HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1924-07-18, Page 6"�, " 11 I ­:�­�,,, -.'''' .. %-1-1.1 ­­ I -, - � ,­ ­ -1 ... I . . ---I-- I ­ 11 ''. � I -W - T." ­,,F�,, F "FClW "-" -- . � , I .1 11 I . I � .­ ,. , �., . I I .. ­­�� 6"' '"'. . �.. , . "Y' J.v�f,N,V, ,�. -1171N,��'"1�91--21-1-1r­ �Ii`� 17 .. I , � 7- � ,., � 1� �,�, , 1. , I V — - —, -7p�-m—'7— �,�, ,0-,qR­'tl­l-,r:­, - , "' .7� . I ­, - ,WqnrW4r'­ � � '. ,W � . � , ,�­­­,�, , , I ", , ,,, J, , ��, ­�, ,� :. � ,­ ;� ,": I �.-�r I P, I 71 777',---T , � , , , 111. . 1, � . I ;, .�,1,01, , '', � x .., .. �-,,'­',.;,�!!. , I . , . I . 111. . , �­ ­.. - I . � � . � , I I � I 11 , I �: , ", ..... . � I . �'-� I I , :', "'',:; `­ , !I,, , ,,, , , , , .. " !"l " .1, -'��. � ,,I, " , q 1, �,� �. ­,�! , , "! ,�� . ., '. . . . I I-- 1, �", � il 1, 1� . ,,� 1, ,�.�, � � " " , ­ - '' ,jl`,i��`,11� I- �,­,­,,-­ ��� �; ,I,! �,%, �, I � I I .1 I I I . �, I � 11 � "I " ,,,, �, �i'.�', ;,"'., , , , . , , " ,,, , , vw.,&I ­�� �, f.'.. 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I 01 WM00M , �2 ­;�, ,,�i,",���,��%�,�)�.,�,,�t,���I-� di­,''".­�,'', . � , 1 M, 14,,,F� : , ­ � r -r " I 1, I - � ... � - � -.----.--- - -- � ­­ ­ ­. 1-16t,',! , � , , , '' , I'' I �­ 4 I I ".., �%�,, ... W) I ­­­ - ­ ­ - - lo�i R . 1. . ��'S'�,,!��"� " "' -,, 4 Pau , , Ail I ­ i;%TW­,��, " �": i�,",��, .""'i, �l,,'.����-',"'��,�,,,�i��,,�i.4, "", 9�,­�14M!N., i (�o,i,!�R,"t� , � ,�.�`,';,,�, ` � " , . # i I ". , , 1, .��,,,,. .O., ,,!,,, . . :: � ,I :, W, � � ,, " i ; ':,'.. 4�1`�� , I �? 1�1 - ,aw,',:,". a worth UVO, 4"""i, "' � `"�'"'­ .1.1 "; ;, 0. P, I , . �, "", , `!','� ',I IAI� I N "RIE - " "I" .. I -, � , ti " I ,� � "M%#%"(,!,��A' ta . b - � ff'��:� 1�'! - 0--, "14 �, . . .... ­,,. �� ,VM04,�� " � , 1.1VIV � ­?,," ii'V .�,:,:,�,f",�,�P . , - 'i �. 1 * �)�, �, I . il4i� W i , " � . 'j -1p, e , ", , ... i �� 1.4"'.R'. A , �. , K , �� I 1.11,11, ... .1, , , ,. ­ swws Q9. 149441ay. . � ;, 4 ` A14S.I...1110p,",; , , �,, g, .1 �.-10�174,;'.14i, . I . , � - � � 1, x ,f , I � - �, , ,,, pf, �,Ij , ,.�,��'J x,,�, I 1. I I � . 1-11 No. 0 ; ��,j-� t �;;� I ,,";��',,,' g, lzwi - 11 ;�, .";-� ­ q - 3 , I ,�11 �:,�.l , '­T,,�, 'f,% 1 �K' ., .flll .1 , �111' . . � At all inquest vsceat4 held in Loum Ulk -1013 . . -.n 1-1-1111. I � - ", I -i" � -:g ? -V.. � � , "I it-, .','.;� ,7, 11. ", 'Ji.1,�11*�"ll"'.10 1 '� ,gix,�� " �- '.,:-f�.',� "I.- , .� ,Z , .1, I -1. ��. "J,r "' � . ... -j,�'i' A 4 .�, ,,�i;!� " " 1 ,, I Pigs agrpywo was express, ... . . ­ Ij 4 -,- , ,,, � , ..... : �1;1�'. don, E40-41 . �% I AV, ti� .1 , t ��,��AA I � I ,­ 11; . , - `11�1111AT,.. L I �-f .111�1 li � � I , , .,I ... .1 . .� �. ant." w 1, � - " Y I � -n '1z, t 11 11 I... I "Irr", .1 . . -, :. hen 4 11gu .40 1 ii I ", low" - ­­-, � , I .." .., , i � cd w . tttQr merch � oe.Mwk. R W I WAM59 ',,41,1 -�,,1�R.-,, U',�� I I � lutd f9r yeart � I M.- 1� ,� 1. , , � 1..��.q I.". vf,-,4­ . . , .. .1-11 . .. ; ., . *A04 I I . , � , I 11��% . I -1-i, ".","I"i'. R":;k".;� 00 ""' 40 '', "Imou . [ , J�. j traded in the otreetso 40111,*i, , t, ��1111' I" , � , I h , , - I I . 1-1111 1111W 0 0, , %ad la rags aud.tatte4�s, "a found , �0* itS I ,", . E -11 ,:,� . . 11'� �14� I � 1, " ;-­ .Tr,l 1"7`,TP,77k,"­ WOO '61 '... " 1, f . ., N , I �,'.i ft� , lei 111 , . � N� i .��, 7"i 1 1 "M 1.�. �, � " I � ".: , �, �,�,: C. .."I'. 1:. . 'Ili I ;,,;� � .-.,.I ,�., . I 0* , 144411f, wooko. to have aevera:4 hundred youn" in . )001 :, �11e= 4.,,� � q� �1 ."I " t . I Z,,�,�,�V,r.ji, , I . ;,,1. � .r.T" " - ,� . ­ � , , , i" -9 - -� � ,,�', ,. w I in the lining of his de-, . � � ��, i pp pj,�!�i,,,�"-,. � I - . V'­ �� 11 . 'I.�t-'ll," N . , I q;u, - "I notes sewn I I -10 ,., wca ,11r",", I.. � I i �� -, . v � � I `4�`� - $ %0 ��, ; "k, I ­:, '. -..;, -;� ,­ � " .� .11 1: 1, " I ;�4;i�i, ­ , , , 11 , "t. � , , ­-, ki.0wo 44% *00: -1 . I , xi 'i . *4 , *" '.'I� ''I 'L f !" , " , ,� I I, I ­ ­ - ` . . d overcoat, and a savi 4 fniLl'j�"4 ., 'IL, 11 �: �; , ,,�.' 'Voult " ft V W11 .- � '.1 7,,�,'i �i,­­,'� I "S j,1.4�!��,' , �t � , :, 111. - ,� � t 11. . . I" I- - I'll, I . I , � , ,, .,-,-..,, � ,; ­ , �. I 1. .., .1 , �,L , " � ­ .­ 'I .1 11 .1 .0". , , . I.,., ­ - ! . � , . � " -,�,,,��:! , I ", '. , 11-� � 4 ,� ; "., : 111 ., � .. , "I . � .. ; . , "7 11, -, ��� , I I � . 1 ."-41 `,!,�`, .!, ; ;1 '� ., ., �, - A "by.y , . 111-4 ,�,, . . ... i ... ;,;�"A �.� crept. ings b4nu ;� -, "7�i', i . ,,, �Ilmi,,,, ,�, 1 21, , ', -, -', - "" . wealed , ,t, . 0 � ;I.!, .1 book in his pocket, which re, . . 1; I ;,L,�:"I�",',l " � It'. I L I . I t1terwa eQ%P 'y probt0i''W44 ��, ,., I V . � , 1. 11, '':, �-,,�A,",Iil. �­ J, � �l I I ,,, .. , .: " I �11 11 I . �'1%11` � It 0, i 7400 � . .�,��,�:�� , I 1� I W61 � it , .�,r ',`.'� 0 pi,4�, , , , �9.11 , . �" , I z ,1 I ..�.r , j,�'.,­, . . . I . L. , . - I , 11 � L.- .m 1�;;.,: " I - "*0JW#4g* wqi� wavlov 49W Vow$ or W L, , 1M.:U1., "Mouient , pi Ki":., - . i . �., .. .�:� �. I l,,,�J, - I I ::­­. I ,. vo')% . .­1�4 1 . I 11 - , ., " �1 . I � o , 11 —­;:, , -, '' " V ., I 1'.� Vvf. : 1-1, � :, I 111.i mooleatyi 40't'.", they are I . g � 4 i , - I � ... . �, ) i"Ift, *,APs,**%*-* Raw of over $2,500 in .'