The Huron Expositor, 1925-05-29, Page 8•
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' ',Golden
• them PAL TheY
, -1PriteY W Ike Idgher in
' e ,, 1 ieds bat the geed-
y i ,
Our eteighbora-etheeell
' , 1.8c; Tomatoes, 20c.
wi,i-B I GooDs are ja a
themselves. We have
Bantam Corn; Sweet
Ccorn• Black and White
rf' 1
St. Gatleaeirtesei6eieece
Mr. S. T. Kellneel, ef towel - , e
G Wheter. Dick is eleeil •
Bir- R- , . • , . ee.
old &afar* holt whO m'Aung Pqa t
in leis adopted city. I e now has a elLel:"_.
feneral beme and a large and sue- ':,.x`aa.
ful derlaking business in St.
c...ess • ''''''' .
oatharmee ,and his mauy old f ' d
oe lad to learn of hisrlecno:
nere win g
tinued success.
le4 .
A eit •• R. 'Oa."' t,,
mwepelixa" 11. '1 4
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°aria, 4744 4.44 .61'1' •41iliee''' batia
anit.er4‘2,0he'-ialk 41kolanletecouvw, a}s 14,..
0.0.F„ under whene AAAPiges Cog fi-gle
- e to beetle
, r•We have a
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:• re carried • ea.
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ve some, eiteepe
t n , in B ROOM ,
a' 4,,,e' - „,'" .eilleaanisvo°eathsae:elisttsle.lit,1 . ,
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Mene ur Wall Papers.
es , A
test Wde
'Ss• ,Perot,
vOrSitY; -ia".01416411ret pereetee.vee
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la. Se,
y, ,leep.',"..:
Abe J. Wilson.
P- '
p a''
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' •"
ei V
, emies, .
.VEX DUTCH COCOA leads them
't-' 'all, andehe price is no higher 25c
at per tin
0:1,10All is reasonable and we
Go .„,....The golf season at e ea-
forth Golf and Country Club was
opened on Victoria Day by the Cap -
tain vs. Vice Captain match. ---
though the day was cold, windy and
, ,•
eral will be 'held ore Wedets,delrafters
noon next, at three o'clock, freen the
funeral parlors of• 114. D. J. Jenkins,
Bastion Street. ReY. E. G, Taylor, a OOKS
friend for Ittany years of the deceaa-° "
. ',771"---
;';..- . suoloyagt.,
- • ' ' '•".-
eV -lather-, -Wt. --Miss
ROA Barton? of Willow-,,Greee, spent
the. /Midday with' her parente, Mr. and
Ore. Areh Bartmie-Mr. D., H. Stew-
art.sRent the Week tad in. Toronto.--,
Mr Arthur 'Scott,- Of 'Wiiser, spent
believe a good time to lay in your
disagreeable, tlnere was a fair turn-
ed, will conduct the funeral services." ''." . „. 1
Abe weekend; at...thee:10*e .:43t..1.4la
FLOUR also is on the upward grade
ONE FOR FOOle--No. 8.
out of raembers and a good game.
The following wan the score:
Captain. Vice Captain.
Wilson 0 southgao ... .1
. e • '
. Mrs. 4 , rieVe, also of SeafOrth. ,,r,„
waetea.-wie ei, washing at home. apply One so; Lie 'rank Cluff, was Itile- ,
Box 189, Seaforth, Ont. 2998x2 ed oireiree)fee ''Tiee funeral Wee- aeee.
For Sale_ --,Three good cows. heavY min= -c--- ea..' -,i.e.,,,''' e e.• A.... .-.• ft
acorn ee,e eaueerateine on Thurseeer a- e
191cr .
fether at. Reetbeire,e--nes-Br_40,.flaV§ Pf.-
• .k . - 6*. .t . •
rent°, was a wee -,felede ,, ..e.
th home of g.- G . r '.- Pethielesee
e • ' F Ii -'. 't
Mrs. Phillips, of -ores .,es the VMS ':
- - -
of re T. 111cIntes • ---Misa•Ger-
" '
, r Strcyi t
S (
Schaefer 0 Bissonette .... 1
T. Dodds 0 0. Neil 1
0 Barber 1
_ ternoMia, inte0eent being aa he
131 e -,
Cattle Salt. -We will unload a ear of Cattle ilaalt1214;laWqemetery.
salt on June 5rd and 4th. Book orders off e ,
trade Cardno of Stratford, spent the
' h parent eie d el e
e4 -t with her paren , r. an re.
