HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1924-10-03, Page 7. .11 .1 1.11 ­,�r""',­­". ­ A-1- .-Wl ­e�,, , , , , , � " I- 1-7 � , 1, �R� ,;, i�, i ,11 ,.,, 45� ;, , ': ,, i I RXP 7, � gi M. 11 I �T7 �, I '' . ,1,1 I M ,P�11 F1,111r. I `�,Tl , : - '77", 11 TT � It I.. I I ,. " I I � I IT" R! 1..77 , . . I I I . , . 711 11 "I , �, � . I- ., I 1. �, , - "171711111"17 ""� 9, W �, �, za � I :, �� I" I ... -1� I , :. ,. I I I I .1 . . I , 1�1 � � � I I . I . I I �. . �, -1W ! ,. F I � � 41 � i I I I . I I I � . I . I . . . I I I . � , ., ilr,W. I 11" I . � : I 11 I I 1. �. ", I .1 I . " I . I . � . I . � I 111 . I . I . I 11 I � I I I . I . . I I . , �, , I , , I I I 1 � I , �, I I . I I .. . . " - � p. , 11 . I I I . I � I .11'' l., : , � � , , � I . I I I . I I � I I I I � I I , N �. 1. - � , � , �11 1. I . I I � � 11 � , '' I 1 , , � t � I I . I 3 . . . I 11, . . � . : ... ,,; j� '. 1. �? , � I I I I 1, ,, , ,��:�'' '� , � : ,�. I , , �,,� , I . . I I � I . I � � � � 1. 11 I . :1 . 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I � :,� y , !�.­ tranq "' I � L, , I ,t* � "'.4 A .�� L , �,`a -Una ae� ­� � : -.�. 11 - 11 h . .- ""011eaw -�Mse ,X'1W.XUj GIRT. 141 d , ,-�� � 01j"bm, r1al, i I .0 .. - 4, 41Z-V;W. W. kPX.,R;?,r,P-V,-, ha-k,A; bed � �'! r 1�� -- , "',","i, ". lsA ,., A. ", ,prV I I � 9.) ,, ., A& , X4049ugall (lid, not s ,07J5.w i , I . � , , , 0 $ -,� �� , - 6"' A 6'equimins -pusapp , ­ if; � r, , ..,, , I .r .1 Cl L _JU .� ' � V I f"WU4 I it;!!, , he is , -­ *#J1 ,;J�O'VUY44ldn"tj ­ .,!"�4F, 'IT � ore ,t 4 44'� ,.�qPtlr � , A§-� '*,33*0.,s,,cP,r*ut% ,dr., W,%%-�Fvr, -* " ­144"Via Ap ,, !.li . �b* *t , . A alt" , .... ", I I . ­ . ,,,� ,9 ', � 4 ". � �, 1; .- - �­,k � I, 34 E N R Ott ;�,T A � , I'll 24 A, t * , ,, ­ .. ,f� -9 11� - .1 Wq,L'.L , "'.,Pe� It. b o 1 _ � _ , , I , . 'Lor "WIM V - ue, �Ald­, ' ­ VW444,�ft ogm 4''. I 11 . �;,Tla OW, 11 . Opear I . A, Aq � . I '.1 I . . , t4 JM ''��'tbat An '0014n;% d "L - , � , , , itbrusting. out ' I lill­�r` L� y; h. ' . -J�A�-­ I, , , is:Z C ", ,to ,. . I . la,"iligad � 41id ":.'1'g;FA�X#XM , ,^, _ �" � AYL I ". ­ .� 4 .. W.X1d2W#.!,X) � , 9 �id -, - I - vp ka - � " It �t I , I �QW It, W94, Wo Via 111" �­41 ", . . I -X - "Wliy - .4 - �:twii X*N�X�! A ,� , ­ '- ji - And, .9.ee,1, replied broadly into Philip? - i e� 4, . . - I . ainia" M , ..,�, . �', X � I'd 1� :.: I , :, "­ pfs�lq ­ ! '..", I , L rp'n 's 41"40 I ., , - , ,., -06, ,, � , , - 11 � �:L� 0 L, ,BQ - . e O's 'L' -L h -r,41 4161fle i '- �x, . MI.:"Wrino 1. " . . ­ I , . I R I , 11 I .of , Y ­ A 4 " 0,0# Wgu`� L � Islumle - i , . - ,from-,,se.exxi � .' vie rock at �4 chi�ci4�1, Fort .; ',�L' " � '� 1� " Q 'th '7"i;r a f-all.la - last t ` , !AIWAw*�we ,1wO--fPreyPV1 . , 04�n.'­ I , I K �` V h .1 . - 1. �,Ia ---r _ .,o . , ;4 b, * "J.4' , ' * C'W"@'L ,� . , �, ea ,,# '. And - , � ­ h 1. 'a AJR�,tL� lejo"ng b�fa -�t I I. I 'L.- ' '". ' , ".�L ' ,fiJA14 , , � 19TUA, 4, 114, I—— t- f-- r. :.,. I­will�,,rijj6i I L,,',,I, I "L " ". o 04 �" 11bilip, our men to, )ielp, Phil. T g pok .0 _ , . . . . , t'r, L ,, I ...e 0 > P-149pll - -0,44g L, . L 1. � I _ . . I I .1 _ I cl �-Th6rPe,,jk#d, �b ,6d T;9 g . n e e x e e I I . be , I , -% 4-0 ,'­'�q I btftr; noWspalpera " inserbe U _ you. An�� 44A, , at, Ual bpe ,. g I e i . t �d, tw J� li - .1 - A;L . ;Orr@, AV . p . _r lt.N" pe'rV,q Phi I _ , . , ft'jL �:f a. ,by :law algeaL. Miss' - . . . I . li , ' , _ I I ­ _, '0 , " 4 : � , " �, ­�'. L'... ..t ,y Inves 1 a e, .- I ­ , , I -orwhom wao bad lk, #in �', , I A ftc� ,, f, � L, , I I , .. _� . p�;u IAP 'r P-41 'A - th .1 . . T I ' the white - . 4, 4i0w*e* , ,F.*"�E�M. L..., . I I , �� 049 vX9144 40,; QuilnistratOts. AiS6 after I ,bave t d mambal ip . ere7--P. - . . . P " . . l.0 'L �ps ,. .move .16 L ... M Rg& �, - I �. I L . . , 1. ­­ I I I.. 11. 'i . am 1`0r�.,X ­ ;;L'.", " ­ . . IL , 11. . , d L - ' , �,� 9LV - " - 1* ' - . � ... 40 . , , . _kA t , I. ION - , . . ,�, ,., , m eiatindingZaq slowly illumin 14im And -t* OAliougat of � J"u.;, I1.0 ,J,ear6 agam-t I � I 1130'Atains J'�st' 6f �Engkjsh v( , " "' if L Jw naing of tb6,mo I � ,a !r! Y" e; " " ,�� I . . q& "", L .. L, And, 11 . $1, AP: Pr id.."r fatiji'lliS face. . .; �� Ltt &r. aud thelUating 9f, .the ,storm I . , . ".1, � �-, '. %2 L, i ,,, I ' ' - 7— ' - ­eL �. , "X� IPPON I-' -I---- I. '1111 - L I.. ' �. . . 1-0 , 4 " , L .. , J y.-'- qW, c -th Jean_ ­ . 1. � .. I, - tA NZ O' d,, and 6f ...., ' - ",:. r I Couxts Q ,,�:, (Ma, .cokv and, -40 r w:Rwmg , Idy ,*I ne.burryiag 1�"' X�,, 7"' � 0 -4galbist the. ,,win ex�k I ,. '. Ag � "" ,,g ,�q. , . ."'A . . .� " 1, -9 ,�AwLfk . . , . glon.. 1$-,V V,Lf� , �," ,Qlit7��a'..jsad(jo#, �10, 4 Pf thie `Whic i .. do%. and :he W . I . � 'k, I C WE, , ,*V. .1 .L., . . 0,",deAd0vl1s,Vi.4QX,-,�BaAZ a wind ' "You'll know all ... about them a little the terrible tbit , h ibe. Was,`td,: L , � . T - 11 . _ . L - . 11 � ", � ,, �' � �1? -1 %�,, �­, I 'P,isloftly. �, Lh I ,,10'. -'Oh- I �- t, . , .6, iilo6u, �,�,,,i . I .1 .. , 'he firing came to - ac,li � said Phi It t nlf .sdftl�, M 'i6e if his vision could pone W91RD YACHT THAT N ' - .,:I � our na*e'-oi'y9ur ance t from, ,the *Outh, t "To- reV.eal to' ., 4 1.e - ,�': � L XVNR fac'es � 44, .,�b c, t I , later, M. h tr40 4ato the.,white, twisting. glooz �, " w . I fm, �, 9 t;��L�" our an st e . � ' thing;,-- was Dr4ica.0"M, 0-1 04w��4; . � I ­ FlAmigapjo 11 , L them .0i ght must luve 0- m 1: . ., , I �. - I � I . - sixgate no I . Lot lisk� §6714*� $1 001111 11 - ­ , brq. 