HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1925-06-05, Page 8thgain 011,. 7.1i01 Seballt •tlagi iskeigta eilisestlateell 044 Ttanlatre, 20e. rED GOODS are in a larnxiselies. We have MO sizes, No. i's3'a, n Bantarn Corn; Sweet orn• Bieck and White Marmalade. TCI COCOA leads them the price is no higher oec tin LUC. is very reasonable and we ve a good time to lay in your ilbelnaPIRL .alo is on the upward grade. FOR FOOD -Na„ 8. roat )1' at • toopug joloolts Loetia Bariafsall tbis Waela the weather hae been eistrenelY Wane; bat this disteiet be. so Sax eseaneel the aevere electrical Atoma which have caused considerable damage at other points in Western Ontario. There wee a good shower of rain on Tuesday ',venng, but much mere is badly needed.--elWis Caroline Holmes, R.N., of Boston, is pending the holi- days et the home of her father, Mr. S. T. Holmes. -Messrs. Gordon Hays and Warren Ament, of Detroit, spent the week end at their homes here - Miss Martha Johnston, who spent the winter in Windsor, ha e returned to her horne here. -Mr. arid Mrs. Robert McDonald, son and daughter, of De- troit, spent the week end witis friends in Seaforth and vicinity. -Mr. J. W. A. Greig, of Toronto Medical School, is spending the holidays at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Greig. -Mr. Jack Gunn, of Toronto, and Dr. Gordon Gunn, of Ottawa, old Seaforth boys, spent the 24th in Lu- ean with their mother, Mrs. E. Ten- nent. Dr. Gunn sailed on Saturday, May Kth, to England, and will go on from there to Vienna to take a post -graduate course in medicine. - Miss Tessie Lynch, of Beechwood, re- turned home this week after an ex- tended visit with friends in Detroit. - Mr. Murray Tyndall motored from Detroit to spend the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Tyn- dall.-Mr.and MTS. William Bolton! and daughter, Dorothy; Mr. Joseph! Bolton and Miss Dickinson, of Roches- ter, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. L. Bolton. -Mr. and Mrs. Neil Murray, of Buffalo, spent the week end at the home of Mr. Murray's grandmother, Mrs. E. Murray, Gode- rich Street -Mr. James and Miss Dorothy O'Connell, of Detroit, spent the week end with their mother here. -Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Robinson, of Detroit, spent the week end at Mr. Robinson's hoine in gmendville- Miss:Alma Dalton, of Toronto, epent Sunday at the home of her mother here.-1VIiss Annie Gordon, of Cleve- land, is sending a few holidays at her home in McKillop. --Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Sproat and Mrs. W. B. Horton spent the week end with friends in Preston -Mr. and Mrs. Jack Forsyth, of Detroit, spent the week end at the home of 1V1r. Forsyth's sister, Mrs. G. T. Thompson. -Mrs. John Welsh, who has spent the winter in Hamilton, has returned and will spend the sum- mer with her son, Mr. J. F. Welsh. - Mr. Gordon Carnochan left for De- troit last week, where he has accepted a position. -Mr. and Mrs. Charles Holmes, Miss Holmes and Mrs. F. Beattie motored to Niagara Falls this week. - Mr. Thomas Murray, of Laird, Algoma. is visiting his mother, Mrs. William Murray, at the home of his sister, Mrs. E. H. Tyndall. - Miss Anna Atkinson. of Detroit, spent the week end with her mother here - Rev. W. D. McDonald, of Egmond- ville, preached anniversary services at Royce church on Sunday last. -Mr. John Clark, of Egmondville has pur- chased the farm of Mr. B. Nott, in Tuckersmith.-Mr. J. A. Wilson, town clerk, is in Toronto this week attend- ing the graduation exercises in con- nection with Toronto University. -Mr. W. J. Doble, of Edmonton, and Mrs. W. Hawthorne, of Port Hope, were recent guests at the home of their sister, Mrs. W. D. Bright. -Mr. Robert Bell was in Toronto this week attending the anneal meeting of the Canadian Manufacturers' Association. -Mr. and Mrs. R. Walker, Mr. R. Scanlan and Mrs. Stratton and daughter, of Tillsonburg, were Sun- day guests at the home of Miss Bar- ton. -Mr. -and Mrs. Butler and baby. of St. Catharines, are guests at the home of Mrs. Butler's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Govenlock, in Egmond- ville.