HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1924-07-25, Page 4tF
who is eleven; years
only eight moths in
, having bean absent
,friths throtagh illness in the
We congratulate the pupils
eir teacher,, Miss MacGregor.
otes.---Tile regular meeting of the
Atzsaloaa, Band will be held in the
ehtzOBh on Saturday, July 26th. A
good attendance is requested. - Miss
4ai : Meyers„ .of Bayfield, , spent the
We It end at her home in the village.
. 'tend.1V' re,. Christ Beoliler and
3i1�m1 Sperat,Stin.day at the home of
? , and Mrs; Joe Beeider,-Mr. and
Vis, Brenneman and family, of New
'Hamburg, spent the week end with
friends in this vicinity. -Miss Edna
Gingerlch spent the week end under
the parental roof. -Miss Jessie Tpugh
who spent the last few months with
friends near Brucefield, retairned
home,-M'rs, George Campbell, of
. Urieh, spent e, few days with friends
in Stanley:
New S"'Oiling,-A new form of
street oil g is being used in Dublin.
, chloride is being put on in
the form of at, powder, and is being
used on isome portions of the provin-
cial' highways and in some towns. It
does away with the inconveniences
following the spreading of oil. Like
any chloride, this preparation attracts
and holds moisture, which keeps down
the dust. It is put in sacks of one
hundred pounds and one pound is said
to be sufficient to keep the dust
smothered on a square -yard of road
surface for a whole season. On roads
on which it has been, placed it makes
it appear as though a light shower
had passed over them. Calcium chlor-
ide is said to be harmless to shoe
leather and to rubber tires.
Costello -Feeney. -A very pretty
wedding was solemnized at St.
Patricks church, Dublin, when Ther-
esa Feeney became the bride of Mr.
Dan Costello, Dublin's popular young
barber. The bride was attended by
her sister, Lila, and the groom by Mr.
John' MCarty. The bride looked
charming in a dreas of mauve crepe
de then and white picture hat and
carried white roses and maiden hair
fern. The bridesmaid was gowned in
coral pink crepe de chene and a large
pink hat, and carried pink roses and
fern. The happy couple left on a trip
up the lakes. We wish Mr. and MTS.
Costello health and prosperitgt
Notes. ---Mr. M. O'Laughlin was a
week end visitor with friends in Me-
Killop.-Mr, James Rheil, of Borden
Avenue South, has treated himself to
a brand new, Chevrolet car. -The
crops in the vicinity of Dublin look
as though they would be a record
breaker. --Mr. L. J. Looby's new house
on Laurier Ave., West, is nearing
, completion. It is of frame construc-
tion, neatly designed and up-tordate
in every respect. -Dr. Trainor, who
has taken over the practice of Dr.
Simpkins, is highly recommended by
the medical profession which is great-
ly appreciated by the people of Dub-
lin. We wish the doctor manifold
success. -Miss Lucy Burke has been
re-engaged to teach Separate School
Section No. 4, Hibbert township. 'This
will be Miss Burke's fourth year in
the same school. -The results of the
Toronto Conservatory of Music ex-
aminations held at St. Ursula's Con-
vent in July- were as follows; Junior
Piano, Mary Hills, 69; Junior School
Piano, Drucflla Campbell, 67; Helen
Judge, 65; Mary Kranskopf, 65; Prim-
ary Piano, Esther Ryan, 72, hon.; In-
troductory Piano, Genevieve McCarthy
68• -Miss Mary McConnell, who
taught in Wallaceburg last year, has
been appointed principal of Separate
School Section No_ 1, at Nicol, near
Guelph. --St, Marys Anglican church
congregation picnicked in Mr. Archie
Forbes' grounds on Tuesday after-
noon. There was a good attendance
and a splendid programme of games,
etc., was carried out, -Mrs. James
Davis spent Monday in Mitchell. -
pointed teacher at. St. Joseph'§ school
Miss Jean McConnell has been sip
at Zurich. --Miss Margaret Bruxer
returned to her home -in London after.
a few days rest with Km, Redmond_
-Miss Jennie. -O'Connell, of Seaforth,
visited her parents here recently.-
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Bloodsworth
and family, of Toronto, are visiting
at the hone of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Geprge Diegei_-Mr. E. Jordan
was the guest of Mitchell friends on
Saturday. -Mrs. Alex. Gordon, of
Stratford. is visiting her sister, Mrs.
