HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1924-11-21, Page 5ON fr� . • rl,a' 1 ..• ,i, 11.:06 „II' toll R+.:afi+,•, O • b P. aD per cwt,�mgg'm� • , ytvr� DAIRY MAS Toronto, . November 18.--40boeee mow,,- I1rge.- 20c ; ?w.+lrss. 20%c; triplets, 2$ls .% ; State 224. 91'00 a 28 to 4c; tv4na, 24 le2.60:trip Rate. O 264, Butter-4Fiineot creamery Prints, 4031 to Q t, A34te; No..1 cera ery, $9% to 38%ca No. 2. to S6c;'dnlry, 28 to. 80c. ..L.85 Eggs --Fresh eztres, In Cartons, 08 to 65c; loose, 60 to 63c; storage extras, da Cartons, ' 458 to 49c; loose, 47 to 48c; storage eras, 48. `&o 44c; storage 3ectrnd3,. 37 to 88e.. LIVESTOCK MARKET Bdffalo, November.38,-iCatitIe receipts, 31„v 025; choice grades fairly active; others slow; ;8enorad market steady; shipping steers, $9 to $10.50; hatchets, $7.25 to 39.50; yearlings, $9.50 to $12.50; heifers, 34 to 98: fair to choice cows. 52.75 to $5.50; a few at 36.00; • canners and cutters„ $1,25 to 52.75 ; bulls, $8 'to 53.25; stockers and feeders, $4 to 36.50; fresh cowls and aprjngers, fairly active and ,steady, 836 to 5120 per dread. Hogs -Receipts, 20;000; fairly active and 25 to 85 cents lower; h.eavy, $9.50 to 59.75; • :mixed, 59.40 to $8 50; Yorkers, $9.25 to. $9.49; light, do., :1$3 to 59; pigs $7.69 to '$7.154 roughs 51.75 to '$8 .stags $4 .t6 85 50. Sheep and' 44}pt rpt$. '12,000 •"sett e, ' 95 cert$ dfi�g4IeI 5 to .814 60; yearlings, ,$9 302; `wethera;. $4 00 Higher, '58 -to $8.50 ` Gw 131.00. *2 5�qo-.$2.60; mixed 'sheen, higher, * 7.60,'tq' $8. ;^ • Union Stock Yards; Toronto.:iovpgdlgr 12.. Trade in butcher cattle was again slaw to- , slay, largely on account of the , 'poor quality • oaf the bulk of the offering, though heavy re- ,eeip>8, m¢ ;the tdatdarrmalalY-from the West, wild not help rei;$teis. The export buyers leund very few steers finished according to $ earaortal relwants ,:sad as a . result more trait t$he usual ''iiuinlrer' of heavies went to the ,packers who paid steady prices for that kind, clpxdits enmaidered. A , big run of common cows. evidence that the cheese factories ase ,r,losing, and the farmers culling their herds with a flew to stabling for the Winter, was 138 seasonal 'feature that contributed to the o5ragginess of the killer market Stockers and feeders Ior the home trade were tate only active ;,lines, about 35 loads of these store ,cattle going out at steady price. About half the total offering had been weighed up at '2 o'clock; when the common killers were mov- 'sng slowly to the scales and at the close there was a holdover of ,well over a thousand head in the pens. The top .load of steers, averaging 1,253 pounds, went up " to packer and exporters paid 6 to 734 cents for heavy steers, outside of an odd 1,500 pounder at 8 cents, the bulk of the steers over 1,200 pounds and good to choice making 614 to 7 cents. while a few c+teers for export brought 534 to 614 cents. In the hamdyweight butcher line 6% cent= 'was top for a small bunch. while 414 to 5.4n cents 'took the bulk of the medium to good •:tuff, and common steers and heifers sold _ from 3 to 5 cents per pound, the common -kind weakening toward the close. Cows sold -.,a4cady at 3, to 4% cents for good to choice butchers, with a few choice heavies at five Tents to 'the exporters. But there were a tot of medium cows at 284 to 3144 cents, and the run of canners and .cutters at 114 to 31/2 emits was 'tinhsually heavy, Well over 100 head _of feeders, 900 to 1,000 pounds, sold et 15% to 5.60 cents, the rest snaking anywhere from 8.60 to 5 cents, while the range on stockers weighing' 700 pounds or less was 8 to 4.84 cents per pound. , Quality in the bulk of the distinctly off, thenumbeof calf eave grassers 'being exceptionally large in proportion to -the totaL Prices all' round were easier, re- sgardless of quality. as top veils anode only 110% cents and there were. few at that level. Medium veal's at 7 to 9 cents were compara- tively scarce, and the heavy calves off grass ..glow at 8 to 4%. cents.. Best Unita sold steady to a quarter higher -utas: the close of last week, at 11% to 1174 cents, an odd top lot making 12 cents, with .Bmmmbs •brat were on the heavy aide at 10 to 31%. cents, and culls. 0 centsper pound. Butcher sheep sold steady at 6 to 7' cents for 'Rhe bulk of choice, : with a top lot of 11 head at 8 gents.' Demand for breeding ewes was about of. Common topisin„ ehgep brought. bo S emits per' pound.' . Hogs sold steady at 83, cents for thick asaoot s, f.o.b. '2.300 bpta..to-day .were 6.228:=cattle. 796 Calves, cgs and 2,736 sheep and lambs. In addition . there Fore .1,800 cattle on through Obtairig,,, .: ' Quotations: phrport steers, choice. 87.00 to 67.25; do. :good, 88.00 to $6.50; butcher steers, choice, $6.50 4» $6.00; ,do...good, 54.75 to 55.25; do:. aommoa to 'fair, '82.50 to $2.00; butcher heifers, choice, $5:00 to 65.75: do., goof, heifers, 'choice, 55.25 to $6;00:. do., good, 24.75 to 55.00; do.. , common, 18.50 to 84.25: IBut¢heh _epWs ice, 84.00 to $4.50 , 98. do, tate, '00 be 8. 5 ; do.. canners and cut- ters, $1.50 to $2.50; butcher bulls, good. 58.50 to $4.26; do., fair. 68.00 to 38.50; do. bologna. 22.50 to 83.00: feeding steers, good, 55.00 to $5.50; do. fair, $9.50 to $4.00; stockers. geed, *3.50 to $4.00; carves, choice, $10.00 to $10.50; .30. medium, 37.00 to 69.90.; do. grassers. $3.50 to 4.00; milch cows, choice, 375.00 to 390.00; eDringere, choice, $80 to 8100; plain cows, $45 565: choice light sheep, 36.00 to 87.00: cavies and bucks, 84.00 to $6.00: culls, 52.00 to $4.00; choice Iambs, $11.50 to 511.75; bucks, $9.50 to'.$9,76 ; culls, 88.00 to 69.00; hogs, fed avid Points. 50:do. f.o.b.,do.ocars. 58.75; select premium, 31.88. THE MAN WHO KNOWS HOW GETS THE BIG PAY JOBS The biggest salaries are being paid to men who know how. The Hem.phill trained man is in demand every- where.. If you are mechanically in- clined, come right to the Hemphill Trade Schools at 163 King Street West, Toronto, or write at once for our big illustrated catalogue which explains Step by step how we teach you to be a skilled Automotive Me- chanic, Battery or Ignition Expert, Vulcanizer, Welder, Bricklayer, Tile - setter, Barber. or Mechanical Dentillt Don't delay. Call or write. ' 2971-1 English Army HORSE BLANKETS Wool lined, 10 Ib., at 25 JUTE BLANKET. $6t75 to @5 . BUFFALO ROBES -Wind and at proof $14'50 to $18 MITTS AND GLOVES. - All from..,....., 15t $2,50 CLUB BAGg - Genuine leather • for leather lined to g ,;*Pt"M ' SINGLE HARNESS TilheJ,est.,make,t .e; and up. r'® 2,00. IC trife IIV assts i. 1 Rawl tow. on, Is ' $4. 4414by those 'who loser R18>,L B not loot but exalia bafwe p la's Urea with Us in ::user. ,s 9naY ?J11 far 4tv -father. hti other. Sintiga and '. 