The Huron Expositor, 1925-01-16, Page 4I UARY 16,11926., . wy �,0`4X 47 Iorotto Ali quite capable of or 04 iy her sisters, ael ScWL, X"! S'. "T he' ,A, O" left, 0148$ Shea, Bertha MurraY, 4X(j 11�rs. Thomas M iWo McConnell Mary Atkinson, t �i"day to visit eir Par-' thaa. Dorreustein, Andrew Dalitzer, 'the WX and Mrs. Con ckart, in. J)prothy O'Rourke Class 11 1U 4 4 as �Ar. Georgia, FA �:VAQAAQ, 14=114 WO'tt?rS, to Reiuge, for w1d 1dr 14eV ---,T 41t IAn error which appA our laq uld have re4i�"T IsortAR sho ernigle, Jr., was e Ilf�Mrs. Loui Rose nMrs. 44MOW 0110AW V!i al"#t6l Aux Michael ance oT44 at A b Molyne Masi tL a watters Credit Bridget ,rm in 0 ion or p- abers V nieWayL Darling; AA, Loretto Hastin' li_4Eileen Eckert, P, Mrs. aing part of the mj��fdbg 4y� $2 85 'I era, Xlected,A meeting of Luella roll c4ll an'tig%past-, red SjOep- # O.W.L, on Sunday, the following O'Loughlin, Pete Murray, Bridget %, bers. , , ; �3 _. 1 , r Dill. Mathematics: The )p sure r I—Bertha .:or rp: 74 '0;4k4,P 0104'. for ��ars were elected for the,p esent Qass %qg �; . President, Mrs. J. Shea; Vice- O'Lioughlin; Class II Anna Moly- he required -T .......... O'Rourke, ing was cl§ even. The meet by Y0011-ApXwe e to go V , 7, Watters, Chas. Dor neaux, Luella frealdent, Mrs, William repeating the pr'Ayar In. 0 or t Aipq renstein Mary Atkinson, Eileen Eck 301`­� iiiiii, 60kets for th -1 )Rli� Vi'Q PIP" 'a " 't , A L.'J. Looby, Miss Molly O'Con The February meetilIg will 14 it w ,%ep m, that the ot l; Recording Secretary, Mrs. Peter ert, Ro�e McConnell, Helen Dantzer; " P be largel ip, W at the hoip�� e, , " " I 0 h, of Mm, Isaac J rriAt. th IV, 6 'joa 4�, �_: � ', L �j, 0�100 t Wi PQt1' Mrs. Class 111 --Jas. Shea - Credit—Andrew Brit -V y, SO4 V 12 apA young people of St. 1.1te bongregation-is 10 n O'Rourke, Peter terest.s, k e t red o $ old sCorresponding Secretar Notes.—The te it- church wopt ,o ibe, City —A Andrew's Church intiend h 'Tho6s Molyneaux; Treasurer, Miss Dantzer, Dorothy Helen Dantzer ing a ath bill, Michael Darling. ry Bea so le, re-elected for the four Arith., Alg., what, as we.,, 411 absent for English, cial evening on Thursday evemng� the first of the week foi'� N4 year. the Januax C 'sit 'her sister re.—The Science, Latin and French; Michael y 22nd, in the Sunday school ;R M W vi raed so strongly' 1:R �q, 15 'All Notes—st. Mary�s Anglican church room. All the Young people, as well h Vould seem the _VidtoL tin. Form L� *40 ball hel4.* -the. Town Hall on'lvl as the older folks, are cordially invit, t Darling absent for La 11 i were hospitably entertained a taken ­atrio of the . V96ran#11ligg, day evening was, quite largely a , 'T IM], a.' OW14 oucedi onnp , . , the home of Mrs. Alex. Darling, Lau- Clas I—Dorothy Molyneaux, Teresa, _ped ed to attend.­4T]le Ladies' Aid of -the pjObdice: and perhaps Undue'4 Infl' tended by our ,sp Delaney, Rose McQuaid, Jos. Malone; usi�nie ,, raeA and vi rier ve., East, on Thursday after Methodist Church intend holding a' —Margaret Jordan, Veronica t*'atse I' al em now to beset 11 as a larg The village ladies a ladies Class 11 t at the. 210011. box social and entertaftmen� coming vote will', &4b a er .1, ldhitricts. The from the country to the number of Dill, Catha riA - *­ , 11 11'' rine Krauskopf, Margaret home of Mr. Joseph Daymond ox iatibari g that is not�f, tly� tkinso, Mildred in Of the Ory good., the ]W�h 1 )resident, O'Rourke, Helen A Tuckersmith, on Friday evening, Jan- as musin by llestra of were greeted by the 1 ght."of, as seriously V',�h6uld re- he �h, Mrs. William'Hills, and by the See —Mary Ryan, Clay the carrying of- both the i-' 4 -and -lumber re- Murray; Class Ill uary 23rd. All the ladies are g ull r F,,q —Patrick Kennedy, tary, Mrs. R. A. Brown. The tea ton Looby; Credit L box. A eL of re Kennedy, Jas. Kelly, Ruth quested to come and bring a spirit4al'p-nd finished aid th6-gr�eat enjoyed themselves in plo ying cards. tables were prettily decorated, and Theodo good time is anticipated.