HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1925-02-27, Page 4fII�7, IITHE IImen IIQlent:, or 0 �As_ ro rates for Tolimp LIPIAGISLATURE T. A. Dr also COM440 14, bo dIheavy with beer, the politi 4 re rural I1; this J. C. Milligan, Conservative mem- in the Hu,%e.asv.Qt;qd% a Igq; o 4190 I,ere at Queen's Par .1% k ecame charged, in I01,PT bl- oU"t"Oull her for StlozMont, himself in todenunciation f,ur au Adotg"d T- tow, t ha ties Dgent fumes of gasoline, support of the stronger beer proposal. of the lutest teort on tha 7ear 1 -14 4 read by the beetri o0 !Aq� on 91 Vie yfeorll`� aSUrer, gaW_4.;L e forced into the background, with the interest;$ of true temperanode. Whether or nipt.the Parliament qf tre -,#On to a od it � W'��Wlondfay, at least, the beer issue He argued -that it was in reality in of the North AtIa4!tJ16 Confe slo by Premier Ferglu- pwitor q ouncement -Interludes, inniwt of which Canada could and should amend the -to of the reC0jVLt$' ;144.14as reegived a -vu XIRIIA, A -a I_, QW0 . 0 Iigured, America Act --a question of deep lri� an and total l QX League, that instead of the, her for Southwest Toronto, f Suaagains a deputation from the Ontario J. A. KCausland, Conservative mem- co,untry's ch;artQr_-4be N rth andi The, totail amollnt'tsk� gatior
N W of
s- nd has thl lqnoer al &i!% 64' �prq losed tax on gasoline being Only enlivened the proceedings of the terest to all Canadians was debated buraem�j.f�j,,:$1;358.97, leavillo IIenjw a gallon, as voiced about House during the week,and drew for for two days during the week. the ance. of; in the treasil*, The 0; Iihe corridersof the Parliament Build- the "wet" member rebukes fromboth discussion being occasioned by a res- 'boolis, audited by Mrs, J' Rale Notice.,You areL kindli r"uested to, call igs since Ron. G. S. Henry, Minister the Speaker and the Prime Minister. and settle your account on or boforP lu on moved by W. P. Maclean, Con- and XW"Nargar e St ti t Doyle. W. Y. Maellis Colu "1> os- V the servative member for South York and -subdivision m of Highways, first intimated the P 7bile bowing to the ruling of rith' A MOM: 'at- e�oud hand Mellotte�_ore= For Sale.—One ; former, Mr. McCausland recalled the oldest continuous member of the bership o carrin The Children lity of such a levy, the government . g on s their. feet well PTO 0 Xf- 9Z has been 500 lba. Ior- te 16d On will in all probability make it a three that the premier had "raised More House. - wft he usual actiities whidU e My in 'ar UV After 'an illuminaing discus tit, 0 'enable dfM -. W. L. MIMS. 2985-4 to �Sehool.' Sal d6nate-its quota of sto NotI--Goo4 cows and DeLaval Separators dies and, be� Prow arch nOt % mos than a few Donnybrooks" himself in siGn in which the Prime Mnister and it once heir fl�044U qents per gallon impast. h The announcement caused visible his oppoition days and at the same Hon. Ernest Lapointe were the 0haritable and always pay; Look over your old. separator We have a complete iia�gortm 004 0 e prin- I missionary . ,eirt of 9, Rbb and sea that it Is oriving you sill the butter farally., Wjo� DO consternation in the ranks of the mo- time ad never hesitated to "fuss up cipal speakers for the Goverrinilmt, requiremints-, $20 was donated to the flat it should. With a new %el = y, -�ayl ber of the recon�mefid torists, some 200- strong, who had the House." Mr. McCausland served Mr. Meighen for the Opposition and Sisters of �Service; $100 sent t�p -the be pleasantly eurpr" at t in- —the brand that Is aianteed,to wear and feet i�
crease.in the size' of youx cream chequqo or. gu gr S stars Of the Precious Lon- waited upon Messrs. Fe�gusn and notice of his intention of "not taking Hon. T. A, Crerar for the Pro es- i aMo n all sorts of weather. . t of butt" rAq Henry to ask that the tax be defer- ney. You wfU ftd tho� politics too seriously-" He declared gives, the Maclean resolution, t e don; $251,27 given to our pastor for newuDeLaval the il�aucht skimming, easiest .................... 1 41 red until Janu -- ist of next year; that the proceedings of the House amendment by William Irvine (La- painting.4nd decorating the church; ;ning, longest aivid'iream separatoi'made,, ary RUDIMUS �qr demands at any ...... Ithat a proportionate reduction in mo- were "dull enough at times," and in bor) and the sub�amendment by J. S. schol4rah! be ulad o ra"t yc tor license fees be then granted, and ps- of $5.00 have been given' time. W. L. Mellis, Agent. 2986-3. um ............. iks at Entrance examina- ,cgs Mae Wallace, of SES! DOWM�X-,'RVBBORS need of livening up. Wodsworth (Labor) were all with- the pu�pfr.