% parents 4 It . P # � 1,'­��,,� ��u-';'�%! I I I his possession Ing to teggh- ! ,,, '60. , �11, 10 l - �" I I , "�', o, "I �!.",��i,;���,�,',"'�','i,..',,,,,'�,!, i credit on his account. ,� �, # ." , ,­;;�,,Z�;1p%,, ,� " ­7�7111�117:�: 1 , W.0 W, 90 3`0 1 1 1%,11 I , : �.?" .1 tt ',�.r,,,­- .4wiagws, H had died from heart disease - , 1 4:044s'' 4,04; "r , 0 TAUROW, , " � '� L. 'J"", ", -k ":: , L 31 " " ­ . .V1, I � If"717"W", Ar P.7.14l? ,%,,� e ,. ,� " 1� ,.�� "On. I : I .0., , � . fond and- � 0 C -0-A N . �, :­ I , A ;ft--,�,",��.,; I I �-',!-""ki;5?,� .., ,­. 7 post- ­Jish to regil4v � 104944. Irl,pq� Warl�g, to"gooft,*0 beet, , , - .", '. . - ( I � .1 , . I ,k�,,��?�, , � �,, � 1, � , , I - 1 , , � . � 1: I . .. ,i,,.',,`;? " tii double. selling picture . , : I . . 1. 1. " '­," I-- - ..." 1, , . ) '* , W le ,20 1 whilst actually , . 10 L 110,7�'P, �,04 , of� I � . � , W;14" ­ , " 4� ', � g I . . . . . . . Y,�� � " , " wo" ,-,V,, ,. . f � bano tor, .1. � ;.Q,r, 010 I, I .:V , - ;'. '.A. 1'% - � . " � �.,;�L�,,. ' ' A 14,�I,,o ,Iq , r pq , . 1, . , ­­ , .14% - , , " . tD . K100, " "' , 1l'1" -`.'i'?', I I- , , , W ,� .-ards, I IN ,3 .1 - X I - . 1%, . !,L`;Ii:�N ,, , in this instance to purchasers . , I N, j -­ . Ir, "'. " 1 - . I ... . , , . " "'l, M. ."v. -.1, . T.11�1 - . eally , I I .�, `.I,, . - """ 11.11".-, , I'll, ta V � T11 - wtoviou vls�wwwe at 1proAdliw were buying what they r I — ., I 4�1'1' I 1, ; , . , � ,d�U , , l;!', -11.1-0 I , - 04 "T-'"- '" L ' *6-�;,�.� 11.�, :. , �!:�� �i�A,11 I im, �-. " .- ,., I voloe, la lmi�,"Wwxww 4" n 9 , I W - ssUa - --N - 004 , . 11,,�, etl%len"SLwe 4 rQ . .,Or M, , wl� �.yearft , . , -J .1 �, - ­,','l�,J�� �' I who L, I , I " - . , .. . - - ml - ". '. ". . ....� ;­ l;�, �, . : . , . ­ , I . . , it the ' ' _ ­ m,e� , , '' , - -,;, ,�i,,fl ".. . a .� ",", � � 211 �i ..,ia­ � . I , . .., .k 0 I * .harmfulness of ,f ,tho t,r ,'��,% , %V.9��J'iq%git. lic1or so id, I R , ,,:, �; � " 11:. ;,�­111! ", � I � ,;,- 040, it ion I - of charity. �rv,we ipX I . , I ( % W; - I . did not want just as an act � :�� ., ., � WN - 'the �Oitirney.., 1.� ', � ­?� ..C:� - - " -.7;, : � . ­ ... I . , . h . - ! wo wu"V* J 61 0 , SROW-60 i" eW4 I it is popular assu-PtiOu that those and Other biMUtY 4ds eat MPT08 thing In gesPILPS V!1 'I , ,;­ I � I � . mea�t4 ,f ­;' , ,11 L 11,�, I . 1. ,­ , r I ,WJ.0W , , �. I , N ... V. ­­ . , , - . 11 4 �:irl �` Ma. who are forced to . . . . " - RnIq � , .1 porki a'. ? ?, � " , �. I-: I leatul 44".14-14"mNa us, but their futility,-Ukie Uoi;pty I Trilesp , : ?. � � , �16.4 es Q1 40,13 P"L44�- -take the ketb" 1 '04. -Go , Q$,.*'�,�,; " V UJQ"� L ., , " ,4. I " W pounds. 11 , �� '00 -VR!A1 , R" ,,W not almost Times. . '.1 !� - c, �� It ... L ..., 161i .1 . . �,,e . 1��A 1" - --Jf1:, are necessarily poor, it . 63S �ouiiifsij! laxO., - 44,0W � . , I . :, 61" , � . 1. . .!,;.i� , , � , , I , ;� - MOW �� I , 't , � I .; j;"J­ ,, �fl -.V I 3extable. '*Y of Wguit I t hongh . — �'. �I,L,v I ha,r4 I I � ,�.: 08 X011A des itute. This Is incorrect, t . ,,. 45,710 poun&;,JP*94 §%2.- 1 1 1 , 11 �i.­q,, , � . a . , � . � , ti � �.. . � �' - %. � . ,",., ".. . ofue oil , I I � I �� � ".. � Vl.", � ,:' I : ,:1 . �. T,;, 014 0 . , 1�1­ "P: , may oftentimes be the case. A About thq., p ' ds'; veal'. 8%1$0 pova&; to*gu . .� �1 ,III � � I ptly attonded to -g � , k��,-- 1, �;Si UeU$*A Oppa - It time home VQv.Fn straw. . - 1, I . 11 , I 1* .. t . 'Y - � . - Alva .rowu ' , -- .- . . I I I . 1. I I ­ �k,0�,,Y r,- I 1 4 1 . ... . ­ Itmet, on � Tme I Dun I ­ , , , 11 - . . �, I .. I , - , * "" T, 1; � . 3treet merchant a short while ago berries vt gbeap they are � $,1677 pounds; =pAon, �113 pounds� t t � - . ,. ., I . ��::-:�!��LLL ... �is�" A.".". ., I , , I I 0 . I , I NIQUO 111L confessed, when sued in a County market­kd.J�anapolis News. As for -high t4stes, 8�1,419 pounds -11- .1-'1-11,-t --p,`,,, ­. , V1.5ji, TVT,1�1.�� -­,- t I - -,w1;-:' i. - I �I'll", , I .. I I - . � "', I . . !" : "; . . I .1. . , � � . . 1. � I : I ,., . ;i" ". ," -, I - . , � 14-=. ----*-1Q- � A Court. that his net takings per week of butter, or 44 tons, was uBed,'com. � . , -I .1. .. L I I . � I . . . . I . I tl.,;i,# I '..; Qwow.--,­-� I - R23 averaged $150, of which $60 repre- A .man will risk his life to get a- pared with 97 tons 'of;a,beef. This :=�-- -��- ­ I I I - , I i�ii�, �Ii4 �� I. .., :` - . - .111, I ­ I . . �, I I i. ;,� I ­ I , � .. , 0-1 �..,. - � . 1. ­ , I He had no shop cross a stro�et when the traffic is comparison Would - I , I . ", . I "I j, LROAL seated clear profit. maki� the, good I . 11 , , . . I . �;.. 'T a';�: ;6 1 rent to pay, no rates, taxes or light- against him, and then stop on the housewife scream. But it shows, as o . I � �,' � , :,� . .11 - . t- , � 0 - 'on of chicken� t,bat . - Can CUBAN CREAM CREAM � 3 ,­, MEG No. 91 Ing expenses, and his household com other 'side to light a cigar. -Goshen does the conaurplaU stors and buying - 1. , " I . " inUtments were less than sixty skill- ' - our own inve � I . . . I . ::: : I , '' . ". vor Democrat, when travelling, Canadians don't'ex- . o � I . '.�. GGARD 511V fla adign made goods,. the. folloWillo Pta ' , �� I " I JOHN J. HXT I -- - -- - ings a week. One of the most striking differ- poet -to observe the rules that'applY ment once made by Abrah IAUVIO . %. "' It ca . . ; I . . . . . . 