HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1925-06-05, Page 6o TRH cm Exposrom JUNE; 5,1925. DR. GraR nal d•a Tate aa t tut No `rei and ural fa!isttanE, Xie end ;Golden Scow �itee, Vaudlon, ot�l $eafortln, d bath from 11 urn. edoe Street, South, Si vg7, Stratford. A. R. CAMPBELL, Q.S. eluate of Ontat'io Veterinary e, University of Toronto. All es of domestic animals treated tike most modern principles. ages reasonable. Day or night promptly attended to. Oee on in Street, Hensall, opposite Town L. Phone 116. LEGAL bore No. 91. JO NUGGARD Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Etc. eattie Block - - Seaforth, is Ont. 1,Q4t )laird Unrd,fike or. The pamptlatuwas..e i 1 Ter, setaatiOlt of the Seeteh Maga by Can. - adieu if eglelatures."' it was signed 44A Mitig.ter of the Scotch Church in Can - oda," and was dated, Bayfield, Lake Huron, Western Canada, ,April 21st, 1876, The great church war of fifty years ago is . still well rernembeved by many of our older readers, and the old pamphlet may be of interest, especially at this time of church un- rest in Canada:— "If the persecution now raised, un- der the Mowat Act, against the Church of Scotland in Canada were raised against Christians in Turkey, Persje, or any other Mahomznedan or heathen country, half the world would hear of it, and public opinion, Courts and Cabinets employed to put it down. We of the Church of Scot- land are the only religious body in Her Majesty's wide Dominions who are persecuted on account of our re- ligion. Roman Catholics, Episcopal- ians, Methodist, Baptists, Independ- ents, Quakers, Moravians, Mahomme- dans, Jews, Hindoos and Idolators of every belief are permitted to worship the Supreme Being according to the dictates of conscience—the Church of Scotland alone is placed ,under ban and proscription, her people driven from their own churches, their lawful trustees and ministers debarred, un- der the heaviest penalties, from using said churches; these churches trans- ferred to aliens, and her property to the value of millions confiscated to the use of those -who have no more right to it than they have to the pal- aces of the Grand Lhama—and all this not under a foreign flag or in a heathen land, but in a professedly Christian Province of the British Em- pire! The Legislatures of this Brit- ish Dominion, no fewer than seven, ave done their utmost to overthrow and annihilate the Church of Scotland and scatter her to the winds, care be- ing taken to strip her first of every vestige of her property. The war - whoop raised against the Kirk has sounded from Ontario to Nova Sco- tia's shore, and been re-echoed back by her treacherous sons from the Atlantic to these shores of Lake Hur- on. Foes to their country cry "Havoc!" and let slip the dogs of prey, and the base hounds—wolves of the forest that have thrown off the sheep's skin—now rend the fold which gave them shelter, while the flock scattered to the woods and wilds, and stripped of every comfort, are treat- ed as the offscouring of all things having no rights which the law is bound to respect! Never has a more unjust and heart- less persecution been inaugurated than that now raised against our Kirk in Canada—never before did such "Leagued Oppression" compass the destruction of a church as when back- ed by such traitors, the whole power of seven Legislatures was exerted to crush our church—before every tri- bunal in Canada did her traitor -sons drag, as a malefactor, the innocent Church of Scotland, to receive her death blow -houtisrg - to the rabble "Persecute and take her, only let us share in the spoils!" What is the secret of this movem int? Conspir- acy? an ill -disguised plot with a party in power (Grits) to lead into rebellion a preliminary to which must be the destruction of British institu- tions and British national feeling? For this were British troops removed out of the country to the dismay of British subjects, and the way cleared for the advance of the enemy; and year by year new encroachments made on our liberties till the late creation of a Supreme Court debar- ring an