HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1925-04-10, Page 5':37"��- --- - ­ ­­ -.1 ,-V% w 1-1 11''. ­ 11 --W -1 I - t --r -,W,'wy"e!%;i . " _�", , . .1 ,11!U':"P �,�,, , ­_ __ "' .111, I `,'lt;',�,�o,,,,'� 1, ��, ,; �_ ., "� I � fl;� �,I;i'�'� (�i;,,-­�.;,­ , I i : �, J��­ 11"�;.�'�,".',,,..;�,,,;,�.��� , I "JuL 10, Im. I I " � . � - __ �A �,��,�.,,�,�,,��y-��';�,,�'I'�,�,,.,, - I � �.- 11 �'� � 0.!l!"i, i , � 0 � Is � 410111 . 0 101-, , , _ I 11 I , - , �,� --lirl", ... I'll 7 I—— , '" !"!!.16.117 sm _: I ,� , 1� '11, II!,11","�1i'll; "1.11"'.' I . I �, � �"­­_,­ , " , !� !, . I ­' ,-I �, �� IN.` I, �` -.1 ", I .:. ,".. - t,!10 ��!� �� I - ! - , 1% ..4 - , - -1 � , � 11 .1 .. � ,, ;, , , � - . �.�'Wf !,�, I ._��, , 11 . , ­.­ �'­; ": . �;,� . "I % � , ; M -?,',,1j,M, 3 1- ri. 'n' t 'T", ,,, p��­ , ,.& :7?k. � � `f .. � i ,I'll _,, � I .. . ­ e ".1 "I . . .�., � .., ��, I 11 . I 11.� I .. . .�, 0I. -I! , It. .., " ,,, h11 " I - . . 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X'g 1110104 Utypr-'. -1. ,@z,p ...k'Mrp9ra- �" I I ��, ".1 "" " 4& MWIV mort I I _ ,<,kL',',,',` ,,, 11 4 A -.4 , "A' I , Aqroom,0 Aft"t.41% �, xgq-� XQ;-1n , '46 -goon: 40, t4ii rq�. M "Moliataiii �� 11�`_,­�­,_��,,,,�'r ,,� �'��',j&­­ �- ­;* q, .-, ,* , - � g ,t�a-_,,,� r �. '__ '.. " I " "T", * "" 0,4M��,al .'�o � 5 � �7,��,��,�, NA xurm, coi,w bac , "% I Bungalow.' a full day,at - . � :, i ,,, . - , ",.__.,. .I 1. -.10), ", 4""7 � I , , ­ � . I . . � ,,,, %, : ont. _� , 1. ,,,�,: I ., � _._. , - "t, . I - B_­ff V I" ,. k to , and ..�pi ot.jon PaW t6 - �. 44 ' .� 1. :1 ­-;� � � �_ . � - _4 F 0, - ,7�&;;p on 16� ,t�-�jj - :"," I �' I , . -V111--11 � ,", 5? I ­4��_ - .. , �Q-74ki-ONX;:400W.- #_ No . It$. per dozen , Toronto, ft -�-- V em $6 no,- Kenowi. . �-;:,�!V,,,��i�;�': '111,111"L 'I' F, t '�,',',-i�_:: - .,�, � "q,�,f.s_% . Zx,-, i��`,* , , � L"t'year the' .0� 1611-1 on, Ir lax W �11K 4" " Z .. _ ­ d - r �7 I,. , Alanito,W,94�7A� � . fi-Tat ".moto VA� 20 00 ��_,, �.;:, i �, ''J, ...._ ; pi.,::8 e. ;.,ur � . � . ao " , , � I . It �Al P Cil's Gap' , . te :1 ` I I I - , 4 .g � , I, a., - Zt i�l - 1',, . , - Nowl-_ i i 911W1!11,P__, ."', I I. � P.� .V1V . , .:� , ofs w . , , � ..... -t""'r .­,­­­­,� ," P * .. M11! . . . I , 11 �110 -M, 11-,�- I ,­` ", _PTq"­� ,'�, ,6; IN'.,,"' 1: � , . * , - � 1� ..". 1-i"',411- 1: �, 1�1 . .11 - 7 il t�'. I I '11:L. 10 , " :1 , '11, � ��,;,, , 7� - " '0'16 " , �,,'J ,, � ., . 4 ,,�� , . ­ - - -." -� , I. 4WPI 11, , h, - � '" VC1 - - ,­ 6, Porr, ",� 4 �. . , , . , , i U . .1 .- , " , - .1 11, I - , i r . , 11 P 11�. I " ,1111. . � i , i� -.4 .���,.rg % � � 1. � "... I _­ 1� per i 1p '4 �, 11 . N-41111 I;— _,� "Ir , "'... ., Z 00�0,m ' t.,11 ,,,P4 , .. -, � � X 4 I I -Irkn]` yakes steamers ,p .l.,;,*ftc, , . � .. " I 11, " 1410-_ 1 -rof"to-No.- 2 yei. ... . -: P � 14o * -, '14C � � " , R'1131vl I 'I., IM - ".�_�, � I= a iynd,'paymeut, M*imtgdt,4��,I#,c � - 4wll� .. .1 .2,1W I - * . ; - - _,. i, , , , , . ts Yrom Fort, , ,� mcMirl"I Aug risk,s and adjusting , . � 0 � 4, .� Rim P, by the Q,.V lozer4 and P h % '.,R�,, ."' . �!'X hose i ,. - I'M epeau, 4 , 4 4t 011 . c,,_� i ­'k I � � �v. I �L�V.UxXi 11,4110 i r ack, , , .. .1. . � , " � M - - �� . ­ . . "I I .. , - �­. ­ ""," , , I'VI- ". � ..''. -:*RW � MY11F 1. I . ano. Dy rail W'. V � " 00 Vo � I �.. ,; . , �� ,,, -_ ,'�,,!P,5 I am- OLI& � ma:-ilog, last yoAr; we*;".] " 6 11 complete . I � .. .- I ,,�­'.._' 14%,��`�"'­__*_f' I , . ­ " ­ , I I ,.:, ..'�, 4�4­�"­.,�,,:_!,,N , ,.'?,,,� I�R'­�,,,�$L,�' , � $JV . .., . -. , - .. : , I ,"7,���,",I���,,,��k!,*",���$,� . - da.7�1,§lt..'frPM Mlllfee$w­Deliva - , ,, V" , ,, , 71 - I ... J . ,,,, - r 2.1,11�?�;".,L, _#01[1 -d. �-. u t I I , !� . ,F.%?'�;"� . , _!4 111Y`41 6* 40V - -L red, Moptrod freights, ban 4Y4�ry,, rm hi , . d trip. listed 50, years, guarantee- - new Fuel Taz* is rigidly 39,eW- Piqo I I , '_i��,, . ` - I,r J�l ­ . fa . �r �A, k., � Al.. ��,t I ", ,,44V 1ntere#ftW,g9, I , ; , - tobtalwe t is ,,9Wg,,ne4 .'i�, ­.., ,' I I � -A -4 .. . 4DOIR -`� �Bran,',�pm $sa, $26,09; 4uirt� %0 ,4 -4w: '.." . , - 04 . �� __­ - I -e t­�O, i -1 y "I '. 11 I'll, W4 _41a , �. - The , , . ,:� . , #gd,. -toe. p0q..F,,:,,,4,? ,,�* - I Wgrmotion Whil a , "�, U1 il , .11� . W� Of 4W0 _1, , , per . the steel a 'q _., 0 .q , ­ 4� V 10 �; - -­­ �. I � " Tea P" lftii=", _4_ I , , . R"_ . 