—Mr. Glen questfiiin.;��READER. I I .1 The proceeds of the chaiftyL ball a- Williams. English following a dainty luncheon served by O'Reilly, Mary mofinted to some $104 wh'eh ill believe 'Mr. Stelk, of Roms, U. S. A., is spending Brlefi.�­We be f Redmond, miss Composition—Class 11, Dorothy Moly- a few days at the homcl of his cousin, McKintiolviand Mr. LaddL-MeEWen are very -helpful.—Mr. Jame�.�`� F att, 0 Mrs. Darling, Mrs. Rose McQuaid, Ruth O'Reilly, Neilan'd and others, the happy group neaux, Mr. Emerson Smith.—The HOrticul- busily vlarinling in good timea plea- As been �irlglffnk his nica Dill, Margaret Byrne, Mil- Sheldon, N. D., h left for their homes tural Society met at the Manse on feeling much Vero *40r trip to the West this. com- sister-in-law Mrs, Agjld§� 16�s, -of sure rested and cheered, having had a dred Murray., Margaret -a pr6ent A 'this �viillage,­and. i's t Wting ing gifinmer and believe in The nex O'Rourke, Monday evening last, where the elec t ineet- Helen Atkinson; Class III—Catharine pleasant social time. tion of officers for 1925 were ap- �b.k the forelock" in, the waY Of in, Wi)agbarp, -but intends again-. r6- Krauskopf, Teresa Delaney, Joseph his ing will be held at the home of Mrs. pointed and the business of the so- perien-i plans and arrapgements. turning to bur village �6"resume ar- n; Credit --M Th l—Mr. Joseph Roache lost a Malone, Mary Rya ciety for the coming yeax was discuss- ay of rac. W. Hills. n Looby, Mary ey u visit­mr� Roy Dick, Jk or may not take compan valuable two year old colt on Thurs- garet Jordan, Clayto ed. The new officers for the year are: ions`*Wthem to still further add to companied by -1i*, nife, Spent the day last week. The colt, with others, Williaims, Patrick Kennedy, James a v Class I— Honorary President, Wesley French, the plp"*e of their trip—The Ve-31- week end with -his mother, Mrs,' Gll� nd all Kelly. English Graminar: with the s0t President; William Ivison, Vice Presi- all jEi6,Aj .a of Trade for the present went to the trough for water a , 4nd it Is bert Dick, who,. e .�regret, � t6, say, is, scampered north on the road and one Rose McQuaid, Teresa Delaney, Doro dent, Margaret Miellis; Treasurer. further worthy. oUnot, th year.. ;�t_wha.t has exdbgtion, 6f,;,, follows: ; President, and has bee was struck by the Toronto-Goderich thy Molyneaux; II—Jos. Ma- be as n quite poofly'for Ae past f e.p Class Mrs- Alex. Monteith—Mr. and Mrs. j h 14 been knqw'n' as', tfi-i M'eth"641st church� taiy 6 fth aThe animal lone, Helen Atkinson, Mary Ryan; alne 13onthron; Vice-Prsident� Al- couple of weeks. Roy e a - OO,Ld �po' Express at 10.45 a.m. 'ho f6�d ation on Margaret Homer Hunt have rQturned from their Whiteides; Treasurer, T: L. position- in the railway service , at is the, str6ngeS of dale. w had a leg broken and had to be shot. Class 111---JVeronica Dill, e numbers honeymoon spent in Detroit, and their Meek; �Secietary, Garnet Case; Audi- Watford.