'distinctly. . 4',' - ­�4 �, In. I . L Then it died , * --!- � ', �-�, , " � ,,;'11, i . - 0 We . op4 the gl4ss, For many minutep elwa 04*AJU . ; 11. ,. 4 thr ,h ­ '' ��­ " 4 -- W !L�,,­ I., - I W ' . . I I at�queerror 1) .. , 'Ir 11 away;­Andr ended in three or fobr in- ,e far. Miss 4'Arc4mbal mvst, be Wbat'pain­7:w ., any at father 0 , � bey . I I .. . 63a;,49.1,4644 yei ­ II & . L ,­ . -1 ll� . , ��Aq 1 7 � ", � . I I - Me, ,lnn�CUht,�Qlk­, 'Will , ' , be stood, seeing. nothing. - And ,then . . L I 11#14'Esk" , I , ''I , I �� F'. �Ij'�`, I %t.eJ*Jjfi'00Lj1' C1&11i1,L termittent shot.. For the space of a. taken ho I I ­ YOU child h4 M saved a I villa ­,,­�," ­­;, 01 =9�1".A I LLLLL , N �',;,,. ,, . 11 .1 . � L.. . ' h0,d;ieard-',a so -and t'aad, tuined, tosee - in the 4'r0w$y" - I � ..rei , 11 1. .. .� I '. no. , e.- eqntivae4.;,L"��,,'�­�. ,­'.J�'­ .. �.',', � , 1, Ai� ' . tie lio,Sf 4 - - faiher sta . .L -1, I . .., I I ­ !�PYL' .dozen �Seconds a strange stillness fol- epo"' '- ' ": � '. I - . . ex Wed 1. htt16 soonoTt� Jehnne 9�d he'r of ,Wivenhoe,.-olay a few." mam`fi6m. ADD 9 �'. ­­, . 2 L" ­ , - on, ­ �11' p� - . � "' , L'. I- � "With pleasum" . . Hj%M -ad, Totind" - a8y L I . ,� " * i, L, � e , ,Y,6uly.- 4, clapmax�q ��,, ., I . . 'lowed, and. the . P9 K - . AITU4 s4ul ''M , , '9 1 ; . . " ,tpe �t� 296, ,,� . �: 1. � n ov�r the mountain looked at hi*,,,,'Watch a ' . ' b Colchester 'lies hiaden . e. a � . , � ", , , -I$ , . '­ !", , . P , e i4p'qi. Glory was in the 12 il� 1141L � ,�" 02, Of P,ift.Alui N. I . I , -top, where there was still a faint "She cz�n ride:onp of the ho es. 'as that Jeanne had�',L,.�een "thre of ,UO,4 .�i' -'."3 v , , gone . � M181", . �­�­ � uA ' ItAuster .of- Fort a, God. He seemed the most . remirkable mysteries , I , � ,�J I � � . L - I � ff .9 U. in A- glow in the sky,there came the low, far as the Little Chtwichill," coatinued h9urs. ,It wo 41)p,: impossible Ao ov,� modern times. . b 0-4y, �Reis, but tbe I - 51 ,, 11.1- L , I . .. F "Z11 ",'�, I �hot to *F� - '­­-U-.­-�,4�11 . ,:P��. ,�- L I I . I . _ V �� I . seib Philip -he seemed to see L", �i�l�. I . � '* - - . . .. I " : . , 29304d quavering, triumphalL cry of the Crpes PbRip. ,"And thtri� filie wilI ohow ejtake,%4cDoi*41.t, nd t4e girl xules�..! � ,b .1. 11 , . The inhabitants have little 'tO - At' `1 ;ie ,j _4,-';J ,q7 f, f, � I I ""* *­ , . �� '1­..�� L , * ". . ­­ ­ , � � ,, I . haq . :-od. , e a ei - the picture that was turn- , do. same ­­�& . . �L If -,,�, " I .1 ­ othing hfthiug,�ut leem, to ' work -to, _ � �� I . "LL i ," . I - 6 I They § divide. theii time be- . , . � ,... — -a cry born of the forest itself, you a -c,lnoe. I will- -follow Jn -the sOm I d t A I ay -thexh .� 1, bave �iionie- -to,,: 'i �t,.,� 7,� .,,'-,�` �4 01 � ---.- ­ ad I ` ere :" e trail. He hur - ed Akainst'the wall. He strode'across twpen * " ;, I L . .�'. ;., � ',�� .", 11 . , mournful even in its joy, only half morning with, the h y of Pierre the somewh 191 coadlusionsr . . I � . -`,�,;;-­ ,�L" I . , , the room, his greatshouldgirs straight. 101141gilag - ov e�r tho riilv�Ay � f­�, ­�,-j-', J�,�,��,� 'V ",", d ­­'­­.­.­�,e�� "'n . . , � human--4almoist like a far -away burst tialfbreed.1' - - .. , Txx�. The s eoovi 4q.,?��41 . FARMS FOR SALE ried back into,�,t � "U .1 ".. . , � , #ttle room, where """" U .,,",� , . 11 � . ed, -his shaggy head erect, and with bridge watching tbe'tralni5 pass or "#A" VAW,i�,W. �OLf,W'. 1,�, - , , �%-,; , � ; ,�,,� �: �-, ;.,%��.�-"S,, - 0 . of tongue from a wolf pack on' the A � quarter of an hour later Mac- he had left j., &�! Ili a few Words e3l ngs.gaziuj at 'Of the body, .:. : ­ . ­. ". ,/"."I I , . -, n thq raili . -&'; ,�*. . the'pride of one revealing first to hu- else leaning 0 1 . L iS*L P I., ­ ',�� R of, f , _ L'I.,: 11..��.�,.03 - I 1, and Jeanne set out over the he explain, t ;., - .Valfre. - ying ­Second-lt e§sassed L' u- "I . "I ., ., 100 ACRE FARM FOR SALE. OWNEii hunt trail. And after that there was, Dougol lit was necessary , I ell'on reasonable terms for Quieb an unbroke river trail, leaving Philip ma the masteirpjed6'of his soul the mysterious, ylicht va .., . , 11 � ." I � `1 11, llis . -win to R. - S. HAYS; - Seaforth, Ont. a silence. standing for him to follow,-Apanne and the en- an 7 Uturned the pictu --ta all appearance ready ties still. unknown ta'paience. 1 4�,;,­;;,,`�,T 1 an1c. App)Ey; d ffe"h r, ,, that in dry doe], 't 'L ,� 280154i . "It is ' �r to D,'Arca��67,sl House without "Third -It cin *� t A, , A --f,��g . A . aver," breathed Philip) behind, watching them quiltil they ginee ., wif e Aud to go to sea, with a fiqll crew on board . UU1;Jj'"'"LJ.t;U.r ,, -1.1.1- , r.1 ; � 1�'?, �h, LL . . It was a momer ta 'L 'er than ,L,the, � "­�.` -1 . it's delaii and he directed the iadiunt face of the ,­ , He felt Jeanne's fingers tighten a- were hidden in the night. ,,. isioned. dis Ace by L nicafiW . �'.�. " . AIE .-FOR SALE LOT fu,lly an hour later before the St. . 