HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1924-11-07, Page 5MEMBER 71914 ' bay"..•• Rae, 112th. '29041-1. 1. 102122 avenin reale t Bragg ittere f tends young was 1? }her an Ross, were t James burned Rittle $ from ti exiting -Rev, ilYBrier ' unlash) The L Church Sadler ep day in Abe IF Jones; am and attende Thured ford C (Oscar Sadler lFullartm Notes lhas pur of appl -apple c locality. 'Scott :friends lir. Ha interest vation etc., ac the chu This w iflorticu were p We are themsel showing short b clered, Gracie Lloyd llowe'en few ha the you 'tout jok would garage they we Throug virithhel tended lhome tin's o -very ar 5owe'en ing wai ton and the wee Seh,00 the rep lelo. 9, inations The na merit: 'Desch, Murley in ever Schwart tuber, Russel McBride in every IBechler, Givend vyn W every Gingeri Sara amund inel, Ch Anna G 'Lions; J Spelling Bose F Lloyd Gerber, Rose F ling. F don Er Lloyd II every d er-Ten Clarenc' reran Gi Primer &hwarl Manson Leonard Ian Sc frey. Raysoni rowler. Mr. a Ruth Matthews Mr. an Mizabe 'VanNorni to Mr. deugbtt Pith, dough }McLean 23rd, of DI tgote.--.M by the &ugh .061 voyyy—cr Auntam toonow ruory.,-4 azt .77 i 1 , ,, . V q ,,,,: "Il „ 1, „ • r 4. lva,ssas tis "set, e el% '... • .;t'iv.,,,.;‘,"c,i, ,/,• ,t, -I' ,, 0 . ' :: • .., , . e' , . I. ' 80 l .„ s I it' .1 !',101010.'-v4ii 0 . . ; , . 1.,, ,, ..; :,, ,,.,,,,. ", „ .. ,,,..,,, ‘,.„, II • -b. - - 1•' , . ' . 1..; II , f 1 ., o i ' 6 .. :4, ... • . , . • .4 - e s . • A kb. . ( i ,4 i; n .4 ' • . 1 1 , • 0' I''' . ,,i, 0. iipir $ r • P en . 4 Recoiiiiiie a lotto 4414444 14' .IAI • „,, e. , ' '! /4:- , 1, ' i.,, ' I''' ' ?}.'t / 't 1 , ,,t7 e 01: .,- # 5 ,yee 0, ' 1 • . .. .•,•. 3 i e . BIRiCi)) 0,-*A. dette4 IV VOW eielhosene * esvie , .• ,$ ,•. AO. ,,,,, ,. , .100.. t :, ,. , - e Fiial.......1.16. I "ey . . . eP,artute.9.4 . '.. .I • !1 8E4104 #- ON. 1. 44 , . , , 44 40 Is ,r „f I 154 1444.1 544 4 (.,' . . i ' . 9.p.. ., :. , 4Qvit Vatga Or '4'003.0reat1.14 ' ',bane ' ee' ne.e , entesethor.ta tende 401., Stevens. Bele.. Pert eitiren. leg ...4ifiee'vhSee We. 49694 ae"n. el3alee. 41theinsifeieitl, maanthal' de,140,,,,e4ntani Trfccop.. 140 *P I 6 OtIO Al. lna°a. mi':1:°. 14,e'i.l' amemeai,ftgraz-}, lit1 eteeeere$ e .eheleen.dX•4 eta. ieetie Tense_ , Og. "oeit. 'Pii "P'"di i'°n; 11644 'aer IcAtt4, Pea OitOltrn fa' h. refiZeire org14-Fl", Rreeetetese 9, mewl. v ,, ,evioneer. • . '` 298114 ' ' ' ' a ' • .1. - . e.• • .• .. . . ' e e r' el,,l9-4` 040140g9149401441.403 'Pa ?„Ar liai 00-60.1409'.64.1r 4Y 4AreVt.11eakiedlt. Mid: prOt- naa tlraiS 'apetit.--Mr, ape Ns, .hava; returned to their home il'in, Stratf-Ord. Mt. Bragiriti- .0119.464011e; loot and hoe re... , . trade—LittleIra • Leitt7, st-datighter f; John Leary ellYlleet hy a costepping on cle, peinfally lacerating. it. Drs. eaforth; and Trainer, of Dublin,P he attending eshysiciaus.-Mrs. Miller ha,d her hands badly last Monday morning. Her Ml had got his clothes on fire ie stove and Mrs. Miller, while dshieg the flanies, was burned: E. anti Yfrs..Jonee and Mr. F. i are -attending the Ce to .ary .conventiOn: in -Terouto, dies'. - Aid. of ; the Methodist , met at the honie-ef Mrs. Robt. on Thureday, November 6th.- I Mrs. W. O'Brien spent Sun- Staatford.