HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1924-07-04, Page 7'. - . � I , � I ­ ­ - ­� , "', --, ­�­­ " -,­,��,,qT�- ,'. , - v; --"11,11-i,;1 I I,, � I I I - "I ­ ", , , ­­ 1, 77'�7T­77p­�"r: 7071'T,711r�' - I . '� - - -- .11'. : .. I I , , - ,­,­?-� I . ,. �O . . . -7 ,,� . � "�, �': �,g, . . I ­ ,. ,. - "TV 1 -Ir 1 .. ­,;�­ I 11 � I � I Im �' t'..""'7rX 14 � I I � I 1, , . - ��� I . ;�i - ,�,' �11�. � I � �il W�l - - �, " . 7;�, � ,:� -, ,, " �,� I'T Fell � �,�I,j �j, I I . I I � �, , , I � I ': � `f t ,�",4 , , � J�,,�',,,'--��, . 1 I . . � I I � 9111l, 171'"W"M - � i � 1; , 77 17 I Tr d I I , I Z7 ,� M, ��, � I I . I � , . . . I - , ,. , 0 .1 , , 'fl, I , � �,,.'� , "I ,-1 -,-.-I-111 �'. 1-1 I I'll , ". I I I . . I :" ." � � , � 1:.'. . , I .. . I '' : : I � I I . i I �, . , _Z31. /I .."'. , , ., - F, ".f,��:.", k, ., , I � . - ; I I . , , ; I , I � I , , ; 11 1%.7W ." 11�11�'i­�".1�1' � � I I I 11 r I I ", , ::, , � , � 1 .1 ,. 1 I , I . I I 1 .1 I : �� �,�, �;, ­ - �,, , " , . 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I Rr , mir4l".pil. - , \ � t, -1," sw -4 , I , .1rJ 4t thew - � , ,', T4 444 .,W,OM Co IN 1 " '111 I ­ $4141 '­� �­�, � � 1�' � , , tiAll th4�, , *. . , "Ab N, , Id. d . -. .01171 6-,1-1111. �". —1-1 ! I � � ` , . .", .. ­�; �il I , . . 1k, ... ,*, bb ea ... i X t.h& "Sk. U6- a I -J , eA , W,8�4' � ,,;,��:�,, . , I I I � MW � � , I � , an up a narrow. oexity wao� yot YV LZ 14 , - . � 10 �� ,.,� -440" " a . 11 I ,,A$ MOW' I , � t I I S 94 , . ., � . "I' Is, 44- 101p I - .43, f"Pel, , I., --1 ", b WA �� ­ � AITY OWOY�W� � , X" , , 0 , �,� X!P,y or t4e, �,�# I . , � . ,z, mo I " I b �le'a" *,ya *nob of 4a q . that the ben V, ,,4 vrv� ".4-0 , �3.-§, ;1 11. I I . � eyeali ;­.' :.;� .0 F�l :1 , , 841,941'. � em , 10, PAt,t#4 i .: . " , '' � I . , 11 � ,, , -111 l'Al �f,, " .4 4 1 , W way with,his rig LV� ,.. xll I k" . � ,9 � , . " " I I - . him;whel - U,l ­. �,��* L " , , � 1*1,1*�­T­ " �' ", I held S16rio ' L Ce , � g ­ 01`, 1. I Ing bftt, 11�:Il him when het ,. All'thl I --�� b I , ,� 11 — I I . � ,fore a the dondooess..of!,t , h.o� W� I ­"0O(L - ­` " v�' fl'044 SW` h — ,e 't 041, 1 ,­,!�;w I z I � . � , n I � . fp. A, ,111 ,-�­ * . - . F. 11MV ;,\*, � 1,4W, - i� -- - , L, 11 .,.� , wQ,Lqq . . , , ,T, , '�- : , `,. " Alut,out -the lig t -of �VXQAAT4 -He laughed Aq ,-W L ,0 .. - ,, " ­� XXGAI� . I ! � I .. . ; . ftly., himself.as:the 11!60clalug,theiii'no�r1rom the. . e .. I.; IVIQX 4, ery- L, I , b. ,­ � � e'... � xpy I � A,t ,9 I , W pp , q . I . I . : . ' an* the mooiij i P ,t -��he ao, batwi' . ­.. X, � ; . , � 0 ,, �l ... ]AS bw stood aio-b. rs 14 a I . . pbpturo, gr" In% h1o,�',')nInd, to' comil and for 0" 0010,ro-sr � ' � ' "' 4 -1. I I � I I L undier the' glo,7 ,saw .K,ansom ­ meAt 1 -a � 0MA0 %�o, X 4, , Ae�, § No ". " �" 1. � " , Out strong ,4LAd- I Phone No it, I I , �Ioar ,.jl . t X istlese - to tjto�.Op .it 'Ik" , -, , !'� , I , "" J.'k . . - � I I.. - . I.. I I I c9QA#­,'.bIUnderInk. bin .xe w _0 j,n - N � ':'7"j.,�1�41 I _ ,., - I ,, � . ,� 'Of the sl*, *ith the world svnep- thro,igh. the paln i " him 44rod, 4.040, Alled OV, wild :�dp�Arg�, � -, 11. .1 I '� - 'k. , . , I—, 1. � - , # " ' "Op bb*t,'ml " about and-mao �g . , '. JOHN.J. aUG4*0 : I - , ., e !" I# #." I .. I . ��! In; Out In black -and i'�, pine Ids- rod � to- W.,*Jk9:tJieie I , , , ;4 0 , -r, b - ,Z��,, � � , I.- I . I.. I . I - I I ) "I'll 011 �', I ' . My myste* face and c I TRI -C k4ui%lb W Face-thut sea With something that W4 yet, s*rtled #7 - ' "" � �"",'­�L 0:1 1, . . : I ,­ �' a -round bim. To tho 'utifth was the little Mis -*is - tOX0, .eifegt 'wb ��,�, . ! , Barrister, Solicitor - - .1 � I . s Mfesei�7-,'f ��Iansll)nt';- al.; �tlmmt a VriYer it, his hgart.- ;b al�p rq4,a&4d, , - , " . I I �,'�L o - Bay, reaching away Like a v4st Nlaelt ,,, -A; , 'a __ �. � , ' i par.0 ------- .1. . AS be tUrUeCt. 110 . me bad,�p: ,� , m, d , ,Lbb,, p1`41n. . Notary Publici'Ete. �71 � '': ol��',,:­�­��,-­­,;,. - . I b ways blun ermg., .., I. time his blun, saw . t ta.lishi �Tbe,girvtam 'er ,qy� I . . . or der saved na appeared in one 6f t - 111��, � I . -- - - - ' d .1 Ohiiu,: W I I \ attle , ' SeAfoitb - - " ,;L­,�,­ 4 . . Half a -mile distant two Phi]W. � 1: ­ e asloyiste , to low 109 Ing *Iihstidd,ei fear; -OW �. T'" "" il,q Be , Mock -. ' . , , t roe ng o , k pad , ..... IFP.% ,'VX',r Waj,3 R'b"111 , " �',, I . � . I � I- I 1. I'll, , �o llght� were buriii bi 111,11 .� , ,.- ,�Ar,4, , .;W " - b . . . L I - 1 �4­ 1 . r , her own was , � � '. - b - I gv,p�,;-,P,�-­ ,",4., . � I . I - � hurchill red eyes peering up out of R - I g -g"'"11119 .11-11.-.1f,". ­ L I ` * an the In. ', ckjW 0.0wola �tli@".Icapin , k bw�llp ,� '" . " . f ... . . . I I I . ­ I I,- i , ver Fort Words died I , buildings whicil contained the two . - 'U, ". - �, , . , C I when � , ovem,plut,. Of W-2 fv-W�.Zlb ; 11 . -'--7, 1 - I �� .--­�L�.. p P ST A tol t,, ansom and Miss& Offlices of tho -geewatin Mines and Wf-br�eo. IB a :a h, 4� , - , , .Rp" - A '& "' , V, - N .1 b ,, � I-- , gsen turned a- , -7.. ­­` 1� � 0 darkness; to b , Lands CbUipany: The, light, and the his $Oetv,� Is dark f46 tell I 'rae ,WWX.' Qb I � � " . .- . 0 'l 1, the -deep' pool b , g.V% .0 , W , , � . .. - 14 i . out in a,giggling, . ,�er, he sl�oke no , , � a -1 - � . .q , -11 � . th" a, , 1� i"'I .:. .. ,� - I . . . L ionsl south and west there swept the gray, words of lov dew of old ,Pearee, wkill .taou, hiv . tba - " P9 F" . �,I�� , - " I T� . The followhig ;dffiKlai� stali bulky shA P *4 4.1. 