1�1"I"'�, 0111� . VM=46WA , ., Q,� , ... , .. , sor bag, . I I �, ir ! .? �i'171. _.. . p-owt. =6 A= rZ - , '. ,� 0 q I �J twe, flour, . I k , . , lleqaa�. IV* � � ,il* X .4 top, W - I . chwuiel -MC'moar of, 1-1 V46 , R P li , , ,JAO; P, -*P d, or ,L ,� to to h" &IMPIMM4 TO a __ . ,.�,qp A 0,qo , " 'AM ' � ft-l"'i"P, �.,�',�o anyone de- U9.4. - # 'p ' , � l" _ % L%" , PPOA , " - i ' rood service. 0 _J , ,; , 1W#13A.1W_11 11XIYI� _01 ,V '' ��V - llq�pAap , _,, I er ,,* e ' tor N 1112no .113 �-,', van­,,J)e,�, ,.,_,,,�0-4.,,',4011-Ver,y.of.-,the eggs , . .- .P . __ ,0 I - . I � , , " �,� , g �� .. . Mv, _-, ,­,XOWA��_'Qole;.��V Ontario oat,7-Wo, 2 -whitA . �A*�Al%'. - �". , ---"#,UM1 , io , , 4 ,­ t -to, , -, - , ,� a -Z. Jon.i.e$"I'learv's., ,.-The pool' will be siring to, go., !�'; k�,;"�,,,, in will cons a,mv, to�;C � - , , I - ��_� 7- .da�if.' 414 ' ist Qpipea"ep. , I I . 11 "�"�,?",�".'.3"", t , , - 49 L" �, . . , , . I , , . � ,,, " 0, � I aft -- ."'.;9 . ­ �4, , _',, . eaug fy,� , , I Yo4E -145WD. a. �. I -11 - P t;t `-UM-5 & ­ "$ I t '2,V of the If,, I i I ". 79W 1 , � I A ZI f 0 �Tiq who.lit,.lNo.. �4 1 i'�,Al� .30: �t,a r_ � on the 13th of April, I zmuipmerlt. The Office Phone, 33— I � , � I . - - .. T ,9'#d#i,g a �10* _9 -4 I 1 - . _.XcAr e " -, ovm,r, , -6,1U-­-),X7:,�..4. � r., , -, , 9;jt,js4pp ' IL '" '' � ; I -W .b�`1:'flblWTJg'1p - tq ' ' , , I t'on, !�.'­ , '.'6� S_ ___` " " �`M% , . V, " , - " , �R�� , $I;82;,`PTo_ 8_,Vftt6i, ,, , % .1 �,!Q, 11 .,4. �, I 'V' M _� I New, Larger #rsikes-eloveri . e TV ­ ,, eek -calling" 4ii 'p1d, ftien - 44,*'' v.0 * % ,1," I., .R the 1povw L ' ' tT, 1. , � . L is, or one V�,.. . - . 11 - ", I -1 ,­ '�­. h .�. , .� .� . . 1� I" - " , — i , ly occupying Residence Phone, 606 ug _ !�_�- 1: - .�� '� `. - , � I . ' I Iti W 04.'� ':i6 .:4 R. J. MoKILLAN. cost i f 90 0 ipflies wide- Positive brake oper, . �.'. 111.� - undby -viig."ti�"-de'e-isio'xl',-IdiLy bi�t e "15i, I'm .I li _00, _1. , .,�'�44 I � I I .. �. 1. co IlW4 , 0111, . _.;. a lower, bc 1 �, ',' , " riate fares � Ation is applied th" I l,�.L?,'�,!,, - .01 ft,�-*_,­� , _:1 I - _1111.� . . . T., '.1 I i , , �_.,,?�.L?,.',�, � - , - , I � ,�;.L?,.� ", I I " - , a -4 R "'. I !w '14, '11111"', 4 , bris gri!ag. .. , �0�,'�� - ,!,. " , " - L 4,;;"1..e09,% put, , �� , I , , , � lo.�-_-__ I . from all' pon '-',,'�',#�� �671, #stern Canada. . �teel pull rods. The �r iiic% - .1 � " . .11 1 1 - �111­ 11..N� t, �, , �" p . ,�"A TNAM ,, gi'otees! - tgoi I ­, , , '_ ' ­ - .ot , Justment is very easy to reruiato . of if-�' ­.' - " K �� �, .. �d'�, 1�t I . . ;� �,.k­: . , and readily accessible. . . '5�1i,.)i�'� '. 11 �� ­ � . .L,r.� _ . ' `�&`1'1'11 , , , and - . -, � , I . vieeting q � _ 6�4' - � , , � y I L- '�,6 , M#a".�' :; , BA' , , J , "".0, 1, steamer and , a X ,�� , . I 'I W11 A'� In '. , �71 . I , , 11. _�.:,�� - -- I 0 - 7, "i "" -A -WAt ."., , " - �i I.06.�.' I ­ . BY CHICK& AND DUCKLINGS The charge Incl V � . ,:." , " � . . . 1 �, I .� I � OPA, ttr�g= . T � _� " � :1;, I Vi 4y_`iev-e` " 09,P11;", " L -A: M 4411i, , �1P*Tlt_'*%2d -; .. — sleeping car � R and bungalow " Y- �U,� " , ill" , -E , " " .., e8unday $ , i , ��'-%,`,r",,t` - V " t10 2990-4 � . phoo , J�- �,� , ­ , � .; - — '. , �� , N - �, ft , , 0 IS . ,,,, I 060 , i _,�� 1,1".1 A f ,. _ I , L. , yg,�� , , § '! , ,� , , 77�� , " , � jT _ L , . , 'KA. - -oii, T* i3tuli" 11,11, I .1 nnlgoge16 fro t: 0% Ja , , , : I � � W - near Axle completely nev� A 11WA90. - i Ae held " - - ,@4nit."'.f. . I , Toront(k X I '..., .1 it `0 I 11 . - I � I I ,. -, t,".1 -,"'P.: 9 _W -.'_SVf':&,-,%# ".'��.41;,��,Q_,R000. .�,*"%L�.OA*,,��'4&4(i,���-%�wntici�- '. , 'Wkv your ordt ' ' -�- meals, eight- big. sturdy rear axle that win � I � '.. 4 11 ' 4 , elk . ".7 ly�i �'et. .1. �, �.: . 'I', " ..... ,�.4 1 - :,&', * , I ' � ' "t" """ 4"" x nqw for Baby Chicks and p� , - I -,--- ,, _ . , . 0, ­ ��' " . ; ,,, " - :1 ; . � - - �­ � , 11 I I I .115.4-Aftmen', '�',:� - '11" - handle all the famous Power Of The Chevvolot-Motok-Refirits ,, .- . .... , I 0 I , � ", I . h .ft , "'L " " - .. 3; -41, '9 ; . tan, , 4 - w jtj�,o , , Camip accom=415* _0 4) A . 94" ent" $6 Q� budwings, f�� our � famous Niagara strains, seeing tours --all, " I tuities. 144, unusual tsq�,_­ReA#e , ,, M, � T 'y anA* " f.'