—We believe Mr.Wm. W b *0011tit froin the- ic.,bVnt .,of pressing busixioss duties. Atlantic tMr. Garnet C Ruth O'Reilly, ood early n, inO'�:atlll Wld� And' ase' Was elect��d to —Mr. and Mr�. Leo Murray attended O'Rourke, Mildred Murray, Catharine many friends wish them much joy tois�- , ktharles A. McDonell and Mr. ber, one of our g _*side ts on Krausk�opf: Credit— " Chas bften'be ed In that ­reisponible ;, posi-tiow,.4hicl the funeral of Grandma Staples and happiness in the journey of life. Joseph ffuds6n,�r., who moved out West to live with one eY. 'an 11 el)- 0 4ery Tuesday of this week. Mary Williams, Jas. Kelly, Clayton -Tattles� tha Gauld Mission Band.—The Gauld ha*s,rqtumd from Kippen and.distriet of his daughteis-atter his wife's death time��of war-4id great .3, will, no dbubt fill v6ry,� School Report.—The following isi Looby. Canadian History: Class I— some of eneral, a or e Mission Band held their first meeting wfiere sh6- had been visiting relatives. abdut a year ago, is planning to come e &eateit-:0 In our-teport in ast issup - i'gardln, J�LVd _ hi the Dublin Continuation School report Rose McQuaid, Jos. Malone, Dorothy of the New Year on Saturday, Janu- afternoon last the re- back to our vill, een �_term �as .1_. i. �th� Carmel h School en- neaux, Veronica Dill, Clayton �9n'Moriday age in the early Leaders afor November and December: Class MOlY ary 10th. The meeting was opened uf no� the e; �fertaininent e ina&e­ ntly omitted y, Teresa Delaney, Mary Ryan, mains, �f'the late Alfred MeTaggart,� spring. We alWays,like to see good et" b, e as 1, 75 or over; Class 11, 66 to 75; Loob by playing several games, after which r rdoekand Mrs. 'Margaret O'Rourke; Class 11—Mil- of this illage, were laid at rest ill residents returning to our village.— Mr. Arthur Coleman visited A.Mrs. e names Of Class 111, Go to 661,; Credit, 50 to two verses of 763 were sung. followed on Monday last.-Lijil ;the, Thomas Welsh, who, 'gave splendid 60%. The names appear in order of dred Murray, Helen Atkinson, Jas. by Mrs, Lundy in a word of prayer. Mc��ggiiI.rt's cemetery. The deceas- The past cold frosty weather will in- Consitts nunibera,. and'while, III—Margaret Jordan ed had: been an honored and much re- sure goo& lee for those who Are ac- Dominion Life Bulletin, in a kec�6nt violin and Piano -merit: English Literature—Class 11: Kelly; Class The officers for 1,925 were elected as spectea resident of onr village for a customed to lay i& a supply. — Miss number we noticed a.verrg:ood, photo- 'have not been rembided of our G. Stapleton, A. Delaney, M. Bennin- Credit—Catharine Krauskopf, Ruth follows: Superintendent, Mrs. Mon- years and had attained Vercy Geiger, who has been spending graph of their local Agent, 'Mr. ohn �Omissioll, we hasten o make mention O'Reilly. Science: Class I—Rose ger, E. Ryan; Class III—M. Murray, McQuaid, Teresa Delaney, Dorothy teith; President, Miss Margaret Mel- the:tipi -1�61d age of over 92 years. A a few weeks in Toronto, has returned W, drtwein, ollowed. by -the staiei� of he same, as we always desire our Joseph Carpenter, M. Hills, T. Eckert, lis; Ist Vice -President, Elenoi Fisher; fuller- plete as far as pos- Molyneaux, Margaret Jordan; Class ��A more extended report of to her home here—Mr. and Mrs, K. ment*that -he was one of the 'most "reports to be com A. Shea, M. McGrath, Sr., Mary Me- Secretary, Elva Anderson; Treasurer, a II—Mary Ryan, Margaret O'Rourke, his'lif6 will be given next week.— Gordon, of Southweld, are spending successful , jenfs,, on'their sible. But it is easy to forget any - Grath, Jr.; Credit—H. Benninger, D. Florence Thompson-. Library Secre- fi record.dn thingj,�and in this connection it to a Williams, M. Britton, F. Hills, N. Jas. Kelly, Mary Williams, Patrick Mrs. ]J'.'Tjrquhart and daughter, Miss their honeymoon at, the home of their and had shown a late ne me O'Rourke, M. O'Connor, M. Kraus- Kennedy; Class 111—Helen Atkinson, tary, Marguerite McDonald; Press Beattxe4;,,,were in London on Monday relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong.— what is termed -the "Honor Roll",ad. �to_our mind where a man was t6am- Secretary, Dorothy McLean-, Stran- last aft�jiding the funeral of Mrs. Mr. -and Mrs. Clarence Parke visited ;Aras also a valued shareholder. of the' ing'his large household contents some 3n Looby, Jos. Malone, Veronica kopf, M. Horan, J. Shea. English Clayt, gers' Secretary, Olga Bell; Assistant Urquhaleys sister, Miss -Elizabeth at the home of the latter's grand- Company.—Rev. J. A. McConnell istane nedy, Mildred Mur- last I e, and when he, was taking the Composition: Class I—M. Benninger, Dill, Theodore Ken Secretary. Etta Bell; Supply Secre- Nieholli�, who had' been in. very ill mother, Mrs. Consitt.—It is worthy gave a very good Gospel. or what Was, 6ad he said, "Now it will be a A. Delaney; Class II—E. Ryan, G. ray; Credit—Ruth O'Reilly, Margaret tary, Winnie Stewart. The Captains helth,�Ar some time and confined to of note that -in the present great termed "Invitation Sermoe on -Sun- Wonder if .1, have not -forgotten some, Ill — D. Byrne, Catharine Krauskopf. Mathe- Stapleton, F. Hills; Class aties—Class 1 --Jas. Kelly, Mildred for 1925 are: For the Red side— one of,-thb London Hospitals. — Mr. contrlbversy that is going on in the day evening last.—A. W. E. 4�m;phill� thing,"-, And , right'then and there it Williams, Mary McGrath, Sr., A. In Beatrice Cooper, and for the Blue And Mrs,;$trang from the West, have matter of Church Union between the with his usual spirit of ente rise, flashed-tohis mind that U had for- oran, M. Mur Aft r t rp Shea, J. Campbell, M. H ray, Rose McQuaid, Dorothy Moly side, Margaret McDonald, e he been'. rs at the home of their -three great churches namly, the and desire to havi� theeit in'ari�ahg- gotten to'take 'his wife BtA he ex- neaux, Mary Ryan, Margaret ... .9 Hills, M. Krauskopf, N. O'Rourke; O'Rourke, Clayton Looby, Catharine election of officers several games were relativegi,,Mr. and Misses Fee.—Our Methodist, Presbyterian and Congre- ing for a number of fine improvements cused. himself by saying: "well, a:'man Credit—M. Britton, M. McGrath, Jr., played and the boys and girls of the busin"O"s report trade as pretty� -Unit- in the interior of the dwelling he re can't.think of everij . ttle gationalist,now known 4s "The �,li thing." The Krauskopf, Jos. Maolne, Teresa De- 'he overlook - Mary O'Connor, Jos. Carpenter, Jos. laney. Class 11 --Helen Atkinson, blue side treated the boys and girls to good., f ��,,this season of the year� ed Church of Canada" that both what cently purchased from the Macl)6n- refirence here'is'not to t. Dill, R. Dill, John Flannery, Joseph home-made candy. Instead of the Miss aret-Wilson, who'was re- has be�n known as the Methodist and ald estate, minediately east of 'the ed selections as they ere, not C-litti, Margaret Jordan; Class III—Veronica Looby, M. Murray. Ancient History: albums or barrels the bo'y-s and girls cenbly-I at office.—A nieeting of the' Hen. ;or Dill; Credit—Theodore K;ennedy, Ruth Xere on a visit to her father, is Congregational churches have little po ifisignificant,!!, for a" great writer Class I—Mary McGrath. G. Stapleton, are requested to bring in their en- no* in'-Yonker's Hospital, N.Y., where or nothing to say an the subject, en- sall Board,, of Trade w4s held in.the say6j "Girv�e me the solngs� or music of O'Reilly. Latin: Class I—Rose Mc- nnie McGrath, Mary Hastings, A. Quaid, Dorothy Molyneaux, Margar- velope every Saturday and whoever she h good position.