11;,�!.-"�` I y ' v%but, 0000ed up his heart tu*.Wraregg�`­', , . ..,A ,$. . stind'-f th I . � , _tbigb nd grippffl 4t�� . .. T)i Fff%�:11# )i - . , , &"RA, . s he , It. '" " Urpe .Pere� I � - .� . . Or a improvelheill. of stock starlit distances which lay betwe'en to this ' appeared for a moment on one of the thing in his belt, a, 1.m .1 , ..�, - - . - I ­ - would have loved W. 00" no - � ."', ��'t 114� , , ­ ater Solicitor, Con;llreyaneer mid' . ..­ ��w . � this se�sqll as him ano civilization. ' ­:I-er eyes -', It' drawn curtains, I'll, .. '.�bf E W � . ,; � �. I.. ;; .1 I I e follows-. if ,she -had beelr--I*o-� ax6used Philip to oth- t .V r00A' the,,,fd�#, ` I , . ,.,'A'. , I I . . � - she * olilo el ­` R . " "" ", � R " .5 'm j, *M,� Nil . � ` T9-- .� I I.,. A fi . He leaned against a , .,he figure in the'centre Of 11 L� Mft :PUh]4q,:. olicitor for'the' Do' great rock, was his last h6p;P,-�xh.t W ! thoughts- 'Since his arrival it His posture was that of an ,a al -W igrit 9f: �PZ4 LIM, 92.2, �, " �, , ."", The Standard Rred Trotting still resting.his elbows In a carpet of i � : 'i 61wou'Bank..' Q 061il I BlQss� �inderstand him, tW-,' with him the'Churchill he bad made the acq4aint- ready . . -11.W. .v&A*m ;; ,,, "i � "' I , , �� , 1 I I , ', ,,�� � ,, , 1. 11 ,�, M., ,� .1 �' � - "'. 1� . 1 11 I - )t th6`00- -Approved Enrolment No 478 ' Form and'his r s��r ance of. Pearce, and it struck him gleam d the white fangs of thtf.wolf- ,= "I ­;A-,� " I ­ - % W I . eye . ? to., spring. Close besge jilm ito",T-hp. Wif�"Qf,'Iort x Li 0, ik - , I � al Bag, k, Seaforth., " Money ,to .y emptiness �f his llf�j: sympathize with e in'. , ,te of thiiiii , - X, :1 ".151m * . . , of Vwl distances. ' The sea . , , now that just such a man as . I . ,-�17 � " 1i1 - I EMPEROR i�cKiNNEY of spruce him. - �. � Philip': , , I 1. �1` A"W . - I this dog. The girl leaned over a a 1,111,�'A, 1 nd twist- , 1. I - , ��,�­-�,�,,; 1". . , - IP6,�, � "#Ojj�,-% -,, �,� . , -,D6,�, . ­ . the ragg Yal- And she had liijhed at him!' ,r The ed -her fingers in the tawny hair that. P wt4 �had­ � ' .'l -�,�- - - - . . I . 04151) �658 . tops thatrose out of ed might be -Lord Fitzhugh Lee. . ossiNe thal BUS4 R, ­ , , . N.,%� " 11 �� � I �. ;17f.' v 1.�. ,.� I I 1,# , . Will stand for mares ,Auring the semen, ley at his., feet whispered softly in 'She had riserC'W h Keewatin Mines and Landi 40,01hpany bristled on the dog's neck. - or. C to ­�k� " "q;', �4 ,.( the er feet; there had no pblljp� ed V t b mhill im s6bap A 1 1924. at his own stable. Lot 8, Ctlacession 4, 1 . - -6 N , . � �'Wl t ,�. � 4, 1-V I I I !�,.`k:,4,1­, — I Terms.—To Insure a foal,,$12.ov. aight wind; from out of their bad come for axi- instant a flash like mines and few lands and Yet" heard her &peak, but sile did not in than b* ship'? Auk1t;1' 7 ' N7 . ­�'�� ;�, -,2,. f , n; I BEST & BEST * I depths t�rembled the low hoot of Pearce'had to ove, g-,UQt;­ , �­ , . '"I. � 1 � I , � , - I , . , .", COTnf .. I ''N. 'r or � . 4', 1', , �, lo.'- , ",.;,�. ,��, CHARLES RILEY . an that 91.7 fire ip,;:,-'her eyes; her voice Id him that IeY were her eyes from his face. It was the possiNe tU-at in .this �temqte , ,.i,..1.1 '111 , �, � 4011, I 1- ". I , ol lher-�woit ' - , I .." I" Proprietor and Manager owl; 'over the vaster desolation be- trembled a ' ; �.. 11�., ..'� , �,,., ,�­ 4 M Aoing a hurtling business down Ath- the earth lh�k6 was� -an � , , '1� Barristers. Solicitors, Convey. Phone 11 on 136. - le When she spoke. south, tableau of a moment, tense, bre I 11 ob ..All' � . I I.. �" I . . I ­ , :,�-�,.. . I .- �� '. � 1: -;", -v, . * 11" 11, 8-ferth, Ol't ydnd hovered a weird and unbroken There was i6entnxent in the poise "11'ng ' The only thing that moved wa ,pe yj� Phfhp ' ,�.,:. 11.'�,­; :,", ftews d'ad Notaries Public, Etc. — � stock on mineral claims that lest;. who resembled her so ci I �­ ,� ' I , . �-�, �­�p �1� ,. .silence. 'More' than-brice the spirit of 'of her whit6;shouldets as Ra . �� .. .. ... � rho Pure Bred Imported Clydesdal ,s, couldn't be ivorked for years. After the slilmnier of steel. -Philip eaug P wara 'Ureppu,. Ittalf," do-.' I z. , -.-'1,V1 ,. Offlae in the Edge Building, 6pposito 6 Stallion Wt took a ste � to' ' ' ' I , - ... I � , . .. -upis world had come to. 'him in the voice came. to t1rem in a nsom all,' k, . b M-1 � � . I I �1 ,. ., - "� �v a . ­ ", " . ,'., -1 11 ,�.,I�,, ��, 4."�.�I�, 1 , .� ,� ..�', . ��, 4'.�,.,.:,"�', �,�, I 6n � . A,4 , * t �, �,�,�, r Th* Expositor Office. Passed Enrolment No. 2SI Form I. loud laugh was he any better, than Pearce? the gleam of it under the. half-breed's terurined. to ,,awa ' � X , , . 11, ,� . .- .th I -.t �s,X,11'.',, t night and had roused him from his from behIM' The old bitterness rose in him. "on second thought,, lje,� , IMe 1. Z f.­��,,­s'7'11�11 . , ,,, . � ., LORD MANSFIELD ,-'. e palm&; her red lips He hand. ' I .., W * , . , "�,l . I � .> i ''.. � , �.��v I , G`44- w 4 . — . slumber to sit alone out under the sbowe n and anger. She listed was. no better than Pearce no better "Don't do tbait, M'sieur,",he­ s#jd; lin. I ` �Q` . Imp. 1215671 (18608) d disdai Gregson could fiet� 6xo�a#. . , Eveh,*`#.� ' � , � -.'�,v � I . .". ; , ,­ , �, . � ,, . . . - Vol. 29, B. 6. S. B. . stars, imagining all that it might tell Ransom ,44j� breaking"in; she despis- than this :,�ord Fitzhugh himself, and p&IntIng at the other's belt. 