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DAY - -,,�11 �., 'a J �, �, . ­ ., . - ;� ,� , �;' ,, , ,.� 41;. - , 11 , . , , 1, I I i I ';%Ip ,,Q� or hei:kr, � . � . b , , I � � , 'Jitgb q -4 I X ,1,;:?4 . 1w, 10 � I � �en , - W - 11 - .. * I 1 r I ". _ , ,,,.,W - , , �'; I r ,,,, ^ 11, #V rr �i ,0%%",Q4e , r :�%,,�,,-- �";''­. :, 11; 11 ' ' 11 ;: `L,,� , '4*. "We 4kA4, 2 1 1 � .. M I V4010 "'Pq . I r . I � I 1 j , rV , , " ''" , � . , � . ,­, , Y�C, I "�,,'A ; I I _ , W.�Q, RPVR�,,'A'9, � I 11 6 I I IV � I- i z I ,. It forth Collegia tute will be held .' VgAp, , �, r - I I I r . 4, I - v", �­­ , , ,,�, 'R k". . � , , %Mapw I I Us V. %4. 0 � �s wo WM�.Pqokwj, .." juq,yx A "I : ��. ::: . - " F4 , , ,_ ��M6 4 W-9, ..., � i " pf, Im , , 6, � � � i ield Day of the SeA, , , , . l $ , 0 4 - , 7,X­,WMnr , *� 1610, The annual V - �� 4" , , , I � ON,*04. , I -,; �,�, "IV I., g%�-,� . , . � , "'� , I 4401;,Uby S � : , , a . 41 e I , , I , ., . ,r, J , ; r ,* . �M_0. am'l k , �"; , , , � I _�' , , t , ye i . �j - , old,'T , � � '. , �!. . I F. , Y� A . Ir. il lllk5l�V .� r. " I n Friday Jorsey$ , , e**1 ��', G ! , I - " _­ , F �. . .1 1, I , � I � � 0 : J, __13 .T , I . _��, __T ­­- . 4w, , I . ,* . , �� 'R G r . - . X I I Ir 11 ',. ��- , . at the Agricul=j unds o IpTen, . I : , � rif",,W, ,'.� -71 __171 10, I I �4 " , "I"', ", � ,�:,I� �, � I.. ,� I � "$,A, _1#900,� � , AIW wl$ aft,ernooini ,com� , -1 I I . � i - W. , " ''....., "'i W2 . ,r 4 � ,, i . . A9XW1kW sit 1-16 P.,=., och� ­ . , �;-�;­,,� ". � , �,, , , P,V xeal,, 'soal got t*,.'1*_,­3 ",_ , �11 ;,m A k'&'f'4'�,,"��,jgN . ..... �;�­&,��J,�,- 11 L. - ,,, I I � I ", , - ­ ­11.ill"11,11,,�: I � I � 't-, - I . .� � -:,�; �, , �:. � � I I - � ����,�-r",��',,4:,��,11',,�,�";"�,:�� � � I I . , . r' ,� .,., ,4_ 1�1 1'� I": � - I I ­ . I&IMPIA:110, O' , PT I , I'll.); V "i;'�;�,,,,", �,,;'I�� � �� . ;11�1�1'�, " � . I � ''I 7.1 , to I Polled ;&&&% , , " � ., R MA;:,r,.F_,, ��j'kl - , � I "" I , ;�,:, ". . "Op"."" ,,r , ,,�,,, , j�' � ". I . 1 41 I R.10140W � $0=414 �;,; .... .. ... ;,, r , 1-" �� � . I'll I , 00"O"O"W-Wri'll i'11�1, . - __?,",��`i, I lrr,'IIY,�', k " - A'Iv' ,� k, I- . :�%, to run off with, plenty a� entri in .A.Un 40i, X - ,l " . 7I —­.. - inf _0 AIRM , � -Y ,,, ,'��.'�',�,��.�,� �� , . . 1-1 " , ,.� , �l,� I - _­ each event 41nd keen, eatition for I � , � ... I . I ,,,,, -*16, ,,,, "," 0 �h�`�,`�I,,L;, ; 5 ,:",Qmp , , 1* I ,I ,� -; � � lo#�,Q . , � . ..... "''. "S oh#rp. There Oro along list of event I � I I .1 . 1W n, I. �*" r , s , 11 ) iyk , ',��,`., , I '_Y� .., I Xieha*, heiA �A, ,I r ove A " I �,^ , , . - , - %) r , "I I I �,­�,,Tw, . �'i`ll t , FM Own- " W DEWRA SIRTS, , t-sWA0*. � � i R.:.,Nc, � :, I �% - the'vaTious inglyluval ad, - Jud&_R. I , I � I , I IV, . , � 111.1 9,wig . I . V _,�� � , , , g"' fil �",,��,Z�"t-*��,`, , t - ' I plonahi* is anticipa,t - 7!ie, boys , '� lemlsnV­4 �W_ r., [*]I __ r I '0 � ; ', :r - Pot I . �od.. . .. I 1. Ev� . . " �, , ­.. � - . traiplut.dilige I I .- Wt " Fli , , , �, Il an%rli have been, ntlk I SHFM#i,�,' See our new pa - M, vNio ; la ' Q lar"r ---- 7745"114'511 r ,,; I I I i , . , #Wrns. beat maig I ' rr ' , , " -some of the .� I ",'PAI., I .. _ .k �. 1, I ­..." ", . . . . . R�',` n -hope of breaking lish Ware, in open stock. est e P , I � . - �, 4. t i:1 ... i � , .. rip ,_ i - t ; " . t .. . , r I school recorp Come out and give Shropshired �,!(-W. Ross tQoJX �.� 0�, I � ­ . ,l. .1s, , X R. � ag; 20a a a 13"t114XsRlAT:" I 'r I , !, 3. . r " I I j, 1 ­ , - I � them a cheei, when they need ft. * thio . � . , .. ON, .-, . � . r � 01=* '* - '�� rrrr r . . "I ) . I "",no," I I 14 t '01 14 , , - �r De4er.' :, ,'* ,,, .. I I �. . ckw"o � I �', �, � Ir ocl.k�-�;��. _` 11 .'. . g ' k" ,� I I, , 7, , - �, . I I . I The Princess moving picture show IlAncolne-Ap,d , , t Snowden, 1 I 11 i ,- . 'r "rl# '� 4 �., I .1, ­ � I . es 40. tft I * 11 _R, ", ��4 . r "', GEff COMA - ,Judvs-w, J- , D'ekso � , !" I -has bee Ix �' �e ba A I I - c,,I�i",, �. , le, T. -4 - r , !:0 �- , �1 I �., ,neii&ged for one performance G, Penhale; ra)n , uskey. I Ll _114A I I . , , , ,,,, ,J I r 6 , ill Describe� QUIr which will commence promptly at 7 Snowden; Qwq lX4##'C i� ad lanIbs in - I ,J�,10 , Is the' �._ , I . � _ , .1 I � . I . ", :, :, nk mad$ fildg% ,., ';W ,.� -1 � %, y word. that w' .�; _ �P � ".., I I ", 1024, 0. Penbale anq-,� no; a a s, r :`.� �114 41'. .� . I I � .. I � I IT�, �`�,l�). 4 �,�'. I gj,�, '�'�t'� I � .. I p.m. The feature picture of the even- - T. Sluowdei4 G , . " we I HORSE RACES I Tumexql 104f,,'b 14 O" .. Ji ... " #,11 1%, ,4 , .. . I . � I �. '01,vi:sr � F . �,:, I I I . .1 I C1. 