HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1924-06-20, Page 4Alp
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7 f tile Soutb mbe; Own and OV. hf ft.�. 04 bi, neki pur- '11K . , , - In
Tio t lists not re, aro eatna, event tP4 W'4 Hk'4111 terrihl� tragedies 'ust laid t ft �.koq.w m thl d b -the V Auena4s .49 nat wmilly le pik ga guld like to at" i ,4d + lie w r r,400114, 00 On W', June 40L, door Mr oljy4r XWwat, Sir d eted by Auiusi W Va , , , ih4'�4 er of those'. yolzt hinkWilh an, d 1,4rV mpresetation, lionaire students. Our bey's =4 1VX*4 444 such 19W, n Lixte, IRA an xsd4ughter of Mr. 4fA W6.44bn Erb pli th, 1pajities in the rid- should bear more of these healthy nie 14te imb50le and Hon. il f onhp, collect6r!s. -ac#s in b6 qxp d on saldbeats,by the conditions of We, and the IRA= will was united . Aaron aic4, ROSS, ewist, their sery These a publie: life of tliis coun*y on ac- t division., No ye- Unci o" I t al,routine of business, which radiate rom them. Wk gig A.0 r e WU
ditions, should be impressed wo vaulit of Via. paltry remuneration they funds to. ofi lists 'returned Gingerich, lj'�odf Uay TowvAdi.�— i GIngeA*,;aon of
qr 0 Wse present addressed meeting. but the speaker of the t
�'Lllbieral organ 'd 4 ��XA
�� ;, _ p4stov of the W�pr*n churdh uixitO iz them in their early days, drilled in to recelve'd- -'n thq5a days? No sir; after s�ld 4# --iCarried. Moved by Saturday A* A'Rem-be, vio, 'k
Marshall, vninlasthe Ron. D. - ublic their minds, through the medium of theire wag the tr4e, spirit 6f -P Edward ecorided by F. Brace Medd, t4t. RoAd Superinten4ent get iage at the' PaTAOU44� N, vs'.. er, who gave a lengthy,, Z V suitable textbook letisous at the pub- i�ervice, And th4t is the spirit which pople will welcome in these lat- plans *6�* very InSpIriag address, dealing lie school. Look over our present he p 'Oil�nty Engiiieer for the Arletta Willdrt apli Ur, G66. He4s' with the principal Canadian problems public school textbooks and you notice ter ftys. construction"qf a bridge 8 the acres both of ZuricbRev. H. Rembe agricul- practically nothing along these lines, vernment O'Rourke ��k Drain, Lots 6 and 6, Mr. W='S. Johupton are'ateAdlug Fleet �i�o of the day and particularly A�n 01s Rrobleift of go
I tii-re. which, with the nobility of honest la- �ias been.� so vividly brought to our Conces%ion 6.—,Carried. Moved' by the conference of the Lutheran church , I the past year
All the officers for bar, should be deeply emphasized. gi., would it not be prefer- Daniel. Regele, seconded by Edward being held in Bornholm thb5 week; No were re-elected. What is the present financial status able at this stage of the game to Horan, that#Ee Clerk notify path- services will -be held in the local Flo U4
Mer Wear for e -f - che farmer?, With the direct in- investigate the condition of some of masters. to,%ave lists returned on o'r' church next Sunday�a--ThQ two stores wchool ebildren and are''equa, -hoes for grown . the higher ups. There are many before 4ugot 15th, 1924, or all work heing erected by Mi. :Samuel De I itz ups. We carry a com formation available, through the med plete tock 99 - Flof 'Wot Shoes and ox.�
THE ONTARIO GOVERNMENT ium of the reports of the farm sur- lines of business in this province not retu!rned W`�Ill e placed on roll-- are now fords, includipir the'neiw orepe soles And en ckwork— them.at prices that-,
ready for the bri
COMMISSION AGRICULTURAL veys, made by the government farm which supply the farmer and consum- Carried. . Mbved by F. Bruce Medd, Local horsehien have entered a,num. Will save ypu money. ert in various counties of ers generally with much of their re- seconded by Edward Horan, that the br of horses in the Exeter races be. AT CLINTON survey ep the province, this committee does not quireinents, where the organization Council do now adjourn to meet at Ing held on Wednesday of this week Contined from Page -One need to come hear to obtain that in- and regulation is such that even the the call okf the Reeve.