'if an, �he ,artist -h-ad learne&�qf. his. � r . 1: -;,j, � . I , � . . ,.", � I " ,�­ . , �;­ , , , ., , ., , ., . Z' - SO witb M I , " L �., �, - " - - , ,P I � ,,� - I .� PROUDFOOT, KILLORAN AND Will stand for the firiprovem�nt of stock this him if he ckuld read the voice of it '�d Philip.,for allowing the intemp- it *as fate -fate and people that had sorry that I disturbed yv�V me-, Miss eBrok�aw, "a -,%..ad ­­ 1�, I I'll, I I HOLMES . season. as follows: in the whispering of thee trees� lthe tion to. . . . . Mp - I .1 k � � "I'll . ,, � . . . , � , A�l , A � .taar away her triumph. xru�de him so' Ile walked, swiftly novi times I come up her' ".alone -t .. � n some way, he.:, u . . I ", , Monday—Will leave his own stable, Beech- � Her a picture of her 1 1 ,, �,,�-." could biat understand, it as he � Ion' ," -. - 2; t' � '�,� il,. " d . a ­; ,p JT, -.1".., - �� Arristeis, Solicitors, Notaries Pub wood, and go to Charles PuAlielbul to understand it, and ge own betr6yal of herself was likq tonic f011-Owilig close along the shore In the smoke my pipe a'nd listign fa the sea not' presumd to go this f6;, g , � I I . �; �'­' !;,I . ""'. , §thl:.d- '­ �, 1. 1�� _ - .� ,�!., �.'�;� _ ""' "" . .1 �f.%,% � it hagen, for noon; theA by way of th . could find in it to Philip. He laughed joyouslywhen hard Aret, kept bare by the tides, d6wn�, there. 'I beard' yq,U*,:,ay that convince 0 , M 'a . . .1 '.�".N-. � ' ' I . .1', � I . -1 I . . - I—- , � 1, .� , the picture of a face that , I I . 1� , 41.1�etc. Money to lend. In Seaforti , hate Churchill, d that Gregs . ." ,.� I - ­�,, ) until the peace which he knew that it all he wai 'alone out' in*,the cool night U %, to the red coals of half you and I %hate it. Ili. , " 1. . .l ft Monday of each week. � Office it morning. � . I .. ­ � 1, ­ �.. :A . I '. Wednesday.—To John Shamnon's, but held Yor him The spirit of it air. Rdfisoin never k4ew why Philip a dozen Indian fires on the edge of ,That is why I,gpoke." . . . , �': ,;� Wdd Block. W. Proudfoot, K.C., J. Concession 8, McKillop, for noon; th to - , that day. Again he iead% J- % i "S' ": -U neper been nearer to' him than fat ,the forest . . ., -4,11� .... -1 � ., m�..�� - I �L Killoran, B. F. Holmes. 1. Owen Flynn's, Ilullett. for *night. eit4afty. - hunted. him out ,and,,,;shook his beyond the . company's He turned. to the girl. at thi battom of the s �� ,�.,�7,;., s� ;`1 '�� . ' I '­:� .. I . then t9 his own stable until Saturday - buildings. A dog scented him and "I am sorry. I beg Your pardoli. more the experienced . - � ,1 I i" . ilm e, McKillap, r nooro to -night. He felt it close to him, so hand sio. warruly at parting. . . � I , curioui, , � . � ... ;"� e** * i . I 1 -- - - sat� near that it seemed li�e the warm', Philip again felt bi' 'howled' He heard a guttural voice He looked at her with geW wonder- feel upon hfm-6n . .�, 1� I I - urday.—To Thomas O'Rqurkes Concession 8, w1f in the a=n e � ­-,o',i I � I - m1l ' W .1 . !, ­�, I . , , . in , �� W �', - -. I . I ... i ".. he turned from - . . I I ,; �; �;. ; . . . . . Logan, for noon; then to his o,�n stable for bibrant touch of a presenc4 at his fe-�er of that night as I break i a word- Of Command -from one ment. -She had tossed -back her loose Imposl5ible for him to a e, , ,,e .. . VETERINARY ,� '� ,night. . �, ,�;. I � . I side, something which had come to the ro;6k and began� of the tepees, and there was sile e hair, a d st od tall and straight I. hi I I . . . Terms—To insure a4cal, $1&00. ,picking his way ne n O n s own mind. , -, - �; I . ,:..;;.�y \ I him in a voiceless loneliness as gTeat down the' side of th�l ridge toward again. . - "I , . -. I F. HARBURN, V. S. � JAMES EVANS, , , , , ,the moonlight. her dark eyes gazing Ile replaced the picture, -6p-on the . � ,." 112�,` .� ,:.., I ­,!, . Pro as his own. It seemed nearer to him the He turned to the right, table and drew the hindk - 1%, Prietor & Manager, .Bay. He found hini-self wonder- burying at li�m now calmly and without af- � eichlef. iind ,;"�,,.'� ... � -j \, geechwood � - - - Onta,io since he had seen ,and talked 'with ing what -had himself deeper I I -.,�: `.;;!-': � Honor graduate of Ontario Veterin-, — . become of good-natured, and deeper into the fright. She was dressed in rich yel- bit Df lace -from his packet In the :11.1.'.:.�, I j I �­;,4i - , ­ - vl m7 College, and honorary member of The Imported Clydesdale Stall. Gregson. It was much nearer to him dense4headed Ransom, who had 011 the north, his quick low buckskin. as soft as chamois. Her . I 1��11,­ ion since light of the larnp� he saw that both I �, .0 Medical Association of the Ontario teps - h t8e thoughts throat was bare. A deep collar of were as unusual as had been'th * ' , � , ,,'-,. MAKWIRA a few minutes ago, when he had he coqld do to spend his father's al- s keeping pacewiT . , , . - Piq- t ... �� 11 ­ :.:.�! I veterinary College. Treats diseases of looked upon -what he had first thought lowan�e. From Ransom his thoughts that were passl through his brain. lace fell over her shoulders' One turesque dress of the girl ande her , . I., -1 ��, 15938) (162791, VdL XXXM to be the face of Eileen Brokaw. turnfld to little Harry Dell, Roscoe Fate,, bad luck, eircumstan,ce--they hand, raised to her breast, reveale;I compamion. Even to, his iuex!peri6ne- I � . .:, ,I., . ::. I 7 . .