HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1924-06-27, Page 4IIlIa7
illIwl� IR ip, IIhis t 344,49 Iin 41 P 9V and X904APOY t 91, ;07 this w eir Olat e 'I, *;4QUiem OPIMPOIR ... need ho w1W r here U ftoi�rgli 40*,xia a priv4to A— nd� by %A01n$ ur =qetAU.
'149 Xersoi, Gretp, 177 C ine of Ray,,,', k ,the, allbeare Ap Mr. in $pdals a it., 0 't� dp e�W. J; B'.
tj 'Scrtpture lesson Weyit,puede, Sihoked Elk, 1pray r; pauv�*, Twas in St qolumban, after a f1ppa, Albion 40tel� rippZO—off i s WRL White Buck. 0. vs VO#y Xr respolloibly, John 1001 -hen the field was nothiLugbut 4ush of t �Black Satin, W14 I pl� . _ ]For -e -board, a 11 6 U . be ,i f�' use, War W I of one 4� aft
-verses. The Secretarys pi, . U.
7-17, in6 #ghter, El z 09 and mud; es and doing a fe* m! 2 W -W, rd, Gat, Tho s4rvice at the,, Thoini aiud Treasur A read and nate, for Seaforth 1eq. nerla report wA c4nvag-
The rather unfortu leather or The V �4,aylor, redtor 6f St. 1�aiul% Anglican q E a Q.P roll was eight It's in tile kitchen, Fort -4 4 iwas cQuOli'&ted by�Rev. H. e�10 " . , za. ta daugla�er". It came, rted.-�_A number of the. blue and six for the Red I To'have ho. . George r St. Columban play a re tests ir uTWj kuich,--whp during the. short service heir les- turn F0 ejAlssea then separated for t fered for the con game. juiy IM, are on exhibitiult 46 ? hoW, all t
, I A pald a very high"enconium to thee life he,oxoo,rt 6tyles, in Oxfords in. Patent leather, ism e had two visitors from Kip- Our boyL n their white on a f�airs,,aud character 'of the deceased A� a zaetil, Calf, B Calf. For Outing or-spoxt_ % were Hued lip i of F. A. Edward's wiu� y rowil
Mission Band, nam,elY, buss Rosa 6, ive rt in political 'a I eul . Nvear, nowng!baug, !4' leet�Foot rubber spW 44AY46 511006 tbjs SrA e Terance XtOoM and whose
and green, interest is being taken in pecially i man pf storliriR character and Me' an a -ad Miss Grace Cooper, But after the game weren't fit to be pi,rii, and with good *eather there was moA e t4ilsiastie in'hel'ping ad- rd was ",good atall timigs as his wo For Misses'ap [Ulr'ea wl�om -we were glad to have with us, Yanc ma'Ay different me4-9ures bland, and who lived seen, suc'a good will no doubt be thousands. here. e the
We then closed our Band by singing While Seaforth, in their yellow and w s A complete hich camq before the quiet, retiring life, full of gentlenes assortment -o Barefoot Sandals in Patent 444.
'hymn. 763. Greta Fo 'The de- oes m B Ample accommodition. is'beiiag made and plebisit&S
rrest closed in wi h brown leatheiv. Reet Foot Wtunnin, Sh lack, Bro"
black provide meals. Be sure and come country on that subject. In matters ,nd worth t out display, to -nd xfords or White canvas. ftap�Slippers"a 0 in Patent,
prayer—Murie Carlile, Secretary. Perhaps weren't tumbled so much on to Bayfield on Wednesday, July 16th. pertaining W religion he belonge4,1q; cea ed was , a native of Yorkshire,.