' • • 1
They are'.-in4, .-, ,
pro .„
Willis 0 Ameitt ........!
0 McLean J-
ear. W. M. Stevrart. 29984
Ho.. to Rent. Modern conveniences, rent Ro3,TvS.cott, w;::
1 ''''''-''.' i C i 1 r
Luella' 11 I: 6.
0, C.sirdno.-Miss Agnes McKay,
of /resider, spent the laoliday at her
•ty and Style, bit*, ,,.,
Halfnight .
to suit renter. Apply at The Bxpositor Office. and . i:?' Brooklyn ,,,,..
Y-'' w'?"'e .legine
bre .-.-Mr Glen Colbert., of
, , , . ,
'IL .
Department Exams. -The Entrance
examinations commence on Wednes-
day, June 24th, and continue for three
days. Grammar, Writing and Geog-
raphy are the subjects for the first
2978-te gueste Ovie'ree'ethe week end at the ,London
For Sale. -New and second hand lavrn . homes of '''Mr.e..eind Mrs, J. G. Mee'
inowera and garden hose. Apply to A. Bar- ,:,,.., -,_ . , ••• .,-'
ton, Seaforth. . micnael in..Harporhey, and
*- • .
frame house, electric lights, soft water in Mr John
Mr Scott is a
For Sale or Rent by 15th of June, Zo"O"mtgeci Scott, nt H2O-;lebero. . .
former well'klionrn Seaforth boy, and
house ; on South Main Street. Al2)1913,74f to a son of WireAaines Scott, the. former
spent the week end with Sea-
forth friends.-eVer. James Sleeth, of
Sarnia was a week end • guest at the.
herne pf Mr. aied Mrs. W. M. Stew-
art. 'ie. and Mrs. Robert Smith, or
e- e
the foremost dress drtists of: -
ttry after designs
web .-00.1.1 -
. '
Let us Ihielp you plan your Garden.
We have a big ass-ortment to make a
choice from:
Asters Marigolds petunias
Ageratum Stocks Dahlias, Etc.
Everlasting Phlox
Verbenas Zinnias
ansies Dianthus, Pink
day; Arithmetic and Literaturefor
the second day, and Composition,
Spelling and History on the last day.
Lower school examinations startprice,„
June 23rd, and end on June 6th. For
the middle school the tests begin on
June 22nd, and extend to July 7th.
with no subjects to be written on
the nth and 26th. Students of the
Thomas Andrew.
Sp ectal Optical "cr.-High grade gold- owner or ,,,tlee-Sea forth Electrical
filled spectacles and eiie glassm with best . Mr,'Scott -ind his f le.ere
- .* c B kl '' .1._
flat spherical lenses for only $4.00. All on a motor trip frOnl, TOO yn lAJ
other style of 'frames and lenses at lowest CI rt ......;
Eyes examined by my. Hugbson. to, eau erane4..seo,„. Vancouver and Vic. -
1 t' al rt for Kent's Toronto and toria, frona which port they will sael
mer y op ie expert . . . ,, ,•••-•-•.•:, .. ..-.
later for Henry Morgan & Co., Montreal. in a few weeiss 1
.., or Japan, For seer-
The best optical work to be obtained and ate p.7,1 - • •
moderate pri . Monday d Tuesday, June - years r.,,Scott has been, en-
. . . gaged witle.theeWestinghouse Electric
8th and 9th Beattie's Fair. Seaforth 2998-2
Company in,thel...Southern States and
Ghesleye spent the holiday 'with Sea-
forth friencis.--Mr. and lVfa-s. john
Cowan and Mr. end Mrs. Taylor, of
Sarnia, -spent ehe week .end at the
home of Mrs. James Cowan. ,---- Mrs.
