HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1925-04-10, Page 8'
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done While at Beata SO deeen of near
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lo$ 5 to 7 ha 28c
.ROLL8, 3 to r't Ms.. 35c
r 'the better ones eee
all pure pork 25c
-Item, Corned Beef, Bologna,
n Sausage, Freak Spare. Ribs,
.. •
or Loins.
laid eggs were sent to these instate-
gteng A similar gionomoh of ,eggs is
being deepatelied this week. A vote
of thanks was ' tendered the retiring
officers anti these elected for the coin-
ing year are 'an follows: ,Spiritual
Advisor, Ren. Father Goetz; Presi-
dent, Mrs. J. F. Dale; lst Vice Pres.,
Mts. Joseph Keating; 2nd Vice Pres.,
ales, Wen Duman; 3rd Vice Pres.,
e ..• ,ii r INT ,
trA Rue 01 YV MA, ',levee
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•• ''• hew are' .2-,: lin4
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VOFY eS h ,..ame for ,,ally. '.....pa
rOgirti:0 , they will -not- •
' these lat e.w ' .
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rletil.W.Wi, • • '
- ' -
„40,...F;' *etnkeatek, , ::4:0 .
04 Wedne„444-3no - , ....1:- ' -,-'
the death of•104,9,44 r if ie.,..:,,.,,
ceen, ; '', r,' 0 ' ,UUiI
-Toronto On Theidai'mortnne. '4-04
Gwendolyn, Rend, of Whenhaeg,' is ain UtOtqed.O.4,41hIellent-§11.940,,At
E-ao,,ter ,,guegct. at *a lataa0 0 4ar ,WWL4P1F"IX*110e0i44•41k.:.**40.4,;,
' -
grandniether, him 411-emee Beattie:he
Miss M. H. Tonna, of 'Termite, sent
Easter .at. home 'Pars-
,.,.,?m; .,,,11:44,t,l,
. • .
' " ' : - orow7.44,;,i.,
' n 4.iiPSeetnith; ;4441
, if ,,A9419,x4..,47-...and
t"..911*„igh herheefe ffeeeristone
ear *gad nIfft,iniwitir ,0113971114,4ka Plea -I
soiree Of ontieW.Fereh,Veinpehi44.t. 994,
41-,'M Nalgr rO4P. 'on
4,116 peo,,*..
'are eXpeeted
,, ,, „
" --'lt ' , `'•
' ' " ' ' • , 9
. c.•
,Dhlteii- r
ROW- ' IV ItAlDISH, fresh grated,
Mrs. C, Finkbeirter; Rec. Secretary,
• . 41`''. .
' ., e ,hee-e, 9. , •
the of her.-.1hOther: 17004 'ftio, )1- l w.6.0k,441:4-tcfr"-'1A-
Mii15.:4.„ Young -&r and Mice. U. O. WedneedaY teO 'gee ..tneIr ,•-Ailaghtet,..' otte'„,,Te.othereff.:iiim '',gov_.4
%.'bottle 25c
ilEAD LETTUCE 20 to 25e
LPIAF LETTUCE, 2 bunches 25c
6.1......max.. .
eiStrict Racing Circulte-A Meet-
nig of representatives of Turf Club
and Horan Racing Societies will be
Mrs. M. Devereaux, Cor Secretary,
Mrs. S. Carron; Treasurer, Mrs, Jua.
McMillan, The Standing Committees
were also appointed. The meeting
the the
' - .11 q. Inpsons . . • ..
sooKsiOlit*.:2' _ . spApolog.
.:',.! ._ .,. - ' .
