HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1925-02-20, Page 7IIIIII.. .... . .... IIIA ITh 'd IIk to a P IN, IIu-X01% Oft aye "% 150 sstvlo bee. o0 '$'be '4`014.4 jo 0 fAr W-� iA to haKraft gk�. eoof aIhis bid for confide�nce. ohe oby You; r t might e� for *ere Tie TWt the lati6n was as g,,Tave -4s Ife knew, forhis/ivorld was her mood then 'im about lifin.. Old,"landmarKswo medlately relapsed. am md, over U Ifo,'a i e 4. OPI a Towli a 6 I I And there I stop. rr0l ing-their places. 'He, wq� Y04;� �*ad % bift be stric I 4 I'do notn6w'if LR%4 PdA into shaken. Had bq tl** wo.: y Mad you are squall -not ained nothing to dq man t Pa'bein o ku Io. OW if Youae mad t itheir '-d As,, b,e) '049,� No, gi but wait for their curiosity to master ozen poke, lie , �h , WA Addra driDpped his hand caution. This was the. interval�, 'joe hj& td o3 year 'A.d a, the keys, and she gently s0 V I X withdrew it. 'JOHN J- 4PG6ARP had looked forward -tq, As bek�� scanned thq,.hillplo 0"alack "sun h get low," he T E R 4 6ulk "his feet a You seel" he complained. Barrister, Solicitor, 01 no ged, rising to, to appear, he -wondered if au110 PrC- hj Paripm ,to help her ujp. even -had to buy 04, 4,,zen ,Yet you wanted me to come back?" 'TIN S A Notary Public, Etc so AVOing to say to have some ne - It bunting "I wanted you to come back f6rth, Ont m6 so much good� just preserves, Beaitii Block Sea she Seaforth Braol 41 -but would s eighteen dollars an ac:re,, on so eep resting," she' said, as they started for g this tohera'elfl', It.,ha many acknowledged, with her straigh look 4.6your, Iu, ei een er w to come ay, W Alway�q, soon - or ter.. "I wanted you nev� the'horses. "My eyes feel much bt- years ag intais eyes. It's Just as well I didn't try to "You kno th back," she repeated, more softly, a R. S. UATS 'her troubles to. him. read 6 you.,, less, save for du� '4nA -water musing. late' a tules*,tnips. Worth 14 0ther r she brought. the eyan-COT But, then, he, reflected, slie had never Mar -Us low i ConV'L' "And don't be Piggy," Dick arn 4ver. three hun- and Notary''PubIx had pasturage. It cost I'm all at sea," he excial ed in a tr6uhle of. -this nilture before- ed, -as lightly as if nothing were amiss impatiently. "You do love me9l, dred an acre to dredge and drain and Diiinlinion Office in -rear of tbd� ,11 was just the one thing' that she wi th him. ."Don't dare steal the tin 'to pay my quota of the -Liver reclam- "I do love you, Even -you' know Bank,: §eaforth. Money. to ould be least prone to discus w#h jest eek into Le Gall you? - ation work. AndL' Pathan, to the Pathan -but I of a him. On the ienne. ve on w-hb�t basis of that But . . . . " She paused and caWt notes -pride other hand, lie reason- o)t to share him with me later value do you think. I am making a seemed to be weighing the matter ju- deceive a man like Great Heart. pd cpompushmbllt� a- frar;Y-- d on. chievement, mastery, a w1t;h.t6j Mu ea ad, there was her everlasting up Your band. -Now, honest to teq years' s(� to old Wing F, dicially. prefer going right up to him and say- ie, her appearance, her t BEST & BEST ness. He had marveled 4t,it: and Pau -I." Wong? Two tho "But what?" -he commanded. "Go '49- She was all one -to danee,.. as s�e I God., usand'an acre. I 'Dick, I love your wife.