metal calf aud,Brp*A calf. their back. rch, and England having een born in Br&-
-Our baseball team played a good the Wesleyan;.'�!Vlethodist Chu
rowd of faris the game Friday evening with Goderich, -was one of.'* m WE GIVE YOU SHOES OF QUALITY A" NO PRICES ARZ
There was a nice e 4 outstanding me e
BEFCHWOGD rs) therton, and tinigrating to this ebun- LOW7RR THAN OURS WHEN THE QUALITY, IS ASI GOOD
game to see, the score being 8-6, in favor of Gode- for over 45 Years, belonging to both try when compprativelya, young. man, Robinson's Barber Shop, Seaforth. The And 3 J Holland was referee; rich. the Official diid Trustee Bqard of the and who bad engaged in farming in Better Barber Shop. We played and we ran and we thought church for� a number of years and the Township of Tuckersmith for a Notes.—Mr. Ed. Horan, our council it great fun, was a very active worker in all phs- ujuber of years. He was known as nian, is having the road east of here, A few dumps in the mud, a few kicks es of church' work. Th� Preachers a thrifty and good careful farmeE, CROMARTY 4&
graded and gravelled.—Mr. George n the shin, always received a very warm w0come and having sQld out withaadvancing —A very at his home, where, in his fri6ndline year , he moved to Hens 11 a good B�yres is making his annual rounds Till Bruxer ran up and kicked the Presentation To Teacher. with his sawing outfit—The crops ball in; happy incident took place in School and geniality, -he tried to encourage many,years ago, wheree provided a are looking good after e recent it was somewhat disputed but some- Section No. 6, Hibbert, on the 23rd them with good cheer and also help nice comfortable homp. In the year warm rains.—Miss S. M. O'Hara has body lied, inst, Before the pupils bade fare- share their burdens, and was honAt. 1900,.after coming to our village, he returned to her �omie in Mt. Carmel, When they said all our forwards were well to Kiss Bella McLellan, who has and upright in all his dealings with married Miss Esther Moore, third ringclosed this week.—Miss playing offside. been their teacher for the past two men. In all this suffering and PaIn daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. school ha ve our boys th ild ch - William Moore, late of our vill I age, TELEPHONE 11 OPPOSrM COMWERCIAL HOTEL
Mary Matthews, of Seaforth, spent But this little goal ga e years and who is leaving at the close he showed great patience\a eer
the past week with friends here.— lead, of this term to take chage of another fulness and was truly resigned tp the and leaves to mourn his loss his wife didn't use so much school, the pupils presented her with, will of his Heavenly Father. The and son, Thomas, to whom,he proved =MOM Everybody is looking forward to the And after that
-etty crescent brooch and read. to funeral took place on Friday, J ne good husband and kind indulgent social and bazaar to be held in St. speed. a pi u 9, Columban on July Ist. They �ame very near makilag a great her the following address: "Dear 20th, to Baird's cemetery, services father. In politics Mr. Simpson was —We, thq pupils of being conducted from the church by a staunch Conservative and in re- days ago.-LMr. John Zuefle, our vet- I visiting at� her
big mistake, Miss NeLellarL home and from here
Daws Reid's wicked shot came darn S. S. No. 6, ffibbert, desife to express Rev. Fulton Irwin, of Seaforth, ani ligionn Anglican,. and a verY'regu- eran shoemker, now of, Forest, is intends going shortly on -to Muskoka,
near the stake; our regret that you are leaving us to his pastor, Rev. J. J. Durant. The klar attendant at all church services
IWINTHROP entitled to very. much credit for the for summer holidays.—Mr. and, Mrs.,
The Whether it went in or not, no one take up work in another school. As pallbearers were: J. Harnwell, Alf. and a truly consistent member of the beautiful flower beds that he has re- Richard Blatchford and Mrs. �John IRobinson's Barber ShOP. Seaforth
Better Barber Shov. 2050-1 could see, we look back over the two years,you Ingrs, M. Deihl, Sam Moffatt, W. For- church and a good 8upporter of the cently put out on the railway station Blatchford returned this week ifoin a
-est and R. S venson.
Notes.—The Ladies' Aid and W. M. But was left to J. J. who was still have been with us, we realize tht i te same. He was ery forld of garden- grounds. The C.N.R. had been� ar- pleasant visit, with relatives in Lis-, IS. will hold their next meeting at -referee; you have been to us a true friend as y tad a good clean one ranging to do this, but uptodate had: towel.—Miss Clarissa Mitchell, is viz- ing aiqd, alwa
the home of Mrs, James Mann, of A kick from the goal put the boys out well as an efficieryt teachex-. You as he never neglected it and kept- not done so, Fo Mr, Zuefle with the I iting rela tives and friends n Cen-
'KIPPEN everything in ineat order about Win. assistance of the section men, who),tralia, Byron and London. — The W.
