e-,�', 4;-- - ,, , ,, 9- ­'­ 0 - . � Ating other VArieties and " If � fi &,,t , Sl`661�q,e -I- i , " I � � forms, And it i iri4I�,'�' 4 tiono ujid�r V)i" kho, , , L , I I'll I "I', . uld be $1,00% '. 0, . I . 'r , ___v - he feeditig , ,*#lUe and peo,F,44�,�'QWN Pg on the outs)dr L ...... ­ �­. 77, I . . I -"-.--'r �0,�'­Ljei, rto I L �_ ., � - 4-1. �� I _ 1154-,,�n'r f�, 11?11i,�, - ", ". - V � . , ­ ,,,,,, I �%",�-­, �,,,��f -�,,,�.�1111,j' - 11 , �1�i`Z�4,1'� 11 I -_ �`����� ­#,­,.R_'.X'41�� ,_0 , .- . . I , - � , "" ,., ty of the naixe4 lot was V, P AJK lnV_eStlgAtcd,. Ff . ­ ,'­�, ���,V('.7,,, ,. , -,,,,, ""'P"iPc 7': L , , " =&M, - , � - ' , ,�L ­', 0,f , -1 - , L " , _#'� _'�� � "' I . - �APOM ,,,�',reported ,Q�at, at I . ,,, ". r, 114 '. ', ,7', ` �' , 1,p X, "'� ,9 f �', _�­ ,,V F11443 "*"�",It�p ,�"jj ,..�rr "'� I ..,L , p , ,�;, �,�­.,: ,X ",, , I , � _�, , ior .0 the tvm Ineor 4"Llt"' L. , IL . . I I . ";_", ..", ;;�. 0 1 - -_L': , ",11 � , .. '. . Place" 11 'p, I lhq�,,q "§I " _ " ' ., , ::`�: 'k L 'i 'OQ' , �' 4, �­­'.­ L �,;' :4 ......... I ","", "I'll, __ ­ ---- ­IV.-V..�V2 " OVAU bu ---- ?..-. bu -�A�erlous .. . �", L , ' A , lib ' 4�h,' i ` � ai#16-wknot , �"W,. d- there were no -Wil :. , � ' ,#,r,;., 04: _ir,!0#,.,;, V4W,Y�' L41- t746 tt.&!0,, I , . �­ L ,� ti�­ v. -- 1% . , � I . 1,1: r "�� L I ,�11� '' - Y MY 90 a4ve. Usually -res . in fa.g 4 lessened 0"" '44�4�,�,,Ad,,,Lgt.entilation except Wb _ , L , � 1" - I q � I . .1�. !�;l � I L opf 4 ' L., ,W bX �`-*r �'11 le, 0413-4U Before sellink the , QJ1eiA 'Value. - , I . was ago �4 ' r -,?VY the front and ,bg � I 'L , .1. . � i, � , , ;_ , �. L 1W a. It wil . , " , �', I " - -% 1� " i - . t ., V 00 " , i Z � . , . I I - I . ,". , , . . I - . wt"Ret , 09-',PP%I,4��Tha Tabl6ts PAY to ppivo them -Bp." , g, 0111 = ,Ii! seen cleaner stabl _ - J41 tow* doors..:': �RO,0010 :L.�" I , r A Ta� ta" the'Motlier'baSL 10 6. 15 dA r . for ,,By M_ V I .,,�, . � 11 I PNOJAMIM , , -0, I , q ,, I - , V0 - ,seed of field ' " ' for 4T4m4X1',"-'R,' At another place, � , .. - In ex W7 env �'O"Q�P.L,:An* �49�'g**Trion vegetables, the f L .... .. L I I a ,­ . ,vw � . R� p :,O,� �� I .91 %�but *048 , bf Praise Aw � .� , qQ0, , � J " �L;Jn I � ,W " I'll, "I ,L f", 'L, " th '' ducted ai the Do* , d , a�� "P � the ki I uh AT .. n , ."� ,� � , ,' L' kr'for' , don X4*#*q*1%l",:rJ IRO)r? or,,: #rde,. er, has the matter oun . - ., . tchen and, , . L , I A* the I . ", ," dmko, . , - 1. , V . , � .. I I ,. _1 ,,L - ­ 1, ,h r , .1 A own hands. By num , . * under the bed fit V . I . -v 0 -4 it � , , - I ...... . �,� . - L' TWO - , em- !,Av FArm". 04'kv i.-,_,;.v_W,#8 ", ­ I " 'r. -.11 . . ,�.,;s . , 1. . . 100t, on b4s bo "Lur"Im I tA. o"46, 0 niq h " _�3�,, ^Lg" n r V 1. L . ; I , e, ., t ers, WQU00 , 7 , "I . . .". throuirb ut good fe�&'Was 'ad ' � " if 'it 9 1. " Th . . , . t -7. - I = "7V Aql* V81ft-194 ull Ye't not 10joeriOus, attention of - # b L�� "' e family consist4 ' � 1. Saiada who iralse-tbai a I-, - Of Coin meal,*feed, floui,andi jjW�:L �'_` Jh' 0 WAY ' not or � On. David A. - ,-, . . nge 11Y Umintain a high Stan- .t ek,,�,--iii,Mler wid four d '** I -J I , , i I . ,V;,_ -Z_ , � . aughter Anderson-- N# I I MM -+I,.- ,,�. = .. � .1 !1! wao aut '. ,ked ,�,p per e4at_,QX, '**,. N..&, who. wr1w,in-;,�-44,�1, I tunkage; (dr bd f r, ­ � _ od Bal�y'a Own; -4oppAets . . . IS �1=413,) and- ��he. whol t Al Of Purity and vable in the seed j he uses, bi at� ,eaeh ,�ariety may -, P , 11,!�,,y me rpoii _ one Ded in , In the kitchen and'. be 'r1le cow` - _. I ,:r,Qr.L --rtiy","0414, nox9a �vixh ­butt*,Im$1J.(, " Ch*. ]R15�'*.t Iditlwknd fk6m. mi'y exporf#rlce T the , � Of gradually imp-rcIved to. suit I the par� 00 ,3e, afming room. - WdVld Vviash't6 tw­- di. U ,,the f-Ank, .Varuz Of Xot b6 without them. I would by ticular re I quirements of his farm _ �,,,,�.,, . I or ,- . I I urge weight is the right prop,rtfor�, � � elMry pthier- m0ther.to keep a box of This MiXturO PrOvL'd better than pre, *6 , Ta,blets ill , the'liouse.