HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1925-04-17, Page 7-, - � � � I � '6.'f,t;WAVVt,�Tr,T".V� --#"�-VT,.',.-�;,I,,rr,q,�,�;j�-NVMCO,l�wp 7,q " ,%R;r,� ,:�67 - I � � ",;�',,,�,�,���,,i',�,�,�����',,���,, .X, : .. .... . 11 1'�,-, � , ��' �; � �� - �.". '.�,, ,�, 1, ,,� - , , .�, I 1111�1. � 1.�'- -,t " 4.'.-,.,,� � ,­ , ,g-, ." ,'. , , " i ,�� � , I !, I I �i�� �,'�f,',!,,,.�,,'-,'�,�.;q ", 1! - �! � � - I � I ,. , .� �I�N�', V'111'1�1 ., : - I . - ILI I I , 1, � �` �' : � ,, "" i'�i,� "� � � I I I � � . , " I "', , ", it "., , � .1 11. i.�,- , - , , ", ., , , � I , , ­ - � `.� , , ,�",;# -� M , , . I � I I I I . � ­ , - � , , � �",!"!,�,,�*dti,�ZZ,�,�,,.I�7,�,,����i,-.'�� "", I &;, ,,'b4r�", i�­� . ,. 1 , , ­�----­� �-� �­ ­ �­­ � � . e ,�,,� '-;1, .� I I : ! I -.�.11,1�.I.-41k,��l�,.,,�,,,,,��'i�- 1".q.- ­� ­­' .". , ,,d��-,g,,,,'�', 1"i 0i, ­. ­, ... :-7 �-p.,��,i� � " ­ "-`1 I I � - , � , ,,,,;, I 1� � I ,:- U,:,:`�� 0 I N , � I:, *11, . 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V06wed, Agm. .tile, �� iengt4, - of , !"111 I � . . � :- , it 11 I., ;:, I ' ­ . 1A Ul-tot B,Imid.%assly- at'vell the tir� L�­­­�A44' k,�g. -----­F­�.� th ­, . ...... "I ... �, � . . . . . - , `i.; . � I .. � 11 a - It. -Ii- . .. Wee,W.y. - , I oil , � - - . I'll, I -11- I "I, . . , ". '' - , I 11 � �­­­­ - r.,�, �- ,� - r., .. � . :, '... , " " , I ------------- *17- - r.11 ...... , 494"W17' ��� � . o . MM 9. noise f . . ". " . . , " , 'i� liwio . . '6.. ''. . r A "I I �, � - r, UP04+111m. after h�� Ilad 14r6p , 0`�i *' 11 I 11 -.,� I "I'll, I , � . I I Vier for. a, t,�%.e, Un' ' " giy)ugh ---44� - . 9: room., wa�04; -vidlous-� 1% dw4t ro , I �'. � � I I 19*,-, 1: -1 I PAd into 9 11 91 : . " I , ��::, . ,+. , I - " �.. � 4��,4* - 1�ariko,#" lor both, Yet, eveii 'Sidney' j3ar*s, of the city bl�Ogs -the riv IF The A chair sW �urriizid �� hand to foet, ,JO, �ftuc �, "', '( L �. , , XXS; 'U 4J* vQ1-q6W.J'Q86 fly. "Bett standing ,u , -be barouche; across p er. , ere(l, bi ."A., i . � - � � .��'b.,%. tica , � I * , I " " . I 11, 2: I ���L, call ya 4m � , P In' t %jol, - u0sto of Istrationg .. . .. , � Mile No., I'm, I it - . the lItr�04 -V , Abel Thor*psouPs � -f , , . I outlook, t�KO*O.W -g,,Which C ardent mi . twWo'st, up I 1, : - vlk!, � 461b6tter 10. *atch the ,,l .. ' � - ­ , 11 . . . . . . ��.: . I ! a I Mr. BaA , -elody sUuld.bUv.e - , , I , , ... I . , ­ , -III Z - I . - , I , , �­,Z , '. . " I * J this doubW,:,6' "UT enjoyed Was .Vhe girl 41led M le -.0 ," L - s raised his head; look , 11, - , , . j in � .4, 4 �, .,g �cd*lbg, I . i re'llis. ,, t:a1l-'%t,,obseur�-d, from him, - . V , 11 , 11 I ��1'11 I � ,;0 NJ. IFUGGARD - - deadly ;��, f - � i9nown Oetter.' Dilsaster, before Aqw. �, .., "" 4 I F"... 1. I ; " ,H in severat'wrong direptimW hefo `T-§� _wcommended witi.i. . ­ � � ,.� � �� I JU-MAC, IFTAA:� filla, jml", � 0 I I .. 4114-pOV'rogliz� Wow swift and bad taught hdr the inadvisOffity of are"g-re. '..Jk.,# 0 Igaze found the point , WV.RgW��w ,',',.!4aatter of record . , W **,6M:!- L., t ,,� �� . �-,.Rqrri_ster., , Solicitor, ' 4 . t, .1, ,Iot - 40 . - I ft*P%' s � - bis -work' But when a rti ­';�� . ­�!� !00F'�T -, . � I WV4 W .WOO P4 '1�u- Hanlows patrqns.�Were little given to a divi,ded. interest during business hours ' , `4 " . " � - I I ended 'd t' ' - f. � , 11 unsavory littei � I �� " 1, I "A T - , , , ­" , , � -�­, r T­�-.,��, I - Block - - Seaforth, Out. smile with careleO lgi*, Of lgonppre�. abruptl�r In An ominous, bubbly Or. cons' era 104, 'Q 0 'M , . . ". ��, -- d * , . ,,,,-Pl,�`� I . Notary Public, Etc. suggestion had come, Uqrpu 'he -144$�,'hjkh and piercing how and earned her the reputation of a, 0 , , �' " -: �?-:: ..; ... ..... ,5,,i�'. - -, ,ppA : , 4 , - 1tv - Reattid I �., I � nip 'i -i'p Y he, o eoutin- i '941aw '" �fte, ,; an 77 ., 1177 1w, I � surrounding1ji `:�,�­j� k door. of these trouble -maker. et 8 to , ." - �­,qu ft ,. .. "'I'll, 1,w7-;-, ,�"' . 4 I - I . I - 'helasion, and tummed a: 1�lar, 'of 11di gle','- Airomy Gordon, the only al,01 , - . ,­­. . . 1� ", 1. .1 �,.` '' - �'. 0A1%. . . I edifices f' beW ued to gaze with warm and ' I . . I I . . ". - "", ­­ I;-, �� �, " , - I I. paper, Pressently. �bhe s -z -s -s rose a. ,and unmoved spectator, -0., itite, or the yearill � . I . . 11 Lllk;o,�;, � ... 2 . ­loud6r,. , . , was con- stream of watei` �'iides cent with oil s0ftni4s until Whitey could 119 . , , .1 " � " . R. S, RAYS , - litiflo and',.,urged by it and strained to act. and acid, whi& . no longer I .. . I �, ,., �,�!;,i,� , T, , 11 I ­rn6rp-11y1f.oitifflLed,. the terrier stepped He broke through the- throng and ;'k6d the hotel'park,l consain his displeasure, . . 