HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1925-01-02, Page 7��� ^ ._- --'­�- ' �� _ ' .--�___-_`- _ . _ ____� - __ _ _ - _- -_- _ _���.. , 0. 11.0 , �4y, � ��, _ Nii�i.y ot 14'alt and, Whom t1roh4w JbJW I � �,11114 jawa.'re f"51 "�11 ; " . I . I iqI a # I11 ��:,�1�1�111��`�� 4t �1'� W71,1111i '. ngl! � 1k, �." ", "; i '"' ,ruofil X !�!. �: """, � � I RI , WaRip � � " � ,� ? ` - - J',',v, o0o" " � . , -7,,-;1V,",;, �i�4, Wr-Jfk.`&Ar' *,�14114 �s.�4_��i�d�t'vt�vl �!, for, *13.00. Wis' con, fWaisix you ,. !�''4!,�, �', ,g,,,�%',g -�Fgl � � . ,, . , ... -, ,. g,�i�. �, " i , .0'�L ,;,;1I I . , � �,N',�Q vwi nI 11 1�1!$T'.; ", , 1.� " q,,I ';,, � �-�, _,", il �'­% ) ­­ .�, ;� ."r, i ,� ". 44 '11,1'1"� - , 0W, "a f)()V� �44h unv,� for men. wo=en:v,r V141- 6�I.� "'" I �., &" , , " y "Ift . M ', �N - I ��*`, r L, .�, &M I _ 1. � " . ""'' Roll ,�.',;, . _� 'i ", is �m _ '!, ,Z, ,q I„, 'i,4�`,�,�,_ ,",", A,'i',,�",�'i 11`,�� ” 1,.,N`:".':M� � ��, � '�tf",Iilll 1V i;i . ,, &?' gpv, �1� �.%--,;j-"1k,i , 1, � Ne , I . -;L, _ ,, ,-1 � , _', 1W.11 , awv ,� � �� ', , ,, . X0. g� , M . 01,�, i,loasqc I 17 -1 7 Mo"y refunded: If,WRAdwy, 14"I'li", 01 0g. ; Barristers', Solicitors, Conveyan- cers And . Notaries Public; Etc. Office t in the Edge Building,. opposite The r Expositor Office.. . . Barrister, NotaryPublied.ete. Money 3 1. . VETERINARY 1% Honor graduate of Ontario Veterin- ary College ' and honorary member of the Medical Association of the Ontario 1 Veterinary College. Treats di.kcaseg of 'I glYp 'estie animals by the most mod- WrinAlples. , Dentistry and Milk Fever a .,specialty Office opposite I Dick's Hotel, Main Street, Seaforth. All orders left at the hotel will re- ( ebive prompt attention. Night calls s received At the office. I * Honor graduate of Ontario Veterin.- I ary College. All diseases of domestic t animals treated. Calls promptly at- ( tended to and charges moderate. Vet- i and residence on Goderich 'Street, one t door east of Dr. Mackay's Office, Sea- forth.- I . Graduate -of Faculty of Medicine McGill University, Montreal; member I bf... Ontario ; Licentiate- of Medical , M er of Resident Medical Staff of ) General Hospital, Montreal, 1914-15. 1 Office, 2. doors east of Post Office. I Phone 56, Helasall. Ontario. . MR. A. NEWTON-BRADY I Graduate Dublin 'University, Ire- 4 land.- Late Eiitern Assistant Master Rotuidzi Hospital for Women and � Children,- Dublin. Office at -residence � lately occupied by Mrs. Parsons. I Office and residence Goderich Street, : east of the Methodist church, Seaforth. � Phone 46. Coroner for the County of �, C. Mackay, honor graduate of Trin- ity University, and gold medallist of Tkinity Medical College; member of the'College. of Physicians and Sur-. geons of Ontario. 1. Graduate of University of Toronto Faculty of .Medicine, member of Col- lege 'of ,Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario; pass graduate courses in Chicago Clinical $chool of Chicago; Royal OplithaliMc HosIrlial, London, EnglAnd; University' Hospital, Lon- don, England. Office—Back 'of Db- tninion Bank, Seaforth. Phone No. 5. Night. calls answered from residence, Victoria ,Street, Seaforth. - .. 'AUCTIONEERS OSCAR W. REED I Licensed aiic�iioneer for the Coun- of Jones' School of 'Auctioneering; lafaeflon guaranteed. Write or wire Osdar'W..Reed, Staffs, Ont,, Thiltoo. 7 THOMAS BROWN— . of Iftikola'and Mug _L- I '6010b 11 It �1 : 10 1441V rm- - � � J'AV45 �,1,494--VIVW��-;, ,., I . i- .. ,%AARIN ."! 'I. pj ; , ,.g"- � . . - O�Ute4 P, . I and 'lot Circumstances, would be 'Very Ape,Apt�, _-Rat if, It v".. Graham, ,,,, , , '70lM,%#,P0�'apA.AArQR will,cm *as lZomare. , 5 -9 -�,% t,`% , s e e you are likeable to 'the revolutionary: aief,s. , When $'be 44 0 shed� ' I , 'we Poor never finger one peso in ten of it. . it I , 'I, 7- 17 !7 . ith 'his. blkstic theory of L14, Q -'V ' p, back goes the Good L -hat we've, ) �:,A,4=88': )rdutation of all the #rat;',W­4041`400� -Z a' ., "She brought bir the string,., I Steady work for five thous, farmilig. I have th .