HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1924-07-18, Page 7N 7' - - - _-VWM,-1 I 1, T-1 iT17 1, ���� ",,", I : �7777,`-7 W--,--,-q,7'T �� --�-77FT,P.�F77,7�-,-.-n,-7,-'�-"-,,f,m6� I ,,,, "I'll, , -Z IFI, "* ,M,,W-,qr,,,1r,nk;'t, 11 ... e I ­ ,� I i,- � , � , 1, � 11 .......................... ",",,", , . '-11, 'Ili, I I I I I 1, I I ,� , ' " i I I I - `7-7� , I _, - , ,. . I I I � I . �) :_ .. . , , , _ I I I I I I . . i, - X - " 1. I : � "I . . . -7 � I , , - 7? , ; , � :, .,� - :�, ,, , . .� , , . � , � 1 , . I ,� I , I . � . , 0 ': �'i!�,:­VLX,18,402C 1 , �:� " 17�. I, , , , ,, �., , � :..'�, � 11 : ,1 � �:_ "', 4 . , '' , i .1 , ., I ." I ,t,!�, .1 ,: �, � � , , � r � � � i �., � z_ �, � - j., ": j I � , � , ...,,--- �, �.�.;", "'' ��.­ I - � J __� - __-, _t. :- _� � �. �, �� -L _:__�.__L� . .... . ,_�L 11 - I I 1-1 I I 11 I I I i, , M_ M - 11 I I. "Ii�.4, _ ".. '__ � " _��: .�, ", '' ,.��,:�� 11,,j I � , - ''.;, �.Ii - -1 _1 � - � I.. 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I _.''. �� � _A41r Wh , , e'D , Wi� WX-OW " ; V. i, 1, ,0��., _#�,�'b , 'I � 44. �� . * - i A wtim-Of . 0. I �.,',� (114 8 :for lni* ; IN' ` `70%,14" 111 1�11, V8, a 14 Atsixt, V_X 0.2 �-- op TUA, ut 0XV, . 9 ly" *dbopth 0, ;1 �o , *1041ft . 11IM"WS: and, 1090,141*041,140 - . , on 140v.e been , 4417a;tISQ0 - for't"', � t , 'a abroad. The lq&x % Wo , QX "', , 0 01 I we. offer for-, s4lt-coiltains I §411 8 Of , names- wbiah.- have a Americarli Canadian � �yjpoared .'a ., ED 'Boo �,jisb, Boo , Irish Welsh German, French Be]- " I, Indian, Colo'nial, ind gian, Swedi, . other newspapers, Inserted by law.$- . era, executors, administrators. Allm contains list of English and Trish Courts . of Chancery and unplaimod, dividends -116t 4f Bitilk of V 1410911IM& Your name or your ancestb?a may be I* the 'list. Send $1.0Q (011ie Our) . -it once foi book. _'. .1 �, I I 'I I a q A I alm tenty . . 1. I.Dept.196, . '' �, .1 . . , . �� S 9h, N., ., V. S. X � 2930-tf . 11 . . - . I I . I. . I — . '. v, . I I . I :11 � .1, - I _ � �. , :0 'M I . I 1, $FOR SALE 160 ACRE FARM FOR SALIL OVIM ". v�lll sell, an reasonable terms for quick GOAL Apply to R. S. RAYS, S"Zi-lor � FAlt�,,= SALE.-rok SALE LOT 2, C n 7, TtIckcramith, containg lop acres. ,On the prem,196 are a brick . . and bank barn with cement floors and = in the barn. Woulil exchango for unintivrot. old farm, ueV ClIr - Seol6rtb, Dublin or ,.csfi,ld. F,,r' fg: he; _ DirticidiCis apoli t6 D. SHANAHAN, Sei I W114.0 . I . I I WARM FOR SAL3,F?Mft Ok'TWO MON. Ar,4 &i ii.-Pinla, the T � ., Piz " UK cei%vie lii* i , "itid U 7 br a sopole and eclata. There f4 amp Wick Milgi with a 664 tl= � :_.— -1 _ ;19 P% .�to,,:�,.r'.6i;�,;',thh,,*i,tdon:,"'*it.%#'�.',' k - , 6 I stsuchlons and water before , 111*4k; Jitter carrier mad food carrier JS =cement silos; driving 'sbad and vlat� =kcales- Watered by a Jack , W04 � "A dmiu- The fam, It well ruhicA,�#i(A. b &tbfxh state of cultivation. The stop is VA ,� the, grimud-iiiabigee Olay. 10 ats possession. Ajily to M. MAr"I JL 2. assforth. Ont. 2787-tt I ".ARM FOR, SALE—IN HURON"bOUNTY, 6 miles from.Seaforth, Lit 15, 6th Coh. cession. McKillop, 100 acres of first class farm lands. The land In in a first class stAts- of cultivation and there are erected on the premises a good frame dwelling house. with lklitchen attached; frame barn 7ft54 with atane foundation. stablinx underneath and cement Iff" and water tbroughoi driving house. Pig Pen and hen house. Also about ten acres of cood hard woodx bush. The property Is well fenced and well drained and =lent to good' markets. churches and . For further 0hrtiliculars apply to MISS LILLY J; MCGREGOR. R. R. No. J, Dublin. or on the Promises, or to R.. S. HAYS, Solicitor, Seaforth, Ont. - 2926-tt ]?A FOR StALE.—FOR SALE,. LOT 6 Concession 11. and west half or 'Let 9 C�Dncessiion 10. H.R.S., Tackerstaith, son. tainfus 150 acres.- There are on the prembev "good two-story brick house with slate roof. . bank barn 100x6l) feet with And does stabling, water In the barn, drive shed-26s8g, pig house and hen house. Two good spring w*31k,7 also an overi spring. The term Is all cleared but about 20 acres. The :w hardwood bush. principally maple. All fenced and tile draine& Eight saw of fall wheat sown, 40 acres ready for spring arov. The farm Is situated 7 miles frous Seeforth and 4 miles from Hemall, one4mlit Odle from school; rural mail and phone. Will be sold on easy terms. Unless sold by $ It will be for rent For further partl= ' apply on the premises, or address R. R. We 1, Klvvm ANGUS Mclil"ON. 2959-; 125 ACRE PAR . M FOR SAY —LOTS 26 and 27 . Concession 11, McKM*p, four m convenient to blacksmith shop, schools and church ; 9 acres good hardwood bush, balance under cultivation. The farm is tile drained and has all woven wire fencing. There are on the premism a good brick house, 7 rooms and kitchen, cellar ander whole house with cement floars. slate roof. Bank barn 54x62 wilith Ifne shaft running up to, barn floor, straw shed 85x45, engine room, driving shed =nd garage; ben house and bog home with ent wall: 8 never failing wells. All the buildings are in first class repair. and the *arm is free of weeds. This is one of the best farms In Huron County and will be sold an reascinable terms. For further particulars sMon the viremises or address Waltan P. 0. , ,, J I . G. aRMW , "186ti I . ___ � DR. D. He MCINNES . CHIROPRACTOR ES of Wingham, will be at the] , Commercial Hotel, Seaforth Monday and Thursday Afternoons. _ _ I Adjustments given for diseases of all kinds. . I 2943x4 - - _____ � . � JUNK DEALER I I will buy *9 kinAs of Juldts Mia �Wog "d Fowl. WE Pay good 9249 - as. A"Iy to NAX =� � 0"" sonflaTtk . pho" BI 6. I � ____ -_ -_ I I I . I McKILLOP WJTUAL . � � NPIRE INSUR.