SehaeriPtielle'' taken for all 13hblea^
tions towishees
flenderSoie and family.. of -110M-1/.04, Urs. j. Balla9tYlle, wW0:44.0**ht 04. hneeltieenithee-MieheItehe'l.,4.
are risiting..aCtuo bon* of 10, 04 oiieratioh • in Jot, 4.„.-,i4„..xotivto:,+.1,3*).2 conowoli of upg4;fiitiii*
Mri. It, 11., '1144.1elairi,d.-,4d,r1 'Irhil#1,0 ,Bliff- le,' Fawcett ann., , A_, ,lignr. hohaii,,
otudAyi vim hrihr*,_hth .stro40
Daly has pancielaesed th rez yisited at j• X.-WM*4We' and A, w.'. roopp,e4 *into on Tuesday ;a thili
.the -eloetiit40, .. 'Patrick
held in the Council ChaMber, Sea-
forth, on Wednesday morning, April
adjourned with singing of
hymn, "Holy God We Prafse Thy
at prices. . ,
Nigh street from •hg.. orrie,:bast av-.4,4, 'StieldeY even- iweekeleeMn Stapleton has One
Mrs. E. Drake's Estate ' fro.11144440,9” 4:40,,t.aftip,HUrr.i...,7whois a Rumen, 'mild'
-- proat &Spr*at
15th, at 11 o'clock,. for the purpose
of forming a district racing circuit
for 1925, alioting dates, adopting
rules and regulations, etc. Delegates
Name." It. is the endeavor of the
new executive to make this -the 4th
year since its organization in this
parish -,a banner year for the C. W.
, _ _
,.. . ' •
memberiehynthe "Neil Shaw" AuXilie
wen '' Kies' --e.-. McKay, eh heee
Lean, 112r, M. McLean, Mrs, Robert
proved slightly and. wit ia tile.
leased it to Mn Hawkins, 44: 0ellehnh. 1?.0-:.W:q4l.z.:kh,.• ,,, ',4,fh.hrths 4.14;Whe •VO1i4ther- in his fayoe, we trust that he
township, -Mr. W. L. Watson of 04'1! „:#14;l:„FAI - fr ,1,,g,,',lt".-q,41.1,1*,:.•*till .recover. -:-Mester Wilfred. Ktans,
Bank of Cemmeeh.e staff, Toronto, Ohnton.,A , r, lit , h. .. ''kehf.e.',01,d-'t On , of yr. , and )411.... Geo.
who was spending part of bia belie MethodieCehli . ' " hen.. very
from eleven clubs will be in attend-
L. of Seaforth.
McKee M*. H. Chesney and Mrs'.
Rohert.Mt;Kahe an In Memoriam" for
,e,i3O , .,e1,(0,900PCWOX90971.hae.
days at his home bare this week, has very Muck 04110Ma • . , .. , iill,,With.,pne**Ouje:VisSIIOn'ter; of.
returned to the city. -There will be 'congregation. ....The 116w.eWalso,:, , M ;44100; -.40,,4:04,0*.„ illi,Vk,4iiiiirio* are
st For
le Eyes
Latimer -a -Weir. -The wedding was
solemnized in Spartanburg, South
Carolina, on Saturday, April 4th, of
Dr. James Brockington Latimer, a
Anderson, S. C.,
For Sale. -One 8 -roomed semi -bungalow with
modern conveniences. Apply to it Frost-
Cutter 2990-2
Far Sale. -A gc.nd aecand hand ‘11.-
ter for sale, May be seen at James Martin s
her daughter, Mary. And the follow-.
ing have gone On to their e vernal „v..
_arch Mise'Lizzie Gemmell, _Mrs,
Wm. Elliett,-.;mrs. J. Atkinson,- Mrs.
Win A Ifle. ld- i M Laidl '
, re 1 a Mrs aw. .
• special Easter music in First -Presby- werthyeof men -tion. • Vith:will,bep. "veryi•:*, '-'. Wine' the :.)eirly. • spring -
terian church next 'Sanjay. - Miss ed to hear Misn.",Irwin at a fittnre 'cteli, 'Several e bberthfaritiers did
Jane" Allen and Miss Jane Trow, of llp,te.-74BIT8.. IlothaM „Who, •han-spenticii#sielqable• !i$0,Wi'llgi,..19ete.ereehee-An-.