Constance, on Wednesday afternoon, of sorts., have not only given us a good train
July 2nd.—The garden party held at But for all.we think them a good ing in our lessons, but you have also nicely'prepared the gTounds, made Baibv Shop. Sie.farth. The He will be much missed, from our M.S. of Carmel church will meet on Mr. John Aitcheson last bunch of sports; played with us and directed us in our r Shop. 2050-1 village, as he was so "D and favor- our raif*ay yard a thing of beauty. Wednesday afternoon, July 2nd. Ali the home of M 'and Mrs. Ernest King ably knowrL T%ose attending the' He is entitled to much credit for his members please note.the change from Friday night was largely attended as The whistle blew amid cheers and joys games. You have taught us drills every one arrived before the heavy All come to Seaforth's Huron Old and songs, and helped us in every .ndo.t.., Alrftid, of Gorrie, visited at funer ' al from a dilsitance were Mie,s generosity and enterprise in helping Thursday to Wednesday I as a large —Iwr. Charles
Boye. way in our physical, mental and mor- the home of Mr. Thomas Mellis and Polly Moore and sister, Miss Henri- to piake our village more beautiful.— attendance is desired.
rain and electric storm came on, but the storm lazted so long it -was im- al development. During these two, family during the past -week.—Mr. etta Pierson, together with her hus- Miss Verey Geiger ha returned from, A. Redmorid, of Belleville, and form -
in Alex. erly of visiting 'at Bridgeport.—Mrs
possible to go on with the program. years we must often have tried your James McGlymont, who hais been Wind, also Mr. Willia Moore and the Township o Hay, was in
rt w s recently in Cqntralia the village this week renewing ac -
The gate receipts 'amounted to $133. EXETER patience with our dullness and our spending the';past three weeks with wife and sor4 �11 of London, and sis- MMu rie a
The Seaforth Highlanders gave a few waywardness, but through it all you friends in Detroit, has returned home. ters and brothers of Mrs. Simpson, visiting friends.—Mr. Bueglas, with quaintances.—Our public schools close
Exeter Welcomes Listowel
the storm. — The have been very patient and very kind —Mrs. W. W. Cooper, of London, The �Iepeased, while very nearly 90 the close of the teaching term, has I this week for the summer holidays—
Iseldetions before
football game between Sea -forth and On Maitland's banks in good old Perth and have -always manifested a win-
�pent a visit at the home of -,her son, years, waz a remaxicably smart man returned to his home in Hdmilton.— Rev. Mr. Dyke&, an assistant minister
-.Winthrop played here Friday night We Ond a bormie town, some cheerfulneu. As a small tok- William, of the London Road, during for that age, and until a couple of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Douglas,. of during the pastorate of Rev. W!illiam
vlas won by the visiting tearri, the Where enterprise has had full sway en of our -appreciation of what you the past week.—Rev. Mr. Ritchie, of weeks ago was going around quite Harrington West, motored here to Torrance here, a good many yearst
n. have done for us, and as a little re- Cromarty, will preach in St. Andrew's smartly, as he Was only confined to spend Sunday last with their relatives ago, ww.in the village the first part
score being 2-1. Mr. Dawson Reid And things are done up brow the pupils iri your first church on Sunday, while Rev, R. A. his room for a couple of weeks, al- and friens—Quite a nuTnber froin of the week, in the interests of the was referee—Miss Edna Campbell, membrance of
who attends London Normal, is home For there pianos have been made, school, we ask you� to accept this lit- Lundy *ill conduct anniversary ser- though during the rreceding six our village and vicinity are planning Muskoka Mission, and 'his many
And wheaten flour so rare,
-for herolidays.—Iffiss Grace Pethick tie brooch with our affection and our vices in Mr. Ritchie's church at Crom- months he was failing more than he to camp at Grand Bend and other friends were pleased to meet hi,m �&-
And brick and tile, -and lumber, too,
Of Seaforth, visited Mrs. Geo. Eaton gest wilshes. Signed on behalf of arty�Mrs. James C. McLean, to the ever had in all his past years- points on the lake sore.—Miss Beryl gain.—A number of our Vfilagers, �OU
a few days last week.—Mr. Melvin . From Elma's fore§ts there. your pupils—Elsie Ritchie, Mary Al- south of our village, accompanied by Briefs Mrs. Dar -del MeNaughtion Ashton, milliner for Mr. E. Rahnie, 'IFriday afternoon last attended the
Blanchard, who teaches school at And this'is good old Listowel, len, Gladys Houghtn." her daughter, Miss Jennie. is Spend- and daughter, Miss Gretta, recently and who has -been here for her fourth, funeral of -the late Mrs. Job.4), V.
