HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1925-04-10, Page 47= ="I L IlTIOR ONT'AAlliLRGISLATURS The m0thPr" tili VPA )�Qld 444 her WX&,`[ of' Ruilq#; Zprl, 1A DO if f be " nd sale inveaft4, i, and discussions oo g1na>l&k94, aild gopdolkt to many Our deepest 0 *ailo6iti 1A lb*verage taxes a those that mouroe—we are to 'r"t;lk, to Ail -in a b.,-- 'he 1�! W1191111, the fever broke out sb� was hear that Mrs. Frank Finalgap is on. '4*� during the debates list and i§ tak I ing,x treatment 04�1 , I�L = the sick #0V . ar��l , PAA tf &'.41 ve been aired wbiell 'Mar h GiNi eaones in a man- in Seaforth Hospital.—Little - Or %Lw.ki"A , rest. to people every- no; hl vm� ner garet Montgomery, Who has beeacon- ta fined to her bed through illness, is gx When the, scourge of the voyage had improviug.—Miss Grace Scarlett, of and the soft (hiuhs, -at her at las� 44�1,p its best, Hensall, spent the week end 11 b in their application She was ready to comfort the friends home here.—Wedding hells wi' 8 nearly all citizens and so distressed; ringing south of the village On Sat- pressi of Gov frn- e When a youth had to part with a par- urday,Mn. W. C. Bennett has re - by Liberal front bench- eat most dear, turned home after spending a few #ust how these taxes were She was always on hand to shed tear days with friends in Blyth. — The The answer by the - for tear. farmers are busy on the land. a few out was that for the pres- having some seeding done.—Messrs. 'ot know. that it was study- To the parent whose ope had been Ferg. Bullard, George Eaton, Tim of the -problem and crushed at a blast, Eaton and Elton Haist are workin L3 ,reaen a conclusion in time to She would point to the meeting that on he section at Wal-ton—Mr. Thos. :tbip conclusion in the regula- will sure come at last, Robinson, of Stratford, called on his "4y 'gt g ning that ister, Mrs. Geo. Little, last week.— overillug the collection of the And would join in consig Mitchell, form to the wave Mr. Lester Govenlock. of -0ordiing to. the Canadian consti Singing calmly that solace that Jesus cal4ed on friends last Sunday. Jo he provinces are not Permit- can save. 4�d levy an indirect tax, that is a BRUCEFIELD like the tariff, for instance- How At last, as the end of the voyage was and sanders' Attention—Just. tr- 'then is it going to collect its gaso- at hand ri�.d. car f Portland cement. We !%,so Farm linp ta xJ? That is what LiberaLLead- And friends now so dear would be have aafuu supply of Beaehvwe stone Inne, �er Sinclair and his followers kept lath, plaster paris. hair, hardwall Plaster, called to disband; -lime. mortmr, color red or black- It hyarat�cd asking the Governmei4t� and also how Her youngest, a girl of most tender will be to Your own interest to get our prices -was it going to collect its soft drink years, before Purchasing elsewhere. At the old Was found in her birth seeming flush- -tand- it. CUDMORE. Builders' Supplies, The sale of a Government loan in ed and in tears. Rensall, Ont. Phone No. 107. 2,991-1 -�rst the last days of the He, Govern Kelly Circle. — Kelly Circle met ment in 1919 and the movement of It seemed but an instant, the word Thursday afternoon in the parlor of went around, large sums of 44legals" from the Home the church. The devotional part of Bank of Canada still occupy the at- Everyone on the vessel showed their the meeting was presided over by tention and thoughts of many people. sorrow profound, Miss Oda MBeth, Mrs. Geo. Baird When Liberal Leader Sinclair early The captain and crew had an interest taking the topic from.the study book, which was on Honan, China. Two this Session declared that full invs keen, tigation still had to be made "to And the passengers grouped in in- articles were read on current events quiring mien. by Mrs. Thomas Baird. this matter there likely were many The roll call throughout the Province agreed with was responded to with a verse of him- He has kept pressing this mat- She had been to them all through that Scripture on the resurrection. Miss A. Rattenbury was appointed as a ter on the attention of the Huse voyage long, and when the Public Accounts Com- Like a light in the hold, and on deck delegate to attend the Presbyterial a bright song; mittee met moved for the appearance which willbe held in London in May. of Peter Smith. Charles A. Hattliews, The fever increased, with tongue Notes.