HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1924-07-11, Page 4tAi
alkaline IVirs.
4ks 3Ve 1‘,14M"
mils= Baker. Misa
. of Bbeth, spent the
Mr. and' Kre. W.
1 F. O'Brien attended
erion9ft Missionary Commit.
?gibe in London on Friday.
' ItlitnEY
tes.-Dliss Alice Hall and Kiss
One Cowman, from Chicago, ' are
, eneoding this week anunigst friends
inge.-Word was received here last
-week thet Mr. Joe Eckert, of Detroit,
had the misfortune to fall off a house
bee was shingling, a distance of 20
feet, -the scaffold coming with him.
Fortenately no bones were broken,
but he came off with a severe shaking
up, and w,e are pleased to learn that
he expecte to be at work again this
week and be able to return for the
threshing eeason.-Misses Melva and
Agnes Eckert, who spent a few days
with-fziends in Kitchener and Niagara
Falls, have returned home again.
Notes.-MreJoseph Horan and Mr.
Robert McGrath motored over from
Detroit last week for a few holidays
and returned again on Saturday. -
Mr. and Mrs. John ,Feeney, of Strat-
ford, visited at the "home of Mr. and
Mrs, Ed. Horan Over Sunday. -Mr.
J. Cairns, of Syracuse, N. Y., is vis-
iting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
William Moylan. -Mr. Leo Bicknell,
of Brockville, is spending the holi-
days at his home here. -Mr. George
E. Holland is having a new steel roof
put on his barn on the Flannery farm.
After he znakes a few improvements
on the house he will have an up-to-
date fame.
Notes. -Mrs. Mitchell and daugh-
ter, of Toronto, are visiting with Mr.
and Mrs. George Chambers, Mrs. Mit-
chell being a sister of Mrs. G. Chem-
bers.-Mr, Wesley Vezmor and Clif-
ford Brin 'triell met -with an unfortun-
ate accident While playing baseball at
Staffa last,Friday night. A high fly
was battedout and while catching it
they ran into'each other. Mr. Ven -
lien's cheek bone was broken in, while
Wan Brintnell got a shaking up. -Mr.
'Thomas ILirris met with an accident
last week. • While loading a heifer he
get his foot caught in the rope and
was thrown on his left shoulder, with
the result that his shoulder was die
. -
located. He is able to be out again
after being under the doctor's care. .
Notes. -Mr. James Riehl and Miss
Alice, his daughtet, are enjoying it
neir Chevrolet coupe. -Mr. and Mrs.
Lairrenee134ate.,-were,the gtiests of
Mrs. C. Beale and Miss Mary Beale
last week. -Mr. and Mrs. Benninger
and -children, of Goderich, spent last
Sunday with Mrs. M. J. Benninger. -
Mrs. Michael Connolly, of Bornholm,
ha,s gone -to BelgraLve to visit his sis-
ter, Mrs. Patrick Gibbon.-Strawlber-
riee, • home -grown in Hibbert town-
ship, are plentiful at two boxes for
25c. -Arthur and Alfred Dalton, of
Kingsbridge, are visiting at the home
of -Mrs. M. J. Benninger. -Mr. D. M.
Sullivan, M.A., of Medicine Hat, vis-
ited at ErinLodge, Logan, the home
of Mrs. J. J. McCarthy clueing this
month. -Mrs. B. Feeney announces
the engagement of her youngest
daughter, Thereso, to Mr.- Dan Cos-
tello, the marriage to take place this
menth.-Dr. and Mrs. Simpkins have
left Dublin. They will be sorely miss-
ed in this neighborhood. Dr. Trainor
of London, is the succeror to Dr.
Notes. -Mrs. R. J. Taylor and
daughter, Lois, of New York City,
are at present visiting at Mrs. Nay -
lot's mother, Mrs. William Hackwell,
Walton. -Mrs. James Mowbray and
three sons a Detroit, were recent
visitors at the homes of Mrs. Alex.
Gardiner and Mrs. John Mowbray.-
1Vnester Carl Mowbray is extending
his visit with his grandmother. -Miss
Mary McDonald is spending her va-
cation at the home of her pare-nts,
Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald. Mr.
James F. Hackwell, who has been suf-
fering from complication of troubles
is not gaining very speedily, we are
sorry to state. -The annual g-ardem
party of Presbyterian church was a
howling success. The proceeds
amounted in the neighborhood of five
hundred and thirty-five dollars. -Mrs.
,John Buchanan and daughter, Mary,
are at present visiting friends in De-
troit -Mrs. Ernest Scat and three
ehildren, of Lucknow, are visiting at
the home of her mother, Mrs. Gard-
iner -A number of people of Bethel
and Walton Methodist church enjoy-
ed A picnic party to the lake at Bay -
'field on Tuesday. ---We are sorry to
report that Mr. Wm. Sho-rtreed who
lives west of the village, kg still in
very poor health. -Members of Wal-
ton Orange Lodge will go to Gonerich
to :celebrate on July 12th. They hope
for favorable weather. -The new
sehoOl house will be ready for occu-
pation after summer vacation. -John
Faiton, of Boston, was visiting at
the parental home and with other rel-
atives and friends. It is twentyve
-years since he was here. His father
will:goon be 94 years of age and his
mother 84 years. ---,Mr, and Mrs. R.
Med left for Vancouver receetly.
They iietend staying for a year. Miss
term accompanied them as far as
Ttegr'na.-The is Making good
headway. quite a number iii the vil-
lage intend having their houses. wired.
Otilet fights; would lieit Ateat eon-
Verdenee ter the pelellee makee
ate tvailf.thentaidtiarge Mr.
,frbel Glad
x aM4a 1, Me.
tidd ag!the
ajfihe ,llqt
We Ineter,i4, Wien
R. tri47,,,
4914' aaaliatO -,.
bee laist 4
COW wq:, 4 -.vivid* mon t nor;
clearle§ 45p 0 Loa, 104#4
qrming, *bey ellterigkkotY ,.