11 n, therefore, be appreciated I � . I Barrister, Solicitor, - I ­ I ences between a eat and a lie is that inthe home. A dining car inspires a is irery interesting: Mr. Cre.04ft"Rroducer: �, . . r , . I , 1�� , . Notary Public, Etc. ­. - that a steady trader, able and will-, a eat has QnI nine lives. - Mark sort of picnic spirit. I -I don't know ri%about tarift I . i. I Ing to save his money, m � y .1 . �. Y-. - Seaforth, Ont. 'ght In the 1 Twain. For example, 57,476 oranges were but I do know this. , en we imp , ort 4end yoW, cream to Us; We aF0 11 I � �44 � �11V 0eattle Block . , �p 11 :, I . POPULAR STALLIONS course of a few years, accumulate a ' served -and 59,768 grapefruitl This goods, we get the goods an . d.t P %Or- �*o.Si e you -the very best pvs- I .�J� . pretty little nest egg, and even pro- . 1. I — A band �pf 4xophone players, 65 eigrigr gets 0 .1 Z b ilite M, for Cream. �--: . includes oranges mado into salads Akmll I........ ... ... m "I I �. 719ur'' - , �- . " '. '111ons will vide a competence for old age. . I - - - 80 � - - fta.v6llers I I hit the . f' '' � 1, - - en­�o..ruoplpy. 0 � - bVS..?'our spyPoTt - ii sta strong, is roaming the land4 It is and drinks. and, co-opers, � �! : The following popular Over $87,000 was the total amount i in emp oyin t among his people as We - - ' r I .for travelling in grapefruit rather than the well as a profit for himself. I we . 6� I t , .,�.: Stock ti I gradw 'If" stand for nt of left behind by a refined old gentle- 1 believed this instinct humble, f on. Seiii " us. your, , 1; 11� ,, 1. R. S. HAYS. I I'll this season. as follows: man, who lived in what could more , packs is pixMly for purposes of .self- hoxne-like orange. Strawberries were make those goods ,here, we get the cream and, secure tols iWices; make "I . $ � I— -Detroit News. the favorite of .all fruits, 20,763 box- goods, we get our people eraployed Ithid your Creamery.' , I I ,,�� Barrister Solicitor Convpvancer ant� iccurately be described as a mansion !defense. � � ,., - Igagary, j�u-b7li;. - Soli�itor for the Do Th. standard Bred Trotting Stallion I Form I than a house in Maids. Vale. He left ' es being used. 'profit stays , Cream paid for on a ­� Enrolment No. 473 ! and all the Inoney and the grade bads. " � �� I . 1. 01nion Bank. Office in year of tbArDo- approved tits home every morning clad in con- � It is stated, that steam-laitndries do In 'a country that is generally re- in .this country." Do not prdduce creairk t.hat Is not of .11 � . . � � ' 1�. , aftion Bank, Sedforth. 3LOBW to EMPEROR MeKINNEY vental city garb, returning in the : not kill. germs, If we may argue I garded as being English rather than An -apt paraphrase of this might a high standard Of quality. It 'dom - A %% , (54151) 1658 . from its effect upon our line the OPI-; American in -its food tastes, coffee far o­-Pl -don't know mue 1:.1 bro. evening in like fashion. b h about inter-, no� pay you. ­;..; Win stand for mares during the season, I .... ;­ 8, C�,noessiou 4. It wa,3 revealed that he had rented ! oration must at least make the aver- I outdistanced lea, as far as pound -a national finance, but'l do know this- .- I ---- 1924. at his own otable� Lot ge . LL ". I "§0iftW9---*,----*� Tierms.-To insure a foul. 312-00. a room in the city, where he had been age germ feel dreadfully giddy.- I is concerned,' 41,790 Pounds of coffee if Canada borrows abroad, the inter- We will pay a premium of a 'Cents � � . CHARLES RILEY accustomed to change his attire, Punch. , ' I . . ,;,.. BEST a BEST Proprietor (and Manager against 16A53 pounds of tea. But est goes each year to foreigners and per d butter fat foraweet,a0m - seaforth. out. emerg this comparison would entail the fig- eventually the principal has to be delipoul4m . .(; Phone 11 on 186. Ing later dressed as a gutter vere at the Creamery. Bring in , . , . 11:" Barristers, solicitors, convey- trider, and supplied with a tray of uring out of how many more cups paid back to them, but when we bor- your high grade cream. I � . - n In 11 ni al 8 . ;,.. obl�"# Sad Notaries Public, Btd- The pure sred imported Clydesdale StalliO ec a C toy . America has no Poet Laureate. t can be gQt out of a pound of tea than row from our own people all the in- Cash paid to any patron wishing It I 11 � Form 1. - out of a pound of coffee. Over 140,- terest,stays here to be spent among Creamery open oi) Saturday nights, I 111,11 1pope in the Edge Buildisg, OPPOSItO Passed Enrolment No. 231 When he had transacted a satisfac Great Britain has, but you wouldn't . � � I , I : ft&' Expositor Office. LORD MANSFMD tory day's business he went baek to notice it. -.Punch. 000 quarts of inUk went as a bever- our own people to maintain employ- � his store, changed again, and then to THE SEAFORTH CREAMBRY. I 'T Xmp. 1215671 (13603) . age; and again the picnic spirit comes Trients, and contribute towards the I . le, home. In his locality he was well- It is estimated that automobiles out in the 68,028 quarts of cream - ,,, - ,s NNWORN� Vol. 29, B. Q S. B. ,� . "something In the us., prosperity of the nation as%a whole." I ,I. I'..