HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1924-10-03, Page 6I 0 Rol"I'' � NFI��ill . l., 1.',�;, " � .. , ,,�., ''. .,;. ,. , �", P'll I , "', - , �rl " Ill 0.� , : I , , ___ - " ""',__,". P?'0-W`_i'­ .", 71 �_ - -- --.-V- , - - - -,-- - ­ - . I WIF"TR . I � _;', .1 I I I - I . � -J1P1J1P111F;Z�__-- w -_ ­ - " -, - . - mommomm - - , ­­­ - - - - .� I-- . I-- --wMM.M. I I . 11 . I i7_1 ­11�1_ , ; I I . �. ,, , . _ftkil �_ - . . I I I 1. -� I I ii I . 1. %�,:14 �,�,�" �. ,I � , � .."I" ,, I M F. J. W,000"116K _­ , " I ,, , " � , 11 -11,:. - I , " , .�, , W1. � 1 � :.i ". �: � , I: I N M.0"TTIMP1. �� � � 2 . I � �� , .. . , 11 , ,�J - 1; . I . ,:', , ��; �� I V% -,�,,oi ,.. .4 , %'�`i��,l,,�: 't I . - ,, . T.,� " . ,,, 4. -.00.4-- �, " �� Rye. "War I � - 7 . ��, % I '. "'A ., ��, . 111i, 1 , � �_ - " '' �, .... "" � fpog ,;" ­ - '. -1-ii, 11 � , I i.. I., lg'. , I " �i­%'' I I I 111; -ii, 11 , �� - , ,,�'. 1, ��'� , Gradual* i0i �r,1411 �i� . , ,.'' i',��,� �' 1;�, I m, �.' I I � �,:! ,ks, . W ., , gi_ ,­, ­­� � 1� �11 , , - ,�Z� .,�� �. , � alp�: ,- I -, -- � I 1�rg.11 ,,�t .X,�:.��;,ii",�"Iti.�.,7�'t�,:4! 15 `jq!,�.�X�I)lp-".%, '46 i'�,,' ,­ A.— A � fill""'.4 iii V 11 ulo�" ,� I . AZIl". -1 `11i.,,.,,* ­­­ " , I..; � 11 , �� M LAT* "06t , 1". "I ST11 ,­,� . - 4 I 11 I ,�. '." . �� . - k, �,;,,�� 4i Ad ._& 1 11111 _� �� I "I l�­ , , *' :.", -�',�gi"'� it, .,,4�7 1, " 1, ", � ii., I I'll, , ! . I � ', ""I 1, ,4,1T, 1; ,. A �: �.6, I , It* a' , , I ,, rs,,Uo I 1".. 1 AA 1, ­... ­. i.4i�" , , ,%"',' I 1 I- : %;� �m �,151?1 !#A 11 , I ;. _W � , , Ill, ': , W W , .10 �.... . , . "'O. . ., 'i;,o �� ,, ; " . A, N W X, . . , � , , . U I I . ... ; -, — 0 " NE " 0 , , ,�!.. � . ..... . .. 5- _�,'_ I ­.��, � I I... .. I ;111111 , " "" T.7:0::rfi��.!�,,� , - _____ "'Wa �___ ..... . ..... � _ , ", . 1, ; P,%,,f4X,#9`l'll.,.1 i. � ' I � ,W �.Mi'. �,ii! X, J;L CA3aP0394L,T-& ;"j� ,, . q I,-, . I I . of Clawwav vll'A34=7 v ., nwewlw M 40rog.ow AJ1 . i�Kgi;x 4i,a, Wwi,;.ast � ip ajoMP15 treaW �0 ii�, st 11% P. .me , Me* modern vainolp,104. r0a IpWg�p reasonable. Day 09-AVA at 1p w ,endefd to. Office on ta ,, rmptiv, att 14% $traqt, Renaa][l, opposite TONM 51 p1L Pboze 126. .�.,, eu �, 'I ­­ bi 11 " ,. LEGAL W . . d none No, 91. m JOHN J. HUGGARD !a Barrister, Solicitor, ly Notary Public, Etc. 11 J�zzttie Block - - Seaforth, Ont. b to feI . it R. S. HAYS e Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer k a -ad Notary Public. Solicitor for the e Dominion Bank. Office in rear of the in Dominion Bank, Seaforth. Money to Boan. � fo vii - f( BEST & BEST to y onveyan- el cers and Notaries Public, Etc. Office it in the Edge Building, opposite The t t Expositor Office. to - t I Ir PROUDFOOT, KILLORAN AND is HOLMES 8 " 0 Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Pub- I lic, Etc, Money to lend In Seaforth it on Monday of each week. Office in f Kidd Block. W. Proudfoot, K.C., J. h 1, Killoran, B. E. Holmes. ' 0 - k I. p VETERINARY a a F. HARBURN, V. S. 6 I Honor graduate of Ontario Veterin- ary College, and honorary member Of a the Medical Association of the Ontario - Veterinary College. Treats diseases of a all domestic animals by the most mod- c ern principles. Dentistry and Milk Fever a .specialty. Office opposite r Dick's Hotel, Main Street, Seaforth. r All orders left at the hotel will re- ,ceive prompt attention. Night calls I received at the office. - V� f JOHN GRIEVE, V. S. a Honor graduate of Ontario Veterin- P ary Col.lege. All diseases of domestic animals treated. Calls promptly at- I ' itended to and charges moderate. Vet- -erinary Dentistry a specialty. Office o and residence on Goderich Street, one a ,door east of Dr. Mackay's Office, Sea- , forth. c — s I MEDICAL f DR. A. NEWTON-BRADY I Bayfield. Graduate Dublin University, Ire- 3and. Late Extern Assistant Master Rotunda Hospital for Women and CMIdren, Dublin. Office at'r'esidence Parsons. Hours, 9 to 10 a.m., 6 to 7 p.m.; Sundays, 1 to 2 p.m. 2866-26 . . I. DR. F. J. BURROWS . . Office and -residence Goderich Street, 4east of the Methodist church, Seaforth. Phone 46. Coroner for the County of Huron, — DR. C. MACKAY C. Mackay, honor graduate of Trin- ity University, and gold medallist of Trinity Medical College; member of the College of Physicians and Sur- geons of Ontario. — — DR. H. HUGH ROSS Graduate of University of Toronto Faculty of Medicine, member of Col- lege of Physicians and Surgeons of ,Ontario; pass graduate courses in ,Chicago Clinical School of Chicago; Royal Ophthalmic Hospital, London, England; University Hospital, Lon- Idon, England. Office -Back of Do- rainion Banki Seaforth. Phone No. 5. Night calls answered from reside -nee, Victoria Street, Seaforth. � AUCTIONEERS THOMAS BR'0WN Licensed auctioneer for the counties df Huron and Perth. Correzpondence aTrangements for sale dates can be trinde by calling up phone 97, Seaforth, or The 9xpos1tor Office. Charges mcd- otate. and satisfaction gnaranteed., - OSCAR KLOPP Honor Graduate Carey Jones, Na. tional School of Auctioneering, CM. v�go. Special cotifse taken in Pure , Bied Uve Stock, Real Estate, Wr. Aondifse Patin Sales. Rates in ", a ing with J)raftiling niarket. gat - on assidtod., ,Write (Or *Jrls, I at opp, Zurich, Ont Phone A a. I 28 , 00-52 I . ...."