'Belleville, is home, for the holidays. Where many'people thrive 0 W. M. S—On Monday, June 16th, ing a few Oys at the home of the retu�rrro from Washington, where season evidencing good satisfaction; Digni of Exeter, whose rnaiden
an interesting and helpful meeting former's daiiihter, Mrs. Win. Hays, they very pleasantly spent the wfhter given. has returned, at the close of I name was Miss Ruth Redmond,, of _Afr. and Mrs. Joseph Bennett spent Whose hearts are always open wide was held on the manse lwn under of Niagara Falls.—Messrs. Walter months with relatives and friends.— he millinery season, to her home in the Township of Hay.—Quite , a plula-
Sunday wit� friends in Wingham.— Arad always look alive. the auspices of Cromarty Women's McCully and Elmer Detwiler, Tuck- On Sunday last. T. Murdock was Gorrie—We regret tolstate that Miss, her from Hensall and vicinity motor -
Mr. and Mss. Fergus Bullard visited -hen represent- ersmith, vkfted with friends in Kit- visite Stew -
friends in Cranbrook over, Sunday� With churches large and well equipped Missionary Society, w d by his fri6ds, 4r. Jack Margaret Fee continues very serious- ed to Goderich on Sunday, afteriWah
'Miss Florence Knox, o Tuckersimith, And well attended, too; atives from Thames Road and Roy's chener during the past week.—Mr; art and James Dick, both of , Sea- ly ill.—Mrs . W. C. Charters, a reri- 1 last to attendftoratiori services held congregations joined with the Croin- and Mrs, Robert Dayniond, of Tuck-' forth, and on Wednesday last by Mr. dent of our village many years ago, i th4e by the Independeftt Oider of
spent the week end with Miss Jean Her people are the very best Alexander.—Mr. Rueben Hart has re- .Tb all that's good they're true. arty Auxiliary to hear an 'address arsmith, arid, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. MacArthur, of London.—Mr. Jas. but V�ho oft4�n comes here to visit,her Od4fellos. The Wwn'wals turned horne after spending a week illage, visited at the 'Mori4son, of Hanley, Sasli.,, is here relatives and friends, is at present, ly decorated, for the a&a.5ion -and -fwe
from Miss Grace Patterson, of India. Butt, of oui� v I
'u. by� with friends in London.—Mrs.. Hanna. The Hays and Climies builded well, After the opening hymn, Mrs. ill home of Mi. Herbert Glazier, of visiting his sisters, Mrs. D. McNaugh- here n a v-hit.—On Monday evening addrosstO w?r? gly-e -and Mi�s Annie 'of eaforth, spent 'VFith Hesses helping too, read -part of ps. 95, and the president, Stratford, ` ag the ast week�On ton. and Mrs. Alex. Swan, both of last at the mekting called at the town SW
L, 4 r
-Sundy with '-fiighda in the �jnage_ -And. Livin&tonelg and PfVffer's fine Mrs. Ritchie, led in prayer. Mrs. th 6nd 'in July communion this village --Mr. G. C. Petty is con- hall to elect .a."touncillor to take the been suppl�ing I,,, A0
,e see $9, y And others just as &rup. Grant, Mrs. S..Hocking and Mrs. Mc- service will be dispensed in St. An- vertingthe little dwelling 6ii the west place of the late Hugh J. MacDonald, public,-scihodl dunng.,the -pastl�e'o4je
Miss Hazel Shannon has returned to Ford City afte railway traA, and known Mr. Robert Afggihs was elected and I of we&s� owing to Miss Fllis e hav
r spendin two weeks Gill, of Roy's congregation, sympa- drew's church.—Mr. and Mrs. Well- side of the 9 We're glad to welcome '.you to -day, thetically rendered -a sacred sbng and man and Mrs. Squires, of Port Huron, 'as the Pengally property, into a nice having had good experipace in mun- to go t� the Hospital 'a� Lond at her home. To this, our pretty town; Miss Monteith, of Thames Road,. read spenta visit at the home of Mr. and up-to-date bungalow.—Mr. Miller, of icipal matters, will, m doubt give her mother, who, underwent .1in opera- We trust you'll find our welcome such a helpful paper. After a duet b Mrs, Henry Ricker of Ray, during Michigan, is here viiting Mr. and good service to the ratepayers,—The tion there-4irstallition of, you no'er will turn us down. Mrs. Morgan and Mrs. K. McKellar, the past week—Mr. John Stewart Mrs. Win. Sangster.—We learn at choir of Carmel Presbytierian church took place at Zurich Lodge at Bell -