-Mr. and Mrs. A. Dunn and Miss Horton, of London, were Sunday guts at the home of Mr. and Mrs.. E. L. Box. -Mr, John McLeod, of De- troit. was a week end guest at the home of his sister, Mrs. J. Kerr. - Mrs, J. H. Roberts has retlirned from a visit With Hamilton friends. -Mr. and Mrs. Louis Breit and daughtea Miss Monica, and Miss Kate Eckert., of Detroit, spent the week end at the parental home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Eckert. Mrs. Bran and daughter will remain for some time; but the others returned to Detroit on Monday. -Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Gallagher and Miss Irene Patterson spent the week end in Teeswater-Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Seklon and sons and Mr. and Mrs. Yellow, of Exeter, spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. G. A. K. McLeod in Egmondville.-Mrs. Howard Bur- gess, accompanied by her sister, Miss Dorothy Freest, and Miss Pearl Mc- Minn, left for Detroit on Wednesday. -Mr. George Sydwall and Miss Irene Patterson, of MunTo. were the guests on Sunday of Miss Evelyn Harburn. -Dr. J. Ireland and Mrs. Ireland, of Harriston, are guests this week at the home of Mrs, Harry Beattie. -- Rev. Father Goetz, of Seaforth, and Rev. Father Dantzer, of St. Colwyn ban, left this week on a trip to Rome. NT Let as help you plan your Garden. We have a big assortment to make a choice from: Asters Marigolds Petunias Ageratum Stocks Dahlias, Etc. Everlasting Phlox Verbenas Zinnias Pansies • Dianthus, Pink 1.1G STOCK OF TRAILERS FOR BOXES AND BASKETS. GeraniumsCannes Salvia EXQUISITE, t:- IN VEGETABLE PLANTS Tomatoes Cabbage Peppers Cauliflower Choice early Celery now ready. Attractive Cut Flowers Cemetery Vases 25 CENTS EACH Well -fined 2 anging Baskets Ready. • Greenhouses on the Goderich Road, 2 blocks west of Main Street, Clinton, " Ont.; Viewer Shop at the Can. Nat. Express Office. Phones, 176W and 31. je CUNINGH • "Florist" V;•,, f,INroIN Sol.immoio ME ONTARIO your design from our varied as- sortment of high gradeWall Papers, and we are sure you will be supremely satisfied, because all of them are artistic and perfect in quality. Come in and look them over. We carry a complete line of Paints, Varnishes, Mureseo, Win- dow Shades, Curtain Rods, Eetc. 01110.1•211•111. SC 9s "We Save You Money" Opposite Expositor Office. P ONE 62. Pinea les Are still good and prices low -3, 4, or 5 for $1.00, as to size. Season nearly over. • PLANTS. -Better assortment than usual at box 25c 10c SCRIBBLERS for 5c. A clearing lot to arrive. , . • DUTCH CLEANSER. 3 for ....35c TEA. -Our 75c Special Black or Mix- ed Tea we are now selling at 70c. We maintain this is better tea than any package tea we know at 75 or &Sc. Try it and see. STEEL WOOL -Fine, medium and course, lac; a wonderful help in scouring. EGGS. -We buy for trade or cash on a liberal graded basis and at high- ', est market price. GOOD DAIRY BUTTER always wanted. F. 11 Hutchis Phone 166. -111111 'sees - JUST T E CUT YOU L E •' is always found et Stewart's Meat Market. Our meats are all „.Irefuliy selected from the best ciatsPin the wholesale naarekt, and we keep there in pristine condition • our drycld refrigertor. Order some to -day and verify what We, • elt STEW MilttlilAt, ElEAVO T Plow WATS Ti or SinoPer Sewing nerd I li/t8gatql4kftV, The' PAWS'S. 'MA 10.40,2 Bistrlet DePelty Abetherl/, attel •taket prestriktatiora Made Nr W. Brci, re#017; wig the presentetlaa and a bref earnest and Appropriate vePIY by Mr. Balantyne, ailsourn- mat was neede to -the Olynspia rests: =rant, 'where a 81,1Mt-taiolls banquet Was served end very thoroughly en- joyed by the members and their guest. Afterwards the usoal toast list was carried through with Mr. Thomas McMillan in the chair, when most apt and even eloquent speeches were given by the District Deputy, the officers of Britannia and by re- preaentatives of the visiting brethren. The speeches were interspersed by several excellent musical numbers hy a quartette composed ef