&NCF, COT I HEAw I OPFICE-SPAIFORTH, ONT. OFFICERS: - J. Connolly, Goderich - - Prealdent Jga. Evans, Beechwood, vice-president D. iiii. McGregor, Seaforth, See.-Treaa I AGENTS: . I . Alox. Laiteb, 9. X No. I'Clintog; ,W. E. Hinchley, Seaforth; ,Tohn Mui kity, Egmaidiville; J.N. Teo, God*- sjoh; n. 0. jarfni�Wlkodhskv�� , � . . I ... Df O.- 1, I I ;� I William kit . 0, Me" .,. � tw - oworth; , , . , ewleill BV481hateft, 46 .. 11 schwi ood 9" N T, � "'So -1 a Connolly, 4,!fi3=-.'�AP .. ( . I 0 No. 8 seafor*." `X 0. , 4. Valtda - kol*it 040%, Georp -Mo6aft6j;,96 1, , I Muffs? Gibson, &;1617( � .. I � , " I � i I ��_,`�� , ", '. , , -, - ­­1'f�, 71 7. , , . , , rn --7-,,, _T, ,,� ,­ - - wk � , 31 , `A��; ", ,,,,,, , ,,, ,,,, , ".. , Ill I � ` I . . � . I ") ,�p 4 ", � I . 1 - , 0604 , -,,. . 1 444�, 'i , � .. � I., � 9 , A."1000"o, J`hp, � ' ' . 1, I . i �, � I �1. ­� ­1�kil 1'' �7,�ii,k ..'ran�T,-T,(77fliF�e-f"",ITT---7--7- I t I- it . I . . . ,)"r , . � . '77777777777`,�­`711 -i'," -,-;,:,i n �:i �� "111171 I ". . I I I � I " i . ,1 . � . � I � I I . I., . I �. . 1�� I I �­. , , .:.,. - � � � . I � , � ����i " '71' 1 , '.1,;;., .__� �' ,�. ,,, .1.1� I I '' 1,� I � NON _,;1"1' * . ". , '' - I". � - I : , __ I I � 1: ��, i, !.�,�,:, ��, '�,_,,__ " , . , '! i � , , , .: , __ 11,1,,�,::�,,.��,�%�::,,,!,���::;",.-.,.� �!,_ __' � ___ I � ­ - - --- - �, __ �,_ , I I , ;!I. 7''�,�, "j", ,��ii, i,77777`777',77_- -"- ",7 , .1 1­_,�.,� ------ --T-,L 'MR�', - I Mo" ft6�,,;, I � , �`, , ,� - �.�!, � 11 " �, , �� , I I" I 1 14'. 4 I �� t1k '4 11 1YRF04ettlod. � rho nei�t am .1 �''.., "I - I ik, i""I'lly—V,elt, n , V - i "', , , . � :i, -'.'�', ,,,I ", , ".. , Y� � ;X' * ,.,� I I I I I .�,­"f ", . � ', � i, 1, � ;iit �, I 1�ti � "�1`11. �� . , , ,'�, 1 T , , I . IM, . I � . � .-ill "�!,Ap I "'I T "141 rig PbIl-l'"osotion'shcoat*496* . " �` - 4 I -Ake, , 4.Y of I �, �, ,,�'� . . I to 'I, 'Wouw ,. $* ., , , ( 6 'Was. looking at b* P 'i L i- tl ', , .- � � of, beat4tiful XT16y, 006 ,_ 44-6iii- ow''A ,A4 At, 4410me that a , : - , - , 41111`*,)�� idoepj�-�' 1 .','W�,WA osver ��*V. I I 1�,It' 14,44, 4W 11 ' 1; ,,, , " I � �1**0fW!;);;,1LWjW It Ow Arsufm *a . I ... � ;." 1. L - �4��.,Ja�k i 1�1c�rxa _ ­ '­,� I , WOR � ," 9f �!,-"`�4' 0. � , � i_�, 4tlil� 01(0:�, 1*01 Ox 4 A 14 1 , 11 "�,�.,� , i 40W 11 ��,�he � �,7 't "k -i , ,, v , - diikko & � � ite at Otw ,. � . kar � otheim .-Iii-e".., ­ .."t -l-'. -'-11-11111111 — 11 , ,,,, !", ,." h. I I Ity, t � 'I ! ­�,7,r7i�..,��7, � � , ,� ;­� I I., 101401.1"W's ** V11. , �, , - '"'.. "' " � " �f , � ,n, ,�', J ,'4� "'� x I.;�617�'���;�,��4�,14�"�"Ili""17'I JARX�'�IXW,wt,;�,W, ��it, �,,�.,,�Tlll ­­­ '11111-1 WV4 0104*00'* 11 .4 _" 0" ��, "r,,"�'=,- ", , ,�!��o �-r -, �­M " ,, V� 4.0. 11 - P - �, I � , , , 11 �, i ! ii'*p, r, 't" AV , - � " � , , "' h ""`i1"'1'&1"` ""' , Q#00 ,,, . .... 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'Y 1. . ,940� More) strictl - 0 4Q014till 106", Is* : . 0 � P 704 , ,, ,% 4"isool, t , S. . - k . 1 � ,-; '' , , V., - 1��,�, Al " "I", - � � 0, 141119,17.4v �, tog .-Awi, �� his A4 4 , , I � r9�1*W'A*F,'i, #91,1`11JR1841-11T, K VMS 491,lw , I , , yi,%, #4 , , M�: "IN I I " , - ,06 ,,, , ", IM , ��!W I - , i � . . vp4'7'�� Aimwig k "V , , �x 4",", , - L 1, a , '' # 'p, �? 11 101.1 , I 'I �, " I � 141, 4erol I �, 1� 411�-_" P499"109VA 11 - ". , - �W, 144 - - 1� . ,,, : I , , wa , , , . , ,, 11 04� , 9 MO, �r, , .i , V ta,. 0 4, , A � , , F, prIV40 , "Alt, I . . , I �� ­.. -1 I �.� I mp ,� , , I ; it " �,,Pl ,,,, MR�,� "V1111 � i'l, : 40VO the "Big Alnise Of MO . J'Ani "e, �w '."� W- �`;&A�!, *#,�,':, �Mffr ,11-iip,M�,,i,h, som V,Awl. 11;", - N'b"V1.41i'l , '. t, 'A ­ i . ,I] � -1 , , 0,i , , . , I " IT 4 ,,14-- ?�P*34 -i#rXA *"A. # I __ J# " , Poro4er, , � !� P, - . ,, r.p 4 ,,, . I . � . , I - , _,q.. bi_ "INXII;1111V -'rit, J � .- 11 " "V4144 . - , 10i ._P4,4 , ;40"r. "'Pror ,,'j 4e� '##,1,ik " I : ., �%!Fll 1111,� . I , exists in. most Sepik v9XA1;e4-! � . 94011i 4 '. P 1111. *A . '-; � Werstoi f1w - ­ f th. loo,k,� 4,04,440", In'b'' (c - #�Alt, W5,�kl, . ­,;'V"V�,_ `�`, I I r."', ", .,.herp are in Ma � . V111 _4 0, "' plltll� ,,AN111!,�,­­ .1, ­,­'U�� I I I " -� , ' , - I Ite, O', r:m . alp i;p, �'R, , �7,�', 4 i"i' " � IF � M T �10 � kq- F ",V . - , -�4 * q OR' , �g� . . , 41 , %�, .,:, A . , ' ' I , t ,,, . I I A . L� � . ". , . , Kpl" .""T - I 4 -14' t, !h - ,,V '9 , F 1!R1 - -`JOM$ k0pt entlrej 0 '$ � ftm the CM 40 ';L'and Fiq p, i4laq, ; As�, 4,94gh �r __ �g , W"',91V )�� , _� . ,y asn'rAtu .4'01 .1m 411P , _T �7 h � '� V � ,� . _� p7t,". " ,41" 1910 Z ?� % ,,4,, J 'M %p . ,,, ,,, 'r''. .:F.,V 11 ii�# � R , . _� i Ay of thesq houses 1 . , 2 '77 V)p .� 0, .0 , " 9 " f , . �"% Yi 44 t P ce - W"S , Ra, 43 � 11 O'i, ' - their me qno ,,,, w. Wen; 41 - to- the z4ow, . , , _" .": 4: �, �- . ""t , pg,w �J `�Ijt,� I 'll � , , g, ,t, . , ,, ,;j7 ,4P #" p - 711 I . , , : ,- , " , - t"a , 'g.j, , " � . M14A.- . - 9`i�, i -`J a ;y �* 0, ", _ - ViPUZ to, I -;f� 11 _. , I 1 -�V-49-4 R"'T6, WE,?, . 9 .Aqrq# Tulip cud 40,80 .001im4m4 4tar" ,,, Xi 14 L , ` .. 11 , , ato� , .