......., " 11.�_ - . , . -&AMA LL ­ - - � -1 - . ..--- -_ I I I X Ird .. 11MUR I . I , . . I ,. .� Lldftfsed awd6iidft Nr At. count!v 0 A� : ,4 lb Iq , Aft, � I 't 161, a0ft6d * ,in all , , "I � Y, 't 61, ift" " Ilk" eli. 7 a" ez. V I , L, I 11 .. . ,­­ i�% fil aoifoliik iwd 8dakatelie- ,., . i . ""W... V006 on 0. .; 1;1 4' 'X, 14 � �'Ksdtkv- I 1101 14.1 H , . "011 d 'til 3 - , . �;,�,.�� * �;LN � 1� 101 . �.;, �,,�_ ., ,� OJ904 1 1, � , . � �,5��', � 1 &�'. 7 11 � 1, � " pr6ftiflb, , � : " ,, : , , ,1� . -1 � . I . ; if, .. I ;1 I . _ ­ 1­_1_._-__.il= .- - I'll�--"-.,��.-Il."",,..."171ww , I - 11 -0 I I I . __ — -, I W600okum I " I i !Iiil - . I __ - � I . I � ___ _ 1, L , , , �, , - , 1, , , , � : , , "I I _", k- � ., , - - " _ �� f , "i - _,�,;��-�V' , ��2; i � kt,* vs 'N 4xwlok � , ��, I q,-�,�,* -, � 0,� '' . , !1i,.i;.­­ ,: �:., ,- :.,. � 'i , ., 11111, , i�t��j �,t ��,$ �.. " ..�.� ­f?_._�,� �, 11 , - - -,;� -e , � TRIR""",,Ii�-�� , � 11 - . - Ar." RfUn,7,T.,h,Q IWft.w.:;,,41t ,%:z-, -1 . � - - %7V-1%WAW-WW�W# I., . ­ I .d. I I ,__��_l� _�p 9-mmo blimilow- 7:7_�T__71 .'', I ,., , 11 11 I , , ,�, `�iP,,.,,�', I . ,44­­ii;:�4 , I- r._M.`i;4, SAW -14 2" TiV, Ai -L 40AP.,h­­­­­T 1434 , M OWW. ,"7"77-""F ---T, I � wpuld r4thier, � �a A'"OM, Il , *1 1'­�� � 4104 rd , , , " " I i � , ,� ,�, "I'll I "' " I I � ,, .� .��:�., ...", � -i t� " L I IV "I �,,,- kor� V:Vu , Aea, I I �", 3 i , W'"':!. ,�� � �� I 1114 I � 'i�F,R'1,1'1� � I 1,111.1,1-1_111-111 I , �� I W.'', I , �,,) I - .11, .1 �11"l ","�."Olill""i'l 11, ..... il-,, �11' i , ,,, '. ` _. � 'r � ,`�N,Z,l IMN - ­ � _,__ __ ,!.'' ,­', ... 4 � M ., - , I I Z_ , " - I ''"" , , , , "� . , 14FR.- -i " "� , ; - -` 4,'� I , ,7- --­ -'­- , �t An ,�:�e_i�'� ,-�- �i,",,j� )_ � 0 ," � ,, � Z�,f,'. , ,"', , 5411we �." . " ,,�61','��.',3E ;;, . '. �m it. , m , " ", .i ., �� ,� , g "t tg '.." .�,�J � ..'r, Pl'1�14 i I . ��11.1...'rl tj, 1, '' , I", ' "IL4, 1* 1-11,111(117 ,7 �,*47, ".T .I gi � ... 11 �_". '1'114'1"�_�Vlil ��_V, 'R� � ,,, ;i ,. ,� , , , ., " .i­,­,'­_i"y,.­ . , ,", `0`2' *k - * " '�`" � , ", tl',� 4 � ."'. 1. , 1*4 i'T ��.`�),j;.,,';. ­ I "" ' -, "A -, ", fioio , , ""7 � ! - .0 - �V,X_4 � 1,�"I�.,,� ��,.,�,�"'f� i IF � 1 -.7 i 110% _� A , R 0, 1A. .' , '.. , '-f"!Afly "i , , R I . ., , �', ., - � � , " - "a%. "� N -11 Q_ 1 � � � ,� �'. , * � " - ." .3 ', ,­', � I * , I ,I "I , , �., 19_14W,� RQPARW,"i� 9 I , ..''A , awdace _4 �, , .� , , "i .. . ....... Qrl- , - .7n 111.1-1-11, f I , '�!!�:;` =0 . i, 011 � I - "' , ,""" i�t'Lf�'�� . , a w� OPP4 ,W&gAQVkqt07, pwtmto; 'Itt, ,. ... I , 0i W, 0 k., � Z , "" , S " 1", M "I" v V I N.W. U "., . '�� _ &._ ''. _ � 1! t'� ,:I.i:� v:2��'. 1 11.-� - . ,W 0, ,� o , "", -� '" ... � " ,_ , �,,�,�:', 1, �,,T , "I"�l';i., ".""!:.� � � A `04 � �, I 920�04 go , �" I ,,,,,,,, ��,..`i��, "I "MWIM 11 "I" , � , I" � W , t " . Ok ;";'. � �':... - i�!!��l,i,A�,�, . __ I , ". .." - - , , .1 , : , . 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I-, ., ZT � - . , - , ,��! ,q,M­A ". . ." �.,.4�..,;��:��.��,;�,�.,,�,,,��, lbo, b ,:"��, , . 1991" q 'V4 , 911M x, , : � , 4� I 1, '', , �� . 1,.w 0 ''.41, ,q .a. � , I __ , - . R ,, pq � � , , .., ,g ,_ � - . .... _1 " W4W - �01,,� , . 'Ift 1�; I . 3= ii yNy RR'W"I'An, � ":NWO �i. "%!A!1� ,,, � ,-UW UWVZ1Ay Ras '4 1 . " �... , I .? - ,W i� . � j l 1; . i , greater . 1 Mz %, I - - ,., . WN.AkL VA, k -WA , , , A On g , 5 , ,,,,, " JW �. , N 0 , , ,�; ,, , 2% ! �1, . ."i, , . ii " AW , -is's - 04 0,01' , �c "=t as 100,ptrib= 9 ,.,� ., � , . " R.�,Pdr '21,04'ah'a"(t, logamml., . 1=400z. � , _A 0 'm I'll, 11 - . " . . P, ��l F-4,444 -3 -, -��10 , I 1W `0 = PIPAt", . . VW% , ,�Poli =. I . L90ae.% duo to. WeatAiUqAP ag'dw As a reaule of tea �o,3w =perf- RUMA 4#1V34 _� .a.."A ,V= -PP-%*--'.#*- 110PINAM"'J" PF, Fqrk 04A tbq� rec9r4 ,�-� -- � "lill-l-1-11i !: � I � , ".r., . sk Aw"aw shVVqJ,s- of the Fans= ; GQ meats the fellowAna m4ilxodg, - ' I I ,. il, , OT, I ' ,M4 I , 'A 0"MW "Xk,-',9 WAR I . .1 �, .,Vp . . � I r � , " � I � ,, . to " r , - .2119 .. 0 x. .lff. _', , . wir'itq; , I 1 W R. we pm:, M 4-10, P . Ouj5 forty 090gl of Igoe t4at . I .V -W-t _,:, _ i,. t14- I'll, ., ja�., 1p'" rq� . I I., by - - % , I � , � 15ft. fisu" I at domeatle fowl srq in. tbila aggra- commended by the de0artM0at,,Q9 hblMogf, 1 $4*4 , = ; 1. . ,,, IN W - .1 ," � ,..c,. � � hirm of the ,, � � A . Tu=C'N'W�1 2, � �4., . It V. .z � ypar , , I =4 �Pantes � 4 . 