Ito,46, crowd to donOroog AA 'Iiillsrr74.3e,4
imtil the wee sum' laatIV-1 'Aitt4tor --inTleee'l
oanhIer enjoyed then's:ell-nee enteinlneSPY Knatardi--._
compliments were inane 1a0 4denene vpd A. . W. Wu
Mn. Wm. Staples as genera* :hest
and hostess.
Presentation -On Friday evening,
July 4th, the members of the 3unior
Choir of St. Patrick's church and the
pupils of the entrance class of the
Separate school gathered togethen to
bid farewell to Mother M. Anestasia,
who has been their teacher for the
past seven years. They presented her
with an ivory clock and the following
address: "Reverend Mother M. An-
astasia. Dear Mother. -With very
grateful hearts we come to you to-
day to thank you for your kind and
zealous work for us. Ours has ben
a very great privilege. We have join-
ed the saints in heaven to sing the
praises of God. We have spoken for
the hearts of men and petitioned the
bounty of God. We have mourned
for the souls of the suffering and im-
plored the mercy of God, andnwho
showed us, who are but children, the
way to accomplish such great things,
but you, dear Mother, who taught us
to use our voices in the service of
God and of His holy church. We -
thank you with all our hearts, and the
pupils of your Entrance Class join
with us in begging you to believe that
we shall ever remem:ber your kindness
to us and your work for us, and in
earnestly asking you never to forget
in your prayers the choir and pupils
of Dublin Separate School."
School Report -The following is
the repoet of the examination held in
June for School Section No. 6, Hib-
bert. Those /marked with (II.) took
honours. Those marked with an
asterisk failed but were promoted: -
To Sr. IV. -Elsie Ritchie, 823 (11);
Archie Hoggarth, 762 (IL); Grace
McLaughlin, 760 (II.); Verde Gard-
iner, 745 (H.); Winona Norris, 636;
*Kenneth Kleinfeldt, 530. To Jr. IV
McKaig, 666 (Hne. Jean Mc-
Laren, 615 (H.); Carl Walker, 529.
To Sr. HT. -David Ritchie, 769 (H.);
Harold Gardiner, 614; Rena McLaren,
572; Leonard Houghton, 517. To Jr.
III -Vera Allen, 537; Norman Park,
503; John Houghton, 491; Marjorie
Kleinfeldt, 471; Gladys Kay, 444;
*Alma Muxworthy, 281. To Sr. II -
Margaret Allen, Lindsay Gardiner,
John McDougall, Charles Light. To
Jr. II. -Dorothy Melaren, Beryl Nor-
ris, Alvin Crawford: To Sr. Primer
-Margaret Ritchie, Anthony Allen,
Isabel Park. Jr. Primer. - Frank
Scott. Total enrolment, 341, -In I.
ltecLeLlane Teacher.
Get your decorationFinpplies, lanterns and
flags, for the' Old Iloys4Vseattie Eros.
School Report -The following is
tho result of the Promotion Examinee
tions in School. Section No. 1, Tucker -
smith. Jr. IV to. .Sr. IV -Honors,
675;. Pass, 540, blive Walker, 775
(Hone ; Glenn Bell, 653; Ethel Clark,
630; Ella Pepper, 548; Irene Volland,
544. Jr. III to Sr. III-Honons, 500;
Pass, 400: Mildred Forrest, 552
(Hon.); Ethel Pepper 45e; Stewart
Pepper, 402; Harold Parker, 401;
Rosa Pepper, 292. Sr. ti to Jr'. III -
Honors, 485e Pass, 387: Rune Wilkin-
son, 513 (Hon.); Clarence Volland,
394; Beatrice Volland, 393. Jr. II
to Sr. II -Honors, 470e, PaRs, 315: -
Sandy Pepper, 399; 11tonald Walker,
326; Russell Pepper, 121; Wesley Pep-
per, 115. Jr. II -Helen Pfaff, Nel-
son Pepper, Emma Wurne I. -Har-
old Sherritt. Primer - Margaret
Bell, Charlie Wilkinson, Edgar Wurm,
Harold \ Willard. - R. Broadfoot,
Notes, -
at the, ho
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1924, re 51
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pan, sheet,
ward, $398.
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Carlson Te
$189.79; N
plies, $151.
toils, April
Deitz, 3 m
Mclsaac, 3
balance sal
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cil adjourn
day, Auus
-A. F. II
Notes. -
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Mr. E. E. S
of the Vill
When you are in Rayfield on the 16th be
sure and get some of the bargains at F. A.
Edward's Store. You never saw better values
for your money than will then be offered in
Dress Goods, Waists, Skirts, Sweaters, Men's
Overalls, Smocks, Khaki Pants, Shirts, etc.,
at money saving prices.
Breezes. -With fine weather there and water.
promises to be a record crowd at
Bayfield on Wednesday, July 16th,
the day of the Ford picnic. A splen-
did programme of sports, to be held -A straw
on the square, has been issued. About the Town
five hundred dollars worth of prizes evening, Ju
are offered, and there will be keen
contests. Ample provision for serv-
ing meals is being gn,ade by the hotels
and churches. Be sure and come.-
Rev. B. L. Colclough, Misses Lucy being a pa
Woods and Flo3r Edwards returned
Monday from the summer school at 1.
St. Thomas. -Miss Alice Stinso-n has doctor's ca
been home from Toronto for a short
visit. -Mr. and Mrs. George Reid are
here from Saskatchewan visiting their
parents. -Mr. and Mrs. Cleave Erwin
and daughter, Pauline, of Prince Al-
bert, Sask., are here for a visit. It
is fourteen years since Mr. Erwin
left ayfield and he sees. many
changes. -Miss Maud . Sterling, of
Kingston; Mr. and Mrs. Crawford, of
Sault Ste. Marie, have been visiting duty for a
Mrs. :Sterling. -The cottages are be-
ing filled now, every day numbers his absence
coming to spend their vacation by
Lake Huron's shore, and to enjoy the Grand Bend
health -giving breezes.
