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The Huron Expositor, 1924-10-24, Page 5
24,124', ,17 yr. r14`.. l 9Q 1 '.f leis AM1 i§l o*,''g8uI eg the '9f elatla►ea' iW.,;O, i 1♦; rf7M"3:rirli r.�!g LUMBA ladiesorf tho V.: bendh olden a aline • .', i, damme Y8 Pi►lriah Tfd; , / St 2 ''Col alb. 04 day:. evening, October 7th, 'golm.. n0 at '$110. Blackbtonear n-olceb,« ofciodeileb, wall' f'uli$h the. 3inv1a4e iti9�:'' a � C R A'gotod time ger l , LOGAN A i'owi.; Supper will - he. held in the basement of the' Lutheran Cbureh at `Br�la n, "orii;Tuesday evening, est 2.2i1/1 neer to commence at 6 p.m. 'The choir of Zion Lutheran Chul,lel]i, assisted by several other.. singers of 'Stratford; will give a cantata .sit 8 p•'m• , slon,pdults 50, children, 225c. Ev�r'yE o{ :tw icome' " . • ��.-�s... Vin, r., 14,0000 : • w, ti4Pr rtb;Uc;o1ler:' 23rd., Wheat, per bushel` /Oats, per bushel' 5c .Shorts pe to . . . • .1550 •$8.00 .gutter, per -Ib 32to35c 1 tato( 'l bag ... , ,�. 65c B'ar`ley, per 9.5 bushel $ 85c Peas, per bushel $1,55 Eggs, per dozen 38e Hogs, per cwt. $10.00 '+Bran, per , tori $30,00 BEAN MARKET Temente, October 21st.--13eana-Canadian, 4,andpicked, 2b,1 61/2c: primes, 6c. POULTRY MARKET Toronto, October 21st. Setts. over 5 lbs, Liu De.. 4 to s lbs. 17 15 'ba, i to 4 lbs. 15 S�nchickens, 2 The. and over 25 IDacklings, 5 lbs. and up 18 Dressed 26 22 18 80 15 25 DAIRY MARKET Teronto, October 21st. -Cheese, ` new, large, 20c; twins, 20%c; triplets, 21c; Stilton, 22c. Old large, 23 to 24c ; twins, 24 to 25e; trip.. lets, 25 to 26e. Butter -Finest creamery prints, 40 to 41c ; 3Vo. 1 creamery, 89 to 40c; No. 2, 35 to 86c ; dairy, 28 to 30c. Eggs-Fresh loose, 52 to58extras, storage extras, in cartons. 46c to 47c; loose, 44 to 45c; storage firsts, 40 8o 41c; stomagea,seconds, 34 to 85e. GRAIN MARKET Toronto, October 21st. -Manitoba Wheat - ?No. 1 Northern, 51.644 ; No. 2 Nerthern, $L60%; No. 8 Northern $1:551. • Manitoba oats -No. 2 C.W., 66%e; No. 3 <C.W., 64c: extra No. 1 feed; 64e: No. 1 feed, 63e; No. 2 feed, 610. ' All the above c.d.f., buy ports. American corn, track Toronto --No. 2 yel- pow, 51.28. Millfeed•-Delivered, Montreal freights, begs included: .26 ,middlings 538.00: good feed doer ur Epee bag, $2.26. Ontario eats -No. 9 White. 52 to 56e. Ontario wheat -No. 2 Winter, 61.30 to 31.34; No. 8 Winter, $1.28 to $1.32; No. 1 Commer- xia1, $1.26 to $1.29, f.o.b., shipping Points, .acedrtitng to freights. 19ar•7ey-Malting,. 88 to 980. .Rucl r5eat--,No. 2, 92 to 964• Rye -No. 2, $1.12 to 51.17, Qaiarlb flour-Wfnety per cent. patent in Sitttla bags, Montreal, prompt shipment, $6.40: Toronto basis, 56.40; bulk seaboard, nominal. Manitoba flour -1st patents. in jute sacks, $,,fits per barrel: 2nd patents, 38.55. iiiay No. 2 timothy, per ton, track. To- ronto, 514.50; No. 3, 512.50. Straw -Carloads, per ton, $9.00. Screenings--Stasuard, recleaned, f.o.b. bag 1902ts, per ton, $22.50. LIVESTOCK MARKET Union Stock Yards, Toronto, October 21st. - There was a good demand for quality butcher cattle at steady prices to -day, but with West- ern shipments showing decided inerere a over last weelc the offering proved too heavy and some 1,500 head were left over. The stocker and feeder