HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1924-11-14, Page 3-1-1-111 - - I—, - ,
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ALWAYS'SLEEP 'WELL - A16ng'rainy spell will develop a lo
I �1. '.1 ,, of rust with a flock of noises Mori
"The healthy Ould sleeps. w6ll and ilOng the grating type. If such rus
<during its waking hours� is'fiever crosi develops around the spring bolts a
�but alwaysC happy and laughing. It- is the fiont; ends of the rear spri
only th6 stiiqkIy,'c4'1d,
, , I -that 1i cross and where the drive is taken in a numlb're'
*evish,.-Itothers' if 'Your children do of makes of cars the noise will b(
mot-slepp"well; 4 they see cross and alarming. .
. ..
4ary 4 great deal, give them Baby's Too.much cold weather means an
(Own,"Ttfblets and they will soon be excess 'of choking in staxting. This
-wella,and happy again. The Tablet4 allows too'much raw gasoline to
are a mild -but thorough laxative I reach 'te.t.valves in , the case of an
vithich 'regulate the bowels, sweeten . L -head or, and the first thing you
the stomach, banish constipation, know the valves are sticking. Any
eulle and indigestion and promote motorist who has experienced thl-8
healthful -sleep. They are absolutely sort. of thing knows how undesirable
��ranteed free from opiates and may it is.
'be given to the new-born babe witK And there's the other extreme to be
perfect safety. You can obtain the considered. Too many hot days and
Tablets through any medicine dealer I lubrication will riot be as effective as
at 25 cents a box, or by mail,- post , under ordinary conditions. Maybe
paid, from The Dr..Williams' Medicine it's just the grease on the steering
<Co., Brockville, Ont. gear lubrication nts that melts
- - - - - - - - - de� away and drips % quicker than
usual. Then the owner complains of
,AV inn and can't iinderstand
t;,s ri
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n Soml
Here is a story of Lord Darting i lines a reverse type of wea-
-the days when he was Mr. Justice thier will cure .trouble, if You just keep
Darling; . going, but it's a whole lot safer and
The famous judge was in a train more satisfactory to apply a quicker
-which had halted at a wayside station. remedy. Jut reverse your conditions
A man came upto the -carriage door and you have it.
and asked if he were addressing Mr. , .
Justice 'Darling. On being told that ; ---I*,-
-'he was, he said: "Oh, we have a kind RUBBER SHOCK ABSORBERS
,zf connection with you. You sentene-
red my father to death not long ago." GAVE IDEA FOR HOCKEY
The judge murmured some words of
regret., "Not at all said the mail. . PUCK
'�Vather was a dreadful man. He .
imurdered our mother." . Everything "under the,sun" has its
"Dear we!" said the judgef "a ter- Orighi-in the fertile brain of someone.
vible tragedy ,for you ail." ' The -brain that conceived the idea of
the rubbe��Puck which Canadian hoe-
"Not at,4.11," said -the other again. 1;;-�'plaY6fg 'hi . 11 'sh6rtl� be diiVing
'Mother treated us all shamefully. In --
�Pact, wrong as it was, it solved a with lightning speed to and fro on ice -
great many problents fclr 11'.ft covered rinks was that of Dr. Robert
I Jared Bliss Howard, son-in-law of the
- late Lord Strat�hcona. And it was to
Mr. W. K. George, Toronto. that the
WHY RHEUMATISM ' doctor rellated the circumstances un -
OFTEN COMES BACK der which the idea was conceived and
I I the first flat rubber puck produced.
The Usual Treatment Does N ,Zhen hockey was iY4 its initial
Reach the - R , of thp 01 ge As a recognized national game,"
Tri) . explained Mr. George to the writer,
"the main difficulty experienced by
Most treatments for rheumatism do those who played it was the securing
M0 more than aim to keep down the of a satisfactory puck, various kinds
poison in the blood and enable nature of ball$ experimented with having
t6 overcome that particular Attack. been found unsatisfactory.