1K 1 C DATES Maslde.-In Usborne, ,n November 12th, t` In- eel. I. W. 'Madge, (Wed 36 years and t.. 11 months. Farmer. --4n St Joseph's Hospital, Lon4911.4 Oa November 11th.' John Farmer, Soraaerthr p': Exeter, aged 78 years. Passmore.-In{� Usborne, on. Nomad*? Otll. ,..r� garet iouon.uu, wtoow er 1110 {Sat Thomas Passmore. in her 71st yegr. McKenzie. -.In Ktppen, on November 6th. June Young, beloved wife of Alexander McKetlzie, In her 66th year. MEETING OF HUJRON, COUNTY COUNCIL r The Council' of the Corporation o'the Coen- to of Huron will meet in the Conrail Cham- ber, Goderle .."at '8: o'clock 3n� the,' afternoon of Tuesday.. 4,40, 2nd day o$ .December, 1924. All . amounts against the County hunt be in this hid dd.:bf the: olerV not jater than Mon- da9 preceding then Sheeting sof Council. GEO. W. HOLMAN, COUNTY CLERK. Goderioh, November 16th, 1924. 2971-2 COURT OF REVISION VILLAGE OF HENSALL 0 The meeting of the Court of Revision against the Assessment Roll for 19$4 of the Village of Hensall, wall be held in the Town Hall on Monday, November 17th, at 2 p.m. A. MURDOCK, Clerk. October 31st, ' 1924. 2970-1 IMPORTANT NOTICES port SALE. -A PONY, BUGGY AND GUT - ter, for. Bade cheap.- ADply to JOSEPH McCULLY, Brucefeld, Ont. 2971x4 • volt J..2L S �OR SALE THREE DORSET Ram Lambs. Apply to JAMES SMILLIE, Hensall, or phone 9 on 91, Hensall Central. 2971-2 ESTRAY STFER.-STRAYED FROM THE premises of the undersigned, Lot 8, Con- cession 8, Tuckersmith, about first of Novem- ber, a red steer about 2% years old. de - horned. Please notify THOMAS FLA.N•AGAN, No. 4, Seaforth, or phone 16 on 145. 2971x1 WANTED. -DISTRICT AGENT FOR OUR Trees and Shrubs. Liberal pay, free equipment Write now. WIELLAN,D NUR- SERY CO., Welland. 2970-4 TIMBER FOR SALE. -A LARGE QUAN- 1T City of barn timber and lumber from barn and implement house; barn 8506: imple- ment house, 40x26. Apply to T. E. WAYS, Seaforth. • 2968-tf 4. 'STRAY HEIFER. -STRAYED FROM LOT -4J 14, Town Line, Stanley, about the first of October. a white heifer about 20 months old, no horns. Any information which will lead to its recovery please notify ED. F.EICHERT, Zurich P. 0., or phone 94 r 10, Zurich Central. 2971x3 M FOR SALE. -t 52'FY ACRES, EX- -3i Terri .land; 8 s'6Ss-half Lot F, Concee- skon 1, H.R.S., Tuckeramlth, 1% miles east of time Town of Seaforth, where there are ahnrohes of ail denominations, public and sep- arate sehoolu and Collegiate Ifatitute. On the premises there are a comfortable frame house, wood shed, cellar and cistern; frame barn 48x60 feet, driving shed and hen house; 12 acnes broken, 2 acres of alfalfa. and rest hay and' pasture: Mail and 'telephsnte line; also one-quarter mile from tared school. MRS. M. CURTIN, Proprietress, Seaforth, Ont. 2970-t8 TWO CHOICE FARMS BEING LOTS14 and 15, on the 7411 Cohcenden ' of ' Me- Killep, 114 miles from school, 2% miles from church and 6 miles from the Town of Sea - forth, on good gravel roads. On Lot 16 there Ge an over -flowing well, good orchard and buildings, in good repair. On • Lot 14 there is a good brick house with woodshed,' two never -failing wells and 30 acre. of the finest hardwood bush. Both farms are in grass and have no noxious weeds. For hay, pasture sad grain farms they can not be beaten. Will be Bold together, or separately. For further par- ticular apply to :MISS TENA BEATTIE, No. 1, Dublin, Ont. 2971x4 AUCTION SALES AUOTION SALE ON LOT 22, CONCES- sion 12, Bronson Line, 3 miles southeast of Bayfield, on Thursday, November 20th, at 1.30 p:m., the following: 85,head of Here- ford, Durham and Polled Angus heifers and steers, 2 years old; 6 good cows; 4 sheep. Terms. -Six months on furnishing approved joint notes, or 8 per cent. allowed for cash. ROBERT PEN3IALE, Proprietor; George H. Elliott, Auctioneer. 