HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1924-07-18, Page 3. , I I , I I I ., VW' -_-_-�1-------M— --- � - -- MIT I -1 q,mm"T,7,77N, -"-7"'777'7F"TT7"177wrr7'T �,­` - ,.;,- " -­�,,V,mp­4�� , � I Tx�7rm7i ?7 77(�-r 7717�77� " - w,'; F- ",7��'-7,T77477,, 77W,7 " I,; I" "I 04 . ',v �"-,,�.�'r.k�'V""�.,',7.T�,��"-'7-'�-,.Ih�,1,Y'7,,�l-,""-",!,,7'T,7�,�,� .1 X 7774-77, "I I '. ;, " � I �17'1 ­­. . 1: ,� � ii li, I ,� 1,TMTTRrF , 1, p,"; I . I I I ''', ,,, ]�I` ,,, , ''. I 11 , , � I I � I 1. I � . I I , I . � I . I � I I . : , � I'll"'. . I � I I 1'�', , , � I ", 7 ��.,AW,0' �:111, ;:� , I I I .1 I , I I I . I . 11 ,�,,, ! z I % , : I . I I . . I � . . I , , , I" 11 � 11 V,1 , " , , , � . I I 1; � I I - - -� t � � � , I I I I I I I I I . � I I I , I I , 11 I . I . � : � - I I , - I � I , , , . I , . I � , , � '. , " , 1, - , ,�� , I ,� :1 I � � � i;� , , , ' jt"� 11 . , � ; , , I I �;; . , I �: " , i , � 11� � I ". 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I , I I , � . � � � 7. 1; I- -00 ear., , I 710cTwilt atv , "kw;, 4 -9 , 11, ,-'r, ',,�J, :.� '' . r I .1, _1:1 ap-Mb, -9-40'.: � , 7., �10"777�' Xorword A's , aq . . . _�w . , . . I , I . . .�. & T P e 1� a � i A 0 0 i . ; .1 � 11 ,� � � .1 :1, ­', :�_�,�_-.­ --r-'411 ;,A� ,�,�6` -:1 .." , � ,C,,., I ,W:, �, j, 7777",';� T � 11, I . ;,,�r, .-" .,;�- . ;�j� . . , 1� ,. , , I V!,�­­ !­,:. i ..��. - � 1� 1.9,11'',L114- 4�_-­ I : ��' ; . �,,, I � 4 11� 1. + r ' 11 1, �. t4-1­',i,T`rQA --��,,c`,T 4RTT- , i . I ". I 1)'r,', 0.711T, . . � ­ . I = ===�=�� . � . � 1. I - I . . 4140 fleypRyn -LAVIS11ou 91k, . . Valera 'by hls sisker4n4iw was- ,coMensat­ I . � � I I . i. . ' 'on ,v.4 by the. lack, of devo# aV shed ow ,,tA�r. Vu !apon ,lilin �j , his -n air - known t�, several. .of ',.his Wgrafhers I , - I I.. 96nk�, T� , nia �,g..' - - ". ,,9platq. Great 9k�, I '�,,� � '1� li'm Sekh� 1""! I . 14 -, '�Puist, p ,tqq�k:� ' � , , .,� �rii ` Wawlea - 44#k", ...p"i stow mgrilo .9 yu, Spor,le W. tl��44`*ery fiatue fqr'i vil- , � age i� Nbvd,4", ttle Hautbois j In I I'll I 0 � 1. - I - I � .. I . . I S' UMIVIER- HEAT " But we are disposed to dea gene;rovis- this sister ke, a restat , -want at., the , , Ke ,, Against .th �o,",i',1,06vou can display - ., I . HARD ON BABY N . y 1,ropq I- ly with you, Have yout 8 I entrance to tt Roe Proung.t, % dAd when her brotbeT,�;Was.'lx,xrpowpr . zeal Moua0ho�o* Inwartileigh, , — ' tion to make?" I I . she Sheepwash, Ho),#O,mbe Rog'44, P , _ ", No se4son'.9f the year is 'so dan- , ittle I , ' 8wede's eyes. blinked a g , .r t . The " as advertised the fact� by, a display over her door, a, tribute him , crasiveek I n, $tic ppa , Up 6 , Woodfard; rn��i ; Serous t6� the,,Jite of h ones ag is I ' ' ' ' 'excessive Tlwrnl� . . , many times. . ,. - . "I r,r, I which c6i4sed morr-I e4vion'. To her restaurant 11 i� en Otte 404ti - , tess Wear' 1,90buckland . % e a . I Tile heat I "der 1 , bane- only rtne e sai4 , pop;_fti , . T,11 h 11 . and wonian to possess. he � *w tj ' stouxach out of or P FtFbat 'a , ,!but I gjv� you , _' - two dollays."­Chica 'go, , " carne� many of the'' leading p&- ticianst, ' ' Who con , 14`.rqj�qose betw en the . two? . ly aid' I so qW unless prompt I . I I .' Herald and-.M�.miynfne . r most of them ignorant of . - �'� I I at hand� the, baby may be bey � 9nd, , tilt ' � : �: k �i,.. ,, 1. . relationship of Mdlle. Thiers to . As for an uxt�,, asant name Muck - human help before,the - iliotIver Te-�, . � - i � I ,the the statesman, and... they often dis. :ng is not alone-- - I Alizes he is ig. Summer ii the Season" I ]ROW. TO KEEP SUPPLY OF FRESH cussed public affair� and indulged in Swine, in Yoi*��ire, Sewers End, in w4en' diarrhoea, cholera Infintuln, . � g ssip about the' great. To their ? Essex, Muaton, in Lincolnshire, dysentry *and colk are',Vo�t preva- . I I ,VF ' ' ,GETABLES d may they found, that many of 'tud Hudford, ixt.lb�vou, are not very . ',jeautiful. , lent. 'Any Ohs of �4eae troubles may iprove deadly it not -promptly, treated. . . . "Too many people sow their first their conversations cropped up in the newspapers the next day, especi- _��'. More stran&e than ugly are Prog- 'During thesuminer the,mothers' �eist �& i�nd seedsmn* eathusibsin, but; forget the t, . - ally if they were of . kind that Thiers ?ool, in Cornwatl, and OwIpen, in �;Ioucestershlr6. .roultuire, in Cam- , is Baby's Own Tablet s. They ieguiate, :,the -bowels, sweeteiiI the r 'etables continuation of :fresh veg I which is so desirable," says D., W. could. not consider compli- mentary. Guizot sometimes turned brideslitre, is a nasty name, but the _ , , 4tom�cb..