� �:: . , '' - ��.,.. , . * .. , . ­��­ I all domestic animals by the most mod- passed Enrolment No. 864 Form I And this was the World -the spirit big E�an Philips, and three or fou' had been against him. He had'told a wide gauntlet cuff of red or. purple - . On principles. Dentistry and Milk Will Vavel the following route this season, r ed eyep ,and touch they gave evideni.e.- " � "'.. I � �;., ;; � . . ", . - 'a, � I �, ,� Val A XPeciRItY. Office opposite Aleadoy.-Will Is ... his own stable, Staffa, -that had changed him. He wonder- other� who had sacrificed their hewf-ts himl this a hundred times had Plush, of a fashion two centuries old. of a richness that �Uzzled him, oz�'!. . I -���..,,- I . �, I bkk's Hotbl, Main Street, Seaforth. and to north to �.he 4th Concession, Hibbert, ed if Gregson had seen the change at Miss Brokaw's feet, He grimaced laughed* at them with the conildence Her lips were parted, and he saw the fashion that he had never seen., Thgr . ..... . . - , , . �: .., I I .3 t to the, ...... I All orders left at the hotel will re- aud then west to Frank Jordan's, for noon-, which -he tried so hard to conceal. He as h� ug ng Dell, who of one who knew that some day be faintest gleam ,of ber white teeth were of exquisite workmanship'. r�mue .. � 'i tken south to the 7th Concession, tho lit of you- , ,,Wvo Prompt ,attention. Wight calls wondered if Miss Brokaw would see had worshiped the would 'rise above these things in the quick rising and -falling of her' lace was of a del;,=te ivory coldt,' . I �.. I L, , ea ... � asesived at the office , / re th to Staffa to nis . gr1l - she walk- ' , - - � own stable for night. Tuesday. West �in the it when she came, ,and if her so 0 triumph. I .L�-­. I �, . ' ft, ed n and who- had gone straight to And yet what were these bosom. He had spoken directly to faintly,tinted with yellow. Thehand- . ... I 8th Concession to John McLelian's, ., �. eyes would read to,the bottom the 4vil when she threw him over elements of fortune, as he had.,called her, yet she gave no sign. of having x !11,1, I . '� �on'- gray kerchief -was in the shape of a heitrt' ' � . . mith, for noon; then west to the prd I - ,- I " . . h ,a they had fathomed him H wond red, too, where Roscoe was' - beard him. . t, so 11nely - , - 611, them, but people? A feeling of per - and in one corner of'i :., . cession and south to the Hippen Real and 'O im s e e I � i�: night. Wednesday. --South to.'the or have won sona ­ ..,.�.,�� I south to George Glenn's, London Read. for n bef 4e upon a time which seem- iA I resentment began to oppress wrought that he could barely make - , ...;� JOHN GRIEVE, V. S. -�, P knew that Roscoe would "You startled us, that is all, M'sieur I to side ed ye : , 41 - . � ", first ars and years ago. -Thoughts, out if it had not been for the -financial him. People had downed him, and said Pierre, quietly. His English was I'll, d and east by way of Chiselhurst John like out the silken ktters, was the word 1, I � ,k - , I Honor graduate of Ontario Veterin- rb'ZaDougalFs, for noon ; then east to the Cen- these troubled him. Twice that crash which took his biokerage firm not circumstance and bad luck. Men excellent, and as he spoke he bowed "Canaille.1, � �Xl e table for day h . ., , I " �, I a " .:�r, ��'. * Frif a feel! 1. ��,� ,AO GQII ge. All diseases of domestic t- Road and north to his own s e had found stealing over"' him off its feet and left- hiv* - ' jauper. and, women had made a' failure of low to Philip. "It is, I whom you The scent -of bblio�ro�'T.Ose TuaT4. . .- , hal treated. Calls promptly 'at- night Thursday—At his own stable-Thame, ng that was almost physical He had heard that Roscoe had gone stionily the closed''i6om-, "and fri6m, I . M',"-, "', , Unded to and charges moderate. Vet- day—South by, way of Centre Road to pain, -and ye . t he knew that this pain up into British Columbia to recup him, and not fate. For the first tfifte must pardon, M'sieur-for betraying I 11�il�'.. er- thehanZ .. -,� Road to John Duncan's, for noon; then south it occurred to him that the very men so much'caution." � k rehief Philip's eyes turned 1,141 � I ol ­ whiary Dentistry a aptcialty. Office by way of Winchelsea, to George Brock's, for Was but the gnawing(of a great lone- ate hij fortune in Dougla-s fir. As and women whom Brokaw aard his Philip held out his hand. I to the face of Eileen Brokaw looking': �% ui,,ht � and north to Albert Scott's, for noon - then �'�, � ftoe east of Dr. Scott's office, Se-- . 0 at him from out of 4regson's sketch. ,� md residence on Goderich street, one Saturday—East to the Sunshine Line liness in his heart, In these moments f5r.big Dan-" associates had duped, whom Pearce O'MY inlanlk is Whittern re -Philip � , a north to the Cromarty Line and west to'st,ff. he had been sorry that he had brought Philip stumbled. over a. rock and was duping, would play the game in Whittemore." he said "I'm sta'ying It was a curious coincidence. He �.,�� ,1� r 1! ,�,� . ., I I fWX . to hid own eitable for might. ' Gregson back into his. life. And with rose with a bruisdd knee. The ',b,,k the same way if they had the oppor- at Churchill until the' ship com . reached over and placed the picture ­ ..". . � ,� *— — Terms.—To insure a foal, $15.0(L- Gregson he was bringing back'Eileen brought him back to realitie,, and , tunity. Wh es in . ,. : ­ ...:::, I: , �., , I !