—Mr. Alex. WDonald, of parched and dry, Jun., and former directors of the Wingham, visited at the home of Mr. Home Bank. After -holding over the Experience taught all that a crisis A. T. Scott, Thursday.—Mr. Bruce the Bossenerry, of Grand Rend, called motion for several days Com- was nigh. mittee decided to assent to it and Mr. on friends in the village Friday.—Mr, Sinclair's -persdstence in requesting The mother worked on, never counting George Elliot, of Clinton, was in the :a probe is to be rewarded. on fate, village last week.—Mr. Andrew and The beer bill. debate in cOl"In'ttee Bathing that fevered brow, both early daughter, Miss Jennie, of Tecumseh spectacular for a time but died Ave., London, motored up Sunday and was and late; away near the finish. Variousamend- Kneeling in silent prayer to heaven spent the day at the home of Mr. A, 7nent-g were Presented which were re- above, T. Scott.—Mr. Joe Smith, of Wing- gularly voted down but some valu- With faith in proniise sure that God hani, spent Thursday last with Mr able information as to regulations as and Mrs. Hugh Berry.—Mr. Gray, of is love. -to sale--guch as no sale on Sunday Toronto Universiy, is a visitor al and after 11 o'clock at night—were Faith needs an anchor here on which the Manse.—Mr. and Mrs. Hastings and son from Belgrave, visited ai given by the Attorney General in re- -to rest, ply to pressing inquiries from. the She finds it firm and sure "His will is the home of Mrs. Hastings' mother Liberal Leader and Opposition mem- best," Mrs. Janet Ross, last Sunday. — Mr bers. Beat both on land and sea where e!er Alex. Mustard has purchased a house we roam. in our village from Mr- Jas. Grainger In faith we follow on He leads us Sr.--4Mr-s. W. Stephens was the gues! 'THE FIRST SETTLERS IN THIS horne. of her brother, Mr. D. Tough, Iasi DISTRICT week.—Mr. Ale. G�ey, of Egmond. (continued from last week) The night it seemed long and the fever ville, visited at; the -home of Mr. an� In last Week's issue there appeared raged high Mrs. Moodie -this week.—Mr. GeorgE an article of mine describing the pre- That mother had thought her dear Wilson, of our village, has been en. paring to come to Canada "from the one must die; gaged as caretaker of Baird's ceme. motherland" of some of the early set- But with daybreak there came a hope tery.—The members f the W. M. S tiers of this district. The touching to that breast, and the Home Helpers are asked foi circumstances in connection with the The fever was less and the child seem- a special missionary offering on Eas -event were described, as also the get- ed to rest- ter Sunday by envelope.—The Rev. C ting acquainted with each other of G. Armour preached a most impres he passengers on the vessel, and A cry from the deck told that land sive sermon last Sunday morning, hL they, with ocean travel under the was in view, subject being, "Christ's Suffering it inost pleasant circumstances, almost Shouts of joy filled the air from both Gethsemane," after which he sang i felt as if they were on a holiday ex- voyagers and crew; beautiful solo, entitled, "His ThoughV cursion and that the harrassing tales The deck hands prepared to cast an- which was much enjoyed by all pres chor at last ent. In the evening he announcei they had heard of ocean travel were at least exaggerated. They soon, And the passengers felt all their dan- that there would be a sing -song afte, however, became diverted of this idea, gers were past, service in the basement to practic, as a storm came on ind the vessel new hymns. and also Did, favorites became unmanaga-ble. In next week's issue will appear an The greater part of the congregafloi account of the passengers landing remained. A very pleasant and pro the and the trying circumstances connect- fitable half hour was spent. It wa The winds grew more furiou., waves beating high, ed with their reaching what was to be decided to meet again next Sunda� All hope seemed to vanish, the end their future home. evening. Mr. Armour is certainly appeared nigh; J. R. GOVENLOCK, talented musician and it is very kin of him to be willing to impart hi ut the dangers that lurked in the Seaforth- foam and the wave knowledge to others. Were met at each lurch by the hands of the brave. MANLEY McKILLOP Notes.