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V10 " 'I'll y SA r " IAL # " "1',";!'1;11A , 3 ", � , .''.,-I _0 -.i I � , , .1 Le., "1* 1"'O � A � i 00" -_#,dro , Me 0 1.11111I4. 44M'101 I I , . i 'If�:'.�.';:�!;�"�.,';"� '�Lj, ,�, � W ; r"%". � tole C,- - "A 0 o ., blo , I'Aw. 0 �4,i 'A ,, R. �,.­* . I 1. M, L a ""', 1% 111"', I Flow- all. , I I— ��­��' J.'; - - _1 't . F_J*q#,� " V' Wy�` , I ,:., X4 p ,, � _ , � r,00L , . , , , 4 f" *7"9 madi # "; , � 'I � ", ", �j _I � 11,M08- � , I 6,. �� p � - ­­ ", � , ;. , ' L .,I � I ,Pon Vbf I 4 I !!11 I 'A'", d, AT '00 A,t A." , - ­ " - - 1111 11 ­­ I . ..... . _ _ -� . ,$A #�Lg !OW I , W04, . . , L -; " ' ' �'��,�'.�'j�,I��`�� 1'... ,­� I L .. �,, , ,;,, , = alghad_wl I - . �'�,(�� L , I � "' L _of _ A I ,�,, ,:! "", , _�� -`:I��7 �j�­­, ' 'j� -,�"",�L�,'�"'­'7, I , � , ,,,�, , pr,, 90, i .1 � T" - , . .,: ,�� - , - - - .1 . . L L I I � , , Kazarre, �0 - - I . ,.. . _ , L � 1, all, .� L"''L �"' � .: I � I I ­ .... j" _ Zi , �. , . ,� I ,,� '. � . L I _g . I � I � . i _ 'L ,�, I, . , I . , , . 1. , J �, I I �", L . '�I, , ,��,,�J: �',�,,�­ 1 . I , - , �`Ail , ": I . - Z I i I 1�:''�_.'�.­ ­�­�1.1,1­­"�� ;�`,'�,,,.��I;',��,, L�� I ":"] �111 -1 11 � ., 7,.,i` 77�, !7 ,� 'I, . -, � Cia tu"place of'-punj0*04t; 4'7 , " , � _r :A:. , , - I i., ii !I I � ,:�",r�,�.!",�L."""�!�,!,;, ,::� f . � 'I' , I , , ., ! � ., "I ", ., . .� A0, tea; to,, P,1,W�$., t �,exo, �,pee, -At 0,30,�� I " - I., L`� ­�'] ... i.-_- , , � J, "! `-� 11- IN\ 1,45 , . O;StA L ft-bqqk4LO,�'Of, V (4- 101. Wa -i .'-. - .. '­";, � -4;,"'il,"L,�:7 ,��.�I.I �, 'L, , , , A � ��, , � _­ f� ...... 1. , 9 N r f4r. 'Aw- most de-1sp , . . . -1 � I ,. �,IX, !�,�I�,j�. . 1, � iates now - , A RAUNCRID FOW" - I I ,. : I �, '''. �C I . ;, . WiRhP�ATSOXM .,I �011'4�4 11$00h�_ alowe4`, to, tlwl , V , criminals. , RRE41j, TH "y's, 0, ". . I z .; % in O� �, I= � : ­ , �#V#lt . -- ---­.'�".­ � �'­ ­-, ,,,, .." , . :L I dro . ' , �. . � $ ";�� . ... . ..... , , D , --ch , Its , ,­j­� I I ., b1`0441 'A# I-I'Lacf, gen ", �­. A . . �J ,R&JJ4* 1 r ' _ Z .�, C , T ., r.ft'� . ' 1 'L � - I I "r I 11 11 - ' '�L �, __ I'� "! ­ - , I r . I �X� "� ','��L' , . .- 1, , . ' .J�'�L.i` . . . I I 4 I L ReviOW'', of V , 11 , , f�I,,L,';,,'�, , "he , of " 6L ot _WPA a W " I I . . "';',Ip� I :� 1, , ��:. � 'dor AOVA%�! PrIA440*0 P16110 440"i, bacIg to France, -' . Ida jaalley, A1L1sJj""j'..L' 4 editor 69- t4e ,do� ,Fft L �Wur _,j_r__*_ � #�'�i � � L . . I wi* " I � 11 be brought I , ; - L 4 . "Q ., * , , COA .M I I I _P:tip . I , Q ,, ft _ , 0 1� . 1 d — _ ' .. I . A ��'. .9 - ,kFfigi.4�-lyf",LYJIAX,R,JAL,Ft"k"4 'O., I . I 4 - Ii,�,,q",X�­:�,J;­­:'' ; _ "tt, b's � I j � I I ', Mem, — 411 --,on t , e 40 _�' I, ', 11 . ',�"';'.��.� K I Z - , "t,io I 'a�4 *�$ nQt­P#40 odi L , ­'�'­� ", ,,j " 0, , , - ­,,�­(�j,I�IkK�J.r . '19'�I� . 11(�jj�'Qf�J.rg,r� ',�,( . �,( �, -, lbeat I . " 4 a NaRO 0 � - � I I . '­ I ­�. ,",.,,� �, " , �,§,IER ... �4W Af �*. � . _ % _*A and t4,n ", " � ,� I , , -bx ,40,4=04L All a4ts, of 14, iof ,I#e 4011 rs 4.', name, of Infamy � ., �#... , b I I WIM_1K,,, ,25,0 �� :: 'IM , " 11 "', "W ­ I _" ' o4i Tel ,gbQq ' foq� , ., .1 , 11 �rsfo - � Ind nutTitiou, B e " , I i . - � .. . ��:_ qtho#ty, On Is. �',; , W -,'�",Ak` 11�1, "' I 'hi fr-' i ., World 11� -1 .1 . I 4K. 1� I ,,r, ad I I " L , -�-fferin , t the '. ­ L ' ' . - I � . I , ,-L. ','-'­�' �'Lj'�"�""' 'gqgN f, - 11, hr,q; L, 4#,,a we , � . , � pI,- ? , I ffi _' If 's"'boch .t4cK P14 11-4balAaced. .4 ig. , P ',a _#"", "" ,;_ ;,�I�f-7 .1 - :, . , child - #4,ering frohi i � pa ly , ; throug . _f I n=11IRS I .,@ ;� - ,Q1A0,0 t1oos" 10949; � ,, . 11, �,;,,,, " 'R ,,P . " ,,r,, , "ri 'e.L ,To IM 'J" L' -'114 . oe fi speaking on -ad at Y, to. 441T4 � I " 1, 11, qw,,,� . � ' - L ,I,- 1",&ep '% ittl'a, Qne of, Con ue� , . , M_ �r ­­&�;�; , 1� , d to have fol ,;��; , I ",,�,��ip..'�ll,�ll-,�---,4,",.- I i - _` I , , - - ,j4 X _g—larr __ZL� uqiI�,, , I& r #, .- . , Ma— ftir, IM; ... 4 I I.. �46 L I& If , If , ,;��; � 44,njiot� thriv Leopold and Loeb are sai Sified.L accoro � I , , ,;��; I " , I I 'els must. be IMPT , � od, spoke ,Is follow'', ing to., the pria,� � ., 1.0 T:.Ifb,*,, " � i �,'KZjll Ig L , L ..9 I' , _gl'�;�� "' - re �i'Aq.­�,, J,� , the -gong in. � I "", � . � '... q - W;� , . , _ ,,;� At faMI prisoners *191, L ­" � I I I t, dislike to loaf well crust- are 01" fl " q�aq_iiotics, ' Bread, � N, 1; , " *.ell thehdw ' Vent of some very ' taken a grea T! . ,", � , , 7I e sto Ch §w 0 2djo s 4nd,many ,who have I Whatis Bread? .. dominating 4 ten , 'n, Ifr4 % I'll 1 . ,;6nd 4' been, confined 7"�rW.,��7',T­� , -,, ., _,� , L "'i - � , ,7, ��"' L" I �`i L L I il "I - 11 I B ,S,L , . . "'..