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The Huron Expositor, 1924-07-18, Page 5
• A y:c,.....m..,.g.;,+_cmw.h,r!r.+l•„nerx^,c.�. tri iy18 192L' P. Rpt, Vii'...�',:. • .�: Nk l ,svOood aport sit don, sal'. 8, ; �Iiursi�s If N MOM ( 11,,leapi .-4t 4i an Sue'' s T r 10llleal[ie alae" echo. -la To iw, un GlcXieesb ..nl Mn. r+1ki3 'E, Wee, (IIee* e K n li 41,04;,!.4- �daugbtle4' r s. -Im . S b.o i 1 to it, .a i 8r Jah'Qd y of 84i eat., u soil DEATHS' a lis —In Kippen on. July 7th, Thotnee f ,._HIe1'w. aged 77 year:. LN MEMORIAM Note. ---Items Ander this bead will be cherg. cog 50 eosin per single verse and 25 neat® for rash additional verse. $eott,—In loving memory of my dear fattier .< William Seat, who passed away on July 18th.. — 9.928. . This day brings back sad memories Of one who's gone to rest; The ones who think of bite to -day Are those who loved him best. 9 IB'rien2s may think we have forgotten, en at times they see us smile; lent they little know the -heartache Our smiles hide all the while. 40 what would I give to clasp his hand,' His dear, kind face to see, To hear his voice, to see bis. smile, That meant so much to me. Moving thoughts shall ever wander To the spot where you are laid. 2958-1 DAUGHTER. CARD -OF, THANKS Mr. Wilfred 1.Vlellis and sisters wish to 'thank their many kind neighbors and -friends 2or their expressions of sympathy in their recent sad bereavement; also to thank the O ddfellbws for their services and floral tri. 'butes ; the friends tor floral tribu'os, and their waster, the Rev. ' R. A. Lundy, for his many grind visits to the" sick room during their father's sickness. IMPORTANT NOTICES ]'OR ?RENT.—.BLACKSMITH SHOP WITH tools and machinery in an old established liminess in good farming locality. A anap for the right man. Apply to D. EWAN, Bros- sets,Ont. Box 101. 2953x2 Tj OR SALE. ---THIRTEEN ACRES OF GOQ13 Alfalfa and Timothy Hay, 12 acres of 'Timothy and Alsike, 10 acres ref barley, 8 nacres of oats„ 8 acres of peas. Will be *old .on the field. Also one Holstein cow coming in on July leth, one ,Durh'am due November 1st- Apply to, TOBIAS NASH. Lot 17, Con- cession 8, McKillop, Seaforth 1'. 0. 2953-3 ITAY FOR SALE.—FOR SALE 20 ACRES of good timothy, hay. Will be sold on -the flekl in whole or in part. Apply to WILLIAM A. MORRISON, Lot 22, ilonces- saion 10, McKillop, or phone 15 en 248, Sea- Sorth. 2952x2 WARM FOR SALE.—FOR SALE LOT 9, - Concession 8, Tuckersmith, containing 100 acres. There are on the premises a six. roomed frame house, bank harp' 50x75, lean to 15x25 all in good condition; 60 acres 'seeded do grans and balance in crop; well fenced -and all tile drained; r/.r mile from school, 5 miles' from Seaford), 8 miles from Kippen-„rural aran and phone. Will be sold on +reasonable berms. For further particulars apply to MRS. DAVID McLELLAN, 'Mitchell, Ont 2952-tf TENDERS WANTED For the construction of the Dill Drain in the Township of Tuckersmith. All open work : 4060 cubic yards. Tions and specifications =ay be seen at the office of the Clerk. Tend- ers to be opened on Saturday, July 26th, at 4 p,m. Lowest tender not necessarily ac- cepted. Successful - tender to be ,prepared to *.,give marked cheque for 5100.00 to Treasurer of Tuckersmith as security for completion of contract. D. F. McGREGOR, Clerk, R. R. No. 3, Seaforth, 2953-2 eiollormeaer NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE is hereby given that all creditors shaving claims against the estate of •Robert T. Holmes, late of the Township of McKillop, in the County of Huron, Farmer, died on or about 14th of June, 1924. are required on or before the 8th day, of August, 1924, to send to John .1. Huggard, the Solicitor' for the 'Executors, Rose Holmes and David Henry Holmes. beth of said Township of McKillop, -their nam3s, addresses end descriptions. the Bull particulars, -in writing. of their claims and a statement of their accounts. AND TAKE NOTICE that after such last mentioned date the said Executors will pro- ceed to distribute the assets of the said de- oearied among the parties entitled thereto, 'hav- Sng , regard only to the claims of which he shall then have no'ice, and That the said Ex- ecutors will not be liable for the said assets or many part thereof to any person or per mons of whose claim notice shall not have Been received by him at the time of such disteibution. JOHN J. HUGGARD, Solicitor for the Said Executors. • Dated at Seaforth, Ontario, this 18th day of Jahr, 1924. , 2958, IN THE, MATTER OF "THE BULK SALES ACT 1917" NOTICE TO. CREDITORS NOTICE is hereby