HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1924-06-06, Page 5q%QeN8`4,110. Offleera ideated. organizod Sytir4Or . i mala l buslpos day evening of lata# Wee Tho. 'ollard. ki., •, ly p1T19.lIl, pert ohe gifis dl osalaloeatiign, Officers Were e�Ali , 11;OW --.. President, Miss ° l:tt 'DAM' m,. tbary, Mies •Vottiee M14; Vals-e'-eUsistant BeeretarY, lages 2414P24-- Hasi'tbon; °OPrer; ise;Gape •:aSetR i F36rrai CoMlaPiltfer Mie .P W . k- 491 iim, a, Riley alai Seadi} . M144141aoli Wel Consult,- ' Misses Josephine Living - o' stone, Elva Wheatley. dean Larweon, 'Kathleen Livingston and Versa Don - bp; Look -out Cmmittee, The Mis,zes Ttieluta -Dale, Vera ]bogereon, Eli2a- !beth Mills . and Mildred Britton; T eadlier, Mrs. Millar , Adana ,. The Mass will be known as "The King's Daughters." RILLSGRF}RN 1 Mission Band.. -The 'Mission Band met- in the basement of the',ehurC'h on Sunday,' June ls+t, 1924. We'open- ed our meeting by stinging hymn 759, first and second verses. 'Mrs. Lundy lead in prayer;' Emma Love read the Scripture lesson, John, 13th chapter, 13348 verses. The Secretary's re- port was read and adopted. The roll -was called answering by the word 'animal"; nine for the Blue and pev- en for the Red. The classes then separated for their lesson, Mrs. Lundy being the teacher for the Senior girls. The lesson was a review on what we Il1ave taken so far this year. Mrs. Lundy presented to six girls their seals for going on to be a life mem- ber. She also told us how they were planning to have theilr Rally day at -Kipper' on July Sth. We closed our meeting by singing hymn 763, first and second' verses. All repeated the Lord's Prayer. --.Muriel Carlile, Secre- tary. n + SEAFORTH MARKETS Thursday, June 5, 1924. Eggs, per dozen 23e IButter, per lb. 30 to 32c Potatoes, per bag $1.00 Oats, per bushel 40c Peas; per bushel $1.25 to $1.40 'Wheat, per bushel 95e •Bran, per ton ..............$28.00 Fhorta per ton ..,...,....$30.00 arley, per bushel 60c Bogs, per cwt, $7.50 LIVE STOCK MARKET Buffalo, June 3rd.--Cattle-+Receipts, 2,160; se hipping steers, bulls and yearlings steady ; asows strong, butcher grades 15 cents lower; shipping steers, $8,50 to $10.75 ; butchers, $7 to $9.00; yearlings, 38.78 to 310.25; heifers, 46.00 to $8.00; fair to choice cows, $8.75 to 37.00: canners and cutters, $2.25 to 33.76;• keels, $3.25 to 26.00; stockers and feeders, 44.00 to $6.25; fresh oows and springers, ac- tive and strong, 335 to 3120. Calves -Receipts. 2,800•; choice 31 lower, 410.50 to $11; fair to good, $9.60 to $10.00: 'culls, 60 cents lower, $6.00 to. $9.00: heavy, 46.00 to 58.00; grassers, 83.00 to $5.00. Hogs ---Receipts, 1,600; active and steady to 10 cents lower; heavy, mixed and yorkers, 47.90; light yorkers. 37.00 to 37.90; pigs, 46.16 to $7.00: roughs, 36.50; stags, 33.50 to 44.50. - Union 'Stock Yards, Toronto, June 3rd. - Showing an increase of 2.000 head over last 1onday the cattle supply to -day was about -that much too •heavy for the demand, and 'trade at the opening was very slow, wish eaarly indications of a 25 cent reduction in Prete. Trade picked up, however, after 11 .o'clock and last Monday's weigh up of 2,500 'head at 2 pm. , was repeated, with the bulk of butcher sales ifor export at a 16 cent re - 'duction. Late sales in which some of the abmtnon killers changed hands showed an .easier feeling and the offering was a long 'away from being *leaned up at the close. But - chez cows maintained their strong position 2,nt butcher bulls Bold a quarter lower than east seek in spots. Once started, the export buying