41.W0])!,%Ai&�oW!"._ rr I- I , , . �� - , . W,� ., . I � =,i,., � � I _ . i 1, , ' barters, ,i,i ,,, � . iii;��,�i , .; Ak,!,� ­ ' Is, -�, , , , . - -p- of odd piews at money -saving . FREE FOR ALL RTZ I li 1 I 11 , N ,1 Lpipesuer-Aged,V MR. L; ­ I by Zane Grey. Jn-an .,_M F- , �!,ill , "`�l I I . , . . . ing will be "The Call of 1:he Canyon," I Candlesticks and a creot Valipty r I ' ,,, , .". . 1�10 . ediately after the A boime_1040'�V �111 - -�" 'I I I . . . . . k ..', 4.'�',v .... .. - I ' . how is over the annual field day Nor a I -,*b, W: Chalr.; A "' ,;-�r 1, , ) , --i- ,, �k�g � �1, �,,, Ili W ,% , m. Ar C Ite � . prices. -, , M , �"_ ,,, C Tony Bar%, J. Hey ....... I 11 6now,40* MUM Q ",!w .. " V1 " , . I dance will commence at the G.W.V-.A. ters and, 2nd; e*i RAving raised r r 1 % i,_i ,I� , _g iFl. - �Z,1_113,,@gg,,'We, � '� , 1 , , I ' . r Vra., (Dr.)�'W­' , r � - Wi�0��, � ,;,P�& '-­ .. ,. - � - I W . Maggie McKinney, . _."'yr�IJW�I�A V, vng '%"�,,�, , , r ' F a- il-, r _ Joe winters, C. Ryan .... ::.,: 2 2 a BOstawbrov 04M � wo, i I , , , �'Ifl'�; , '. . , k " Club rooms. The music will be pro- lambs in IWA, M As and 2nd; � . I . , ,,_,_X�, ;�i .,v",�,,��T',,,��; , , - -, " - r 11 ''I . ­ r __C � 1, ", :,,�, ", %gl, i 0 to ,�,, , -1 ,.r� - , . I t 1 . ( . !,Li,i. ,,, y the Crescent Five orchestra, ewe lamb, W. Ch 0. ome and Sft— 10 .�, ,'��M% 16 ft __ ,­,* � irman Carr , 4 ,, 11 tl!,L�,,�� � . vided b ,A) .** _0 , � ­ � Ix I 00*1 I . , __,, �_ - -M , , V%. , , � - , 11 r,' D. ftDougaU .............. 3 3 -, , I , A,, . , of towni. Admjrion to the hall will ter. . ". L 4 . �t' �Jz . Queenio D., Geo. Paterson .... 4 4 4 M=,' (VT )"Wb0P-#r.;6 -_,�: T'�,V-."`��!','�,7"��' �, , , - - 11 � ., . " ., , - - , b6i by ticket only. EX v -1 * I ,_ - Oxfords -Aged ,=_=j:,1- snowden; .. .. I PIP"J", - . ": " 'y , " gk, ,pis. rem . . Woods, 1) MOOK"Ounk ,,,�i . , �_ � I - . H. � - , ,�;�,;:�, . ,; 1,1.�io,,.r',W -- 1- I 1'� "'M I, . a . , ",jW'lV­ ,_ . pupils may ram � 9 In �_ -,AL.L � I , 'I , 1��­W',4" lil­'T,11�1 I P'1"1_1'1:,:, I -� nawden and - JM%;Wt1L . . I � �, , � ." � I I 7 �,b r ,.,� .J� ��'.`,,N);, l ­ ., .1, T.,�, ros. , bA. - , tar I ',.�440 1,,!X_"�--' M �,-'­'m - I v4p CATTLE , ,� 11V P,6�:,"':,4"��.: 11�,!1111� . � 1 :4 , I I tives and close friends I lamb,'T. Snow4e�i;;',ewe ha ��, � _?� -� IV . ,a " , 01 secure tickets from the staff or raised lambs ip I .1 . te -B , , _ 4 60 F�,-,Ififl - �1�11. - - M�',,,P,�' . 'V � -1 � ;"��. .,� '' �, -, through the pupils of the school. All 2nd' 'I.. %1`11i ILI, COW, T. Brown� co . 410.es F X-iee,r.1*p,,_1*N,J " - "N.. 1� - T R ; *we Iamb, T ,,V,� en. Grade Cattle-Mfich 0 ta -4 J I t'. ''�, I . �'. . , L I i , C I ,_U!, r,,,41 1: � ... , 1�.��d. , . udge ett, -H. Penhale; heifer two years old, I . . " O' . _ lw-" .,!W�,',:��:_ v OR! �111 : Greater' in v''a A e t y of patterns. tickets are i;o cents. � J —Jamm borri&q'e, Me ,0 ,, f .. I . I SRAFORTH. ,� , ,,, - , , 11�,_ 0 . I . � . ;01MW� . Jacobi X�11,wirvli r , 1.�11 -1 I I 1-1111 11 1. r 1. . . - Z 0i, - ,,,,,,, . � .1 I 1111�1 � " � . I . . I I I.I.- - 1. . 1. . 1. I H. Penh -ale; heifer one year old, A, 1--- '. � . -1. ..l." � 'i�, , � 0 -q�%�� m0elcinzie is I ,. " ­­­ 11 :., ,,,,.,��.Jr�,.4� .11 - , PIGS. �P�,S:�( i , *,", 4".7 ", ,,r" ., . "W" ' ,, ,r...�,,,,"�,!,,,,""", . : ,:,%�]��ir , �11' I � 1 --1,_1 11 I i-4 j� , � - I r j., , , �':��,i� - "' ,� , , a Erwi � '. , IN =��, , I �. . I 9. . I - ­ xr� Mr. :", ,:",�i!� " . . . I , it' iteld Afts'; � , I � . -,��,,�,', I . - � I I n; heifer calf T, Brbrwnett- W , i _�. ' r ­�,'.­' If , Mil ,,�,� �,.�',,,,�.r�-'��:,,'��!�',��,�.�,�,, , Greater -1h number of new styles. I # I ' � ' � steer calf T. Brownett; steer, one J�1.1 . � - 1, , 1 '��'�';`,1-4 1: . � I ' -"-*---w— I ':� �, . � : - � -�', -, - I I 0 ., SEAFOR�M FALL FAIR - � YorkabiTV-Sow li;toptod. in 1924, --��- � I I abj10'pJ% J. R 'SterI14.1 - . Hii:: , o � �,�:, �.�,, -4�q 11 1�b&i . � , r j T! . ... � 1'r I I year old, W. Stewart; and.2nd,. "a - I Greater in their wear resisting . .-, leniim pie, 'Mrs. A- ]ftfi'Aon'rJ:�'F, , ,� � � __ �1�, i � ' - .1.1 � Tjr�% I . I � . NOMAM: Carter alld �Zud from seed,'W. T. Potheringham, G. Durham-Mileb, cow, L. Scotch_ , a 9�, '. I A'i(,� I %­..�",-C. �R . -Berkshire­--Sow litteroa in 1924 T T. Turnbull; onions froin Dutch sets, mere; beffer two years old Beatty �404; plain baked 6a _#".�,', r .., I , " _11,4W � , . qualities. I Perfect weather, a large attendance ,�Os, S,.