HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1925-05-08, Page 8l 7 . .. .... t .9 �0 RIM 4 T -in W t ed M Q74. qT A '6] -W ;1011,��; -0 of epidemics, re*Q-N , ;5V Day 5,004-� panied Ua A 14V an on health aAd the aptems in.ime by Rot go �equilled. air V, it ery b6a e A y Boards of 11�4alth iA §*WrAl Q4 A, *A y J eenout t4.0 An -AIVA10, olation of -the "carTler" or he district, let. A' JAN DIAMOND RING or less congested area in wbich the etc. Almost all cities 44Te more d more rapidly, than lisease will sprea .4 % WAI D HONEY- 1 4r, 'For Someone. Ila other d1striqt§, and the Peo "of X, -r. W,H —ThO. ina [t % -week end, goo. SV a, 32c ple, are .......... �Qrate with. th e ",,MAPLE SYRUP Your choice of any taught to co,ol . Q4rd8, 110OKSTOR", Ale*,''OtoVie V.JU be eing as -it 11as always ss b k for all cleanline -9 , , 65C IDUbliO.44 e- Subc 1P a - Box in our window been, the great bulwarlt against dis s 20c; Tart Jams, 25c; Mixed r mi�be' ohot fo a Lemon 6 , ent.POA W , nap ease. Work is progreesina rapidly tions 10 SATURDAY, MAY 9th at the Liam Park and swimming pool is44 _oWsp To yi#;�VA He Aer f And -m der,0.0% S, Me; Peerless Cookies, pack and the roaring heard on Wednesday 0 'pp lox **,1q@9 go afternoon was but the Lions sliovel­� V".1 * 0 p Q1AR_ , : , ",the p�pseht proceeds in excess of cantlo, il he p4 hund dgV_ iv, �een sw ee - , Patrick De wqs t! Aet. $1.00 and rake brigade hopping to it, Ev- 6V f school in its 41 _41t A WAI a Alu'.qw, 1111%, UA hands, of Am L- ery time th spit on their At the home _Athnwrl. turh6d. out, d C SALE STARTS AT 9 A -M. ey —they roar. J- F' well .2 Etoss, of Mir -�G.eorge Weir, r4uirled o$q Aa-- oat&Sproat M niff Ural are mi South-Oarolina, on -Tap we with depo Guelph, speat ek end ow To -PHONE FOR FOOD" ance givea in e essi J. F. DALY friends in S -s Arcu,te T16, eohm and d 4V 69 SiaaforM, 8 ders wantea—myo men taken as Ward- �Hall on Tueoday eveh;; �id The Expomioi` 4' "T e r, of the Toronto ines' PaTish most enjoya. -d 'Th Jeweler. ersi.crApply Box 272. Seaforth. � -%, r. , A, Ing waii'A an D�Ul Schol -i ling the holl� Iffichael, u ey are Man Wanted.—M-arried man to ran patronized, The prizevn z992-tf days at their min i q Ill Prp Mrs Snell largeTY -inners John Govenlock, E Ts. Carli re First, ladies, K n; men's, enlock,'George E IApply to E. J. BOX. Seaforth. daughter, BEisg Marguerita, of Wo 1 Gov for- gar- and Wr R ge. Apply to Box 157, Seaforth. 2994-2 Hamilton, spent, *6 - with Idne ha- 'S -forth; Jo abuilding suitable For Sale.—A cream wicker baby carriage in friend _Iv�r and Mrs. R n s here, Fire�Shortly after one o'clock T. Me-' Flannery and 'MT. F. "Bainett; -e6mo. week end Mr. arfers n&,' MI - T, N. T. Cluff, Sea PLAN 0 A,, 6 Forest lation, Mrs. Peter Cleary and- Mir'' f good c�onditiori. Apply at The Expositor Of- Intosh have ve&: here f rom nee o Wednesday morning the reside flee. 2995xl and are now oeup -ng t esidence, JQbn Nolen, Ho ' 's orchestra sup- Mark, MT. George Seip, on Street, he r 99 FOR GARDEN AND HOUSE House to Rent.—Modern conveniences, rent was discovered to be on fire. An a- to suit renter. Apply at The Expositor Office. which they leasid�,!,_froni Mrs. Jobn pied excellent music for the dancing. larm brought a q ameron, 'Mr*_% ert Archibald and. �Vr. W. SomorviUe of Toronto, Vp' Sell uick response from 2973 -ti 1, end " Seaforth Call and-.' For Rent. -24 acres of Psture land with Mrs. G. e delegates to spent the week with the brigade -who soon had the fire, Get YovT Standard 6 Illart under control, but not however before grood water supply. Apply Pit The Expositor Come to the Cuninghame Green- UtUce. 2995XI the Pro lissionary roUtivee-41VIrs. W. F. McU June for your Spring supply—the The Societ conve �Ing held in Lon�%_ Londop this week as a delegate from tte� bouse some serious damage was done. For Sale.—New and second hand aawn iary, The Designer blaze originated in the kitchen, but mowers and garden don this week, an4;Xrs. W. Freeman tho Eginondville Auxil Magazine .�est of all varieties in vegetables and hose. Apply to X Bar- as ton. Seaforth. 29,94-tf is a delegate of the many -friends of Mrs. W. Devero-ux, flowers from what cause is not known, arn kskets to be there had been no fire used and every- Notice.