HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1924-12-05, Page 6� � I --11 I I ---,-. I I � I . I � I - ­ � -'-----" _�: —_ ._ — � - — - - —, . I , � . - �, I .�­ I ,, � - 1, _1-7-77, ­_ � ­� " I '', I . . I I I" — � I ., , . 1. I a I �:,. I , , ,,, ,. . I . . I — ­ . — ­ � � � � � .: ,, , � ,, � 1, , :�.. I — : � :�,- J , ': . '_ ,,, , , ''I �, , ". ,. I �;.;�. , �. :, , � , _, i 11 �.. . 0 I - 11 �1_117171T.1111 --I.- -_ - ,, I I I 11,�', ":. : ;, ; .,.,, , ;,_ .� " 1. � , ,�; ,, 1. I, , , t , '. � , �` � ,�,� I , ­­­ I �_;�1�11_11 1. I I � I 11 . , I I 1 1. . ,�71F,1111101111 I I 11 I , ,. ., I I I I ,i I I : 11 . ." - __ I - �� i, I �' 1, . , 1,�' . I I I I I 1. I I I � It � , ,�. , 1�', 1 , ;, � .1 11 �"'' I . , ', �, ,. , I'll � 1 C; ,. , �' , � I , , i� I �_ I ��,,�� '11�.,: ,. i:" � � , " , I I .1. 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I I . , ,�M",7_ ��P"U;� 1 ,,,�' " ,��i,­P,,�, �,�� �i � ""I".,4..'�4,-"",,!��""'',,� ,­­ , I I ,f�,' � 11_1�1­, 1'1'7�71M'l � - , A, , "t - �,�,,','�,��, ��',��'.'�',"� � � ,, � " 1111­11�_ � W", M� � I W''M .;,Vj,, , ,,, .7, 11�:��,�"' , . �'k'�� , , , � " �,� , . , ".1'.7, .;�'� - �, '. �, ��,�" , , ,. . , , . , , ,� , N,J"' "'I""'y . , �, , _ " 94�4��, , �,, �,�',:,�T � lt,��',"� �-.,A�,�,,jy,��, --,.",),�.,,�,, *7 r . IM I , �', 'n Wtn'�� ,oNll�k Ply ,. ,�,,�,,��',,,Vl, " i ., ", . I � , � 1.k0 11 . I 'IrA09 tb,WOPIYO� ' I I -.4 ,,,­� aw - �`, , 1:� 11;. , 7,11ir �-Q-`s Is sne 040� I I- g " 1711.1� , 'i�l - �� � 01,11 ., �;....'. " , � ;�'. ,,�� - , 39 , f . . " M , �#q _; , I , IF I WE� 101N� , I � , .� , I ". , c4 - ,� I .1 V-1315), ".1, T, 9-4141: �� 99 .. M-4- , 0.4"liA.9 . .,:* , . -,,� " Qu � 14 _WWW29,W`1.1'1",_1R ' " 4 94, � � � 04 - � - 1, "' , " U0,4100 i ii, 407, ­,", � """ ro. � � " __ , ­1�*i', �' . `V,-.�. - -0.0 - I .. 1-1, '. il! RN" , �`,i ��4 """,ii 'A W , - �. 1 ill.- , 6,,�fZ�,,k ��. y"p, 4' I - pxfl�"W",§ )#��,ga# ,4 4 ., no lu W M , , ,,qArvA",VAQI0A . — , ��,! , ,g,g. I , , .,A 4' �'_ W''"qX0 � . - .el iii4 "! �,' ,, ��, 1 14 61 140", Al", 11 �., . `�i� 7 1i , n. . _'t 4��I�, ,� �:�,'�'�',�,,5',, �,Wkqm a- � 4' ,, , 'Los V .'sRo" - , d �', T _ 6,'A �� 1. 17 - � ndW , nw:�, � , % .1 17�­Jj�'5�:, . � -N Rlp4 t� ,� ��,­­� . . i I , " - - , I A1,4 I, , W � 0049 - ,�,,,R 4i!,-� ." IN, . .� �J 1;5�,, , t � I -11,11-11 .;F:i,A -p - ,: wpeu� ,� V,4�114 -,�,,-,, #V.J: " -,# 4 �� " - " � " N41171F ti.440,0" '9,� "R.5 � �v ,, _� - ", , . I ,,�jli,, 17i 1. ,;�, ,.��. = q," I 5 Aix 4949.9 , ,,.qrg 4 ,V. 19 ,.:_ , I 17,1�­'(,Pl .1 ", ,; ­ , "', � y _T, po, � . gx � � ,_ !,..i�', ,P,9�,_"4,r,4 ,��, . , F. ?X : -�, t; I -mi ai p"in. - 'Mmouca;414 ig, in US, eiahty6fQw, th ''" ,- , "r, , I -0�1,. "'W ,� # - , ­, 0 . � ,,P"V�,mv,r -, 4Wy'-*,,,�;A, 'ej , ., � I I �'. I �`Ilt, ".... X�', R 1. 1� 00 I 1 , , A_!, , ,�j�',:�,V,qq%f 00 I. Purl VIONW1,1191 V4 .�A�',p - '44, 14 1*,��W,l � ,��,�.�7" 1, , , 0 "KA , 3 'Ov . qV - W U- IN , , � -1� _4''A � ,F I , 40 , , '2,;TM, &�,*Iom .,: �i I ,­ * , 4 '. , " ,�� . X, � "I z� 11-- , ", ti"'A A"tr � 'i. v. 0, " .� ., 1,00,r " I 'I 0., -­ _­ 11 - "', �. 1. I .. � .7", i",�,,,�,,,,�,,'.,,', ��,I,!,',,',:,,1414,`,� , cb_;1. "d "�";,stands-'.. . . N �` . , , "I 1� I ''o., , � 04 , ,� ", i , ,�, �* 'r . N - -.�� . , >*0jXaza Foreigii,t4i * . ;'��`� "I"I"w"AIR, , #§�; ','� 0?1, "', '' , �, Y40. At. tb�t, as4 a severe bronohi4l. t I , , 4VA.b .. it. Amr� ; ppr4n, �0.9 �' " � , ,, . �, .4we 4P ,�, " :�. � � , ,9 l" . ,: . "�,'.�', � .� .T ` p 0 rqp - V��" ", , 1�,� 0 `,C_ 'I'- I .1 . I i -7 � �, Ageq-, � �$P" AX.1'Pg �Vbl)*'i�'�;ror_ .. TAO 'Xoiir� ;f AV'4 � :"" . ;",%, ", � - . t ,� � 1�� C1. I f :, � . "��T,..,A' i , cold is more often fatal than not " ,* . , 'A: Cent., , 44 �: 1� �,.",` I f , NO r 0,4q � , ,,�� -'��,(���� � '�,,,,,�,!,,,,."�,,�,,�,,����,����i�', . I J " �. So�#*��Pq , i.0 ";!".* . 1 7 , , , . ' . o ,,O,�.�,;��,,­­. , , . I . ., , : .;,.;. - I . ,z- . V � , , Rl'.� ; On. �tcAyms- 01neceeded. in'040h -,se I., .. . ... 1 , ,,� � .­ � � 161, , -9 '� ': ,W I I I , f�"4�1;'­' ' - " rmnt %I, P X ,a , " . � � 4��t,�,J*��_ T, � , 1117,1, . One of the Ti . Perham, sl4tar 0 t , ,i ( `, 4"igk:� . itm :,,q � '� .1�1 . I 17��,�- , ,,� I _Zer% friends found � ���:��,`,,,,V, '11,'�j­­ , V� .p�)per conf, ,* � ,,'," " ­: I I .. ... A I , . , , ., . ,- _.i 11� , _4�1_ 1, - , , , 7 1 . , . � ", !419�-9944'4, Mf:e�,Ifp M� I -,, 1��v ,;�,.�,'!& - , I . . , � . ,�, ., ago e ping poper, a _a - I -1 , , i,.0_4 11, , . , , '­` ,?__� �12! * , ' ' ' , ­ 44a, ftq)�A . ­ . I � -,, :" , - ,, �,� ... . "' _�, ttonded a ,jj'� r: ' - _,,_,, , I Wh h& X P�b 3'p.10Q'I ", �11.�,,� I .. ,�P,,��' I., I . I � '11-11,11 �!. - . I " .1 . . , I . , - 4'gs a4d',',h �.rj,q - - "' -�', . -,.,;1'4;- 11 I . I "' "' RITO , '. " , , - q, , � , I "' , �;�,��.�!;,.:����l,'��l,,'t�,',,,� , %gplau him in a atate of intense depression, . . � I , , � . , , U4 V.5. . , 'A ,�,__ � � i"I'VY", ,, �': T,,�� '.�::, �: , . - and unable to converse excelst by nods I � . eal . , ' `,"'4 � . ", I �1,11�q�; �r � Ph,�, ��� ��,,� - - I . - � . P me c6asid,'Ot4,ble, . ea at ;` * .,:j -1 , 1, - 1. Z, _ � . ­�._ �.J " "' �;�,,` �`I�.��..'�`,_ AT40 41 � 'Va.!,�,,� Is �" 4'40 � - 1, 11, 1.10- V�" �, '�';��j'�14,1'.�I'�',,� � 4 , - . 1 -4 , " ,trlrl� I . ""I - � - , . - , , "' - , ," * 4 - . I-: =a - 1� . 1� $044 ,**A 7;.�, _19U4.4,.:. Pla , Or", co -10 ',�,.,A'Ai�,� 1. , ,w 'versity (of Toronto. All What was his surprise on returning -ents. The y4t'0 of 1, , , A ,:1 - 4 '04rc , 1'�u. ,�� -4 ,�,;�,�-V �,. 