'Then when the system becomes run- "Dr. Howard, then a -resident of
,down from any cause the disease Montreal, being an ardent devotee of
again gets the upper hand and it all the game, was among those who gave
bw to be done over. much thought to the sectiving of a
Sufferers frorn. rheumatism who suitable puck. And this is how, ac-
2mve found their condition unrelieved cording to ,his own statement to me,
or actually growing wome while using that he hit upon the idea that result-
tother remedies, would do well to try ed in producing the standard puck now
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. The tonic used by hockey players:
fzeatment with this medicine has "While one day passing a carriage
proved in thousands of cases that it hardware store in Montreal, Howard's
Amilds up the blood to a point that eia- eye rested on some of those rubber
ables it to cast out the rheumatic appliances that are placed between
poisons through the regular channels,' carriage springs -as shock absorbers.
the bowels, kidneys and the skin. The thought immediately came to him
'Whenthis is done rheumatism is ban- that possibly in the material compos-
ished, and as long as the blood is kept ing these lay the solution of the puck
pure and rich the patient will be ink- problem, and entering the store
imune from attack. This is fully bought a couple of them. On reach -
proved by the case of E. E. Davis, ing home that evening Howard cut a
J.P., of Dinsmore, Sask., who says:- disk or two from these shock absorb -
"I feel it my duty to sufferers from ers and th-at night had them tested
wheumatism to recommend Dr. Wil- out on the ice in -actual play. The
liams' Pink Pills. Some years ago I success that attended the test eventu-
-was a great sufferer from this trou- ally led to the general adoption of the
lble and was confined to my room. I doctor's idea," concluded Mr. George.
tried, two doctors without relief and And now the making ,of 'hockey
lhad become despondent. Then I saw pucks is of sufficient importance to be
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills recommended a branch of the rubber industry of
:for this trouble and got six boxes. the Dominion. t
Mefore,they were all gone I was able c
to get around on crutolies, and when -
I was; on the eleventh box I started to MOVIE INDUSTRY ON SOUN t
-work. 1 have not missed a day's work D c
since on account of rheumatism. On BASIS c
two occasions since I have had light I
touches of the trouble, but a box of The "spoiled child among American
the Pills soon put me right, I strong- industries," namely the motion picture
ly recommend rheumatic sufferers to business, has come to its sense, we e
give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a fair are told by The Commerce Monthly, I
Mai." and is not longer throwing its money c
You can get these pills from any about with the gaiety of a drunken I
medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents sailor. "From now on the moving I
:a box from. The Dr. Williams' Medi- pictures will be a less spectacular
,cine Co,, Brockville, Ont. business, but a safer one." As the
� - organ of the New York National Bank 6
of Commerce informs us, "changes
INFIFECTS OF WEATHER ON CAR will be chlefly in the direction of
standardizing its methods and weed-
ing out speculative and irregular i
. practises." Until 1923 11the industry ,
Why overlook the effect of the wea- was spending as lavishly as it pleased
they upon the caT's performance, its on mare and more cmtly productions,"
skartcomings and its peculiarities? although "from the financial stand-
Falks come to me OvOty. day with point one of the greatest dange-m of c
troubks 4bat. are entirelY, K; to the the picture is the expenditure of an
PaTeur ki of W64thdr Welvie been unusual sum, �1,00040o, or Thore, 6h h
ut tZd
l"i 'y never soem to tdmble a single production."
% g
to the fact thdt a stretch of, rain or I'SpeculatiVe -superproduetions of
sunshine, or heat or coldo �s the whole the million dollar class magnify the
story in a mitshell. risk w.hwh the ptoduWr rum. They
A lot of dry *eatb#r mehitilz lot af *ill, neyer fie the lad-buttor M
%to .t4fie ApiJak '*$(,"
dost to get , 40 ooa6rs 6f thb i i;�`=a hw
' . . , ge
iorbjw�d bolts and beWeati, �40;�e�� , t,0210 mq= ikftft time sind
Ohd fftiders. Pt6* 966U tki d"Alt U 9Z=2"1`sn M"r ,
z It do 0=0-
a ve wM Gqwmks. and the a*ver ilfMn, or efforlm. petneg. .voing large
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Lum. adjuissim ebarges are iering. ,4 , 7.&iL 0 �1� 0 tl%;
It ma,,Y%he , . f, ' -4, '14 ,�' 11 �-�.4-,,�IrM,� '"
4 N4,00 ox over; either the size or tho ��4g,z r.ecord, or,a ra its pincers icho&eri twirs yv#o larger b ,:, f ,,,.".r,,.�,�",OU, r " --1 1,`�;,�,§
F A -M �,:�' ..� . �,�P,V,,'.11
I., , ... ... 1'i�, gol �4� ,,�, '-4 11 Al � I" t`�41111-11 -.1 . , -, ,
I R : .,$,t'L�11.�,i!�!