Harry Beattie,' (AL -.Vancouver, is
spendiog a few weeks at home
here. -Mr. and Mrs. Stewart sininie
and Mr. Ivan Smilliee of Toronto,
by the world's leading style
. .
origi natots. ' They offer an
leasin relief
unusually p ,g. .
from the many common -
I• ,
upper school have examinations. each
day, from June 22nd to July 7th.
Brooklyn, end -et is in the interests of
that firrn that lee is going to Janan,
FootbalL-On Wednesday -
were week end guests at the home a
.. .
' Alex: Gray, in Eginondeille.-*
The Cadete of the Seaforth Collegiate
place creations. •
Geraniums Cannes Salvia
McIfilllop W. M. S. -The McKillop
evening where he eeepects- to remain for the
-of last week the Hurons of Tucker -. .. . - - •- -
next tevieeer.;tiiree years.- War-
• . .
Institute will march in a body and
Tomatoes Cabbage Peppers
Branch of the W. M. S. rnet at the
home of of Mrs. D. MeCowen, on Thurs-
day, May 2Ist. The greater part of
was spenin quilting,
the afternoon t
smith in all their war paint motored ren Anima, dt.:.Petroit, spent the hrele
to Winthrop to give battle to Ferg days with iiinIparents here. -Mr. Jack,
Bullard and his ten warriors. Long ..,...
before the ball was kicked off at n
ce - ..............
attend First Presbyterian church next
Sunday evening.- Special- music will
be f 'shed by the miale quartette
and .choir. -Miss Elizabeth McCowan,
' .
$5.00- to $22.50
Choke early Celery now ready...
Attractive Cut Flowers
Cemetery Vases
after which the programme was held,
President, Mrs. J. R. Scott, pre_
siding. 1Virs. Robert Archibald led in
tre a good crowd was lined up to see --
' -the
the warriors. in action. In the first PARAMOUNT'S COMPANION
IE the Winthropites had things PICTURE •T:0- `.E COVERED
much their they -WAGON"
of Toronto, spent the holiday -at -her
home in Roxboro. ,She was accom-
panied back to the city by Miss Mary
McGowan. -Mrs. A. 1cMurray has
Well_filled Banging Baskets Ready
Greenhouses on the Goderich Road
2 blocks west of Main Street, Clinton,
Ont.; Flower Shop at the Can. Nat
Express Office.
Phones, I76W and 31.
the opening prayer and the Bible
reading was taken by Mrs. John Me_
Nay. Mrs. G. T. Turnbull gave a
very interesting report of the Pro_
vincial meeting of the W. M. S. held
in London. Mrs. Drover read the
Messenger prayer. The meeting was
closed by all repeating the Lord's
pretty own way as , . .,
had the advantage a the wind and
the Hurons try as they might, could kT
, . ,4 p 34,
not make much headway against • "'
Ferg. and his noble warriors, with the or 11 Oi up,
, .,- •
result that when the whistle was
blown for the first period Winthrop ,.,--.--
was leading, the score being 1-0. It -..--.-• .TRAIL
was not long in the half be- Also -by
returned frona a visit with friends in
Goderich and Blyth. --Mr. and Mrs.
1 Harrigan of Chatham spent
T eS • , ' , ,
the week end with friends in Seaforth
and vicinity. -Mrs. Robert French Was
called to London on Saturday owing
to the seriout illness of her daughter,
who has been in the' hospital there
• . . ,
An range of all ldnds of
--Stylish. New' Hosiery, is in stock
-osiery ,x„,,,,,...,,,..-: WEEK WE AIEN^
prayer, after which lunch was served
by Mrs. McCowan.
second writte. n Emerson Rough
fore the Hurons swooped down with .
the help - the And a re.dheeded girl who, vyith 15
for some time. -Mrs. A. S. Walker
. 'IVIr.
------ • .., - •
1. LADIES' ART 'SILK HOSE. Sizes 8%, 9, 93. Shades, Azure,
Thrush, Banana and Black. - -
Won Gold Medal. -The School of
of wind and all sails
unfurled and put the contest on even co-wha.ndsAn.chai•ge of her 45. 00 head
footing. And, of wild longhorns, blazed its thou-
end family, of .Whigham; and
Mrs. W. A. Chapman, a Hamilton;
SPECIAL PRICE- .' . • 53c
Cominerce, Clinton, the pleasure
during the past week of presenting
although the Win-
throp supporters made their war cries sand miles, 44,trackless wilderness,
loud fording e•ivers and repelling
Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Chapnian, Mrs.
