HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1925-05-15, Page 5a 11' {q ip. MAY 15, 1925. Tag HURON Exposrro lust" etO ira11. In` Q 1�.'�,,a«�b4'11,' , "gather of E v1 'Yraoa .Rpt aridel. Funeral; fres)} la,io. 'Street, Cieve1aasd l,.anr. ;Friends -in, M'JMURIAM Note,-"--tetne under this head will be charg- ed 50cents per single verse, and 25 cents for - each additional verse., nemory. of Walter; J. Stevens who de - this wife on'May 18th, none n #4g1r et ' cristae" he ' < £ • '• Cu. , r -..Lt 15' bor ,d't �e' _ and clue 10i411.‘130, well 299.6 y <2..I „ FAAMMx 9(t A Ye r k Ntifri •q. 4 a. 1n loving memory of mother, ,wife . oftie late George Toicts,"Who died May 941, 1928: Not gone from memory, Not'; gd'1re,'fr an .love B gone to our Father's home above. 2996x1 LOVED ONES. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Fred Tomlinson wishes: to thank her neighbors and"friends,mud the Clinton Bre- -Saul staff for their kindness during the 1111- •_$less end, death.: of her :husband. , 2996-1. COURT OF REVISION : •• '19x01 1'r.=-�4i►4 4 ? : Caacks 100• 4. eneeTto "William S. len 5, 'T` eker- s 'fpr iia o y, -Will ori ed to • Angu6 MoK1nnon a, Lot 10. Concession . 11, Tticke simit7t,' for. neon; thence across end down 'to Jnmei _littills'; Concession 8, Mbbert, for night. Thursday.—W311 proceed via Staf fa and across !to Oswald Wallier'e one-half mile east Of Oromartty, for plan ; 'th4erea,t0 a.;omae Coiquhouans.. Gowrue for nigh rri. day, -:-/To dais 'atm sQabilW for noon, bora he will remain until • Saturday TnOrnimc Saar. day Will -proceed rto "9R liars A.': ll tre ena Let 20, 'Concession 3, Logan tror ' noon ; then r1110 • for•nights "•_ . uTo i re a ar'$15.00. �l(liipT • l tAA 1 lUfl COLQUHHOUN, .. 8;1f'aiger { - Proprietor. { Tenders for Coal REALER/ TENDERS addressed to the Pnr. alyssing Agent, Department of Public _WOO, Ottawa, will be received by him until 12 o'clock, noon (daylighf saving). Tuesday. Nay 26, 1925, for the supply of coal for the Dominion Buildings throughout the Province of Ontario, including the City of Ottawa, Forms of tender with specifications and "con ditions attached dan be obtained from G. W. Dawson, -Purchasing Agent, Department of Public Works, Ottawa; W. Corrigan and R. Winter, General Post Officer Toronto; Power Son & Drover, Kingston, and from the Care- takers of the various Dominion Buildings in Ontario, outside of Ottawa, Toronto and King- ston. Tenders will not be considered unless made Oa these forms. The Council of McMillan Township will meet ae a Court of Revisj'n on the Assess- went Roll. at 'Carnegie Hall, Seaforth, ' on Saturday, May 80th, at 10.80 a.m. Appeals against the assessment must be in the hands of the Clerk on or before May 20th, 1925. JOHN. MCNAY, 2996-2 , : Clerk. COURTOF REVISION TOWNSHIP OF t'UCKERSMITH The Township Council will meet as a Court -of Revision on the Assessment Roll at the coinwil chamber, Seaforth, on Saturday, May 50th,_ at 10 o'clock am. Appeals against the Assessment must be in the hands of the Clerk -on or before• May 20th, 1926. D. F. McGREGOR, :2996-2 ,Clerk. McKILLOP. TOWNSHIP ASSESSMENT ROLL The Court of Revision on the Aseessmen't Roll of the Township' of MKrl'lop, for the year 1925, will be amid- at the Carnegie Halt- Seaforth, on Saturday, the 30th 'day of May, at 10 80 a.m. in the forenoon.• Jahn McNay, 2966 z C7:ERK. IMPORTANT ,NOTICES -woo SALE. -50 PIGS 10 AND 12 WEEKS old. Phone 14 on 144, Seaforth. F. S. CARRRON. "2995-2 $75 BUYS A FIRST PRIZE WINNER Registered Shorthorn buil calf 6 months old, his dam winning the silver cup for the best fwnaite on the Hensatl fair grounds, and IMO of her daughters being first and second {rite winners. JOHN ELDER, Hansell, 2995-2 Ti1O11 SALE.—LOT 30, CONCESSION 2, Mc- Killop, aKillop, Roxboro, three-quarters of an acre of land. On the premises there are an eight roomed brick house, good cellar, hot air fur- nace, herd and soft water inside, telephone and rural mail delivery; also stable, buggy house and hen house; strawberries, raspber- ries, plum, pear and cherry trees. Two and one-half miles from Seaforth, less than one- quarter mile to school. Would exchange' for suitable town property. Apply to JOHN. Mc- MILLAN, R. R. 1, Seaforth. Phone 20-286. 