�4btaining the highest n - Notes OUMP o iRRS that motorists should be required to Premier King, while i�egard- her of MIS drawn. Lloydininster, visited during the past meet only the actual annual cost of Ing the debate as largely academe, tiou. Three good Catholic books have week at the home. of Mx. and Mrs CHILDREN'S. DOMINJON R.75 ets. si�', repair work on provincial highways, THE DOMINION PARLIAMENT admitted there was Inuch to be said been -placed,, in the libraries of our Thom -as Kyle, of-our,village, — Mr. instead of the complete cost of perm- An indication of the desire of Par- on both sides of the argument, and Sepailate,'$chools; 2 crates. of eggs Thomas Johns, of our village, whose anent improvements, which would ex- tend over a long period of years. lic money by -suggested that it would very probab- were don�ted at Easter to Mt. Hi OPe health has not been. just up to the eliminating needless talk and getting ly be considered by the conference to and M St Joseph and at Christmas, standard,for some time, went to Lon- IMr. Ferguson also refused to con- down to business speedily was furn- be held shorUy after the present ses- 1924�ivvo boxes, one of canned fruit don during the. -week for treatment. sider the question of deferring the ihed on Monday of last week the sion between the provinces and the and it]*, other consisting of apples, His man fr , i . ends hope he may be tax, and announced that for I y 40 bhe pres debate n the Address in reply to the Dorrdnion on the primary question of orano.es�, candy, cake and etc., were greatly benefitted.—Mr. W. W. Cooper &4 red ent at least, there will be no Ile- 411 Speech from the Throne terminated reform of the anadian Senate. Mr. sent to Mt. St. Joseph. Generous of London, is spending a few days at tion of license fees. -tile ails of without an amendment being offered Meighen declared he still favoured the sunig-have'been sent to Rev. Fa r Although the complete det the home of his son, W. R.j of the by the Opposition, and the same even- preservation of Canadian appeal to the Fraz�r for missionary work and other London Road.—Thp Ladies' Aid will the new levy have not yet been given r ing the in otLt, the prime minister intimated the ain Estimates for the fiscal British Privy Council and of the pow- wofthyl- causes helped. Cancelled render their play entitled, "The Ladies ending March 31, 1926, were er of amending the Dominion consti- star4ps Uve been collected and sent probability that it will be collected at year Aid Meeting at Mohawkerossing," on TELEPRO" n orposm, COXXJI�CUL, H91*L A. Robb, Act- tution through the British parliament. regularly to aid in Mission work; 2 Friday evening, March the source of retail supply, from the tabled by Hon. James ta Mr. Lapointe urged that the pact of parcels of,'Catholic literature ve hure 6th, in * the garages and service stations which ing Minister of Finance. That deba ha c IL This play consist of some
established a record for brevity. That Confederation was in essence a treaty been sent to. Western Missions, through s 25 women, all in old time costume ell direct to the consumer. week compares very favorably between the rovinces and the Do- churclr-w�tension. The League hoP!.s- This prorni top� one ses to be real good, and
But gasoline was not the only n and that the latter could -not during this year to accomplish their ich forced the beer discussion in- with the three weeks consumed last nunio every one is asked to keep'the date ic wh year and with any session of this amend that British North American objective of. building a chapel in the in mind—Iffiss Vera Tremeer, daugh- until the year 1903, when they left and strength.�A union prayer meet- to the background. Act without consulting the provinces West, - the clapel fund pqw amount- the homestead farm ,and -moved to t ing of ouii thiee local churches will
ped fourteenth Parliament An amusing ter of Mr. aid Mrs. John Tremeer, "Toll -gate" charges again lea� fact in this connection is that, while nor wit6ut their consent. MT. Crerrar ing $�i5' .1-3. Mrs. W. Dorse th village of Hensall to enjoy a vVell. be h6ld in the Methodist churgh bere
y mov f the 10th Concession of Tucker- e
earned rest fr We
into prominence, when Premier Fer *d he was in agreement with the ed a, vote;qf thanks to the retiring om the act" duties of on Frida afternoon of-thi�week, and
last year the Conservatives were sal smith, was united marriage to Mr. y girson, from the floor of the Blouse, 9- life on the farm. They had a family which promises 'to be inery ldrggly at-,
gave -an answeg to the Toronto Globe's scolding the Progessives for prolon principle of the Maclean resolution officers f&tl'the good work done dur- John Jackson, of ing but was ubious about the method ing the-ygar. Miss Tessie Lynch the West, on Wed- of ten . children, . six cirls �gnd four , tended, and a . t which some fin'6' . instru-
gation the discussion, the Opposition this nesday of this week. Congratula- , '0
demands for a further investi� DYS, all of.whom are still living o.X- ment�al -music,atd solo nuihbers will
OF treasury conditions prior to the year were scolding the Liberals and proposed by Mr. Maclean. then read;,�n address to the retiring tions are extended to the young I . P. V. McGrath, and ept one son James,.who died, in be. given, appropiiate, to the Qc 'sion.
