HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1924-08-08, Page 5l� . UGUS'T 8 IJ P tEl NN31ir $, and was eaidee lei. i 1a141> Norte, t�Il tAr teVs, Mrs 'Jerry OaTarilia'lli , ;(P aavvatel, and lV[J ntl>A Pli'6f aC i4t e sister, hire. Janney -G'l'om, arni'a, is the only sta'vivittg• n elf v + ;fir. Dillon was barn. 'n )1ettr"i Ire land, and when !two .y�ya,...Qf age �varents settled at Thern1i '-,*hex ille remained until a. hcry Vf, nine, the lite moved to klibl?ek4 and 'twetaty :tva� years ago he moved Legal" '$$e assessed censide>4'a'blerwealth;. Two 'e Eris sone/saw serviefi: �at,�tlee,l!r'olft. /On coil., Frank, 'lied fourSAW' ago" in -Logan. Mr. Dillon did ON take an active part in polities ori Publie life; ,his church, his horee,:.hds _zanily -,an i !kris . neighbors occupied mpst ors his thoughts, 'q4F fly & aA''Ah I ijq kHA r i Y ) :°ru'Fc'.KI' k i garb t0 �rr,AAa1a t2 f �l�za'At ter benne ll le 111r o 1604,,.. 0$ th,e'A1311 '1"61el Bine f of Pronto, aeeomlaa,llietl.jty his w:i :r1774. l h• l.?aaper, ixtAt,�vt'ife's motl'ae 'bye lb666,, Vl6.446i. ua#, . DrAlenlarnad ariant0 -and' Fel tf&es here, Mr a xauk. liereltrthe`Misses Helen For n Derrie an 'aero Bolton, 'Maude C'rlen ° end`'Mre. John Bolton have retlli'ne "from camping at Grand Bend the pa f wee, at "Willifnia. Cottage." ;•- 1Vi[ e Andrew Boa is spendiing part, of h sli m,er holidays` with his mother' an relatives and friends in Hensall an vicinity. -Mrs. Hudson, Sr., and Mr George Hudson have been visited b relatives .from Michigan. -Mr. an Mai. Charles Nicholls and Miss Will inson, who are camping at Gran Bend, were here recently visiting Mr D. Urquhart, Mr. Nicholl's sister. Miss Irma Ronnie, graduated nurs of Grace Hospital, Detroit, is her spendi?ig a week or two with he parents, Mr. and Mrs. Erastus Ran nig -Mr. William and `John D. Crai are making some improvements t their dwelling, p4opetty on Quee Street, in the way of raising the sam excavating a cellar and Rotting in, fine cement foundation. -Mr. Jame A. Bell is also making some extensiv improvements to his farm dwellin property, a little south of our villag on the London Road. -Our Civic Holi day was observed on Monday last, al places of business being closed, an our village looked Suite deserted nearly every one being away spendin the day. -Mr. George Brown was, i Stratford the first of the -week visit ing his daughter. -Dr. Gordon Knap spelt the week end with his parent and friends in Toronto. -Mr. and Mr;; Mark Drysdale and children left here the end of last week for an extended motor trip, visiting relatives in Mich- igan and other places. -Miss Annie Gilchrist, of London, spent a few days during the past week with her aunt, Miss Jean McArthur. -Dr. J. W. Bell, of Harrisburg, Pa., is home here for summer holidays. -Mr. A r- thur Jones, of Stratford, spent the week end here with his wife and relatives. -Mr. and Mrs. John,, Pater- son and children have been visiting with their relatives in Hensel' and vicinity. -Mrs. R. Stewart, Sr„ and her sons were visited during the past week with relatives who motored here from Detroit in a very. fine and high powered car. -Trade is a little quiet. n our village, owing to the farmers all being so busily engaged in har- vesting. -Dr. A. Moir has returned r'om the West, where he had been ailed owing to the illness of his bro- her there. -Mr, John McD. Wilson and Mr. William J. White have each been visited by members of their amily during the past week from London and other places. -The crops f all kinds are looking fine in this ection and the farmers -are busily ngaged in harvesting. -Mr. J. E. Mc- Donell, accompanied by friends, re- t:'rtly motored to Harrington West, o visit Mrs. Jiackson, nee Miss Phylis Young. -The Oddfellows of Hensall nd Brucefield, enjoyed- a fine union icnic at Bayfield on Thursday after- noon of last week, and were acconl- anied by members of their family, elatives and friends. The weather 'v'as a little on the cool side to he reai pleasant, but