2995-tf AUCTION SALES tICTION SALE --MR. THOMAS BROWN has been instructed to sell by public auc- tion on the premises of Mr. John Clark, Eg- muondv31e, on Saturday, May 16th, at 2 pm.: the fallowing: One Waterloo. 12-24 gasoline or of tractor; 1 belt power Sandwich hay press with belt and other equipments, all in first class order. Will be sold together or separately. Teens. --Six and 12, months' credit on approved joint notes, or a discount of 6 per cent per annum allowed on credit ambun a. JOHN CLARK, Proprietor; Tltu8, Brown, Auctioneer. 29901 AUCTION SALE OF HORSE, CAR AND FURNITURE. -0. W. Elliott has been instructed to sell by public auction at the Royal Hotel Staines, Seaforth, on Saturday, May 23rd, at 2 o'dlock p.m., the following: One driving horse, one rubber tired top (buggy, one cutter, 2 sets single harness, kick- ing strap, shaft loops, halters and bridle, 1 robe, one Ford car, kitchen range, coal or wood; 2 dining room tables, 2 wash stands, 2 bedsteads, one bureau, one dozen kitchen chairs, bedroom suite, dresser and stand, one bedroom rug, bed springs and mattress, coal oil heater, coal oil can, carpets, sewing ma- chine and other small article). Terms --Cash. HA:W'PHORNE & JONES, Proprietors; G. W. Elliott, Auctioneer. 2996-2 AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE FARM LANDS IN McKILLOP There will be offered for sale, by public auction, by Thomas Brown, Esq., Auctioneer, at The Queens Hotel, in the Town of Sea - forth, on Wednesday, the 27th May, 1925, at 2 g'clock in the afternoon, in two (2) separate ousels, the following lands:— Parcel One (1). Farm Lot Fourteen (14) in- the Seventh (7) Concession, of the Town- --ship of McKillop, in the County of Huron, -containing by admeasurement one hundred (100) acres of land more or less. There are eredted on these lands a brick • -dwelling 'house, two (2) barns and outhouses. The land is in grass and is well watered. Parcel Two (2). Farm Lot Fifteen (15), In the Seventh (7th) Concession, of the said Township of McMillen, containing by ad- 'aricarairement one hundred (100) acres of 'blbd be 'the same more 'or less. Otero are no betldidnga on 'this ''land, it is :and it grass 'and Is ' es l redid grazing farm. Ten (10) per cent: of purchase money to be paid in 'cash on the chit of sale end the baltimes, without interest, do thirty (80) days thereafter. The purchasers to sign an agree- raelat for completion of purchase, The lands wttlj be sold subject to the existing grazing leases, rtitlher particulars and, conditions of salt bei' made known on the day of sale and MAP be had in the meantime, from the tin- deEpltdne d. mited at Soafortb, Ontario, the 12th May, 10'25: It S. HAYS, endait'a Mittel**. lhetilttas Proton, Auctioneer. • raA The right to demand from the successful ten- derer a deposit, not exceeding 20 per cent. of the value of the contract, to secure the pro- per fulfilment of the contract, is reserved, By order., S. E. O'BB,IEN, Secretary, Department of Public' Works, Ottawa, May 6, 192SS. 2996-2 ACROSS CANADA AND BACK The wonder'trip of the coming sum- mer -will, be conducted by Dean Laird, of Macdonald`Cellege, to Victoria, B. a, and back.. "' Inspired by the success of the trip to 'Vittoria last year on the occasion of :the Teachers Federation meeting at that point, and filled with patriotic motives for everyone to see their own country, the Dean has arranged for a special train . of standard sleeping cars to leave Toronto on July 20, vis- iting Port Arthur, Fort William, Win-. nipeg, Regina,, Moose Jaw, Calgary, Banff, Lake Louise, Vancouver, thence by steamer to Victoria. Returning, the trip will be via the Okanagan Valley, Nelson, the Koot- enay Lakes; Windermere Bungalow Camp, from ' which place the party will be motored to Banff, 104 miles over the newly completed Banff- Windernlere Highway, the m o s t charming; and awe inspiring trip it is possible to Conceive, with stops at Radium Hot Springs, Vermilion Riv- er, and,,.Storm Mountain Bungalow Camps—another day at Banff, then Edmonton, Saskatoon, Devil's Gap Bungalow Camp, near Kenora on the ake of the Woods, steamer from P'ort .William to Port McNicoll, thence rail to Toronto, where the trip will terminate on August 10. Everything is included at the