11�11 . I gi,,,�, . �i . . - I .. �Y: . , � . "Barrister, Soliqltor,,­ Conveya ' a court of - .1 W� at, innocent . "WhY'n't You invite him overv, he ' , --. li.., I F I ,,' ,p , Acer r�rre jewlgilx, the muttdr a swelling fell to his knee beside the writhing growled. "He looks like he migh,, , . I ,:­ ,,,,, ��, 11 , , - - - 1�� 4' R"". . I , 1 .114:'.4��j 1 .1 a of tree or: othii, living, green thing, -1 I I P., I I � I �.-� 1 '..`c,",�,it,,;�, 01, and X0=7 Public, - SoRelth* for the- mengee in hi 1 throat. He closed - the bodies. It was time enough, for the and aquiver w�t,lt: August heat, be a free-spendin' gent with a bank- t�f. 1� � , i , i -, ,%­f-�, . Doolniqu, IW*-.. Q�acitn4ear'OftlX8 last few feet which separated Nin terrier's gasps were wheezelike, his I i , I I � -F ��. "k L1011141111104 ..Aa:pk,:�: Seaforth. Monei to . I In fact, wheniever,one of his patrons rol .' � I � I." ;��f ,�, I I - . '�A e. �, V1, , . from hio'chiosen -prey with a whirl- throat stained crimson. Dashing up �. - I , �, 1. , �,'� ,,� (","": � ' . .. '' . - I I lowk., . .1 wind rush . began to frequiii.t.,too persistentlythe The remark Was 'thoroughly in tun ' I .. � I I'll I . � v)c'r. ,,r�-,� , .1 - Butthe threatened aunt- In Jimmy Gordon. s wake, the confi- � � , I ��, I ,,,,�,.,.��,::,H­ ,;"� "'I bilation was momentarily delayed, With many which had lately causeo � 1. dent smile wiped Irr rusted lron,bencbi�s with which this d MWIRS010 . � r " , ". "'), 0 ;:�- I. 11 .. -�3� 5,�, '':� I 11 . �- . �­�:"; , REST & BEST om his lips, Sid- latter expause' dotted, broo,ling, the girl to wonder -whether WN,tey -- I" , 11 I ,�,".1"'vV-111 ,;,"d, .­ 1, I " �'��*�.�: wati wo �� . I 1. I .. � , ­,k--� � I . . I Without excessive effort the Aire- neY auTived just as the yellow dog's too openly ovei 111W rth the while even taking into I W.aw I I , !;"�!,,�� Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyan- dale side-stepped and, avoided the jaws were re � ih": sluggish current, . , I I . . , � laxing beneath the thin TZ I . 4.-I.. -4 L consideration the eII- t T ��--=====­======-- - -- - - - -- I � 111�� 1. 11 " � 111111him � IIIM W ,A � cera and x4qtaries Public, Etc. Office In the Edge Building, opposite The Expositor Office. I . I JAMES L. KILLORAN , � I Barrister, Notary Public, etc­Maney to loan. 1i" Seaforth on Monday, of each *60.k. * ' Office over KeatingIs Drug,Store. I . I VETERINARY . F. HARBURN, V. S. Honer graduate of Ontario Veterin- ary College, and honorary member of the Medical Association of the Ontario Veterinary College. Treats diseases of all domestic animals by the most mod- ern principles. Dentistry and Milk Fever a 'specialty. Office opposite Dick's Hotel, Main Street, Seaforth. All orders- left tit the hotel will re- ceive prompt attention. Night calls. JOHN GRIEVE, V. S. I Honor graduate of Ontario Veterin- ary College. All diseases of domestic animals treated. Calls promptly at- tended to and charges moderate. Vet- erinary Dentistry a specialty. Office and -residence on Goderich Street, one door east of Dr. Mackay's,Office, Sea - forth. MEDICAL I I I . 4 . DR. J. W. PECK , , 'f", :. , . " �- ... -, . . . 4�&�ZMA*-ef FAc,dIty--of-Med1&-ne McGill Uffilversity, Montreal; member of College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario ; Licentiate of Medical Council of Canada; Post -Graduate Member of � Resident Medical Staff of deneral Hospital, Montreal, 1914-15. Office, 2 doors east of Post' Office. Phone 56, Hensall, Qntario. '- T - DR. A. NEWTON-BRADY -- Bayfield., I Graduate -Dublin University, Ire- land. LB;te Extern Assistant Master PAtdnda .Hospital for Women and Childrenj Dublin. Office at residence lately occupied by Mrs. Parsons, ' I Hours, 9 to 10 a.m., 6 to, 7 p.m.; . Sundays, 1 to 2 P.m. ..2866-26 � � DR. F. J. BURROWS Office and residence Goderich Street, east of the Methodist church, Seaforth. Phone 46. Coroner for the County of Huron, DR. C. MACKAY I C. Mackay, honor graduate of Trin- ity University, and gold medallist of Trinity Medical College; member of the College of Physicians and Sur- geons of Ontario. . DR. H. HUGH ROSS Graduate of University of Toronto Faculty of Medicine, 'member of Col- lege of Physicians� and Surgeons. of Ontario; pass graduate courses in Chicago Clinical School of Chicago; Royal Ophthalmic Hospital, London, England; University Hospital, Lon- don, England. Office -Back of Do- minion Bank, Seaforth. Phone No. 5. Night calls answered from residence, Vict6ria Street, Seaforth. . - AUCTIONEERS OSCAR W. REED Licensed auctioneer for the Coun- ties of Perth and Huron. Graduate of Jones' School of Auctioneering. Chicago. Charges moderate, and sat- isfaction guaranteed. Write or wire Oscar W. Reed, Staffa, Ont. Phone 11-2. THOMAS BROWN ' Licensed auctioneer for the counties of Huron and Perth. Corrimpondence arrangements for sale dates can be I made by calling up phone 07, Seaforth . I , or The Expositor Office. Charges mod - , trate, and sitlafaction guaranteed. � I . ­... . . - I I ..0SCAA'KLOPP I Honor Grad4ate Carey Jones' Na- tional School 61 Alictioneering, Chi- eago. Spealkil tftt�6 tAken Ill Pure Bred Live Stock," R iil ,Vstate, Mer. chandise and Farm cl�i.' Rates In keeping with prevailing inatket. ant- Isfaction assured. Writ# ot � wire, Oscar Klopp, Zurich, Ont. -Phone ]a-93. 