3 af- mother looked- down upon him. . And and completely prov-1 vib at. � t�he L 11 ," "i� - �, FARMOFOR S 0, bout his own. ' C�ssidY to take. -jbirge of cam.1 fancy that for a fleeting main- Only she "can -apt sail, as she is. senses: .by telepathy, etc. ', *R L .I �,)"��,,,.L� � , .� Con ession 8, Tuckersmith, containing 100 . � ,,'��'�,. !,�� Lacres There are on the - "No one will ever know." he can- Pierres, returned.' Philip was uneasy fairs, and to sendz,Pierre's body with "` it lying in dry dock and has been there most important recent .addition' JA; ''�, � ,. Z, e premises a. Bix ent the� smile left the beautiful lips, , t", I ' '�4oe next day . I "I ,�'q!' room�d frame hous , bank barn 60x75, ]a n to tinued. "Even MacDougall will not until.the -two dark -faced hunters came a suitable escort - ht, soft and lumin - for so long that the � spars which prop "The soul survives, after, d � i -J- ' ��,,,;�, . . . �aua�­Ax its e3;iSt L L X? , ,enee � in Mar. - I "' - . into th� little office and leaned their to tell and a lig ous, plead .��,,�� 15 S. all in. good condition; 60 acres geeded guess what has happened out there- "It isn't necessary for me 2,d her in pDsition -have- grown black with can InSuifeit ,f ":,)�'.. 'rifles against the wall. ' , -for love and. forgiveness,. 6114 1 1 11�-`- to grass knd'balance in crop; well fenced and ing , . 'I, I :� ,­ ,"', He had fear- you what to do,'114,0 finished, "You the eyes of Jeanne's mother? Philip age, in s ays than ' one, . I , - . �L -, to-nikht." ' , tartling coptra6t to the spick w , I i�', I ­ an tile drained; Y4 mile from school, 5 miles ta L . � IL I I "' �,�,",'�`?. � I L J,,-'� I' �!�q .,:�, � I from Seaforth. 3 miles froin.. Kippen; rural He stopped a dozen paces from ed that Sachigo might have left some unders nd." ' ' ­­ I "The 'dead can reves, theniselves�, ­�,��,'�, �­ - , I ,�. I �,�,,� �1� , vail and phone. Will be ,old on reaso4nab:e were trace of his ambush behind. But the Cassidy noddedo',`:Six months before trembled. Jeanne eame across -to him and span paint of her hull. ­­� ' . ' in the following Ways: They* can .dp- 11 ,,�-, " Cassidy's cabin. The windows silently, and crept into his arms. And The owner of this yacht is Mr. I : ,,,� 81 are ­,� terms. For further particu,lars apply zo his i6lilgest child under ear in the flesh. These not, ,�', D aglow, and they could hear the laugh- St- Pierres had discovered nothing, he had buried I ,, " , MRS. DAVI McLELLAN, Mitchell, Out then, slowly, the Master of Fort ol Bayard Brown. an American million- P L ''-,." L�', , ,. , � I 2952-tt ter and play of Cassidy's two children and could give only one reason for a big spruce back'of his cabin. . God turned toward them and stretch- aire.L It is said that he belongs to a hallucination, and they usuallyL A'p� ,-L:��--.- � , -!� , . , , within. Gently he drew Jeanne to the burning pine on. the summit of Philip hastened to the stables, and, - ear dressed as they were when'liv- 'I �"., FOR SALE. --FOR SALE LOT 11. ed out both of his great arms. family of great American bankers; P. , � FARmc the mountain. They agreed that In- choosing one of -ihe lighter animals, ing in this world; this despit ';�� , Con ession 3, McKillop. containing 1.00 him. . "My children!" he said. but he takes no interest in com- .e the . , � 1 ,,, q,�, , k�,�,, k ' I I " ��,.�, 1 ,acres. There are- on the premises a good "You will stay here to -night, deai�," dians had fired it to frighten moosb was soon gallopitk. -over the trail to- merce. Year in and year out he lives fact that the clothes may.be an, a � ,�'. ` � �;`,�, L am; ':,.�,�,�Ul " ' ,.�,�,� L I L .L ­ . L . ��.11 frame house, 10 rooms: bank barn, 11 go to from -a thick cover to the south and ward the Little &IGiebill. In his face , on board this ship that never sails. other part of thehouse locked up in . . ��:L`� � 60x80. he said. "To -morrow we wi 1. � n, r I I I s . ", driving house . water in tarn and house- I'/!, Hudson" fi I I ��", acres of excellent orchard, mostly spies.' The Fort a, God." west, and that their hunt had been a there blew a cold wind from I What is the story that lies behind a closet, or destroyed by fe, or lost ­� 11 I ,". is all tile dral , ned and well fenced; ly, "You mulst take me home to -night failure. I Bay, and now and -",.then he felt the XXV this strange, never -sailing yacht and at sea, I . I .,�T, �` 1i . I ,�;-. I farni I . . I. I ��'., -L, . I !,tp � . , K , nuiles fr m church a d school, 5 miles from It was midnight before Philip re- sting .of fine par,4,eles in his eyet. it a tale "Sometimes they appear so trans- I L,,,,� I whispered Jeanne, looking up into his ­ .. ­,,��,l I .. � . . , . , -1 : . , Seafo 0 and a% " laxed his caution, which he maintain- They were the pregage of storm. A All that night the storm came out her millionaire owner?� -Is I ­ . 1"', ­�, rth miles from Dublin', rural . .. , , � � mail an� phone. .The farm will be sold on e.- "I must go, Philip. . . of romance, of.disappointment, or is parent that the ,4�, fac Send walls of the house ­ ;; . ed until then in spite of his belief that shifting of the Wind a little, to, the of the north and cast. Hours after ' "', t'�,, i, reasonable terms. For further particulars some one with me and you can come -him it just eccentricity? and other objects can 'be. seen, ­�`115, ­ 4apply on the premif�es or address, Thorpe's men, under Blake, had met east and south, AM the fine particles Jeanne and her father had left re since through their bodies." ­��`,:::�, . ; �,��,,,­, X1- . ; `� S"afOrth -in the morning -with Pierre-" It is well over thirty yea I I '' - L' P. 0. JOSEPH McQTJAID. 