2970-2 AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK.- Messrs. Thomas Brown and T. M. Kelly have been instructed to sell by public auction on Lot 24, Concession 4, Township of Logan, on Thursday, November 27th, at 1 o'clock p.m. the following: Horses -1 driver six years old. Cattle. -- I Holstein, 'row with calf by side 4 years old; 1 Hereford cow, 5 years old, due time of Bale: 1 Durham cow 6 years 0111, due time of sale; 1 Durham cow 7 years old. due December lst; 1 Durham cow 7 years old, clue December 28th; 1 Durham cow, 6 years old, due February and ; 1 Hereford heifer 8 years old, due January 30th : 2 Durham heifers, 3 years old, supposed to be in calf; 13 Durhams, Herefords and Aberdeen Angus heifers two years old; 9 Durhams and Here- ford steers, rising 2 years ; 7 Durham and Hereford heifers, rising 2 years ; 9 Durham and Hereford steers, 1 year old: 5 Durham and Hereford heifers, 1 year old: 7 Durham and Hereford steers rising one year: 2 Dur- ham and Hereford heifers rising 1 year; 2 Burnrtner calves. Pigs. --Nine pigs 3 months old; 1 sow with 10 pigs by her side. Imple- ment;. -One cutting box with blower attach- ed. Terms. --410.00 end under. cash ; over that amount 10 months' credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes. Six per cent off for cash. No reserve es the proprie- tor is short of stabling. No outside stock al- lowed, FRED W. AHRENS. Prorrietnr ; Brown & Kelly, Auctioneers. 2971x1 AUCTION SAJ E OF FARM. FARM STOCK and IMPLEMENTS. -Thomas Brown has been instructed to sell by' publle auction on Lot 11, Concession 5, McKillop, on Tuesday, November 251:11, at one o'clock p.ih., the fol - loving: The Farm, -The farm consists of Lot. 11, Concession 5, McKillop. 'There are on the' premises a good frame 'dwelling, house, large bank barn, pig nen, hen house. never failing well. well fenced and underdreined, and con- eeniently situated as to schools and churches. Horses. ---1 mare 7 yearn old snpdor ed to he in foal; 1 mare 5 years old: 1 gelding ming 3 years old; 1 spring colt; 1 driving horse rising 6 years old. Catt8e.---3 cow due to move December 10th: 1 cow, 6 years old, due S'ebruiity 18th ; 1 cow, 4 years old, due 'April 24th; 1 cow animated to be 4n calf ; 1 two - Year -old. steer ; 1-year.okt' • steer, 2 -year-old heifer: 8 spring calves: about 100 hens and 20 geese. -Iaapleinenta. --1 *Rgon, 1 buggy, 1 clatter, 1,walking Plow, L.set eit,ldttddcphatrnem. 1 set single harness, 1 Standard dream too* arator, 1 ramie, car, ropes -Wad pidleyc,. h. quantity of hay and a*zmw, ts80_31f1 A600 black;of lierfw Admit 1000 itShYala Vit burl ttbeat. Term5tr -0ya,�y,,y tirade is rw)t ».'. y xlft stale or an>si5tI IQ $Q4dtayi an 'fill t els it that amount, to %lab On mn teurnia'tring sLf5't'�i� 2 i TelLLI311I ,Andloneas. STA16.1 ES888:i V84)Mae repair/es' 1t0& SpeebiJlay:t NIOndta } f d': dor, axial'arili. bey' nasi. I Sint t'ch4, bush • Beni; of 1a , nr cd, watesea ` 'and dtai loci. L.W41 sold; en 'easy torts icor: quick sale. $n-lnlediate posses - .1§,100, f ,Acres . • in eKillop '.Town- +s.nrqq rlirp, 5I,niilleeOs ' ry./from .