Chapman's mother Mrs. Pettigrew,
- -
2. LADIES SILK HOSE, really--beautifue Stockings.. Sizes 8% to
10. Shades 'Sand, Suede, Brown, Champagne, Peach,
to. Miss Mary McCowan, of Seaforth,
Ont., a gold medal awarded by the
Remington Type Co., for proficiency
in typewriting. The required stand-
ing for this Medal is that a student
and l'ong their' t,eam was up a-_
gainst too strong a handicap for the attacks of heetile Indians and more
dangerous whibos-by-product of the
Hurons were not to be denied and af- ,, - - e e l: •
ter persistently trying finally manag- ' i war. ., ,
ed to add another goal to their credit GIGANTIC. is the only word that
d D Garnet Cha' pniare. of Bridge-
burg, rinotored to Seaforth' on Sat -
urday and spent Sunday and the holi-
day at the home a their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. W. E. Chapman. -Mr. and
Pongee and Black 'and White.,. . 98c
your design from our varied as-
SOTtment of high grade Wall
should type, on new work, for t,en
minutes at a net rate of 55 words per
and put the game on ice. As this is actually descnbes "NORTH OF 36"
the first appearance of Winthrop in and does it justice. The picture is
the W. F. A. they deserve in ways. The is
Mrs. Peter Daley spent the week end
withtheir daughter, Mrs. S. Cudmore
in Usborne.-Mr. Mrs. William
Papers, and we are sure you will
be supremely satisfied, because all
of them are artistie and perfect
in quality. Come in • and look
them over.
We carry a complete line of
Paints, Varnishes, Mureseo, Win
minute with not more than 5 errors.
Mi McCowan exceeded this stand-
. ssb "t' t 0min-
ing y wri ing a. 6 words per .
te absolutely without error. Thisthe
u- . •
record was considered so exceptional
and commendable that letters were
received from the Managers of both
great credit gigantic many' cast
and although they met with defeat gigantic, the. scenes are gigantic-
they put up a great battle and went everything ebout the picture fairly
down with colors flying. Reid, of breathes the were -from - opening
Seaforth, refereed the game and scenes to the final fade out.
came in for a great deal of criticism. Heading' cast are
LOIS Witse* and
Dutot and Mrs. G. Peterson, of Com-
bra, spent the week' end with rela-
tiyes in Seaforth -and Bracefield.-
Miss Futz Beattie is visiting Miss
Beth Barton in London this week. -
Mr. and MTS. W-a-nless, of Milverton;
Some of the most beautifully de -
- oyes . signed Gloves that ever Came to
this were
dow Shades, Curtain Rods, Eetc.
the Londona d T r t office
. n o on o . s of the
Remington CD., congratuleting both
Anniversary Services. -Spring an ERNEST TORRANCE
Mrs. Wanless, of Varna, and Miss
Ella Turnbull and Miss Beirnes, of
store opened recently and
are now en sale.
. . .
"We Save You Money"
the School and the student on the ex-
cellency of the work. Miss MeCow-
an received her diploina from the
school on Friday, and left on Monday
eiversary services were held in First featured in the former picture.
Presbyterian Church on Sunday last, NOW BEING SHOWN
whenhell Rev. H. L Benniethe, BD., of
itcoccupied pulpit both MATINEE SATURDAY,.3 p.m.
• ' Evenings,
Toronto, were holiday guests at the
hoe of Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Turn-
bull. -Mr. Welter Scott, of Walker-
ville, spent. the holiday at the hotne
NEW SILK GLOVES; with the new pleseted cuff, in the very heteet
shades to match. the shades in hosiery. - $2.00
Sizes 6 to 73. PRICE , .
Opposite Expositor Office.
for Toronto where a position awaits
morning and evening. Mr. Bennie ie 25 and 15 cents.
a preacher of great force, eloquence Matinee, 15 and 10 cents.
and character, and his sermons on
of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. T. G.