- wiii stand for the improvement of ,�toch this known as being have increased good roads 87 per ed. Nearly half as much cream as . � ��� , 11 PROUDFOOT, KILLORJAN AND city," which indeed he was. ­. . . e, , season. as follows: h cent., and bandits 76 per cent. --Jack- milk. ----I*- ---- . I 1. I Beec - . I .. ...".1 HOL S Monday, -Will leave his own stable, To these free -and -easy markets Clarion -Ledger. , I �! wood, and go to Charles rurshL%Ibury's. Bred- son The 88,419 pounds of butter went 1� I . -ay of the Sth con- there have been attracted from time I WOMEN AS 'HIRING I AND FIRING' "'UVeleeW' Tooth P84te 11 ., I I Solicitors, Notaries Pub- hagen, for noon; thensby I to clothe 2S%560 loaves of breadl I I BuTisters. cession to his own table until Wednesday to time all manner ot romantic, often Business is reported to have turned I . & , ,!, ft oft. Money to land. In Seaforth morning. Wednesday­rro John shantion'o, aristocratic, folk. Two Russian ,Salads are troublesome things to EXPERTS - 1 AND I I . - m Kenday of each week. Office in Concession 8, McKillop, for noon; then to the corner. Let it be hoped that it � I.C.. princes, thanks to Lenin and his col- prepare: hence the demand for them �,�, RM BIOCIL W. Prondfoot, K.C. J, Owen Flynn-., Hallett for night Thursday. I I . �L� .. " -To William Anderson'% McKillop, for noon; leagues, are it present earning a Ilv- has turned in the right direction.- when the folks go visiting. Sixty- The woman 'has intruded herself "tiseptic Mouth Wash, 1. )� , ".. S. XII or&&, B. E. Holmes. then to his own stable 'until Saturday- Set- Ing In the gutter, on selling quaint Boston Transcript ", %, eight thousand one ,hundred and thirr everywhere, but in no place , more , - orday.-Te Thomas O'Rourke's, Concession 3- ed ornaments, the other peasant � teen heads of lettuce and fifteen tons than in business. And she has prov- Specially designed, by its alkaline . E,.. - - - - - - -.-P.- Logan, for noon; then to his ow -a atable for carV This is the time of the year the of tomatoes were consumed lailt year. en Qlat there are places for herithere �t` Jewellery. Several ex -officers have and cleansing properties, to neutralize � night. "t. I " �, , �. . VETERINARY Terms -To insure a foal. $13-00. contrived to exist pretty comfortably college seniors worry over hou. miach Over one million eggs -91,495 doz- that never existed for men, that were thg adds of. the mouth, th�reby �. . .1, ,� . I JAMES EVANS. by trading in the street, and, some , money bricklayers are making- en -were used, which goes to always wanting. serving from decay, removing = . ,,, 1, - P,roprietor & Manager. old lady, who did re- -Harrisburg Patriot. that peculiar human weakness, = Since the advent of women into and gradually whitening the to" -"-,. I F. HARBURN. V. S. Beechwood - - - 71 ontario years ago, an I Iseptle" it , 11 markably well he sold doll* confronted with a menu card filled business, there have arisen proofs of 'while, as a real ant 0 ..� � The Imported Clydesdale Stallion I .1i, Notior graduate of Ontario Voterin- 'O tft , claimed to be a relative of the late Six authors are concerned in a Lon- with all the delicacies in the world,' the efficiency ofspecialists in various the.gums and mucuous mp,m M-Ae­ � ; . . , . ,- ary CAllogo, and honorary member of MAKWIRA King Constantine. shortly. If to stab ,round frantically while the, lines. For women are, and have al- $he mouth in a healthy conditiwto ": . � . Noilical Association Of the Ontario '.1 �­.. . College. Treats. diseases of 15938) [152791, Vol. XXXIII Procuring a livelihood thus has Iti they separate at the fall of the cur- waiter stands waiting, and then fin- ways Leen specialists. . kesist disease. These are being move 11 .. Enrolment No. 864 Form I disadvantages, but also its compensa- tain, some are bound to escape. -Lon- ally to order -an omelet ! may.ably ' 'vally 4oncoded to be t1lis ok,94 ,� One. of the positions she . . _ I &n devisafle animals by the most mod- P-1` .. ,4 .. , ,,, an prftelples. Dentistry and IM will t""`l the, following reate this season.^ tions. Amid the rush of life, the don Opinion. fill, is that Which may be called thi ' 4' ­nt functions 'of a * *Wips �, ..� Faver a specialty. Oface opposite ma.day.-Will leave his own stable, Staffa, constantly changing panorama of the -0 "Hiring and Firing Expert." At 44indwee. - :�,11. and co north to the 4th concession. Hibbart city, time flies fast, and not unagree- 'Democratic party erablem is a don- I . Elizabeth 'Vie' it every morning and , eon least, so thinks Kathleen . IN"y ;, t� -ft would seem, ke and once in a while convention RETIRING VICTORY LOAN BONDS �. ror many) Jimit-b.doy 1.�, . lHek's ,Hotel, Main Street. Seaforth. al,,d then west tis Frank Jordan*s, for n ; ably; and money, AU ordors left at the hotel will m ien south to the 7th Conces.ion. ,a%t to the y Steacy in the current issue of "Ev- ho 1 -0.#0- ..; Road and then south to StRffa to his flows in faIrLy consistently Ome- despatches'seem to hint that whoever � . . ." Selva prompt attention. Night ealls ceintre the erywoman's World." .She says-, , ag it -removes particles of W, I '.... olvm stable for night. Tuesday. -West on times, in fact, In great Abundance. made the selection guessed right, A good deal of interest is ll�ei ' a study or iw- ectionem- lodged In ,,tbe tie 1;�, wadvool at tho office in McLeuun,s, Tacker- n.9 "Any, one who has made � ­* ath concession to Joh An old faaa who has been known I displayed by Canadians jW ' ' ­ juri6us f0r�ientati6n,mlo*M ,.! I amith, for noon; then west to the 3rd Con- in the issue of industrial condWons knows some- . 