—Mr. George Bell. overland Agent, provisional con�t" 0 ief the Presby- Sr.,,Hurbn Road, will regTet t If you have Hanging Bi wi.�hes to iform, the -public that he has re- terizin Women's,� sionary ciety, that he is in St. Joseph's Hospital. filled leave them at bhe Can- Nat. thing was all right when the family So moved his headquarters to R. Dadds' Garlige 0'�niew,i ft ;&Qanies' church, London, aving undergone an opera- 2995-3. held Jn th me 11 Express Office, Seaforth, and they retired a short ti before. The re on Goderich Street, East. will be taken care of by us and de- did not reach the mai part of the —Studebaker car, 1920 model, in Londi-on.—Mr. and �Mrs Fred Faulk- tiOn there�Miss Madge Sewart, of Ready 71 For Sale. rd, 4erkt the 'week end with L 1925 'Marks oi,, -6e �uests at the Stratfo ivered to you when ready. house, but it was badly damaged by Al condition; 5 good tires and ra. ner" of Winds Apply at The Expositor Office- ?998-tf parent� Mi. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stew- Write or phone us for prices. smoke and water, and although there Sale.—A quantity of c4bbage Plants, - home of MT., —The first weekly half - holiday Funeral For iiid Mrs. Frank. i..,Faulkner.—Major art. Special attention paid to was an insurance, the loss and incon ready to set ouL Sold at cheapes,t price. and Afirs."R. S. Ha� were in Toronto of the summer season was observed 2995xl and Wedding orders. venience will be considerable, as Mr. Apply to Charles Hohlbein. A�.,',,Wilson and Mrs. by the business' places in town on AS.Atme at nhouses on the Goderich Road, Seip had recently had the whole resi- G irls wanted.—Girls, wanted to operate sew- this week.—C in clothing factory. Apply 8. Wednesday afternoon of this week.— `�-two blocks west of Main Street, Clin- dene redecorated. ing machines Mrs. Eizabeth Mahon, a graduate 'Exeter. Ont. -.10— M_ Sanders Mg. Co., Ltd., Paramount Picture Caravan.—The 2995-2 from the Detroit University, was one To Meet in a 'Si 9 Degree Flower Shop at the Can. Nat. Ex- The Cockshutt and De Lavaft Agency in NOW -P, -L,,A I N G of the successful can4idates at the ea e- Paramount Pictures motor caravan, Seafrth has been moved fmm the old stand offic F. D. Hutchison's State Bar Examinations last week at A a ti Pne,—Shop 31, Greenhouse, 176W. advertising the coming release of this to the &tore in rear of LINCOLNA'.' .` CARTER S Lansing, and has been admitted to Every Sun4mer Apparel, Requiteme t cern, Grocery Store. A car load of Frost fence Breath-tak�g.;-MeIodrama motion picture producing con the practise of law in Michigan. Mrs. big just received. J. G. ma-r.tin, SeafDrth 2995x2 arrived in Seaforth Thursday morn- Mahon is -a sister of Mrs. James in connection with the 5,000 mile The Cy lan e 'Rider Devereux, of Seaforth.—Mr. C. Eck- 41,�;`Je CUNING11HAME Inans-continental tour. Five import- nniversary Services. art and -son, Joe, and Mrs. G. K. Hol- t members of the advertising and Egmondville A "Florist" an which is —Had there been any' doubt as to the lands, were in London and- Chatham ONTARIO sales staff are in the part, CLINTON lace which Rev. Dr. F. A. Robinson this week.—On Tuesday last about travelling in three large, decorated P REED OWES ! d girls gathered at the motor vehicles- All the important holds in the regard of the people of a d— twenty boys aif film exchanges between Toronto and Egmondville and vicinity, that doubt EVELYMIBRENT home of Palmer Coombs, in Egmiond- -ew Vancouver will be visited by the car- would speedily have been dispelled by ville, to celebrate his tenth birthday, New N nthusiastic reception accorded A picture thatiliVes:up to its name when a social afternoon was spent in Dresses Coats avan, a joui;ny entailing several the e take charge every moment it is.,Aon the screen. games -after which'& five o'clock tea in - -which, weeks travel. It is due to arrive in him when he returned to Written y �.,ATi*6rica's greatest was served to the hearty appetites of That SELECT Vancouver by the end of August in of the Young People's anniversary writer of action;'wel6dramas. the children.