HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1924-07-11, Page 5oA - 924. 11 e1: 81".. 39 adboet.—'n :$S98 0 Inw� , g Mia fi yy,,.�yy��r +�9a.�44}84 t h tot, %'ye in urJphy ..Juane,.' ►, by Dr na a *ern e4sxaia6:on Slims 29th to tar, eat poutter, ii daughter. lib rt, on J 25K. to • Mr. d liixe, oaeph W. 11dre, a daughter. WAGES iso., 'Svflailton --,At the East Street knee, Gods g�r aOn t7u'ae 25th, � by the ides father,. +ailhilitad•b1' the Very „Reverend Olin Fletcher, D D5 , ; Hensall.' Ont„ Agnes ,,abet (+1ti�$in`�.,, older daugher `tthhe: , Rev. nnvl - olsat;M Hamilton;to T George Wider son of Arerand the late' Mr. ,George, artison, itiiieardlne Out.,'.,' Feet -In Henaall.-:.wn DEATHS Zane '2$th Margaret 'plane Fee, in her $7.th. Year.. 'urin—Ju Brucefield, on June '21st Thomas (iurrr, 'in his 62nd year. Dixoni,-At','Bayleld.: "un June' lath,?'Matilda !Burdick, /]wife of William Dixon, aged 60 yearra. •Conatable.—In McKillop, on July 4th. Susan Barrows, beloved wife of Albert E. Con- otable, aged --'70 years, • 10 months and 9 days. IN MEMORIAM 8iotae.—Items under thin head, will be chars, iEek 50 cents per single venue and 25 cents for •endls additional verse. i8aelcwell.—In loving memory of my dear Inisband, William Hackwell, who passed awry .July 11th, 1928: -Walton Loving Walton• - Loving and kind in all his ways, 'Qlptight and lust to the end of his days; Sincere and true in heart and mind, .A beautiful memory 'left behind. ' Sadly missed by Wife and Family. In loving memory of Archibald MacGre- wor, who died in St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon- don, July 15th, 1921. 'Quickly and quietly came the' call, Ms sudden death surprised' US all; Meurer to memory than words can tell, Are the thoughts of him we loved so well, WIFE AND FA1MMILY: Kistner.--,In sad but loving memory of our ,clear wife and mother, who passed away two 3'eare ago today, July 18Th, 1922: • "Two sad years have travelled along its way +Since our dear mother passed away; • °The trial was bard, the shock severe. 'To part with one we loved so dear. to voice we loved- is still, A place .is vacant in our home whichnever can be filled; 14er dark eyes and smiling., face are so pleas- ant She had a cheery word for all and died be- loved by all. Mat, oh, what we would 'give to office one kiss upon that loving brow. FATIDDit AND TWO LITTLE SONS William, Aaron and Harvey Kintner, 29524 0 IMPORTANT NOTICES 'Wj OR SALE.—A FIELD OF HAt. APPLY - to JAMES SPROAT, Ir R. No. 3, Sea - forth. Phone 84-160. 2952-1 'RAY FOR SALE.—FOR SALE 20 ACRES of good timothy hay. Will . be sold on 'The field in whole or in .part Apply to WILLIAM A. MORRISON, Lot 22, Conces- eiort 10, McKillop. or phone 15 on 248, Sea - forth. - - 2952x2 STEAMIER 'WrANTED.—A PROTESTANT teacher for S. S. No.3, Tuckersmith- 'dust have second class certificate and •ex- merience. Duties to commence Septemler 2, 1924. State salary and experience, and apply to J. S. DAVIDSON, Secretary -Treasurer, Brueefleld P. O. Phone 269 r 24. 2959.2 Wait SALE.—SIX SOWS `DUE TO k''AR- row about July 1 -5th. These sows are :strong and vigorous and from a prolific strain -,the kind that will produce select bacon—carrying second and ithird litters. Al- so fresh cow and one due to freshen in about three weeks. priced,. to sell, S. F. CARRON, Mot 7, Tuckersmith, H.R.S. Phone 14-144. •2952-1 WARM FOR SALE.—FOR SALE LOT 9, Concession 8, Tuckersmith, containing 100 acres. There are on the premises a six - zoomed franie horsebank barn 50x75, lean to '15x25, all in gold condition; 60 acres seeded' to grass and balance in crop; well fenced and all tile drained; 1/4 mile freest school, 5 miles from Seaforth, 3 miles from Kippen; rural mail ,'land, phone. 