�. anil keep, baby healthy. The George in "Everywoman's World' for up there. Once he was reproached Inhabitants proba,bly use the other versto Fowl r n Rj4 e _OT-ablets -are sold by medicine dealers June,4n his "Garden Gossip'.11 with being a misanthrope, and said, , . Among the laughable names Bar - .1i � 1 * *1,,at 25 reTits a box from Ar Y mal, . . "Lettilce -and radishesin particular, according to the concealed reporter of such ,- to,�An-the-Beans,,Ih Leicester, stands Tf Vrock� Williams' Medicine Co., .he continues" ahould he resown at conversations:- "But -)ut ve'ry promin6upy. vil , , Ont. frequeat i;;�;rvals � during the whole what can I do? In reality, I Baldon 'Todt,'In! Oxfordshire, and % I .. I . , season, so that young plants are con- 'tinually haven't the courage to be unp,DX)Ular Kingston Bagpuae, In Berkshire, are - - I I I 6 , corning along, . Tliby may be any more than other people (pause]; Jokes, while - Upton Snodsbury, in CANADA'$. LUMBER KING USED � resown'betv" i n the exi , sting rows, so that, ,is' one lot I& used up, there - is 'but neither have I the courage to prance about my own drawing room Worcestersbire, would be a good aanie for a village in a humorous . I TO FEEWHIS MEN .� another roi� coming to -take its place. . . . as if I were on wires (pause); nor � . zaory. ' 11 "The small6r,,0 ur garden pl9t is can I write' on subjects with which Among the grotesque and fantastic J. R. Booth, the veteran lumber- the ing . ' re necessary it' becomes to I have no -sympathy [pause]; no �nd queer and amusing names of *nan' of Ottawa, is said ,to lye the make every'164 . of space count for knowledge (pause], and I should cut i. _!Mgland', however!,"lare names'which Vealthiest man in Canada to -day, but results: and for that reason it is -a sorry figure on'horaeback [pause]; .'un like miislc��Ambrosden and , J,m' beginning in the lumber business quite desirable to follow the' early consequently people who, I am suret 35toke Charity, Stretton Grandison *as a humble one. crops with later ones planted in the wish me well lipt who will not come and White Ladleg Aston, Ampney ,,He was telling an acquaintance re- - , same positions, care being taken to and see me at home (pause], . be- . -�rucls, and Martyr Worthy. � I �c4ntly that in the �mrly days when he his little ' work the soil well between the plant- cause my wife does the cooking (pausel, hold me up Gilbert's Come -back. ikakt�d saw mill on the ings and to add,plenty of fertilizer to as a misan- I - Chaudiere, he boarded his men in his . replace in the soil the nourishment thrope, while I know I am nothing of Gilbert, of the Gilbert and SpIlivan � I , t to the that has been taken out of it. Thus, the sort." �� combination, audipi and � composer, I 4south of the Ottawa river. early potatoes may be followed by The reference to the writer was respectively, .of many light operas, He said that in the morning h- " late celery, lettuce may be followed meant, of course, for Thiers who, it . was a star in an -gathering which . � jr -would go down and,istart the fire and by cabbage or parsnips, and peas and might be said in the sprighty French :ippreciated ready Wit. A new book, I . Stut the kettle, on, and while his wife beans by winter radish." way, plumed himself upon his pen, which, when he W. S. Gilbert: MgLife and Letters," . by Stanley Dark and Rowland Grey, was ma�ing other preparations for � 'breakfiisi � would pare the potatoes, am was a journalist had overthrown the dynasty of the has some examples of the author's ac- .he and6-4'ABY George," he said "you've I . Bourbon King Charles X_ Thi I i I e mplishments In this direction. Once Ir bert and F. C. Burnand, the editor mo idea how many �potatoes ih6se men FAMOUS PEARL NECKLACE To house was destroyed - () - of Punch. were guests at the same 'WoArld eat." I CROSS ATLANTIC mune of 1871, but the arls re- inained in his -possession, and even dinner table, where a wise host -0 � - � . I . Pearls are tears,' according to the after he died in 1877 his wife con- placed the -rival humorists at oppo- , . I I . . ,it iids of the room