BarAst6rs.' Solicitors, Conveyan- Joyed in it, al their years together. "Honest to God," she obeyed. JAt i f I t k on-" couldn't net more than, -tb loves me. What are You going to do knew, beautifully; to dress witfi dis,-r rue cars -,and Notaries Public, Etc. Office Was it to ail her now? "And may jackasses dance an your farmed it myself. , Those Chinese are "But I love Dick, too. Isn't it ri- abou't it?'" thictiori and beauty; to sw�andi*e' all in the. Edge Building, opposite Th. 'So he lay nd pondered. She did gLndmother's grave -11 wizards with vegetalvles�. nd gl Expositor Office. not speak. She was not restless. He uttons diulous? "Do so," Paula said, fired for the, grace and courage as few viro'nie-n could h "And may jackasses dance on my for work. No eight h6urs for them He did not respond to her smile, moment, dared; or, all fra ear, no movement. When he grandmother's grave," she solemnly �L-S s. The ast coolie and her eyes delightedly warmed to "th res6- -down the spill -way on the back. eighteen hour Graham straightened up W1 gilitY, to avalangba,
glanced to the side at her he saw repeated. is a partner with a 7micr6scopic share. lution. of the boyish sullenness that vexed his Mountain Lad and by the' -will and. her. I I on her back, eyes closed, "I will. And now." ying AMES L. KILL09AN ThaVs the way Wing Fo Wong gets own eyes. A thought was hot on his steel of her swim the hugp bea arms outstretched, as if tired, The third morning of Graham's ab- around the eight hour law." tongue, but he restrained "No, no," she cried in sudden panic. cross the t at, Zk7 Biij�steil, Notary Public, etc. Money A sinall head, the color of the dry senc the utter- ank. e. Dick saw to it that he was oc- ance Of it while 'she wondered what Ou must go away." Again her She was proud, a woman of their. In Seaforth on Monday of soil of its home, peeped from a hole. cupried with his dairy,manager when ed and once arrested it was, disappointed not to have had to Twice warn voice trailed off as she said, "But I Own race and type, to each Week. -Office in Sills" Block. Dick waited long minutes, until as- Paula made her eleven o'clock pil- was Dick through the long afternoon' it. can't let watch these. you go.,, men sured that no danger lurked,the oN�� grimage, peeped in upon him, and He drove -alone, and tholigh he drove' "It will work out she assured him She was excited, fey rish, but not VETERINARY er of the head stood full up on -its called her "Good morni wi wih safet If Dick h e do n y. Ac- gravely. "it will to nervous. Quite coldly, 91 merry ad had any reason F. HARBURN, V-. S. hind legs to seek the cause of the gentleman," from the or. The Ma- cidents, for which he personally might somehow. Dick says all things work doubt his suspicion of the state of she compared the two when t&y were previous click that had startled it. sons, arriving in several miacl4nes be responsible, were things he -did not out., All is change. What is static Faula's heart, that reason vanished together, and puzzled to know for H Again the'rifle clicked. with the return of Graham. onor graduate of Ontario Veterin- with thpir boisterous crowd of young tolerate. And they -never occurred. is dead, and -we're not dead, any of us He need which of them she made herself ary College, and honorary member of "Did you get hirn?" Paula queried, peoplle, ��aved aula for lunch and the That same sureness and definiteness . . . . . are we?" look nowhere for confirmation save beautiful, more enticing. Graham she without opening her eyes. afternoon; and, on her urging Dick of adjustment with which, without "I don't blame you for loving Dick to Paula. She was in a flushed a- heW and she had held Dick nd the M�dical Association of the Ontario "Yea, and a fat one," Dick a swer- noted, she made the evening safe by fumbling or approximathig, he pick- for for cOntinuinig to love Dick,,; wakening, burgeoning like the Veterinark College.'Treats diseases of- ed., "I sopped a line of gene n full strove still to hold them, all domestic animals by ihe most mod- KatiOns holding them over for bridge and ed up a pencil or reached for a door- he answered impatiently. spring all about them, a happier tone There was almost a touch of cruel- right there." And for