price of $825.00 from Toronto; transporta- tion, sleeping cars, accommodation its hotels and bungalow camps, meals in diners, hotels, and on steamers, sight- seeing tours at points visited, and all gratuities. While appealing primarily to teach- ers, the tour is open to everyone de- siring to go. All will be welcome. Fares from other points than To- ronto will be named, and descriptive illustrated booklet sent on application to Dean Laird, Macdonald College, P.O., Que. 2994-5 COURT OF REVISION VILLAGE OP HENSALL The meeting of the Court of Revision against the Assessment Roll for 1925, of the village of Henasill, will be held in the Town Hall on Saturday, May 80th. at 7 o'clock p.m. ALEX. MUJRDOCK. 2995-8 Clerk. FEMALE AGENTS WANTED Part or full time, appointing sub -agents. Steady income assured. Write immediately. THE SANTILLA CO., Dept. 32, P. O. Box 416. Montreal. A New Roof For a dwelling house, put on the Galt Steel Shingle. These shingles are made and galvanized as they should be. For a barn, put on the Galt High Grade- Corrugated Steel Sheets, if you want a roof (made and galvanized as it should be. We also supply complete steel cov- ered barns of any size. Lightning Rods and Roofing a specialty. Joh:. Eld r 1lIEtNSALL - - - ONTARIO 22913-2 Phone 1. .7 i,4 �7lil t n F !SEA•." V RTI( COURT OF ISION The first meeting of the Conyt of -Revision,, far bearing appeals against the `Assessment Roll of the Town of Seniortb, 1926, will be held in the, Council Chamber on . anday. June let, at 8 a clock .tat. -.• JOHN A. ,WILSON, Sea-fortil1 iia'y i.1, 19 2996-2 DRAIN TENDERS '1Qlnders for the construction of the Barron Municipal' Drain, McKilllep-, Township, will be received ;by the undersigned till Saturday. 'Nay 80th, 1925. fenders will be opened at 1.30, o'clock p.m. at. Carnegie Halo, deaforth, on above date. Ten per 'cent, of contract price to accom- pany tender. Lowest or any tender .not necessarily ac- cepted. Plans and epecifieations at Lot 85, Cooecs- siop a, McMillan Township. Open work, 3623 cubic yards; length 63i, miles. John McNay, 2966-2 , CLERK. NOTICE SERVICE\AND, QUALITY IS OUR MOTTO We are chopping and rolling on Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Sat- urday. After June 1st, on Tuesday and Fridays only. Try our "Zurich" Feed Flour, h9rts and Bran; also "0 Corn O". Hominy Feed. Your Patronage Appreciated, CORNISH & DALRYMPLE Brucefield. 2996x2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 O O O O o 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 S. T. Holmes & Son Funeral Directors and Licensed Embalmers. Finest Motor and Horse drawn ' 'equipment. Beattie Block, Main Street, opposite The Expositor 0 ii ce. S. T. Holmes' residence, Goderich Street West; Chas, Holmes' residence over store. Flowers furnished on short notice: All kinds of up- holstering neatly done. Phone, Night or Day, 111. 0 O O O 0 O O O 0 O O 0 O O 000000000 000C 000000000000 O W. J. CLEARY 0 0 , Licensed Embalmer and 0 0 Funeral Director. 0 O Up-to-date Horse and Motor 0 0 Equipment. 0 0 Night and Day Service. O 0 Phone 19-22, Dublin. 0 0 2921-52 0 © 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 Co 0 O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ® W. T. BOX & CO. 0 O Funeral Director and 0 Licensed Embalmer. 0 IL C. BOX 0 Best Motor and Horse-drawn 0 equipment. 0 Charges moderate. 0 Flowers furnished on short 0 notice. 0 Night Calls Day Calls 0 Phone 175. Phone 43. 040Oo00-O00 0000 000000000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . J. Walker & Son . S. Walker, Funeral Di- rector and Embalmer. O O Motor or Horse Equipment. O Cars or Flowers furnished 0 as requested. O Day or Night, Phone 67. O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A 0 0 0 O O®®© O 0> 4 NOTICE O • Persons in need of a never -fail - 0' ing supply of water should see 4 W. D. HOPPER, Well Driller, O Seaforth. Water guaranteed; O gas power; prices reasonable. O PHONE 54-3. BOX 222. 