Toronto, are the guests of Miss Eliza-
beth McLean. -,Mr. J. C. Greig spent the winter in Bredhagen,,has return- epidenue ofillikandlnietuntfniala dy-
ed to her home am expects to spend , ing out in the,siitfoiniding_teweehiPP.
Easter With friends in Stratford.
leading physician of
store, Main Street, Seaforth. 2913-tf
the week end at the home of his -Master Tem GorntleYeis slowly re -
Samples of the newest designs
in artistic "Wall Papers" are now
here for your inspection and se-
lection, for you are sure to buy
after seeing these truly attrac-
tive offerings. All our Papers
are kept in stock, so why buy out
of town town.
to Miss Grace Catherine Weir, daugh-
ter of Mrs. George Weir, of Seaforth.
The bride, who has been superin-
tendent of the Anderson County hos-
pital for several years, has a host of
friends in Seaforth and vicinity who
will wish her every success and hap-
piness in her new sphere in life. Dr.
Mrs. Latimer Easter
House to Rent -Modern conveniences, rent
to suit renter. Apply at The Expositor Office.
ack gelding,•rising three; well
brlear and sound. Make grand third horse.
win be sold cheap. Apply James G. Mc-
Michael. Phone 251-13. . 2992-tf
For Sale. -Three dozen White Leghorn hens,
its artema=, "21 serianntreeAPePlYseet°-
Local Briefs.: -Mr. W. Black, M.P.,
is home from -Ottawa for the Easter
holidays. ---110. • Hairy Hinebley left
recently for Sharbot Lake, where he
will spend the summer -Mr . Ander-
SOH, Of Port ;Elgin, was calling •,,an
MeKillop sand Seaforth friends this
week. I. Y. Daly in Toron-
daughter in Toronto. ---Mise Mariongaininghis strength. -Miss) lt. )3eale
Watson Ta spending the Easter holi- • 'spent Saturday in the city, the guest
days in Toronto, the guest of Miss .. I. of her brother, ,Ifre Lawrence Beale
Notes -Master Tom GermleY son " Margaret'
Eryl Bickell.-Mr. J. R. Scott, adjoin- - . • : , . -Miss Horan, loaner Ar.
ing town, was the first to finish seed- of MT. and Mrs. -,-4 v r--,.
-,Malegtice,fiRi4West, received a..eniscellatieena'ShoWe•
bert Township, i slightly •
ing in this district -Mr. Joe Echart - - - p, s s „ lig hetter: Rater last week. . We are pleased to.
was in London this week on business. has been veryill with , , e - . -
pneumomae-• i knew that feillewInt her marriage the -
Mr Patrick Stapleton, -second corie sh - *II'reside' -'
-Miss Givlin, of Windsor, is spend:. • . . e, lady . I -,..an,our 'village .
and will spend
forth. 2991x3
-Mie was
ing the Easter holidays with her mo- • . .
with Mrs. Latimer's mother, Mrs.
Weir, in Seaforth.
Lost -A grey shawl lost between O'Leary's
corner and the Seaforth CreaaMery, on Sun-
da '
y night. Winder leave at W. M. Stewart's
to this on business. - Messrs.
Douglas Beattie and John Dobie were
in Walkerton Saturday.
ther in town. -Dr. Russel Bristow and .
, .,
Mr. Leslie Bristow, of Detroit, and is4. * * * * ii-- * , ,
,. . -
,. * * *
"We Save You Money"
Opposite Expositor Office.
The Bowlers. -At the Bowling Club
on April 9th, a meeting was held by
Store. 2991-1
Sale. -For sale the brick e
House For Sal r
deuce on Goderich Street West, formerly
on -Mr. and
it, Ts
"'Ts. ',arr./ Weiland, of Toronto, were
Mr. Harvey Bristow, of Windsor, are * Now is * - *
Women •whe74.16/1/1**".
'spending the Easter holidays with * A Good * ,'
their Mr. and Mrs. W. H. * is Want the *
the Bowling Executive, to arrange for
bile' It itr'sj.. itess,metteatnArralver-
parents, Time * Beat'. 4"
Bristow. -Miss Kate Broadfoot has To See * ..
different events dering the corning
.77;,evd. etre
ecuton, 2921-tf
returned from Guelph. -Mrs. J. H. e. ..