trade was active, over 20 loads going to the home trade, and exporters taking around 10 loads. The export buyers were a lbft'alow in starting on the heavy steer offer - Ing, but took several loads during the after.. woo, paying 7.85 cents for two loads and 614 to 6% cents for the bulk of their killers, which included some cattle ander 1,200 pounds. Export store cattle brought 54 to 644 cents. In tike home butcher section a few steers and bef'irers made 6% cents, and average good stuff. from 5% to 6 cents, with the rest of the sales downward to 3% cents. There was a big supply of cows, and prices for butchers banged all the way from 2% to 41% cents, with the bulk of the good kind from 31/2 to 4%c, and canners and cutter from 134 to 21/2c. Outside of an odd top at 3%c and a dozen fair butchers at 8 cents, the hull supply con- sisted mainly of bologna. at 244 to 2%c, and the trade 4n heals was slow and a bit weak. Stockers were a shade stronger in an active trade. ranging from 3.70 to 4.75 cents, 'while feeder for the 'home trade were firm at 4% to 544 cents Der pound. The calf trade was fully steady with the latter part of last week, tops making 111/se and the bulk of choice 10 to lis per bound. ]Flair to good veals were worth anywhere from 6 to 9% cents, and a'rassers from 3% to 4%c. The sheep and lamb supply was the heav- iest of the season to date. There were large consignments from several sections, one ship- ment from Montreal, including a lot of Ot- hawa, Valley lambs• amounted to over 2,000 head,. and Manitoulin Island sent in a big lot. 01e (Montreal Iambs were well culled and good quality and sold readily. Prises, considering the large offering. held up well, though buyers held off until 11 o'clock. Sev- eral loci of, ewes and wether. brought 11.90 sent., and the bulk of choice lamps over the wales up to 2 We/sick made 11 cents, while a few small lots went as high as 12 cents per pound. Buck lambs made 914 to 944 e per pound. Butcher sheep were steady at 6% to 7% cents for good ones, but there was a scarcity of breeding stock sales at last week's Ibigh ,level. Hogs bought on g'i'{.hraio'tee over the week +and made the steady 10 cents per pound f.o.b. but others sold at a, quarter 'decline, rind the packer's offer for :to -day's loading wet. an- other quarter off, or 91j1 dents .f.o.b. Receipts to -day were 5,109 cattle, 684 Calveh' 8,200 hogs and 8,674 1ic'.'and lamps. In addition there wero 870 cattle billed throdgli. ) „s1,1 Ottotatietts : Export steers, choice; $7.00 to 87.85; do., od, $6.26 to 56.75; butcher eteotti, choice, common to fair, 52.00 td 54.751 butelter 000 •60 06.25 ; do,, goad, 5 50 ' $6.00 ; ere, choibe, $6,25 - to 16,004 $b Oody 5. to 06.00: do., ceiten it 3.50 '@o .$4.250. er cows, choice,. $4.00 *0 e4 50.; ft, 33.00 to 53.75; do., ea5, eta. 51.50 to 52.60: butcher balls, so t s' 4,15: do., faire. $8.00 to $8180 ;de, b tlosn 43 00 ; feeding sieo i toi5 t^ 3r;9 fid. fair, 54.50 to 55.00; atoelters, gfr C; . 541'0;. .44 ', J4& *42 ddhu i I L1i ao e. 1 ><4i► y $Jt 2ii ca. *1 f01 ?til.. ill s co -- t 'lrsc.- Qmoeb. 4,2p.,2�4� hof fqk. 1, k Y.