—Mrs. W. Manley and J. School Report.—The following i When the ocean at last all its fury Deitz umde a business trip to Brus- had spent, sels and Mitchell last week. — Mr. the report of School Section No. 1� Grey and Iff-eKillop, for the months o In the ship and its rigging there was and Mrs. Con Eckart and their sons, January, February and March. Pupil many a rent; Joe and Clavor, land their daughter, And the passengers came from thd Lucy, were visitors in our burg last have been examined in all subject hold to the deck, Sunday.—Mr. Jahn Deitz treated him- and a percentage of the total ha Showing clearly the signs of the tu- self to a Star automobile.—The ideal been taken. Sr. IV—Nora Hoeg3 84; Jim Ritchie, 83; Olive William mult and wreck. weather has advanced seeding rapid- son, 74; Delia McNabb, 73. Jr. Ill- ly, but the heavy frosts at nights are The old and infirm with locks that hard on the fall wheat if rain does Charlie Williainson, 92; Jim William were gray, not soon coe. son, 64. Sr, 11—Kenneth Ritchie, 84 And the young and the feeble tread- Gertie Pride, 69; Norman Williamso ing life's narrow way, TUCKERSMITH 64. First Class—Herbie Williamsor Each seemed to awake froma terrible 89. -Primer — Marie Coutits. — A dream, School ReportThe following is Louise Mills, Teacher. the� report of S. S. No. 10, Tucker- Both.palid of face and haggard of smith, for March. Sr. IV—Honors . Death of Mrs. Susan Ross.—Ther passed away in Toronto General Hos Marie Bell, 87; Stella Ingram, 78 pital on Sunday evening last a we] Edwin Dick, 76; Pass—Bertha Cor- known and highly respected forme Day by day seemed so long, night by bett, 72; Jack Corbett, 49; Willie resident of this townshi'p, in th night so drear Parke, 37. Jr. IV—Lorne Chapman, person of Susan Morrison, relict o With sickness on board there was lit - 70. Jr. III—Hugh McEwen, 69; Mar- tle to cheer; tbe late Lucas Ross, in her 60th yeai Many pulses beat fast when the fever garet Dick, 66; Grace Dick, 52; Te -d Born on the tenth concession and be Miunn, 40. Sr. II—Garnet Moussd, was high ing a daughter of the late Frand 50. Jr. 11: Honors—Alvin Bell, 79; and Mrs. Morrison, she resided in Me While their dear one fought death as Harold Elder, 75; Jimmie McEwen, Killop the greater part" of her life if hope could not die. 75; Pass—Mary Hiuser, 70; Helen Some 37 years ago she was marnei Munn, 70; Dorothy Corbett, 4 7; Irene to the late Lucas Ross, a son of th, But the monster was there and so Mousso, 45. Sr. 1 --Jessie Dick, 70, haughty and proud Primer—Jack Munn. Number on late Finlay Ross, one of the earl., 'That he laughed at their tears by pioneers of this township, and too] roll, 21; average attendance, 19."M. up residence on the eighth concession the bier and the, shroud, G, Johns, Teacher. Oh, could they return to their home To this union four children were born far away _=T=7T= Ten years later she was sadly be WINTHROP And their dear ones repose by their reaved by the death of her husband —The Ladies, Aid and W. after which she spent so -me years b forefather's day. W. M. S. M. S. meeting held at the home of Seaforth. For the past three year TIT -hat relief would there come to each Mrs, Robert Campbell last Wednes- she has -made her ome with hei troubled breast day afternoon, was well attended. daughter in Toronto. Mrs. Ross wa! As they followed the bier to that lone Piecing quilt was- the afternoons a strong, robust woman, and althougi place of rest, work, after which the meeting open- greatly b,andicapped early in hei -by they thus muse for this could ed by singing hymn 278, and all re- married life by the death of her bus But w not b6 peating the beatitudes. Mrs. C. Hil- band and the maternal