HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1924-05-30, Page 77 F - -:- ----- - 11 -7—__----_--_-7'--_-7-'__ I . I , 11 . I 1. '. I - , . � ., ,: ,�, �., , ''I . ,� . I � l'i, �, i , � I 1 I - , , , , , �,­'1`11 '­�,�, '',F� ,C. ,.� �, , , , , ,.,. ,:� �,�,�.,,' .�,, o',", 1, � �., � ,!��;�%,'�, :,, ", , � ; , '', , .. ...... '16, "'Y" ,,,,, �_��.!�', ���,,�,�� '1,1"i , �� � � :!, '��:�,., �;;,: ,,, , � � ��: �,i�.: T "', �� I ; _11�:� � � �. ;,� �,�, :: I A I � - ,�� 1%_:1 , , __ 'i 11 1 I - , " T��,�I�,r.,� , , .I..", ­�­­­­ -,-,, 7 11� � "I ` � i�!�, � 1p., I ,'.� � 11 I :� �� ,-.`� �,, � �; IT '� _', - � �� , . , ,� �r, .. 11 11 , I ',:�� �, � �, I I � � T .. 1 I 11 I . .... 0, , 11 ,i" " " " 141, , " � , �, , . I I " '� - � ��:' ;1 .-Ifff �� I 1. - 1� . �,� , r . I . ,, . . . I I � I "', �. fl,"U'll ',� ,�111`;. � I I �, � � 1� ,, I !� "I I �;`; ;,� 1. I 11 'Ii , ,,�,, ,�' � ,,�' � . . Ok"', ,,�' � � I ", \ - -.4, 01'. 004111 1; ., " ­­ ., . d �... , �. - F", ", �'. . � , I � P01.0i ;, , ", . "; 14012,", I ", �,��. 419,� 0194 ­` ", . ��, iweippo . I ,n,Z .Ilkf�4 jl;,!� , 0 �, , � a �4;1'04, Iro" , I'll '� ... 1, �i,�, � elk- WC44% I llv_ z 6 T .., "I 1, � I ; , � ;,-',, � t. i-*#iij�fask!k, I" ",.'� �� I . . 1, � . pkeo 4400 I:, , , , ,4 .,I vog*t otgAt �� , .- � rl "I ,�--_,; � 4 �,,.�- ..... j .1 - %� I L r1, I _";. , � V I I 11, . , �: �;k A I I I , ID *A — . . , 1� ( C � I I �� i � 6: � i I I . .. . - . I I _==� i . 9 HEIRS WANTED :"o . . Missing Heirs are beiu . g sought . ffirough6ut the world., Many people . �l are to -day living in comparAtive pov-* i arty who are really rich, but do n9t I know it. You may be...ofie of theril. I Send for Index took, "Missing Heirs -4 and Nex # of Kin," containing care- I fully a�thenti6ated lists of naGing '' heirs ;and unclaimed estates which ' have teen a&eitised for, here and I abroad. The Jndek of Missing Heirs I we offer for Sale Contains thousands I Of namps which have appeared in I , Americ �h Canadian, English, Scotch, Py Irish, wialsh, German, French, Bel- glan, Swedish, Indian, Colonial, and other newspapers,' inserted by lawy i ers, executors, administrators. Also ; contains IiA of English and Irish � Courts of Chancery and unclaimed , dividends list of Bank of England. Your name or your aneAtor's may be in the list. Send $1.00 (one dollar) at once for book. I t International Claim Agency Dept. 296, Pittsburgh, Pa., U. 8. A. 2930-tf . I __ ­ -_ I FARMS FOR SALE 100 ACRE FARM FOR SAL& OWNER will sell on reasonable terms for quick sale. Apply to R. ,,$. HAYS, Sestorth. Ou,L . 28064f - FARMS FOR SALE' FARMS FOR SALE in the townships ;F;��kersraith, U.b.orne iand Hibbert at pre-war Priced. #ossession given at any time. For further particulars apply to THOMAS CAMERON, Box 154, Exeter, Ont. 2928-12 FARM FOR SALE. -FOR SAT LOT 2, Coneessio�,7, Tuckersmitb. contain'st 100 acres. On the'premises are.-& ... TiUk house and bank barn with cement floors and water in the barn. Would exchange for unimprov- ed farm, near Clinton, S�%forth, Dublin or . Brucefield. For further', particulars apply to 1). SHANAHAN, Seaforth. 2934-tf , iVARX FOR SALE.-rARM OF TWO Hu - dred' acres adjoining the Town of Sea - forth conveniently situated to all churches, - 'is and Collegiate. There Is 8, comfoil- sch;o able brick cottage with a cement. kitcheial baft IW56 vith atone stabling underneftO f cattle and 40 hogs and water before all �E:� u0nd feed carrier and =cement silos; driving, shed and plK& scales. Watered by reek wall wW 'Windmill. The farm 18 well drained and b a high state of cultivation. The crop is ail In the, ground --choice clay I ' cars. Immedt. %to sqoessiov. Apply to V. BEATON. _X JgL p . 2. Sesoferth. Out 2797-tt .. FARM FOR I SALE ­150 ACRES, LOT 9 and South Half of 10, Concession 4. Me- Killop. On the premises are -a large bank barn,. 3*52, lately rernode , lied and built and suppllWwith water throughout; also a large drive shed and cement silo 14xa6; good brick house with kitchen, heated by a furnace. Thin farm is well drained and fenced and has an excellent soil; 65 acres fall Plowed wid 8 acres fall wheat, the remainder seeded to buy and pasture. Also 50 acres of good grass land, being, East Half of Lot 10..on the 2nd Concession, McKillop, having on it a good drilled well with windmill and tank. Those farms will be sold jointly or separately to suit purchasers. Apply to JOHN DELA-IftlY. Beachwood, Ont, 2989-tf I FARM FOR SALE.-rN HURON COUNTY, 6 miles from. Seaforth, Lot 15 , 6th Con- - MCKIlIpp,- 100 acris of prat cia6s f.12101.6da. The land is in a first clads state pf cnitiy�ticon-and there are erected on the ,'Premiges a good frame dwelling house, with kitchen attached; frame barn 76x54 with atone f6undatl6n, stabling underneath .siad' cement floors and water throughout, driving home, pig �Pen and hen home. Also about ten acres of good hard- wood bush. The property is wen fenced and well drained and ' convenient to good markets, churches and schools. For fur�her Particulars apply to MISS LILLY J. McQREGOR, R. It. No. 1, Dublin, or on the premises, or to R. S. HAYS, Solicitol., Soafbrth, Olft. I 2925-tf - ­ . .