Our New * ' Buy *
g 9
Hutchison S
season. It was decided to make ap-
plication to the W.O.B.A. for mem-
bership, so that any rinks from our
club would be eligible to play in that
event, which is generally staged in
Auto Mechanic Wanted. -Experienced man
only, or will rent repair department to a good
reliable man. Apply at once. Joseph Thomp-
son. Brown's Garage, North Main Street, Sea-
torte, one; 2990'2
Land Wanted, Season of 1925. -Sod land.
0• 1 'ay
• •
-. tractions
. ••
Best and little daughter are spending
Easter at Mrs. Best's home in Toron-
to. -Mrs. George Murdie, who spent
the winter with friends in Mitchell
and London, has returned to her home
. * Hosiery. *
Golfers *
* -
and * and Gloves *
* hweaterh * , - *- Frain Us, *-
* * * * * * * 0 , _ . 4. !!. * * s. *. * *",
Seed Potatoes
BLEBS, peck • 25e
and TOMATOES, -Have you tried
" "them? If not, why net?
7 line, Dutch Cleanser, Gold Dust,
Klenzine, Cglt, Bon -Ami, Liquid
Veneer, O'Cedar Flopr Polish, etc.
BROOMS at 50c, 60c, 75c, 85c, 90c
and $1.00. The dearer ones we re-
commend as CHEAPER in the long
run. •
BRUSHES -Stove, shoe, scrub and
whitewash brushes.
CANNED PEACHES -Extra quality.
75c Cans h71/ 50c Cans deCe,
for....... a I / 2C f LAM
• lent double size cake for
London. The grounds committee was
instructed to proceed with the instal-
lation of a new lighting system, which
promises to be one of the very best
and also do whatever improving they
deem necessary towards the comfort
and pleasure of the bowler. It was
decided to open the season on May
25th with a local doubles tournament,
commencing at 9 ant, and on June
3rd, an invitation open tournament,
competing for the Savauge Cup, and
on- July 15th, an invitation open
tournament competing for the Free
Press Cup and Stewart Bros. Cup.
These tournaments the last few years
have been very delightful events and
this year promises to surpass all
others. With last year's membership
• -,-- ‘,
at 80 the committee nope to seven
this year's members•hip to at least
spring or fall ploughed, for growing Flax.
Anyone having same please get in touch with
the undersigned at once. J. A. Kerr, P. 0.
go. 87, or phone 251-13. 2988-tf
Tractors For SMe.-2 Waterloo boy, 1 Titan,
1 Happy Farmer, 1 Sawyer & Massey, 1 Re-
liable. Tfelmilt Tractors for sale cheap, ready
for immediate delivery. The Robt Bell 1F42-
eine & Thresher Co., Ltd., Seaforth, Ont
The Industrial Mortgage & Saving. Comp-
aynayn,ceof.treuyill'onOnnituotitagarese on good ILL.
Parties desiring money on farm mortgages
will please apply to James Cowan, Seaforth,
1 furnish rates and other
Ontario. particulars. who The Mortgage & Say.
hes Company. 29664f
Horse Wanted. -A gociel work horse, Perch-
eron, Clyde, cross preferred, or vrill take a
pial bigaikigg hozeze p:rrt pra,Tir Maec
can be arranged to pay in one or two years
if necessary. Phone 34-616, or see me. at
once, as I need the horse for seeding.
MOIldajo likilsday and •Wedneeday
Cosmopontaii CorP ta
, orationpresen
-. .
• •
. -,
Marton Davies
' - -.4"
' •
... in
..,•:•, '
From the stage play by Ride John-.
son Young,Iproduced in 11 Reels.