Golf Links Opeeed.-The golf links
were opened on July 1st, when about
one hundred people were present and
the promoters, Dr. Newton Brady and Installati
Mr. E. H. Johns, received many words Lodge, No.
of praise for the way They have work- meeting Fri
ed to get the grounds in such good ber of the 11
shape. They' were fortunate in go- and also as
curing' Mr. J. 1V1idcl1e" .., -who Wag, as- fellows va.pr
sistant to Tem VEIL .er at Oairnoustee, Seefotth ats
Scotland, as instructor. Re is one crf Taman, of
the .best teaeherg M thig popular eellea. and
game. Several games were played. brother, Cid
Tea was served by Mrs. Newton 4-4017,j'hig
rad and the clulo ited groutitts Reit.Auc
Proinotion ,Eitom.-3r, 111 to 84/'.. ..21Itior'
were nicely decorated,
*rn '
,., ow
'Old Ale-
. lidnen,
,n,i,,rWkbsl'. toside,
'With Ker.
0 4,- Thelnaa
ens eowa Lind-
Gemehalteicel, ...ene, Primary
tie, Xeintila Elliott, Sandy
red,rsturgeon, John Wild.
V•Sli W9flaler.
, .
nq 0 ,
t .0- , 0. 4 ' . P V
, § A ,k'. , 404. ' y•
no1ooth . '91T tad' . A
iltotao,'..ti,. , ,,' , ,
:: $00 ..0 ;'4,160001- $00.ttort ' PIP
4i `PA* 444,d 'a heTfit,0,9110^-
ing 10.1t!,- 4 mOthen the Ron*, ,O'1614114.
frienAS: , ,, "aY good,V3ke te AO
KeNwm,„i .,, $efficet tatrelns.f ler
the pest ye lio has rateigneet'Itte.'
Broadfootea S
rs. cooter aroalogod
for e social-0Mo for. the' Ohlfhxo's
races -andogennee were 01400 in' al).
When the Schniers came fOrWard With
a .prettily deedrated bagiket, ailed
with -gifts forethe teacher, Kiss Mc-
Nain WEVR: eqemaletely taken , by per-
prise, but heartily thenked`the child-
ren and frikinds for their kindness
since her short etay with them. Rev.
C. -G. Areneur..was present, also Mee.
Armour. Ho doade -some well chosen
reerks to the .teacher and schelars,
after which a beautiful lunch was
served on the, lawn
Golden Wedding., -Rev. Mr. Aran-
ourdand Mrs.-.A.rznour and Miss Elean-
or were among the invited guests at
the home of LMr. and Ml'
rs. ercy Cole
Friday evening, and w-hich was in
honor of Mr. and Mrs. Cole, Sr., in
celebration of their golden wedding.
Guests to the number a fifty were
present. Dinner was served on the
lawn, and a most enjoyable time spent
by an.
Kelly Circle.-IThe Kelly Circle met
for their regular monthly meeting on
Thursday afternoon with -twenty-six
ladies present, for which our Preen
dent was grateful. The devotional
part of the Meeting was presided over
by Mrs. Walter Moffat. The respon.
sive reading was taken from the 14th
chapter of John, Miss Beth Forrest
taking the napic in chapter six of the
study book. Mrs. Geo. Baird read an
article which was of interest to us
all. Mrs. (Rev.) W, im
m 'Glet and her
, two daughters, who have just gradu-
ated in Toronto one in Medicine and
theother "i\l' two radu-
as a Nurse. The g
ates were presented with Bibles from
R. P.
R P McKay, Secretary of Missions
each wee, given a purse of gold
from Toronto friends. Miss Marthaand
McDonald read a item tellingf the
b fmn. .. o e
inum. er o our . issionane.s who are
ine the tone' n field on account
eav. - g
of ill health. The members decided
to have a towel shower in August.
Notes. -Mrs. James Turner, . of
Chatham is the guest Of Mr and'Mrs.
James Allen, Tuckersmith. . inn and
Mrs. •Biggart of Port •MCNIcoll, are
*visitors at the home of Mrs. Brock,
of the village. -Rev. C. G. Armour
preached two fine spiritual sermions
Sunday morning and evening I
g and a -
so sang a beautiful solo with much
acceptance entitled "One Day."- The
, ' ei . . . , L -
choir also eendered a very pleasing
anthem entatled "Lord Is It 1 "-Mrs.
' ne , '
John McKenzie, Of the village, is not
enjoying good health at 'P - resent. Her
-. . ,- improvement
friend s hope that
many e
may come steon.-Mr. Geo. Swan, C.
N. R. Agent, and fanu ,
'ly were vis-
itors at the hozne of his sister, Mrs.
Ed. Munn toiler :Sunday. -Mr. A. T.
Scott, we 'are pleased to.. rela is
now able to .ieralk as far- as .1iis than:re
. . • :
with the aid of crutehes.-Miss Helen
Tough, who has been visiting at Mr.
J,ames Aitcheson's of McKillon has
returned home. -Mrs. Basil O'Rourke
is spending a,- 'dans with her par-
ents, a C A' '
ne r e a.m.-Miss Ina B.
Scott motored nBayfield Sunda id
Sunday -
• • ' • •Murdockspent
ternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Plant and
other friends. entree C. H. Ham of
Hainiltio and Allittle son, yeeari 'v
Douglas, are visitors at the home e(cf
her father, Mr. lames Swan. - Mrs
Bohner is nursing a patient at Bav-
field. Mr. and -Mrs. Hugh Berry en--
teetai ee .. ee r • -
Ileu a nu uer of their young
friends from gham on Thursday
of last week.- n 11 1 Graham,
n , . of
Seaforth, was visitor with friends
• , •:
an town over the holiday. - Miss
Laura Ross is spending her holidays
at the home of her aunt Mrs. W. Ross
here. -Miss Emma McDonald, who
has been teaching in Delmar° is home
for the vacation. Mr. John' Beattie
and Mr. John Stewart, of Seaforth,
called on )3 efield friends
___eee te., n k ... as recently..
S. George nouernon Mr. and
Mns. E. Copeland Misses' Ed Rob- 'Reading, Edna .
ert ,
son and Alice of Wing-
ham, spent last Thursday the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Berry. -The
many friends of Nurse Fanny Mc-
Kenzie, a graduate of Clinton Hos-
petal, will be glad to hear that she
has been pronaoted to Second Super-
visor on the floor of the Queen Alex -
audria Sanitarium, London. - Miss
Mary Gilmour and Nurses Jean Mus-
tard and Gretta Mustard, of Cleve-
land, are spending their holidays at
their homes here. -Mr. John Man-
tosh, the efficient teacher of No. 10,
School, Stanley, is now taking fu r-
ther training in a sumaner school in
Torontn auto accielent which
might have proved more serious, oc-
curred on the corner here last Sun-
day afternoon, when an auto turn-
ing east and the other going west
collided. One of the cars was badly
damaged but no one seriously hurt.