with sports and games he time passed very pleasantly and n a soft .ball match between Bruce - field and Hensel', the latter won out by quite a nice score. -Mr. William Chapman, of the Township of Hay, ccompanied by his daughters and Mr. William McKay, recently enjoyed a fine motor trip to Hamilton and other places -Mr. J. C. Clausen, an old ime business man of our village, has- een visiting friends here during the ast week, who were pleased to meet ire. -Mrs. J. Wilson, nee Miss Jessie McEwen, accompanied by her hus- and, of Toronto, is visiting relatives ere. -Mr. and Mrs. William Glen rid children, of Toronto, are here vis ting their relatives. -Mrs. Gould and members of the family are here from he West visiting Mr. and Mrs. Peter Munn, Mrs. Gould's parents. - Mr. William Reynolds, of Tilsonburg, is pending a few days with his mother nd sisters here. -Mr. Kemp and son, f Toronto, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. . Cook and Mr. and Mrs. A. W. E. Hemphill. -Mr. and Mrs. Charles hapman and family, of Palmerston, ave been visiting their relatives and riends in Hensel! and vicinity. -Mrs. R. McArthur has returned from the Bend, and also from London, where he had very pleasantly been spend - ng several weeks. -Miss Gretta Lara- mie takes part as violinist in a con- ert at Ilderton and Kerwood this 'eek after which she will he in arnia on a visit. -Mrs. T. Sherritt, r., and members of her family, are amping at Grand Bend. -Mr. and Mrs, Syd. Geiger are visiting Mr. Gei- er's parents and relatives and friends n Hensali and vicinity. --Mr. and Mrs. Dalid Irwin and daughters„of Blen- eifn, visited Mr. and Mrs. /R Morri- 1 on and Miss Morrison, their relatives uring the past week. -Quite a num- er from Hensel] and vicinity on Sun - ay last attended the reopening ser ices at the Presbyterian church at eafol:th. KIPPEN Notice. -•Owing to' the death of the- late Thom as- Mellie, I would kindly ask all those !having accounts prior to 1924 to 'kindly can sand settle. W. L. Mehra. 2956-8 Notes. -The many friends of Mrs. Alex. McKenzie will be pleased to learn that she has again returned from Toronto where she has been $pending some time with her daugh- ters.:, She was accompanied home by ']her daughter, Miss Caine, and all will be pleased to learn that she is much impfoved in health. -Mr. John Me- 'Clymont, of Toronto, visited with his !brother, James, of our village, during the .last week. -Mr. John Butt, of F1int,,.Mich., visited at the home of 'his brother, Mr. Edgar Butt, of our village during the past week. - Mrs. McConnel, and son, of Detroit, are spending a few holidays 'at the home ocher father, Mr, John Whiteman, of cur village. -Mr. W. W. Cooper, of London, spent a few days at the home Sof his son, William, during the past week. -Mr. J. C. Clauson, of Detroit, paid a visit at the home of Mr. Alex. McKenzie, of our village, during the past week. -Mr. Thomas Walker, of Marlette, Mich, visited at the home -of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Harvey dur- ing the past week -A great many from this vicinity attended the Old Boys' Reunion at Seaforth during the week. -Mrs, Russel Geoghegan, of -London, who has been spending a vis- it at the home of her parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. James IyleClymont, has returned dome. -Mr. Hunt, of St. Louis, called on some of his old Kippen friends .during the past week. Mr. Hunt was :at one time an old Kippen boy and though it is over thirty years since he left, all his friends are glad to see again. -Mrs. James Bowey, who bad been visiting friends in Toronto and Galt, has returned home, - Mr. and Mrs. James Stewart, of Windsor, -were visitors at the home of their .cousins, Mr. and Mrs. John D. Stew- art, of Tuckersmith, during the past -week.---The Sunday school picnic of St. Andrew's Sunday School is to be '!held to Bayfield this Friday. n food time is being looked forward to.