appeal to the Privy Council in England has struck a fatal blow at our rights as British subjects, and opened onr eyes to the danger which surrounds us? Whatever the move- ment points to, evidently there is to be an attack on our institutions, and first of all the loyal Church of Scot- land, which stands in their way, must be swept aside. How stealthily this has been attempted by our foes I need not describe—how, instead of desig- nating their Acts by their proper R. S. HAYS Barrister, Solicitor; Conveyancer a,i •'t Notary Public. Solicitor for the Dominion Bank. Office in rear of the Dominion Bank, Seaforth. Money to loan. BEST t: EST i:arristers Solicitors, Conveyan- cers and Notaries Public, Etc. Office in the Edge Building, opposite The Expositor Office. JAMES L. KILLOHAN Barrister, Notary Public, etc. Money to loan. In Seaforth on Monday of each week. Office over Keating's Drug Store. VETERINARY IF. IHAR URN, V. S. Honor graduate of Ontario Veterin- ary College, and honorary member of the Medical Association of the Ontario Veterinary College. Treats diseases of all domestic animals by the most mod- ern principles. Dentistry and Milk Fever a specialty. Office opposite Dick's Hotel, Main Street, Seaforth. All orders left at the hotel will re- ceive prompt attention. Night calls received at the office. JOHN GRIEVE, V. S. Honor graduate of Ontario Veterin- ary College. All diseases of domestic animals treated. Calls promptly at- tended to and charges moderate. Vet- -arinary Dentistry a specialty. Office -and residence on Goderich Street, one door east of Dr. Mackay's Office, Sea- :`forth. ea- ;forth. MEDICAL DR. J. W. PECK Graduate of Faculty of Medicine McGill University, Montreal; member of College of Physicians and Surgeons of Oatario ; Licentiate of Medical lyouncil of Canada; Post -Graduate Member of Resident Medical Staff of General Hospital, Montreal, 1914-15. ` OIfice, 2 doors east of Post Office. Phone 56, Hetasail, Ontario. DR- A. NEWTON-BRADY Bayfield. Graduate Dublin University, Ire- land. Late Extern Assistant Master Rotunda "..Hoepitid far. Wclmen and Children,- in. i, ce ateresidenee Iatelf oeeupiedeby ,. Parsons. Hours, 9 to 10 a.m., 6 to 7 p.m.; Sundays. 1 to 2 p.m. 2866-26 5 DR.. F. J. BURROWS Office said residence Goderich Street, emit of the. Methodist church, Seaforth. Pone 46. Coroner for the County of Huron - DR. C. MACKAY C. Mackay, honor graduate of Trin- ity University, and gold° medallist of Trinity Medical College; member of the College of Physicians and Sur - aeons of Ontario. DR. 11. HUGH ROSS Graduate of University of Toronto Faculty of Medicine, member of Col- lege of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario; pass graduate courses in Chicago Clinical School of Chicago; Royal Ophthalmic Hospital, London, England; University Hospital, Lon- don, England. Office—Back of Do- minion Bank, Seaforth. Phone Ne. 5. )tight calls answered from residence, Victoria Street, Seaforth. AUCTIONEERS F. W. AHRENS Licensed Auctioneer for Perth and Huron Counties. Sales solicited, Beal Estate, Farm Stock, Etc. Terms on application. F. W. Ahrens, phone 634 r 6, .R. R. No. 4, Mitchell, Ont. 2996-52 rSCAR W. REEtr Licensed auctioneer for the Coun- ties of Perth and Huron. Graduate of Jones' School of Auctioneering. Chicago. Charges moderate, and sat- isfaction guaranteed. Write or wire Oscar W. Reed, Staffa, Ont. Phone 11-2. 2965a52 THOMAS BROWN Licensed auctioneer for the counties of Huron and Perth. Correspondence arrangements for sale dates can be made by calling up phone 91, Seaforth, or The Expositor Office Charges mod- erate, and satisfpc.ion guaranteed. OSCAR KLOPP Honor Graduate Carey Jones' Na- tional School of Auctioneering, Chi- cago. Special course taken in Pure Bred Live Stock, Real Estate, Mer- chandise and Farm Sales. Rates in keeping with prevailing market. Sat- isfaction assured. Write or wire, Oscar Klopp, Zurich, Ont. Phone 18-98. 