—Carried. —Owing to the measles epidemic n� in IM -24 were $360,0914,021; the im- formation. retail price is set by manufacturers North End Notes.—I'What is more public school picnic wfll be held for ports from Britain, $15'3,581,716.00. We may say, howew-ver, that in and wholesalers, and if the retailer beautiful tl�an a day in June. — The Zurich school I this year.—The week- Now what is the matter with On- the face of the still inflated prices of fails'%o comply with the strict letter spring crops -appear to be making up ly Saturday night band co ricerts are tario agriculture? In reality there is almost all the farmers' requirements of the agTeernent he cannot handle for lost time and are now looking attracting large crowds to tile Vil- nothing the matter with Ontario ag- during the last years, he is almost the article. He would be cut off the very well 'Indeed.—Statute labor l, is g,. Th,instruments layed in the riculture. Speaking broadly and unable at the year's end to break list at once. Why not fully investi- being performed, the roads getting -band are as follows:- Six coi�,nets,one generally, the Ontario farmer, having even- That is the genera, situation. gate those conditions. There might on their new dress. Autoists may clarionef, four altos, two tenors, two a great surplus -of products to dispose In the face of that situation, our be some worth while revelations. find fault but thpir kicking will be bass, snare drum and big drum. and TBLFJMONE 11 opposm coxmmcm 001M I of, must meet the products of the red into and has ThA is largely where the shoe pinch- all in vin.--4W,,e are sorry to say that baritone. New music is bel'Fg re- -world in the market,-, of the world been carrying out such an expensive es. Mrs. Regele, wife of Councillor ceived and rehearsed every (Rveek so now
to take the market and recklessly extravagant system of THOMAS McMILLAX. Regele, has been having very poor the programmes presented ar�, enter- price which is largely regulated by road building, that many of the farms Huron County, Ont. health for -quite a spell. We would taining—Spring crops in this section the laws of supply and demand. There along the way are neglected, and the be pleased indeed to bear of a change are in fairlygood condition, although is really nothing much to find fault farmers are out after the ready cash. for the bett6r.—Mrs. Thomas Leem- a good rain is needed at the -present of Harrington West, was united in the in another issue.—Mrs. John S. Wreit
within that condition. The great But we are told just to think of the BAYFIELD ing, Sr., who was very ill, bonds of matrimony to Miss Phylis of Toronto, is here visiting her mo -
is, we are
time. Young, the youngest daughter of Mr. ther, Mts. James�'Taylor, and relatives
Ong lies in the fact that the prices tourist traffic which these good roads If you wun�t ta-rent a summer cottage we pleased to, 9'
wr f have a number of excellent ones to rent. also ay, improving at last ac- and Mrs. John Xoung, of the new in Chiselhurst and vicinity�,Rev. Mr.
household and other requirements are will enc6urage, and the millions 0 fine building lots for sale. See u3 at once. count�The Stationing Comnuttee HENSALL Commercial 'Hotel, of -HensalI. The L. Deihl and' Mrs. Deihl, of Fort.
entirely out of line with the market money these tourists will bring with F A. Edwards. again selected Mr. Robinson as pas- eereinonp,,)tg#ieh made two hearts Burwell, were in the village on Tues -
price of his products. them and� leave in this country. . Will Ford Picnic.—The citizens of Bay- tor for ' W�lton circuit. We are Baseball.—The result of tAe Inter- beat as one, was performed by liev. day afte:Fnalon, calling "on thOr friends
There are many causes. One has one. dollar out of every twenty that field are preparing for the monster pleased to welcome Mr. Robinson back. county League games, played up to H. Naylor, rector of St. Paul's church,
been, either too Much, or no govern- comes in in this way ever find its Ford Picnic to be held in this village —The death:angel has again isited and including that of Monday night Mrs. J. Sutherland and fanilly—Mrs.