Y resider -ca
couple.—Mr. George Stewart, of c was � Drury -regime. Progressives for not talking and on, it, 'Mrs Brandon, Man., last, year. he names, --Rev,- Dr. C. Fletcher Sea -
charging that a "conspiracy of sil- bqb�lfl,,of the League. Miss Lucy Seaforth, visited at the home of Mr. The prime minister declared that if CHISELHURST of the surviving sons and daughters forth on Wedn&Aay afternpo,ii last,
" ged between Burke presented her with a pair of the
any inewber of the House desired to and UTs Thoinas Workman, of in order of age ate as follows: Mrs. attending the funeral of the litte D.
voice charges which merited investi- those two parties. It was also de- Notes—A pleasant social evening walnut -,"babillesticks with candles. In London koad, during the past week Wm. McAllister, of'Marlette, Mich.; D. Wilson, the deceased being &warm clared by Conservatives that the Lib- was spent in the Methodist church a few. iporopriate words, Mrs. Me- nd also other friends of this' com-
gation, the way was open, and the Mrs. James Clarkson, of Rapid City, efaoi�il friend for many, years of Dr refrained from talking so here on Wednesday evening last week Grath thwiked the ladies for the -gift ky.—Mr. and Mrs. Deitz, of the erals had murn
Government woty.ld -ee that the pro- Man,; Mrs. Ge'orge Foster, of London; Flelteher and calne here',to'vi,,S# him probe that the session could be shortened in as a close to the campaign to increase and their work and co -opera- London Road, enti�)rtalned a number per tribunal was provided to order to hold a general eelction at an the attendance at the Sunday school, tion with'-1her during her two years of their friends on Tuesday evening Miss Edith. Forrest, --iii home; John last suim6ner 'when he was attending the matter to the bottom. early date. The Liberals and Pro- which proved successful. A good pro- as Pres� ei Forrest,.of the Townshil) of Hay; Mrs. th4i 014 Boys, Rguni6n at, S�afOrth_
plt. The election of officers of this week Mx. and Mrs. Deitz But unless such definite charges W. Love, of the TOW115bip of Stanley; On,the coming UndAy iri4he Xetho- gressives both refrained from talk, gramme was put on by members then too, place, the following being are excellent 'entertainers and every I I -_
were forthcoming, he contended, the fter the leaders and a very few oth- from Hens -all and at the close a elected: Honorary Chaplain, Rev. J. Oliver Forrest; of London, and Mrs. dist'church a ladies' chGir will lqad in
Inatter should be dropped for good a one enjoyed their kind hospitality to Henry Manuel, of London and.,.all the ted against the ers had expressed themselves, but for lunch was served. — A successful Dnti6r,-Ttesidentl 11TA. John Shea; the fullest extent.—Mr. Alex. Me- ,serviee of song.' The sermons -will
of another reason which was their de- shower in honor of Miss Vera Tre- 1st vice -President, Mrs. Peter H. Me- Kenzie, of our village, visited at -the were in attendance except ptie from be especially for the ladies—Rev. W. "besmirching" of the good name the WIest. Mrs. ForrieRt'hd enjoyed E Donnelly, of Exeter, gave a lecture reasonable sire to get down to business and to meer was held at the home of Mr. Grath; �,n&Vice-President, Mrs. Owen home of M3r. anA Mrs. Thomas An- public men without save the country avoidable expense. and Mrs. Bert Vennor, when she re- Hart; Srd,Vice-President, Mrs. August derson, of Goderich, during the past very good health unti I a little over in the Methodist chu�rZh on � Friday
und. A reduction of almost $7,000,000 ceived many useful gifts. Dueharrap.; Recording Secretary, Miss seven years ago, when she suffered a evening last. The subject was, "Wa-
gro week.—Mr-s. Joseph Daymond and 1;
Hon. T. W. McGarry, the former stroke, which left her ever afterwards gon Loads of Cold , and the audience was the outstanding feature of the h; Corresponding Secre- aughter,' Beatrice, of Tuckersmith,. a main n Exeter during the -provincial treasurer, had come volun- Louis O'Reilly; Treasurer, isited friends i in a very helpless state, her speech w s delighted by the inspir�iijg and Estimates. Another notable ELIMVILLE tary, - its tarily before the public accounts com- Mrs. John Downey. Following he being very much affected as well. as helpful lecture that he gave.- -Mr. A.