# 3frl# _g,* � Q . t� I �.rlll�l h , 4A hoUsand sub- W ut to,ahow you the room centavos a day to -a ha red =11;" i, I I N, -1111, , and eons. Wages raised from ten M-0 OROM Y a. si-ye ,about* , blastislnj: VIny mor& j4�08. 'Re 'brought to that island his* she hurried ou,'closing his disclaimer, I ,how thempeons—ten-centave men was ready a wppk ago, bpt iherpwas� 5.tApr, �pwop "" �, I .11 . . no ineonsider-_ "Dick gaye me 4 free hand with,. it, when we took them, and five -peso men ,me , 09A lloeo­ I 9- f0rtqne--4Pd- it was , 1-19; bhqr-evening. - '6 , bit of - ^ un. able fortune, He ballt.. a -palace that It's all Mine, yolu.see, even to its pro- when I showed them. And the same thilig- concern -mg an adjustment," , . pantidus lis,V'�O,�A`j ., , - . no South Sea island ever possessed portions.�' aid smile and f4e same old itching - , _4_1_04 �% 'I ... L ... ­ . , it wqrks," Dick smiled over the table, dtd4endLs__Ust:,qf 'R , -1 .11 ks, tOT-ge'r, his - $4 ll*-" , :before or will ever possess again. It "And the picture,91" 'k, '1.RWAX.Z;,6A2 � . "Billions for the farmers of the world Yo0t name or your 4n ,.! '. V ... I I— i "And if OS,ar ever locks.herns with was the real thing, grass-thatehed, `I selected the 11 `h nodded, "ev- of a ffse will offering from us to the ,. oesv("�; Ar errance.?*1 Luteprophesied. "I can-,,' and perhaps a trifle of -royalty for In the "list, Send, �-J�90' (,6001'44 . ,,�J, ,, . , _60.0 hatid-liewn beams that -were lashed cry one Of tl�Lein'. (in loved them- onto sacred cause 9f the revolution. By 1-_ C " , �,'. . 'h with cocoanut sennit, and all the res L the walls myself-, Although Dick did nte . , . if it works." . , "''? _�. �_11'14.0` OR errance tucking arm in arm , *0 -God! Old Diaz was a robber, but at once for boo.U. ' I-, -.�.?­,,`�,'­':��.�_ . atag It was rooted in the island; it sprout- quarrel with ui� I . . . .11 ,�­.t,,, ;,,�"';'m , im, leading 'him down to, the� e. 8ver that Verescha- he was a decent. -robber. I said to "But what, As it?" O'Hay asked. I . 11 . ­_:_., ,;, -, , ,4 )bill and heating the argument With 'ed out of the Island. "Music in the dairy ba,�ns to make A,v-P,nj­­,­,s; .e . 7 - it belonged al- gin. He agieed on'"the two Millet$ Arranzo. 'If we- shut down here's IntematiojigIC laim: ftehgf��,�!A;, P) is absentest-minded variety f though he fetched Hopkins out from and the Corot Over there, and on that five thousand Mexicans out,o Elie COWS give down their milk more ,. .� ", ;­ _., " ...... � ,,, � lat ever O'Hay accomplished,!' New York to plan it. I y; and 6r6n conceded that some ��whatql You do With the �. . 2909, , _ "Which means it very "Heavens! the*.had their own royal* Vereschagins :iftht 'do in* a music Arranzo smiled and answered me p "Every farmer -his own plowman. 1 4av, beir room, but not�,tfiite' particular Vere- 'Do with them?' he said. '�Why, j�uj while sitting on his front porch," , .1 �� ext day," Paula continued her gur- yacht, -their mo ullitain 4i use, t , V . canoe house the lasl..,a veritable pal- schagi He's Je4l ch lem ',,:. . 1. -?