in the hope of THE SYMPTOMS OF poet, and undoubtedly the most fam- tinned to add to the collection until she, too, away three d ee isturbing equally the witty table .IMP6VFWISHED BLOOD I ofis and costly,of them are Thiers'. I passed years, later. She left the necklace to the talk. I Show in Pale Pages, Tired Feeling The collection, which hag become his. toric, was sold not long ago in Paris Louvre and her other possessions to Continual shouts of laWh ter rose from Gilbert's corner, until Burnand, I , and Pre;Ahlessness. * for the sum of $658J244, and present- her sister Felice who -renounced the bequest, but she the after ineffectual attempts to arouse \ .. lywill cross the Atlantic to grace the perpetuated pious labor of adding to the necklace a similar jocula,rity in his immediate circle and unable to conceal his People who are pale, languid, with 1palpitati6n of the heart and shortness neck of some lovely American woman or perhaps the strong room of some and contributed thirty-nine pearls. chagrin, leaned forward and said in -of breath at slight exertion are suffer- unlovely collectors. The necklace, . � - . his. most sarcastic smanner: "I sup- pose Mr. Gilbert Is -telling some of ling from thin, impure blood'. If they Composed of 145 rose-colored pearls, God made the country, but the car those funny stories which he oeca- 1have the resolution to take the right perfectiy matched, which took a in front makes You eat it. -Saginaw sionally sends to Punch, but which repiedy and stick to it, they will find long lifetime to get together, wag Evening Star. don't appear." To which Gilbert mew heialth and strength. The remedy sold at auction 'before a distinguish- I dryly replied: "I don't know who that can always be relied -upon is Dr. ed compan y in the Louvre. There rends the funny stories to Punch, but Williams, Pink Pills. With every dwe they improve and invigorate the other famous sales had been held in the Past, the last of them being in New York is to have a new news- It's very true they don't appear." blodd� . and this new blood ineans 1887 when the French crown jewels paper -presumably for b%nsey to buy. -Memphis News. Where Was Ancient Ophir? bealth and strength. Mrs. A. Griffiths, were disposed of by the thrifty Re- When the news was flazlied over lKerson, Man., is one of the muny public. There only remains the the world a few years ago that Gen. thousands who have proved the value famous Regent diamond, and this, *- Allenbury had conquered the ancient of these pills. She says:___ttl was so badly run down in health that I was too, will be disposed of ,,,, day when the French Government is par- WHEN YOU TAKE FRIENDS MO- city of Jerusalem, a woman wRig heard to exclaim, "Gee! I always almost bedfast. The least exertion ticularly in need of funds and when TORING IT MAY COST YOU 1hought Jerusalem wa's in Heaven!" would7leave me breathless. I suffer. Royalist. sentiment appears to be I Almost as vague are -Nakpy people Qd from headaches and backaokes and particularly low. The necklace, $50,000 DAMAGES ,vith the regard to Ophir\j%entioned ' i bad no appetite. I could only drag which is made up of three strings in the Bible in connection with gold. about the home and fouh1d even light joined by a ruby clasp, was first . Inviting a friend to go motoring Rowever, there MRIly was an Ophir lionsework almost impossible. I tried offered string by string, but the ag- in one's automobile sometimes proves famous Cox its mines. Ophir was fre- several remedies but they did not do gregate oif the sums offered was not to be the most costly form of ho -s- quently i1sited by the ships of Solo- ime a particle of good. Then a friend as great a sum as was offered when pitality in - the world. The person ition and9of the Phoenicians. -It is ,came fol� a visit and she urged me to the necklace was again made one. who looks upon a trip in the country several times mentioned in the Old try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. When I It is difficult to say what the as an inexpensive wav to pay a so- Testament, but its location has never bad finished the second box I could pearls are worth, apart from the cial debt may find himself faced Ileen satisfactorily determined. Yeel that they were helping me. By story that goes with them. When later with a damage claim of $50,000. Among the many Places whilch, in -the time I had taken four boxes more they came into the possession of the Few people seem to realize that a Oie writings of travellers, have been I was a well woman and every sym- Louvre in 1881 the Government ap- guest who has paid no money for -�del]tifivd with ophir, may be men- Li,,,d Armenia, the Molucas, Peru, ptom of my trouble had disappeared. It would not be possible for roe to say Pr8isers set a valtre of $5,000 upon them. It is known that M. Thiers his ride has just as much right to sue the host in case of an accident I taeria, Phrygla, Africa, India, Arabia, too much in favor of this medicine, and his wife spent the modest sum as he would a railroad or a com- :,Ia)acca, San Dorningo, Mexico, New � 'u1ne. in all probabil- , a and OrmuH. and I always recommend it to run- of 14,000 francs on some ninety or pany operating omelet-colo.red taxis. ity however, OPhir was situated down people, atid have seen it prove ninety-five of the -pearls that made the A footsore and road -weary vagrant I whom the driver up of ,,ithor on the east coast of Africa, in just as satisfactory in other cases." up necklace, most of the others picked out .Vrabla or In Indig. If you are weak and.erun down you having been gifts from various dis- kindness of heart, can file an action can begin getting new strength to- tinguished persqns who wished to against his benefactor if a mishap - The Peninsular War. ;day by taking Dr. Williams' pink -show their regard for the brilliant causes him to break an argi or to' The name peninsular is given to Pills. 'Sold by all druggists or sent 11by mail at 50 cents a box by writing French statesman. Report has it that one of the pearls was given dislOcate an ankle. e recent suit of the once beauti- the war waged in Spain and Portugal I a LiO7-1814, between the armies of to The Dr. WilBams, Medicine Co., M. Thiers by Queen Victoria, but ful Helene Jesmer agaInst Philip Mor- Napoleon I. and the British and Brockville, Cint. there is no record of the fact. Un- gaii Ifant �alls general attention to 4'panish forces under the command of . doubtedly ,he got a pearl or two the responsibility that a person as- -'ir Arthur Wellesley (afterward , WW from Rusgiam royalty. Princes and sumes when he invites friends to skip 1)(ikp, of Wellington). The war grew CAME FOR DAMAGES BUT SOON Ambassadors learned that the short- over the hills with him in ,his merry I ., ,t of an attempt on the part of est way to M, ThieTS' favor was by motor car. �,�apoleoji jo partition Portugal, and . CHANGED HIS MIND the gift of a pearl for the famous When a victory for the plaintiff i-1,,cv his brotbor Joseph on the I necklace which had been laid down, seemed practically certain the young !irnne of Spain. The Spaniards rose He was a Swedish fasner, in North as one might say, by 'Thiers on the millionaire's attorneys settled the ,ii opposition and solicited aid Crow Dakota, and his cow had been runt occasion of his marriage. He gave matter out of court. The sum paid ;Iritaln, which was freely granted. . over by a railroad train, So he put ,his wife, a child of fifteen, three in compdrisation to the former Follies xowr losing tbe great battles of ox his best Sunday clothes afid went pearls which he is, supposed to girl for the disfigurement of her face oouro, Talavera, .'Wamanca and Vit - to the railroad company',% office. Af- have had from the Baron de Bar- in a motor smash was said to have oria. the French were driven out of . ter waiting three hours he was amnte, who owed him money and had been $75,000. An informal poll of the .1w peninsula, and the rightful king, brought 4#o the presence of the third pledged ihe pearls as security. jury disclosed that every man would t,'o.rdinand VII., was establis%ed on assistant attorney for the railroad, to Thereafter, the necklace was added have voted for a verdict of at least , tie �'paniGh thronfi. whom he stated his case. 411 bane t'ank I get some damages," to whenever Wers or his associate, Lafitte the banker, made any con- $15-0,0,00, -and that one wEis willing to hoist the figure to the dizzy Ngbt ___ Got Same 1AW-gons. he said. siderai�e money. There was a writ- of $3,50,000. .. My boy, your last term's report .The lawyer consulted a big book. ten ag-reement between Miers and On the trip Helene knelt beside the oas just come in," said the stern .41�ky Mend," he said, "I