� 42-1013.)AQ woman or 011a 11fuVer, @64 0 - , �P-k, ,� ,' . .e ." i . recUF 0 0''. - '41i 'it, , - eyes, talat f9li in wonder- wjth� the Ii.4 '. " . .rlio � ,� -ilitt ,fee W t ing , a I " . . ed. 04CQ .02V �W. e"Men , li# P.Orj , 0, It -pips- "lloU40, ,444 kAPFUeur AT, the 41 - ' .. .�� � _� (�.;V nave'seen t.hdm.,_6U ,,�.d Mad a gn , I , ": ,, � MO __ P-, I ..... . � '.. , - �--.,qv# ,�',AA X,4 , , 1P, i �i. L -W , , , , - ,F - the occasion of MOut the tall, beautiful girl Who- sible for them_T,0,A zercept' him. Ili illif tollte, .robilb s %puplod ,byll'rr 0 ,,�',O, ,,',.X1%"'-*PR"r`;_,�-, '�wl � "'!"I" i@�, � IN " ,Z . - H, ,tI t .* - , . . _ .,,U �r in, . 4P4,10- Punitive raid when a village walked ,at lus side. a enow tha this, X" IT# 'y�,'twere �rci�gbly k0w and MO 4,"a-,ughter. Bk' 'W.., 4�' , r 1-110 ;, "I - , _4!;- V�!r`Vll �o:. # . PZO', Or, 1-11 I... ?, I.. 1, 1, . 11P. ' ,� )W_u 14 114110-44:1M "I'Al , .1 %d ,�i, , I't ,,, , , , , , � %, � , � , was being, burned 'down, They Are .rig and lull - lo king win , I I'll' ��T n , Uiss Brok4w was talki b . nner. '0 bi " foj�ia A " I � �Q, 1i , ,, lo . .g 0 .F� do. , aim %A � M* 4114 at Philipt zeagchfil. Ziiil ,orne _," , "' , ` � ; W-4, - . A I ,, F , W. I . rpi1 � I L , . 91 ­,"",," - ­P�­ , ve�7'4*,Ypuk,�4 (Y , ,,, � .#�,qilp A wit"i 11'4,�e -lot In any notable way different froiji ing and that he was nodding his hoal the gladness of `*�`iroment Philip! about the room t'ap 9 I "4034" , 11V ,ill I , - 111, ­ , �, I � , .,_ , , i , � .,q , . - , I s ,, I) ,�', I A 11 '#,'"I-1114-1 " ,he rest of the *,Big, Hp, -"-a few - his brain laughed up at -it P, 'MU -1 , ,: �, ,N'�,,, ;�T; = be nodded to"- 14 ' 9, wtit bi �A reeted,�, ;- " � � , use. answ9ring her,.while, , _ �," �, ,. 4� or All 140a, as , would give .. '4f,",, , , f �.. I � ­-, , . . , 1 . ,�, ,�" , , I - ., t- I A �d i an ,�xrua . 4,E-1 'at 4104'WOU-1d lirin I I . -, ` I 'I" t,� A � and ��hi� ward a olosed inner dqor and r - ,= , _ 4 1� . "i , .,are rooks arid We, - Iii 090A,deAde in, JAmselt., 64 04- 4 0 - , :uore carved 2r" g,drilting images. a rag waved his cap fibar 1:�zhls head'ais i sell is resting , "" _ V I _ � * - It's, been a, ard in'*WAh �� t- - ., A trI I I 4, I- � I.. - � t, ; *.0#11, �, � . . I one frevd from A. iond4gp "A - , , ii,;W,more spiked heads, drums shap .d for le g tier to fol- signal of his accept-pi"'o of the stran " - O.Pq I. _' - . S`i�, '0,074- _.� olilv A XV11,W -i4 "'tX . - 'a. a ind The facts invitation he ,had ,0,q0 I , ,,, � 'd 8 are. dane- low Jea e and n " �iko alligators, painted,.pill . , 4 .g, $ ge tr'R .�,Phiu, a4d she,huslet slept He *40 like�; � '"W", O, or. gob% ` 0 e, t,v. . I ,* ' -tba,t. is, ail, ,. illat re on, left 4 iso, strange- Vaguel � oppressed him for a logg face fe,6411% I ..� I '11z iiiasks and wigs Ived. nights since, we ,that had V 4, --j" -�A � i _ jo, f.,� ,t .11, y he WO-4qed why they left Halifax." 0 . . . . . � 14 �� � to� , ,&I , . �,,�. _ _ .T time, and I "Wipp, ",,t� �", � -1 .1 11111X Neve,rtqeless, they ,b1*e'oeorQts so lyj'th ileen had come with I the fact that be Might be 19he 'wu4b � �� ;t1%11 � t . _ her bad set the mq0tinjg :ter that night, Philip's keen glance told, him that co telied to fight Jeanne's own , '11 e4, i , j�j� '� t ;, � - da mip _ Pon- tWo 41ROO, an V , 4"t .' , rk. And terrible that'itliere, to noth- father, ond that, instead of clearing when in three *0 'f,'Our minutes he Brokaw 'himself had not slept , lil� i . Ing in civilized la yl� much. troy his bop ., '11, ��� ;-1 . ;; ,7 "I' 1 _ riguage .to * express up the "miyatery in which they were could have joinel N 11 4, ­# , L, :It " t0l'. I , , 1� their nature, -And I , I the 1he Promoter's eyes were heavy, with the new efUlneesi to Mffli6.- ' ` � I �'.F, as f _9m up re in I . .. ,',:',,.1 � " or . . � ... I joy ,And excitement th 4 t.. , . ;, 1. ", 1, ,� . at he, . "Loot," she SAid. �;, , 6 , . - S- s, .::., , who itook partivi the. the men so deeply involved, the arrival of fhe broad day. But thf. .'central tangle little puffy bags under them, But'had found in life. As hip hurned zandpaper. UW,t th �7;­; actual horrors � f I . . London ship had even more hopeless- of the Mystery t4it`had otherwise he betrayed no � . . 11 . 1, of the secret roomL-the- so�cer I .1 grown up signs of bibick to his cahju he told hims&d t I 4.1 tli 1.4 c An ,: � 4 , h , , I , � I , A. ` . - hat, don't even wwveAnir gi-41 ve's, on 11 "No era ly entangled them, were forgotten for about him during the past few days �unrest or lack of rest. He MqUoned both Jeanne and Pierre had read what It 1� � "7 - bad recently mi an elathipsias"t r", " ,:` ", - , , ml � i�;., 7, , ­ �, -T ',gompig, 9, . ,, , _11,10 � F 1 11. ,;�: I , , " � f t I have no k 1, 1 xt " -, - celebrating the Jeanne and Pierre before they could such a minor detail ,ds this, and he Plac? in which a pile of birch was chief; their response was i -44 00,11 - I been,4� ", ., theinselviva--1 have. -seen one who the Moment in the desire to intercent was too perplexing* io;ernbrolder with Philip to a,chair close to ahuge fire- be "d sent to them in the handker- � . - I 'i .1 a proof that Agwulisume, jilr��'y 4p " ,:,1 �141? �, i�,� ..", _ 41,"y � � e 1. ,,4 Mysteries, and I find' tha leave Churchill. Miss Brokaw her- turned back towii _ -and deep down T. here Vas � a li � . ,, - I words to say what he looked like. self unconsciously gave him the op- the feeling that eveiirthing was work .0 _ His 4 '�Chtrrcbill with leaping into flame, offered him a ci- they understood him, face was not human; it was infinit - gar, and Plunged immediately into a voice kept telling him that ii , I it .and' ... . . . ely portunity for which he was seeking. ing in his favor 'During the next business. Yet not in beri-voir.e. �.g , "'. . .