Thrilli ' d ' ' R ti d
ng aye, omen c aye, une
go -When ohn
Hundred Years A J
Jacob Astor :seas a fur d 1 hen
ea er; w
orne nes an erbilt ran a ferry
C l' V a • r,
boat; when Hebert. Fulton built _MS
first steamboat; when Larenzo Del-
here. -Miss Crosbie, of Toronto, spent
a few days with Seaforth friends.-
Mr. John Webster is gathering raster-
ial for the erection of a new residence
on his lot on Jarvis Street e•-• The
G. W. V. A. Club -will hold their
Easter dance on Monday evening.-
Miss Greta Ross left on Thursday for
New York and Atlantic City. - The•.
Misses Love, of Toronto, are spending
the Easter holidays with their par-
ents Mr. and Mrs. John Love. -Mrs.
' .
George Hills, of Eigeriondville, spent
the week end with London friends.o-
Mr. E. L. Box was in Toronto this
week attending the Ontario Coal
Dealers' Association Convention.-
M*e Belle -Ballantyne of Waterloo is
1 8 ,
spending the holidays at the home of
her father, Mr William Ballantyne.
' " ' •
-Mr. Wallace Arclubald, 0.L.S., son
of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Archibald,
' .
' •_
will prove a revelation
who has never traded
' To our regular
1' htf 1 's e
ig u surprise
and learn the prices.
Beautifully tailored
rich fabrics that
• e
in our
en y
much to
. . .
• .1. g
. •
giving to anyone
Will prove a de -
. th.
e garments
every one front
unequalled style
monico ran ,aelunch wagon -An Irish
in Seaforth
single size price To be had only
at Hutchison's.
EGGS -We are open to buy on
straight or graded basis any kind
of good eggs, but it doesn't pay
anyone to sell dirty eggs,
. D. Hutchison
Seaforth and Mitchell At Whist.-
The Seaforth Whist Club entertained
the Mitchell Whist Club at the resi-
dence of Mr. James Watson on the
evening of Friday last, and spent a
pleasant evening together. When the
game was concluded the Mitchell play-
ers had succeeded in winning by one
Death of W. H. Kern -The death
occurred at his home in Brussels early
Monday morning of Mr. W. H. Kerr,
one of the most outstanding weekly
newspaper proprietors and editors in
Ontario. Mr. Kerr was in his 69th
year and had -been in failing health
for some months. He had been editor
lass came on Ake scene, compelled to
as . a boy to gain an in -
r. • '''
If you likea.'0When.Kmighithood was
youRdike "LITTLE OLD
in Flower " •
enew „he, „ n -,,
e ehese. e -,.
''-'"' • ,
"Little Old New York" will be fol-
intends opening an office
for civil engineering and surveying.-
T. M. Grieve, of Egmondville,hrho
has been confined to his home all win-
ter with. a broken -leg is able to be
out again with the aid of crutches.
His many friends hope soon to see
him fully recovered.
an ura i i v. _ . , --- ,
d d 13'1't e . .
. .
C - $,15,00 -.to $25. 00
oats . . . . .
, . .
. .
- si 35 '
Dresses . .. to s35,00
Phone 166.
point. Lunch was served by Miss
Marion Watson, assisted by Miss
and proprietor of the Brussels Post
for the past 45 years, building that
. lowed by • •
Muriel Willis, after which a
nip from a small beginning into
sociai__The C. W. L are holding
,PRAle rig 1 '
-e I
time was spent in songs and speeches,
The health of the Mitchell players
was ably proposed and seconded on
one of the most widely read weekly
papers in Ontario, and one of the very
few that have been a financial success.
at White Way
Great ___ 7
The Wonder Picture New York's
their Easter social in the Parish Hall
on IVIonday, April 13th, with H-ogg's
orchestra in• attendance. Don't miss
it. A good time is anticipated. •
sr . •
. Pheilinery
Aph_he i mai
behalf of the Seaforth Whist Club by
Mr. J. M. Best Dr. Burrows
Besides his newspaper work, he play-
leading in -and
Main Street of To -day.