- garden, instead of buying seed, It quite possible to produce larger and, ., L.. - is " , , _ HA ­ - " T,9#0,;� OF FOREIGNERS . The TalD- Pared oorurnercial -lixt a lets are"a mild -but thorough laxative three times a day to broilers Weigh- 'kilich ble grop . sby growing seed at home for home use. "s FLA OUT LN CHINA regulate the bowels and Sweet- ing at the start less than -2 pounds eq the stomach, drive out con#ipa- each, p th 14 _ Detailed information on this itub_ iect � There are'�Apile fears that tb,e gave days an average Con and-Jridigestion; break up colft gain of a little Over thii"uarter, . may be obtained from an' Dominion Experimental Farymos' the pre,. en' troub . les�#� Shamghai may be I and simple -fevers and make taetWng pounds at a cost for feed of less than easy, They are sold -by medicine deal- 5 cents. At Stat'iO 'no. or inerle preludp��46 another Boxer rebel lion and tUtlithe anti -foreign the price Sold, (50 cents .. ers, or by inail at 25c. a box from per pound), there was a . I 1_ . . - — agita tion may sprt�4d all over China. Ther, profit The Dr. Willialris' Medieine Co., 29% , cent& on the feeding operatiom Broebville, Out. The feeding in ordinary fattening of , IRELAND is no means '*f knowing. One cai merely guess. 7 The riots WON, cause( . - . crates gave Slightly better, returns Five million dollars for road Un- -been by a strike:of- Chinese workers in A Japanese cotton . . . than the feeding, in pens, and the NOT CROP BUT CROPPING heavy breeds gave better retiorns than provement has asked of the Gov- ernment by the Irish Motorists' Union mill, They dislike� -the way they w*ere treated or wanted he light breeds. . I SYSTBM HURTS THE SOIL . 'Broilers above all classeri should be that slim to be raised by me,Rns of loan. rao're pay. Redress being deried their a they went, oin';­�stvike. The Japanese fleshy. Do not market in a thin con- � . The tobacco has Iong been regarded dition. . . - I - � employers denied their right to strike and appealed- to the so --called "mixed as a crop that has an especially I , __________40_______Z_ harmful effect on §oil productivity. SHE IS SATISFIED , This Wlnet� Irish Asses were -recently shipped from Dublin to Belgium. Ac- court," one of' the Peculiar institu- tions of Shanghai. This court said does not seem to be true, how- ever, says the United S.tat�s DO" WITH TIM RESULTS � companying them were fifty horses for the Belgian arm:7. The donkeys that the men could not strike, They must efther return to their jobs . partment of Agriculture.; The sys- . - I I Will be use ntry for or go to jail. The� foreign sentiment gen- I tein of cropping rather than the to- QUEBEC LADY USED DODD'S transport purposes and for -proyi.ding of the Japanese, baceo crop itself is mainly responsi- ,IUDNEY PILLS, - joy -rides fi)r torists and other visitors but the native sentiment was with the ble where .general exhaustion of the to the seasidis and holiday resorts. strikers Influenced by students, and soil has resulted, according to the Hadame K Trembley * with ps, as Some say, by BolshevNt _uffered department. This conclusion has neuralgia, headaches and pains in agents, there were street parades. come from the results bf rather ex- her back. Scarcity of h0_;;;__in all classes is These voere held to be dangerous and . tensive cropping tests with tobacco I — reported from King's County. Owing ' Sikh police were ordered to ,�reak .. . which the department has had in Grosses Roches, Que., June 15th.