-1VIre. Hotham spent ek ant in Stratford. -Rev. E. STorman Kleinfeldt, Mrs. Roth Margaret and Frederick Jones d the missionary pageant on ay, .0etober 30th, held in Strat- antral Church.-1VIr. and Mrs.. Reed, and Mr. and Mrs.' Jack spent Sunday with friends in an. . , , . ., ' ,, . 100 saetee.ie 4, COO- 4ruts.' lOtt Tp. -No•Ost. nee, beilelinge a . .., .ThatialiniQn'Qt0443 - -, g : 1 S-• iy. t • . . c . Order Storm Wuidows , . , . i . .. • . N OW . 6 . _. Get our MoneY 'Paging DAMS' I liet 534I l'et2itt eate cost .of stone erhxd.owe, complete, any, edge Tee greimaey co 7,44. Jfiatrilten, , (Intake.' . 21654 . ' • ' fir3t class.; ba ..68x70, stone stablitigrsp10 4 wat'er - an ideal farm. TUF#Os• ---------- k .1 . ' ;•+ • , . .4,,x5A,("IQN "'X't ' 41' ' /16.,,i14E6(6. CA714. lei, ""---1,„"0",ee,,,,,eeeetee to l'!;e11,14; putoraBuorton, at the Masoegillarris Inaplegfenta Yarda, OM" reek .r,settaseee, •November 8th. at 2 11(111., 4 Ifte IP °W11.31VIoarrtteM4dWo'D„Itfinen*" , Cond ifstrsd Yiaahlack1-1,1targers, I dunwrilte, 8 set doubletroall. 0 buggies, 4. doublerhdiag plotg,.1 ing Pdow. Deering binder MasseY4rarris cream separator, ,500. 11/91:'.4tPsiOUY.. iraild• Ss• new. I 9% IttaVat'atit es**. goad as self. .2- en.. yew whirirhi'r°r"ort e&j;:%'$ 7s. eevIt..tre: . vein* 'il -artie,Ilit-hoe dl] .2 i disc SotProws andin'..out throw. "'feet Brantford' tower,. 27/6 IL -P. oBrr:eri. (3141, "gf-11/$490' 'netrmerieedFa°4rillitegXed- ell oil -.furnishing . apkoved iaint notes, or a diecoliet of .8 per 'cent. off for cash. JOHN P7riet.o. r; Thom, Brown, Auc- gottlePr7144 2968-0 :, . --„,-- 100 acres, ,Ldta5, Con, 4,, Mc- s. Killop Tpe,10 ge,res bushii house ' and barn in gooctieondition• wind Mill, Water pipette barre'oreh- Prd, etc. , ,P! . ----4s--1 House and bind, Dgmondville; electrie light; tee eellar, stable, chicken house, 'small fruits, etc.; low taxes. ie ' . - ,r., Dr WR :, 0 ' Ninlm DC.SP.C. REGISTERED Chiropractor Specialist Province of:Ontar10 4'r, • . • ' ' . , Due Septemher .104 ladth annale444140.intereet " .. . . - ' C,f• . I1554j14.. . • Oer complete list eoraprisee. a legge "election 4, 4• e'S '' 44 cipal .aed 'Mortgage, Bonds," aroong:wInch You will 0 i d * I 4 security to exactly lill year regal/We:lents. Write . .. . Telephone your order' tse'lettr eseae • V . ' ...'oung.. Man Opportunity . Large Brick Manufacturing Corpor- ation, Toronto, require young man, general work, steady salaried position. Five hwadred cash required, fully se- cured arid returnable. LOCATORS, 331 Bay Street, Toronto. 2969-1 , _nee-- House and . 2' acres land in illagrpouoedhceoyn,•dgitioeodn;lanrdultsbuil, edit:gsA. bargain for spotecash. Spinal, Nervous and Chronic Diseases treated successfully by the latest methods in Natural rherapeutics, including all forms • Special Bond Telephone Order. roe* . , ,.. , A 0 G-AaStinismi. AucfnoN SALE or FARM STOCK AND lea -Thos pax l!ro wiennh% btt S. Oonceesion 1, Tuckersmith. cm Thursday, ,Novenber 20th, at 1 o'clock p.m., the follOw- 'ne: lion3es-1 bay heavy dmught mare 5 years, old, bay home 9 years oid,"ag d driving mare, <Hiving hoto 10 'years alee 0a,ttle-ing Teo Holstein cows to 'farrow in December, 4 fileVer ilpeowl '3t;rolilbetuft;:ca3ay,eirbellid'antliohiserfeinr coming one year .old, 3 springs heifer calves. 1 ()Durham White ',cow, 5 well bred belfers. li nos.