'Will be ,sold on reasonable terms. For further particulars apply to SSRE. DAVID McLELLA,N, Mitchell, Ont. 2952-tf Does,DrainagePay? • mown rut noB aping; .cairns does day. There is abundant proof that your returns are from 20 to 100 per cent. Some have said we eannot afford to drain. I say you cannot afford to -farm without draining. Look cover your fields now. What have you lost by not draining last year? What will you lose next year it you do not Arpin now? Why not take advantage of the Pro- 'nindial Loan through your township. rt was set aside for your benefit. Why not use it? Call. on me and I will explain how you - tan get this loan. W"illialn-"Logan, who 'las been ditch - With his ina'chine in connection with our yard` the 'past two years, and who deet not need advertising as he Inas trenched Over 30,000 rods in the past 'two years, is again procurable at 35c per rod. We have over, 2,060 ,rods of drain already spoken for after harvest. If y*on slave sunliilelr tallow -or grass to drain, why not do- It tow?; . Plan this nxdst ,°.itlip'o"rtent work ahead. '1 aria hOre to serve you in • your drainilge, probleistto. Our next kilnwill be open Monday, June 30th, Sizes 3 to 6 inch. • " wb m:is t" + lne 'and a half miles east and 'titte- -miles south of Seaforth, '&Swipe, 1$6 on 2, near ox i ,V aian MA learn how duff. ogzap1#0;'140, 5004- p@r i 1R reti r I' or 'info albs :,apply t® *44 Ity +tet end' !neat man Ccnune V'ice'`Pm ' ONE dies' Silk ose;Blaek,Grey title, per pular only ,t► ,Y. AONUCTI' SALE OF FARM STOCK AND Implements,--.lisp,. Il, Nairn, auctioneer, ,bus. received instructions from Mrq Franklin L Yeo; to sell, by public auction on Lot 13, Concession 8, Township of Hibbert, on Mon- day, July 14th, 1924 the following: Horses— Percheron mare'ng' 8 Years '9,1d, driving mare rising 6 yea old, heavy colt 1 year old, 2 work horse., agricultural mare rising nine years old. Cattle -2 COWS freshened in July, 7 milking coma, 2 two-year-old sheers, 10 yearlings, 8 calves. 7 shoats,0 pigs lust. weaned Pouulltryg and Sheep -8 rows, S breeding ewes, 4 spring lambs. Jnrplemd'iats,--8 wagons, light wagon, 'top buggy, open buggy, trailer, set sleighs, Maxwell touring car, Ford touring car, etc. Hay -17 acres clover hay, 6 acres alfalfa, 4 acres timothy hay, Sale at- one o'clock p.m. sharp., Teran,.—.All sums of $10 and .under, cash; over that amount six months' credit will be given en furnishing approved joint notes. Three per cent, off for cash on credit amounts. No reserve. FRANK'IrIN L. YEO, Proprietor: W. E. Nairn, Auctioneer - 2962 -1 - TENDERS WANTED For the construction of the Dill Drain in the Township of Tuckersmith. All open work; 4060 cubic yards. Planar and specifications may be seen at the office of the Clerl. D. F. McGREGOR, Clerk. R, R. No. 3, Seaforth. 2950-2 DRAIN TILE - We will have this year's make of Tile out June 20th at reduced prides. Anyone wishing to have the ditching machine, call and see us, as we have made arrangements with Mr. Day, of Guelph. He is an expert at ditching and has this machine digging here now. And -if you have not got time to draw your- Tile, we will deliver them for you, as we will always have all sizes of Tile on hand, also Bricks. �� 4 ,4• "KRUSE BROS. Phone 14 on 160: 2948x6 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the statutes in that behalf that all persona hav- ing claims against the estate of Joseph Sproat, Gentleman, late of the Village of Belgrave. County of Huron: deceased, who died on the 15th day of April, 11124, are required on or before the 12th day of July, 1924, to send by Post, prepaid, or deliver to the Solicitor for the Executors, full particulars of their claims. duly verified by affidavit and the natorO of the security (if any) held by them. -Further take notice that after the said last mentioned date the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled there- to, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall then have been given. DATED the 25th day of June, 1924. ' IL S. HAYS. 2950-8 Executor. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE is hereby 'given pursuant to the statutes in that behalf that all persons - hav- ing claims against the estate of Joseph Dor- ranee, Farmer, late of ,the Township of Mc- Killop, County of Huron, deceased, who died on the�'20th day of February, 1924, are re- quired on or before the 28th day of July, 1924, to send by post, prepaid, or deliver to the Solicitor for the Executor, fu,li particulars of their claims, duly verified by affidavit and the nature of the security (if any) held by them.Further take notice that after the said last mentioned date the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall then have been given. _ DA l'ED the 7th day of July,, 1924. R. S. HAYS, 2952-3 Executor's Solicitor. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE is .hereby given pursuant to the statutes in that behalf that all persons hav- ing claims against the estate of William Archibald and Margaret Archibald, his wife. Igte of Egmopdville, who died respectively on July 24th, 1920, and June(18th, 1924, are re- quired on or before the 28th day, of July, 1024,. to send by post, prepaid, or deliver to The solicitor for the Executors, full particu- lara of their clains,`,duly verified by of iidavit and the .mature of. the security (if amy) held by them. Further bake notice that after the said last mentioned date :the assets of the said deceased will ,h5 distributeff arhong the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of wbieh notice serail then have been given. DATEDthe 8th day of July, 1924. R. S. HAYS, 2952-8 Solicitor for Executors. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE is hereby given that all greditors having claims against the estate Of John Ludwig Home, late of the Township of Mc- Killop, in the County of Huron, 'Farmer, died on or abort 21st December, 1923. are re- quired on or hefere the '1714} day of July, 1924, to send to Joh)) .T. Ruggerd,,the Solici- tor for the .Exeeutors, Attain Hoerr. and Henry Beuerreann, both of as -id Township of Mc. Elliot), 'their runes, hadte saes • and desorip- tione, the full pau'U'ularo, in itlitfng, of their claims and a statement of theiraccounisr AND TARE' NOTICE That' after such' lest* mentioned date the said Executors will pro- ceed .to distribute the assets of, the, said des eased among the parties entitled thereto, hav- ing regard only to the elalms ''of Which he shall then have notice, and that the said Ex- ecutors will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof .,to any person or pen -Sons of whose claim notice shall hot have been received by him at the time of such distribution. JOHN J. HUG(. Ih, &Heifer for the staid acediffsora. Seattle 'Blocs!„ • Salt,, t Seayforth, 'Ortaitio,,thus •'25th 'day .6f. ;i92.4. • -2920-t tC Mid A Summer Sale Ladies' Patent and Kid, Pompe, sandaleffect. - @q e Sale price ; '$3.49 Patent Sandals $ry.A9 Sale price Smoked Elk Sandals ` 41 e1- !Sale price ff� . , �AA..77 Children's Patent SIippers All sizes $1.29 Misses' Patented Slippers Si 69 Sale price good quality $1.29 Ginghams & Prints ALL SHADES OF GINGHAMS Regular 33 cents. Sale price . 6 Chambray, regular 30c Sale price - , Canton Crepe, reg $1 60 al Ail ■ Sale price , l 27c 24c Pure Linen Toweling 23c Groceries. We carry a Fresh Stock of Groceries. Here are a few of our Specials: Deep Sea Salmon, (Red) 'cC9 2 cans 59 Maple Leaf Salmon c 2 cans v9 697 Corn Flakes 10C Package Tomatoes 8e 2 cans 3 3 Icing Sugar n9c 3 pounds !r e7 Highest Prices Paid For Clean, Fresh Eggs. BRING IN YOUR CREAM We Test and Pay while you wait. Just arrived—A shipment of Gilt Edge, large Ball Twine: Leave your order; delivered to you any time. Berry's, Brucefield O' 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 ®O O O o S. T. Holmes & Son O Funeral Directors and ® Licensed Embalmers. O Finest Motor and Horse O drawn equipment. Beattie O Block, Main Street, opposite 0' The Expositor Office, S. T. O Holmes' residence, Goderich O Street West; Chas. Holmes' O residence over store." O Flowers furnished on short 0 notice. All kinds of up - 0 holstering neatly done. O Phone, Night or Day, 119. 