�., I'll � , - `�Fl. . W , , . ..." I below human, infinitely belo came to fighting they three, Pierre, ner was an un is' ", 11 � ' . Ift ; �� .. � . brute, and Yet clever, knowingw the "You don't look very happy, Phil- few hours he would clear up the "It's hell, Philip," he said in a hard Jeanne and himself would rise or XqU an nlirsnht . ,- , .� I � f , like in- one exclaimed "if *­ . .� .. I 11 I 11 . I _g . � I I V, . � ! I . .;.,�, I I I I -�' " , I . � ii,,, " , I I 11� - I ,f , "'. . � I., , I �. I I .. � ,�,i,:t �_ . : . : I ��, - 11, , I 11 �; �,�!. , , ". " '' .�,, ',I,- .� 1, , ,�� . , �,� �,,�t �,, ti. , , , " -,tT ''t'! . "', 'I, i , �", I I I ,�, - . , I ,,., ;,�,�,�,:��,��,,,,,� , , ��r,',I�,���L,'I�;,;.����,,,��.,�,�� , , I ", . �_,,,�,,�,�,;1��,,: ,�:�''% ,.;., ,�­ '.! .,­,�,.,� t, ­.".-, � I :'j�lt,'� ,',�;tz,�,:�,�,� I d " e ace Of Some great Satan In a � mediaeval picture. I . ag­,�r- haps-my coming would make you I tangle, and in audition to that he - Jeanne, and Pi would meet erre. it quiet, Voice, as though he e re- r straining an Outburst of"pass1% with together. A few hours had trans- formed him into Gregson's . . . . . . � . . ­� 091 _­­-.:��!��i� -,,g , ---, �. � .,�,o - - f - � 1 ''L, ­','_�i,,��,V to **Wer' � - i I" . . . . . . . . . 1:12 �, ".19i t- � , I., . .t:V�­,qg There is a white man near the Sepik who knows. He speaks the glad." Philip caught eagerly at the half Was the thought oie, and not . of the surprises- Which he effort. "In another three months We'd have been on 'a r king basis, old appre- ciation of the fighting man. Long tedious 1111�.,M� derstand e 4., kp . I'll ... 4 po 1-0,t�, ,. ;i�";��'.,�,,'j-, , . I r " .j4p, twice he 6 I .1, . it-il.1-1 I . "'.. -J , I � - I I - native tongues; he has been twenty Years in the country; materializing question in Mr voice. "I feared you would notice it," he was about to explain, that stifired his blood as he hurried back to the Fort. .we earn- Ing dividends. I've even gone to the Point of making contracts that.ohow and months of diplomae, . yt otf political intrigue, of bribery and dis- honest financieriug, , . I .. 1 1. .0 , , .j-,.";"(,, , ,Of a bri,e it I I I ,...:�% .1!i� of a -brve . � � � �,:,,.Iiitlk, 11 _ �­O.'.4k�f "You really Mea to'bazza�rd t , , ; �_ .11 - I - , . ��,1�1* ' "". Of sPI'Vits Is not worth mention. it is very hard, all but Impossible, said, quickly. "I was afraid you It was his inteirti'On' to return to' us five hundred per cent. profit. And in Which he ,had Played but the Part qf a helpless ma- .h 1. ,, - adiventure?,� he ciined, softlk, +C I ; __$ ", _­�,��Ii,%�, ` , I �, , . ,,:�,�,,,,,,N 9 , -��,�,. 'You in fact, for a white man to learn the deUils would.think me indifferent because I 'did not go out to meet you in the Eileen slid her fathbr." But he chang _ ed this. He would first hunt now -this!" Ire dashed his half -burned chine, were gone,., Now he held the astonisbMent, wbom * � 4, ,,�. , , 1*10 I.. (" , ,,, horses couldn't into the1*14610L ,,,. �,t,, dra-W , of these matters. Most natives *111 flatly deny the existdrice of Ahy *boAt, and because I stood hidden at the up Gregson and be n hi I gi ,� work there. cigar in- to the fire, and vicio lY bit the end Us Whip-tharid; Brokaw had acknowledig - ed his own surrender. He was to . ness, as you once told .)I . . I i me ;1 I , t� �,� , , ' "''i; "Yes," " ' �41,11, I soch practices or beliefs ifutheir tribe. But one end of the pier when you landed. 'But I waslooIxing for a man. I have He knew that the airtilit would be ex- pecting him, and he-iient directly to from another. Philip was -lighting ,his own and fight -a cleV fair fight on his part, * and his blood ieaped in she aftvied- it'' I i.,.t it I . , I � drawlw�, � tqr . -, ... , , stocl� bac , , k out Of the.1-4em , I , , I .-�,�, �:N , . ji�lqp� I , ..t:, - . I I ' � � '. old r ' s eiident hifi- what one may call the "feel" Of natives. He "a been hunting for him for a long time. And I saw his face just as we came the caJiin, escaping ii�hce by follow ,. - ing the fringe th ere was a m*menV,s silence. broken � sharply by the fiancier. every vein like marshalling arrnioS_ That night, on . L _� i of the Am . fae _ .. � . I ,i., , . � Her ,eL *48: Alm6A "011- I' ��, 11� tirely in shadow now, a , -.'25 . L L", i �u��,Ps t:hings; he can, sense the etio- tetice df 9krets, reserves, where the ' through the crowd. That is why. I along 4f the forest. Gregson was pac�hglback and forth "Are your men Prepared to fight?�P the 'rock, 'he would reveal himself frankly to Pierre and Jeanne. ILL. 114 L i "I .1, 11 v . , look at Philip. "I 'am, be' '111r. " ., . I , , �,,��.­. n6wootabr would see only blank. sl %T- arn,iii­am rattled,?' he laughed. � I 'AWiII you excuse me if I go back? Can you across the cabin floor when Philip arrived. HIS steps *�re "If its necessary," replied Philip. "VA, can at least depend ,Ire would tell th em of the Plot to,disrupt the . -to love adventure," is 11 ., , L ,. 1 11114� �� i... , 111; .. : �1 -, an even voice. "It "a I . I � . 11, i agP OtUP141ty. For it must be und'er- At6od th4i no civilized * man "" to6ch find some excuse for the others? Can quii ck and excited. His han& -wore thrust deep upon a part of them, especially the men at Blind company, and of the work ahead of him. And after that- . I", I � I . 