11" , 1, - il I --,._1: . , � P , Irt Aof"116 ,,a N, , '' W lj-l.� , - 11 , t, -1 .. , .Wtlitli.' -11 2 _.�11.1 '. I - I W0=q04q,4 -1A4P;"4.:04gQP-, ,�,4� - now adjustdble '. te many thoqaandQ 02 4011ara =- Botany of the Oran , 4"ll It-ii'l-, I' I ;_,,,�, , dating �, .- ., 04 a . ! � � .. . 44 ­­ I ... �__B ... 1 � I I whepls I ill ; � V W , eftO,:�1*0_024i, I., . I; - 1. . - I., .. , . Mounted on meta �� �� ally to the poultry-40evem of (Da- ColleGe: ll�, � ji,100ber me � :1 I I � I 11 - � to. Swan gnaefew W074 119 out of Uso of Rape to Desuwy Fam"a ft" crop, 040,��#`, �� ltmrwor a � �� '.,�Mcf=,�� 144"rl4w.. -No*_941 IROP441.. b4ts, giving c1paror A1W "I'll" v.11_11 I?," I u= o be sta;�e4l4y $T%F baa,a0P�6tJ,0ir;�9,"0AVit 00,90piang . � es .. ms and being more accurate- .1 �.. ; I � . � slit 09 the human eye, Itlael? vres- Thistle =4 Tvviteb Gr;W4qf- AlbertA � *hd " ,�Jpool, witb -$100 - '90 'tti - ', 4U .110 IV a -&e- 110 . J4 � .. 0� of t 0 310%v -ho ly ; WAS ,10 " I .1 ri- ,,, . to b , 411 P9, 17 4*410 ,- - T. , 'i . . I ,, - - ce to often unsuspected until thQ Cultivate the told untU v,bout the jered " I 1, ,.Prizes to, solkft� =� �; Publishers estizv4w 00 4440ps. , 11; % , �,;, .. . - - .1 ... �,: ­ * rdz ahow unthriftinesz. 10S3 M ,piddle of June, running over It gre- the varlion's.'"04,oncial 4W. 4401_� ... Montreal proW. ,,* - 1, of _6�1_ "o-ofte#0111 yr� 11 I I I . . - gt. is, tbe'=ea un- � I � i " wo A, I I . ' re- queetty with the cultivator Po as to .. Torop 41, , i I ". . 1. � der 004001 1. ..? co ' �t � ORE . , - I TRO" I , U '' .1 oe 11 - . of' 141 ' ' 7 iOO, "a' be CHOOSE SZED CORN BEF .. Ren AnCe :W I .1 e, . 0 alk a",NA' aced vitality, causing thO P'l t0 t'eeP the tops down and thus rzea I . , � .. I in- 864,0V Loin"O 1:40powtal. . 11001, . - . ____ � . ­', i 1901 ;,.1:&.. �ha -roots y manure, ­ I . Ub"_ , '100 , lk.., 'at co-over'O'V , - dries - I � I 1� , eight, lower egg production, and .11 I : '1� , Znt�eaa-Ba;�* X,1:i4*.x,­ I FIRST FREEZE ; "for ,� , .. I �,W,pr � ake an ezarnination. It the 020imill Then ap9l lvmnves, wo*_ d at �, I ,e treall wmt- *unt-Royaxii out . F-ement" - . 0",. - " ',;-� :.�,` ��-_. . . , . li. the rate of about twenty tons Per ere W- "Q, - : fa - 4! ­ . . Ik of corn that properli me- .. . Z.. �­,,- I.. io., *i; ii , I I ation is thorough, tice are genera h ves , . I 9 8alat Lambert, Saint Laurent; Saint A sta . I , I --- ,Lcre (12 good leads). Cultivi4te the ,� W I 1, "ti., , ,,�� - re in green late , If ­ . found In the great majority of u1nuu're 14 thoroughly, dud with a in Ontan '. , , ,,iq � I .� Pierre, Verun and We4imouat accoun� tures an ear must ma I- 11 � w, , . 11 ..t :.— I i ly to I .1. I . ocks. A few may not be serious, double mould board. plough slightly ' I for the additional, 114,500. 1 a the season. In order proper I 11, 33 �- ��� ut if the Little crawlers are permit- ridge up the land, making the ridges Vancouver,,P � C .-What, is . 736lieved - . — nourish an ear of corn the stalk I . ,-__ : i.,"'a I I � 11! 1, I . _� , to be the 10',� ft!�' salmon evervatigbit St. John. N. B -The Dominion trade must furnish food to the ear until 11 _... . _-, .. about 26 inches &Dart. On the ridges ,n, , . I., d to Increase to thousands the ef- by book and-�Ilqe in watM, adjacent . .. to the West Indies has the ear is mature, A stalk that dries 11 11'' � .1 ,_ sow pasture rape at the a , commissioner 11'.: et on the poultry -keeping part of to tilds cit3nW. eshoe . - . " � t . pounds per acre. It Is Important . ,4'0 landed at., 'Hors cannot produce a I . , beo-n visiting St. John in company up permanently 11 ,��.. : a farm business Is serious. Infest- ,nat the right amount of rape be Bay, Hd*,e Sb&d, recently, by A. C+ with exporters and importers later- good. strong seed ear. ' 11 11 1� , � � -- � d birds Present a droopy and un- sown, for If too little Is wwa the Cohen, of, Wg',)PAty- The fish laeasur- ,sted in trade wiih the West Indies. "There. is only one way to insure , empt appearance, the wings lower- ed Tour feet eas inch in langth I ed for next year's ", birds stand will not be thick enough to and iff� states that there is a keen desire strong vigorous se 1, _i - J - I � � d the feathers ruffled, and the ., weighed q4 'Liqu-nds. It ,took thirty. on the -part of those resident in the corn ;hanting,'P says L. E. Willough- 0 I . . I ,,� ay suffer from diarrhea. ' a . I aiot,her the weeds, and it on the �, .�. ll�� other ha,ud too much Is sown the five mirial to'land-it. West Indies for -closer trade relations by, crop specialist, Kansas State . I .4 Ifesting Chickens. olants will be too crowded and not . . 