. LathlIsiasm of audi- , ,#',�` I I . ,
theatr�a, nor � the # I - . I �.t,�".,.. ,,, 'r, � � (- " ,
" - �" "
I , , , _ RAT
. gg,a�udy " il:bq*�� Rm,t,,.,y.0,V would :from the 'b"i material� iii France, $ban any of th�.6�4 , "o'lPffiR& 4 t I "I ,. �,J
. , . - , .en, - � t , 1, L i I ,
e to 'i!;v r but thAY are trained for their work this 91re that the " - I'll I . �
h e folillid.r.0 it was in � " r, " 4,W,�:"P,.,.')'.`� , �
enc`06 Would supportsuch rates. �, 1� you if an Auto ,. W, 119AQW1, -;t," -,���'ri,�,�'!�.'��,,'t�'�,�'�,, i
1 . , W�
, " 11 , , �*!
'' .i,
''..".."V �,�,�, I
. .
�,, Y ,��'
,.;�, , .,,-,� , , &,
, in , ��', � ;� � 4.
. bumped y I of, Babe) of t 414,04 il�,-,� -�t�,,,,� ��., ,;n,:, A- 1. . 11
After several months of showing . %'It-, eamland. And Nnth A thoroughness unli:nown in . 4 Ph W,4� � r4994MI '. ,� !'!!"��%,"�r,�,�����.�",����":, ,
. V. - I I ' - , � 1�'j;�. ,
I -, 11
t1:11 I li� . W, , I , oux, ,., -- 4
P . � LL . � L r ,�',�,,"I:,"".�.,��,�.rrL".11
�W; �,� " 4"''
� the -1 you can% really. -bJN tei the - giver any other country., it is only after 4 is, Oy far, the bi�-4..� : . . ,,,%fil "Lr, � `.41141149 " , ;7" ""
arge centives, the picture is 0 ov � , 40.V�vi;lwgqiu`�'
,b ., 0. '".
, ,)%, .�
_ .,) i, ��
' ' the .an .", ..
to cogntry-wide r` Knowing you well' 4 d6ristructed'by the an . - !.", �,, 'I, ,ii- 1
tire ,';, conclu&g. thht , long period of schooling by experts .. t:', I � ",.."
.d , e , ot" -4, r ." &Ii ;.1 ,
. , . . �,'
'has not Yet -b n repehei.L so$' texe", �fo, �, .t��, I ... - . . . . . . . . . . . . I - O'ZU ,,'�,�:��,�,:,, I
� '';,!
- circulation and you crave that sott 0 thing, -0 - the that they are allowed to c6manence tom ,� ,�
, I .,� . , %
the Producer, begins � to jeeei ' . ple , , . ", �":O' , , , ,
-111 a . 4 r4efil". 40 "I "
ve roturpa . . .4� -06
, .,��,. 41 ,1�14 ,� t��'f'�,,
I �
I W- t ` 0 convey a su.t- not befor years. ,,�,t 1� R, ',,,t�, 1',',!tW�A,:�
� �,�� t,.i-w, ". 1 " ,,,,,,",,r,,,�!,
" , I �1
tifth-'.1 a I ,� , � , 11
tle compliment , a 1, - , . " , ... I ,
a , ,1 ,,, "' , r t
I � - ' t of The Cd feet of the 'k 1. 1. - ,
-4 Of in- structure has, -, M t,., 4fA.M, ITLW . . . . . . 3,;I�i�'I, 'Vf' T�
V;, 7i
Oqve his outlay. , A , 01 But- already , -14,4 I
'llion,dollar other hand his their duties. How 'exacting this WI I �* , �R�,��',,� ,-
, mi I
Pictum way take from one to. two . I the following test which a student 906. 1�slan t jAo;"", � I 11 I.- �9.0.
pardon or inst ,ie;,`�I,,',i it is a must pass at a very,early stage of:ul!�Overed, ' It is rectanglap ig, t '"" ' " -� .1 , I
, "
ute , j10 -1 1* �t. �� lr'.�,i�"L#�.141�, "��, , 1. -... �; �
... 0 ,", � ,�,
,,�t�.,;'�, �
in Ideal- X *,� � . o4omf,�4�4 ,,, ... , ,,,.,,
'. 4... ,
may run for ism he has pereeived-,jil yo, ratre of a brilliantly lighted morn, The tower becomes narr ' �jo r " . �,
p; "; , ��
eqat' In Ox- to your good taste, to'a certa his coaching. He is place4 in .the means Of which the top Was4ea.6hed. 4 . . CF 0�:� �-P " - ,,,, , I
years to bring back its ' f ,ane trib 101 I �
ceptional cases, a picture * 04,
several yegra. . ur make-up el ow, towards other ri*]�, � .0 r", ... � I 1��,r�
, , , )*-Jn�'# %".��t'�,t-j'#T", r I ,
, L', ,.Q ,�', r �
I "", L ,"�i:v , . 0: , In t.