04"I 149 In - - ­­., ., ,., ---- �- cession and south to re I the Kippen Road and to stand in the Bois de Boulogne in Nature is wise. In arranging mor- of Victory Loan Bonds which niatures thing of the many employees. who's 40i�oa 'and, pondbly. Wde.tion. ' .1lF 1, . , , � A,�uth to George Glenn*.. London Road. for Paris for a number of years was fi 1. Usi- , talls hinges she knew he would have next fall. To meet these bonds, the "hired and red" by every large b i " night Wedinesday.-South to the first i;ide ;­ JOHN GRIEVE. V. S. road and east by way of Chiselhurst to .Tohn taken ill In the street, and was found little occasion to pat himself on the Government, of course, will float a Pess during a year, and something Those who have used It constantly -- I , ". . Stalin. McDougzll's. for noon; then east to the Gan- to be the possessor of 60,000 francs back. -Passaic News. new bond issue, just -as was done last also of the reasons for this retp�ated soi.,&.few� nionths can beqt beii t0W- :�, Honor graduate of Ontario V t�e Read d rth to his own stable for andvoyer, the ,bulk of this amount - - riciency in this A21%L q, All diseases of domestic night. Thuarnsdano-At his ovrn stable. Fri- fall to meet the Victory Loan 11,9111115 ."hiring and firing.1' rem � �., .asony to its el . �,�.,. � , my C,qllego. th by way of Centre Road to Th tieing secreted under the loor of his in the 14terest of economy, it is which matured on December Ist, -, . ployer hires for ft -sells at 25C p � 11 �, .11'.. wiftnals tr*atedL Calls promptly at- day--Zou s, for noon; Ihem ft"nes �odgtngs­and in his boots. IM "The ordinary em 'XG ,er tube, WhOleii1c 09 I I I '. .� , - Read to, John Duncan' south suggested t the dry navy and the The principal point around which one of three rewona: good ..r9fer- OR I :,.: I %, at I I I . . , I - I boad" to and charges moderate. Vat by way of Winchelsea, to Geor lie had sold .guide booka to vw- t ­ - " - , %e, Brocle., for ' d"a conference to limit interest eentres is whether the new ences the applicant's own assurance .. . , 'i. adimy Dmflatry a specialty. 001" night SaturdaY.-East to the unal"I Line tors, making 6L profit of 75,per cent. rum fleet 1%, . '. . . I", 7. � mW roWdonce on Goderich street, on@ and north to Albert Scott!s, f0`7 noon, then their capital ships -Life. issue of bonds will be offered to Can� 'the ;pp6aranee that 'looks as 'if Wet - d4TREPHARMAM7 11 and west to , Staffs on each Copy- Paris is reputed to .1 .111 . . north to the Cromarty Line . I. ,.` 1; &we east of Dr. Scott's offics, Sea- to is own stable for night. harbor more successful gutter mer- adian investors or whether the Govi-i would do.p None of these reasons is Seaforiffi, 0a. b� I - I= -1 ... , - . I . 190ji. Terms ­To insure a foal, $15.00. chants than any city In the world, A man who can speak six langu- ernment will sell the bonds in the Un- reliable. . . �,` 11 . - JOHN LIVINGSTONE inore especially during that time ages has just married a womban who ited States. Investment brokers in ,"How, then, does the average em- - ----. - �1,1 - .", when she is visited by tourists. can speak three. That seems to be the latter country were eager to Pur- loyer judge? He doesn't He makes- --0-0 ", q Proprietor and Manager . P - .. !�: KEDICAL Staffal ODIL on street about t4 right handicap. -Punch. chase the Refunding. Loan Bonds last a hit at it and trusts to luck-.-' And I * I During the Yuletide seas I - * - 11 � ,;, . DR. A. NEWTON-BRADY Tiae Handsome Choicely Bred Clydesdale ,rader.4 are to be found in London fall, and it is reported that they are 'trusting to luck' costs him. money, , Re � Stallion ifering articles from trays an4 For Sale or nt I,, I .1',, Bayfield. A doctor says that a man 'may he equally eager to purchase the new efficiency. al- l. BONNIE GLENGYRE oarrels, on which are arranged stocks - issue which will be made some time "A few of the larger firms are '.. drunk through suffering uring the present year. ready employing Vocational EgPerts rre ry Barn" ".1. Graduate Dublin University, Ire- No. 123820] (15938) to the value of $100, sometimes a Rensan "Wa ner Live 11,'. 1 more, and these ire often. replenished shock. So that you n6ed not ever, The general impression in well -in- to do all their hiring and firing., to -also- ,,,, had. Late Extern Assistant Mastell APP roved Enrolment No. $54 Form A ,,,,�� "I Itotunda, Hospital for Women and WiC stand for mares for the season of 1924 several times a day during the bully drink the whiskey. It's suffkient to formed circles seems to b� that the receive reports from heads of depart- East Half Lot No. 11, 5th Con- � . �111 " as follows: . shopping period. pay for it. -Punch. new loan should be offered to Can- ments on the effitieney of each era- jeWon, Hay. Easy terms. For 1. Children, Dublin. Office at residence Monday. -Will leave his own atable, one It therefore stands to reason that-, adian investors. There will be $107,- ploy�e, and all com1plaints and sug- liarticulars apply to I ­� , lately occupied by Mrs. Parsons. mile south of Mitchell, and proceed to R. and - . ,:. . Hours, 9 to 10 a.m., 6 to 7 P.m. A. Gray's, Lot 8. Concession 5, Hibbert. for In a few weeks, the profit from such I 000,000 paid off this year to those who gestions from employees. Each head A. MURDOCK, � . I . Gundlt7s, I to 2 P.m. 28W26 noon; thence to John Cairns', Lot 21. C -n- vigorous sales must.be satisfactory it is estimated that there are 128,- hold the maturing bonds, and unless also notifies the expert of what era- 2932-tf Hemiall. -cession 6. Hibbert. for nizht- Tuesday. -Will at least. These traders have no ex . .. �, proceed to John Story's, Lot 7, Compassion 7. 