2962x4 a quick finish at the hands of Sachigo would thicke , ;ina turn into snow. Philip went quietly from his room, , , ,,.,,.,L � She put her hand to his face again m Mr. Brown first came to Essex. Then "The manifestations can stretch . I , I CHOICE FARM FOR SALE. -LOT 9. CON- in the sweet touch that told more of and his ambushed braves. His men By morning the world would be white. Passed down the hall, and opened the � %1111 ..'I' ... 1, . n2. Stanley. containing 100 acres in left for their cabins, with the excep- He came into the forests beyond the outer door. He could hear the gale he anchored a fewhundred yards out over a period lasting several years. , ­;, � . ,,,�. � cessio her love than a thousapd words. at Brightlingsea. He was in to keep 'a .. ­;-, a high tate of cultivation. There are on ie cedar, whistling over the top of the great at sea ,­� 3 "YOU understand, dear," she went tion of Cassidy, whom he asked to plain, and in the spruce and t) I . �:,.UL 11 , I � , " , :::�r, ... the farnZ arge solid cement house with � moaning in the spruce and those days a handsome, stalwart man promise. ' � ::,�,r,,, -111 fia ,Yes i,i spend the remainder of the night in tops the -wind was-fialf a gale, filling rock, and ' "The victifn of a murder can re- 1. . � hardwood nish, also hard andsoft water in- on, seeing the anxiety in his E he door Of f�orty; to -day, with snow-white I I .�,,, ; � " side. and ther modern conveniences. Barn, have the strength---mto-night. I must one of the office bunks. Alone .he the night with wailing and moaning cedar forest. and he closed t. beard arid iron -grey hair, a yachting veal the assassin. .. . L � ,'.,��4.. .. 40x86, ono to,ne foundation; stables with went in to prepare Pierre for his last after him, and buried himself in -the � ', '1, - , 11 sounds that sent L strange shivers "They can appear to children and . 11. � ' . 1,� . , , ... cement floors and with water inside. This is re�turn to father, and he will know cap on the back Of his 'head, he still L 'L �.�,i�L, i : a choice farm, situated on good gravel roada, everything -when you come to clings �-,�Iol .10 Fort journey to Fort a' God. through him as hi thought of Pierre darkness and wind. He bowed his , �' � "", 46 - - head to the stinging snow, which came . to his yacht, sometimes com- animals. � . , 2% milles from Brucefield and Kippen sta- a, God." . A lamp was burning low beside the in the cabin. In sucib a way, he im on deck and leaning on the taff- "Sometimes they do not know. they .. ,;,�,�` , -, . ,!14 , I .k-jz, tions. For further particulars apply to MRS. layL like blastsof steeled shot, and hurried 1119 . giv- are dead, -and appear dumbfounded I, L . th you," bunk in which Pierre Philip agined, had the north wind swept a- �,-Z, � , , �, . STEVENS, on the premises. or to J. A. Me- "I Will send MacDougall wi into the shelter of the Sun Rock, and rail looking seawards, but never I � �,� ,-1 EWE -N, Bracefield, or BERT CLELAND, said Philip after a noment: "And approached and turned the wick high- cross the cold bari*ns on the night ing the order to sail. when they see the coffin, and the I . 04 , ., . � . L�, - Listowel, Betecutors for the estate of Walter " i 0 er. and then he gazed in wonder upon that Pierre had .f6und the woman stood there after that listening to taverns by tl6e family kneeling by the bedside. 1, I . .�,'4� � -11 . . On share in the little , ,�'4�' J. Stevens. . 2959-tf then I will follow- the transfiguration in the half-breed's and the babe; and now it seemed, in the wildness of the storm and the - verse "They sometimes give warning of .t I IL li -� ,,,. 11.1 "With Pierre." , sirange. whistling of- the. wind cutting waterside his sailors are not a, . �­,L�'11 ­'.. I . ' face, Pierre had died with a smile his fancies, ai th,QN-6bove and a- - . ".11 I .., . VIARKFOR SAIX FARM OF TWO HUX "Yes, with Pierre." � itself to pieces far over his head. from talking of their strange craft. terrible danger with such effective , , dred acres adJoIning the Town of Saw ey' stood on. his bps: and with a curious thick- bout him the great hand. that had L, �,�"�'Q, . forth, conveniently situated to all ebpr�hdo For a brief space longer th ening in his . throat Philip thought guided the half-breed then was bring- Since man had first beheld that rock Why Mr. Brown came there when he ness that the disaster is avoided." . . .;, I 'mere is a comfort- outside of Cassidy's cabin, and then . such storms at this had- come and is going to sail, and whith�;, they do "You ask me where the soul goes ,.� schools 'and "legiate. ­� �; - . I ablef brieIr cottage with a cement kitchen: Philip, lifting her face, said gently- that those lips, even in death, were ing back the old night,'as if Pierre, in a .1 � . -. bmm leoxsa with stone stublinu underneaft "Will you kiss me, dear?, It is the curved in the act of whispering Xeau- dying, had wished it so. For the gone for countless generations. Two not know. But they tell strange tales after death," he went on. "It is .