4 0 0 0 0 0 4© 4 p p ©o©Oo�000®®4> aby Chi. ks IN the Canadian egg laying contest at Ottawa in 1923-24s and' the Canadian and Ontario contests 1924- 25, inclusively, our pens of S. C. White Leghorns as winter egg pro- ducers were in first place. When buy- ing your baby hicks why not buy Canadian chicks with years of good reputation back of them when they can be secured at practically same cost as American chicks. Leghorn chicks, 12 cents each; Rocks, 15 cents each. June delivery. In order to get them early in June, it will be necessary for you to place your 'or - dor without delity. WALTER R LSE BRUSSELS - - - ONTARIO re vice on. your foot troubles OT EXPERT trained in the methods of )r, Wm. M. Scholl of Chicago, will be here Tuesday, May 19 if you :;have aching feet, pains, cramps, callouses, burning sensation at the ball of the foot- or toes, fallen arches, painful heel, weak turning ankles, sore limbs, corns, bun- ions, or perspiring feet—you are cordially invited to see this Foot Specialist. 1-le� will be pleased to -make recommendations, with- out any :charge or obligation, as to what your trouble is and how to relieve it. J. : o Smith & Son SEAFOI T,HI m - - - - ONTARIO. EATERY SATURDAY During May and !June Starting this week we will have a °6Sp 'CIAL VALUE TA nd 'twill be to your interest to take advantage_of it, This Saturday we will have a Good Bargain 66 ;, -Foot,, in Men's Hose, regular prices ranging from 65c to $1 per parr --THIS SATURDAY ON.LY- - 57 Now, see here, don't come in next Monday looking for this hose bargain, because it will have taken "feet" Remember Saturday, May 1 th is "Hoseday" at Bright SEAFOIRTH C. TELEPHONE 412. I" NTARI Ir At, Do Sutherland's GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY Life, Fire, Accident, Auto, Plate Glass, Wind, Etc. Special Wind Policy Reasonable Rates No Premium Note required. Our Auto Insurance Policies will pro- tect you. Office over Walker's Furniture Store Opposite Dominion Bank. A. D. SuLherl MEN WANTED $6.00 To $ 10.00 Per Day Good Automotive - Mechanical and Electrical Experts, Bricklaying, Me- chanical Dentists and Barbers are al- ways , in demand at large salaries. Join our training institutions and be- come one of the many thousands of successful graduates.' Short time taken. to learn. Opportunities and salaries unlimited. Write to Dept. S., for special offer. Act now.. :s eminphill Training Inptitutimari, D$8 King , St. W., ToPorttu. SEAPORT TIS We have secured the services of two master mechanics, experienced in all makes of cars. Work guaranteed. A full stock of Accessories on hand. JoC o T 0 PS I Chevrolet Garage MAIN STREET - SEAFORTEI. Phone 155 W. z rug 4 i � LID f Iftryyl,R n HE have They new, in sedan to value. the dfUiSpSra'L Chevrolet finest -beautiful tires. fully "r� p: ' M, tJ ly - i S i° t 1 �'I t3p..dR new more sturdy possess such cars design. nickeled and appreciate C,M,A,C, B® 0 �'}"�4 .�$ `alp' Y� N0 Py �64R GYT�FtS "xl;�.0 T { tT�'!i l Fisher ne as Yat -'built, with radiator-'---, colors coach You must deferred Horton SpAFORTH °T �! Y dgfty 3, "i,,,,py av 1raH rt>."'d tla, gg Irl p ,iT hn W✓ li�1 e 51,: tV v yit 'cowl ;lights: 1 ��. y Nl• ?ID d'Y�:'. li.�m h, ej u ' un- plat o beautiful, fore. construction on Streamline and i.shed coupe, pressure cars usual Ask as about_ onnumo the I® ' of Duca— have -:lows': -see these:• their payment `-k f for Econ:,'tnica'l D-420 ortatifrn rrans . i r4 1 S er:uson Every Man needs a New Suit at this season, and never before were we ha a better position to hook after your needs. Your inspection is invited, as we have a large assortment to choose from In Blues, Light and Dark, Grey, Browns and Fancy Mixtures. Prices $15.00 to $35.00 Boys Suits, in most dressy styles.... $6.00 to $10.00 Men's Summer Caps $1.75 to $2.00 Men's Balbriggan Underwear, single garment..75c Men's Balbriggan Underwear, combinations. .$1.50 Ensign, a real heavy garment for between seasons $1.00 Thos. FergusonV le SEAFORTley - _ _ ltl d. - �I�;ARIO5 ,-W -C :.: ql.'.y,W...Sa'z.t..`°''%..ri4"'S9n-N PEE P; LESS 8 Strands, 42 per rod 7 Strands, 40 per rood Save the MARTIN A We will be Wire Stretchers at ones. A Fresh 'W'W'li• sP„.• / our inches inches Surface SENOUR Paint greatly Shipment WIRE or high, For Jacks, e Pric:j -on- FENCE, all for high, for .., / No. 9 Wire 49c 43c All, witih E PAINT having return thelia hand. and You 100 Every Save P.C. PUh' Purpose. to those they will on obliged if of Cement G - ,..,, SEAFORTH ...... , ,_ 1, -- rt ,, s n ,..,_:..- o. a- a a o I MARIO ., i