HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1925-06-19, Page 1-17 _T 77 7, OEM UPPF M IIto Ove �dut the, -tj* 80'wrL Qe atu A* A,04 lip rie 4 Spep ect borowes, pr;Liirie e .. 407"A �'d o ef thro"4 low ng Pen, oalid Cd ex Mr. 44TURY,ef Ave. daugirts)i 14 - regird to tw* ;s gtput -11—aae th Rebecca IngS, Vover_ 4 y a a nIts- Chi" aiin 0114 mourn the 1000 .,of a kind ed to t1je D oBoxes, ft�' and 1vi49 husband and father The F;� p�', Gates. "fr hchildren are: 414,%. 1 4nd' 9-remOvRl of discrimina- liarn Stone'standig in C rates: Ond' Mrs WE Is Violet, SAool teacei; essco10 L ,,AE , 11 Ethel LYd*, Cecil and chaTisj�.. ed to -rue t e c 1Ws feature the tions of -k ICY,' M­.-apperali 119 Parti , rly to the —A quietbut Pretty wedding took O'Rourke Form: I Maritime Provinces, to., rjlace t the _ertain. parts GOO] IM LOCK�' P_ LANK FO to British Columbi Presbyterian Manse Mbrr.ay:-,&kert,"'A' 'Nit. of the pol- and I'AS pro jor the prairie vj�ces file p0j_ lin, on Tnesd; Goderich, on Wednesday, 3ans� 3rd; Church, Dab A4180, a�-�864dndt_ldt of ARN FL -,o at high noon, when Rev. R. C. MciL Melva C. Fe very. Su_ to retainthe C .0 proposes rowA West keit_seeoud doogter �or- D-Irmid United ln-�. marriage Annie Mr. and Wbrs, Frederick ass, Agreement insofar, as grain and IN peii;' ues� in' Wiles Maude Eckert 6t' or. -va - fidur eastbour�d are �owerned -McCabe, daughter of Mr. and NeKillop, ecame the bride f. Mr, and Caton suitings, 'i' 9 11 6..te out to readjust the present fixed Mrg� James 3&Cabe,� of Goderich John E. K-Urray, son -of Mr.aA0 Xr. West- No UFF township, and Mr. Alex 'Leslie Smith Martin Murray, Of., MaKillop, Rev,� bound conimodity. rates. - While the tionally�- good cloth SONS IAre grate- SEASOR I x Dungairrion. ura4(!,e_ t hat the ONTARIO. Yk IW6 V, The bride and groom York Performed the marriage cere- Son Of Mr- and Mrs. W. J. Smith, oi Father Eckert, of Hawthorne, Np _w: ful for the as graim 4nd flour rates wi4 be maintained Were attended -by, Mr., and Samuel MeNain, rs, mony., The bride was given in mar - 'they declare -thp, of Godericb, brother- riage by her father, to 4trah in-law and Mendelloohn's wedding:m%�ich.�;Jayt& e 1APX9 VousiderAtion sister Of the bride. After that 410Y should get In return for the the ceremony the young couple W of -the ft6unti abrootion, day 0111 ent by the, organist, Miss x. Beaj an by motor to Stratford and tok the as richly dressed -in white:e� we& comno- on we"es -ek at her difj rates�, At fifty' Y4ars after the stimp had tim�, Wm, C.11=04 long illne�s. not Was an old frie train to TbrontoL and other points. Prgi'19AW6 latter1fiefaie i6jjjsWh,t Xr�. lHibbift ift Oil An& &inerly Miss auld igginondvill The —Mr. John Zarw.ski, 'Who since Carried a' s1ho*er Z=' And' v ts 'h et6 fearful Al*t should *e Ki nd. �_4 tOA Vigor- Margaret BaiT. qn Gd,,ich no, rk had—lt was ChXIstmas, has been employed with carmt the Kirk to me. O"W '60POOe" ttW- -Proposed And sweek—pe Policy, tqwnzhi ons and -1111R�1711 Members of the �Hou life in that :r A&' Nelson Towle, Of Zion, in Us- Agnes Eckert was bridesmaj as might icirdty. For 4. Xler Urrit oran Sh had BILL POWELL, borne Township, -as Pros b move for in.very, trated by dre§s'was silk �:�t46 Abolition of the east, been being bed- --------- Now.— the heat on Friday afternoon M!F�� bound gra-in, and flour rates -as weg', fast for a watch abd, last, crepe, wreath of flow and the long husband, wb'le'Pl'anting Potatoes and'died a ribon in her hair Y feel that they might be bet. the late died HUR014 koTF [ed. bou-. few hours later. The deceased had quet of pink carn�tjo ter advised to take a -half loaf .the twenty ys4TS,; been troubled With. a weak r Over 011bert t"W e is sur. than run chances Of getting no bread. vived by one dAu —The f'011owiug Ch011ges 'have been thi- together with the heat an, Murray. was The'bill will come up next week and s Elsie, at ail,100JAC0d in the London Conference: death. e Murray, cousin of the ride, sang. ercy Hib- then will 'be disclosed What COUrS8,L bert, 316V-40bn A. Agneiy,, *ho Was to go were home and t*6.:*teli� Zarws�j nd "Avie MaTiar, at the offertory of- the of