The Huron Expositor, 1924-12-26, Page 4�7- 7_ TAR ... .. ..... J pantzer, iiq V I are SO— C4411r.01, le ve4 from 80#44� W� few, 4ais at 0 lluq XI h, foal, aA W ATONA X� 4wrival of all iuftltt. 4A 4le PAS last an by., the p AnWit to Mr. 444 itanley, durl ,e t liner is -Ad ns for e e schools ho, Sed, for 01 teachers 4 Anr.—A large rest� hereby given4hAt. A meeting ox At are enjoying a well Ur heP"WA W a 1 0 �A Acaligregation, is, called to, be c'y ad the fune number of the Oddfell:OW�, hw�f -Jan". wiisiq, �br, IT son. of Louis P, -th their wives and friend,% tOO)X !A this. church on TAe� 0= qAy in Toronto this to nd all object of the meeting i's to 4onsider IN It last Saturday. the oddfellow's at-home in Hensall on wiryi 1925, At t a q9 8 f OK Friday evening 'The's of last week, a yq ay was Awa­ ide w1wther not thi'St .-eon, p.�sunM a car load of stpe 0 report splendid time�Our village and dee y s to e- teud. acrsgo, has re- of dent 01 Do.ugh -from tery, stores have done a fine Christmas gregation Fba�A eut4T- the U 4 WW ie to spend her holidays d ed how ade, having displayed a fine assort- Churches provid4lor by the United the Sund. phool sph, *.1t]i friends 3nAda Act, 14-15 t4T ment of Christmas gifts. -Mr. hurch of C, , vicinity tr John Georg, I in this appr tei s been spending a V. (Canada) chapter 100 =4 form Para Parsons, who ba a, brother, part of the Uuite& Church of Cana4-4 MeAt ld in, the OWA,,h- his putting th BRUCEFIELD visit at the home of properly, incidental, t9' the VveWu of aieg4ay, Deewpber 'OL W McKenzie, who Robert, and other friends in this vi- and all matters Ye and- ploaaant S�Mr, RauAld VAM Note 6. qyestjqn;� 99thi wh asis n I d for the cinity, has returned to his home in the consideration of' that an iris on usic, vo a Ing the lakes it as been s ntal.:.:A or es and drill And to Winuipeg�we are glad to report The vote upon this question will be co jug ­4nd yqrW4Wg,.­ P4 has returned home n- me f.knishing -W' kst Summer an, to the east taken by ballot in such form and ma more in4'.*- b months, Miss that Mr. John Workm sp much ner and at did the celtient ghil W -WOt end the winter such time as the congre- P cide by with a entfika, "The, Rag Beattie bad the misfortune to of our village, is again feeling b Aggie could not, well a, 'her way better after his recent illness -Mr. gation at said meeting may de Ance I manner that morning on ere4 t C t IQ L Ish fall last Sunday present th Welsh aiiiiste 1#_Ldeb%j.-,tPD( Tur; xd. baOffe to chirch. She injured one of her and Mrs. Herbert Disjardine of Zurich the vote of persons to as it passed; While Mr. eapurAlg night -W -did 't attare of limbs so badly that she will be eon-: visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. and entitied.to vote in terms 9 sai4, 'co e J. Coulter. and, Emerson Smith during the past week. Act. By order of the Session?' woody� I Leeper of e house for some ti fined to th William Ivison are I in a -mos't:S9 Christmas holidays spending a few days with relatives ori Window Unveiled. The ano,a forjaer Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tomlinson are -Mr. and Mi al spending their Rev. Venerable Rural Dea4 W . J. cent reside% Ot OUX V11149u,"S k1w- in Weston. -The mem- in Toronto. BE 'A wit)x friends Doherty, of London, and formerly of seriously jp�; Miss Edith,X,6Ewen, of N Mrs. W. M. S. and Rome Help- our village, accompanied ' by Kitch Ieachel�'thord, is home for bers of the ers sent a Christmas box for poor Doherty and daughter, Kiss Eleanor, christmas,holidays-2Mrs. A..C,-Hog- Toronto, December 23rd r House, To- ZURICH etzed, lb., 6Yoc Primes- 6P - St. Christophe here with their garth. a4d�#Ons are. ��ich spend- handpi spent the week end children to ronto, last week, valued at $40.00.