HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1924-07-04, Page 4- 1771 MIT 11 11 71-1 - P , " -- -7 -,"M , , -­­­ __7 ­ ­11r1,T,r7W,­,, , --­ ­­-W, ,,­1 W1111"Im, I, , ­'.. - - , I I ''I . . I o I , " . ­ ,,,. I I ly 11 , . '?)' 4- " - ­ : -' , I . T . , , I -7 ­,­­,---,-­, ,, - y . I I ­.­­­ I . t , ', , , 10.11` ., " '. , I I I ,z - ,- ­­­ ­­--- - , ... - Jljlm 11, I , .1 I I I 1 ­ I I I I I " . 1-11-11o- , 71. I , . I , I :11 . , I . I ­ t , . I I ; [ , I I I . , 1, 1. . , 0. 1 , . I I V'j I , i 111. I '' '' I - o , 1, ", , , I -,"I --L -'­ li !L- ­ . * : ". . . .1 . ,7 . , 1 , -1, ! - ` -:` , ,!' ,­ I " 1, I . ­, -! ,-­,'-L ----- ---- - 2 '_ '- ,, L--..,.'':,--, ,- '', -1 ! ­ , I -, ­ 4 11 L, ,,, ,, `, " .­ - ­ J -1 -,.- I ­- ­­­ ­ ­­­ ­ - 11"j, I . - -- ­ -- -- ­ I , ­., , , --- I'll , -- -- - - -7, ,,-; "-",,;: ',,: ­­ .... - 7­ , 1 : ,,,,7 ,. I . - ; , , ,%1, ­ , ,' ,. - 11 Fl :, .., -;­ I 1 - 4 ; , ', . 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I ,, ,!; I , . 1 I I ,. ,, ,.., .9 401ni Jr. 'j ,612 "- , N.- .. in , " P. . --1 -, .,,11 k' " 1 xj , ,' ­ % , "; UK F" " , . t RV I C rr­l I 11 .. ': '' I . - 7`1 - 7 : "W " , Me 'Hitibnh, I , " .? I . -1691 , . . , . , P , tur " I - %',' ! t . I . . . M4, , , ,iql - , " "I, " I iu,., qw, is Im, , a " I I , "MRM, , k ­', 11 %X11,104, M - ­ .Tuuq wed ,4 , .. il 99 , '., - 1, 1, ., , .4 . , , - , k ,t,pM - !71.&1%," ,..-,:-,, . IP11R lf r ,* , M I ho"W.011. 4,; kft,, . .1 1­ kt­ttL&­ arn .,-, ramn " " . %. W M N : .t . # - 11 N I. 14 Pw I , . , , ,. , ,q ,:, , "i X . , , t, VMecg 11 4m- ,, i. "A - ,.% . at the , ­,--"F," ­­­­- 7-, .T I ­­., ----- -1 — , I I I I 1 I 1. .", ­ I'll, , " - , , , I . - - ­ I , . ,, . I . . L ­­ ­, .1 . I , , 1, I I., , I 1, -1 'L I I - , , , ..,?, ". , ,,. 1; ',, 6'0 i,' I"' I 11 I , - , I , , 5 ,.,--,,,,,,,,,,,,4 t ':,, :;N", ,.'4161 ­ ;­­-,­rI., , , - 1. /- I 1. 1 " " I , , 11,,, ' , . , ­ 1%, . , I 11- I ''I I '' , , .:, , , .. I 1, I . 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I . - r, V I '' 4'. 004,1741m. . I PIN. A'Mty, 1: 0,Q3X9,11 V,, of,. , L 01 N , # X-9 . , .1. ., tw . - . "i t I I— .', .45,,.r', ,tt.y ! . . - , . Nr A a I "'Y12 ­­ N-1.1 ­ --- ­ . 1F " , ­tl " :"", il" ',."C ,!IA, ­ . '. , .; 9 ' , c - 40b, T, -tiv Rto. 40414 "o ti Qf A , V, X . ,,,,-, ",.,T, - I I A I , . I . , = P ,%'g Z 642%4 . Goo, . " , I ­ . . 11 ,. : . 1. ( V 1, A,M1nflJA"4. i ns ,Vauey." , V ;P,VQRA. V,04r", 1, A , so ... a , ,4 A, ­ 11 - A, 'iofti ,, *. ., .,: "','. ,J% , r. laab' L 4:14D --W " ,4 r ­ . .. I , t ' ,YR ' re TOW =4' My 1. Ar, , . I I I . ', ! : lit Itte TF - "a , Ift .215" cmp f.h. 01j"Twe O=M 14 Z Jr," ZliArA § L 9 AD COM(4 M07 !,lip- "so ,J . PI'll Z 1 . 0 I . I ., a 6 e ,. r3 W4444 .P& 1%op 11 . ... A 1, , .. 1, " f . I . .1, .1 . qag .R - r K. . I A 11 For- time vill, 070 gm, tp I ­ I m­J1A'wQJ1AW "Yq,f., qqv, g -rJ 1 41 , ft "I" 041MAW 4XV PMM11104 , M10 - I. . ped' $04 Or . . * 1 404, Talk 9P.R , - , '' i 1 ,43e=. Gim WA, MOOT69W 18' * 'a "' ,k , _ bleldp,V-as 01 a) a I : , lmulegj WIAA is;7m . I I . .. . , ' M* 14 " . . C I , -0a - set ., I ... W­' -4 I - 17,j I . . .1 . .- - ­Wunw - The and ­ . ­, ri , I , A -9x . liater of oy % `; L .. - e e gh 9 , ". 11, UPOWPOPI, to "t W W ppedo, sm9ke(I 91k " L 711Z , ,, # , ,, t it . , , , -, - - " I . :1 MRIA P The and Zg-,Q;. 4!ornes Hjacl; . g% I IA- vi d r ell '191-VIT R I boaA i &,V I ,-,.., ,7, ", ..... 11 Rev. Z. 1 14 -it .. ,s " , , - I I., : , perrortned by I ,., ) . ent" U t., i anabItj to -try. I* exam made. Ka­,, ; I and yo",.b,.,,.,, r ' .p SO* $arin, I ,, 9 #pA - A ' t ' "' t "A of carved i , qp g4g , W. hite, Book .:r wo , O4 ­ , , , My W, '. , j ;­' - li4, r, ,. , , , I - ­ - trite a inber froat W IRMA .1, . V af 0 9, mvers- anO atlrluW o,rnatM4. vi*odiate- .:, ,. " I ­ ..:, .­ . , .. f. -1 , . . , : ' . , , , . " . I I - . , ,s4pca of the relative@q , "t- of illriesg.but '11% ,year's ed' t $j,, r on I 11 1 `W I " ­ I ." ,­ o to vle pr( . , " o 4 A e _be ly, a bog W F usp 'o,"W'Wear . I . . . I , "... ptreet 400e . . , - , I :i ' go ri U- a The dr4w:- . 16, 'ererpony a ,t t rty 1AC t Wv*ht,, 00*fo.T,4bli'J*Pq) in leather Or c4W.04 :. V0,F, . ,-, " . I - h a Ild groom. and Vicinity took in tile 1 I I was 83'%. ST. 1--- Mary sion IT gr'044e , 11! . -e,k , _ ... , "11 Z; I `, : .. . . in seaforth Thursday fright3ast, Twee - I . , 0 't a V , ' - I ­ . ., -11 , - . J *4 .: - i , ,, .1 I . '­ . ,ed with j.00j! I n s nd fiefebbers. g4tli4o'd ­11 -;b,q dfiOg 'Toomi room was -ppe ly 4rran ,p r p0nV4',,4g%.; Elinor Broadfoot, 820/4; h If f"' ... 04 06, A ; ,,a# , e4 & u 1,44 pq t -.book. "', r 4 4,.,. , , ' . ,.4o JI . r . I 14,.' . L , ­, , .. , . - . ,. . , , I I , , . . At 7 , - -4, 11 : . 90 - / Primer I a, daikft, b et luncheqn. woo Pe . 0 , * . P , I - goej bridal All report having a fine Ume.- ete 6 ne' coupje , ,. I , - . 11 - .. I V, , 1. , 7e I fipraya I Thompson, 7096. - , ., " whe a For IV . , . . 1 , , . .. 7, , ", ,. 11 servve(L iftoi -*Ujo 'the h4PP . . ." I . . " ;1 I . o,!, -,.. ,, , , , - " ... I'll . -by Iker W .; Viola Mputgomery, '1 i' . . left'by train -for Mi I 4.4"'.-­i,40` wo :kI*4*v A ""! , 1,v 11 .. Ana I = ' in mar- B., Gardiner and John Watt lire in Marion 91 -1 -,- ., , , . , V , Ltk oxfor4s in Patont leatiiO4 Go 11 1, ; ,b -,dp H4ro,N :Nie'holsou, 781%; L-aellA Mont- , ,. . ­ . - 1!. . 