fact is that, if the reductions in the TNotes.—We are pleased to report past week.—The crow and the robin her body, but with the kind and most J. Sweitzer, of Detroit, spent the past mittee on more than one occasion last out. main Estimates of the last three fis- t4yt Miss Lena Pym is making sat election of officers, the following pro- have been heard again, which is an sessi,on,, Mr. Ferguson pointed gramme was given- Cho—, "O Can- indication � that spring is once more faithful attention of her� daughter, week at the home of Ax. and Mrs.
cross- throughout Robert Aiggins, of this village.=The
cal years are added together, there isfactory progress toward recovery, ada"; recitation by Mr. August Du- hing.�-Mr. Alvin Harvey, to. those -years ninde very co annual Spring Seed Show of aensall
and under the most -searching Miss Edith, she lived is to the credit of the Dominion Gov- ration for appen- pproac I
examination, his denials of all knowl- charme,�-sqng Miss Gertrude Dow-ney; the north of the village, sold a fine, mtortable dge of any wrong -doing, had been ernment a total cut in estimated ex- dicitis at her home south of the vil- sang, Aft9s6 Marie and Helena Plan- and happy' by her ow -n contented na- winbe held in the Town Hall on Fri-
penditure of nearly $105,000,000, and colt during the week to Mr. Jacobi to have the
in no way shaken. 1,g.—Elveryone is glad nery; readiSng, Miss Tessie Lynch. T! e of near Chiselhurst.—At the preserti ture and disposition, coupled with the' day, February, 27th—That the la:te
in this in the face f heavy uncon- I -rd ther. The rains will surely 1 I
W. E_ N. Sinclair, Liberal leader, rw wea splendid care she received from her Mrs. Cooper Forrest, whose death oc-
meeting t,_�.en closed with th f the farmers are insisted that the matter could not be trollable outlays that cannot be cut a�ve the water supply settled far a of the National Anthem. e singig high prices o grain daughter until Saturday evening last, curred ere a few, days ago war. a and that must be paid to meet obli- while.—The Mission Circle members among the naed ones to be wearing
allowed to rest where it stood. The the 21st, whlp she passed peacefull lady of, a fine strong and active T'�a-
at Mr. the broad smile.---4Mrs. Edwards, of
gations contracted by Canada during had a leasant social evening y public accounts committee was the away without the slighte�st struggie. ture is evidenced by the fact that contended, for such the war and as a result of the war. Thomas Bell's on Monday of last BAYFIELD Hay Township, was a visitor at the proper form, he of -our In fact she, had just partaken oflier about &rty� years'Ago whenth,gy liv- A Iss. as, -M
Still another important feature is week.—The W. M. Ad. home of Mrs. A McGregor, tea, andr sitting-" -herchair arid' '6d "On' the, j0ari - Lihe� an4-:t -?roads an investigation. which should be as S. are making Y� -&I M �= it if you do not take tar 'Ited vantge of moncy-onving prices at which village, and also at the home of Mr. that where any considerable increase be qu-I searching and -reaching as poo- several quilts which will her daughter was just saying to ber, were in a state that made dii.v%g al-
ity-of of expenditure is to be provided for shorbly.—Mrs. Thomas Ho 36,are being sola at F. A. Edward'a Sale. and Mrs. JamesMustard. of the Lon- sible. He questioned the necess dgert and toee tfie remnants of PAuts, Shirting and Flan- "mother I think I will run do" and. most impoisible at certain tilles of it is really in -the nature of an in- don Road, during the past week.