—The snow dorsing as they do the action of their Council Chambers on Thilrsday-even� a nation'and-1 do not Shea, Thos. McQuaid, A. O'Reilly, E. has the most number of points their stornis: et O'Rourke, Teresa Delaney, Mildred of the past week have had'the highest courts gr these intrusted iing, January 8th, when All the f6rM-,.th,dir,l4st.O4 Murray, W. Murray; Class III — M. bird will move on so far. Let us Feeney, R. Dill; Credit—Jos. Shea, D. Murray, Mary Ryan, Joseph Malone, hope for a good attendance through- Williams, T. Carpenter. British His- Catharine Krauskopf, James . Kelly-, opt the year and.we hope all the boys Class 11—Clayton LoGby, Helen At- tory: Class I—A. Shea, E. Ryan, M. and girls will -riot forget to bring Benninger, Joseph Carpenter, N. kinson; Credit—Ruth O'Reilly, Ver- their envelopes� — Dorothy McLean, onica Dill, Margaret Jordan. French: p Secretary. O'Rourke, A. 'McGrath, A. Delaney, ress -G. Stapleton, F. Hills, M. O'Connor, Class I—Margaret O'Rourke, Rose 0 McQuaid, Dorothy Molyneaux, Mil- M. Murray, Joseph Shea; Class II— M. Britton, M. Hills; Class 111-4os. dred Murray, Catharine Krauskopf, HENSALL Teresa Delaney, Clayton Looby, Jos. For Sale­FouT choice White Wyandotte Looby, R. Dill; Credit—M. Horan, M. Malone, Mary Williams, Margaret cockerels from bred4o-lay stock. Apply to Feeney, M. McGrath (Jr.), J. CAmp- J. W. Ortwein. Hensal-1. Out. 2979-1 bell. Physics: Class I—M. Bermin- Jordan; Class 11 --Jas. Kelly, Mary For Sale—Six good young ooWs, two due to, ri-ce Ryan, Helen Atkinson; Credit --Ruth fnmhen, others later. Phone 7 on 91, Hen- ger, G. Stapleton, A. Delaney, Mary McGrath (Sr.), A. Shea, E. Ryan; O'Reilly, Veronica Dill. Margaret saii. Robert McLaren, Hensall. 297&2 Class 11 --Jos. Carpenter, M. O'Con- Byrne absent for Eng. Gram., Bot., Presentation and Address.—The fol- nor, Teresa arpenter, M. Hastings- Latin; Patrick Kennedy, absent for lowing address Widch speaks for,it- ' Bot., Latin; Theodore Kennedy absent elf and referring to one of our most Every article on sale is exactly half price. X,ever have we marked- merchandise so nitich-U-n-d6r ,the reglijiir lass III—E. Murray, M Feeney na Credit_ -A. O'Reilly, Jos. L,oby, j' for Bot., Latin. enterprising residents and Old estab- price to clean up our stock. $6,000 worth of broken lines a sizes in -our. stock which. we want to get out ampbell, D. Williams, R. Dill. Chem- ZU lished business man, needs no fur- ofi our store quick and sure, as our policy is a complete clean-up every season. We cannot itemize -the bak�-., istry: Class I—A. Shea, T. Carpen- RICH ther comment on our part and speaks -Our stock i G� ter, G. Stapleton. R. Dill; Class II— Council Meeting.—The Council of for itself: "Hensall, Jan. 11th, 1925. gains, but below we give you a description of a, few of the lines offered. s aranteed' H. Benninger, M. Murray, M. Me- !he Township of Hay met according To Mr. J. W. Ortwein, Hensall, Ont. eph Shea; Cred- to the Municipal Act, on Monday, Dear Brother and Co-worker: We, it—Annie McGrath, V. Feeney, Mary January 12th, 1923, in the Township your associates in the Hensall Metho- McGrath (Sr.), A. O'Reilly. Algebra Hall, Zurich, when the following sub- dist Sunday School, take this oppor- MEN'S FINE SHOES ffice- tunity of expressing our appreciation WASH GOODS MEN'S OVERCOATS AND SUITS —Class I—D. Williams, A. Delaney, scribed to the Declaration of 