- FARK' Folt SALE. -FOR SALE, LOT 3 00fiC0911107i 11. and West haaf Of Lot 5 Concession 10 HALS(.. Tmekersonith, son- tainhig ISO acias. There are on the promleft a good two-stoily brick house with slato roof. large bank barn IOOx69 febt *fth first elism stabling, water In the barn, drivo abed 26x36. pig house and hen house. .Two good agrinj wells, also an ovor-flowing spring. The fdbn is all cleared but about 20 ser The gooil hl(rjivood b6h, piln6lji&ll� =. 'AV well fenced and tile dralued,,,Elght sale of*fall wheat Gown, 40 aer" r6ady for spHug crop. The farm Is situated 7 'miles from Seaferth and 4 Miles from WrisaIll, one.hab mile from dellocol; rural mail and pb9ne. Will ke sold an ensy terms. Unless scold by Spring , It will be for rent. For farfhet par" apply " the premises, or address R. , 2. ft"bem. ANGUS MaRTNNON. 285849 . _. ' �. . _... . 1MA1W'VdR SALE. -IN HU COVNTY, 6. M116 f1m Seafortb. Lot 15, Oth Con- cesoldoik Maki! ov, 106 acres of first class farm ft(kda. The land Is In a first clads state of cidti�ddorf,.msd tlu�re are erected on the Oremise's a st ,xd'frawe dwelling bonne, with kitchen attoa'6d; frA*.q barn ,74x54 with atone (foundation, 'stabling underneath and cement flotorlh dnd Water throughout. driving house, �,Vlg - pon out 29d' ben Iowa' Alan alThe ten ddhA of goo bard wood bush. Property is well fenced and well, drained and cotivenient to stood ,Markets, churchen and Pa ;OtlrsQosla-LTLLIr�:,,I.u�lrb�,'Gk""'-" aliply to 1 14 - it. No. I. Dublin. "or on Alio­bfefiilq��,, or to & S. HAYS. Solicitor. Sedfortho Onto I 292549 ,,,, � I 5 ACRE 12 qgn27 Cor =11ea f *,hlt6l convenient to Val church ; 9 acres go undef-MIll-VOIthl, emd bw an v70V&1 on fie 'remincNa , j Cmd kitcheldo I a eament 666ft. alit 0 "AM qq�ha AblOt. I .#,r,.A%w , �. I e 77 ti`,� i . I . 1- �­­­_ -.71;,- �,- I . ,,, . ,7 1. 7. :� , 1. - , , �. , � . . � . , , - � , . 4 I There 14 a ,�014 . I ��, """' IiIai I I - "A '' � wu . f4 tk on . wbicu I �11'e. ip. t 4 01l=u *44 , _ ,,.,.; �_ , � �oli_ W44P_Tp�.101 , ot 'the " ix A� C*. I '_ * !sp -�,W ,,;,,,.,A,o , to � W t#�4 , .�I"� � tortii" ., .p, , ,� I , , , t114br�,-,,W,bJV ato ounSwile gar-taal , a . )b. Hqwdver,,w�i;4­pbay'tq ba�vogt, � ' L 1 4i ,,, caunol;,,,�al I Ways wait -19 , - ,A, -the, AAJ�.4i,or.,�4X,16'0i,ttk%Gi$$P,i� W!, it 1. . ; P14, hp,t4v rOdge ou.IQX�vgQoo;itgy�W-x,jiat;,.�it.be , � , T ,'LaLdie'propertimO. 4i#�aptliaye -tiewpt maturity taeusure 414449 utility, Out,oYpr--mat rity *eAA4 _ , i1irsio.' gbroiis, - loV, �'IZAUXYI --feed. , weet &&V.6r sbaiild�.6& cut -.'JA'the -late ud stage. Allalla,is ready Just as. I begins to 'blossom, And thg- new �oous arv.atartidg at-thp bas0or the ' i Iiits. lied clover is ,bapillba Y.6 best . Livautage whou approximately one- rd- of Cho. blossoms have, turned 1! I ­ - I . I I . 'n, ,And tunotIly Just after the .:colld 10,11,012, � , I 11 uring SIZi bi I I . . . In curing sweet clover two methods re followed. Perhaps ctittigg with be binder and stooking up.like grain ,ntil the crop is dry sxves leaves' bet - I er and gives as good results as can e ,obtained. Or the crop may be cut ,own and allowed to lie in the swath or about two d4ys' sun, and thiin aked into small windrows. If the zeather is dry, a4out three days in lie windrow with an occasional tod- ing makes it ready to harvest. If he weather is catchy it is advisable o coil the crop as soon as it is raked 1p. 141 -vesting Alfalfa. . Alfalfa is niore easily cured than weet clover. If the we,ather is line L may be cut in the morning ana aked the afternoon of the following �ay. It must wit, be� allowed to re- Liain exposed to tile dew too many aglits of bleaching results. After aArlig, if the stin shines, one more I" in the windrow generally makes ;ood bay.' If raiii threatens coil it Lp immediately and let it make . in e et be sure it is ry when harvested, and be careful , �f the leaves in haaaling as they con- ,titute the most valuable portion of he feed. . iaudling Red Clover Hay. Red clover is the common- cl I over iay crop. Much of it is allowed to - I ieE over -ripe because it then cures nore easily. It may be handled in he same manner as alfalfa; but, un- ess the crop is heavy it does not usu- Lily take quite as long to cure. The iayloader has changed methods, to ,uuie extent. It is good ,practice to IUL one day, tend the following morn- ag, and rake the next afternoon. If iiu crop is very hea,vy it may have to y over an extra day. It is surpris- ug how much faster hay will make, LiLer it has gone so far, When pulled ,r rolled into windrows. If it is to jQ coiled the work should be done ioon after raking, and the hay should -eLiain in the coils for a few days, to ;Weat out. JAowcver, most of it is ii -awn out of the windrows and if dry -aaKes good feed. .11110thy is Easiest to Cut. Timothy is the easiest to cure. 11 ,,rop and weather are right it may be ;uL'oue morning and hauled the next i,wriloon, and, in fair weather, is al- ,vays ready by Lue third' day. 14 is ,UL .necessary to coil timothy to cure. No matter wnat the hay crjop, cut ,.a time, rake as soon as possible To LiaSLQn drying, Ledd only when green .)r danip and cou in catchy weather. 010 uount alfalia and red clover may ue made into the best hay by coiling, I - UUL In good weather this extra work LS llc�t necessar . y, and the loader .iasLens tile narvest.