1. . . I .. ' i .1 . - I with Canada- -and ithat prospects were Agrlicultural College, i and that is by Of the forty species that West grow vigorously enough to heep Ottawa, Orrt,'�,_Canada hai one mile bricht . er now i7fan for some t1me. He sel , ecting seed corn n the field be- wl, seven have a decided preference Anead, of the weeds. bow the rape of railw , ayi,t6, every 2W people, I a looked for an increased business be- fore freezing weather. . � . 1 . r and infest chickens-. The body when the land Is sufficiently moist to largermileage in proportion to popu- "Select mature ears on vigorous, " . 11 I � , . tween the two countries. . , I use "Menopon blaerlatum," Is light insure quick germination of the iseed. lation tha.1i a* other country, with' a , - I healthy stalks surrounded by a full ellow in color and sticks pretty Lf the rape is slow In starting the total mileap."of nearly 40,,000. * J . . Toronto, Ont. -It is reported that stand. Premature dying of the - lose to the skin. It lays its eggs weeds may get a start In the rows Winnipei. *Xan.-Durtng tl" last the -world's largest paper mill is iolan- leaves is an indication of a weak - I .. I large clusters on the small fea- and thus necessitate hand cultivauen three weeks, no less than $$,068 acres ned for Northern Ontarip. it is to plant, and yet such stalks are likely 11 . I iers below the vent. It takes about there. Cultivate the rape every week of farm hl4s - in Saskatchliwin and. Tiave Ji.000 tons capact�v . and will ut- to be chosen in an attempt to select I I � hree weeks from egg to mature or Len (lays until it Occupies all the Mhnitoba Uvm� been sold to the newl y ilize SoYokiv Falls -on the Matta�­iarni early maturing ears. A stalk that - . - use. This species sticking close to ground and makes further cultivation appointed Menponite land settlement river, capatile (if trialffnig 200.000 has produced a good ear in a normal - I � . he skin and feeding thereon is very impossible. it, when tht, rape is cut board for thL. galement. of Mennonites horsepower and the largest and begt stand is to be preferred to one that - . =-I----- ----.% ritating. The "Menopon pallidum" or pastured, any weeds. rema-in this expected ta,a�ve shortly in Western r,owpr site in Ontario north of the has a more favorable opportunity. 10 , ,� P� . �., I . similar to the preceding, only deld should be ridged up tile' last Canada. . � � I 'IT -he ears should be borne at a I I . . I I St. L.9wrPnce. To feed such a gigaT�_ , ornewbat smaller and has the habit Lhing in the fall and put In with a, tic mill there rernain u'ntoilched go -me convenient height. ,Slightly droop- � . f spending its life on the feathers. noeu crop the following year. This Toronto, Oft:-- At the annual, meet- of the best pulp limits in the North. ing ears are desirable. so they mold .. I I t is not so Irritating and deposits should not be necessary if a good ing of the I C4*adian Automobile As- I less than upright ears. Select ears I � 9 eggs singly at the base of the stand of , rape is secured. sociatlon it was announced that, out- Indian Head Sask.-That the farm- on found, strong shanks of medium . : 1, eathers. The head louse I'Llpeurus ipraying With Iron Sulphate to side of Ontario, there remained but "rs of Wesi-pri Canada are now giv- size and length. Broken shanks are " - eterographus" is commonly found Destroy Mustard In Uereal Cro _ solitary lb* to connect up a Do- . . . J n the head a.nd meek of young Chic- ps. A inion transcontinental highway, and ing increasing attention to the im- an indication of a weak plant and / - � ens. It is dark grey In color, d(- Iron sulphate or coPPeras egn. be in nrovement of their borrkp surroundings should be avoided." I 11 - I .. successfully used to destroy mustard that contracts for the completion of is shown bv the fact that they have . osits Its eggs singly on the down this connection, which was in the Roe- ---0-7- 1 Ln standing grain without injury to not on1v -olanted 5,250,OM trees dis- . , bout the head of the chick. It takes Lne crop. kies, had now�ibeen let by the British tributed -from the Canadian govern- CURRENT WIT AND WISDOM I 11 bout one week to reach the hatching , Columbia government ment forestry stations at Indian Head � tage and two weeks for the young Preparation of Solution. qnd Sutherland. Sask., this year. but The discovery of what is true, and I I � . ouse to grow to maturity. A, 20clo solution should be ap- Ha1'ifax','TC S. -One thousand tons I The large hen louse "Gouiocotes plied. This can 'be prepared by dis- have also purchased large quantities the practice of that which is. good, are � � . of gold arsenical concentrates left from private nurseries. the two most important objects of , - I I bdominalis," sometimes called the solving 80 the. of Iron sulphate in here during the week for Antwerp. I � . philosophy. -Voltaire. . I blue louse," is smoky grey In color 40 gallons of water. Iron sulphate is nis shipment,'thL first of Any volume . - . . nd one-third larger than the pre- dissolved quite readily in