A to the impression Y;4* give thatjif4 After a few secon& the light is ex- the top. At its present base itis 195 A*qb0*- "a 4'18t01VV'1VF4 , go N�. �, I
I �. t,t',Y, tl�
I P #,?,'o'�,-,-.'� ... ��,�,,�.t�� - ���,
financing Of tells , " "" """ ", i.10 . I �
u� ' tinguished and the pupil is then ex- feet long and 154feet wide.. Becaus� S , P . -11
I �
. tb.71� CO]nmerep Monthly is real -and earueat,�gl�# not merely a ; 1=!-A$*a" ox VA, "AW, - -1111 �:,
the larger game of skittles. . fi��Oiini,*. ..[�, #1,� ,§�,
, -, �
. I � , - , ., --- "I I I I . . . . . "; . I'll �
motio*n picture enterpri 'V�4 may be sure PeCted to draw a plan of the room, of these great di"teas.1ons, Me arcl.�Ia�- , � ,*. ee ... " '��,
Ing ., , -P
, ,
, ,�...,�, �.�,�,,r, IPPAV 1� %'A
* "'' - ' , , �,� , r
,�,.�r',, 1�,:,,
In . ,�-- ��J� .i I rM I
marking the exact position, of the r I � f 4 =i Im * ' :,�,",,*� 11 17
ses is chang- that anybody who 'thinks slightingly o1ozists believe,that when the toW. A 11 ,04 .� I i, ... � �,:,;,: "
from the wild ,0 = 09 1:,;-t,
.- 11 .... N " �,%l
earlier ye on (ai furniture and other objects in it. In ' t! 111, . 1141A.,",
I ,
I `�'!` 14�1"-" -PT .
ars.11, adventure Of its of The Coinipani, sra gift is himself is wholly uneaAhed, it will be found spoii&lrleously. ' zip swo�, ...4 1.� I . �
� 1. - �111U�.` I
. , I I . , ,- " .., Y, "I
making life a game of skittles -and another test, after a moment,s to be at least 600, feet hig4, them #fter using,. or �i . M � '' . , I , .; � .,i;" � - ,"�,-��!;
., ",
. .- influence for stability was I I t of' -d 0w, 1, , ` .1, .1 "V,4'��",- '§ - '
I .1 ,, mf", ... � ::1 1-,
. I
created by very little else. , . � glance, he is asked tro describe a It is significant that this tower contalnbk�,-Qv I 001%. �,,� 1.�..,, - �;�,7 ,�., '. ti�',
I % 2 I , ,% � _,,,,.��;��
. ' ' ' �7� '�"' ,',,ii1;i-1'1,X I 'i 1. t4x',
. ,., I 11, ,, -5, " .,
the formation of the The 52 issues of.1.0 -' face accurately, gin),ing color Of hair is built of brick. Most of the othors I , , " a. �,;, 00 1,1p(
Seventh -Never bring a kie`r(10,01110 I I �,,��J,�E V
. , .Fg,,,�,,4,,..
1? �,-qbll
, ,
Motion Picture Producers and Di,- ed with � seri INO will be crowd ' ,and eyes,'and then to pick out a to , I
. I " � , '!�0;,l "'
��V, �� ,,'r " .� il- , �1@ ".,
tributors of America,!, say$ The Corn- at stoil&,, short stories, por. found in Babylonia havebeen of stone can near a � stove ,,which ihas fire ta, It- , , �,i ,
inerce , i "I ,��
, ,� ),
t , 1i
vl 1441 4, $I '. 043Y:,
Monthly, continuing: editorial, poetry, factf; and fun. SO, trait of it'from hundreds of other blocks- But the ancients could not and never pour keroseu6, i .1, �, I
now and -reeeiyet .
, , .Axe bi�,.Ou#,Or , 9 1,�*tt�lf
. 1".. �
,�i �.