� it"., �,_,',*141, ' 1-1 !­. 'r , 11 G. JaeQJ.>J,, r most suitable,, '_ . , I . �� .1 . ' P , r ,_. - ,;, r ..., �.-, 11.11-1 1. i.� , anid,j� - 4,1k ...... � _6 , and a good show sum np the annual Snowden; boar under I ,,ye r oh� T' W. R. Smith, R. Campbell; red onions, Bros.- heifer one year_old, � I r � . , a �_ , I fall fair of the Seaforth Agricultural Spowd9n. . . r ,._,�11,'�,,,-,, I _ - - ., . F" M* int'kold lunch for -4u6 ,pe, "' " Q,_- ,��,,,,',�,��iiO W. Cameron,' Sr. o onions, white or Peek,_Beatty Bros.; heffir calf, 1LX' P.1,10_94, -�, � � .1, . r I . i ,! :.I��,:, , Society, held on Thursday and Friday, �: . : r,, Greater in their economic value. Jaceb4 Mrs. A. V, r4rm�xi�,pl , 0 '' , �,� ., , Tamworth -Sow , ., cklbg . . -� , : "�:�..,:�� .:�;`..,. 1. " . -, - - 11. ;�, I*ere�l in 1924i T. yellow, W. R. SWth; G. T. Turnbull; Peek, D. McKenzie; bull, calf, R. M. Reevaii, Mrs. W. Ft. Xetaalf; 4: , r I _..�� ,, I September 18th and 19th. The hall Snowden, and 2nd; baarunder 1 year pickling onions, W. Cameron, Sr., W. PeelL I .. . � . W; . r / I , I - was filled with- exhibits, in fact there old - T. Snowden. I ­,�`�, Remember, there is no experi- I . R. SmIth; muskmelons, T. Malcolm, Herefords -Milch cow, H. 'Uts". and 3,roarmalade in glasses, Mrs f7W. . r,"ii, , I was scarcely room to display them - r al ; F 'Metcalf; catsup and meat a4upw, � . ��, ��%��', 1. " ' I 'Bacon Hogs -Best baton hog, Nor- W Cameron, ST.; watermelons, J. A. heifer one year old, H. Peuhale; bui ,r � ;,;�'l,��J � ­;: "... ment or speculation about buy- properly, and among the special ex- man Carter and 2nd; beat 2 grade M_ 1 F. Keegan, Mrs. W. F. Meica I � r � f.'... r urray; citrons, J. A.'Xurray; main- a4f, H. Penhale. , if; !,� '; r, � �,�; ", � ..""., 1� I .: I,_ I hibits were a display of radio acces- hogs over 6 montlis aAd .1 cake, G. Jacobi, Mrs. (Dr.) Woods - �. I . . �, ".,� � ��, �'. l , " I �.".. .. q .�,J"`;. S . ing a Suit here. Years of ex- r under 12 moth squash, Mrs. R. B. Scott; table Eaton's Special -T. Browmett. canned fruits, F. Reegan; cannek I .�,�_, sories made by Mr. Scott Ferguson, months, Norman Carter,laest 2 grade squash, three varieties, Mrs. R. B. Polled Angusi-Milch cow, W. Stew- - . I . ­ � �:, ,_,-,.',', t perience has taught us what to of McKillop, and a display of Pianos, hpv under six months, T. Snowden. Scott; Hubbard squash, Mrs. R. B. art and 2nd; beifer two years vegetables, E. & R. Snowden, Mirs.. .� �",; ,, i : I I -.", " ,., 3 I I ,., � - ��,.� old, W. W. F. Metcalf. . r I , "�',�,�.�i A ,,, r ,r r I musical instruments and.milking ma Judge --James Dorrance. �­ I . .11 ;'11 � .. I buy and where to buy it. We. - Scott, W. T. FGtheringham; two Stewart and 2nd; heifer one year old, "r, �', jf`�"'�"�' � r, _,,." . , , ('way_ � -, ,. . " i I , I ., chines by Mr. J. J. Hugill, both of Judge --James Connolly, W. B , � 'r:" I � . , r - . 11 ­ �' . pumpkirts for pies, J. A. Murray, W. W. Stewart & 2nd,1 heifer calf, W. ­,,.�,:,� ; guarantee every Suit we' sell. I which attracted a good deal of atten- POULTRY I �,­114'1'Q I . 1. ,��, " ,' - ,,".�,'�.��_"2,�,,r� ", �� I ,'j, "r- "I r Ir "', � I J. Beattie; winter radish, T. Malcolm; Stewart &2nd; bull calf, W. Stewart GRAIN AND SEEDS . -J" ,,, ,:,,,,r ,,, tion. On Friday, in spite of the fact ,Z, " , ". ��,,"*'i ""r?""',", I Other stores sell good suits but Barred Rocks (cr & 13), A. Carter; cucumbers, W. T. Yotheringham, J. and 2nd. � ��" ":,i.,-':'?"',"'1� I , y that many farmers took advantage r '1�1, 1­­ � ", very few will show you the large // of the fine weather to helD complete White Rocks (c and h), T. Snowden; A. Murray; butter beans, G. T. Turn- Jersey -Milch cow, Capt. J. Fergu- White Winter wheat, T. Snowden,, - I �;�:­.i�� ,`- ��' . . . �'Il._111�` , ­.­� I , ... I I il `­ late harvest and threshing opera- (er and p), L. Bateman; any other bull, Mrs. A. Kirk; white beans, Nor- son Mrs. Brandon. J. R. Stirling; red winter wheat�.G. . . �� I , I .;,�! .. - .1' � I ,..I : i . a . ,,� �.,1.1'1... i I assortment we do, and none will variety Cochin Bantams (c), L. Bate- man Carter, W. Cameron, Sr.; sugar J, , I ��., ,.� ,.. ,x, - tions, there was an unusually large udge---William Charters, H. Snell. Truemner; spring wheat, J. R. Stirt- � .� _�,�� ... I ,!; � �.�.."�;�l, I I 1. quote you a better price. attendance at the fair, and more than man; any other variety Bantams (c) mang,olds, G. T, Turnbull, W. R. ing; small white peas, C. Truemner;, I - 'i. �� -1�11ki, � I I J. F. Carlin; (h), J. F, Carlin L' Smith; long red mangolds, W. R. SHEEP I barley, C. Truemner; whitA_- oats, C. � � . �.