given that Henry Edge. of the Town of Seaforth, in the Counts o4 Huron. has sold his Hardware business in the said Town of Seaforth to George Dougald Ferguson. of the said Town of Saaforth. (formerly of Teeawater, Ont.), Hardware Merchant NOTICE is further given .that all creditors of The sHenry Edge are hereby required to We their claims veriflel by affidavit, with the undersigned Trustee under "The Bulk Wet Act 1917", on or before the 12th day of Augdat, 1924, after which date the said Trustee will proceed to distribute the proceeds of The said sale amongst the parties entitled thereto, 'having regard only to the claims of 'which he then has notice and the said Trustee will not lip, liable for Bald• proceeds or any Part thereof' to any person or persons of whose elates noii'ae Whale not have been received by lain, at the time' of aueh distribution. I. M. BEST. SEAFORTII. ONT. TEiUSTEE. Dated .this 16th day of July. 1924. 2953-8 • -4, 4, 4 0 4, 4 <> A 0 4 n • CHARLES HOLMES " © Plumbe, °e• . a • 4, © See our Bathroom Fixtures • * - and Supplies. ' 4 • Estimates for complete instill- 0 .d 4' lotion furnished on short notice 4' • Eight years' practicer 0001. e b ence hi Toronto, dy b Repairs and alterr tieing givers 4, b , our prompt attention.Oes4' *,**4>On®4cb ia► *+ a'. Z•t& ontlri 1p�who lis : Y 00 17 9 i1p 1 20,g J us 1904 }' 2‘,are rree fired' on qk Warn- a 20th y 3"toy, 1924 ' to sen 1 by pout, F or 4 twor lo rho eo1icitor”3or the 1tdan trartieu. taxa sir claims, duly verifiedby niiiidavit •t.UU u 'ua of+ the eecnrity .:(i8 ally) held by them Further take notice that after the said: last ment%ned date the assets of , the �1 deceasedwill be distributed ajnopg the parties mitt -Wed ,thereto, having, regard' only to the claims of Jmwhich. •nonce;shall then have been given. tDATFD the 8th day of July, 1024. R. HAYS, $952:.8 Soiicitor"'for Enecators.. CD .TO ; CREDITORS NOTICE fa 'hereby Given pursuant to the astute!, .in that behalf.thpt: all persons bar,. ]qg 'claims against the estate of Joseph Dor- 'ranee. Farmer, late of the Township of Me- lliilip, Oounty of Huron, deceased. who died on the 20th day of February, 19241 are re- quired on or before the 28th day of July, 1924, to send by posh prepaid, or deliver to the Solicitor for the Executor, full particulars of their claims, duly verified by affidavit and the nature of the security (1' any) held by them. Further .take notice that after the said last mentioned date the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall then have been given. DATED the 7th day of July, 1924. R. 5, HAYS, 2952-8 Executor's Solicitor. BERRY!S Mid - Summer Sale Ladies' -Patent and Kid Pomps, sandal effect. ,, 33.49 Sale price Patent Sandals $2.49 Sale price ��DDL 't Smoked Elk Sandals $3,49 Sale price Children's Patent Slippers $ 12 9 . All sizes �D 1 G �7 Misses' Patented Slippers 69 $1, Sale price 1 vat Men's Light Harvest Shoes • $3.49 good quality . Boys' Shoes $1.29 Sizes 1 to 5 L Ginghams &' Prints ALL SHADES OF GINGHAMS Regular ,33 cents. Sale price Chain$iray, regular 30c Sale .price Canton Crepe, reg. $1.60 $1.29 Pure Linen Toweling 23c Groceries. 27c 24c Sale price ' at We carry a Fresh Stock of Groceries. Here are a few of our Specials: Beep Sea Salmon (Red) t cans Maple Leaf Salmon 2 cans Corn Flakes Package Tomatoes 2 cans Icing Sugar 3 pounds 59c 69c 10c 38c 29c Highest Prices Paid For Clean, Fresh_ Eggs. BRING IN YOUR CREAM We Test and Pay while you wait. Just arrived ---A shipment of Gilt Edge, large Ball Twine. Leave your order; , delivered to you any time. Berry's, Brucefield Does DrainagePay? 1/ Atom( sill noiC spuauj aauiatia does day. There is abundant proof that your returns are from. 20 to 100 per cent. Some have said we cannot afford to drain. I say you cannot afford•to farm without draining. Look over your fields now. What have you lost by not draining last year? What will you lose next year if you do not drain now? Why not take advantage of the Pro- vincial Loan through your township. It was set aside for your benefit. Why not use it? Call on me and I will explain hew you can get this loan. Willialdr Logan, who has been ditch- ing with his machine in connection with our yard the past two years, and who does not need advertising as he has trenched over 30,000 rods in the past two years, is -again, procurable at SSc per rod. We have over 2,00Q rods of drain already spoken for apfter harvest. If you have summer" fallow or grass to drain, why not do it -now? Plan this most important work ahead. , I all here to serve you in your drainage problems. Our next kiln will be open Mondry, June 30th. Sizes 3 to 6 inch. • Wa Mn Star: ;at One and a half miles east and two , miles south of Seaforth. Phone 186 on 2 a for Sunday dinner? Notiltog.'' 