114 , , 064 ,,, 0,4` 40, ; . . *;,,-,, , iP . I . " " �. �', , "' , a., -T 'h " * 10 .1 , , , I , ;4nt, ,�t fti � =Zni� wo4t Mr. " (ki , f*, .4 # . . , ,, _q 14e'�'k j�� ..�" " , ,,005') �� 1A ad ", ' " , , c! 1�b *, tdr, gp I T . i I 11 , 4 1 �,�`� , , I ��,: 4�f On ,!,a Vetarinary of the he ' ' T"Oral ota , : I �, . , . At . - , i*r . 44 frqi�,j�.",� �§Z I _ _ " . n ann _ : _,rA , ., _ #4.0 , , , � - � . ,00 ,'_por PNi"n'r, - ., . N_d You don't need C'ap'it'a to 4�0­,,_c6 "'Al 11�7 -bpth " orrous, � I- 1,01, Of �' , '' "' ", V. - -* "#�,'�!! � , ,-.­., 'i " : I I . .1 - cqX1sVjCUq0gJ�, , -t . ,� -, *- ., . "7 'Seagi�q , �, oraostic anixnals treated two days later to find that Clemen- _ . . � u# , , , " � -1 , , lie fto,ijj,4!.� tu - , ! * " Ail �, 1`0 .�- �:Ili:lli'? �, , ,�,,Ir , . I ��,,.:�� . �_, �, , Oro , ,' � "' ,,��.,4':�l��4.��. 11 .. - . ,. , �Illoymeiit��14 probably ,p'� N a Catholic ob I which Jo 4 , "I � It V; MIX t Ot :,"".,�rt,_, . ; I ,�� ,b. . t ,_ , `4reh 4nd 'the $y-a4'g9gUQ' , - .' ,T ',gj!�4 `10,;,-*#*,i0A , " - " , "i a *c Zons modern Principles. ceau had completely thrown off the . "I.- A a . , 04r4ow-Wed Vlqliop ��i . , ­­�! . . ,.4$ - 11 I I I or, r 9ft � � ,. I ' 1. 11 $" '�? ;,.f�""��'-"�'-� �. 71 V; gart-, ' ,� "I - , I 1. .1 - .11 I , , , � � I ', " ' eri 4' -L ­;�W y I 1, W., , h, ','-'� I 1,1� I I "�;�,­J�"i . . I valls. promptly attended to. Office on health than everl f1i ts, arid presided. In" 4: ." - ". '�'� , 1��,:����`,�,�"',,..`�,� - . W 9f the bi. A `:'Th I ,p _* I, __ . ,- �" 1�",� "IL" $ : -ent, _',_ , . ,k;o ,�,'��,,�If',',"�� '�'�'�Zlg hi's Telephone in Gre9A__ Bilj�_in at .* Wow, two in. -W ,, t - dq king, mo,!V#,nienit Oft. ,-A ­ 11 I - - ". ." .,�,4�, . , , o, di,�trtct.'h�a - Ze reasonable. Day or night cold and was apparently in better 11 ""' " , * beV:. W'406� �:0 ,,�!, I. , I tin �f Jerking ,& vei�" 9fi,ho'b' a "" , '' - ," _,* ,,9.. tj 0. . Q 1, W, years ago proportion t i ,- , ,* " � ' e � Ody are 6P4�':'$iA&:.#`% *0*1 � ? 11,��?�, , � I " � , �,, . - � , "' � 1 * - I .. - lo , 0 , , , . , ..e. , . ��'L��'.",O, . . " -, ov ,0 - Number dutsrial p,4�4ation. Am . i a " 1 XO.�� 1��. ,.,,�"T , A, , �-, � , ong Cott in district eapUins � L %,,,i�i,��.""'��,%� ;j, Main Street, lKensall, opposite Town The old Tiger sees few people nowa- .:. � caused by o0appm r4m, �44, :.*04 , � 00,1, " , I 1"'A' I . ­ sections of,tffie populatloo, like ­ *00, tork), of voters ., _ qg fli,o.dig�-, C , � " Z' a r�, , �&, " I � lhe� within the district 'Who were in need; . , . �, , . , " k* I �� . - I, i 17'�'� ' . . 1. � ", , 'I. . . * V W I . : , 'LPJb0m�#s- '� br�,%141 paid, , , � '_ . - . 1; 1'� �,: , ,I " I "0:0." �, � ,Hall. Phone 116. days, with the exception of intimate for Station -go -Station calls" 119091, ,. �, , 01 , 4 ,� ': , ,,, ; �,:I,��f�z ,, I . former - Je L*FAsm or pildrif,f", wboa , , 6 your Ore* ,* .: " , M , , ,,�, friends. This is not because he is trading classes, the or i troubt I � � ,,. ` Q . I .411", I - . , I . , ����.P!,���;,,,,,',,',�,,�"."� abolition or restriction of private 8 cular pArtitlon - . or 001-%­#� 66W " I - . p" , �-1 4, � "If I could remember his I ,� I � �j,�,,��,�' difficult of approach, for almost any- p'ni.-Went to' a chureb fair;, (separadw the oblong , m 46t, 411i�_.f F, �;�'. . . . Pa woi,'Prodics, 'erei I I i J "I'vo , - - , U., o trade has brought about a ratio of took chances on everything; bought AU4­abOjue�­ atid is, an"'i . , , , . % � - , , , LEGAL � Qbody, may obtain an interview with number I would make ray .; I a 10 ;,,��, ,"I�,4'�. �, , 0 " ' ' ,iiiportagt --hi.li,.0 noard ,� a "' I " , ov, ,,�, �! I 'A I cent. f un�m- ice cream,, for - , of. _,f fifty or sixty per , the young girls'and . organ of,ygspiiatj u � �Th - - 4 .#, 44, ,,� . , _ " O_ to -opaamodte , I I . I � , ��Akllli2� � �. -i I I � , " him, at any time. But he will not call Statioi-to-Station and ployment. .'�' . not've - YR, � � . . I '�� , 611AI. �: , # � , Phone No. 91. , I took their fathers, out for something contraction of tlie 41aptirggin is � , I i�,fflfF�_ I I talk politics. and as that is what m4ost save money", These fi . I � 'y I&- ,,,,,, � ,�,) � . . �T � . *01 04,y it prom um- 44 - 40. I*_ - 1 I I I wel I i j, § '-,'�,::' gures are not perhaps a down at the comer. tar, to hiccup - � ; R.,P" . JOHN J. HUGGARD of his visitors want to discuss they I , a In people,. , - . , . '" I ; �,,q%�":,:''. M. -At headquarters; spent $10 Vause oi,th0�1proubl,'e, � - per�poa - ". or M 91��JA � V4 . � 1" 6 soon tire of attempting to draw hi ad the contrihutjo4 4,-�o a "best pagq?' in, a 9 P. ad'buttir Ut f .t' �,�, in - ,�� N. . '' , V ;. , P5,1� � ,�, I delivered at! the Cre V. W-Ou I I.. �,,; " nation's history, but they argue the on tickets for a church excursion and The Cause of the trouble appears your big grade grogkm. I _� ",, wrang idea, �ffe didn't need P reso I : . - I �,�f..11:11, Notary Public, Etc. He does now and then discuss polit- . lution and resourcefulness of a bought tickes for a baseball game be- be e to a' t of the , Ca I h , 12 - , I ll ,,,� to know the number of the ae that -has maintained itself tween two teams in the di%trict; list- nerres which in o 'Paid th any patron w1AWg, 14k'��" � --. ' Barrister, Solicitor, out. regir , to 411 � e dis urbance " . I it. wt,,�,.,P�, � ical matters briefly with his most inti- distant telephone.. under such dreadful conditions. supply the diaphro, Creams 'S t 'd � � �7­ Beattie Block - - Seaforth, Ont. — on en oil .4. ur a 11 E.!