Scott. -Miss Florence. Laidlaw, of
NEW DRESS KID GLOVES, fancy- enebroidered cliffs. Sizes 6 to
7%. Trefousse make. $2.75 t„,°.- $3.25
At the Bowling Green. -Monday,
May 25th, the weather was just as
cold as the most pessimists could ex-
both occasions were listened to with
the keenest interest and profit by
congregations that filled the large
• rirt.cess
,, ..
Toronto, spent the week end at the
home of her raother.--Mise F. J.
Kerslake,. Who has been seriously ill
with at the home her
• .
pect, but the enthusiastic bowler
church. Special music was furnished
pneumonia of
daughter, Mrs. D. I.
shivered and laughed at the cold
by the choir under the leadership of
Hill, at Water -
ford, has been to her
Are still good and prices low -3, 4,
or 5 for $1.00, as to size. Season
nearly over.
PLANTS. -Better assortment than
usual at 25 c
letc SCRIBBLERS for 5c. A clearing
lot to arrive.
DUTCH CLEANSER, 3 for ....35c
TEA. -Our 75c Special Black or Mix-
ed Tea we are now selling at 70c.
We maintain this is better tea than
any package tea we know at 75 o
85c. Try it and see.
STEEL WOOL -Fine, medium and
course, 10e; a wonderful help in
EGGS.-We buy for trade or cash on
a liberal graded basis and at high -
est market price. ,
rorthwest winds, and when the day
ended, all reported a real fine time.
TI ere were 3i-; pqayers in action. or
18 rinks of Scotch Doubles for the
opening tournament. W. G. Willis and
Adam Dodds carried away the first
prize, while R. E. Bright and T. G.
Scott captured the second. There
was some real classy playing and
closely contested ends, some furnish-
ing abundant thrills.
-On June 3rd, commencing at 9
o'clock a.m., the first open Scotchville
Doubles Tourney will be staged, com-
peting for the New Savauge Trophy,
along with first and second prizes for
the first event, and valuable first and
second prizes in the conSolation event.
All entries must be in the hands of
the Secretary before 9 o'clock Tues -
day evening, the first 36 rinks being
Mr. Rennie
M. oreanistR. , addand Mrs. Rennie,ed much to the enjoy-
ment of the services, the anthe be-
i "Break Feaith Into Joy" and
"Lead Kindly Light:" At the morn-
• •
lng service the choir male quartette
composed of 111.essrs. M. R. Rennie,
D F. McGregor, John Beattie and J.
Scott san "Th I * ,,
g, ere s a Green Hill,
and at the evenin service the Scott
uartette com egd
q , pos a Messrs. John
and James Scott Arthur Scott, of
Windsor and Roy' Scott, f B I I
, o Brooklyn,, < yn,.
gave a most pleasing number. The
choir e , .
wa. also ,assisted by Mr Jas
' '
Sleeth, of Sarnia an old Seaforth bo
who san a solo'at eac, service. MrY.
Sleeth hgas a wondeerfucl voice clear,
. , ,
net and highly trained and his
selections not only greatly' appreciat-
ed and enjoyed by the congregations,
',mut will remain a
Come to this Spinster Conven-
tion and see the old mUids
transformed 'Ante • beautiful
young maidens' 'before your
own eyes, in
WALKER'S HALL, Brucefield
to be given by _the Kelly Circle
of Brucefield Church, on .
, .
Thursday Evening; JUNE 4th
at 8.15
.. •
Price 25C.
able return to
home here and is much improved. -
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Wigg and family
and Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Scott spent
the holiday at Durham.--eDr. Graham
Dr. Brown and Mr. D. Connell, of
Toronto, were the week end guests
of Mr. W. Abeehart.-Miss Muriel
Asm,an, of Toropto„ is the guest of
her sister, Miss Asman, of the Col-
legiate staff. -Mr. Orville Weston
was a week end guest at the home
a Mrs. J. Graves. -Mr. W. Somer-
spent the week end with Sea-
forth friends. -Miss Jessie 1V1cMill-an,
of Toronto, spent the holiday at her
lamne in Egmondville.-Messrs. C.
•Eckert, J. -Eckert, C. Doweon and R.