- Notes. -Mr. Kenneth Routledge. relatives and many friends. The ing Christ"s holidays with Mrs. Will A meti . of the coagregations son of Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Rotledge reverend genileman conducted the Hoggatth'S`�iifiot1Xef-46-The -1'at home" POULTRY MARKET 9 TEW Hox� n December 30 e services in St. Paul's; Augh th at 2.30, pan church held - -ulidi�f,, the, Auspices of:'Iff6lisall rroronw. December 28rd be held on Live Dressed ' when Church Union voting will be who covered a large territory in th for some:!'T -odge, on Fiiclay' United States for the American Seed of which he was rector evenin; Z6 over 5 lbs. 20 ­iery largely attei H", 28 considered. - years, giving a grand and,impressive.laalt, was, aded and Do 4 to 5 lbs. ........... 1& Company, with headquarters at De . ............ Is 16 rse 'at the -niornhig servlce� viubb ei3jo d b7�qjlpresent. The - Do trait, is visiting his parents here at discoui 2 lbs, land ever 28 with the� unveiiijog, of the fixst� Ahe evening was taken up spring chicuous, nected a it T_ 1 18 present. -Mr. Daniel Sniith left on eon ........ ............ 12 26 C s to all. the WINTHR Toronto. OP stained glass Inemo 7 i.:- e ,4fter which a fifie lunch r)ueldinv, r, lbs, and is socond patent: sq.ao, Tuesday for Stratford, where he in- most handsome Ti gum a 21 _f[OQr__90 '- *cut. 'Patent 0-04; Nr4s serr and afterwards dalicing Game . ...... 1. 20 Per J"A* Notes. -A Merry Christina �ends to spend the winter months.- ial- window, to the memory. of ed"', 86 0 fine Tqrkeya ......... . ......... 87 in bags, Montreal -or Tor, exp -Caristmas holidaks are here and more set- Mrs. Catharine Wagner fell on the Messrs. George and Jame& Petty, the 'Was *e,o*der of the� evening, to us. otton'uii, C.14 To d 0,4* we hope the weather gets y and founders of Hensall. The, memorial -early hours p tblaotbp�- per tun, tx*ek, op :,._M JeW. heoN old at slippery sidewalks on Saturda strains- d,4nusic, to enjoy them- mnto. oads, Ie o an Arms. As Mrs. window was, we believe, presented by of the mo ng. -With the near ap- DAIRY MARKET th much regret we learn or ton, $9-W -.0.11. _b" -op on about selves�W'i Wagner is well up in years she will 'he heirs of the late gentleman, who proach of. Christmas there has been a -4,heeoe, ueyv IaFge Scrc0in@o--4Staxkdird, Iredealk6d, f -.4 I= . � :­W�'01* I f, , JW 1 %. . 4 ; -"- �., k !00. lance of the death of Mrs. F. Robinson, of OfAhe mails at the, local post TQr0ntO, December 28rd. who passed away Monday, be laid up for a long time with the were so much honored and res ted .Pel- . floodin 20C - twins; 201/. to 21.0; triplets. �2.e; stil- Porto,, per itinas gifts -and- greetings t.,;;, 22. old, -large, 23 to 2"; twins. 24 11-mb Harlock, fracture.-. Miss, Lulu Albrecht of De- business men of the village and Of office, Urli Of 4i total df,32 bead Ck,XA December 22nd. H�r' husband and Mr. Charles A. : Me- to 25c; triplets, 25 to 26c. LIVESTO ------ nroulle to to mourn the troit, is visiting her parents kr and whom it might be very truly said, being galo.r e.- Prints, go to 40c;. eep Butter -Finest creamery 7 -eents for -nice light butdb& ON' two daughters are left id rn�kther. Mrs. John Albrecht, at present. -Miss "Their word was as good as their Donell spent the past coviple of Weeks. No. 1 creamery. 