--Resht chunks 130 pounds each, 1 sow to farm* in February. Implements -2 lumber wagons, i buggy, 1 Deering binder,. 1 Deering cultivator, Deering seed drill, 1 Kemp manure. spreader, 1 hay rake, Coe-kshutt riding plow, 1 furrew,, 1 walking plow. gang plow, 2 sets harrows. 1 disc, fanning mill, '1 set sleighs. 1 auger kettle, two white goat 'robes, 1 set team harness, 1. set single harness, wheelbar- hain, also a coal and wood remit' eiMinzetheee articles too numerous to mention. Terms -All sums Of $10 and under, ocien hr.; rflom4heatppreomveetdial imuti nenoonthos', :tett d' _ count of 6 per cent, on credit amounts. JOHN F. MeMANN, Proprietor; Thomas Brown, Auc- tioneer. 2969-2 -.---,.. . Prospective buYers will be shown these properties at any time. Phone 152 for appoint.- men t . • BONDS of spinal adjustment, eorrective dietetics, ete. whEelnecntericces,satiry.atments given LIMITED . TelephT one : . .TE1OLDEST . 0 noNa niousz .1N CAN A'. •' e Main 7400 - 36-38 KING ST. EAST ---- e'trakeeleeroe , NOTICE ' • • ; The accounts of the undersigned are now due and ready. I re- spectfuller eek You to call and . settle without further notice, G. K. HOLLAND, Beechwood, Out. 2969x1 . Re. lace your bends maturing on November let. with bonds of PTuhAe4srtdmaaHyecaydcievifiecr e 0devvaryeSdeneaesxfeodratyht -----• - good quality. and ;the most fay- ourahle interest. possible. We have them. _ morning, and Saturday afternoons. , . . Hours -10 to 12 a.m. '.4, , FallFootwear of Merit - It. D. SITTHERLAND 2 to 5 p.m. 7 to 9 p.m. .e. Sundays -2 to 4.30 p.m. s;.,',:', ,, ,s'. I .. ., II ...---..,‘ ( l'14 i'lii I . . CROMARTY I. -Mr. R. Laingof Toronto. chased a considerable quantity es in this neighborhood. The op has been fairly good in this - Mrs. .Tufford and Mrs. ;pent a few days visiting in Seaforth this past week.- rtry, of Segforth, gave a very ing talk' on flowers, .the culti- Md. the taking. care of bulbs, omes panied by lantern slidin rch on Thursday evening last. e given for the benefit of the aural Society. Those that resent enjoyed a rare treat. sorry that more did not avail yes of the opportunity, as the ' of' flowers was eXcellent. A it choice programme was ren- consisting • of readings by Houghton and songs by Lloyd ind Rebecca Bruce; duet by Ciller and Irene Walker.-.Hals passed -off as usual with a mless pranks. We like to see. ag people enjoying,themselves . 'cat' be 'carri.ed tee fir. We txpect More than to enter a and take out a car which I new did not belong to them. r kindness thJ names will be 1.-A few from. Cromarty at- a masquerade -party at theA f Mr. and . Mrs., Eddie Haw- Hallowe'en. The home was tistically decorated in , Hal- stnae. A' very enjoyable even- ; spent. -Miss Grace Hough- James and Ethel Howe spent k eed .in Stratford, General Insurance Agency. , . ,. alifilMettellie Our range of Fall Footwear is now quite complete eindewe . are in a good position to meet the varied demands. 'of' the.publie in purchasing their fall shoes. Our - prices are always ad low as can be named for footwear of merit. Among our new 'Fall linen • for ladies, are: — It III _. _ ‘...., AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS, on Lot 11, Concession 2, Hay Township, 2;(2 miles north of Exeter, half mile west of London Road. on Wednesday, November 12th, 1924. the undersigned auction- eer has been instructed to sell by public sue - it°oneke•c4n;tneeceneecing1 sharp:c'y'°eal°rsekoli!.'iv 111006 Years old in foal, 1 driver 6 years old, 1 mare io years old. Cattle -2 fresh milking CMS,' 1• yearling ste.er, 1 yearling 'heifer, 3 calves. 