Messrs. D. Reid, M. R. Rennie, J. Scott and Jack Beattie, and a beautiful solo by Jas. Scott, for which Mr. L. T. DeLacey acted as accompanist. The program was closed by the National Anthem and Auld Lang Syne. This was the most largely attended and most en- joyable fraternal evening that has been held in Seaforth for many years. Masonic -Monday night last was a gala night at Britannia Masonic Lodge, Seaforth, when some 150 mem- bers and visiting brethren attended the regular meeting to do honor to Rt. W. Bro. C. Aberhart, District Deputy Grand Master of South Hur- on District, on his official visit to his home lodge, and to Very W. Bro. Wil- liam Ballantyne. who this moth cel- ebrated the 60th anniversary of mem- bership in Britannia Lodge. Almost every lodge in the district was re- presented including Goderich, Carlow, Monkton. Duran, Mitchell and Hen- sel]. After the -work of the first de- gree had been exemplified ,by he Worshipful Master, W. Ovens and his officers in a manner that -erned them very hearty congratulation, Very W. Bro. Wmlliani Ballantyne. the only living charter member of ;Britannia, was called upon and pregented with an address and gold headed Cane, to mark the Slith annivergary of his en. try into Masonry, and to express the grateful appreciation of the offices, aspt b and prsent, and members of the tuA *Ming and Itelpthd ti5J 0 Se hos yqtdood agate erf *11471144 141 titiVttift Wantd.-Will do washing at home. Apply Box 189, Seaforth, Ont. 2998x2 For Sale -Three good cows, heavy milker, 6 years old. Apply to Dale Nixon, Seaorth. 2999x1 For Sale. --An eight year old cow. good milker, part Ayrhire. Phone 44 W. Andrew Archibald, Seaorth. 2999-1 Now is414 An; buy your WIM00444. have a vealidIrpstrs trcarried ind sto a , Wo4, some excep- tionol v-allapa'aan Bed Room Papers ea lteu $1$3 others suit- able tor akroont in the house. We IRO save yon money on Veer Wall Papers. 10144* , 01016'x -ea, • V1011. 21 tb, ct I' tie fskessier d , ' if* , ', 1... rsearia Mts. Rebert ' g0rtn, '','' • e ..BOtindary ant Carli rd, .baSletit41: te* tgaYei1 4 gams ort VITed#Q4P7 Whieh resulted in fiver of the tomer by 4Ceere of 9 to 6. -,Reeve *RW4131 ia tins week attending the meeting 0 the conncil, which, convenes in State ferd, - 110 ThOtOPSOliS9 eiJOOKSTORE . SEAFORTE, Subscriptions taken for all publica,„ tions at publisher's 'prices. Hogs For Sale. -A number of sows with littens from 1 to 5 weeks old. Apply to J. R. Archibld. Phone 163, Seaforth. 2999-1 Henze to Rent. -Modern convenences, rent to suit renter. Apply at The Expositor Office. 2973-tf For Sale. -New and second hand lawn mowers and garden hose. Apply to A. Bar- ton, Seaorth. 2994-tf For Sale or Rent by 15th of June. 8 -roomed frame houe. electric lights. soft water in house: on South Main Street. Apply to Thomas Atnirew. 2997-tf Special Optical Offer. -High grade gold - spectacles and eye glasses with best flat spherical lenses for only $4.00. All other style of frames ancl lenses at lowest prices. Eyes examined by Mr. Hughson, for- merly optical expert for Kent's. Toronto, and later for Henry Morgan &. Co.. Montreal. The best optical work to be obtained and at moderate prioes. Monday and Tuesday, June Sth and 9th. -Beattie' s Fir, Seaforth. 2998-2 House For Sale. -For sale the brick resi- dence on Goderich Street West. formerly owned by the late Dr. J. G. Scott. Apply to T. W. Beattie or R. S. Hays, Seaforth. cantors. 2921-tt Man Wanted. -Married tnan to run frm. Apply to E. J. BOX, Seaforth. - 2902-tt For Sae. -Studebaker car, 1929 mode, in Al condition; 5 good tires axed 1925 -markers. Apply at The Expositor Office. 