1.11.1 coming.. up., And . 1: _;1. �, 1 -, ., -,11 .7 1, - I � �,'t ' . the'savitge In the matter of reser ' ."" SPiritiont In the Sepik is'devil-wor- find some excuse for the others ? I will return in, a few minutes, and in his trouseri Poo ets 'k " - The butts of innumerable half�stmiolied cigaret a te Indian Lake-, But -this fighting- Why 40 YOU think it -ikl come to He thrust open the doorof his cab- in, eager to U34'... I there somethi ­ - . Y ng C, OUS I .. ., pen - Did You see, a who � .1 ed girl I I I . I sfi' r IV, Aflied to h'Idebub rhj,�J4'ies that are literally then You Will not say that I am un- VV happy. , ' lay scattered under�h` . ceas- ,V feet. He ' . that ? If there is fighting we are . ruined.11 enlist Gregson en- in his thVilliasm. The artist Was not in. she knew me--.-,, . � . . . She stopillied, and a -suddev� flash steeped In blood. Thfilas � . . thA:t .we have come to believe mere Miss Brokaw drew her hand from ed his restless movement upon . his companion's interruption. and for a 4, If tile People rise against us in a Philip noticed that the cartridge -belt and the revolver Of � � .. , fire lit up her eyes fixed on bibli-101 I ­. ' dead mediaeval fancies show their his' arm. 4 'Surely Moment or two gited at Philip in body-Tes, we are tWned. That is which usually hung over Gregson's bunk was He tently from- between her Vrhxe1&*_ , " -' hands. � heads as actual livilig facts. The Sepik folks raise evil spirits; they sacrifi­ 4- 1.), .1 I will excuse you," .�he cried. "Hurry, or you may lose him. T - TA 1.1- 4-- __ blank silence. "Well," he said, at last, -have you what we must not permit. It is our One 'Chance- I have done everything 4 gone. never entered the cabin wi ing at the sketch . thout look- of Eileen Brokaw . I . ., I � I . ;; 11� "I saw her run out and speak to; I . you" said ThhM I U. �:11 em; eY sQ11 their soula to devils for a price. - 90 You It 11., is going to be exciting." got anytiung say'r" "Nothing," said Philip. "It's be- . n 711Y Power to beat this movement Something about it seemed to fascin- against us down south, have bi-, I Y, S nZart, Pealaw at doul),le-quic _� leaimd,o,ior .so . k. Ile neense? Superstition? I have Philip turned to Brokaw and the yond me, Groggy. For Heaven's sake and fail- ate to challenge his ed. Our eneni are completely Now it was Missing from Presence. the that he wsa looking squarely int6 seen a man who was no lon$vr hu- man. I hav,e heard factor, who were close behind them. "I give me an explanation!" wall. masked. They have won popular He threw off ,his coat and hat, filled Miss Brokaves face. I . "Did of midnight seances, surpi­Jsc�! in am compelled to leave you here," Phe "I There was nothing ,u�omanish in sentiment through the newspapers. his pipe, and began gathering up his you, know h,er?*p she asked. "I the forest, where things so Incredible occurred that I do not to explained. have excused my- self to Miss Brokaw, and will rejoin the hard lines of Grogsbn's face now He spoke with the su Their next move is to strike directly few Possessions, ready for Packing. Wh is to ;happen will It was noon before he through, 'is have seen her only twice--once- before she spoke to you." . I 1, "If ,dare relate them. What is the deadly fascination you almost immediately." sneer. . was happen soon. The plan to attack and Gregson had not returned- He I meet her again I shall apolo-. of spiritism, voodooism, Ju-ju? What He lost no time in hurrying back to the shore of the Bay. As he had "Yo6 knew ----all the time," he said coldly. "YoIA knew that Miss Broka;; us, to destroy Our property, and the boiled hili some coffee and sat movement is to be advertised down gize,11 said Eileen. "It was her nus - take, and she startled , W., hell 9 - me be was .the frightful lure of witchcraft centuries ago" Just that which is the expected, Jeanne and her companion and the girl whom I drew were one as a re - to wait. At five o'clock he was taliation for heinous outrages perpet- to eat supper with the Rrokaws -and ran out to me like that, and held out her hands of sorcery in New Guinea to -day- rest6its. The were no longer in sight. There was only om� direction in which they could and the same person. What was the object of little rated by our men., It is Poissible that the factor; Eileen, through.her fath- the attack will not be by had 1-1 thought of bqft - Ars. "Beggars!" -almost shouted"PhWp. seekers do find; those who ask, obtaAn. Mediums, Ju -Ju have disappeared so quickly, and this your sensation?" Philip ignoted He his question.' northerners er, asked him to join her an hour I . alone, but by men brought in- for the or two earlier in the big He "A beggar!" He caught himself -wittli- Priests -and sorcerers undoubtedly chp-at-but not always - They have was toward the cliff. Once hidden by the fringe of forest, he hastened his stepped quickly up to-Gr-egson and seized him by the arm. ' room. Purpose- The- result will be the same waited until four, and then. left a -if it succeeds. The attack is plan- brief note for Gregson upon the table. a laugh, and to cover -his snddeii�bW,-- otion-turned-to, lay & fj�691T� something to give, and when an in- quirer has steps until he was almost running. He had reached the base of the huge "It is impossible!" he cried, in a low "They ned to be a surprise. Our one chance It was growing dusk in the forest. is to meet it, to birch on. the fire. "We don't ha*e beggars up here." . savored that something he is like a wild -beast that has tas e up from the voice. cannot be the same person. That .ship out there ha not completely frustrate From. the top of the ridge Philip it -to strike an overwhelming blow, caught the last red glow of the I The door opened behind them .