910 1I ,. ",s giv n 1 , , * j grace- Toronto this week on buslaess, :-Mr- I . . I W."A", ,, r " ;, . .: , . ., I . 11, go )ber een gw4e.a. I I ., - [elrigan, I thl'o, ll Z i , , 11 . I I . * k Wer iAet.dl , ­ - - -a ­ :Brown Calf. or ft ' . I W - " . of 0 , 11" 1 . f invAii- oolored crei Forte lilkols. Wiatonsin, - , , , P '­`* .. I , _ , aV4 wore a 73v . . b4'vnth Walter D. Oliver, of Lond.on, b4s b I- 66%. ''Be i , st has completed -', ',w-, I. IPPEN . . v York andl : I 'e, w,.. XJd fi 'Ja . For Outing - 141 go 0 . iting his numerous frieuds in Wa tAt , ­ - Ang in , I 414 - , ,, -,, ..., 1b,&471'q01t;.Voot, rubber soled eanvaa iliciest. v.- ­ I car c WIn,''not, -, , a, jW----" J ,!t, ; . I at = Weeadird. trima-drqq, and tied P, via e or rnemori4ng the BUJ4 Futv*.t ' e most vutb"e h4ir 0?4t Southern Obi6i the bride tr I I I _ . ' ea o . -1SSP@ "I 1, . - ­' I . . - ton. Mr. gliver is convoJeseent, after her cet " ., V .ft ". , .,, , . . and shove,V.s.­4 f r*',tf, At t q Wil _4 f '. , . I . 11 . Tvi,. " 'b =01, 0 or 4 I 11 I .. - I i -an ts, tth , get in S a navy , poiret with 1:g' cabin # . I , I lb uquet Of oplielia roses and stream e Beautitudes, - . . OOA 4.' ,,, - e,rs Of ribbon and sweet peas. There having an attack of acCriet fever Ten Oomn Barber fihj* A044 the - C- ne , Ro - IF * " , , I wedding Wesley C. Hackwell aud Mr. W Me- the, Lord's Prayei., the Twenty-third . ippois a:fid at to mat h. On Sardo? als iii1l" Pai;e I . I I .11 i Notes.-L *,; and Mrs. :WkIton, 69 sweO 4": , X pompi aft, Q Ao*l la -- I , ,t,- Sand ot 11AN , . . The . - their return they wIllresidle in Guelph . t I. .IF e . FQ ­ were no attendants. to Listow Psalm, the Books of the Bible. Mary Walkertonj 4#4' Mr. and Mre'..Sie­ en viaim I04. him. ­ I t Running Shoes In Black, Bio" I , ­ V. , ,4 , Pate , Gun,­­ I I rch was , PlAyed by Miss Rebecca 'G Ila motored over el last oot have . I 'ki r for ". ... 1: . Sunday to visit friends. -Mr. T#.te, of Forrest arid Elinor Broadf where the -oom is aii, overe,40 , txap 94 ma ., . I or WIN I ; , , . pors and Oxfords' in I cous; Of the bride. After the King, apf1v%1qk,­15oniIy K 49,.Qf WO.,v -A '' . . . , . , Brute, Aier of memorized the Eord's Prayer. Helen I 1...1. .I the Id. P. metal calf a, i d, Br .wii, itin.: 6 ceremony a%ainty wedding luncheon Goderich, has secured a num, eter, were. ,#Or at the home of Ild.r. ' I if - where jobs of wiring for hydro in the vil- Th;ompson had the leAst mistakes (5) 1 R,h . during the wq Death of Miss Fee. -We have'this 0-u- SXr0x$.,gF' QUALITY AND NO PRICES ABE ` ' . I V , ,..,k-7,- The WE GIVE Y , . , rved in the dining room, xpecW 'to start in the daily spelling during May and 31 week to n* afentlon of another LOWER THAN OURS HEN THE QUALITV IS,,ASJ -GOOD I - liday passed ve ' q"lotly death that la 13r q . was so ,cousins of the bride were lage. His men are e Wage. I June. The Canaries bad the motto Dominion ho 'T t I. ., cburr in our vil- I . I .11 - I * , four girl' - n . - I - . the assistants. rk on Wednesday in the v ys, and the Bluejays six. Th6 in ouv villagp., The majority. of the ,age. I - r§ vt ss , WO-41606NO I . Mr. arid Mrs. Reed wo seven da motok.jed to the lakeside for ,the pe ofi of t . late , "I I I I . ara and .. rVit . I I left on a motor trip to Niag school races were held on Friday af-' citizens Margaret'Jane Fve,, eldest daug ter , . . I . - . Buffalo, the bride travelling in a log- I the day.and,ill report a fir* tlfrie- of the late Mr. alid Mrs. William Fpe, I I . .. it, with hat and shoes TUCKiERSMITH 1 ternoon. Straight races, small child- Mr. Isaac JAVrott, of bur village, hap, . . I I .. , . wood shade su . ren. Jack Nicholson, Mary Broadfoot, pened with 4(,bad accidelijt'durifig the late of the Goshen Line, Township of . . 1, I 11 .. , 11 'a , Hay, w occurred at the to match. Mr. Farmer-The'nurA - u0table hair Ou4 Arthur Cameron and Allan Nichol- ,6ich family . .1 - you can get in Seaf6rth the past week, ,Mr. Jarrotf wl&s tying home here on Friday mbrning last I I 11 0 , .. li. and shave is at son; Juniors, Harold Nicholson, Viola up some cattlis' when he was 'struck , funeral, - -.1 I .. ,,,, I . McKILLOP Barber ShOP Around th Corner -Robinson's. Montgomery, Jack Nicholson; girls itge. of 72 years. The - 1, I I I by one of thelpattle's horri, just above a' " a V I k :1 '. . ' -The following is whi ;1,was a prWate one, washeld on is at the the report of School .Section No. 2 - V . , . ir cut School Report. , .... I'll . . Mr. Farmer. -The most suitable ha' up to 8 years, Viola Montgomery, the eye, infliciifig a nasty g4sh. ck- S, . . and shave you can zet in seaforth Mary Forrest Marion Thompson; undai 'afternoon. last to the family a . I . A -4 Around the Cornea-Ropinson's, for May and June. Sr. IV-Margar- ily for Mr. Jarrott' that it waii not I ry. Miss . , , - I Barber Shop boys, 9. years, James B Iack, Bill Fpr- plot In the Bayfield cemetery. Miss IFORM I School Report. -The fell I 450- Dorothy McLean, - a trifle Jower, as it would no doubt . .SEA . owing ar-- et MacDonald I rest, James McGregor; girls, 13 years . Fee came to our village some ten I I the results of promotional exaipina- 357; Duncan Noper, 340; Etta Bell have put ,his eye out. He war, -taken years ago with her brother, William, TELEPHONE 11 OPPOSITE COMMERCIAL HOTEL I . . tion of School Section No. 7, McKil- 322; Aiinie MeNaughton, 47. Jr. Ili and under, Helen - Thompson, Mona to the hospital in London, and- it was I . I I McGregor, Isabel Forrest; boys, 13 and sisters, Sarah and Mary, and for .1. I -- --- . lop:. To Sr. IV. -Eva Scarlett (H.). -Beatrice Cooper, 331; Stewart Cud- Lder, George Black, Ar- found that the sight was not affected the past year or so had been in de- I I I .