�, - I a few -really good exhibits of- live I . . ­;`!�,�, , I t Bateman,- Minorcas (e, h, er & ' S th. Truemner, E. & R Snowden; White- I '4 J F�� 1� . I ,� *; `;,`� , ,. I , - - ­��� 11 �,:�ffff � I I . i stock. The show of cattle, both in P), M. in' Leicester -Ram, two shears or over, oats, R. Turner, E'. & R. Snowden;� I."��-��:�.. � numbers and quality, has never been Terryberry; Silver Laced Wyandottes Intermediate mangolds, J. A. Mar- R. McAllister; shearling ram, E. H. I . �. I ... �'. i ., ��� � , Prices $15.00 t - $35.00 beaten, but there was a small show- (c, h, er & p), J, E. Hugill; White ray; Swede turnips, W. Cameron, Sr., timothy seed, R. Turner, A. Johnston'. 1, ':­%. - 0 Wise & Son, R. McAllister; ram lamb, . ,�,.%' Wyandottes (cr and p), Willi,am W. J. Beattie; white or yellow carrots, &. Son; 6 ears yellow corn, Mrs. (Dr.), , I �1,1�3' .1-1 % - .11 ing of poultry, sheep and hogs. The R. McAllister & Son and 2nd; ewe ,,.,'.." �. . .. . . � . . horse classes were much better filled, Mason; Golden Laced Wyandottes W. Cameron, Sr.; largest squash,,Mrs Woods; 6 ears dent corn, E. and, R. 11 ,. . . . . . , . :­�.�;.,l�, � (c, h, cr & p and 2nd), J ugill R. B. Scott, John A. Murray; largesi having raised lambs in 1924, 2 shears Snowden, J. R. Stirling; 6 earseweet, , il�,�,,; ,I % although there was not the display in - E. H I or over, C. B. Middleton, R. McAllis- . . "l,; I . . ' of the heavy entries, that thi Bronze Turkeys, M. Terryberry; Bre- pumpkin, W. J. Beattie, John A. Mur- corn, R. McMurray, E. and R. Snow-, " � " ::.. , I I.., , -some is ter & Son; shearling ewe, -4. � ­tI., n Geese, E. & R. Snowden; Pekin ray; collection of garden products, U' J:5* lv"Llci- den; 6 ears any other variety, A. E. � 1, , �'1%4111� ­ . "', , .- I OEM section should produce. Peaple have me dleton, R. McAllister & . I _1;1,� � 1'�, " � I come to believe that the auto has Ducks, E. & R, Snowden; White Leg- Mrs. R. B. Scott, T. Malcolm. lamb. R. McAllister & Son and 2nd Erw* T. Brownett; bushel field" I 1. I ;­_ � P pretty nearly pirt the light horse out horns, single comb, (c) X. L. Carlin Judge -Joseph Atkinson- ; beans, R. Turner, J. R. Stirling; cobw- ,;�� I ,�,i;V ,` I ; wether lamb, W. W. Wise, W. McAl I �, �,�, 15 � :­, l. Back to * lectiou of grains in head, G., 'Japob��_ .. of existance, but judging by the entry (b), G_ Holland, J. F. Carlin; (cr and lister & Son. . �'., �:,��.' I I ... S. Keys. " I I I ,,,,,��zl', i . of light horses at the Seaforth fair, p), G. Holland; White Leghorng, rose . Lincoln -Ram, two shears or over, �. . . I " I I . I . . ., Y', I I Judges -T. L. Williams, Tholnalw " �� i ,,,, such is farr from being the case. The comb, (h), G. Holland,� any other Butter, crock, 25 pounds, winter use, T. Snowden; shearling ram, T, Snow- Sia d .. � "". , single roadster class this variety Leghorns, (c & TO, Mrs. W. W. H. Jamie ow. en. 11 ;2��,,�,' , J ., year has son, 'Mrs. R. A. Camp- den; ram lamb, T. Snowden; ewe hav- , . ,,.� ­­,.�'-­ , � I, never been equalled either before or Free; Rouen ducks, (old drake), T. bell; butter, 3 pounds in pound prints, ing raised lambs in 1924, 2 shears or. ' . FRUIT . �,, I :-I" . ... __ �'i... ", I � Old Prices since the days of the auto, and many Malcolm, T. Snowden; (old duck, Mrs. R. B. Scott, J. J. Hugill. W. H. over, T. Snowden; shearling ewe, T. Six bunches grapes, I variety, D. C_ � .��!,"; - stated that it was not beaten by either young drake, young duck), T. Snow- Jamieson; butter, one dozen individual Snowden; ewe lamb, T. Snowden; ewe � ,,::,, . , . 11 , ,.;,�, 0 Toronto or London. The horse race$ Snowden and 2nd; wether of grapes, G. Laithwaite, F. Barkei;. ", ., 'V " . . den. T. Malcolm; Guinea fowl (c), E. pats, W. H. Jamieson, J. J. Hugill; lamb, T. Galbraith, G. Laithwaite; collectiow ' ., �,., - 'I� f i I � MOTHER:—We are particu- as usual, claimed a large share of & R. Snowden. best butter shown, W. H. Jamieson ; lamb, T. Snowden. . � a", , I Judge -Walter Rose, Brussels. plate 12 peaches, J. R. Stirling; plums,, , .i:, . 