� �,� � I'M . I, Algbii- . ; , rnate political friends, but only to re- The ened to Complaints of police protecti �)�y.ap , nd once.,, Ii the, result �of some FORTU CREA BAY9, ,, - All he needed to say'to th Bolsheviki came into power expect- from a dozen pushcart prisoners a In 1110,11Y cases the n6rvous dloturh� ; I 4'.P�, . veal a deep bitterness which is more e TUB SEA . "' - . . - , , - 1�0;�,,�,�. I H. S. BEAYS Dainful than silence. He feels that Long Distance operator ing to live for a few months. They assured them he would take the mat- me . I ., derarige� , . , li, �g� " nt of the digestive system - Lack . . - p, . I � - N." have survived for seven years, because ter up at police headquar rs in the of -sufficient exercise and ove'rioadtug . . I— his energy as prime minister during was: "I will speak to any- 4 - . . . `�� -1 Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer the last year of the war was -What one at ,e " (then give . of the stomach a CO1.4mon causes of � _. I 11 E*�'�,,­ . of many factors; an exhausted coun- morning. , ro I . '14�, 1 - I bl�"'!`�� wedding re- tbp,nipsin y6ungpigs. �At times there I " 1. .. ­ ;� Dominion Bank. Office in rear of the been able to understand why, as .soon I - " and Notary Public. Solicitor for the made victory possible, and has never her the name of the person a peasantry kept neutral by being ception, having Previously sent a appears to. be an inherited tendency ,, � 41- try; a naturally passive poptilation; 10-30 P -m -Attended a 1`11", I., 1. I I Dominion Bank, Seaforth. Money to as the peace treaty was signed, ne who has the telephone-- given the land and left to follow its handsome present for the bride. to this trouble in the caBe of litters ' . Tboth Paste I ,� � �1. Leveleexe I "w"!'. I and the address too, if he own devices- the extraordinary blend Midnight -Bed. I from Pampered or overfed so -we. AND - ��', loan. should have been cast aside. He would �, t, � h!ave liked to be elected president of of , , W- . knew it). ruthelessli.ss, pilancy and vision For one period Senator Plunkett ffhen pigs become affected with I`Fi�- � BEST & BEST the republic as a reward for his form- that was Lenin; the Clicks. under held Antiseptip Mouth Wash I , , four different public positions thuin &,!t�' �, �, Perhaps this information Ps the trouble Is plainly shown I 1 , idable labors during the war, and Dierzinski; the Red Army under and received 'Piag, Jerking movej�aeuts t_.". Pay for three of them. by the thura 1� V�� : Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyan- will enable YOU to use the ... .. ­ 5 -- - . �, , when the parliament threw him aside Trotsky, Behind all has been (1) What other people considered scandals of the flanks, The Jerkings are some- � &Ci,� I rs and Notaries Public, Etc. Office in favor of the colorless Paul Des- lower Station -to -Station � V'�:'', �e the f,ea"hat if not the Communist his own constituents considered pro- times so marked * I t' I in the Edge Building, opposite The ,that they move and Specially designed, by its alkalino lb 1, ".", ebanel, a mere routine politician, be rate more frequently. dictatorship it must be Czarism re- per, and the various reform orga,i,,- sway the body back and forth. T1 I to and'ifleansiiig propertids, to noutralim Lf'L,' , .11 , �J­ . Expositor Office. turned his back forever on politics. I store4� and (2) the nationalist feel- tions that attempted to lay him waste attacks are usually more Fm'-, ,�;, . fDRU aggravat�fi the acids of -the, -mouth,' thereby;,pre. �� ,�- ing aroused by foreign interven- failed dismally. On one Occasion the after feeding, when the �stomaoh is. serving: from deca 11 1, � ; I . � I -0- 1. tion and blockade. To thi- - Citizensy Union made a strong effort full. The t . yi.removing t�rt@4 I , _ - -.1 s last'fac rouble may last,6nly to* I �; , and pa,dually, whitening the feauk i JAMES L. KILLORAN ALFONSO TOO POPULAR TO BE . tar the Bolshevist leaders have at- to defeat him, and had 400 enrolled a few days in some ca ri-.0 a reail mdseptic, it kbeps �, ,,, . �,,-��, . sea, and In whil � a ,Y� I tributed most of the country's ills, voters in his district. At t others it may last for several WeRka,, ,,, Barrister, Notary Public, etc. Money I he ensuing and some fail to recover. -the 94*0 .014'miOnpqo�. -menibrone ef I , " �"i..., . i _;:, DETHRONED but in fact they have been an enor- election, the Union polled only five h , h . t�� 11 to loan. In Seaforth on Monday of 4 q.)no t ,IU4�1�egil* .401 . , 111, ", sset for the Soviet re i I . , .40an tA I � each week. Office in Kidd Block. While Blasco Ibanez, the Spanish grille. votes, The inescapable conclusion is Prevention and TreatMent. OBW ditease. " Th ' J re, bdi �.�� - I t4l, * A Party that came int I—- ese al , -i*. movo " - - - n 0 power as that many of the Union voters were This trouble of young.iigs can be generally 'ieoncede&,40, bo thl -:maxt . . I k ..", I novelist. and a few other lesser know Evea Bell Telephone is a Preferred internationalists and ene- really Plunkett men. The Senator largely Prevented by allowing them IMPO V* � fUnctiomi- 6f �: al�` *aftu , I 11 .1 � 1, ,,n: . VETERINARY expatriated Nationals are directing L g Distance Station mies of the nationalist "superstition" used to say that politics in New York exercise 'and avoiding overfeedian. dentifrice. - ,":.­ ­.. I , r, I I., , , .;,� � I � I � F. HARBURN, V. S. attacks from without against King I— . - - has been 'largely maintained in is a business that requires a lifetime's When they become - affected they I I , , I -f I .." - ­. I Z� �. Alfonso, the Spanish monarch holds How, then, could young re- should be made to -take e4erclse in everY morning and (vft* ' � !