�­7"�',"­ ;1' I" ZZ, ,,X.& �&­ �, ""' "D "I , imnA , the Joliet prison.. They may consider e All that, and contains, copaiderable starch, and i , , -Ki7110 11,04101' e _e * ' It . , -sponigy, djgestib�l, s � L , 1�.11,11 " a L -dp g � , � -theT miserably. , hArs, ,,; , , " , , 'i � W ,`� A _' ,e have 4ied I i! , �,�,R "IM".1 nothing pail equal B L themselves nilghty, lucky they, didn't "to. It,Is the cop I 0 - . %posite of all the classed � I . �,,,,,.';;,�L�.�r,�,,�'�', �"i-V,T.':'%"'J,.4'�� T ' I � I � one place' in the modern , as a cen al,foo(L What what, � r 11 I It" "I 'L . ' � ev V NX q,,,-�; � tt ' �1` . ,�y!,)V4,,D,WM11Mf1 , � They -are' a ini L- , it is made, and cereal, - I �u A I . "I'll ....... ­ . . ,*orld'L'where the legendary,, L Mbtto: . 11 I gredients of wbi6h,4 ready to eat, �pontaip� 10 per ; #T � '-_�`111' ,,, .,E,','if'g'p� I 11 - plesks . - e .. . 14 0,,b''r t�' �1' �: P�" '11, � �11 i , ,1111� M , 't%tive; � are. pleasi " . _ stead.—Chatham News. I nt, protein besides fat, sugar, rain- I I 'I . �, "A ,,, gp,;q -,� I . 1. . br : been the _ � , . . , - in .. ! I I : have to listen to 420briel's trumpet in It . I . . I I ce . _� M , P, 1214 11N." L,, "'��;, a �.�. +1 'T babe "Lei -hope behind allye who enter. � . . I of all.the beiiefR4 tUt each one be- I I %i'Lp" " , ,",�,� he � z , L I . , dwo. 1� , hron'. to - t �ve ' %, a r " ., . , 4 ,,,� L I I � �� .( , , , i ,,, W " � 11,"� .,; . �, I 1 �% -wffl"MrR�,�"";--,-� i. I . , - r erals. and Yeast? ­ � --!W -_77- ' ' ,;,"..", %, ,�..,*,­,,­.�"4��,_, ... I ; , " " I � 1�,�,l ,�,R`.5.11`� 1, ". .". . , Because, Of 'L I !,��dil.l ,��. ,-,-",��;"��lilt?,!,("�"ft"r " dis, _ . -1 " . ; ,� .� �.,- �. � can 'i.' is __ — . stow$. , '. a Q ,� I ,� W here," udght,be most fittingly I 1 . I 1'r �11N_4' -, -4 i, , , ',�. �1, � � th perfeg safetk.":�­.,�Thousand of . I . It ina - . , , ,!, - , ') , I . r: � y be COmpaTO to the body it ., � ,. ;;, �' ,­�, L. . ;,�", .­'' ;, e,::..!� `� r -rqz� - e,::1. � 1�1: 'no other�.-nic4iciie for layed. L - � I . � . . , I . this ,classification there ) I I I 1: I - �11'� 711 , 'R iSMINM315, I , ��,"t:�,�� I � .. rAothers use . . 1. . . . . I L 11 1, .1 I ,1. . I - , ":. � - 11 . ,, f ,��t I I.., " ,4�4 : I i I , "'i , L' � Br - self: milk, for blood,'Uour, for tissue; seems e 4 firmly rooted . � , 1%1*160UW by .;;, I i": . .1 i �;.":, .�,:I'0.�, 'Q , " I, `[Wii,ly, - 11 � -1 I W. ate of the Place is. a� ,ITISIK AMERICAN. OIL comp to b L idea that I I - "' �,, .,;�'L ",0. ,�, .. " �,%,r', , 11 . ' , , . � , L .... 1 , 03'eir little ones -but Babyls'Own'TO.� - The 'Mere 011A - . "f PMJ�q �to. OF 1 �',`�:�.,�", 11 I"", 4 , 4 -, , 1 FN . 'torture, , I , R '..' , "'.5 - I ­�"'�' "4""��L, , r I 1, ��'giM� I ANY EXPLAINS PRICES OF energy, and yeast, h* soul. in&9griminately classed with M304- . 1 1, L ;�� �,��, �-�i:""'i�, ��, - , 1, L 'VI�ll;�toy;,O�.,i�F,45�lr,,,,��'�O.',IL' r . ey, I . salts for bone; sugar and fat, for bread is a fat forming food. It is CoAll "I", . �:�. �,,��, � `-V,""L,W,001,�§ jlx�,,�� ,­�. �46,41;, .w%. . Of. , . . ..? . Th, a: leine to �#*�Ilwbkt.c I �,� ,,�;, � lets'. .- ,1 .1. ­ , ,�LT 1. ,�:��. �,,�.,�, , -, �.�V. .Iprls_d' I I L I.r � A,�",�.�'., ,�.,­! . :1, , _-.1 �m� gg�.)�� I I I I ,�', ,,, :: �. . - ),IIP6,',�,' g 'rs; or by m40 I . , I'- - - _)" 'r ce I , "go! ,�, � ro, sold by -mad � ":�' ,�. , t , ftiq R ; :)v.P,;11111 �.� L _ .'AI cent;s�%,box,*O_ . q,Rum, 41 , , , t okavd. . 1'', 1 � m. ,�, 9 iiti, Bread is the grc�otest of all the ro,ni, rice and othe . I , I Ii. I, �'r - , ,. ,i�� , ,I,;.r -��:, 1;,,7.I,f.;,11;1 I ..,;.A,! . �Mww- -...m p�p.p;!��-qp. .,L� ��. � Tile Kedi6h� - CQ,� '040 fi *.boen so i'; TX IAN foods depending .IQPOn li , - and, the sugar foods. � . "WM!"" �A 11_,4 "U" r "" L'�,�'. �,' r" .'��,V , . ApEex ' L " � �' ms". ,� ,� RMV 0. 41 � �a* GASOLINE TO CANAD � '� , ��,,.�,-, �, - pr.� 'W,ipn . � " -4re of I I" "4, -,,,, ''%I ,Ml,il' 1,�,�� . , �'. . - �11.. , , "%.J,t1 L. � "'A . . �t J le, �',Qn. � �,� ,:. , I "b � 1� W . ',�� . , A6 "' ,,�,'la , �ayl vmg Organ I . :. � r. L. Z. '. " "'.. - , -e , 4 090 I -11, I - 1: � .!�Ila qr,. , - . i.,, I iNia; �':I',',11, OR ,�, ;I,, , �',,; I I '11, "'I I I . L - 14 �' I'V, ­,` � L _-, - -.1 �, -I- 1:1 11.11,11 L, - T — - , ".11111 I , I . L' ��',� 71- 7.,!t - _1 I ", MI 't ". IV, , "�)�'31 .. I - , �, 1!�'11 :Riockv,� . I . , . isms for the maldng� The flour, the overwipiglit is not due to bread , . I L:, .. �. hilifete and many, w o NKT1111111 I I I M . I . 