�Y� fi�FN .a ttras .' d$ -solid ill n4ix . blir&um. ... •" g1 ;:/en. ,4,t'9 lI t¢Wl par. s !d r*9.'altrttlleMd Iht h were"sold Yost $9:7A SeelwA.. unsold at a' bid of 810,76, and wow": lik bring $11. Sows, 57 $a 53.60. Morrow, -,-In, ilanii}toti on. y'8lfonday„ October 20th; to' 'Msittnd,.Mra W+,liaa34. lliorrg�,r,`. a son. lilaKel2ar,-In Seaforth, 0t4 Monday; petal tr 18th, tto Mr, eV' Aire. lil: Mo3(e11gr, xa daughter. keltean--tit §eaforth 35.'T Qrial H.' pltal, n October 22bd eta'.;fir opgarr,LSk�. p9id Ste: 4 fi.eanr Tucker n31t51r as aon� RrUte, lsxwellk. > uleec igra'' gnto.op Ooteher 21st, William miiUe: al'VC a :82 years and 9 mpcl> FtM.: 3 ., firs IMPORTANT Nolvsai WANTED. TO HEAR FROM OWNER'OF good farm for sale. State cash price, full particulars D, F. BUSH, Minneapolis. Minn.' 2967-8 , pen. SALE... REGISTERED OXFORD Lambe of both sexes, bred from Champion flocs. Prices reasonable, FRANK WEERES. Varna, Ont. Phone 81-622, Clinton. 2966-2 Fon SALE,.-FOUR.2-YEAR-OLD PlIEIFE]K.9 and one steer.. also ten young York pigs. Apply to J, B. HYDE, Lot 8, !Concession 2; Stanley. Phone No. 86 r 11, Heneall, 2965x2 CATTLE, FOR SALE. --For sale a oar load of we11 bred feeding steers. heifers and springer cows and fat ealom, suitabie•to finish for Baby Beeves,' App1y'to GEO. T. TURN - BULL,. Seaforth, .Phone 94. ' 2967-tf. For Sale. -Lot 30, Concession 2, McKillop, Roxboro, three-quarters of an acre of ,ani. On the premises there are an eight room brick house, good cellar, hot air furnace, bard and soft water inside, telephone and rural mail delivery: also stable, buggy house and hen house; strawberries,. raspber- ries, plum, pear and cherry trees. Two and one-half miles from Seaforth: less than one- quarter mile from school. Would exchange for suitable town property. Apply to JOHN McMILLAN, R. R. 1, Seaforth, Phone 20-238. 2961-tt AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND XiMPLEMENTS.--Thos. Brown has been instructed' to' sail by public auction onLot 26, Concession 22, McRillop, on Wednesday. October 29th, at •1 o'clock p.m., the following: Horses -One team of black horses, .mare and gelding, weighing 3800 lbs.; one mare four years old; 1 team of aged mares, well match- ed and good workers. Cattle -One cow due fust of November. 1 cow due May 7th, 1 cow due 10th. 1 cow bred September 5th, 1. dbred . September 1bt#i;. 2 heifers two years old, 4 steers two years old, 6 yearlings, three salves, one thoroughbred bull calf 13 months old, can be registered, also one sow due to litter about the time of sale., Implements -1 McCormick binder 7 foot cut,' almost new; McCormick mower 6 footcut almost new, Maxwell bay loader, Kemp manure spreader, 11 -hoe drill, 2 -furrow Cockahutt riding plow, 1 Cockshutt 3 -furrow gang plow, - 1 .high wagon, farm wagon, 1 set bobsleighs, bunks and 'fiat rack, hay and stock rack, also one fiat top with shift to fit sills of same, Bell tatting box with short carriers, DeLaval cream separator, Clinton fanning mill with new sieves, 4 -section harrows, harrow cart, smaller, cultivator, gravel box, set of breech- ing harness, set .plow harness, set back -band harness, a number of other articles too num- erous to nsentt'bn. Terms. -All sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount 12 months' credit will be given on furnishing approved 304111 notes. A discount of 6 per cent. off for cash tv on credit amounts. WILLIAM Mc - CULLA, prietor ; Thomas Brown, Auc- tioneer.