0 G. Stapleton; Class 11—M. Benninger, Reeve, E. F. Klopp; Councillors, W. R. of the many years you have served All the odd pieces that are 25 only Men's -Overcoats and Suits at exactly HALF PRICE. These 15. Pairs in the -lot,- some N. O'Rourke, W. Murray, H. Ben- Dougall, L. H. Rader, J. P. Rau and this school as its uperintendent. Yoix left in our stock—HALF, PRICE represent Coats regularly sold up to $32.5Q. This sale I $7i5O Slater m'ak&. Every d& paii ninger, M. Hastings, A. O'Reilly, V. A. Reichert. The council was then have ever been faithful and efficient reduces to half price suits as low as ........................ at exactly HALF PRICE' Feeney, M. Murray; Credit — E. organized for the year 1925. The at your post. You have always been Ryan, M. O'Connor' a of zealous and interested in 'all the ad- I F. Hills M Brit- annual meeting of the subscriber ton. M. McGrath (Jr.). Geom*etry— the Hay Municipal Telephone System tivities of Sunday School �vork. As SILKS Class I—G. Stapleton. Jos. Shea, A. vdll be held on Saturday, January a slight mark of our * appreciation BOYS' SHOES All the odd lines and prices MEN'S PANTS O'Reilly, Thos. McQuaid; Class 11— 31st, at 2 o'clock p.m. The Township and thanks, we Ask you to accept from in our stock onone table At ex- in both Fine and Heavy Lea- E. Murray, Mary McGrath (Sr.), M. Cleik was instructed to subsribe for the school this gift, and we earnestly actly HAIV PRICE. 14 Pair only, regularly sold up to $4.75 at IfkLF PRICE. Men's the,. About 26 pair in.the lot Feeney, A. Shea; Class 111—D. Wil- seven copies of the Municipal World, pray that you may spend many years pants as low as $1.26 at this sale. Mostly all sizes. at xactly HALF PRICE. lianis, T. Carpenter, W. Murray; one copy for each of the following: of happiness in the Master's service. Credit—R. Dill. Latin (Senior): Class Reeve, Councilfors, Clerk and Asses- The Hensall Methodist Sunday School. I—Thos. McQuaid, A. McGrath, M. sor. The Collector was authorized to Church Union.—PTo be or not to be" WOMEN'S RUBBERS CHILDREN'S-,SI110ES Hastings, E. Murray; Class II—Mary continue the levy of all unpaid taxes is still the burning question of the kbout 7� pair in the lot. Spe- BOYS' SUITS—HALF PRICE About.20 pair, mostly,�411,piz­- McGrath (Sr.); Class III—Jos. Shea; for 1924, ano that the penalty and day as connected with Church Union, I on the street, cial price 'to clear the costs be added to all unpaid taxes as and nearly every one es, 5: to, f0l/z�_ at, HAL Credit----tTeresa Carpenter. Latin, stock ............ ........ 49c 10'only odd lines, must be cleared out at exactly HALF PRICE. (Junior)—Class I—A. Delaney, M. a debt due the municipality on and or in sight is hailed for'his or her Mostly all sizes, 22 to 32. Britton, M. O'Connor, J Campbell ; after March 1st, 1925. An advertise- opinion, and for light on the question, Class If—E. Ryan, Jos. Carpenter, A. merit was ordered inserted in the and many, as we learn from the press, Shea; Class III—V. Feeney, F. Hills, Zurich Herald for two insertions for are the lectures given on the subject women 5 Fine Shoes M. Murray, Hugh Benninger; Credit application& for the pidsitin of Road and letters wiitten and sometimes =NS:� 0 —14 Overseer for Hay Town -ship for 1925. with too much feeling and firew . orks, Both hikh nd low shoes. Ev- MEN'S FINE SHIRTS . .... Caps a A -roken Benninger, M. Hills, Jos. Dill, ery size �fi that line and b e t cQuaid; Class II— the Township Clerk on or V. Feeney, A. Delaney, N. Hastings' o'clock p.m., on January 31st, 1925. way throigh 9 tremendous storm on pleaThe following were appointed as of- a dangerous pathway., Whjle the —Mary McGrath (Sr. ow Class III ) E M. Krauskopf. Jos. Looby. French: Applications to be in the hands of which reminds us of the experience of Half Price, regular values from $1.25 to $8.50. On sale at 6xao must go'at RALF PRICE, in- be Class I—Tho. M before two a poor darky who was making his luding Zhipress- make. One -Half Regular Price. Mostly all sizes. Murray; Credit—E. Ryan, Jos. 