A. Darling, for a few days. -Mr. and
Mrs. John Feeney, Stratford, spent
the week end at the bane of Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Donnelly, east of the vil-
lage. -The cantilever swing bridge
constructed by Messrs. M. O'Loughlin
and M. Benninger ever the Liffe river
was sesionsly damaged recently. It
appears that when the Brodhagen
Dradging Co. was swinging it to ai-
low their dredge to pass throukh, one
lock gave way and precipitated the
bridge to the bottom of the Liffe. Mr.
Zeck Brennan's serriees were requir-
ed to salvage it from V►e river and
$rove it replaced in its former posi-
tion. Mr. Brennan had to Use every
strategy, along with the assistance of
Messrs. k'• Woods and Wm. Stapleton
to hoist it to its pousition, which they
creditably accomplished. --Dust is a
thiryg of the past in Dublin, as our
streets got a rooting of an evapornt-
ing iiuid xueh dampens all dust-
•. it. L Angell has been appointed
permanent C.N.R. Agent at Dublin_
is ditties rIfI1 beglja on Friday,
here during the past week visiting
Mrs. Q. 5. Thomson, Mr. Thorazon's
mother, coding by anular --Me and
Mre. Charles Jinks, 'accompanied by
STT, and Mrs. Gekrga Drown, spent
4 ll d i''les t vo ,1 o11+
za1 a oyed a pie rut all at
hits Hurere Mr. Wm,. Cooper, Ogre
Condon hoed North, was in Ha>alii oza'
elerieg ties pest weep, -,,.Mr. and .yrs,
Miner Waldo and family, ftroarw.', near
urich, visited at the home of -Knead
'Mrs. Emerson Smith, during the past
weekee-Quite a number f'r'om her at-
tended the anniversary services at
Blake on Sunday last.•--1dr: Wesley
Prencla, of our village, is spending a
visit with friends in Port 41giia.-
Haying is on in full swing and gene -
ere report some fine crops.•.--1Vtr• end
Mrs, George Kennard, of Victoria, B.
C., are spending a visit at the latter's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McB@nth,
of the 2nd concession of Stanley. -We
are sorry to report that Mrs. McBeth
has been .quite poorly of late, but her
many friends hope she may be soon
greatly improved. -Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Deitz, of the Londoh Road, and Mr.
and Mrs. Edgar Butt, of our village,
spent a day in London during the past
week. --Mrs. Gerald Hurdon and fam-
ily, of Buffalo, and Mrs. Erick Had -
son, and family, of Detroit, were visi-
tors at the home of their sister, Mrs.
Wm. Cooper, during the past week. -
,Mr. and Mrs. John Henderson, of the
London Road, spent a day in London
and Springbank, during the past
week. -The teachers and officers of
St. Andrew's Sunday School are ar-
ranging for their annual Sunday
school picnic, which is to be held in
the near future. -Mr. and Mrs. John
Hanna, of Wingham, and Mr. and
Mrs. Gordon Young, of Toronto, call-
ed on their uncle, Mr. Alex. MbKen-
zie, of our village, duri _g the past
week. -The many friends of MTA.
Watson, of our village, will be sorry
to learn that she is not improving as
fast as her many friends would like
to see.
Sullins -Hudson. -A quiet wedding
was solemnized at the manse of the
Rev. W. G. Boltman, of Detroit, Mich.,
at eight p.m. on July 18th, when Miss
Inas, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
George Hudson, of Hensen, Ont., was
united in marriage to Mr. Lewis E.
Sullins, of Detroit, son of Dr. J. S.