��Sneafofrtth 1, frame house,• good barn;, b ill, ings in excellent condition; good land, . well drained and fenced; splendid water; five acres bust; As fine a fifty as you would find in the township and will be sold • at reasonable price and: good terms. A number of houses in Sea -forth and Egmondville with, ' prices: ranging from 5600 to $.1800, all tin good condition;` -make com- fortable holries, Inspection • in- ' vited. Several choice farms in Hullett, McKillop and Tuckersnlith; good land, houses and buildings; well watered, fenc6d and drained. Terms to suit purchaser. Prospective buyers will be shown .these properties at any time. Phone 152 for appoint.. rent. ea BONDS Dominion, Provincial, Municipal, Corporation, etc,; ample security: with the most favorable interest, MONEY TO LOAN on first mortgage farm property • A. D. SUTHERLAND General Insurance Agency. WARNING! The Trustees of School Section No. 5, Tuck- eramith, warn the parties who have been en- tering the school and interfering with schopl property. This has been going on for some time, and the Trustees have determined to put a stop to it.. IS it occurs again it will be placed in the hands of the Authorities. 2971x1 Order Storm Windows NOW Get our money saving Prise list showing freight paid cost of storm windows, glazed complete, any adze. The Halliday Co., Ltd., Hamilton, Ontario. 2965-7 NOTICE The accounts of the undersigned are now due and ready. I re-. 'speetfully.'. ask -'you "to call settle without fur Cher notice. G. K. HOLLAND, Beechwood, Ont. 29'69x1 WE OFFER City of Sydney, N. S., 5%% -Bonds due August 1st, 1954. Interest pay- able February and August 1st , Price 101.50, yielding 6.40%. x•� JOHN RANKIN AGENC'Y., PHONE 91. SEAFORTE; General Insurance AGENCY LIFE, FIRE, ACCIDENT, SICKNESS, PLATE GLASS, AUTO, ETC. BONDS Bought and Sold. REAL ESTATE MONEY TO LOAN . on first mortgage farm property Office over Walker's Furniture Store, opposite Dominion Bank. A. D. Sutherland PHONE 152. Dr. W.R. Nirnmo DC.SP.C. REGISTERED Chir pract4 r Specialist Spinal, Nervous and Chronic Diseases treated successfully by the latest methods in Natural therapeutics, including all forms of spin'a1 adjustment, corrective dietetics, etc. Electric treatments given when necessary. At Heart .Ofilce.over Seaforth ?harlriney every day except Tuesday . morning, . Wedne iday and Sati t ay a Whepo-r a 4`t ,, eau 2- o to 1.2 it,t /todj1,11C` : uAriayp ;fiord 941;' is the one/air wjf rbrdile for yon- the-. one tbat eI,11'l ` from out, 141to Fay a little moue iold get the cheiicst cikt8. et beef Atli* market. We promise you 'unife ality day by day when you pllr�(DAMP from us. D. R. STSWAItT aim "Stjeet SeaftortiL Phan, 580 o%11111li11111111111M110#ii1111iii11141N1IUM DR. D. H. `McINNES SM▪ O▪ N0▪ 01.91sa▪ a CHIROPRACTOR of W Ingham, will be at the Commercial $otel, Seaforth Monday and Thursday After$ons. Adjustments given for diseases of. all hinds. • 2970x19-tf '11111111111111111a1111111111111111111111111111111i .a Q:' W...TT BOX C '14(11%14 D1 e1ut ✓ 4 tfeeessiciO d t, ereUsoIMO 0 Best Motor and Roe -drawn 4 equipment.. 4 0' Charges - moderate. Flower13 furnished on abort '' notice. 