the prime minister's challenging mem- children, of Seaforth, visited her sisIo nele0te. *Prints at 20c, 28c and 25c a yard: get the �;ail,ll -but when going out of the year, she had-walki6d from her vestment on behalf of the taxpayers G gham at 25c yard. Come while the assort- ter, Mrs. Bruce Cooper, last week.— in the door she looked back and Va�w a home to what was then known, as bers of the House to make further t is good. F. A- Edvvirda. 298r�l of the Dominion- An illustration of Mr. Thomas Smale still continues men HHNSALL charges. Everyone des er her mother and, the Rodgerville Presbyterian church, save money. In zo . -Farm To Rent. --One mile from Hensall for before she.could. reach er, she had a distance of nearly six miles
leader this is the proposed- additional ex- irea to change commg ov quite ill at the home of his son Anson, easier or better way can this be done than by taking advantage of the special wices pasture or crop. will rent whole or part of carry -
W. E. Raney, Progressive penditure of $700,000 toward the at Pa passed away to the better land, where Ing an infant daughter in lier arms
promised the House an official state- maintenance and operation of the rquhar. now prevailing at F. A.,FAwards' Stor� We the farm. John Bell, Sr., Exeter, Out- 2984-9 ment on the situation,, on behalf of dredging fleet in the Riyer St. Lawr- are anxj'ous to reduce our stock, and although Wall Papers in the latest designs; AsPh.it death is not known, as the dece�sed all the way which we ventbie to say Red and Hea- lived a fine Christian life and was de-' wo 0
the late Drury government, duFing LONDESBORO wholesale prices. are advancing,_ we are sa- Shinirles, Blue. Black. Green, uld, be �a� t duplicate at the ence Channel. The effect of this will arificing many, Hues at clearing prices. Think ther. Li'verything in the building line. Hard- 'hat the udget debate. Notes.—Albr. F. Tamblyn who spent servedly respected for her many ex- present time, and show$ t some be to fu,Tther reduce the hazards of of good, strong overalls and smacks at $1.00 wood flooring in Oak, Maple, Buck and Birch
Two of the most interesting contri- last week in Toronto, has returned.— each; splendid obirta wlo4h 41.00 for 98c, James gangster. Builder, Box 214, Hensall'. cellent qualities� The funeral servici of -our old-time good Presbyterians
butions to the debate on the speech navigation, which are now really at Mr. and Mrs. H. Lyon has returned Oxford rhirting at 20c a yard; mitts and 29854 was conducted by Rev. J. A. McCon- did not hesitate to attend, church ev-
a minimum, and thus eWourage e ks at moneysQvdvz prices. Come and see W. M. - S�The annual bi
from the throne, - during the, week after spending the past two weeks rthdly nell, of Carmel Presbyterian church, en under great difficulties. Mrs. For -
British underwriters to reduce their the goods and yon *91 realize the values vre
-were those made by IDharles McKeown with their daughter, Mrs. Kerslake, party of the Women's Missionary So- and the remains were interred iru the rest as always a very faithful
rates of marine insurance on vessels offer. F. A. Edvma,&. 2984-Z ciety of Carmel Presbyterian church �fmily plot at Rensall Union Ceme- church attendant when her health and
of Exeter�The play that the 13th Breezes—bliss Alma McKay has of Dufferin, former Conservative whip
and HaxGld Fisher, Liberal member Plying in and out of Canada's great- concession young people gave in the been home from . London, where she is was beld.ift the school room of the tery,' The pallbearers were: Messrs. strength permitted—Rev, Mr. Sinclair Wes. for West Ottawa. est waerway. Community Hall last Friday- night' attending church on Thursday afternoon last. One important saving effected by tervelt's , Business Col- James Mustard, Wm. Forrest, Win. preached most Interesting s�rniolfs in
Lek, owing to illness.— nee
Mr. McEonn, declaring himself a the King Government is in the inter- wag a decided success. The proceeds, lege, for a'Wo There was a large attends and McAllister, George Foster, Wra. Love. the Methodisi church -on. Sunday last
life-long temperance advocate, cam . e est on the public debt, the amount of were for the Library, and amounted Mrs. Baker, Is Axome from London, the school room. was very prettily' and Harry MAnuol, all old neighbors, and in the evening the.spgeiqui church
decorated by: some of the ladies and
out strongly in favor of 4-4 per e,- relati-�es and friends, and the funeral was filled to hear his splendid dis-
this being a ittle over $2,375,000 as to $80-00-iMr. and Mrs. Wood, of where she *As.Visiting her daughter, I oked very party -like. The ladies was a private one. While Mrs. For- course on the s6jeet,of "])ads and beer, expressing the view that this a result of refunding loans floated by Vancouver, was the guest at the Mrs. BurS_Xeuton services are being 0
was a concession which would in the ted it'l *Vri� Church each were asked to take their work and rest had reaaed the, good old age of Lads," the service being. especially
