HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1925-01-09, Page 6Avg jag !,the SAO" AqWYq A 014 to -44womed omw 84ov- Troet And, 'to tbO II, op A '9PAeAcp 4445. QW4 , —7 n0 V A c T, nq 4 0 g- tiultion, further. the orlaut omwa Is' 7 'o I"140 �-,Qckev that when all the conditions, bum4il , R For instaaee� Although' N to Ile from A re and otber*15p. are NV p),gW pkgli jinoWs it is mo - a. to -got 9.9 -worn bum,or, the ie W ,y _U to, get l4ugh—xingaton ft , k i the'! matter of well n 0 chological inoment, the rIght tea young man to approaqb tj Tam - AX f6r him storfix 1 _$ " 4 1 BIRTEt, TO mO AlS '00 .close for,, of a marriageable maiden Is iirhen kime for, 4 s4_ 46 'father Mere cash 3eems to mean nothing mock" '4 the old man has just had a'good Sol. to the lords -of Casbinere.—New 'York mrall Vrew ner, plumbed himself Into an eqsy� Herald-Triburie. 'step to the the invadei% age Iinder the cver'�; WO on, es41, chair, and,lighted his pipe. cap r
inserted bY - lawY* ut," and the goy % � ,
ators, Also owe people have, an uncanny gift say, "Come, o � Tqbezinory if Pitteburg I& to have a skyscraper of being able, as they go through life. doors will 4vdng wide to let an Near, Ayr-4110was owyle rArs r, 4 FiOT .P.A&V IMII�P ,, ,� � ,
OWAP-1 VM to� ir, 'If *k'*#OO ab6ardj� English and'. e why let professors' salaries d th Thruld? fechan Iiiveiator of —Brook- chological moment. A tremendous radio, to ai'poi4it o aer Aout.- Iremain the bungalow type 14 Chancery and unclated n the pavemput wl " ". 'fil , J'4nd,: C Wee buililrec
Irish. eolleg always to, spot the all-important pey- mobil e gli4a, under the control' `of 'Saw th "
Sp -agle. --as commercial tra- opposite, where" he' i�#e vellers especially would agree not need no ebau ns stands. He Wt e oB4#k of England - lyn, F Taur nalue or your once of ina, ffeur, f U ator's y, photgrap)w� Ono:
'ba� dollar) Wives never have, and never Will. only a greater chance of success, but will operate1he car at his will. -A:r lvedjnto those pq I have'a. greit reoject for I -1 t one *ng the obey their husbands.—The Rev. J. H. also that no, feeling of antagonism 19 id ffice he will c indeed, I am what .w Band $1.00 (one 914 4 once- for book, riving at s o Ivillo s'it �ZVeAra,g_ r
aroused. mostof the routine work of this, 'day A. Law. just s;,u Those who c by radio. No'stenographers ut in it the wrong tbSe or type, a 'bero-worshipper. o. e tl d International Claim AgenY I cannot believe that it is right to not only fall to get what they want writers ikll be needed, because all1ii- vi It the birthplaces of those -who e leap them 'd thei'� Dept. 296 proved themselves of the elect, at the moment; they hand b say when a human being dies of a cori�bspondehce will be do e by radio- 'have n Ad, selves for the future. For ex lu wers. physical disorder that "it was God's speech or radio -writing. Indeed,'if he oays a writer In Ans' bt' pimburgh, Pa., U. S. A if a busy man has a'rule of g 64trpij oing to will to take him.'l—The Bishop of limch unctual ined, he will, not. Back she wont with a sto of course, ly 4t,one, tbree min- Foremost niong them, for ve p St. Albans. utes to the hour is not the psycholog- need to go to the office at all ry sue as, I tq "The Birthplac -vision perfected, he Arid ell in Henley street, pn� producerad never e0iiii I el '& t V,� , '_ " Ical moment to approach lit in on a with radio -on-Avon, in which it a s a chest f, ratford Kellog Quilts Post, Provides Fo6d business matter. If you do It you his custonaers can meet, see each other wa gol Ud For Thought, says a headline. Break- -Next time you come and conveisp,,although they iiiiglht be -,Fay$ has been assumed Shakespeare of the' bay 'and she had e, A
e antagonize him, h h Hamilton Furthermore, through %ras born, April 23rd, 1564, c iw�' 4j, and. infast food undoubtedly! will h handle e ay ma F"MS FOR SALE he'll remember that you worried him miles apart 1P.11, _1 ; "_,
'�66vices, it will be pos� is als 000. Spectator. once at the wrong time. coming radig. o "St. Georgz,DaY." gine, the intense, houp. w ich fol� 1(10 AORE FARM FOR SALE- OWNER If you've the gift of being able to sible to keep`�Vbbtographic and Ohono- lowed on (lost Djvers,_ were But there are those who question will, " on reasonable terms for Quick A Galt family has jusi welcomed spot the psychological moment, be graphic re6bids, of radio -vision and Henley s�lnmonqd,i48ile wAs'.:biought, the right 286642 To saaa. Axwly to R. S. SAYS. Seafeerth, Out its seventeenth child. And Christmas thankful. if you haven't. set Yourself radio-s�eei*- for filing purposes, MT. of the house in citement rei companies * .4 I I onstreet to be styled Shikepeare', gued. Then the . I - b- , I, barely a fortnight away!—Kitchener to acquire it. Common sense is the Elway pke�dic�ts these things for'fiftv as sighQ a'eco'nd'time,and ins or:,j%�othe* o, Jay- �0, 4 !31rthplace. No documentary evidence w Spanlar&i gold., But 'to I rJ_ Record. first essential. years from -now but he says they ever has been produced to back u brought to the�� surface, : coutailpgg, -ta ocover
es� �sve not, &1� inore than
How to tackle is good, but when wil a -WARM FOR SALR-Fou SALFs LOT 0. I be a p"das$bility in the immediate Lba tradition., And, the actual 'Spanish doublo6m� oe�v�ntft , to tackle is better. Next, cultivate the 8. TuckeTsrafth. isqutsiAluc 146 Murderers are getting so bold now future, aiiii,�,hefe is the interesting place. of most historical persons must 1790 valued at $47,67.8�.74. are on the preen%es a sMovie yalM other *r'401 - �e
no kfCt t
retnued frame house. bank barn raox7s. lew the;, -c'haq recovery W that some of them are being caught gift of quick facial judgment. picture he vresents of an office of the often be merely a matter of tradil that this So &CM soesdog even in T-lamilton.—Kincardiii, R,_ all Innocence, you've cut in at the 0 -by a cable d �eh cep. o IWO, 611 JA good 430n4itl future radio instead of tion, because before modern registra- nislic eppa d anet view wrong time, that fact will eirkib4t It- Ono- of ih61**Pb_
to's-raw, and balance in crop; -oil feno lerks and 6ubMg-nagers:— lion no birthPlaeqw were recorded.' . that the gold went into a local bs'nk mile froon school. a sallso self en the face and sometimes Ist the c ing pkizes, lies ilg'ar Cape �. C�16�n
an tile 1 .1 Twenty from 'now, -possibly In the year of Shakespeare's birth awaiting British deVi n on the girl's y,
from searorft. a miles from Kioven: rural manner of the man on. 'whom' you years South - 4�e' - 't
waEl avA phone. WWI be. even ten-yeairs from now, the execu- the.plague was raging one #ay's work sold on reasonable Our foreign policy seems to be and at Stratford- claim. So much for 'jet out. have called. Then office of a great corporation may on -Avon. At that time a John Shake- in a movie diver)i life. Grosvenor �41ink "ifi gol(I
vernes. For further particulars Apply " that we won!t belong to anything but quickly, with a short and smothing tive hfng Is know t iticeessful- undersea ina h '$I0;000`0"": Le MM& DAVID WeLELLAX. MitsholL O13t- es v t mos 996" are perfectly willing to butt in.— apology, so that antagonism may be look like the,control room of a pr ent eare, of whoin no n presery of, beforoL or after, was -living at the - vil- investi Dt-- I Columbus State Journal. avoided. day powe?rhouse. On the walls will treasure hunt ever attempted. he )age of Clifford Chumbers, two miles- jvst been brought to a dramatie close ago ',.4iie be the sereens"for radio vision. An theL
J C- 7� distant, In a pleturosqqe, wrec a indr. 011" now off the coast of Ireland, with,. the iiht L.