-�-Dept. of Extep- siun, 0. A. College, Guelph. , 'Rhelly-atic Ilogs. Rheumatism of swine may affect eitner Lue muscular tissue or the J01111s Likel, muscular form Deing most zLowinoli. IA66L adtlioriLies agree that .uvel'ai cawties at least prewspose to Lile uisease.' Lxpasure to weather is ,argeiy responsiuie for much of it. laiticuou also plays an important L-trL. 'ine rormauon within tile body at injurious chemical substances may oe a cause. A combination of ail these � 1�­LULiess brings the disease. 'i -be arst eviaence is pain shown by the animal when it moves. A shift- ilig laiuLileps is pre%ent. In bad cases .Luuu As reiused ana the hog lies (town LuusL of tile time. Aside from the , paia and lameness, the,animal with a ,nad case, may shuw no symptoms. it Lae joints are au"Aed, there usually ,s a suglit, lever. Attacks last from .evQral,uays to two weeks. Good quarters suould be provided, dry with little va,,yiauoa Ili tempera - Lure. Laxatives siloulci be given slid �uuiuin sancylaLe Ili brau slo� In aoses ut trout half to one teaspoonful two or three times (lally. It Llie ani - mai recovers enEiruty from tile attack, it uilgilL be best tu market It. It Udder Leaks 1M.Uk. .. Leakage of milk from the udder is aue l(k a relaxation of the spowileter wuscles of the LeaLs. This is not an wirequerit occurrence aruoug heavy anixers. ' -Milking three times a day inste� . id of twice a, ciay relieves the .iErain on the muscles and will help a great deal. Imaterse the teat twice Liaily Ili, a cold saturatea solution of �Iuui. A rubber thimble is often used satisiaewrily-in severe cases. Appli- . cation of caustic to the 01) of the teat wiieu Lhe cow is dry may provdnt teatiage after subsequent calving. It Is far better for co-operative so- , I . be --W' b seekip and C e, es U J . I iim_ AAL13.­LOTS 26 accepting advice and information lion , ILI 0i tillW fW-1%&0r. than to be "sorry" by negleating to . Oth shop, anboob ZJ secure it, or ignoring it after it is 111a qd Push, bl,a101.0 obtained, I \ I I , "it 4116, 1 d' 8, I IV, U I L 'Ire folkelts. That" an — - I . I oil btlak hood, 7 twom — . indeir h0q.,,lib 01'' O& I" *1 4423.1 .,I ene it Ap"es and - f I U" t Ii- 1.10- - 1, 660 16f&.' Inita AM& nmm&o. Alld tm T76V " . dog can't bmT 4 L*11� I I I ­ . ..,- I . � I I - ­ . 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' , , io,r.o Aling' mi;,F,X_IiN�!,�, ;�) lKki A "m , 4 !M;W;,�,�,�;��I,i�' I _fp .4�,�##, t I - , " ' t , 44 -no, �09 , '" 4 r �44 , � I -11 , a gv0*A, a - , �! ae hiq. tw o% r V . , _#WA � , T I, , 'R - I .1 , M . 0.�_',',, " - , - `� ',' " . , I _0- ,�,,�! ,pprQagh1a$ , to9d _ ap N2 ,,, I, """r"q., ","J", I.- 1P 0,�� - ,�, ,,� .11 , _�'j­_'­­ZL�­,e, _�4 g;7��`;., , I , I�V� 11 , .. " L 'i" ," �ast vv.� 6 _ , morose, No. 4.11 I ,111=bt , " 11� 11'1�1 , L 4 o JQPPW hT ,�Pe *h�n� t#e,_VPAA sew. I .� 11, �. I - �_ �'X ,,� �L �p ,,�-`,,�,, s Ili to yell, and be, rg*'r,�# -1yo, 1100 Of VrOU-blo 04�� Or e. " ' "' �'L "��4` �", ",'.1, , -, " � . at the edge of the *iug, his 4994, � � Sod hJ , T � , . ,. `7 W_ oglpl� ­ , ", , , ,"IM .# p ,� , �ma r �-� � . . 1"-�,g, g " � ", ils pockets, §m4dug Wyo. "Tho of7 �11�ge, The tpA,Uiirt.�QX",�,"Oried evio*u 1-61Ag-' - ' EIrly rd4r."., ckers sp6;it'tbe-'*%b* .,; I — , , � , , ,�, . P, , 11 , , , -X,,`;, -Q; �, ., � . ' 'NoiV, IL foaT� that to prop Che _g tbo� 14414 " k J_' 7bl, "-p v'tlli�j�,:� ,� fteial f,psult�q of the'f6tirth'WerO 4111- Within U ,deb " �, I . .. LL thil IT,-.,, I I �&Oi ,;RR J *Vo P�,t,;,,, bit . ., , de 4=,ea " a, * 1" 1. �11 , - (k �� 11 " "I : nn . O�J'biS Vq#� and lin *d ". 0, tbo PA " ,�.7 , I pLounged, and *o'bookiriakers tacked he -gave it full pWy.. ;'.,-I thought, I toy to 0h 1-00411 .,,;i � . 1?art� I -should here I I - ` ! � J� I 11"I'V "I . 11 r L ,,,�, Lip the en- la's -of it 11 I . Pert,' ,,,, I 'Ll t " ' " 4"L r ­­ 980PRA;', --' � " eckers to have had tb�.'t . 10grap, "C', *'it ; -, . �` ' Auig Aer� ' ' � trie3l for 'the' �tk Stillp Was out lited-r. dream for Ch Z . 'r k ilw, _­ ,r,, .� = rvecrl�l � nw. �N.1494f..Tq - ,* %AM-,4,Jt, . . . �� 1122� � ,1 '. N,,7, 111-Y, '. � % I IV to the him. 411t I tad x4eWe ' 41 9M�� ,,W Brown seemed nonchalant. ' a . . ' ' 1 : ­L� L. yo�ng Toan b0pide night, in which Pert, Remorse, , a . . .1 , . �, '' �#� :,L IQ$torl I ; 1Vj*Xh1Z , , - I � %'5eag% 'on il�- I I .,j& " � 11P. I , I �-W9'lix " IsilL . iffig, T 1, 11 � , ., ��:: V :1 oating of the odds. 0"Rein ,#Ad . , � " , o � 00"", , Chee4ers, anxiously wat&ed the looked like it, didn't, #,, at the angle? Waiter and,, a comedian should - all ; and e,MresmugAus�,tl W � 4- , .(4i " , -, _,_ IF t dw� � , , , a MR1 ... � """ 14$' " 0. X'S , - tZ _' ,., " , , �, rte B�t . 4L .few days.b'rought. Vol 'Amt vii �_ o r, 7- 1! , ii. I... ', �klq, 717 , orie, four You see, Remorse take mare or less senseless pa, , � , W., , 1% _. '1� , ,�,� 11 � � , ,, , P .he rail." , ,, being Somewhat skeptical ni� 744!?_�p .,� � , 11,il . �� -his P! i �__, , " , , 'N �, , , , ;J� - .hw "�, . ,� �, I I. ,. .1 ,� , ��; 4 , , � 'i" � _4 L 'L t self � e Iii.; 4ge 040me'Ar,04p: �r�-V, ,% 11 r,,, , 11 "I I _� breath.. - . . " �4 W 04114 " 11 W '1V 1; to one" he exclaimed' �uuder But the young iAgn wasn't interest- - 4ell* d9ceased; H ad dyAwn �* 1 4W , I M , or F Brown also glanced at the ed in Cheekersi g od,1130k. , Was careful -to question Checii., , , A " � ,�,� , ,,,,v , , _h, .. - � ":,,Ii: 0 Just then pension unde,servedly for ,yea�,§,' #44' $Q�,"� do! ",',",�,�!