ern irinciples. Dentistry and Milk dancing- knob, was his in the more complicat- th4t matter, I don't see what you in her happy laugh, a richer song in ty in the tingles of pride that were Fever a specialty: Office opposite An hour passed. the atternoon sun But the fourth morning, the day ed adjustments, with which, as in- find in me compared with him. This her throat a warmness Of excitement hers at thought of these two royal Dick's. Hotel, Main Street, Seaforth. beat down but was not unconifortable of Graham's expected return, Dick stance, he drove a igh-powered ma- is hone t. He is a great man to me and a conCinuous energy of action an- men su on ffering for her and because of. All ardeks left At the hotel will re A gentle breeze fan- was al chine at high speed over busy coun- and Great Heart is his name-,, she' imating her. She was up early and her; for she did not hide froin, herself in the shade. e in his workroom at eleven eeive. prompt attention. Night calls ned the oung -grain into lazy wave- Bending over his desk, signing letters' try roads. rewirded him with a smile and nod to bed late. She did not reserve her- the conviction that if Dick knew, receiv�d at the office. lets at times., and stirred the redwood he heard Paula tiptoe into the room. But drive as he would, transact of approval. "But if you continue to self, but seemed to live on the cham- rather, since he d d know, be, - or, boughs above them. Dick added a He'did not lo business as he would, at 'high pres pagne c I too,' Ok up,but while he con- - love Dick, how about me?" )f her spirits, until Dick won- must be suffering. She assured her- h JOHN GRIEVE, V. S. third squirrel to the Pala's tinued writing is signature he lis- sure.with Carlson and Wing F0 Wong, "But I love you, too." dered if it was because she did not seIf that she was a woman of imag� book lay beside her, but he had not tened with all his soul to the fai continually, in the middle ground of "It can't be " he cried, tearing him- ination and purpose in sex inatters,,, Honor graduate of OntariCVeterin- offered to reaO. nt. dare allow herself time to think.
silken swish of her kimono. He knew his consciousness, persisted the self from tbe'piano to make a hasty He watched her lose flesh, and ac- and that no part of her attraction to- ary College. All diseases of domestic "Anything the matter?" -he finally when she was -bending over him, and thought that Paula 'had goiie out of march across the room and stand con- animals treated. Calls promptly at- nerved himself to ask, knowledged to himself that the one ward Graham lay merely in his fresh- all but held his breath. But when �er Way and done the most unusual templating the Keith on the opposite result was to make her look lovelier ness, newness, difference, And she: tended to and charges moderate. Vet- "No; headaclie-a eastly little she had softly kissed his hair and in driving GrWham the long eight wall as if be had never seen it be- than ever, to take on an almost spri- denied to herself that passion playe miles from Eldorado to the ranch. d erinary Dentistry a specialty, Office neuralgic hurt., across the eyes, that's caved her Good morning, merry fore. tual delicacy under her natural vivid- more than the most minor part. Deep and residence on Goderich Street, one all." gentleman," she evaded the hungry "Pbew!,, he tarted to -mutter a She waited with a quiet smile ness of color and charm. down he was conscious of her OWIL door east of Dr. Mackay's Office, Sea- "Too much embroidery," he teased. sweep of his arm and thought aloud, then suspended utter- pleasuring in his unruly impetuous-' forth. laugher her And the Big House