2866-52 . T. LUKER Lieetlsed auctioneer for the County d Enron, Sales attended to in all parte ate the Bounty. Seven yersre' ex- .perlette4kin Manitoba and Sasktatche- eaaonabls. . Plsono No to tt, Ceiitrnlia,,P, 0., R. sa - n left at T'11e urd il' eq Santer , $ Jnpt!v` �ja'hed� `qq i1C estrllist,£eT E:, a�lM , (boo the. Peeple , h,ne. their eoaxtents!) ander the dec l lv name of i'1'Tnion Acts1"- -bout as,; too nefarious deed was perpetrated, . aitr, treaoherees brethren, as Jeedas 'Masted. the -Saviour, took us by the bauel. tn`. quiet oar fear and whispeered, , "You'll still be the Church of Scot- land!"—how the moment the fatal Bills pasaed (without even being read!) they raised a shout pf triumph and cried, "you're sold! you're sold!" Yes; -indeed, sold into' captivity! as Joseph was sold by his brethren so the good Kirk was sold into the hands of her spoilers by her own sons! Now bound in captive chains she lies desolate her lamentations heard all along the dark banks of the St. Lawrence, where, like captive Is- rael, we may now hang our harps on the willows and weep for our beloved Zion! Alas! for the beauty of Israel! how is the mighty fallen! how doth the city sit solitary that was full of peo- ple! all her friends have dealt treach- erously with 'her, they are become her enemies! How is the gold be- come dim! How beautiful was our beloved Zion! but yesterday she was the joy and env of the whole land! so flourishing and prosperous, her !people so happy and contented, each "sitting under his vine and fig tree." What a blessing she has been to Can- ada for generations, and how mani- fold her claim, to her regard! How many good people have I met in this country who told me they were in- debted for all their spiritual blessings to the good Scotch ministers who long ago had christened them, given them Bibles, and pireached to them Jesus. How many a "wilderness and solitary place" was made glad by the Scotch ministers who scattered around the blessings of religion and, knowledge -- now all is changed. Our Holy Place is desolated—Edomites and Babylon- ians—unhallowed union—have laid her in ruins! Of nearly two hundred churches in which the Gospel was preached in all its purity to the peo- ple of Canada, all but a few have been seized by a new sect, the propa- gators of unsound doctrine. .Our calamities are indeed indescrib- able. Exactly as I foresaw from the commencement of the Union plot, so have events turned out. Ever since the obnoxious Acts came into force we have heard of nothing over Can- ada but the seizing and sacking of Scotch Churches, the , smashing of doors and locks, andnthe occupancy of the sacred edifices by gangs of ruf- ' flans and licensed freebooters who even to the blessed Sabbath took pos- session of the same by brute force, While too frequently the rightful owners, who, out of their hard won earnings, and often amid great hard- ships and privations to themeslves•and families, reared the sacred buildings in the.eaely settlemept of .the,,Colony, were driven out of then, by those who neverpaid a cent towards their erec- tion! What are the persecuted Church of Scotland people to do? The old settlers cannot begin anew, with the vigor of other days, to build new :churches. They haven't the means to do so; . and even if they did the oppressive Acte empowering a Unionist, or rather communist rabble, to seize at any future time any Scotch Churches, would soon depi+ve them of these also. Driven from their own Churches some are now worship- ping in wooden barns and log houses, some in public halls, anch come under the shelter of the forest, many now going nowhere, and others, despairing of obtaining justice in Canada, pre- paring to leave for a country where they can worship God in freedom. The entire property of the Church of Scotland, real and personal, to -the value of millions was, on the 15th of June, 187+5, confiscated to the use of a new and hostile sect, her temporali- ties parted among strangers, her churches, manses, and lands, and her very Colleges held by the same, and even her ,Widows and Orphans de- prived and robbed of their rightful funds by the same locust army of Unionists. Funds, donations and grants, property of every description from Imperial gifts down to the last dollar of the hard workingmen's col- lections every green leaf, is devoured by the Union legion of grasshoppers! The horse leaches still cry "give, give!"