�,�;��;,, pj� �� ',�_;fl" S owm.ot thiS point, especially when I after ligiv -1''; . �', .1 _­ , 1 blackboards -and lighted a fresh ci- be had 11troub ea Z' .1�1 "I.P11, � 4 Of, hi 4V WaA learned what great things f ' by '* h" g And, sayip.9 �,A '1� � I " 0 a I ". , ,h P". 'I,' 1 6V J ,I 'o r.., "', 4 ',%�W_1'4�;� � il, � !�:,..,i�­ pii, 1 I'Vi'V __ �' '' _' M6 '"" " "�,I�.�,k,,:r, " ':��,,,*,�!�� j�rl 4�,'­,,: ... , , , '' '.., � "­j��i��,! - I h -of sour cou- ne. do,- he - never xs�fx*od � ImAw- f� 'Ah �- �!i - I J A , ,,!� gar. Every minute some one would voue safed one glazice. e p � 4700A004, , loved me'a great -404 , I . . a f 6AX * ' u ­':�' ,gy,g ,� - w , � �:�'il� buttonhole him, and ask, ;'How about te morrow had in store for him. And, iii Un4er 01eveliano ,in !94' , . I ,,, T 11.1 , I , lo!, ,,, mpt And- hurried-ofr,'to try to bor- and about his life.- . 1. .1 :. , E, , i� N' , spjte of all precedent: he confesr,ed-to hi's pension was annulled; ',". .: , � .�i,� N " I v�N _' 11 ., 4 , , ':' . , r, I ,,,I I I 01,111`� I - Remorse?" "O, she's got a chance," : I, " - 11 - ,A,_ row car -fare from some one. the same time he was nearly bon't- "ThatfoJust, �.�7 h6jost, US "%:� '�'Z,�"4`:;'f', ,", die'abrivio'n of "the insensa* -elod," . 70 , ,, .1 -� � I "fg,'�. I R11 � I . r .,,�,,, 0,1 .1 I 'g, W �'A he would answer, with a shrug which Often Checkers Ikad won and 101'a. devoid of dream or premoffltion, un- rapted in -a gTeedy, r and foolish sppeu- -Miller. wed to say!,� . ' _. . ,. , ., .. 4 " , r� . .. 11 ", ­ ,' . , , ,�', �L' 'I 0 ' . I , , '.�: �,�V, , " , g - . 'r , ,W I lfh�� �', _," . F t , 'L ;�, ­ �dt� . n .1, ­ Ril"*. - I . "' ­ � I I . I .''.. ,-1", seemed to indicate that she had no more money than was ipvolved in his til mine the next mornitig, when he lation. Then fear of ,absolute W -a-, A. F61i, MJU�j �. .. . 1, �:3`!'.1'f1'§ chance. present venture and stood it stoically; must have seized d1c . is to 4 1 Sadi . I ,, "'. - I , . i . I awoke with a sfart. With the- I him, for, e 0 W-1400DW � * 01f, ,�� a- the littl, oxivertiOx. .V -j��'111 " '' ­'�.i�,g, 1�01 . ..�, e:,., 1, ,� � � � � . , W�,1, 9 ,tfii . 'I ", � L . . i r� , 1, , -his need been so I us of e that was left into gold�Iho are ,goin -M, �,- , ,­:� - , 1 - , ,III .;�,, - I 1. ,�, 1 great, and he had reason to kn hoarded it in irrisqrly fashion; lbaningii � -- . Yola, arell�.tok 0016*. �� I - was rapidly cut out to even money, W4 ening. came a re,alizing se e , ''" I "' The favorite, under a heavy play, but never before had lil , oil ow blis,situLation in all its most disheart- 1 W."IM 1� �, , '�, ,3",! "I It I . , k! � " � � - . . - '. " ."! , , � 4, �1) while the odds on the others were that necessity and luck liave at best . it at usurious rates, and hiding it Arthur and 'teil film, YoWrsi,�g%d 1W,, i' ", i� t � "I'll ' , , , * enting phases. His course of the night .. ,,_. , ":", I ���L� corre . ,�, , . I .. " 11 I I I spondingly increased. Reniorse little more than a Speaking acquaint- before now seemed -to him the height when not in use in chests and cr4n- .see him, and, be natural And, f p*;1R1 ,� � , � "' " I I . --- ,11 wen� to five and six to one. Brbwn ance, Exultantly.. therefore, he SXip- of idiocy. He reproarhed himself in nies in his den. - At the time of his Afterwigrds, you canaskiliM�toc,stpW", 4 , .t � *!1"i;�,�,;ii.Nit" '.�K 1,�, . I '. I I . I � ving neg . 1 .. , .' 1, tooW fifty dollars out of his po6ket, ped down the stairs into the betting- no measured terms for ha * deao, which was due more' -to lack up"with you.", I . - ,�, � ��,'�'M "N" . "M ":-" L "�,,;,;s,�, - .1 . .. . ...... ��q I ��i, and, going up to A` prominent book ing. "You can't keep 4 squirrel on le,te i of nourishment than to axiything else, "It seems -to 1. . L I I � � I I "to, 11 �i, � promise( b& Settled," � -w4, ,,, I '71f,f-L , ­ -un ` R44 1 ck- ,� (L'� I I ��:4�41,�, . .N';"' ­i,,),. I � ' " � I ', " I , "I I - rh ground," he chuckled. "They've in his telegram. "I ought to have a W�� �1,� , I maker, played -the favorite. Che d to write to Pert as there was found upon -his peirson and- Checkers ; an&- so it - eveiitu a ers was paralyzed. The same per- got to stop printing money when I guardian appointed to look after mie" in nooks and corners of his room, 'Checkers. greeted ,Arthur vilth'f6iilk . , �,�t��,�',,,,,;�,�,., ,, - , I � 1 !4 ' ". ,�,�,�,,�,I�, , !'.��"`P'4,�4` 1 I. , ..�i: , !..�i,,�.�,4�� , !..�i,_P4,� nex ' ''!.." , , , ", formance Brown repeated with an- ain't got some." Thei- t minute he be grumbled to himself. "Think Of thirty thousand dollars,in gold and cordiality, and-rblieved,the tengion.:Ib _. �: " "i �,' 446 � , 1. , �� . I qi�;,�,Nr 1'r� - , ' d where ` _V . ��;:,. government bonds, All of which in d,ue a few well-turned- ,tti'* , I , other book -maker on the other side of was in line behind the Stan my blowing myself for wine and the WI I cfsm_�3. . :1 ",.,1o,,& ­ , ., . .. I � � � 1�',, 1. .I.,4. V . time became the property of Check- apologies passed between thbm 14 4 �� the ring. Gradually Remorse's price Ye had made his purchase, tightly show, with starvation staring me in � tid', � I ��,,,,,:�, � � - """ " ­ ,,-, �, ,�­;,']i "j, � ' , went up to eight to'cone, as it became grasping the ticket which was to give i e .. reference to the past was lacitl;/barm- - .