was fairly brisk at the decline the buyers taking in ad- dition 1» heavy steers at ,From 71A to 8.10 .cents for the bulk, a lot of dight steers un- der 1,100 pound, fit to make stores overseas, lfor which they paid from 7.40 to 7.85 cents. Packers paid prices even with those paid by +exporters for heavy steers and the top, made liar a small, bunch was 8% cents, with 3u4 cents top f5r a load averaging 1,100 pounds which went to a local butober. The bulk of the choice butcher cattle made front 7 to 714 ,cents metdum kind 61/4 to 6% cents and !plain steers and heifers down to 5%4 cents 'per pound. One prime cow sold at 61,e cents sand good to choice kind et from 514 to 6% .eenta. There was no export demand for bulls, -which sold a quarter down ,at 4% to 5%, cents &or good to choice heavies and 8 to 4 cents *or modems butebers and bologna:. The !arcane tradee in stockers and feeders showed ono increase in activity, only some half dozen )Roads moving up to mideafterriden, the feed - 'ars bringing anywhotm from 5.10 to ?cents and orae load of shockers 5,70 cents per !pound. The receipts today wee 5,887 tattle, 586 naives2,400 hogs and 828 sheep and Iambs. this includes 400 cattle on through billing. Quotation:: Export steers, choice, 38.00 to 48-15; do., good, 87.25 to $ r 7.5 : export heif- ers. $7.26 to 37.50; baby beeves, $7160 to $9.00; 'butcher steers, choice, 37.00 to 87.75; do. good, 16,25 to $6.75: do, medium, 35.75 4w $6.00; do., common, $4.75 to $6.00; butcher heifers, choice, $6.75 to 17.25 ; do., medium, $5.75 to $6.00; d0„ common, $4.75 to 15.00: %etcher cows, choice, 35.25 to $6:25; do. med- ium, $8.50 to 84.60; butcher bulls, $4.50 to 15.25; bologna:, $2.60 es $3.50; mane= and .utters, 81.50 to $2.00; feeding steers, cheiee, 36.00 to 56.75; do.. fair, 34.00 to 15.00; milk= ere, :pringesn, choice, 375.00 to $90.00; do. lair, $45.00 to $60.00; stookers, choice, 86.00 to 35.25: do„ fair. $4.00 to 34.25: calves, choice, 310.00 to $10.60; do. medium, 87.60 to $9.00: do. common, $4.50 to 85.50; iambs, eleeice owes, 316.00 to 317.00; do. becks, 314 to $16.00; do., culls, 38.00 to $9.00; spring ea a te. per lb., 15e to 18e; sheep light ewes. 37.00 to $8.00; do„ culls, $4:50 to $6.00: Hoes, fed and watered, 38.00: do., f.o.b., 37.60; do, country points $7.25; do., select, 38.80 do., off cars, long haul, 58.40. Ce. QIIon2deelenaton -At Lakeside, on May 22nd, be Ilev. J. E. Holmes, Bertha Andrews Huston, daughter of the late John An- eirews, to Oeorg§ P. Gould, of Goderich. feanderbon--tW3Bis,-At the Methodist Per- oonage, Mitchell,+ by Rev. H. A. Moyer, on .May 24th, Mr. Vance Sanderson, of Wing- ]hete, to Mee Lola, eldest daughter of Mrs Ida Willie, Brismets. MARRIAGES • • ] '[° d4.hrerre.-In Brodhltgon, on Mei 30613, to Mr. and Mra. udwhrd Ahrens, a, daughter. 2TacLean.-At Sw.iet Current, Sask., Hospital, on May 81st, 1924, ±bo Mr. a id 21m. A. Ellice MacLean, a daughter. d"ann,-in TIaborne. es Mee AMA,'tb Ma'. and Mtn. Orville Cann, n, ,!loll:. , £9ann,--In Exeter en May. jest Svlvanns J. Oared, a err e.-in"Tuekerntni , ori Hi'i and 72,n. Waiter O(d' 7teeapaen. le (trey Towtiplfle otr . Gilt. and Mee R. J. liefietheife 5 a 'Mien Mannion. • eJ gTOOlf ,-.4174.0 BAUD .'SGIe ,,��yy��qg,`-pall asci: 8 wawa teles, t (x . Gi 1i d' *`rf' f lve; fasmer'e good tlehe emUele; . P e 'o:.. doy±blu. Al Y' et) L ; So, o th, Ont. ^ l . 2981.-tf VOA 04L L uT 115,000 FE i' It 4trck lnrm u.wood was .,di M cngtR9w. a lose lath good, bright, m 8 to fe# kee, widen 6 lashes to 14 knches• Also' it 3,000 led loch scantling. each '12 feet krog, Meth 3$.6 Per thousand. male with reeenne tau added„ JOHN 4c IDO 3,' O,; W..i n4 Caw , 11e, Telephone 14 on 282. 