1. I.' � , ) , h CONSUMERS ' — I !!, , xli�i 11 � i", , - - '11.1111 11 �111 "5 1 '. 'I.,, 1. � . ii�, �,", . , 4, , _ ,�",,,! . 1 , , I , ,�­ P,e� I ,.t salt, the sugar, shortening and milk eating, but to over .4mounts of sugar, !, , 0111, � . . .7_______94P_ .. _,�.'�j - � JW W,.on,, -comparatively � ,. , ­� ,' , ., -,� _ 'i.. � � . . � I — 11 .1 I : . . I . * " 'A", f, I ,.','I. I L ­' . ' ' , _, � ", I, %#.' T , ­ 1;,-� 4" � L - I '. .�� ."L. . " "'' , , I LL -1 I . . " �, � 1-1 I W.. ... " � f"O t, .,. � , -L. L I las Ueal , � Ily % "' �, � I I I , , - 8 I carefu The yeast is starch and V�h,v dried bread, in such quautI,::,, as we . , A 1, , . 11 0.1 , Ov � - � L,:�� ��% . r . - I , 2, .1 ' " 1. � . : 66 ' ­ha,�e been lifers in - Commenting on the gasoline situa- are Ily weighed. fats, and lack of exercise, il ,, 4 ` IfIgM _T , , I , ., ..". 1� . , �-�",16� " , . donfideht Y in *added,—that , r , rhich is A small -amount Of starch is needed L��,qf: �,fil,p,.,!;.""I�-,,',,:�1,6,Q� 1 I Winulp Ma �qr, -they have died of the tion and the two recent declines vital - I - t; solia' food. ' L �1 �, 01MI, '. , , "W"i "IN", I 9.ganism v I . V� 9 , ", . It'IS L V'0 ff � 11 ,�, , I�.!.­&'_.., j 1, - - predict that h o seomforts and unhealthful�- price, MT. S. R. Parsons, president of, ;Netual life *aQhed and tended in. � ,cry B I$ the 0 - .11 . ­­ �,�,,,gp ,�", �eg, _ �e egt, ties.9 Because it is still further Con; L r$ " , . . the next ten jehj* Will - v -reducing diet. read centtated'during the drying out pro- ,Milk toast is a cJ0se­sec0#q�'.`,U_, I , , - '. 1. 4 � ,iix, , &"'j, i, " ,P 69"m I - , , tish American Oil Company, a drllyw� Xyg 1 1 1-1 , , I s carefully -as a baby. The yeast best food for this purpose. All other .,p� M _ p lahaaii,� 'ness of the place before their sen- the Bri ss, and the body is supplied with ,aad,A,oast, are 1�'W� I ftitg�., I b,e the, mos,�, ,rqOer us. In A -0. Lai� I ,I "_"W, L ", 11 , I 1, �§ "Ifr" , , "" , " � -'T' t - 1' �_"`��"�" . I. ec - , M ii , . I ��LVN� ,,�.i ��! ' , � � "I,V, Instory ' d "I �ed th6',,31oh., P. tences; have come to an, end. 1, said that owing to a decline in price plants grow and mufir'ly- The warm starches and all sweets should be I - a i t1i toibeiiulomi'L, #4ftA_*` '1�13,","L I , . , protein and fa ,., , . ' - "" _tfi" �4. 1�1 , , t , s well" �w, " ,41 ,, the necessary�': , . L ' ,�. ,i7 .... ... � -J3ig] r .for I I -L,­,�.­1:""S1'.'.,� Ill '� I, , � t". 1. IftJ ,,L _4",Ijeo'mmissione Canada in L ' I It this one' 'anionj­ all 'French of crude 6il armounced a day or two surface of the riseii"dough feels not eliminated from the diet. When rap- d oxidation. Bright's discia46, �,00)4� 10W,ib;1_1",� ! , ". , " ., L a, sfarch for energy an I - � _ ,_ , �, L , _;,,",,;,, I .. , � I -1 _,1i11-_1- " " I ,here. 1� . . - .ft . ,I , , �, `!I ';,iLl, � g iL,o pit. -on A;rriva . I L ", . � , W4 5"N I iii aL Without prisons- virtually no effort has, been -ago, and particularlSr the reductioJas unlike the flesh of a little child. id reduction is desired-, the bread Bread I , after all, a olenderizer -, -A"Tw cas4s'-of A0ma0U,'#y1W 'Fi.)_ F�l " Zi �_� � - far better posi- et on October Is�t in the Finally the I6af'1`S`,',baked. It goes should be sliced,paper thin and dried s I . I 4 '' . . � �t��N, . " �jV, I:, -�;,�,Y�g - ,.­­., " - 11I.I. N ,e ea'd is�;,FmitoN - . L 1 i, ­:,'g' , - do"i;'�'Ciin`adi is . mad � p :t�f into% eff B ead and Fohdprful is becausebr , 0��,Ido w , e to develo any of the new p milk "make a '9 � ,, 11, - - I L I auj�Qd .aft#"0 eCau5e, �­_ '�' , .� t"st-A�� , �., -V, � -%jopt to -day than any other country in price of gasoline by the leading oil from the bakeshop t6 � the store, and' out, till crisp in the oven. Plenty of pouT " of tion 19,bal b , I .� . . .... � , th6ories of T�enology. ,, Here , A6 . L t,ce whicb. 6�, the power n I, , I k 't 9'es.t­ , :-�t­.,�,� � s, the then into the home* of the people this bread, with clear, hot tea for ' *os r4 ,,�; ,, _� , ", _ . "I'll 'I - th; world." theor has been persistently adhered comipanies of the United State diawing'aut poisons. Bread and milk breiid _twIce,coZed:,.,,Ab . , .:,. ; .Y I .,� �,.",��.� e Men to,a pris- Canadian- refiners have followed their whose greatest erjr'has always beet' breakfast the same menu. for lunch- , I Because- bread is-za W . ,'i1W L L,��,�,, _*,., ; I to that the sefitenie ,g' and bread and butter are interior ed. 4i* " , � "_.­ "I. "IF , " � . � . � � 7,, ."IV . ' ' - , , , �J , -� ':L it is tur�6'd into the brain or ." , , 'L�. � Montreal, Que.