- � ," "I, , , "I , "I the face ; and'then to think of tha rs . I 3 "I. "I .-�', " generally known that her owner was him back his gold -piece and four hun- poor little girl expecting a letter,land red. Checkers' sunny nature was -noe - �.."",y,,`,."�� I I 1� �� not playing her. dred dollars. .,. , �,��,A,i, not getting it." I . vul one to harbor A. grudge, 44d ,��.�"f,;',�jq_ �,�Ii�,, , ".1,1, 1. � I if _Ar�! , . 1- ­,..,�� , .�,,F 'I , The favorite's odds went to "four Four hundred dollars! It was a � He was interrupted by a knock at Oil a certain bright December day thur stil,l felt. rebellious, he indiiak6a" .11 � ,� .1 4 . - I . ... to five," and Checkers fingered his snug little sunL The gold -piece had the door. "A letter for yop, Mr. not many weeks after the occurrence -to bide. it grAceftilly,: W ieaduy con- . "'.. �'.'� '' I � _­� gold piece nervously. One book -mak- proved a mascot after all. Now he Campbell," said the servant. Taking of the last related events, the town sented to act the part of beFtInlaw � I ,..�� '. , 'I, �.. . � er still laid even money. Here was would "get out" his overcoat and pur- seemed to have assum- Checkers-, ;ind Sadie, of, co,urep" I ;:.`�� �],. , it from Iker he recognized the well- of Clarksville : .;, ,� Hee ed a most unwonted bustle and con- was to be PerVa maid iof bonof, Most, , .��: �,,��, 11 � his chance if he wanted to play it. He chase Zme other necessary articles known writing -of his beloved. I l. ,T- I,!" � � 11, . I started forward, and stopped. As he He decided to pay off, his landlady put the letter in his pocket, and, fusion. People were actually hurry- of the evening -Was spent.iii discuss- � .. I �_,,::: . g in and out of the little white ing o*r available material. i4i, the . .1 T .. hesitated, Brovim sauntered out of the and find some more inviting quarters. grabbing his hat, started down the IT' . I I.. � 1 � ��, ring. Checker� followed mechanical- But the pleasantest thought of all stairs. "I'm too late for breakfast Methodist church carrying evergreen way of bridesmaids and gro men I .,�, , , , � i , 1, 4 I - , I "A g3 1. .1 �,, , ly. boughs, chrysanthemums, and sprays and it was agreed that withotmas ie,;;� - I ," 1"­"M.� was that now he could write to Pert. here," he exclaimed; "I'll go nextdoor . `.� I � "," From, a distance he saw Brown The delight be found in this reflection to the lbeaneryl and get a roll and a of holly and mistletoe. WAgons were importations from ,Little Rock, , � 4444444""", I, " - :, .. "I 11, . meet two horsemen and, after a brief could only have been surpassed by cup of coffee. -I've got to play 'em, driving back and forth between. town would be able to present an 4tteil . :,�11,7, '. . and the,Barlow place, And the Bar- tive wedding party. -1 I � conversation, give them each a roll the joy of seeing 'her in person. He close to my vest now," he sighed. "A I . 1: ..: _:i:"* .1. I i 1; ,:,..:� . it, low'house was in the hands'of -a Lit- "Now, I have an idea," said Ar- . "I, �::.,�, - . R. I - of bills. He saw these two enter the did not know what he should say; dime is nothing when you've got tle Rock caterer and his assistants. thur, "which I think is -a good 'one ' .':� , � �,�,* b 14.,i" , betting -ring 9tid, taking opposite but he knew that with this load off his but it's bigger than a mountain when It was Checkers, wedding. day. He Checkers ought to know tbcise­fel;,� ;!, ,'_ sides, "start down the line" on Re- heart, -and with the return to self- you haven't; and it won't be long be- . , ,; � I , and Pert were to be married that lows before they are .asked, 4 be his-, P11:,..."s'.�:1j, ''. . - . . I ,., . � �q .1 morse; then the scheme was revealed respect which this success had brought fore I haven't at this rate." night at six o'clock. Nothing they' groomismien; we'll go up ,to. Litm � . �, q,_� �, I �,Aj- I I - I Seated on a little round stool at the could think of had been left undone Rock to -morrow, and I'll invite, them .1 �. "I I . .1. _�'. 11 corner in the "beanery," he gave his to make th,f) occa , _, sion a happy one. �- to meet him at an infonxial dinher, cl:_:I� 1 , , order, and then opened and commenc- Though the old man fumed and at one of t4ehotels." I . .''. v 11 �,i-�' . � . I ,�.�,, . � ed to read his letter. A newspaper fretted at -the ex �, ��..,_;;, , "",�,". 11 . I clipping dropped to the floor; he I pensee Checkers in- "A very good scheme," assented' ,! .. --'.�,�.!!,' � sisted upon having things. "right" Pert.' I I . � I �"; , _�:A, I I ,�:,: " I . ' ._1. t . picked it up mechanically, continuing "This is my G t d last wedding," "And I'll invite"' khe party - here to,�' . �.. �.. ! "Ll 1. . - go � . I ,� "O_ . :�";�� .. his reading as he did so. Suddenly he said, 'Iand.Tst!'��,'% ing to be supper for the -night before the wed- . " , I I � . he began to glance from one to the nothing Sioui-.,0t L 1. �� � �r` about it." So, ding," put in Sadie. .. . � L ,11 . other rapidly. An instant later he though the o 4ned in spir- "It's very �ind of you both',"' . . I �.�111.- . 1411!* li gro.- said . �,,,�. . . �� , , "" � . ju.mped to his feet, and rushed to the it, caterer, 16i&h �tral flowers, etc., Checkers, "and I appreciate it more- � "! 