3 lowad sows due November 26th and .28th, six pies about 50 pounds each, 50 hens and pul- lets. Implements, Etc. -Massey -Harris binder, ..nmeariodr,islanhIrrrozerbeahnay8ermufrer, rdse:suillaerr, rows, manure spreader, Massey -Harris fertil- izer drill with seeier attachment„ 140 feet ay rope car, pulleys hay fork, fanning mill, .heine rop'e, 2 -furrow Plow, walking plow, cut- ting box. 2 wagons, bobsleigh, buggy. cutter. root 'pulper, set double harness, half set hay- ness 2 set single harness, clipping machine eite: sheep shearing attachtnent, 5 acres corn, quantity Of marigolds and tUrnips, cistern ,P,uhlar, and Pining, forks, shovels, hoes, chairs, iffl ees. .neckyokes and numerous other articles. Terrins of Sale. -$10 and under,c ash,; over that amount 12 months' credit will e jcorienlitnotaes..Fnitsve ape'vrenceonnt.fuzrftrishfionrg cash on FRANK WICKWIRE, Proprietor; Frank Tay- kr. Auctioneer; Frank Coates, Clerk. 2969x1 CharactOr ., II 4-C:&'14. 424 • s qELEINDULGENCE is admit - ee •fted to be a sign of a weak, and Ladies' Patent gore Sh*ppers, that id slippeliti solt1 this W- idea of elastic straps or gussets. These are the lateet-ities ;Mae ' are damlies. • We also have the above in Skinner's Best Satin along with, several other dainty lines. • . - 411"b" . THE . . is the the Pay Cuts promise day Main V --.-7- . ...., / -7/ r ' ,%. / ... STEAK YOU CANNOT RESIST one your wife broils for you- one that comes from our shop. a little more and get the aoicest of beef at this market. We yeu uniform quality day by when you purchase from us. D. H. STEWART Street - Seaf ort h. Phone 58. ."‘ ' atakr g• N. 'D. / self-denial of a strong character. r 'Are you building up both your char - acter and your Savings Bank account - by thoughtful economies and the de - posit of all your surplus wages each s• 4:)ay day. 648 Then for ladies' evening slippers our lines in patent leather with plain heels or, covered celluloid heela, in the latest styles,' meet the requirements of the most exacting buyer. , . In ladies' and young girls' Oxfords we feel Confident that our range of the latest styles will win favor upon inspection . •- - e. ,.• ' We welcome accounts. large or small. THE .CAD4TADIAN BANK OF,o-COMMEitCE , Capital Paid Up $20,000,000 Reserve Fund $20,000,000 .............wwerse Jo H. Smith & Son . , WHERE -THE BEST COST LESS ' PHONE 51 OPPOSITE BANK OF COMMERCE SEAFORTH UCTION SALE OF PURE BRED SCOTCH .ea and SCOTCH TOPPED SHORTHORNS. Etc. -IG. If. Elliott has been instructed to sell 2, tyt. publicauctionr Lot ..7. concilestlion miles from EtTlICerieX 071 Saturday, November 81, aest eso eeieek, the following: 1 coW, Broad iiiircckhs el),tY' rg.?.9.16wIths, cfeenal:e' i;vh4ltein• ortri: old at foot, sired by Gainford Comet, and due to calve again April Brd, 1925; 1 cow, Stnaw- berry Bleasom, No. 143790. born June 4th, 1918; 1 cow, Norine 2nd, No. 146335, red, born October 20th,‘1914, has a red calf, Red Norine. born Febritary 13trh, 1924, and due to calve February 7th: 1 cow, Norine 3rd, No. 1847925. roan born December 16th, 1921, has calf at foot; 1cow, Rose Vitid 3rd, No. 17301.1, roan, -born March•10th, 1920, has a calf, Red drizebaBud,_ female., born Noevremhe;_22nd 1923, Rose oif.i.a1I,Mn 191368. roan, b,l,'..1°I,'TOvce°mw- ber 20th, 1922. with calf at foot; 1 cove Roill2bsex:tja 12th,izieiz,%rtorb:71.1,1.1e-y li 22;: 1923. These pure bred cows are from an ex- tra good milking strain. Also one grade cow v2vietho calfwat ty; 12 heonife-eryewaritidetreitmfPt year-old steer, 5 calves. 