—Mr. Thomas r, s on Sunday and Monday last. Embody ,pality time for the opening of the fal; sea- service, �4 f Par- Dr, Robinson spoke three times on leader of the Guelph Musical Society anil Value your design from our varied as son and the annual celebration o Monday, Tu�sdsj�,4.-nd Wednesday band, and the former leader of the Style e- the Sunday, at 11 a.m, 3 P.m.,, and sortment of high grade Wall amount week. The week will be cel The cKurch was filled at BEITY . U , MP60N old 33rd Battalion band, Seaforth, Beauty are. Very brated with special presentations in 7.30 P.M. -was here this week visiting his bro- Papers, and we are sure you will Quality Special be supremely satisfied, because all the Princess Theatre, Seaforth. The the morning service and the large ther-in-law, Mr. A. Calder—We be- gatin followed with eager 11THE _SET`1 Features. of them are artistic and perfect purpose of the ckravan is to acquaint congre lieve that Rev. Father 6" intends Low, Price in quality. Come in and look the public of every town, village and and reverent attention the discourse from the Brio4dy leaving early in June on a trip to ggy stage hit in Canada with Paramount Pic- based on Genesis 13, in which the them over. city IISPRIN-6,&&ANING" Rorne�Mr. Robert Scarlett, of Me- We carry a complete line of tures and a wealth of attractive ad- preacher stressed Lot's readiness to as ly at material blessings re- Adolph Menjou Elliott Dexter Killop, -has leased Ithi residence of Paints, Varnishes, Mureseo, Win- vertising material will be distribuW gr p quick a- Zazu Pitts, Claire Adams Mrs. Robert Willis on James Street, dow Shades, Curtain Rods, Eetc. en route. gardless of the spiritual dangers it ;vhen he leaves the le Abram will- in the sup04drig cast. and will ccupy PRICES companying them, whi The ingly accepting what was left, was Note—Our rP4�V'iSaturday mat- farm—Miss Sadie Thom&oli spent 42! MeGillvray Mission Circle. the week end with London friends,— fi, tinned for the regular meeting of the MeGillvray blessed of God both spiritually and inees harve bee SCOTT S Mrs. Webster� of- Lucknow,. is +lie ugimer months. Missio Circle was held on Tuesday, materially. Splendidly rendered solos S "We Save You Money jilieA of 'her sWtbi Mr�. NIT; D. Me- May 5th, in charge of' Mildred Turn- were contributed at this service by Opposite Expositor Oiffice. Di6nald,-at'the Manse, Egmondville b�ull's group. The meeting optned by Mrs. Hodgert, of Kippen, and Mt.' 9 -Rev. Mr. Bel-tii of Pittsburg, is a guept TO PHONE 62. singing hymn 796, after which Mrs. James Scott, of Seaforth. At, the af- The ternoon service, Dr. Robinson sp(& at the home of his sister, Mrs. , H. great K was called with 19 members pres- on Slum Life in the world's roll rtrayed the -Peht the week end with.friends in " if Georgatown--]&. - cities and graphially po E' The niinuties and treasurer's re Charles Brodie led in prayer. Edge. --Mx. and Mrs. C. A Barber 16NER ent. and Mrs. T. TEA_­We maintain that our bulk Teas Better and Cheaper than Port was read and approved. The anion nt in the treasury was $17.611 desperate conditions under which so many live, even in the midst of our THE PLAY. OF THE SEASON; eron have returned from Miami, Florida, where they spent tl!p win MANLEY are any Teas on the market. and I ri the general fund, $26.90. The boasted Western civilization. To us "He CoMeS —M -T,. A. Ke", -who held a success tributed a solo at this service. At packag�� Put our clabn to the test and save to 85c S. Placing of flowers in the church was discussed, and Janet Cluff and Annie in he midst of the most favorable conditions of rural life, with plenty 09. degr T6 Bri o ful sale of her household effQcts at her hozae on North Main Street, on I- Vim? Brodie were elected to place flowers of room in God's great ou t -of -doors, l 7 . .. .... t .9 �0 RIM 4 T -in W t ed M Q74. qT A '6] -W ;1011,��; -0 of epidemics, re*Q-N , ;5V Day 5,004-� panied Ua A 14V an on health aAd the aptems in.ime by Rot go �equilled. air V, it ery b6a e A y Boards of 11�4alth iA §*WrAl Q4 A, *A y J eenout t4.0 An -AIVA10, olation of -the "carTler" or he district, let. A' JAN DIAMOND RING or less congested area in wbich the etc. Almost all cities 44Te more d more rapidly, than lisease will sprea .4 % WAI D HONEY- 1 4r, 'For Someone. Ila other d1striqt§, and the Peo "of X, -r. W,H —ThO. ina [t % -week end, goo. SV a, 32c ple, are .......... �Qrate with. th e ",,MAPLE SYRUP Your choice of any taught to co,ol . Q4rd8, 110OKSTOR", Ale*,''OtoVie V.JU be eing as -it 11as always ss b k for all cleanline -9 , , 65C IDUbliO.44 e- Subc 1P a - Box in our window been, the great bulwarlt against dis s 20c; Tart Jams, 25c; Mixed r mi�be' ohot fo a Lemon 6 , ent.POA W , nap ease. Work is progreesina rapidly tions 10 SATURDAY, MAY 9th at the Liam Park and swimming pool is44 _oWsp To yi#;�VA He Aer f And -m der,0.0% S, Me; Peerless Cookies, pack and the roaring heard on Wednesday 0 'pp lox **,1q@9 go afternoon was but the Lions sliovel­� V".1 * 0 p Q1AR_ , : , ",the p�pseht proceeds in excess of cantlo, il he p4 hund dgV_ iv, �een sw ee - , Patrick De wqs t! Aet. $1.00 and rake brigade hopping to it, Ev- 6V f school in its 41 _41t A WAI a Alu'.qw, 1111%, UA hands, of Am L- ery time th spit on their At the home _Athnwrl. turh6d. out, d C SALE STARTS AT 9 A -M. ey —they roar. J- F' well .2 Etoss, of Mir -�G.eorge Weir, r4uirled o$q Aa-- oat&Sproat M niff Ural are mi South-Oarolina, on -Tap we with depo Guelph, speat ek end ow To -PHONE FOR FOOD" ance givea in e essi J. F. DALY friends in S -s Arcu,te T16, eohm and d 4V 69 SiaaforM, 8 ders wantea—myo men taken as Ward- �Hall on Tueoday eveh;; �id The Expomioi` 4' "T e r, of the Toronto ines' PaTish most enjoya. -d 'Th Jeweler. ersi.crApply Box 272. Seaforth. � -%, r. , A, Ing waii'A an D�Ul Schol -i ling the holl� Iffichael, u ey are Man Wanted.—M-arried man to ran patronized, The prizevn z992-tf days at their min i q Ill Prp Mrs Snell largeTY -inners John Govenlock, E Ts. Carli re First, ladies, K n; men's, enlock,'George E IApply to E. J. BOX. Seaforth. daughter, BEisg Marguerita, of Wo 1 Gov for- gar- and Wr R ge. Apply to Box 157, Seaforth. 2994-2 Hamilton, spent, *6 - with Idne ha- 'S -forth; Jo abuilding suitable For Sale.—A cream wicker baby carriage in friend _Iv�r and Mrs. R n s here, Fire�Shortly after one o'clock T. Me-' Flannery and 'MT. F. "Bainett; -e6mo. week end Mr. arfers n&,' MI - T, N. T. Cluff, Sea PLAN 0 A,, 6 Forest lation, Mrs. Peter Cleary and- Mir'' f good c�onditiori. Apply at The Expositor Of- Intosh have ve&: here f rom nee o Wednesday morning the reside flee. 2995xl and are now oeup -ng t esidence, JQbn Nolen, Ho ' 's orchestra sup- Mark, MT. George Seip, on Street, he r 99 FOR GARDEN AND HOUSE House to Rent.—Modern conveniences, rent was discovered to be on fire. An a- to suit renter. Apply at The Expositor Office. which they leasid�,!,_froni Mrs. Jobn pied excellent music for the dancing. larm brought a q ameron, 'Mr*_% ert Archibald and. �Vr. W. SomorviUe of Toronto, Vp' Sell uick response from 2973 -ti 1, end " Seaforth Call and-.' For Rent. -24 acres of Psture land with Mrs. G. e delegates to spent the week with the brigade -who soon had the fire, Get YovT Standard 6 Illart under control, but not however before grood water supply. Apply Pit The Expositor Come to the Cuninghame Green- UtUce. 2995XI the Pro lissionary roUtivee-41VIrs. W. F. McU June for your Spring supply—the The Societ conve �Ing held in Lon�%_ Londop this week as a delegate from tte� bouse some serious damage was done. For Sale.—New and second hand aawn iary, The Designer blaze originated in the kitchen, but mowers and garden don this week, an4;Xrs. W. Freeman tho Eginondville Auxil Magazine .�est of all varieties in vegetables and hose. Apply to X Bar- as ton. Seaforth. 29,94-tf is a delegate of the many -friends of Mrs. W. Devero-ux, flowers from what cause is not known, arn kskets to be there had been no fire used and every- Notice.—Mr. George Bell. overland Agent, provisional con�t" 0 ief the Presby- Sr.,,Hurbn Road, will regTet t If you have Hanging Bi wi.�hes to iform, the -public that he has re- terizin Women's,� sionary ciety, that he is in St. Joseph's Hospital. filled leave them at bhe Can- Nat. thing was all right when the family So moved his headquarters to R. Dadds' Garlige 0'�niew,i ft ;&Qanies' church, London, aving undergone an opera- 2995-3. held Jn th me 11 Express Office, Seaforth, and they retired a short ti before. The re on Goderich Street, East. will be taken care of by us and de- did not reach the mai part of the —Studebaker car, 1920 model, in Londi-on.