4. �� .. I . I " I window for a better light. It could Wer,9 orde-red,'t I egardless of expense, than I can tell you." I . .,�,��, , . � �t � " �" � , � ��T,l I not be true it simply could not! Yes, :from Little Rock, -and all the town Early the next. morning the two ,Z , � � Z � ,,� ..... . ye§,, it must be; for -here was a notice took a surpassing intep"t in the boys went to Little Rock. Arthur ­�,� " from the public administrator in Balt- .y I " �� "'. , ,�,;;, I event. - I invited four of the most desirable of � - -'-I! , 1, - imore, advertising for him as an heir 'Checkers' return to Clarksville had his acquaintances to -dinner.that 4even- I :, , `,'-,,!: C LEAKS -11 I ­ ,,, . ��,,,, � of Giles Edward Campbell, deceased, been the triumphant return of Caesar ing, and luckily they* all Abe6�fdd. � " � " � . .,,� . _.11 � , _ I who died intestate, etc., etc., and to Rome. As is usuaI in such ca'ses, . . . . . . . . �','.� i . Zost of Checkers� day was taken , - 2, �1 , � EVERYTHIN A#74 Judge Martin, so Pert said in the let- current report had magnified his for- up -i-ft fulfilling Inissions for. Pert an(i . . i. 1�'... 11.1 � I . %7 ter, had had an inquiry regarding tune twenty -fold. Mr. ,,Barlow was her h the ho- 1. ..� ... I'll, .... - I him, with the statement that the only . �:" :. I . ' , 64' now all smiles and accfuiesc�nce; but tel late in the afternoof; and had . .. .tll'� Mrs. C. E. B. Writes: I washed some new knowledge the authorities had of such . ill;,111 � his first meeting with :Checkers was barely time,to don his new dress -suit. I, ,'�. - I I ' a person was based upon a letter painfully- strained. Checkers treated and join Arthur in the rotunda before .�,��::­. I , a .::�� .1 ig . t� blankets -with CHARM and a little soap and found among the effects of the deceas- him on the principle.'of "least said, their guests arrived. .;,�,,�� I . . . , , 4i , you ought to see them—they are beautiful." ed, headed "Eastman Hotel, Hot soonest mended;" but Mrs. Ba'rlow he 'They were jolly good fellows, all of �11 , I -1 1�1��, . ., I V, 4 Springs," beginning "My Dear Uncle," kisged and called "mother." I them. Checkers -,Was duly presented ,� , "I , ;� and signed "Your affectionate nepL . I I - � g He had found 'Pert looking a little and after a preliminary cocktail the' . �`: I . . . ..... "'. I . , bew, Edward Cam�bell." The clerk pale, and her bright eyes seemed party ad I �1. .journed 'to the private dining I c;- . , 2 for 25c at all Good Grudwers at the Eastman, -when applied to,had some -what larger and brighter. But rborn, where a round table *as pret- " I I ,,, �,.T' � I , � I'm � reported a memorandum left ,.by the happiness which accompanied his tily laid for six. Checkers felt.ap- 111. Checkers, that any mail which might return soon brought the color back prehensive for Arthur, when he no- ; ::"� .� , .- - .1 . _ - - - ___ come for him be forwarded to Clarks- to her cheeks. ticed'three different glasses at each I-'. - ville. Ark.; henc%. this letter to Judge I 1� Of course Checkers urged an imnle- plate; but Afthur took early occasion � �,�i,�,; 11 to him. . him, he would be able to write a let- Martin, and hence Pertkq knowledge diate marriage, and of course e was "on the water- I :::::, to stand they went, ter -which would encourage and cbeer I From stand of the matter, as her uncle imTriedj,- was the usual demar; but, in the end, wagon," and he hoped that the boys- .; 1� . " betting Remorse in each book, ten and her -it should be his first task. He ately applied to her for the necessary a date was fixed upon as near as� would "not let it make any difference . � ""i twenty dollars at a time; not enough longed to be at it, and he began to information. woul8 conveniently. allow for such with them, or with the gayety of the 4:�,.,!, "Uncle has written to Baltimore pr�parations, as Pert and her mother evening" -and it didn't. After the 't to cause remark, but amounting to chafe at what seemed an unusual de- .� hundreds in the aggregate. Gradual- lay in abn�ouncing "the official." I to -day," continued the letter, "and he felt it -nevessary to make. And in first edge of their hunger was turned �1111, say-, you will hear from the autho ' ,me .11�1 ly-the odds began to recede. Check- Turning, he glanced toward .the ties there without r'- the an time Checkers' and Pert the jollity grew apace. Checkers in ers rushed to the other end of the judge's stand. There was a surging, ,�elay. The in- were ideally happy. T�ey took long his happiest vein related numberless 1. closed clipping is from a Little Rock . �� ring. "dini-me Remorse!" he ex- interested crowd around it. A pre- - drives and walks through the woods, humorous anecdotes, among them his. 1". paper. Oh! Checkers, darling, isn't and spent long evenings in talking experience of. Remorse and the gold I , I claimed, exciiedly, handing his gold- sentiment of sudden misfortune came �'11� 1 t the same mom- it lovely?" I over their plans for the future, with piece. Each of them told his par- ,��i 1; piece,to a convenient blockman. The slovenly waiter shuffled to the a never -flagging interest. ticular pet joke, and all were bois- , "What the 'ell's this?" asked the ent the air was rent by joyous yells' , � ,�,, wonderting book -maker. from hundreds df throats. ,The crowd counter with his cup of Tnuddy coffee It was practically decided that terously applauded. 