�d_ blood -he must have more. ' ,sea, when down the narrow. trail that touched land since she left Halifax. un and to capture enough of our assail s , - sinking far to the south and west. A w ed Broka enter . Philip's face was T -his, then, is the part of the secret led to the cliff there came a figure Until she hove. in sight off Ohurebill ants to give us the evidence we must faint radiance of it still swept over red when he greeted him. For half of -the hidden room -i -communication to meet hirn. It was an Indian boy. she hasn't been within two hundred have." his head and mingled with the thick- an hour after that -he cursed himself with another world and with all that and he ,advanced to question him. If I miles of a coast this side of Hu&on's . Brokaw was excited. He emp,ba- eniniz gray gloom of the northern for not being as clever -as Gregson. Is worst in It. There Is much more, but I do not know It, and if I did I Jeanne and Pierre bad passed that I way the,boy must surely have iteen Strait. Miss Brokaw is as new to this It sea. sized his words with angry sweeps Across the dip in the Bay the huge of his arms. He He knew that there was a' chauge in Eileen Brokaw, a change w-hich na- should probably be like the one or them. -, � country as you. is beyond all reason to suppose anything else." clenched his fists, nearer and more gigantic in the whim- and his face grew red. He was not sical light. For few . ture had. not worked alone as she, two rare white men who do know -I Before he had spoken the lad ran "Nevertheless," s a id Gregson a moments a like the old, shrewd, indomitable Bro- red bar shot across it, and the wished him to believe. The1i, and at should not teil. Nor do I wish to enlighten my ignorance further. toward him, holding out- somethinglicluietly, it was Miss Brokaw whom 11 as kaw, completely master of himself, golden fire faded and died away Philip supper, he tried to fathom her. Ai I ba-ve seen a big, in his hand. The question on Phil- saw the other day, and that is Miss never revealing hirniself beyond the could not but think it was like times he detected the metallic rjng� muscular fellow's face grow pale and his eyes burn with ip's lip changed to an exclamation of joy when he recognized the handker 1 B,okaw's picture." a unruffled veil of his self-possession I torch beckoning to him. A few hours and Philip i of what was unre-al and make-believe in what she said; at other times remembered horror as he spoke - 1 chief which he had dropped upon the He pointed to the sketch and freed his arm to light another was surprised. He ha� more, and where that light ,had been pected that Brokaw's ex wily brain I he Jeanne. she seemed stirred by emotions which ad - vaguely and reservedly of what he had seen. I would rather not be so rock a few nights before, or one so i near like it that he could not have cigarette. There was a peculiar tnne of flnality in his would see And 'low, 'A 'ould bring with it half a dozen Idown there, Eileen was waiting for sc mes for the ded immeasurably to the sweetness and truthfulness of her voice. She ivise. I voice wbich warne d Philip that . quiet undoing of their I him. __ told them apart. It wRs tied into a knot, I . no amount of logic or arguing on his en ies. And now here wa, s Brokaw His Pulse quickened as he passed. was nervous. He found her eyes ire - Reforms In India. and he felt the crumpling of : part would change hif, friend's belief. the man who always hedged himself beyond the ancient fort, over th e . quently seeking her father's face, and paper under the pressure of his fin- Gregson looked at hirn over his I in with legal breastworks -who never burial -place of the dead, and more than once they were filled with Far-reaching reforms were Intro- gers. He almost tore the bit of lace lighted nlatch. into rovea.led himself to the shot of his Churchill. He met no one th a mysterious questioning, as if within duced in the state of Dhar, India, on the thirty-eightli anniversary of the and linen in his eagerness to rescue the paper, which a moment'later he "It was Miss Brokaw," he isaid a- "Perhaps it is at e enemies enlisting himself for a fight factor's, and the door leading into � in the open! Philip had to]d Gregson Miss Brokaw's brain there lurked hidden things which were new to her, 'and Maharaja, Sir Udepi Rao Pur. The Maharaja handed over the municipal held in his fingers. Three short lines gain. within reason to suppose that she came to Churchill Brokaw's room was partly ajar. t h at there would be a fight. He was A great fire was burning in the fire- which she was struggling to under - affairs of the capital to a committee written in a fine, old-fashioned band were all that it held for him. But in a balloon, dropped into town for luncheon, firmly convinced that there would be I place, and he saw Eileen seated a fight. But he had ,stand. She no longer held the old� fascination for Philip, and he of nineteen members elected accord- ing to the new Municipal Act. they were sufficient to set his heart and departed in a balloon, descending by some miraculous chance .in never believed the rich glow of it, smiling at him that Brokaw would come to join in las he entered. He the