—At the convention ryt .1ood,, A#wsbjug etie_ � "T" It �� - revenge upon him usua hing one wants f . . rg:K�� .'' . ""', �4 .�:. ,oner is society's I practice,of bringing the prices for bread. ,,,, and eve poulitices drawing poisons from the concentrate& I - , ,� I . L 4 I L I ,,,�_111, I of the American Fisheries As ' ar as possible. and brawfi of man—the motive power dinner, Is the best reducing diet cl% *11hou I ,i',,g,, socla� for diving - Si�ned, rather than so- in Canada into line as f I . . . " �,11. I stat- been'further of a world. I But sure to keep moving 2 blooA as," -11 iving, nourishment, . ,replenishing, w,,a§te&,Imus I ,I." �5'1 as gi ... �4�1�4'1 I 0 . I �i �, , ,�;, �_ �� . . i tiou held in Quebec city, it was When the situltion has know. part in si4nosi 'ovettaxing the., -bo � . 1. .. i � ,��!� �.` . i . i , . i 4 . i.. I - � . i I - � . 1I. I 1.� 444 , . 111. � , � , . . 1. ;�­ " , " I ciety's endeavor to cure 'a sick soul I Bread plays a star _. , , , ., L dy. - �;� 1 ­. I— _, , L I . -11 . ,4,�!,, .":�'L' i�: '; � _", I I. I , . 11 -, .. I Ied �hat while the United States has uc 1: 14 : I . �'.. , I - � I I -1 reform -an evildoer, save a rnistake'� revealed there may be other red - Why is bread a uhiversal food? minutes after dinner. I 1� - ,� 71 - . I "I ... :1 "�,',�IIV '. . . Why has the lack 6f -it caused revolu- I .,� 'L I . . .1 . ,,, . � i , , � : t�relve times the population of Can- human being 0 some sort of useful- tions in Canada. I — _ - " - I �L , 4�:�",�, ",,�,I�, � . i , , 'L , � . . . . . . " : ,�'_­,,. �, ��'J. ­ I , , ",", ,`.�,,,:,.�� . . . . . . . " - -, - .,I . � I - � . .1 � Ili, i � ' - .7 - - �'!!'_,', , ,,,� -_ '. ","'L"" . . I ��, �"' .'� ada, its fish .production was .scarcely ness. � . � . 1here has been a disjoihed and de- tions and strikesT Because it is es- . _.. � L . ". , L ,0 I .", I" . - I I . �._;111� 11 more than double, while inland states. ' e objects in a picture, - V� - I L I-. , . I IL .4 It is declared that 'the' linminent, moralized condition in the oil refining sential, like th .1 ­­ ... ... 1, "". ,,,, I I 11�', liad barely q. speaking acquaigtanqe closing of this,terrible penal colony industry in the United States in 1923 which are completed by the back- - I .1 . I � - i ... �, ::'.��.�� �,::'.��.�. �,::'.��.�. �,::'.��'� �,::'.��.� "" �,::'.��.�"�" � �'.��.�­" . . � I I �,l 'I,' �_ "L , I � _.��._ .. ..... . " , , . I L "" , I . . 1. � ­ � coin- . . .1 ­ 311�111��l � :,�', L_'�-4' ii: I -with �eafood.§, and the 110,000,ULtU L . . ,�, _ - fact that quite by and 1924. This has been brought a- ground. the foods in a meal are .,;_ '' � A 2' ,�I�'�'� ' - I.:....'. I � � , . is due' to the, I ,: ": I I -people of the United States consum- , ackground, the foods 11 I -, ' ' I " . ' . �: ' I - I . chance- an official report of its char- bout through excesa production of pleted by the b . . ' I ' ' , ;el, I . � . ­­­­ I 1;�.: IL, � . .:. . ,)�. ad not more than twice a fis a citeristics, the procedure there and crude oil. In consequence many re- in a meal are completed by bread. . . :--',��,`��.,��,. . . as the D,000,000 people of Canada. n_ It is a great basic food that sup- � � ,� "I ff, , '-',.If i� the sufferings of prisoners confined fineries have failed; strong compia . 7111,'�,", , � I I I I . amIdstLitS terrors, fell into the hands ies have passed their dividends; and plements the others, and supplies en- � L I . .-�Il I .. The laborer's lunch of ion League-, ­­' 7,�t��;�`,i . i:��:�A , , , ,I'i��,` y picking up ergy and bulk. The Moderat* ��,Ii:�:I,_.'LL:ii . '��`�I,�,` of M. Herriot. the � French premier. others are hanging, on b 11 11 -�,' ", I I d and cheese and fruit is satisfy- � . — , V: I ', L", - , I - - . . �, - . , :, �, ,� � 01 IftHEUMATIC PEOPLE Reading,this little book quite casual- "bootleg" crude, out of which they brea L "',­ � � � ". -.,��:­" . ­ .;111 , ted, manufacture what has come to be Ing because it is complete. The child 0 " ;,�.:,,,�.� . I __ I . NOW FIND RELIEF ly at first he soon became fascina � '�. i�"-` "", � I ,, ,.L . CAN . finally his wrath known as "distress" gasoline. These goes to bed contented with a supper . - I . ,! I �11,,,:,� ) ��,, . then angry and I � , "i, ,,�)61 .. 1:1��1_11� .11 . . - "­, .� I . The'busy man' eats . I i, ,, I ", I - _� I . conditions have made it extremely dif- of milk toast - - _�� �, i i� .,*_� I . � By Driving the Poisonous Acid rose to great heights. 