1 sow and 10 pigs; a quantity of standing timber, soft elm, rock V•Ompearndcebnat7ioln to offer ogle f.oifr sale and sl:::;111- ance, before leaving hush. The whole win positively be sold as the proprietor is giving usrpedointe wfill be Te'iven% oonn Sfurntocki.shineivearnpp(rmotvhe..81 joint notes. Three per cent, off for cash on credit rehouse. JOSEPH HOOD. Pr'Priet°r ' G. H. Elliott. Auctioneer. 2968-2 Seaforth Branch - - J. G. Mullen, Manager . - vemnseekemeneesseeeare- Announcement. ss School of Commerce, Clinton, Ont. The School with the well qualified teaching staff. -COURSES- . Stenographic - Commercial - Secretarial - Special Courses. For information apply to •SOFT is . F. WARD, B.A., Principal. M. A. STONE, Commercial Specialist, Vice Principal PHONE 198. 1 lon Fl CantesueService. ANTRACITE Now in stock our genuine Delaware and Hudson, direct from the . mines -Egg, Stove and Chestnut. COAL -.- Our genuine Kentucky Limp, unexcelled for threshing and . domestic use. BOULETS The fuel that makes heating cost less. These kindle quickly, do We are now in Our new quer- re-rs, oppoeite Queen's Hotel, next to Massey -Harris. Expert Seresice on all makes of Winter Storage a Specialty. Get Our Prices First. Farm and Radio Batteries a Specialty. We also do expert work on in- stalling winter tops on open cars. Get our prices first. tor BLAKE . I Report. -The following is ort of Union School Section fay and Stanley, of the exam -'Batteries. held on October 30th and 31st. nes are arranged in order of Sr. IV -Ivan Oeseh, Willie 31anche Jeffrey, Alice Meyers, Rau; Blanche Jeffrey is first • day Spelling. Jr. IV -Edna, zentuber, Ida Schwartzen- ldith McBride, Ida Gingerich, 'Janson, Harold Finlay, Lloyd ., Ida Schwartzentuber is first day Spelling. Sr. III - Eva Phoebe Gelines, Allen Salrag, Clarke, Donald Mansori, Mier_ lter; Eva Bechler is first in ay Spelling. Jr. III -Ervin ii, Jean Hey, Edith Walter, 'anson, Leonard Jeffrey, Ed- khwartzentuber, Grace Ken- tries Meyers, Claude Gelinas: ingerich missed two examina- aan Hey is first in every day . Sr.' 11. -Gertrude Bechler, ster,,,Lee Oesch, Mary Clarke, effrey, David Meyers, Mabel Earl Kennel, Harold Thiel; ster is first in every day Spel- irst Clas.a-Lloyd Jentzi, Gor- e Gus Clarke, Grace Gelinas, :ennel, Gordon Erb is first in ay Spelling. Advanced Prim a Viene, Wallace Gingerieh,ght a, Gascho, Lela Walter. Eph- ngerich, Susie Oesch. Middle - Willie Bechler, Mabel :zentuber, Carl Thiel, Beatrice , Louis 'Schrag. Jr. Printer- i Beellier, ArnOld Kennel, Al- iwartzentuber, Clemence Jef- 7otal enrolment, 61.-W. Fin - reacher, . J, JO McMillan SPECIAL CLASSES FOR STUDENTS FROM SEAFORTII 11.10 a.m. to 3 p.m. not clinker and burn to a powdery ash at a price considerably lower than hard coal. COKE Our High Grade Nut Coke -a cheaper fuel with great heat. EGGS WANTED 0. C. 0 0 0 0 0 0, 0 0 0 0 0 ink, 0 ° S. T. Holmes & Son 0' Funeral Directors and .r> ,....