37 to 380; No. 2, 36 to. 86c. Uion sto�k yo-&, r-ronto. December -231, quaXte compared dtle , ­lkdre ioAay loss of the loving wife ar ost enterpris- to 70c; o*16 ith -last week' Mary Brown, daughter of Mr. Jacob bond," and who were in with relatives and friends in Toronto' dairy Prints, 28 to 30c- -The supply of -01 a -few -6014 as We extend our sympathy. - There was light,aroulud. 1,200 head 0,ecountinc :for w r pord,,'f.o,b. the Price t his I -ate Brown, of this village, was t�ken to ing men and made. the first survey -of _' A very..�.Iarge number of visitors -Eggs-Fresh extras in cartons, 68 high las -%_6fi'l eents pe' passed peacefully away a r Hensall -and started up business here n our village for the loose, 65 to 66c,; atorage, extras, in aortnna, all the IeMvaru,1n ddition'to the f7esh or- for the bulk being P% cental, f.o.b., for thick London Hospital on Tuesday fo are expect6d i 48 to 49c; loose, 47 to 48c storage firg's, 44 rivals. sounie real choice heavy steers. a I -- D -um- - th, o-ootbe. residence in McKillop, the late Robt. a buying grain and building and Christnia�§"",�holidays.-M�r. TL. in all tp five carlo" sold to wo trea+r.n--nt for diabetes. Miss Brown _Y to 45c; storage seconds. N to 39c. mounting em per i thera Reepipts to:a' -.were i,016-.attle. .89, 4, $0, ing on what was so well known mond and granddaughter, Miss Mar- exports opound on� hogo,.,an ay rj3 t s 669. _w�ho are left has been seriously ill for about a carry were a few load& of rongh'itca- that. croSs- -Initcher sympathize with those week . . acking House. Both garet. were in Toronto this week vis e=' th - Adavy beef a d a a last resort the insulin as the Yorkshire P at r, o �Pln -A Christmas tree and en- GRAIN MARKET ed the. redles -to cb6ke, 46,0 to'17.75; to mourn. -Mr. Fred attained a good age and passed away iting their many relatives and friends whole Priefss in the 'ex0ort I division wer ste6rs._'j " $4-00 to Winthrop School treatment will be tried. -good, $5.00 t& $6.06; do. OMIR01% tertainment held at ( injured at their home here, as we have said in the city, Toronto, December 23rd-Manitba wheat steady, In the home tt )ice, $6.00 Haberer, who was so severel� -cber section the qaVPI7 of, good to. ch6ice staff t4.75.; .,butcher beifeM, Vobd�to.chc Section No, 10, Friday, December 19, st highly respected. The memorial Openin&..Of New School. -On Fri- -No. I Northern, $1.90; No. 2 Northern, fair t . to,$5.75'; do., was Ight and �heiffero out4numbeVed I&* `t6 $6-75;- - hj�x, cows, choice - was a great success. Rev. J. A. Fer- some weeks ago, when his horses ran mO gures a very interesting $1.841/,, No. 3 Northern, $1.79%, No. 4 wheat activity, but 00m.mon, �3.50 to. $&7t.;,butc away and pinned him between a post window with its three sacred fi day afternoon last steers. There WAS undue,, gason acted -as chairman and did his for Packers �to:.4 and the wheel of the manure spread- is so beautiful and splendidly design- event took,place in our new and splen- $1-69- , oice�. $4.25 to $4,15.;, do -fair to good. Manitoba oats -No. 2 C.W., 71y4c; No. �- the light'supply made it ossible butcher% to clean no the'. offering,' 43-50 ic $4.00; cannexs.Aud cutters, $2-00 to No. 2 feed, 66'/ c. Od of drills, dia 'Mr. ed that we will not now with the did addit�O'n to our public school for C.W., 69y , ra NO. I feed, 692/4,c No. and local o ; $4, 0. 