'Car- ficials of the Township of Hay for thunder was roaring in a most ter- HOUSE DRESSES FUR SETS penter, D. Williams, M. Murray, F. the year 1925, at the salaries stated: rifying manner he called out in his Hills, J. Campbell, M. McGrath (Jr.), Clerk and Treasurer, A. F. Hess, re distress, "Oh Lord, please give us Abut IS in the lot to clean Every piece in our stock afHALP PRICE as we are: not stodkit f 1h, A. Shea, Joseph Shea, M. Hills, W. township, $360; re township roads, more light and less noise." Some- UP the broken lines and styles, 9 50, Sacki d "A $20; re telephone system, �180; As- times in the din of -the conflict th Furu and must sell every, piece. ,o p ce i,.,. urra eger, M. Britton, e HALF PRWE. These are bar" ht Joseph Dill. Form II—Engligh Lit- sessor, W. H. Edighoffer, $120; Col- earnest inquirer is at a loss for lig gains I Class I—Jas. Shea,. Rose lector, R. Mil -ler, $45; Auditors, W. on the subject, but one thing is cer- erature. McConnell, Bertha Murray, Dorothy S. Johnston and J. A. Smith, $12.00 tain, and remains, tRat Church Union eT of hall, W and-lireslied out O'Rourke, Chas. Dorrensteirr; Class each; Caretak rs. L. Rupp, has been considered -UGS 11—Mary Atkinson, Michael Darling, $40; Member of Board of, Health, C. in its many angles by the churches There are a few-accounto which have not Won paid, *hloli -ir6 due.� 'Teen Eckert, Peter Dill, Rose O'Con- C. Schilbe; Sanitary Inspectors, C. connected with it, has been voted up- 5 only Tapestry ltugss HALP Our business at.' Any 'accoutit not :Vrmptl �t C' by our Solicitot. 4i at redif_­Ama Molyneaux, Lor- Eilber for Western Division, and B. on and'ea-Tried by aiatge majorities by� PRICE to clear our stodli Will be colliet� Hasi.ligs, Bridget OLaug?hlin, C. Edwards for Eastern Division. The the Presbyterians on several omg- etto 4urch 77 Luella WAtters, Audrew Dantzer:'following accounts Were passed:— ions. confirmed by the highest Eng4jah Composition: Class II—Rose Municipal World, dog tags and sup- 9burts, has been saietion6d andTati- ADIES Met6nuell, Mary Atkinadn, Dorothy Vies, $25.98, Ontario Hospital for C. fid by L Parliament, and is not a so- LAD190 DRES90 1AIMS, AS -mination expenses, upp, $39.00; no called movement alone by the minis- About 20`16ikiii HOsev' 17 81fift "All Ai.049113 �ke, Bertha Murray, las. Shea, Lo"", Hastingp, Ohm Dorrenstein; $9; H. Thiel, hauling gravel culvert, tora and church courts at; the sea. A -Wool fi�k AT, btbkeu 35 Bnes, t( gAU Andre* Road 16, $1.25; A. Mellick, sions, ProsbyteAes and Synods aeted > 610.4f at'NALV s4n suit. TI 66c flq6il Luella-, Wat- Road 115, $18A6- Amusements Tax, as the keo& and the-A096MUY 961a A HALP I4 'tit Dar. tax tickets, $3.95; D. Dueh&rme, use des.' legi rl of scraper, 44 61fAren'g Aid and, this, ift the Year 19% *6 U11, V 0 4j� 4:to ., lee, O, Lue, a *40 rich, grq il, vote 64' que ift Humans Society �or*fttoo� VbUn 1J fl�l t4ild *0 j44 'Ito h& 90�pita for -Aele, A' CIO gft*1t"$6; X Corliveall, fimff itk, etc.#, -like 205 I �d Ito- cdlveft� Road,18 T10- N Sdrivayh 86 441i- lt,, 41 Itit $2 4 10 - ii tau, 7 L-1