Football. -The St. Columban Foot-
Mr"'"0 '
and and
responded to in an appropriate man-
ed a part municipal
church affairs, holding almost every
-- -
ball Club held their annual meeting
Tuesday, March 31st A large and
-- ,
heameasa` asesuoinazwin
- 1 i
I Vil"
nor by Dr. Burritt and Dr. Brown, on
behalf of themselves and the other
Mitchell players, Messrs. Thomson,
Wilson, Halfknight and McDonald,
public office in the gift of his home
town, and in 1905 he was elected War -
den of Huron County. He was one of
the leading lay members of the 1VIeth-
e —
enthusiastic crowd was present and
it we's decided to enter the W. F. A.
again for the season of 1925. The
Right now our Show Room
is teeming with: beautiful
New Spring Hats ln
, any of
v. . (
.'- '
a ..e. ----e- '.
''• e i
,, ...eh -he. .
- %
......_) .-- .
? ' " A.- ..,
who expressed their thanks and plea-
sure at meeting the Seaforth players,
which they hoped would be the pre-
luminary of a series of whist games
between the two clubs in the future,
Mr. Thos. S. Smith, of the Seaforth
Club, sang a couple of Scotch songs,
which were greatly enjoyed, and Mr.
odist church in Ontario and for 40
years held the position 9f Superin-
tendent in the Brussels Methodist
Church Sunday School Mr. Kerr Was
the eldest son of th,-, late Rev. J. L.
Kerr and was born in Flesherton. AS
a young man he studied for the Meth-
odist ministry, but was forced to give
male sex,
1 - ' : 4
comedians of the
to rival Harold
following officers were elected: Hon.
President, Rev. Father Dantzer; 2nd
Hon. President Mr. Francis McQuaid;
3rd Hon. President Mr. Alex: Dar-
ling; President Thom -as Motris; Vice
President, Lorne Pethick; Secretary,
Joseph Moylan; Treasurer, Joseph
StApleton; Manager, John McIver.*
which have just been. reedy,
. •
ed. We are enthusiastic
., .
over their becommgness,
their exclusiveness, their low
price.. Do not fail to see
is always found at Stewart's
Ed. Bright responded to the toast of
the ladies in a happy manner, after
this work no on account of ill health,
and soon after entered the weekly
Lloyd, havi ng proved incapabl it
Meat Market. Our meats are all
carefully selected from the best
cuts in the wholesale market, and
we keep them in prime condition
in dry
which the party concluded, express-
ing the wish to meet in the near fu-
ture now spring is here and the roads
are good for motoring.
newspaper field. He is -survived hy
his wife and one son, Mr. J. Leslie
Kerr, who was associated with him in
business. The funeral was held from
evolved on one a the
has df air sex
to do it. --•'
Dorothy Devore
Notes. -Mr. Kennedy, of Hibbert,
has rented the farm of Mrs. Mary
Flanagan, and with his family will
move here.-1Vfiss Doherty, of the
Separate School, is spending the holi-
scores of Hats ranging, in
price, from •
our -cold refrigerator.
Order some to -day and verify
what we say.
Death of George Mulholland. -An
01d and highly respected resident of
the Methodist church on Tuesday af-
ternoon, and as was to have been ex-
pected of one who had held such a
make you hold your sides for six
funny thrills thrilling
days at the parental home in Logan.
-Miss Tessie Lynch is visiting
friends in DetroitFlynn, Mary
to 0
$3.50 $1.00
ID. :1. STEWA f:.T
this community passed away at his
home in Harpurhey on Saturday of
prominent place in the esteem and
affection of the community, the funer-
reels of and
of Hullett, spent the week end at the
... - , ,
Phone 58.
last week, in the person of Mr. George
Mulholland. Mr. Mulholland had
reached the good age of 86 years, but
al was very largely attended, not only
by people from his immediate neigh-
borhood, but by representatives from
A Great Corned Cast, including
. • y
Walter Fliers Tully Marshall
and Max Davidson
home of her grandparents, and
__ D. _ .
Mrs. James Evans -Mrs. D. Gourtice
and little daughter, of Chatham, have
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
being a man of wonderful physique,
he his lightly, had
all parts of the county. Interment
was made in Brussels cemetery.