0-, do� part well. It consisted -u t 1�y Wools, stZsteady prices. HeIfeTs of $2.76; bOcher bn )o; liclogna, $2.901"V. e is able to be around again to 75; s and instr nr hiel is moving into his limited space at our disposal, attempt continuation work. The sad new ad- 1 feed, 681/1c; 4 maud and 'inade to * air.As to $4.1 logues, recitations, song " quality )o to Js.5o;, do.. fair. Mr. Elton -aist acted as All the above ci.f.. bay Ports. re in d% hit f o,� F -r H T ey solid 2 ibf- MIS at 0 t0V while quite 'lm lf'sw go 00 to $4.75; mentals. ve anything like a minute des- ditin ry fine two-sto No. c, Opposite the Walper House, to gi American corn, track Toronti>-- er Offers, $4.00--tD,$09, $4. Ice. aus. The tree was unloaded this week, with his harness stock. He cription of it- Suffice it to say, it is brick construction with fire Of roof t 'do. 04IVeS, Santa Cl pro 6 Onts per vounr and medium hutch resents to the relchts. bags were worth* to and he distributed the p is also moving his household effects of most beautiful English cathedral and also, fire proof window casings �Miltfeed --- pelivered, Montreal f TtLtige- Of QUIMIL4 as in- hildren who all went home pleased and i all included: ram, Per ton, aborts.. Per steers cen . to the apartments above the tiew glass type and perfect in finish and is fitted up throughout witl ton, $37.25; middlings. $42.26;' good feed dicated by a spread of 3% 40 6 , 'im.sers. $3.0 !fair $40. $5�.00 -after enjoying an afternoon together. while os�iinera and quittrs 'to thO at of -$6Q.00 t6-'$,65.0( tle Mr. Thiel has a fine business design, the artist showing wonderful the most modern and tly�to-dae eon- flour, Per bag, $2,45. 100 - haA'- ranged fr9m :01.85 � to 9'% cents., springeny, to"; $9 :.'good -Misses Grace Searlett, Elva Lit , block. Ontario oats -No. 8 white. 48 to 50c. buielal. block and a good location, and the ad- skill and we would just say in Bible veniences,A5icluding steam heating aioWir�1.41 'to Outside me three head qs-7five,'and in 6dd'one -light ifiem,0-60 tO $7AO; lles"I mpbell, Edith Gvenlock, Ed dre extended both:7to ezVertem. ffic:b�atcher si.se"th- Wu` lalls, !P.00 to,,4&501�',pad ewe Edna Ca and see." The and hydro.y.lighting, a in 1.4�; No. s Winter, $1.41 to $1.43; No. 1 alt 51A cepth', -in e 0 to t $0.40 to na. Jami Minnie Wheatley and dition has improved the appearance phraseology, "Come a form- to RAL f.ob., shipping bulls.went, 10 VA-ei, .8, 6" 6 4iis to S11 lesion, as quite largely rep6.ft of'!��Ich was tiven commercial, $1.40 W. ;;Aum� $0,50 to-VtovdO. inlra. of our village. -M -r. W. G. Hess has Ine-Orial service w some b6lognas at gy, to �21146 Vera Haist are spending their Christ - er issue. 'Although the nevr 'rooms pints,,according to frleiuhla. -The taken his two sons, Harry G. Hess attended and the service by the Ven arley-3Wting, 84 to 99c.' Seven ai�pdo '810-10; do., -fo� erable Rural Dean Doherty and the had been,, to 0/4, cents and 'three in, Off Mrs mas holidays at their homes. use for a few days, the 1� - rt G. Hess, into partnership, Huelc --No.2, 80 to 88e_ d v-weyaium. RYN, hl Misses F. Saunders an el?lng 2. $1.18 to $1-21. choir greatly enjoyed. rmal op' did not take place known as and William Dodds are spendin and the new firm will be -The many fri ds .1 r,, filtt PAtent, $16.0. Tor- 6 "nta.,� 9 Died lit Regina. unti Frida.A 4 when a large w.nitb. Flou Christmas holidays with friends in W. G. Hess & Sons. They will stock afternoon Chicago. -We are sorry to hear Mr. a complete line of jewelry, electrical of Mr. W. C. Woods, of Regi number of 1e ratepayers. in response Donald Calder is confin Aw's care. We prepanng , ,gra ate event. Th chair' was taken ., by red to hirs bed goods, school supplies, stationery, and a former resident