-" .. at if he had played on the and -and I hope you'll let face down. Then he -loaded his pipe, -,­' .1, JOHN LIVINGSTONE me sit here I .; Brokaw He was more than sorry few mornetts later he stood upon the winning side, if he had enlisted his on the rock." and sat smoking, his vision traveling . . � /,�� .,.��-`; ;­.,.�-, I � .i . MEDICAL I Proprietor and Manager for that. The thought of it made narrow boulder -strewn beach, rubbing For an instant Pierre's fingers nd the closed ", ,, Staffa, Out. r] . fighting energies, with men like Bro- 'I, D& A. NEWTON-BRADY him & row warm ,qRd uncomfqrtable, his knee and calling himself a fool kaw and Pearce, fought for money gripped his hand, and he bowed low door to the lonely black rock wriere 11, �. ,� - � 11 .11 The Handsome Choicely Bred Clydesdale though the nighl� air from ,off the for allowing and power in place of this other thing, again like a courtier. Philip saw that I . - Bayfield. Stallion " the old thoughts to stir he had,come upon Jeanne and Pierre. "'. I : . � I Bay was filled Wth the chi]] bang Of him Up. Out there, somewhei,, 13r,- which seemed to count so little? he too, wore the same big, old-fash- Clouds of smoke rose about him, and . 2 BONNIE GLENGYRE # ,. " I Graduate Dublin University, Ire- the northern 1�&rgs. Again his kaw -and his daughter were coming. Other men would have given much io�ed cuffs, and that it was not be half closed his eyes. Ile saw -the ' . I , -.,�.�.", ... � girl again, as the stood there. he saw �, ��,,, I land. Late Extern Assistant Mastey No. (238201 (19938) thoughts 'brought him face to face That Miss Brokaw was with her fa- to have been in his favor with Eileen knife that hung at his belt, but a�k ' I I Rotunda Hospital for Women, and Approved Enrolment I'To. 854 Form A I with the old pictures, the old life. ther was a circumstance which was Brokaw. He might have been in the dhort ravier. , ,;;; ,, . I- CMIdren, Dublin. Will stand for mares for the semen of 1924 With . the moonlight shining in her hair, the . ''I". � Office at residence as follows: them came haunting memories of no importance to him. At least front of this other fight, the winning "And I am Pierre -Pierre Couchee " dark, startled !Wauty of ,her eyes as ,, "I-,. � " . I �1­4, lately occupied by Mrs. Parsons. Monday—Will leave his own stame. one of a Philip ttemore who had once he told himself so and set his face fight, the possessor of fortune, a beau- he said. "And this -is :my sister"- she turned upon him; he heardag;�in . .":." .. , , .,i Hours, 9 to 10 a.m., 6 to 7 p.m. mile south of Mitchell. and proceed to R. and lived and IT'i had died; and with toward Churchill. ' . tiful woman- * Jeanne. We do not belong to Fort the low sobbing note in her voice as . ,,,�, V � Szoida , I to 2 p.m. 2866-26 A. Gray's, Lot 8, Concession 5, Hibbert, for these ghosts of the past.there surged To -night, the stars and the moon He stopped suddenly. It seemed to Churchill, but come from Fort ol God she cried out -her hatred ?, against ��, , Ys noon; thence to John Cairns', Lot 21, eon - cession 6. Hibbert, for night. Tuesday. -Will upon him the, loneliness which seemed seemed to be more then usually bril- him tbat he had heard a voic . . -.-, 1. --- - to John Story's, Lot 7. Concesifou 7, . e. He Good night, M'sieurl" Churchill. He forgot Eileen Brokaw .1 I �, -1 .7, . �. � — Melmmith, for noon; thence to William to crush and stifle him. Like one in liant. Aout him the great masses had climbed out of the shadow of the The girl had takeh a step back and now, forgot in those moments all that .!'.." I DR. F. J. BURROWS Broadfooes, Lot 26, Concession 5, Tack - a dream he was swept back. Over of rock, the tumbling surf, the edge forest until he stood now on a gray .nqw she swelyt him a coui-tesy s� 1.,�, 'he and Gregson had talked of that . . ­�.� smith, for night. Wednesday.—Will Proceed the black spruce at his feet, far into I ! P of the forest, and the Bay itself were cliff of rock that reached out into the that her fallen hair streamed over day.s His scheme% his fears, his fev- 1, ,��:, � ') ..,;.1-1 I to Angus McKinnon's. Lot 10, Concession 11. the gray, misty distances beyond, ov- ,rish eagerness to begin the fight a� ., . ;'� - � V GMce and residence, Goderick street Tuckeramith. for noon; thence across and - illumined as if by the light of a soft- Bay, like the point of a great knife her shoulders. She spoke -no word, . '', � I east of tke Methodist Okurck, Seaforti down to James Hill's, Coneess,ion 8, .H,ibbert. er forests and mountains and the vast ly radianf day. He looked at his guarding Churchill. A"block of sand- but passed quickly with Pierre up gainst his enemies died away in�the � I r for the County, of for night. Thursds .1� ­ I .- . . ". I Fk6ne 46. Coroxei LY -Will proceed via Staffit grim silences his vision reached out watch and found that it was past ,tone -rose in his path, and he passed the rock, and while Philip stood sturl thoughts of the beautiful girl fwho � '1, ls�� IM 1'�,,,, and across to Oswald Walker's, one-half mile until he saw life as it had begun for mid night. He had been up since quietly around. it. - In another instant ned and speechless they disappeared 'had corne into his life this night.