642 born leaders in America who have the Government offers an immediate ployees he nee&,;, giving an emet and 1. , I "I ­ Penses to meet, so that the difference , Tuekersmith, for no,l,n: thence to William S. no followers and therefore despair of channel for sound -reinvestment, it accurate statement of the Position't�D .1. '. 1. , Broadfoot's, 1,ot 25, Concession ;, Taeker- between the purchase, and sale price .11, r000ed the American people. -Dubuque Am- is highly probable that a good deal be filled. In th(%. hands of an expert 41, 1 DR. F. J. BURROWS amith, �for night. Wednes&y.-Will P of their stock represents an actual In- ,.' � to Angus McKinnon's. Lot 10. C�nnessiau 11. - erican-Tribune. of this money will reach the hands of tbLe hiring and firing is cut down to .. 11 I." Tuckersmith. for noon: thence across and come which is not In any way dis . unscrupulous promotors of one sort an almost negligible quantity, and the � ol ()Sea awd resideRce, Goderick Str"t down to Jame, Hill's, Concession 8, Hibbert. Counted. JAMS WATWN . �.: asat of tke Metkodist churek, &afortk f., night Thursday. -Will Proceed via Staffa we in Canada efficiency of each department is rais- 1. -it � ,.� I - Plione 46, Coroner for tke Couaty of and acros's to Oswald Walker's, one-half mile Grand Old Man of OunbridgM Mr. Lloyd George wants to un- will experience an unpreceladented era ed to a very high degree. , east of Cromarty, for noon; thence to Thos. -soft su"t - S"** i, � armon. Colquhoun's. Gowrie, for night of speciahttion. 'Furthermore, unless "Careful consideration of the quall- - - . Frilday.- Dr. George Downing Livelng,, pres- sheathe the . liberating sword of . S' r Sewing . � ;, - I Will proceed to Joseph Skinnees, north of ident of .St. John's College, Cam- Hampden, Cromwell and Gladstone. money is quickly reinvested there is a ties necessary and the results obtain- Agent for mee , I I ; Z. .. ­ - , . I Munro. for noon; thence to his own stable natural tendency to spend it needless- ed from some experience have proved MJ&b as, and. benerid In- ,., for night- Saturday. -Will proceed to Fred bridge, know -h as "the grand old man It looks as though be is contemplat- . .�, , Horn's, two miles east of Mi ell, for noonz of Cambridge," has Just celebrated ly. that women are especially suited to , "', . ­ ­ Fi ; � DR. C. MACKAY thence to his own stable fortenhight, where he his ninety-sixth birthday, having been ing a haircut at last.�--Punch. A second factor in the situation is this work." IMMW 4i;;� , , � r, will remain till the following Monday morn- i I ,,; born at Nayland, Suffolk, on Decem- the desirable element iA national in- 44,it'!. (L Mackay konor graduate of Tris- inz. . �' ,� It,, 97 University, and gold meolallist of Terms, -To insure a foal. $16.00. her 21. 1827, the eldest son of the dependence insofar as financial re- . I ,. . M�­ FRED COLQUHOUN, Proprietor. late Edward Livelng and Catherine, According to Sir Arthur Keith, quirements are concerned. For many - .1 Trbdty Medical College; member of � ? ,� � do Collego of Pilysielaus and Sur- John Maloney, Manager. daughter of the late George Down- man's jaw has dropt half an inch years, Canada reflea largely upon . . ., I , I cam of Ontario. The Premium Clydesdale Stallion 4ng, of lAncoln's Inn. since prehistoric days. Not much of capital from other countries, prinei- I , -- ': ; Dr. nveing is the senfb,r wrangler a drop, consideiring the budgets he pally Great Britain and the United . d ­ , , . - � � �, i. ­ -­ � . -.. 11�1 I - , m.-10� "�- - -- - . . e' financing of her Gov- . - " of Cambrid Universit having been has had to put up with. -Punch. . 111�' I -I BLACONIS SON ge States. for th V ,��1111- (20869) 11th wr - ,. -, �., Appr,wed Enrolment No. 5272 Form A I , , , angler in 196 I And elected ernments, Muni)cipalities and Corpor- I. I I 1: %, . , . - DIL H. HUGH ROSS Terim to insure, $15.00. a Fellow of his coill ations. The War Loan and Victory Monday. -Will leave his own stable, Bra, .�,�, ,e- later. An active organizer,- started Loan campaigns, however, taught us' . 1. Graduate of University Of Toronto Sulking, squandering, smoking, - - ­ . ", I field. and go west on Dayfield Road to 2nd the first -laboratory for st dents in . . are poor sub- that we were well able to do the bulk.. - - f 0,�­ Vaculty of Me(kcine, member Of Col- Concession of Stanley to John Buchart's, for Cambridge, 71 years ago. He Is a swigging and spooning of this financing ourselves, and it ergu,s o n s I '. '.* kgo of Physicians and SUTg*OSA Of noon; then north and west to FA Glenn, Doctor of Science and a Fel ,of the stitutes for grandmother's smiling I "i I � Is Jr.'o, for night. Tuesday -Down , Fourth om 196 , ','�.