mentil regulation. and high scale of way into the farmeu' pocket? And one month from last Monday. plans two homesi in this section and reinov- last show at 2.30 p,�m. in the presence of 'only Hugh J. MatDonald left he;; i" To -
'the ne'ar�st relatives of the contract- --f6nto on Wednesday mory/iing where
the boundary leading the
remuneraticn allowed to those re- through the further requirements Of have been completed by the committee ed a wife and a husband mother way with eight straight wines. A ing parties. The bride was most she intends spending a /few weeks
moved from the soure'e Of wealth this service he will be still further Ph charge to stage one of the great- and a fatheir. We refer th d th Try tt e tastefully dressed in pep canton, beau- with relatives and friendsi. She was to e ea me a I continues for second
production. robbed of his necessary farm labor. est sporting events and picnic in the Of James Carter and Mr. Robert place between Farquhar and Crom- tifully trimmed with hat 'to match, accompanied by Mr. WelAington Mae -
The same may be said of the hydrD history of this popular summer re Speaking generally, for the last 40 Holm�es. .i.Dr most tender sympathy arty. Great interest has been shown and carried a handsoi�e bouquet of Donald, who has been �ere since his
out, tp- Mrs. Holmes and Mr. t of the -games, and with good flowers..: The happy couple were un- father's diaath.—Mrs. If. Reid visited
years or more, this present economic electric enterprige, That enterprise sort. The Ford dealers have given goes
in mos
condition has been too largely the is at work scouring the county paying their support to this event making it Carter and- families at this time of crowdi attending, the league has be- attended and after the ceremony and friends Brucefield a,,/id vicinity last
situation of the Ontario farmer. It a wage with which the farmer cannot the official Ford picnic, and over 10,- gr1eat sorro-,�r and bereavement. come a decided success. The stand -
many hearty congratulations from Week -1. and Mrs. W. J. Whiteand
has been such, that, to put a young competeand then he is told, why don't 000 people are expecte(t here on July Ing is as follows:
man and his wife on good hundred you keep more labor on the farm? 16th. those present, the bridal party drove children motored here on Sunday last�
acre farm, with little or nothing to Again 4long comes the Educational Won Lost P.C. to the home of tfig bride� the new Gem- accompanied by Mrs. Pearl Smith, of
The Late James Howard. — There JCHISELHURST Boundary .......... 9 0 1000
been with, and tell them to dig the Department of the Government and passed awayfafter a short illness with mercial Hotel, where. a in�st sumptu- London South.—We are pleased to re -
4 500
Farquhar .......... 4
rice of the farm out of the"soil, they says to the farmers, who can s ll known Notes r. Clarence Shepherd who 500 ous lunch was in waiting and after a pbrt that Miss Agnes Love, who was
p carce- held a p Jpseph's
have a problem on their band.s- It ly break even at the year's end,' why and respected residents in the person -otition in the Molsons Bank, pleasant social hour or so had been recently operated upon at St.
Staffa ............. 0 8 - 000 spent, the bridal party 'drove to the Hospital, London, is dojng mcely�
has been and could be done, but the you are not paying your school teach- of M, Jarl;es Howard, on Monday, Hensall, has,been promoted to a good A Good Horse Sold.—Mr- James
r. position in the bank in Amherstburg depot where a very large gathering Mr. John McAllister returned frow
farmer -and his wife who did it, and eTS high enough salaries and your June 9th, at the home of Mr. George and will commence his duties this I;#iper, of Londesoro, has �urchased had Assembled to see the bride and Toronto during the past week where at thet sarne, time raised a family and school inspectors ought to get more S. Castle. 'Deceased was aged eighty- - the well known Clydesdale horse, groom and shower them with confetti, he had been in the interests of his
week.—Mr. and Mrs. G. Eyre and Mr.
vveTR, just with that family, came meney. So they make provisions for one years and five months, and was J. Wren Weie in London on Saturday Cumberland Steel. This horse was coupled with all kinds of good wshes health and in company with Rev. Mr.
through an experience of life which the inspector's pay and by their re- born in Fermanagh, Ireland, coming imported by the late T. J. Herry 'I'd for their future happiness they'took McConnell and Mrs. McConnell with
they are not anxious to repeat. and gulations practically can get che last, attelwing a reAnin of their
tea rs' tohis country with his patents when family., has proved a wonderful stock hor§e the 4.48 train -south, for Toronto and whom he motored to the city. — Mr.