Toronto,, aW k Hibbert, to iiit6finial Cburcb,� 1,6ndon;- Will go Planting Pbwaps Me nass. A reception was held at- Progressives are to Puirsue. of Goderich., When the former '6Qjnpj*j3 '14, taking the pla, _W u 00 Go to Kill9sVil Fijmew Far%'+he home Of ,the Voile atid'Al S SlipAs -Blor and -By a Ote Or 1 to 2,D th. v- ee of Rev. ing dizzY'and he Was oh7i - Goibutt who has, apMpted the and 114e mny, alleMing, 'down Whi LL j"Te. MS 1) (if the Western Ontario when r 'showering giO4 -O beauty nd- use- e Was hot fulness on Home Bank depositors to the extent TH.E STIL ound e rnment measure to, reimburse the! it was 35 per cent. the KIRK &dety- Rev, G. N_ Hazen, of able to walk to the young bride. The. was Passed by What fate the hill will ,neei ;A;o Was o e., Mr.. Towle bridt?s travelon costume was ta_ L 9 nk 41n, wll Decome pastor of Centen- ruOned Dr. Campbell Of, K3rktOA but yroungoupl�-will be a home to thei, Beauiful-undergarmeh' in Lemon, RO in -the Senate remains to be I visited 'i'Old to 90 to, W. 9- took him in on a d se -wimin' h On '-an sum- geyine`Satin­*flh, hat to matclL The Madve, Pi 'seen. hole at Egmon*411 The time nial C Or Whiie. tr There was -a hUrch - and Rev. M. M Bennett, before the latter arrifi,ed life -,had about the middle of- 24th. The ot ;yorkton,` Sask., Ithe e�, The deeeased was about years j.1y. Immed With Contrasting ribbon subject In the House, most of'the weather was cov animated debate on the was Sunday in and lace mdalliofis. Mi ay so late Wingharn 'cj�jjrch. 42 range of sizes.. 'Progressives and Liberals supporting in the ,rith. ' - of age not for a F. of Ma - and came to 'Canada several Notes.—Xrs. J. Bohan, of ws t it. The only ones heing Opp ming- years ago from Engla s osed sweater undeOWW" hinky-dink. ton, formerly p, d. For a num., Xonkton, will address the ladies of wPre,sohie members who had . Suf- astQr of the Auburn her of years he w n spring overeop a orked in the neigh- St. Patrik� church in th, Odist Circuit, being qpposid to borhood of Wo rers -froni the Rome Bank collapse teeth would 510 nd bd MAh ir idi e. odhazo, coming -to Mr. on Sunday Afternoon, June 21st, At c 2 in the from the union, has resigne,ct is hole has Accepted a call to the non -c monthly meeUng of tht, rigs. A wide chorus Of chill loiNviester.l�� Pastorate and Towle late in the year. It cannot be approval (if this measure has on- learned, that he has any relatives in Catholic Wonieu)s come Chased, away t h. "It* me. I lit curring Presby All Wei- rom varl gu the country, �he W and �6 Yes, them, mer's church, London. Lwts. of terian charge of Chal- tbiLs country and his fither arid mother tors -will be welcomed nd it - is. earn- this corncob Peci 1Y om, Ontario: and H116 resigna- areoth dead. The -deceased had say" estly, 3�eqttested thai'all x6mberS be- was the was, 6 old tu Qes Into effect une 20k when ed" I- -ke 6� fi 61cr POW'T is one Of the very few a vt ithodis 'I could fiOld Out till I reached 'th;t i Wi -their ----------- No— Cou this Year -on 'the biocesan hero was a lively discussion over friendly old stuinp, all would'be well. ch NE uch into union. Ex ive, and is a talented spea�er_ the bill to advance further money iby I did or I would not be -setdii ST. COLUMBAN —The Sanitary inspectors had occas- I Harbor here my reflection of a ion to visit our burg lately as the. -aY If loan to the Queb, _g down inton on 13oard- The needs of that case w'e- r e ago., The Did Stump had changed but Albert Hooper, Notes.—Pev. Father Michael Eck- stagnant water on both sides of the eloquently argued half "leentury Saturday evening of last week of Mr. missionary work river was becoming a dangerous men, I_by Ron. Ernest La- little. But not so the write On ness. Mr. Hooper who was born at and has retu nest Pointe, who is one of the represenita- the'24th I would have p after a prolonged ill- ert has finished his Aft.ractive Styles in Good Ho rned to take charge of ace to the public health. A little pre- ti'ves Of that Uffied out on Centralia, had been a citizen of Clin- St. c. City, in the House arid a half dozen strokes. olumban parish duriirig Father caution in time might be the means of- Who Was formerly Minister of Ma lime had dealt ton for about twenty-two Years. For Daritzer's absence in Rome—Wedding avoiding sickness such as typhoid or- rine generously with the stump,'and also about eight years he has been in alues and Fisheries. It was shown tha fail- bells are ringing in this vicinity.