care of foui 'The form they thus loved must repose len presided. The Scripture lesson small children, she persevered, an( in the sea. was read by Mrs. J. Grieve, and mes- successfully reared them to full may senger prayer by Mrs. A. Ross, An and womanhood. For the past tw( Repose midst its billows till time is no essay on Shanghai and Christian Lit- years she has been a great sufferer more erature was given by Mrs. George and in January of 1924 underwent And parted ones meet on the pearly Eaton, followed with prayer by Mrs. very critical operation in the Toront( shore; J. H. Morrison. The business meet- General Hospital. Although the op And together recount in the realms ing opened and several items -were eration wa apparently successful, sh( of rest, diqcuqoed. The allocation for the W. never seemed to regain her strength .... . ... . . . ow this trial here had for each been M. S. for this year is $150- Mrs. and in January of this year %be wai best. Allen Ro,ss -was appointed s a dele- again removed to the hospital, when gate to attend the W.M.S. Provincial she remained until death relieved hei A, large. family that hailed from the Convention, to be held in London in of her suffering on Sunday eveni laud -of i6 hether, May. A quilting bee will be held in Possessed of a kind, Chriseiat (Tisposi. Vhere' %U6 battle of life they bad the near future. The meeting elosed tion, Mrs. Ross ;Was a general favor. by all repeating the Lord's Prayer. ite Among her )nany friemdg ani, 21ku o�d'Wfed to the. har&lnps of Notes.—Witb much regret we learn- neighbom, and a most affeetfotiat( is sur. *Oir: nativId, land ed of the death of Susan Morrison, mother to her fmily. She In the to es of life thcV, had stood reliet of the Ite Lucas Ross, who vived by her aged mother. Mrs. pranli hat& ld:liAd. passed away in the General Hospital Morrison, of MeXillop; two sloteft ill Korth Toronto, last Sunday evening, ayce� Mrs. W1, iam David"TI, of Se -ago and Mrs. James buiming, of Dayid Ja,&er jst 6unted a long illness. The late 9 resided oti the 8th cobeessioti of We- Manitoba; two, brothers, VVi -------d, 10, 192rl. or f imbled to pp.� ;Z ny kind. 40-P _g to IR her, 4044 On 'Baotw 3UP40, Or t d by 14 'R th 1 Irwin, 'Of. t V140A. 0 d Aft, t th .14 of which hej& oo# & 't dd touches W46 ).A 'h iorment w 1% 4,ndli I", for XaitIaixdh4* Cemetery, hsum of incl4d account. BV,IaW al�pintmcnt of Road Conimission.Ors', av WW Builders* At , *4' - t for the Townsh' qf Say f the . . , d 40 VARNA year read lid finallv Ar I 4nally 'g T, New uno"'Wkw., Pam �Olejs in _w, of Portland ivi No, 1, a eAk Cc At A pl3r of Be aW#q� R, Pa#ersou� C:E,, a's township en- st4. rip I � . Browi� Calf at �s, hair, hardw�ig p hydtiitodlilm ortar. color red or Xt gmegr for th e. township. of Hay, for wal be j�e,i rlo tor the year, waA reiid thrqQ umes� before ,,W.own interest to, get ouir�v mpm -ng elsewhere, 4V and finally;p_4psed. The fo vving',.ac� were P419 stancl. - UMORE, We have Builders', A . 1,16 * Henzall' Ut. 1'Ph.. No. 107. Z001-1 counts w4z ' 0 Wi H * I I y t.0 Ospl- tal, re C. Rupp, $0%0ft GQTe PU.4404 %1�40 7100; New, -930.14sli Ernest Epps ar- ting and adverilgin&- Tav, Patent�` B.10 d if 0,' mtftj # ers—A 0 61ce prin chased,the, house and lot o'th�7 lqt, freight and express - 6 assi�tm. *e n ent of q0s6n 4 OwArtest At y6ri V64 blo ter Lorne intends $5.15; Stromberg-Carlson I 0 Mrs. Sto*pxt. Mas scttlin�k'40*n in it shortly. Co��At- Mfg. Co., suppliea, $192.65; o ulatiorl�, L,rne.—Mr. Alex. PostOr sElectric Co., supplies, $180.40; W "'W, for, philtJ -r, repairs f slowly and still colift improving ed Frase to switchboard, Dash- to bed, n # s wear�_ N e,many friends of Mr. wood, $18; P. Melsaac, ba re t lance Pa]- Patent. Le'athot Anson Qoj�man are glad to see him, ary, $446.38; M. G. Deitz, salary, ren's out L agai*'After his recent 041,2. 0;. :5 Economical Fire Insurance prices., Bring'the children, ,e Mr. R6ber Webster has purchased Co., insurance Dashwood Central, the farr�_of�,Mrs Malcolm MeNAugh- $8.20. The Council adjoumed to meet ton, paying. -the sum of $6,600 for it on Monday, May 4th, at 1.30 This is,qlifite convenient for Mr. Web- 'Watson o'clock p.m.