­� , -(rll tell bim..to '40 ' !aimed ace in itself. I knoW. I have been artists, you see. .He ... wanted more Of down to take eliminating intermediate stage be- I . I I .. , . , 1 --ix , Ute" . ' - I . .1 _ .at great feasts in it---ithough tt was them, wanted to ibovi, his apprecia- In imagination Paula could see tween soil production and sheer lab- .:4 �, . - , "You ,musn't think we!er-, all k , after their time. Ndmare was dead, tion of home talent Dick's distinguished shrug of should- . I. " �Lst the spikit of 'the house. I�Xike and no none knew where Graham was, . "I don't know your Pacific Coast till yousee it, Gulhuss, this is where '.. �' ., ", 3st the spirit of. .the house. Dick and a king of collateral line was the- men's work very well," Graham said.. "The cars, of it is that the stuff I kill my own business, I 11 �J� I- ., kes it, , Ife's always Playing jokes ruler. I. ow me is there, and that we're the only fel- for it will do away with the one horse too AV= FAM : MA"W 1� I self. He. -relaxes that' way. I'll -01 told you he. -OU irbaricked her. that-- Of course, that's a m . will'sell on rose We '­% ..", .in , . " Ko;ith, lows that can get it out. The Mexi- ­­­ =I*. Avyly to R, . ! .. I ,ager, right now, it was. Dipk's sug.- Their dinner s, te" _)Id. , Oh, there; but whose is that next one? here and Jericho." Z.I , F'S" "...r., estion, to Late�, and for Lute to rarr� In ranch machines and on saddle , , 04 . - . what's the use in telling any more. It's beautiful." brains. All they've got is the guns, . * � llt@ at, for Tprrenee to get*O'Hay-into He was only a boy. She was half- "A McComas—" she was answer- and they're making us shell out more animals. the company was taken a F4=.essiom, 9, Tacke ,',ti I . ,; le stag room. Now Ifes up, Lute." English, half -Polynesian, and a really ing; and Graham, with a pleasant than we make, There's only milq beyond beyond the dai av= There ,are on:'-_'1b6�117!g',`.' I I "Well, I will say," Lute answered and truly queen. where a level field was fenced squar- frame housc,.p , %Iiwl I, They were flowers satisfaction, was settling himself to thing for us, Jeremy. We'll forget roo sgt . . ,._ rith meticulous circumspection, "that of their, races. They were a pair of a -half-hour's talk on pictures, when ly off and contained, as Dick an- l6x25, all in good - ooft2l=K'011 �1'1 ­ . is idea was notentirely original with wonderful children. They lived a Donald 'Ware entered with questi nounced, just precisely ten acres I _4� . 119 men, and just keep- the engineer force . an We drained;. % mile 0 . _4 es , �,.;. ie." - fairy tale. And . . . well, Ernestine eyes that lighted up at sight of the on and the pumping going." "Behold," he said, "the one-man from Sewforth, a miless fromn 911vpe ; % !".. At this'point Ernestine joi6ed them the years have passed, and Evan Gra- Little Lady. % "I threw that into Arranzo," jer and no -horse farm where the.farmer mail and phone. Will be sold on -re able, . , 1.1 nd appropriated Graham with: ham has passed .from the realm of is arm, and emy Braxton's voice boomed. "And s'ts on the porch. Please imagine mRs. DAviD m.LELLAx, Mitch out. " "A',". 14 "We're all waiting fov you. We:ve the young thing. It will bq a re- he 'crossed to the piano in a brisk, what was the porch." 29r,2-tr � .�, .. . _ Lit, and you and I are partners. Be- markable woman that will ever in- business -like way and proceeded to' laid off the peons, he'd see to it that In the center of the field was a CHOICE FARM FOR SALE.—LOT 6, COM- :" 11 i Aes, Paula's making her sleep noise. fatuate him now. Besides, -he's prac- lay out music. the engineers laid off, too, and the stout steel pole, at least twenty feet cession2. Stanley. containing 100 aores pp� " I o say good-nigh� and let her go," tically broke. Though he didn't was- "We're going to work till lunch," in height and guyed very low. From a high state of cultivation. There are on .. � . ,� _ mine could flood and be damned to us. the farm a large solid cement house with �.. trel his money. As much misfortune Paula explained to Graham. "He No. he didn't say that last. He just a drum on top of the pole a thin wire hardwood fimish, also hard and soft I . Pauln, -had lef '. for bed at ten o'clock. and more, than anything else." swears I'm getting abominably rusty, smiled, -but the smile me,-,nt the same ,able ran to the extreme edge of the side. avd other modern conveniences. Barn,. . I ! - lot till one did the bridge break up. "Paula would be more his kind," and I think 'he's half right. We'll thing, For two cents I'd a -wrung his field and was attached to the steer- 40x86, on stone foundation; stables with � .1�i V �Ick, his . arm about Ernestine in bro- Ernestine said meditatively. see you at lunch. You can stay if yellow neck, except that th . lever of a small gasoline tractor. cement floors and with water inside. This is. . i ing a choice farm, situated on good gravel roads .1 I aerly fashion, said 'good -night to "Yes, indeed," Dick agreed. "Paula you care, of course; but I warn you been another patriot in his boots and About the tractor two mechanics 21A miles from Brucefield and Kippen ;to- 1p ',raham where one of the divided or any woman. as remarkable as it's really going to be work. And in my office next day proposing a flattered. At command from 'Vick tions. For further particulars apply to MRS. .... STEVENS, On the premisT rays led to the watch tower, and con- Paula, would Attract him a thousand we're going swimming this afternoon. stiffer gouge. So Arranzo got his they cranked the motor and started in EWEN. Bracefield. ,Or CLELAND, . . �nued on with Ms- pretty sister-in-law times more than all the sweet, young, Four o'clock at the tAnk. Dick says. 'bit,' and, on top of it, before he went on its way. I Listowel, Executors for the estate of Walter- ... )ward her quarters. lovely things like you in the world. Also, be says he's got a new song he's to join the main bunch around "This is the porch, " Dick said. '. S'ev-- 2959-tf . I "Just a tip, Ernestine," he said at We oldsters have our standards, you going to sing them. What time is it, Juarezr­ he let his men run off three "Just imagine we're all that future qARM Fop. SALE.—pARM OF TWO HUN- ., � arting, his gray eyes frankly and know." Mr. Ware?" farmer sitting in the shade and read- dred acres adjoining the Town of Son., � . . hundred. of our mules—thirty thous- ' orth, conveniently situated to all churches. � , I enially on hers, but his voice suffici- "And I'll have to put up with the ."Ten minutes to eleven," the music- and dollars' worth of mule -flesh right ing the morning paper while the man- -choolc and Collegiate. There in a comfort- 11 1. nitly serious to warn her. . youngsters," Ernestine s—ighed. ian answered briefly, with a touch of there, after I'd sweetened him, too. less, horseless plowing goes on." %ble brick cottage with a cement kitchoul. 11:. "W-heCt. -have I beeri doing noW?�'�he "In the meantime, yes," he chuckl- sharpness. Alone, unguided, the drum on the — 10OX56 with stone stabling underneath, . .� I I ' , bead of the pole in the center wi .'or 6 horses, 75 head of cattle and 40 hegc� . I ouWd, laughingly. . ed. "Remembering, always, that "You're ahead of time—the en- "Who is revolutionary chief in our . nd- qm steel stanchions and water before all, 1. "Nothing-. . .-as yet. But don!,t you, too, in time, mag . . 1 C� ' , grow into the gagement was for eleven. And till diggings right now?" Paula heard `9 up the cable, the tractor, at the �ock . litter carrier and feed carrier cm6 I t started, or you'll be laying up a remarkable, mature ,i�oman, who can eleven you'll have- to� wait, sir. I her husband ask with one of his a- circu by the cable ' ,wc cement allos; driving shed and plaS. I.. , term scales. Watered by a reek -well and I e .... 