­-tl .11 ,I � ter 6 -hargem. 75 head of cattle and 40 he" neps name. It seemed to him, as he wind' changed. The fine Particles hundred years and more had passed of the old days at Brightlingsea- difficult question, a very difficult ques- 1. ". , 'i I I � I ot,�ei stanchions and water before &D first time." since Grosellier first looked out upon they chuckle wh& they recall how tion. It is another world, a world,un- I . I , With ip, stood in silence for many -moments, thickened, and changed to snow. And - � - "I stock: litter carrier and feed carrier and He bent down, and Jeanne's 11 :�i, � two cement silos; driving shed and via$, - I that Pierre was not 4ead. but that he then there was no longer the wailing a wondrous world from its summit. curious trippers used to row out and known, unexplored and incomprehens- � ".., , In �, �, rock wen and re hj� own. V a y I - - form scales. watered by a ached pt this storm-to-night-whistl- lie off the yacht, hoping for largesse ible. Our eager desire to learn some I',.- J I 4, farm is well drained and h "No, it is not the first time," she was sleeping a quiet, unbreathing and the moaning in the tree -tops, but An - '11 ,! windmill. The sleep, in which there came to him the soft murmur of a white deluge Ing and moailing about him, filling all from the millionaire. MT. Brown's thing about the other world is never :. LL , ., L 9 I a high state of cotivation. The crop is SP confessed, in a whisper. ."Not since . . ph, and gifts depended on his moods; occas- satisfied. We get thousands of Mes- � %, 1. I In the ground—hoice clay leana. T-rnodll- visions of the great love for which he that smothered him in a strange gloom space with its grief, its trium sov- sages, but usually they are of such . :",�'� I " � It that day -when I thought you we're ts madness, seemed to be for him- ional.1y he wouild throw a golden .1 � fsts posswiion. Apply to )& BEATON, had offered up his life and his soul- and hid the trail. There were two i t vulgar banality they are of little use. ,11, .1 I P 2. Seatorth, Ont- 2187-tf d -,Ong -after we came through the Jeanne's hands, in his last moments, canoes concealed at the end of the and for him alone. His he -art answer- ern in response to an appeal, bu I �.� �-: � rapids-" fling a lump of I have often wondered where the . ­ I I - ed it. His soul trembled to the more often he would �1� ..�; � , ' to ouls of the dead go after leaving . . L " � �', FOR SALE.-�-100 ACRES, LOT 16, Five minutes later Philip returned had stilled all pain. Peace slumbered trail on the Little Churchill, and Phil 9 .L�L I , Concession 2, mR.S.. Tuckersmith. two - He followed marvelous meaning of it. To -night coal. I I ,�i FARM in the pale shadows of -his closed eyes. ip chose the smallest. . �- Miles from seaforth, public school on farm. to MiacDougall. Roberts, Renshaw, The villagers know of Mr. Brown's this world. The new world is un- �:,�" L . :�'�,, , . I I :�­ , Comfortable two story stone house, hard and th the The Great God of his faith had come swiftly after MacDougall and Jean -'this storm was his own. He was a 11 I Cassidy, and Lecault were wi ich fie Would never generosity, for be has been a great doubtedly All the other planets, �.,, .1 . to him in his hour of greatest'need ne. He could no longer see either part of a world wh ,.;:", I , �,,�,i soft water, Wilet fixtures. Barn 74 feet by benefactor in times of War and dis- Mars, Venus, Jupiter and the rest. . , � I ,,'L, t stabling, engineer. side the great Sun , I , ! I � . 50 feet, lean to, 40 ft. by 18f.t.. stone -oiling "I've sent the St. Pierres to find ouit on earth., and be had passed away in- side of the stream. and he was filled leave. Here, b6 But we huve no conclusive evidence �L`L ,N , �;L,L, cement floors, water system, bawls, self to the Valley of Silent Men on the with a fear that he might pass the Rock of the Crees, he had founded tress. but they have rarely seen him. that this is the case, and I do not ­,, I ,� I windmill, utter carrier, st-to, lightning rods; [e's prayers. The little creek that led to Fort a, God. home, life, happiness, his God. Here, He leaves his cabin only at four . I -,., "i I i�, drive house 60 feet by 82 feet, double bosard- sweet breath of Jeamn like jumping to conclusions. .1.1%, , �; his and henceforth through all time, he would o'clock in the afternoon; occasionally, �,L - ad ' loft, ,clay loam, slightly rolling, well girl had crossed his hands upon He timed -himself by his watch, casionally, they catch a "However. I may say finally that . ,,", i I r a' his . .-w . . dr ined and fenced; 33 acres freshly seeded, breast. She had brushed back when he had paddled for two hours live with his beloved Jeanne, dream- but only oc I. . I I . 5 acres maple bush, rural mail, telephone deck, but hardly I really do think that there is life 44 � , . AM CREAM CREAM long hair. Philip knew that she had he ran in close to the west shore, ing no dreams that went beyond the glimpse of him on . �:;; I , . One of the beat farms in the township an� CRE ­, all moderately equipped. No reasonable offer ;Pf the mountains -and the fo en on shore. on Mars, but whether the life e3dst- I . imprinted a kiss upon the silent lips travelling so slowly that he did not peace to him, ing on Mhrs is the souls that haver .. ,,,.