990049 . I � R. T. MIKER Licensed auetlone?ar for the County of Huron. Salei attended to in all 1paflbi of the county. . Seven y1enral ex- povieneo in Manitobo and Saslmtche- *ft. Toms rdpaotigble. Phone No Z owt, Cent= a P, O., U. ' 'd !, �',' '' Va loft.4fthe ffnrott ' I I I.;',�% ��i - - ' '� I - ' ' .'' � 'i'4 1101 - " � ' '�"� ! I ' - Wo ­4� � � � ! 54 � - "l, I 00*10tir :N&wi",,��'.1��'ll,��ii�""k����';'e��.�,�!!,Q,�� 4X; ,�i�,,, I �i,!�:, �',,O�V' an on, wa ng, 6 ouL seeming to J . orle.s. n I =�*# , -­ ­��. . . ��­,%�.� I I . . � , , ", - �r �N� I I I r� - �1.1 I . z I ." I I 41 flashing teeth and wide pink jaws. finger's pressure. Livid at the sight walch, invariably found an excuse to any walk of life self-sufficiency is opened a hYmu-book and " ­;, - 1� Half facing away from the terrier, of the prostrate vleti which the bound to grow irksom let me hang ],.I,,,,":: W I � M .pocket and brought o '' " �;,�., , , nt a ro 11��,� ,�,'%. suggest a chango'bf scene. Conduct e sooner or on to one cover of it, just . roil ,I , 91,4. I I : ,".. whose rush had shot ,him across the Airedale relinqrdzhl�d with reluctance later and 'gossip 'When I was bills, small of deu6iri�tion tud Ilik I I sidewalk, he turned questioning eyes Sidney set himself and raised his unbecoming a -gentleman or a lady, maing to accus at Hanlon's was be- going down for the last time. We , 1, 7 I la", nd evinced by a d 91 nd very dirty, ' - . .1 � ,-.,�1',.,:,4,­ 1. P. e' 3fir. Garrity Of a stood up together and sung him the I I ., ,� Be #U6, to swing a chair - upon the face Of Mr. Abel Thompson. heavy stick. It fell, and ro a or screain epithetp- in a tone which parsimony anything but promi'sing, "Give this to Hanlon wheini he The latter's concern deepened to dis- fell again. The first' blow st tenor and me the air---,�sung' .IN - ­ .. I -- - - � ruck. earer back, will, You?": he requeote� � A. � ��`?, I , r6ay. Thi's also was might penetrate the alley to Main his tales of magnificent improvidence My God To Thee,, . 0�;,:,,: � * , �� � a Symptom. full across the Airedale's quiet notwithstanding. while the rest Of guess Pra too tired4Q.*aft; gn ., '. �, ,: ., % . , , .."B4t' call yuh dawg, Mist, Banks," the second laid the knuckles of one 1 ,4� �y �1. ' bead; Street served as, often as any; gen- , It the congregation tried to figure whe- likely to be late, ab,,PVa ., - . arrears ln,ba Why, that's only Jiminy Gordon," ther it would be 'better to call , . , r,and board not at , y, ! J ust - -Q,q,,,,� "! WW" " ,hL- repeated, and dared plead urgency of Jimmy Gordon's hands open to the she stooped to explanation partly be- poll ­­ 4,�� now. 99 ,;, the him I ran into Demps9y.,lasit � '00 ': n., tll � Bet' .call him off. Hei go, git bone. I all. For thmW who lived in Hanlon's ce Or wait and disi , � ,;,�l .1� . - W I r,�, , , ­5- 'nt were of a cause memory had softened. her lifect the build- Tell him Dempsey thanks -l. '-p-"- +�J,,�d�,., " 's ­ �Tn J-W.�IiAl I 0 frouble 'f'yuh don�" Staggering the yello* dog drew a -peculiar sensitiveness bl. ' m f44 I �, I -, , . in. spir- ing later . . . . Laugh, damn, you, loarL K ---- ti,�, 7 ., , ; .1� 1 11.4. � 2 � - it as well as ,her lips, partly because laughP D6 you think pin telfin! you 2- frulter for BiW;.� �'� �11"- I The warning was -heartfelt and. sift- wa toward the mouth of the alley some ntatters� of 9peculiar punctility it -- He caught v, ' 2 '. as J Wa i 11.22 - . I . .1. -.1111 , I Y s her choice to be amiable. -11e% this because I think you would un- The . 1. ,!-IM I eere, -but it came- too late. well --a tralls'll-ach would have ' . N� been away quite a: while. , � ;, 1�', . .11 - -­'F�- .. . 11%. . i Banks lifted vexed feat Sidney thkt led to ITAnlon's. Dazed he was surprised an outside world had it be 1-1 didn't derstarld. negro tucked tlh� bills i6to sj' 1", . .. "r "A.,,' :,.. , * , "' ,qrqs,,bnt he unable to dodger- and one of Sidney's a 119 - know he'd got back." Wily, I ain't sure You pocket Of his vivid wai teo , ' �-,, �,�.'A I .11 ., I �' . . . . . . . . . , -1' / re n or -coninkent. eonc� ' t- .., I � test against t 'ey 4puld, and almost '112 exarninatie is - dt-witho! V'4,:� 1 54 -4. and carried him much would know what a ;hurch is. I .,� �;:,�', Thad no time in which to 'register pro- -boots raised come ' I k wledge. Guesto "Ain't been writin' you erilm, ,f�,�� .1 of address in which the gentleman - He lay for a mom- never failed to . -then?" Whitey's response had' it the one from whor� � they ),a A -, coxf, .