door, yet con - ceded that she was more beautiful . Rules and regulations were Pade for the beating wildly. aboard the ship that was bringing ber closed it. He leaned toward the financier, and when he turned -he had risen and than ever. Until to -night he had formation of a Zati G,4,naya Samitt. corresponding to the 1:31jislative Will Monsieur come to the top of the I father. However it may have hap- pened, she was in Churchill few his face flushed a little by the warmth was holding out her hands to him. of the fire and by the knowledge that She had dressed for him, of sadness in her eyes; be had never ,seen them As sembi of British India. - Y A MaJIIs rock to -night some time between the a (lays ago. On that hypcLthesis I am almost as Brokaw was relinquishing the situa- on that night of the Brokaw ball. In darken as they darkened now, wheR Khas, or an upper house, composed of hours of nine and ten. going to work, and as a consequence tion E-intirely into his hands. If it the flashing play of the fire her ex- she listened with almost feverish in - the nobility of the state, was formed I am going to ask you for the indefi- camp to fighting, he would win. Ile quisitie arms and shoulders sh n e 0 terest to the words which Passed be - � to assist the Mahara.la's Governme Lt. There was no signature to the note nite loan of the Lord Fitzhugh letter. was confident of himself there. But with dazzling beauty; her eyes ]a u gh- tween himself and Brokaw. He was A board of education, consibiting of . but Philip knew that only Jeanne Will vou give me your word to say - ed at him; her hair rippled in a gold- certain that it was not a whim that e liected and nominated members, was could have written it, for the letters nobhin'g of that letter -for a few "What will be the result if we en flood. Finally there came to him had brought her into the north. It also formed to hasten the develop- were -almost of miscroscopic small- days ?" win?" he asked. filling the room slowly, tingling bis was impossible for him to believe ment ofe ducational progress within ness, as delicate as the bit of lace in "It is almost necessary to show it we secure those who will give nerves, the sweet scent of beliothrope that he had piqued at her vanity un- the state� which they had been delivered, and to Brokaw," hesitated Philip. . th"If e evidence we need --evidence that -the perfume that had filled bi.'; til she had leaped into action as she - of a quaintness of style which added "Alrrlost�but not quite," Gregson the movement against us is a plot to nostrils on that other night, a long � had suggested to him while they were Trinidad's PitA�h Lake. still more to the bewildering mystery caught him up. "Brokaw knows the destroy our company, the government time ago, the sweet scent that had sitting before the fire. -Could it be In the thirteen -odd million squ are which already surrounded these peo- seriousness of the ,dituation without will stand by us," replied Brokaw. "I ief drop - come to him in the handkerch that she had accompanied her father miles of territory which comprise the ple. He read the -lines half a dozen that letter. See here, Phil -you go have sounded the situation there. ped on the rock. the breath of the li"� I � because lic-Philip Whittemore -was Rritish Empire there are many re- times, and then turned to find that the Indian boy was slipping away out and fight, and let me handle this have filed a formal declaration to . of lace that bad bound Jeanne's hair! the effect that quell a is � in the north? The thought drew a silow flush into markable phenomena, one of the most interesting being the pitch lake end of the business. Don't reveal me to the Brokaw's I don't want to move ent on Tin . I Eileen moved toward -him. "Phil- foot, and have received a Dronuse ip " she said "now are 1 A 4. his face, and his uneasiness increased I . of Trinidad, in the West Indies. It ___ I meet -her -yet, . though Go,d knows that the commissioner of police willisee Tn,e?,, I .y_u g a 0 when be knew that she was looking is a natural reservoir of valuable if it wasn't for my confounded friend- investigate the matter. But befor�,' at him. He was glad when it came ininera? pitch, 100 acres in extent, ship for you I'd go over there with that happens our enemies will strike. 1 - time Sor cigars, and Eileen excused from wbieb 200,000 tons of asphalt you this minute, Shp was even moro. Therp is no time for red tape or in- � Ix herself. He opened the door for her, ire exported annuaLly. About half , beautiful than when I saw ber-be- Vestigations. We Must achiev(, our and told her that he probably would way across Kenya colony, in British 11 fore." own salvation. And to achieve that 1� Her voice broke the spell that had not see her again until morning as he East Africa, Is Magi lake, a vast "Then there is a difference," laugh_ we must fight." held him for a moment. had ail important engagement YOr the natural deposit of soda. The lake is ed Philip, meaningly. "And if we loqe?" "I RM glad to see you," he cried, evening. She gave him her hand, and - Brokaw lifted bis hands and shoul- quickly, seizing both her bands "On- for a moment be felt the clinging of tom miles loig, two or three miles in .. "Not a difference, but a little bet- d(, her fingers about his owiL � width, and seen from the mountains � ted theo artist. . rs with a significant gesture.. � ly I havpn't. quite wakened fro'm my , � ,liat surround It, it has the appear- "Thp. m ral efr,ct will be tremend- dream, "Good night," she whispered. S , "Now, if ,,, coul,l only find tb,, , " 11 ­,,­rns too wonderful, al- I "Good night." ance of an immense ruffled white . 