%) I . — . Jr. IV. -Grace Somerville (H.). Sr. more, 31-5. Sr. II -Verna McGregor years and ur to hurt, btit' no doubt, My, , 4rvott clining health, and for some weeks I III. -Dorothy Driscoll, ,Rosa Driscoll, 381; Jack Cooper, 309. Jr. 11-chas' thur Thompso% Lloyd McGee; girls, will have & very sore eye for tsome bbfore her death.was confiT,ted to her - '. - . . - . I I I Orval Holmes, Hilda Stewart, Billie Cudmore, 209. Jr. I -Lloyd Cooper, any age, Margaret Forrest, Helen time. We hope however, to - s e him room, bearing -her illness with all the A Thomp on, . Mona McGregor; boys, . last week's issue a slight clerical most promising. -A large numbpr Jr. I fully recovered in a sh9rt-tim64'L,-Mr. - and neighborho ad Thamer. II.Dorothy Somer- 201.-M. Mellis, Teacher. I., . . patience and fortitude which ever ' ville JH.), Clara Mathers (H.), Ar- West End Notes. -A number harters, Reo Me. Robert MeL 4n, of #-13'&am`i ' 13 characterized her life. The funeral occurred iri the printing in which Mt. from our village Ill , N thur Balfour. Sr. II. -George Tay'- the young people spent Dominion Day Gregor, George Black; Ladies' race, spending the holiday16 at-Ifis ligimb , Zuefle was mentioned as now of For- spent Dominion Day at Grand Bend Mrs. A. Nicholson, Miss'G. Webster, , ce , ,as conducted by Rev. H. f here. -Mr. Holmes, of Tilbury, ipeiit ,86rvi 71"r est, which was an error, as Mr. and other points on the lake, but ar. lor. (H.), Grace Perdue, Elieen Me- at Bayfield. -Miss Hattie "and Miss Miss M. MeNaughton; wheelbarrow 'at ih, Naylor, of gt. Paul's Anglican church, Zuefle is still -a live and enterprising the larger number going -to GrAn! i, , Lau ihlin (absefit). Sr. I Wallace Mary Turner returned from Toronto race for boys, Pearson Charters and a visit a home of Mr. Robert who paid a high tribute in the course .1 , of the Un­ Shannop, Walter Somerville. Primer last week. -Mr. Cecil Matheson, of Daymond, of Tuckersmith,1 during the of his remarks tci the splendid life liv- business man of our village,,who de- Bend. -Rev. Mr. Armour . George Black Red McGregor, and past week ­Mr; Jacob Detweiler-;­.,Re lights in. seeing improvements going ion Presbyterian church, BruceAbK' -Melville Shannon, Helen Tomlinson, ending the holidays at ' rin Everett Perdde.-E. M. 1 Thi' ,P'= ' ',re'-M,. Frank Crich was Edward Boyes, Arthur Thompson and companied by -his two daiAghters, Ed- ed by the deceased and her kindness on in the place and who, if he was a and Rev. J. A. McConnell, of Ca 4 Gordon White, . James Black; thread and needle race na and Ten#,.all of Kitchq4er,,4;alIed and faithfulness, not only in the bo`14e, -millionaire, instead of as he is, a Presbyterian-Chuich, Hensall, , ex-- I -Crich wed- . but CD all who hod the pleasure of her ift .- , Little, Teacher. a guest at the Townsend for girls, Margaret Broadfoot and Is- on friond§1ir"Vur village-dbriiik the acquaintance. Miss Fee leaves to prospering shoemaker and florist, changed duties 'on Sabbath morn , ,#) Golden Wedding Celebrated. -The ding at London 6 Saturday last.- abel Cameron, Beth Forrest and Mar- would give the village not only nice Aast, it being Mr. Armour's first'visit ' , following from Yellowgrass. SAsk., Mr. Austin Matheson, of Stratford garot Forrest, Mona McGregor and week Mr' - Detweiler has,, -many mourn her deatla one brother and'four flower beds but banging gardens, to Carmel Church, i -and his sermoij will be of interest to many of our Business College, is spending the holi- friQs in `ihi community *ho are sister, namely, William, Sarah and I -readers, as the aged bride and groom days at his home here. . Helen Thompson; doughnut rae& up always glad ;to see him. -4r, apd fountains, and parks, as he has an was much enjoyed. -Mr. Wm. Beav- ta.,10 years, James Black, Margaret . , Mary, at home, and. Mrs. Calvin ' ents, and I ts of Mrs. Dan McDon- Mrs. Earle Sproat, of the' i nd' of Strong and' Mrs.' Job eye for beauty and improvem er has sold some three lots off -his are the paren School Report. -The 'following is BroadfQot, 'Mary Forrest-' /doughnut Tuckersirilth), Atre receiving pongratu- u Pollock both . er ready to support any good property at the end of Brock Street .ald 4 form - r well known resident of otion'so' made in S. of the West-. Although the fu'neral is ev ,, W , , q a report 'of prom race over 16 yeam, Red ' McGregor, . iys. A brig - scheme of improvements for our vil- west -side of the railway track, to t ' lations the se,&' "ht baby ";Oy was a private one, a large number of ' the 3rd concession: "Am event unique S. No. 9, Tuckersmith. In making Alice Thomp , - lage ...... ;Mr. and Mrs. Sohn Wilsbn, Of M, Henry Volland, of our village, son, Isabel Cameron; ,tq-,', Is ( =* s '."mes rogtives and friends were in attend- : in the history of Yellow -grass took the promotions, class work through- graceful walking, Isabel Cameron, has come . " "eir home. I i ' who ance,,',- y coming,from quite a long Stratford, spent Dominion Day with which will give him, in addition to . day, May 22nd, wh m out the year was also considered. C. McLeaW -W,,,' daug4ter, Jeg , . place on Thurs Margdret Forrest, Red McGregor; . Mrs. Wilson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. his own lot on Queen street, more have beexi' r ding a' "week VA* the distince. . p ' , Mr. and Mrs James O'Dell celebrat-i Those marked (*) were promoted to and ; I " -Rev. Andrew George Brown, of this village.