- 1. The more difficult test is for the -building this tower, they used not- � . � � ��'',;;�,` " , , , Al:
A standard form of financial state scribe ' rd and go high enough with the heavy blocks, W-be*ier, Yon wpll�l tue, ,., ,,Vl�
Merl YoutWs Cp*,anion--52 is. still so in . . - I
t t for motion picture producing � I � .11�! §11' �14i��
Sues in 1925. - .. .. student to "'enter a darkened room ' 1 P1.
t companies hos been drawn up by a I 11 of e othe lighter bricks. Eighth-Do4triot use gasoline ,�r , , I ,,,,
I � p' j�,' r.., �
. '� ,1� �11111
committee of this . 2. All the remaining, issues of 1924 full urlous and unusual objects, apthgk for. cleaning -except"4n .,t*6 . , '. 1, I �
' organization 3. The -Companion :Home Calendar and. afteh passing his hands over Babel. In fact there were many. open air, or at least in f.r i. " , ,',! 0�.,i
.. t �;',:, 1�1
ont of�,Av I , i, 1
��: 1�." "
e ,1 1:
at only or, I . , "'i'O, "
bankers ,, �,
r with explanation of terms enabling for 1925. (is ' - -e them, to leave the room and give a : open ,door, and' be suip there . f �* .,
to determine the condition I
Of the company. O',quest.) All fo� $2.50. minute,account of its contents. Afire�-gr,-.ope;n game. - . . .1 I ':":�:.-,�;., �. �
The relations be ��. . .. . I 1�'. �, � � I � ,.af any Und ,1,; .,
twe n - 4. include McCall's Magazine,the LITTLE I I � I tho'; .1h , �:e t 1,, � I . I I.:.,:., I I
e Producers and distributors on . --------0-----L- THINGS, T11AT CAUSE, 11 U 0 "y. 15,10 """'I I .
- , Wiri0i..'roolut "', 1'.�,, ;
' ev1pu Qi6fAheAtd6r,Tj 6%,'�1'e' v&.-- I I
montlify authority on fashions. . I . -h � I 1�
_:, I . . I 1�,' 0
v., . . �,,�.,,,,, I
With `,, . I "t, qi� ,
I COSTLY FMES of -iiieh, fluids -when" iii. - *" , ,�,
uct . I 111:,
- I. -
other, a fertile source. of strife Both publications, only $3.00. TOWER OF BABEL BUILT OF . forms,gn expl . a, � I �.. ,:".14;k I .1
through THE YOUTH'S COX I ", ;
all the history of the in- Commonwealth , PANION, . �qgive, ;nIxture, I , "", � . i,"111 1Z
dustry, . The home represents to the man of -exedediligly 4� - - �' - - �� '. ., ,;I; t!,
are being smoothed Av * St. Paul Sf., UNION MADE BRICKS IS aligerovA , ..., , .
. ;;-1111A I "i
. W ,�',wt?,�.,
. A "',U � !�
I ,
its. efforts out by Boston, MIA moderate means very often the great-' I N9;ith,Do, "I " in " - ,!7�' .-
- A uniform ex .ss. . riot buj� I I I I . I ' �1,4 �
� . L its 'open, fireplace' and do," . ' I 1114.�
co-ract was framed for theh'b't'On Subscriptions. ReceivQ at this 0 . AMAZING DISCOVERY er part of his i.rivested. capita " , d 10 , '�' , , t-is� , I
use of ffice. a i a ,�, i.,�/,�;.- .. �
members in their dealings with . destruction by fire means the loss of it, or use open I I . . . . . . . 1.
subs places o I
ex- . 400 As far back as King Solomon the furniture, furnishings, clothing, arti- � t,,gl spark semen. -� , - . 4r, � " . ��..'.�" .,� K-1,
r 1 -
hibitors. Arbitration , boards con- �vorkers were organized, according to cles priceless because of association, T n _Do not use a stove unl - -1.i, ; "! , r
esm I '"I'l
sisting of distributors and exhibitors SOME SIDEUGHTS ON the Scriptures. But now the amaz- as well as the building itself. But it hag"pr6pef firiik'Or'snetal protect � �,�,
. 1. ..
in equal representation DETECTI ' ing discovery has been made that the when you consider that the desiruc- tion underneath. �, ......., .
established in thirty-one 44 P) . VES OF PA I 11 I ,.,
' '.
... .". , I
I ,
key I I RIS tower built by the Chaldearls in tion of the home by fire often means Eleverith-Do not destroy or injur% ,4 :, I �
, : ,,�:3. t
cities. In 1923 these boards handled Some years ago, before Sherlock Babylonia by which, they hoped to also the Ion of life or injury of the insulation by hanging electric liolt,'� � .1,
. "t,
more than 5,000 cases of differences Holmes and,Sexton Blake pegXed out reach the gods in the skies was con- members of the family, it is difficult cords on- nails or hooks. I X.. -, e
1. , " , I
1 ��,
I t" �
between distributors and exhibitors, a claim for Brita structed of union -made bricks! to understand why we are not awake Twelfth -Do not leave lighted kero�� %,..- J ,
achieving a in, all the great de- . � �,,��', .