Surely this is another warning for
auto drivers to go slowly thropgh
towns and villages.. ..
'A '
ti' PAO
icL ' ,
".1 isra ' A 0
tit) ' z
' ea' . 41, O. • .
'of welqome,."4,..t4e no '
Idea Weednailed , on lor
whOlit. Vne. werY.inneh 40.0Pooi4e4
Ids niennI.OoeRefterring in
lima.at ha be sh
, thd' en own
•pled the, work which 14e
Ad for a few. Weeited Oneeteehi,8
eeeedie who expreseed, hie
titflil ,ofF. the, iwitation .to,Kelbowne,
stating *et he•eapie ptepared
hie best, and Inge-este:4 hile
.glve their best to the Church.
0, 'gr. Oliver OS a nern
address and Id a few
words wished the retiring
every eueeess and trueted
same kindly relationship' leetween
two churches would continue
the leadership of Rev. Morley
Edmond Richards, Earl Beattie
Mrs. E. Rieberds, President
M. S., gaveshort addressee,
which Mies Eleanor Meek
,Mrs. Coiling with a bouquet
ink and red roses on behalf
Mission Circle.
Briefs. -Mr. William Fee,
panied by his sisters, the
ah and Mary, motored to
tives and friends in Watford,
and other -places.-Mrs. J.
Toronto visiting her daughter,
Winr,ifred, and friends. -Miss
Beaver is and has been sPendIng
'past week or so With her parents,
William Beaver. And Mrs. WilliaBeaver.
a good position in Kitchener
borne for the holidays. -Miss
,ence Reynolds, of Calgary,
home spending vacation
mother and members of
Miss Reynolds has been
Calgary for a number of
receiving from year to year
niainr in reengnition of
and increasing duties. -Our
are having the weeds cut
streets which is a good thing
Quite a large number from
vicinity attended the festival
in Chiselhurst on Monday
last, in the Methodist church.
S. Ellis returned from the
London on Saturday evening
ing met at the hospital by
rison, who kindly motored
-Mrs. Ellis and in that way
-easier for her to get home
train. Mrs. Ellis was accompanied
by her daughter, Miss
:had been With her in the hospital
also by Mrs. Milliqn, Mrs.
'ter and stood the drive
: wen, considering she had
,undergone. an (operation.
writieg....efuein resting as Well
.be eineetedf: an& her eriany
are pleanied.tO ilvelcome her
lgaill.-A""13,11111hell'•Of Orangemen
tended seAritonfreini our
.Ex.eter on.„,:fila, ii". yelast.-The
Fife and Drum Rand have
tieing of late er`The celebration
be held in Gocleric on
12t -Mrs. G. S. omson.
-her use on Richniond Street
-: mcely repainted, Mr. Little,
er" doing gook work. -Miss
had. her -bungalow very tastefully
. p.e,___Intedy on Main Street.
.*".'''''4':' who did the fo
tons in the interior did the
in his usually capable manner.
T t th t
e pas
-her daughter, Mrs. (Dr.)
"bell, of Toronto. -Mr, Neil
of Detroit, of whose recent
we made rnention of in
issue, motored here a few
by his bride
parents and Mr. Wallace Dick,
city, Who acted RS gro oinsman
marriage. -Mr. and Mrs.
were in Seaforth on Tuesday
noon last to see, Mrs. William
Mrs. Iledden's sster, before
for New Ontario to join her
who has been tt:ere making
horne.-Miss Elva Bolton
this week for Bloomsburg,
visit relatives there and
holidays. -On Sunday afternoon
the Oddfeliows of Hensall
223, motored to Hensall Union
etery, to decorate the graves
deceased • brethren and sisters
RebeleahnOrder and the soldiers.
large nurnber from. the
surrounding- country gathered
cemetery to witness the
event. The services were
Past Noble Grands,„ William.
and G. J. Sutherland, and
decoration services at Hensall
a *love was at once made
gart's cemetery, where an
vice and decoration was held.
William MacKay was this
ited by his brobher, Dr. A.
Ka of te
Kay, Bo ineau, bt: Dakota,
pained by his wife and members
the femilye who motored here
way in their very ne car.
fine r
in a large number of places
way and made detours of
to visit places of interest,
weather being very favorable
whole, they had a most pleasant
we are sending
items a large nuinber of
holdizig a tournement on
here and much interest is being
fested in the different competitions.-
Mr. R. Donaldson, who sold
grocery business here dunng
week, is moving for a few
to the west wing of Dr. E.
block, on King Street, it
look after his past business
tions end otheidausiness.-Rev.
onnell and members of family
tored from her to Detroit
the week. -Quite a number
residents ere preParing to
sumer menthe at. Grand
other lake shore points. -One
noon recently Mrs. Andrew
the township of Usborne, very
and most pleasantly entertained
fifty neighbors and members
W. M. S. A most interesting
of the afternoon was the presentation
to Mrs. Robert Oameron
Membership of the W. M.
address Was read by Mrs.