- to the -small prices paid in recent them up- They fired on the strikers. progress for several years. (Speciavl)-No place appears to be too years horse -breeding suffered a set- Several were killed. But this did not In general, it has been found that small to furnish at -least one person back. In the meantime buyers from end the strike. It merely caused it ' the yieldis of succeeding crops, espe- who is pr6pared,to-say that they outside countries have been draining to -spread. owe cially the small grains, are' better their health to the great Canadian the local fairs of horses, and'some Now in Shanghai practically all the -t-011-1-S after tobacco' than, after corn. In Kidney Rernedy. Madame E. Tremb� farmers have now great difficulty in infenial work, all the manual- comparative tests the, - yield of to- ley, a well known residewt laere, is ge tting suitable horses for farm work. done by -the - natives, When they bacco .after corn has been -better one of them. went ofi%- strike the situation Was than after tobacco itself, but pota- "Your bodd's Kidney Me have toes have given poorer yields after done me much good. I am very Armed . assassins are still active in serious. Europeans and Americans and Japanese � were called upon to sat- V= and best yields after tobacco. isfied with the results. I had Pains Corn in Galway. Four men armed'witk guns and revolvers recently do their first ,real labor in years. continuous culture has given in my back and head. My sleep was somewhat reduo6d yields as compar- broken and unrefreshing, attacked a Galway landlord on his way home They had to haul water and food, sprinkle the streets, cook and walk and my ed with production after tobacco and appetite was fitful. S� bOxes, Ix from Mass. He was severely wound- instead of being luxuriously waited Of PO4toes. Differences in fertilizer Dodd's Kidtiey Pills. have done ed, but managed 0 r ath home. His e upon by coolies. It is true that the ' . me treatthent have changed the. general much.' good." recovery is doubtful. In the Athenry strike was- in defiance of the ma ,,,- level, of crop yields, -but ,have not .Dodd's -Kidney Nile are a kidney district, the house of a farmer of Cas- - . - jesty of the. mixed court, and that chAtiged the relative crop` effects . in, �'remedy. They stre ngthen the kidneys saun, was fired into. , The windows the Strikers we . - . _Te all liable to jail 'these Wsts. � so they can �' I 0 their full work of were. shattered, and then the mise- reants to tar the house. f t 4e ��, ­ . ge!otences, -Vu as' one remarked, "You I I . straining the impurities out of the proceeded cannot arreA 300,000 people." - � blood. Dodd's Kid The strikers won. But the strike . NEARING A BREAKDOWN , used for backaches, diabetes, rheuTn-a- Prohibition measures brought into spread to Hong -Kong, where the — tism, .dropsy, urinary troubles and effect on St. Patrick's Day did not jade workers, silversmiths and other A Condition That Calls -for a heart disease. People who use them satisfy tbe,,Pioneer Total Abstiriance artizans angered -by a luxury tax Reliable Tonia. are loud in their praise. � . . Association of Ireland, the conditions imposed upon their wares by the Government, _________1 --0_ Many women give so much of their . of members -hip of which prescribe that no one can join until he had tota116, walked out. They in - duced other workers to follow them. time to the cares of their household VALUE OF PURE BRED SIRE abstained for two years from any and then continued in the perfect spirit of a Chinese holiday to . that they neglect their Own health . �and sometimes, r SHOWN IN THE BEEF SUPPLY `�ach the verge of a form of alcohol. All drink shops were closed, but there was an exception in ex- plode firecrackers and beat gongs, breakdown before they realize " that their health is shattered. A good proof of the value of a Often the favor of bona fide travellers. One had ony to go outside the cit y bo,und- which recalled memories of the Boxer rising. These demonstrations