1 Ous", ho ,.;aid. "It will he Shown that most unreal. Are you the old Eileen She drew her band half away, and sheet. ther girl, what a m(iss you'd be in, tb, ntire norlh is inimical to our who utqed t,n ,4hudder when I told you Greggy! By George, but this is be-, enn "" then, suddenly, raised her eyes up � 11 L 1pany, and the gove ent will of a bit of itinglo nnd wild b(,as;ts, and , ginning to have its humorous as we , withdraw our opt,ion, . , in,. Won't Accept Interest. as itq tragic side. I'd give a thou- � 1.11 e will be who laughed af mf, becausp I loved . traight to his ow They were calm, Mohammedan depositors In t 11 ( , , nd dolla ined. Our stockholde q will lose. to sleep out-of-doors and tramp the Puiet, bQautiful, and yet there came he 79 .a rs to have this other golden-, every (,Pnt invested," I mountain,-�, instead of �virpntly behav- a quick little catch in her throat as post offleo. savings bank have hPlped Q12 y "Bayer Aspirin haired beauty appear upon the scene." ! to d1l the British coffers, as their re 7 4.JCA "I'll give a thousand if you I In moment -q of mental energy Phil- I ing myself at horne? she leaned so close to him that she ligion forbids them to receive Inter- duce her," retorted Greg -son. Pro- I ip was restloss. He rose from hiq explanation. It must, be a wonder- touched his breast, and said: chair now and moved softly back and ful change -i" "It will be best—best for everything ,,St. Thciy insist an taking out no INSIST i UnIM you see the "Good!" laughed Philip, holding out —every ,nrirt, than they have put in. . "Bayer Cross" on tablets yOU a and. "I'll report again this after- fni-th across the cinrp(,ted �oor of tbe "There ha- been R change," . body — if .you can influence big room, shrouded it, tobacco _h`_ father to stay at Fort. Churchill." ` are not &�tfing the genuine nAn or to -night." smoke. interrupted hirn. "Sit down, Philip— Shnuld lie break his word to Qrpgson therel" She npstled henqelf on R .�;tool She did not wait for him to reply, He Had. Bayer Aspirin proved safe by Inwardly be felt himself in no hurn- and tell Brokaw of Lord Fitizbugh? close to his feet, a -Ad lo6ked up at hin-L, but hurried toward her room, For Ft ­Havo you evior thought seriously � phy_ orous mood as lie rofraced his steps But., on second thought., whnt good her hands clasped under her chill, mortwnt Philip stared after her Ill )f marriage?" millions and prtscribed b to Chdrehill, He hnd thought to be- would eorne of it? Brokaw wns al- radiantly lovely. "You told me once amazement. 1%en he took a atep ­Ind(,f-d 'I have—over since the sicians for 24 years. gin his work of cleRringi up the puz- ready aware of the seriousness; of that girls like me simply fluttered as if to follow her, to call her b-ack. ceremorlY." - zling situation with Gri and the situation. In some one of his un- over the top of life like butterflies; The impulse left him as quickly ea. Accept 2111y ! Gregson had failed him completely accountable wa", be bad 1p,arned that That it came. and be rejoined olra�W and ' �_ _ . we couldn't understand life Br by his persistence in the belief that their enemies were. to strike al -most, live it, until somewhere—at some All President Coolidge needs is a Bayer package 0"' the factor. .suggestion of some way to make the swb__� ..-.%- Miss Brokaw Was the girl whose face immediately, and big own revelation tim­-Wet came into touch with via- (Cointinned ment wtex) , Japanese regard exclusion aa a com- hie had seen more than a week ago. of the Pit7bugh letters would but tore. .Do you remeri I was con- . 11 .1, . plimelit,iiiiii-Bostor Globe. - . which contains provell diredions, Was it possible, after al,l, that the strengfhen. this evidence. He would qunii with rage then --tat -Your frah1c. _*1 . ., . � ,Of course, the cold spel RAVI "Payer" boxes of 12 tablets ship had touched 'at SOMO, point up keep 'his faith with Gre son for tb,- ness, at what I considered your fin� . , 9 I h.3d one .Also ottles of 24 and 100iii-Druggists the cost? The supposition was pre- promised day or two. ave rea&*eil,to., t*6 ithing in favor of the MAYL R made . For an hour pertinemice. I couldn't get what :you their holidays Itte ili thb a6 b - Li 4 the - 'L pfbbp�etq for one strai* hat for MpItlil go the trsde w6vk (VsSldtetbd In posteroW. Yet before rejoining the the two men were alone in the room. smid out of bry niind. And I'm *Ing avoild tb6 ri "I, Otero .. of p 0 6pild 4 thI&I f, , ,a.$ 6 Commercial. aftitlah6tdoewr of 3511CY1141401d holidaya early in season %.� �,0,6jd��, I I & ,so on bij bt.-.2tiffalo .Wbdft) 92 Bmver Mai 69 Mono- Brokawg he son -ht out the captain At the end of that time their plans it.', I , 'J'; I . and- fo 1%e com0any"s vaps6t �V, , uh,d that t 1� I I . I � I ,� "And you like it?" 110 put tht rushi.—PlaWtin ShoW (t W:46h&' `,,�,�;""`!,!� . . . . . I ('', . .. .1 r, ., I I . �,i� ,��`�".,�,­. '11- ",,.:,.;, J .. ..... . . : I I . , ', , , ., ", ,.:. . :,:. �, 1. ,.il . t . , �� ".. - ", �, �,i,j, . i'. , ­'�,.� ''t '; , , �, , '' I I I I 'i". , .,� I �i � , " , .. � ,i, � . , � "",�­; , `,,�,,j,)�,%-,i ", ., , �,"i',,�. , I 1� ,, . .11 � ��, , . 1, � � ,, - � '11,'111,111L;�41, 141�1."'K' -L .� , , ", I . , "� .; �, - � �':.: , � ,. ."'i'W"".", %,;, . 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