—A. F. HESS, Clerk. -4 will shortly��ettle down to, the stern realities oflife.—The Messrs. Steph- KIPPEN A I enson Bros., of Babylon Line, have under Hensall, Usbore, Stanley. Oromarty'— leased ii;fPfarm to Mr. Geo. Clark- F4rmem' and Bujilders' Atteptiod.—Just ar- —Mr. George Stephenson, of Walker- rived, a car of Portland cement. We'also TE�Hom. 0 'O 0 ton, spefif��hq week end at the par- hn,�e a full supply of BeaohviUe stone lime, �Col lath, plaster paris, hair, hardwall plaster, ental hoy4o.,on the Parr Line. When hydrated lime. mortar, color red or bl"k. It Geo to,�ms it will.not be alone, vsil be to youT own Interest to got our prices rge� 37%, as he will biqng his bride from Ot- before purchasing elsewi3ere. At the old tand. Ft� CUDWO= Builders' Suppli tawa wl� him. Congratulations, lemall, Ont. Phone No. 107. 299iffi-i would be held on the last SunddY, in stock, Mrs 'Robert McA 4�ur, who George.—M Harvey Keys accompan- W. M. S�The molahl me ry poor health -or 'eting 6f his Month and that he expected to has been in�v'e '40me ied by Xxv Ljoyd Coleman, spent the c- . �4, past week-, visiting Clinton friends — the W_ M. S. was held -at the home of have a talented minister -for iha ,t - Oc- time n6yr,,. was advised to igb to.,X.J Mrs. James Bowey, with a good at- easion. 'On the coming Sunday'be'iw toria 1146si�ital for rest and, treatment Farmers have now started on the Ig nging duties with it. minister at and where she would be near to. her and will'Jb4 q' ' f tendance. Mrs. Kyle presided. 'the excha w.te busy for a couple i will conduct theb n, Sydney, who is, underg�ing, weeks if tbWflne weather continues. meeting was opened by inging a . distance, who ei% so Psalm 108. The Scripture reading vices at C-arniel church morning And treatmelit, there. Their many relatiyes, was given y Miss Jennie Chesney, eveninj,=Mra. D. Urquhart's public and' friends trust they way, in. the "The Best Tribunal." The'topic was auction sale of 'household goods and not distant future, return 'to their _BAYFIELD taken by -Mrs. J. Henderson on "Ja- furniture at the home on 64turday home here, feeling much iMprovVd,:*'1,' Breezds.---4W. Robinson, of London, pan," assisted by several, other mem- last,. was very largely attended, many Miss -Hattie- Sutherland had t1ke. mis- josed bS, prning from quite long distances, and fortune on Sunday forenoon last when. was here last Friday�Mirs. H. Mc- bers. The meeting was c in the hands of Oscar Klopp, the very coming 0 Kay was at -London. last Friday and singing Hymn 417, and repeating the up fr in. the'eellai' to in Some capable auctioneer, g6od, virices were !nanner lose her footing and in fall- Satu:Fday.--Rev. A. Macfarlane was Lord's PrayeLr in unison. The May (>btadned. As we mentioned in a., at London W,-, few days this week.— meeting will be held at the home of ing, 6roke the large b6ne of hO left Evangelist G� T. Fawcett, of Thorn- Mrs. Robert Dalrymple. previous issue, Mr& Urquhart re- arm near the shoulder as well as re - *R begin revival meetings at Notes—Special Easter services will cently� isold her (1wlling to Mr. J. W. ceivizig painful injury-, to One of'li6i bury,'wl the Methodist church here on April be held in both churches on Sunday Skinner, the new merchant here, de- eyes in the fall, but she is thankful. cided that she. and herdaughter, Miss that the uccident hu 12th- " Sek�i%:L-. Sunday morning will with special music and -singing by ppe44 before the be at a <luarter to eleven; evening at the choirs. Everybody is welcome to Beatrice, would- spend the summer adv�nt of the 4.4 beer, as it helps W 7 *'cloclL , Each evening - during the come and joinin these special Easter months with relatirves and Mrs. Ur- remove auspicious. — Mrs. W. C. quharVs daughter in Pennsylvania Pearce is in Windsor this week',vislt- week begimAtig with song servicei at services. On Sunday evening special State, and- would afterwards decide ing reItitirves and fri�nds.—On the a quarter to,-.eight.