�#�;, ___ , _ r-00 ,per' e*ut pab . .4 sm I I ", I I , ,� (j*j ,,4�4 ' - the Phevrolet Motor der any 0 , � . _. �,, "M , - 9A V49'I'�'*9AT04 eM, , Conditio an a"Or a . ., tl_�...,. � -1 -1 ,t-.'.-- 'L .. get, stron�r, . =. � 1. -- I I under cyvw Arivmg .04 ..;�_, , - � ar ', , - I . . . . . , , #. $5 $0, 7 , ` I le * I 0 ,,� " -, � " I` , , 0.-Sp�%,14* , � - 3710 I ing parentage back of them. Best utility A descrivavii,�:- " $1 f4rZ, , I , Wi4 01�� I 11M, I; - - �; ;,,6 ng de- no, J� ,== - ,, , ,� ,- I . .1.1; ii; 1� . � I . ,. V 1. e , . 'he trip". :� ',',',. 0 "; , , � � � �, ISO, 41- , " � or 71b;,ontg; do. bulk, , , Hogan tested high flock average egg priodue- , . NO ICE bevelled drivi Q) * , !, I . . ", I "... . . 1 ,$ ,. t g'_ U�" , Y., j Vfiteiq is, per ton. $8.00. . ­. �. , varieties; 100% live 'arrival guaranteed. tails of t " dl a gears quietly quW get,AVay le � . " 91, y mailed . - , W .! � ;:, I i. laxl= i i'_', _ deliver the Porw,er to the axle ,�!�, -',., l�;:, I .. I 1 140 to., -1 . A__. ., a, pa y on- - 1. 1� I ndard,' recleaned, ', - . * n' , , , c I air. Tien It � , day - f.o.b. bay . shaf ,, , , upon request 44,,f 007 to. One7Piece banjo type rear fue"`"unimptio ` FrAoties'.1i"o- - I �111 i .. . �j�hi;s,� - . � , per I .� L. J. STEW -ART ilwr Laird or any axle housig. -moving parts are. completO nw­�� �,.& I . I week, -We undbr6t 'C"' A , y',v , V,f I $26.00.. , I ning ,� gind . Canadian FeA1'A6,,-':';L ',Vent. As the . , i h'i . Hays -No. 2. Per ton, $18.00 to 014-.Oq ' - - _ closed, I `1 ;; **1i,___1- 11 , ; Ito. R. R. 1, Grimsby, dnt. We have secured the services of Now automatic bmke equalizing �, � 1�,� , �� -' . - '. per . party is limited Wt?'4# it is advisable �,.<L -.1 at _Wwr bw. Artl4tr6ug ,,has pur. 8. per ton, $10.00 to $12,00; niix�aj. too, 2991-1 . ' device entirely distribu 'i.� ' . ". . . r .00 to $11-00. - , . to make reserV414i,*,,,�10` rlY. 2990-5 six the Cord tirep on open model*, 29, , � ". 10 �_, - . !� "s business $9 . . I � , . MT. Hube, i yearV experience on all 4) . 04 � '5�'. -t a , stp . . . .. . ,� � ­­ - :� '. ,� I a Power to theaervice 6ralt , 11 1: �e "� , � ,��; _T n� Lo6des-' - . I _� --- �— I � . . mqkes of ear,s for our Repair De- �40 Low Preasure tires on :� :."! __ 0 New senii-elliptic Rear Springs .-se. rnou�w. ;, , ��,.',� , . -undersluriL for better road- � �- � .. �j` ability. New. Honeycomb Radiator. With "� .:.� QD U, new. more beautiful nickelled . ,� � .. �,, The New Frame is str,ong and radiator shell. I .11 sturdy. It line five heavy �;ross . 1�",.,.., , 15 members. one more than was 40� New, oemi-elliptic :fYont springs � �, , I -. previously use& W of chrome vanadium steel. . . , 0 � I.. - ,1 ' _'11 � . '- I I ,� , � � - W . : ':',�� ,; I , W V 91 B. HORTON ' - .1. .1 , � . . ., �4� b , X, y 1 . . . . I , - - borev.-anct,will-'get possession a -bout __ -LIVESTOCK, MARK" . the 'middle of Mayj , �Sug�ess to you, torsitu. =- 11th John�*. Le . o Stephenson is instal- r=c . - .. � � . =1111t, . i yarde., I To 0 . td: 48.26: do . .. Ung a-iief* gasoline tavXtor the Su. 0"" 't", 'l""`- '$8- good -4745 to, 8.7.115; buger,wbeem., choice� Our blackp 'M - "$7 0 7 5;,49. sood, 611.60 to ;J)ei-tesf,co�-- o4th, .r. J. $7.00. do. dil,it, 11 U40 40 ,!4idmey,-h'",.be�n'b,UEir;furfiizW,'out a, 60 to $6.00; do., common, $4.60 , . . . . , 1, I i , " al�d­ - . tp-4116:1nitcherheifers, ihaloe,�$7.06 to $7.60'- ,ninnher-of trotting an lk6ys, pp�ng do. _rriaditurs, . $6,00 Lto $6.75; do., summon, . *::�j&t,�_ag �sydn�jj, N,''!$., and also *ne � _�,q 5.50 to 46-00; butcher.,viows. chodeq-, $$.so. to I � I _­' ' Tb . $ , %? �04:44��` uiltry,- id- 0''eaks"Well 0.04; do." fair to good. $8.54 to $4.75; can- ,�Oif�,m , fti6ey's new an,d-�suttors, 12.6o to $1.75; butcher bqllis - r�. . -��,oii;�7�0�- vood, $4,59 to $5.60;.do., fair. $2.16 to $400, James Vann has'b�e'li. attending the bologna, $2.50 to $3.25; feeding *= �W -W.�ding of her dmikhter, Miss.tdith $6:150 to $7.00; do. fair, $5,00 t� $ stock- . LWORTANT NOTICES . FOR SbI,13_A.QVANTiTy Or, 2 -ROWED Seed Barley. MATIMEW ARMSTRONG. Seaforth. Phone 6-260- 2989.8 POTATOES FOR SEED AT Do CENTS -'Pu bag, to clean out our .= ..Li..kl,. Ph ... . OIL 3"161.'