cola water. ' to be made, I tkom Canada, was, plir . - . ,, Be comfortable when winter eding. It. sticks close to the body, The solution should be strained A new book entitled "Did Shake- � aay be.found anywhere and Is easily through a elleese cloth, as it is put chased frolli'the Clark Gold Mines cor- LLOYD GEORGE WAS A GREAT speare Write Shakespeare?" is very comes. We want to show you ' ecognized by its .size and large iuto the spray pump tank. This will p6iiation fori'the English government, POETl SAYS PUBLIC SCHOOL properly named 'by a man named why Happy Thought Fur- ound head. remove dirt and small particles that and will bei used in connection with a Looney -Ed. Howe's Monthly. naces are the finest heabng � The wing louse "Lipeurus caponts" are apt to clog the nozzles. new English process in the manufac- PUPIL IN EXAM. system. at any price. ' : ture of dyes. The consignment is ; a a small, long and slender species jL,hf,te W p�pply. w The following answers to questions The only thing that seems more bum a fuels equally , I . vith a large rounded head. It con- Apply on"a calm, clear day Just recently erected by the British gov- on history and geography examination helpless than a new baby is a pitcher ]Every Happ . iy- �� in- I Ines its activities to the wing . .1 .1 � 1, at bat. -Vancouver Sun. stallation ii g=afiteed by ' eathers. .1 as soon as the first few plants in the ernment. I papers were written by fourth book tields show flowers. it is very im- 1. - children in Ontario public schools: the makers of -the famous Two other species, the "fluff louse" . Henry Ford is. trying to get piople nd I the "brown louse," are rarely portant to spray early. If tb,e plants Varfcouver'�B.C­Ron. W. C. Nichol, Lloyd George was a great English to leave the cities, He knows what Happy Thought Ranges to resent in numbers. Both inhabit the are ' left too long the treatment is not lieutenarrt-goviarnor of Britisb Colum- poet.' His' chief poems are Uncle most of them will travel in whenthey give ideal heat distribution ' body feathers. nearly so effective. If a heavy iialn bia, has ruade. -a gift of $MQ00, to the Tom's Cabin and Hamlet. 'One -Tribune. k minimum fuel cost. -Decide rifesting Turkeys. 6 comes within,24 hours after the solu- University of'tritish Columbia. to be The early life of Australia was go. -New York Herald now to be comfortabte bext - clon is applied, it will be necessary -used. in providing three scholarships of hard work and murder. The con- Government experts are now tag- . ., Two species are commonly found Lo spray again. . annually for A period of fi.ve yeAV to victs landed at Calcutta, then they . winter. I . n turkeys, the "Gouiodes stylifer" aw.; to Apply the Solution. enable un1ve*'1iy gi:aduate!5 to pui-sue s,at down and spread all over the land, ging fish to find out where they go in Send direct to factorY for nd the "Llpeurus polytrapezius. It L Each They settled at Botany Bay and wo,rl4[- the ocean. In this bustling age even interesting free booklet " lAve An ordinary hand pump barrel studies at Ft6eh universities. the poor fish has no privacy.-Ro- . .1 i rbe "Goulddes stylifer" Is the most sprayer, such as is employed to. spray 'of the schola *'­h�ps is of th.e value of ed hard among the wild flowers a- chester Herald. Air Heating " onimon. It is a large louse bearing Lrult trees may. be used, or a potato $1,2ft The *o%ect sought, is stated, boundin . Their hides are used, for . I ' ,g . 70 years of �atislafctioti �ave ome resemblance to the large hen sprayer cain be rigged up to do the to be the bringffig about of a closer felt. I Ouse, and may be distinguished work.' Many -of the up-to-date spray- understanding between the British The frigid zone is noted for lichens After ae prorlonged interval a To- resulted in the -purcWts�.- of , rom It by having the posterior an- ers have a special broadcast attach- and French racies', in -Canada. and 'Eskimoes. ronto -Worfi�an can again take her "pen more than- 300,0W Happy gles of the hea,d extended backward . in hand-" A pen nib that she swal- ThoughtRanges. Lnent for spraying weeds. These are ' Sun time is the time the sun is lowed over thirty years ago was re- I and terminating in long bristles. excellent for large areas, as they Calgary, Alta �OLD BY I 4. . . I r -Douglas Lougheed, shining. Standard time is an hour cently extracted from her foot�Van- Ducks aud Geese. . cover a wide strip at each. round. 