of r7l, n TJ n rom, the School Board etc. - to an in, 0 f sall, will read with regret of tho-death gather the dp"ing -The local churches are *a celebrate and under the doct of his son, W. J. Wood, -.)a ry Mr. for the annual Christmas programs. g aedbnt very effi�ien:t wish him a speedy recove of Varsity. Th6 followm6 WilliaV IdeKay, th-e The program in the Lutheran church C W. C. Bennett -motored to Kitchener will be held on'Wednesday evenihg we clip from a western paper: "The principal Of our public school for a on Friday, December 19th. with a in . the funeral of Wilfred J. Wood, 25, a long term T"n who, after eom- H d on Thursday evening Mr. An _iusion that called truck load of dressed fowl. an well known in Regina, menting p7qprl Evangelical church. -The scholars Of young m The A Ffrank Storey and wife and two chil them mpressing hiq up - visiting friends- the senior room of Zurich Public who died at Fort Qu'Appelle on S&t together, and a dren, of the West, are urday night, will be�, held at 130.to� -preciation th�­pplendid addition ' ML . ..... cinity.-Mr. Moody Hollan School gave a successful concert in. s.15,01)o in the vi the Town Hall last Friday evening inorrow afternoon from Speers fun- I betwe nox is iu London attending the funeral of eral home to th Re a -cemetery.. tiza great -want it.mould fill and The pro- e 'his aunt. drills, The pastor of K urch the -fine app"rance t, presented, call - grammes consisted of dialogues which was well attended. ed upon -the following. speaker% n MI M.bers ficiate and it is possible that arrang as KIPPEN recitations, etc., and the ; ei qr,' otaking part deserve great credit for ments will be m,,ade for a Masonic,Wt he ;�rder,'ftffhti `Re6V,6:,G � 9 Do& -As there Od in Inspector Toms, GUM, FOR Accounts are a numbei MEN'S GIFTS FOR accounts aoug past due and we need the the way the various numbers were vice. Decease4 spent his boiho' MEN% .our and seti before the end the city until he left to attend -uni, Holman,. ]Kr. ease caR presented -Word was received here .-...Of the year.. W. E. Butt money, PI 2975.2 last Thursday by relatives of the versity at Saskatoon, where he Crad- R., Higgins_,.Rm,J. A.'XcConnell,� Mr. uated in pharmacy in 1921. He was j W_., Ortwein,. 6. J.,Sutherland � and Sacred Cantata. -The sacred can- death of the wife of Mr. J. Elgin riginal Regina Boy kr. ifildred,pil of.who;p, sinthe tatta entitled, Watching With the Hess, which sad event took place at a member of the a 'al Scouts' band and the Y.M.C.A_.'and ighest. term's* of dii, fine new and un4r I . it was given by the choir,. a hospital in Toronto. The f Shepherds" gained recognition -as a promising commodious strctur6'and the eiredit under the leadership of Mrs. James was held on Siturday, interment be- Knitted'or Silk Neckwear, ITPOiUd: MuMtrS. B. McLean and Mrs. Rev. Lundy, ing made in that city. ahlete. At Saskatoon he won run- it was to our Vilftte, Inspector Toms u8 ifid Suit- C&&.. events in severa4 track meets. kdkerchiefs ]Exclusive. Neckwear . rganist, in St. Andrew's Church on Hay Couneil.-The final session of ning intimAtizig that it was one of the best Linen. 