- Rev. o-Rev. Mr. Pratt, of Goderich, preached' :in St. Andrew's church on Sunday last. -Mrs. James Cooper, of the West and her sister, Miss Mary Murray, of Corrie, visited friends in the neigh- borhood during the past week. -We -would remind the boys and girls of VIission Band on Saturday afternoon. -Mr. William Doig, of Port Huron, • spent the week end at his home here. -Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bowey and son, James, visited friends in New Ham- burg aritl Galt during the past week. -Miss Carrie McKenzie, of Toronto, arendered a very nice solo in St. An- drew's church on Sabbath morning last, which was much appreciated. HENSALL Briefs. -Quite a large number from Mensan and vicinity attended the Old' Boys' Reunion at Seaforth the first part of this week, and thought the .decorations and programme for each .day wonderful. -Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Anderson, of Chicago, are visiting their daughter. Mr. Anderson is a Seaforth Old Boy and attended the Reunion, meeting a large number of iris old friends. -Mr. and Mrs. Wilqon Berry, of Windsor, and Ed. Berry, also of that city, are camping at Grand Bend, together with their -mother, Mrs. T. J. Berry. -Mrs. S. Voir, of Toronto, is ifere visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bon- thron, accompanied by Mrs. Huckle and little son. -Mrs. Charles Jinks AIRS returnee]' from a pleasant visit -with her sister, Mrs. W. J. Miller, of Windsor. --Rev. H. Naylor and Mrs. IsTaylor and little son are spending a month's holidays with Mrs. Naylor's relatives in Toronto. -The Misses Rosie and Gladys Broadfoot are at- tending the Old Bo''s' Reunion at Seaforth, the geests of Mks Cameron. -Dr. B. Campbell and -Mrs. Camp- bell and daughters Jean and Dorothy, and son, Keith, motored up here on Saturday from Toronto, to spend a few days with Mrs. Campbell's par- ents,• Mr. and Mrs. T. Murdock, of this village. -It was thought at the time of Mr. John McD. Wilson's fire on Wednesday morning of last week that he had little or no insurance on his dwelling and contents, but we aro pleased to report that he had a fair !amount on each. -Mr. and Mrs, Nor- man' Sheffer, of Toronto, motored -here on Saturday last to spend a couple of days with Mr. Sheffer's father and friends. here. -Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Johnston, of Windsor, are visiting at the home of their relative, Mr. Gordon Parker, for a couple of mreeks.-A number from here took in the races in Windsor on Saturday last. -Mrs. Bertha Bell is in Port Huron srisiting with Mrs. De Lyon, who had been here for a couple of weeks on a visit and with whom Mrs. Bell re- turned. -The friends of Mrs. H. Arn- old will be pleased to learn•that she ▪ is at the present making good recov- ery from a recent operation at St., `Joseph's Hospital at London, - Mr. -end Mrs. John D. Heid, of Lofidon, -spent the week end here with their parents and friends. -Rev, Dr, illi' 6�ill��i de V GARDEN PARTY A garden party, under the auspices of the Hensall U.F.O. and U.F.W.O. will he held August 12th, commencing at 8 p.m. on the grounds of Mr. Wm. Pepper, 1% miles east of Hensall. Mr. Livingstone, late of British Co- lumbia, will discuss "Government Control," and Mr. W. H. Porter, of London, will speak on "In Times Like These." The Goulding Orchestra will supply the music. Lunch will be served after thie programme. ADMISSION, 35 cents. ,f., yyrr,,• ('°jYfw71�''N�1i 4 a ° h hPi 4' 16 'Y'r p , (M 11yy i` Ddin/ . ll f' yJ4+9 la, '.:•.9R5' I'y,'�Aahff M.d'��Y {1r e•' i MR�A IIFY�a ll Pia v 0 71i, ariaeed pti� 9 r $i!tfill 0, $t0, P• � t 0t6 04, Pi a t0f..95tNE + `$0, fi .1 '1. eel) awl, .larirl>s-x41pceli'ttia10o; detoi , 60 to $14;; 'ye96ii55s, 56'510.61 ,' wethers, 58.60 tt• 30; ewes, fi2.09 o S waisted, shee0fi $840 to ss,bo. 5.. 1,Ipletr-Stoat Yards:. T.to n'te:- *Signet, ( t5Otatiene : .EXPe 't steers, cholee, 57.:$01, d' $7.76, do. Woad $6,6.q to $7,09 t export betel n .95.80. to $6,76; 130,14l, bee. 57.50 to 510.01 d btatcher steers. Choke, 56.45 to 56.76; s . good, 56.00 to, 59,26; do. meedulla,, $5.00 56.00; do, aommdn; $4,00 to 5-4,60; butch, L. beifeas, choice, $6:00- tri $6.60 do medium is $6.00 to 55.76i do.. eomandn. $5.50 to A ..butcher cows, choice, $4.25 to $6.06; medium. 