sympathize his. wife that she was to get 1,o,00 driver and led those on th� .seat be- �'ather, "and it is very bad. for you ,�*ith you. Your cow, as far as I have francs on necklace account when- hind her in singing "Snap Your-Fing- "" at the bottom of your form. What 3o you mean by It?" W4en able to investigate, was a per- ever Thiers or Lafitte made 5o,()oo ers at Care." -Well, father, it doesn't really mat - feotly respectable cow. But she was francs. I Judgements, as a rule, are much � er," said the bright youth. "You t-ftspa*ing upon our private proper- Adolphe Thiers, wh o became higb,8r for cases of mutilation than loe, It dQesn't wake any difference tk�' .And you, as. her owner, were known as the "Savior of Territory" for death. To put it brutally, it is ,,, lwther you're at the top or bottom pgirtigep,s criminals. Now, I can show . and was the first President of the cheaper for a motorist to kill his )f the form. They teach the same rod hei;, in Standard Oil Company Third Republic, was a brilliant man, friends than to maim or disfigure ,oth ends." V01sus IlIternaiional Marine Corpora-' but felt that he was overshadowed them. Death judgments ra.rely go — tiot, ex tel the State of Texas, the in every -important particulai by higher than $5,()00, whereas mutila- - First English Will. . supreme., eourt of the United States Francis Guizot, a colleague, tan tion verdiets may climb as high as The flrst wIll in the English lan- clenfly' Obolds oar contention. If we years his senior. Much of Guizot's the $1,50,000 which it i�s'qafd the j ur- ,nage, now lodg,�d in the Durham piished this matter to the uttemost superio,rity Thiers ,set down tothe r orq were ready to award in the 3eg- registry, Is the will of a chandlpr, there is no telling what penalty the assistance he received front his bril- mer ease. vbo bequeathed candles to various highest coutt.,might inflict upon you. flant wife, and he souglit to train But the man who b -rings a "guefa churches, and sorne special ones that I 11 . I I I I'll I I - .1 11 11 . suit" against a friend is always more likely to lose his case than to win it, A- J --il .. were over nine feet high to the cathe- dral at -York. — !!O",�� - - __ . I I I . I I . . I .f I I I e", � . � I I I ' .. '.­�, . � I . ,. ,�, I � , , , : " � 'u, J , �, I %� %,, , . �: �� �,�, � �,�,, � .� ;�; " "" �:� � 1 L L I 3� .% � ? , " I I - . . I I 11 . .1 � I 11 . 1, I I . 1_ 11 .. 11 . ­ , . I I / I I � �, : , , , . I 1111,�i"',. 1 1, ,.,I r, ,, ,A,! �! ";,:��,,'1,;J ('.!� I 111V­41­­� An an. or L,v on am mo e ii-surance - - ______ deel-ares that b ot more than 15 -per DANCING THE BEST PORM OF cont. of such cases result in the pay- PHYSICAL EXERCISE Ing of damages. If the car owner is insured, there is always the suspicion There are verY few vrho are mot of collusion. Even If theto isn't, most interested in dancing, WNAhe'r they jurymen feel that the m(an who woul admit it or not. If they, themselves, . d sue bis host when an ordinary acci- do not enjoy its, performance they . dent occurs is small en,ough to fit into appreciate seeing It done. PiX aside a p6anul shell, I from the Terpaichoreaft Art As a 41p, . ,�, I . , , -, I I V I . � I �. � .. I . . ,I. , , " - I t f�l �,;�i&�,.�, �� �-��,.';�,! 1 (,,� 4 �­,'"�t ,% ��,. �§ i,'..!3,1'Vd-p., � , I . .11 ,:;­6'�` � , ,: "�. . I , ,,­�,­,,,� .'d !."'_,�, . . I I I ,: 1, ,� `� �, . ,,,,,T�-�',�.�, � I 1. -��` I%- T I , . . ". I � 1 _ V, 1 4, , I " i 11 �'­;"� , �­ ;�'V,,_,, ­� I 1�� i,j'­�, ., _'_ '­.,,�,.,. 'S" � 4;, Is % � I . � ''. , t �t, ! , ''�.. I" 1. , , � . ,N� ,%­:,,� I � ,., . w -,� , 1: " ;,��.;",",�,�,,, .. 11�1 , � .�� � ...... , . � .�,�%. ��, l-, "44 1',�,,,�, � ,,,�.Nl ��;�_ 'I 1 i .",�, , , , 1: . .."". 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I - � , . I . . , . I,. 1- , � 1,,�- "'j': , ,!�­,`, , ":,ii, ��'. n�., L . , 1 I �_, ­'�1.11, ', r. ,��, . : "i �,, I �_.l .: .1 " , illl"L I � , , "I, . , - "I 11 � �� "I - I ' b , 1�1 I , I . . W do whAt I'can to byiii�, . .� , . , MeSsagaL t*, thi Twent;W6 . "' ,L 0 , . ; , .. I ,:�, � . I �. 1:, %. . , � . I I I .1 I , � �_, � I.. , owmr , �� Ar. �� I.:, 1 _40`44, ff �,�! . -.1., , . I I I � ent ''. . I . , e som'to give Revival J)ances , I "J . : .. I 441 1, - I 0; I I., I �. :�,,, 7 I ,;;� I 11 !. bas I on the old Greek style and In � 1� I I - . I � , . .. I '', - � 1 the real api'lit a, Ancient Greeee,,but . ... I . . , . I . � . '' : � I . � I - . I I � � I �,­,.