21-year;s*old son'.of Senator Sir James diffrunt from-dak light saving tiine. couver Province. Three species , infest ducks a'nd Care mu&t be taken to see th.ht every Lougheed of Calgat,y, is the new arna- The most importar4t breeds of cattle 4 geese to a limited extent, the oily inustard plant is covered with the teur golf chaml#phship, holder in Al- are Holsteins and fillistines. W. W. MCLAREI nature of the skin of waterfowl be- soLution in the form of a fine spray. l I . They have crime waves in England,, PHONE 55. I . � � Verta. The cartridges were introduced in too, but Britannia rules the waves- Hensall. - ing a good preventive against these Lron.salphate may be obtained at, any India to the infantry, the end of which ii�iladelphia Public -Ledger. _� external parasites. The species com- aardw9fe store. -J. E. HoWitt, O.A. Ottawa, OrrL--0aAada% wheat crop had to be bitten off. ' � . I . I . 1. . . I 39 monly found are "Docophorus Icte- %.;onege, Guelph. - this year will total 291,604,000 bushels, La Selle followed the Mississippi IW rodes," a very small parasite, and the . * according to fh� latest estimate of the and then placed, it on his map. The A New York show girl has been - iilm�,, . ­ � � . 'Lipeurus agualidus," a long, slender. Another Plan for Killing Twitch Dominion bureaii, o I f statistics issuedf next year he missed its mouth arid his fined $300 for bigamy. Whatsheart- � A . yellowish colored louse. Gross. I on September ld* Of this total the men -became disrupt and shot him be- less judge!-Buffalg Express. ' ,- � I I Pigeons. A successful experiment in ri4ding prairie provineescare expected to ac- cause he was a bad man, and went Everybody envies the man higher These birds are frequently infested land of twitch grass was made re- count for 267,177i0o() bushels. The back home without him. La Salle 0 �i V1, , . up except in a Pullman -Baltimore ;F , ''. .i.. 11 with one or all three species -."LA- ce4tly by the Farm Department of oat crop for all. Caiiada this year is then sailed down the Saint Lawrence Sun. 1% Peurus baculus," "Gouiodes damicor- the Ontario Agricultural College on a eipected to -be '�as,86o,000 bushels ; and founded Quebec. I _. �_ ­ . I als" and "Goniocotes compair " . uaid that, was a mass of twit& after biirley, 90,769,009' bushels; rye. 12,- If you have adenoll rub them with I -am of the opinion that there are . � �, ' . Methods of controlling these ver- the oat crop had been removed. ,798,000 bushels, and flaxseed, 10,846,- whale oil and tie -a rag around them. � min will be given in a later Issueiiiiiiiiiiiii The land was so badly Infested 600 bushels. I If you have tuoth-ache, you otta 11 no proverbial sayings which are not . . 1, . PU true, because they are all sentences - U Stevenson, Dept. of Extension, that the Aeld produced a very small . it, but if it's a contemporary, why fill drawn from experience itself, who is _ - I O. A, C.. Guelph. crop that afeasoa. After this oats Montreal, QuiK....-Canadian cheese it. the mother of all sciences.--Cervan- � i' ymptoms of measles were remo*ed, the land was Ploughed h- f und a spleiiidid -market directly The first is and tes. I ' O' s Stable ventuation. tightly and tractor-disced twice. and tCrough,the British Empire exhibition, chicken -pox is a card on your door and I When planning the changes to be &hen cultiv�ted and harrowed. Later 1 1 cording to One'of the Dominion's spots. . . in the fall this lield was Ploughed . ' ' I de commAssionetis. Eight thousand The, tropies abound in alligators Soinetimes the man with one foot I . J '_ � made in the farm stables next sea- . . I on the ga . s has the other foot in -the . I son, give the question of ventilation with a double -disc plough, the trout ]�6unds of cheese per week is used in- oranges and negroes. v . first consideratioiL Animal life is de- disc cutting six to seven inches deep ow it. -Kitchen- "I a t& grounds by thle caterers, andthey An old river is the same, as a young er Record. �` . � . � � nd the rear disc twelve to thirteen Itave also. introduced it in their London one only' more so. ... � , .'X?l " " * eaten would never W of service to inches. This brought loose subsoil cafes, A Canadian* &Y 'inilk dealer . : . - I -0 — . Jack Dempsey. who is to marry a - .., . animals or to humans it it were not up and threw It on Lop of the soddy has just sold lrig-.-�output :for the next :,­ moving picture lactr�ess, says he will . �, I oxidized or combined with oxygen tit five years to a BiNsfA firm, an output NRWEST NOTES OF SCIENCE first retire from the ring. The coward I .1 . 1. the body. Fire cannot burn without In the folilowing spring the geld was valued at .$800,QO.O. The Canadian , . � Ll. . , 1� Planted to Uint, corn in the check -row fruit display, he,, .,,-'i of -Kincardine Revie-*. I ,� I I aix,.and food eaaluot be. -burned" in 8"EeM. Practically no twitch made ,i�tate4l� b4id brought/ The ,central agriculture region ;1 � . 11 . il the body without air. It Is st I - European ordeirs for -wore than 1.000,- Chile luti been experiencing its worst ., , range I . I I that so. much time and study have an appearance during the summer, 000 boxes. : ,.