1 only outfoot a man like Evan in a foot- must run and see Dickwplififst. I have brupt shifts that she knew of old The farm is well drained And to ore beaft f6f..ybuipelf. You're turned a single furrow as it described ,I.dmHL 9J kid Y."41tee .' d race of love for possession." not said good morning,to him yet." time tokened his drawing together a circle, or.. rather an inward trend- ; high state of cultivation. The crop is all 111. ice, likable kid at that. Enough to "But I sha!ll be married long be- Well Paula knew her husband's the many threads of a situation and ing spiral about tlie field. a the ground --choice clay loam. Immed6 . . ,to possession. "ply to M. BEATON. IL . l-ake 'most any man sit, up and take fore that," she pouted. hours. Scribbled secretly in the proceeding of action. "No horse, no driver, no plowman, t 2. seeforth. ont. 2787-tf I � I r va' ood fortune, back of the note -book that lay always "Raoul Bena." nothing but the farmer to crank the 1.� R .otice. But E n 'Graham is not "Which will be your g .... ;A nost any man—" my dear. And,.now, good night. And on the reading stand by her couch "What's his rank?" tractor and start it on its way," Dick FARM FOR SALE ­100 ACRES, LOT 16, 'I', Concession 2. H.R.S., Tackersmith, two, I. "Oh, I can take care of myself," she you are not angry with me?" were hieroglyphic notes that remind- "Colonel—he's got about seventy exulted, as the uncanny mechanism miles from Seaforth, public school on farm- ;,4 � lurted out, in a fling of quick resent- .%he smiled pathetically and shook ed her that he had coffee at six -thirty; gamuffins." turned up the brown soil and con- Comfortable two story stone house. hard and ient. , - her head, put up her lips to be kissed, might possibly be caught in bed with ra 41 What did he do before he quit tinued unguided, ever spiraling to- 'Oft water, toilet fixtures. Barn 74 feet by, . .51 iO feet, lean to, 40 ft. by 18 It., stone stabling, - I !;" ward the field's center. "Plow, bar- �crncnt floors, water system, A then said as they parted: proof -sheets or books till eight4orty- howls. self-offinir , "But listen to me just the same. ,, work ? " ., .%ere comes a tile in the affairs of I promise not to be angry if you five, if not out riding; was inaccess- row, roll, seed, fertilize, cultivate, windmill, Etter carrier, silo, lightning reds: "M I "Sheep -herder." ]rive house 60 feet by 32 feet double board- - �q -how me the way that in ible between nine and ten, dictating harvest—all from the front por h k4 ,,., , girl when the love -bee gets a buz- will only s "Very well." Dick's utterance was � - sd, loft. Clay loam, slightly roiling, well -. ,.11 i ing with a very loud thud in her the end will lead me to ancient gray- correspondence to Blake; was inac- And where the farmer can buy j � � .11, quick and sharp. "You've got to play- nice drained and fenced; 83 acres freshly seeded. III, . b4ards like you and Graham." cessible between ten and 'eleven, con- seres maple bu h, rural mail, telephone. . . I iretty noodle. Then is the time she . act. Become a patriot. Hike back from a power company, all he, or his 5 a I �4,1 ausn't "ke a mistake a . Dick Forrest, turning off lights as ferring with managers and foremen, as fast as God will let you. Sweeten wife, will have to do is press the One of the best forms In the townshiP and . 11.4�1 nd start in all moderately equippe.d. No reasonable offer I , Dving the wrong man. he went. penetrated the library, and, while Bonbright, the assistant secre- `4 You haven't this Raoul Bena. He'll see through button, and he to his newspaper, and will be refused for a quick sale. Would . '..f' ,-'len in love -with Evan Grah4 yet, while selecting half a dozen reference tary, took down, like any court re- your play, or he's no Mexican. Sweet- she to her pie -crust." consider selling equilZment with the farm. - _� Apply on the farm or address, CLAYTOTT . . k, . f , all you have to do is fust fint to volumes on mechanics and physics, porter, every word uttered by all par- en him and tell him you'll make him "All you need, now, to make it ab- M,ARTrN, R. R. No. S. Seaforth, or JAMES . a)E, in love with him.' He's not for smiled as if pleased with. himself at ties in the rapid-fire int&rviews. a general—a second Villla." solutely perfect," Graham praised, "is G. MARTIN. Box 91, Seaforth. 