CROICE pARm FOR sALF—LoT 9. coN- The only time a man should expect The Last t. assi op , hones will con- Gi
cmsjQn2. Stanley, containinff M — in everybody to agree with him is when A man never craves for a. smoke nee -W1 circuits for dist�, known as the "o14 Rectory Th" final recovery of the last pound in Proniptly ' ape the
a -hjklk state of cultivation. There 7,g they are too sick to a�gue.—Shel- So L *uch as 1when he is red to his ant 6niin who are disposed to criticize "the 7,000,000, lost when, German sqb.- 1�ver, & coniPan§- a formed, divers
�"tlon, for recording, for S �
th, olid coment hous Uced birthiplace" in Henley Atreet believe e sank the L�urentic in'1917 brought out from -England and the
h_ farm 'a 'a= -ist. -match. marin erdwood fiih hard aika soft -star in. burne Econom, last issuing initructio'ns to the few re- espeare, tAmpor- b began. slete. and other modern conveniences. Ham Wken'lils mitebbet is full ke will mailung ein�loyees. Buttons or swit- Arily of Clifford,Chauabers, was idden- She went down in only 90 feet of 8eare 4ft8s, on stone' foundatiou; &tables with To me the great value and charm te the - inouth of Lough. Stall another L treasure, worth $8,000,- cement Boom and with water inside. Thin to let many a preeloug hour' go Ity. and ches -will -operate the dozens of radio- Ural witli" the father of William. wa r at 000 or $10,000,000 is,buri6d"ib the a choice farm. situated ipportmidtles. controlled devices that bring desired ast. on goo& isravoi roads. of a woman is that she is the best wantonly neglect his 0 They hold that he took his wife out Swilly, on the northern, Irish' cp sands of Navarino Bay oo the- . west- from Brucefield and Kippen sta- and most delightful antidote to man. He may have as many. as fifty or a rolls of irdn--vnre from the files, that of the plague -stricken town, and that This was a thoroughly practicable o MRS further particulars apply b ern coast of Greece. There the Tr -
M ' —Sir St. Clair Thomson. hundred matches- In'his possarwdon, admit or 4�x lude visitors, that ack- In the "old Rectory." in this village depth for divers, and efforts began SISVEZ4S. on the premises. or to J. A. c- ' �l - �
or BERT CLEIAND. yet he never thinks of taking set his duringhe summer after'the drinistice kish and Egyptian fleets met the RVMN. Brocefield. nowledge 6t,rafuse radio calls. the poet and dramatist was born. lies of :W27, and sixty4w6, sail of.the MtovreL Executors for the estate of Walter English general elections are far pipe and kaybij i good smoke. J. Stevens. 2969-tf . - At the ;ie tq�r of it all sits a brain. No doubt, however, attaches to the to recover the Laurentic's gold, one Orientals disappeared beneath the It is only when; he 14 down to k's The n was o th b gg t prizes lost,in the 'war.
wor--e thn our South American rev- chief"engineer of an ocean liner birthplace of Robert Burns, who e i es
last match that. he says to h&wsaif: With them went gold and operation was 7aves. olutions.—Consul-General for Peru. sits comfortably at a desk carrying born, on January 25th, 1759, at Al Fro tke first this 'I'll Ixave a piPe.' a few valves and instruments and pusn loway, some two miles south of Ayr, difficult and nerve trying. ' Her jewels to thealue named. Just why WARM FOR SALE.-FARK OF TWO BUY He fills up, produces Ws _maAqkbqx, any. fleet �should fight. with such a dred acres adJoining the Town of am Paris announces that bare legs and buttons. He -controls engines that do Am the little thatched cottage yet sides had bulged and, her decks col- and fishes out the last ma*&�k.- In galley standing by the roadside. !is an unanswiared ques- fArth, conveniently situated to all churches sandals will be the vogue next year. nine eases out of ten—the w*rtd of mofe than a hundred thousand lapsed. Her obnedition -required ex-. d This humble little dwelling was t,nsive dynamiting and a general tion. But in 1013 an Engliqh com- schools an 00negiste, There 18 & con"f's" Bare legs and scandals would seem smokers may be appeated to 9^ this slaves. able brick cottage with a cement Adtahan to be a more likely combination— Whk ---not run our business offices built by the poet's father with his isaddangement of he wr6ek. th a quarter million' doll�ars bum 106x56 with stone stabling undernewd d Then pany wi point—the last match Is in absolute own hands. In after years it becanio capital undertook to, retrieve, what Kingston Standard. duffer, a cripple, a mere sjujap. the same ay'? the Irish troubles intervened, with Of
eser 6 herses. 73 head of cattle and 40 belp and water before &L an inn, but it was eventually pur- the sea had taken. The war upset WM steel stanchions upon stmk-. litter carrier and feed carrier and Either It is all head and no sUzk or In the Iiiatter of entertainment, he f a raid drivins: shed and plat. That wolf -hunt was a flat failure chased by the Trustees of the burns' the salvage ship. A private corpora- these plans. Another conlpany.rew "M �Vement 61105: else it is all stiek ad no bvad- tells us ' the radio -movies will do away Monument at Ayr, who dein-olished cently has assumed the, taili, . "both torm scales. Watered by a rook wou "' The Soo huntsmen were not able to All day long the friends who dip- with the necessity of motion picture tion undertook the job, working un-
vft4mM The farm is well dreifned and ID all later /additions, and reato-rod the financed by popular subscrigtion', in hM state of cultivation. The crop to ar River.—Kin- ped into this matchbox took good sare machines in jndividual theatres. Dra- der admiralty orders, and every man cottage to. its original appearance. London. gronred---choice clay leam. bumedi. cardine Review. to loave that wretched rAump severely mas and comedies. will be broadcast aboard the Racer had a part in The interior is characteristically Jack *to possession. Apply to X BEATON. 2 But if a Than must go hunting for it seaforth. Ont. 2787-M alone. They went for the kadthy, in speech- and picture all over the Scottish, of the old peasant type and the prize. en gold it would seem that he I confess that I derive a great deal full-grown, adult matches, a*4k with country from central points, and we muck of the. furniture eonsimis of It was months before any, veal sunk should- pick out -the -hoard of -a p of pleasure from reading detective distressing unanimlty put that valuer- are' to take it for granted that the genuine Burns' relics. headway c6did be- reported. Then ir- the high name of romance. And ate in FOR SALE. -FOR SALE LOT & stories.—Lord Cave. able Wipple on one side for you. crop of radio.orators will vastly in- The birthlace of Thomas Carlyle, the gold began to -come up and has if he has no choice let thi F"M And infallibly you got It. crease uni ' acted to at )Declefechan, Is not quite so, been coming ever since. So expert Conceesion IL and west half of lat & ess,,laws are on Gonomlon 10, HAS- Tuckitrwaft, aN& The thing goo& out, although you suggested. Dowih in. the WeA Xn- We have just read something about curb theii 'e�&arprise heri people humble, but It also was built bw the did the divers.- become in their ork. 111ainins 150 acres. There are -on the VmNals" take �every,pecaution. You ate is writer's father, though In tkis ease of ;wrestling'-fk�m. this hulk ts last dies li" Old Providence 11slafid.VV`#e,n a man who objects to monuments be- want to see and listen to sonlething good two-storr, brick- home witit Riau r"d. solie4teas to cherish the Alame, at tkat to,, 'the buccaneer Morgan roamed, those bmm bask barn 1"9 feet witis Greet d"t ing e isms. As else. Incidentally, Mr. Elway prom- aided by his uncles. coin that hey' shoveled many rected to dead politic match as ever a mother was Aw the The name "Ecclefechan," it la there w4s, a cave high .-.0 Two road swAns f that is stahline., vrater in the tam. drive shed "y", for us, the more monuments o life of her child. es us a method of preserving radio may of: -sand into waiting buckets for -the Pa' houeee-aue!l hen home. be oted, means, the "Cliurch 6 " sort the merrier, say we—Columbia You stand in a sheltered doorwair. records, for- Aetpxe am t- shillings they contained.. - oAt'lagt it th' aweslu. also AU oTVr46*1Ug_ awrins. The 'Fechan," a neventU-qe sm each. tra "AmIt 46011t 20 MOVS&I Ths -vars promise, too, of fttli. & -Alb cleared Remrd. _ atury millions or r' *o" hardwood busli. principally —91- AJ you make a shield with your hands, There is a 0.91, Here Carlyle was Wine; December m*W lessed and tile draflud. 'Misfit WAM You watt, until the wind oeamwi6 the; what we4night. call � "canned radi so must be abandoned because the gall accomplished W 4m- Aten grow up and transfer the be- you strike. F101rhiqm! a special -event like the re- 4th, 1795, as a tablet on the,house- hid�pg place could not be found. But -possible and put h . is mon6y.-, in "the