* At � 1��' Kill east of Cromarty, for noon; thence to 'nos. .1 L � ,- Carqulioun's, Gowrie, for night. Fril him, ,and as he had lived it for a dai&m, and yet he felt no touch of he had flattened himsOf against it. swiftly into the white gloom of the seemed to thim now that he had known .:,�,,, , . , NO' I , - Will proceed to Joseph Skiniter's. north of time. It had ,opened fair- It had fatigue, no need -of sleep. He took A dozen feet away, full in the night. her for a long time, that she had been . In". � table I s 11�� I I - I li�,� . Munro, for noon: thence to his own a given promise. It had filled him with off his cap and walked bareheaded in moonlight, three figures sat on 'the Mutely he gazed after them. For a part of him always, and that it was - DR. C. MACKAY for night- Saturday�­Will proceed to Fred �,� ., - I �� I Horn's. two miles east of Mitchell, for noon; hope -and ambition. And then it had the mellow light, his moccasined feet edge of the cliff, as motionless as a long time he stood sta Ing beyond her spirit that he had been groping ., - thence to his owd stable for night. where he changpd. �All- ri � ,�, ... � , ��, I Q Mackay lionor graduate of 'Brla� will reanain till the following Monday morn- falling lightly, his eyes alert to all t1hough ,hew -n out of rock. Instinct- the rocks, marveling at the strange- and searching for, and could never �11 :� Unconsciously be clenched his hands, that this wonderful night world ively Philip's hand slipped to his re- ness of this thing. that had happened. find. For the space ,of those few mo- �.�,.�l �­ : ft University, and gold medallist of "g- Terms.—To insure awfoal, $15.00. as he thought of what had followed, might hold for him. Ahead of him volver bolster, but he drew it back An hour before he had stood with ments, on the cliff she had driven out ���,:il' ,4 ,��4�. , . k, - �,l , � - John Maloney. Manager. of the dissolution of all that he had smooth and slippery by the water figures was. that of a women- Beside Churchill, and now, on the rock he 'ere fi I him with a ,e,,,l , Oil college of Physicians 3241 Sur wor, when he saw that one of Ahe three bared head over the ancient dead at � 2"aity Medical College; member of FRED COLQIUHOUN, Proprietor. of the black days of ruin, of death, rose a- giant mass of roe the emptinesi and -the loneliness from �,) Coons of Ontario. . I his heart, and th I ed "'. - . The Premium Clydesdale Stallion hoped and dreamed for. He had dashed against it in the crashing her crouched a huge wolf -dog; OR the had seen the resurrection of ;1�t wild desire to make her understand, - I �11 i , — fought, because he was born a fighter. stor turies, and 0 . er to, . .�i. .ms of countless cen ther side of the dog sat a man. The he had dreamed those dead to be to talk with her, to stand should : � in '�.; � BLACON'S SON He had risen again and again, only this he' climbed, panting when he man was resting in the attitude of vn life. He had never seen people like shoulder with Pierre out theire in the 1 4� , I -P (20869) , . t;6 find misfortune still at his face. I'll, DR. H. HUGH ROSS Approved Enrolment No. 6272 Form Al reached the top. His eyes turned to Indian, with his elbows on his knees, Pierre and Jearme. Their strange night, a comrade. '. I 1.�.�� I .... Terms to insure, $15.00. At first- he bad laughed, and had call- . ....., .1 - Graduate of University of Toronto - ble. Bruce- where ,he saw Fort Churchill sleeping his chin in the palms of his hands, dress, the rapier at Pierre's side, his (CAntinned next week.) . .., I - Monday—Will leave his ovin sta. ed it bad luck. But the bad luck had along the edge of the Bay. . gazing steadily and silently out over courtly -bow. the low, graceful court- . 1. . too of Physicians and Surgtoos of Concession of Stanley to John Buchart7s, for ;� . . . . . *1 Iraoulty Of Medicine, member of Col fleld, end go west on Baydeld Road to 2nd followed him, dogging him with a In that same spot, a great pool of the Bay toward Churchill. esy that th; girl had made hinx, all -4p- - - " , :L, � - fttsrio; pass gTaduate courses Is noon; then north and west to Ed. Glenn. Persistence which developed in film night -glow between two forest- It was his companion that held carried him back to the days -of the I ,, � Jr.'s, for nighta Taesday.—Down Fourth a new perspective of thingm e - 11,.:11,� , .� . . . . I kool Of Cildeago; Concession to -B nodiclairri, then to Varna dropped away fiom his cl He passed th, a - room at Churchill, when high-hlooded ­ . � . Chkal Clinical Se' H crowned ridges, it had litin for hun -Philip mOtidnless against the face Of aid, picture,,; that hung in the factor's "Leveleen" Tooth Paste k, Xq�%Y-Opktlialmie Hospital London, at the Temperate Hotel, for noon ; then ne- the rock. -She, too, was leaning for , , . , 11 11 ftland-, University Hoill LOX_ south on the Parr Limb to Wm. Faster's. for began to measure men and women as lent landing-pldte of rocks, b,IU a w4rd, gazing in that same steady, gallants came into the wilderness AND "11:1 night. Wednesday.'south to Hills Gr d he had not measured them before, hundred and fifty years ago for-.'thq silent way toward Churchill- She with their swords at their sides, AmtiSepfie MoUth WaSIt I ���, &ll England. Office --Back of Do- cast to the Town Line at Walter Fairbanizami, ther grew in him slowly a te- first ships that cam as bareheaded. Her hair fell loose wearing the favors, of court ladies LLL � I sallatoft Bank, Seaforth. Pkone No. 5, for noone, tben'down tho'second Concession and :," I 11 I'- a. Londo e't I 1�1. . I to Robert McLaren . Road. vulsion for WhIat those imeasur strange sea; he stood upon the tumbl- Over her shoulders and streamed down next their hearts. Pierre, standing Specially designed, by its alkaline, �, . P , 11,i�- - I Nlgkt calls answered from -real o<f)rHraght. ThursdaY.