2961-tf IOU, nor for any young thing. ' He's recollection of the interview with his At eleveii, unless there were unex- "Lord, Lord, yes, but how?" Jer- to,square the circle." I 1. m oldster, an ancient, and possibly sister-in-law. He was confident that pected telegrams or business, she emy Braxton demanded. 'Yes," Mr. Graham agreed. " As FARM, FOR SALE.—FOR SALE, LOT 5. he had spoken in time and not a could usually count on finding Dick it is, a circle in a square field lose$ Con ession 11. and west half of Lot 5. .. Las forgotten more about love, ro- "By putting him at the head of an 3oncession 10, H.R.S_ Tuckeramith. con- . moment too soon. But, half way up alone for a space, although invariably some acreage." nantic love, and young things, than army of five thousand. Lay off the Axinjnr 150 acres. There are on the PremlBoc rou'll ever learn in a dozen lives. if the book -concealed spiral staircase busy. Passing the secretaries' room men. Make him make them volun- Graham's face advertised a men- I good two-atory brick house with slate root, that led to his work room, a remark the click of a typewriter informed her teer. We're safe, because Huerta is tal arithmetic trance for a minute, arge bank barn l00x69 feet with first close Le ever marries again—" of Ernestine, echoing in his conscious- that one obstacle was removed. In when he announced: "Loses, roughly. 'tabling, water In the barn, drive shed 263L116. "Again!" Ernestine broke in. doomed. Tell him you're a real pa- Two good spring "Why, he's been a widower my dear, ness, made him stop from very sud- the library, the sight of Mr. Bonbright triot. Give each man a rifle. We'll three acres out of every ten. mells. also an over -Sowing spring. The denness to lean his shoulder against hunting a book for Mr. Manson, the "Sure," Dick concurred. "But the farm in all cleared but about 20 acres. The 'or over fifteen years." er that stand that for a last gouge, and it will hardwood bush, vricelpRlly mapl� AM "Then what,of it?" she demanded the wall ;1 �- "Paula would be more Shorthorn manager, told h prove you a patriot. Proinise every farmer has to have his front porch =I fenced and tile drained. Eight neroo his kind. Dick's hou'r with his head men was man hi�� job back when the wai . is somewhere on his ten acres. And -f fail wheat sown, 40 acres reRdy for spring lefiantly. "Silly ass!" he laughed aloud, con- ever. the front porch represents the house, mov. Tbe farm is aituated 7 miles from "Just this," J)ick continued quietly. tinuing on his way. "And married a She pressed the button that swung over. Let them and Raoul Bena de- the barn, the chicken yar ieafortb and 4 milea from Henson, one-balf -thing romance part with your blessing. Keep on the . solle from school; rural mail and phone. Will 'He's lived the young I dozen years!" aside a section of fil-led book-sbelves . g force only. And if we cut various outbuildings. Ve�y well. Let I)e sold on easy terms, liniess sold by Spring ind lived it wonderfully; and,.from Nor did he think again about it, and revealed the tiny spiral of steel p"Ifil, him get tradition out of his mind, and 't ,Ill be for rent, For further particulan . out profits for a year or so at the . . %pply on the premises, or address R. R. M. 1e fact that the fifteen years he has until, ,in bed, on hii; sleeping porch, steps that led up to Dick's work room. ' instead of building these things in j x1ppec. ANaus me1KINNoN. 