�y.- power by Russian patriotism, says study. * Use ,it I '­ � . Honor graduate of Ontario Vet,ri more political power than any other _ ark Times. formers, just out of college, filled with a good, large, roomy place. In sum. . 1, : n- the New Y Important,for many) jwt-,bdor6 re- - ary College, and honorary member of royal bead of Europe and can aff Ord Apologists for the Soviet regime enthusiasm and ignorance, hope to --mer they may be turned i :," tiring, as it removes particlex of food .1�1 I out to pas- ,,�, � the Medical Association of the Ontario to smile upon and even pity his de- In Madrid, Barcelona and Seville long ago gave up the defence of compete with the old timers who spent ture and allowed to range about. � - ­ or confectionery lodged in the teeth. . '� ` �J '�tl��;,�, Veterinary College. Treats diseases of tractors, writes a European corres- -in fact, all over Spain -where principle and have based themselves their days as he spent his? TheCivil Badly affected Pigs should be given causing injurious fer-menfstion, mouth I .. . , ; I I , , all domestic animals by the most mod- pondent of the New York Herald -Tri- fashion prevails to -day, Carmen has on de facto. Communist economics Service Law he considered one of the a dose of castor oil to clean out the aoriis and, possibly, infection. ., "I ern principles. Dentistry and Milk bune. In order to stir up lethargic abandoned the mantilla for the latest has turned -out to be a tragedy. deepest blots on civilization. He said Stomach and bowels. To lessen the � I . . 1�1 I '14: Fever a specialty. Office opposite Spanish public opinion, if such were Paris modes. Carmen and her lov- Communist internationalism has, in that it destroyed patriotism, and that spasms of the diaphragm from five , Those who have used it constantly � . � Dick's Hotel, Main Street, Seaforth. Possible, in favor of ousting the man- ers are not distinguishable any practice, gone by the board. The without patriotism it was impossible in can - be or a few montho.can best bear teati. ., to ten drops of laudanu �, �1, All orders left at the hotel will re- archy, it will be necessary first to longer from the same fashionable dictatorship of the proletariat rests for Tammany Hall to do its work. Of given every four or live hours. The - -nony to its efficiency in this regard. ': ceive prompt attention. Night calls put propaganda before the people and, set of any other Latin capital in on force plus the support of a mili- course there would be an end to eivil- affected Pigs should be kept on a It sells at 250 per tube, wholesale 6w 1 ..!. I received at the office. second, to make them believe it, But Europe. The rnantilla, the shell tant portion.' of the industrial class ization if Tammany could not functi light diet for a few days and kept retail, at I 'y , on . " I . - the opinion of observers, qualified to combs and the embroidered shawls which is willing, or perhaps glad, to properly . hungry so as to encourage them to . � I. . 11'.'. JOHN GRIEVE, V. S. discuss the position of Alfonso, is are all reserved almost exclusively ge roam about more and get plenty of "THE P F � I t on with less food and housing HARMACY," � III;— that even if it were possible to get for shous . I I . y�' where rich Americans oc- and education in exchange for the -01- exercise -Dept. of Extenidon, 0. A. . � �_ - � �, Honor grad.1-hte of Ontario Veterin- the ear of every single Spaniard, his casionally pay almost prohibitive sense of -mastery over its former The war in China has forced the College, Guelph. Seaforth, Ont. . . -_ _— . ".. ary College. All diseases of domestic popularity still will remain 95 per prices for them. Recently at the masters. The principal argument ghai Golf Club to close. Gen- The Selection of a Bro" SOW. . I ..'� animals treated. Calls promptly at- cent. intact. King Manuel of Portu- gala bull fight the Queen was earn- for the Soviet regime is the one cral Sherman didn't say the half of , ,�', tended to and charges moderate. Vet- gal lost his throne because his peo- pelled to wear native costume. A stressed by the Government at M The Importance of the ea . ­ , Is- it. -Detroit News. . r�tul 0 . ,., , erinary Dentistry a specialty, Office pIe were starving while he was buy- few ladies of the court affected the cow. ' It is there. selection of a brood sow cannot be - - ( , . 1. and residence on Goderich Street, one ing ropes of pearls for Gaby Deslys. same garb out of sympathy for the . over -emphasized. So says Professor , - . .1 door east of Dr. Mackay's Office, Sea- The gravest charge against Alfonso Queen, but the majority of mantillas, m— *__ , A Bargain . M Wade Toole of the 0. A. C. It is true . � � .� :forth. is that he owns an excellent race- combs and shawls in the great stand, OLD TAMMANY HIS COMPULSORY STOPPING AT , that the- sow's Influence Is reflected . ,�:',, , horse and spends every Summer at according to competent observers, ,,BOSS AND I , I MEDICAL . on her own litters only, whereas . 11 t San Sebastian, Spain's fashionable were worn by visiting British and CROSSINGS WOULD TANGLE that of the b . " . p , PHILOSOPHY , of&r Is reflected on FOR SALE. -Five acres, one =He " I , I . , DR. J. W, PECK northern watering resort. His peo- American women. Ibanez, the lead- - I all litters which' -he sires. and m Us With I �. 