pure bred sire is recorded by one of 'heart palpitates violently at slight the county agronomists in arv, it was said, to get all the drink forced the Hong�Kong Government to cave in. The luxury tax the Prov- exertion, the stomach fails to digest i,,e of �uebec. He says that a -food and discomfort follows. The des'ired. . was withdrawn. The strike has also drover bought one hundred and fifty nerves become weak and headaches . reached Foochow, where the whole hogs to s'hiP to Montreal for sale on ,grow -more frequent. The body grows Suspicious conductor on an Irish native population boycotted Japan - a graded basis. Only twenty-two en- weak And they are always depressed. railway made trouble for a party of ese fish. In a milder form it has tered the "select" class, and of these This condition requires immediate travelling musicians. He was posi- invaded Peking. fift .,en had been sired by one pure treatment with such's reliable tonic tiv In their instrument cases enclosed These strike,; are merely the incl - b,e as Dr. Williams' Pink Pills which erl d Young Yorkshire boar that had - de ntal and outward expression of . - been. chosen by a professor of animal rich and build up the blood, carry' ing the deep rosentnient that China feels husbandry. - The boar was after -ards renewed energy to every part of the purchased by the Dominion Live Stock body. IMI]IIIHIIIIIIIIPIIPIilliM�IIIIIIIIIHOHlillMM00=MEREM . for its invasion by foreign rs, and c one is obliged to admit that the The value of Dr. Williams' Branch. Pink Pills in a rundown condition is resentment is perfectly natural. . The utility of pure bred live stock proved by following statement Shanghai is really a European or .the was impressively demonstrated on from Mrs. Alex. McInnes, Bowsman American citY rather than a Chinese a recent educational tour in the UnIt- River, Man., who says: -"About a 1040L city. It is a.� niodern as Baltimore, ed States. Two two-year-old ste�.rs year ago I had a serious illness fed alike for five and a half months which left me very anaemic. 1 was , __ \ - ,; . I .. Manchester or Toronto, with paved streets, departinent stores, huge in the feed lots not able to get around to do were slaughtered my " � �� I - banks, palatial residences, clubs, and a comparison of the carcasses work; in fact I cou Id scarcely walk. I I . race cour,e�;, theatres and daily made. One dressed carcass weighed I was troubled with palpitation of the . I I � I British and American newspapers, 715 pounds; this steer came from a heart with the lea9t exertion. One I I Thomas Steel) writes in the New herd headed by a pure-bred He day a friend advised me to try Dr. .. I I r4) York Herald Tribune that it is per - ford sire. . M The other one weighe . Williams' Pink Pills as they had done. , I � haps the niost curiously governed 470 pounds; it was a common. steell her much good. I followed this ad- I 11 I city in the world. It is jointly owned . ,tl'ithout breeding.- When marketed. vice and took the pills for some � � .. by every country except China. He the better animal brought 19 cents weeks when I felt as well as eve r. I ;0 continues: "AI)out eighty years ago , a pound wholesale, while the scrub have since been able to attend to all brought Whom could British tradoi­,. cruising up the only 12 cents. 