—Mr. and �Mrs Fred Faulk- tiOn there�Miss Madge Sewart, of Ready 71 For Sale. rd, 4erkt the 'week end with L 1925 'Marks oi,, -6e �uests at the Stratfo ivered to you when ready. house, but it was badly damaged by Al condition; 5 good tires and ra. ner" of Winds Apply at The Expositor Office- ?998-tf parent� Mi. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stew- Write or phone us for prices. smoke and water, and although there Sale.—A quantity of c4bbage Plants, - home of MT., —The first weekly half - holiday Funeral For iiid Mrs. Frank. i..,Faulkner.—Major art. Special attention paid to was an insurance, the loss and incon ready to set ouL Sold at cheapes,t price. and Afirs."R. S. Ha� were in Toronto of the summer season was observed 2995xl and Wedding orders. venience will be considerable, as Mr. Apply to Charles Hohlbein. A�.,',,Wilson and Mrs. by the business' places in town on AS.Atme at nhouses on the Goderich Road, Seip had recently had the whole resi- G irls wanted.—Girls, wanted to operate sew- this week.—C in clothing factory. Apply 8. Wednesday afternoon of this week.— `�-two blocks west of Main Street, Clin- dene redecorated. ing machines Mrs. Eizabeth Mahon, a graduate 'Exeter. Ont. -.10— M_ Sanders Mg. Co., Ltd., Paramount Picture Caravan.—The 2995-2 from the Detroit University, was one To Meet in a 'Si 9 Degree Flower Shop at the Can. Nat. Ex- The Cockshutt and De Lavaft Agency in NOW -P, -L,,A I N G of the successful can4idates at the ea e- Paramount Pictures motor caravan, Seafrth has been moved fmm the old stand offic F. D. Hutchison's State Bar Examinations last week at A a ti Pne,—Shop 31, Greenhouse, 176W. advertising the coming release of this to the &tore in rear of LINCOLNA'.' .` CARTER S Lansing, and has been admitted to Every Sun4mer Apparel, Requiteme t cern, Grocery Store. A car load of Frost fence Breath-tak�g.;-MeIodrama motion picture producing con the practise of law in Michigan. Mrs. big just received. J. G. ma-r.tin, SeafDrth 2995x2 arrived in Seaforth Thursday morn- Mahon is -a sister of Mrs. James in connection with the 5,000 mile The Cy lan e 'Rider Devereux, of Seaforth.—Mr. C. Eck- 41,�;`Je CUNING11HAME Inans-continental tour. Five import- nniversary Services. art and -son, Joe, and Mrs. G. K. Hol- t members of the advertising and Egmondville A "Florist" an which is —Had there been any' doubt as to the lands, were in London and- Chatham ONTARIO sales staff are in the part, CLINTON lace which Rev. Dr. F. A. Robinson this week.—On Tuesday last about travelling in three large, decorated P REED OWES ! d girls gathered at the motor vehicles- All the important holds in the regard of the people of a d— twenty boys aif film exchanges between Toronto and Egmondville and vicinity, that doubt EVELYMIBRENT home of Palmer Coombs, in Egmiond- -ew Vancouver will be visited by the car- would speedily have been dispelled by ville, to celebrate his tenth birthday, New N nthusiastic reception accorded A picture thatiliVes:up to its name when a social afternoon was spent in Dresses Coats avan, a joui;ny entailing several the e take charge every moment it is.,Aon the screen. games -after which'& five o'clock tea in - -which, weeks travel. It is due to arrive in him when he returned to Written y �.,ATi*6rica's greatest was served to the hearty appetites of That SELECT Vancouver by the end of August in of the Young People's anniversary writer of action;'wel6dramas. the children.—Mr. Thomas r, s on Sunday and Monday last. Embody ,pality time for the opening of the fal; sea- service, �4 f Par- Dr, Robinson spoke three times on leader of the Guelph Musical Society anil Value your design from our varied as son and the annual celebration o Monday, Tu�sdsj�,4.