'UP MOTOR TRAFFIC I while many characteristics are co from � Seaforth; mode , - ho, e - ; , ple are not starving. In fact, they er of the anti-rn,onarchist movement, There di furnace. bath. and toilet, small barn; ( -:' e4 in New York City tb- - . . m- I "! "L Graduate of Faculty of Medicine are well fed and rather indolently is in exile, little known in his coun- other day a man whose name, well The resolution urging the Ontario mon to both sexes of breeding stock, good orchard. Taxes, $19.- SplenM 'I, I I ­ there are others which are very essen- Chance to start chicken farin, 1�ftx. - ,. �, McGill University, Montreal; member content. try, and perhaps his writings are enough known there, was unknown government to introduce legislation tial to the respective sexes and etc. Apply to - " I i,!',�� of College of Physicians and Surgeons Perhaps Ave per cent. of Spain's less famous in Spain to -day than in outside it, but who coined a phrase that would make stopping before Opposite- in 'nature. . .1- of Ontario ; Licentiate of Medical populace entertains some dissatis- any other nation. that has pro -1 . j�bly.travellqd all over crossing rail d ros R. 8, RAYS, �' ". ­ V­�; - roa C sings legally ' Information as to the history of 11 , Council of Canada; Post -Graduate faction with the King because he the world. The man was George obligatory did not Seaterth, Out. I_ � %%­ . Member of Resident Medical Staff of embraced General Primo de Rivera's - - receive as favor- the ancestry of a you - . I . Washington Plunkitt, and the phrase able a reception at the han ng sow 18 Of 2953-tf ... ,,,�.: ds of the Considerable value. Zxperlencq�and I I 1, , '.. � " � . General Hospital, Montreal, 1914-15. move a year ago to dissolve the SEVEN YEARS SINCE VICTORY Was "honest graft." He was one of assembled delegates to the convention' observation go to prove that certain , - — � I .. 41�.., Office, 2 doors east of Post Office. Cortes and oust the political office- the old time Tammany bosses. He of � . ­ - - --"---IT , . ., , , the Associated Boards of Trade outstanding qualities,are common to - I I 11 I ,.,��_, Phone 56, Hensall, Ontario. holders. This five per cent. repre- OF BOLSHEVISTS was active in Boss Tweed's day, ,and and Chambers of Commerce of on- strains or fainilies of hot$ I 1111 - .:11�1 sents the wealthy, titled contingent mas a power until tw�ont of -different Hospitil for Sick -Childft ;4 1 � ­ , y years ago tario as the reports in the morning breeds rather than simply breeds I � I . . .. DR. A. NEWTON-BRADY that has everything to lose and noth- Minister of Education Lunachar- when the leadership., of his district was papers indicated. The resolution was. themselves. There are good and bad 67 COLLEGE ST, TORONTO 4 . ," ". Bayfield. ing to gain from a Spanish repub- sky, speaking at the opening festivi- "I �­, I snatched from him by a man suitably referred to the executive committee In all our breeds, consequently the ----------..;- I I �1. I lic. The group wants a Parliament- ties in connection with the seventh named The McManus. But Plunkett not, as reported, with . an expression prospective Purchaser should ascer- Dear Mr. Editar;-,- I T' 11 11 I 1;�� Graduate Dublin University, Ire- ary Government, and that is the sum anniversary of the Bolshevist revolu- was not grieved. He had made his "in ,, . 1: 1. fl�vor of it," but with an expres- tain as'much information as he 411 "Your r9aders have Probably �had . I land. Late Extern Assistant Master total of its discontent, The tales, of tion, is reported to have said at Mos- fortune out of politics, and was a sion n favor of the executive corn- concerning the type, the quality and I ,111- Rotunda Hospital for Women Will ' 1: I and Alfonso's popularity are legion isk cow: "Neither we nor posterity much wealthier man, unless he was mittee taking it up with the Ontario the prolificacy of her ancestry, whe- their appetite for statistics. satiated � ,­ Children, Dublin. Office at residence Madrid. His friendship for the Am- ever refuse to acknowledge that misleading the public, than many bet- Motor League. tber, or hi during the past few months. ,StM � ­ the 41. lately occupied by Mrs. Parsons. . � � /, - -, - erican Ambassador, Alexander p. Red Terror was the best page in Sov- ter known leaders. With the news- Arkansas, North Carolina, Virginia . and economic feeders, and -whether thQY will, no doubt, want to A ���_ Rwirs, 9 to 10 a.m., 6 to 7 p.m.; Moore is but one source of the tales iet history." If for "the best page" papers be was a fN�orite, for he could and New Jersey have -made 11 e know I 1',� - Sundaya;'Ilto 2 p.m. 2866-26 of th ' Stop, or not the -saws have be n good moth- � "-t� , , I ,,M-,,,� ... 801n6thing of the work accomplished - V, � ". � ', I - - e King's democratic spirit. It we read "the most effective page," always be induced to talk upon every Look, Listen!" at railroad crossing rs. Canadian hog raisers can well I I., _"_ DR. F. J."BUZROWS I is related in Madrid that Ambassa- there will be few persons well inform- subject, and his discouses had a smack law, So far as the American Auto- .take an obJect lesson from the re- by the hospital to which they have 'A � dor Moore was invited to the palace ed about Russia to disagree of "Mr. Dooley." Senator Plunkett mobile Association has been able to sults which. the Danish breeders are 816 generQuWY contributed in the i I R'11`1�11 with him, '. ­ ., �l, I 1'�,�lf)�', '' . Office and residence Goderich Street, recently for the purpose of a chat The two outstanding achievements Of bewailed the good old days. He wag obtain unbiased reports, the law does experiencing where all the above in- Past. . rheY are shareholders in a - I ,,:'�� ,,, 6 14�T,� east of the Methodist church, Seaforth. with the King. Alfonso initiated the the Soviet experiment have been the transparently honest, at least in his not seem to have made any material formation 19 available to the pros- . �, , . I ,� A ! ;",. . Phone 46. Coroner for the County of ccnversation by inviting him to par- Red Terror and the Red Army, It is mission of Mercy. Their dividends A, J �� Huron. opinions. Hypocrisy was foreign to difference in the grade crossing prob- 'Pective purchaser. Moreover, every ..