113tfer .. tender `fin swat,, 1 ,ember of 4&4: mBly !enjo , Buy your 'meat at this mark; and learn how different n►feat eau : MainDo^ Ho STEWART . ,. Main Street - Seafortk Phone 58. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 S. To Holmes & Son 0 0 Funeral Directors and 0 * Licensed Embalmers, 0 0 Finest Motor and Horse 40 0 drawn equipment. Beattie 0 0 Block, Main Street, opposite 0 0 The Expositor Office. S. T. 0 Holmes' residence, Goderlch 0 Street West; Chas. Holmes' 0 ® residence over store. 0 0 Flouters furnished on short 0 0 nonce. All kinds - Of up- 0 0 holstering neatly done. - 0 Phone, Night or Day, 119. 000000000 0000 WE OFFER Electrical Development Co., of Ontario, Ltd.., guaranteed by the Province of Ontario, 5% Bonds. Due March 1st, 1923. Interest payable Marchi and September 1st. Principal and Interest payable in New York funds. Price: to yield 5.15%. JOHN RANKIN AGENCY PHONE91. SEAFORTIL raccim 1S is amour Chance to n a $450 Piano or a $150, Phonograph F E re First Prize A„ $450 PIANO Second Prize A $150 PHONOGRAPH Third Prize A X150 PURCHASING VOUCHER Additional Purchasing , Vouchers Worth $125 Each THE ABOVE PRIZES WILL BE GIVEN Absolutely Free! Address All Answers to First Prize one $450 Piano; Second Prize one $150 Phonograph; Third Prize, one $150 Credit Voucher for the best, neatest and most original correct answers to this puzzle. Also additional Credit Vouchers. These prizes will be awarded absolutely Free. IF you do not own a piano, you should send a solution to this puzzle. We have already awarded six $450 pianos and six $150 phonographs to lucky winners as well as many other prizes, absolutely free. This is purely a Piano, Phonograph and Radio advertising campaign for a manufacturer and the instruments will be displayed and sold by one of the local dealers. The contest closes July 31st, and all answers post- marked later than that date will not be accepted. Do not wait until the last day. Simply get busy today and solve the puzzle. Then send your reply and remember that the prizes go to the best, neat- est, most original correct answers. • • • Zvi * '�• , 0 • • a o. b 0 o 0 • 0 0 0 Can You Solve This Puzzle? It Can Be Done DIRECTIONS The dots in the illustration in this adver- tisement, when properly connected, form an outline of the head and shoulders of a very prominent person. The puzzle is to properly connect these dots so that you can recognize and name the person thus represented. The name should be written at the bottom of the finished drawing. - INSTRUCTIONS WRITE YOUR NAME CAREFULLY AND PLAINLY. To the best, neatest, most original, correct answer will be given one $450 Piano absolutely FREE. To the next best, neatest, most original, correct answer will be given a $150 Phonograph absolutely FREE. To the next best will be given a $150 Pur- chasing Voucher, acceptable on any Piano or Player -Piano shown. Additional Purchasing Vouchers worth $125 will be given to the next best fifty answers. Canadian Selling Agents 29 Market Squar`- Stratford 4 Ontario Things t Remember Answer may be submitted on this or on a separate sheet of paper, or other material—there is no limit to the size of the solution. Only one member of each family should send a solution. Einployees of the newspapers carrying this announcement should not enter this contest. Persons engaged in selling pianos should not enter. This is a Piano advertising campaign, and the First Prize will go to some family which does not own a piano; for this reason families which are supplied with pianos should not enter. All solutions entered are, and shall remain, the property of Canadian Selling Agents. Each and every con- testant entering a reply hereby agrees to abide by the decision of the judges, from which there shall be no appeal. Gather the Family rand and Let Them All Take a Part in the Solution f this Puzzle sr, a Someone will get a fine Piano for only a few moments' work. This may be the lucky day for you or your family. Take the time now to work this problem. Send your solution, carefully addressed and carrying the proper amount of postage, to: The Canadian Selling Agents. Be 29 Market Street, Stratford, Ont. Pik (COUPON) SEND YOUR •ANSWER TODAY I certify that I do not own a Piano, Phonograph, Radio. (Strike out the ,m+trun, nk you do not own ' Name Address R.R City - .1.44.4.,;. • l�,