&meld :and the presentation
Made by Mrs. Mark Drysdale,
which Mrs. Cameron made
reply. A short and
programme was carried
and after partaking of boantiful
refreshments, ;all
their homes feeling they
pleasant and profitable tinid.
lapt Mrs. Bertha Bell
Arnold, and Miss teatriee
, , r,
. op,
Ark. a dresst
Thee keen-
e Min,
to gine
people to
well echeseri
that the
a the W.
of white,
-, of the
. accom-
Misses Sar -
visit rela-
Meek La in
She hos
and is
Altan es
with 'her
the fargily.
teaching in
years and
her ability
on our
to do.-
hospital at
last, be
Miss Mor-
there for
making it
than by
Mattie, who
Ellis' sis-
home very
so recently
An. date of
as could
home. .a-
village in
been prac-
the .coming
has had
the paint-
Kyle has
Mr. John
er decora-
wee with
k 'th
B. Camp-
last week's
days- ago,
and her
at th e
Lee Heiden
his new
left here
Pa., to
spend her
Lodge No
..... -•
of their
of the
village and
at the
taken by
after the
for MeTag-
alike ger-
- Mr.
week vis-
R. Mac -
all the
They took
OR the
Many miles,
and the
.on the
in these
rinks are
the greens
out his
the pa-st
months in-
S. Ilardie's
order to
J. Mc-
• '
' ...
'. Wo 44xe,...`,4,,,,A,,R#Or4, V40,0 Work
WAld fo., _ ''Silt4P11#0102WPart '' ,110,0hoes•or#
the'ord deg, tWttAit' qtAdds47 1.04,134M
er 'satiottAcktioPy A 04. Oi*
light -Weight, fqptwaN-loir
dtalte it d politt 'tfa Bed ese shoe
IA.' • 4, , ' - ' ' - •
Mea'S fir(iWa' Mrdetilim '41amis Idain
,, -1Pen peirn4''..e.e• .....,....• ,,* .•t•••.0.,••!,•...1..pflo
M ' ftialeskin
• 'en'd BeewnA'Shoes made
- '- • ' • . A '
ble ir
• dousoles. ,,"4,,p:Ta. 0..,...,.,
..Men's Black Grein Leealdr SlAddk
and 'solid' leather insides; Ter
Me&s Brown Grain Leather 'Shoes,
outeide counters. Per pair
Men's Brown Calf Shoes,plain Vamps,
- Per pair
li0 : , ,.
Vg944.,, ,
mid othprs woO
the P,IlraracetIlie
neeetterieral Oft the late
Ichroid'e was held on Wed-
he deceased vise& away
lit of hor, bro.tlen
eMr. 0.
Suneleye' after' a lengthy
term** :wee mode in the
Ina epeonetery.-A, bowling
on orgapized by local fol -
his port and as the green
issioe sofim good games can
for. -The social under the
r the Ladies' Aid of the
Lhurch, held last Saturday
AS a specess and nearly
realized-The hydro rates
have -been materially re-
a thisyear. The domestic
v four and two cents and
:vial 1 '
cent and four cents.
light ra.te has been: reduced
illars per month for sixty
tbe ower rate haal
ps so
d. Consumers
.ain this
eV afford to install electric vil-
trawberries are a bum,per
is sention ancl, are selling
ten cerikper 'quart bon -
ors fro* Americae points
tives and 'friends here over
ad. e
Meeting. - The regular
' the council of the Tow -n-
ay' 'wen.held in the Town
ne on Monday, July 7th.
:milers were present The
' theprevious meetings
-- :and
ed as road. By-law No. 5,
ophen Drain, was' read a
and finally passed, and
tevision re said drain was
Le communicatinnefrom Mr.
ale and, othrre Black
,oirderectfiled as the matter
is Ma* in the hands of the
eriOileer. An agreement
with Mr. Thomas Laing for
' one liajf acre of land, be -
e concession 6, Hay town-
a five years. Said
used for a gravel pit. Mr.
ras was appointed as fore -
.rk of cleaning out and im-
lease drain in accordance
'leer's plans,. and that said
.rOceeded with as soon as
rhe council of •the
y *ill enter into an agretown-
M. G. Deitz t
regarding he
of the switchboard of the
Aral OffiL Ditz:
ce in the e
all material and laor
1 and paid for by M. .G.
Len oceasion shall require
xpard shall be moved back
location, the said M. G.
ove it at his own. expense
- -- -.
onds to be lodged with the
of the Township for due
:e a the agreement. The
accoents were Passed:-
Peck, vaccinatione, $9; On-
ital, re C. Rupp, $39; A.
tont,. wire, 'etc., $16.234 C.
repairs to culverts, roads
14.45; Leon Jeffrey, Sr.,
:raper, $20; C. Aldworth,
Salable . River. bridge a -accompanied
97; F. Beer, fencing gravel
P. Corbett, fencing gravel
: D. Shirra snow reads
g, $34.05; G. Arznstrong,
tch Road 2, $5; Stromberg
iephone Mfg. Co„ supplies,
orthern ,Eleetric Co., sup-
19; Bell Telephone Coe
to June, $105.12; M. G.
onths' salary, $422.50; P.
menths° salary, $462.50;
iary, $449.95; C. Stein-
labor, $73.20. The Ceun-
ad to
, meet again on Mon-
t 4th, at 1.30 o'clock p.m.
se, Clerk.
*ate For Last Week) .
:leis village was visited by
L on Monday night, which,
)vered in the early stage,
a caused much loss and
he scene of the fire was
mins oecupied by Hess-
ectrical and novelty deel-
:lough the fire was put out
ad mede much headway,
ge resulted through smoke
The building is owned by
Hesse and was also dam-
L stc•ck and building are
the loss is fully covered.
berry social was held in
all, Zutich, on Saturday
Ly nth, under the auspices
Os' Aid of the Lutheran
1SiC was furnished by the
Ferdinand M. Hess
t to his here after
dent at St. Joseph's Hos-
n, for the past siX monthe.
r, Hess is still under the
e, hopes are entertained
recover his usual 'health
e of time. -Dr. A. J. Mac-
a gang' of workmen en-
iilding the foundation of
iness block he is erecting.
eitz has the roof on his
nd the masons will begin
e work in a few days.-
oy, manager of the local
he Molsons Bank, is off
ew weeks on his holidays.
nele is acting manager in
_Many of the residents
age spent the First at
,AA tilq al*: '9444,4:R!,44,4•411 04 '
'teep Jelligle 10--eles.
with toe oaPs and -
' 4
;?,.... ;.• • •'• •.'• t • • • • • i• I
AAAtUld WitiA,R104A *fad • $3 -
pair . .
made witlytoo cane and, •
•. ..• . ,. ...., an • • • •
e .•• .. '.$: • Ilia ,
solid construction.