-they tare not anxious to have their certificates—althouh with no experi- but five years old, and has since lived in this country, as well as in the old a other points!,' and upon' their return and Mrs., Milton Ortwein, of London,
sons and daughters repeat, and ence in life at $1,000 per annurn. Then in Stanley Township and Bayfield. His country, where he was a Premium will'settl, in their home in Harring- were here during -the past week visit -
consequence, the footsteps of their we are told, if you cannot hold the wife, who w" the widow of James
family are too largely directed else- service of other labor, why dont you McDool, predeceased him about three �BRUCEFIELD horse in one district for three years ton West. The bride was very popu- Ing, their parents;—Mrs. 4. B. Shortt,
and stood at a service fee of �190. lar with , large circle.qf friends and of Windsor, who was here recently
-where. keep your own boys and girls on the years: He passed the winter at the W. M. S—The regular meeting. of his colts raised by Mr. Blake during a week or so before her mar- visiting -her father, �!r Andrew.John-
During the war and at its close, farm. 'Stick to the farm, boys. It home of Harold Penbale. The fun- the W. M.v'S. was held on Wednesday, a er. of Ribernof ge was presented with two fine ston, has returned going by boatfront
there was a great inflation of prices. reminds we of the following lines eral was held, on Wed�nesday to Bay- June 11th, Mrs. Hazelwood presiding., 6�ntly sold to a man near Blyth or "showers," the first from a large Godefich.—Mr. Toms, Public School
'Everything went up. There was an from a N�aw York journal- field cemetery, the papbearers being: with an attendance of twenty-four Well over the $200 nirk and none of
umbr of' 'her, girl friends and the Inspector for., South Huron, was here
James H. Reid,'A. E.�Erwin, Robert ladies, who answered the roll call with �is get have ever been beaten in the
outcry a -bout the high cost of living
Stick to the farm, said the president, other from the choir lof St, Paul's last week to attend a megfing in con-
-and the inability to cope with it, an Orr, Henry Darrow. Apv. B. P. Col. favorite verses of Scripture or with hbow ring here. Mr. Leiper is to Anglican church, of which the bride ection with chainges,td'be mae in
ry by -i�-Gfk people artizans me- To the wide-eyed country boy, clough conducted the se'mi items of Missionaz on his purchase,; hut
-oute ces. interest. Mrs. �congrwtudated W a an.honored.-member.,, 'the wa 'ir
- railway .-inployee .'a - pulkging
4hanics, �s �ivil ,T6n he hies- him away -to his' -white BrLiezos.�Mrs. Ritdhiq; of Niagara Gap&-'ga interesting reading e farmers in this vicinity will re- y of in?,provibg or servants of the governments, in,fact house home Falls, has been visiting,her parents, from the study book; Mrs. Souter ret losing his services. Farmers and Briefs�-Miss Mary Agar is and our publip school.�-What is kn6lin an
the annual T qer picnic was. held in
by everybody for increased remunera- With an air $I rustic joy. Mr. and Mrs. George King and they gave a readhig from the Rer-ord tell- reeders generally suffered a great has been for the past week or so vis- r tion. Even the ministerial profession purpose all motoring Z.z this Fri- ing of the great need of more work- oss in the death of Mr. i -ting friends in 6romarty and district. Bayfield one diy last week, in. cela-
Stick to the farm, said the railroad bration. of MR Stephen Troyer's birth-
-A m
eeting of the Hensall School met and raised their scale of remun- day with Mr. and Miss,Barr, 9f Un- ersin India, and. Mrs. N. McGregor erry. who always imported the best J�Oard
king, will be held in a day or so to day a eration. ame them. To the lad wko looks afar, des.bpro, and spending 'the week end gave a most helpful talk on the use t at money could buy and always , iidiUvery largely attende4L
The average minister of the gospel, Then ha hikes him back on his double at the Falls. 'Misses Mary and Flor- we should make of our Missionary kept his stock in top notch candition. make arra*ements for increased ac- many coming from quite a long dis-
like the farmer, is in no danger of commodationin our public school.— tan6e and a pleasAnt-day's outing is
quick, ence McDonagh, of London, are at Messenger. A coinnuittee was appoint- Made General Manager of Insur- Mrs. T. Simpson has been visited by reported by 'all attending.—Mrs. Jue.