11-1ar ship of Hay Mr. Woods was known top hifi-T be found 'and.that it -was so.well -Sunday evening, deserves the fiigh- the Council of the Town - Wool, Silk and Wool Shirts f SM and Rroad. t for the year 1924 was held in the friends as "Red," and lived in the situated for, a Continuation. School, m y H ty for 11 years, coming here fro having,- such a large tract. of teriitor y est praise for the manner in which y osiery- was Put on. An appropriate Scenic Town Hall, Zurich, on Monday, De- cl . . I . F. ur ber 15th. All the members were Hensall, Ontario. He received his from, especially to the east- ucation �t Cuff Uks background hung across the front. of cem blic and high school ed a ti�. He also paid'high tribute Pajamas the church, showing the City of present. The minutes of the previous Pu Scarf Pins e before leaving for Saskatoon- to our fine staff of t rachers and the F. her Bethlehem in the distance with panels meeting were read and adopted. th Dress Gloves pherds Ducharme was -re-appointed School Deceased is survived by his fa er, -splendid. wor� they � Were, doing, and Belts at each side, showing the she twin sis- g Belt B and the wiseinen. The spoken part Attendance Officer for the Western W. C. Woods, Regina, and a ave most interesting acts relati*e', uddes and Belto- Cap$ an was taken by Albert Alexander in Division and Mrs. B. C. Edwards for ter, Vera, who resides in Saskatoon. to the fine grants from the County ster His mother died in the city about 12 and Government that- al6ch a fifiely grams. Piffiver SWeaters, and told the Eaztern Division. Alex. Fo :herd the character of a shep He Was a member of th uld Sweater.0 oats the story in a most er I edit Years ago. P equipped Continuation School wi) 1S venders able man- will be paid the sum of $15 when the Prince Rupert,"' Masonic Lodge Of secure, and how the . y reduced . the US- ner. The choir and all those that cribbing is removed of the bridge on so' Underwear,, ertainly to Road No. 3 and all work is found Winnipeg. The funeral was conduct- salaries paid to--Ahe�*aaohers ill such Silk ort Belts took part in any way are c ed at the graveside_by Wors I hiPful a substantial manner, -and the great Spats.' a' tid u' pi be congratulated on the ,rendering slatisfactory. The following accounts Master T. T. Soohen, King Hiram benefit accruing to the..ratepayers in FaUCY Arrow Sbirts we grav- of such a fine Christmas cantata. re passed: H. Thiel, teaming Lodge, A.F. and A.M. Rev. H. rr the way of tting such fine advant- A16tor'Gauntlets Suits The el, culvert, Rd. 10,, $27.50; Huron Christmas Entertainment. Lists, Leitch, pastor of Westminster church, ages of education -at theirt very dboi% Overshoes Oveicoats, Methodist Sunday School held their Election Board. re Voters' mufflers officiated at the services held at How wise it was wlteh.building to do: Christmas entertainment on Monday $116.97; Municipal World, supplies, Skat' Shoes Fur C aps W . Speers' funeral home. The chief it rightnd that eded -Slippers Ing vening this week, when a $4.25; 0. Taylor, gravel, $2.25; All thei-,now ne goodly W. C. Woods, of Medi- to make it most up -644 and Consitt, gravel $2.25; J. Erb, cement mourners were number of young and old turned out -of the deceased and uireiii6ns of the cine Hat, father uring up to the req ce The Jr., balan pay sheet, $13.75; B. -lan4 fot play- ent gravel, culvert, Rd. 17, $6; J. Decher, secure 'a little rhore 'to hear the evening's entertainin Vera, of Saskatoon, his twin sister. Provincial Board at E.4licati6ii was to given by the Sunday School. children deserve credit for the way in Horner, cleaning dffich, Road 10, $2; Me mbers of the King Hiram Lodge attended to pay their last respects grounds and other purposes- in eon - or N. Stanlake, dragging Road 1, $5.00; and the pall bearers were chosen from, nection -with our combi "S -which they delivered their recitations ublic and and songs, and also the. others that W. L. Seibert, Division