2947-2 Am, LOT FOR 'S.ALE., -1 OR sAI.E, on 5gmmoa4v33lo.hill, 1i etroy brig& house and le, acresof land, some:. seeded` to alt ta- Seese consists` of 6 rooms: also eanitry, Wboti- seed end ahs ata±[#, Lavatory, ',eenr nt cellar, leserlc lights, r and Soft water in. house. 4. good' ratable h den yard, also garden with ;Mgt trusts} Convenient to -church. school and More, A. bargain for quick Sale. Apply to !0.1825 RANKIN AGENCY. Seaforth. 2988-tf ' AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE OF CHOICE 35 ACRES of land adjoining the Town of Seaforth, west of the Railway Station. The seine will be sold on the premises at 8 p.m. on Satur- day, June 7th. Thomas Brown, Auctioneer. 2947a1 (ILEARING AUCTION SALE ON FRIDAY, vv June I3th, et 12 o'clock, rear of the Edge .Block, Seaforth: horse, wagons, buggy, sleigh, feed bins, assortment of hardware and tools, also quantity of household furniture and other articles, H. EDGE, Proprietor Thomas Brown, Auctioneer. 1947-1 AUCTION SALE OF FARM LANDS, Stock, Implements and Household Effects, in Egmondvitle, on Tuesday, June 17th, 1924, at 1 p.m., sharp, the following: Horses. - One Percheron mare 6 years old, 1 general purpose mare, will drive single or double; one good driving mare, quiet and reliable. Cattle, -Durham grade eow 7 years old due January lit, 5-yearold black cow freshened in April, 7 -year-old blue milking cow, good. Pigs. -10 pigs 9 weeks old,' 1 sow, 2 geese and gander, Implements, - Heavy wagon, buggy, cutter, mower, horse rake, sleighs good as new, combined seeder, 3 -section harrows, No, 2t Fleury plow, hay rack, gravel box, disc harrows, fanning mill, cutting box, Massey - Harris pulper, Melotte cream separator ca- pacity 660 Ibs., set of double harness, set of single harness, horse blankets, wheelbarrow, 1918 Ford car In good running order, six cords of stove wood, 6 cords furnace wood. Household Effects. -Treasure range, coal oil stove, bed room suite, 2 iron beds, extension table, Daisy churn, sideboard, washing ma- chine, rugs, carpets, cupboard, chairs, tables, sealers, and other articles too numerous to mention., Block No. 1. -9 -roomed frame house with furnace, electric lights, hard and soft water: barn 26 x 36, cement basement, garage, rood garden with abundance of small fruit, 20 acres good land. Block 2.-35 acres on ,north side of Mill Road with 9 acres of bush, balance in grain and,hay. If block 2 is not sold, hay and grain will be sold separate. Block 3. -Butcher shop and slaughter house with five scree of land. Block 4. -Good frame barn 36 x 66 with stone foundation and cement stabling. On Block No. 1 there is 5 acres sef mixed grain, 4 acres of barley, three-quarters of an acre of peas, 2 acres of corn, 3 acres of hay, three-quarters of an acre of mangolds and turnips which will be sold separate if above mentioned Block No, 1 is not sold. Terms on Chattels. -All of 310.00 and under, cash; over that amount 10 months' credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes. A discount of 4 per cent. straight allowed off for cash on credit amounts. Terms on Property, -10 per cent. of purchase price on day of sale; balance in 30 days. A reasonable amount can remain on property at 6 per cent. JAMES WALLACE, Proprie- tor; G. H. Elliott, Auctioneer, 29472 DRAIN TILE I will have a kiln of Tile on Thursday, June 12th_ Will fill orders in rotation as far as we can. We can only deliver so many each day. We expect to turn out