rapidly beconung a millionaire their cottage this week and are enter-' ed to arrange for the clothing of an ance Co.—Toronto Saturday night of
In his rustic private car, her brother Will, and sisters during Coulter' and daughter, Miss Ida, left
through the medium of his stipend. taining their girl friends, Misses Indian boy - in Birtle school. a recent' date contains an excellent
as Stick to the farm, said the the past wee)L--Miss Dora Shgrritt here'on Wednesday for Woodstock IM they and the governments clergy- Phyllis Shaml>leiu, Rhoda Scanlon, *ell, -all seemed to f6iget to, -grasp It was carried on motion that our plaoto of Mr. Wellington Alen McTag- has been visiting relatives in,.hlake �vhere they -intend visiting relatives
man, Alic# Darch, Eleanor McCormick and j-'uly meting' ;4uld be an open one gart, an old Usborne boy and a bro-
-E. S. Hardie's house and friends.—The., Oddfellow4 intend
the philosophy of'the situation ag ex- To the lad on the line fence perched Dorothy Jones.—Mr. and Mrs. Shan and district.—Dr.
and e4i invitktion be sent to the Kelly ther of Mrs. Frank Ryckman, of Heil- -pounded by a deep thinking clerg- Then he lays his ear to the ground, non and daughters, of Toronto, are in Was not sold on Saturday last, the, soon � holding 'what is known as Dec- Circle, Home Helpers and all the salL Saturday Night'says: Welling-
'6ral6on,day in
man of my acquaintande who said, To hear) a call to the city church. their cottage till the end of June.— ladies of the congregation. Mrs. ton Alen MeTaggart, the new general bids made not being sufficiently high tion of the near futureThe
-"I certainly require som�,;b to reach the reserved price.—Th&-Rev. ers was held in Zurich
ysical re- Mrs. McLeod and Miss Nan Woods (Rev.) Lundy', of, Kippen, and Mrs. manager of Security Life 'Insurance Dr. C. Fletcher co, du d ser ces onic Lodge on onday evening
ation. There is no good reasons Stick to the farm, said the doctor n Cte vi ere wise are planning to leave on Saturday H. Monteith are expected to a§sist Company of Canada, succeeding Mr. why I should not aid in reducing the To those who would break the rut, on a pleasure trip to Vancouver, Vic wi Carmel Presbyterian hurch on Sun� The monthly meeting of the
th the programm. SuitaWe Jess 0. M. Cartby. The new aP- day last, during the "absence.of -,the e4eall U. F, W. 0. will be held at
high -cost of living by -having a good Then be hies him away where appen- toria, Seattle and oth6r places. We will be provided and a light = pointee was born near Exeter, Ont., 's. Robert Stewart on
garden, a cow or two, some chickens dix grows wish them a pleasant and safe jour- scrved, pastor, Rev, J. l McConnell, I On h home of My
n Thr
-and a few hogs under my care, and In ountiful crops to cut. in 1864. After graduating from To-, At the evening service Dr. Fiee Fr . iday afternoon, June 27* at 2.30.
ney.—The Ford picnic comn-dttee are Notes.—Mr. Hugh Thomson and Mr, Tonto University, he taught school in gave a very interesting acco Mitchell, County Director for
still be able to preagh as good or receiving very encouraging assistance Robert McCartney, of Moose Jaw, -are various capacities before going into
Unt of Mrs�
e�ven a better sermon by reason of 'AsseiAbi iadlesex, is expec�ed to be present
f from many of �hel dealers, there hav- visitors at the homes of Mr. Alexa -n- the real estate and building business, so recently held at Owen Son and a6d address the mpeting.—Miss Flor-
Thi kind of thing is no good. I , precedings of the General,
you can show to the farmer's bo ing been some four hundred dollars' der TtLornsori, of Stanley, and Mr. and which has -been carri�d on under the
such exertion." y
that there is sufficient margin of pro -
In our efforts towards the redue- worth of prizes donated. Everythi which he had attended.—The
fit on he old farm you won't need to name of W. 0. MeTaggart & Conian ing Mrs. James Allen, in Tuckersmith. Mr. . mapy,, ence,Welsh, of this village,. recently
tion of high salaries, we might hand -ice Y' friends of"Mrs. Joseph Ellig will re- attended the Silver Mhniversary of
points to a great day here on Wed- McCartney is here for the graduation since 1896. He has been v -presi-
give him the advice—h will see it
on this tim,-ly, philosophical observa- nesday,'July 16th.—Our baseball boys gret to learn that her health -14- bden Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Livermore, of Clin-
just as quickly as anybody exercises of his daughter from Guelph dent of the Security Life since 1912, tion. else. have been rather unfortunate in their College. She is grad I uating as a and has turned over the active man- failing her for some time past afid ton, and sang a couple of solos which
laqt week her condition became so were uch enjo-yed.—Mrs. Allan a&
y reason of this increased scale But this is not all. By the time games so far, losing to Winghain here Dietitian.—Mr. and -Mrs. R. Bonthron, agement of I his own business to his
of remuneration, aided by our gov- the farmer gets over the abashed feel- last Saturday evening, 12-2.' With ol Hensall, are visiting at the home son, since taking his present appoint- much worse that she was taken to St. children, of Monkton, New. Brunswick
-ernment, the people of other lines of ing from this chastisement the very more diligent practice they should Joseph's Hospital at London, where hre here visiting Mr. and Mrs. T.