­. I I :. - , , :,�,i', ID Beautiful H I AN__ - , I I - /_ . � 4 -f - I I 0� , 1 , �� " ��,3 .. Shampoo this way . 11, I . I . I It , I . i 1� I � . ., . * . .. . miration have pretty hair. Hair with soft � A, �PA� ..�A " , J) � , � I � � �,,! "i, I . ; � I,' . . I ,�,;' , 1 14 � ,/ � � '' I L I . p, I � �, , I �� � I I ,,,Ijl ,�;��, ., ,% I_- - , ". ,: -0 , ., ,j � , � , , , ."', 11 , W-11! ­�� 1, 1,L . ; I I 1. I 11 . and wonian to possess. �� I . . � I I ., 1 �t, I — C'M , I .. �� . - 11 " . L , j .1 I . " � . , L ". �. � ;1 I 1, :.1 - I : , . . . . . . , I �:L �`�',!�',..: ��', ... , � .1 � , "- ,,�. - , - L' � ' � ",., � ',.� :�.��,.":� ".,�"",��,,��,��",���,!���,��:,�:�, .�111­ �;� - ,� ,14 . ... 11 !!!! I'll .... "I'll � I 1i .i L'.. � L %­ .1. . . I L I— .. � L ''I.",-, , I 11,� - �' �;�_""!'�"'I'�L ",�".';��f� .,� � - .Iri .. I ,,, I'� . , 11, .. . . , ,� li"I" ��"11. "i"�,i'.".'i,.�l"'�,",�i�i��,��il��,;�,'�'4"�'� li��I.�.-,��,,;�:���"-l�,,�,,��,:��, � `_ W�111'1!1, - , :-,��."­'. 1, -�:,�� � �` 4,� ' 2 :' , . I i. � � !, . - , "",� '11 ;���", - - ,�;�)!�'.,,,I�����,,�!,����'�,�,,, '��""�""""'��;��'�'�:"'�"'�;���� ,, ,.� ,l 1� . , , I., 11` _11"'All", � ,�� I.I�;��,�"I'�ll't"�Irl�'Iff�,N�ll!��"I , ". � � ,C� 11" ' , I I -, ". J4 , , �1'1 I 1-.J111;;', I V WIM Improvements on the gn. p%l �'.,il t%�'.,Iiijl,�.`41,q',�,,��, , " 11 -, '111 , F11 1, f�'f�,,�.�'it'�,��,,,�';�.-k�l.,,� � " _,��' n , i I t'. I , v.Z", f .�� , "," , V-1 , I A� _ tique.s These Revival Dances will be I to bir 0 , � ''; �:.�,�,` 1,'�:�'i I ITEN 111-7001�1'*,P_'. 00 �'140 I �,�, . I � " - , 'I , �­­:­­,.­ 1 11; ,t W,P. . .'"S"" '�P�';�,'� '� I " _1" , W 1, -ILL ., for the whole community. My plan �W f _� - �,,i'�� I L 1'9 10� V , , , -1 �, 1�, 1, I - I , "" I , li" � W-,- .�,:,'��",:' .1 . . 1, , ,F I � . �, .6'_"�:, , now. is to repFoduce a part Qf - ancient I . . . �",K;.,,, ,`;,.,!�.,�"4.� "�, Z. r I � I ". . ", , W, - ,", �, _`�,',yr ­ -1 1-y I I 1.� �, .. I'll 01�IL;­�, ,--,,,,,, � "I". , " ' I � � . 1; I., . , C', . ,� , , "Ll, Z, Greece. I intend to secure the - co- "Am�. ,ow . I . 11:11 '. ,�, . , _,�, I - 1, � L I I.. 1.1 , � � i , . . � , , , , , � �i � �'t I , ,; , � . , , h y ; 't ., i , . , , . � � ,*,-W-�,,,,�t;�,, ,_,,i'�,'�,,,,,�!'��4m, , �' "i �cl I Id ICT � 11�r �' 11 , *_', I �" operation of five or ten thousand peo- , � , �� ,- �N. ", ,." 1 " , I'— I � ., �Tkl' f.." 5 pie who feel the same way, and we I 7,�b 'eco , . ! � ;�01;"_,-!", '' 1� " �,�'­., ,,'.,,,�,; r2�,, A .:, b,a, � ,��, 1�11',, , ,4;'�,� �, ip!, , _� , �_ , I , ','I I I ": " s1mll endeavor to entertain, on a eel- � 1'ill�.'­L, 'v".", , ',.��,!,,& " " ' -ii ,�. I � - ; , .;.: A_� 1: - , I I o . ­ -1 -, , . , " �, � . 11 ossal-seale, upwards of 20,000 people , ' I , . , �� " ..iN, , I , . , . , ��'. � ", , , , ,��i,",?1111,�ai , " I 1, , , ;- , " "�.j �i� " daily, by giving them glimpses of the ' manurklumd by . I * - � ': 1 1; " �, :,�,', ,_1 , , ,.,, I x, . ,,If -i V � , . , ��),�i�,,XO;,� , X life that many of them lived in past . "ERMLTOWCO CO. OF CAIWA , , � : ., , " '. - -V 4, I , ., " , , ­�:, ,�, - ". , A.* � A '11!� I � I _�: ,,,,,�*, , 3 I . 11 �,J�,.,.. � 1� l?'y"". � I L ­ , f. � � 4911TIP", � :� .�'. �; , ,�� incarnations." . I 11�1-, S, , i . , �.�,:� Q ��, I . , ,,�;?,� , , � I 1. �,,,%,,,,�,,i,t�j:l L "" � - 11, ''Ill I. AID q —w—_ 11 1. I � � . 7- � 11� ., I . 01111-F11 1, I., , . : " ""J"'t- , , 'i , ff,�! , ��­111', ,� . . ,�,: �1111111 %ti- � � -I! I ., 11, I'll., W40RLD FAMOUS SURGEON I , 4�, ,­, �4�r. ', .', �, , - ,,, 11 ­ "OR ABANDONS CIVILIZATION n!�� - r - ��'�� , 11 , 'I".` , � ,.*�, I 'I . � I . M A millionaire has abandoned civil- . I - � � '�,, � `.",�4-',"�;�,�' � �,�.,� V�, if, . . � . �- li �i, , . I . , I . � 1,11- �'. !."tll.�61'1_ -1. ization. primitive 15orefathers. inous rays ,W,hich,:'he ,a, h., I , Z " , ... A surgeon, whose practice is the Wken I went to interview the great just beginning I - ''I ... I '; "I .- .."], ��, .11-i. � , largest in the world, who is accus- surgeon I found him in the well order- "It is ext;raordAllazy I . ., - '- I L I ". "'.� tomed to every luxury that wealth ed consulting room in his Park Lane people keep as healthy .. I �, I .... ,'.�, I I I . .. . 