—Rev. Mr. Paull, services will be,held in the Methodist pon where'they would live.. Being coming Sunday;'Faster Sunday, theft� the nev(r,reator of Trinity church, ar- church, when special, nivale -and reci- 11 I - rived with -Mrs. Pauli on Saturday tations will e given. Ali are cordi- pioneer and much respected residents will bo'special and appropriate- ser -.- Of our village, they 1611 be m miss- vies . in our ehurches.�Mr. F*d evening from Atwood, his former ally invited to attend�Mr. Jno. Deitz . uch parish,and preached Sunday evening. of he London Road, has purchased- by -a large circle of friends as they Slnallacombe,,of Guelph, is here _Vis�-' intend l6aving any day, perhaps. this iting his relatives, and owing particu-.. Commenefii�rSunday next, Easter ser- the residence of Mr. Thomas Butts, of vice will, bd, held in the morning at our village. Mr. and Mrs. Deitz in- week—Our farmers report the land larly to the illness of his mother -in- 11 o'clock and morning service will bd tend moving into our village in the/ as working very nicely and with +he law, Mrs. J; E-llis.-_:,Dr.' G. Knapp is continued, during the sumMer.—Miss near future and will be welcomed b good steady cold weather of the past. pending Easter -holidays at his for- y winter with the land well protected mr home in Toronto.—Mr. and Mis. Jessie Metcalfe, of Detroit, was home their many friends. Mi-. and . Mrs. by sn look for good incoming A. W. E. Hemphill are preparing to this week�—Miss Alma MacKay was Deitz will, no doubt, make the very Owl home from, Tondon Sunday, motoring best of citizens.—A number from this crops of all kinds.—Mr. and Mrs. G. move -into the dwelling, Mr. Hemphill up I with A6. and Mrs. Lord. — Mr. vicinity attended the funeral of the Dodson and family, who have fived purchased some-mnths ago from the Robert Brown, of London, is in Bay- late George M-ullholland,-of Seaforth, here for some yelars in Mr. A ' Mar- H. J. MacDonald estate and the- in- field�M!iss: -S Parke who as been on Monday of this week.—We would dock's block, have moved to nAar Ex- terior of which he has been very, mach visiting in ii�nsall, returned Satur- remind the boys -and girls of -Mission eter on a farmwith MT. Nelson Stan- limproving.—Mr, Edward, Shffer is' in day acco*panied, bk,, Mrs. Littta.-­�Mr. Band on Saturday of this week, -and lick, and Mr. J6g. McDougall, merch- Toronto, Wing called there. thrdu&, Ant tailor, has. moved from where he' the -illness of his s6n John, to" London where all are requested to be present—Mr. he will e under 'mie'dical treatment. and Mrs. Bernard Hildebrandt, ' f was a little wgst in Muxdock's block, E. Rennie spent -a J�y oi so in Lon- --The Y.P.S. will hold an 4at home" 8eaforth; Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Dis- to the premises just vacated by ME don­--�Mr, E. F. Knipe was visited by in the basement of St. Andrew's jardine and son, f Zurich, and Mr. Dadson, and where he will haive dwel- relatives rom Ustowel at his board - church Friday evening, April 17th. and Mrs. Henry Walper, of the Parr in Z ms alsoMr. T. Palmer, Sr., ing rooms on Sunday last.—Mr. John' ling r Part of the pr6gram will be 'a de- Line, were visitors at the.home of is ma ng some improvements and Ste4cy has returned from Hamilton, ,bate, "Resolved that religion has been Mr. and Mrs. Emerson,Smith, of our changesto his dwelling property on wheke he had been spending a week a I greater factor in the orld's pro- village, uring the past week—The Brock Street,�7`We are now having or so with relatives.—Our milliners gress than science." many friends Of Mr. Thomas Johns, beautiful weakher, and the'farraers report a very good season's bmitnegs Died in Michigan.—The death took of our village, will be sorry to le� rn are very busily.engaged in seeding, thus far and cettainl� have fine dis;-� Dlace at her home, Midland, Michigan, that he' still continues on the sick while oar gard,efiers are also rolling play—Our Council are aiming at ok Mrs. Henry Beacon, (Marjory Er- list, but we hope in the near future up their sleeves -And jumping into keeping' our -front street paivenient win), after an illness of but nine days. to see -him regain his usual good work—As. will be seen by report in nice. and clean.