Sullins, of Nashville, Tenn. After
the ceremony the happy young couple
accompanied by Mr. C. C. Hudson,
brother of the bride, and many other
friends, attended a fine wedding din-
ner given by the brother of the groom.
Mr. and Mrs, Sullins left on a short
honeymoon after which they will re-
side in Detroit, and their relatives
and friends wish them long and con-
tinued happiness.
Successful Music Pupils. -The fol-
lowing piano pupils of Miss Greta
Laramie were successful in passing
the mid summer examinations of the
University of Toronto Conservatory
of Music: Elementary, Miss Mildred
Smillie, Dorothy Broadfoot; Introduc-
tory Honors, Willie Murdoch, Beth
Murdoch and Florence Mconald
pass -Flora Souther. Dr. Harvey
Robb, of Toronto, conducted the ex-
aminations in Hensel! on July 4th.
Birthday Party, -A very enjoyable
time was spent at the summer home
of Mr. Ike Buchanan, Hawley Holme,
Mimico Beach, Toronto, the occasion
being his mother's, Mrs. William
Buchanan's 80th birthday. Luncheon
was served on the lawn, the table be-
ing prettily decorated with red and
white tulle and red roses. Those pres-
ent were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Buchan-
an and family, of. Guelph; Mr. and
Mrs, Pete Buchanan, of Toronto; Mrs.
Agnes and daughter, Florence, of
Hensall; Miss Irene Buchanan, of
! Dauphin, Man.; and Miss Dorothy
Prentiss, of Brussels, the latter visit-
ing her aunt, Mrs. I. F. Buchanan.
Mrs. Buchanan was the recipient of
some beautiful presents.
Briefs. -Picnic parties to the dif-
ferent points along the lake shore are
the order of the day. -Mrs. Hicks, of
Egmondville, has been visiting her
sister, Mrs. James Sparks, and her
friends, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Munn. -
Miss Iva Switzer, of Kirkton, has re-
turned home after visiting her aunt,
Mrs. Alex. Smith, of this village. -
Among the improvements recently
made in our village, we note the fol-
lowing: Mr. R. Pollock has put a new
roof on his dwelling; Mr. Fred Ben-
gough hat gone all over his house
with Paroid shingles, making it both 1
attractive in appearance and saving
painting and making it very warm
and nice; Mr. Owen Geiger is having
his fine dwelling repainted, and Mr.
Colin S. Hudson, on the same street,
is putting on a new roof on his dwel-
ling, while Mr. James Robertson, on
Queen street, also has had his house
nicely painted and otherwise improv-
ed, and has also made his lawn and
grounds very attractive. We are al-
ways pleased to npte these fine im-
provemenhs going on in our village,
as it keeps our village up to the high
mark it always has had for tasty ,
dwellings and up-to-date pre -mimes. -
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Coleman and
family, of Stratford, are visiting at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Cole-
man, of Hay Township -Mrs. Edith
Sylvester and daughter, Miss Edna,
of Detroit, are visiting Mr, and Mrs.
David Shirray,and family, -Mr. Cros-
by, of Toronto, is visiting at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cameron. -
Mr. Charles Cook, bf Chicago, is vis-
iting his mother, Mrs. H. Cook and
brothers. Cornelius and Norman. --Mr
and Mrs. Milton Ortwein, of London,
are here visiting their parents. -We
regret to report that Mr. Peter Munn
continues to keep very poorly, but we
trust may soon egperience a change
for the better. -M155 Lynn Ortwein,
of Toronto, is spending her holidays
with her parents, Mr, and Mag. J. W.