. -
accompanied Mr. J. E: McDonell to --Toronto;
London and St. Thomas by motor.-
Mr. George Moore, of Meaferd, spent
the week end here with friends. Mr.
Moore w:ae here for some months dur-
ing our pavement construction and
says there is no place he likes to visit
so rriuch • as Hensall.-Mr. and 'Mrs.
'Robert Duncan, of West Harrington,
spent Wednesday last in our village
Mrs. Duncan spending the day- with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Young.
-Mr. and Mrs. Davis and family, of
Saginaw, Mich., spent the week end
with their relatives, Mr. and Mrs.
Mark Drysdale, and Mr. and Mrs. W.
A. McLaren, of our village. - Mr.
and Mrs. Milne Rennie and family,
who ere Oainning at ' Grand Bend,
spent Wednesday here with Mr. and
Mrs. William Dougafl, Mrs. Rennie's
parente.-Mrs. Jag. Sparks, who was
spending e couple of months or so
with her son-in-law and daughter4
Mr. and Mrs. George McIntyre, of
Detroit has returned to her home, Mr.
and Mrs. McIntyre bringing her home
by eapotor and spending a couple of
days here with their relatives and
Ray -Extra No.- 2 timothy. per ton._ tract;
No, „
, $11.50: No. 2, $17.00 3$15.00; mixed 818.00. lower grades - $10:00 to $12.
ste;w-cari tv, per ton, lieso to sio.00.
Standard r:elenned sleffeeningi f.o.b.. bee
9"tl.'• per ton, $16.00.
Illulon Stock Yards, Toronto. deist .8th. -4-,
thetihaea, vat the
faitaylioorklIdearly,Pror more than
extra supply faired) tof break prices, though
some of the common butchers were a bit slow
in moving. ' Quality, op the whole, W8/3 &ea
e.of year, and e fact that over
for the timth
seem ,heaa had crossed the ate; by 2. p:m.
Iiiren's thatiabesleeirsee wstuff. nVracticall; an the
cattle offered had been On grass, vet ex-
porters took around 80 loads at steady prices:
irner he74erste, ati taeLDhioef 1111/ike for three =
Packers also took a lot of heavy steers at 7
teoent leollanfocrnidtheeOubor' Swoimthe nr :egg hof
moved at 6% to 6% cents. In the local trade
the balk of the, handyweight butcher of
F.h"ice qutlitY ma -de 6% to 7% cents "a
use medi kind 6% to 4.65 cents, with
eene a the cenunort steers and heifers down
to 5% cents per pound. Cows were a fairly
heavy offering, and sold generally steady at
ee te sy4 cents far sem n shake buteham
with a few extra good fat cows to the ex -
Porters at 5% to 6% tents. Bulls .were. a
now trade, despite a supply that was light
compared with other pleases, and outside of
two at 6 cents per pound. sales up to mid -
-afternoon- did not aceount for more than a
couple of dozen at prices ranging from 8 to
4% cents. Stocker and 'feeder trade showed
no increase in activity, four loads at front 5
to 5% emits being the extent of the movement
ingrytss,elsg• a moderate supply, _sold re
readily than last. week, prices in 'all grades
showing- 1A. cent advance over' last week's
close. Odd top sales at 10 cents were re-
corded. and the bulk of the choice calves
brought ste to 9 cents. Some grass carves
sohLap low, as .4 ceala :per Pound and, heavies
ut tc A youna. -
The sheep and lamb supply wits/twice that
of a week ago to -day and lamb values were
down 1A.c., sheep dosing. to the same extent.
Lambs were very slow at the start, with
only 14 cents offered for choice: but 144
tc 14% cents was paid for a lot of the choke
kind lore:o Was , d owneer banecii °cal:
made 15 twe Cullel anbe eai, 5 otvit, 5
at 10 to az cents. Best sheep
cents and heavies at 14 to 4 cents were a slow
si is- vrices were unsettled up to n the
close; but 'n the end buyers were ituressful
it securing' the .bulk of the thick smooths at
vy, cents f.o.b. a decline of a quarter fres*
hat Week .
Receipts to -.day were 4,009 cattle, 641 calves.
2,326 . hogs and 1,462 sheap and lambs,
tions: iricport steers, elsoice,"7.75 to
$8440.; do. good, $7.25 to 51.50; export beif-
ore- nem to $7.50; baby beeves, $7.50 to
moo: butcher steers. choice, $6.75 to 47.50:
a"....2c5omtion$6:5$05.700d�to. Ined56.215n7.butchee$5,"
1514.Egralfehoice,. 56.50 to 47.25: do., naedium,
$6.00;„ do.,. eonunon. $4.75 to $5.00;
choice. 4b5u.thrr $b5.1.513o ; d$04:5T ed..t.
him, 83.50
IPS 25; bolog . $2 50 to 83.50; eanners3. and
$1.50 to 150.
$6.00 to $6.75; dot .fair,f44,40 tos ssi.O6 ; e hm° r
era, springers, choice, 575.00 to $90.00; do.
fair, $45.00 to $60.00; stockers, choir, 55.00
to $5.25 ; do.. fair, $4.00 to $4.25 ; calves.
calves, choice, $8.00 to 49.00; do. medium, $7
tok7e"eCvestie”tlerret:'' $814410705;tedo"linu;cktun, bs'
to st8.25; do., culls. $10.00 to $1.'i.00; ;sheep,
l4int:ezes, 4p€:(1.0 atod $6.25; do. culls, $3.50 to
67.75 : de, ,count4 xtzed.rf.85.P;ddoo.. sleet:
fed and watered, $9.05 do., off cam, Ion
haul, $8.65.
• .
Toronto, July 8th.-Mearis--Canadian, band
Pkkea' lb° 61he ; Primes' 6e..