� , . . will he refused for a quick sale Would They have got accustomed I , I with *the f-rm. Mr. Cream Producer: before the soul had -fled-, and in the progress a mile in half an hour. And ests. He lifted his face to where the . ,� I , 1� , I ,� ��'. . consider selling equipment ON and knowledge of that kiss then suddenly, from close ahead, storm swept above him, and for an and accept him As a permanent in- left our sphere, it is Very 'hard to . �� 11 , � Apply on the farm or address. CLAYT ,Send your cream to us; we are Warmth . ng say. -1 have long studied the ,ques- ---- 1, ,� .., A MARTIN, R. R. No. 3, Senfortli, or JAMES -gloom instant he fancied that high up on stitutiOn- Only the visitor, catchi aiials by ­� � I f.� 1; -', 2961-tf here 'to give you the very best pos- Pierre had died happy. there rose through t1le snow a rare glimpse of the white -bearded tion of Mars; I know the c G. MARTIN, Box 91. Scaforth. And Philip, brokenly, said aloud: the dismal howl of a dog, which told the -ragged edge of the rock there L.,t: Tlf�,!;� - . - heart; wierd, wonderful things wbkh 4- . � I SALE. -FOR SALB. T : sible market for your cream. "God bless you, Pierre, old man!" him that he was near to Fort a' God. might have stood Pierre, with his man gazing out over the water, won , M �, -: FARM FOR I We beg your support and co -opera- - great, gaping, hungry heart, filled ders what is the romance behind it seem to suggest that they are ther .�­ , . I 1. I Concession 11, and west half I ack opening that Mark- - .1', ., I �,, Von. your No. 1 grade - ted the cold hands back and He found the bl ing, staring off all. work of Maritan engineers. The , ��f L �� ' ,,, I Cloncession lo, HALS.. Tockerstailth, tion. Send us He W nt�ance to the creek and when with pain land yearn probability that reincarnation comes �.!.,� I V, taluing Ise acres. Thereare on the proubse eam, and secure top Prices; make gently drew the, covers which had hid- ed the e I into the fat!e of the Almighty. And .0 I - L & good two-story brick house i0ith &late r"f, er he ran upon the sand,bar a hundre( into its own in Mars is not beyond I'll �,.` targo-bank barn 10OX69, feertLwith -firet,01afe this Your Creamery. den the telltale stains of death from -beyond -he shw lights burning he fancied, too, that beside him there �; %'L - . : rive shed 211*1111. 'D OF 'Possibility' Only time will tell, but, ;�. , Cream paid for on a grade basis. Jeanne's eyes. He turned down Pier- yards first hovered the wife and mother. And FLAMMARION IS CONVINCE . � otobling.water In'the barin. 4 - am Where lie had . I I d ben house. Two good avrins in the great ro believe me, the telling will take a .1. oig house as . I . 1. I sao en over4lowinc spring. The Do not produce cream that is not of re's shirt, and in the lamp -glow there seen D'Ar6ambal.' He went now then he looked -to Fort a, God. The L. r',L , .le all cleared bat about 20 — 7%* a bigb- - the where Pierre bad led him that night, lig1ts were out. Quiet, if not sleep, long time, a very long time." I It" j, .ostandard of qu.ality,'ft dow glistened the,golden locket. For LIFE HEREAFTER I I . 1�* 1�111 I I .13 �"'.,L"�, n "" N . d" . , . hardwood bush, principally U111014- Al Ot Pay' YOU . first time he noticed it closely.' It and found the door unlocked. H ll all life within. And "I am convinced tbat there is life . an fa�iccd-,And tile draltie& Iftht acres . -Al * ' ' Lt"I , I . pay a premium of S cents was half as large as the palm of his ed to Phi p, as he went back -0 '�- , fa wheat,aowu,`40� acro, readr1dr okinii We'*ill tered silently and passed down the it seem li ith. convinced beyond all " ., . after dei , .. :,' " ��, i, L � . lbe farm is situate per pound butter fat for sweet eream hand, and very thin, and he saw that dark hall un;til,'on his left, he saw a .agall� through the storm., that in the sible doubt." . ". , . I'll, . and 4 =lies from He=#.Z, 0 delivered at the Creamery. ,Bring in it was bent and twisted. A .budder gl of light that came from the big moifiing tumult of the night there Pas ohns. N.F.-The hunt for fur -.'I'�,N E�� I .. . win Mille Saint J . :,�, �1 19 - ran through him when he understood Ow 1, W? , ,rural "MaJOIL, and 46 1 . This assertion was made by CA :. . .." - lunielitabid. by S#rh% . Something in the silence that 'wag M . .. I bw . your high grade cream., I L room. . usic instead of s.Miness. Flamimarion, great French astrono- is extending northward each year, ae- .� I . , I I - � r . I 1 hQL, Z, . t.6-.Fjor -ft"her ,%1% . Cash Paid to any patron VrNl&g it what -had happened. The bullet thail -was ahead of him made big own ap-v Hie did not sleep until 4nearly morn- who is now 82 years old, in an cording to officials of the Hudson's 1,11 I .. � I 7 � , 7 eK or a4drids M ,11W i on Saturday idghts. had killed Pierre had first struck the oftly he ibg. And when he awoke he found mer, '' I - , I . I w with Oscar Sheridan res. �,- ,� ll�tl Creamery Opel] of the Bay Oompany and Revillon Fre �., .. , " ­ � 1, N- . CgB",Wy. locket, and had burst it partly, open. that the storm had passed, and that intervie I I . � I 1,411! . I_' . I ., M THE SEAFORTH He took it in his hand. And then he enter�d through the door. AqW.,- ,f . L In the great chiair sat the mmter over a world of spotless white there Royal magazine, London. Giving the They already have despatched their I , .. gr -�,�'i ".,. ,, e� -FOR SAIX--LOTS 26 . 