4 40 Night Calls Day Calls 0 Phone 175. Phone 43. '0 G.000Q®Q Q4o-c 4D •.i 0 O 0 0 0•© O o CHAILES HOLLMEES o Plumber. • • See our Bathroom Fixtures • and Supplies. • Estimates for complete instal • Intim furnished on short notice • Eight years' practical expert, • ence in Toronto. • Repairs and alterations given • our prompt attention. • • • ®® 8 !$:fids o 8 0 8 8 8 O 8 O 8 O 8 'Thrift '`' consists in spending less than ..,,;you earn. by careful economy you can save money, you have taken a _'long, step . toward contentment. iiWe pay interest on Savings bal. ances and shall welcome your account. 050 THE CANADIAN BANK Of COMMERCE Capital T'taid Z.7p $20,000,000 Reserve Ind $20,000,000 Seaforth Brati h J. G. Mullen, Manager 40* i iramiamoiatesarasig. ifr lr� f it rho • e so» ®j T®R®A/1" Wanted School of Commerce, Clinton, Onto The School with the well qualified teaching staff. -COURSES- Stenographic - Commercial - Secretarial - Special Course. For information apply to . F. WARD, .A., Principals M. A. STONE, Commercial Specialist, Vice y rineipafl PHONE 198. SPECIAL CLASSES FOR STUDENTS FROM SEAFORTH 11-10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Six Weeks Additional Time Given to students on an 8 -month course Fab CoahCok --W o d When you think of fuel, think of us; and when in need of Coal, let us demonstrate the excellent qual- ity of our SCRANTON ANTHRACITE For l'Otir Furl ace, Heater and Range. "PLUTO" CANNEL COAL for the grate; little ash, don't snap, burns longer and produces more heat -hence is cheaper than Soft Coal. It is econ- olny.-for you to buy good fuel ---the kind we sell. !::•.*:". 4Aa,'ORdf2i:9.• .:.,r t Co. .41or'S2. NS 8'Evo, -bnkOrs, Our stock is now v Rubbe'rs, winter Rub eyo paled for more wet weather- set OUR MOTTO -We s..'. ll not only , i, ' o Iy alt to;s� to.w , H. Snot, altz T PHONE 51 OPPOSITE BBAANNK O ' 'COST I'; ergus:c MEN'S OVERCOATS, in Whitney .and Blanket Cloth, extra heavy.....$25.,00 to $30.00 BOYS' OVERCOATS .. $10.00 to $14.00 MEN'S SHEEPSKINS in heavy whipcord.. $14.00 MEN'S MACKINAWS $9.00 to $1L50 BOYS' MACKINAWS $6:50 MEN'S UNDERWEAR STANFIELD'S BLUE LABEL, per garment, $3.00 STANFIELD'S RED LABEL., per garment$2.50 PENMAN'S 95, at $2 25 MEN'S FLEECED LINED ' $L15 BOYS'' FLEECED LINED ' . 70e • MEN'S ALL -WOOL MUFFLEIIS . $L00 to . $2.25.: MEN'S SILK MUFFLERS $2.25 to' $4.25 Thos. Ferguson SEAFORTH - - - - - ONTARIO. Cantelon's Fuel Service ANTRACi'1'1E Now in stock our genuine Delaware and Hudson, direct front the mines -Egg, Stove and Chestnut. SOFT COAL Our genuine Kentucky Lump, unexcelled for threshing and domestic use. BOULETS The fuel that makes heating cost less. These kindle quickly, do not clinker and burn to a powdery ash at a price considerably lower than hard coal. COKE Our High Grade Nut Coke -a cheaper fuel with great heat. EGGS WANTED A steady supply of fresh, clean -shelled eggs for our ever increas- ing carton trade, bought on graded bas -is. Highest prices paid. Farmer's Dried Apples wanted. Any quantity well dried quarters. IIENSALL A. C">v N`O'EL COAL and PRODUCE ONTARIO Phones -Office, 10 W.; House, 10 J. 2965-12 FurnacFurnacs, Shut g'"fir tat r 9 Evtri.in Y � luniting, Eta© 81) We have recur :d the ser, , ices of Mr. " ; bort Reid t take charge of this w rk and can guarani .e sati es facti tt and reasonable prices .1` ly