`, ; pass graduate coursts Concession to Bannockburn. then to Varna Royal Society. F'rom 196 to 190g and saving and sewing and sweeten- should be a source of national pride W I � 1...� I'll I . � 1, 0111CA'gd, Clinical SC11001 Of 0&0190; at the Temperance Hotel. for noon ; then he was Professor of Chemlittry. ing and sanctifying. - Christian know that Canada is no longer de. , . � � ..'�', Royal opktkalmia Hospi lAndolt, south on the Pa" Line to Wm. roster'H, for � Statesman. . pendent upon a foreigner's purse for . � , I 11sigland; University Hoe talv L.9a. night. Wednesday. -South to Hills Green and , , , ,iol, her financial needs. 1. I - �� V�' ------------Q"l- As to the ability of Canadian in- YOUNG MEN'S.SUITS, in good patterns and . � X111 l: of Do.- east to the Town Line at Walter Fairbairm's, Feats of Sti*ngth. . , � .1. &0*,r Englasid. Office-Bacl for noone; th� dow-ii the second Concession . � ,,, - . adslon Bank Smforth. of Rag to Robert McLaren's, London Road. 11rhere have recently come to light tors and private investors to pro- I . Plioze No. 5, � .1, deace, for nischt. Thursday. -To F- Harvey's, Kip- some extraordinary feats of strength 3,300 MRALS SERVED ON C.N.R. ves smartly tailored; real values ... 09 .50 to $27150 , ;`,­ tftkt calls answered from real vide money to buy the new bonds . 4L2 "I ,; Pen. for noon; then by way of the Red School by a Hindoo woman, who is declared % -,; Victoria street, Seaforth. Home to Robert Doig'g, for richt. Friday- TRAINS EVERY DAY which will probably be issued sooir, , 11 I. . . West <m the 7th Cloncession to geminall'a by competent observers to be a per- it might be pointed out that Savings. MEN'S SUITS, in broken sizes, to dear at. .$14,50 1 � ,�:�. Correr and north to George McCartnWs. for son of greater physical prowess than When Canadians go travelling they Deposits in the Chartered Banks have I )) "� I � - I , �:. I moon; then to McAdam's Side Road and north the renowned Sandow. The woman NGS,' a few suits left to . � el . to the 2nd Concession p,nd west to James eat "hearty." increased by about $33,000,000 since YOUNG MEN'S FIRST LO .1 AUCTIONEERS Carnochan's. for night /Saturday. -By Broad- eptember. This increase ha , -i.-, ... -I- la question is Mist; Tarabal. born Walter Pratt, head of the dinift last S s, C ear at ................. ............... $11.00 . A I �l I fooVs Bridge and south to the Mill Read, to some thirty years ago in a vIllage in 414,4., THOMAS BROWN car service of the whole Canadian taken place in spite of the fact that. I ", ,�­ Auctioneer for ill@ ConjitIMA his own stable at Brucefield. Ra1putana. One of ,her remarkable � . . . . . I .. Licessled ROBERT MIURDOCH, National system, has compiled som� a Dominion Loan of $200,000,000 wah BOYS' SUITS in di - sand shades - -$6,09 ., "� � Proprietor & Manager. feats is to 14e upon the ground' and fferent stvle " 1, '1111. Sf Huron and PeTtlL Correspolideaca astonishing suatisties of the quanti- sold in Canada last fall. Loans to the, - I . -.1 ,"I 1�., permit a cart laden with men to be 11 I z-11 I t .1, ,v , .f�, ,I �.,'" , arrangements, for sale dates em b@ drawn acrots her cheat and arms. ies of food--jand the qualities-eou- United States by Canadian banks are, KHAKI PANTS ................... $1.75 to $2,00 N�4 l'' ,,, =ada by calliag up phone 97, SoafxiTt sum creasing each month and this . ��', " ;� _11 Suspended between two chairs by her ed by Calladt when she boards also in I , . �. ,,, a* TU Expositor 001co. Charges mod- one of those little ,travelling hotels, seems to indicate tkat there are plen- " IV- The Handsome Choicely Sred Clydezdale bai had a r, ,., ,, . 4ftU *ad Antid'"tion guaran, head and feet, Miss Tara ty of funds available for our own I �l` �, 11 KHAKI KNICKERS ...................... $1,00 � ". �,M: -Ili, ,� ". Stallion. 8tone weighing a quarter of a ion the modern railway train. I "4'�f�1�1, . I � I Approved Enrolment No. 9132 Form A I placed upon he- chest, while two men The National served ,one million domestic requiretnents. � ,4;, X ". e, , 6=4-- - I 81,1�v e two hundred and, eighty thousand In this connectiono it is also inter- MEN'S WORK SHIRTS .......... 6 ... 90C tO, $1.75 .4,,,Z.��.", . BRITISH HERO pounded upon It with beav�, sledg I " , I esting to ,know that our balance of , �", i 1'�,V�l OSCAR KLOPP No. (18204) [205781 hammers. rpeals last year� to $1.00 1 � I �­ � t trade is heavily in favor of Canada. BOYS'WORK SHIRTS ............. 85C - , I -1 I No -nor Graduate Carey Jon"a Na- Win stand for =Arei� durlitir the ceason of This averages 3,300 people a day - " 1�1. - I ast and on all the In other words, we ex0ort more goods I a -,: , If"M School of Anctloneerine, Cht. 1924, a3 followo* Life of Lowniotives. fee from, coast to co ,` . I �; � 11 I ramifications of,that hugeat, single- than we imoort. In this way, we LO�SES ................ $1 a' 4 .It . - .1 tago. Special comme tAken In Pm Monday.-TV111 lenve his own otable at Har- in Great Britain a locomotive has BOYS' KHAKI B 20 .� g. ",. ", �1; 1%vl . -. &W Live Stodr, Real Xgtmte, Ner. vurherfo,,nd go w -t to Gcorgo Dale 11 I,-- a life of from 16 to 18 years. There ecntrol railway in the world. A very bring large sums of new money into I .", 1� !:�'. .1 Alma, noon-, then nouth and aftat to Saindy large modern h6tel-larger bhan any- Canada, 'for which of course we sell ,�'.11 � . , . � �x , I , this oN and am ales. In any older tha OVERALLS for the synall boy ............ $1,00 . �11 , -. Z,� " . .. McX4dh"l1s, on the Boundary for night. Tdes- are in n this still ran- thing in Canada, might look after agritultuTal, mineral, and manufae- � . �;.. - 11 Vdth ailing Market 80- day�-West to Cotistimee, then north and east ning, but Usually they have,.been so . % �w t6 John Dodd'a� Lot 80, C6ndoBiola It, Me- or of people. But din- tared products, ft would be unfor- ­ . �,.;, 018111 Write or much -rebuilt that their origInal de- slich a numb TX l wire, , CHILDRVYS PLAY SUITS ................ $1.75 ..... i��,:­ Zurkh, Ont Phone galop, for noon, thon ,gwt to the Nortir signers would not know them.. Dur- ing cars are mi&tY small units to be tunate If the profit from the sale of �1, 11 11 . . . . . ,.�,; , I . I . 1! OPP. Gravel Road aind north to Lc,ftdbury 'to VaL . j" -. :1 � . .. hatidled, provisioned -and staffed to these goods had to be, sent to another . . .A I 28" Meaiiviiei, Lot 29, Coticesilon 12, MeN1110, Ing its lifetime the average passenger MEN'S BATHING SUITS � .................... 1375 ,4��, I.:,� . �-- Mr night Wedne5door--Mot and nooh to locottotive on the English railways aceorilmodate such a number. country in the form of interest upon 1) I U i , - .I, I kwk ,,,, , - --eh2W11-1" Inwoa walwa. Itbaudary of 9";Idt% for'"ft; covets -between a million and a wil- What do you, think is *the mbst Dominion Govatrkmont Wilds. If last �Y'.. �',, - , BOYS' BATHING SUITS ....... � ......... � - - 75o 1 r.�­' ` . :,-,i r� " -�, . 1 4114M wirth an4 <not td Arthfa labloold. Lot 2, nioli Goverhment Refulid- I , -, . . ...... .. R- '' ff", I I . Coneeftion 14, dvloz for iftlit, Thv"day�- lion and- a half miles. poptilar food &board train? year's Demi ' ,!Z""1,t14 1� ,).r, . ,,; ': 1 ,�.. , .. , v6rih and east to William ; , -ft You would nb*bT guess. It is 'a Ing Lban had beA offered in the Un- L I . - . � ''P "l �L,,,�I­­ .v,:.�,,�.­'�` , ,It, Z Lung 1. L 12" otim &I.,"."n, , , a `p6polar everywhere, ited Stahss, vre would zio* bo paying � ...!,"� I ; l4,-,: , ". . ­ �. I ,l, - food that, wbil I , #, '� "," j., L'� �' . 1;�,� .:';'77'�7 lot 4. c4ucmz�k in . � , I �lp, ., �- ,:,� , '' . I .o. . . I omt to C;Wdnbrob i It aopeatw that what we weire as ., �TH . 1, I "d south 9, o­­i`,�, ., , . ) I" ", . a to ft AM dar-mot atid =6 � . tilliptioiL It is one the Uylited � ,,,,, I A :,; A 'heat beef and other $10,000,000 elaeb 4t il� 1. - " - -,; �� r 'h .. 14 1 .-, I '. � Ra�-tl "- , year in fzt�rest to .1. � � ,, 06k f6v tk* or-dft to.... I'atfi, edvedad ba df Own sUred,wil§ Jobn BafleyeorWs death- rarft nowhere \1 ,, ., � I �-", ,wj, - , J,41i�i' 4.,.-I.- � - I . . I es "at ft- 6 36hin Ralseeti, Lot 0. I rialt veng, in fact, It gurg1o,-C61:i1-rrt4 , illeats In home go Stat9Z inVe0t6til, Instead - 1\ l" A � `4"'p,,?�; '� '�', 7wanw, &*, V Con- It is "k . fsy� 9:4 01i; th )74.71?N ia� Record, of the tastiest f ' a in � . ,�,� ,, " � , ��.� - I�IkY. , , , I I I" 2.", .. .. 1. � Joholi Meeo, Lot to, 991on"I N a the world. But of paying It to inveatof% In Canada. , 1', 01 .� i , .� om- IF ' I %�,,� .,­, '. - ,,,,,,� i" ,,, , tatwo "d 8MMMu- f nikht. S%itftd`0#.--9;? , sun wast tal I& , � it is a mwwy -# 4, 4iMcult thing to In addition we wo'did *nVe pay "'ho , i, �erguson ­ .. It I.,", -, I . to .1.1 . � I I � . I .1 111.1"El. i, *6 240, ;�;h ,itabld fdr,ildo , I - W xchanjo premittTA.Upon AtAerfcit; .1 . ,,,,, %.1 'I'll".. . ": V# . ibl& Phi %,;W fto big tvill #81TA&TO. , I - - prepare TheT60ft ,�t Is not ill the 6 I . 'h, . ft .ft *a ONTARIO -4;1 , C,��, ll � . ,. I . �­ AMR% . ,,, ik'& , .'� �, �'. "'m 2, twul I . , '004ft"difthl"'. I , . tejedt 61le c6nc,�ptjon that hd�mifv re&�'?i!x: funds, . . � � I 88 � I I I .1 ,, EL� * , , . � I J o, � . 9&� , lAr in th4b fioni�`� Vife p . :,it * 11:, , K , � �`,, �,., " - ."'! , 1V I , - � � - ,, -, I A&I'll � , . . T-1-0 to i , '�Ifflo I , AV, -Ii Inog )a I a fit, " , . ,.. A;- 1.1::? .�,.�',..�,.��f�,,�,�'.-,,,t-.!," I I, . ., ­­­ "rl�,,,­ii�X;, �, 1, I . . a;,,,,,j, q, :; V""'. ,,, 11'.), , 1, , - 11 . � .1 11 . . . at UOW(14 W ih .1 1 .1 . ; ' I .�;, 11T � 1-1�' . I � to ', .� 1 , Al�.,, I Cli ". 1115.90. ,,, . .. pable of off 11 � of I �read t, by 4te1g4r^g-'W# q �'t 1 keb ,Ing � ­ ­­­ '11, 11" W . .... ­;� , ,' ,. " . ow , , �, 7 V eu , I . U, r � , , '', �Swoa IV "A' ar.1118,11 Mv M -Mr.. , , . I.:�', . I . .1 I the butchW, . I . I �­�*,.,i�­t"­%' . i: I � 'Ijjt,�,'��,� 11,�,',,:i;� -, IeY4, � � , In"er - . �!!.,,,.�,­ � " �1%1�­,i�r, !1!", �, I , ­ �. � & to a 11611 I , , ,. 1;;iid*ng, & ,,,,',,'1';i,,;, ,. - ,"It , , , it, . -'.4 , 431 � , Vlvil 6s:i1Jlg 1i piece aii � , 4, , 06AW ,� ,v�'el�,, � 11, , 9 4 , - , , , , , I . i! 7 � I �. -4,?., �,�� I I , - , - . , . ,. , ;�. 1- I 1. I I .9,00- . , I I I . ! :":, .. .� , . - I i I , .� 1. ,;: I . I � ': ..� � 1, ,,, "'t, " 1 IN117 �')'�,, - I 1, �, rw " �,i, .1, ILL , I I. I ""' , I I "' ��,` I* - -1 I 1, 1 .5. "", 1:1�" - , I i "�11"g,PgON;''. ­,,�jt ", ,` .,. ,�', �. li.;� I .4 %� , �, "Vald I I , ­ , I 'Y t " �, �, . . ,4. 1 �N. � ., - I . 1;1. : � I . I �­ � , I :11, � . �, . ­:.� - .. 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