�Mr.. R. Geiger has -'- ,another colutun, oul- Spring Show, rented Mr. John Bell's farm, a - little -a resident of Mid- health again�Quite a number took 41d on Tilesdak-afternoon was a great over a mile south -West of our village, land for over forty years, and for in the Spring Fair at Hensall on su . ecess, he stock shown being No. and intends farming it.�A good many the Vast fifteen years had carried Tuesday of this week.—House-cleanT � ! one, and the competition in many visitors are expected here for the on a large millinery business, but had ing is now the order of the day.—Mraw, Aasses was quite keen, particularly Easter holidays.—Mr. Win. Otter- just completed the sale of her store McCloy, of Seaforth, visited at the Was tMs so in the single drivers class bine has engaied wit -Mr. Thomas J. property and was busy disposing of home of her daughter, Mrs. Edgar, there being no less than nine entries, -Sherritt in -the dairy and farm work, her stock, plabuing to retire from Butt, of our village. during the past and a particularly fine string of hors- which Ish ice and handy to, his home� business and live. hi'a new dwelling week—Mr. Alex. McKenzie of our es, and our President, Mr. William —Our villagers are vieing with each she had recently built. It is suppos- village, visited at the home of his Consitt, nd all Unociated with him, other in the way � of keeping nice ed the extra strain and excitement niece, Mrs. Sherlock Keys, of Varna, are much -pleased with the exhibit tasty premises with nice Stretcheg t)f brought on a stroke which ultimately during the past week.—Mr.. William and large crowd ssembled in the lawns, studded with flower beds and resulted in her death, which took place Ivison, of our village, is making im- face of such very fine weather that shrubs, in other words, grehaving an last Friday 6vening, April, 3rd. The provements to his house by building made many feel they could not well eye for the beautiful—Rev. Dr. body accompanied by three brothers-, a nice new verandah to it.—Mr. and spend the -day off the land. — M - Fletcher intends taking the services Robert Erwin, of Toledo, Ohio; Sam- Mrs. Peter Cameron, who have been Fred Bengough, while leading a fine for the Rev. Mr. Ritchie at Croinaft. y uel Erwin, of Mancelona, Mich., and spending a few days at the home of heavy entire orse of Dr. A. Moir's the coming -Sunday.—The Hensall John Erwin, of Midland, and Mr. and the latter's brother, W. L. Mellis, left in the show grounds, had the,misfo- Young People's League had a fine Mrs. Andrews, of Midland, Mich., ar- the latter part of the week for the tune to got a little injured and thrown meeting n Monday evening. An ad- rived here on Monday morning, the West, where they intend to spend the and dragged some distance on the dress was given by Miss Scarlett on funeral being held -from the home of summer.—Farmers are. all busy on hard ground. It appears thd horse, a "The Bible"- instrumentals by A. Alfred Erwin Tuesday afternoon, Mr. the land and yn'th a few days of fine young Spirited one, got a little excit- Lindenfield �nd Gladys Luker, and a J. Joy Johnston conducting the fun- weather, no doubt seeding will soon ed with the fast driving behind him reading by Hattie Whiteside. Miss eral service. Her husband predeceas- be completed.—Mrs. R. B. McLean, of in the . ring, and springing up '411 Whiteside was presented with, , a ed her about fifteen, years ago. The the London Road, spent a few days fours in the air -Ints 1roni feet struck French ivory tray, this being her last other'brotbers are: A. E. during the past week, at the home of Mr. Bengough, knocking him. over, meeting before 'removing to- Gotle- Erwin, Bayfield- 'Thomas H. Erwin, her daughter, Mrs. Jas. Fowler, of but he held very pluckily th the hal- rich. The pyesentation w" made by Akron, Ohio, a�d George Erwin, of Exeter�-Mr. Thomas Butts, who re- ter until drawn quite a distance, Flora Higgins, and all address of ap- Prince Albert. The -.pall bearers were cently purchased the Taylor farm, has when the� crowd fearing he,would get preciation was read by Nellie Boyle. George Hanley, -.1tobert Thompso, now taken possession and is 'tow go- badly hurt, shouted to hin! to release 'Special Easter services *illbe held Wesley Beacom, William Douglas, ing ahead at full speed. his hold wfileh he did, iind then the next Sunda�, ilf the Methodist church. George Douglas and Robert McClin- horse was quickly cornered up and The choir will render Special rauaic'. chey. Among 1;hosq fro -in a distance caught.