�,,�, �,,I'-�i�,. take of a friendly cocktail. The Am- impossible to attempt even a sketch ih, ,,t,r,. He loved to hand out the lem. The one outstanding breedtng hog must measu are not paid in coin of the realm , � 11, , " � ­��', ;� , ., ", feature of re up to a I �­, bassador, however, has never taken a of the balance sheet of seven years ,,r!#w meat" to the boys. the crossing stop certain standard before that hog is " May I trespass u a your space to I I .,��:.. DR. C. MACKAY drink in his life. of Soviet rule. But there is one test, law which has po I 1, :"',: eligible for sale. -Dept. of Extension. Outline what those dividends are? ��, 1, �­ tion of the A.A.A. � .11 - He was placed in the rather em- supplied by the Minister of Education coined his immortal phrase in the has been the tre 0-L College, Guelph. .1, � I C. Mackay, honor graduate of Trin It was twenty years, ago that he come to the a-tten 11�;� 1 � �, � �­: -.�, �� � 11, I. 1 I I 1*� -, Pon motorists in Vir- r eq �j.'L age Of Elrood Sows. dren Occupying cots in the Hospital f R �. the College of Physicians and Sur- "Your American prohiliition law is On October 10th.Lanacharsky report- on the subject of graft. ginia when charged with non-compli- I � Trinity Medical College; member of being forces to refuse. the Russian people's profit and loss. papermen � I ity University, and gold medallist of barrassing position, as a result of himself, which affords a glimpse into course of a talk with some news- fines levied u MsUY, the daily average of lew 11'. �,�.�� ,� He protested that those who were once with this Un -rot Sick Children was 266. The ,1�!�,.-,i�,',� geons of Ontario. all right in the United States," the ed to the Central Executive Committee -particular la -W. usually a sow Is most prolific , ky"V,_ — King said, "but you are now in Spain on the state of Russian -education. discussing the question made no dis- The Ontario Motor League has when she is from two to four years total caxed for as In -patients. was I K" � ,,.--�,.""� ' He t-inction between honest graft and urged that a complete survey be of age, and is probably at her best 6 297. , That is ?, � - DR. H. HUGH ROSS wbere no such law exists. This is' bewailed a -general decline since 1 22, . I e4ulvalent to the , 9 dishonest graft, whereas there was made of all level railway -highway when about two and a half years. , '4, � , � k, �, . Population of a good-sized OntArin 'P"%�, ", , Graduate of University of Toronto an excellent cocktail I assure you." when the ambitious paper program" a world of difference between them. crossings and asked for a wholesal $oon after she reaches maturity she , �,:$ �! 11",,,�; �,,� ,, Faculty of Medicine, member of Cal- The American Ambassador still of universal education still exercised Dishonest graft, he saij, meant run- clearance of obstructions. The board Is at her prime. After the sow has town. �. ,"�,'t� ., lege of Physicians and Surgeons declined, explaining simply that he rcached four or five years her powers ,". their glamor. �� ''.,.,. of ning foul of the law. Speaking from of railways commissioners replied And secondly, the out�patleut d* al I I li�lt1��.:� I Ontario; pass graduate courses in does not drink. Lunacharsky reported that before a rich experience, he advised against that this survey begin to wane, and it is not Long 1.1'­­ "Well, you are the first person who 62,000 element- is proceeding c after that when she becomes unpro- .,_ , Chicago Clinical School of Chicago; the war there Were graft of this kind. As for honest tinuously and as r .on- partment. This Is 9, wing of offices I1"(4-, apidly as the-finan- fitable. Just how long to keep a sow given over to Consultation and mhm ': �, "J.4; I ..., Royal Ophthalmic Hospital, London, ever refused to drink with me," said ary schools with 4,500,000 children. graft, he himself was an exbLmple, cial situation will permit. The ques- ,ill deDend uPon the Individual. It operations. 6n, an average there I §1�1� I ': _,, �,'�,,,. England; University Hospital, Lon- Alfonso. To -day there are 49,000 schools with he said, of how it works, for be tion arises wh -1. 1,�'.�, don, England. Office Back of Do- Ambassador Moore is credited with %W0,000 ebildren. School equip- ether a Stop law properly handled two litters of pigs .were 190 Young callers iL day. . , I"". made a big fortune out of the game throwing all responsibility on th I ,.j, I minion Bank, Seaforth. Phone No 5 having replied, "I ment is beyond the reach of' the and was getting' richer every day, motorists would not have a tendency It is not beat to breed a gilt until . I � �y�!�,' am sorry, but--- -n a year can be secured from a sow. That is where. -the dividendif am , , � ���., 1: Night calls answered from residence, America first." peasantry. A lead pencil costs five . ,;��,' , - , % "Y", I . . Victoria Street, Seaforth. Instead of being peeved, Alfonso pounds of rye -in this country that "I might sum up the whole thing by to retard the improvement work now she is eight to ten months old, pigs earned-th the difference made to - ... I, .Ii,, 1. saying," "I seen my opportunities an, in progress. It might reasonably be can be weaned at six wee" of age, the lives of thousands of children t , ,� '11, - was delighted. The conversation of would be $6.5o; a writing pad costs took 'em.t' He continued: argued by the railways that since bus eight weeks is Probably better. through the voluntary contributions , '' . .. _ � , , AUCTIONEERS the t7wo, according to those privileg- the same; a textbook costs from 40 , . 