est'AaWw1kest town. 40 acres reaft for sprins front duly Informs the pilgrim. Lo- cave, like a hrifty zpan,' depei . X#i Am, T e t aftist, occurs at again chance s6rved, well and th nt
ghgi;t cital,by- some grea
1,h form * lief they held in Santa Claus to the The feeble thing gives uW th cally, the dwelling is known as "the upon security rather 'than. i�iterest 4- asille ft school: rural moo nod abemes. will po ians—St. Catharines Standard. after an Ineffectual splutter, an,4 yow ar; hottr when it -I&. impossible or in- Arch House, ". from the archway. con- storeroom yielded one day to a div- Then, in the,course f thi r_ be add on ew terms. Unless sold by re left In the empty street with a conypnieut for you tOI-be listening. ers bungling foot. The romance of awtw ductinglo the back. It Is rlow-a Car- gan died. The, natives asseA, that ft will be. for rftt. For fterther Pardsobfiv Perhaps the best way to make peo- choice but unglowing p1peful lietween Must you therefore mis� it? - Not in th -Laurentle ended there. One of the prizes of the war worth IL lavaos. ANGM McKINNON. -125" spy& as the preembes. or addrion IL IL Me lyle inuseum. The philosopher died , e he was 1eigued viith the Aevil, wh Pie stop at railway crossings is teo your teeth and he�znatch famine rav- tho,il"st, Therb-As already in exist- in 1881, and lies in theirkyard close Put up hot dog stands.—Rochester aging your hearfArings, enee more than ofte, lorin of apparatus by. The rellas of h . lm hi'the house $5e000,000 to the man who a -an board caused' the* cave to sink,, or the wa- Time6-Unlon. than can be attached to a radio re- are simple personal. irticles, such an her is the ghostly Lusitania, lying In ter, to riie, until it iii supposed. to be Cards and C`Duri8hl�s- ,ceivei- and that.o,will record for You his pens and inkstand, and & straw 285 feet. of water� The pressure at buried 75 feet, beneath. theEai�rfhce, Banana trees grow 40 feet in a Visiting cards orig I I I nated in China, any -thing fthat come, in during the hat. I have had the - latter ow iny thult depth will turn heads and make W ith the principal atill.intaet - A -n single season. One way to get up and were in use In the Celestial 19111- hours for which, you set it, You can bead, and, although. this 'is appre- men -giddy any plans have beeii American diver has be'ext trying, --to JUNK DEALER in the world is to sit on a banana pire, tnoiI6 than a thousand yearsago. leave home in the..Morning, having ad- ,Iably larger than thO average., Car- proposed to raise he Lusitania, or at find out. If any of his countrymen wish to go treasure hunting,, there I will buy all kinds of Junk, Rides, tree w(hen it is young and wait a From very ancient times to the pres� ju6ted your set for the 'programmes lyie's hat "bonn6ted",I me, coming- least ,reclahn her treasure. ent day, 'the Chinese have.observed. th t you want to' . receive, and come down over my ears. Since 1914 it is. estimated that the doubtless is a cKnce for �opartner- Wool and Fowl. Will pay good pric- season.—Border Cities Star. A es. Apply to the strictest ceremony with regant back at night t4o;,find the record'.all 'Samuel Crompton, -inventor of the waters around Britain ave yielded ship in a business to a man's. taste.
to the paying of visits. The card% spinning-riiule, was born at Plywood, X50,000)000 in treasure. Not -less What a' splefidid thing it would -be I object to continually re-mindin % made for you. 'Play off the concert 9 vhlch they use for this purpoo4k are near Bolton, Lancashire, on the B MAX WOLSIL the bride that she alone is to keep up and, if you feel like it, listen to this ury than fifty companies have been or- if in this age of_,Are material and very large and usually- of -a bright road, December 3rd, 1753, in a,little kanized in t cientific we could- s 294349 SeafOrth, Ont- to the mark.—The -Bishop Ot Bark- red color: When a Chinaman desilres gam" Store the re- he British isles to seek 13 u tai I just Phone 17& ing. cord away. Let your great -grand- cottage, which stands to this day. out treasure ships. Some of these once and filch from Ze 'ftv'esthoard! to marry, his Varents Intimate the Crompton's Invention made possible have not advanced'beyond.the stage But thexecovery of treasure under fact to a'professional "matchmaker children listen to it, �oo, if they want the great Lancashire cotton industry. calls for more
of an elegantly lithographed The difference between romance who thereupon runs through a list ;f to. It was not- actually here that the- substantial stuff than dreaIns. It in -
and the novel is the 'difference be- her visiting acquaintances, and w" Radio -heat, sent Whither the opera- certificate, but ten or twelve, of them tween algebra and arithmetic. — Sir lects one whom she considers a fitting tor wills. is another possibility of the sPinning-mule was invented,' howevet, are operating or ready to begin. -%�olves inoney in considerable " sums. but at the old mansion, Hall-i'-th'- And the task of the diver is one THE Me-KILLOP MUTUAL Ronald Ross. bi-lde for the young man. She then future. 'Mr. ElwAy, after reciting Wood, not far distant. There in ' What has been done with tiis, Lau- which surrenders nothing to the
calls upon the young woman, armed commercial uses for radio, continues: dilapidated old house, llv�4- the rentic is inspiration enough to turn FM INSURANCEC07Y. No old cash is any colder than a with the bridegroom's card on which But to get back to the house. The widowed Mrs. Crompton and ber" son attention upon every wreck that - work of any man. Payment of alimony.—Detroit. Free is inscribed his ancestral 'name and calling of the aut�omob-ile is by no ")he ecked out the profits of a small strews the nearby waters. And some In describing he difficulty of find- ing gold on a sunken steamship a NEA OFFICB—SEAFORTH, ONT Press. the day of his birth. if the answer means the chief duty performable by 'arm by spinning yarn by hand. The of the companies will work far 'afield. is an acceptance of his suit, the radio epntrol. Much of the -house ser- boy helped In the spinning, but his The Laurentic is not the only great New Yorker who deals in such things, OFFICERS- furnished it vivid comparison. I'Sup- It is estimated that the average bride's card is sent is return; and, vice like stoking the furnace or carry- ui�nd revolted from the drudgery, and treasure ship to give up what had J. Connolly, Goderich Presideni cost of gifts to father is $2.18— 'should the oracles prophesy good ing out the ashes,'can be done ih the .1,D he followed up Hargreaves' spin- seemed lost beyond recall. Divers pose," he said, "that you took a man Ja& Evans, Beechwood, vice-president Brandon Sun. concerning the union, the particulara ing-jenny and Arkwright's Improve- have f this building — some same w e any regained $4,000,000 fropi the up on top o 1). F. McGregor, Seaforth, See -Tress of the engagement are written 6n two : ent by his own epoch-making inven- bullion room of the Oeeana, struck twenty-five floors — and blindfolded. r large cards tied together with red wGding or setting of clocks, for all .