a kiln in a week, and I amu at your service to help you drain. WILLIAM M. SPROAT R. R. 4, Seaforth, Phone 136-2. IIMMIEMIIMM••••••1°a NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE is hereby, given that all credtiors having claims against the estate of Silesia Cook, late of the Township of McKilio's, in the County of Huron, Widow, who died on or about the twenty-eighth day of April, 1924, are required, on or before the twenty sixth day of June, 1924, to send to John J. ling- gard, the Solicitor for the Executor, A. A. Cuthill, of the said Township of McKillop, their names, addresses and descriptions, the Kull particulars, in writing, ad their claims and a statement of their accounts, AND TAKE NOTICE that after such last mentioned date the said Executer will pro- ceed to distribute the assets of the said de- ceased among the parties ent*t5ed thereto, bay- ing regard only to the claims os` which he shall then have notice, and that the said Executor will not be liable for the said assets 0r any part thereof to any person or perm= of whose claim notice shell not have been received by him at the time of ouch distribution - JOHN J. HUGGARD, Solicitor for the said Executor. Beattie Block. Dated at Seaforth, Ontario, this 8rd day of Tune, 1924. 2947-8 Specials � m 3 Boxes Kellogg's Corn 3 1 c Flakes 3 Boxes Red Head 25 Matches 3 Pounds Rice for Choice Breakfast Bacon 1 pound 2 Packages Puffed Rice for 25c ALSO NICE ASSORTMENT OF HOUSE DRESSES AT ATTRACTIVE PRICES Prints, Ginghantls and Skirtings al- ways on hand. HIGA.EST PRICES FOR EGGS, BUTTER and CREAM. SC's TT and Co. B1WCEFIIFLD - - ONTARIO Phone 11141442 Clinton. 18418 Seaforth. f' 4/ Tito Pure' Bred Ciydeadale .StaTUoa CUMBERLAND STEEL 1220701 (18309) 91nm1•sent No. 5698 Approved Form A 1 W atand for the improveanent crf deck thla 'sawn at HIS OWN STABLE, 1TENSALL Cumberland Steel is one of the best etoelc horses that ever crossed the water and was imported by the late T. J. Berry, who, as everyone knows, never headled anything but the beat money could buy, Hie *tock was never beaten in the show ring in England and he has been equally successful as a sire hero, as our Pall , and Spring Shows will testify. He stood as premium, horse for 3 years in oat dis- trict before coming to this couutry at a service fee of 3100. Any farmer wishing to see some of Steel's stock, should take an hour off and visit any of the following owners; Don- ald Burns, John Bell, Roger Northcott, El� mer Todd, G. E. Thompson, Al. Harvey, Jaa. McGregor, D. Brfntnell and many other, which space will not permit to mention. Terms, to insure, 818.00. JAMES H. SIMPSON, Manager. THAT SAVORY ROAST When cooked in your self basting roasting pan will taste mighty good, but you must first have your roast. And Stewart's Meat Market is the plate to get it.. We specialize on high grade roast cuts -Beef, Lamb, Veal, Mutton, Etc. DUMART'S MEATS A SPECIALTY. D. H. STEWART Main Street - Seaforth. Phone 58. f BEANS WANTED We are now in the nvar- ket for a few cars of Beans. Bring or mail us pound sample and we shall be pleased to quote our best prices. Cook Bros. Milling Co., HENSALL, ONT. 2947-2 Seal 10th, 6 pen, for room to Hensel! Pu specifications can be. Secretary-Treaourer. `NDE WANTED 1CROPFINGaUd ROLM Sealed tenders will cry '1"ne§�, r{ k during tin • yx • l received • up to Jame 0 erection of a new it School. Plans and tee on applieetton to A L. CASE, Secretary-Tee:earer. 8gillt M let a 70e lna 'etc our }Dhopph y summer months. clhop can be Loft in at eine time. We also have a goodestook of Tile on hand front 2% inch up to 8 inch: Phone 14 en 160. 