- land to cultivate. -Mr. J. Sinclair, of . chum race, Pearson Charters former ffiter, Mrs.'Williamt H.ay, . - This happy their respective classes at Easter but I I ed their golden wedding. I . Messrs. Case and Sons have improv- Sarnia, was a visitor at the Parson - Jean Webster; Red McGregor -and Is- ' of NiagarK `Falls, have. - rdtukried Mi' ker Farewell. ,occasion brought the family of five wrote the fin4l tests to discover their abel- Cameron, Edward Boyes and Boa preached his farewell sermon - honiie­- Mi[04 : :Glazier, ot Clinthn, - ed the'appearance of their business age this week. -Mr. J. Donaldson who 4hildren together in reunion Wider standing. From Jr. IV to Sr. IV Alice Thompson; book. race, Isalbel . here in the Meth6dist, Church, at Mel . . ri Pass, 480; 600: Lorine spent a irlitt'."during the vieek At the front by a nice coat of paint. - Mr. has been one of our live -and successr . . the parental roof for the first time I. Honours, Forrest, Red McGregor, Arthur ... . .. "" bourne, on Sunday morning. At the and Mrs. John Buchanan spent the ful merchants for the past two or . many years. Both Mr. and Mrs I hOih6.,O:C,:hbt.'-1Ister, Mrs. %Os. 'Butt, close of his fArewell discourse, which I - Bell, 568; Etta Taylor, 528; Thelma -race, Alice .. .oh- 1. 11 - three years, has sold out to a M]% -legged' , ) 6, John week end with Mr. Buchanan's par - Thompson; three a - O'Dell are natives of England, but Eigie, 506. From Jr..111 to Sr. Ill- Thompson and- 'Arthur Thompson, of I 9,W V.1 ­ 7 mi. 'and' was an eloquent and. masterly one,' ents and their relatives, Mrs. Hunt Jackson, of Goderich, who recently they were married in Bowmansville, Pass, 390; Honours, 487: *Arth r Margaret and Isabel Forrest, Mona MIP . -.%! e 10trconeess`1011 -Of -he referred to the happy time he had and Miss Bell. -Mrs. R. Donaldson sold out his business in the -courity ,. rega4 j th Ont., May 22, 1874. Their first home Fi,l,y,on. 554; *Hobert UpshAll, 62Z Tuekeismlth;, spent a ' visit wit n eople and -Wo bkothexs from ,town. Mr. and Mrs. Donaldson and ' McGregor and Helen ThomWon, also ' "n' the past was visited'by hert was at Sydney, near Belleville. AS -ter *Alex. Chesney, 458; *JeaxL. 4c- -Pearson Charters and George Bl ck; friends in. Vtonto dth-i 9 the pleasant -relations which existed Walkerton during the past week- little daughter made good residents of a Aort time. they removed'to Brigh- Laqhlan, 324; Wilmer., Broidfoot, 291. . cornflake race Jean Webster and week.-M 61; , William and Morley betw6en himseff and the congrega-. Mr. David C. Gibb, of Prince Rupert, our village and will be missed. -Miss -Pass, 378; 11 Cooper O:t.t - London'Rodd, were in tori. At that time Mr. O'Dell was iu From Jr. II to Sr. 11 ' * rge Black,:'Luella and Viola Mont- I tion.. He wished them and the new and formerly of the Towns -hip HO -, Gko Sarnia and" roit visiti)39 friends I of Jessie A. Bell is visiting friends irt the employ of the Grand Trunk Rail- o,r,,, 473:, *Hazel McLachlan, 443-- 1 Cameron and Pearson 119 pastor, Rev. 19orley Colling, who will Tuckersinith, was in the village this London. -Miss Mary Bvehanan, of - I - "Hilda Kennedy, 437;. *-Hbkn. Broad' gomery, Isabe during thq. vtt week. -19r. Robert have charge of the services on July I I way. In the year 1887 he was sta ' Charters, Margaret Broadf , e London Road south I , - week renewing E equaintanees.-Picnlc Niagara, N. Y,, is,spending her va- . Thompson,',,., . every success. The members of parties to the like are now the order tioned at Burk's Falls as section fore- foot, 414; Dorothy Elgie, 36 . Isabel Forrest; ea k race, Jas. Black, +I,p ­ I cation here with. her parents, Mr. and, .gi 3 From . man.. A post he occupied for nearly First to Jr. II. -Mar aret hay, Mar is the bus,, n these days, having th ' Busy Bee' Mission Circle held a . 31 " . of the daT. Nekt Monday, July 7th,f Mrs. Alex. Buchanan. -Miss Hattie " . 9 - George Black, Margaret Broadfoot; his barns'' n shape. . pien the Methodist church. will du- -twenty years. -He left the railway Jory Hay, Helen Upshall, Margaret horseback race, Jean Webster and . e Wrn. Doig ic Q.n Mrs. Margaret Matheis, a - .1 hold McQueen, R.N., who recently gra service in. 1907 for an Alberta farm B a dfoot, Alex Irvinei Margaret Ir.:. Mary Broadfoot, Alice and M d Alfred - ylor are doing - the . arion an . Z , . lawn on Saturday,. celebrating - the , , , . , . strawberry festival on the church ated at Victoria Hospital, London, is.. - I I and four years liter vine. From Primer to First.