Few gifts that you' kinds -, of time-i'keeping devices will �'on* some years ago near Gibraltar in him- Then let him down by a rope
AGENTS: ngsters want in cord. He sold hiEr Idea, however, for a collision -with another ship. She w 8 to a window� half way down the' d by the a Alex Leitch, R. R. No. I Clinton, these days of mechanical toys will fit soon be automatic, actuate ,niserable pittance, and thus bene- taken in tow, but rough weather building. Next, suppose that h -e ohn Uuy. into Christmas stockings. — Chicago Street Gold Tootli Vendor. time signals sent out from the great fited little by his invention. Ulti- crawls inside and tries to find, blitid- IW. R. Hinebley, I.Seaforth; Y News, broadcasting stations. Even a pock- came on and she went down About my, Egmondville; J. W. Yeo, Gods- The gold tooth craze his struck a ately, however, he received a grant with; R. G. Jarmuth Brodhagen. et watch that thus Tgulateg" itself is twenty miles from Dover. The water folded, the contents of a. safel in "some certain Asiatic villages and towns. Af Ui,000, and with it established his lealit one such has was d
Some country jails have ssible and at eep and she lay upon the hot- office that is no differetit froin 2,000 no Pyis- A traveller records having seen a gold P rons in a bleaching business. This -liave put Eill-of hese pro I blems you DIRECTORS: oners. The business seems to he all tooth vendor sitting on the side of been built. failed, but friends secured a tom in apparent security from the Others- When together, ion still have
I 0 ff e Table service may be similarly auto- tion, which gave him an a reach of man. But an intrepid diver t
William RinAl NO. 2. 80afOrth; going to the big centres.—Peterboro the street With mou ds f di er nt nnulty of Sphn. Bennewies, Brodbagen; James Examiner. matic. When the soup is finished you 5:63. He enjoyed this trivial sum but pried open her treasure room aild an undertaking less difficult than.the
s-zes lying loose in a box before him.
2vans, Reechood- AL MeEwen, Olin. sdach of a sunken ship for gold.
��hese are slipped on over sound teeth say merely "bring in the fish," and two years, and died, In 1827, aged brought up the gold. Win; Janies Co�;7ofijl Goderich; Alex According to science, bair grows and worn as ornaments. Prospective the fish comes in from the kitchen by seventy-three. Although a map cannot be supplied lh�iindfoot, No. 8 SesfOrth* J- 0 after death; but this is darned little customers fit the moulds on their own himself; slides in perlia-ps 'on some to the man,who would advefiturinle Grieve, No. 4, Wilton; Parits satisfaction for a bald man. New teeth and watch the effect in a small srt of track or rul� y, or rolls in on How Music Affects the Heart. go in this quest of riches, he need Victoria, B. C."Twenty-five'thou-
Various, are he emotions which have no difficulty in finding the ap- s.and-'to 30 0 11arlock; George McCotney; Me. 3, York Telegram. mirror provided by the tooth mer- a little automatic cart like a tea wa- 6 0 young fir trees were
fkaferth-, Murray Gibson, RrveefisM (liant. When a fit is found, or a different strains of music arouse. proximate site of enough millio shipped from Vancouver Island to gon. W to
tooth that suits a special fancy, bar- But perhaps, in fact there fornia for Christmas trees at*-
vill be There Is the martial air, which stirs dazzle the eye. There is the Itland- Cali
to battle, the merry tune of the 6r, for one, sunk off the AlaQkan cording -to advicez received by.-� the
--eached, the customer pays and goes ay be replaced by applications of Reason Enough indefinite time. if an agreement is may not be necessary at all for it es. Science has discovered that The Japanese steamship, , Yasaka gaining commences and lasts for an no such thing as table service. It ance, the plaintive music which de- coast with $2,000,000 in her hold. victdria Chamber of Commerce. From Cappers Weekly in
JAMS WATSON away with his new possession in his t Is all due to a little gland situated Mara lies in the inidelle of the radio heat. "Why don't you yump, Yamie?', mouth. If no trade is made the tooth tit the I base of one's. brainj� and it eon- Mediterranean with $12,560,000 in Radio heat is -not really. heat; it is trols the rhythinle . beating, Of the Madatfie, to Her Gardener--j'Gdoa
Agent for Singer SeWing called an old Dane to his son in In is, thrown back into the pile and held her coffers. And there is the Gee -
a way of making heat exactly when heart, .It prevents It—ind other or -
for the next customer. sinking fishing boat. - ant it 'There ls a gans -bf the body—tr long, also lost in the Mditerrafiean, graclons, -Will' ml Hal e e 0 -n-
s, and General in- and where you w oin racing, or owder'? to . finnee "How can ay yunip when ay've no Mkrtlal music Excuse me, inalaml ies *40 �Viii� A. falhiliar experinient -that illustrates working' Irregularly. still bearing $4,000,060 in Je-*eI& be;- 'ect P What Oroinwell Itad. Ion place to stood?" what radio beat is. nside a wooden excites the. pituitar gngl to an Indian raja. y gland very.mudli, The brilliant French critic, HeArl boe of sotne kind YOU -.put, a. toil of and In response ifie gland manufac- ist might be eia�ndeA lahnopt ter woo]IL de St. Cyr, was eriticlAng, at a insulated wive with�:fhe Wins'ief.the tures and. gendt; into -.One's blobd more without end. Something, like .$2504� Must Do Hr PArt Greenwich Village reception,, the peo- It coil horizontal. Oti�, �to_b of the �b�% than Its norinal', anidunt of fluid. 000,000 in silver and gold *M'lost i6
Anderson, Theodord� i, the *ftv" Utdo Pie of Sherwood -of Motet Ttuth than From the 19ositon Transcript Dreiser, Floyd Deli and other vrrW" . a place an ordiO Iron 9thvb_ is this fluid, that'doutrola the speed tho world oil� ships sunk i li& of I it gingig m kigh ne'ea witir-Ithlb, 41tra tirlier reeor& the �iou thi dhn of frank books. "It isn't," he said, ' �4th- Theu2r( 'heart fUsti; id-cklo of bullion hito, the, I . 4y 'h Amount one's hat e�s potty� J66, Officer, if I stay gn'thit street vK11 "the, franktieb Of these g of wire. W it take mi� to the Public Library? t'islik. it's their crudeness, their Th,; rA+ gets hot. Tou can e&ily eri givili otie illit,'OkliffitiAt in, "An& Jfte 6f -the 1"t 400 Tbars, pivute , -'e8he's ttdli still." P es, illailaine. But not unlegsgo-q iniatourlshoogs. fry an egg n it. You bave fr6aures were,, t6 ap h kitary gland in just 0 ep nioving." n fact, Is on a par with the gehoolo, Po r higli-froqU60 p t e Pat Ice vver enough in you Iopposite vilay-,-it slows' It down, with, *096'of lat4 tAt boy"Issay on ofoln*611 that began! coil the plate may get 'red �,oir Or d ptoaaoii - or 0 wasi �ie6imlderob e a blI9i Crom*411 haA &U Iron Will, an even melt unaightly *art atid a large rod hosbi, No Hardship This 6trperiment im, ng. 0 On Fit, tit *6 i to the oilini4Li 'Ate atout, dkys�� ro I The plate, quith W.4 0A ft,j box hidbt 'the Th6w o
od, From the columms Jater etiUpa J- fil, q
b # kit a