2ny household duties. The'dizziness This differ- ence in price, together with the dif- today.? Yay,gt,,. turwl int6 a little river called the Wlmngpoo and, selecting and palpitation have left me and I bless the day I tried Dr. Williams' ference in weight gave the Hereford y ou sell a choice mud-hrink, proceeded to es- Pink Pills. They are just the rnedi- �9 teer a money value of more than —1 --- Long Dista?lce, UY tablish a -ettlenient there. The set - double that of the common steer. cina for those who are weak and run- The dressing percentage of thn down." There have been startling t-�ement was inereased by other for- eigners, and in 1863 Americans join - Hereford was 61 per cent. and that You can these pills from any changes in selling methods ed with the British and the othor ,get of t,be scrub was only 42 per cent. dealer or by mail at,50c. a box from in the last two years. New foreigners to establish a farm of At tbe eighty-first annual meet- 'The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co" ways of finding new cus- government .suitable to their Occi- iD9 of the British Farmers, Club, Brockville, Ont. tomers, of getting at every dental ways. By an arrangement ___1eD_ a speaker referred to the better . 411alltY Of meat from well-bred live possible buyer,are being de- with the Chinese Government, the foreign Governnients obtained vir- stock and pointed out that good MARKET THE BROILERS . d every week. Obstacles tual ownership of the land, and wer breeding usually resulted also in ' axe being bnished aside. able under tbeir joint flags to in- Now is the time to be selling tbe earlier maturity, which enabled the Present day business, to augurate courts and am administra- ;broilers. If there is a market for farmer to get quicker turnover and secure results, turns to Long tive body on Western lines. The ad - these ybung cockerels ,see about $up- thus carry more stock. Distance as its first ministrative body Was a municipal -Plring it. It pays better to sell now, ----------- le— aid. We are now handling con- council, whose members were elect- TAther Uhan latter, all chicks intend- Ad :fbr 'ihe table, and as for breeds RAISE YOUR OWN siderably over one million ed to retain an independent colony there. Outside of the city there rap- FIELD sliell as the Leghorn, one cannot af- Long Distance calls a month idly grew up a Chinese city, whose . - to A'bbp thein until fall and then ROOT AND VEGETABLE for people who niust have citizens were attracted to the foreign "16rd, ,,abll f6t.thq-priite: of roasters. ' an answer irnmed�ately. settlement by the chances of making . SEED '�_%f 9`1n4iket, is not already arrang- money off the foreigners." edi it would"be well to see about it Despite the careful and earnest They realize that the average letter costs as much as the aver - Hence Shanwhai is really three su- At Once- TISUAltr ft broiler market pervision, exercised by inspectors and age Long Distance message. cities in one -The French settlement, should not be­tb6 far away. The places. to lo seedsmen, in the buying and inspec. beat A for ,cugto Whom could you sell today by foreign governed entirely by the French; the ."ttlenient, . governed by all ers are tion of field root and vegetable seed, as follows (narned in 6rderlt of hi#h- Long Distance? * oreign powers except France mueb of' the seed offered for retain _'. egt prices): r'1'vate,fAmfl%S clubs, sale is in Canada not as represented. - I and the Chinese city, governed by b ' . high-class hotels, summer hotels, i�gh It often turns out to be another var- nobody. The Chinese who ventured class boarding houses, ,deal4§ig, e& iety entirely, or is badly mixed . to live or establis-h shops within and The best time to sell the br01l6Vs the resulting crop contains a high . either of the foreign settlements are Is, when they weigb from o716 to two be-rcentage of undesirable types. Of .. . subject , to foreign laws and m pounds each. The earlier ih the, ,b6d.� tvv'6 Hundred and twenty-rilne, varie- I tain licenses to show that they have por, e smaller the weight that will fleS �f field llootq Obtained from complied with the SAIlitary laws. De- Seeds- talten, and the larger the price. - I . M6110' and teAtod during the four spite its aPPRreftt ,0curity, how- past . e ni-ost satlsfaetorV r. � , way to ma Years At the Dominion E206rtmentAl RaCA new subscriber age to aw ever, there is one figure in Shanghai k6t 19 to kill and dress before ship, Station, Letittoxville, Que., val1w qf Yorift Telephone that Is S-aggestive of trouble. It is tAb"+ inl? but A-1. ..I only 23 I the figure Of the Sitkh .. 