50.00. to 54.00; butcher bolds, d' 54.00 to 54.50; do, lair. $8.50 to 5, bolognas, 52.50 ' ,do, 53.50; oanmers and yterm/ 51.00 to $2.59; feedin8.i Steens, chole, d 56.00 to 56.55; do. fair, 55.0o to 56.50: are, choice, $4.50 to 56.00; do„ fair, �_. to $4.26, ; milkers, eprimgera, choice. to $90.00; do.,. fair. $40,00 to 550.9.0; calve d choice, $7.78 bo. $8.60.; do. medium, 55.00 5, 57.00; do. common, $3,50 to $4.60 ; Iambi choice awes, 514.50 to $14.76; do. bunks, to $12.76; do., culls, 510.00 to 521.00; Sheet e, fight ewe* $6,00 to 56.50; do. culls, 52.00 e 54.50 t'hotis, fed and watered. 59.96; do. r 09.25; do country, points, 59.00; do. select, and watered, $10.70; do. off cars, long - $10.16. g e, g e d g n p s k .�y. tb7 �y1 ) ti - allots $9.91 tri;,. dt $4,2 de goo, $4,0C cu' stocl $3.5 575,0 t 512.6 t f.o.t fe had an, ••: wisl be- 0 DEAT'S 1 •Dillon. -In Logan, on August 4th, Willian 5 Dillon, in his 78th year. e Smith. ---In' Sheldon, North Dakota, Marian McLean, wife of William Smith. BIRTHS I Ford. -In Usborne, on July 23rd, to Mr. Mrs. Harry Ford, a daughter -Edna Lucille � • CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McQuaid to acknowledge with grateful apprec• iation the kind expressions of sympa- thy frorrii many friends in their reavement. McKILLOP VOTERS' LIST Act the the be at list have Notice of First Posting By Clerk. Notice is hereby given that I have trans- mitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in Section 9 of the Ontario Voters' List the copies of the List made pursuant to said Act, of all persons appearing by last revised Assessment Roll of the Munici- pality of the Township of McKillop, to entitled to vote in the said municipality elections to the Legislative Assembly only, and the said list was first posted in my office in McKillop on the 23rd day of -July, 1924, and remains there for inspection. I hereby call upon all vo�rs to examine the said and if any errors or omissions are found therein to take imwnediate proceedings to same corrected according to law. Dated at McKillop this 7th day of August, 1924. JOHN McNAY, Clerk of McKillop. 2956-1 1 MCKILLOP VOTERS' LIST ns- Act the the be at at was the for to or - Notice of'First Posting By Clerk. Notice is hereb� given that I have � mitted or delivered to .the persons m n€ tioned in Section 9 of the Ontario Voters' List the copies of the List made pursuant to said Act, of all persons appearing try last revised Assessment Roll of the Munici- pality of the Township of McKillop, to entitled to vote in the said ,municipality elections to the Legislative Assembly and Municipal Elections and t'Yie said List first posted in my office in McKillop, on 23rd day of July, 1924, and remains there inspection. I hereby call upon all voters examine the said list and if any errors omissions are found therein to take immedi- ate proceedings to have same corrected accord 'ng to law. Dated at McKillop this 7th day of August, 1924. JOHN McNAY, Clerk of McKillop. 2956-1 AUCTION SALES auc- by at Me- and Also with sale the CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF HOUSE- ‘-' Furniture, Etc. -Thomas Brown, tioneer has received instructions to sell public auction on the premises, in the Village of Dublin, on Friday, •August 15th, 1924, 2 p.m., all the household effects of Agnes Daid, including bedroom furniture, dining room furniture, parlor and kitchen furniture everything that goes to furnish a home. garden tools and 50 well bred chickens./ Terms. -Cash. Everything will be sold out reserve 'as the proprietress is leasing Dublin. There will he also offered for at Dominion Hotel, at 1 o'olock sharp, following: Lots 10 and 11 on Ontario Street and Lot 109 on Mill Street, Dankin's Survey, Dublin. Terms made known on day of sale. AGNES McDAID, Proprietress; Thos. Brown, Auctioneer. 