Avg jag !,the SAO" AqWYq A 014 to -44womed omw 84ov- Troet And, 'to tbO II, op A '9PAeAcp 4445. QW4 , —7 n0 V A c T, nq 4 0 g- tiultion, further. the orlaut omwa Is' 7 'o I"140 �-,Qckev that when all the conditions, bum4il , R For instaaee� Although' N to Ile from A re and otber*15p. are NV p),gW pkgli jinoWs it is mo - a. to -got 9.9 -worn bum,or, the ie W ,y _U to, get l4ugh—xingaton ft , k i the'! matter of well n 0 chological inoment, the rIght tea young man to approaqb tj Tam - AX f6r him storfix 1 _$ " 4 1 BIRTEt, TO mO AlS '00 .close for,, of a marriageable maiden Is iirhen kime for, 4 s4_ 46 'father Mere cash 3eems to mean nothing mock" '4 the old man has just had a'good Sol. to the lords -of Casbinere.—New 'York mrall Vrew ner, plumbed himself Into an eqsy� Herald-Triburie. 'step to the the invadei% age Iinder the cver'�; WO on, es41, chair, and,lighted his pipe. cap r
inserted bY - lawY* ut," and the goy % � ,
ators, Also owe people have, an uncanny gift say, "Come, o � Tqbezinory if Pitteburg I& to have a skyscraper of being able, as they go through life. doors will 4vdng wide to let an Near, Ayr-4110was owyle rArs r, 4 FiOT .P.A&V IMII�P ,, ,� � ,
OWAP-1 VM to� ir, 'If *k'*#OO ab6ardj� English and'. e why let professors' salaries d th Thruld? fechan Iiiveiator of —Brook- chological moment. A tremendous radio, to ai'poi4it o aer Aout.- Iremain the bungalow type 14 Chancery and unclated n the pavemput wl " ". 'fil , J'4nd,: C Wee buililrec
Irish. eolleg always to, spot the all-important pey- mobil e gli4a, under the control' `of 'Saw th "
Sp -agle. --as commercial tra- opposite, where" he' i�#e vellers especially would agree not need no ebau ns stands. He Wt e oB4#k of England - lyn, F Taur nalue or your once of ina, ffeur, f U ator's y, photgrap)w� Ono:
'ba� dollar) Wives never have, and never Will. only a greater chance of success, but will operate1he car at his will. -A:r lvedjnto those pq I have'a. greit reoject for I -1 t one *ng the obey their husbands.—The Rev. J. H. also that no, feeling of antagonism 19 id ffice he will c indeed, I am what .w Band $1.00 (one 914 4 once- for book, riving at s o Ivillo s'it �ZVeAra,g_ r
aroused. mostof the routine work of this, 'day A. Law. just s;,u Those who c by radio. No'stenographers ut in it the wrong tbSe or type, a 'bero-worshipper. o. e tl d International Claim AgenY I cannot believe that it is right to not only fall to get what they want writers ikll be needed, because all1ii- vi It the birthplaces of those -who e leap them 'd thei'� Dept. 296 proved themselves of the elect, at the moment; they hand b say when a human being dies of a cori�bspondehce will be do e by radio- 'have n Ad, selves for the future. For ex lu wers. physical disorder that "it was God's speech or radio -writing. Indeed,'if he oays a writer In Ans' bt' pimburgh, Pa., U. S. A if a busy man has a'rule of g 64trpij oing to will to take him.'l—The Bishop of limch unctual ined, he will, not. Back she wont with a sto of course, ly 4t,one, tbree min- Foremost niong them, for ve p St. Albans. utes to the hour is not the psycholog- need to go to the office at all ry sue as, I tq "The Birthplac -vision perfected, he Arid ell in Henley street, pn� producerad never e0iiii I el '& t V,� , '_ " Ical moment to approach lit in on a with radio -on-Avon, in which it a s a chest f, ratford Kellog Quilts Post, Provides Fo6d business matter. If you do It you his custonaers can meet, see each other wa gol Ud For Thought, says a headline. Break- -Next time you come and conveisp,,although they iiiiglht be -,Fay$ has been assumed Shakespeare of the' bay 'and she had e, A
e antagonize him, h h Hamilton Furthermore, through %ras born, April 23rd, 1564, c iw�' 4j, and. infast food undoubtedly! will h handle e ay ma F"MS FOR SALE he'll remember that you worried him miles apart 1P.11, _1 ; "_,
'�66vices, it will be pos� is als 000. Spectator. once at the wrong time. coming radig. o "St. Georgz,DaY." gine, the intense, houp. w ich fol� 1(10 AORE FARM FOR SALE- OWNER If you've the gift of being able to sible to keep`�Vbbtographic and Ohono- lowed on (lost Djvers,_ were But there are those who question will, " on reasonable terms for Quick A Galt family has jusi welcomed spot the psychological moment, be graphic re6bids, of radio -vision and Henley s�lnmonqd,i48ile wAs'.:biought, the right 286642 To saaa. Axwly to R. S. SAYS. Seafeerth, Out its seventeenth child. And Christmas thankful. if you haven't. set Yourself radio-s�eei*- for filing purposes, MT. of the house in citement rei companies * .4 I I onstreet to be styled Shikepeare', gued. Then the . I - b- , I, barely a fortnight away!—Kitchener to acquire it. Common sense is the Elway pke�dic�ts these things for'fiftv as sighQ a'eco'nd'time,and ins or:,j%�othe* o, Jay- �0, 4 !31rthplace. No documentary evidence w Spanlar&i gold., But 'to I rJ_ Record. first essential. years from -now but he says they ever has been produced to back u brought to the�� surface, : coutailpgg, -ta ocover
es� �sve not, &1� inore than
How to tackle is good, but when wil a -WARM FOR SALR-Fou SALFs LOT 0. I be a p"das$bility in the immediate Lba tradition., And, the actual 'Spanish doublo6m� oe�v�ntft , to tackle is better. Next, cultivate the 8. TuckeTsrafth. isqutsiAluc 146 Murderers are getting so bold now future, aiiii,�,hefe is the interesting place. of most historical persons must 1790 valued at $47,67.8�.74. are on the preen%es a sMovie yalM other *r'401 - �e
no kfCt t
retnued frame house. bank barn raox7s. lew the;, -c'haq recovery W that some of them are being caught gift of quick facial judgment. picture he vresents of an office of the often be merely a matter of tradil that this So &CM soesdog even in T-lamilton.—Kincardiii, R,_ all Innocence, you've cut in at the 0 -by a cable d �eh cep. o IWO, 611 JA good 430n4itl future radio instead of tion, because before modern registra- nislic eppa d anet view wrong time, that fact will eirkib4t It- Ono- of ih61**Pb_
to's-raw, and balance in crop; -oil feno lerks and 6ubMg-nagers:— lion no birthPlaeqw were recorded.' . that the gold went into a local bs'nk mile froon school. a sallso self en the face and sometimes Ist the c ing pkizes, lies ilg'ar Cape �. C�16�n
an tile 1 .1 Twenty from 'now, -possibly In the year of Shakespeare's birth awaiting British deVi n on the girl's y,
from searorft. a miles from Kioven: rural manner of the man on. 'whom' you years South - 4�e' - 't
waEl avA phone. WWI be. even ten-yeairs from now, the execu- the.plague was raging one #ay's work sold on reasonable Our foreign policy seems to be and at Stratford- claim. So much for 'jet out. have called. Then office of a great corporation may on -Avon. At that time a John Shake- in a movie diver)i life. Grosvenor �41ink "ifi gol(I
vernes. For further particulars Apply " that we won!t belong to anything but quickly, with a short and smothing tive hfng Is know t iticeessful- undersea ina h '$I0;000`0"": Le MM& DAVID WeLELLAX. MitsholL O13t- es v t mos 996" are perfectly willing to butt in.— apology, so that antagonism may be look like the,control room of a pr ent eare, of whoin no n presery of, beforoL or after, was -living at the - vil- investi Dt-- I Columbus State Journal. avoided. day powe?rhouse. On the walls will treasure hunt ever attempted. he )age of Clifford Chumbers, two miles- jvst been brought to a dramatie close ago ',.4iie be the sereens"for radio vision. An theL
J C- 7� distant, In a pleturosqqe, wrec a indr. 011" now off the coast of Ireland, with,. the iiht L.