life were largely -able to pass along flKst time he raises his head he sees elected an operation was very successfull Drummond, Mrs. Allan's parents—
n -t as of their daughter, Mrs. C. D.Simpson. me t. Mr. McTaggax w
ning. Come out Friday —Mrs. McNeil, of St. Thomas, is a to the Toronto Board of Education in perfoiV&d on Monday last, which 11 Mr. and Mrs. John D. Reid
their burdens, and have it saddled up- the civil servants with their ban and see t& game with Gode- guest at the home of, 'Mr. and Mrs. J. 1911, was chairman of th.6- Board I,
ds on evening ast week
on rich. It will be a fast, interesting R. Murdock, of Stanley.—Mrs. Nes- 1914, and is now chair n f the the str
the shoulders of the farmer, but the thrmt of the members of the ma is hoped will prove very 'beneficial, if few days here during the p
the farmer could not do this, becau3e game. They play on the Fair bitt, of Blyth, is visiting Mrs. William Finance Committee. gAgth-of the patient is only with their many,relatives and friends,
cabinet, saying they must have high-
ufficient to.,enab e her to get the de -
as has been said, the price of his er pay. We cannot live and have a Grounds where a good diamond ha3 Nesbitt, of the village this week.—Dr. Listowel Hikers—On Wednesday s returning to their home in London
products is not and cannot be set by sufficiently good time on our present been made.—Many will be glad to p sired pnefit:, Her many friends here the first of the week.—Miss Jessia
eter McEiken, of Detroit, is visiting forenoon last our village was much
himself. are �tojO?ig for the best, Mrs El ogg, of Thamesford, is a�guest at
scale of remuneration. The cost of know that Dr. G. Atkinson will resume Mr. John McEw�R and other friends. enlivened by the passing througlk of - led to the hospiial � the New Commercial Hotel; Mx.
This was the condition when, sud- living is too great. They never think dental practice here, having his Of- —Mr. 'and Mrs. Robert Beattie left for it by the Listowel Motor Hike, com- "' ""'Pan
fice at his cottage and will be there Lon ea�i well her daughter, Miss Mattie, one of our John D. Craig, accompanied by his
denly, the process of deflation set ia. of putting into practice the wise de- don Saturfty afternoon to visit prising some sixty moto
Ilocal pchool teachers, and Also by her sister, Miss Hannah, Mrsj- John El -
each Wednesday afternoon.—Mr. John relatives t1aere. Travelling from the co '
The prices of the farmer's products cision of the philosopher clergyman, vered with banners,,"The List6wel
was the first to drop. They have kept and the Cabinet ministers never think JowleEtt. is making extensive improve- coast to Calgary, through the West, Board of Commerce," and -arrivin physician, Dr Moir, and by her neigh- der, Miss Ethel Murdoek-and Miss 11,
9 hot, tumbling down and down and down, of it either, but just succumb to the ments to the picnic grounds, adding Mr.,D.. A. Cantelon, who k D. Sutherland, *otorW to Clinton on
Mr. Beattie reporbs,a splendid outlook here a little after ten o'clock in the until the whole ottom has practical- attack, and up goes the salaries of a number of tables, having CeTnqmt for'the farmers and that they will forenoon and nearly on schedule
Ellis� and daughter t"
Mrs 0 tW H69- Tuesday afternAn last to ttend a
pitai.—Rev. Mr. Parish a prominent large social " service meeting held
ly dropped out of his busine�s. His the members of the civil service. steps down the hill, erecting a num- have a bumper crop this season. Cotn- time. They" spent a half hour here
Methodist clerg7min, 'of thefe.—A drain on the north side of
economic situation is worse than be- And now when the conRion of the ber of swings and may have a tennis ing on to Stratford he says the grain and After motoring around the village Minn., was he, emittly iXiIng bils Queen Street is being opened, deep -