0 Ontario. . , ,�'_, Il From the System. "That la Belle France, most merci- ficult for Canadian refiners to corn- bread and milk at luncheon, and works L I . ; ,��,� ,�, 11 I ntal of nations pete with products of their own manu- with a clear head. Bread, properly . �-�. k,, �Ql . �, . __ . ful, most sentime . ... ,,,��',!!� �', It. ,. I . . .. . � , � Rheumatism attacks people when, should , countenance such official facture except at a loss, as the tariff made, is one of the most complete President, L F. lleHmuth. Y -Q - 1. �,�".�, . I I ,��; I . I 1 . , 'j. 1. � I I 11.�.. � the blood is thin and watery, or cruelty under its flag, is unbelievable," protection is only one- cent per gal- foods. ",",5;- � loaf contains approxi- I . I'l-I'Vii; ' . Ion or about four per cent. on whole- The modern . . I I �m . charged with impurities, thus setting he declared. 52 per cent. carbohy- � . � .1 , i.-- " i i, -up inflammation Of the muscles and He took the matter up at once with sale prices. In the face of such ab- mately 50 to !.�; j��, I A or sharp the French minister A justice and in- normal competition and broken-down drate (starch and sugar,, 9 to 10 per - , � ��. , � �,, ."N I I ..4, I I I . � joints. Cold, wet weather . 11 , The conditions Canadian . refiner's have cent. protein, 2 to 3 per cent. fat, and . !; � .1 start the -pains, but the duced him to read the report. Government Control is People's Co trOl ��,� -winds my ' ter. Supple- I J� `�,; 1 - . cause is rooted in the blood and to mimister of justice also was appalled considered their duity to their em- 35 to 37 per cent. wa . � : i ��,�'.,; ' ' � �S( 1, get relief it must be . treat6d through "The Place must be' closed at once," ployees, their shareholders, and the mented by its usual accompaniments, I . I � 0_7 I or whatever it . -, � 1, , , -4 a soup , � ��U � the blood. As a blood builder and it was agreed between these two. public at large, and have carried on butter, mill HE people of Ontario --not any narrow Or isolated section ,'�� "I merve,tonic Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Wonderfully picturesque in its as'usual. Canadian refiners are do- may be, a balanced meal is provided. T ut the people of Ontario as a whole --have certain "j. I I I I "�- this ing their utmost to meet these ad- What does this mean? That every of them—b ,.e, " 1 _ ". ) ;are unsurpassed, and for that reason terribleness . is the history of rry on their part of the body is supplied with the aditions have given � _ . 0 The most terri- verse conditions and ca ideals of public and private life. British tr � . � 1. `;; "'A � . I :,-,; " I , 1.,�,:. do, not fail to give relief ,to rheumatic French penal colony. approximate nourishment it needs. . I�,'f . -given a 'fair trial. ble place of confinement tolerated by businesses at the smallest possible � I .1 - _- I I 11 ."! .t sufferers when . rofit that will Neither too much nor'too little. En- us these. I i ,� - Among the rheumatic sufferers who any -civilized nation, in many minds margin of acual rret p I � ,��ii'1111'w 1.11 - I'll �its mere . ible them to operate. It is surely ough and no -more. There is no one '' . 1. I . � 2jave proved the great value of this - existence has been I a stern en; .., ­ - ts that the food except bread th can do this. � -.1 ... � : . ,1 �1:11,�;;', medicine is Mrs. Simeon J. Tatton, reproach against France. not in Canadian interes These ideals are well understood. - .I, . 11-14i, . . I . I . I . I— Sask-, who says:—'For tis why it has been.the cry of ."', , Ill Indian Head, M. Herriot is a'very tender-hearted refindres of Canada, with their ten to Tha . - - .. , thousand employees, their nations since the world began. 0 :" I . ­. ntense suf� man and it is reported t1lat his eyes fifteen Lawlessness, disrespect for law lack of self-restraint, mid , " , . ;,11. '' ;over two, years I was an I say, "Bread," what do we . . ,� .4. . k ;-4. . until I were filled with,tears after he had widespreading interests, and share in Vlien we I I ­,,.V,� , � -ferer from rheumatism and I the gruesome story of the suf- national, municipal, and other taxa- m�ean? All kinds of bread—graham, . excesses of all kind find no approbation in Ontario. 1, 1.11,,�� began the use of Dr. Williams' Pink read i, rolls and . I . I _111 I pills no treatment that I took helped fering of prisoners upon this terril�le tiop burdens, should-harfe to do busi- whole wheat, rye, browi ::, - - . .� coffee cake, white bread --- everything I ... . R11, I 1.