CROICE pARm FOR sALF—LoT 9. coN- The only time a man should expect The Last t. assi op , hones will con- Gi
cmsjQn2. Stanley, containinff M — in everybody to agree with him is when A man never craves for a. smoke nee -W1 circuits for dist�, known as the "o14 Rectory Th" final recovery of the last pound in Proniptly ' ape the
a -hjklk state of cultivation. There 7,g they are too sick to a�gue.—Shel- So L *uch as 1when he is red to his ant 6niin who are disposed to criticize "the 7,000,000, lost when, German sqb.- 1�ver, & coniPan§- a formed, divers
�"tlon, for recording, for S �
th, olid coment hous Uced birthiplace" in Henley Atreet believe e sank the L�urentic in'1917 brought out from -England and the
h_ farm 'a 'a= -ist. -match. marin erdwood fiih hard aika soft -star in. burne Econom, last issuing initructio'ns to the few re- espeare, tAmpor- b began. slete. and other modern conveniences. Ham Wken'lils mitebbet is full ke will mailung ein�loyees. Buttons or swit- Arily of Clifford,Chauabers, was idden- She went down in only 90 feet of 8eare 4ft8s, on stone' foundatiou; &tables with To me the great value and charm te the - inouth of Lough. Stall another L treasure, worth $8,000,- cement Boom and with water inside. Thin to let many a preeloug hour' go Ity. and ches -will -operate the dozens of radio- Ural witli" the father of William. wa r at 000 or $10,000,000 is,buri6d"ib the a choice farm. situated ipportmidtles. controlled devices that bring desired ast. on goo& isravoi roads. of a woman is that she is the best wantonly neglect his 0 They hold that he took his wife out Swilly, on the northern, Irish' cp sands of Navarino Bay oo the- . west- from Brucefield and Kippen sta- and most delightful antidote to man. He may have as many. as fifty or a rolls of irdn--vnre from the files, that of the plague -stricken town, and that This was a thoroughly practicable o MRS further particulars apply b ern coast of Greece. There the Tr -
M ' —Sir St. Clair Thomson. hundred matches- In'his possarwdon, admit or 4�x lude visitors, that ack- In the "old Rectory." in this village depth for divers, and efforts began SISVEZ4S. on the premises. or to J. A. c- ' �l - �
or BERT CLEIAND. yet he never thinks of taking set his duringhe summer after'the drinistice kish and Egyptian fleets met the RVMN. Brocefield. nowledge 6t,rafuse radio calls. the poet and dramatist was born. lies of :W27, and sixty4w6, sail of.the MtovreL Executors for the estate of Walter English general elections are far pipe and kaybij i good smoke. J. Stevens. 2969-tf . - At the ;ie tq�r of it all sits a brain. No doubt, however, attaches to the to recover the Laurentic's gold, one Orientals disappeared beneath the It is only when; he 14 down to k's The n was o th b gg t prizes lost,in the 'war.
wor--e thn our South American rev- chief"engineer of an ocean liner birthplace of Robert Burns, who e i es
last match that. he says to h&wsaif: With them went gold and operation was 7aves. olutions.—Consul-General for Peru. sits comfortably at a desk carrying born, on January 25th, 1759, at Al Fro tke first this 'I'll Ixave a piPe.' a few valves and instruments and pusn loway, some two miles south of Ayr, difficult and nerve trying. ' Her jewels to thealue named. Just why WARM FOR SALE.-FARK OF TWO BUY He fills up, produces Ws _maAqkbqx, any. fleet �should fight. with such a dred acres adJoining the Town of am Paris announces that bare legs and buttons. He -controls engines that do Am the little thatched cottage yet sides had bulged and, her decks col- and fishes out the last ma*&�k.- In galley standing by the roadside. !is an unanswiared ques- fArth, conveniently situated to all churches sandals will be the vogue next year. nine eases out of ten—the w*rtd of mofe than a hundred thousand lapsed. Her obnedition -required ex-. d This humble little dwelling was t,nsive dynamiting and a general tion. But in 1013 an Engliqh com- schools an 00negiste, There 18 & con"f's" Bare legs and scandals would seem smokers may be appeated to 9^ this slaves. able brick cottage with a cement Adtahan to be a more likely combination— Whk ---not run our business offices built by the poet's father with his isaddangement of he wr6ek. th a quarter million' doll�ars bum 106x56 with stone stabling undernewd d Then pany wi point—the last match Is in absolute own hands. In after years it becanio capital undertook to, retrieve, what Kingston Standard. duffer, a cripple, a mere sjujap. the same ay'? the Irish troubles intervened, with Of
eser 6 herses. 73 head of cattle and 40 belp and water before &L an inn, but it was eventually pur- the sea had taken. The war upset WM steel stanchions upon stmk-. litter carrier and feed carrier and Either It is all head and no sUzk or In the Iiiatter of entertainment, he f a raid drivins: shed and plat. That wolf -hunt was a flat failure chased by the Trustees of the burns' the salvage ship. A private corpora- these plans. Another conlpany.rew "M �Vement 61105: else it is all stiek ad no bvad- tells us ' the radio -movies will do away Monument at Ayr, who dein-olished cently has assumed the, taili, . "both torm scales. Watered by a rook wou "' The Soo huntsmen were not able to All day long the friends who dip- with the necessity of motion picture tion undertook the job, working un-
vft4mM The farm is well dreifned and ID all later /additions, and reato-rod the financed by popular subscrigtion', in hM state of cultivation. The crop to ar River.—Kin- ped into this matchbox took good sare machines in jndividual theatres. Dra- der admiralty orders, and every man cottage to. its original appearance. London. gronred---choice clay leam. bumedi. cardine Review. to loave that wretched rAump severely mas and comedies. will be broadcast aboard the Racer had a part in The interior is characteristically Jack *to possession. Apply to X BEATON. 2 But if a Than must go hunting for it seaforth. Ont. 2787-M alone. They went for the kadthy, in speech- and picture all over the Scottish, of the old peasant type and the prize. en gold it would seem that he I confess that I derive a great deal full-grown, adult matches, a*4k with country from central points, and we muck of the. furniture eonsimis of It was months before any, veal sunk should- pick out -the -hoard of -a p of pleasure from reading detective distressing unanimlty put that valuer- are' to take it for granted that the genuine Burns' relics. headway c6did be- reported. Then ir- the high name of romance. And ate in FOR SALE. -FOR SALE LOT & stories.—Lord Cave. able Wipple on one side for you. crop of radio.orators will vastly in- The birthlace of Thomas Carlyle, the gold began to -come up and has if he has no choice let thi F"M And infallibly you got It. crease uni ' acted to at )Declefechan, Is not quite so, been coming ever since. So expert Conceesion IL and west half of lat & ess,,laws are on Gonomlon 10, HAS- Tuckitrwaft, aN& The thing goo& out, although you suggested. Dowih in. the WeA Xn- We have just read something about curb theii 'e�&arprise heri people humble, but It also was built bw the did the divers.- become in their ork. 111ainins 150 acres. There are -on the VmNals" take �every,pecaution. You ate is writer's father, though In tkis ease of ;wrestling'-fk�m. this hulk ts last dies li" Old Providence 11slafid.VV`#e,n a man who objects to monuments be- want to see and listen to sonlething good two-storr, brick- home witit Riau r"d. solie4teas to cherish the Alame, at tkat to,, 'the buccaneer Morgan roamed, those bmm bask barn 1"9 feet witis Greet d"t ing e isms. As else. Incidentally, Mr. Elway prom- aided by his uncles. coin that hey' shoveled many rected to dead politic match as ever a mother was Aw the The name "Ecclefechan," it la there w4s, a cave high .-.0 Two road swAns f that is stahline., vrater in the tam. drive shed "y", for us, the more monuments o life of her child. es us a method of preserving radio may of: -sand into waiting buckets for -the Pa' houeee-aue!l hen home. be oted, means, the "Cliurch 6 " sort the merrier, say we—Columbia You stand in a sheltered doorwair. records, for- Aetpxe am t- shillings they contained.. - oAt'lagt it th' aweslu. also AU oTVr46*1Ug_ awrins. The 'Fechan," a neventU-qe sm each. tra "AmIt 46011t 20 MOVS&I Ths -vars promise, too, of fttli. & -Alb cleared Remrd. _ atury millions or r' *o" hardwood busli. principally —91- AJ you make a shield with your hands, There is a 0.91, Here Carlyle was Wine; December m*W lessed and tile draflud. 'Misfit WAM You watt, until the wind oeamwi6 the; what we4night. call � "canned radi so must be abandoned because the gall accomplished W 4m- Aten grow up and transfer the be- you strike. F101rhiqm! a special -event like the re- 4th, 1795, as a tablet on the,house- hid�pg place could not be found. But -possible and put h . is mon6y.-, in "the