—To IL HarveY'a, KIP- tnents 'revealed. The spirit that was s of tho Fort, that was her back until it piled itself upon the there on the rock, with his band on and cleansing properties, to neutralizw I I ',1.1 I 11 Iriatoria street, .9eafortik en, for noon; then by way of the Red School . I ed foundation , - , ,.� g in him mlled out for bi still older -and saw the starlight rock, shining dark and lustrous in his rapier, might have been Grosellier the acids of the mouth, thereby pre- .� .. .'I . House to Itobert Dews, for night. prfday, growin gger � 1,j5',. 1�, . � I west on the Ith Concession to Genimell'a things, for .the wild frebdom which glinting,wone of the brass carinon :-1 P fflm#�.�-�- . the light of the moon. Philip knew himself, the prince's favorite, and serving from decay, removing tarts4 � 1A I . . ' Corner and north to George McCartnWd, for he had tasted for a time with Gregson that lay where it had fallen amid the that sbe was not an Indian. Jeanne ­� noon; them to McAdam's Side Road and north "I ly Suddenly the girl sat erect, and Something white on the rock near while, as a real antiseptic, it keb#*, � 11A� vi . AUCTIONEERS to the 2nd Concession and west to James -for a life which was not warped debris, untouched and unmoved since and gradually whitening the teetti, � .11" �,��,. Carnochan's, for might Saturday—By Broad- by the gilded amenties pf the crowd- the days, age had last then sprang to her feet, partly facing where the girl had been sitting the gums and mucuous membvaue of ".1., - THOMAS BROWN foat's Bridge and south to the min Road, to s gone, when it � L.". I., od ballroom to -night, b3f the frenzied thundered its welcorne or its defiance him, the breeze rippling her hair a- caught Philip's eyes, In a moment the mouth in a healthy condition tAk .. 1 ,4, JAcensed sue I gtioneer for the Conal his own stable at Brucefield. I ROBERT MURDOCH, . dollar-fight,to-morrow. No one c �, I .. , . , 11 1. 1, � �t� I , . -e where the sea turned tb.the vast gray depths of the kerchief and a broad ribbon of finely generally conceded to be the most 1, I I Proprietor & Manager. understand that change in him. He slowly along the shoi he walked bout her face and shoulders, her eyes he held in his fingers a small hand- resist disease. These are being Ma" I 41 R*bn aBd P�eftk. Corresp6nde'nem udes; 1. , �� 'IN 0matoments for sale dat" CM 1111 , , , , I I I r r wadi by calling UP phone 97, Spafofth I could find no spirit in sympathy with had las)hed wearily for many a year, world beyonA_W forests. For an in- knit lace. In her haste to get away Important functions of a Modem, 11; il; , . him, no chord in another breast that to reach the wilderness dead, and stant she turned so that the Ii bt f she bad rgotten these thi - H 0 dentifrice. I I . OW Tko Etpositar Office. CmTgres Tod* 9 0 fo ng, ��yl, ' ctio . - , , q . I ill with understanding. 04c he i , t oftte and satista R guarantem The Handsome Choicely Bred Clydesdale -he could reach out and touch and where now, triumphant, the frothing the moon fell full upon her, and in was about to run to the crest of the , � :� Stallion. thri e Use it every morning'and (vaV ��, 1�1,� --�— - . ------�-� APprQved Eftrolment, No. 982 Farm A i had hoped -and tried- surf bared g,un-case coffins � stnd tu-m- that moment Philip thought that her cliff and call loudly for Pierre Cou- important for many) just before re- I , ,-,� - .. bled -the bones of rnen down into its eyes had'searched him out in the sha- chee when he held the handkerchief tiring, as it removes partiples of fooA 1, 1p, ,*, i'll 13RITISH HERO - ' - A deep% breath, almost a sigh, fell sullen depths. And such menl Men dow of the rock, and were looking and the lace close to his face and ;�, �� � i , from his -lips as M thought of that or confectionery lodged in the teeth, � . � I , IL�" ", I a- No..(18264) [205733 who had lived and died when, the straight into his own. Never had he tht- delicabi perfume of heliotr9pe causing injurious fermentation., mouth t " .,, 11 Honor Graduate Carey Jones' N Will stand for mares during the aenoon of last night, ,at the Brokaw ball. -He world,was unborn in a half -of its seen sueb a beautiful face among the stopped hiTn. There was something sores and, possibly, Infection. � . 14 t- ,�, ,� 00*81 School of, Auctiall Chi- 11924, as follows: heard again tthe laughter 'and L`ha knowledge and science, when red forest people. He had dreamed of fartilliar about it, something that held Those who have used it constantir �­': �, . I . I . I .1 , gaX6. Special CoUftft taken IU PWV Monday.—Wih leave his own'stable, at Har- ter of men and women, the soft ri�stle blood was the great capital, strong such faces be -hind camp -fires, in the him wo�dering and mys,tified,'until he best bear test[- . ��,­�, . to, M67- purhey and go west to George Dale & Sons, 1. ". m �, Bred 1Ave, Stock Real Estft Alma, for noon; then south and oadt to Sandr of skirts -and then the break, the hearts the winners of life. And there deep lonline(ss of 16ng nights in the knew that he had los't AQ opprortun- S�01 .� 1, "is can . I in - " , I challiAM6 and Pam Sales. Ratm McMichael'.. on % :Booundary for might Two- silence, as the low, sweet -music of his ' --w4ven 'who had forests, when be, had awakened to - en,y in this regard. , I - .. 