1. �' 1, 125 1 .1hel6foik. 11; MoIcUlop. four saw that through the broken side , Flammarion steamers on their annual tour of the L. - i : I . miles ­fra7m Wagen-'a railes from .Seaforthl. . there protruded the end of a bit of of Fort a' God, big gray head ber.Lt; had risen'a brilliant sun- He looked teasons for his belief Northern ports which each season are � w;�, I ­ . at his feet -knelt Jeanne, and so Close Out from his window, and saw the said' ., . V , , 'i*' ob — t a you being located farther and farther ". . ,ftrivenient to lClem .p schools and 1,1 shall not. however, bore ­ - �i bush, Was" paper. Far a- brief space the d's- . . t' " were they that D'Arcambal's face was top of the Sun Rock glistening ir, ��'.. � . I . church; 9 Ram good bard* covery made. him almost -forget the th endless and perhaps dry details north as the field of the pelt hunters , , .. I � " tinder m1tivatlon- The farm Is tile am'sed- -rience I have conducted and is extend ­.L�; 11 rd. . I - Th"a a" For Sale or ReJult hidden in Jeanne's shining, 'disheveled golden fire. and where the forest *i ing into the Arctic. The ,� ��� ��� .1. eind, has an woven wire fenct presence of death. Pierre had never bAir. - No sooner had Philip 4ateriad trees had twisted and moaned there of expe ,;,. 1. ou the prembes a good brick house. I rooms . Of I n 0 undargon "I cenar. under ,whole �-htfasra­ Ifith " opened the locket. becaWe it was e, nor with tales of the evi- Hudson's BAY Company now has A "' l, ftn& - kf4bene the -room than big presence seemed to were now unending ca opies of sn w, brought to me by r.umerous chain, of posts in Bafflislund ­` ,;, I ,,,, -% cament floors, 18late roa., Bank bum gwo Hensall uWarnueli the old-fashioned kind -that locked with' arouse the older man. lie lifted his so that it seemed as though the der" and Proof north of Hudsoh A" 1 barn Beer. -also- a key, and the key wall, gone. And nearly 10,000 people. It is Only after and other areas - �� 1�,N , , , 1".. � *M line &haft runnint up to beali'lowly, looki,bg toward the door. storm, in passing, had left behind only and years of difficult research strait. Two years a .. on" with for Yeats 1, - �' I #raw shed 86X45, as n% room, 4rivfw shed . . locket bad been about Jeanne% Z nd happiness I. go the company -.1 I � � L 0 11 0iod giarage; ben =111. nd bdg � P East Half. tAt No. 11, 5th Con- the 'hen he saw,who sto6d there he light, and ,beauty, a i� , and -If to the conclu- undertook to establish a herd of rein- . 1,;, , . , AW the I eiment won; a veluer ------ - neck when he found her out in the work that I have come . I � si bit raised. one of his'arms from about all living things. sion that the life of the soul does not deer in Baffinland with.a view to aug- L:' e,,,�,;, � '" gom is free of weeds, This' is one -of 21, PZ�ars apply to . L , "'he said. departure fro- this meriting the me 1. ... ", . . J�alildlngm are in first class reValik" "d a cenjildii, ` He*. EaSY Urlafl.' FOF snows I Was it Pas ble that this the girl -and held it 'out to Philip. Trembling with the joy of this, Phil- at supply of the rag- 1'.1-1 , of paper had sormething to do with ,,My: g .1 . end with its ,�, #t, ) ,I bat fartas Ili, Huron County and 'will be sold 611 1P went to his door, and from the door world. When very. young I was in- ion. �.! ., w . L" I ,,I re .. For foruer the girl he loved ? I'll", �' . 11. oln *aaeuable ten " ,a A. MURDOM In a m6ment Philip was upon his �own the hall, and where the light of .; h, � 1". I prismines or address - Carefully, so that it would not tear I i. I'll, , i ;rldv: V ' kneas beside One Of the sun blazed through a window near 4 4 I 0. GURVIL I MOW "324f umpalL Jeanne, and ,� A � �� � I ­ I . � I - he'direw it forth. There was writin - �� .- g D'Ardambal's -heavy liw�ds fell upon to the great room where he expected � �"; , ': ,FOR -SALE. - FOR SALE '200 : i - on tlQaper, as he had expected, aiid his sh!P8 '� 1, L - — I, Ider in a touch that told him. to find the master Of Fort a' God, . . .. �9 - ­ , � , consislinir of Lot 9 and 8. Con- be res it, bent low beside the lamp � �'i -- -- ­ ! d ems n P in the Township of Tuelrersmith, of - he had come too late to keep back there stood Jeanne. And as she heard 1111111, i -- The date wag nearly eighteen years - ''. --- - , I tO acres each- These farms are well located. of the terrible story ,which -him coming, and.turned toward him, ,; L village of Err- TIM MCKILLOP UTU any part I . , , 6 is JY4 miles from the AL old. , The lines were faint. The words irl it , . ven of .