Hogg were in London this week.-
Mr. and Mrs. Metallum, of Teeswa-
tee, were guests at -the home of Mr.
and Mrs. R. J."Gallagher.-Mr. Leslie
M atrOrl
' '
e Tab
OF -
. . POCial .
1"‘ it-- 1
• , uiris
All. these
Hats Are Hats
. At „A Big . ,
• •
Price Re'" $2.49
accept8d. Get your partner lined up
memory with them. •
The orrering am-ounted to
Mullen, of Toronto, was a holiday
• • •
and step into the game. Prizes may
be seen in John MacTavish's
guest at the home of his uncle, Mr.
Woo. tesm....
J. G..Mullene--Miss Erie Stewart, of
F. ,.. Hutchis n
Died in British Columbia. -Many
Death of Mr. Noble Cluff.-Death •
robbed Seaforth of one its SAVE
Waterloo, spent the week end with
Phone 166.
friends in Seaforth and surrounding
of very
few remaining 'pioneer residents on
parents. -Miss Rhia Hill, of the
London Normal School; spent the
country will regret to learn of the
Tuesday, when Mr. Noble Cluff pass-
week end with her Mr.
_ eeft,, 1111/11 la
arpri•-•..2 III if
so in
ea. -
death in Britieh Columbia of Mr. Wil-
liam Grieve, which occurred on Mon-
day, May 18th. Mr. Grieve was a son
the late William Grieve, and was
ern on e .Grieve homeetead ei Mc-
Killop. Besides his family he is sur-
vived by two brothers, T. M. Grieve,
ed away at his home on North Main We sell for less and
Street, following an illness of nearly 6
a year. Although well over the age the varietyrowsge,
of eighty, he. had always been a Man s ti , li .
of great industry, -vitality and ee Beatties first.
strength, and until the past year came , I,- •
down town to spend a portion of each Now is -time
parents, and
George Hill, in Eginandville.-
Mrs' -
Mrs. G. D. -Haigh' spent the 'holiday
at ,her home in Lucknow.-Mr. Lofts
Stark, of Toronto, was visiting with
Seaforth friends this week. -Dr. W.
Gillespie, of Kitchener, was 'a guett
this week ,at the home
Neckwear- t
The Season's newest ideas in Neel*gar aliOwn here new..
of Egmondville, and Dr. J. Grieve, of
day in the mill office. Mr. Cluff the to
of his father,
1111 ,,,,
II -e*---'"- ke-e.
Seaforth, also three sisters, Mrs. R.
Hogg, McKillop; Mrs. John Routh,
,, .
born on July 17th, 1838, in McKillon .
on the farm,
John Gillespie. -Mr. P. C.' Cale
der, of Toronto, spent the -week end
f e
pa i . .-...'
of Wingham, and Mrs. W. E. John-
ston, of Vienna, Ont. The following
opposite the 1VIaitland-
bank cemetery, now occupied by Mr.
Frank Coleman, but when quite a
with Seaforth friends. -Miss llierion
Larkin, of London, is theeguest of her
parents at the 1Wanse. Mr: J.
always found
...- 6....-.....
at Stewart's
obituary is frothe Nanaimo B. C.
paper: "William Grieve died at his
residence in Cedar District yesterday
morning at nine -thirty, following a
sudden seizure which occurred the
night before, when, with but a few
words of complaint spoken to his son,
he became unconscious, and remained
young man -he came to Seaforth
m , .
where he has since continuously re- JA:PIES WATS° AT
sided. For a number of years he was - Ili
engaged as a contractor and builder -
and in company with Mr. S. Bennett, SEAFORTII-, ONT. '
now of Wingham„ carried on a elan- GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT
ing mill at the north end of the
town. Some years ago he took his Representing only 'the best -Can-
--7, .3.
Broderick, of town. has secured the
contract of decorating- end illurninat-
ing two Miles of streets at Niagara
Palls for their Old' Home Week, July
12th to 18th. -Miss B. Stephens is
visiting with Toronto,.friends. - Mrs.
John Sproat has retuined--from..To-:
ronto, where he
L ' St
adies ep-Ins
• , M,
' Made from fine Mull and Dimity; also knit styles; in both white
and colored. Nicely trimmed... -
600 -$1.$0, ...