ran on in its recklessness and madness, and "Not guilty," was her reply. way out. What aff ected him as ance and thought as he jumped' the ness. frictionless, happy, and remorseless end to it all of an MEDICAL All was natural enough in all seem- strongly as the disappointment was racer from forty-five to seventy miles that could not, but be ing; bu Dick. as he permitted an "You can't love two men at once," way. Dick sometimes speculated how dreadful to some one of them Or all un- the happiness he had seen, in her an hour, swept past to the ]('ft Of a he flung at her. long it would continue so to- run on, of them. But she was content will- DR. 1. W. PECK usually big'squirrel to leave its bur- -f4we. She, who. so poorly masked her horse and buggy going in the same 110h, but I do, Evan. That's wh and recoiled from contemplation of a fully to flutter t row. and crawl a,score of feet across moods, was bright-eyed and eager as direction, and slanted back to the I'm trying to work out. 11 future in which it might not so run far ab ve such deeps, Graduate of Facillty of Medicine the bare earth -toward the grai a Child. Only I don t and to refuse to consider their exist- n, And it was on this after- right side of the road wi,'h margin know which I love more. Dick I have on. As yet. be was confident, no one ence. Alone, looking at herzelf in, -McGill University, Montreal, member thought to himself: No, there will poon that Graham was expected, Dick to spare but seemingly under -the n"se known a long time. You . . . . you knew, no one guessed. but himself. her mirror, she would shake her head of College of Physicians and Surgeons be no talk between us this day. Nor could not escape making the connec- of a run -about coming from the op- are a-" But how long could that continue? in mock reproof and cry 6ut "Oh, you of Ontario ; Licentiate of Medical' will we nestle anekiss lying Council of Canhda; Post -Graduate the grass. Jiere in tion. posite direction. H reduced his in, returning to her with the same Not long, he was certain. Paula was huntress! You huniress!" 'Andwhem angry se His victim was now at the edge of had replenished the lilaes in the little- Paul's' "Not that, no, not that, Evan, You 'ere she a master at concealment of tle gravely, it was Member of Resident Medical Staff of He did not 'ere to ascertain if she speed to fifty and took up his thought. stride. not sufficiently the actress. And she did permit her
"Pliew!" imagine If to think a lit-
somexharming girl!" �rivial�sordid detail, yet the new note and the sages of the madrono grove shared with three farm college stud General Hospital, Montreal, 1914-15. the grain. He pulled trigger. The tower room, and, at lunch, which was thoughts if I dared that drive -with have made a revelation to me of my to admit that Shaw
Office, 2 doors east of Post Office. creature fell over, liy still a moment, Phone 56, Hensall, Ontario. om Davis, be found himself He laughed at the fancy as he I love you as much as Dick. n e ri in their diatribes on th�p- ran'in quick awkward fashion ents fr ind flus of�her would be beyo d the might b ght tured it, for, most early in tb DR. A. NEWTOX-BRADY eir mar- She broke down and buried her face He knew his Asiatic servants were toward its hole. Click, click, click, forced to extemporize a busy ft,r P'c- I love you more. I -I don't know." power of any womhn to hide. the hunting proclivities of women.
Bayfield. leaped from the earth close about the tively suggested that she would dri , for quiet jealousy. Never had she nitting his hand to marvels of discernment -and discre- that woman as nature's failure to, went the mechanism. Puffs of elf when Paula tenta- riage, he had gauged Paula's capacity in her hands, perr She denied Dar Hyal's statement,
v -ate ublin University, Ire- Graham up from Eldorado. made a scene, or dropped a direct Te- "You see it is not easy for me," she the women. Women were cats. To came to her Wilde's, "Woman attacks Gradu rest tenderly on her shoulder. lion, be had to add. But there were make a man; but again and again