� -,,,, I . ; the uninvited freedom of ithe distance paid le. h gular, telling it because I've never Wld . pay. No caste was the before, never spoke of it, and I want- IJ , e �, -ent where'lie fell, breathing sobbing- I st PI . patness of a litany. "May [ -,,7�� , � "I" I. . , temporary � Was ancient history that D ;Wi ' , , of color was indulging himself. At - ID 1111 7 becapsp, of a be he's da- ed to hearhow funny it would sound had left tow., I . qnw. a , � ��, 11 , , Y, : ,;,7,�a cided that you don't figure any more a little hsitUy; .not,, - '-,o ., ly. before he tottered on. Sidney difference of opinion, backed up or- -to myself.11 s sqi­� ­­�*� "`;� that instant the bull -terrier decided li�d the bull -terrier in his stras when in his Young life." many weeks before, because. he -4 1 � �"6`. '. � , #­ -.-,.,�.�1 ,� 11 that this antagonist was too coward- J'imrmy'GDrdon straightened. He, ally or ThysicaljyI as the case might Whitey controlled his mirth and been so Ibng law-abiding that the -p., , ,.,,.�.. , �. ,0;� ,�-�L�'� . ly, too utterly craven, for the - like' to', be. Sol by watchful tact, Blanlon , Usually this betrayal of a possible attempted to int, but she cut lice, in exasperation, ar . .��N.M em the Airedale, swayed a little. jealousy would have been turned to hin, short with a rrupt, -had finall ' ' _�­ , �­,,, house unduly gruesome publicity at .98 dangerous Y .. I i - c I,, �.. 1. f�,;,­ ' up spared ,their feel!W and saved h' d n ge tho t th lo of a "According to AheV �: ��-,i tl. Iiloyment-of caution. If he wouldn't He looked at his hand -looked a a via ta wi u e. fury- ranged a ftlisdelveanor for.him., Al- Id turn and fight, it were best to mete ,and, smiled deprecatingly. moment or a syllable. Instead the blo my count, you have gave more attention to the, lidiyisa� ,",'�,"�:'Z ' �, "' " ! � '41t gain, said. "Gee, look at that! You cut was tired. It *Ajjr�. �:1:4' spo. �­::,11 out speedy. destruction and have done ' "Hello, I the same time. And for the rest, in- girl bowed her head lower, as if a- afternoon. The sandwich don't en- seldom that Jimmy Gordon I I �.'.,�,, with it. He, tore in again. A Sid, how are you?' he terior and exterior,. the hotel itself gainst verbal intrusion, and . wn me to one glass, of beer this statement that he -M, I �,%��.,, .1 .... �, ......... :�41,.... i his gaze harassed now,. -the Airedale my hand clean to the bone." was spotless, even about its lback ed momentarily silent, remain- ter; Ws been served steady, every concerning himself. He tied a - last i "i ,.. shifted and came clear. door. I When she ',�j .. 1 ., U- - ,,�; 'Pi And then a ';Phere was. no resentment in the did speak it was with dreary gentle- s regal, knot in a none too White handker-�� -­,"I.,"3211k I ��;. ,p 1. dusty, blue -serge clad, figure threw a attention he called to his wound. The front office through which Jim- and a �oor girl ain't got any money. chief and patted the improvised ba -n&., - - ,',,::. I ness showing in her voide. ,,::'1,:, I It my Gordon made his entrance from "Seems to me I hear somebody say He lends -all he can spare to them he age. I . I .;.,',1 . , , . � ­,­ -- "Dar now" he said. "Dart Slt� J .:, shadow across Mr. Tborrapson's pal- was simply a part of 'his wholly ,n,,a the alley was deserted at that hour. you was a wise guy," she might have now, if you have to knock :? � " ing face. . and curiously impersonal greeting.For Business was always light in knows can't ever pay it back. So side. And the crowd of enthusiasts, Hanlon's been musing aloud, "or maybe I just a . go ahead all clean a�d 'spectable. � i�f,oia­yqc: rticular for lookin7 mighty bluish Iroun, ye, . q; � "Take care of yourself,'Oh Boy," a %answer Sidney shouldered him to one between midday and nightfall the rheard you talking about yourself. . --�. �. still voice said. nd knock. I ain't been pa ,;�., I . m;uf- -- Can't you see that he don't belong But pick som about what I listen to. Shall I get you ,;;�I­, - " -terrier back witnessing the liveliest demonstra sumpin' to drink?"' .*-,;;�,, Jim -my Gordon, covering ground their ardor already bull stretch from midnight till da�break "e a long while <; ". - here -or do you need a ebody besides Jimmy : `;` ,�. ' " . . . . . 111,�, i �! - , ,,It, �, e getting a4., !. 1�, , ...' to you ? 