1, 'A. �. �. .. "I 1,41Z,, �. Y! " . �i, ,� - I "Just let me explain by examples. the motorist is compelled by law to They should be eating long bef re which render it possible to main- , - OSCAR W. REED ed to bear them, often reverted to to 120 pounds of rye. The Lunach- My party's in power in the city, and "Stop, Look and Listen" bef9re a they are weaned and be well ableoto � 11W Licensed auctioneer for the Coun- . the Spanish-American War, in which arsky figures flatter the present it', going to undertake, a lot of public railway crossing no accidents, theor- secure all the nourishment they nee tain an Institution where pallid . �� ";I: Spain lost Cuba, the Philippines and situation by minimizing conditions improvements. Well, I'm tipped off, etically, can ha d I , ,;�,, I � 101r, Graduate Ppen except through from--bther sources than the sow's cheeks become -rosy and twisted ties of Perth and Huron. Porto Rico. Alfonso is reported as before the war. Actually there were say, that they're going to lay out a negligence on the part of�the motor- milk, so they will not be checked in limbs are made straight. .t� 1� of Jones, School of Auctioneering. having said Spain did not regret the In Russia, exclusive of Poland, 'in . `1_ "I'll ... 1, Chicago. Charges moderate, and new park at -a certain place. I go to ist, and that the railway companies, their growth by weaning. Many sows 11 ;K; 8at- logs of the first two, but saw no rea- the year 1911 abou-t 110,000 schools that place and I buy up all the land -therefore, should not be put to the will accept service within a few days It that were not dividend enough, - , ��1111'. isfaction guaranteed. Write or Wire son v,rby the United States took Porto with 6,500,000 children. To this we in the neighborhopd. Then the board e3tpense of improving the condition bLftdr farrowing, but It is not beat to C �, ", i�,f 1� 1"', , Oscar W. Reed, Staffa, Ont. Phone Rico. kne , � - ,,might try' to estimate the �:� ��; ,� �., � i�� """, ,i�, ing public at Crossings generally. breed them until after the pigs :ie enormous saiviage of cw.kiro in I ,,� ,qtc so of private education, which was not �� I and there's a rush t 11' '' 11-2. 2665x52 Ambassador Moore replied that of this or that makes the th % .."i, b, "'., ?"'A far as he pe s land. The situation on a heavily travelled weaned, or in eight or nine weeks. Ontario which has taken place since ,,, 1-i"I'l-N. �. I � �!�%"1,'%..'f . Z� � unoffiCially confined to the nobility, but wa 0 t to charge a highway, s�ch as theToronto-to-Ham- The welfare of thc sow and the next "Sick Xids" doctors and "Sick XlAb" 14 � ", I , THOMAS BROWN was concerned Spain was entirel Common among the middle classes in Ain't it perfectly hones -get my ,V " �, , y , � �, good price and make a. profit on my ilton highway, intersected by several litter of pigs should� be kept In mifid - . 11 1!n�',d,,��N�, Licensed auctioneer -for the counties welcome to get all three possessio moderate circtinistances. . _�11, 119 ,V, '11. I of .Huron and Perth. Correspondence back. cally we are very near -the XumeT'_ investment and foresight? Of course unimportant lines, can be easily im� and the sow should have time to ;;: nurses have been going out throuo ;,�'J� ,1 1: i1 �,..: ... � ...... �,, �� truth in it is. �,� 'I" 1. o arrangements for sale dates can be "No, thanks," said the King, "keep one-third s ,� " ,,, t ��.;�, saying that probably a " � ., ,.Q, ,,:� , ,�':� � g��, Well, that's honest graft. agined. On a busy day with a con- cuperate after raising a bunch of this province equipped with a I ,, ,:,�I.A made byealling up phone 97, Seaforth, them�-youlre m "It's just like lookin' ahead in Wall tinuotis line of cars proceding in eith- lusty pigs before undertaking the job knowledge of children" .1 . �", �'I'�, il"'.14. I welco e to them. " many children receive instruction to- Street, or in the coffee oe cotton mar- er direction between the two cities, it again. - 'a. diseasM I � , � V , fi­ �� , �14-,:.�, �� tl' I "�,�`;;'i,�� or The Exp sitor Office Charges,mod- These and similar stories are well day as compared with ten years ago. I which they could not Ot except I" 'J" ,., 0 , 1, � %. , " �,!.2,'.:�, Madrid. - some such highly specWhed and "4 �. I �A,�� f I erate, and satisfaction guaranteed. And the effectiveness of the instruc .ket. It's honest graft, and I'm lookin, would mean that practical . `,�'Nl I I known to inner circles in , for it every day in the year." 11V every car ,. ',,j.4, - They do not diminish Alfonso's per tion MaY naturally be gauged by the Would have to stop each time the car Don'ts for Dairymen. /� I E 11 � - , � 1,11""I Tw:enty-five years ago he gave a immedia Pr"MInent17 efficient Institution - � .1 �"t,'��, I OSCAR KLOPP sonal rating among the small pol i- Consideration that an entire . tely adjacei)t to the cros 9 Don't forget to. wash the separa- . -1 � ..'' �,�I',i it class , sin I " 1, �' Cal contingent whose titles from must make shift with a single text- record of a typical day's activity, ould make pro. " ,; , qf haf I , had to stop, which w tar after. each separation. as the Hospital for Sick ChIldriDn. � , �L" Honor Gradua i. � �'ffl�; te Carey Jones, Na- . , " ' , I . .'L,;�,A�,, � . the monarchy wbich, throws a vivid U611it on t1he gr4ftWb6tw;een the two cities largely Don't se arite th6 milk without , .1 . �.. �, r,,W, I and who Are desirous P On thla,year's seftlais the "I. , �"Uf%�� '. . Octal School of Auetioneed.ng, Chi- . methods employed .by ' I I . I 11, Z*. ., . .. 