ZURICH which was much appreciated by the and:kr. Jam s Dick, of Seaforth, call- ftte of writing that Mrs. J. Ellis and were very pleaearitly enertained at sall on Tuesday evening last, it bein' But in the future think of us Notes—Elzar, son of Mr. and Mrs. audience. Miss Patterson gave an in- ed at the hf,;mje of Mr. Henry Schafer Miss Love, both of whom are at pres- the home 6f�Mr. and Mrs. Peter Moir what is -termed as pastmaAtei�% it And_of your welcome tell- I, hillh
I '�Orestin talk on her life and work- in during the pait week.—Mr. Fred i�nt in St.. Joseph's Hospital, are doing of the Township of Usborne, on Fri- and the installijai was ably , 61W14
A- Mousseau, had the misfortune to While we shall always call for you, Patterson is an impres- Taylor, of London, called on friends as well 'as can be expected and their day evening of last'week, it being a Past Master Robe
break bone in his ri�pht arm the rt Dalrymple, as-
-other day in a peculiar manner. He "Three cheers for Listowel." sive speaker, and all present listened in our village during the past week. many relatives arfd friends hope for practice night of the choir. .— Miss si&ted by other Past Masters. There
was ridihg his bicycle and a dag run- We're loath to see you leave us now, attentively to her fine address. The —Tbe managers and ladies of St. An- continued impreveniqnt.----A meeting Margaret Wilson,! of Toronto, is here was a good attendance, ning up to him caused him to swerve We wish you'd always meeting was closed with prayer, led drew's church are making prepara- of the Liberal Conservatives of South stay, -and hit a post- which threw him a- But if you cannot, come again by Mrs. S. Dow. After the meeting, tions for a garden Party to be held lf�tron)s being held as we are writ-
sult that in And spend at least, a day. gainst's, tree, with the re, over a hundred sat down to a dainty some time in the near future. More ing, but not in time to make any re
�rne fall he fractured his
mer holidays -for the scholars of the
Of Exeter we're very proud,
li,ea served by rnernbers of Cromarty
Auxiliary. The weather was ideal,
partculars later—Tylis, "ladys me-
Lean, of the London Norml school,
porlb U1her Man th e was a
good attendance.—Mr, Almond (Lad)
schoolis commenced this week.—Air.
S. She's clean a rid sweet alway;
and all enjoyed the social hour before
spent the week end at the home of
McEwen was in Gorrie this week.'
Deitz has received a carload of dark
The p-ple nice, the country good.
Her busineiss its
her parents, Mr. and Mrs.,James B.
Mrs. Thom" McKay is in the Aged
red Milto brick for use on his new
pays way.
McLeai of the London, Road.—Quite
People's Home in London. Mrs. Me -
business block.—Mr. K. , Routledge,
a number of the brethren of the Odd-
Kay� thought of going there some
'Dr. and Mrs. J. Roukle
tgon of dge, has
Of Listowel, we bear the same,
fellows attend4d divine worship in
months ago but -there was nqt then
left for Detroit, where he has assurn-
We're glad we met to -day;
Our hands are clasoped across the
Goderich on Sunday lastz--A special
room, but a vacancy has since occur-
�ed a position as travelling salesman
We're lovers
Death of Malcolm MeNaugbton.—
rally of all the Mission Bans in Hur.
red -and doubtless Ae will have
for the D. M. Ferry Seeil Co. —
Mr. now alway.
On June 18th, at his home on Lot 22,
on County wi be held on July 8th
all necessary comforts and will not
and Mrs. Q. N. Taggart and niece,
21iss A. P Mher, Mrs, A. J. Raabe
—W. H. Johnston.
Road, Stanley, there passed
away one of the most respected citi-
on the manse,grounds here. All in-
terested in the the Mission
feel lonesomle, as s1le is a good live
Exeter, Ont., June 18, 1924.
work -of
conversat! nalist and enjoys.