— probably sleeping sickness. A sti h. deal fairly with the National Tr t to with the boy who was crainped. If ing health, and for the past two h- MT� J. J. Holland has added e ly i te ans- it were not that I learned to�swim in seldom left his own house. He gr at n time eaves nine which is a wise- The New Suits are doubly. in,, continental section of the Canadian Huron's rivers I was to the appearance of his place by the proverb to be governed by. — Miss- would i7dt have agent for several insurance companies erection of a new gasoline Pump, Veromca McConnell is home from. the National System it was essential that been able to 'gave myself :in two and, although unable to get about which will be of great convenience to University of London on vacation for- teresting-this Spring, be- the fullest terminal facilities be af- Steamboat wrecks. But that's Another much, he carried on his work at home travelling inotorists. cause of the many new color, m'gs, forded at Quebec to meet its steadi ly story. A kid in my day, *.b Miss Marie , few d,y,.—W,,d as received by expanding seaborm traffic needs. o could until within a few days of his death. Flannery and Miss Geraldine Ocon- James Jordan, postmaster of patterns and styles; ank It not swim from the dam to the- Silver He was an official member of Ontario the vil- ISecond' is interesting tonote that, in spite of Creek bridge close by the brickyard, Street Church and as long as he was nor visited during the past week in lage and 1,,k of the Township of- —Mr. and Mrs. Hib,�eit of the death of his brother 1Y, on account of their'real good the strong Opposition put UP 'by some was no kid at all. So I had a friend- able 'was very regular in attendance John. Downey spe t Sunday with rel- Mi,hael'Jordan, in Buffalo, N. Y. Mr. Value. . Greys are, as -Usual Of his followers in the House to this ly feeling Guelph and Toronto. 7 measure Mr. Meighen, leader of the - for that old stump. it and took an active part in the work atives near 11 ,stron -ly represen was MY Pal in dire need. G.derih.—Mrs. John and Mrs. J.rnes Jordan, William Jor- ted; Blue Serg- conservatives, was absent himself Auld Egmondville Kirk stood in the the Sunday School. h Jordan left by- For years he 'was superintendent of Feeney, of Stratford, spent Sunday 'dazi and Miss Hanna bill was being reco vis rday to be present at from the House When the vote on this front of the graveyard, Reflection survived by his wife, who was devot- Joseph Horan, of Detroit, is iti es ang Blue Worsteds *fth light . rded, , Mr. Hooper is with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Cronin.—Mx. train on Satu wi On Friday -a tragic event Occurred ng the funeral on Monday. Cornelius: r_ ger men. ndon. M-. Edward Horan.—Mr. and Mrs- dan. of Niagara Falls, Ont., are also, f6r-the"youn th the sudden passing of Sir Wil- brought back the face of Rei7.. win. —The steamer Greyhound arrived W. J. Cleary motored to Guelph la hair line stripes are in' demand brought back the faces of the Sterling ed to him in all 'his illnesrs, and one under the parental home of Mr. and Jordan of Michigan, -and Mr. T. Jo men and women of another 'day— son, Olin Hooper, of Lo liarn Peterson almost within an hour Graham* brought back his last ss- 'Of course we have Sands, m, -from Detroit shortly before 6 O'clock week. st brothers of the deceasd.—Miss Mary after the report of 'SPecial Committee age in the old kirk; brought back his on Monday of Jordan left for Toronto on Saturday- Browns and -mixtures -in bo on Control of Ocean Rates had been last week with about eloquence and sincerity. It Wear's as 35 ad in the I -louse. 0 Passengers on board. The trip, up to resume work with the T. Eaton Co. tweeds and worsteds, and . no The Committee well as the old stump, does that mes- -as rePorted to have been a very asked Parliament to give Sir Wil- sage, Lang Syn,. in that city.