fore the war. farmers has become desperate court made. Thesewill certainly add looks equally as well In Huron County. they drew up -as nearly as the long cousin, Mr.. Louis Clark.—Mr. Clar. 6ned and enlarged, in 9rder to I*ve
a What is to be done. Where i the bright thomght strikes the govern_ to the pleasure of Oicnickers. —Mr. Thoinag:Carj� who has been ill procession of cars would, permit to en e Sh6pberd left here the fi st f better drainage and make It possible
solution? Listen! There was a time ment. They at once decide to send for some weeks, is still poorly.—Mr. the Town Hall where a lallge numer r
the week�for Amherstburg where he for a number on That street to have
w�7en almost every -one, even the around the Province a committee of McKILLOP Mae. Naughton, of thedtayfield Road, of 01ir villagers had assembled ro goes to fill a good pogition there in good dky cellars, The work is now
former, seemed to think tht any eight men of the House at $15 per The Council—On Saturday, June is seriously ill a e.—Mr. Geo. meet them, and fter an address of the Molsons Bank from the H,ons4ll going on inr response to a petition
Gowk could farm, and that 6e scale day alid expenses to try to find out 14th, the AcKillop, Council met at Hanley, of tbe'Ha Stationary Co., welcome from our Reeve, Mr. 0- n
e agency of that bank, where he, ha$ Prlesentqd to the Council.—Mr, and
of high remuneration belin4ed (a)- what is wrong with farming, when in the Carnegie Library Hall, Seaforth, London, called an Mr. A. T. Scott'on Geiger, in which he warmly welcomed given good service for som 6 years.— Mrs. �L. Leepet recently moved from
most by divine right) to those who- reality that information was an open at 10 o'clock a.m., a-, a court of re- Sunday.—A large numfoer of the the visitors, giving them the freedom, At tifne of closing our correspondence here to St. Cath
-bemselves for book to everyone. It appoint an- vision on the assessment roll of 1924. frierrds of Mi4s.Miss Margaret Aik- go to speak, of the city. He was fol-
ent years to educate t aTine4� Mr. Leeper's
their lifCs work. That idea Lg beirtg other committee of membem of the Present were Reeve F. J. McQuaid; enhead assembled at the home of Mrs.. lowed by Rev. Dr. C. Fletcher� Rev. we -have learned of the death of Mr. home before his marriage. They prov-
Thomas Simpson, one of 6 ed good residents here a -rid will be
ploded, but still pursued and still House to aid the minister of public Coumcillors,'Johri. Dodd, F. Bruce Arthur McQueen Thursday, the 12th, H. Naylor and-Rev.A: Sinclair, vdio
ex ur pioneer
and much respected resid who missed by
recognized. &s.alreadg said there is w&rks in iTiteTViewing the municipaii- Medd, Edward Horan and Daniel and presented:Che bride- ilent A larie circle of relatives
-a each made nice short addresses of I
to be with has been very seriously r% r the. nd friends.—We regret to report that
no thel- field of life, whieh requires ties of the province regarding furter Regele. The rninutes of last meeting miscellaneous sh - nter-
ower. The presents welcome, these speeches being I past week, but at, d -ate of writing the Mrs. S. s very ill at
3q. HrrWaton I
vider van information with �oadbuilding, also -at $15 per day and were read and adopted as Tend. Ten- were numerous- and costly, sh spersed-by fine fausical owing selections ge O' time of funeral had not beeft arrang- the bgr son-in-law and daugh-
lity t that . information, expenses. No $15 per d�y for iarm- den were 'opened at 2 p.m. on the the high esteem in which Miss Aik- from the Listawel Citizens Band, The
Further particulars will be given a. Mts. Pd. McQueen.
e0 Apply
Id of ed.