41 4- 1, A �t." MX� '4 X"tAA_V�MaA"J$'_01J0 �.WrW'2 Lt ' '-',, I" I I I �, , _0,�)* ; ,� ! '-., �, * r.W. �W,P` I , . *k Uy an , � I ,��, . AX140 - Adg#c is � 11 � ,-.- ­ ­­. .. `��,� "11 __ A . Ob "p MAWAgmi itud oth I : 1:11 1. ,�, il I .... �i - pr 0,14- --re the jore , ig4eru ro4jl, o 1: .. : " he �, wx� 04� oArzj ad admi , y � I �� . Alster tbbeir Omni. . 1, .. . '.1 , , , . �ff , '.11istico' to the-Chiriese through for- - I . me eign, . - Dr , "' d_ 114" 00 there has, been for a -1 I ''. , 'IL ' . ' , - F __ - v4W "mP 411, Uneasy feeling tha � . � t � .. I 1, I , � _ I ? I � i solng-Of the conditions i1a which the , ,� "...- 1. �JIU.J=ZiV labor are' atrocious., They . . , - 11 �� . . . � , . '�' wbik for little, and they :rorce.,their '. . [it! Children of tender years to woirk go.r AW311.11 �, 11 'i . 4' little, too. . a A i - _,... le h, . Humane org-Anjutions I I'll I . � ­ ­ ,,::1.1'1 ��, -',- I ;wve tried I . I . -1 I 1. � I , � � Z"', �,,'�.,:i, � , to improve these condi- . .1 I -�,','���i.�,���,,�j���";4�-'.",!,"�"!�,�""",,�,�, :i ,d t- . � I . . � , I , . �,Y.', ­­.., . . . . . -'1'30q, .11,11,11,11, - . I& . - . . -",��";, ,,,�,.,�3�l'��:i�,,.;,�'.1u""."�.�..',-', %,� ", -"4,j `,,� - .1 '. _,".90Z � ,;4 1 L . � . .:1 ; ... Ve", ,'.��,% �i Of Ion$ and have .I*d thq suilo ;, - . !��M::`,'�',e,%, F4 n 1 S j, 0 "" " ­ ,,,,,�, ,,,� V I - rt of I - .�,�%L " ..;,jk 141, ,�", , , .1 , '.. I . -� ';11 , , ,-_; I I—. ,, � fW 1) '18: 94 mAritiflieturers. 13ut, they I r I .� '','', I 1 141, , � '­� , I ": I ­ I ;1 , - I I '' - ,,�m /�-",'[]!", . .1 " . , , �' have qneountered the bitter hostility I 1 ­ff, _' ;"7 �, ,;� "­ , . �`gr;,,. . 'If, , ,,.,�Z,�,_,,,-, �.��,�� I 11 tf '', �'. " ;;;;;;,� � -, " Of those they sought to protect. . ,; "I'll, "I I 1. , I ;; A . ;." 11 I .11 11 ----*— ... � � .1 �- "I . �� .�� - I .1 � 11 � ...... "', i � , - . �: j . I'll I I. I � .... .. "I . I`,�� I � i� LUCK CUTS ,FIGURE '... I 11 .. , IN MONEY .. ".. . . "I �, .... �� .� t, ... � .. .. I I .'' "I :1 . ..- . : -,. ,, MAKING � 11 " �� . '. . , . ` , . _� " � "'., - '. , , _7 f, n.". �' ,� � I I ,. I ,�,, f, 7,� , � '�. . . . . . N ,. I L_ , ;,'�., ,.,. � _ A sw I . � � I �, " ."L " �� 111111`1�� , , � .1 . 4 1. �� , �1 ,'� .. successful American business l9d1W : I ,, , , ,:, I - wan, the builder of eighteen skyscrap- I A�bt% �' , I � I I $ , � The 100%Qwtsh'.01�w , 111, . � 1:��,� .1_ . e1w, Was asked recently for the seeyet , : I � . .. ,�'. ... � q. " " of his success, and when he , ' I 11 I I , . nswered . - � , , ". .. . , , ��'. � Lack" we suppose that the question- . ., . I � ,� I _1 . � I er� gaped. For it Seems almost in - I � � I - -, _i' ��' I Ii', I evitable that millionaires when ixter-_ . I I %. 1. viewed for some guidance to the less � I _�' ..7�'11! , -0 — r'l , � "I'l.: I I , sheceSsfIA will ascribe their own tri. I . . I , � � ­ _ . �_ .1� I �: .:,, UmPlls to thak own character, though it was one O!f the mO9t gifted Pe . � I 11 � , I �� 4S of *nd, who are . pow, ra*d .. � " ' ' I ' . . some of them. Piously or hypocritic- the age. Ile had a Ppofitable side'Mo4A I= , . . "...., �b�e ", � I . , vartgut- ri,ailvqA6 " 0 ajly indicate that J&EF were singled line. He was an authori I ��O� I ." . ty on a�k- the Thiiied Xt,vt4w wxkw�t , , r " L' . vx��Wrm!�,(qr T", .1 out by Providence to be a Shining light tiques, and was able to charge high n&j I ' . .� to their gerieration. Afore lately the fees for his sery . re, w.tiggt A � , . . ly ,a, q - ' -, " " as ,a�, ". �4�s` L, 4" IT_ -1 ices. to their nmin. Pui;p A �, ' tendency has arisen to answer the The bull fighter an-mased , 0,01 IL I �'� � ; ,., 4 question with the slogan "Service." tune his for- up a real'estat . Il%', , el.