. JONATHAN B. I- P0 R - SALE: -GRAIN ELEVATOR, FRAME - eavAcity� 20to 26,000 bushels, situated on :L. 1�1. & B., at Brucisfield., Apply to W. SCOTT & CO.. Emoefield. - 2991-3 I . ... _. T I I - - Ddli�aage, of ID�etioit, -and is spending ers, rood. $5.60 tp $6.00; do. ratt. ilmo to " ' . $6.60; caliAas, chc&e, $11.00 to $13.00; do., .A�ft* w6eks'theie. . . . 1. . . medfurn, $7.50 to $10.60. do.. gtsesera� $4.50 . I . I - I . I- to $6.60. nollch cows, choic-_ $70.00, tq $80.00;' . � HU . LLETT - fair cows, $40.00 to K0.00�,sj4xnaers, choice, .., � . . - 1 1$75.00 to $90.00. co64 light sheep, $8.00 to .Die4 In Port Huron,After some $9.00; heavies and buqks, 1114-50L to $4.25 - good .7ears� of declining'hevIth, and as the ew* 'embs, $11-00 t's $15.50; do. medi!�, $is to- #14.50; do.. calls. $11 to 112.00; spring �Imal result of a stroke of apoplexy, lambs, each, S10--te, $14.00; hogs. thick smooths Oere passed away at her home in -fed and watered,* $18,45; do., f.o.b.. $12.75; Fort.Huron, Michigan, on April let do, country points. 112.50; doi, off can, $13.85; Mrs. Grace Bateman, widow of th-Z "elect prendmA.' $2.6i. . - .4 Who predeceas- , -0 I 3ate Mr, Eli Bateman - , I. EGGS FOR HATCHING. -FROM BRED_TO_ lay Barred Rocks. mated to cockerels from W. J. Johnston strain. 60 cents per 16 eggs. Apply to JAMES FINLAYSON, Kippen. Ont. -132. Phone 3 2991-4 - - SEED CLOVER. -WHITE BLOSSOM SWEET 'Clover for sale. Apply to W. L, FOR- REST. 5th Concession of Stanley. Verna Post Mee, or Phone IS, on $6. Hensall. 2990-tf NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS. -NOTICE IS hereby given thA anyone found trespass - ., -1 I - 4 41 ,� 0 � I.. -L I ,� . %. � - . .ed her.00me eight years ago. The re- imains were taken to Clinton; Out., on . . - . Saturday last and interre4 in the family plot'in the presence of some ' -of her-w-4ruiest friends and acquaint- .ances in life. Mrs. Bateman was the . ' , t daughter of late John Y . , , . C n, of Hullett Township, Hurou County, Ontario, and only surviving sister of Mr. R. J. MrMillan, of Sea- - forth, and Thomas, still, residing on -the homestead farm in Hullett. She 'Was united to her now deceased hus- I *hand .in December, 1890, and they.. . . . , ..-most: of their - . d life jA the . . .. . . , I I . . I _&.1 . : . ­tQq,:q0f.,?*W 1, . mall!_1 - . W vv ff * , I .... - �: * - , "140, a in- th 9�, R,_ � . MRTHS I . . Dillon. -In Logan, an April 4th, to -Mr. and Mrs. Louis Dillon, (nee Mary J. Curtin,) daughter-Idargaret Rita Maris, Mshon.-In St. Joseph's Hospital, London, on March 23rd, to Mr. and Mrs. 1. A. Mahon- (formerly Miss Edna Mccea .9hey). a Son- Lawrence Patrick- . Dayidson�IuBrtisseloj on Match 17th, to Mr, C and Mrs. Charles U. Davidson. a daughter- 'hembers.-At Alexandre Marine and General - HospftaI, G.d.rich.'ou Mar& 18th, to Mr� Aid Mas. Frairk Chambers, of .GodeTieh Township, a daurjater-Violet Warie. Teamerson.-In Wateriboi an March 26th. to Mr. andMis. Jk Teamerson, lormerly Pearl . Strong, -of Seaforth, I a 4aughter. � I � " .., - I I . ,. I — I . I I . -­*-�s .1 . �� Xif Ing In tho bush on Lot 88, Concessions 4.and 5, McKillop, will bi prosecuted. ' ROBERT and THOMAS XcMILLAN. 2990xg - FA Pon SAM-rw" ACRE GRASS farm. 1% miles east of Egmondvine. For Information address JAMS' J. :8D 1571 Cortland Ave., Detrait, M _Q" . lZo 2 7% B YORR:8 FOR SERVICE. --SUMMER I TTd7 49-108984. aired by Dalmeny Prince goyal (41013) 91560, bred by Earl of -Roseberry; Pine Grove Prince 64-87035, qire and darn winners at Guelph, Toronto and Ottawa. R. Y. MaeLAREN. Henstai. 2999xg - AGENTS W,�NTED­WE WANT A LIVE, agent in ybur district, male or female, to represent us, selling' -hosiery. We handle a very extensive range and our prim a!e most .Attractive. Our agents who d4vote their who,16 time to selling are all making good . :, � . 1, . . , I - I ruess, -trade at the American. Sault . for some years. After his death she 7made, her home with her eldest soni, John H. -Bateman, who, up till June . Rmb-Tia Toronto. on Aj>ril ryth, Susan Mor- . ,,,,, ,Wow of theAste Laces Rose, aged, 60 years I Lanta.-In'Tackersmilh, an April Sth, Sarah Jane Jones, beloved wife of the late Thoo. money. as oar commission is liberal and prices low. Write us at once for pai-ticulam. DUR- ABLE HOSIERY CO., Box 62, Terminal -A," Toronto, Ont. �2991-1 - - AUCTION S)"S - � l I - .-T ., �,%�, . ,., I. I .