1, - long home," he said. 1 2,�', , more slowly, had come up with his to the baroucbe, when Abel Thomp- tions. And. a larger rear room, tell it wornan to Gordon or You'll be doin' a solitary "I guess I'd better b . friend. He was leaning against a son, whose ecstasy had been spon' doubly light by coritrast 11 ��,�.,.. .,. brick corner of the -alley. And though taneous. chancing to roll his eyes a , with the or'wake up wondering what fell on .. , . '�,�,%Yff � ' That was her second mistake, if it The gentleman of color ­ , - long and dingy passageway by which you. This ain't 'gay Paree' nor 'Good , mmained: ;. '1.�­ ' ::Z was conciliation she desired. Thi� , 1. ,, :: " - , I'�: the wor& wwre barely audible,.grave- loft, delivered 'himself of a horrified it was reached, ostensibly open seated after the door had opened an&, 11, ,�, ,,��., .1 , ,­ . ",� ... 11 I - anyone, at any time, by its very ae- He wrestled for ai ,�� :11111� , , .--- - ta6hed that it would have been hard - is Hanlon's-and Hanlon's is the while with a knotty probl'em. 4 anct.. , - �., . ly unimpassioned and so entirely de- snort. . to time Jimmy, chancing to meet the old Chi' nor 'little old N'Yawk., This closed once more. "Glory to Moses," breathed that l that way .1 . . to.say -who had spoken them, the Aire- gentleman of color. cessibility, manifested but slighter I only place in Warchester where folks finally had to give it up. � , % , ! - I , stirred a little and blinked his sur- ','-'�J ,,�`�� . dhle beseeched Mr. Thompson- no es -look dar!" "Glory to Mos- show of trade. can't knock that kid! Lay off! Do "That's a funny boy," he audibly- .1 , ., ed and Prilse. He would have believed that I make, r? 'I . ,4:1�,­, er, A single poupl� kan@d.over one the insolence in it -was personal, had admitted defeat, - "Never driclose- to, ­.�-,;�;� lbrig '. , , Having spoken he turn' of 'myself sufficiently clea �,,��,,,,,,::::::`� �- a ' , , He faced the terrier. He dropped ducked from sight. And wh the small round tables with which 2 he net been sure that the fox -faced Apparently she did. Whitey tried nobody what h,I thinkin' at all. 'IF' : " -�,�."P:-�, ' . � en those scant dance, space was banked; a to cover his white rage with a laugh, I din, know where he was goin, I'd .1 . �,�.. - - ,- - - . who heard it obeyed his injunction, lone waiter with a white patch of person was a total stranger, and but the effort was a little strained .111, r � � . logically disinterested in him, un- say he was glad to go." % A , . they too found immediate motion in- apron across his thighs leaned a- pleasantly or -otherwise. Abe and uncomfortable. Further, he kept � , -t�� , I . . - ". . . . ­ � . dispensable to comfort. gainst a window -sill, back to 1 ThOmp- a cautious eye upon the beer mug ''; . "Send for ftee bod% ' his son mistook the start' and the bl* k CHAPTER V 1':,. ­ ­ �, M Pardo. charges. And the couple, a fox -faced " which she was fingering nervously. : I . 1�9 In a s as indications of pain and tempered COME YE WHO ARE WEARY �� � . , � - . , . Z. of. Trench's econd story window of the kouth and a girl with a white plumed somewhat his zeal. "Gee, ain't she the little spitfire," 11 -1 . I .1 , . I arationf 1 orEpIlepsy he sought TWO phrases, eloquent of an old I , n, ts-simple '' . � world-famous prep- Gazette building across the street hat, seemed oppressed by the weather; "So -o -o," said Whitey. "Then he' I facetiously to relieve the fashioned decade, had survived- . 5 ; 411, . and Fi loomed T. Ellbu Banks, his great so s tension. I How'd I know be was , .15 �, 'F ' eatment, the waiter indifferent to the point of a -nice little boy! Nat our rt at -a Warehester's growth to cityhood; and . , Over 30yearw mwces% Testimonials from all . hoine tr bulk not quite filling the aperture. his stupidity. 'Hope of diversion, no all?" particular friend of youm?,, I � I.' Off-1ie.r;o;1:d parts vurple face appalling. Very Dlainly matter how trivial, s while one of them had lost. more or I , ,;� ,Aovcr]000 in one year. writeatonzato; ....- � � , . CHIS REMEDIES LIMITED bowed in the With far less effort than th He'ain't" Melody flashed back at less, it, geographical exactitude, the .. at by -i he, too, had been witness of �he en- faces of all three as they turned at hi 4i � ��. MW St.Jamiev Chambers, 79AdeWdoSt,X counter; his attitude toward such which it had achiev in. 'This' minute if you was to !%�,- , Torputo. Ontarid ed gentleness �he other, from year to year, continued to, il "I !f 1. sacrilege was alarmingly evident. At the sound of An opening door. But girl's face hardened. Even her' ask him for my name he couldn't I "� voice . � r, � - - - with the entrance of Jimmy increase in social significance. "Down - ' 41 followed changed and grew nasal. at its elastic best, could no� 1: ,. 