,� '-
notable improvement �in tectives of fiction -had their honicin Archaeologists -have just uncovered to the necessity of taking precautions sene lamps near inflarnmable mater-', , I ";,
�. ��. F,
the relations of 'he two branches. In Paris. And the Pa I at Ur a great brick temple or tower, to prevent such disaster. ial or under shelves. I - �,".
I I.. '�
.1 ,. I
each of the ke� cities there is also lice" were in actuarisfaiant ','secret Po- known as the Ziggurat. It was built A considerable part of the enorm- Thirtemth--Do not use any rnatch.� , I : , , -
temor to ."I",
� ,.;,.
over 4,000 years ago, or 2,350 before ous fire loss ea year can be set down es except safety matches. . I I.".
-a film board of trade composed of law -breakers long before Scotland a , �;
i ' I I
the local exchanges of the dis- Yard came into e t ce the birth of Christ. The last king to sheer carelessness, but more per- Fourteenth -Do not allow ebildre4, � ��%
tributing xis,en . Even to- I L 1 11
companies., They act as day, though detective science has made of the Babylonians. Nabondius, who haPs is due to the fact that the aver- I +o have matches, much less play witji� . ti ". 1.
civilized - , 11., .
!X clearing house for the exchange of enormous strides in every reigned in 535 B. C., discovered the age man does 'not know what pre- Akav� � , . I ,,� , I I
ideas in which they are mutually country, the -sleuth-hounds of Paris I . �i ,
. - . '-Mill
but noncompetitively interested. The are second to none in cleverness and � I .1 ",
- � -Now"W"M 1� -; ".
Motion Picture Producers and Dis- courage. Both qualitiest � I lt.,Ni ",
tributors are engaged in a campaign cessary, for the French police are � 17. . A
. I , *
to remove the causes which in the sometimes given very knotty prob- I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �� I % t ........ � r t.."
past created a demand for censor- lems to unravel. And they have, too, I -
ship laws. , ; t":�,�: �
� to wage constant war with the Paris- 0 - I ""I .
. I 11tt I
, 11" �
Despite their early extravagances, ian apache, the most dangerous and :� M
it remains true that in the short life ruthless hooligan in the whole world. "I." I
of the motion picture industry, Keep% Friends I �.A
When the apache is in danger of I I ,i ,I, �. -
. ., 1,
American producers have reaped a arrest he will charge his would-be I 0 ; ���,
. �� ".. ,
,. I
golden harvest. Of 2 Possible 90,000 captor with lowered head, effectually . -� i,r �
picture theatres in the world,15,000 disabling him by a crashing blow . I
it � �11 1�
are in the United States with a "below the belt. But the Parisi with Health "".11 I
weekly ' attendance now estimated at policeman is too wary -a,bird to be . -1�1 .
60,000, and weekly admissions of $1 * , . .,�,., �i
: ,, �,
I , ,
0- easily caugh4 g story . I i�,
000,000. Annual rentals paid in the in Answers. . .:--�, --.- . ...., I , il,
I- �,'
. I
Stepping quickly aside, -� -- , �, � " .
EALTH 'is too valuable an . .�,� �
,�,,, ,
,� I
I'll, �,
Uniied States are conceded to be lar- he deals his man a heavy blow in L"i - H li�4'
ger than rentals paid in all other coun- the nape of the neck as he passes, . ,
tries put together. . fl'-�P , I- asset to be considered lightly. t I
thus placing Min hors de combat, or -�p �' -: I t, "
By the way of showing still with raised knee he counters t he . .,.) .