- � drought in fifty years. � This much must be said for the and trie tield, w"out fertilizer, pro- .1 I Chinese: they have to go to the .1 . ueen expended on the problems of . . An unbreakable glass for table- Christian nations to get their war' . � oreeding and feeding, and that so uuced an excelle" crop of IlInt corn Louisburg, N.M.-Swordfishing this wars, cooking utensils and cheIrtical . . 11 I little attention has been given to the ior husking, � year will be much Ulow the average uses has been developed in Bohemia. supplies. -Manitoba Free Press, - i ly, � , . 0 . . . "I., most important demand in the life f ae�ol to a number To tenable a person to make rope I I . "I 1?. I 0. A- G. Barley Grown In the United 0 other years, , It is absurd thl&t he� should govern - . of a domesticated animal -pure air. of local fishermem, 'the Rest of small when Its riddids it from string a hand ., I ! States. others v&o knows not how to goverii I , . , I A,ian the stable In such a way that � boats engaged in ft business is smal- zpeate,d machine has been invented. himself. -Latin Maxim. N I - Dr. C. A. Zavitz received a letter , 1I .e , pure air will be available to the ani ler than last yeaj `bk 40 to 50 sai. - I land of Java, about the size mals every hour of the day. So says recently from Prof. Moore of the The fish that hal been taken tbis of the State. of howal has a native Few men are as. imporbaut as I � I "? : I ! I , , I . L. Stevenson of the Ontario Agricul- agncLutiurai uoiiege of Wip ' cousin, year so far average,, about 800 pounds population in excess, of 35,00090001. 1: , I. . - I .1 of , . some Me : , ''I, I . witich says: "Now practically all dressed. and somek,-lir0-0, gone as high A compressed air operated ,machine small town -Vancouver Sun. turai College. n can feel with $10,OOG in a the barley grown in Wisconsin, and as 500 pounds. The,pricepaid to the -has been built to salvagel the zinc I � R e a'I S.e­` 1 r` Tie le e Carrying Young Pigs Along. ia many of our surrounding states, fishermen, is repo d to be from 10 and brass from exhausted dry bat- It is said that one of the Flesher- . . I . . - Nature's tortica for young, growing emanated from the - few Pon ds of to 11 cents pi _ itd. - teriot. . ton brides went to the grocery., The � I . .. � barley which you so kindly .tat up. . . A Canadian inventor%- teleph M�ofns .that 1%m'.'tW=*, more pigs are exercise, sunshine, plenty of, vve will never be able to get even ,�,�, grocer asked her if she didret want , � , Alvle. ottr green succulent feed, and clean sur- . for the good things you have done Windsor, Ont. -Mat local imlml- for the deaf makes use of the = - some nice home -radish, it had just aboult -what w46 ' roundingg. Success with the litter, grittion officials beUp7m to be the ,be- bone to. convey sourida to,the ,audi- customers 011M -We *11111h ,, IV tor us in bygone yearB.". , come in. "No Andeed,"! she atswOr- � 1:160 0' ­ therefore, will depend on getting the ginning of alairge-.iAlitii of babadiang ia�j nerve. . about w1itilt , * , �� tKee I ed taughl*, I I v�e.,kee,P a car." -Dun. I , I . I f3ow and pigs on pasture as soon as - frorn'the United St4t"., is seen in the An additional telegraph line will dalk 06tild. � . . : I 1. . ".. i'. possible. It is just as Important to The man who takes'pride In "do )Tfoirrthlk figures 1s6dtd..:1or'Auguet be built '4n - Brsizi� -between Rio ., de � �. .., . % I . . . . I ,� . . Wemebefiviiik-aililkrWi46k &he health and thrift of the little that Ing chores well" usuany has sleek . . I Jitn6lJtta ; ond fthia to increaso the I .11 . - . we ea_xt i0vo-il tab' *hich.0ow thtt, I �,tndntb'a .%btitl of I I tki,iil I There i " ock and clean skat)les, and realize '' i I ire �lelatr. of'91illdre'n Who . ­­. Ji ,14 1, ,A ; 4 231 a to tausida' pit9eitV 66M'ee. 'Woth - "', ,� , '010 OF the mother get exercise as It Is for st 8ft_- petablis i#n' ,r � ' a i- iftg_fkoni teachers 1, to cannei learn ithyflu ,_1 1" ' ,, i li I a great pront. from his everyd Vindsor. Of that A , �� I '0�j the pigs. I I I �y thfoltigh the port of .Poarsitltis has been invented 'to at all; fhey cAft.'learn o* IrQw life. afft ow 30vidh we oft -10fit � . . choring as trom aliy other of hLA number 410 were',,. Canadians., At -test. boW,thio external and internal S* M11 fip C�Tlwi, ­ oA oft ih-6::'14,14ce wAthout As a result of the depletion of our farm operations. I Walkerville. of, sw4eraoits admitted, - wear .-of ilevator cables before they. - Ir .1 rti Fi ,.4.1, I - . forests, industries dependent upon A bee Is said to travel 43,776 ralleis - - ' - . I - " . . . 'e4*03 ,i , I "' 16# 6t Ae 1 45 -were xl;iurning�,Oanitdians- are Used. I ears are a great . I - liiklo� . ., wood are already going, out of busl-� to gather on6 P9und of lion6y con- I . "'l- I . Motor thing for _q#a#*4 ,� , 'i. , , , - ;, , , f A Frienchrrian has invented a ra, furnisbirij as they do . ,,, .