000000,0 0 Opo® 00000000000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O ° W. 4/ T . CLEARY 0 O Licensed Embalmer and O Funeral Director.. O Up-to-date Horse and Motor O Equipment. O I Night and Day Service. O Phone 19-22, Dublin. O 2921-52 O 0 0 0 0 0® 0 0®® 0 0 0 O 0 O 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O W. J. Walker & Son 0 O W. J. Walker, Funeral Dim O, rector and Embalmer. O O Motor or Horse Equipment. Cars or Flowers furnished as requested. O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 O Day or " Night, Phone 67. O O O 00 00000000 0.00,:::. 000000000 W PS BOX & CO. O Funeral "Director and R't 4s LicendedrtEmbalmer. 0 D. C. BOX - 0 O Best Motor and Horse.dralw,1 Elf equipment. - S 0' Charges 'moderate, 0 Plovers furnished on ,ehodt 0 notice. 0 Night Cain Day Calla 0 0` Phone TM. Phene. 4$, '3 ,00-60000000*03 :ta desires to ann'oiii ie that he 'Wiu-i be in his Seaforth: Office, avrnl' Seaforth Phar,rcy, on Monday, Wednesday,' Thursday, Friday and Saturday of e .ch week fol..*' • lowing, for the `treatment of Chronic and Nervous diseases by the latest mist, ds in Natural Therapeuties, ,including luding a 11 forms of spina adjustment, corrective dietetic%,, etc. Hours -10- to 1.2 a.m, 2 to 6 pin. '7 to '8 p•m. Sundays by Appointment. • Saturday 10 to 12 a.m. 7to 10 p.m. , en's Work ‘Shirts, Blue 'Chambray, . only.4.4....,.,OZ e'l ;fceb's Blue Label Boots ..... Eggs 27 cents Highest Prices for Cream. ae; W. SCOTT and Co. BRUCEFIELD - ONTARIO Phones Seaforth. 13 on 142. Clinton. 13 on 615 Week•I Specals • 1 Ladies' Patent Leather and - Grey Suede Goodyear Welt Zev Sandals, reg.�6 $3.49 Low Neel` Patent Leath- er Slipper- Special. 2.49 Fred W. Wigg, Seaforth YOUNG MEN'S SUITS, in good patterns alien`; smartly tailored; real values....�wP-4t2q2gg r�Y �7a� MEN'S SUITS, in broken sizes, to Blear at -.$14.50 YOUNG MEN'S FIRST LONGS, a few suits left to clear at BOYS' SUITS in different styles and shades.$6.00 KHAKI PANTS KHAKI KNI-CKERS MEN'S WORK SHIRTS BOYS' WORD SHIRTS BOYS' KHAKI BLOUSES OVERALLS for the small boy • - CHILDREN'S PLAY SUITS MEN'S BATHING SUITS BOYS' BATHING SUITS , f E DO ARTISTIC HAIR BOBBING ®L3IT3BJ -I---IAl. P Mean, sanitation comfort and time savint at HOME, BUSINESS SCHOOLS fl VO z Where it will be Bobbed Just Right. iC731 Come any day but Saturday—please ROBINSON'S BARBER SHO HAVE IT BOBBED AT ROBINSON'S Dominion Bank Building Entrance, Just Around The Corner, Vacation Footwear. .4r.r While you are planning your vacation do not forget your feet. Rather unpleasant holidays it will be if your spirits are dragged down by old uncomfortable footwear. From our very complete stocks and our careful fitting, you may choose your footwear and know yr,:y will have entire satisfaction. LADIES' GOLF OXFORDS We have the latest style in a ladies' crepe sole Oxford with creased vamp. Just the ideal shoe for golf or any sport, also quite pgtliar for street wear. SATIN SLIPPERS For dress occasions and dancing our Satin Slippers are hard to equal at so moderate prices. We, besides other lines, again have a new one with dainty black suede trimming over fancy cut' out straps. YOUNG MEN'S OXFORDS For young men we have the latest styles; they are chucked full of 'snap' whish, no doubt, is the season why they are so popular. Of course our line of SPEED KING Running Shoes is complete, in- cluding the new crepe sole. Have us carefully fit the family for the holiday wear. SPEED KING means lengthened wear at small cost. J. H. Smith & Son SEA FORTH Fine Footwear and Foot Comfort PHONE 51. FERGUSON'S I I A DWARF, P,nj y the hot summer days whil "Perfecti tn°° Coal cooking with ifl St eve ears offering ur complete stock of :arnmoc.ks at 20 per cent ff th regular prices' We have Berger's Pure Paris Gre n, Arse.,, ate f Lead and Spray de U, FERG-US'-tN ur Motto is: Service co, a.l ad a Square Deal. SEAF� 41. ;e i