Meat Market. Our meats are all
carefully selected from the hest
so until the end. Mr. Grieve had been
seriously ill some few weeks ago, but
had apparently
sons into partmerehip -under the firm
name of N. Cluff & Sons, which firin aslien, British , and' .Aneerican
Corr/toles. -
..sPerit several :weeks
with her daughters.--t-Mr. W. E. N.
Sinclair, IVL,P,Pe leader of the Liberal
cuts in the wholesale market, and
we keep them in prime condition
in our dry -cold refrigerator
Order some to -day and verify
What We saY.
almost recovered his
usual good health, and his sudden
death yesterday came as a great shock
not only to his immiediate,family and
regatives, but to his host of friends in
the district and this city. Mr. Grieve
now carries on one of the largest All kinds of ineetence effected
planing mill, 'lumber and coal *bust- at the lowest eietese;:inelttding-
messes in the cotmty. All his life un -
tii very recent years, he took a keen -,:.';, .,,.%.
interest in municipa.1 affairs, and in lymBILE`' TORNADO'" AND. PLATE
Oppositioti. 4n the Legislature, • was a
guest this week at .the hone of,, hie
tircile, •Mr. W. Sinclair, i& r),,,,, z,,,,i-d_
the Liberal ConventiOn in WIngbaln
. Princess
Princets Slips fine Aoklity •
t 80
, • *
. Phrene 48. '
came to Nana -into over thirty years
ago. Ile -was alwasre an industrious
man, and 11 h
o e w o en, oye e respect
j d th
and friendship of all with whom he
came in contact rt.: 1898
everythine that nitr
ertned to the wel- GLASS 010
fare of SeafOrth. Por nranY Years „.•
he served o -n the -council board: and -e,. ,
or two terms occupied the May -Ws
f - REAL ESTATE 44 6.0t.A0,01.T
chair. Mr. Cluff built the first -Meth- t,,,.,.„,„.',,„„ ' ' ' ' ' •
_ . _ ,
on T:mttclaY;--awiti Jtetit Pbtfituilt it
visitinwith Torontofrierid..-,-, r
g '. s.',M.,
Slid Ws, Lititivaton% of•Wrinator, are
here- visilting..their".riephew, : ' lolin
Lenient, of the borainien, B niatt
pf %et* IlroadOloth,/.',. 1
Cambrie and Sateen, Vielgte-aftd:146 n Al,'StylesD tritainett
ut irtolaing,' • •• .i. .
, d '• '. : N.:. .
$1 401612.60
he went to
.0 , ,.
odist Ohurele in Seefortle ire at the ticese=nannalee-e
eitho teen ' 'OUS1V7ift-nt 11.# &Ake
pit it
the Xlcaulike, where he spent two
.0eare, returning te Nnnairao mid tak-
big up his residence Mon
„dm• .
time of his death was the oldest liv- "ww."8-',5.' "je""" '
ing member of the Methodist eh' 1 Ort 001.Y. '-
,htta s'
44-1Wr. j; /;".'010 ,64r,V; Mini Of
, ----- - -
on Street.
where Jae resided until his retneval to
Cater. Tn 101.2 he Wat eleeted as
• eldertnen.for hid tratd, Settlg, .•-0110
*At on itit ,Xiiiightto otty, come
here. Ete tons honest. honored ell& .4.....,"si-r-9,4•4,4,4,41,,
respected, and hit passing severs an- 'rl,.,,„7„,,,,',7„."'„-Z,I.,% '.'"'
other litik between the nest and rifp.q. "L"'""'"" a"'"";"
PIA Of Ig991Ortli, Rd 4E1 Olift4094,1b' , 81114""hiq' z", °
tWo Vene, Wag% 1. 1; Mut atil ' ''' - " '
a nine
-of her'.
'a .
i dif
li a' ditte.r.
' . ' „Jet
' * i, 6 t, et
•-• ,.
•• ,
ot, )
, 4 ',
AWyafter,teitiela,4 With Ltd falar,
' tOt4iit,st •'' trietelia6"heen
P.. Cuff. who•Wait,agigatinttg•Iti ,
neSS. vilet Id*. ,„,,,,,a, ofie ,. '
„. r
, .