—Tames Doyle has charge matter Which you take you, will liam a chance to demonstrate what pleasant one. Possibly on account of WALTON of nine teams hauling gravel from. The new kirk—tbe Kirk of McCoy, the very hot W ather, n n y Joseph Nagle's pit. The side road it is economies could be effected in the op- e a u. usual] Notes.—George Jackson is having et -the very best value that of Needham, of Shaw. it brought large number took in the moonlight his barn res-bingled.—John Dennis South from John Dalton's house ia. eration of his specially designed cOr- back the induction of R OS is being widened and gravelled. Wil- Possible to get. We sell only rugated-type ships, under conditions ev. J eph excuysiDn that evening, about 2,200 having a real old fashioned barn liam Hills, of Dublin, is supervisor 3f- h would protect him against rm- McCoy, its first minister. The Kiek going on board for the two hours' raising on Thursday of this the best makers best suits. Come wh'c the pastor ne week. the work in Hibbert Township.— fair attack from the Steamship Com- was new, W to all, but sail on the lake. This is the second Quite a number from the village in- Tame strawberries and tme rasp- , n and see them, bine and pave the way for a general the old faces of the pioneers were not largest number the Greyhound has tend going.—Mr. Pinoch, Secretary berries are fairly plentiful in this new- Nor in these reflections do I ever taken on board here. A great of the Upper Canada Bible Society, district. The former are now ripe and. lowering of rates. !Sir William pass- wa e ed away under dramatic eircumstane ut them to appear new. Auld many of these came, of course, from gav a splendid address in St. the latter will be ready by July Ist,— es, after only twenty mi friends Ve ken, an' the best, whither the neighboring townS and towns Price- nurtes, illness hips George's church last Sunday. ...... s $T��00 to $35.00 If ebuic� or men. and the streets were c — The George Byers has been in the village his tribute to Reflection suggested a questioti— cars, and from the rink corner On are looking fine since the recent bridge on Concession 3, of Hlibbert,. from an attack of heart trouble. In ro`�ded with weather is very changeable, but crops sawing wood for customers. — The. Sir William the Prime would the old pioneers have forsaken West Street to the lighthouse and al- showers Minister Friday evening stressed the of rain.—Mr. William J. near Joseph Nagle% 50 -acre farm,. the faith of their fathers ? I kno so wherever possible at the harbor Shortreed occupied the pulpit in the has been repaired by John Dalton.. the persistence with which he sought brought a sighl The kirk, where I mass. Tuesday morning the Grey- sincerity and courage of the man and that they would -not. Reflection cars were parked in an almost Solid Presbyterian chur* Brussels. lasIt For some time the structure was in, to secure fruition Of his efforts to Be- 'ad Sunday morning.—Mr. Williani Me- bad Condition and the towns -hip en- cure free and open Competition op the dipe seen the elders of another day bound left for Detroit with alwut 500 Fadzean has gone to New Ontario for gineer gave ins high Sea whereby only could the the Sacrament; the light excursionists.. a month or two. tructions So that the lbrio g-pgan repai ng would be satisfactory..—Mr- of Canadian producer and consume r a- pioneeirs, in deep medita�o; the Patrick Stapleton has almost fully like � be given a square deal. of a Sabf day hallowed- the bid —Ussborne Township lost one of it�s Square Timber. — A quantity most PrOMinent men on Tuesday of square timber is- being taken out of recovered from his recent illness. His while its inimediate interest was singing of the old Psalms, the PsAlms last week in the Person of Mr. Fred- this district. Mr. Wilson, of Wood- many friends are much pleased over- Of David! The Auld Kirk made men erick Charles Stewart, Who passed stock and three assistants, have been his splendid recovery. — Mr. M. only in the province of New Bruns- Three qualities are represented in our Balbriggan Sum- wick the interim report tabled in th, 'and W01nen'out of boys and girls. away at the age of 52 years, three work! th Ing for some time he -wing e O'Lauhlin, of B(wder Ave. south, at- House by Hon. James Xurdck, Min- sticks, mer Underwear for men. .Allwellmade and guaranteed which have been drawn to Sea- tended the Murray -Eckert wedding of' way. ister of Labour, from Harry Hereford, forth the past couple of weeks and it McKillop township on Tuesday, the, Registrar under the Act, Of his I is expected Sipmnt -will be made on 16th.