assists, hut Dorothy's
Come and share the enjoyment.
returned home after a weeksit
at the home of her sister, Mrs. R. F.
carried years and
Nellie Evans has
c. S. T. loinles L 501111
been about as usual the day previous
W. M. S. April
from London and is improv-
.0 I
to his death. The deceased was the
Egmondville -The
0 Funeral Directors and 0
0 Licensed Embalmers. 0
0 Finest Motor and Iroise 0
4::, drawn equipment. Beattie 0
last surviving member of a family of
ten children, being a son of the late
Jarnes Mulholland, and was born in
Hullett township in 1839. The family
meeting of the Egmondville W. M. S.
was held in the church on Wednes-
day afternoon, the president, Mrs.
John Gemmell, presiding. This meet-
• ,
ing favorably after an operation
appendicitis. -Mr. Wilfred Maloney
has returned from Detroit, where he
spent the past two months. -Mr. and
A S • .
tunning Gown
0 Block, Main Street, opposite 0 later moved to Hullett township, and
0 The Expositor Oece. S. T. 0 many years ago Mr. Mulholland pur-
ing took the form of an Easter ser-
vice. Mrs. W. D. McDonald gave a
Mrs. John Feeney and family, of
Stratford, spent Sunday with Mr.
a ..
tor Evening Affairs
Afternoon Evening
0 Holmes' residence, Goderich 0 chased a farm near Kippen, where he
0 West; Hamm'
beautiful Easter reading, and Mrs.
. „,..._ „ _
and Mrs. Ed. Horan.
Street Chas. resided until some 20 years ago, when
0 residence over store. 0 he moved to Harpurhe.y where he con-
0 Flowers furnished on short 0 tinned to reside until his death. Ho
Robert McKenzie reading a very care-
fully prepared paper on Easter- and
Easter -time. An Indian girl, nine
, .
i ----■ ‘,.....e.
tggs w -anted
School Report -The following is
The soft ripple effect is
accomplished by l .
0 notice. All kinds of up- 0
0 Watering neatly done. 0
was a successful farmer and man of
years of age, has been allocated to
the Easter report, of Roxboro school:
tabs on the side of
the dress and long 1Qops
0, Phone, Night -cr 11:112ay, HO. 44)
° ° ° ° ° 0 "°' ° ° ° ° ° -
business, and a genial and compan-
joinable friend and neighbor, one who
commanded the respect of all who
knew him. The deceased never mar-
this Auxiliary, to Provide an outfit
of clothes for this year. Mrs. Mc-
Milian was appointed a delegate to
the provincial meeting to be held in
..___— .
EGGS - -
Bought on a Graded Basis.
Honors, 75%; pass, 60%. Jr. W-
Arthur Powell, 73; Beatrice McCow-
an 72.7; Wilmer Howes, 70.4; Ches-
' M N 3 AlvinIl,h G'11 42 4
ter lc ay, 65. ; c i , . .
of material ou the tight
side. Buy your custeri- ,
al at our pieee-goOda
For. ,
ned. The funeral was held from his
London in May. Mrs. McGonigle was
Jr. III-13ernice Howes, 70; Vietta
counter, but first get
Agent for Singer Sewing
Machines, and General In-
late home on Monday, the services be-
ing conducted by Rev. F. H. Larkin,
D.13., of First Presbyterian church,
and interment was made in Clinton
cemetery. The pallbearers were:
M•eesrs. A. D. Scott, George Hill, A.
appointed to take the Study Book for
the May meeting, and Mrs. L. Reinkie
the Bible reading. Miss Christens
McTavish was %presented with a life
certificate by the Auxiliary,
member's .cei:ti . ,
--in appreciation of her faithful and
, - e
'Ti.T. B. Bicke ,
. 11 `
; _
One door east- Cif. ItutChison's
-. , .
Coleman, 67.3; Harold Agate 63.4;
Olive Stirling, 63.3; Jereee McGill,
48.5; George Powell, 45.0. Second-
Kenneth Harrison, 7a. First -Eliza-
both 1-16wes. Primer -Pearl Coleman.