- . , ,� - .0 ': I 1 . Ilast, was Professor of Highway 1�n- ,gineering at the Michigan state coi- lege of Ann Arbor. He now holds a similar position at the Louisiana State ',Uniyersity at Baton Rouge, and unon his removal thereto, shodecidedtore- wX% In the north and reside with . J* youngest son, James Laidlaw . Bateman, who is a chemical engineer tat'Pott Huron. Mrs. Bateman was a -woman who was widely and favoxably lknown, -being possessed of more than ordinary ability and , able -to make 1hosts of friends, wherever her lot Lane, in her 81st year. Mulholland .-In Warpurhey, on April 4th, George Mulholland, aged 86 years. Xerr.-4ii Brussels; an Monday. April 6th, W. If. Kerr, aged 69 years, 6 months and 27 days. . .. . Beaeoln.-In Canton, an April let, Robert Beacom, aged 88 years. . . - - - — IN MEMORIAM Note.-Itemis under this head will be charg- A 60 cents Per single verse and 25 cents for Mob additional verse. -7— I Workman. -In loving memory of Walter Work -man, son of Mr. and Mes. Thomas Work- - UCTION SALE OF IMPI .-MR. AThomas Brown has been instructed to sell by public auction on Lot 1, Concessio 4 Hullett, on Wednesday, Aprii 15th, atnon� o'clock, the following iopplements: One wagon with gravel box, I Massey -Harris inower 6 foot cut, iron harrows, I Mmsey- Harris steel take, I 13 -hoe drill, 1 sing,lp plow, I double plow, 1 Frost & Wood hay 1 -der, 1 set team harness, forks, etc. Terms. -All sums of $10 and under, cash; over that amount 6 months' credit on approved joint notes. R. E. COATES, Proprietor: Thomas Br'Dwn, Auctioneer- I 299Ox2 0 imight be cast. She leaves behind to motirn the loss of a loving and de�. -voted mother, one daughter, Mrs. man, who passed away four Years �Kw W—Y. April 9th. . - - You -are -not forgotten, Walter, dear, . . . DMINISTRATRIX'S AUCTION SALE OF ATOWW PROPERTY.-4rhe Administratrix of the Estate of William Habkirk, Deceased, I — _____ , , , _` - , C* MORTPA��, ��,,� SALE - of valuable business: pj*oitty in the Village of Walton, in the �CA `__ ,,of Huron. . _. UNDER and by-vtZef the Power of , . fi3 Sale contained ln.!�," Issro, mortgage which , will be produced at tbls�.�Vjne of sale, there , _ will be offered for salo,ibj� Public Auction on the 25th , ' day-ef April, 1925, at'the hour of two o Iti The afternoon, at ;��!oek,, Millees Hotel, 04 VilUge of Walton in Allowing prop tfie CguntY of -Huron. -ft f e'rty: .- Beinp: composed of ,Uti,� ,Oine and Two In NewitVa survey in the sAW village of Walton (The old Burns Hbtel­P�6verty), - There is on the prqperl;7�9 aub�tantiall brick . 'building now used aad� ,6ii4LPied as a garage. There are good living ;��rters above the garage- . - �,- This is a most deelvabie,proporty for any- one wishing to carry on w garage. hotel or other business and, desirouk of having con- venient livIng.queollere; - TERMS OF $ALE: sent. of the pu_�,e money to be Md , ,, .,Me day of sale etia the balance with. In two weeks thereafte4',The Property will L be offered for sale subJeet;1D a reserved bid. For further particularp.. and conditions of sale apply to BEST & BEST, Senforth, ,Outario. . Solicitors for Vendor. n1ded April lak-191kS.' ' ' Thomas Brown, Auctlotiieer. 2990-8 . , . I ­­­ 15 1 FEMALE AGIINTW WANTED Part or full time, app-�-ting sub -agents, Steady income assured. Write immediately. TIIS SANIMLLA CO., Dept. 32, P. 0. Box 416. Montreal. wl, . 1. - . .. - ­ I � - I , I ..., 1. ­ Ba G S hi es . $40.00 per thousand. - . I . Just arrived at the Walton Saw ' ' Dear Is tl�ie spot where our father is laid, For the cause that needs assistance, Deaw is his memory which never wIll fade: Mills, a carload of INGLEBROOK POULTRY YARDS I XXXXX RED CEDAR I%w For the Wrongs that need, resistance, * A father more true, Tw one ever knew, SHINGLES. John McDonald V6r.the future in the distance And tears start &fresh when we think of you; . Only those who have lost them are able to tell WALTON - - - QNT. <> Equipment. 0 Phone 14 on 23-2. abructions from the undersigned proprietor to 2990-8 1. . __ - __ . Babv Chicks partment, ' . A litill stock of Accessories on hand. . J. C. THOMPSON Chevrolet Garage MAIN STREET - SEAFORTH. - I Phone 155 W. $98.00 . ,For a Galvanized Metal covered . Garage, 10 x 16 feet, with doors and window complete. Well braced and first class in every de- tail, Shipped in s�ections ready . to bolt together. Freight and tax paid for, ........................ $98 . Rooting and Rodding a Specialty. John Elder' HENSALL - - - ONTARIO Phone 1. - . 0 W. T. BOX & CO. <> 0 Funeral Director and . * .0 Licensed Embalmer. * 0 EL C.- BOX- * 0. Best Motor and Horse-drawn * 0 equipment * 0 Charges moderate. * 0 Flowers furnished on short * * notice. * 0 Night Calls Day Calls 0 * Phone 175. Phone 4& * � 0 0 0, W. J. Walker & Son 0 0. * 0 W. J. Walker, FuneraD Di- 0 rector and Embalmer. 0 0 I 000, Motor or Horse Equipment, * 10 Cars or Flowers furnished * � .Fred- Shossow, of Detroit, -and the Nor ever shall you be, . As long as,life and memory last ­ � - 'two sons above mentioned. She was will offer lot sale by public auction on th premises at the North-East corner of Victoria I 1� 01 as requestedL 0 We shell remember thee. a -great fiome woman, her greatest 2i9ixi --tFather, Mother and Brothers. and George Streets, in Seaforth, Ontario, on Saturday, the 11th of April, 1925, at I o'clock' For sale � 0 Day or Night, Phone 67. 0 . I material,.Aesire being to live in the p.m., ,the following lands namely. Lots num- 0 0 I 'hearts of -her family and radiate In ever -loving memory of Mrs. John White- . man, who passed away April 12th, 1922. bers 67 and 68, both In Gouinlock's survey of part of the said Town of Seaforth. On , Single Comb White Leghorns, $15 - 0 0 <> <> <> <> <> <> 10. <> <> 0 IV, " . �,' -g6odness and cheerfulness amongst , & these lots is a good eight room frame house I iite Rocks per hundred; Barred and W1 —_ _. --- - . . those about her. Her whole life is best This day brings back a inernory exemplified in those beautiful lines;' Of a loved one laid to rest; with hard and soft water, a large barn an� .henhouse. Terms -10 per cent. of the pur- $20.00 per hundred. Ten per cent. l . And those who think of her to -day V chase price to be paid on the day of sale and 80 days thereafter, with order; balance before chicks are Are those who loved her best. the balance within -ban to be shipped. .0 0 I live for those who love me, 2991-1 -Husband and Famiay. For those who know me true possession will be given. For further partic - him and conditions of sale apply to ELIZA. Our chicks are all from free range, 0 W. J. CLEARY 0 In ever loving memo" of our dear father. 'For the Heaven that smiles ab�'Ve me William Scott. who died at Walton, Ont.. BE"I'll HARKIRK, Seafarth, Ontaxio, Admin- istratrix, or the undersigned, JOHN J. -healthy 113red-to-Lay stock. Custom hatching, 5 cents per egg, 0 0 . 4,11 And awaits my spirit, too. April 10th, 1924. _ I Ic 1% . ; I I . I HUGGARD, Seafforth, Ontario, Solicitor for the Administratrix. Thomas Brown, Auc- . $40.00 per thousand. - . * Licensed Embalmer and 0 ' ' Dear Is tl�ie spot where our father is laid, For the cause that needs assistance, Deaw is his memory which never wIll fade: tioneer. & Dated 26th day of March, 1925- ' 2989-3 INGLEBROOK POULTRY YARDS 0 Funeral Director. 0 ,C, Up-to-date Horse and Motor 0 I%w For the Wrongs that need, resistance, * A father more true, Tw one ever knew, SALE OF HIGH GRADE STO K. AUC'nON has T. M. Kelly, Auctioneer, received C� - In V6r.the future in the distance And tears start &fresh when we think of you; . Only those who have lost them are able to tell E, J. Trewartha <> Equipment. 0 I L do - And the good that I car . The Pain of Porting and not saying farewell. abructions from the undersigned proprietor to I 10 Night and Day ServieG. 0 - — -0 � . 2991xl -Inserted by the Family. I sell by public auction on Lot 16, Concession 18, Township of Logan, right on the Logan Holmesville P. O., Ont. 1C> PhonG 19-22, Dublin. * 0 - � L ELIMVIJ,L9 � — --- � i 4 - Gravel Road, on Monday, April 13th, 1925, * 2921-52 . - .� (Intended for last week.) LOW-COST TRIP TO PACIFIC the following: Homes -Matched team of roans. mare and gelding, six and seven years old: Phone 22-611, Clinton Central. I * 0 0 <> <> .<> 0, 0 ,C� 0 0 0 # Shower�Miss, Mauretta, Penwar- COAST matched team of black geldings, 6 and aevLn - - .- - __ -, . - . - . . den. was pleasantly surprised on Mon- A Captivating foilr-Week tour of years old; gelding five years odd. Calible- Durham cow ftesh, 2 cows fresh about a week, 4 day, March 80th, the .