�� , I . . ,I mig'any. The trouble grew so bad bit of equatorial land- Under one ness at a loss. Government Control, in the present plebiscite, is SimPlY a ,, 1,'�._ , I . . - made with yeast. I . I .. .. . Id not move around the governor a prisoner, it is said hid Crude oil (out of which is manu- that is . . _�,:. , �, that I cou Government to proceed with legig- , :..4 11 nally I had out in a rock crevice and there'died factored gasoline, benzine, kerosene, Each type has a definite mandate by the people to the _,�,,� 1, -jousc without help, and fi I ..�;,� � " - i��, � ... lubricating oils, fuel oil, pataffine wax, the diet. Graham, rye and whole far as possible eliminating . I .... `,,, ."", to give up and go to bed. Words of thirst. - wheat for roughage, coffee cake for lation whicho while dealing with and as . � ", � : I R, It'was in this dreadful place that petroleum coke, etc.), is sold at the respect for law, and recOgmzc : ­, � . 11 . ..., I - Captain Drey I fus, hero of, perhaps, the regular Isposted" f sweet, rolls f6r energy. excesses in drinking, will restore '�7, I I I could, not bear to have anyone come aught this, the right of the citizen to regulate his private life in accordance 1� ., mear me. Finally one of my'neigh- most celebrated case In modern time like wheat, and is subject to Home makers should be t I" . " � �, �:: ..... b6n strongly urged me to try Dr. French jurispruabnee, was confined change according to the law of sup- and encouraged to increase their use the principles Of moderation and sanitY. � 7 ,;,'. Urifortunately, of breads intelligently by introducing with �, ,�. 11 'Williamst Pink Pills, and I decided to for years until the conscience of the ply and demand. in the -right way. - I � ..... ,do gro. In the course of a fe* weeks nation awoke and demanded his re- Canada does pot produce enough crude a bigger repertoire . .I ,�,, I e But white bread is the all -year, ev- ibition is a denial of such a mandate. It consists Of I.., .. I Proh I I could feel an improvement, and I lease. The trial Which had -sent him oil to keep the :refineries going on �%. " I'' ��� I Refin- eryday food. Made with plenty of . 1 41".. I � -was able to get up - week out of the entire year. mins for growth an absolute order of "MUST NOV. '6";w-, ­_ ­;:,.­'..'�.- ""It. t on taking there was one of the most sensa .,�, , ­ I - I kepi f the trou- tional ever known in France and ers are. therefore, compelled to put- milk to provide vita . . I R1 .�,�,,� � � the pills until all traces o �,; every, word of it ran the chase their supplies in the United and proteiii for muscle making, with '' - �"' ". � , I �� ble were gone, and I could again do through and t it undermined private and public fife --that it made I ""; imy housework, feeling -like a new plain evidencethat the man was be- States and other -countries of the the best of flour milledfor energy Tha which should be , id.',�� � I � personr Three Yeats have passed Ing persecuted and even crucified by world. Refiners usually make yearly digestibility, fats and sugar for re- lawlessness profitable ---that it took revenues ' .1 - serve force, white bread is a food to subdue LT,,, I since as never been fellow officers of the French army be- supply contracts, in order to safe for the public good—that it created evils harder .,:�, that and there h used � � ", �p the slightest return of the trouble, cause he was a Jew. guard their interests, at the regular that every one can eat. ish—was the verdict of Alberta, � �_,;,� '.I 1, I � ii very posted price plus premiums for qual- The young child just beginning to than those it pretended to abol. ­ gg that I feel sa.fe in saying that the Anti-Semitism at tbe time ra E gathering by pipe- eat solid food is given a partly dried year. They had ��Al, icine is high awoug French officers and this ity and expense ol Saskatchewan and Manitoba within the last . ,�g " -relief brought by this med as in can nibble and suck at it and leatn to - ��� I. :: pernianent." " man had loaned money to some of lines from the fields, as well tri�d Prohibition for seven years and found that Period quite ,f!', � lis fr nto tank can ibble and suck at it and learn to I you earl get the pi Oln Your them. When he wanted thenitomake many cases loading same I 111:1,1 But he will not eat �ii �, 4ruggist, or by mail at 50 cents a box payments they had promised, they cars. When there is, excess produc- use his teeth. long enough. 2��­. from The Dr. Williams, Medicine Co-, charged him with being a usurious tion, caused generally by the opening too much. What be does get is di- ,il � , 5 . 