1, . � ho, habit- from the way he pinked up when 1 longer be said to, embrace the city's � 7., -111. the first stiff gesture which he flung by the gentleman of color ;W give it to you. Don't you get that towri,�, "Our sort!" Matchless scorn made bowed to 'him. He ain't -my friend. :1 ," ,,, � � , LONDON AND WINGHAM at it the rabble dispersed -that is, id ually sensation -'hungry himself, was Whitey's sarcasm seem amateurish. vast and soot -soiled -area of industry' j I :�'. I I North. but . the thin and tired figu.re in shiny loath to leave that injured hand in "Our sort? I -Pin a friend of e his." She falter- quite as faithfully as it had once cov- - ­��". � maining upon the stricken field there 10 0� ': , blue serge. And in the latter's re- the absence of better divertisement, ain,t. He's so different that.he trac- sudden. She wal wed with some dif- ered a compact block or two of marts,' � ,,, a.m. p.m. You're dead right be� ed and her fiercen ss was gone of a '". Exeter ........... 10.16 6.04 all similarity of expression ended. ed me once as if I was a lady with ficulty and coughed a little. "It's ,, . ��I`il Hensall ........... 10.30 6.18 should be read nothing heroic. He - devoted to barter and trade,. But The waiter, of a deceptively flabby out even st6pping to wonder whether hot in here," .up on the hill" was still the 'excluh-- I I 1 11 Kipp6n ........... was too wholly intent upon his hurt expansiveness, continued outwardly I was or not." She paused she finished unsteadily. ive" residential, section of the com- I 'A' 10.35 6.23 hand to see anything else for a ,om- indifferent, though his air of stupidity cided to speak further. and de- ,,Come on. I gotta get out in the �. Brucefield ......... 10-44 6.32 ent or two, though to the Jovian figuTe "Once I got air," munity, though the town's growth, ­;� left him. His eyes went directly to into the wTong church, but the right commented uporr in public as phenorn- ,�.�, , Clinton Jet . ....... 10.58 6,46 his conduct savored of defiance no the frayed and bleeding knuckles; he And because she spoke no more on :�,,,�'i, Clinton, Ar . ....... 11.05 6.52 doubt. Jimmy Gordon stood all a- pew -a church where there was only enal, had not respected wholly evert %. 1�.'. .. Clinton, Lv . ...... 11.15 6.52 appraised them instantaneou�ly, cal-'Iadies and gentlemen present, until I that topic Whitey thought that the this abode of the "best people." . :;��'. . n 21 9.58 lone when ,he finally raised his head. culating the extent of the injury and horned in. Can you beat that for a final, shaft of hatred which be launch- I Cl nto - ' 11' A less preoccupied person would In private this insidious encroach- I �.. , Londe boicttigh ....... 11.35 7,12 the probable finality, for the time be- dippy championed so I �: . .11 stunt -me walking into men by- , s have flinched. if only involuntarily. ing at least, of the affair which had church and helping myself to a seat t was deplored, principally I 1". Blyth ....... 11-44 721 before that blasti . a bitterly had escaped her notice. It se white and green � 1 .., ..... 11.56 7.38 L the Dallid rage of the Reverend just as independent as if it was a colonial homes dated back to- that .. 1: Belgrav*e' * * * ng wrath, flanked occasioned the damage. Such was pleased him to anticipate. another Wingbam Jet., Ar... 12.08 1 7.45 uy the waiter's system. And his incipi- lecture or something where you only meeting at no distant date. The af- 1 Wingham Jet., Lv.. 12.08. 7.45 Watson Duncan and the sheer distaste ent suspicion had become actual in front which be had suffered at Jim- earlier era -but only in private. For � 1.1 . - of Mr. J. J. Latham. - had to buy a ticket to get by? You're the male beads of those same famili& 11, Wingham ......... 12.12 7.55 J'm�ny Merely difference behind his mask of apathy my Gordon's hands was nameless but ttt 11 I ., right you can't. I guess it was the retired from actual participation, i South. blinked -a rascally clever simulation before he raised his eyes and 'recog- singing I wanted to hear. I never nonetheless unforgivable. It de- "I a.m. P.M. of surprise! Next he smiled, and nizing the owner of the knuckles, was strong for sermons, and I sung na'anded expiation. After �the Ooor since the inroad of competitive com- .., Wingham ......... 6.55 3.15 the slightly crooked grin rendered knew beyond had closed behind this neW enemy mercali�sm, were growing more and . - . I , doubt that no conflict I in 'a choir once myself. So in I sail- which he had acquired unwitting more disposed to accept, ready-made, .. . ... Wingbam Jet. ..... misconstruction in the other quarter upon the premises threatened, Neither ed, and I wasn't wearing a lid like Y, the doctrines of their more active . �', 7.01 3.21 . , Belgrave ........... sible. He even dared brazenly I Jimmy broached the business which � .. , 7.15 3.82 "nPos surprise nor curiosity at the return the one I got on, either, hut I played ' . 