—he beautiful rain, the e vestTation in New Brunswick i nto Thursday of this week. The work of and bracing atmosphere will no doubt $1: the charges Of the existence of a corn- the hewers has been bg admired by cause vegetation to go forw d e'in violation of the provisions of ar d by- many Of the older residents who had leaps and bounds.—Mr, Joe McCon- it r es. - 9C 00 I /0C the Combines Investigation Act, 19% has Also some intere t for other parts NOTICE previously looked upon hewing as a nell, our genial merchant, and W. lost art. All the timber from of the country. the Cleary, mtored to Stratfod, Xjt_ One reason is that district was rock elm and it will go to cbener and Guelph one day hst week of the finding establishes the contents the shipyards in the old country, and on busims.—The 4.4 has arrived in. PublicUt"lity Commiss" the existence of another e0nibine and I ion Ut we demonstrates the effectiveness of the posen. Mr. James H. Morrison sold are in hopes that they will send the. legislation instituted by the. present 0 Wateer takers are resPeOtfUlly reminded of the regulations gov- be 0 seventeen sticks, the largest of which kick along in the near future. — 'Me for dock work and other such pur- Dublin, well minus the kick, b C 1nation, Government two years ago. The other erning taking water. SectiOn' 24 Of BY -laws, strictlY forbids was 15" x 17" and 57 feet long. MT-. extreme and almost unbearable swel- combine unearthed by the machinery XPrlrdcling the treets thX-6udh hose by private consumers, ayod Wm. Trewartha sold 6 sticks, Messrs. terig heat has abated somewhat to' ar of this Is' slation was that.of the Nash 6prink-ling lavrns, garder* VASS Plots, boulevards or grounds of John and Albert, MGavin, Zack Me- a more cooler atmosphere.—A fire Srnricate whieh controlled the anyr description, except Spadden, Thornas Kinney and Percy started under one of our inerchantIg nthe hours of gin and nine o'clock Pu natur I ffaft hapinOSS of the Western hlf. Of bet long or short sleevqs, orni 'n. In the ease of in the afterno Taylor, one or two Sticks each. Ile stores by some school children om the I) Inio Ooma"Ion. on, unlees permission is first obtained from the m". or a --good underwear at a latter prosecutions have alread7 bo. Price paid was about 45 cents per their way home from school. rt was Un The recominend'ationg Made by cubic foot, hauling extra. moticed and extinguished before Thuch, o,44. M ftmeon 60or not Ml1`6*i4q lawn watering during the day is W. M, S. and Ladies' Aid.—Dufi"s dam -age was dove. A little mars dk- Church, Walton, W, X S. held their cipline might have averted sUch d C Airefol-d in the mp6jtt of hIj,X4V to eqtlegm4 t%a load, as ftlidti4A find other heay uers come on BrUmVick enquiry, will, If Adopted, theri. June meeUng on Wednesdfty lant at gerow pranks.—Mr. Ohgrjes MeDaja, 9,6 far toward remedyig some of ths the home of Yh�s. Hugh Campbell. having disposed of his d*eIlIng htmae IN Of the potato buSfnes§ In that ec U MT%. Oster, prec4ident, was *the and store to Mrs. W. CarpgnWr -o it A*fttf`oAly` reV'ta't '&O WaUT =MM to 00-OPerate With US !t in lilt! j_' br $"die@ wax�r waits 0,,q r ao pos_,qiblo, or it wig be neceasary chair, 41 bdies being Preseut After ffibb�brt, intendo removing to singing hymn 254 Mra. W Murra ford to engage in to %ift, "#";N ganemur- the 9 -to On Friday latt 94Wtj 01&66 led in prayer and krq. Oqtet revA.the business tbere�_Th _IhIl's Pro *a' 1k. X"S'. Bible lssi�on from jobt 18, A are ereeting a neat gild comm tudso tit tho ChIloglitA #.o� *L WdU00, Ckhtdh, bhd- 461 talk 6n X de tugtbms *hs do ILI" I