1, , - , Ce% were women, too, ity to recall Pierre and his compa,n- - L r r at r tub Ae, then north and "or """' 'U2 With prevailing market. sat- d favorite waltz began, while he stood moi to its C1 �1��,;,` lay' -west to It 113 at 25 PS e, Wholesale or . . I to John Dodd'P, 0, Concession It = come with th, - ipn, abd vieA with bring before hirn �isions of what El- ion. He looked at the handkerehipf � !".1, I - �,Ibooll I a4uted. Will ,or , wirs, screened behind a ban a r6WIj at I .1 �% .. 1� ffill.p, for noon; then ',seat to the 14� them, in the 'opening -up of a new leen Brokaw might have been to him more closely. It was a dainty fa- - ­­".. I � i ,,S '. � .1 m 2i �i�� 1 "4& NOW11 MoMvin'o, Lot 28, Concession 12. WOR111*#' eyes of Eileen Brokaw. Hb saw such wonien as these, that Philip'lov- pie. He drew himself closer to the sensation of touch when,he crushed I "; I!!, I , OACAr XIOPP, ZUdCh, Ott Phone Gravel Road and mo#h to LeadWrr to WRL looking down into the clear gray world. It was such men as these and if he had found -her one Of their pm- bric, so soft that it gave barely the "TEM PHARMACY' I . for night. Wadneoday.-west and- north 'to -, James watt,8, Boundary of Mullett, for Ift himself as he ,had stood then, leaning ed; and he walked with bared head rock. . The girl turned again to Seaforth nt I �." -1 6!� ­5­1---­� eon: . the It in the palm of his hand. For a - , 0 . , ,'V. !'... I 1��..�,t. - ,a riot 9 I ­/ ,. N� � . then inerth and vast to Arohle 3M16P over her'slim white shoulders, intoxi- edge of the cliff, her slender form few moments he was puzzled to ae ­ , I .A. .. Concession 14, Gre7, for night. Thri;ndl cated by her -beauty, his face pale ,. � . �. - ,­ : I - � I.. J .11 , gorth and owt to V11111aw Hdraw"**901 — silhouetted against the sitarlit sky. count -for the filmy strip of lace. Then 1.4",,� I'll . & T. LUMM 1 � %, "" . I 1�1 ill ''.,�`�,3, Lot 0, Conceqsion 12, Grey. forOvoow. 4U4 .Otb the fefir of what he was ibm# - She leaned over the 4og, and he heard the truth came to him. Jeanne had .. , . 11 Last to Caronbrack, md south to sainft W.�, ib say nd he saw the girl, with her I 11 1'k,,:,�' . .. . '1�0�­ . �; I,". ­ ... ", .6V 60 C6M ton�a, loth eotl of Aray ro I mega for 0, bop% her voice, soft and caressing, but he used it to bind,her bairl or Sale or Rlent 1 ;4, �,�'Ijk�,�A.. ii rev ro nf6h'to rd' 'bean al -'head thrown a little back, . Ong ru pextic- � ,,�'..�,,,�, 11 � Mconsed anationeer ;0, 2, 1� t4 a ,c F t I V . I I .� I daty­riw�at aud south to Johil 9"al ut 6.1, al. , I 4f. awe*. onto* a *14 66. 4 , could not understand her words. The He laughed softly, joycil as he , ia. .. I . - 1. 111. , I 1.9 , � , .� 11 .1 1-1�1,­ .": " , " ", ix. conce"ion 17, Gray, for noon * thto I to so that her golden hair almost toadh- . . I WatS Of each's man lifted 'his head, and he recogniz- wound the bit of fabrit about lWa ft- H�ima . - M1 I -:-7',,1.1 f I 0 Ilrblin PAc6ln, Lot I ' It � orid-thmous �, I pim of 06 cousty."ZI .8, 0000"Idfk % - I 11 "Warreniv "Iberr IN I ,Z­��, k," . ed his IiPs, waiting for him to speak, � I I", gl��"A� ,,,, ---, - X I ?or might SattiraAr.—S t to h � 11 !, , "I", ; ,',,','?,`,,;�WQ fit M000A " , J�r For Iratloy , Dig,"' ed the Swarth�, el,Ofti-tut features of gers" and retraced his steps towntd , -ali0i.- 1 I 1, � 4i IT ­. . '-,',I �', ,I' ", . i� 4, ----- !TP -T me 19Z I " �� d*k# vagil 0* iu;tfil 6, o" esttibla for . %ths he had fought' 4plust I I 11's"snJIM0 a French half-breed. -He moved tawny Churchill.. Again and again h6 press- Itkst Half Lot: 96. 1 j ,,, , ARIN's , "AP 4 , �, ' 'Moftfpg�� diAtion of bar beauty.,Agafii OW0. treat*"t. ,a .02�1­11­ qlg, 'R!, I '11��," ;,4,qg " - o View ,'501Atft& � P. .0 X aftal the 00116wl;�'MdW - t 0 IhA 'ka'ain r9a 10 Z"t " 11. A to als�qbfetly as behad all ed the tiny handkerchief to I& fms cepim, Mr. 'Voor . I , . �,;�.If',,"V­l Td .. - DMV �, , sill �.,� — --- — . . I �1,�" ", I'll,, � * 1"11 I � ` � " � , " , , - �� .. ; I � � , � , . � . I i � ,, i;,� " 7 111 1�1 It, " J�N I . I I" I , I , I i t, I AM''.1 lmost- surrendered 321 1012,10 In one ft. to Ono= I �qr .. �" �"',"� �1 . -,:or.­To Innare & foal ec"' " , .... on' " , , . J , ' * , r', h V girl's voice Ato0jed him. -f its, aWeetneSR4 . . ,.. ­,%, - I . 1. C �i 'Q A I tAV9. a . bmathing o IT& the P1WtIeWdf6 At , ly to , I �, 1 -��', "." "!"011 .�, 044" 490 - W", a , �. , WItZIAM CO *A -t --avay-to-poll h1melf b,ad1t In �� R ED - * it , , F." ST b�'i amo %Ad A -at is Ch,drehill, Plerre-4he sketio I '' ,P�, 111; .�a ... , 11 I i, ,�� . , prowitt6rivit - t �"� - 0 tk"" 1. ;17 . I . I V � I ',,� . -1 1 16 , � - � -k- 1U.1 , ,.'�I, ,-,�P. , , 17 ow"A'"M Itt, A 1: I . � n, suddeply stirred -bi§ IMm' - 11, ` 1, .,�, - 65,01, .1 . . . . . . .11 I on �k.z I MUR00 , � . . I 6 Aid 9004 Ids 91*10 A# &ye, . too � , ... M i , " � ". . V I. � 1, �, r - �1.4� i" -*'11k,, ,,�, I M mana"W4 wftmllwA �, . I I qdfthill VOU h&le told Me of, Whfte to the golution el Itp � . � '':, A ,.,I ": ,,,�.. N 1. ", , " 3. I .'t I , :MV , , , il gol 81, , L "I ,11 ,4 �. "I I 4'3,i� d —,—.- "AW - , � I I I �, . **;. I 101101 I If n. &,�,W,�, )12-',�y­�, ­ 1. , . - I . � , , A , . 1.1 ..�, , , . I � I . - . I � � , , , I 11z . "'A ,. I . ., I . .�. *,,',,�, .1 . 4 1 .. � I 1-1 ,­ -, ,,­�, . .. I �.. I �. ,' I ;­ � " - ,,, 11. I.., It -Nr.. ", 1, .4.1 - � I ­ ! � . I . 1:1 1. . I 1 1.,­7,".�.�,.',�,, �9, - .1 , ", i''; ,� �,­. ):.I " � � , , - * . 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