2858-tr lot married again, means�" he took a glance at his barometers At the top, a similar pivoting section same time we are cutting down losses. "That helo never recovered from And perhaps we won't have to flood the center of his ten acres, let him iis loss?" Ernestine interpolated. and thermometers, and prepared to of shelves swung obediently to her old Harvest after all." build them on the three acres of — —_ . 'But that's no proof�" settle down to the solution of the press of button and left her -noise- Paula smiled to herself at Dick's fringe. And -let him plant his fruit "—Means that be's got Over his ap- electrical speculation that had been lessly into his room. A shade of vex- solution as she stole back down the and shade trees and ber-ry bushes on JUNK DEALER � ' ty -buzzling him. Then it was, as he ation passed across her face as she the fringe. When you come to con- I .3,renticeship to wild young romance , peered across the great court to his recognized Jeremy Braxton's voice. spiral on her way to the music room. sider it, the traditionary method of I will buy alI kinds of Junk, Hides, Dick held on steadily. "All you have wife's dark wing and dark sleeping She paused in indecision, neither see- She was depressed, but not by the , ting the buildings in the center of ;o do is to look at him and realize that Harvest Group situation. Ever since ere, - Wool and Fowl. Will pay good pric- le has not lacked opportunities, an6 porch to see if she were still. waking, ing nor being seen. . her marriage there had alw a rectangular ten acres compels him es. Apply to d that Ernestine's remark agpin echoed. "If we flood we flood," the mine to plow around the center in broken MAX WOLSH, �hat�, -on occasion, some very fine wo- He diimissed it with a '!'Silly asst" superintendent was saying. "I trouble in the working of the Mexican men, -real wise women, mature women, of scorn,,Iigh" a cigarette, and be- cost a mint—yes, half a dozen mints mines Dick had inherited. Her de- recta Yave given him foot -races gan running, with' trained eye, the —to pump out again. And it's a pre8sion was due to her having missed ,, Gulhuss -nodded enthusiastically. Phone 178. that tested Sure. And there's always the road - his wind and endurance. But so far indexes of the books and marking damned shame to drown this old Har- her morning greeting to him. But Mey've not succeeded in catching him. this depression vanished at meeting way from the centre out to the county - - — the pages sought with matches. vest that way." road or right of way. That breaks And as for young things, ,you know "But for this last yea Graham, who bad lingered with Ware how filled the,*.6rld- Is with them for I at the piano and who, at her coming. the efficiency of his plowing. Break THE McKILLOP MUTUAL . show that we've w9rked at a positive was/ evidencing signs of departure. ten acres into the consequent smaller a man like hfiiL. think it over, and loss," Paula heard Dick take up. $Is FIRE INSURANCE CO'Y� just keep your heart -thoughts away CHAPTER XV — "Don't run away," she urged. tay rectangles, and it's expensive cultiva- "Every petty bandit from Huerta tion." .1 ..'^'%M frppi -him. If yk d6n't lit y9ur heart It wa&. long after ten in the morn- down to the last peon who's stolen a and witness a spectacle of industry "Wish navigation was as automa- KFAD OFFICE­SRAFORTIL ONT. giart to warm towaidhim, it will save j,g when Graham, straying about horse has gouged us. It's getting that should nerve you up to starting tic," Was Captain your heart from a gTievous chill lat- resilessly and wplidgring if Paula too stiff—taxes extraordinary—ban- on that book Dick has been telling me tion. Lester's . contribu- OFFICERS- P . Forrest ever appeared before the mid- dits, revolutionists, ,ajpd federal.. We "Or portrait painting," laughed Rita J. Connolly, Goderich - - President . . . He took one of hei han& in his, dle of the day, wandered into the could survive it, if only the end were . Wainwright with a ;ignificant glance Jan. Evans, Beechwood, vice-president I . I and 'drew her, against' iIA)A, an arm music room. Despite the fact that in sight; but we have no guarantee at Mr. Deacon. D. F. McGregor, Seaforth, See.