griculture. Agri- ers. Have the people still no thought Nash unicipal Drain, as follaws-,— enhead, is held in the community.— school children also sang very luely It of economy? W. N; Tilley, accord- John Alart, $1,821; T. M. Kelly, $2,160; M-rs. A. Landoboroggli, of Clinton, as their welcome to the visitors "The Icultute Was become a profession. MET! is a science. The true basis of all ing to press reports,. hq been em- spent last week at the home of her Maple Leaf Forever." Hr. Blatch- F. J. Regan, $2,304; oseph Gaffney -financial remuneration for, service is ployed to prosecute the charges 2,3�04 anner, William Connelly, $2,827:.JZ� ister, Mrs. J. McQueen.—Mr. and ford, editor of the Listowel A or should be that which is justly ob- against Ron. Peter Smith. How much De us eadt, $2,334; Alf. Deandteadt, Mrs. B. Beattie, ff Vancouver, visited then' made arrangements to bave tainable by tho0o who toil at the very -11 he be getting? Dennis Mahoney, $2,456, —Mr. R, Me- photo taken,'of Ihe gathering, And the per day wi $2,428 friends here lasft week our natioTial pros- ever see such a serardble among -ov6d by Daniel Regele, seconded by Cartney and M�, Hugh Thompson, of singing of the National Ant'digin and peity�the real wealth producen of lawye" for Jobs at' the public crib, F. Bruce Medd, that the construction Moose Jaw, ate�visiting, with frielyfds cheers for the Listowel BoaW of Com- Di the bunti7. Everyone. in a piublic where they 30ev to be h1lowed to wotk on the N -ash Municipal Drain �e here.—Mr. WiflfiilC Queen of To- merce and eh�ers fromthe viiitors for 9 -cpacity hould do his utmost in rea- charge beyond the limit of all decency let to T. X Kelly at the tender 6f Tonto spent *6 w4A end ith his ITensall, coupled with a very nice re- W 11A&1e� .,equalize the scale of and get away with it, Don't I you and Many pl address frorn the Presidetit of the
$2,160.00; wotk to be done 'dor4ing pare' y We have ah abiiftdance -of Pketty. Hats and
TentliMwatiolij fo)� gerVI or retnrnl�. think a sincere effort ghouJ4 be irade to plans and specifications" M6-nds of Mr i-Aiiiold Lhudl5borbugh, Listowell Board of Trade brought a of Sohn a ifttft4o There dve four sources to curb twg kind of. thi af Ro er, To bi E formerly very pleasant Mi bout-- to a close ng, Go te-r 9 wns P hgineer; work to SOA of W. C. every Rat Wdueed.; �—the -farm, for- the big -mi the pArty n%otored her ups tv.herg possible. if be completed duling 1994� ard that of Tuckers w OR oil their, TO DE OLO AT- COST AND 50 HATS
'on they degh,. tell tbei that too rhtich ab,.agreelueAt be dravm, up betvvde� Credit, ill bi elad to.bear t6t. he trip to Exeter and other points, *ovinco% IV is money Is a bad ffikng� Ask them if T� X -reties',� .o d Ir goal at- Loiftdoii X411y and his su ind the has sdecessfull�rVas8ed his fifth year their wdy t i�a lee, Tpe' Whol� nla- they don't kri6v that money is the ToWribhi of mexillop. — beitTled. 'in mdicine, ITe afia his mother have for Aunch and , city enteitaffiniont COM6 I 96t fi�st.ehoo e,of the coun- root rif all eviL Moved, by F. Bruce Afedd, seconded by been visltiln�. f it in C-litito,, truee- tliere. . .... . 9 'Mi tdfe,,� . and )But the 14vye,g are not dill of that John baddA, that field and vicini doling the past Duncaytt-,Youn One of those �:, -rga#j, Watch ouf Wliftdow for Bit ote, rigm in, jhi(j, 00tge H, LoonhArdtP' jAiii Ift- *Pek,—Xt. ill ri, Spe'dr Mrb .W.m. eeiits.vMch nev& &bW'old or out rid 9, "d �rrest of fashfo-A taid vhieh 9 edbd to 6rr6� *40 i,§1 L i
cauge's Oto, Pdtr6it fait WWc' A thrill. mia Much Ifliodpt, 1�661C ll-lao-e jb'�,&App'en in WA oil' Lota it mid I t1a6ggiou, 50 'or Wo g -ika-I�Wti the W. n la IgIted eAlta 0 t6l r, Ov8d I... ..... ...
. it 14