est'AaWw1kest town. 40 acres reaft for sprins front duly Informs the pilgrim. Lo- cave, like a hrifty zpan,' depei . X#i Am, T e t aftist, occurs at again chance s6rved, well and th nt
ghgi;t cital,by- some grea
1,h form * lief they held in Santa Claus to the The feeble thing gives uW th cally, the dwelling is known as "the upon security rather 'than. i�iterest 4- asille ft school: rural moo nod abemes. will po ians—St. Catharines Standard. after an Ineffectual splutter, an,4 yow ar; hottr when it -I&. impossible or in- Arch House, ". from the archway. con- storeroom yielded one day to a div- Then, in the,course f thi r_ be add on ew terms. Unless sold by re left In the empty street with a conypnieut for you tOI-be listening. ers bungling foot. The romance of awtw ductinglo the back. It Is rlow-a Car- gan died. The, natives asseA, that ft will be. for rftt. For fterther Pardsobfiv Perhaps the best way to make peo- choice but unglowing p1peful lietween Must you therefore mis� it? - Not in th -Laurentle ended there. One of the prizes of the war worth IL lavaos. ANGM McKINNON. -125" spy& as the preembes. or addrion IL IL Me lyle inuseum. The philosopher died , e he was 1eigued viith the Aevil, wh Pie stop at railway crossings is teo your teeth and he�znatch famine rav- tho,il"st, Therb-As already in exist- in 1881, and lies in theirkyard close Put up hot dog stands.—Rochester aging your hearfArings, enee more than ofte, lorin of apparatus by. The rellas of h . lm hi'the house $5e000,000 to the man who a -an board caused' the* cave to sink,, or the wa- Time6-Unlon. than can be attached to a radio re- are simple personal. irticles, such an her is the ghostly Lusitania, lying In ter, to riie, until it iii supposed. to be Cards and C`Duri8hl�s- ,ceivei- and that.o,will record for You his pens and inkstand, and & straw 285 feet. of water� The pressure at buried 75 feet, beneath. theEai�rfhce, Banana trees grow 40 feet in a Visiting cards orig I I I nated in China, any -thing fthat come, in during the hat. I have had the - latter ow iny thult depth will turn heads and make W ith the principal atill.intaet - A -n single season. One way to get up and were in use In the Celestial 19111- hours for which, you set it, You can bead, and, although. this 'is appre- men -giddy any plans have beeii American diver has be'ext trying, --to JUNK DEALER in the world is to sit on a banana pire, tnoiI6 than a thousand yearsago. leave home in the..Morning, having ad- ,Iably larger than thO average., Car- proposed to raise he Lusitania, or at find out. If any of his countrymen wish to go treasure hunting,, there I will buy all kinds of Junk, Rides, tree w(hen it is young and wait a From very ancient times to the pres� ju6ted your set for the 'programmes lyie's hat "bonn6ted",I me, coming- least ,reclahn her treasure. ent day, 'the Chinese have.observed. th t you want to' . receive, and come down over my ears. Since 1914 it is. estimated that the doubtless is a cKnce for �opartner- Wool and Fowl. Will pay good pric- season.—Border Cities Star. A es. Apply to the strictest ceremony with regant back at night t4o;,find the record'.all 'Samuel Crompton, -inventor of the waters around Britain ave yielded ship in a business to a man's. taste.
to the paying of visits. The card% spinning-riiule, was born at Plywood, X50,000)000 in treasure. Not -less What a' splefidid thing it would -be I object to continually re-mindin % made for you. 'Play off the concert 9 vhlch they use for this purpoo4k are near Bolton, Lancashire, on the B MAX WOLSIL the bride that she alone is to keep up and, if you feel like it, listen to this ury than fifty companies have been or- if in this age of_,Are material and very large and usually- of -a bright road, December 3rd, 1753, in a,little kanized in t cientific we could- s 294349 SeafOrth, Ont- to the mark.—The -Bishop Ot Bark- red color: When a Chinaman desilres gam" Store the re- he British isles to seek 13 u tai I just Phone 17& ing. cord away. Let your great -grand- cottage, which stands to this day. out treasure ships. Some of these once and filch from Ze 'ftv'esthoard! to marry, his Varents Intimate the Crompton's Invention made possible have not advanced'beyond.the stage But thexecovery of treasure under fact to a'professional "matchmaker children listen to it, �oo, if they want the great Lancashire cotton industry. calls for more
of an elegantly lithographed The difference between romance who thereupon runs through a list ;f to. It was not- actually here that the- substantial stuff than dreaIns. It in -
and the novel is the 'difference be- her visiting acquaintances, and w" Radio -heat, sent Whither the opera- certificate, but ten or twelve, of them tween algebra and arithmetic. — Sir lects one whom she considers a fitting tor wills. is another possibility of the sPinning-mule was invented,' howevet, are operating or ready to begin. -%�olves inoney in considerable " sums. but at the old mansion, Hall-i'-th'- And the task of the diver is one THE Me-KILLOP MUTUAL Ronald Ross. bi-lde for the young man. She then future. 'Mr. ElwAy, after reciting Wood, not far distant. There in ' What has been done with tiis, Lau- which surrenders nothing to the
calls upon the young woman, armed commercial uses for radio, continues: dilapidated old house, llv�4- the rentic is inspiration enough to turn FM INSURANCEC07Y. No old cash is any colder than a with the bridegroom's card on which But to get back to the house. The widowed Mrs. Crompton and ber" son attention upon every wreck that - work of any man. Payment of alimony.—Detroit. Free is inscribed his ancestral 'name and calling of the aut�omob-ile is by no ")he ecked out the profits of a small strews the nearby waters. And some In describing he difficulty of find- ing gold on a sunken steamship a NEA OFFICB—SEAFORTH, ONT Press. the day of his birth. if the answer means the chief duty performable by 'arm by spinning yarn by hand. The of the companies will work far 'afield. is an acceptance of his suit, the radio epntrol. Much of the -house ser- boy helped In the spinning, but his The Laurentic is not the only great New Yorker who deals in such things, OFFICERS- furnished it vivid comparison. I'Sup- It is estimated that the average bride's card is sent is return; and, vice like stoking the furnace or carry- ui�nd revolted from the drudgery, and treasure ship to give up what had J. Connolly, Goderich Presideni cost of gifts to father is $2.18— 'should the oracles prophesy good ing out the ashes,'can be done ih the .1,D he followed up Hargreaves' spin- seemed lost beyond recall. Divers pose," he said, "that you took a man Ja& Evans, Beechwood, vice-president Brandon Sun. concerning the union, the particulara ing-jenny and Arkwright's Improve- have f this building — some same w e any regained $4,000,000 fropi the up on top o 1). F. McGregor, Seaforth, See -Tress of the engagement are written 6n two : ent by his own epoch-making inven- bullion room of the Oeeana, struck twenty-five floors — and blindfolded. r large cards tied together with red wGding or setting of clocks, for all .