13rockvWe, Out. Tirioney lender and started a cabal up of new and- prolific fields, refiners gestible because the trust of bread is Of course, the verdict was not rendered without a fight. ��rr�i, " ,,� against ,him. in the immediate vicinity of such pro- dextrinized by baking. Countless ' ��� � ers through endless generations were told of the wonders of prohibition. J:' 5 � , This cuimin�ated in the accusation duction who are not under contract moth ence with just as here, the people . how sober they were, ., � I ,���'. cXperi " I that he had sold military secrets to are able to pick up crude oil at their have learned this by They were told, how rich they had become 11 1, *�. 1. I . and a own prices; hence they are able to un- little children. The place of bread in I- . lDKWV$ ISLAND, MOST ANFUL a foreign power (Germany) had vanished, how low taxes were and how happy ".-�:�; I ��..."' ers in putting out their fin- the diet is neither appreciated nor un- how crime I di . ,�, trial followed which was notoriously dersell oth ' Impartial" writers wrote :01" PENAL COLONY IN TIIB unfair. The Captain -really a brilliant ished products and this state of things derstood. and prosperous everybody was. .1, ��.. I ."., �0_1, , V V I hild grows older he is given 64 . - sen- usually ends in price wars and un- As the c biased" speakers made speeche& . ... I ,�: WORLD soldier, finally was convicted and slices of bread toasted dry in a articles in the newspapers, un A1,41 � tenced to a long term of exile on the stable markets gs. at present. thin � " :, J.. I Some ompel- slow oven, or dried pulled bread. A- ,�'. Devil's Island is to be abandoned -terrible rocky islet in the equatorial bed gain the starch is turned to dextrine. But the people were not moved. They knew better. � �"­ I aad with its Atlantic. led to import more or less finis I '041 I 11 I ony " , as a French penal col the end of The subsbquent release of Captain gasoline to meet the demand for this The bread is more condensed because . th ity arose ' , � � .1 Dreyfus, after a period of agonized prbduct, as if they distilled a sufficient the wAt�r is driven off; he gets con- Then they acted. just as soon as e Opplortun I , I", LL I aWandoninelit. Vill Icome , " wilit long has been, to the minds of Id centeated milk, yeast, sugar, fat and e profil%itionists tried . . . %, I in i6nce and. elme- imprisonment in the terrible colony, quantity at their refineries they wou they voted for Govenunent Control. Th !,illl' ." I humanitarians 11 " was preceded by one of the most sen- have to manufactur4Y out of the same predigested starch. the people from expressing their views. Everywhere .,., � where, a vicious -scandal. the same time, excess Then comes buttered or plain toast, to prevent 'III, I . This horrible bit of rock, not- -far sational court cases in the history of crude oil, at ther produ0% which milk toast and broad and milk. By they said that a vote was unnecessary and sought to avoid one. ".I. , I. ., 1. from the equator, off the coast of the modern world. Not only the quantities of o for in the.time the child is two years old he 1%, � , �. ,,, - ��;. been notor- French, but the British and American they could not find a market just as here. ,. , I.t. Dnfch Guiana, 'long 'hag sent their most brilliant Canada. In order that such gasoline Weating thin bread and butter sand- . I I jous as -a Telic of past ages of al- newspapers tard and brehd soup 6�,�� '' writers to report it. and the Dreyfus may be marketed along with their own wiches, bread cus But the people prevailed. They decided that, through III. most barbarism in the treatment Of in addition to toast, zweibach made of I 1, V " case became a scandalous deserip- refinery products, the delivery costs, themselvea. '4, �� . .� criminals in. tive phrase in -all. parts"of the world. overhead, and other items have to be bread, knd pulled breads. Bread foods their Governments, they would take control ..".11 . . . . . "; .. 1 41 Incredi hospitable m. more nourishment than far- ;,_ I every sense, even to 11, shortage of When Dreyfus was finally released provided for. In the past it has oc- gives hi ther denatured, starchy ccr- Vote for Government COntTOI as follows: I 111,1111111 ... , I witer despite its large population, ill- after ik had been clearly proved that curred that the lai5l down wholesale ina and o .,:�� "I eqnipped, surrounded by a sea teem- h4b had been wholly innocent of the cost of imported gasoline in trainloads eals. - . 'k 11� 1.� � ' � tug with sharks,'the natural habitat crime with which 1* had been charg- of tank cars did not show a margin . Then comes school age. The child I . . . , ., M, akes and scorpions, ed, a determined effort was made to of one -'half cent per gallon under reg- is active. He gives out twice as much I . "", ��� , 6V venomous sn n adult. This must be re- I., , , . f V1 jlr " I . beset by stinging insects which have cleanse the French army of Jew ular Canadian market price, so that energy as a Many an active I -RIARK . 