—Mr. Garnet Case spent the —The annual uaineas"meeting- I and were: Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thomp- firt part of this week with relatives election of officers will beeld in the son; Mr. Wesley Beacom nd son, of Nevv Wall Paper. --Our 1925 Wall Pav- in Toronto.—Mrs. Wilson Ber%y, f W.ALS. in he,Meth6digt church on Blyth; Mr. and J&A. George Douglas, is here. The� styles and Patterns are lovely and the prizes are right. ome in and nee it. Sandwich, is here spending a couple Thursday. Reports of the vaT on Hensall; Mr. Robert McClinchey, 'i s Hemvhial's Drug, Store. zgs7-tf of weeks with er mother-in-law, Mrs. activities of the association Will be Stanley; Mr. and IfTs. E. A. Sander Far era' and Builders! Attention.—Just &r- T. J. Berry_M�rs. W. Robertson, of. given.—Mrs. Wm. Coleman spent the and Frank Erwin, Kitchener. rived,lua car of Portland cement We also Croniartv, has been here this eek I week end in the village with her have a full supply of Beachville stone lime, lath, plaster paris, bair, hardwall plaster, visiting MT. and Mrs. Charles L. I mother, Mrs, Consitt, and sister, Miss hydrated lime, mortar, color red or black. it Jinks.—Dr. and Mrs. Gawthorpe, of i Annie.—Mr. H. Arnold has had his MUCH will be to your-ovm interest to get our prices Tavistock, spent the week end hera new lawn neatly graded, levelled and before purchasing elsewhere. At the old Notes. — A large number from stand. R. C'EMMOR9, Buidem' Supplies, -with Mrs. Thomw Dick, Mrs. Caw- I seeded, he, work -being done by Mr. Zurich and vicinity attended the nonsall, Ovt. Pholte No. 107. 9991-1 thorpe's mother, who returned with - Harry Smith, -of our -village, -who is Hensall Spring Fair held on Tues- Briefs.—Mr. Conrad Volland last her daughter and the Doctor to Tavi- I painstaking in is work. day and a number of the local horse week purchased over five acres of fanciers carried off the blue ribbon. fine land froin Mr. Geo. C. Petty, at —Mr. Menno Baechler and -wife -have the northwest corner of our village, moved into the house,, in the village and will, no doubt, soon have it under which he recently purchaaed from Mr. profibaWe cultivation�—Mr. and Nis. Spring and.Summer M. G. Deitz.—Mis, L Rupp has mov- A. Whitesides -motored to Hamilton ed into the house in'the south end of to spend the week 6d with their son the village owned by'Miss Volland.— there, -and report the roads in very Mrs. Sam Ropp has tnoved on to the -fine conditionWe believe Mr. and farm on the 4th,. eoteesaioil� Hay, Mrs. Robert Caldwell intend in the MILLINER which he recently &rekaged from Mr. near future moving into our village E. Raberer.—Tat , Samuel Deltz -i's -from. the farm, -a few miles *eat of nursing a sore hatid the.fasult of hay. our vilage, on tha Zurich Road, and lats I arriving each week, ing two of -his Ahierg-,partly taken have; rented MT. Wihitesid0s teat Lot's of Pretty I off when he was ftgWlig in -sawing dwelling, on Oxford Street, Ili Which C'OtAe In;' And be convinced. some lumbe a fd'*,dPyS ago on the they will reside when Mr. Whitesides farm of Mr. D. 0,9*ma, Brli"n Line. and family more to GOdbTith,--4Xr$. Our' Prices are right. The hand came into dontdat With the J. Wilson has returned to her home XoArouble to show Goods swiftly revolving dow a d two of his bt StrAtford after a pleasant visit fingers on the IA were taken 'with her parefitsi Mr. and Mrs, Aso. Off . at the first aft� Tht, 911te Hat Sh ensall arhiel oppe, n U�311y engaged 1# ati, the honced on Sunday,. Toft in a t 9 ng *utch that the. aiiniv4reary oervices and. Many havL1,,. ;,Amted eedl --------