2993-tf Announcement -The London Free Press on Tuesday contained the fol- lowing announcement: Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Kennedy announce the engage- ment of their only daughter, Ulah Bernice, to Mr. Eric Graham, son of Major the Rev. A. Graham and Mrs. Graham, Chesley, Ont., the marriage to take place this month. Seaforth Races. -Keeping fit means to mix a little play with your work. You may work when you like but spend Wednesday afternoon, June 10th, at Fairview Park. Four big. horse races with every class well fill- ed. Good sport. First race at two o'clock. No waiting between heats. Fastest horses in WeStern Ontario are entered. Successful Students. -Among the ex -pupils of the Seaforth Collegiate, who have successfully passed their ex- aminations at Toronto, we noticed the following: Miss Dorothy Wilson has secured her B. A. degree with htsors; Mr. W. J. A. Greig has passed his third year in Medicine; Mr. W. Aber - hart, his fourth year in Medicine. and Messrs. E. G. Merrier and A. L. Hays their fourth year in Dentistry. Death of Miss Blanche Cooper. - The death occurred at her home on John Stret, Seaforth, on Monday, June 1st, ofMis Blanche Cooper. Al- though'she had been in poor health for some time, she had never com- plained and had gone about as usual almost to the end. Her death, there- fore came as a great shock to the community, whose sympathy goes out to the sister in her, great bereavement. Miss Cooper was the youngest daugh- ter of the late Samuel Cooper, and had resided in Seaforth for a number of years. She was an active member of the Seaforth Methodist church and took a great interest in all church work. The funeral was held from her late home on Wednesday afternoon, the services being conducted by her pastor, Rev. R. Fulton Irwin, and in- terment was made in Maitlandbank cemetery. Cadets' Church Parade. -The an- nual church parade of the Seaforth Collegiate Cadet Corps was held on Sunday evening last under perfect weather conditions. The company formed at the Collegiate and marched to North Main Street, where they were met by the Seeforth Highlanders Band in uiforrn. From there they paraded to First Presbyterian church where a special and very appropriate sermon was delivered to them by the pastor, Rev. F. H. Larkin, D.D. Spe- cial music eras also furnished hi the choir, assisted by Mr, Charles Boyd and the male quartette. There was a very large congregation, the large church being filled almost to capacity for the service. After the service, again led by the band, the company marched to Main Street and down to the Town Hall, -where they were dis- miesed. The Seaforth Cadets are re- cognized as one of the best trained and disciplined corps in Western On- tario, and on Sunday evening, led by the band, -whose appearance and play- ing could not help but act as a -n in- spiration, they certainly excelled themselves, to the delight of the large crowds that thronged both sides of the streets in the line of maach, as they swung along behind the kilties. WALTON Notes. -The weather has taken a sudden change. The showers on Sun- day and Monday din a great deal of good. -Mise May Watson epent Th - day -with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. D. Watson...-41/rs, A. Gardiner has re- turned after spending a couple el weeks *MTh her daughter, Mrs, Slott, of Lana'side.-:-.1Vir, and Mrs, tf1t -of Pordtvith, aptmt the week end With Mr, and Mis. William f4tewalt,-4.- Solennitple is Improving atid tl able lotallk labotit tfrl the „afd �est .4,4fit;Prila ' a • „ weather at pr -et. We hope to hear of imptovemerit m health -before long. -M. anti 1Virs.'Gardiner, Blyth, spent Sunday with Itf.e- and Mrs. P. Be Gardiner.-TheBariners' Club are un- loading coal this -week-Mr. and Mrs. W. Gramm. and ,hildren, of Acton, spent the holiday_with Mrs. A. Gard- iner. CWOMARTY Notes. -The .. girls' softball team played their first - kague . game at Thames Road on -Saturday last. The game was won .1tY. seventeen to ten, in favor of Crornaty.--Mr. Ed. Howe and bride visited at his home near Cromarty a couple of days last week. -Mr. William HaWton, who recently net with a painfelaccident is able to be at work again..Mis and Mrs. Ed: • • is Ma • • • NOW PLAYING EX BEAMS romus NOVEL "F1oi*in4 Gold" Now A First -National Picture, qILToN .SILS and ANNA -Q.; +NILSSON A Smashing Spectacular Drama,' combining delicious comedy, gorge ous and realistic tatting's; storms, floods, fires, fightsiiiici thrills. 