and daughter, all of South Bend, Ind.,
zens of the community in the person
_-Band are cordially invited to at-
as inut-li'l,bf ancient history as c-ur-
are visiting relatives and friends here
of Malcolm MeNaughton. His father
tend.—Mrs. John Anderson, who has
rent e —A number of our Odd -
this week.—On Tuesday while,driving
settled on thii farm many years ago
been spending some time with her
fellows� int—eud -attending arinual ser-
ust west of Zurich Mr. W. S. John-
and here Malcolm was born May 4th,
dauj�hter, Mrs. McDonald, of London,
vice to -be held for the Order -in -the
ston's car upset in the ditch
1869, and lived throughout his whole
has' returned to make her home fdr
BrucefieldPresbyterian church on the
Johnston was in the act of picking
U00d Nevrg.-F. A. Edwards has been ap-
pointed Agent for "Smiles and Chuckle,i, the
life. He was a man possessed of
the surkimer at the, home of her daugh-
con-dng Sunday evening. —One of Mr.
up an object lying in the bottom
of most popular chocorltes an the market. Th -e
Many sterling qualities of mind and
ter, Mrs, John Wbrkrnan.—The pug-
T. C. Joynt's plate glass windows in
Ithe car, when the car left the road
wbo enioy the real good kind should try
heart, which endeared him to all who
Jic schools close t)#s Friday for the
the boot and she department was
and upset on its side. Fortunately
these ---60c pound in one -,half p�una and one
the P(Ftmd boxes. F. A. Edwards. 2950-13
came in contact with' him. Quiet
summer holidays, *hen teachers and
accidentally badly cracked a few
-car w -oin- at a slow rate of —eed
and helpful in disposition he was one
scholars will —t a well earned rest
Pt,abinson's %rber Shop. Smforth Th few Pn- —A number from our.village a who made many friends and tten- and no serio us injury was done to Better Barber Shop. the occupant-,. The car, however, was emies, and his passing will he lament- ed the wedding reception A the home slightly damaged—Zurich and Bay- Breezes.—Mr. and Mrs. K ed by a large circle of acquaintances. of Mr. and Mrs. Gegr& Strong, of nuckie,
man of his high character was a Tukersmith, given in honer of Mr,
field baseball teams clashed on the who have sp�nt the pastthree years A here local diamnd o Tuesdav evening in Muskoka are for a couple of great asset to the community and he and Mrp. Ivan Forsythe, the latter
nie of Mr. and Mrs. Strong.
with the result that in the seventh months, the guest of Mrs. Knuckies always took a deep interest in every- being a e
rt, thing that tended towards its moral Mr. and Mrs. Forsythes many friends
inning game the Zurich team haff mother, Mrs. McEwan—Mrs.
Ila seven runs, while the Bayfield' boys of Toronto, is the guest of her par- and social betterment. He was a wish hem a pleasant voyage through
Mrs. Harrison of Goderich, has been er in ,the Presbyterian church, Varna, ited at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
visiting Mrs. King.—Several cottag- where his absence will leave a great John Colvert, of 11derton, during the
an Elecured oly one ran. ents, Mr. and Mrs. George King.— sincere Christian and'a faithful Eld- life.—Mr. and Mrs, Peter, Bowey vis- e -n BRUCEFIELD ers have arrived for the season: Mrs. blank. For niany years he bad been past week.—The inany friends of W. D. S4ve-nsGn and family; Mr. and a great sufferer and bore his suffer-. Mrs. Wesley F*nch,,:of out village,
Robinson's Barber Shop, Seaforth. The Mrs. and Miss Cullis, Mr. and Mrs.. ings with exemplary Christian pati- will be pleased to learn that she i§ Better Barber Shop. 2050-1 IHamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Granger and ence nd fortitude. During the past someVhat improved after 'her-fecent Baird—Aikienhead.—A very pretty family, Mrs. William Hunt and son few weeks his sufferings'becarne more sickness. Attractively Priced This 1,4,Teek
-wedding was solemnized at the manse, Eddie, London; Mr. and Mrs. T. Orr acute aiad he gradually -grew weaker Brucefield,,on Wednesday, lune 18th, and family, Stratforfl.—Mr. and Mrs. until last Wednesday he passed ctuiet- at ten o'clock ha the morning, when Jones and family and Mr. and Mrs. ly and peacefully 0 his eternal rest. FIENSAL Marga -rat, daughter f the late Jas. Campbell and farmly. of Sandwich December 29th
1898, be married Robinson's Barber' is%�% '4fdr+h. The.