Ol tr-ein.-Mrs. J. Pope was visited
during the past week by her young-
est daughter from Windsor. -Mr. and
Mrs= W. Thomson of Chicago were
rags T. 'arrott., cad
sig the past peer:
Sunday last in St>Rattfor-d, with Mr.
own% daughtc9t' and field -in -taw, and
mend spending soam,e...:days there.-.•,.
ulherid,M,e''' Oin @>raa
i�oi ed, w w' az raa its bite peat
.4 14,90„11
11 Ow. tri, t ties iso h
west a 4 au y by 'haviaif; it
zdcely le aitate . 8evc. Ili•, C, l`ist••
cher took services at the . Presb'yter-
ian ehuroh at Cromarty on Sunday
last. -Mr. Ed. Berry of Windsor,
spec t Saturday and Sunday last With
hip mother, Mrs. T. J. Berry. -- The
annual picnic of St, Paul's Anglican
Church was held at : ayfield on
Thursday last -MU Alice Ellsworth
of Chicago, is visiting at the home of
Mr. Richard Pollock. -The friends of
Mr, William White- are pleased to see
him out again after being confined to
his room for three weep, - Mrs, An-
derson has been visitingher sister-
in-law, Mrs, George Ilabkirk, of Ox-
ford street. --Mrs. Arthur ,Icing and
Miss Betty, of Chicago, are the guests
of Mrs. Consitt, of this village. -Mr.
and Mrs. William Armstrong spent
Sunday in Goderich with their rel-
atives, Mr. and Mrs. Sprtzple, - Mr.
Sheldon Coleman, of Detroit, is holi-
daying with his mother and brothers.
-The Oddfellows of Hensall Lodge
and of the sister Lodge of Brucefield,
intend holding a union picnic to Bay-
field on Thursday, the last day of
this month, which will be on the 31st,
together with their wives, relatives
and sweethearts. In• fact the Odd -
fellows of these two Lodges will be
pleased to have any join them on that
day that so desire, and they will be
welcomed and so a general invitation
is given to spend a happy time at the
Lakeshore of beautiful Bayfield, and
awe are sure that with a fine day the
attendance will be large. -Mrs. Hen-
ry, of Brucefield, and Mrs. Cole, of
Toronto, spent a few days with Mrs.
Reid and daughter, Miss Minnie, this
tate tl><tz oe yrs. corp,
aril Awl treelk•A Ate n,z
the [i,l�'.i14 ,sad hal TLIP,' 1 in be
.held rat "til e h Mr
of , WAllii u Bap.
per this ]Frid�a�yJ`evening, July Mil,
8.8 pen ; Ck Wzlliaan B a4,, M,P,,
will` be press t to addres.sa s meet,
i ,h , � arras .,
ing. Everyh,g y: will .be" Welcomed:
silver collection will be taken ap dur-
ing the courses 9f the evening. -a. litre.
Ii,yona, of 'Port}- luron, Mich., is the
guest of Mrs, T. Dick and daughter,
Mrs. Bertha` . Bell. -Dr. Cawthoi pe
and Mrs. Cawithorpe and members of
the faaniiy, of'' Tavistock, have been
visiting Mrs. Dick and Mrs. Bell, Mrs. 1
Cawthorpe'a wither and sister, -Mr.
'and Mrs, Thomas Welsh motored to
Port Stanley and other points this
week and enjoyed a very pleasant trip
the wearer and roads being. very
favorable, -on Sunday morning last
Miss Florence Welsh rendered • a very
fine solo, and at the evenitg service
the congregation were fay bored by a
fine solo by Mr. Pymm, of Stratford,
accompanied by Prof. Vera, on the
violin, and Miss Dorothy Welsh on
the pipe organ, after which before
the close of the service, Miss Ryerson,
of Stratford, rendered a fine solo,. ac-
companied by Prof. Vera on the violin
and Mr. Pymm on the pipe organ,
which selections oontributed much to
the pleasure of the evening service. -
Mr. W. 0. Goodwin, as choir leader,
and Mrs. Goodwin, as organist, are
enjoying a month's vacation. and Miss
Dorothy Welsh is taking the pipe or-
gan very ably for Mrs. Goodwin. -
Mr. and Mrs. J. Cole, of Ontario, Cal.,
are here visiting Mrs. Cole's brothers
and sisters, and have been visiting
first at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Patterson, of this village.-
aCiSe• lann Mi + Iii
atford, re; visiting theltre:4 iv p.
an TO aid eil5 ,bra-n-
Bzri s .he esd gals laat. Ws, 1r4 '.
lige Bdith McWrera 'lt9
teackpizaq at Xit!ob®crier ae Paior4e.
spendit g' holidays. -Mr and NO. t•
Mcllarg and little soar, of London,
w ere ' here last week visiting M. T„.