the Government in the latter half of home of Mr. G. Brodgen last week. conduc nd save the Onta-rio Temperance Act 1924 to pay off maturing Victory —Mr, Ernest Adams is in Toronto Wednesday evening, commencing at aftef.a social chat the flloNing pro- 85, she will be''ninch missed by her for men' and boys�The many. friends
from complete destruction. He sev- this week, attending the Good Roads 8 o'clock.—th0"bluilding, for some gramme was given: The president, family as well as. by a large circle of of Mr. Robert Bonthron will regret
Bonds and other obligations. The Mrs. C. A. McDonell, t6A the chair erely censured Mr. Raney for the Government ww able to get its Convention., --Mrs. A. Well visited her. time �acan&but'o'n'ce used as a bar- relatives and friends. to leirn that he still continues',tery And gave a nice interesting talk on methods which he had-jemployed in money at a considerably cheaper rate mother, Mrs. Marshel, near B1:5dk her. sho.rp by 'Aleit� FergusonlF was Briefs.—The thaw and rains of the poorly, and Urs� Bouthron at-dikte of enforcing the Act when he was at- than the interest carried by the Vic- last hursday.—Mrs. Tamblyn is ' ht moved down Tffi�-,�Sauble� Line Rast the work of the society.and called on past week h -ave made the roads quite writing is also quite poorly and con -
the following: Solo, Miss Jessie bare in many -places, so that it is not fined to her Tool
t0rney generaL t6ry Loan issue they were retiring. present visiting friends in Leamink- ."ve's he ha '
week, to Paid C ving pu- Park; reading, Mrs. J. A. McConnell; now either. wheeling n for %e preserit,.but
The member for Dufferin also de- Then savings were actually made in ton.—MT. P. Manning was in Seaforth chased it to"Use,"br 6x;tfacihig honey _?r �sleighing fii we'hope to see'them b6th-much im-
last Friday.—MY, William Bill - duet, Mrs..W. MeLaren and Mrs. Lee ended the government's attitude to- gharn Soe say thii�11101_tfiel first move -)f this district. In our village our walks proved.—,A --Knight of the Grips" ward the bond scandals of last year. some of the uncontrollable outlays: has rented part of one of his farms Bayfield to '91#nij Vwirigihip�_The Hedden; piano and violin duet, Mrs. are now bare' of sriow, which is & when coming into T. C.-Joynt's store soldiers, land settlement, $1,500,000; Hoggarth aiia'Miss E. Murdock
e denied vigorously that there had to Mr. T. Fairservice.�--Dr. Brown play, Friday solo, boon to pedestriand,. an� on' Wednes- on., Wednesday-- Mgt! idder-34ng a small
soldiers' civil re-establishment, $1 and Rev. Brown, of Clinton, were call- evening last, -PdbAx Mrs. J. W. Bonthron. Then came all day last our Council had I w number of mp
been the slightest disposition'to "bot- 210,000; adjustment of warm claims, ary� f0il, put an interesting part of. the programme, hn men taki trunk of sa, le�, had the misfortuTm
I - ing on friends here last Wednedday. h ng off all the surplus snow to smash
tle up" the investigation of the "toll- $135,000; Im _y, the youngepeople-of.TrInity church a finepidU* glass in the
charees in connection with the perial War Graves Com u6ces address by Mrs. Hugh McEwen, on a was a great i a. The Hall was and-jirt they eould.off our p:�e a 't door—Mr. Jas_ Sangster�,as,�mll be, mission, $98,780. Included in the trip she had taken to California. 'Mrs. etol seen by his adv. mi this imuejjs pre- treasury department. Estimates is an item that will prove ST. COLUMBAN very well filred,,iliif all enjoyed it im- McEwen is a very pleasing speaker, which will soon have the Harold Fisher accused the Govern- popular with the agricultural people Notes—Mr. Peter Mathews, of De-' ensely. Tho�. t lef"o a making fine wheeling and motoring, pared to lay fine Woors -'ana', t
'Cos 'baracters w a and made all present feel they want -
vu ?n
ment of cowardim in their handling ision trait, and a former resident of #ds as follows: E.wra Tuttle, A rich ndn- while our back streets with.snow on wall paper and is an " of the country, and that is prov pert, anic.
Of the liquor question. He averred er who is ma his ed to take the same trip. She told of will help the farmers in bTinging in' —Our business men have. -Arranged
Inc Try the many beautiful sights she produce on sleighs—We believe for the combijk spring,, sup" d
for an annuity of $5,000 for Dr. locality, has been visiting in Dublin had
that they had lacked the courage ei- Charles Saunders of the Central Ex daughter int41,sdciety,t- Albert Dunn, our .7 an
ther to make the question a straight recently.—Mr. Michael McQuaid , is seen. and of the enjoyment Of travel- Horticultural Society are getting perimental Farm at Ottawa for his. home visiting his brothers and other always in tkoUble*, William- Parker; out fall months to hav
iissue, or to follow the principle invaluable services to his country in relatives.—The drama entitled, "An Lieut. Griswold,, *ho has designs on ling, but said -that after all she was thir premium lists and they hope holiday ofi Wednesday _iftern6ons, in- glad to get back'to good old Ontario, that the members will soon make i0teAd of on Thursdity as
of the referendum, or direct legisla- the development of the now famous Irish Eden," which was staged b y Ezra's fortune,- George Castle; afternoons.