• Toronto, JWy 8th.
-• Uwe Dressed
neas.„ over 5 lbs. 24 28
J" 4 to 5 lbs. 24
de.. $ to 4 lbs.
.Spring chickens, 2 lbs. and over 45 so
15 20
reeeeiriasi. 4 m 0 mi. ss
Toronto, July 8th. -Ch New ' large,
as to 19%c; twins, 19% to 251%o;. triplets,
2o% to 2ilee: stutons, 21% to 22 1-2c. on
•' 12a5rez. 2263.to 24ct; twins, „.24 to 25e; triplets,
Butter4inest creamery prints, 86 to 37c;
No. 1 creasnery, 85 to 86c; No. 2. 34 to 35c ;
dairY g8 to 80c.
Eggs' -Extras, fresh. in cakons, 86c; extra
loose, 33c; firsts, 30c; seconds, 25c.
1117:hthei'e jt2s8•Iiii-0 Irlotittrin.V4*-
.m..i.iitoba. oat,14... •5 cw., 45:.; 1,,,,f,.. 1
feed, 1,4_3%e-
.... .oe above nil., baY Ports.
Arnez•ican corn. track Toronto -No. 2 yel.
Ontario Rye -14 to 78e. '
Peas --No. 2eii‘51.40. t $1.45.
freights, bags
ineluded: Bran,. per ton, 435:00 ; sheriff, per
etml• "Me; middlings, $35.00; good feed
"mir. Per bag, $2.00.
Ontario wheat -No. 2 White, nominal. 4'
12nntato No. 2 white oata-39 to 41c.
Jute bags, Montreal.n proirpet Zinptme'Prirt, 4:.(10n'
Toronto basis, $6.00 ; bulk seaboard, nominal.
earirrbflou72inste patents,
il jute sacks.
P 'barrel; P . 8 .70. .
r • . • ,
There never were _such bargains i n Hats, in
Hensall. 06me, and get a pretty new Hat
for the 12th. Still lots to choose from and
. genuine Bargains.
Watch our Window for Bargaing,
Chelew-Cook-The following which
we have Copied frexe the Los Angeles
Times, refers to the marriage of Miss
Ola Cook, only daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Cornelius Cook, of this village,
and will be read with interest no doubt
by her many frienxis: "Announce- ,c
ment is made of the marriage of Miss
Ola Isabell Cook, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Cornelius Coek, of Hens:all, Ont.,
to Mr'. G. M. Chelew, of Los Angeles,
the ceremony taking place at the reef-
dence of the bridegroom's brother, 'I'.
R. Chelew, 3517 West Tenth Street.
Rev. Eby, of Wilshire Presbyteri
church, offiCiatedThe bride wore
. a
becoming gown of riendre blue georg-
ette, beaded in petting and silver, with
corsage of pink roses. After the
ceremony a beffet luncheon was serv-
ed. Mr. and Mrs. Chelew lett inn
mediately on an eSatended trip through
the north and will mate their home
here after -their retire." •
:Farewell To Pastore -The members fitting
of the Methodist 'Civierele Melbonene, teresting
celebrated .July 1st by gathering in
tne Sunday ecbool toota txthee sleeper teennting
was served by the Ladies' Aid and tO
W. M. IT in honor ..a Bev. Andrew a,
Th, who lege been nine plot4yr there .ffundar
since May ifith and Rein Manley 061.
Firs. Bertha E. Bell - Hensall Ont \
1 .
-------=`-'--- -----------------e----------e--•.--
___________ no
to spend
of our
spend the
Bend and
after -
Moir, of
of the
of a Life.
S. The
Aggie Mc-
a very
very in-
had spent
-,, 'On
1 0
Farmer s Attention
Bran - Shorts
per ton . ... ..$24 per ton.......$26
Wilie -Middlings ier ton $32.
Ground Screempgs, ton 21. L
, •
' $ • OW Grade, ba;g, $2
e . ,
. :1
n ef Officers.-Brucefield
2101, had an important
ley evening, when a nurn-
ieeabers met for business
)0ial time. Visiting Odd-
a present from Windsor,
i Exeter. D.D.G.M. lira.
gketer, gave a very ex e
inspiring addrest to his
Eellows. Mr. Taman holds
L position ni the Order.
itAe, of Exeter, gave a
elite Seelendid eetect1ons
ire rendered hlr.totho of
_Leo ,
Huron.. El our Mills
Limited- . SEAFORTH
v, 1 4
Presentation -On Friday evening,
July 4th, the members of the 3unior
Choir of St. Patrick's church and the
pupils of the entrance class of the
Separate school gathered togethen to
bid farewell to Mother M. Anestasia,
who has been their teacher for the
past seven years. They presented her
with an ivory clock and the following
address: "Reverend Mother M. An-
astasia. Dear Mother. -With very
grateful hearts we come to you to-
day to thank you for your kind and
zealous work for us. Ours has ben
a very great privilege. We have join-
ed the saints in heaven to sing the
praises of God. We have spoken for
the hearts of men and petitioned the
bounty of God. We have mourned
for the souls of the suffering and im-
plored the mercy of God, andnwho
showed us, who are but children, the
way to accomplish such great things,
but you, dear Mother, who taught us
to use our voices in the service of
God and of His holy church. We -
thank you with all our hearts, and the
pupils of your Entrance Class join
with us in begging you to believe that
we shall ever remem:ber your kindness
to us and your work for us, and in
earnestly asking you never to forget
in your prayers the choir and pupils
of Dublin Separate School."
School Report -The following is
the repoet of the examination held in
June for School Section No. 6, Hib-
bert. Those /marked with (II.) took
honours. Those marked with an
asterisk failed but were promoted: -
To Sr. IV. -Elsie Ritchie, 823 (11);
Archie Hoggarth, 762 (IL); Grace
McLaughlin, 760 (II.); Verde Gard-
iner, 745 (H.); Winona Norris, 636;
*Kenneth Kleinfeldt, 530. To Jr. IV
McKaig, 666 (Hne. Jean Mc-
Laren, 615 (H.); Carl Walker, 529.