—and there is no satisfying their voracious maw. But the Con- fiscation Acts affect not us merely, but the whole community. The pub- lic now see that there is no security for property in Canada, for they who could twist the small term in the Confederation Act giving power to legislate on property to the terrible meaning of wholesale confiscation of it, can interpret any other word in it as it pleases them, and confiscate property of every kind and tyrannize over people's consciences too, and Britain will never hear of it! But not only is the Church of Scotland robbed and plundered, she is insulted at the same time. In case her con- gregations remain true to her they must undergo the humiliation of vot- ing on the subject, her sworn foes being empowered to vote along with them! And unless they submit to this horrible degradation of voting on the vital question of their very exist- ence they are, in sitz months, (accord- ing to the Mowat Government) not only .stripped of every vestige of pro- perty, but also themselves regarded as Unionists in the eye of the law! Atrocious degradation! Why the Motvvat Government had quite as much right on the said 15th of June to con- fiscate our 'property to the use of Catholics, Episcopalians, or Mahem- medans, or Mormons, and enact that all the ministers of the Chure'h of Scotland would henceforth be includ- ed in one or other of these sects un- less by some humiliating process of voting they declared themselves out of such sects! Yes! the time-honor- ed Church of Scotland is insulted by her people being even asked to vote whether they would retain their own not! All her members are insulted by such a proposal. It is the same thing as if the children of a beloved ,ri,other were tempted to leave her— as if they were asked vehether they would be dutiful or undutiful to her= - whether they wool retain their own mother; or take a strange woman! What intuit be the course brutal feel- C'C'jJC ZlY.anl�f C PSC' f • ef 1'3 i F I .l Shoe:Dfess ig CAKE OR LickUib Paws it ar saaaad after every meal. Gifye the family the benefit of i ti s aid to digestion. Cleans teeth toe. seep it always fan the hofa9e. 9�1 7j eine'' ly," Wllet y eye, owl h of tt tl.td nth fight privileges' 1 ;,3' vote; my blood 4041 i wttikl and my ,advise was for to take no notlee of 'tt er sinces,exp14, sttu"i(i? taiterferenceitwaof like14' etil er 11s Ct The Churdh of Olirist, and an,; edi t„Ipla3erseention. TO vote •on•• the gnoatietz of retaining or abandon. Ing a religion more sacred to us than all the -IA -dugs of this world-- e! Prov- ing iidlse or standing true oto princi- ples for Which our fathers bled and died, olid which our Holy Religion has taught wiefrorn infancy to regard as dearer than life itself, I considered as insult axiloutrage to our feelings of love. 'and veneration for our beloved M;otlhe'r Church. It was, indeed, a fiery trial; yet not to lose their churches, and have old and young deprived of -the benefits of a publl% ministry in connection with the Church of Scotland, many congre- gations, in terms of the tyrannical Acts, submitted to the revolting meas- ure of voting whether they would be true to their Kirk or betray her?.How the beams of our brave countrymen heaved with indignant sorrow at being reduced to this degrading step; and how the heart of Scotland will heave with indignant wrath when she hears of it, I need not describe. And hogs did our Church stand the fiery ordeal'? In her long and glorious history she has passed through many trials, but this was the most degrading; It will be scarcely credited out of Canada that one,of a majority of her oppon- ents, though obtained by bribery, could decide the fate of her property —to obtain which every species of corruption, false oaths, falsehood and violence was employed by the Union- ists, under -whose threats many un-. thinking people were driven like cattle into tbe. Union, part believing