� sub,4f­ -; - ,,� . . . But undoubtedly luck Plan a larger slaugh in Mexico as a result of figured. bere. I* ivafa I "I � "." , -, part in most great successes than is to reti tering IX7 bulls, and is able Pro3rpted Juhax " I;, I ": 1:�,�,, - ... �­ I . , 11- I . n. ff� generally admitted by the successful. Padere re at the age of thirty-seven. to make ,a a ill" 4t. , 111. I ,� - I . � . There is also something els' wski 'had the knack like bacm co y W Be . ;` " -- . . - e Which Dempsey. Much that he haz accom- became the largest � I � 9� . il for a better word is called a knack, plished, says a writer in the New United States. John. . Speneei and not long ago the medical corre- York Times Magazine, can be membered that the I- door � A on Times said achieved by anyone who will devove boiler he once. tended roundW -, that this knack in business would be eight diligent hours daily to prae- warA when it was hot .and I the 0 measured. The bus'Iness instinct is tise at ,the key -board, but lacking the way when it was cooling, -The,�., calculable. A professor of psycholo- knack he would be minus th� n2ii- Was a clue to a thermostat. A W gy at the Carnegie Institute of Tech- lion. Charles Hoppe was an apart- he sold reeently for a'milliow � nology has measured a lot of business ment house janitor at $50 a month lars. - . . '. ,:� successes with mental tests and re" and saved and slaved until at last Henry Ward Beecher made . I, , portS them. on the whole above the av- he had enough money to fulfill his than a million doRars from )As," erage. Perha m mons and -lectures, a perforim ps nowhere is to be found a ranch in California and soon was in into which luck did not r4t crowd more diverse than a group of the ranks of millionaires, being as- enter so far as we are aware.,U millionaires. They are likely to have sisted by the discovery of five oil Babson makes a lot of mono I _ y nothing in common but a million dol- wells on his ranch. Luck plays an giving people, advice. Whemer lars or raore. For instance, here are obvilbus part here. Luck too is the advice is 'any better than that, some millionaires who for one reas- explanation of the *velve yoar old the next man � we are - unabl� fbo.,� on or another have come to public boy, Alan Lefcourt, who is the re- and perhaps Mr. Babson is" I' attention recently:- gi V Jack stered owner of New York rea*1 that most people believ.e it is. ,W Dempsey, Anatole France, estate worth more than a million G. Poster, who 'merely a& Dr. Charles A.' Mayo and Dr. Win. dollars. It was given him by his people where to go and hGw James Mayo, Paderewski, Professor father who started by selling news- travel, has found a curious Charles Wallace, Shakesperean papers with a capital of twenty�five profitable line f , cti, * - gr O a vIty. H sI toreador; the cents. The skilful u ge f th4 , hocolp iiiiii . . ,, Gaekwar of Bavroda, an s r ry o the c, te.: ___. i6 W%-' apartment Mayo Brothers won them interna- edhili Put LA, nvinlloilo`risl�-' I toro p, house janitor, a Creek Indian and an tional renown and enabled them t anth.ropy, said- that his inoney,eg Illinois bookkeeper whio happened Pool $1,650,0W When they gave thei'r' easy to him. The chocolate bar in to be made president of a brewery fortune to establish the University,lhis fortune. Thirty years'ago a k four years ago. Jack Dempsey was of Minnesota's Mayo Foundation for ing powder salesirran who gave g lucky in being born at a time when Medical Research. The Creek In- away as a premium came to as the result of half a dozen fights dian is Jackson Barnett, who is conclusion that the Am rican pe( he could collect a million dollars and seventy-five years old and who