-nd Wednesday band, and the former leader of the Style e- the Sunday, at 11 a.m, 3 P.m.,, and sortment of high grade Wall amount week. The week will be cel The cKurch was filled at BEITY . U , MP60N old 33rd Battalion band, Seaforth, Beauty are. Very brated with special presentations in 7.30 P.M. -was here this week visiting his bro- Papers, and we are sure you will Quality Special be supremely satisfied, because all the Princess Theatre, Seaforth. The the morning service and the large ther-in-law, Mr. A. Calder—We be- gatin followed with eager 11THE _SET`1 Features. of them are artistic and perfect purpose of the ckravan is to acquaint congre lieve that Rev. Father 6" intends Low, Price in quality. Come in and look the public of every town, village and and reverent attention the discourse from the Brio4dy leaving early in June on a trip to ggy stage hit in Canada with Paramount Pic- based on Genesis 13, in which the them over. city IISPRIN-6,&&ANING" Rorne�Mr. Robert Scarlett, of Me- We carry a complete line of tures and a wealth of attractive ad- preacher stressed Lot's readiness to as ly at material blessings re- Adolph Menjou Elliott Dexter Killop, -has leased Ithi residence of Paints, Varnishes, Mureseo, Win- vertising material will be distribuW gr p quick a- Zazu Pitts, Claire Adams Mrs. Robert Willis on James Street, dow Shades, Curtain Rods, Eetc. en route. gardless of the spiritual dangers it ;vhen he leaves the le Abram will- in the sup04drig cast. and will ccupy PRICES companying them, whi The ingly accepting what was left, was Note—Our rP4�V'iSaturday mat- farm—Miss Sadie Thom&oli spent 42! MeGillvray Mission Circle. the week end with London friends,— fi, tinned for the regular meeting of the MeGillvray blessed of God both spiritually and inees harve bee SCOTT S Mrs. Webster� of- Lucknow,. is +lie ugimer months. Missio Circle was held on Tuesday, materially. Splendidly rendered solos S "We Save You Money jilieA of 'her sWtbi Mr�. NIT; D. Me- May 5th, in charge of' Mildred Turn- were contributed at this service by Opposite Expositor Oiffice. Di6nald,-at'the Manse, Egmondville b�ull's group. The meeting optned by Mrs. Hodgert, of Kippen, and Mt.' 9 -Rev. Mr. Bel-tii of Pittsburg, is a guept TO PHONE 62. singing hymn 796, after which Mrs. James Scott, of Seaforth. At, the af- The ternoon service, Dr. Robinson sp(& at the home of his sister, Mrs. , H. great K was called with 19 members pres- on Slum Life in the world's roll rtrayed the -Peht the week end with.friends in " if Georgatown--]&. - cities and graphially po E' The niinuties and treasurer's re Charles Brodie led in prayer. Edge. --Mx. and Mrs. C. A Barber 16NER ent. and Mrs. T. TEA_­We maintain that our bulk Teas Better and Cheaper than Port was read and approved. The anion nt in the treasury was $17.611 desperate conditions under which so many live, even in the midst of our THE PLAY. OF THE SEASON; eron have returned from Miami, Florida, where they spent tl!p win MANLEY are any Teas on the market. and I ri the general fund, $26.90. The boasted Western civilization. To us "He CoMeS —M -T,. A. Ke", -who held a success tributed a solo at this service. At packag�� Put our clabn to the test and save to 85c S. Placing of flowers in the church was discussed, and Janet Cluff and Annie in he midst of the most favorable conditions of rural life, with plenty 09. degr T6 Bri o ful sale of her household effQcts at her hozae on North Main Street, on money. Prices ...... 70 Brodie were elected to place flowers of room in God's great ou t -of -doors, : ' ' Satarday last, I wten& louving this and were vi itors in town las t Sunday— MONARCH CANNED GOODS' are the orim there for Mother"s Day. The Circle with freedom and sunshine and fresh , . BUT, WA6t week far Dqtroit.—Mrsi. William Mc� coming from considerable distances, while large numbers of those who had good PLANT BOXES, more coming at decided to meet at!rs. BrodWs home air, and good whol6somefood to ap� appetites, it came as a Come and see the 6nt6s the Michael and grandson, Mr. Harold -for Soaps, 2 for ........ 15c can buy o' `VGGS�We n' 'a'' *graded $2.25 per hundred. MAPLE SYRUP—Local syrup, splen- in two weeks to start the baby out- fit. A letter from Mr. Seidiel thank- Pease our distinct shock t,6 think of children of pretty 'bride. Wealth for�_Wealth ar_, Coates, left on Tuesday morning Cleveland.