-evening prior to. Western Canada and- the P86fiC Coast 2 Durhan, cows due time of Bale, 8 Durham I I her marriage, when a number of her with a trip through the United States- heifers due to freshen in July, cow due to - ­ lady friends gathered at the home of on the retuTu journey, is being plan- . Mrs. ,Philip Murch to do her honor. ned for Canadian -teachers and th ' eIr Vh1leMiss Mae Clark Lohen- friends this summer. , freshen in September, Pure bred ' Durham bull 11 months ,Did, 8 ateers rising two -years old, 5 heifers rising 2 years old, farrow cow, 8 10 Durham calves. PIgB- . oft lwqh 0 vet T h e S: irricres played grilili IiRridal Chorus," the -bride- Those who take advantage of this � yearlings, good Registered Yorlwhlre sow to farrow June PC :; , " ,., elect entered the room where most of trip will see the greatest se4nery on . 20tb, 2 Tamworth sows due to farrow June 25th, Yorkshire sow due June 2nd, 5 sows --on— \L the indispensable kitchen utensils the contineiit--the Buffalo herd at due June 26th, 25 store hogs about 70 Tbs. were hung on a wire. _ The gifts Wainwright; Jasper National Park; rauge4 from a dust pan to a copper with its unsurpassed mountain scen - MIsc*,1l&neous--,New cream separator and 1,000 litooliels of onto. Sale to commence at 1:80 PEERLESS WIRE FENCE, afl No. 9 Wbre . boiler, showing the respect in which cry: Mount Robson, -the highest peak the young lady, is held in 1he com- in the Canadiap Rockies; the totem " clock sharp. Terms of Sale. -All sums of $110 -and under, cash; over that anuount nine months' credit will be given on fvxniahing 8 Strands, 42 in&es high, foir 49C the -approved Joint notes with bons 11(he property - per rod ....... .�,�, ............ I.... ........ , mtiuity� Miss Penwarder� though poles of Kitwanga and mystic owners as security. A discount of 7 per I cofnpletely taken unawares, thanked beauty of the Skeena River. cent. per annum allowed off for cash on credit -% 7 Strands, 40 inches high, for� __ � - ill the�-ladies,in a very charming man- Xt Prince Rupert the party trans- amounts. There will be no reserve and destring to secure stock should per rod .4 JC . I ner. The .rest of the evening was fers from train to boat for the glor- I parties good riot miss this sa,le. ED. LONGEWAY, Pro - ............................... spent In g&mds and- music, and an ap- ions water trip of 750 miles through prietor; T. M. Kelly, Auctioneer. 2991-1 " ' L L etleing 1�,neh was served, after wMch the sheltered, Scenic Sees. of the north - - ___ Save the Surface and You Save AIR, with I the Iddieg returned to their homes. Pacific Coast to Vancouver, Victoria , _ , 'Mr. � - _­____ - MARTIN SENOUR 100 P.C. PURE PAINT ,..�, , Notes*�-and Mrs. Wesley Johns and Seattle. . . NOTICE TO CREDITORS .^ )And chil4ten'AAediri London on Sun- On the return trip five wonderjul A Paint For Every Pdrpose. day last��Mfiw �U�a Pym� has- again days will be spent touring Yellow- -, . . .1 A t4"hor -ted. , Vei' many atone National Park by motot, with a 1 I been conflue I 11, I NOTIC19 is hereby given Pursuant to the statutes in that .behalf that all persons bRv- . I ' We will be gred' obliged to those having ow tly _� I iriends hope her 111lieks ftr,ay be of trip to Salt take City and three days -0 ?,�,, ishort durafloTL-Nv.� '06vol.and, of at Rocky Mountain Nationul park, ing claims against the estate of HArry Rath Scott lateof the Town of Seaforth, who died Wire Stretchers or Jacks, if they will return them , JK.irkton, occupied the -pull" 114ftX last Colorado. Then i* Denver, Clear the let 4ay of October, 1924, are quired '" ., rte6 send on or -before the 27th of April, 192 at once. P Liviwgsto�ftb SUnday morning. ev. ,Creek Canyon, Idaho Springs and -L 'was preaching at' Andilftoix, a. 0 ht�: Lookout Mountain ,before heading for by post, prepaid, or deliver to the Solicitor for the Executors, full partfeu,183% of their . Fresh Shipment of Cement on hand. . n - - .. - S' Chiftio ,and Toronto. � ifient i the interests of the . * 't ola1mg, duly -verilled by affidavit, and the no. tare of the security (if any) held by eein. 11 I - ,1h I . 1, . the tour leawis Toronto July 9th. '40f L that ChUreh.-MT. Willififil 8 TMTMJM TAKE NOTICE that after the L and'hiond of Centralia, renewed ,ad.