1. � I , "', - �-, can br;Dg, plans to desert the world mansion. He -is well over fifty, but he remarked;,"when you -colas er .1�1,,, ' �,,.`.. 11.1� am.- ' �'�-��S ' �-:1, of society and plunge into the life of is tall, upright, ;slender, with the they spend so much of their lives ' - -`--'�rll . . 4 primitive man. grace, lithe ease and clear'eyes of wuy from light and clean air, sleeo- , ­1��,11,�`��11' � , � - . ',4:n,� Sir Herbert Barker, the world- athletic youth. lug in rooms which. are pirfedWtqii,�. , v. . � �,�,�,.1�1_72 faimus "bloodless surgeon," who won "The fact is," said Herbert Barker, structed-from, the, midrobeal view I . 1, I �.Al . � ,I`,�M�q re . cognition in the teeth of relentless opening the interview, "I have �eqn point. �." , " ,,,, . 11 '­ - I - � ­ �` " . � I I , �i,%f'..",,l ' I . � � ,, :_R . 111. .1, - opposition and rose from comparn.tive making a re -valuation of life kiince'l "�Sunlight is as tectasavy to the. . , ��,,,k'.',�;,, , I I , �� poverty into glittering -wealth, has went to Madeira for a sun cure t*o body a-, food itself. It is IndoodVood �11 `,` ., o � � � !;�'� I I no fantasy in his tnind when he plans years agio." and nerve food. it kills ftd"�iokfils in . ;,,,,, -;.,.,��,!Q .1 " I ��,N, his desertion of the world. He is not I suggested that he h1a4 most things Vne blood stream which. bit6ed,'Itisease ''. T, moved by religious frenzy of by hat- men value in life -wealth, fame, roy- and shorten life- rejuvenates "the ', �: �:,,,,, j red of the world. He plans not to al recognition. "That may be," he whole system and'is the real f*Ua.o:e : ','�`�,'a I � " 11VP save his immortal soul, but his mor- answered, 1%ut I don't want any of joy in life. The most vital things bil ''. �A,li , � ., - "! 0" tal body. those things. There is only one life life are health and happiness'. '1KJ)th_ I ,. � �� � - , A few months ago Sir Herbert left worth riving and thaVs a natural one. Ing save thege matters,'Und tvhat�ver 1. ..".1.4"% I I �,:�L't hiT palatial Park Lane home in Lon- All the, animal man needs is ple mode of life gives these'mu.4t bo'31ia . " , ,,��) 1!Ity ' , _,';��',';��,� don's "millionaire's row" for a three of exercise, sun, bathing, fruit and right one. I have, "as' tho" sayl,ni. is. , , ",il, . �,- 1�3,� months' sojourn in Jamacia. He Was simple food. He does not need any- !everything that A niflan *An'.*a1JV11bUb �,-,V�t��!, , � � . worn out with work and decided to thing else. all I know is ithat 1xi citilitouin-1 , nam ." , 'V,4, . ­�­,,�,' seek that sunny tropical island for a "You kn9w, I have not been able not happy, while livinj ihsf, �rh"'vwo � � ! X f �"ilt?�` , I :t. .'$ . I 1':�,�V, - needed rest. Little was heard from to settle down since I have had a taste life of a naturi man, going mad of , -�:Iq, . " ',, , him during the period of his vacation, for the � first time of real life and ail the day naked under the sun on't1to !, , lj�",a,'�, , �,�f I .. ,�� , . " but when he returned he had a startl- I want now is that again ---sunlight, seashore, I have experienced a' more ,.. -1" � . � I i - ., Ing announcement to make. salt water, air. And that's wMA I'm intense joy and a deeper content than . �', "._,�� I ", . r "All the material thing I am tied going back to. P I have ever known Wore. ' ' 11 ""', / "'. �. to," said Sir Herbert, "wealth, fame, "MMy," he said, "I was dining at "So I plan to wind my affairs Im I .1. �111 honors, mean so little to me now that the Ritz only last night. What-rdid I and go back to that I pp �:,�11 , � ., , ih. . . * I �, I am going to turn my back on them see there -what do I see in the fash- "Half the things that so-called cir- I �, !_"'�, . , � . to live the, only sort of life worth ionable restaurants, clubs, dining-, ilization has brought in its train seetint '.I,i�, while -the primitive life of a hatural rooms everywhere? Joyless women, to me clogs on progress, which in'es- I "" _�_,, I man on an island in the tropics.�' and lined men, old before their tilr.Le. sence is the climbing of the,highest .,�".,��'c. Three months of sunshine on a trop- , He talked to me a good deal ab peak of happiness," was one;df Vils .. ,.:', I ;;f� I . �� ical isfand had worked this miracle the possibilities of heliotherapy- amazing man's remarks wbi&'struc1L I & I . a man converted to the life of our curative properties of the sun's lu-m-A.my mind, I"! � , 11 � . I .1, I 1, . . - I., I I . � _­ , " , ", ,;.,. � 7,f .1. __ - 11 . . I � - . . � � I I . I -..