is wanted gum, and now Weillifain W, a quarter. Had he lived fifty years worth $5,000,00() ,as the result of oil ley makes 40,000,000 sticks of'if ago the fighting he then might have wells found on his property. day. Some of the rich men, i done would hardly be enough to sup- Harry Houdini has made a large more difficulty in giving their mo: port him in modest circumstances fortune through the performance of away ,than they had in making after he retired from the ring. Prof. I feats of magic. He began as a "hand- Carnegie was one of them. Henry Wallace, the Shakespearean author- cuff king" showing extraordinary New York millionaire M, ity, did not make his fortune by his ability to Pick locks t in I Dix a e , original research work. He invested this direction . His ben ilf.�tur r, Studied for two 'years, a little money with a former PuPil day when his was discovered one � fore he could find a suitable way Igiving his business to his emplol was not long before he became -board, but on her return! A luckless millionaire recently offe who was in the oil business and it in a cup mother locked a pie , rnillionaire as the result of a luck a found that Harry had mastered the j a million dollars for a hobby, If � ' y lock. His career as a successful really would a wan gh, he said, which caused T,ju The Van Sweringens of Cleve- less wealthy people to smile. .". riot earned by his pen alone, though ed. e - I to lau �trike. Anatole France's million was burglar was then and there pr dict i � I � - __ I . �-:, � I . 11. 11.11 , . .. 11. � 4, .- � �, .,�,,,�*`11 , �, , .111, , �',.�,.�4? I ­ , � .�'­Zl � .j_,�,,!R�-. -, I . , " . '. �, : I .,. � . " �� " ... ,� � . , ."... I ............... . -411-11 " - 1. ". �r. �. " 1. �. �. � 1.cwl ­ I w,-�.` a2 , . I . �". �,, I',, ,-.,i, ..Zr - , - " _g. ,.s 0 ". ,,, .� , -M :,�ifdi_ , � � �� . . 1, �� �, , - ��. , �� �� �� � � _�,, � � - . li. �, !� , 11 .Z " - � . " - I - � . _, � ,.!. - 1. � - , " ,;:-,;�,­��­ ,, , . , ­Z,�­��­ "', rl_r%_'1�11' �, , - . ,��� ,. M�', , . 1� ,, 1�. - �, .4 " _ , ­ - ", " I 1.11 I- ,'.-- - ".4�*'J"v, ., I — I . I : W, . , :, - 11 " " 4., � — �. .­ . , � ;�� _1 !�,,,Iil­ " ,rf � . � , ; �� , � 4. , . I I � . - � ....... E 01. n I V,R,*- .U-")E,S-7.,".M',tl&,-qr,,�A-I.L-'.-nROCRY I , 0 - . d . I . , � LET THE CHILDREN SHOP FOR YOU I I Our clerks are instructed to give children special attention -to wait on them in tum, to give thtm the best in the stores, and to wrap change carefuliy that the little one may bring it safely home. So" if you cannot come yourself, do not hesitate; simply send your list of groceries with your little boy or - girl and leave the rest to US. We'll guarantee yoz:.'11 be satisfied. . " - ----- r LZ & , - Fs"URV .SU/'%AP 4 L`,AKFESO 2`5 ctsfo ' . ! . � - ... I t I P. ! �, . ,- zz M — ,,,, ) I ...... , ,, - :� 11LIZ141 . I 11 , , � ­ . I I _ ,� I 'L , � � . 11. . - . , __ ­ .111, 1-11 ___­__­ - _, �.- "I'll, .- __- ._1_--.___,___._1, _.____ -1 --- ­____ "I'll, ��� �� I - - 1. ­ . "I. __ W �, I __ ej­3 T -a ;� %., I" , &ART0 !!,!!!,�i!.!!�IMI--Emlmn2a-mla---- I ,. , . FOR A REFRESHINQ COOL FRUIT DRINK FRURT IPECTRN TIRDY ORANGEADE d H A N S EIN S LEMONADir%a 3 MTS. 25C SURE JELL POWDER " dF�h FOR j UN r4-po'? . n DESSERT KUd AL, Pas. 25' � 2 C %>Vft�� lke , USE (Taboeta or pov,rdal?) � I .. IC4 - them have sho*n a teasonable. irtibylese, to I 11 I W—l"Oft—o", , , I !0 - , ,Oa - I - . . r I I —.1dered, phlegwiatifc, taciturn I, . I . . ) I . I I � I I .1 I " I I I - . I I . - I I I . I . I . . .- I 16 ''Ill . . ". . I 1. I I . , . - I I ,-,Ir, '':.�, , ': , I I I ,� . ` ." �,. " � �.,.4,." . . � . I'� . I . . 1. , . I . . I ,� -, ,,�,, ��,!,�, , ""," ,r. ,11I , .1 ,�. 1, ,5 �,'!, , .. 1. I ­'. 4" -I � 1. �� 11 - I. - "". : � I . ,, I I �_ I . . , . 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