- 2966-2 AUCTION SALE OF FARM, FARM STOCK, Implements and Household Effects, at Lot 13, Concession 12, Stanley Township, on Thumday, November 6th, 1924. The under- signed auctioneer has been instructed to sell by public auction, commencing at 12.30 o'clock sharp: Real Estate. -Farm consist of 100 acres being Lot 13, Concession 12. Stanley. There is on the farm a good stone house with kitchen, bank barn 36x56, large driving shed 22x80, sheep pen 18x86, and other outbuild- ings, four acres orchard, all 'kinds of fruit trees, 6 acres .bush, well fenced and tiled, with plenty of water. .Also part Lot 12, Concession 13, consists of 30 acres, 4 acres bush, balance nearly all in grass. The farms will be offer- ed in two parte or sold together to suit pun - chaser. Livestock -Horses; General purpose team 10 and 12 years old, carriage team 8 and 10 years old. Cattle -1 cow 7 years old doe at time of sale, 1 cow 5 years old due November 8th, 1 cow 8 years old due in March, 1 cow 6 years old, 1 cow 4 years old, 6 steer rising three, 2 heifers rising three. 1 heifers rising two, 1 steer rising two, 2 steel:. 11 months old, 2 calves. Sheep -11 Leicester ewes. Hogs -1 sow with litter. two store pigs. Hens. -100 hens 1 year old; bred - to -lay 3 dozen pullets. Implements, Etc. - Massey -Harris hinder, Deering mower, hay rake, cultivator, disc harrow, 4 -section har- rows, bean scalier and puller combine, hand NeuSer. roller, fanning mil I, weigh scales, straw cutter. root pulper. wagon, sleigh. dem- ocrat wagon, buggy, cutter, hay rock, wagon box with shelves and pig rack, gravel box, walking plow, Kangaroo plow, Farmer's Friend riding plow, DeLaval cream separator No. 10, set heavy harness, net light double harness, set single harness, 2 ladders, about 50 tons of hay, a quantity of wood, some grain, Eureka seed potatoes, rider barrel, pork barrel, two sugar kettles, forks, shovels. chains, neck - yokes and numerous other articles. House- hold Effects, Etc. --Churn, desk, ehest of drawer. 8 -burner coal oil stove with oven, 4 chairs, wash stand, dishes, organ, sofa and numerous other articles. Terms of Sale. 810 and under, cash; over that amount 12 months' credit ws11 be given on furnishing approved joint notes. Five per cent. off for cash on credit amounts. Terms on real estate made known on day of sale. MAGGIE SPARKS, Proprietress: Oscar Klopp, Auctioneer; W. J. Tough, Clerk. 2967-2 Tond Ht1ders We are offering at the present time an issue of 61/2% FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS maturing in 1:5' years. The Bonds are a direct FIRST MORTGAGE on property conservat. ively valued at twice the amount of the Bond issue. We shall accept all Bonds at cur- rent market prices in payment of the new issue. We recommend these Bonds for In- vestment. '' AN IN AGgNCY t`J Mt SE. tPOEm. N pito. Probl'ems' In,.ai and lbmilucias alp eve I000t i in 0/0 n're all overcoin., by inc.recti l•Meth taught in Shaw's CuldbnitP Hundreds of . he tinopnbabi peeve r wrorg n for them today tied learn. now . plenty of easy money klddres0 Shaw &h , Poultry 'Dept., Section 0., '46 door ?taint,.. Toronto..29024 0 Al, • .LABOURERS 'V'V'1&NTE0 Men who, will qualifyfor positloaa paying from $25.00 to $60.00 weekly., No experience necessary. We teaeli, you in a few short weeks,; as els trleal ig�nytioli, expert auto mechanics, driv-1 ing, welding andbattery'. work, Be' a success.' Don't be idle;, Apply HEMPHILL. TRADE SCHOOLS 168 King St. W., Toronto. 