� . I - .. .1 . ness, with the Inevitable depresAng slating o 99,184 dropr, of nectar. I newspapt ' , , j, � , ... I .F� Ottawa, Ont.i--A � 4ide tvdaty 1140 method';for-kilitidrying lumber rapid- - aftertising and more news.- ,,, ' . -� , I �1 � . e who do riot believe it are, in- uch I 11 I I �, , .. influence on their localities. LocAl '171105 . I '' !!: � austion of the forests is leaving vtted by the, bee to count the drops. etwleft��,O- iiii6da and Th6 ly *11hheated air4ottitining an e ­ 111 I ,:, ". .. : been signed b � - . . ""i kineardlri�., keivievv. ' ' . . .. , . I . I �, .i i".'l, , I .% :, I ". .- ,� exh ... I . 111.1 soln times Ii.le Imck of time,and Netherlands WheTeb# dach nation ae� ceso df%,oXr4*ft - � � �� I '� � .1 great stretches of land in an unpro- dof(b the other tfie .ralost favor6d. ' Airi� ladiptaO of a n#w toaster I - ti�j � es It's just Indifference that 11 'd . 'Olt I have very little patience with.th#' .1 : _1 ,;" I � i ! y , . I dactive conditiont, resulting in vir . slow, 11ation trtatment. Il, - -rh n ! M., 11 . thitt .i�ili be used on all kinds , of. vtoman,lvho wants 'to lel hdabift$.'.... , - 1;, - I I ,- , . , ri . � - 1i �, . 1. .1, �-, " ­ ,--.-. �i _ , �. 1. 11 1, egAl imV6verbhident,lif not depopa- leaves farm machinery neglected, and iouch is ", , , �6vob"�iifiit,ftitjr#AailYtak,6ti4 Tt , , . � , , I , Inuth aM, ,,.,.,+a . Pla arid childreh tp the taro atipaid I . __ , . ,� *etu , I It x :a,, I � , � 11111­1t� . , - broken -from one season to the next. , % " - I 1, - , L 4(bet � " I I , "'. � - I "I , i a %6 . I , I , , " , I , , granged bell "fall , M ... - earer , � , 111i.144 . � 41 Lautin, of vdry toudiderable al I f6k dletfiftg. ; , . . - .;�� . , , while she herself,seaka bltitsidei�*qflf ��` � , .1 erely 11wal I � Gdjji6q11Jif,e1AA1*J a W I - , -11 I . $,A_*:.,,e,* $i 1�, . '� � - 1. t" ,,, , , To becadab It ta'rnoko 111*411iif It L" "' � �" . , � " , . _ " 1 i. I � ! , . . � . tem vance, M. us cit 'h .�_ , , -. I . , 1, it, tile jpAr1!aw4W,of,-;b , give rijotlqh� oetdres depth, or 0"hk� M189- Marg.*et BOTA11010 '' I !.. 0,P,,, � ., 11 - . . 'i.. , , . � I 0 �T& . A S � . �i, 4, sw� ,tii�i tii6 6**411 � - , �.,, 0 1 1 0*t, 'i '. , , . I l," ". I I .1 , , I �, �.': 1, . 1 " I . "ThO 4V07499 woman, has 41 VOW- b4ore b6cothing -0,0AWN16. ", I � ;n6 �f, s�i,dial 61ofg' listile test in,il, . - .. - , �_ I , 1, .. .. ' I L : .1 I . ' a ,,--ii, .1 ' I � . J 1� I �11 . I . : , zl� " .1 � - �.,taftV&UM.2fill L NA,q E S , JA3M V44 I I I I., . . .. �. ­!_ � �� ',,;, :J: 6 . - � . . 1. ... il . i I . . _. � �i66 ,,� 11 . , . bul --owimiwmel I 1, * . , ` I . ary,l OMT811 , . , , 'O �� , , - . I ., , "M . I If ftl� 800 vmrds.1' It is 4, " I, . Vented In ldatope� 1. . . ,., It 1, ­­ � 1�.; I Y WAA044L _10 . I ,� I ': s . '066k but W,nk of the � tumover.-ft j "' "I - '. I , ". , . . I Trhat Western f, ". v� - ,� .1 . ,,, ,,, 1. .1 .. ".. 11E. I ; I � . I �l . . I 1, a A. 4 .1 I I I , I . i�or, � A ,no#61 � . - 01h � I , �' � . I '. . � , Mgkbk StrOt ;�- I. ;! I .. - � Montreal -06e �0,0� �6* ,61 , g,, t9trainer is lmounted ' A . I 1w" �,, v . ell .. Oft ii proving so suee - . � , 109 lb ., ., , �. . L , 1.� , " � I bit . 9 .1 ; I .1, W. - - ____ f, I , � - � �fti , , .. � " vh !As X64 on- a tfpottt4i -,hand afid in vilitwd . * , V , � -, ., , , of T&A#eal hatbojq�'4 of WiddId"li, Inny, y - �,.,V I 11 � . Il , ' N"': :, a. ik teiatise AtIrAle -melt .are Ito gat- , _#rV� i inside 9'j)ot 'to QdVer thV ,. dtoning I ,,, 86, 1 1 . , ­ , , , A' __ , 'dfi4d %�J . I '4.dg,,'.,T, � . __ bh it it I., � , � , �( to go fxirtdtft.i4�0411W , I �, ­ , I I nere J& ,J ' at 6�'ho . T P0 �F,W` , ulte, tho �, oulit � , ,: . I . . I . ,. - Y. �""", ',.,',. I . I I . . ... � 1. I L I , Jh 0'0 little tb fdq, w 1A 80 %A",�J I � 0; 2" feet , � -. I I . ! " _ -'� I-, ­� "., A '4A . .. � I - . llii,� �1, , -1 1, . ,. 11110 I _ , " 41 . , ,400ty of ti- wo" tatad i o1ht for plvyet' , RatirPA"If kidn' � 1�� �,":�._�F.ie:.� , -, lGiAmes: � I k, , , Wlik, e I I I � "k, 'I; . . . . . . Q"�)),,,. '. �'�' ' ;L � . 1 " Ll . .: � - .1 � I I I � t %...g.. � ".... .1 " 11 W. . I 1611 .1 go Dim , , , . t, �JtW " � *il�, I" , I . I I ) h 40 Ad1wre 0 = - L " IMM . iftaI06k.. . , � , , 1. �, � . I 11 .1 I . I �. � ��,'� 1, �; �.�I�Innz.l t - 'b 1. I I j 1, 4 , L I ;1l. I - 1 IT % - 7 � , . L 11, � I ,vwi*:JV,J4tWs,,,veV ,at i , ' m 11 , ft - 6114 of', , k OW 04YI � t VoTh A ; � , 01 000 ;­ , � ... " �.,­ -1. I 11.�,�. . Ill 1� J ­ 011% I ",..I , ", I ; . ,, � 1, �. � I .,, I " , -12 0 11M M1 11111� "i � � , , ,". I I � , " I . I � L' I . � I I � I - 4 ": 1� .1 I 1 11 .. , I R- I �: .1 � . �,;. I , 1� , � ll� I . 1�1 ­ I . : ,�. �.el: ' . " � I � _'. I I .1 . . . :,. �. I I . I I , 1; �. � I '­ � ., I,,; ,� '14' ' :­ ,", ,"­�'L' ;i.1 i , " . 1, I I .. 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