-Ttes& soothingly about her shouldei. For he was a several days' Zuest in the that this disorder may not last a doz- CHAPTER XVI "Or musical criticism," Lute re- AGENTS: . 80dral - minuteaf6f, - sil4ilde, ,Dick Idly Big House, go -big was it that the en or twenty years." I . speculated on wh4t 'bdi thoughts On Dick's face, it lunch, there was marked, with -no glance at all, but Alm Leitch, R. R. No. I Cfttm . Migbi; be. I music room was new territory. it "Just the same, the old Harvest— no -sign of trouble over the Harvest with a pointedness of present com- W. Z. Hinchley, Somfort'li; ,T01;i Mim. ,,,"You know, we"haid-hi4en, Old'old was an exquisite rooni, possibly thirty- think of flooding herl" the superin- Group; nor could anybody have gues- pany that -brought from O'Hay: Tay, Egmandville; J. W. Yeo. 0066- 1� f6116*a­mll .,he b�g­in * haff- - apologetic five by ibety and rising to a lofty tendent protested. sed that Jeremy Braxton's visit had "Or just being a charming young Gich, R. G. Jarmlath BrodhigelL " I al balf-humorously, '-. ,., - trussed ceiling where a warm golden, "And think of Villa,".Dick replied, a gratifying than a woman-" I I light was diffused from a skylight with a sharp laugh the bitterness of bobed anything les DiRECTORS: iki of yellow ilass. Red tones entered which did not escape Paula. - "If he report of unfailing earnings. Al- "What price for the outfit?" Jeremy I Ok dlitaste, land`�Wed out- ' and furnishing wins be says he's going to divide all though Arolph Weil had gone on the Braxton asked. W, ,� 4,oe the only. ones vV6r6h,*hi[le! afi&tba place, to �.im, seemed to'hola the land among the peons. The next early morning train, which advertised "Right now we could manufacture 0tvAmm, geeehwo6d- M. MaWen I 'W The YoUlag mail tire all _YbUngAters, the hush bf, fijusle . . Aogidal step will be the mines. How that the business which had brought and lay dvwn, at a proper profit, for toft; swes Colanelly, God 4 a1r, - 4 h . t, what'a the inatt*r with Grghaul. wa . up him had been transacted with Dick t erldh- Aht', I t i lazily contemplating "much do you think *e"ve coughed 1 hundred. If the thing camo into 9"A it, No. '4 sestar0t; -4s & them, , . prey'ra full, of life, ;ifiAvoltish a Xeitk with its ine0tibld triumA of to- the constitutlotaliatA lift the past at some unhe6rd of hour, Graham dig- five 1. �1 I : . 121% ad dance, slid, Mlig* covered a greater collipany than ever general use, with up to date, large- Grle** a 4, WA ton' . . Al - ft Valw" -, 121 "! �. e��i hot serl ' � But sft�glotiod attoosphere atid twgight, twelvd months ? " scale factory methods , threb liundred. EF;WfA. nr �- 1. 11, I . L ,=tj L, tail er a handred wid twenty thou- But any five hundred. And write off se*rwk. vlbgoy� ­ I .1 Tholrl't&!.not­oli� the ildn'tJ give,, a -of"bis e 013tto — fifteen per cent. for interoat and coil- ­_,,,, --,.,1,-, '­" , v - . I 'd 00$� " L - _ doht 61161. thAt wig' A I pietuk;a, 404 cold buirion to Tftenas beforo he re- dollars a yettr. %hat ten-ap-re farmer, I I I . ,3 �'R, R, bh 11 *-I .1 . Ajte'At f or " , Adft .610, 1, ao chopping an wedaaaav foz gie would save him, in labor, po, "� 11 I 211100170,��',`H. " -1, ., ` 0 W bet, 911i"Itka withAbeNdw Teat 'We will OHna oft .hundred dollolva a Par,," I . I r urftee i 6, i PA 0. "ISTA -0 "A", '*" t4a , 1, I OVA, ;1 H 1. '. 11 I ', .­_ �.. 0 01 . , 0 'a .vy,wt*�� ,. I each VM0 I k. I , I �, li�!. I 1�:,�.-, 1� � :: ,,�r�",, '_." = I �, p� t , " io �',,, "I �11 " 111. h E.. . - I I ; 111 6 ft 10111411, '' , . 1_1,1;� "! ,��4",-i,",,�f",,.,���",�,�,,�"",,,,��,t�ll.�, Ai I ", ki'n