Peart; Mrs 1VLeBarg's mother .coining
by znotor, :1ldk,` and Mrs. J. Lorne
Scott and family, of Toronto, are vis-.
iting their relatives here, -Mr. W. W.
Taman, of Exeter, District Deputy
Grand Master of South Miran, en Fri-
day evening tlf last week assisted by
Exeter brethren, very ably installed
the new officers of Hensall Ledge. The
local brethren are loud in thew praise
of the splendid Wirorlc done by the D.
D.G.M. and his of cera, At theclose
of the installation light refreshments
were served and a very enjoyable
hour or ao spent in social intercourse.
-Mr. E. R. Caldwell, of Lawson,
Sask., who was here visiting relatives
has returned to the West. - The
Misses Florence and Doroothy Welsh
and brother, Scott, spent the past
week very pleasantly camping at the
Bend. -Dr. D, T. Saida, of Omer,
and wife, spent a coupleof weeks
here with Mr. Alex. Smith, his father
and his family. -Mr. A. E. Lyon, of
the firm of Messrs. Stobie Furlong &
Co., of Toronto, and who resides in
Brantford, was here lately accom-
panied• by a young friend, Mr. Fred
Sigler, visiting Mrs. James F. Sparks.
Mr. Lyons is one of the lecturers in
connection with . the Y.M.C.A., and
does a good work among the young
1 ,pal r t9,, 140.494,• . .
d Bales 'P: ge'iaro
- daeed,ue , ','
If you
lava o5 r 'Qatwi
or fang' , y, tt yfilVbe tlo sowa4v0 go : F
our values,' er, r ;is 4 'tl 1 list of the
sale ..s,.
Boys' a3Arete. t i4ro n b;k el er,brern4 aiarrs l.11:a l P
Sale P4P4 per par . . ... ....... . ... ,
• Girls' 'l*ateF?• >r phx®'ye,f`oot Sande*,
•S le Mee.:Pelt A., 4.r.49.•; 9'. e• o.0 ,'i9 acs,:.
M �QeeLIN w3 y'k� • �•.'±p0et e4ddlaa . .l :so!e .,. 1
, T 1 :5•'` View ,e . ..,.e..i}MP9 ,. .....'d •.r,Ft it
Women% Po n$ Rands* :Sandals, ;rubber heels.
Sale price 1 AV5
' Women's White .CaiiVas �.Oxfearda and Strap Slippers, plain or
1 leather trimmed;, leather or ,rubber soles. 1
Regular up to $3.50.. Sale price ....•....... ...
Growing Girls' Patent Strap Slippers, low heels. @ p
Sale price r $ q�.'F .,
Men's Brown Harvest Shoes. ' , $270
Sale price ,
Men's Black Grain Leather Work Shoes, plain toe ., $3 q5
Sale price y , iR a'F
Joynt's Annual Mid -Summer Clearance Sale
Sale starts on Saturday, July 26th, and continues for one week, until August the, 2nd
63 Suits
on Sale at less than factory cost.
Men, see these suit bargains as they are
here for one week only. While they last,
at two prices only. -
$12.50and $18,50
Suits worth up to $22.00 the week, $12.50;
Suits worth up to $32.00, sale price, $18.50 ;
the broken sizes and lines of our stock.
MEN'S OUTING PANTS, white with •
neat stripe. All sizes. $1 98
Sale Price ��DD .
MEN'S COLLARS, broken lines. 5c
All sizes. This week
MEN'S FINE SHIRTS, values up to
$2.50. All sizes.
For a quick clearance
Men's Suspenders, fine qual- 50c
ity; reg. 75c_ Sale
Values to $2.00
MEN'S SWEATERS in all sizes.