-Mac6. Th and work and . finished *---Th0nP"- birthday of their pastor. After games grounds, followed by a kogramnie :in visiting with relatives and friends in -near- P6noka onipson, Margaret Forrest , : a No. .1 jdb'. - iI`6'swere played the gathering was called '- took up residence here, where they Chesney, Roy Hodgert, Isabel Alex- Marie Yondell; hard boiled egg race, son will , - - to er and a most interesting pro- n ra ,our village. -Mrs. C..Hoggarth and have resided highly respected citi- ,rider, Billy Dalrym-ple.--G- G- Ross, juniors, James -McGregor, Margaret crops are -,,'- '. king well in this vi . Ord the church. , The Gouldi g Orchest . I will be present and a ball game, be- three.s6fis, who spent a number, of : - zens, during 'the past thirteen, years- Tocher. , . I . -'n'ty and ," - thWg.lcomes along ti) granme was given., The president, Mrs . Broadfoot, Mary Forrest; hard boiled e "" I tween Cromarty and the Boundary m,dnths here with . Hoiggarth's, '. ....'I%eir fimilY of two sons and three 1,8chool Rep%t.-The following is egg race, seniors, .Rex M*Gregor, Ar- hinder them ere be abundance Miss Clara Near, owupied the chair will be played in the course of the parents. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson Mur- ' . daughters are, with the e3weption Of -th Promotion results, for School' See_ thur Thom&ofi, Geoige Black; soda for. man and 696st-Rov. Mr.Hitchle, Bible 1-dadings were given fr6m'mem- ,evening. -The supper will,commence dock,'Ieft here the end of Iasi week . . . 'serv' the youngest daughter, Mrs. Mosley, ti,,f No. 2, Tuckersmith: From Jr. biscuit race, Rex McGregor, Pearson of Cromarty, ounducted the ' ices OrY by Miss Pearl Near itrid , Miss. ' of Oshkosh, Wis., living in Western IV to Sr. IV. -Total, 850;. Pass' 510; . in St, Andrew's church on Sunday at six ci'clock Mrs. Ballantyne, a to visit with.their relatives in NGr- ` Charters, Edward Boyes, Arthur Muriel Meek and hymns were sung' daughter of Mrs. G. Scott, of this wich.-Mrs. J'. Adams., of St.'Marys, . Chnada. John resides at Khedive, Monors, 638: Etta Bell, 658 , Hon.), Thompson; boot rA.ce, Helen Thomp- last, while Rev. R. A. Lundy conduct The pastor led in prayer, all joining villagp, , op Saturday last attended the is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. -A. 3h -s. B. McDon4,d, at Roche Preece, Annie MeNaughton, 588; Dorothy Me- sof , Jean Webster,. Isabel Forrest. ed afiniversary, services for Mr. Hit- in the Lord's, Prayer, leil by Miss Ballantyne Itennion held at Strat- MeDoneII­JWe regret to state iliat , ' . . . 't . n' Margaret McDonald, 573; Rex McGregor an4 Geoi gjp Black won rhie.-The Young People of St, An- Blanche Hardy. Readings. e,ss than two hundred Mr. W. C. Davis, w . hope ill health w . , Mrs. H. Waddell at .Safitaltita­ and' I:,6j , 614; I were glv- ford, when no I ' 0 Samuel at Edmontori. *Thpre are als* Duncan Cooper, 556. From Jr. III to the sweepg akea -for b6ya; Jean Web- drew's churchi-iwill hold their annual en by MiA. Florence Bees and. Rev. of -the clan were present to celebrate made mention of a couple of weeks'or., , -1 five grandchildren, two of whom were Sr. III-T,t,l, 630; Pass, 378; n- Young People's):hicnic on July 10th, Andrew Boa. Each Inember of'the . . HO st r and Jjga.40 : Forrest. won the the happy Occasion and a spAndid so ago, but bad been improving* so'Te..4'- . ­ . in atteiida ee at the golden wedding. ors, 472: Stewart Cudmore, 458; Bea- V 11 11 , A good time is -being looked for. All circle told a story or gave a riddle. suffer . The surpri,4es of the day began early trice Cooper, 433. From Sr. II to Jr. ' svireepstakeg for. gir s. After the are welcorne. Mrs. James Finalyson, At the close of the progrAftirrid the time is reported. It was first intend- what, again lakt-week ed a iv -m,. . , 'races everybo,dy - eni(iYpd, a real treat .. . - . ed to h9ld the res1iion in the fine park occurrence of'his ill-ness.and at,pre- , with the arrival- .'of lovely table 111 -Total, 630; Pass, 378; Honors,,,' - of Tuefiersinitlu.Apent, a few days in following addmiq Was given by Miss 0f,jce rpr,p . k nilly (fonated by a- Toronto durin . -The "Mr. Boa. -The mein. OV that city but, owing to the very sent is -not able to att nd to his gen­ . , . bouquets of gladibli, "roses and' car- 472- Verna McGregqr, 510 (Hon.); ff jP ";of ' the* sgetion, then the, g,;the past week. Phyllis Bees: ­ likely'," k Jac* ' W. M. S. held f4ir raonthlY meeting bers of the Busy Bee Mission Circle he4yy,rains 6f that day it had to be eral store business and will pjt ons, from Mr. John Morrison, M. k Cooper, 440. The highest marks prizes we - . . held -in fhe pavillion, but the raiA have to give up I business -for a . 01 . . k..., Ottaw-g. A little later a mantel Arith- .g- dis.tributedo .-NW.,. -the at the home ot Mrs.' Eric McKay, a . . . 11 Obtained In each subject were: - ied theirhool j and%', ,end- . wish to express their appreciation of and change of ,place of celebrating at least. -Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Dignan pupils.pi,91 umb b I e interest you h' i's ing in gold meti,, good,n r eirig resent. %clock, *Ah'suitable engrav Mental Arithmetic, Margaret .'ed thefjPwa homewar&, glad 'that the - , th ave taken in us dur-' did noV'dampen the ardor of those are here from the West on a -v it , 1.0 . per, 45; .M I , I .­W ing the short time you have been our I plate ,was presented by the A. F. & McDonald, 50; Beatrice Coo holidays were here. - skry Me-, .