­­ ­ ­ " I. I ., I � . Jeanne Ivad ba"d to him. The gi all the glory and beauty of the won- - : 1, , e gad two Miles from the To, L . ­ L I these: I ' I �, � . -ondttl 1PIRE'INSLIRANCE (;(yy, -were I did not sppak wben"she saw him be- drous day was in her face and hair. I e 7 �,�� "k , --- ;R where there are schools, both Public g I I r, � -ollegiate Tymtitute, and . side her. It had ex- "I". I " L � , , , , I I Aud Se"Tate and c was ;is if she Like an angel she stood waiting for S Is d op 6, ... �:11�, . aliuraftes of aR denominations' and I mile I — - MY ELTSBAND-God can never un- pected him to come� and her ,hand hirft, PaleLand yet flushing a little, her 1, ­� 1. t&osi �,bsahlj6 gdhooi. On the farm are good . FAFORT11, ONT do what I bave dbne. I have dragged as cold as "R01VTO &W 11 ��... I I �, *i0dinip, house, bank barn with stone arbabl- 9FAD OFFICB­8 I myself. back, repentairt, loving you found his .md ne�tled in It, eyes shining and yearning for him, . I �N �, - " *ith aeuiL.Af, floors, drive shed. pis pan, FICEM. ice, her soul in the tremble of the single .,�, ,. , a we or .. S '. �,��L 2 rood wells and I n fenced more than I have ever loved You In ,,, have hurried from the camp,11 he word on her sweet lips- M � ra&nd1%,-,�p , . I �P�t 8 is _yl_halr mile ;. Conuon*, Oplietich - . Presid6lat I�L.1, I I= 110:1 fe to leave our little girl With . 1, I i I In Itles from son- aaid. "I tried to o,%ertake Jeanne. CiPhi �1, , 1: ., 't L., 31 "I my 1i; lip -Tv 'i, ,I : - f *�: aftnoudV11141 �*d � I% n 96 is your daugbb�r, and mine. About Pierre's niek I found a locket, ,, , ., , "i, L well fenced lag. Evans, Btiedh*ood, vi dont you. �i�l I!, 11 -,* , fbisith % ftw, a 9,bM1tt',bAk%fi and is I, :',', . time b all 1). F. McGregor, ft-��#;l Jeanne " I 1, I'� I fAd under&-oisid, osif at present 80eolftbt a *e" She was born 6n the eighth day of .., ­�., . ,,, ,,, .1 I � and in: the locketw-Who this-" No more-jan� yet ejainst each , 4 I X11W i I - �i , ,-,,: , ed 'by a, spring arect- September, the seventh month after I He looked into, D'ArOmbt.".1 , h 3- other their hearts told whiat it was . �,!,.'�' I � V drai;d and Vbw,4= aina ,11 a high state AGENTS: � , C 11 �i. I � .11 I '016L hre +W6 I 11 h �,, 11 b e gave him 0a I So good you i , I I I - alfitot,.. left Port a' God. She is yburs, and 0 - I I '. , d. V2, to gold tog,!Q:er,�y .. . . pt, L �'; ; .: �A �tt d. it R so I 'th the gard face as 0 " � I I i P bdtivatl6li 4 r. Alex. Ltitch, , - an he knew t:�t ,,a futile for their lips to attem They I , , - "Sk - 211 to duft , b O' jiiaiorth- ,�Qhd MTW- go I briAig her ba,dkto you, vn stained note. looked out thlrdugh the window. Be- IV �t' , � S"'MUT.t. av I to 'f'�"O'V'jS PLANA- w. K Hinchley, P to fill the , I . � 0 - i ;, . . X, '�f-o� . rhono 15-145. -Tar, EgIlleonlivilletl J W Y66''ON81., I . yond that Wind*W, as far as the vis- It 0-sist 1, n-111'-,� . t , " , ; 4 �yo , ', A, grayer that she Will help I C" Oke* n i : AN, 11. R. , , , , ­jruj and noblebb&rt that I ba;VAL brbk- . � . . I I . 1,� -j, I I 00 0 . t, �'­ . ".' 2-661*9 I . . fleh* R, 02. ITAM1361, Brodhagep' =!= ion could reaeh� swept the barrens, I I �;, ��, . - 41, F$ . . , � I L P L ea. 1 taimot ask Your fargiVetielill, � -77-------------7—`., —'�' , ght the � 'k, , 0 , I L I . Wiwt libit I I ­ I over which Pierre tied brou I L , ,'!� .:� . I �,,�, p � I � - DIRECTORS- for I do,ftt�diislvkvo It, I , . ofte-ftr ftw b"In little Jeanne, Something sobbing rose , lliii:�� b . �.� L ��4,:,, , . ­ Mum rm, V I 9 149 - . vitig , , � �, ",, �;,;Igl 'i�jo I , �; # . YOU See lifib, for I ShbIgaLkill Of artio. �, ,,,'�:�;,,;,, ;. " L", are "M in the girl's throAt. She lifted her ": , '.�� '' .W" � , , V� �, . . '; . " j� i . T, of .Tch'o . .:O k ;,,�, ,;�� DRAM19'..". Reline 6, %­ - - - A, At your f66t. I .have lived tht Song' .1 0UsLgJ,31l- � . I I 1. ,: ".. " - I 111, " 11, 1. � John I N . � 90 li 0 1 , : 41 � I :- WOF�,&�a , � , I . � uill lib.ve, h4f , , : , 6 _ drRp P eyes, swimming 'with love aTid tears, r -At --s � Becotood--W. Wr"P, AT� ,only for *6 bubVi, I 11 . I sy P" I � ;-1111 I I , , �"f" 1i i� �";,�, 11 an W& 0 , 61, �. I I M691 -simple to Philip, and frotvk big breast she ,, . I ­,�, ,�� 'L," , . """ . J-Abily, 00do"O. A 2isrs You eAfitiot fall to Bad Lh6r � " , L ,,, 4 - , %" MAI TR m 'y " �, ow" , glilill" ,U a I - ... . I eattment. roached up both hwidil 98 . I . I ", `,�"., � I �, ,I, 'I A �, 80060111l; X I � bV owe tr IL ntly to Ids Gnaw L I I . .­ I �,X , ton. , I . '. ., �, i, , � ,Me HIA'a Irdu havb ralld edi 4Te � Al , * . "40"Vo I I I 11 I I � �!` , �, " ­ ­ -1 I , . � V06 t q% allp=tt . I ,;�, , - .�, rl - avor 10 00ii I . II& I � TlOvrt azoncawi I - I � , I I I � .-L- ­ I ; , L" , . ;� .I ­ ­ .11 t�'.L�, . 11. , - -­�� ", I " 3"t.�,VRe'-. Z ,V, altbw wbiffrolfft - MIT1110 ,,They will bring Pierre -to 7--i ip, ,..", ,,, I ,fr:.l , L'� . . . . . I 1, , , " "�n 'T- I I ­ I , .. �i .11 11.11 , I ` I � �', - � ."4 . . �? . ) � . I I r 11 X I i .1 I ` � I? I lt� I 111.1t, 1, �� I L� : 11 I � !�, i , ; I , I � ,1 I I � . i.: im - . . . : � � � I . - - , . w, -if rod' -dan In' chavit I V i * ,a , —­ ­­ . �� ';i`� L '!�� Nb -� it - *` lay tfift-� �4�hvw �' . . face. I .Ii., . A i 1106 utb*bted f � I I 4 AM$? f1b , V . . . . . . � kireffiod �� . � ft, , 11 -da P I 7===1 . . 1, I I L I ,;"�-,"', I � L 111110" 11 ; ,. ­--W6ft,- . I . 'k a , . . - . ir Ift 00 k . 1. �� . 1. . I , ­, ­ . WX %`� . � . % og Ueorge Rl",Zi L 777 �6 ,��� �Jha vobig!06rod. �. i , , , L I I A , kfo. L, ft4fatt. M"W'SWIL"lipselp, J3ff It p6. �',,AAd if:Wt it, &IVifil,* . 01 . 1 I . . 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