Medium weight $200
Sale price ��DDGG
OVERALLS, stripe and Blue and
Grey patterns. All sizes. $2.25'
Special price this week... . t4
MEN'S WORK SHIRTS, khaki, cham-
bray and black and white 98c
stripe. All sizes
All sizes and colors
MEN'S PANTS, two lines at a bar-
gain; good patterns. All sizes.
$2.75 and $3.75
MEN'S TIES. Regular value 59c
to $150. Sale price i�7
Sale 'price
BON' JERSEYS, Cashmere,
wool and cotton, all sizes48c
Ladies' Coats, Suits
and Dresses
This is the final clearance of the season, Do
not miss this opportunity.
LADIES' COATS at two prices. Coats worth up to $25.
Sizes 34 to 38 Ail new stock this
Coats worth up to $18.00; sizes 16, 18 Aid $T 95
20. Specially priced this week
LADIES' SUITS, all sizes in most extraordinary quality
and style. This week only HALF PRICE
LADIES' DRESSES, Canton Crepes and Silks. $14 95
Mostly all sizes in the latest styles. Sale price
This• price takes in our best Voile, Ratine and they are
bargains to say the least. ��,
Sizes 34 to 42
The balance of our stock of broken lines and sizes on
this rack at a price for quick sale. $3.95
All sizes 3
Ladies' Pleated Crepe Skirts in grey fawn,
Blacks and Brown. This week special $4.95
MEN'S WORK SHOES, solid leather
in Browns and Black. $3.60
All sizes 6 to 11
MEN'S FINE SHOES, the broken
lines and sizes of our stock. All
sizes in the lot to clear $2.95
at £his price al
and heavy rubber soles. $2.75
Sale price
Oxfords and Pumps. All styles and
sizes. Values to $3.75 $1 ®®
This week n
All new this season, no old styles
in this lot. All sizes, in many dif-
ferent styles, and comprise the sea-
son's best selling numbers in brok-
enlines and sizes. �'°� 75
They are bargains ... - •
SLIPPERS, leather
25 pair in the lot
Sale price
BOYS' SHOES, value to $5.00. All
sizes and weights
Sale price
All sizes, White Brown and• Black.
Special . -
Sale Price
colors, Black, Sand, Grey 49n
and Fawns. Sale price
Only 10 dozen; they can't last at
this price, as they are worth $1.00
a pair.
specially priced, a pair.... •
good summer quality
pleated silk. Reg. $1.25. 89c
Sale price
are new this week and are fascin-
ating in style and
colors. All sizes
same as above,
no sleeves
ors in this new blouse
�° - 98c
Only about 2 dozen in this lot.
Ladies, they are a 98c
10 LADIES' SKIRTS in White Gabar-
dine; Striped Silks and Slag",
Plain Silks, bo dear at...,
10 only in sires 3x3, 3x3'k. T C J-OYNT
and 31,4x4, in Tapestry
To clear this ween at
33 i 3pER atm,. opp1 HENSALL, ONTARIO
To elear up our entire stock every
Voile up to 25c a yard on sale this
week at the low price of
per yard 19c
RATINES, mostly all colors in the
lot. Values to $1.00. 58e
This week only
of superior quality. Reg. values up
to $2.00. Sale price $1.19
this week only
SILKS, in many fancy and plain ma-
terials at ONE-THIRD OFF REG-
BLACK DENIM, in a good 50�c
heavy weight; yard IF
special price, yard
this weeir, yard t
SHIIRTING, Black and White stripes
in a good quality. 29cYard 9
BLEACHED COTTON, 5 pieces only.
For this week 19c
50 sacks Red Path Sugar
this week
8-l0. Pail Pure Lard
14 Bars Laundry Soap
Fairy Soap, 3 for
Castile Soap, 7 for
$8.58 Kipper Snacks, 3 for 25c
Red Salmon, 1-I$. tin 25c
45e Seedless' Raisins, 2 lbs. for 25e
$Lilo Pere Cocoa, 1% ib. tin for... 20c
25e' Mixed Tea, reg. 76c; this week,
...2lic Our own special blend .- _ 55c