Few gifts that you' kinds -, of time-i'keeping devices will �'on* some years ago near Gibraltar in him- Then let him down by a rope
AGENTS: ngsters want in cord. He sold hiEr Idea, however, for a collision -with another ship. She w 8 to a window� half way down the' d by the a Alex Leitch, R. R. No. I Clinton, these days of mechanical toys will fit soon be automatic, actuate ,niserable pittance, and thus bene- taken in tow, but rough weather building. Next, suppose that h -e ohn Uuy. into Christmas stockings. — Chicago Street Gold Tootli Vendor. time signals sent out from the great fited little by his invention. Ulti- crawls inside and tries to find, blitid- IW. R. Hinebley, I.Seaforth; Y News, broadcasting stations. Even a pock- came on and she went down About my, Egmondville; J. W. Yeo, Gods- The gold tooth craze his struck a ately, however, he received a grant with; R. G. Jarmuth Brodhagen. et watch that thus Tgulateg" itself is twenty miles from Dover. The water folded, the contents of a. safel in "some certain Asiatic villages and towns. Af Ui,000, and with it established his lealit one such has was d
Some country jails have ssible and at eep and she lay upon the hot- office that is no differetit froin 2,000 no Pyis- A traveller records having seen a gold P rons in a bleaching business. This -liave put Eill-of hese pro I blems you DIRECTORS: oners. The business seems to he all tooth vendor sitting on the side of been built. failed, but friends secured a tom in apparent security from the Others- When together, ion still have
I 0 ff e Table service may be similarly auto- tion, which gave him an a reach of man. But an intrepid diver t
William RinAl NO. 2. 80afOrth; going to the big centres.—Peterboro the street With mou ds f di er nt nnulty of Sphn. Bennewies, Brodbagen; James Examiner. matic. When the soup is finished you 5:63. He enjoyed this trivial sum but pried open her treasure room aild an undertaking less difficult than.the
s-zes lying loose in a box before him.
2vans, Reechood- AL MeEwen, Olin. sdach of a sunken ship for gold.
��hese are slipped on over sound teeth say merely "bring in the fish," and two years, and died, In 1827, aged brought up the gold. Win; Janies Co�;7ofijl Goderich; Alex According to science, bair grows and worn as ornaments. Prospective the fish comes in from the kitchen by seventy-three. Although a map cannot be supplied lh�iindfoot, No. 8 SesfOrth* J- 0 after death; but this is darned little customers fit the moulds on their own himself; slides in perlia-ps 'on some to the man,who would advefiturinle Grieve, No. 4, Wilton; Parits satisfaction for a bald man. New teeth and watch the effect in a small srt of track or rul� y, or rolls in on How Music Affects the Heart. go in this quest of riches, he need Victoria, B. C."Twenty-five'thou-
Various, are he emotions which have no difficulty in finding the ap- s.and-'to 30 0 11arlock; George McCotney; Me. 3, York Telegram. mirror provided by the tooth mer- a little automatic cart like a tea wa- 6 0 young fir trees were
fkaferth-, Murray Gibson, RrveefisM (liant. When a fit is found, or a different strains of music arouse. proximate site of enough millio shipped from Vancouver Island to gon. W to
tooth that suits a special fancy, bar- But perhaps, in fact there fornia for Christmas trees at*-
vill be There Is the martial air, which stirs dazzle the eye. There is the Itland- Cali
to battle, the merry tune of the 6r, for one, sunk off the AlaQkan cording -to advicez received by.-� the
--eached, the customer pays and goes ay be replaced by applications of Reason Enough indefinite time. if an agreement is may not be necessary at all for it es. Science has discovered that The Japanese steamship, , Yasaka gaining commences and lasts for an no such thing as table service. It ance, the plaintive music which de- coast with $2,000,000 in her hold. victdria Chamber of Commerce. From Cappers Weekly in
JAMS WATSON away with his new possession in his t Is all due to a little gland situated Mara lies in the inidelle of the radio heat. "Why don't you yump, Yamie?', mouth. If no trade is made the tooth tit the I base of one's. brainj� and it eon- Mediterranean with $12,560,000 in Radio heat is -not really. heat; it is trols the rhythinle . beating, Of the Madatfie, to Her Gardener--j'Gdoa
Agent for Singer SeWing called an old Dane to his son in In is, thrown back into the pile and held her coffers. And there is the Gee -
a way of making heat exactly when heart, .It prevents It—ind other or -
for the next customer. sinking fishing boat. - ant it 'There ls a gans -bf the body—tr long, also lost in the Mditerrafiean, graclons, -Will' ml Hal e e 0 -n-
s, and General in- and where you w oin racing, or owder'? to . finnee "How can ay yunip when ay've no Mkrtlal music Excuse me, inalaml ies *40 �Viii� A. falhiliar experinient -that illustrates working' Irregularly. still bearing $4,000,060 in Je-*eI& be;- 'ect P What Oroinwell Itad. Ion place to stood?" what radio beat is. nside a wooden excites the. pituitar gngl to an Indian raja. y gland very.mudli, The brilliant French critic, HeArl boe of sotne kind YOU -.put, a. toil of and In response ifie gland manufac- ist might be eia�ndeA lahnopt ter woo]IL de St. Cyr, was eriticlAng, at a insulated wive with�:fhe Wins'ief.the tures and. gendt; into -.One's blobd more without end. Something, like .$2504� Must Do Hr PArt Greenwich Village reception,, the peo- It coil horizontal. Oti�, �to_b of the �b�% than Its norinal', anidunt of fluid. 000,000 in silver and gold *M'lost i6
Anderson, Theodord� i, the *ftv" Utdo Pie of Sherwood -of Motet Ttuth than From the 19ositon Transcript Dreiser, Floyd Deli and other vrrW" . a place an ordiO Iron 9thvb_ is this fluid, that'doutrola the speed tho world oil� ships sunk i li& of I it gingig m kigh ne'ea witir-Ithlb, 41tra tirlier reeor& the �iou thi dhn of frank books. "It isn't," he said, ' �4th- Theu2r( 'heart fUsti; id-cklo of bullion hito, the, I . 4y 'h Amount one's hat e�s potty� J66, Officer, if I stay gn'thit street vK11 "the, franktieb Of these g of wire. W it take mi� to the Public Library? t'islik. it's their crudeness, their Th,; rA+ gets hot. Tou can e&ily eri givili otie illit,'OkliffitiAt in, "An& Jfte 6f -the 1"t 400 Tbars, pivute , -'e8he's ttdli still." P es, illailaine. But not unlegsgo-q iniatourlshoogs. fry an egg n it. You bave fr6aures were,, t6 ap h kitary gland in just 0 ep nioving." n fact, Is on a par with the gehoolo, Po r higli-froqU60 p t e Pat Ice vver enough in you Iopposite vilay-,-it slows' It down, with, *096'of lat4 tAt boy"Issay on ofoln*611 that began! coil the plate may get 'red �,oir Or d ptoaaoii - or 0 wasi �ie6imlderob e a blI9i Crom*411 haA &U Iron Will, an even melt unaightly *art atid a large rod hosbi, No Hardship This 6trperiment im, ng. 0 On Fit, tit *6 i to the oilini4Li 'Ate atout, dkys�� ro I The plate, quith W.4 0A ft,j box hidbt 'the Th6w o
od, From the columms Jater etiUpa J- fil, q
b # kit a