( and :�ou cannot afford to miss it, Full , I f6i�mation, fares, etc., ean be St_ q#aintances in the village on sun- th I ' ­ying mid last mesigoned date, the assets of the said deceased will be distributed mane the parties entitled fliaret*, havift only g", �" -rp e�� dl�'% Zr 0 tol�jr "Ou k101 L ex"el- e140 with Ifinstrated bodk1eit ftom do ,-We, ha e b, e * I V '0 - "'o Lilftrd to * Ig=Ir of Which %lothie I I . On have on %I 0 V 9 0 W_ ea, v. I en� 4�6 a d di el. t10 A. Im. It"'on, 44 silveTthorn Ave., p L I - __-�_ t r I 0 so , rb ir n s� tbtll f11D t "ro-rOlAdo tfalqelft KeTt, 4 genlitth Ave. A full S�n eg b6alk Dated the 7th day of April, 1025. S19AFORTH - - - - - - ONTAP-10 4onii 41 rears Mr ! -nd ill ph- Iffamilfton, or aiiy Catadian Rat � It. % RAYS ­ salleltat or lllxo,�ni�iiM . 1. . 1 . . ­­­ I I I I : Uled d,wn� 11 11 re_ Railway Agent, t§91.2 ��t ,� i � , - * I . g901-19 ,� --- � ­_ - - I . , I .. I I I I , . . __1 69Q, , % � , � . . - . - I I L I -� I I . I L' .. ' ` * . . .. , , ,. . . � ": ... !; ......" L LL'.:' �., " '. , . ., ,, 11 L I I I I !"�� '­!':4�, �;:. �, ., . . :., � L . � :1 :.,��, � . ) , I ,�,�.:Rl� . . .. .: ', ..LL.:. L L 'I., lep . "� !��,'�`L`­ L'�" . ­. -, ;'' I " . :�­�' 'it"',. ",;' ,��.'."";�"`,j'% ,�', �L � . ...... * ­�:j�': I . , . , '­ . 11 I �,&­ L _�, " , Y�, ,�- ' . ­` - �' : ­ ''.4 . ' 'L L , - - �,J, "A , .;,' v§�qffi?,4* ,��,�,"is�;j�-�i,,�,, 1 ,,,�',,,­ . '. I .. I , � ... .. .. ,. , ". !!��.�.��::,!�4,,,.. , - ..� - , .. , ,�.r,"4j. . - , � �, �,, � � 1. . - � P 1AIN"', 11�,tlill", , `11�,','.: `.,.If I 'i�. j , . " X , . , . .. 1� ,�-& L I I - I il.�Ii"'�I'i 1. I -"".,;, , t ,:'�,�.,,,��,'-,u L , I'll" KA r.� 1'� 'aj,��', . ­j'..,","'.�,.� L '4; �'L'� � L , . 1.14:1L01.1,_V�vt i.P.1'1�,11*1 �`��111'11'1_!M6 �1'2�: � '11.1-11,; . ", ,� 1, �t . : L I , I ,:,.,��%,,li­, , � '. ,q: ... ..�: _',� �'. " , ", '. 1�.'­ I ,,-� . " . ­ `, 1�1 .11, I -0 , ,", M,_ " ,� , lil ­01.,I,,�� ',,� , - .., ,,;"��'­t.k,l� R. 1� % ,,,,,,,, , �L f5 . L" 0'", Z". 4,1`,�,-,w I L -Ni -AR .'�'��'. "" , 1� .0 . . , '� . ,� "i", ,,'Jg,�'��'d"S"��'i'�",",'�'�,-!' -.' .'Q 1. :,�,."", I "I �L, ,,,, % . , 'L . �,;,L�',L_­�,� ", I . 1� ,­� '­,­;_ . �,,;, i._,; L ,�`, � . . . . I ,:�,, ',��,'�,;il�N'.', i1tt,', I . I . I � i . , ,' , - ,� I �, � 'L - '." _ �.L. .';';'-' - '' ' '� - 'L ' I " , t , I L" ,11 �, - I � -4: ,�,'­4�"'� ""K 11 "��', L ; i. � - X . :,jl' , _�. ,:,;, SEAFORTH, ONTARIO ' �., �- 11 � . , D -S16 I 11� THE NEW CHEVROLET I i . . I � erguso,n S 1---_ �­ I I - ­­ � __ - Just received our first shipment of Youths' and Men's Spring Suits. These Suits are of the finest quality and are well tailored. Greys and Stripes ,% ' at ................ 22A t I U 0 $30000 Herringbones, in Blue and Brown ................ $27*50 Men's Felt Hats at ..................... $2.50 to $5.00 Men's Spring Caps ,% at ................... il,50 to $100 A FULL LINE OF LADIES" SILK HOSE Agent for the Butterick Patterns � V1% Thos, ir -ergusucin SEAFORTH - - - - - ONTARIO. 1 1 1 ,. 11 ��������Loom���l����''''��''�',������� IN ����������i,�i�i�l��:���������lli�illilli". 101 A3 '.." I- I 11 � I", I � -� . ,U11 " 1 lRy, Auow us to be rl`Wphetic and say w it h CONviction, it will not be well to PITRhOlerastinate - in the matter of CONsulting us about your PRO - gramme of Clothes, that is C0"Neerning its PRO - vision for CONformity in dress to Spring's PTIZ 0 - totype. Bright's Coricaption of right clothes is PROverbial, andCONsidering the Easter time 'PID im0pinquity and that you mustCONform with I its dreos mistom, ourPROpos,ti is that youCON- sider ope of our ONsequently PROvoke much admiration froni the morec(DNI - i servatively dressed in thepRocc§slon. Also to save beingcoNs,picuous, we adviso yourPR(Dcuring a few of our ffirnishings, ODNtributing to the dress PROficieney which w1IR have already iieen CON - ceded you. Do notPROiong your decision lest you e be, CONfronted by an unfavorably IPROnounced , Situation. - . 0 111 af - ,4n Bi ght's 0 othing klloe SEAFORTH . . . 07\'�TARW. TELEPHONE 62. I I I I � ; � . 4��.,-.,­,',_,,.:.,.�,;,11 . ,�� " ��,�,� % ,.i' . � ,,, , - 1 I ": . . , �. �f, I ", 11 . J,��­ -.,,'_�,,t�k A,*- _" , . I I :� . � ,. I , . I � . , , �. .,:��,,��, �._ , , .,.� 1.�i,�;�4 ."'�11111.'�"V�­k ,, '_�,,;, , , - ,.." ", , �, ", ,4, ", , , � � , '' .", ", , �. I;;.". �,�,._ ,W,�'k ,,�Ak�,�,�!�,�j*,�,�-,. Mi , I .. , 1, , " u �i