------- . present from so many places, many and their many relatives and friends ' A M. brethren Yellow grass Lodge (total was 50); written Arithmetic, Naughton, Teacher. , . pastor. We are sorry that you are in very long distances, but Only are pleased to meet them again.-, ­Mr. I I -orothy McLean, 82; Ver- L . - It SALt leaving us so soon, but we. hope to coin I . :,Ko. 63. Early in the evening the total IDO D I .e.me to heighten the good time Glenn broadfoot, of the Sterling Bank, town council and school board -called na McGregor, 68; Drawing, total 50, ir , ' n. . 1. Mr.,Farmeie. IW-r,ili&t"siiit[Lble ha ,.t see you in Mel -bourne again. That that was enjoyed. -Mr. and Mrs. Goderich, is home on vAcatio - Mr. at -the home, presenting compliments Etta Bell, 40; Duncan Cooper, 40 ; - . .1. HAY- and s4mve You can- get in Seaforth is at the You may think of iii. sometimes we Chapman, of Toronto, spent the week And Mrs. George Case have. just re - ,on behalf of the people in a written Reading, Etta Bell, 40; Annie Me- . Barber Sholp Around the Corner -Robinson's. ask you to accept this smallbirthday end with their friends, Mr. and Mrs. turned from a pleasant week or so address. This was accompanied by a Naughton, 40; Writing, Etta Bell, Robert Munn Acquitted.-The.seri- Family Gathering, - A pleasant gift. With it we shower upon you James A. Patterson, of this village.- visit with relatives in Dungan -non, lovely English. Crown Derby tea set Duncan Cooper, Stewart Cudmore, 40 otis charge made by a Barnado Home event occurred 1,jat',the'home of Mrs. every good wish and wish you many Mr. and Mrs. C. Jinks, accompanied Mr. and Mrs. George E. '11horpson, J t6 % . and tray. These tokens of affection- each; Spelling, Etta Bell, 50; Com- girl against Mr. Robert Munn', of Hay "George, HabicirlEll ,-of this village, on happy returrm of the day." The gift, by Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Brown and Miss Mr. and Mrs. Victor Fee -and Mr. and . ate esteem, together with the fam- position, total 100, Verna McGregor, Township, near Hensall, was venti- July Ist, Dominion Day, when there a gold-filled Eversharp, pencil, was Hattie Sutherland, motored to London Mrs. Wm. Forrest motored to Kit.s. ily-'s gAfts of gold coin, were entirely 86; Grammar, Margaret McDonald, lated at the Criminal Sessions held at wa&.,.a reAmion,of the Anderson fam- presented b Miss Vern t Haggerty. on Monday last. -As a result of the chener on Thursday last 0 attend . , rr expected 'by the aged couple, who 86; Literature, Verna McGregor, 75; Goderich last week and the jury, af- ily, of which family Mrs. Habkirk Lunch was then served on the lawn, splendid rains we have had during the marriage of their nephew, Mr. ' declaied themselves as quite over- George and Etta Bell, 87; Margaret ter a three days' trial, unanimously vras before 'a e, Some , fiftY 'after which the young people played the past week all e-rops and vegeta- Thorold Cecil Johnston, to Miss . marri whelmed with "all the fuss." The McDonald, 82; Verna McGregor, 78. granted an honorable acquittal after members of th Afd rson clan. or games. ­ . I . . tion in this neighborhood are looking Evelyn Mary Noble, both of that city. closing sentence of the town's address -M. M,Ilis, Teacher, 'being out. oiily 12 minutes. Judge famdlY gathered 'together' to' spend Briefs. -Mr. and Mrs. Ross Mc- I . 11 suitably expresses the seniiment of Forsyth -Foster. - With the altar Batron, of 9tiatford, presided! The the afternoon, which,,. passed most Lean and Glen MeLean' and Mr. Will - I ­ -4 . . . the whole community: "We hope and .piled high with brilliant summer G qwn Attorney, Charles Seager, K. -quickly and pIe&vAf1tIy­-w1tA outside Horton motored ,here from Detroit - - ­ ; . - . 1. -, . ,% re pray that our Heavenly Father, blooms, St. Simon's Anglican church, C., prosecuting, and I M. MeAvoy, games, sports and- pasi6'es, and in On Saturday, last and are visiting . I I . I I , 11 who has guided and sustained you Toronto, was the scene of a dainty K.C., and J. G. Stanbury defending. the lines of B"ps' poem, "the' 'hours their many -relatives and I , P? , hitherto may have still reserved for wedding party, at two -thirty o'clock, The evidence clearly established the passed as on eaile's wings, and be- Men&g, and as Mr. McLean has not . Ana .. I . , innocence of the accused. .The school fore it could be,realized the' sun was been very well for'some time on ac- . fts -. I .. I you many years of active usefulness; when the Rev. Dr. Brewin united 'in ' . I dalW101 I 1. . and through them all may the light 1 marriage Leah Audrey Foster, dau- register wV produced -by the defence setting in the western skies and the count of a soreness in one of his legs, I , -of His peace be your crowning joy." ght,r of Mr. and Mrs. William Foster, to show that the girl was at school call came to partafe of the good he Will remain here for a tiTne in the I 11 I ow - * , , 6 4( , \ 4 ' l - . , ' I - of Ktngsmount Park Road, and Mr. the very days on which she laid her things of this lij #, 'without which no way of recruiting his health -The I I I .. . I ISO t v W 1156 " L: ' '. I J. Finlay%on Forsyth, of Detroit. Mr, charges, while neighbors proved, con- siich event wo fa%e quite complete, ,Oddfellows of Hensall, Lodge. intend . . ,..