11 and a soggy roll. Checkers 'tossed Checkers was to buy the Tyler place. "Now waiter," exclaimed Arthur, . "I' "It's fifty," -answered Checkers, ]a- turned .about, and with one .accord him 'half a dollar, and stalked majes- This was a fruit farm In perfect con- suddenly -righting his down turned, a . . . . . A . Conically. etting-ring. tically out. "I think the joint where dition, with a neat little house upon champagne, glass, "fill them up again .. 11 I'll I "Well, it's the first time I ever seen In the ' van was Checkers' surly I ate last night is just about my ,size it, and not far from tow-ri. It could all around, and give me soTnf.-Ge;;tle- il one of them babies -but it looks like acquaintance -surly no longer, but this morning," he chuckled. "Gee,but be purchased for cash at a verk low men, I want to propose a double toast � , I it's good. Remorse, four hundred to radiant ��Jth a smile which extended I'd like to yell just once. The judges figure. and as the trees were all bear- and I'll ask you to .� ol drink it standing . I fifty. from ear to ear. Checkers broke can't call all bets off this time." All ing, it seemed to promise a large and -a bumper." All arose expectantly. � - , I "If I win, I want it back," said from the line, and grabbed him by during breakfast his mind was busy ,sure return for the money, even cut- :"Let us drink," be said, "to the health I Checkers. "It was given to me by- the arm. "What's up?" he exclaim- with a thousand different s ' i ; Peculs- ting in half, for possibilities of frost and happiness of the sweetest,. fair- li it's my lucky piece." ed. "V%at's the yelling about?" tions. and be finally decided that in or drought, a conservative estimate of est, most lovable girl God ever put 1 . - �, "All right," was the answer, and "All bets off," waq the glad Te- so momentous a matter be ought to what the trees should yield , to the upon this earth -it is needless to .21 Checkers walked away with his ar- Joinder, "the favorite was 'Pulled-' The consult a lawyer. "I'll find one in acre. � . �­l ly purchased ticket deep in his gck- judges are onto a job in the race it isome big office building," be rner*ally name her. Let us also drink to the I � ' Mr. Barlow* and Checkers figured health and prosperity of the thrice- - ,�l et. \ was ,fixed' for Remor,;e. We all get resolved, "and get his advice." upon it carefully from every stand- fortunate man who has won her love J Under a steady but somewhat mys- \Our money back. Let go -I'm in a - ,, . point, and the more they figured, the -Mr. Campbell, your health." He 11� terious play', Reinose was cut to four �urry. I , ,�,l — more it seemed a providentlM oPPor- touched his wine to his lips; the ,� fo one, and the favorite went up to Checkers stood as though paralyz- I MURRAY JAMESON, 31, �ix to five. This was gratifying to ed froni an actual blow. His eyes I Attorney -at -Law. tunity. Checkers knew nothing of other-, drained their glasses, and all .. I Checkers_ as indicating that Brown were fixed and his lips were colorless. [ � any other business, and his money sat down. 11 .14" -was practically lying idle. in the bank. There was an expectant silence. :;",� and his friends were confident. "By the bald-headed, kndck-kneed . He went up into the grand stand; Jove!" be exclaimed, suddenly rous- This, in modest gold leiters upen No other safe investment could proni- Checkers felt the blood go surging to .;ili) - an office window, was the first thing ise so large an income and at the his brain, while his heart, seempd to .1 I" the horses were at the post. Remorse ing himself with a vehement gesture saw upon reaching the street. same time furnish hirn with employ- sink like lead within birn. He felt .� ' he 0 . I was acting very badly -plunging, "if my luck Ain't-" But he felt it "Everything's coming my way to- ment Find a pleasant time. powerless to rise, although he knew . . ,:, ��, kicking and refusing to break. "I'll impossible to do the occasion justice. day, be thought. "Well, I'll go in And so at last the matter was de- that all were awaiting his response. . "I I., just about get left at the post," With a set face and a heavy heart and see the old joker." cided. The earnest money was paid The silenco became painfnl. "Speech," � .�, . thought Checkers. ' "'Say, that fav- he -again. lined up hchind the stand. ,He was much taken aback upon and the order given for the execution Tnurniured some one. "Speech," echo- 14 � orite looks good," he remarked to, a In turn he was given his gold piece in entering, however, to find the "old of the necessary paperg.­"Th-6--house ed the others. With a superhuman ,�11, young fellow next to him. exchange for his tic�-ef, but the $400 joker" a nian of about thirty. was vacated and thoroughly re-novat- effort he manniged to arise., and grasp- , "Good," echoed the youth; "well, I was gone, to return no more forever. "Is Mr. Jameson in?" he asked. ed, and Pert found a new delight in ing a fill] g]Asq of wnter, drained it. ''I 11 1� , should say he is good. He's cherry- Under any sudden and crucial mis- "I am Mr. Jameson," was the re- selecting paper, carpet,§ and furniture "I'll tell you, bovs," he said huskily. R ripe, and he'll gallop in. If I had a fortund the subsequent action of the to her liking-Clieckers had given her ,,h,;rp',, w I ;p". , er of ply. . - 11PTP I'd put up the talk of 15 - "Well. I wanted to get a little ad- carte blanche. 