E. Mitten, Teacher.,
your - --
•• _ ,
• -
PATTERN .:' ' •
. , - For .
' • . YOI.P "IlgST GOAN
surance. Wankle, Robert Dodds, Joseph Grum-
generous services as president for the
i Grocery Store.'
• ..- .
including BBLROBB
two The following is a
Mak Street - - Set
mett and C.
past" years.
-1,,,,t of our life members: Mrs. P.
The ElelrObes, a *en- :
• • For
C.11"tieY' Mi" a CII8T/neY* i‘irrs' "T'
, ..
Notes. -The usutal annual meeting
derfud dreaStnaking
- ;2
Catholic Women's League. -A good-
ly number of both old -and new metre
hers, the
Wallace, Mist Tams, Mrs. L. Reinke,
.Mrs. Boyce, Mrs. -Mason, Miss MeLet-
g .,.,, h
. AN OLD timn E
and election o o cers o e ., a ies
Aid was held 'at the loom,e of Mrs.-
lack Sadler on Thursday last. The
guide, shaft yoU 1.160i -•-
to Make th'e rite:WOO= "
attended annual meeting of
Catholic Women's
Ian, Mrs., Huestore Mrs. Hicks, Mrs.
= , , .
: ••
. 1' DO • t President
a we
., •
start to finish
'' "tait Of -the
the League in the
. Parish Hall on Sunday evening last
Very creditable reports of the year's
activities and finances were
John Love, Mrs. Brown, Miss Grace
Gemmel], Miss Sere Gemmell, Mrs.
1), Melitetizie. The folloWing were life
he Ault-
Easter:Dance -
a , ...:
g' . will he heti: In - ,11,..
.. . „ . .
'BALL r.;
°face" 4" •0, , , ,
Mrs. A. TfOthaga; Vice President, Mrs-.
A. Norris; 8ecretary, Itrs.. Lyle Wok-
den; Treasurer, Itts..-p. Pelt; Organ-
least .Posilible-'eittietialt
of thateriatui''' visit init` .
-, -
All are marked OR a very
' .
ed by the Secretary and Treasurer,
respectively. An amount of consider-
ably (mot rpm "rine tho
members When they Came to
iliaty: Mrs. W. D. McDonald, from
Awood; Mrs. Park. from Acton; Vol.
R. =
Dlallitkdr00416: . ',II
E.: ,,,,,,,•,.. „. „
lon"'.."' ,' -
let Mrs. Wilson.- Anditore; Mrs. Nei-
lin' and' Mrs, ,arettroY,'`. The'MO:Irlettb`"
fug l'on he held' ht 1We 2P Oltren's •
- tern cpt.040 '0414y.
• low price basis.
' ''.
' " A.,j,'
:,!_‘., ).;',„,,,,%,,,,,Nr,-i':a!!) , k
e .
. -,' e''',e,,..;hiee.,;,-.',.,,,,e
' ;
year and distinrsements
various and
"e/hiO„li tiLere:
ttedg., Wetgetn
k iii-, 'i:.
' ..!;,,,:,7 -.a,,X44,,
. mind
were teede
worthy eal/a4S, mon
to_eal.,,,ehntli,,, lionairg
M1414/010, Sistial
'It ' - • '
',, 1,116,`;'',1,,?.':',(:,:, .V:‘,Z4.t •;', ',.4,; 4'!,,;,?,,
Hewitt. from
inn, from-Erneefield,
MeLean, from
mg Wein madentrieMbere
tat but hinee
• 44' 6 '
;,„, ,,,, , „,,, „,...„, , ,
Animm; IVIrs. Meril-
and Mre. W. R.
llama. The fellOW-
it tor nd-
theee'esil hIaehsfielethe
' .' . - ''
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E tryinaspAytttalmo-14.
E APRIL :Iftillr
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,i'S 4titit te *ell tit hei!Iiienat
' ''' •:',1%.',„4.10,rVeY.,.,ifininhlel ,is,Ocking,
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