—Mr. and Mis. * Thomas MAKE OM did at $2.40 wine gallon Ing the girls for the ditty bags, was the very tenderest yea rs compelled to ir ist lo-io. fdr­16ve. Taye& agai Ferguson and daughter spent ithe IF YOU WJMLTO quality per CIIIOICE SEED POTATOES—Iin read. Daisy Spain read the Bible lesson and after hv-mn 310 Ethel toil for a livelihood and to live araids conditions shockingly unsanitary and t Which should Which will week end with friends In Galt. id the -best patternglere—Staid4k 4 you will fin proved Early Rose, Beauty of He bron and Green Mountain, all early I MacDougall read the Watch Tower. immoral. -Dr. Robi"'on himself con- Come and See ' MANLEY signer Patterns And we show a wonderful var 'Gome varieties and only 25c peck. Mildred Turnbull read a prayer, which tributed a solo at this service. At WALKEWS HALl,, liiUCEFIELD Notes.—Mr. Mrs. Win. Manley iety of the very latest dress materials. and: SHREDDED COCOANUT, lb .... 25c w as followed by a duet by Annie Me- Taggart and Sadie MacDonald. the evening service the church was crowded to its utmost capacity, many on and were vi itors in town las t Sunday— see them. SOMME SOAP —Canadian made and .:,--one of the very best of Naphtha Etoile Sharpe read a story. The meet- 1 ng closed by singing hymn 774 and coming from considerable distances, while large numbers of those who had FRIDAY EVENING,'MAY Sth, 1923 Adiiiission: 35 'and 20c. Mrs. C. Eckart and her son, Joe, call ed on friends here this week.—Mr; Soaps, 2 for ........ 15c can buy o' `VGGS�We n' 'a'' *graded Mr.% Stewart led in prayer. been corista nt attenders during the time of Dr. Robinson's mission and Kenneth Kistner is engaged with Mr. Fred Saddler making tile—Mr. Geo. basis only. 'Liberal grading, high- Serious Motor Accident.—Mr. Dun- had learned to know anA love him, Kistner is making his rounds ditching. est market price in CASH or one cent per dozen extra for tr�ade. BUTTER—Good dairy butter wanted. Johnston. of Walton, and his ran er-in-law, Mr. Wesley Searle and broth his who live -west of Wal- were early on 'hand. Dr. Robinson based his disconrse on Mark 14:3-9, concentrating on verse 7, "For ye TEA` ALMA The Reputation FRESH GINGER SNAPS (not mol young son, motor accident have the poor with you always, and Notes.—Mr. and Mrs. OiVal Pin asses snaps) at price of plain soda Ibiscuits, ton, met witb a serous on Thursday afternoon of last week. whensoever, ye will, ye may do them Will be h.id lips spent Sunday last with friends in pound ........... ...17c They were driving into Seaforth in good, but Me ye have not always." Goderich Towuship,­Mr. Poster B6n- Waltn Of the apparel departmen� which this store enjoys is BROKEN SODAS -3 poun�s .... 25c Mr. Johnston's new Chevrolet- car, with Mr. Searle at the wheel, and Mr. He stressed the imperiousness and privilege inseparably connected With ST. JAMES' PARISH HALL nett spent Sunday with - friends.—Mr. and Mrs. Bert Irwin are founded upon better than ordinary merchandise, and F. D. Hutchison Johnston sitting beside him with the certain duties, pointing to the claims under the auspices of- the C�th- Women's League., On spending a few days this week with friends in Welland. They went to at- very wide assortments of the newest and best gar - little boy on his knee. When they of love and loving service, which dis- -a olic tend the funeral of their uncle there. ments, together with satis-faotorY service and prices ilich Phone 166. turned the corner above Grieve's bridge, Mr. Searle to check tinguish a home from mere dwelling place. The solos at this service. by TUESDAY, MAY. 12th, 1925 —Mr. G. W. Nott returned from his are always moderrte in keeping With the, quality of the- mer - attempted the speed of the car down the hill, but Mr. Scott and Miss Grunert and the from 5 to 8 pim. rip to the West on Friday last. He brought with him'three carloads of chandise. The very high estinAtion of this store is w ell up - stepped on the gas instead of the n brake, and the car, getting out of co - soic, and anthem by Mr. George Israel and the choir were all greatly enjoy- ADULTS 35c. CHILDREN 25c. grass cattle.—Mrs. J. Phillips is a t -present visiting her daughter. Mxs. I. held in this showing of summer apparel that comes trol, -hot through the. guard fence ed. Mr. Earl VanEgmond presided at EVERYBODY WELCOMB Merrill, of Goderich To,wnship.