To Sr. HT. -David Ritchie, 769 (H.);
Harold Gardiner, 614; Rena McLaren,
572; Leonard Houghton, 517. To Jr.
III -Vera Allen, 537; Norman Park,
503; John Houghton, 491; Marjorie
Kleinfeldt, 471; Gladys Kay, 444;
*Alma Muxworthy, 281. To Sr. II -
Margaret Allen, Lindsay Gardiner,
John McDougall, Charles Light. To
Jr. II. -Dorothy Melaren, Beryl Nor-
ris, Alvin Crawford: To Sr. Primer
-Margaret Ritchie, Anthony Allen,
Isabel Park. Jr. Primer. - Frank
Scott. Total enrolment, 341, -In I.
ltecLeLlane Teacher.
Get your decorationFinpplies, lanterns and
flags, for the' Old Iloys4Vseattie Eros.
School Report -The following is
tho result of the Promotion Examinee
tions in School. Section No. 1, Tucker -
smith. Jr. IV to. .Sr. IV -Honors,
675;. Pass, 540, blive Walker, 775
(Hone ; Glenn Bell, 653; Ethel Clark,
630; Ella Pepper, 548; Irene Volland,
544. Jr. III to Sr. III-Honons, 500;
Pass, 400: Mildred Forrest, 552
(Hon.); Ethel Pepper 45e; Stewart
Pepper, 402; Harold Parker, 401;
Rosa Pepper, 292. Sr. ti to Jr'. III -
Honors, 485e Pass, 387: Rune Wilkin-
son, 513 (Hon.); Clarence Volland,
394; Beatrice Volland, 393. Jr. II
to Sr. II -Honors, 470e, PaRs, 315: -
Sandy Pepper, 399; 11tonald Walker,
326; Russell Pepper, 121; Wesley Pep-
per, 115. Jr. II -Helen Pfaff, Nel-
son Pepper, Emma Wurne I. -Har-
old Sherritt. Primer - Margaret
Bell, Charlie Wilkinson, Edgar Wurm,
Harold \ Willard. - R. Broadfoot,
Notes, -
at the, ho
Fisher; on
illness. In
Bronson L
club has b
lowers of
is in fine s
be looked
auspices o
evening, "Is
$100 was
for Zurich
duced agai
rate is no
the conune
The street
to sixty
lights and
been reduc
lage can n
ranges. -S1
crop in th
readily at
Many visit
visited rel
the week e
meeting o
ship of H
Hall, Zuri
All the m
minutes o
were adopt
1924, re 51
third time
Court of
closed. Tli
John Penli
Creek was
referred :to
was made
a lease to
ing Lot 1
ship, for
land to be
Noah Sara
man on w
with Eng
work be
ship of Ha
ment with
Zurich Ce
block, and
be supplies
Deitz, Wh
the switch
to the old
Deitz to m
Dr. J. W.
tax -j° Hosp
Melick, ce
2 and 3,
wheeled s
pan, sheet,
ward, $398.
pit, $12;
pit, $11.25
and gradi
cleaning di
Carlson Te
$189.79; N
plies, $151.
toils, April
Deitz, 3 m
Mclsaac, 3
balance sal
hagen, Jr.,
cil adjourn
day, Auus
-A. F. II
Notes. -
another fir
if not disc
would hay
in the pre
Milliken, el
ers, and an
before it
much dame
Mr. W. G.
aged. Bot
insured and
of the Lad
Zurich Ban
was brough
pi tal, Isondo
that he wil
in the cours
Kinnon has
gaged in b
the new bus
-Mr. S. D
new block
on the bric
Mr. C. H.
branch of
Mr. E. E. S
of the Vill
When you are in Rayfield on the 16th be
sure and get some of the bargains at F. A.
Edward's Store. You never saw better values
for your money than will then be offered in
Dress Goods, Waists, Skirts, Sweaters, Men's
Overalls, Smocks, Khaki Pants, Shirts, etc.,
at money saving prices.
Breezes. -With fine weather there and water.
promises to be a record crowd at
Bayfield on Wednesday, July 16th,
the day of the Ford picnic. A splen-
did programme of sports, to be held -A straw
on the square, has been issued. About the Town
five hundred dollars worth of prizes evening, Ju
are offered, and there will be keen
contests. Ample provision for serv-
ing meals is being gn,ade by the hotels
and churches. Be sure and come.-
Rev. B. L. Colclough, Misses Lucy being a pa
Woods and Flo3r Edwards returned
Monday from the summer school at 1.
St. Thomas. -Miss Alice Stinso-n has doctor's ca
been home from Toronto for a short
visit. -Mr. and Mrs. George Reid are
here from Saskatchewan visiting their
parents. -Mr. and Mrs. Cleave Erwin
and daughter, Pauline, of Prince Al-
bert, Sask., are here for a visit. It
is fourteen years since Mr. Erwin
left ayfield and he sees. many
changes. -Miss Maud . Sterling, of
Kingston; Mr. and Mrs. Crawford, of
Sault Ste. Marie, have been visiting duty for a
Mrs. :Sterling. -The cottages are be-
ing filled now, every day numbers his absence
coming to spend their vacation by
Lake Huron's shore, and to enjoy the Grand Bend
health -giving breezes.
Golf Links Opeeed.-The golf links
were opened on July 1st, when about
one hundred people were present and
the promoters, Dr. Newton Brady and Installati
Mr. E. H. Johns, received many words Lodge, No.
of praise for the way They have work- meeting Fri
ed to get the grounds in such good ber of the 11
shape. They' were fortunate in go- and also as
curing' Mr. J. 1V1idcl1e" .., -who Wag, as- fellows va.pr
sistant to Tem VEIL .er at Oairnoustee, Seefotth ats
Scotland, as instructor. Re is one crf Taman, of
the .best teaeherg M thig popular eellea. and
game. Several games were played. brother, Cid
Tea was served by Mrs. Newton 4-4017,j'hig
rad and the clulo ited groutitts Reit.Auc
Proinotion ,Eitom.-3r, 111 to 84/'.. ..21Itior'
were nicely decorated,