they would still be the Church of Scotland and part they would be the Free Church! .To secure the vote on their side, :and. -.prevent it on ours, every disgraceful low trick was practicedby the 'Union men. Waren the vote went in their .favor it was all right, when in oursit'wes all wrong! and lawsuits immediately entered against us! Everything we did was objected to. If female communicants' votes were taken, it was pronounced illegal if only majO. otes, it was the sante thing. In short; -the Unionists boasted they were baacked by the Legislatures, and whatever 'they did, however wrong, vvglw��lri be ;declared by the Law Courts to hefriglitt and that whatever we did, 'hough •piefectly fair, would be pro- aein cel elegal, for the party in pow- er' (Grit's), Were determined to destroy the Chux+ciri: of Scotland, and extermin- ate Eri'1ish'national feeling in Canada. .Timet%s not permit me to dwell on all the eases of oppression endured by oureghttrejo over the length and . the 'breadth of Canada, and the heart buraiagaeaod hardships of our, people driven out of their own churches, and plundered of their Funds, and having no phice?4or the assembling of "them selves=,together. Scotch Church ser - vitae, .prayer meetings, and Sabbath Schools .;re • all broken up, and aged men t. brought to the. grave with sorrowlosing the Kirk, and the aroung -dhiren •asking when the Sab- :bath .Schhialal of. their beloved Kirk would he opened. again! Sighing and lainantation..are. heard over the whole land at the desolation of our beloved Zion. In some cases -the Union sect, ere it was one mpnth old, acted the tyrant and oppressor towards the venerable Church of Scotland. Wit- ness the cases of Montreal, Lachine, Beechbridge, Glengarry, Beauharnois, "Dundee, Lancaster, Lochial, Williams- town, Williamsburg, Osnabruck,Perth, Ottawa, HaWkesbnry, Scarboro, West ;King, Thorah, tHlaamiiton, Galt, Milton, Binbrook, Anteater, Woodstock, West- minster, London, Richwood, Paisley, Bayfield and- Many other places where there was a majority for the Church of Scotland, and especially the cases of Montreal, London, Paisley and oth- ers where there were overwhelming majorities for`lier, and in such cases as Lachine, • Beechbridge, Lancaster, Milton, where they were unanimous for her—still in all these cases, the Union Presbyteries did their utmost to deprive the Kirk of what even the wretched Acts allowed her—either breaking up the Scotch meetings by brute force, or straining every quibble of law to nulify 'their vote. Thus, even when our Churches submitted to vote and had the vote in their favor, they were often doomed to disappoint- ment—the law being a mockery, it came to the same thing, as if they had disregarded it altogether. elcaq�'4�� solyh ha 44. Qaa. tom enta e ad. the axaeetau V.Ail glia: est iu�truders va.... at dna txary, .The pre 4 p dared the. C.hu lb, of sok itt jority by a lawful ql,iid fare'. roto-., yet, .the first. 'Sabbath akftisri the; church was taken by the :Unaotnstet by brute force in violation o every right and law this outrage a Image tioned by the ]Enron Presbytery (Un ionist), and though the Scotch Choral/;, was entitled in law to the property,' that Presbytery in the most unjust and oppressive manner encouraged the defeated handful of Unionists to try the case in law. Expensive litiga- tions have been the consequence, which though they have not a shadow of a ground of law to go upon, .ore yet carried on in order to. ]ruin and impoverish the Scotch party, andulti:• mately drive theme into Unica'. ' (Continued next week.) London and Bayfield are, perhaps, the most glaring instances of the op- pression under wbich our Church now groans. In the former the Scotch Chureh, by an overwhelming major- ity decided three times to remain true to the Kirk of Scotland, and ev- en by the oppressive Mlowat. Act was therefore, entitled to hold its proper- ty. What follows? The persecuting Unionists raise a Chancery suit a- gainst the congregation, expensive litigations are carried on in order to ruin it, and a Chancellor's decision at last expels from