land. Late Extern Assistant Master "Drive?" Dick asked. mark, or raised a question; but from went on. "There is so much involved, the best of them it would be great joy by sudden and strange surrenders.11 a Duddy and Fuddy," she explained. the first, quietfY but unmistakably Rotund Hospital -for Women and LONDON AND WINGHAM so much that I cannot understand. to catch the radiant, unimpeachable Had she so attacked Graham? she Children, Dublin. Office at residence They're all on edge, and I just feel she had conveyed the impression oi You say you are all at sea. Then Paula as clay as any daughter of asked herself. Sudden and strange, lately occupied by Mrs. Parsons. North. like exercising them and myself. Of hurt that was hers if -he at all unduly think Of me Hours, 9 to 10 a.m., 6 to 7 p.m.; a.m. p.m. course, if you'll share the exercise attended upon any woman. all at sea and worse con- Eve. And any chance woman in the to her, were the surrenders she had Sundays, I to 2 'p.m. M6726 Exeter ............ 10.16 6.04 we'll drive anywhere you say, and lei He grinned with remembrance. of founded. You-ohl. why talk about it house, for a day, or an evening, might already made. Were thereto be more? Hensall .... -you are a man with a man's experi- glimpse the situation -Paula's situa- He wanted to go. With her, or with- - ....... 10.30 6.18 him come up in the machine.' Mrs. Debam'eny, the pretty little Kippen ........... brun- ence, with a man's nature. It is all tion, at least. for he could not -make out her, be wanted to go. But he DR. F. J. BURROWS 10-35 6-23 Dick strove not to think there was ette widow -Paula's friend, 'not his- S Office and residence Goderich Stre very simple to you. 'She loves me, out Graham' st a held him---4how? Was there a tacit at, Brucefield .......... 10-44 6.32 anxiety in her manner while she who bad visited in the long ago in the she loves me not.' But I am tangled, woman to catch a -woman. promise of surrenders to come? And east of the Methodist church, Seaforth. Clinton Jet . ....... 10.58 6.46 waited for hini to accept or decline Big House. Paula had announced confused. I -and I wasn't born yes- But Paula, different in other ways, she would laugh to the fleeting pres- Phone 46" Coronerfor the County of Clinton, Ar . ....... 11.05 6.52 her invitation. that she was not ridin�,r that after- t,rday-have had no experience in was different in this. He bad never ent, and make her body more beauti- Huron. , DR. C.. MA CKAY Clinton, 'Lv . ...... 11.15 6,52 "Poor Duddy and Fuddy would be noon and, at lunch, had heard 'him loving variously. I have never had een her display cattihness, never ful, and mood herself to be more fas- Clinton Jet . ....... 11,21 6.58 in the happy bunting grounds if they and Mrs. Dehameny rrnge"to ridt, afFai,,. I loved only one man known her to be on the lookout for cinating, and glow with happiness in Londesborough .... 11.35 7,12 'had to cover my ground this after- into the redwood canyoris be�rond the h who and now you. You, and this love for �t er women on the chance of catch- that she was living, tbrilling, as she C. Mackay, honor graduate of Trin- Blyth ............. 11.44 7.21 rioon," he laughed, at the same time grove of the philosophers. And y.ou, have broken into a perfect mar- ing them tripping -except in relation had never dreamed to live andthrill. University, and gold medallist of Belgrave .......... 11.55 7.33 mapping his programme. "Between but Paula, not long aftor their start. to him. And he grinned again at the, the riage, Evan-" gnity Medical College; member of Wingham Jet., Ar... 12.08 7.45 now and dinner I've got to do a hun- should over -take them and make deliciousness of the affair with Mrs. (to be continued) "I know-" he said. the %College,of Physicians and Sur- Wingham Jet., Lv.. 12.08 7.45 dred and twenty miles. I'm taking party three; he had smiled to himself , I don't know," she went on. Debameny which had been an affair geons of Ontario. Wingham ......... 