29671: BR's Hair Goods For Ladies and Gents J. B. Knight. Commercial Hotel, Seaforth -on-- Wednesday, on-Wednesday, Nov. 5th. Sale makers of Dorenwend's Sanitary- Patent Toupee€ and Wigs. New styles, including the new flesh color sight proof parting. Mr. Knight, will .demonstrate and give free advice on all scalp diseases. Telephone Hotel for appoint- ments. The W. T. PEMBER STORES Limited 129 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ont. l '0iAe "YoUf b 01a4ne th3 ' ap yl: little ft8 Y C gilt 0. eutr of bei' lit thf .malice P*0114e 'y 1040141g gleam clay *ben? se. 1)e gain Sere 00. .o. REGIS Chiropractor Specialist Spinal, Nero ll and Chronic' Diseases treatesliccessfuily'by' the latest methods in Natural'' Therapeutics, i/lcinding allforms of spinal adjustment, corrective dietetics, etc Eleetric treat'tnents given when necessary. At Head Office over Seaforth Pharmacy every' day except Tuesday morning,' Wednesday'' :and Saturday afternoons, $ours -+1D to:'12 a.m. .2 to -e5 Pan. , 7 t.A• 9 p.m. Sundays -,2 to{4.30 p.m. ors an Ti �h. eshers 1.-10-20 Reliable Tractor. 1-10-20 Titan. Tractor, 1-12.25 Waterloo Bey Traetoor. 1---12-24' Happy Farmer Tractor. 1-.41-22 Sawyer & Massey Tractor. All refitted In first class order. Cheap. '1-24-40' Imporial Separator, 1-36-50 George White Separator. 1-24-40 Diverted Separator with Straw Cutting. Attachment. All in first Claes Order, ready to go • to work„ ° 1•-21 H.P. Bell Traction Engine.. 1--24 H.P. Bell.. Traction Engine. 1-14 E.P. New Hamburg Engine. 1.18 H.P.,New Hamburg Engine. Refitted, in Good Order. Special bargains in 24-40 new Separators, suitable for any size of small Tractors. 'be 'Root Bell Bn'- gine & Thresher Co, Limited SEAFORTH, ONT. 2969-4 Beaut{f,i 1 Bird Cord iflIver 7 ar 290 page? ird Book 3,0 tee MORTGAGE SALE OF 25 VALUABLE BUILDING LOTS IN THE VILLAGE OF BAYFIELD UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the Powers of Sale contained in a certain mortgage, there will be offered for sale by public auction on Saturday, the 26th day of October, 1924, at the hour of 3 p.m. at the Commercial Hotel, (Weston's), in the Village of Bayfield, in the County of Huron, the following building' lots: Situate, lying and being in the said Village of Bayfield and being composed of Lots Num- bers 854, 855, 356. 712, 713, • 714, 713, ' 716, 717, 718, 719, 720, 721, 722, 723, 724,725, 726, 727, 728, 729, 730, 731, 773, 774, each of said lots containing one-quarter of an acre of land more or less. TERMS AND CONDITIONS. -Twenty per cent. of the purchase money to be paid on the day of sale and the balance within Ten days thereafter, These lots will be offered for sale subject to s reserved bid. For further particulars and conditions of sale, apply to BEST & BEST, Seaforth, Ont. Solicitors for Vendor. Dated October 4th, 1924. Thomas Brown. Auctioneer. 