2946-2 MORTGAGE SALE OF A VALUABLE FARM IN THE TOWNSHIP OF BIBBERT, IN THE COUNTY OF PERTH( Under and by virtue f the powers of sale contained in a certain mortgage, which will be produced at the time o8 sale, these will be offered for sale by public auction, by Thomas Brown, Esq., Auctioneer, at the Commercial Hotel, in the Town of Seaforth, on Saturday, the 14th June. 1924, at two o'clock, us` the afternoon; all and singular that certain Par- cel or tract of land and premises situate, ly- ing and being in the Township of Hibbert, In said County of Perth, being composed of Lot number Twenty-two (22), in the Ninth (9th) Concession, of the said Township of Hibbert, containing by admeasurement one hundred (100) acres of land be the same more dr less. There are erected upon the psO�rty a brick dwelling house, 2$ x 30, 2 std!(es, a frame barn 40 x 80, with brick foundation, hog pen 30 x 80 and frame driving shed 26x80 The property is well watered by an ever flow- ing spring creek and good wens. The property will be offered for sale sub- ject to a reserved' .bid and to the existing lease. TERMS OF SALE; Ten (10) per cent. of the purchase money M be paid in cash at the time of sale and the balance within thirty dies thereafter, without interest, when the purchaser will be entitled to a Conveyance. Further particulars and conditions of gale win be made known on the day of sale and may be had in the meantime from the under- signed. Dated the 17th day of May, A.D., 1924. R. S. HAYS VENDOR'S SOLICITOR. Thomas Brown, Auctioneer. 2945-4 Dr. W. R. NIMMO, DC.Sp.C. REGISTERED CHIROPRACTOR SPECIALIST Spinal, Nervous and Chronic Diseases treated successfully by the latest methods �} of natural therapeutics, spinal' adjustment, and corrective dietetics. Head Office over Seaforth -Pharmacy Hours -10 to 12 a.m. 2 to 6 p.m. Ito Sp.m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday Thursday -Hours, 10 to 12 a.m. Branch Offices at Clinton and Londesboro, MEETING OP HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The Council of the Corporation of the Coupe ty of Huron will meet in the Council Cham- ber, Goderich, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon of Tuesday, the 8rd day of June, 1924. All accounts against the County must be in the hands of the Clerk not later than Monday preceding the meeting of Council. GEO. W. HOLMAN, COUNTY CLERIC. Goderich, ,May 15th, 1924. 2945-2 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE is bereby given that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of Joshua Pollard, late of the Township of Blanchard, in the County of Perth. Gentle- man, deceased, who died on or abont the 29th day of March, 1924, are required to send on or before the 7th day of dune, 1924, to L. Ilaretsne, Solicitor for the Adminietratrix, Mary Ann 'Pollard of the said Township of Blanchard, (widow, their names and full par- ticulars of their claims duly verified and that after such last mentioned date the said Ad- ministratrix will proceed to diatribnto the assets of the deceased among the parties en- titled thereto, having regard Dade to the claims of which notice has been received. L. HARSTONE SL Marys, Ontario. Solicitor for the Administratria. Dated at St, Marys this 47th day of May, 1924. 