19.12 7.55 the racer, and it's going to be some at the time, and felt immensely tick]- South. must have time, either to work it out only in Paula's apprehension. dust and bump and only an occasion- ed with Paula, for neith er Mrs. De- Among other things of wonderment Banff, Alta. -Heavy snows have H. HUGH ROSS a.M. p.m. al lo*'place. I haven't the heart to hameny nor the ride with� her had myself or let it work itself out. it Wingham. ...... 6.55 3.15 ask you along. Yo -u go on and take meant any -thing to him. it only weren't for Dick Dick speculated if Paula wondered if brought the elk and deer into the he knew. GrOiluate of Urd;vertity of Toronto Winghain Jet . ..... . 7.01 3.21 it out of Duddy a her voice trailed off pathetically Faculty of Medicine; member of Col, Bfilgrave nd Fuddy." So it wafs, from the beginning, that And Paula did wonder, and for a by these animals on Banff avenue is geom., nd went -. I ..d ... en. Ever since I o sicians' and Su " , "' ...... 7.27 3.44 was she that in the sigh, intended for otherom to farther about her shoulder. time witKout avail. She could detect no uncommon sight. They make the ege,�qf . Phy .......... 7.15 3.82 Paula sighed, but so poor an actress he had restricted his attentJ6; Unconsciously, Graham's ha
9sboroug ntarlo; pass graduate o see IA. 14had been "No, no --not yet," she said softly, no change in his customary ways and rounds of the houses and nose around 0 'Pliniesl School 'Of .1 ic 7.35 3.52 hiln as a customary reluctant yield- far more cirurnspect than Paula, He Hit -J I o1i n In n ........... 7.56 en her lingering caressingly on his a moin- ed off his prodigioqF,, amount of work which are not denied them. One big ..... 7.49 4.06 Ing of his company, he could not fail h , giv as softly she removed it, her own moods or treatment of her. He turn- the kitchen doors, looking for tidbits
4.13 to detect the relief at his*cision. a free hand always, had been. proud ent ere she released it. i�Wen you as usual, played aA ual, chanted*his elk, with a magnificent set of antlers do. Uiaiversity Hospi' On- Clinto,;x Set . ........ 0.03, 4.20 "Whither Away?" she asked bright- that his wife did attract fine fello-;rs, to a 0 0 '4.40 her face, happiness, and the bril- be amused or entertained Brucefte14 ......... 8.1 4.82. ly, and agg�n he ubticed the color in had.been glad that she was;� ongs, and was tt�
50. uch me, I cant think," she begged. e happy good fel- is as regular on his schedule of call�
Mppen glad to "I -I can't think." low. She tried to imagine an added as is the milkman-
idb.i -all Z50 liance of her eyea. :them "Then I -must go," he threatened sweetness toward her, but vexed her- a And with reason, he muse& Ile had without any sense of threatening. She' r, .,5.05. "Oh, I'm shooting away down the been so safe, self with the fear that it was im- Montreal, Que.---On February 29th so sure of her -more made a gesture of protest. Pgined. an international collegiate winter river to tile dredgi The AUCTIONEERS ng *Ork-��,arlsOrl so, e 'acknowledged, than had she present mpossible, un- V 'OSICA-111-W. C. N. R. TIMR TA13LE insists I iiiiist advise him-9nd then any right to be of him. And the situation is I But it was not for long that she sports meet 'will be held here. Cola- I I bearable. I feel like a cur, and all Ea up in to Sacramento, running overthe dozen years had vindicated is larti- was in doubt. Sometimes in a crowd tests in miowshoe and cross-country, Teal Slough land on the Way, to see tude, so that lie w te time I know T'am not a cur. I At table, in the living room I, the ski races, figure and sPead skating., as as sure 16f 'her esP.M. Wing Fo Wong." as he was of the diurnal rotation of hate deception --.oh, I can lie with the evening, or at cards, she would gaze* and ski jumping will be among the of Sch6ol of Ancti G�derieh ...... 