'Mid the Frenzy `• of the Texas Oil Boom Days. , Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Our Special Race' Meet Attraction "IN HOLLYWOOD with POTASH • and PERLMUTTER". from the Broadway Stag Success, - "Business Before Pktasure." "Potash and Perlmutter" played years on Broadway, ran 9 years in the Saturday Evening Post, 9 years, on tour in U. $. and Canada, 5 years in London, 3 years in Berlin, 3 years in Russia. Millions Have Laughed Millions of Laughs STAFFA Notes, -Miss Rattery, of Michian, leat present visiting at the Pason- creorgo tt,sori has erected' en• isew fenee in front of bis property which adds greatly tsi the' appearance of Main Street. -.-r. and llifra. voiding spent Sunday -with friendsin St. Marys. -Mr. and Mrs.. 3. CaM0r hell, of Waltop, spent Sunday with friends in the village. -Rev. E. Jones preached in Shakespeare on Sunday. H. •Leslie and family motored to 1:,ondon on Saturday. -A special meeting of the Women's Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. J. M. Miller on Monday evening, June 8th, when Mrs. G. Cooke, Bearnevine, will address the meeting. A good pro- gramme is being prepared. Everyone - is invited to attend as this promises to be a treat. -The regular monthly meeting of the Ladies' Aid will be held in the church at 3 o'clock Thurs- day, June 4th. -Mrs. F. A. Hambley is at present visiting friends in Sea- fortle-A good number from Staffa appointment attended the S. S. Con- vention held at Fullerton on Friday, May 29th. -Rev, and Mrs. Waghorn, of Madome, were the guests of Rev. and Mrs. Jones while attending the S. S. Convention at Fullerton. June Specials in Dinner Sets Special Patterns -Special Values Seven -Open Stock Patterns -Seven Make up your own. assortment Tea Sets, Water Sets, Drinking Glasses, Fancy China Its the money you save that eatisfies. EYE SPECIALIST HERE 8th and 9th COME AND "SEE" Beattiv Bros. .11.=••=4..11••. FOOTBALL SENIOR W. F. A. St Columban VS. Tuckersmith Hurons AT Recreation Grounds SEAFORTH SATURDAY, JUNE 6 The St. Columban Eleven are are going strong, so this should be a real game. GAME CALLED AT 6.80 p.m. ...tee LI ellEa. ea es efts JAMES WATSON SEAFORTIL ONT. GENERAL INSURANCE 'AGENT • Representing only the best Can- adian, British and American Companies. All kinds of insurance effected at the lowest rates, including. - FIRE, LIFE, ACCMET, AUTO- MOBILE TORNADO AND PLATE GLASS RISES. REAL ESTATE end LOAN AGrENT Representing "Huron and Erie Mortgage Corporation, a Ltradon, Ontario. Prowitg attention paid to: •risks and adjusting 'of Mileitte.s established gplootesing good sera* ' OrirVID Motif CHISELHURST Ntes.-An unfortunate accident happened to Mr. George W. Wren on Saturday last. Mr. -Wren rode on horse back to the bush in the early morning to bring up the cows, when one -of them got back and 4n'tnriling his horse -was thrown to the ground, resulting in a. bad fracture of his leg. It wet some time before his calls brought help, and he was taken home. We are pleased to say he is getting on -Well, but his accident cones at time when his services are Moat need- ed. -Mr. and Mrs. F. Fitzgerald .and family spent Sunday in DaehwoOd visiting Mrs. Fitzgerald's parents. BRUCEFIELD GOlden Wedding. -An event of un- usual interest taok place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. JoEn H. McEwen, of the second concession of Stanley, on Wednesday, June 3rd, when a num- ber of friends met' to celebrate the golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stanbury, of Mill Street, Clinton. The greater number of those who attend- ed their wedding fifty years ago have gone to the great beyond. Mr: Stan - bury is the last surviving member of the family, but Mrs. Stanburv has two brothers and three sisters, Mrs. Jno. T. Landsborough, of the Peace River District, and W. C., of Port Credit; Mis;.s Annie Landsborough, of Clinton, and Mrs. lames McQueen, of Bruce - field. and Mrs. George Clark, of Gro- ton, North Dakota. Their two daugh- ters ere Mrs, John H. McQueen, of Stanley, and Mrs. William Falconer, on the London Road. They. have eight grandchildren. ishertogr spnlee did ar4atyytbriongheZinrahanerdtrieth9ry spirit of Summer is emight and held in attractive new things now §hoWn- for the first time. '" • •smiNG y - Then you'll fihdlt 4,iWv),cone boo pd your dainty Waal): Dresi0 from 011rjafe'ir stock. 