. , . . I 1. ,"
more �. 0; 11, I It is very essential, if you are to I .`11.1� I
impressively the industry's extent, blow, and before his dazed aggriessor .-, � \ ", I I �
of- -
The Commerce Monthly cites an can recover sends him to earth with a , �. I :�,',�
ficial estimate sledge -hammer fist . M � , take a leading part in business,, to . ,,,,,r
based upon figares -c:- -
, �,
PMUN et the greatest pleasure out of rife. I
. �.,
Approximate cust of pic- , tl�u--N �
covering the year 1922-23: With what coolness the detective I I
can face even a large gang of these - 9
rufflians the following experience of � , .. . . , "
tures produced armu- / ,',�--- � /,A I �,,
- I
Monsieur Goron, late chief .., 11 , �
ey ,
ally .......... ........ 200,000,uOu �� ..�
of the # � ;
- � ;
Taxable motion picture Paris Service de Surete, will show. I . I I I I steady nerves—nerves untroubled :., �
.property in the United' Once, after midnight, M. G*ron was I q �� � It �
States ................ by poisons often unknowingly 1;
walking alone and unarmed along I I -
I I �,
Investment in picture in- 7%1000,Wo the solitary road that borders the J , I
fortifications in the Panton Quarder 11 I I - taken daily into the system. I 1,
dustry .......... .... 1,250,000,000 1 - I .,,;�,
Annual salaries and wag- wben he saw a number of apaches i I "I'll I 11 .11
es paid at studios in sitting around a fire. It was too late - � �. I "I'll I .. � 1. I ,
�� - \k%, C,---,--) ) - ,
production .... ....... 76,000,000 to retreat, for he had been seen, and - .�N\ i These poisons are Caffeine and Tannin "',
no doubt recognized. I ,% --, - - , . ,��
- ,;�
Persons permanently em- -in tea and coff ee. They are detri- .1
Ill was not long in making up my , F . , ,.�
ployed in picture pro- mind," he. says. "Going 6p to the . t I I ,4*F) � mental to the whole nervous system— ��;,
. I
duction ........ . . 50,000 I ,,,,
group, I said: frequently cause restless sleep, excit- �. ", I
- ":Good -evening!' . ", ,
" Good --evening!, they repeated � . ability, indigestion and other troubles F ...
without enthusiasm. Then, they stood I I ��t'
ACTIVITIES OF WOMEN motionless, eyeing me suspiciously- -- which affect health. 11� I
I ",
a favor," I , � .
continued. "It is a long way to the ;�� I
Women Democrats in Maine have I Keep friends with health through ,
police headquarters, the road is not ft-- %
�".,; I
contributed prize cooking recipes for very safe', and I shall feel obliged if Instant Posturn, the hot, full-bodied �.
the State of Maine Cook Book, which I Carrie Bianchard's Offer �;�, 11
two or three of you will accompany . 11.
will be sold to housewives to swell drink which is friendly to all. Delight- �.
me so far." *7 want you to try Posturn for thirty days- I .. �
e party"s campaign fund. Then, pointing to the two most wwnt to start pou out on your test by friving roe .11
vour first week's supply. ful and wholesome at any time, it is ��, I �
. .
Mi -ss Dorothy Allison, recently ap- villaninous-looking members of the ,M.'It nee s to me that it would he a wise plan for 011? �
pointed a structural draftsman in the gang, M. Goron asked them to act I othera,mparticularly, to think of this test in can,- made instantly in the cup with boiling 0M., �
nection with the health of their famili . .
Philadelphia department of city tTan- as his escort. Sullenly responding "will you cand me your name alnedo address? ',�.
sit, is the first member of her sex to to the invitation, the brace of des- I Tell me which kind You prefer—Tiastant Postum water. Economical —costs half -a -cent �r"Iit
I'll i
rn Cereal (thokindrout at .,
You get ,
peradoes accompanied him back to the first week's supply right away." a cup. Ask for it at your restaurant, t I
receive such an appointfiWent. or Postu boil). I'll 9ee tb .
Mrs, A. G. Meredith, daughter of headquarters. I I r I
, I
Lbe late Daniel O'Day, Standard Had M. Goron shown any hesita- FREF—MAIL THIS COUPON NOW1 your club and on the train. For those ��,
- -- � I
oil millionaire, herself immensely tion or fear he would almo,st certain- who prefer it, there is Posturn Cereal, . . . . . . �11
,vealthy and acquainted with half of ly have lost his life. But there is I.,
he courts of Europe, has taken up no emergency to which the Parisian I Canadian Posturn Cereal Co., Ltd. mad �::,
ooking as a hobby. detective is not eqiial and no risk 45 Front St. East, Toronto, Ont. e by boiling for twenty minutes. q
Fashionable theaters in Japan have he is not prepared to take. At an T �snt to make a Wrty-dag test of Paciturn. .Take advantage of CarTie Blanchard's ..it,
heir boxes so arranged that women I Please send me. without coat or obligation, . I.,
hour's notice he will start on the the flrizit wftk,o supply of offer. Send the couporL . � .1.
an change their dresses, as, it is not )track of a mu burglar, and I I INSTANT POSTUR C] Checa whiert .....
onsidered stylish for a woman to ap- disappear. perhaps for weeks, in POSTUM CEREAL 0 rom prcaer � ..'�.
ear an entire evening in one dress the lowest slums of Paris, rarely re- Name .......... . ........ ... ....... . ...... � ......... . . ...... .- . ;% ,I
1.�, I
, .