S'n9D where everything looked so prosper- their selections and get their orders in past years, and we think,,this is a
"Mlarquds" spring wheat. some of the members of the Literary ous and' crops so good. Mrs. Me- in as soon as possible.—The ladies king. the half loliday
-Uon� Toy, Chinesi,seTiant, Fred Heard ;
'd not agree with the attorney good move. ma
He di Hank Dibble an: old salt, John Me -
During the week the details of the Society on Monday evening last� prov- Ewen's talk was much enjoyed. Then have been entertaining. largely Ilhis general, that 4.4 per cent. beer would L.eod, Jr.; h6iaihyl-.. Tuttle, Ezra's uniform Ith other placl6s.---4'We, are
proposed contract between the Gov- ed to be very entertaining and we came a reading by Miss M. Fisher winter and during the past weeks pleased to. report at date of writing
in the end dimirAsh bootlegging and ernment and the British sbippingeon- must say they derv, inue
h credit daughter, Nina: Adird; Clarissa Burn- Mrs 11 the drinking of hard liquor. On the cern, headed -by Sir William Peterson, for the way they took the parts of ham; a guest at 416 Strathmore, Lucy and Ogarth played a ve fine that �We cannot undertake to mention that'Mr. Andrew Johnstonj who has piano solo, which en&d the program. them individually and most surely the be contrary, he believed it would create for the purpose of setting up suffici- the different characters, which Woods- Woyo Saa� a:Ssipanese girl, en. gor poorlk for a couple of months
was I 'I-ettseene, Th A- A. very dainty lunch was served. The social side of life has not been neg- or so and confined tolils room, I& con- an appetite for stronger drink. ent competition on thb Atlantic ocean no easy task. We congratulate our Floy Edwards..,, e proceeds amounted to over $10. lected-4hir. and Mrs. -J. L. Meek siderably Iopr&VI6d Mid '*a frust he
of "The' Strathmore," a Jackson
"You can make a whiskey drinker to compel a reduction in freight rates people on the efforts they have made ception room _Trb
a 0 meer,—The h6me �of Mr. pent a few days during the - past may continue to imrove.—A large
out of a beer drinker, but you can't on goods shipped from Canada to and hope to have a similar treat family hotel near Alameda,, C � lif ' "t' and Ws. John A. Tremeer, of the week with their son and daughter in number are maki U'
Ig app ca on now
make a beer drinker out of a whiskey Europe and from Europe to Canada. from them again. All -took thei" s "exceptionally * n li
Before the �play:alid between the acts, Township of Tuckersmith, wAs the Toronto'and with other friends. also. for their auto licent6s,—Wo, learn that
drinker " hie gave warning. There will be some lively discualon C. W. L.—The annual scene of a very pretty wedding on —Mr. Johnston, of near ClInio' meeting of o-iiier did he believe that public of that project in the House of Com- the Catholic instrum6ntal niusie,*rw given by Ar- n,was our neighboring to*n - of ClijAbn has
W*men!s League was
Wednesday last, February 25th� when in the village on Tuesday Ihst, visit- just completed their votl , 1�j' in connee-
sintIment was so strong against the mns. The GovernmenVs pur thur Peck, violin-, Miss Lottie Peck, their daughter, Vera A., was united his relatives, Mr.
d on Wednesday, the 18th, there .
O.T.A. as the attorney general min_ piano, 'duets by Ploy Ed- ink Andrew John- tion with church- union atidhave car -
__pose in hel and piano had the scheme is to get control of ocean being a fair attendance. The in marriage to ATY. John T. Jackson, ston and his daughters.—Rev. Dr Tied for the Unjon.Mrs. Jolfij, Elder
claimed. Many who had voted for ,te, in return for paying a cash utes of the two previous meetinV wards and T&s�, N. - W. Woods. Our from tht, ;We st. The home wag very Colin Fletcher attended the
)e Ting for it xouple of
government control would still be pre mount of over $1,000,000 to the Pet- were read by Miss Lynch. Repott, new Reeve, Mr. IT, W ston, th meeting has been suite
corated for
er.gon concern. A fleet of vessels will were read from the presjdent, bas. ly paid 6r the kent . ve e Occasion, of Presbytery in Clinton on Tuesday weeks or so, from. pared and satisfied to bide by tAie ver- 1h:7T n prettily d' a very severd cold, ,diet of the majority, he contended. Hall. The prqq�pdq� were $63.50. and bout fifty guests we're tesent- last.—I&, Lee Redden was, in -Loodofi- but is mow Improving ii1e4l#,--Our
be put on the ocean by the latter, to P. V. McGrath, and the treasurer, The ceremony took plac t e 2 I -90 an Wednesday 'of this week;IWe be- business in,oft or,�Morahants are 'al-
-XV. Fisher touched also on - water- be gupplCLInented by probably twenty Mrs. John Downey),giving a detailed, and was performed by Rev. A. Sinclair lieve the Young PeopW-6f4hqWNes, ready diaplaying fii1q,.,spA'n goods.— -*'ay arid hydro issues, and on imem- ships of the Canadian Goverrifiient account of a very successful yed's Qf ffens`alj,� Miss Mary B. - Pybus, of Road intend putting on A,,plAy in the of
ploymen whWeh he declared was not Merchant Ud-dne, and the money to work. . Following this the election of Notes.—Mrq, Catherine Guenther Hensall, played the wedding warch. town hall here on the evening of VA. Port Artllftr, hav& boon violting, their 4iftribi&le to present tariff enact- be paid to the company will be do-, officers took place with the following passed a -way -id ib6 ho'bie Of her The young couple ill be le
Rving for day, March i9th.—Mr, R. E.Cook brother, Xr. LTO.bti righerl. ��_ Aw,Dng n to.*hich that result: Prezident� Mrs. John Shea; daughter, hb Lclal—on t tterndned by the exte, -1, Baby- the groomle fine farm fn a business trip to Toronto durin th Petev� Hdexmn, labor member for N a those *ho wet& hi London 'the past
Cuts its freight rate below Ist Vice -President,' XTs. Peter Ma� lon Line, Hay-, "latt Friday in bar wan about the middle of March. Past week�We regret to repart that WeAt, we noticed the followl el- Ms.