Annie, daughter of Mr. Sam Reid, Better Barber h and Mrs. Aikenbead, of Stanley, was have taken Dr. Thomas' cottage.—Mr. 300 Pairs of Pants in Tweeds, Worsteds, Romespuns and Fiannels, all new, in
lifiRdid' in TdArULge to Mr. Thomas B. and Mrs. Wooster and familv of who is left to mourn a kind and lov- Social Evening.—A. social eveblui the Choicest of Materials and Patterns. Sizes 32 to 48 Sardl only.toii of Mr., and Mrs. Thos. London, have taken Mrs. ft�dgen's ing 'husband, also his aged mother, wds held in the Methodist Chur4dh On 8aird, also of Stanley, the ceremony cattage.—The hill leading to the Mrs. A. Poster, Varna,, threebrothers Monday evening,last h% h6nor of Mr. being perfolimed by Rev, C. G. Arm- bridge is being'widened which im- and four sisters, Dar� of Kitchener; J. S. Beirglas, the teacher Of the HoU- oiir, pftor of Brutlefield Presbyterian proves it considerably—Work on George, of Windsor, Mrs. R. Cameron, sall Continuation. chool, who has
A� I&SO 4hurch. The bkid as mai-ried in a the golf course is progrezising finely Hensall; Mrs. J. Sparrow., Mrs. C. completed his toithi. After A short on Stelk, Letty and Edward, of Varna. programme given by mernbers of th� 4uft of fog4abhi pohret twill with hat and the grounds will be opened . 1015 3,9`5 $415 And shoes to niAteb e fro* his home League and choit' tho following 9d- & happy July Ist. A Scotch professional has The fulldral took plac'
�ouple left amid showers of edrifetti been engaged for the season to give to Baird"s cemetery on Friday, June dre6s was read b Mr` R 'Ranniet__��. Nat patte"s" in Included in this price is a You will find the patterns
and good wishes an a motor trip to iftstruction to beginners. The mem- 2M The strvices were conducted j. S� Beu 61, Wdr -
yt�� ii�% Worsted a A d very attractive line of sum- that appeal at this -price t The finest lud
0*6A Sound,, Barrie, Tot6nto, Niagara heirship fee issr very 10W, gentlemen, by Rev. Alfred Macfarlane, Ba",eld, Friond—On behalf f the c oir and 0 Most durab;ld. of
Tweed cloths and m-er � outing stripe patterns, the man that is particular -Worsteds in' n6at
�4)hor Po;ilita,, $10; ladies, $5, ;and rio doubt many assisted by Rev.JqnIks Foote, Exeter, Young Peoplei's 10WObb of the -Aenaall Will join and enjoy, this popular sport, an old bOyhoods coMpanion, and a Methodist N-dtl6A,,—M6ntion wa's niade last are Most others plain,also an unusual about his clothes, and the
I- � I9 P a t t,4,r ni S, also illness of Mi,, —Rev. A. MadArlane lefe on a mo- laylgeAsieMblgO of' mourners -teslIt- poltunity of torea dit' ffteh patts in a worsted cloth. All -materials are exceptional
ex u o your oil' plain sad,et, �� ix Ih os -I& this special price, "ThoimA Carr, passed away on for trip to Collitigwood Tuesday for fied to the efteem in which the do, appre( des you havo Or Of sizes, at
te the best �)f oldbs,
McRae, of Cem ii , 0 are sto un- n the Past yeif,� and hiterment A sha�f holiday, Rev. Mi. ed *98 field. The sympathy, of so'freel give also whiw *6t.
I4 Indon, will conduct gft-�Je the convmunit� is txtuded to 60*154 cloths 4 sted f J Cd%#(;diT 6n Lo es on sun- the We are gratefulloi the-VAllin tttual nd t a 0 spo
dan - day`�- Miss rzgtta X711iir is 'home and the pther rel- you have ,sl dove sympathy 0 a tforn, Xdw Vairdde, wli, ko,swe. I tftc&, oblvo#'in their gore boreaverdent,'. activities Of ur & 6 "ffl I htodhj amd ei f i, 6thel $4175 thwprice. All sizes $3075 4. "y of ft ftfd Ito* P"q A I �a P ef 4AV of Uttron Countk, b6ig born, Join in wishing 'Ov , I w oili. "it' boon a rdal
d W., Carr will it —Mst An,ti(b !9901,134 = frora Nssinj of At Old 9 'te that your presen" on t th o price, gi ithe Y. P. 8, so IL ezzi bora of -the U ft 11 Altulle fee VA 1111-trTi0t, 6
Vol Z C .. OA on Prid Im H ene
$107 da0eintio)i �,,d IIIIIIIIII.........