their own Church the whole Scotch congregation—in- terdicts the trustees under penalties of forty -thousand dollars ($40,000), or ten thousand dollars each, from using the building for behoof of said Scotch congregation, and lastly de- bars the Scotch minister, lawfully appointed, to preach in it, from preaching again the Gospel of Christ in said Scotch Church to the said Scottish audience under another pen- alty of ten thousand dollars, or fifty thousand dollars in all! Most infam- ous. oppression! Has Bismarrk, the tyrant oppressor of Christians in Prussia, come to Canada? Has the spirit of the great German Chancel- lor passed .intothe small Canadian one? Fifty thousand dollars' penal- ties against inoffensive Scottish Christians for promulgating the Gos- pel in their own Scotch Church!!! Why, such deeds carry us back to the days of the Charleses and the bloody Judge Jefferiee, of the 17th century, when the Nott -Conformists of Eng- land and the- Covenanters of Scotland were fined and plundered in a similar manner. end aftaearcla coaderssned to the scaffold, the 'gibbet, and the stake CANADA Quebec, Que.—A total of 1,577 set - tiers for the Dominion disembarked from the first two Canadian Pacific passengers liners to touch here this spring from European ports, Mos of the new settlers were from the British Isles and Northern Europe. The domestics and farm laborers are coming to assured positions, while the balance either have farm engage- ments or have arranged to take up flarm lands in the West. Victoria, B. C.—A stand of Van- couver Island timber `was purchased by Frank J. Barnjum, to be preserved in a. park as an example to posterity of the tall monarchs that existed in British Columbia before they were leveled by the woodman's axe, it was announced here. Annapolis, N. S.—On the occasion of the 300th anniversary of the es- tablishment of the Order of Baronets of Nova Scotia, on May 6th,a tablet was unveiled in Fort Anne, Annapolis, Royal, ' N. S. The historical society of Annapolis .,Royal had charge of the proceedipgs and.a lecture was de- livered by the .Rev. . W. Bruce Muir. Beneath the tablet was hung a bean: tifui drawing ii colons of the badge of the baronets of Nova” Scotia. Victoria, B. C.—A grr.nd-arnival ball, with street illumination and torchlight processions and Venetian nights at the Gorge and inner harbor will mark the official opening of the. Crystal .. Garden, 'from June 26th to filly 1st, ia this city. The Crystal Garden is Victoria's latest and larg- est amuseteent r park. ENGLAND AND WALES Queen Victoria's robe of red has been eonve!ted into two complete vestment ,sets. This historic dress was _ presented to the Roman Catholic THE Er STEEL STEAMER`G' $4.00 • Round Tip SAPE, SPEEDY, - CQM FORTABLE, WILL LEAVE 'GAODERICR 42n5A -- Otte Wi TUESDAY, JUNE 9th, at 930 a.m Arriving Port Huron 1.30 pan., Detroit 530 pari]. • Returning leaves Detroit 1 pan., Thursday, June 11th The .only boat trip from Goderich to Detroit this season: Child- ren' hetween 6 and 12,: half fare, Visit- year Michigan friends and gees Wg bgtly Da@ti�olt, A delightful trip Aver the great later - national highway highway oilakes, and:,,rrvere..:' a` moons ur Q ctougOICR Monday, June 8th;: "at .8 O Ftmi. FINZEL'S Orchestra for dancing in steamer's, new ball room.. Three hours on beautiful Lake Huron for 50c. Children 25c. Last Trip, Goderich to Detroit, Friday, June 12th at 930 a.m. Women's Missionary League of Lon- don, which converted it„ into vest- ments and is disposing of them on behalf of its funds. Executions in England and Wales, since January, 1901, amounted to 340,. five of whom were women. The nurmber of death sentences passed in that period, according to Sir William; Joynson-Hicks, the Home Secietaiy, in a statement issued in reply to a parliamentary question, was 621 on• 545 men and 76 women, Live badger in bath streets recent- ly caused lots of excitement, , . The - animal, meeting a policeman . on his beat, bolted into a coal cellar and a police-serggeant with exper ience in badger h.unting was called. Hepro- cured a shovel, ,.and :after the animal had .sprung twice at • him, , killed it.' The badger was found to 'weigh sev- enteen eventeen• and one-half. pounds. Decline in shipbuilding in Great Britain is featured in Lloyd's 'Regis- ter -returns up. to .March 311st. 