„ s'''' Licensed Embalmers. * 0 Finest Motor and Horse * 0 drawn equipment. Beattie 0 ,„„,. ."'" Block, Main Street, opposite 0 0 The Expositor Office. S. T. * 0 Holmes' residence, Goderich 0 0 Street West; Chas. Holmes ° 0 Cs residence over store. -0 0 Flowers furnished on short .0 0 notice. All kinds of up- 0 ee holstering neatly done. 0 0 Phone, Ni or Day, R19. 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cr Cs 0 ,e) cr, o Co ‘C A steady supply of fresh, clean -shelled eggs for our ever inereas- tog carton trade, bought on graded basis. Highest prices paid. , , s e--4‘. F _..., r ,t1 Cl Farmer's Dried Apples wanted. Any quantity well dried quarters. D. A. CANTEL N COAL and PRODUCE - - - - - HENSALL ONTARIO Phones -Office, 10 W.; House, 10J. 2966-12 CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM. FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS. The undersigned has been instructed to sell by public auction on Lot 16, Concession 2. H.R.S., emeneeie or Tuckersmith, 114 miles west of Engmondville. on Tuesday. November Ilth, at Ile o'clock sharn, the following: Farm. 100 acres snore or less, clay loam slightly rolling. well drained and fermi; school on farm; COTO- f7sirtrile iswever,ne-Teornetedwsatne,rh,otires::::iakbarin cement floors; Implement barn 60 feet by 32 'feet; situation very convenient Horses -One gheenengdrtreyehntmteezd.eleigezintlzo Fler3,4enr:itkit. (both work or drive. uniet and reliable). Cattle. -1 Ayrshire cow due April 9th; 1 Hol- satatnehmArticih:lei Araperrl, 7t%ceel- 1?ieuerh;imayersthd:1 Durham cow due June 28th: 1 Durham cow due March 4th; 1 Durham cow due June 10th ; iloin,reedx,17? LePlugalaIrovide°7' hlei;::- steer I year old; 5' spring calves. Pigs. ---One brood sow, 9 young pigs two months old. Hens. -75 1923 Barred Rocks, 50 pullets Bar- red Rooks (Rock and Leghorn erase). Imola. Thents.-1 6 -foot cut Massey -Harris binder, I peering moaner, 1 Deering hay rake. Interne- Mona] cultivator spring tooth. 13 disc Deering seed drill (2 or 8 horse), 2 Hamilton walking plosvs. I set 5 -section diamond harrows with new draw bar. 1 14 -disc disc harrow, 1 low down farm wagon, 1 set sleighs, log bunks ni<ilk sivmerrsi, 1 wagon„repl stock ir:1 1.8-ineh grav"el box seuffier. (new), hay fork car, rope and pulleys' , 1 mower and upas. liar- zrineear..4 chicken coops, 1 set double reeching , I aet double backhand harness, 1 set collar toos with tasseLls, 1 set rubber mounted single harneas (new), i riding stulle. I auto seat top buggy: buggY Po/e. 1 cotter. Primrose International crearn separator, 1 Maxwell churn No. 3 hatter bowl 'lawn mower, syrup kettle. Mail' box ' (parcel' s post)'. stone boat,' 2 'dozen grain bags, 1 root teepee oast set RAW. forks, hoes, shovels. tvhiffletrees and numerous other articles. Hay and Rootn.-20 tone alsike hay, 30 tons timothy and, alfalfa mixed, qtrantitY mangolds and turnips, pot, tom. Mooseboid Effeets.-ne kitchen range (good baker), base burner coal stove, 1 wood heater, 4-burriet Piorenee coal oil Stove, 1,,Iese Perfection Coal id! oveit,• 2 kitchen table,i* It,* kitchen obninn-1...foiditaflitrdaihat'ottaa Mfrs? tram, 2 ataall tables. 