0" I ;.,�:i,,,,�, '. � �� ","'�l f .7 - larly anxious to show you our attention and the Seaforth Highland- F. D. Hutchison's Special for best Oxfords -Ram two shears or over I T. Brownett, J. R. Stirling; prunes, , I,G,)� � �_ G�1, - ­� , .,. " .. ,�� Y, _ � , . '... ers Band provided an excellent musi- 15 one -pound prints, J. L. Kerr. W. W. Wise, C. Middleton; shearling C. Truemner, H. A. Fuss; yellow ,�,',',"' . I N 4�,- �� - g. We , " . I g new stock of boys' clothin HORTICULTURAL PRODUCTS -, , cal programme during the afternoon. Judges -Mrs, J. F. Reid, Mrs. 11. ram, H. Trewartha, T. Snowden; ram I ��.. I - � � . crabs, T. Brownet, E. & R. Snowden;. I . - . . . � . :� .,� I I . know that it will be so easy for Another feature that was one of the Collection of apples, 12 varieties, Charters. lamb, C, Middleton and 2nd;; ewe 11:�,111�:, I . . med crabs, J. R. Stirling. T. Snowden; I '), ,. I., � ogramme Honey in comb, 5 pounds, W. having raised lambs in 1924, 2 shears 1.11 1.111, .. I �!� - - you to select a Suit that has the best on the afternoon'. pr named, J. F. Carlin. H. Crich; six collection of pears, G. Laithwaite, C. I :.�� I 1 �:. was the parade of school children led Hartry, W. Hoag; honey, extracted, or over, C. Middleton, T_ Snowden ; . ili" �� IF,I I ! � IN. ` *1 Sturdiness and appearance YOU by the band, which marched up the named varieties winter apples, H. one-half gallon, W. Ilartry, W. Hoag; shearling ewe, W. W. Wise, C. Mid- Truem-ner; fall pears, F. Parker, G. � � . � I kn ! I - I 1� ;.,�;,, track passed the judges' stand. Ine -rich; Baldwins, H. Crich; King of Laithwaite; winter pears, d. Truem- . �. � ", . V� , ,,,,, . - � ."y' - .1 would wish, and the prices are so Tnompkins, H. Crich, W. Cameron display honey, 25 lbs. or over. W. dleton; ewe lamb, T . Snowden, C. ner W McDool; collection of apples,, , . "". : C.". . , following is the list of successful ex- ' Hartry; dozen hen's eggs, white shell, Mriddleton; wether lamb, T. Snowden, . il. 1.�%, ;.,�:; ­� *1 _� . very reasonable. hibitors: Sr.; Northern Spies, T. Malcolm, H. G. Holland, T. Dale; dozen hen's eggs, C. Middleton. 4 fLill and 6 winter, five of each var- . �;,.:� .. 11 . . - I I Crich; Ribston Pippins, W. H. Jamie- iety, G. Laithwaite, J. R. Stirling-, .�� . I " � t, ,. . a t-5'1_ brown, Norman Carter, W. H. Jamie- Shropshire -s -Ram. two shears or � . . . "'.1i son; Golden Russett, H. Crich, T. Mal- winter apples, 4 varieties, G. Laith- ,,, - _­ , , SON:—The new Suits are here HORSES son; dressed chicken, Norman Carter, over. W. Stewart; shearling ram J. � �.o 4 � . ...... colm; Westfield Seek -no -further, H. W. H. Jamieson. A. Manson & Son; ram lamb, J. A. waite, J. R. Stirling; fall apples, four oo,., , 1. "I � I.Z,1; .,. . � I I . I - and they are real dandies, made Agricultural -Foal of 1924, G. T. Crich, T. Malcolm; Wealthy, H. Crich; varieties, G. Laithwaite, J. R. Stirl- I 1�;, Dale & Sons; filly or gelding 3 years Pewau'kee, H. Crich; Ontario, H. Judges -Mrs. J, F. Reid, Mrs. H. Manson & Son and 2nd; ewe having ing; Baldwins, G. Laitliwaite, C. Mid. ,.! , �. %. 1� .. I : Gravenstein, dleton; Mann apples, J. R. Stirling, ,'I , I � up in the new styles that all the old, Robert Doig, John Cairns, R. Wil- Crich, W. Terryberry; . Charters. raised lan-ibs in 1924 two shears or I *.:,;*,`..'�,�� ,� - liams; filly or gelding 2 years old over, W. Stewart, J, A. Manson & 1. :,� 1: �,�_ . . . . . . boys like. The colors and pat- , H. Crich; Duchess of Oldenburg, H. Continued on Page 6 G. Laithwaite; Spitzenburg, J. R. . 1;1"", $1� Alex. Wright, Robert Doig, R. Wil- Qrich, W. H. Jamieson; Cayuga Red Son; shearling ewe, J. A. Manson & 1, - Stirling, F. Keegan; Northern Spies,. ,11 - terns look swell. Some SUitS hams; filly or gelding one year old, Streak or Twenty Ounce, W. Terry- 0 SonSon and 2nd; ewe lamb, W. Stew- ),,� . , e;.. ar , J. A. Manson & Son; wether lamb G. Laithwaite. J. R. Stirling; King of' �,,,' � ..;.". have an extra pair of bloomers. G. T. Dale & Sons; team in harness, berry, T. Malcolm; Faineuse or Snow BAYFIELD FALL FAIR t I Thompkins, R. Turner, T. Brownet; . -, ,, I .. �� , .� I'll �. �.. : � �� .". J . : Suits Will R. Williams; sweepstakes, Alex. apple, J. F. Carlin, J. J� Hugill; C01- W. Stewart and 2nd; best fat s,heeP' Greenings, J. R. Stirling, G. Laith- I �1, ,.- , Bring Mother in; the hows so far John Stewart, T. Snowden. ' I .. ,$ ��;�, l� Wright. vert, Norman Carter, J. J. Hugili ; Like all other country s � I t I , I .1 waite; Ribston Pippins, F. Keegan, R. - � ��, . please you both and they do not Heavy Draught -Brood mare with Mann, H. Crich, Maiden Blush, J. J. this year, Bayfield Agricultural So- Turner; 20 Ounce Pippins, G. Laith- �� M . PIGS I : , ; . . . foal by her side, Robert Wright; foal Hugill, Norman Carter; crab apples, ciety guessed right on the weather waite, R. Turner; Wagners, G. Laith- . - I I � cost as much as you would pay " 11"; I , of 19,24, Robert Wright; filly three red, J. E Hugill; Rhode Island Green- and had a perfect day for their fair Berkshire Brood