—Mr. among the warmer weather dress requirements o -f and down the twenty -foot embank- the organ and special mention was Dr. his J. Carter hs the cement foundation every woman. ment striking a tree bead -on at the made by Robinson` of talent as ready for -his barn. His friends and bottom. Mr. Searle was only slightly bruised, but Mr. Johnston had four ribs broken and was badly shaken up a sympathetic accompanist. Miss Grunert's improvisations of some of our great h ymns, rendered during the neighbors turned in and with a good foreman the work was soon coinplet- ed I 1WacTaV1,8h and bruised while the little boy was offertory at all three services, were. PR 1c, the back -window of exceedingly well done and thorough- WINTHROP thrown against the and bad his face s�everely cut. ly enjoyed. Altogether, the day was NaWs.—Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Aitehe- SEAFORTH 11K, car Each The car was badly wrecked, the en- one of rare privilege. that will be cas We rest our e on Pt4des- son, Jr., of Roxboro, spent Sunday gine being driven back several inches lom� remembered by those able to be article, bears a plairi i-Orice to with friends in the village. — Miss out of position by the impact. To prese nt. At the Monday night meeting all.y, Never have'we va-r- Grace Scarlett, of Hensali spent the y tho- wbo know the site of the acci- dent, it seems 'almost � 'miracle that- the church was again taxed to caPac- ity. Dr. Robinson has long been recog- iety---i"Never sue b MAY SPECIALS-, week end with her parents,,Xr. and Th o Hol- Mrs Robert ScArlett.—Mir le 9 d outright, but nized as one of Canada's greatest in Dinner Sets, Tea S� and,- Girt I d Mends and and son Moody, visite h it went dow n side- experts in lantern work and on Mon- in Brussels Sunday last�Mr. Irvin A -er, for some un- day night be quite sustained his repu- Trewartha spent Sun ways, did not turn ov day, in Godeiich -.9-COME AND -ried with the' with Mr. and Mrs. Langfqrd Chapman. accountable reason. whic fact un- tation. The meeting ope JUST THE CUT YOU LIKE doul-ytedlv saved them. The injure4 National Anthem, accompanied by a iss, Beth Goveriloek, of Seaforth, M ways found at -re b-rouglit into town and taken to set of patriotic views. Then followed -ay wfih stewarvs we el spent Sund Mr iiud Mrs. 9�1- the bome of Mr. James G. Martin, a numbef of slides of general interest ,e�t"Mark,et. our inAts are .11 son Govenlrk.—A number fr4ra liera fty selected from the beat 14oattie, 0,0 'here Mr. John,ston %till is, although including a series on Bronho Bust- "%0 w attended the"se"ices held in Egmond- church Sunday night, given by Guts In the wholesale market, and be is making a good recovery. ing in the pioneer days in Westelml ville theta in prime condition Canada. After this came the recital Rev. Dr. Robinson And Mi" Grun- oor drF.-cold reffteeator. The Lions.—The regular luncheon (if Dr. Henry Van Dyke's beautiful ert, On Monday ey6ning Dr. Robin of the Lions son prese or some to -da and -verify Club as held at the little story, "The Other Wise Man." nted'Dr. Henry Van Dyke's Olympia on "I'veMay eviei "The Other Wise ng witli The story as 'one of compelling in. The Old beautiful story, 1.00 per cent.. of the members N at- terest and deep pathos, and was Man," accompanied by a Aeries of Sw"T tedance. Preident Lion Jones, who. trated with -many beautiful s dblored slides, and was Very Interest- as given which elped to impress. it upon the Associ Ift" been on the sick list, W, Ing., iss Gru'dert gave 6 solo, also a r6aTing receptlion 6,4 his tvirrival. niomory and Imagination. The vill be presented li-r th6 "brA. selections on the pianp,'Whidh Were gal and bymns thrown on the screen wave matic Club of st�' very inuA appreeiatd6-41nt; n The new cub lio , Dr. IT. H. Ross -mitted to ,000M -un- beiiitiful to te e Dr, Peck, were pet _7e and were mlng Church 4 numbei )are IdekinM up. a dust 6*,st, �0�leoe mogt beftrtilVr h,nd the solog by Dr.. this, 6gg taili bubWag ut ad *As telldp-red Dr. Latirn6t, q rfiembdt ellitined. The clubg usual RoUnsah, Miss Grotert -added iFaIDAY SVEN th6m. rWtd. t1w Xi-wall.1,4 Club, of nderhott. iu&t what witts neaaed to� by oellfi4 W110 ghvd a ouf' ftllc on �iin wteellemit antertalment. Th 19 oAi state and the *brk of the V160 frorA begifiing to And *�ft ih6d pioiplia xa V UP t5 ms ft -6- tidy, �svd thd V01# Pb I 6f., Vkidb 26 *00ld �h W, IIlb toii 'M h,"64 ali4 evok u 18 Mg Arai �Vigft C6 CA i