1 Blyth ............. 7.27 3.44 to nod his bead in greeting, and of one whose absence bad been more 11 in luck just the same. I drew a place had brou ht him there. neighbors, as unreservedly as they I. "' 0, though the window was closed ant] 9 intrusted to them their dividend -pay- ..�.t - Londesborough .... 7.35 3.52 than once remar�ed during the last "Hanlon 'home?" he asked. . 1. .1 the distance considerablo', Jimmy few .month. remem- ng investments. -1 . Clinton Jet . ....... 7.49 4.06 s next to him; since then I've ,. �, crosm,d his heavy face. hered that there was plenty of room The Palace theater factoturn and ' If T. Elibu Banks, President of the . W. � - 3 heard T. Elibu roar. The words He intruded no greeting since the in his substitute chef shook his head. A* ,Iinton ........... 7.66 4.13 . . which the town's great man address- neighborhood, so maybe the Commonwealth Trust, openly exulted I Clinton Jet. ........ 8.03 4.20 prodigal was quit(, evidently occupied usher seen to that, too. Anyway, he "He ain't been 'roun' sence mawn- ::: I Brucefield ......... 8.15 4.3 ed to the man of cloth were indis- with thoughts of his own. The win- in",, , in expansion and blessed it in the ... I,- , he replied. "We been havin' mo' 1­,�. 2 tinguishable; their probable gist left, name of prosperity, it would have . .1 ., Kippen ........... 8.22 4.40 dow-sill creaked under massive el- or less trouble eveh sence you ., , , ,; - a , . .. T-Tensall ........... 8.32 4.50 gave the boy little trouble to guess. bows again. Again the waiter seem- ------ , and ]as' Wednesday it done reached r,o,ued a deplorable lack of ordinary ��. I Near the stage -door "he met Mr. �,'. Exeter ............ 8.47 5.05 ed stupid. . a crisis. 'Twant mucb-jes' a little common sense not to have shared his . .. ". �, . Thompson returning to see what had I � enthusiasm-, and very positive pre- -, The other man's a-pprhisal of the Irgyrnint ovah too -many aces in a . . .'� d judices as well. .. I �� happened. This mercurial one ba newcomer was briefer, more in de- poker deck -on' * . %-1. . C. N. R. TIME TABLE recovered entirely from his brief .1 Y some folks is nach- I F � � :- r . �,�,� glimpse of T. Elihu% face, and crav tail, and the unflOtering conclusions I , el)Y got to go out an' talk." He roll- Fver since he could remember I .. EAst. e& another. - arrived at not too scrupulously con- "I .. I ed his eyes scornfully at the door Jimmy Gordon's .step had always be- : .. .1,11, I a.m. p.m. cealed by 'half. Arrogant display or , larough i gun to lag whenever he. turned into, � .. "Din I tole 'at young man he bet' - t -which Whitey had just rnado I Maple . �..,, was a characteristic of ..; his exit. "Repo'tah got hole of it, incline " ,, 44 ­ 'oderich .......... 6.00 2.20 call his dawg?" he chuckled in any- which led into this quarter . ,-"k; .l his opinions Street and faced the 7 this personagr-one Whitney Gar- � -,--7 ,,�� and make a big story outen it -two' . .r T'.�j,.. ­ I J. ­.1*1W,1 lawris and shade trees and discreet - , I�N!. 4olmeaville ....... 6.17 2.3 thing but a chastened voice. "Din rity, a lightweight of parts and 11 men dying and anot.iivr cripple' fob �,d 'linton ............ 6.25 2.5 1 tole him twice? What business a I life, when it ain't nuthin' mo than a -'ilPnc(­, not so much from a reluct- ;;; , 2 a 4� 3eaforth .......... 6.41 3.12 -pup got mixin' with Oh c'7' opolitan scholAr by his own des- I I , � - to be identilipd with it -q dignified '�. 0 white bull cription; William Carrity, alias Alibi- couple hnids busted funi gettin' in I anct �­ 3t. Columban ...... 6.49 3.2 Boy? He's some warrior, 'at dawg ' traditions a- because it 'had long been . .�:�." )ublin ............ 6.54 3.28 to the police by reason of 'his adroif the way of a table laig. But 'lection's -.-� _some warrior!" , . �:­ manipulation of cnincidene, I ". comin' on again, an' folks up 'on the plain that he was a dweller there 1: . . I West. Jimmy nodded his thorough accord largely through sufferance. It was '�, ,; : .. :1 a.m. P.M. p.m. menace to the established md-t .,. ,� , .11 hill is talkin' refohnn again, so Peg- .. ­ �6. M." , tbiq realization which lay behind ther .. I . I with this sentiment, but he seemed things by birth. IMN lor-r, he out rangin' t-bingq up nn -�', , I )ublin ...... 10.37 5.38 9.37 little. inclined to talk. As he lifted a �� perpetual question in his eyes, and ... .1, t. Columban. 10-42 5.44 -6 . hand to brush damp hair back from Whitey's eyes. too, touched . I N . 31arifyin' the proletariat. Somt, joll�s his air of mild apology. Whenever ," .. -.I . " : i. first up- � � " . eaforth ..... 