-. I - -, ; I., - S H(XDEK 1711 ` ado by Ames Holden Tire & Rubber Co. umiftd KrrCHENER,,0NTA1U0 . I give you more mfles for enc__W Mee M tar of cost—prove it—testfh with any other tire and a v I= 'Ja�� I&CIff e 4W 0, Sold by I JOHN REGIER � I ,EAFORTH'S LEADING TIRE SHOP � - ACCESSORIES - OIL � . __ .1 FREE 15c trial bottle. Jt'- See co"Up'On below. — To Have I I L - -_ I I I , I-,-,- .-I � ID Beautiful H I AN__ - , I I - /_ . � 4 -f - , _�,§ �x .. , 11_�& . �. f� r ..", . ,� � . . ''I , " � Shampoo this way . 11, I . I . I It , I . i 1� Women who command attention and ad- �, 1��i Ill I . q. ) 81\ 1 1 .... �,�� �_ I . '' - . 7 � V - _. is miration have pretty hair. Hair with soft � A, �PA� ..�A " , J) � � ... . I � I - ,_ . 1, .1 i� I I tiess, and silken sheen. I,' . . I ,�,;' , 1 14 � ,/ � � NaThe- ______-O-W� � Such hair is within the power of every girl , I �� � I I ,,,Ijl ,�;��, ., ,% I_- - , ". ,: -0 , ., ,j � , � , , , ."', 11 , W-11! ­�� 1, 1,L :� . I � I and wonian to possess. �� I �1 11 � \ � � . . I .11 We arc off ering you a test of the shampoo ; , I ill . " \ \ \ ��l .1 which specialists on hair treatment recorn- I mend. Tt will bmig out new beauty in your fluffy, pliant -with the rich gleam of natural hair. color. Witbout perfect cleanlinesq of hair and Todav, in Palmolive Shampoo, you have - scalp, no hair can be really lovely. Do not olive oil in its perfect form for the hair, use s;hampno v,rhich leaves the hair dry and Dainty, pleasing -not oily. And economical, brittle, (lull or lifeless. Millions of wornen have found new htdr- I ;1A beauty througn it. c,hanipoo containing olive oil is best, au- . �, 1, j, I �: i. ',?,J.� , ' �_�' �, You can test it, at bome ai our expenA , 1, ,,, q, A' thoritics say. Simply send the coiipon'for a 15c trial -sift , _�,§ �x .. , 11_�& . �. f� r It cleanses: each hair, clear down to the bottle, free, . ,� � . . ''I , " � i tiny scalp pores. I .1 . � _,"� . �, , .". :i4� ". " I Yet mildly, so that your hair is left soff, i5c TRIAL BOTTLE FRIM& �111 . 1�.. . I 1, ��; I �­ , ", i ,� i . �!'. � . I Fill in and post to The Palmorive Cit. *1 6a. .. " . : .,�",_ 0 - . ,, �, �i4 . I !, .� "ro"ALMC)LIVE-1 SHAMar"10"'O ada, Limited, Toronto, Ont . I . "I , ,'�­, .�, "n I � ... 1...,,.��'J 11111,,� ";., ��,!!�i�� ", Made In Canadn , NaThe- ______-O-W� � '. � ,1,1,1�1!4�1'_' ., �,: , , � ,.I , I THE FALMOLr", COMPANY OF CANADA, LUnTE2 I'll, C, I . . . Addrens- ___..._,4,�,�` � I ,,,Ijl ,�;��, ., ,% I_- - , ". ,: -0 , ., ,j � , � , , , ."', 11 , W-11! ­�� 1, 1,L Toronto, Out. 11 I I I I - - __ .� , I 'I .�61 ,". �� �_� -1 M, , , ''I _�,� .10 � ,1,:",f,L,:,�,r � ,,,,, . 'I'll � " , " 1�,r,.?"�Z, 0 L. I I I . � I . . . 1. . I �, . I I . I ,. . I , � I 1,­� ., �i, ', , ", . , " , . e I I , I . '' . ,� ,,,;I,-,, . , " , " I . , !� " ., _1-11 "Y' k , f , ,,��,'�� �, �� �, , �; .", , , 1, � "� 11 11 I , , , I , ,". -, . ,� , , " �� ;� , �k,�.'�I;i;�` 'i�i���,iii'�?"���,�,,'�,,�',4�,;,�:""",�,.�� �Oj �.­­ k � ",. "I","", I I I 1. . . . , 0'. . - - ,"'-�, ��,,��,,��,,"",�4,�!,,'�"";;�:�,��', ,�, ��,,,; � .. . I ,.,�, , �,,_ . ,� ,:;,, � ,�, �,,'�..."� 'I�T'�.";�,,,���,�,,�;Y"?,�;,� �Ii,'11'11 ",'_l ,�,�, .......... ,0, ',j, ,1� ,I'll, ". 'IT , , , ". ,: " " L � . , , ,"'I". - ,� ­.. "_;1-,1 ... 11 "" _.,;� �� "I , �i �, , � ,, ,, " � '�11',� �'Al� P:,�� �, � f 1�111;1�_" - "l, � i ... ­', ,11 �,�, ,1- , .if '5 , �g­Q�­, 1.11,11, I � .1 111.11 1..',�_ ,�, , i 1 - I ',,, i I I'T'. 1, " � r., � " ".11-1, ,,�, !, :� , o. -�,�!',�!,); �,c,--,,1.111 I "I'll I., . ­ ,. "', ,,�. . " , � 4IQP,.��,!i , . *6 �� ,_ � ' . : "" �, �, �,�: I !� " , ��"'Q�',',, ,� 1 ", "* �411 i�� �;�� �""�'! �, I �',' � ��. ��` " '' �. , , � , ',,';,',';',,i,l�',,"t,,�"",:��,-R:�,,,,,�,,;�,� � 4 : 11 ,�.v � I . 1, .- �'. I I �,.� -1 I .4;�i�,'O.'�,,�,�,� _�, - 1�1'1'�Ai`%% .1. , , '. I" - , - '' ,,, ; , I . , .�, , ,,,,, - �,A_��� Ul� 1, , ,� ',-'� �1,1111P, I , "__-!,.L ,� - :L�2._;­ ­ . . i 14 � �', .1 I 1,:.­'.q� _ � .­.,*,.,V,V_ ,.;��;, kt, . , �Y,�,(Q .'��\"� � , �� I 11 ""I',` ,;,I � I , ,',�', �;,��,,,�3,,'T.P.' , 11 I k, , ";,N,� L�' , �1. L�' �:, f q,�� -, , ­,,��!, ".., I ., � ", U, , " "'I" �`-�,,�;,;� � ,�,,�,,,�u,,��J,,� , �, , � �, . . 1, I .,� , . I:, , � ., , _MW