1 rocker, 2 net springs, t mattress, 2 beds, I mirror. Itatashig loom, a quantity of stove pinagi pinto thteknons 12 feet ty Ig feet, (aided). ain Mal be Mess v y Without reserve. ..-eeeerie iesee' ad Mots d 0 suala af 2 thud etaier, 11; over St opulent, a rrimorit or , vat lie aleeese fr.,,,, o elosittlatiAr effrarsfOr: erathoptikllie4ditataottSitnil a Anotionear. s ., 22624 , • . (.1 )7E C, AT - , . latest,„styles D I le) ' olee. '4 0. 0 0 .0 0 0 0 4t)i o o ,o, o * <> W. T. BOX :, CO. `c) ,..,, •••••" Funeral Director and 0 .0 Licensed Embalmer. * 0 H. C. BOX 0 0 Best Motor and Horse-drawn <c> es.,„ equipment 0 0 -- Charges moderate. '0 0 Flowers furnished on short 0 0 notice. 0 0' Night Calla Day Calls 0 .CP Phalle 176. Phone a 0 0 0 0 0 Cs 0 0 0, 0 Ce 0 .0, .0 MEN'S OVERCOATS in the and \ r shades, -from $1 6 to $30 Another shipment of these wonderful Coats to arrive Friday. YOUTHS' OVERCOATS, from V2 to $14 MEN'S SWEATERS $4.50 to BOYS' SWEATERS $1.25 to $2.25 MEN'S MACKINAWS $9 to $11,90 • BOYS' MACKINAWS $0.50 MEN'S HEAVY WHIPCORD S ''KIN COATS Si 4,00 , The days net. so long tailored Suit for what her too, how that suit appearance? It was considered No! Those days are much an investment to And it is just. this with we have received samples These materials, from the requirements of from reworked stuff or genteel grays which are making them particularly With such virtues, they good appearance and demands price. We will sell this line measure with extra trousers ......., - -1 ..-. - ' ago, when you could get. a good custom- a cheap ready-made costs now? Remem- would stand the wear anti retain its good a good investment not gone for ever! A good suit is as -day as it was then. the ten lines of Genuine Scotch Tweeds of by to -day's mail. Scottish looms, were woven to meet the custom -tailoring trade. Woven:not shoddy, hut from pure, virgin wocI,-in , alwhys fashionable and of extra weight, desirable for Fall and Winter wear. will appeal to the man who appreciates maximum service at the minimum at the peppier price of $35.011 made -to - at ISM -white they last. BIRTHS ' In Seaforth, on November 6th, te Id Mtn; Reg. Fowler, a daughters- Meet. • .-Itt,„..Seaforth. on October 30th, to I likon.40.serth Matthews, a daughter- th Adifeltieve. all -÷416 Wirighafri. on October 27th, ' Up.... rim VanNorman, a it eehinevole. In trglerichl 34 ovenship. on October o Mn.- alai Min. Alex. Young. a It. , „. • * * * ee * 0 0 .9, tf> le ee et, , a' CHARLES HOLMES 4. A, f. ay . Plumber. a . ______ ,,,, 4, See our Bathroom Fisturos 4, it •end Elopplit, ' to, ' ' ' .--- .-', ', '' atea tOt COM]) OS Us ..... _, . . „.. e. natio!. turninsm ott 101o,ittni ,, „41. Might *ire *Wimp ” - • . .1 , . . • •;-; ' • ' once int 1* a • - .,, • .. .. ... . -AtplAtig ,Volt,Adtei ' till .a. eteittakffit g , . , t# * *** # * 411k, It4ARRUGES - -13eatInore.-44Wistilepl, on October wor lloarchnore •toi . etiok McLean, h. - • • . , claltae•eat it.o.detie M Octo'her 16th, aev. 4J. it. Mons id( ' nes Pearl. Itata yr of Mrs. ',.. e eteeeether „WO 'Of ' ae el' • ' , „,_ Fer tuson . ,.......... '; . • SEAFORVII 0 . . oNTABL , 66 Ms Wardrobell AGENT POR ART CLOTHES ' ., HEATHS , 4., n 12,/ntacourv1114 on *Ilan d her' laere. Odd $1k• re*et . ..,,,,taliC. ' .. !I .7.1ar' ftnta ra -11 ,,,,,,• IN vereneteti;- ran taleon,n 6 ' _ 6