sow having lit- waite, F. Keegan- Golden Russets, J. I., , ] I where assortments are not SO years old, J. O'Reilly; filly two years ing, H. �rich, J. J. Hugill; Fallawater ' on Wednesday of this week. Cons,- tered in 1924, T. Snowden; boar lit- R. Stirling, C. Truemner; Blenheim ,:;, I large. old, Robert Wright; gelding 2 years H. Crich; Blenheim Pippin, W. Carn- quently there was a record attendance tered in 1924, T. Snowden; sow lit- Pippins, G. Laithwaite, C. Middleton; :: , �1� 141'. , - 11 I , . - , . I � old, J. Cairns, Robert Wright; filly or eron, Sr,; Fall Pippin, W. Cameron, and a .show that fully justified it. In tered in 1924, T. Snowden. Snows, G. Laitbwaite. C, Truemer; - � I ,,,,,, �'; " . arter - the indoor departments there was a ", � , ., I .1 � . I gelding I year old, R. Birchill and Sr.; St. Lawrence. Norman C ' - n Yorkshire -Brood sow ,having lit- Ontarios, G. Laithwaite, J. R. Stirling; I "". I ,. colm excellent show, even in apples, which ,�,11 , I '', 2nd; team in harness, J. C. Costello. Canadian Red, H. Crich, T. Mal ; tered in 1924, R. Blair. Wolfe River, C. Truemner, F. Keegan- . li, . I :, I'll Thomas Livingstone's special for McIntosh ' Red, H. Crich; Talman are a very light crop in the district Red Pigs -Aged boar. T. Snowden, Judges -W. H. Lobb, John Porter. 1. 1� I ,. I �;'­ , - 14 , " " " ,, ;� $6,95 to,�­ $14 best horse, any age, heavy draft or Sweet, W. Terryberry, W. Cameron, this year. There was, as usual, a J. A. Manson & Son; brood sow hav- �,* I agricultural, J. C. Costello. Sr.; four varieties Fall apples, W. large exhibit of ladies' work, an ex- - littered in 1924. T. Snowden, J. t,l . I ing .1 "" I William Jamieson's special for best Terryberry, H. Crich. cellent showing of vegetables, and Early Cobblers, R. McMurray, W.- ,", , a A. Manson & Son; boar littered in �';. , ,,,, � I W. Wise; early potatoes to be named, 11 ��� . w raised by one Pears -Four varieties of Winter fine display of cooking. In fact, if 1924, T. Snowden, J. A. Manson & - I r 10 person, Robert Doig. pears, Norman Carter, H. Crich; four anything, the show in the hall was a Son; sow littered in 1924, J. A. Man- G. Lindsay, J. A. Murray; Green .X 1 . Roadster -Brood mare with foal by varieties of Fall pears, Norman Car- little better than the average seen Mountain, J. A. Murray, R. McMut'- , �4'111 son & Son, T. Snowden; best boar, . i�F .1 , , . , McMichael, John ter; Flemish Beauty, ,H. Crich; here. The stock show was also an ray; late potatoes to be named, C. �1411 . . Special S%ale of her side, Robert exceptionally good one. All the horse any breed, T. Snowden; best sow, any Truemner, G. Lindsay; mangolds, long ?"! , . Byerman; foal of 1924, John Byer- Duchess of Agouline, Norman Carter, breed, T. Snowden; best pair bacon 1! " - 1-1 ,i I I man, R. McMichael; filly or gejding 3 H. Crich; Beurre Clairgeau, H. Cricb, classes were -well filled, and comPe- h gs any breed, W. McDool. red, C. Trueniner, F. Barker; man- , �11, 1 years old, James Heffernan; filly or Norman Carter; Clapp's Favorite, W. tition was very keen. In fact it was () Judgie-G. C. Petty. golds, yellow globe, C. Truemner, T.. . ... "" I I Flat Extension Brass Curtain Rods gelding two years old, Mrs. Eyre; sin- Hoag, Norman Carter; Louis Bonne one of the best horse shows in the Snowden; intermediate mangolds, C. :1 I "I i I .. . gle ,vad'ster in harness, Wm. Levy, de Jersey, Norman Carter; county this year, and it was six o'clock POULTRY Truemner, J. A. Murray; field car- , A Barlett, 1. ,�.,, I Al I I before the judging was completed. rots, R. Penhale; table carrots, Mrs. I IN �E. ;0- . James Heffernan; best lady driver and H. Crich, W. Hoag; Seckel. H. Crich; I'll, Cattle, sheep and hogs were good, Brahmas (c), E. F. Kerner; (b) , "j" . 4 ,,� These Rods are suitable for every window. They outfit, William Levy; beat light horse, Beure d' Anjou, Norman Carter. P. Clark, J. A. Murray; table beets, �,)�!�A, ��­ I'll, .� . r'! . - I any age, William Levy; best pony Peacbes-Crawford, Norman Car- while poultry, both in number of en- F. Merner; (cr and p), E. F_ Merner, C, Traem-ner, Mrs. P. Clark; parsnipg, ..'. , , I'll make curtain hanging easy, artistic and permanent. tries and quality, was a record for W. McDool; Plymouth Barred Rocks, Mrs. P. Clark, F. Barker; field turn- T,11 I 1, � wn r 15 years, ter. . . 11, , I Size, 1�xtension, 27 to 48 inches. J. F. Daly, M. Crich. Plums -Imperial Gage, T. Malcolm, this show. Bayfield is one of thebest (h), C. Campbell; (cr), W. W. Wise, ips, C. Trueniner, J. R. Stirling; sugar " ,11,., . 