2965-3 ©000 00®Gi0000,0 W. T.BOX&CO. O Funeral Director and 0 Licensed Embalmer, ® H. C. BOX 0 Best Motor and Horse-drawn 0 equipment. ® Charges moderate. 0 Flowers furnished on short ® notice. 0 Night Calls Day Calls 0 Phone 175. Phone 40• 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 G> 0 0 0 ®0 0 ®0 0 0 0 O m 0® 4 0 0 4 0 4 ® 4• CHARLES HOLMES Plumber. See our Bathroom Fixtures 0 and Supplies. Estimates for complete instal- O lation furnished on short nodes O Eight years° practical eexperl- 4' 9nee in Toronto. 4 Repairs and alterations given 0 our prompt attention. el, O 0 4 4 4 0 0 4 0 4' O • 0>000 0000000.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 S. '1'. Holmes So Funeral Directors and 0 Licensed Embalaneri,. 0 Finest Motor and Horse 0 drawn equipment. Beattie 0 Block Main Street, opposite' 0 The Expositor O®ce. S. T. 0 Holmes' residence, Goderieh Street West; Char. Holmes° 0 residence over attire. Flowerri furnished on ah ' 0 notice. All kinds of up- '0 holstering neatly done. 0 those, light stir ' Dlfn 118. 0 0.0000®000 0/000 14155111 A. R. Box, W. A. Crich, Cheoros & James Wonderful Value in Our EW FALL LINES. Grand bargains in Men's soled leather work shoes. Double nailed and sewn shank, at at the $4.25 Misses' box calf shoes, sizes 11 to 2. Won- derful value at $3.25 -Girls' lovely fall Oxford, the latest buckle effect,. at Boys' Tan Shoes, sturdy make -a real water shoe, at $4'.50 $3.50 These are not' all of our many good values. We have other wonderful lines to offer for Fall. Fred W. Wigg, Seaforth Cant ion's Fu e ANTRACITE Now in stock our genuine Delaware and Hudson, direct from the mines -Egg, Stove and Chestnut. SOFT COAL Our genuine Kentucky Lump, unexcelled for threshing and domestic use. BOU LIFTS The fuel that makes heating cost less. These kindle quickly, do not clinker and burn to a powdery ash at a price considerably Lower than hard coal. COKE Our High Grade Nut Coke --a cheaper fuel with great heat. EGGS WANTED A steady supply of fresh, clean -shelled eggs for our ever increas- ing 'carton trade, bought on graded basis. Highest prices paid. Farmer's Dried Apples wanted. Any quantity well dried quarters. 1Ei1]S MSALL A. CANELN COAL and PRODUCE ` ONTARIO Phones ---Office, 10 W.; House, 10.J. 2966-12 MEN'S BLUE SERGE SUITS for MEN'S GREY SERGE SUITS for MEN'S TWEED. SUITS for $25.‘-$354) f MEN'S OVERCOATS •@ !ggqq CC for $16 ^1ip32.50 Underwear STANFIELD'S BLUE LABEL g per garment $3.00 STANFIELD'S RED LABEL ''Per garment , • $2.50 PENMAN'S HEAVY RIBBED $�,r0 per garment i1 per garment $2.25 MEN'S FLEECE LINED per garment $1.15 BOYS' FLEECE LINED per garment 70c. PENMAN'S .95 Thos. Ferguson SEAFORTH , - - - - ONTARIO. WANTED 50,000 Bushels of Wheat 50,000 Bushels of Oats 50,000 Bushels of Barley 50,000 Bushels of Peas 50,000 Bushels of Buckwheat For which ,; 'e will ,.lay the highest arket price.:; 11 We expect to start our new 600 barrel mill in the course of a week or two and will be glad to see all the old customers ag:<inA trial order solicited. Huron Flo t r Mi1!sLtd, 4 etal O e have seclAr the service_ s of Mr. 11"Obert t take chirge f this work d c ,1 h guarani satis- faction 5- r► d r yrasA nahle prices 41 r 118011 l of q;. Si l�h fi' ,14