10.53 5.53 0 his forehead blood dripped to the on the crirwoned hand and the su- r- I :� want. to watch out who they tell what it , was feasible he took a different .. V I linton ...... 11.10 6.08 10.04 1 10.1 pavement. The negro's eyes rolle � percilious smile of a. professional for about. Goin' git into trouble f thev .. I....!q 1. lolmesville . . 11.20 7.03 3 the crude woi Tr`4 1, 1.11 way home, one more circuitous but ��. ''.�, heav"ward. -k of one less versed in 0 don . I,- � ,..; � 10RS in the nature of a trespass. - �,� loderich . . . . - 11.40 7.20 10.3 the crafC twisted his features. They I I . I . . � 11 I The allusion was scarcely veil'od, bu't I I ..'� ..". 0 I'Lookit ,at hand1l" he whisper d , 11 1,"'.11" "Powl" WE t; flitted from run -over sboeq to tho � Jimmy ignored it. He reached into a (Continued next week) 11, .1 .1111 Din be lam you? '. e � - I ., " ne in an' lenarne wrop it up.,, mildly apoloxetie face above dusty . ,. , ,� C. P. R. TIME TABLE coi of "Nugget" there's the I , .".. - ;I' . .. East. His eyes again apologetic the black blue serge, and the smile became a ,�, , �� , . , . . sbeep wheeled up the alley. There pitying sneer. Whitey worp a two- same hi quality -the It.pa grl .� - R.m. p.m. yo -,�o &Z'se �' � ` Goderich .......... 5.50 1.15 was no indecision in his movement, carat stone in his red four-in-hand ; ualitywl%�ich has made it I .12� " .. qenset ............ 5.55 1,20 no thought of coming at his destina- he .sported another, smaller but not tile supreme shoe Polish �,,,' I . ,1;�..- 11 11 . UcGaw ........... 6.04 1.30 tion by a losts observed route entered ,go vellow, upon a White and femin- throughout the world. � - ,i. I � .1 I . inely tapered finger. And his was MARTI H, ' N 0 gu'" a Ke"' "". %.uburn ........... 8.11 I , , ..41 his bead. But the weight of three 'I ,", self-centered nature, else he woul'i (66 00 I" T.T I ' Ilyth ............. 6.25 1.62 pairs or eye,.; was heavy upon his � ;, � ,;; I I i ;N . 11 -�4­- '... have sensed all tbat,lay behind the � RE'D HO ' SE PAINT'' ,:�" -k� the. presence of one observer a I �,,i5,,, P ., i- . � , �Valton ........... 6.40 2.07 bn( �,, 'i G , �',�,`�` R! , waiter's silence and noticed as well Nu GET , I ., ­Z,�� I I .1. -1 I - , W'dNaught ......... 6.52 2.19 fact to he regretted in the extreme. For Borna d2nd fttbaddings , -nmy C the change -which altered the face of �-,�',,5 ­ 10.25 6.2() Devoutly Jii ,ordon wished that . .1 ,111,Uo �i3O 1,- V . bis companion, fhe girl vAio sat with �9 has no eqlkel Kj�,' ,,� J. J� 1,.qthAM might 'have been else. . , . ""A I �� �., � ,,, , � �j�� . �,, � 1, . West. him at the opposite side.of the table. %co ]POIA, Write to Head Office. Man�OaW fer rr90 Bo*We-t . . � " �, �4, Where at that instant. .,�,A,, 11 ,,, I ,�I-i�� 'I., - s nothing 6omplex , . ,-- 1; - -1, I I ,, a.m. p.m. There wFL Rbout made in afarlz. Ton, Toneg Red and HOMFE PAONTING MA= MA.SV' ­ ,' � I , � I., , Ill , on which sWept her face � 4 1 . I . -­'%,�N I . , I I A roronto ........... 7.40 5.10 the expressi - Dark Browm Also White Dressing SOLD BY " . ",;e,g.!,-� J%,��v�, , .. , MeNsught ........ 11.48 9.57 A moment before she might have (cake) and While Cleaner (liquid). . . �.. ­'. � .� 40.. , .1 , ; ­;� , �i ,�, ,��-, ��": Walton ........... 12-01 910 THE GTRL CALLED MELODY been e4fled Pretty, had. It not been as 0 - I 1'�h�,'."�',� ..... . 1.1, " I Blyth ............. 12-12 9.22 .. for the deftwit curl of 11dr lips which a AF � GEO. D. FERGUSON & CO. I I. �� �;��,­ � "I 11"; Auburn ........... 12.23 9-93 H ANLON'S Hotel, a four-square mote than beliqd a ?# of childish - � .1 � �,6, ,, structure of red brick better known ed e Id, � I Se . I � .1 11 :,� �", McCaw . � .......... 12,34 9.44 W. thi ont. � I;A - �s 11 I 0 '990 % And afarr - , "' "' , � 4RT,tya0',' .1 I I I . I ., ; 1. 11 I.., , ; ill.�', .%: 6=36t ........ .. 12441 9.01 as Pegleg's Place, stood in a fiolld*: �" W* . � ;;�,'.­ 11 I "' II , 11 . , I , d , IV . I . 1 1, � ,.) . � � t' 1 , ,, , '­,."�,, ­., . � . I � I 'I, ; , #L' I I I . - .J'1, , ,�, .11�,;���W-�---d,.,..�,�'W'�(AD"OA ;�;", , A* " .1 rK � I I "I I , I I I I . 1, -, t, , P.MIA444 - � -. , K lift ,,,,,,*A ,PA,i-m,lA Iver 4-%,�.&UK41+ -a�­gl;Aik! ., . I , . A � ,, `1 1 .,� ,� `­�­ 1:111 I �� 1--- 1-:-.- .. � I.' " ;� " �­ I I a 166.6 066 � .. M, - ­ 11 .. I I !1A ­ . P I . "MMI, IRA , I 1� , -, � ��,, 1�1�% 11..�, M �, I I I - I , .- -,- "," , -�,, ,:; "I .1, ,,, " ..",", n " 1, ,,:,"I 1. I . '. I . . . . . 11 1. 11 �Y*."'!-, ,,,�, ". q. I ,"', ..., .- , - . " � .,'�,�,,�,,,',,�­�,�,�v c""... 11 .1 . � � - - � � , , .'­­�X',�,U:N',� ., , �, �;��.,),: I ,�, �, :, � , ',�,.,," , 1. � I . , I '. 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