6.00 2.20 "And in hea#en's name who is. at him through half-veild lashes attractions. All the prominent uni- barges moddkilt '�: and ...... this the -earth. And now, was the form :A�lmmivill; when he 'was unaware, until she was versities and colleges of Canada a -ad 6.17 2.87 %nk Fo WongT11 she laughingly hit fancy took, the rotation,'ot the is on guaranteed. Wifti ' Clintow certain she saw the knowledge in his the Eastern United Staten will comm- 6.26 2.52 queried, "thit_you must trot mind see earth was a shaky p7oposition and old 066 W. Aced, Staffa, Out. P 8.41 3.12 hiin-211 eyes and face. But no hint of this pete. Oon Paul's flat world might he worth St. 6.49, a.20 "'A very importa*nt perso did she give to Graham. His knowing Dublin ..... nage, MY considering. two' millions- It might ..... 614 8-�8 dear. Worth, all of would not help matters. 'West. Re lifted the gauntlet froni his left made In potatoes and qsparagus down wrist to "a even send him away, which she frank- lx*eebsed; j�ctfOneet -for the counties &M tch a glimpse at his watch. P-1ft- PM- in the Delta' country. 'IPm leasing In five mi u ly admitted to herself was the last of 'Mr. In te bam w on acres of the Tial ting off the Crain at Eldor b�,' Dick, Pietth, Oorrespondenc� Dublin ...... 16.3- 15,28- 9.37 three hundred Ora oWd be get- thing she would want to happen. uOnts for sale. dates can be St. Columban. 10.42 5.44 Slough land to him." But when se came to a realization Dick addressed himself ilobieWad bound 6" phone 97,1eafoi1b, S4aforth ..... 10.53 5.53 at from 9,50 himself to the farm students. "That Sar that she was ahnost certain I I amento, *as eating up tha. miles Dick Ch4tgeg mod- Clinton ...... 11.10 6.08 ;Jftep &9%Pery negl knew or guessed, she hardened, de guariiateed, 1101mesville 11.20 111.09 quarter of an hour th, P,04 land lies Just out of Sacramento on In a ce, tftill thai liberately dared to play with the fire. 10 f3 the west side of the river. It's a he identified as having br�ught ttra- ri a went by. Not until he wa;� well Gode 11.40' 7.20 10:80 good example of the land famine that h in Av=fs--- exrowuge the If Dick knew --since be knew, she 1s slirdly e6ming. the tule ddldrea to cum for Ovir framed it to herself -why did be not It was past Eldorado did he overtak�' adUa 0'r Ul%r swamp when I bought it,- and I was Duddy
Honor t a- C. P. TI and Fuddy and the trap,,, Graham (live them Wrioley's. speak? He was ever a straight talk- well la-fighed at by the old-timers. 1 Or. She both desired and feared that 110W qj4i. sat beside Paula, who Wits *Iving. It removes food piirflele rq' ht, until the fear faded and hom the tee*. Stm"gthebs cli#6, Special cou he Dick slowed down as e pisi�ed, wav- her eArnest hope was that he would. Bred Live Stock, ftul -Xbr� Oodetich .......... 5.90 L154 ed a hello to Graham find -as 'AUM he the 9. Conabati acid was the one who acted, did things, 1: 0 100 100 W.ft 0 on ft IN jumped Into speed gafi6, chIled mouth. ....... 6.04 1,80 cheeily. no matter what they were. She had �A S616C 5.96 He
"I'll g *11h ,valling n a'as7ed C)nt. I M ............ "86ft I've -got to giVd..r YOM nly W Pdresldnf, &ad henenclel 2 always depended upon him as the
"# 6-1 141 ,$f ;1`0 X1 R BS ....... . dust, P11 beat you a bfl-� ors OOV Zurich 't 4 doer. Graham had called the situa- .7 6.40 1101 1arda before dinner, Ev tion a triangle. Well, Dick could solve it. He could solve Anything. 2.19 er get in. Then why didn't he? T105T R. Td LUKE In the meantime, she persisted in 1; the her ardent recklessness, tiTing not to Count? "This call't go on. We x4ttst ao shies Attalladd Torojltd 7 ;6 G.X feel the condience-pricks of her di- fo, in all, 1.48 8.51 -nee, refusin to think too vided allegia . .......... he -at, the pla'A6 �or tho'd tut deeply, riding the top oft?ae waVe of .......... T'd qaop4la. rb 4 h4i living, living, At ftg dfitv .40 A 1911aVenly hnft what g?,10 t115-* I7", I