Court Cle k, Gitu 'ThAll - re sittings, $24; L. Pran account, the number." continuation school. Mr, W. helped to iwAke the evening's enter 91 - $17.65-, Dr. R. H. Taylor, account re riefs�Mrs. T. J: Berry is in Wind- 'Man County Cleirk of Huron Coulity.4 B Lunch was sery 1ainmen't a success. is week visiting her sons, Wil-: and formerly a tealdlierAn thi ..GIFTS sor th s eq"- LA I S, MW GIV vaccinations, $68; T. R. Patterson, xIFTS ed 4fter the enterta inment and the LADIES! son -and Eddie, and.intends spending ty. as a visitor to the opbuing, x - came Santa Claus, who gave a gre We at plans, culvert, Road 3, $35; R. Cud and admirqw assorl h fine new UP46--date stru& tion'of the pre;sed his apprecia oil the child- more, cement, $62.11; McPherson & a couple of weeks with them. ment of presents t, are pleased to learn t at Miss y Makilis, fees, re Black Creek drain $1 t6 2' Ten, -and wished them all a Merr $5, A. Foster, balance cement work on garet Bell, -who residep with1her sis- tute d all the re� at our� local C peakers Nateg.-Migs Etta Jarrott,--of To fiablY filled ihj& 01iristmasnd i Hapy New Year. t, who has been so ill, aing, gravel ter, Mrs. Run emphasized tfit,-Iong *i1ni culverts, $131.70; T. L -The Christ� Silk Rose that was now so adnil jroato, is Spending a few holidays at Pit, $200; R. Miller, salary c011ectoy, is no*im#roving nicely. $45; R. Miller,. postage, $17; W. mas tfee entertainment of the Meth- how fortunate we ere.�iij'having such. -Silk Gloves -Mr. and Mrs. Har- -her � church was held on Tuesday ers, -Trustee�i ome he,;ee. Bullis, erro Kipper, odist an efficient staft Of teach by Mr. r dog tax, $2; J. ovey Hubbard, accompanied d ali� -eport of which 'will )ulit, $3; A. Gascho, road work, evening last, a i and dontractors-and, an George de LaTM16 and Mr. Melville Mt- sect be given in another issue,�We_regret 01 whom were entitkd­�tb so miteh, Head Nee te spe Clymont, all of Detroit, a nding Road' 10, $2; Excise stamps and pest� to have to re -port the continued ill- te0efUit tge, $12,87; W, E, Pfaff, chairman the spaeg" the holidays -at the homme of Mr. ant, of Our Board of Health, $6.00; C. C. Schilbe, n8ss of Lloyd Hedden, a young at Our dig low. Li� B f Health $6- a ' ti -Vt th4, and Mrs, JaThes MeClyni ei- He giiye -synopsis of. this member Board of Health, $4; A. V. man of ab -but 17 years of -a t&'fi'66 gpeedheW, ecklAces 'r Gilbert Javrott, of Hess, Seerot,�y card o .nthtge, and other friends in vered and t* a wa takeh by Dr. Moir to London last d, had, s er �;Afty � I , I I Ila 15; A. Heide- been Suffering A th Same itb nu innon re week with the possibility of liavind M as manifested by mber of Dr. A. Boaw T oilf: *Aiige, e"litertaifted a n performed, as'Lloy W.61%h, as the mai W& letor; ce6unti An OPerAtiO friend on Tuesday even- Health, _$92.60; C� g1lbar, a of ek,-�­Mr. Willfam Clark, Vv Board of f6alth,- $177. Lrfial trouble *W611 it lid at one time an w _0 $2 a�an, member Board of Health B, C. Ed Ards Road 12, thought was is f;pelfidlng the holi� heet, from hard wt6tkin. Which he, 4 (ad 0on oi 4, fd* *61"tw "in f W. L Mel,iig, of $30.46; M, Turii6ull, pay sheet Rand Ae 0, of attendig. th, bflak,� tioll -,*Jth'. 12 $42,20- J. P. Ran, r0ftflld re S4'A*- a ill the W lei Big, D1 rnbWO!, lit- layers in the building of, ofIr been a hard aftd: most *11' r 110 -us, M er. Ohet I 5ali'v 0111V41t Rft-d -Iry� Claim W., tholr6t,-bept liof to resoa,� to, 61, ot D' tea h* h t velt A04 9, Alos04- T' , ho A— ;r, 0. C,� J,, nl� '2� �.� I �11 I wi';" F1 , � p" 0 0� 'X, 0