411 th6usand dollars, and didn't know average man is largely a matt my ]if(,, if T could: but it's like It was � " �; where I was goin' to eat to -night, I'd temperament Numbers, no doubt, in vice, but-" As soon as the title of the property th'at day they declared all bets off- f, put it all on .him. There's a lot of Checkers' position would have felt "Certainly-, come into my private was found to be clear, Checkers gave tile 0(icp,ionls too much for me. T 1� I 'marks' arounil toutin'. Remorse -to themselves justified in drowning thelir office." a certified check to Mr. Tyler for feel it all -I feel it bi my heart," he : . - , .� beat him -why, that old mare could sorrows in the flowing bowl. Others, Checkers was trapped. "I don't twenty thousand dollars, and a war- continued earnestly. "I'm obliged to �� . ,� not beat a carpet; her last two races with the obstinacy of despair, might believe," he began desperAtely, "that ranty deed was signed, conveying the Arthur for his motion, and to Von all �?, she couldq1t get out of her own way. have sougl4, perforep, the .Smiles of you'll be a:ble to help me, It's a property, in fee, to Persts Barlow. for making it unanimous. I , know' �, �� : This was pleasant for Checkers, but frowning fortune throwing (ascre- very important case, and -well, I- This was in accordance with Check- that I,rn luc , " a I'��', : ' ky � lucky tb t I can he held his counsel. The next mom- tion to the winds, nnd risking their I w�ant some one with a lot of experi- ers' desire, and was a great surprise hardly believe my good fortune my- I", ent the starter dropped the flag. all at any desperate gam�� chance ence. to Pert and her parents. "What's s �� ,eIf Half the tim, I think that T , ,vl, ' ' Rem,orsp, with a running start from threw in their way until ,satiated. A "As you like," said Mr. Jameson, mine is yours, dear," be said with a must be asleep and trying to 'ca4b a � -1, � behind, got two lengths the best of It; few might have taken their hard luck who, by the way, was none other than smile, "and what's yours is your bop -dream.' I've been ready to get ;,i� and, setting a hot pace, widened up resigrke,iily, only tbRnkful that it was my old friend Murray, "but I've been own." And that ended the matter- . G.I . .! . married fOT a C011PIP of years-llve� 1, ,,� the gap between herself and the fid1d no worse, and hoping for better luck pl�acticing law for more tha� five unfortunately for Checkers. had everything but the stuf? and the ­�..',,�, I . - in a way that cheered ,CheckWs next time ---such are theV, who, in the years." There was just one question upon - was" readv to f07-nish the - �.,(,),' I i ' , T .4i ��, I . `11_� which the two had a serious differ- . g I . , Ii.. ,,, heart, end, succeed. , . v;,,,n all rig'fit- but T've alvaya Nid, . I � I . It was a three-quarter dash, and at These alternatives occurred to - . t ''I" . I I.. 'b ence-the case of Arthnr Kendall. a feeling that I couldn't bave vixu6ei , `.A the half she had a lead of- at least ten Checkers in turn, and he effe�ted R __.� "Now, Edward," said Peirt one TPSPPct for a girl that would whrry I ;1 r . . . . . I lengths, witb the others strung out in sort of compromise. He noVded a g., evelifog (when she called him T&d- .m,e if sbe was ,onto, me--Ovior I �. .1 - y fal- � � 4, "'. �. 11 ." .A regalar procession. The favorite temporary excitement of some sort . 11 ward" he knew that something ft- low feels the onmo, br onglit t6. A114 .. ...,?" � was ailing along count . h1k � - I I ,� .1 In fifth plaae. but an a . or -irritant to his net'ves. He PoTthnt was coming), "I Uralit to t so'wbo-n I Ond I have drawli -a orlie I I '12'4�'. . 1- I& I I �,Z­ , � "'; " ` I I � , " "I""i I 1, �., h�,, 1111-1, 11"I", ". - " I , I I I . . . � 2 � . � i I 1. � . L 97 to 1�ou albout smething t1mt NObll girl, who, as Arihut dit", ,% %ho 'I.,. I . f­:�� ­� Chedk�ra notieed that h-6 was rulft- was tirea and hunM, pil he decided �, 111� ', . � � nin,go, assy.tv Th worrying -me drettdftlly." �". ,. - , e jockey '&ad ledt0tig that his Ili -at tad-fe waidli he td get a I I I fat -rest and aveeteit Wd 6vo put Ott ,,,, f, . . �;�.,�� I �il I.. I , ,,�,,,� . d � trl%'O�' J� J�htti_ 16, ' -4 , , ' � "" baek 'iri the aaddle, apd the horget er Ra didh1t ewe bow I "Vftut is it sveethenit?", I 'this; eatth" vhg Ift, , `;'il: "',­;" , , . I dt � , , ,� �t� Mouth WAS pulled Vide opth, a e good ot, W. ii it ebgt-'hd v�iiii tird-d of I A'Ad, I want yo h646tid. I � t:p� .... .. . ", IQ111111"q­ ,g I � u to Proi*6 to do boys, it doep', ou I I �ii!�,�Awll �,�,X%�:!� �), 'i, 17,i, 111,���� , 1,;,,1 . , '""'-w-, I I MR 6 I I the Orly h P61M'k-j ,, � ',P�'!­,­,�..� 'm ­�,, I fof�kllt. fbr his head undet 1k &d it t T ; oi,% � � l ��:11'11%11;- ""'e'r p" � ", " V pratti n economy. Btit hp t as , ' do . . Wui&rs 01 v I W." tillitift'li 7 4 1 . ­ � , � �',' , " 6 . I i,b36A'%1t oudoldoub 04, mjo 20: ' '- .r.". ,;, - . ,. �,,.Q�tl��,,,,4, �:,;,,,.�, , , 0 . , , uzi vihoftar,t it t#6614 M-Ard ,-,. i . I , 11490 , 31, "�, T . 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