1.1 DELICATE FROCKS for dressy occasions. STURDY, ATTRACTIVE HOUSE DRESSES. SMART, TAILORD STREET AND SPORT DRESSES. UNUSUALLY PLEASING':49rS*$ • The materials are Broadcloth and,Sillrontt and tIei garments are strikingly eirective. -Depdedly, .lerent from what we lave shOwnkkeretefore PRICES: $2:50 to .$7_ NEWEST D and A CORSET -STYLES Light weight material suitable for warmer weather war. No. 245 -The New Wrap Around Corset, made to fit the average figure, elastic panel, coutil, pink. Sizes, 22 to 30. • PRICE $1.50. No. 445 -New Wrap Around Coret, elastic panel, no lacing. Fancy pink cloth. -PRICE $2.00. McKILLOP Eighth Line Notes. -Mr. and Mrs. Will Gross, of I-Fullett, spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. end Mr. Charles Regele.-A• family re- union was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Koehler on Sunday. Among those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Ezra •Seebach, of Fullerton; Mr. and Mrs. H. lVfadle, of McGaw; Mr. and Mrs. Flenry Haegy, of Grey; Mr. and Mrs. F. Beuerman, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Benneweis, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Koehler and Mr. and 1VIrs. Henry Koehler. An enjoyable time was spent. -Mrs. Regele, Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Regele and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Koehler spent Monday at Ful- lerton and Sebringvillea-One of the bachelors of our line has joined the benedicts. Mr. George Beuerman was on Tuesday married to Miss Lavine Elligsen, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Elligsen, at Brodhagen. We all join in wishing the young couple good luck and long life. -Mr. Rine Trink, of Germany. arrived here on Thursday last and- has been engaged by Mr. Charles Eggert. -Mrs. Louisa Haegy spent several weeks with her daughter, Mrs. W. Clea, at Stratford. FULLARTON Baseball. ----.South Perth U. F. 0. baseball league schedule for 1925: - Motherwell at Avonton, May 19th. Mt. Pleasant at Boundary. May 201h. Carlingford at Fullerton, May 22nd. Avonton at Salem, May 22nd. Fullerton at Motherwell, May 26th. Avonton at Mt. Pleasant, May 26th. Salem at Carlingford, May 27th. Boundary at Avonton, May 29th. Carlingford at Boundary, June 1st. Motherwell at Salem, June 2nd. Avorreon at Fullerton, June 2nd. Fullerton at Mt. PleasenteJune 5th. Carlingford at Avonton, June 5th. Boundary at Salem. June Sth. Mt. Pleassmt at Motherwell, June 9th. Avonton at Carlingford, June 9th. Fullerton at Boundary, June 12th. Salem at Avonbm, June 1th. Carlingford at Mt. Pleasant, June 13. Motherwell at Fulleton, June 15th. Boundary at Carlingford. June 161h, Mt. Pleasant at Saem. :Tune 16th. Avonton at MotherWell, June -19th. Boundary at Mt. Pleasant, lune 2th. (larlingford at Salem, June 20th. Motherwell at Boundar. June 22n41. MI Pleasant at AVonton, Anne 2rd. Salem at Fullerton. Tune 28rd. torn at BotindarY. Slane Stlfh. nagtert iartrin j. ttettfailerlx atter, lett' 4ht.atat Mot/tern/all, Int', .1st• trillarton a+Avonten, :Pr& 114. tflott CP:r1ills::::4;:rtuet280-1241. Solgrn At. Velment, J'•une 86th. , Please/eft at narliverferit 1.01V` 4. reftnn'n't-11#11 motbmvcren At Th. Pleasant, :cue NECKWEAR-BOSIERY--GLQVE• R UNDERWEAR, Qualities and Styles so good and new that none are better. REAL VALUES IN STAPLES FACECLOTHS --Turkish knit, yellow and white block. Size 9 inches by 9 inches. 3 for 25c WHITE SHEETS -Excellent quality, pure bleach, seamless sheets, 81 x 90. Very Special at $2,1i LINEN CRAS TOWELLING -Comes in either semi -bleached or natural, 16 inches wide. 15c Yard. WHITE CAMBRIC -Pure bleach, even thread cot ton, yard wide, durable quality. The Yard 19c GINGHAMS-Splendid quality Ginghams, fast col- ors. Note the width --2 Inches. Many dif- ferent patterns. - The Yard, 26c Mac Tavish SEAFORTH