2946-8 DO NOT READ THIS Unless you can get Goodyear guaran- teed Waterproof__Raincoats bearing Goodyear'Label for lest than $6.90, 2 for $13.00. We can furnish you with same for men, women or chil- dren in any size. Money refunded if not satisfied. AGENTS WANTED Address The Goodyear Waterproof Coats Co., 240 Albert St., Ottawa, Ont. CREAM C ": EAM CREAM Mr. Cream Producer: Send your cream to us; we are here to give you the very beet pos- sible market for your cream. We beg your support and co-opera- tion. Send us your No. 1 ga,3de cream and secure top prices; make this your Creamery. Cream paid for on a grade basis. Do not produce cream that is not of a high standard of quality, 9t does not pay you. We will pay a premium of 8 onto per pound butter fat for tweet slam delivered at the Creamery. Bring lna your high grade crests. thoh paid 4o any patron wishing it. Creamery open on Saturday nights, ' [B SEAPO T1131 CREAM 1 t DR, D, Ha MCINNES CHIROPRACTOR of Wingham, will be at the Commercial hotel, Seaforth Monday and Thursday Afternoons. Adjustments given for diseases of all kinds. 2943x4 KRUSE BROS; 2942}$ 13,000 000000000 ® So T. Holmes & Son O Funeral Directors and O Licensed Embalmers. O Finest Motor and Horse O drawn equipment, Beattie O Block Main Street, opposite O The Expositor Office. S. T. O Holmes' residence, Goderich O Street West; Chas. Holmes' O residence over store. 0 Flowers furnished on short O notice. All kinds of up - O "holstering neatly done. . O Phone, Night or Day, 119. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000000 0000 O 00000000000 0 0 o W. J. CLEARY 0 0 0 0 Licensed Embalmer and 0 0 Funeral Director. 0 0 Up-to-date Horse and Motor 0 Equipment. 0 0 Night and Day Service. 0 0 Phone 19-22, Dublin. 0 0 2921-52 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O W.= -J. Walker & Son ''. 0 n 0 0 W. B. Walker, Funeral Di- 0 0 rector and Embalmer. 0 O 0 O Motor or Horse Equipment. 0 O Cars or Flowers furnished 0 O as requested. O 0 Day or Night, Phone 67. O 0 0 000000000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W. T.BOX &CO. 0 Funeral Director and O Licensed Embalmer. O H. C. BOR O Best Motor and Horse-drawn ® equipment. 0 Charges moderate. 0 FIowers furnished on short O notice. 0 Night Calls Day Calls O Phone 175. Phone 43. 0 i0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000000000 l3lles�f> • for :dress sII ,,o3,0* have sapdaia'f 'O3U the o FOR 'RVERDAY Running Shoe or Sandals are good, d l Ir clr s;�i c barely nothing. Extra Special in Boys' Shoe Having bought a large ` quantity we offer boys shoes, s1ae , 5, at greatly reduced prices. For people who buy -the best e for their boys, here are some at great money saving riceee your advantage to see these. Fine Footwear and Foot Comfort SEAFORT PHONE 51, Ferguson' Suits for the young ellen, in S20 to $25 Light Greys. and checks,, from. , . Men's Standard Blues from S28 to $32.50 Men's Blue Suits with a written guarantee $35 Men's Standard Greys, S22from .5V to $32.5O STRAW HATS Men's Fancy Straw Hats from $I.50 to $3 LADIES' HOSIERY Ladies' Silk Hose in Black, Grey, Biege, Bobolink, Filbert and White. 85cPrice. to .. - $125 ± cesseer- Those Ferguson SEAFORT - ONTARIO. Made by Ames Holden Tire & Rubber Co. Limited KITCHENER, ONTARIO will give you more miles for"each dollar of cost -prove it -test thew with any other tire and t'amparelitereare JOHN REGIER. Seaforth's Leading Tire Shop GAS - ACCESSORIES OIL A 1 Eo LS.tl fl e� f elh We hav ns` cCfirsEff nythghg you w cck of E'iignt with i finish f t© bright ti}n up. C esieeMaaleall TryWus( ,f(}®, for <, barg `��p��t�nra�Il S s, L ubb 'r doses �.LcH e C5A11e :W aTs, Stov;, 8� FE Lawn F y o li) ECI dA �fl 15per cele Tai w;re, mware trl>is to (off ail ranite IPitho COME IN AND ILET US slim ACQI UAIINTEID S FAF 24ft ( :7