2956-2 IMPORTANT NOTICES FOR LE. -ONE DINING ROOM TABLE, s eboard and chairs, 1 toilet set, twd rocking chairs, Raymond sewing machine and other articles• for private sale during August at the home of MRS, JOHN DUNDAS, 12th Concession, McKillop. 2956x1 1ARM FOR SALE. --THE McNAUGHTON farm, Lot 22, B.R.S. Con., Stanley, 109 acres more or less, is offered for sale. The farm is first class and the location on Bay- field Road, /near Varna, is most desirable Buildings, soil, timber, water facilities and cultivation are all good. Apply to MRS. Mc- NAU'GHTON, Executrix, on premises. or W. BRY•DONE, Clinton. Ont. 2956-3 VOR SALE-- THIRTEEN ACRES OF GOOD Alfalfa and Tilnothy Hay. 12 acres of Timothy and Mance. 10 acres of barley. 8 acres of oats, 8 acres of peas. Will 'be sold on the field. The- hay and grain will be sold in lots to suit purchaser. Also 1 Holstein cow coming in on July 19th, 1 Durham cow due November let Apply to TOBIAS NASH, Lot 17, Concession 8, McKillop, Seaforth P. O. 2968-8 FARM' FOR SALE.- 100 ACRES FARM land. being north half Lot 8, Cgnecesion 11, and ,East half Lot 9, Concession 12• both in Stanley township. First named parcel has writable farm buildings, consisting of brick dwelling with elate roof, bank barn and other out ,buildings. Six acres woodland, nice orch- ard and is well watered. Convenient to school end church. For further particulars apply to JOHN A. MANSON and CHARLES REA- MAN, R. R. No. 1, Zurich, Ont., Executors of Edward Curvin Estate. 2966-4 5 ARM FOR SALE. -FOR SALE LOT 9, A Concession 8. Tuckerami$h, containing 100 ncres. There are on the premises a mix - roomed frame house, bank barn 60x75, lean to 16x26, all in good condition: 60 acres seeded to grass and balance In crop: well fenced and all tile drained; is mile frown school, 5 miles from Seaforth, 8 mile; £mm Kirmen; rural mats and phone. 'W'lil be Sold on reasonable 'terms. For further particulars apply to MRS. DAVID McLHLLAN, Mitchell, Ont. •letU_M � P2.Lka'g; 3'7�,'F,"�'"�G, W r Trall ! rOR to r. 0 0 0 a rize is etalsive Emd.the o1 s i 413 attractive t socupitora fat ' I1 l amps' Do low, A.utor obi1e :& „w,' Thee Food Pho* Neyi Manufacturer's Building, Feauring 9 anada's Industrial Achievements. idwa.y Attractions JOBNNT JONES SHOWS UNEXCELLED VAUDEVILLE ATTRACTIONS in frosit of GRAN9,l STAND, "Where City and Country Meet" 'V rite for, Prize List - Entries close August 30th. J. H. SATJNDERS, President. •W. D. JACKSON, Secretary. WE OFFER Electrical Development Co., of Ontario, Ltd., guaranteed by the Province of Ontario, 5% Bonds. Dues March lst, 1923. ,Interest payable March and September 1st. Principal and Inherest payable in New York funds. Price: to yield 5.15%. JOHN PHONE9 1. IT TASTES AS GOOD AS IT LOOKS The picture does not exaggerate the goodness of,. our Smoked Hams, and you can make it come true in your own kitchen. No doubt you have the proper recipe for cooking ham -it will melt in your mouth. Ours are all well selected smoke -cured Hams. D. H. STEWART Main Street - Seaforth, Phone 58. Dr. W.R. Nimmo DC.SP.C. REGISTERED Chiropractor Specialist desires to announce that he will be in his Seaforth Office, over Seaforth Pharmacy, on Monday, Wednesday; Thursday, Friday and Saturday of each week fol- lowing, for, the treatment of Chronic and Nervous diseases by the latest methods in Natural Therapeutics, including a 11 forms of spinal adjustment, corrective dietetics, etc. Hours -10 to 12 a.m. 2 to 5 p.m. 7 to 8 p.m. Sundays by Appointment. Saturday 10 to 12 a.m. 7 to 10 p.m. Old Boys or Girls DO YOU WANT TO COMlI BACK TO STAY? FOR SALE. -Five acres, one mile from Seaforth; modern house with furnace, bath and toilet, small barn; good orchard. Taxes, $15. Splendid chance to start chicken farm, bees, etc. Apply to R. S. HAYS, Seaforth, Ont. 2953-tf •84>@988 e 4 e CHARLES HOLMES • Plumber. O O See our Bathroom Fixtures ns and Supplies. O Estimates for complete instal- O lotion furnished on short notice O Eight years° practical expert- O enc@ in Toronto. 