* . I ! 11 " , , I WALTON Forsyth is a son of Mr. and Mrs. I,. cli I I that the a&used was at- and it is needless to say that ample decorating the. gthves of their de- I . ti, . , ... - Mr- Farm!er-The most suitable hair cut ,pive y the , tempting d#ased brethren and also deceased . . 1. ... I . , & . and .'have 3pu ewn get in Seaforth is at the Forsyth, of Seaforth, Ont. The bride t4ding.sawing bees away from home justice was done' to . I. . I 11 I i I Barber shop Around the Corner-Robi-n's- was charmingly gowned in an original at this time. go popular wfts the viands. Shortly after supper, all re- members of the. Rebekah Lodge on ... , ;. . 11 I se design of white satin, trimmed with jury's decision, that cheers and -hand paired to *10ir homet, Ueling theY the coming Sundtty, July 6th, -They I .1 I I . 11 No". -A very pleasant surpri. I .. I-, ,, . party was held at the home of Mr. gqorgett i and seed pearls and wore clapping broke the solemn stillness had a very hapli time.* will inotor from here in the afternoon . I . . . *. . I Ed. Bryan in honor of Miss Annie hir tulle veil in cap style trimmed of the court room, only to be quickly Sparks--McDonald-A quiet wed. and will.pro.ceed to the.Hensall Union -- . I . '. Wal. Pr s- cemetery and from thence to MeTag- . I I 11* I . . I Keith, retiring teacher from S. S. witli orange blossoms. She was at- suppressed by the threat from the .ding was solemnized at Cent ­ W anse 6' 'Re-Cd. ' .' Se'afe,' A cordial invitation ' - ­ . . NO. 9, Morris, on Thursday evening. tended by Miss Alma, Stock ell as Judge that he would send same '6f the byteiiin M gart's cemetery. . I . '. 1. I I Tbe many friends of Miss Keith %no bridesmaid in a beautiful gown of joyfirl ones to jail. But the friends on SA ...21st, W*n Agnts, is given to all to attend and as the , .. . 1. ./ . . -tarday, Jung had gathered to bid her farewell, ex- orchid georgette over 4&repe de chine and neighbors -of Mr. Munn found only daughter oi 'Mi. and'Mrs. Jas. attendance has been inci-qAsing from I ;; . ay evening T. McDonald, . Ited year to year, the coming Sunday with I pressed their appreciation of their with a leghorn bat to match, trimmed opportunity on Wednesd of Detroit,'was UM services as teacher in a tankible way with orchid. Her shower boquet was to voice their satisfaction' and ex. in the holy bonds of 4hatrimony,, to good weather conditions will no , . 11, in the form of a neatly worded ad- of Ophelia roses, -while that arried press their , faith in him, when a, Mr. Neil. lbouglas Sijai#.6 of Detroit, doulyt, show a still larger attendance.- t . ­ "I . I I dress read by Harvey Bryan and a by the bride wag of VvMte rt)&s with great surprise patty was organized son of M . and Afts,.'-A,1ffiX. 8P'arXs.j',- `6f , -Dr. Colin Fletcher Was in Goderich I - - . present, consisting of *A cut glass, lily of the valley and orchids. the and took possessidh of the Munn Hensall, Out. Th6--Wide -.'eds In00t during the past week, assisting at - I ' I ... . . berry bowl and a gold bar pin, the combination forming a tasteful color home. Besides the neighbors the becomingly attined and"wad.attorlded the marriage of a daughter of Rev. . .- .. '' ' * I 11 sg:! % presentation being made by Mabel, scheme. The groom was supported parents of Mr. and Mrs. Munn and al- by Miss Gertrude A 01 hfle` 't& Mr. Hamilton. -A number of tho,'Odd. A. R. Box, W. A. Crich, Ch4oros I If ey, w . & James I Ben -ley and Mae Shortreed. After a by Mr. Ross Helwig, while Messrs. so their solicitor, Mr. Stanbury and groom was assisted Y Mr. Wallace fellows of JUngall Lodge No. 223, . I I . 11 ", " I .. I . - - . I I I( . . d social hour had, been spent, dainty re- George Wiman and Jack Ridley acted his wife were invited. Games very Dick, both of Detroit. After a §umptu- motored to Brucefield on . Sundoy , ­. ,­., iiiiiiii'llilill'illiim "I I . I .11 . I I . freshments, were served by the ladies. as ushers. . Following the ceremony pleasantly passed the evening and ous wedding -breakfast at the ,hume, evening last to attend anniversary 0 U., . ... . I 1. I I. -The goodly number from. this dis- a reception was held at the home of then at the -festive board, short of the bride's A`j4nts, tHe happy services in" the Presbyterian Union , 11 I I — . . I .111 I " , I..- I .1111 , I '' . ­ , trict who attended the mem-orial ser- the bride's parents, when Mrs. Foster speeches were made by women as well young couple left amidst showers of church with their Brucefield brethren.. I I I I . I I I vios held in the Memorial Hall, received, on behalf of the happy as men, expressive of the high re- confetti on a Bhort.motor trip. The -Mr. Alex. Murdock, with the assist- - 14----L I . . I --­ I Blyih, on .Sunday evening, thorough- couple, gowned in a black georgette. gard in which the family is held and bride received nzarry beautiful and arice'Of his tenants, in what has been 1; 0 - k* ,,!? lyl4njoyed the music rendeted by the creation, heavily beaded with steel of rejoicing and appreciation of the useful presents, 60owing the high knbwn In the pwStAs the Dr, Buchan, I I I '' : I I I , coifthined choirs of the Anglican, and a black picture hat and a corsage triumphant vindication Of Mr. MunnPs esteem, in which tjie young couple an's Block, is hoving the fro -fit of , ' ­ - . ^ , 11 - k - Me*o - diet and Presbyterian churches. -of flame sweet peas. Later Mr. and character. ,-The occasion was the an- are held. They ivill,make their home same nicely repiiinted­: Miss Mattle , ­­` ,% Rev, -moun nivereary if holds a Ellis, who has been in LoAddli at St. V . " TM' Address given B" 1 iner w ie : 4 " -by Frank Mrs. Forsyth- left on a honey of the Muiab's wedding. Fol- in Detroit, where the groom, # -1 W M, 0110 IV I 1, ,,, 9 rican-points, the bride lowing is the.address presented to good position in we main omce'ol. Josepp a Elf)ppita-1 a G The taule nor '. . I - I .. Lewin, 6f Itrussels wag very I n ter- tri V to Am e . I I 11 I I I I , Dear Mr. and Mrs. Munn.