1. ' � 0 11 I 11 -11.11.11. . �10, , �v� . - , ,Tammany 'a Matter of.stopping.and starting a-' first straining it. tal 906udjed $345,126 and il"s it � taken. in Pure I leaders to maintain their influence. It gain :6V6rY,few -seconds. . � Don't Mill to operate the separatgr �' '1��,"�'��IL' .... 40 I Wdatdl couru of retaining them. 'Whenever Al. 'IN __ .1 l . . . � ".,;,j1"4,.. WidlGfv-6 Stodk" Real ,Estate, mer- fonso appears in allte the streets are - L' -1 I . � .. I . � � was as follows. I The Ontario Motor '� � accot,11ing to directions. , itgatt in the'libld: to the extent of , �yvl,'�� , lined by the ebeering populace. .. ,�,,�',4�;. It 114W mg," P0 : League ba%rask� �, -� '" _;,# Astas in . 2 ami.-Ar6ti . "" L - � 11 - .,ni sae#,� �, _ , ,,, �,'., IL L - sed fior�i�eep by his ed the'btfard at Til u wori� VOWt e1#00i the creard can to. 0134#2 ., at tomes In q '11i��,,s;N�`, r, W pixie a!11ing'msr'ket, Sit, , ound , �� �'j,�'�;'L'Q . 1� 11M I , W -Ate- or V*6j, CAgthllana I . I I ��Ml �V":"111 00 ,:&dtX ; 11,� I ,� I th ,L - 11 , :_'�5',`? '. �'� � ' , AA ont. phoni or car] *am, to� Huriketi, tv, go t6. the crossing d'anger-at na.at,a4 ig $tist, ..� � _ , ".4 � "' 1. lkeip%4 Oft6n, boWeVer. he has ilvo,ay coni= 4 Ift r . , "W" " � picked out - doorbell ringingi ov'l order the I I 0 11 I ., _tilho ,* � " " ��L � door asking placing of r 11*4� dressed. I . � 1�" , I ,L;�:,�. - - Mgt - 0 #. � "E, y Morning eqUestriaril , sthifee of , . . . I .� jgwh . 06 16ug as 'i"*,6ro, �t L"�' IL�', ',,��',rQ',,,,,��: I ; Pdfice station t� b61f`,61fiC,d . s4loc. 900 feet from ( 11" I'lie bwj -I—. , . 1. ,I ,� ,"I 41.1 � ��,�, ' . , , .'�,11�1',N�". ,. � ­ - 1. I � . 'And unneco - I I .11 . I , W�', t I . - :'­ I g"O,ft Wr ungu4 ed mpanied. .." i**'Ift djk1hk'a1*JknJft& I ,�,�i�, , '""' . .- ", , ­_­ -P16 ,kt4per A;dibsf f�J�fl6fi 'A#�. c6*'ouo'Vebt643i, r'bein - � '. , I �, _A&6 !!�, the Issfiionable Avenida . , Wkdept-i- A the 4rb' to t �, reath-der-tination ni.fless pjainly A,& (I � kftps the 1160'pital 4- , 1� . I . - r4 ' Jtp"� I �i�'"� 1, �111 I I S;Mft6tidlb't0t� is a model for his. hh*�6 advii6d ftt thoik ba,ve n6t 'at I .- , . L I , ,. L, �"'�* , � � I , , - "L , 45-i I e& foj"': "ji of J 'a g in b*.O: ' �*Oip I ,'4'!`("'f`�%k,'� I I I I health shouic . MW - W111 ..WW abtrlty posdiliV, 'ildlet , , ,�,4,C"",�, � I �.., I 't- *eise Law;, Pail f i1ftlAW and � bidk� P�6'sent' the huthMtr to -ni , . ?iXted, is 4, "I I , 1. I .1 su4jeats, In faot, Parisian gowns 1. - I .1 .1 . ­ ,L . , JiJlbe, F*T,g,& L" , - w s**0 i �, -0 I WSW "'F ,,��,�, 1!1� A-T.110111—ml. :_ I � I I " i '. " � -, 1. ,�­�`&� � ..r � ,, I. I ,�-, 'i ake �Wh awk Show& �, 1 . , ."', � I jA,'j-,',q,;,;1 , I I . I .1 ' L.. I ... ;,.,;t-. I.." " , �. . C&fV0,'ntfdT1AT ft'rld ditire & I ,,, 1 . I I I P . L' , � ' 6nC'6# f4or � . 6.1 � , i , 1 h4*6 - bh6wfi filyino"40 . � , I .. � I I ' ' � "I """";�:L ... . -1 ­' j� L I I . �,,',,'��Qk�!, . ,UL V J1 '­ , "j, I I I itrid � t,h,4 If* 4#vk* va &aa*i,*, �,O� Ud at '44 A'A 4&r �b 6, *0�� 4 ,� - I",# , . � , , ly it , �" ,,,-.� -�, , , $414. ..� , k6tL , *oft of � ,­�_­­, ; ##t% ewtfs *64*N 1"*"",O 9 ft. S fo-bb �, � 4*6 P . . ____ L. , ­­ .....I. -I.. , /� . 'i'l I'll . . "I . .- �, I 4 " I I:- I � , ffine�, 4.1� .. . I - 1; .::--r- . 11 'L L, . � a , I ), 40 : .--,'�O A',parrot:- s, 6, good''scout. I #6L:,ro. __X"Ir 8110"ft?_ I . ! �� 1-11 1111� Ill, - ,� WAit Ali Quftnj �pbd a %.*cA vAtirals" *10s6de .6t 06"Wal � , " , " tho calmtr Ard affeeted by both the King and, Iva I , �' X., , , 6 t A*8 'dk"Nntlai lts*it ft , , ��',.�; �, WtWh"WU"V toftet 1#19 to '06'asing bis � A, ft U4 takdal br auggating,that. �;,," �11,Vl , ,", '' M. Im jiftwo, J ftofftv .. *4 �, ": '04 " v ".. J , - - I , I � 11 " L 471! 1 4421104 , U, 'L.L r' , i, I � - - #00 A to lyotuli%�, I ", .�, ,­,­�, - i '2101,:'001 � ,P�,71� !tW:1111I_1A_A1_14yh16h# , '11, �L , ,'C"�i � �*n : .. ":,,I 5 , $' , , ,of. �11'1 . 0 - I ��- I. - 'L. ,., W& ,�,� h :10% L'. �Lv L' 11'4111,.�.." �,v , totht 'POA'k "O�,4 r ,66.1 �, i , U, � FAR, , hb4ft, "'Ut, ,� � �, ­­,"­­­ 110"'." 1, I � .... ; � ,: , r, ", ".., �_ ;i .n Aift I - it � , pyliq ,��l ;.Wemv.10..--,� 1 , �� IN 'lid -0 im""g?, . .1 YOM% . _1 ,� 4� .1, L -11 1 � 'r I , � I - . , , ,L' , I I .� . LL 11 I' �11 , ', roA_ , 0".* f""a . �, k I L ",;L- _ .10, in , L .,., . 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J , I k�,�,:. , , " ", o -F 00 _As it 00 . �', �', , �,, �� ,. , � � - 'I 1-1.7 `07-41 I, __ *A Wlft,,,�I, L 9 .11, ) 649 �i .,,4 .. � 0 qf"o.00 I ,,�, 1: � I "I , . '.I I ­"�L�'�V',,� .11111�' 1:1"I'l . 1, iA , @ , ftnt-w') * , � ,, 1. � , ,� ­ _�, 9, . 11 9 MTM -, ­ ­ I . I _ 11"'Ib 31javlwl R Whl I Per 9* . 11 - � "... v ­,-1%419qLTP. Y�!, IT - "V L' I ,G 0, ­ . " , , ; `*M& , A 100"v- :,. I I- . T :, . , , ,3 . :;��01 1 � MWEMOR I , " .W , L , , IV . i�-111�19 n , %M"P -'�"��%": ,�.��,��,��,­' , 'T ft L ,� ,ft :""U 9 ���,,�y 5. "O"M - -' Au � 4 oz , .... .. :4p'Q'L, , '""W', 4fthobSt �%_� , 1. I I J I �,,,.,;� !�g�,�".�,",� ,,.VAn I �'�',�"-', ":� � ­'; I I'l yj� � , � � ' of� ::. !�!� �, �:, �, L . 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