1,."A , Carriage --Brood mare with foal by J. E. Hugill-, Lombards, H. Crich, T. managed shows in Huron and Presi- D. McKenzie; Plymouth Rocks, White, beets, C. Trueniner, J. R. Stirling; � 1� Regular Price, 30c. air; (cr), winter radish, D. Galbraith, H. Pen- L� � her side, G. C. Dale; foal of 1924, G. Malcolm; Abundanco, T. 'Malcolm, J. dent John McLUTe, the genial secre- (c and h), T. Snowden, R. BI '� I " I ICE, including,brackets and I tary, Warden A. E. Erwin and the E. Merner, T. Snowden; (p), T. Snow- '--11,2, � SALE PEL16 C. Dale; single carriage horse, C. F. Carlin; Bradshaw. Mrs. J. Dayrnan, 'hale: salsify, E. & R. Snowden, J. H. I i,� �� Ill, � 7" I . " ,11 McKinley. J. B. Tyerman; any other variety, G, Board of Directors are to be congratu- den, R. Blair; White Wyandottes, (c, Reid; 2 beads cabbage, J. A. Mur- 11 X Workman, T. Coleman, R. I�', I I I . �� link 8 ........................................... 16c lated on the success of this year's fair. h, cr and p), Mrs. (Dr.) Woods and ray, F. Barker; 2 heads cauliflower, .,.f �.��. I Judge -E. E. Phipp�3, Burford. Holland, J. B. Tyerrian. I ,��.� "�, �,." I '. � , � I Percheron-Foal of 1924, Thomas Grap6s--Niagars, If. ,Crich; Con- The gate receipts amounted to some- 2nd; Brown Leghorns, (h), V. Terry- � .�': 'i p. Barker, Mrs. P. Clark; 8 heads %': i .� , I I . Coulter and 2-nd; filly or gelding two cord, H. CrIch; F. Wigg"t Special, W. thing over $275. The folowing is the berry; WMte Leghorns, (c and h), H. -,Vhit, celery, G. Jacobi; musknielo*, J",! "', 1� I \ S 1, i',i. , , " years old, , Aj�%,�-, I . . , -1 , I ,H. McElwain. H. Jamieson. list of the .successful exhibitors: Trewartba, G. King; (cr), H. Tire- Mrs. (Rev.) McLeod, J. R. Stirlin ' � 1 HORS,CS wartha, W, Wise; (p), H. Trewartha, watermelons, T. Snowden; citro-y's. - I ', 4f �,� �q , -,, CATTLE ROOTS AND VEGETABLES G. King; Rhode Island Reds, (c & N, A. Murray, C. Truemner: best pump- I ��r�;N , I !:,�N EI. Fancy W., ork - General Purpose -Brood mare ac- A. Johnston & Son, V. Terryberry; kin for table use, D. Galbraith, A. ,I;Qkqi� allt � 4,0l I e � IVQ�', I Shorthorns - Best cow, Melvin Irish Cobbler early potatoes, W. (er and p), Johnston aTid 2nd; An- Brandon-, best squash for t use, �.a� I 11 , I I Crich, W. H. Jamieson, A. & J. Broad- Cameron, Sr., J. A. Murray; any other companied by foal not to be judged tealf 1, ffi�&-',J, .4 - , 0 - 0 consis, (c, b and p), W, F. Me D. Galbraith, Mrs. P. Clark; largest , ",!i . im- . with mare, J. A. Manson & Son, T. , �,5'? . '; �AS.� fDot; heifer three years old, W. M variety early potatoes, J. A. Murray, and 2nd; Campines, (c, h, cr and p), pumpkin for feed, C. Truemner R. ,,�,A* , I. - , 1W Brovnwtt; foal, J. R. Sterling, J. A. I ,.,lA).k,0 _ I ;. Jamiesion, A. & J. Broadfoot; heifer W. Ca"Wron, Sr.; Green Mour&ain W. P. Metcalf and 2nd; Black Min- McMurray *-'�n,Xtf,i�, 1, or Christ-maS Giving 2 years old, Melvin Crich, W. H. I -ate ' Manson & Son; gelding or filly three . - largest squash for Y -Rea, .1 . . ,� �, � I . . . potatoes, J. F. Hugilf, W. R. years old, William Decker, H. H. oreas, (e, h, cr), V. Terryberry; (p), J. A. Murray iar" .. X�"'Rl- . P., . . - . , C. TruemueT; I , ., I . Jamieson, Thomas Lane; heifer one Smith; any other variety of late pota E. F. Merner, V. Terrybe . ; r, � ,jg,�,, , V. I I .1 rry any English potato onions, Mrs. P_ Clark, I 1: '111(ifqii;� I - toes, Mrs. R, Wright, Norman Carter; Neeb; gelding or filly 2 years old, ..1. . 1, �i �'J, I 1, Keys & F,. & R. Snowden, large vrMte onions, �j;Vtii�lj - V It is not tbo-odrly to think of Christmas sewing— year old, Melvin Crich, A. & J. Broad T variety fowl, Nelson I . �e, . foot, W. H. Jamieson; senior heifer three heads winter edbliage J A William Decker, D. McKenzie; gelding otbe 11 ", I ,� ,, I , I many -are' already workihg on their Christmas Gifts. Ili in - team Soni Belgian Hare, C. Badord; , Mrs, W, F. Metcalf- larSt 1. I "I.: , calf, calved after Sept. 1, 1923,.A.. & Murray; three head-, fall cabbage, J. or filly I year old. F. Wets( Pair F. Barker ;I 1, �,i'11, 1, � i W. Decker. I I Pekin ducks E. & R. Snowden, J. A. red onions, F Barker D. Galbraith. % """""' I�' :'.'� I I, order to assist you, �w6 are making a special displayof J. Broadfoot , W H Jamieson; junior A. Murray, W. T Fotberingham; I �,�.� �� � bull calf, cilved aAer Jan. 1, 1924, three heg4s any ot& m* named cabbage PeTeberon-nree year old, Colin Manson & gon; pair Rouen ducks, T. large yellow orin?N' t. Rarlcer, it. ,-" � 1.� ... 'I, � I " , new stamped goods.,.'