Lnd with the same ornaments. turning -without having run his street ..................... � . . .... . ........... . ........... Canadian POstum Cereal Co., Limited � 11 5
Miss Kate Gleason, a construction quarry to earth. For this purpose City .... .......... . .. . ...................... Prov-- Head Office: 45 Front St. East, Toronto :1 -
.. .1
xpert of Rochester, N. Y., after ex- he can assume any one of a score . 11,
. . . . . I
, .
:,'N4, � t
erimenting for five years, has suc- of disguises, each .so clever as to L . ..... . �L� Factiory: Wkulr�ov, Ontario . q��N I
, ,.. � "
, I
eeded in perfecting a solid concrete baffle detection. lie will play the �;"�
Ouse that can be erected at a mar- role of butcher or 1�eggar, count or I . �4
11 1, I
dting cost of from $3,600 to $4,600. cabman, and play each to the life' ""There's a Reason" .i�'.'�it,
Mrs, Anna Van Skike�, of San He combines, indeed, the skill of a " .
I .��, , I
, the nose of a ,.ii, ,,, �
donica, Cal., recently celebrated her clever actor witb � 4:�;"' �
- � .", b
4th birthday by completing a six- bloodhound. One week 'he may be i " "I � I
,een-mile swim in the ocean. rubbing shouldem with rank and 11 � .,L�ffl'
The recent appointment of Mrs ' fashion; the next, hobnobbing with I '11'��It "I
".. "I
I in the lowest cabarets. , 1!�-� ,
,atherine Cowan as mayor of Wilm- criminals . ��,V��, ,
I , ::" I
ngton, N. C., gives her the honor One of the smartest detectives of .. . "
,. %
if being the first woman mayor in Paris once masqueraded for weeks I :11t�,
. ,i,
� �,
qorth Carolina. as a wrestler, until at last he was �.,,',,�,.
��.� ",
Mrs. Henrietta King, whose Texas able to put the hRndcuffs on a pro- . ,. I 0 "::, �
I � 1�1111' .:
. ;!, � `�
anch of more than 1,000,000 acres is fessiovtal Hercules who hhd commit- . V. 11 I
. � ''k1,;V,
onceded to be the largest in the ted a par4ticularly brutal murder. . If ,,,j,�
I "I' �11'� QL.
Jnited States, recently celebrated Another worked as scullion at a ma- ., � 1��,,, z
�," , ,
, " � "j.
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er 912nd birthday. tau -rant, and only left his plate- I I ,.,,".,�.',; , "
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Nis% -Dorothy Logan, adjudged the washing when he hhd discovered a '. " �
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rio beautiful girl in Wyoming, lids, couple of mueh�waiited thieves a- I : �, �.:� �-
*en selected w Priucest Petrolia mong his fellow -employees. You know how man? children do not like the tute of mAIX you �Mow how thtr . `;";V
�1&1� V4,o
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or the oil conirentiou to be held next More than five thbusand arrests I like to havo the sarno drink as th6 'gra"n.aW yon know, too, hov good ft & � 1- 1�1,.",'. ,�,,�.t�
- .1', ,,;'
I . ��.,,
onth in Oklaborah. . I for them to have a hot drb*l , .1 .I 1',Iv�;; �%��,,
4;tand to ohs dete,ctit�%- credi4 the � 4 1 . �., Wld�
A. eanr,036 is being. made I . . . �., �� 0�,)�l "I,
amol of 'them itTeeted. eelngle- .. . I
er "Onty ." 1�11 1,1;
, , �,,.�,',�,,.�,t,
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he W�=4n in England to eyilM the k banded and almost .611 at consider, m1mata le" - - adlk IrAt k Rd b6ftiNvattrl , %', ' �" .,J �'�,,�L �
,* I" � i��. �116�`,,I,:,,��t�,�'
like the tante hwntalateIrl AM tho "in get the ;, CrAoftft of 'i "I L � 0�,,�� , ,,,,, , 1�;''
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aW fixim ntwriag* ft"ino I , ' jiv -,W%4, ,but ,glight t�At � 't .. '1'1��I�"4��Jk."
'ft= '"RAM�6 a thib warkhaMftt dt Wflk to j, Ug at" ftt h SE �MA I , , , 0
ffi having the vfilrd Ober ellini- able ribys�. Yet he littevully reftiv,ed y I
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