4 er airs and alterations given O OUT prompt attention.' O Sete -to 4 4 4 0 0 8 0 4 8 0 4 85x!0.12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 S. T. Hollmes & Son 0 O Funeral Directors and 0 O Licens4d knlbalmere. 0 Finest Motor and - Hone 0 drawn equipment. Beattie 0 Block Main Street, opposite 0 The Expositor Cite°. S. T. 0 Holmes' residence, Gederieh 0 Street West; Chita. Bo; rr:es' 0 0 residence over store. O 0 Flowers furnished on short 0 0 notice. All kinds of up- -0 0 bolstering neatly done. '0' 0 Phone, Night or Deq, 1, .9. O 0 0 0 O 0 0 000000000 0000 ANKIN AGENCY SEAFORTH "Leveleen" Tooth Paste AND Antiseptic Mouth Wash Specially designed, by its alkaline and cleansing properties, to neutralize the acids of the mouth, thereby pre- serving from decay, !removing tartar, and gradually whitening the teeth, while, as a real antiseptic, it keep the gums and mucuous membrane of the mouth in a healthy condition to resist disease. These are being more generally conceded to be the most important functions of a modern dentifrice. Use it. every morning and (very important for many) just before re- tiring, as it removes particles of food or confectionery lodged in the teeth, causing injurious fermentation, mouth sores and, possibly, infection. Those who have used it constantly for a few months can best bear testi- mony to its efficiency in this regard. It sells at 25c per tube, wholesale or retail, at "THE PHARMACY," Seaforth, Ont. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O 0 0 W. J. Walker & Son 0 O O O W. J. Walker, Funeral DI- O O rector and Embalmer. 0 O O 0 Motor or Horse Equipment. O 0 Cars or Flowers furnished 0 0 as requested. O ODay or Night, Phone 67. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 WANTED Wanted, 50 Loads of Gravel for Hensall Public School. Work to be done at once. A. L. CASE, Secy.-Treas. School Board - 2954 -2 0® 0 0 0 0® 0 0 0 0 0 0 W. J. CLEARY 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O Licensed Embalmer and 0 Funeral Director. 0 Up-to-date Horse and Motor O Equipment. O Night and Day Service. O !'hone 19-22, Dublin. O 2921-52 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 " 00 000000000 W. T. BOX &CI� 0 Funeral Director and O Licensed Embalmer. O Best Motor and Horse-drawn 0 equipment. 0 Charges moderate. 0 Flowers furnished on ohm O notice. 0 Night Calls !Day Calle 0 Phone 175. Pliooeee 48. 01 O O 0 O 0 0 O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 CREAM CREAM CREAM Mr. Cream Producer: Send your cream to us; we are here to give you the very beat pos- sible market for your cream. We be your support and co-opera- tion. Send us your No. 1 grade cream and secure top prices; make this your Creamery. Cream paid for on a grade basin. Do not produce cream that is not of a high standard of quality, ft does not pay you. We will pay a premium of 8 errata per pound butter fat for sweet creams delivered at the Creamery. Bring is your high grade cream. Cash paid to any patron wishing It. Creamery open on Saturday nights T15:.: SEAFORTH CREAMERY. Dry Goods will be opened in Seaforth on SATURDAY, AUGUST 2nd ' in GILLESPIE BLOCK Opposite Commercial Hotel. 0 All lines. of Dry Goods and Men's Furnish- ings carried at Reasonable Prices. Sam Shinan ; F SEAFORTH - - - ONTARIO, Ferguson's Are YouAll Dolle: Up For Old Boy's? If not, drop in and let us fix you up. Remember We are Giving A Liberal Discount on all Goods for Friday&Saturday only Y Take Advantage of this Money Saving Offer Thos® Ferguson SEAFORTH - - - - ONTARIO. x' d Shoes for the Whole FamiF The following are a few : Women's White Shoes Children's White hoes Children's Sandals Women's Sandals ., Men's Running Shoes.... Boys' hoes...- Boys' Running Shoes Children's Running Shoes ... 98o 68c 98c 1.98 1 58 1.38 98c An Extra Special in Corson's Hiker Boys' Oxfords regular $3.85 and $4.25, for $2.9 �o SEAFC 11, Smith t: Son Boots and Shoes - Opposite l:'alms of Commerce