., $very stam ped article is represent- Melvin Crich, W. H. Jamieson, Mel- R. Campbell, W. Cameron, Sr., table Campbell%,dt7jo. year old, B. Pierson- Snowden -and 2nd; pair Toulouse Turner; red torAntoes, V. Barter, J. � , , , .. : I 41 year R. Sterling, H . . Baker' geese, R. Blair; pair any other variety .11 Reid- largest head of rjunflonqitr, I �, - i,.f� 1.11 ed in our shovnng.' There are some beautiful des! S_ vin Crich,,bu.11 one year old or over, parsnips, J. J. Hugill, J. A. Murray; one 0 geese. E. & R. Snow�en, v. Terry- F Baritir, R. McMurray; colloAft ,!� ;i ,�1,1.1. .. , I - I gn A & J ro dfoot ; berd, consisting table e4r�ota, stump rooted, T. Mal- foal, J. Stewart, C. Campbell. . I ,' ,;� __ ""! , 11 eVV , "i -, ".4* - "i 1!� rk8Y9, of garden herbs, V41. & R. Suat0doo, 111'111'1-�, J�� "' terent. There is also a de- * berry; pair any other variety tu , things that are n '',� 466 dif 0i'lour females and bull, A. & J. eolm, W. Mason; table carrots, long, Agricultural -Brood mare accom- ., 1, " ­%; ;', I I - panied by foal, foal not to be judged V. Terryberry; pair pigeons, Dr. Me- Mrs �,,�I':'i" , Broadfoot, W. H. Jimieson. T. Malcolm, Norman Carter- table , W. F. Metcalf-, pe pert,'Z. It. - � , , ,,,,.�,V,,'�`l.l��­ Oqv, ilightfui digplay'of,thre , flosses and yarns. W, I 1_�,',�,'­'X ,, � I I Aop� . - , . rt- mnnon, E. F. Merner; Muskova. ducks, Rej ' . .; , I - G�rades-Best cow 3 years old or carrots, ony other variety, 'k. Mal- with mare -C. Campbell, J. Stews d; eucurnbers, T. no*dfto-' Q. I . 11,�'IIII�P'_� , � 0 � Blair. I 11 ,�,X� ", . I ' Robert I I , .;,.,�,�. �, ,,,, �,Ikl � l, � W "Ay"04.6. � _ � I .�_'�l',.,,�,.'­, " i , 1111 . olm, J. J. Rupill; long blood beets� foal T. Brownett, F. Watson; gelding Trueumer; vegatable Matrow C. �` vkl �11 , I __ - 1:1 I'll I ov6r, Thom- me I ,��:�,,�,.,,,�; ,. ��,, , . . . � I ' . turnip or Ally 2 years old, L. Scotehmere; -IRY PRODUCE Trbemor F Barker; Orpon Ru *.� ,,"p, ��'­ : best cow in nidlk, Thomas Dale, W, T. Malcolm, - A. Murray; DA , "i, , " , ',,',��.ill'; It � "', 1, I 1-1i, I , '', � . gelding or filly I year old, L. Scotch- squ=11, 7'. Snowden, I. R. t t i . . �, I I ) , f, � . I A I � . ; I I . I ,,, I - '. Thompson, W. H. Jamies , T. Malcolm, J. J. Hugill; re; team, J. R. Sterling. Ten pounds snit butter, UTs. Sohn yellow UVbbaVd §quAsh, D. 0 ,, , . i;, -� 11i,ii , M �,'i,��',:�, ­ , � ,rf% rN years old, G. C. Dale, T. Dale; lidifer tomatoes, red, J. A. Murray; six e'att MV I I _ , ,., � . , ',%v � � I - � " ,, - "?` � 1. � lau! Itim",",41,4"'N' k 'i , , , "" I , ��� ! , I " �'l";,4"�,'���,',�-l�;��.,.-"�,c�''i , "I , lok� .� I . Heav-y Draught -Brood mare ac- Stewart, Q. Jacobi; 5 libs. buttlat, In -7. R. StIrliftS. ,","��,-,"(",.'��,�,�'���"','' -,',�,,L'­;­),�'��! , i � , - 1',.,,�',�� � �dnei Vtar ol - s*tot lAbk e6rn, W. Marion9 W. 1�1.�,�.,,. ��,�, 11,,�-�`.il",,,�;, N1�1111�14l " I � ,, �� ; , I, ,� � I . �; I � -ii` _1 - -,--- - ­ 1'� I 7"T�7�� , ... � ,� :i, , 0000plaw ,� - , �,;��'�11'�`,�L�:� ,.!. ;��,��, .iV"I , , t, , ,, I . : " I I ,i�, Y', ,"i , . , "" 11 �, L,�,, ,,�i' I I . .:�; I " �, I �;! !�,,, !" : � 1� �6. " 6', .�� ` 1.11 , 1 W !� I , , ,,,, -, I ""', , -��..-.,`, �'1111 "4', �',',,,i,', 1�, tll'�, F I � Y'rT, �4', 11�., 1�01A; I i'f, , ,,,, 1, ,,�,,I,L.,.�;��,,I��_", . " ,", 11 _ L.' L ,1 I � R . Judge ... 4W. 9. 36h=t6n. �il 1! - ... � I - V, ', 1� .­ , I 11 . � - I T ", , .f�,"l""p'�,,�i, t� " , 1i I I ,d, T. DAle, W. H. Jaroid . , �,-,",","I�;����"?"�'�*,,,��,'JI 11 � . ,�l . I .. i it son, T. Dale; heifer MIT, oftha ks fodder corn, Ar- - : I 11 . A _11r11; I 1-1 - _�.�&,�.'.,;",�,!��,;: I - " .10 , W - . r . I JL WO d dince Hart*t al"k rstal companied by foal, foal not to be I-poutid bloeltg Mrs John St#&&K, :!I 'A I ,,, I . , , - judatd With Mrs, .9. Xeya; foal, S. r, pouftd, e-radIr' buttsk, XM. Ala 0610111ded 611 "O 4� "' � . "'.."'IX �.�11 �,",",, -t,, , �: "I " , . last Sopf#mbo I - � �, " '. " ',,`,�0�4,;, �, ,". "I - � , '­ . , .... I , t, T. Dalo and 9nd; ateer thur Burroft, J. A. Murra?�, onl6ts . .1 ,�I� ,�D,�,., , , I - - I . , ,L ",,""��.,.�,�.�',;�,�,��k'�,�:�,��� I _ " e. iA I 1, . , .'�i 3�:,;"L;�I�"�:, ' L I ,�­ I 1-11.1- I I �,,�.��. ' , " . , . , . ,_­l� ;"I",'�.' " , � I I . I .1 ''. ' ', � c.*,", � � I 1 ­,W��Ilt­ ,ltil%.:" , ,'.1, ." JL� , I � � I . I . '', ., ,Ii,,�,� . .Z .: '", ,� ,;, . I . .1 ,­,',�,_.,­,,,.��,,, ""I"', ,N'%�-;:.", �. I . ..... ��.,4 m,:��.�'�'�1'14:1,',`,��'� :,� . . - " � . L -1` � ��-:.`�, 1. I I I ,, ,�,,�,r,�i!,�I'��,1.',�.'L,'��,,,,',",','�:� 10 t"I ,, . 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