'Ton- nage under construction in Great Bri- tain and: Irfeland:is about 132,000 tons less than at the end of -December, 1924, and abut 308,-0D0 tons less than 12 months : „ego. In. other - sou rice the total tonnage is 2,231.442x- boat. 58,000more than at . the end of . De- eember. Two historic - ruins are reported* to have been presented to the nation by tee Icovr— The famous Domestic Science authority and Director of the Maple Leaf Club who has prepared a unique course of 20 lessons (sent you by mail) on Cookery Arts and Kitchen Management. Mem- bership in the Maple Leaf Club—the valuable course and personal addvisory service of Anna Lee Scott is FREE to every housewife Who uses Maple Leaf Flour. the late Marquis Curzon. They are Tattershall .Oaatlee Lincolnshire,- and Bodian Casttle Sussex: The former was built about 1440 and:the Iattes 1886. It was frown . Tatte s akl '. that the fa ru us fireplsees „ser 4111 9supposedira to 1be,,ig' United States,' tensing mt Lbrd Curzon saved anis restoi#lhem, 'ire des troyed lighthouse aVLan- gueed' Point at the entrap* of` :Rar- un'iii ;1 arbor. ' �vwo men_ .pvtire u#'jured by an explosion which preceded the fire. A cottage adjoining-the,..11ight- house - was also - destroyed. • Men who 'were emlipipyed . ,by the TkinitY410nso Corporation were adjustiilg,the valve, of. the acetylene gas tanks when. the explosion occurred. Ships entering al�vviah °Rabor were directed by lights placed on lifebuoys near Lan - guard Point: 111 the Nine thousand candy eggs were seized at Liverpool and' destroyed, The- eggs were reported . to be of a Peculiar calor, amid thisdanalysis show. &d the ens tt. contain 31 per cent. rof eiiiceo}'fs matter, consisting main- ly of par-tieiee,,Qf;quartz, with a few minute fragments of glass. There were oleo. laces of le d; Topper, and zinc„ and n Charlie ,lie . cp entity of woody material of thewnatu e,of saw. Ow* Meek ahoee ate, '.01 -nem whieii the eggs _j?ie!re.mail .. con$,aned ohne ilar elements, .-aaid<,also, fragments oiti metal, some ironand some, leand, Hundreds .of Delightful New Cookery Creations an4 a Weatth of ,Original Ilouselt ld Ideas OFF'1`ER.® woman who takes pride in her cooking or in kg p1ng abreast of the newest ideas in .ostial eritertainmeeat can afford to overlook this wonderful FREE Anna Lee Scott,the renowned Domestic Science Expert, has prepared a course -the finest ever written on Cookery Arts and Kitchen Management. This course costs you nothing—not even postage. Four lessons come to you prepaid each month. Thirty minutes each week is time enough to study the lessons. No blanlca to fill in., No examinations. No correspondence unless you wish to write in to,Anna Lee Scott for personal advice on special recipes or regarding methods of preparing and serving special dishes for special occasions. This amazing free offer is made to introduce Maple LeafJFlour, for Bread, Cake and Pastry,, Here is a flour you will enjoy using --an unexcelled pro- duct of ,elected Canadian hard wheat, so carefully milled and tested as to make possible its sale under a definite guarantee of uniformity and satisfaction. HOW TO JOIN THE MAPLE LEAF CLUB AN ENROLL FOR THIS VALUABLE COURSE Coupons will be found enclosed isa Every Bag of Maple Leaf Flour. (24 ib. bag -1 coupon; 49 lb. bag -2 coupons; 98 lb. bag -4 coupons). Send only four coupons addressed to the Maple Leaf Club,'Maple Leaf Milling Co., Limited, Toronto, Ontario, and you will be enrolled without one cent of expense as a member of the Maple Leaf Club and receive the first four lessons in the course. Other lessons will be sent in four monthly instal- ments -4 lessons each month. (20 lessons altogether). Your dealer knows about Anna Lee Scott acrd the Maple Leaf Club Plan. Ask laiin for particulars today. Maple Lee Milling Co., Limited Head Office: Toronto, Ontario dire