1�,�.," 11 A to those fur- 'haters and hatred, but this has not the refiners had to sell same at a very plenished by food. Are y�m in favour of the ,..""�� . "', � added their torments livery growing child rightly eats more than continuance of The CntariO I �,��,i � ", I , " � I., Ich are said been successful even up to the pres- heavy loss considering the de I , '�117. 1 rblied by- the vermin, wh -nd overhead. This condition his less active parents. An after- Temperance Act? A " ,� .1 �� " I I c.nf day, despite the superb records charges a I 'W'NUR " I necessity. ' ",.g � - made by many Jews during the great has not prevailed recently owing to school lunch is often a . . , I "I'll . ___ � 9� i, ". war. the deplorable unsettlement already Give the child a bulky food that .1 �',X I W� �.�, I The cleansing of Captain Dreyfus's referred to, but may come again at approximates the actual body constitu- BALLOT I �V `�' 1. I 10 I 11 ... __ , a I 'j"i I . . . 1 � , - ., � record was more of an academic than any time. . ents. Then each part will be replen- Are you in faVOur Of the I �� Ii�l even if comparative- ished. The child should be satisfled� lk If .�, . I ee . i".. 1. , I I , ,h'T " " I , . i I an actual rehabilitation of him in the price declines, but if he be AM H E 40JR0 E I �, I I I . I 11 minds of.his countrymen. He had ly small, of crude oil and products, with bread and butter, gs an& spirituous liquor in . I ,.��, I 1r, .... : ,� I .1 . . I � � -11 ,,, � . . 11 es at refineries for jam and jellY, or leaves a trail ­ � bowl, don't v Z T N Id 1 ".44".. 1�i, � stilfeied too much ever to recover mean. enormous loss trorry. scaled ackages under Crov- A .. . bappin#ss. The joy of release from and brtnehes where large stocks al- from the sugar . ,,, � ­ . d and bought This is a normal way of meeting his ernment control? I � , ."., ,' �', e�l , .. I I : the bated prison isle was ovetsbad- ways have 0 be carrie 1. �?`�:�,,,$', , , %�I� I I I . "'." , . 'I, ii . owed by, the memories of that which at higher fl&res. Gasoline is one of desire for candy. A little sweet on I __ I � I., 1:f-,."ef,f-,� . , 11 , I - I 1�0'1 J. , ,',MV,% , I , - . he bad sulered, the very -few products that is selling bread will satisfv his craving. RR1___ ! . I . " 4":�',,�,i�! il `� . � ip� ,'�, _.,A . i�t sensational recent in Canada at or a little below 1918 Malnourishment among children has �,, vyR31ip, I . "". I", The next mt ii among I I I xtij, �� . e , . � .11 � I I 1111 � prices, eccordln �1. I ". I 0" , lepisode coitneeted with Devil's Island-, g to the Dominion Pur- reached alarming proportio ;,'Ii;,�,�11,,gp I . I all classes, In certain country see- . provincisl Hesdquarters� 9 Richmond Street Fast, Toronto � -, ­­� I . .. I was the escape from "it of Eddie eau of Statistics. . � I I " "'D ",I r, , dw 50'. tiong, examinations have shown fifty -,,�. �,,, 1, � , , I ,I, , , Guerin, worl -,�an�6us erook,,bur lat, Canadian refiners cr cs . , II;;;;; I . .,"F'41�,111,o . cl K'i I " . abo two thousand different points per cent. malnourishraent! In the Telep�one: Main &387 and Main 1193 _ �Wll .. confidence ma 11 I � . I I ,'�,',."j � I I I Guerin Is said to have been the only in Canada Where they have starag� cities it runs ?Tom 20 to, 85 per cent. . C. D. Bova% seentwy , I �.,e'l .1 . " ") � ­,!, :�, � bild does not have bal- Ik owtlon Oak?. Treamum . 11 ,:J,, :,�­ 11`11� � l ds 'The a*erage c I �, .`��!�Ii I . . prisoner who ever did escape from the facilities in order to meet the nee �,,� ','���,�,:�,�,;i '. , . �,:"��, �,,,;i:,L,:, , " " . '. awful piaee� Me j�bAnaged to steal a I of f3 v Why, this discrepancy? . . 5 - � 11 ''... ,. ­­#. -.�,,__ " . . � �., �'; ly ervift Stations, ggsragea a -ad fetail aneed food. i ! ! . -I "It �,.,�,;,;,,,,,, 0. I .. � i " ,Z , ­7�_Irip���� . . . I :'. � In it at hight. merchants. 6f The Ittroduction in eitios of nebool , I - . . ; ­'1111:fl� "", '' :� � The great MWO14tr ­ I , "., , t . W�-' 11 c6boe and g4t aWay i eli- lulicheoris of bread and milk, or broad . . ­ , ,., I . I�,I, ": 71 _­� " ,�,­� ".", , ,,. . i 1 I �111_ � , ". le 1�;%It " , �;,, , 1, -�,�!`,`,:­;, , I:1 ;11 I � — "!! , - i� I,,�,:", " I , � ,,, : �:, After terrifid ad"Ou" 1AP-se stations, owingto CamAdian � I I I , �,,� � I I , �,, I � �. �. I . � I . 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