- Dodge Brothers, who bold ' j,' cent operation and- the ,, ­ I 1 I ,, estilig and,ap ropriate,Xr. Percy tra#eling in a handsome design of them: . him in mother's I . I . . -red here this eve high esteem for his Aftled and faith- e Tig the same -i re- . I I Bennett,. mathematical teacher in the grey pleated crepe romain with grey We a,rW.. 9 the fling - I I , .,Z, ,, I c Hats and Prices to suit everybody. T,w ­ Vocational- Hig'fi School, Windsor and blue hat, shoes and stockings of on,A] h 'versary of your wedding ful services, abd who. evidenced -the' turned this week aild exPi? ts her 1 . I enty I ; '. .:" .. fine gift they gave him , the -r will soon also be able to re-, , five Hats" t SIL -29 and the balance marked ; ; 1:- 11'1. event a few dAys at the'home of Mr, grey atid an ermine fur. They will to expressbur delight in the success- mime by the i I I - a I , " Dfilleaft t-gJd1b* , .9r Befinett, who establish their home in Detroit. A- ful termination of the most unsavory on his marriage d4f. I I t% -home, As she is improving nice- accordingly. Every hat mnst be sold regArd- . I I " , F, , Parke Y" ly And as WWI aA . . " i a sh lived in Cal- mang the guests were Mrs. E. For. ease that has ever shocked this neigh- ar­McNaughton., -- A ver , could be egpftted. uit4l " ort ff,67ajo I . ­ the ft* ­fine floWer I less of cost. 0, ome early— . , f 4 ...'"Til d,tlitiv,, , get.a good cho-106, 11 I ,. fl, . I " - A31xorta , is,- an old friend of th aAd daughter Belle; Mr. and borbood. The dark cloud of waiting pretty wedding took lado on Wlednes- . a t I .. I ", I t, , a we ,h 4! - , . Flewing, of Durizan, Van- John Finla fl, Mr. and Mrg. and ausperse has been finally let6d. diy,, June 26th, at e home of' Mr. beat th lobed -ih last weelk's ",q. ., 00. W R vrs. y%o . 9 Watch our WWOW for Bargains. ­ r v . fr. John ZU6110, 9040, . 1 iw " ,. V, . I wd Z C., who'is soending James Finlayg6n and Mr. T. 0. Scott, F or months our minds have ell and Xft. John MeNgAghtalif of Mor- itsue, which IV . I .1 , 11 I - o 1 1 1 ly dOn- .. J,, '­' . , ., , I "'TA n riaton when & this village liad 'gendr6fig ., , , , ; ,­,' . 0. "Ath2mit. ;Z igr - tigter; Mt ;- all of Seafoith, with,yotl, r4ady at any time to freg I their daughter, Lila I ,I . "o -ft -we .11 . , ­, , - I - do 0 . , td, , f 11.1 , %, I - XtLe,' be ' )§ ' ,tted for Ad- ' urpoi(i d beautft. Ing .., 'I I , 19'chool I i ame the ,b llf lit 1. .111 Ir'' I , . . ,!, , ,,, D AW 1,(O,Xw. ,:- utt . bihoett.) Report and 9porta. - The any assistance possible t4 fjt66 t 0 , . "I I '' . ,.If,. I 'd IM"'. lli;o Z, I .. ro nt . , 1 11 .1 , . 'Py AZY I 0 1.4nd 11-tue. sali . iollowing report is ike regults of the *ftu - It lie ra I ,, , Mrs,, Botha' E., Belf - Hensall I " , I t It I a high ttibuto t - d. caff"'n, ,gon d ,., A i *Ry Atatiou yard th ,.O, , I I fl- . '11111;W*iA ­ , 'I ' ' ,02 1h '. I M, , ,! ., , I I - I A , .Tjina Proluntim and 10W, examina- I filln iMMV* 'and "purity of charUdii, of Parkir, of Henga .­, , , 6' b -h&: *gs , - J . . Z, ,, ; . I i , ,. urih& thee puot Wed1t. put in I I 4'01 ,',. '' 11V ,-;.P&Irl 14,nt.; ,U it d .1 ", .1 1, -, I , , i , , ,,,, . 1 ., - ­ . '' , , P IV , - " I , - .- , . I .,., ""...- - 1. ­. . 1. . ". ,,. , ..... ,­ ""k, ,! '! , !-y ­-' , , . 'faliely .Accused thii .0 n a*ay by herAt'har, no took a -Moe tfi3OJntiJ%+t0',-*1i&, ,*bw i .49, ..... .. .. Ili 11 ; I.-.1-1., Al ­­.... . . - . i ,,! ', 1 v " [, 11, j iv ­p W WFIVA, with .... 66 at selroal Satioll go 7. Tueke-?. th# ho ,whole ve . [ lit, I I . i ­ , ..t . . t0s. I'll ... Z I I - I- .0 . ' I j ` , .1.1",11111 IV. Owitts 40&',%en'96 ,Mgth. The' halOg"Ard 4rrittiged Mjr*Igh 6r'ho6d and' th,69e , ft6 khew place in fti6rrt 61 , , fevnq, O,Iveb A . . -, I" - . ­ . I , " .. I ,­' I 1 ! , I , ", ', j "' , - 1.99M . "" , C I OW,61,4qvift AIAW , '' ­ , . I'll I . .., . k # .1 r . 111 - ­, 1, ., - , . , 1. 1;11 "V11 '' , " " , .. . . , I In, . ­­ '.,.q 1, I . . I - I - , 1, 11 . - , ; 1111, ' ,,! !, . , , , - ­­ 1 I . . - , ,, , ,g ',,,; , I'll-, , '$' " '.."", " I ! I .. . .... , ,:, , ,,,,.; " ,. " , ,: ,A,:! , . I ., 'k I . . , I " -,; l . ,, - , ' r,je, ?,­, 0.11'0.1­1­ .1-1-1_1 I..., %­­­ . .. - I—— 1, , vv', j,[. -, -, " , , "; F, "i I .", , ` `, "; I , '171)W . -17 . .1 . , I i '' 'y -­ , 1, , V, '111 . , " . I . j, ', , ', , q , " '­ 11, . . . I ,,, .- - " 1. , , f , , ,. " .. i . I .: "" ' ,' ", ,.; , , I .. N I , ,. , " , , '' .11, " , V P , I., r,w : .1f:, "7,-i , , - ,,4 ,r - , I 11. I , , . , ,(,,, - . f . " ,A '. , , : ­ ""l, I,' . 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