XvItiora, dealt extenively with uem- that of the North Atlantic Steinsip Grathi, 2nd Vice-Pr6sident, Mrs. Owen 84th after'd�;-'Joj* illnegg. 'trer Death of Mrs. Cooper Forrest,— the little daughter of Mr. and VA Ott� '&, believed that this was Conference. That the latter is a Hart; 3rd VlcePre�sident, Mrs. Au- husbayLdar� Wilkinson aud her dtme�hter,flftra.. W. iine- years We have th(g week to chrol the Ed. MieQnedn, of this -�Illage is ind 0-160dwift; Mr, SarA Tt6ti%nje, John rededdoed heir -so a Trh abte,- Itqiortant question than combine maintaining extortionate gust Ditcharm-, Recording Secretary, ago, The funittl Was held on Man- death of one of our oldeat'ancl much has been v,#i7 oerlotisly ill 'but we corddhaeL H. _ k 'the mAtter of afftrig or' weak beer rates on Cainadian Icattle and 6ther Miag Teazfe- Lynl day., intermelif. Ubing. Inade in the respected realdents In the Peft6ri of are pleased to 1�drtt. at dati. 4- writ- Peeil M'M. Clidtles Trolvei. aiia Mr.
reful sov- exports is shown in the report ol W. Secretary,,Urg. Louis O"Reilly; Tre�aa- Ckediton cem,otio'—A pretty. Wed- the late XwT Atilpt SiMith, rialict of ing t t ahe In
Iaftd f.4 re orthr or ca.
,e] imptovitig, - Wag Goodw1n._VV6'4re pleased to ties Mse
He' thought T. R. Peto, tabled in the Home of urer, Mrs. JohW Downey Mrs. M& ding was oleikWUed at *6 & C. the late Cooper Forresb of 6tir vil- Relen Mder ig hijOront6 vipitifig argartA aher, who *as touillned to
sMd permanelit pol- Commons 'and even more conelusIve- Grath, the r4tiring prdstdenl�� was chimeb Drod�lq i= M na�rt, _,wban lage. The deceased was a daughter rdtatiim aw
we --Whe relatives her 8 -C
Id Iahould be adoPt-'tl hr l by the evidence submitted to the presented with caridlegticks. % ap- Rov. J. E, Ger Upited to ma of the late. Jolin q, Smijk of tho re- House tvvo Yfta ago by the Special reciatiol of her servieda. Pollow. Miss Alb! ruly, of Mr. d �bfit Vrilt I'd frfen& of W. A61140d. Lfttw, of sum' Or dtlti" '4goin"At Cook Pros.
ne mei -or, lot Ctntnifttee; oft A&Acultaral dowdWous ing the nIeL`6119 &64 Et, Aott Wis. Fred D St. 3oheph',"aild born lielij.' ghter, in Parr Une TomlAp of Ray, 0210 And pout, thidlia'ann, of
ed to
%4 We* end at the
Q fib:�:o 'O I
wd by Pg Alatio Inlath A W',W, 'b all, btr,. LaWr6t6i" 4ifte h6*6 to
%hd Ab bdall, bra A T, VM6� don g,I W. P6bmty,, ie'oj She =6vdd,tgfh mv tu Iarliamett. to fift in,' Plrbgr �4 to oeekn fro a U 4me- Dr u0dit 0 to tlitcUmim—The Trhs-
'to 452 I a teddh br la M�-alld U Z, Appe a 0 School haVeaddLidAtte new
of uumbet Of , , Moa% Ia NSK I16 Ittogsd to state that no card t4 be veryIII
AM -